#that's a decent time killer
pepsiwriteswords · 8 months
9 People You Want to Know Better
Thanks for the tag @k-v-briarwood !! 😊😊
(Please forgive what I'm sure is some lousy formatting, I'm at work & stuck tumblr-ing entirely on mobile for the foreseeable future, ugh)
Last Song:
Currently Watching: N/A xP I'm not a big TV person, & we recently decided to do away with WiFi bc we live in the Middle of Nowhere so what Few companies actually service our area all suck & are Too Damn Expensive so. No more streaming.
Last Movie: Star Wars: The Phantom Menace
Currently Reading: right now I'm rereading everything VE Schwab has published - specifically the DSOM series at this moment in time. (I'm almost done with the first book! & the next books I intend to reread are Vicious & Vengeful 😇 )
Currently craving: umm... I ... don't know? Tbh I just want to write. NaNo is quickly approaching & my brain has just been like 'mmm ... how about... No' -_-
Last thing you searched for writing purposes: oh shit, it's been a minute! Lemme see ... Oh. I was looking up a character name! Bc I swear, when I found it years ago, when first naming this character, I swear I verified it was an Irish name with x pronunciation, but when I looked it up a few weeks ago with my sister we got like 3 other origins for it with y pronunciation. ._. So now I'm trying to decide if this character needs renamed or not.
No pressure tags (play if you want, don't if you don't, y'all know how this goes xP) : @justsome-di , @jinnybinghamsghost , @maranull , @multi-lefaiye , @albatris , @blind-the-winds ... & anyone who sees this & wants to play!
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triglycercule · 1 month
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BACK!!! - NEXT!!!
incase you can't read my terrible handwriting:
killer: hello, boss~
nightmare: hello, killer. i pray you do not sour my mood further than it already is. it's been nothing but nonstop disappointments from you three for weeks on end.
killer: sorry to burst your bubble, but we lost. badly.
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megamindsecretlair · 3 months
You have to engage to get engagement.
You have to engage to get engagement.
You have to engage to get engagement.
You have to engage to get engagement.
You have to engage to get engagement.
You have to engage to get engagement.
You have to engage to get engagement.
You have to engage to get engagement.
You have to engage to get engagement.
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tibialtybalt · 29 days
Have an unlisted sekiro speedrun before I psyche myself out of it
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homoeroticvillain · 1 month
picked up my guitar for the first time in years, please be proud of me
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spotaus · 4 months
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Pt 10! (Very relevant to all their stories!)
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martianbugsbunny · 9 months
Speaking of hair, does anybody have advice for maybe dyeing parts of it yourself? If there's a good way to put streaks of color in randomly just for the vibe does anybody have tricks or tips?
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guhamun · 1 year
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[Damian can speak in his Lynx form, but chances are you don't want him talking to you to begin with as most of what will come out of his mouth would make whoever he's hunting terrified. As a werelynx, he enjoys toying with whomever is considered his 'prey', and as a result, will often say or do things to make that person tempted to take a chance and run or do something that is horror movie levels of foolish.]
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stackslip · 1 year
goes to MAL in order to give pmmm a score of 6/10 (fine)
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mechahero · 11 months
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@pzfr asked- [ Culture ] [ Specialization ] [[ what's da culture like in motor city!!! ambassador questions (accepting!)
[ Culture ]
"Well, uh, it's kinda hard to explain?" A lock of hair twirls absentmindedly around a metal finger. His eyes locked to the side and away from whoever asked him the question. "It's very... condensed? Everyone brings a little bit of somethin' when they choose to live here and I guess over time it kinda turned into its own thing?"
"We've got like a lot parties and stuff? Mostly for morale, a lot of the time its for people that were dead and stuff." Lambda taps at his head, racking his brain for any more information that seems to have suddenly slipped his mind. Right when he needs it too. Man. "Oh right! We kinda just exist? But, like, we try and be good people obviously. That's kinda at the forefront of this whole thing. Uh... we kinda scrapped the idea of using cash for food and stuff? And people don't have to work to survive! I mean, people can work if they wanna?" He chews at his lip. It's hard to get the words out the way he was thinking about. "It's um, kinda hard to explain. You'd just hafta see it for yourself."
[ Specialization ]
"Like, as a cyborg? Or?" Realization dawns on him. Or something akin to that, anyway. "Ohhh. Did you mean the city?" He taps at his fingers. Or taps them together, rather. "Honestly? I don't really know? I guess it's sort of part of my goal to have a peaceful world? I mean, ya gotta start somewhere I guess." It sounds odd coming out of his mouth. Maybe even bad. Well, it sounds bad to him.
"We don't really specialize in anything? Except for being, I guess? Existing? I don't know how to explain it. I just don't know."
