#that's my lesson as a tumblr-elder (but real-world-young-person)
culmaer · 1 year
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Pop Culture Entity Challenge: Hircine, Part 1
Stolen from @highpriestness
This is meant to be a sort of bonding and questionnaire in regards to spirits, entities, and deities you may work with in Pop Culture.
You can use it as a 30 day challenge, an ask meme to ask for questions, or simply write them all however you feel.
General Questions:
1. What is the name of the entity and what is their canon universe?
Hircine. The Elder Scrolls anthology.
2. What drew you to this entity? What drew you to their world?
The Elder Scrolls universe has been close to my heart for a very long time. In particular, Skyrim. It’s a beautifully created fantasy world full of colorful characters and lore, and it came to life for me. I’ve put many hours of playtime into the game, running new characters with varying skills and trying new things. It’s always a unique experience and one I never regret diving into.
Hircine himself interested me from the first time I met him in-game. He is the Great Hunter, and the quest in Skyrim (my first encounter with him) leads you to him by way of helping a werewolf NPC who had been cursed by him. Many of the characters in the game frame Daedra as being evil or bad, they are considered demons against the godly presence of the Aedra; the Divines. Hircine’s actions throughout this quest are harsh, but he is also one of the more agreeable Daedra.
Hircine appears in the game as a white stag that you need to hunt down and kill, then his Aspect will appear to tell you to hunt down the same werewolf who asked for your help. You can refuse, but he will warn you that other hunters will be going after the werewolf regardless. You then have two options; Defy Hircine and save the werewolf from the hunters, or join the hunt and kill him. Either way, Hircine will reward you with one of his artifacts. I always choose to spare the werewolf.
What actually draws me to Hircine is my already great love of nature. Deer and Wolves have always been very close to my heart, wolves in particular. Hircine is the father of lycanthropy and thus werewolves are his people. Also while I myself am not a hunter in the strictest sense, I do support and respect those that do hunt, and I respect and make use of animals’ sacrifices on a regular basis. I often pick up roadkill or take hunter waste and use the bones, pelts, feathers, ect. in crafts, as offerings to my gods, or just as general decor,
Also, going back to Hircine’s Quest, if you choose to kill the hunters to save your werewolf friend, Hircine remains impressed with you for “turning the hunt inside-out.” He appreciates alternative thinking, and he just wants to see his Hunters overcoming obstacles to reach their goal. That’s the true Hunt, and he reminds me of that frequently. I don’t have to dawn a bow and shoot a deer, my Hunt can be any goal I’m reaching for, every obstacle I am trying to over come, regardless of how small or massive. Afterall, hunters take on prey of all sizes, right? From a hunting spider catching a tiny insect, to a dragon hunting a mammoth.
3. Did you choose them or did they tap you? How?
A little bit of both. I am a fairly recent baby witch and pagan, and at first I was really only looking into “real” gods, in particular I started with the Egyptian and Greek pantheons, as I already had very strong connections to both. However, I did begin to see others weaving pop culture into their witchcraft, and I eventually discovered Pop Culture Paganism. It clicked for me, it made so much sense, that these worlds and characters that I put so much love and time into, that someone put heart, soul and life into, could be considered “real” and hold power in their own rights.
I already believed in the Infinite Universes theory, wherein there could be a universe out there somewhere where literally anything could exist. Hearing that others worshiped gods based on works of fiction, or even other non-deified entities from those works, was eye-opening for me. I started researching. I wanted to learn more. I found a particular tumblr user who worshipped the Daedra and that clicked with me. I love so many of the Daedra, something about them always spoke to me. Clavicus Vile, Sheogorath, Molag Bal, Hircine....
Shortly after this revelation, I started researching how to worship PC entities. I wasn’t really all that solid on my more “traditional” pagan beliefs, let alone branching out into mostly uncharted territory. There was so little help on how to begin. I found posts about manifesting, about working with them as spirits, as archetypes, creating thoughtforms and servitors.... It was a lot of information to pick through, and a lot to think about. Even now I’m having some trouble beginning working with some entities I’d like to approach, because thus far all of the beings I’ve been working with are considered gods in their own rights. I am having a harder time figuring our how to work with a mortal character who may not want to be deified.
Regardless, while I was in the midst of all of this research and soul-searching, Hircine did tap me. I had actually forgotten the initial feeling, I had to go back to my journal to remember. I was asleep in bed asleep one night and heard a sort of crinkling sound. I got a vivid vision of large, leather boots crunching through dried leaves in a dense forest. My mind immediately screamed Hircine.
