#that's a promise
ftmtftm · 9 months
Anyway what do y'all genuinely not understand about the fact that it is no longer 1993 and that the default response to trans masculinity is no longer "Well golly gee, who wouldn't want to be a man?" !!!!!!!!!! (Oh wait- I wonder what famously happened to a trans man in 1993 - I better not think about it too hard /s)
Especially if you are a trans masculine person who was raised in feminist spaces by second wave feminists or are someone who lived their life as a woman in those spaces until coming out !!!! Especially with the rise of TERF rhetoric in the general cultural consciousness !!!!!
Like I'm so sorry but I will continue to engage with cis binarist second wave ideology and the way it has seeped into nearly every corner of modern pop feminism extremely critically all the time forever ‪¯\_(ツ)_/¯‬
There is no trans liberation if we try to contort the discussions of our oppression into the oppressive binary of the oppressing class !!!!!!!!!
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Titan Army! Jason au
Jason: You're pulling that shit again?! I already apologised! You accepted! Either hate me or accept the apology, you can't do both!
Al: You were going to get me killed, Jase. You can't just fix that with an apology.
Al: ...Beg.
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rayofmisfortune · 6 months
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sapphichaewon · 19 days
curse me in my first language while I'm fucking you and I'll give you the best orgasm you ever had in your entire life
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helsex-moved · 1 year
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'Who's supposed to be catching who again, Mr. Deputy?'
[Rbs appreciated!]
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doshi-sukiru · 1 year
How to ruin everyone's day
Step 1: Explain how Sandy and Macaque played the same roles in their friend group/brotherhood and how they're past/current actions match the others-
Sandy in the past was violent and aggressive- Macaque's current life
Macaque in the past used to be the voice of reason and tried to find solutions without a fight- Sandy's current life
That's why lunartides is a comfort ship because these two have lived a similar life in the past and can understand why the other acts that way
No you can not change my mind these two are the second best compared to Shadowpeach-
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kpopcrazed · 4 months
I came across this meme and immediately thought of you 💖
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Yes I will be using this from now on when you accuse me of cheating. 😂😂
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thinkingheron · 2 years
Me, awake at 3 am : I kinda want to develop that oneshot I wrote.
Brain : Yes. Good idea. So here's a *prequel* to that-
Me : NO
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mrdocreativearts · 20 days
Hihi, peeps!
Welcome to "Creative Arts", a special Tumblr blog I'm dedicating to a super duper special project I've been doing with @booloocrew-blog :
Magical Robodoki Creative Arts
Now, "what IS Magical Robodoki Creative Arts?", you may ask. This is a Robodoki series introducing even more team members!
First story will be out May 1st! Wooooooooo!
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I thought the water back home was bad, but Florida water is horrible. The worst I have ever tasted.
I have been spoiled my whole life with water from the Andes snow and decent groundwater and now I tasted swamp water... I will defend Santiago's water until my last breath. It might not be as good as the water when you are near an Andean spring or a better acquifer but it's good. Now I now why all of you are obsessed with brita and don't drink tap water... It's so fucking bad that it ruins my toothpaste.
This might be the source of Florida man madness.
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the-bees-patella · 10 months
Hello there, for the writer ask 🤗 and/or 🧐 please.
From this writer ask meme.
(Research ask answered here. Also this got long as hell, RIP).
What advice would you give to new fanfic writers that are just getting started?
I have never been "good" at fandom in terms of engagement, follower counts, and other metrics, and personally, that's not why I'm here. So this will be about becoming a better writer, so if that's something you're interested in, this is for you.
To start, I think the myth of talent is particularly pervasive in artistic fields, which both makes beginners feel discouraged and can make consumers, for lack of a better word, feel thoughtlessly entitled to our work. It's talent! It's not work, why are you complaining?
Don't fall for that shit. You can become a decent writer with some hard work and effort. That can be a double-edged sword, and on some days, that won't feel true or possible. I won't say I have the answers to how to make it happen. This isn't WikiHow. There's no YouTube video for this.
The only things I'd stipulate are:
Figure out what works for you. If you're following writing blogs or reading books about writing, you can get new ideas, but you'll soon realize some of them are useless. As you write more, you'll come to understand your preferences and tendencies better, and sometimes you'll be tempted to change them to better fit your idea of a "good" or "serious" writer. 97% of the time, you can't. Everybody has a Hemingway phase but nobody but Hemingway was or is Hemingway. You are the artist you are. Take what you need and travel light.
Read widely and write a lot. Reading is necessary to expand your knowledge of what's possible, and writing requires diligence, like any other skill. Even talent needs to be honed on the whetstone of practice. It's the only way anybody got good at anything. There are no shortcuts. Writers are not born, they are made.
I could stop there, really. But I already typed up this whole thing, so a couple more specific tips:
Develop your taste.
If you've started writing, you've already started on the journey of developing a sense of taste, probably because you've spent a lot of time reading. (If you haven't: start there. And read all sorts of things: short stories, long-form journalism, poetry, novels. The only way to develop taste is to see what's out there).
It may seem counterintuitive, but to develop your own voice, I think it's necessary to look to others. When you're reading something that punches you in the gut, maybe makes you feel a little despair that you'll never be this good, read it again and pay attention to your own reactions. When did you feel the punch? Why did you feel it? Isolate those elements and keep them in mind while writing your own stuff. Expanding the vocabulary of your creative voice can mean sitting down with a book or a story and taking literal notes. Leaving comments can be a good exercise, because it makes you look at a story more closely. Also, I think it's important to let people know when they've touched you. After all, isn't that what we're all after? Plus, people love detailed comments. Go out, be the change, etc.