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neonpigeons · 2 years
in my "afraid of everything" era
#is it anxiety? probably#i've been extra paranoid lately over things that are legitimate threats but not like. a real pressing concern#like bears? grizzly bears? was in the woods on saturday and i was like ''if i see a bear im gonna shit'' but we didn't#i didn't want anything to happen to noodle#but my friend had a shotgun to scare them off so we were fine#i also heard coyotes the other night while walking and im also afraid of them going after noodle so i haven't walked in over a week#AND ALSO THERE'S A SERIAL KILLER that's in a town that isnt THAT far away from where i live#the funny thing is that my fears are making me fall asleep at a decent time cuz I don't like being out at night alone anymore#gah I've also always had a fear of predator animals attacking and eating me but it's been worrying me more lately idk why#when i was a kid my aunt lived in the deep woods of oregon#and a mountain lion killed some of their baby cows and i unfortunately saw the dead cows. when i was a kid#it fucked me up more than i wanted to admit and i was always so fucking scared of an animal gutting ME#like when i delivered pizzas at my last job and i had to go to the more remote areas closer to the foothills#the fear i always had in the back of my head 😵‍💫#everyone always thought i was silly for it!! they were like ''cougars are afraid of cars they wouldn't bother you''#okay but im holding a tasty fucking pizza in my hands? covered in meat? im a walking slab of meat? what if one is especially hungry??#hgkfnkshfsk okay sorry im fine it's fine i am safely in my home it's okay. i need to stop freaking out over nothing#ari speaks#sorry for the long ass tags#if you've gotten this far i love you and i hope you have a wonderful day 😚💌🫂#oh this also doesn't even dive into my fear of love and human interaction. but i should maybe save that for a therapist#...if i ever get another one
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gothamcitycentral · 1 year
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dear-kumari · 1 year
The Pale Blue Eye pulls a pretty neat final twist that I've always wanted to see play out in a whodunnit, but unfortunately it also executes that twist in the lamest way possible
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the-busy-ghost · 1 year
Wow can’t believe my subconscious brain invented an entire violently misogynistic internet-spawned subculture specifically to torture me through hyper-realistic dreams at 2AM
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my girlfriend and i were skimming through one of the many "based on a true story" tv movies that brad dourif was in and it took us far too long to realize that he was playing a pee-wee gaskins stand-in
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arolesbianism · 7 months
Mid patch but on the bright side new salmon run specials and on the brighter side kraken specifically I think we've found our new best survivability tool
#rat rambles#splat posting#the new splashdown being in there is also pretty cool and Im especially happy abt it since I actually rly liked splashdown in splat 2 sr#so hopefully thisll be a more reliable version of that + some extra king salmonid dps with the 3 fists instead of one#now ofc this all relies heavily on what the actual damage numbers look like for both specials#but at the very least splashdown should be a decent basket clearer and kraken a decent oh god Im the last one alive button#the main problem with kraken as a survival tool is lack of range with means lack of revival power#but like. its an invinsibility special. so it can only be so bad in a mode where staying alive is part of the win condition#now ideally the charge dash pierces since I can only imagine theyre viewing this as a boss killing special and not a crowd clearer#the one big thing that makes me think itll be a hated rn special at first is that ppl will be to confident with it as a stay alive tool#cause invinsibility is cool and all but the end lag means that those couple seconds will do jack shit if you can't revive someone first#also we have to worry abt nockback too and how certain maps just soooo aren't built for it#like some lowtides itll be borderline unusable due to its nockback I think#unless they reduce the nockback done by salmonids or give it like good contact damage or smth#this is not me saying it'll be bad but I could see this being a special that ppl struggle with figuring out how to use in sr at first#like I think this is a boss killer special that you can also pop in an emergency to survive for long enough to revive someone#unlike most survivability specials in sr kraken'll be a lot more selfish in nature which could be a problem if ppl play too much into that#as in only using it as an escape tool instead of a try to use your guarantee alive time to fix some shit tool#so basically; Im excited for these but Im hard expecting ppl to complain abt it at first once the initial cool factor wears off#also for ppl to act like this makes slider obsolete in sr as it rly doesnt#reef slider isnt a great special in sr dont get me wrong but its not nearly as bad as ppl act like it is#like look me in the eyes and tell me its the worst sr special youd be lying and we both know it#like look at me. we all know its crab. we all know no one wants to be the guy with crab.#like part of it is just a general skill issue in that its hard to use#but like also crab is just WAY to vulnerable by sr standards and way too immobile and just... doesn't have the power to do a whole lot#like most things crab does inkjet does better and everything inkjet does as far as enemy clearing can be done by booya better#inkjet does have value as a survivability and revival tool tho even if theres better for the revival front#crab's only value is as a good king salmonid special but thats rly abt it#like in every situation you could pull out a crab a different special would do the job better#like reed slider is not your best pick either but at least its not as much of a death sentence as crab most the time
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