I put off contacting him for a bit after that, as I was still unsure, but upon realizing that the Hunter Moon was coming up, I couldn’t ignore the signs. I found a young buck skull that I got from a roadkill deer I processed a few years ago, and set it and some crystals out near a window where they could absorb the moonlight. I left him some bread and water, and waited.
I don’t remember if it was the following day, or a few days later, as I’m terrible at keeping an up-to-date journal, but I know that shortly thereafter, I was heading to work early in the morning. As I was walking out to my car, I felt a compulsion to look out at my back yard. There were a number of deer standing there. That’s not so uncommon, we have a doe that seems to frequently hang out behind the house, I see her often. What was unusual, is that she was accompanied by three other does. I usually only see the one. As I cautiously stepped forward for a better look, a large buck suddenly bolted past, leading the does back into the woods.
The feeling of elation that rose inside of me was amazing. I love seeing deer anyway, but to me it was very strongly a sign from Hircine. I sensed a presence there that I’d never before experienced. I thanked him, watched the herd leave, and continued on my way.
Since then, I get occasional messages from him, either in similar form, or just hearing his voice. I get this with most of my main deities, either hearing them in my head, or just getting a strong feeling about a situation and knowing it to be one of my gods communicating. I have a fair number of deities I appeal to, so sometimes it’s hard to decipher who exactly is trying to speak. I have no such ambiguity with Hircine, as I always distinctly hear his voice from the game, that clever, echoey sort of voice that emanates from the Stag aspect.
4. How do you typically communicate?
This is what I get for writing too much for each question;; As stated above, he often speaks directly to me, in the voice I know as his from Skyrim. He often gives me advice, though it’s usually in a sort of “tough love” form. If I’m feeling frustrated or discouraged, he’ll tell me things like “a hunter presses on regardless of hardship” or “the hunt is not yet over”. Usually it relates to hunting, but it always fits my circumstances.
5. What role does this entity play in their universe?
Hircine is the God of the Hunt and Father of Manbeasts. He created the various forms of lycanthropy in Tamriel. Every Era, he will put on a Great Hunt for which he will choose a number of mortal candidates to participate in. It could be as simple as sending hunters to kill a rogue werewolf, to making his champions navigate a maze of Daedric creatures while transformed into hares.
Hircine is revered by hunters and offers his followers the chance to hunt with him for eternity in the Hunting Grounds, Hircine’s Oblivion Realm. He has a fondness for predators, and values Strength, Speed, Guile and Cunning.
6. What kind of relationship do you have with this entity?
I offer my personal “hunts” to Hircine, using his wisdom to overcome the obstacles in my life. He offers me advice and council, occasionally being stern about it, but really only when I need it. We have a pretty positive relationship, I think. I have always had a reverence for nature, and I think he appreciates that. While I don’t actually hunt animals as prey, I still am able to take the lessons he teaches to put towards everyday life, and I am still able to offer him what I consider traditional offerings, like bones and pelts from animals, due to my taxidermy work.
7. What aspects does this entity reside over?
Traditionally, the Hunt is his Sphere, called many names (the Great Game, the Chase, ect). I also consider the other traits he values as being part of this. He values strength, speed, guile, and my personal addition; cunning. He often appears as a fox to trick people, and will grant those he finds to be clever knowledge and tricks of their own. He takes pride in seeing someone openly defy him and turn a hunt around on his chosen hunters.
He values loyalty. He values nature and animals and a respect for them. He values pride in oneself and strength of heart and character. He values independence, but also the ability to run with a pack or herd. He values both the hunter and the prey, and he values someone who can flip on those roles very highly.
8. What kinds of offerings do you/would you give this entity?
I am still discovering this myself. Certainly a very traditional offering to Hircine is the act of hunting. Again, I alter this to be overcoming challenge or reaching for a goal. I will sometimes dedicate such things to him as offerings. I would also offer him animal bones or pelts. I believe he would like prey animals, like deer or rabbit in particular, but also predators like wolves or big cats. I often offer him cool water, which is a traditional offering for many old gods, and in the wild is such an essential thing. Though I have not yet, I would offer him natural foods; berries, fruits, thinks like that.
I offer him meat sometimes, usually whatever I have, though I think he would particularly appreciate things like venison, rabbit or bear meat. I have given him a number of stones and crystals in the past, things close to the earth. Alcohol is another thing I have and would like to offer him. Particularly I think he would appreciate red wines and mead, though I have access to neither right now.