If that all sounds a little bit too much like English class to you…yeah, kind of. I should have opened with the caveat that while of course fic is a hobby and it's just for fun, it's not that important, that's no reason not to take it seriously. I don't mean you should have to get an MFA to write fanfiction, God fucking forbid. And sometimes you just want to read (or write) fic and relax and not think too hard, and that's fine too, have at it. (You're still writing and reading, as verbs). I'm just saying there's also nothing wrong with dedicating time and attention to it, and sometimes, that's going to be hard.
Good. That means it's working.
2. Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good.
Fail. Fail hard, fail often, learn to fail better. They can't all be winners. If you're stuck in a doom spiral, thinking, "this is bad, this is the worst, I don't know how to write—" Okay, fine. Lean in. Make it worse. Make it the worst thing you've ever written. Maybe you just have a little writing indigestion. Just barf some rancid words onto the page. Nobody has to see it. Give yourself the freedom to be as indulgent and terrible as you want; a cringe secret between you and your word processor.
So much of what writers describe as "process" is just getting your inner critic to shut up for long enough to let the writer do the work. Some people write at specific times of day, or they have a specific place they do it. Some people have to pretend nobody will ever see it and don't edit at all. Some people do 87 drafts and wring their brain-hands over single apostrophes. (Freak behavior. Can't relate).*
You'll develop your own way of doing things, and it'll change over time to suit your needs, both external and creative. You'll find your own ways to beat back the shithead little voice that tells you oh, that's too much. Are you sure about that? Wow, bold move. And you'll learn to distinguish it from the genuine subconscious creative voice as it steers you along. But in order to do that, you have to miss a stair once in a while. Crash into the walls. Absolutely eat shit. How else do you learn to avoid that particular step? Go forth and brain yourself on the banister. Have fun out there.
*It is, in fact, freak behavior, and I did this last night.
3. Make what you like. Have fun.
If you haven't called it by now, I am 1000% a pedantic bastard, so it follows that I have a semantic issue with the phrase "write for yourself." It's bandied about so frequently as a kind of indicator of artistic virtue or purity, as though doing something as natural as caring what other people think about work you've posted publicly is some kind of moral failure.
I'm not saying it's wrong. I just refuse to be scolded by a Live, Laugh, Love sign.
Because while there are some things you might banish to the wastes of your hard drive, in the end, fandom is about community. Making art is a public exercise. I'm sure there are people who write and paint and never show anyone, but let's be real. We're here because we love something, we have something to say, and we want to share it with other people. Reaching across the pulses of cyberspace to say, "I, too, would like to see this man get railed this way in particular." The real art is the friends you made along the way, etc.
So I'm in favor of reworking "write for yourself" into something more cognizant of the dynamics at work. For myself, I use the Marie Kondo test (notwithstanding the mistranslation and overuse of this phrase, too): does this spark joy?
Do you get excited when thinking about the project? When you think about upcoming scenes or beats, do they still inspire delight? Even when you're stuck, do you still feel like it's worth working through those things to get to the parts of the story you like?
And this is where the "for yourself" comes in, because I think it's easy to get wrapped up in mandates here. But I have to finish! (Why.) People will be upset if I don't! (Sounds like a them problem). (People love to talk about how fandom is just for fun <3 and then talk shit about abandoned works. Bullshit. Of course, as a reader, you can feel disappointed. But part of being a person is learning to handle your disappointment with grace, so try that before yelling at authors, who are already porcupines of anxiety).
I think the most difficult one to let go of is when people like your story a lot. You're getting a lot of good comments, and in what can be jaggedly lonely world, you feel liked, seen, and appreciated. It's tempting to keep at it, to try keep hitting the dopamine button, even when the writing itself starts to feel shitty and no longer sparks joy.
But returning to taste for a moment: as a reader, can't you tell when the writer is having fun/losing their mind? When they want to be there, doesn't their clear enthusiasm and love for the story shine through, bright enough to reach you, warm you?
Have faith. There will be other stories. You'll have other good ideas. Give it time, work on other stuff and/or replenish your creative well. Maybe you'll rediscover your love for the story, or look back at the draft in a couple months and realize it isn't so bad after all. Part of why I have such a backlog of unpublished work is because sometimes the story, like bread, needs time to prove. And maybe you won't, and that's fine, too. If your readers are reasonable people, they will understand, encourage you to take care of yourself, and patiently await the next one.
If they're not, feel free to send them to me.
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minisugakoobies · 1 year
Do you think any other members of bts will go on tour?
Anon, this was a HUGE topic of discussion when I was hanging out with some moots in Chicago. Here are my thoughts.
Short answer: I hope so! 🙏
Long answer: Other than Namjoon, I'm not sure if any of the other members have enough material to support an entire solo show. And Namjoon doesn't appear to be interested in touring? I mean, the maknaes have their solo songs and Jimin has Face but that's still not enough for a 2 hour(+) show… so the obvious solution is for the maknaes to tour together. Although Jimin seems like he's DONE with his Face promo, so it'd probably just be Jungkook and Taehyung. And it would be AMAZING. There are rumors that we might have albums from both by the end of the year, so… it could happen? 🤞🤞
What do y'all think?
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fo-enjoyer · 1 year
So I've made the mistake of learning how to make gifs...
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rainerhammond · 1 year
If Dr death wins this round I'll draw tommydee divorce
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Vaermina: You can run but I’ll still be in your nightmares!
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cactusclaws · 1 year
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Thanks for rewarding me for my bad behavior guys
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