Arrows, arrowheads, daggers or hunting knives, bows, and other hunting tools would be other good things to dedicate to him, I think. Especially if they’re used to hunt with. Imagery of deer, wolves, bears, foxes or werecreatures would all be good as well. I also associate him with crocodiles, mostly because of his Daedroth creatures. I feel like he would also appreciate tattoos as well, particularly of a tribal sort.
9. What kinds of animals, stones, elements, plants, etc do you associate with this entity? Why?
Stones I used for him were clear quartz, like a clear lake or like the full moon. Moonstone, for obvious reasons; bloodstone, representing blood from his prey. Red or orange stones, representing the blood moon. I’m still learning and experimenting with others.
Animals that I associate with him, I mentioned some, but really any hunter animal. Wolves, bears, foxes, crocodiles, spiders, and birds of prey in particular. Deer and elk are also very strong associations for me, as well as other antlered or horned prey animals like gazelle. I also associate him with other creatures in Tamriel such as Daedroth, dragons, unicorns, sabrecats and werecreatures. I also have a loose association with him and sharks, again for the predator aspect.
I strongly associate him with the element of Earth. I always feel a connection to the Earth with him, to plants and animals and nature. He makes me feel very grounded and in touch with my surroundings. I could also connect him to fire, for the occasional harshness he exhibits, the flaming reds of the blood moon, his ability to go from warm and gentle to fierce and burning. I could make connections to air and water as well, but Earth is certainly the strongest elemental association for him, to me.
Plants are tricky, I’m still learning meanings and correspondences so I have trouble pinning them to spirits and deities, though I do strongly associate him with Hemlock and evergreens in general. As well as with fall foliage. I have the image of a stag moving through a forest of evergreens and that feels very Hircine to me.
I associate him with the smell of musk, pine, and a general earthy smell, like freshly disturbed soil. I associate him with the smell of the forest, with the crisp mountain air. The sound of birdcalls and wolf howls. The full moon.
10. Are there any songs, books, or quotes you associate with this entity? Why?
I’m still looking for things like this that remind of of him. Of course there are his in-universe books such as The Totems of Hircine, and any of his spoken dialogue in game (”Well met, hunter” springs to mind), but as for things in our world, one song I really strongly associate with him is “The Stampede” from The Lion King soundtrack.
11. How and when did you first encounter them as an entity?
Told the story above, but there was the strange dream/vision of him walking in the woods, and then the buck in my back yard.
12. How are they particularly involved in your life? Do they teach you anything specific? If so, what?
He teaches me patience and control, dignity and pride, perseverance and strength. He reminds me that a successful hunter has to be aware and in control of her surroundings. He reminds me that sometimes the prey escapes, and that’s okay. He reminds me that even the greatest hunters sometimes lose their mark and go home hungry. He reminds me that it is important to keep trying and keep improving. To keep my eyes on the target, but not to get lost in it either. The wilds are dangerous and they require my attention. They are also beautiful and demand my reverence.
There is excitement and also sadness in a successful hunt. You have taken something very beautiful and precious from the world, and that demands a moment of introspection. But you have also triumphed over your trial, and you will continue to thrive now with all that the hunt provided you. You have food, tools, clothing and shelter. The good sometimes comes with the bad, there is balance in all things and that must be accepted to be able to move on with one’s life.
He teaches me that there is a time and a situation where one should rely on the pack, be content and dependent upon the presence and assistance of others, but there are also times when the hunter must venture out alone. Some prey are best taken down with a group, some are best to be hunted solo.
He reminds me that all things are not as they seem. The hunter may hide himself from the prey if he is skilled enough. I must take care not to become the prey myself, and if the hunt should turn upon me, I must be clever and resourceful enough to escape my hunters. I must be mindful of those hidden hunters, and I must be hidden myself to be successful; either as a hunter or as prey. The strong and the smart survive, I must be one of the two to live; I must be both to thrive.
13. Do they have any identifying symbols in canon or otherwise?
Deer, mostly. Hircine is most known for appearing as a stag, or having the head or skull of one. But he has also appeared as a fox, a bear and a man. His children are the skinshifters, the werecreatures. His weapons are the spear and bow.
14. Do they have alternate versions, verses, or canons? Do you communicate with all or some of them?
Hircine appears slightly differently in each TES game, though it is always the same entity. I have based most of my worship on his appearance in Skyrim, as that is the one which I have the deepest connection with.
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the--concertmaster · 7 years
Mormon Headcanons
Ok... So since I literally needed only one person to be interested in hearing my headcanons, I’m gonna post them! Thanks @bookofbway!
Alright... I’m gonna start with James Church, because he doesn’t get enough love. 
James wasn’t originally a Mormon, since due to his upbringing, I seriously doubt his parents were Mormons.
His mum died when he was still young, (probably about 10) from something unrelated to his dad, a car accident or something. (I’m sorry!)
Afterwords, due to the shock of losing his wife, his dad went sober and tried to concentrate on bringing his son up right. 
James never forgave his father for the way he treated him and his mother. 
Mormon missionaries came knocking at their house one day, and James chose to convert as he found it comforting the idea that his mother had went to a better place and that in latter days he could spend eternity with her. 
He also liked the idea of going on a mission to help others, and also liked the idea of being able to get away from his dad for 2 years. 
James was a track runner at school, and although he was sporty, found his passion more in the arts. 
He is an amazing sketch artist and enjoys writing short stories and poetry. 
He’s more serious and sombre than the other Mormon’s in Ugnada, but tries to act cheerful and bright (and turn it off). 
He really liked Chris, because he felt he could relate to him since Chris had lost his sister. (also Poptarts was extremely adorable.)
He has messy black hair, and wears large square framed glasses.
Is the tallest and strongest out of all the Missionaries in Uganda.  OK! Now for poptarts
Enjoys dancing as it’s his way of remembering and commemorating his sister. 
Has an extreme fear of his friends and family dying on him. 
Will never end a conversation on a negative note and always tries to say goodbye to his friends and family when leaving, just in case he never sees them again. 
Loves everything sweet. 
Poptarts was his sisters favourite food. 
He has no formal dance training, but is quite good since his sister taught him how too (and then Mckinley afterwords)
He originally had a crush on his Mission Companion, Elder Mckinley, before he started to develop feelings for James Because James listened to him and understood his pain of loosing his sister rather than just telling him to turn it off. (Also James was hot af, and muscular and...) 
He’s definitely the shortest and cutest of all the Elders
He has a Teddy bear that he took with him to Uganda, and will protect at all costs. 
He loves looking at James art and reading his stories. 
He is Bi (and no-one can tell me otherwise) MCKINLEY!!!!!!
Ok so, Mckinley defintely is the eldest child with 2 younger sisters, so he knows how to be authoritative and control and lead people. 
He took tap classes, literally right up to the time where he left for Uganda.
His sisters were somewhat jealous that Connor is a better dancer than them.
But his sisters also stood up for him to his arents and peers saying that pink is a perfectly normal colour for a boy to like and that they should break gender stereotypes and stop calling him gay. Connor appreciates them for this. 
He was definitely bullied in year 5 for how close he was to his friend Steve and all through highschool people would accuse him of being gay. 
He started dating a female friend of his, to try to make others believe that he was straight. The relationship didn’t last very long though. 
He totally got all the lead roles in the school plays, and sometimes did performance is the Community theatre musicals. 
He is an excellent singer and had also taken vocal lessons from a young age. 
He was also a very strong leader within theatre groups he was part off and often organised mini performances around their community with them. 
Connor may seem friendly and nice, but don’t ever cross him or undermine his authority, he will wring your neck. 
He’s never seen a prettier Boy with more perfect hair than Elder Price. 
It broke his heart to have to ditch Elder Price in Uganda and leave with Elder Cunningham and the other Elder’s, but since he was pushing down his emotions, and trying to be a good Mormon on his Mission it’s what he choose to do. 
He cared more about making the other Elder’s happy, and creating a friendly community among them, than converting the Africans, thus why they literally had no baptisms. 
As soon as they went off-grid with their mission, he immediately got a TV and gaming system installed withing their lodging to entertain the Elders. 
Him and Poptarts crush at Just Dance. 
He literally holds a karaoke night once a month at the Missionary. 
He was actually very surprised (and pleased) to find out Elder Price was gay
Once he did come out completely, he was very open with his affections towards Kevin (which Kevin often got embarrased about) 
Falsettos is totally his favourite musical. He especially loves Whizzer.  ALRIGHT! ARNOLD CUNNINGHAM
Always had the best imaginative writing at school. 
Writes a ton of Fanfiction, and reads them too. 
Has heaps of OC’s.
Bit of a loner at school too, never really had any friends. 
Extremely popular online though.
Had a huge Tumblr following on his blogs about Star Wars, LOTR etc.
Has heaps of Fan theories too. 
Totally Vlogs. 
Cosplays as well. Goes to all the conventions.
Dreams of being able to go to San Diego Comic Con
He has Irlens Syndrome, which is one of the reasons why he didn’t read the Book of Mormon, becuase it was actually difficult for him to read it. 
His father literally thinks of him as a freak due to all his obsessions and fanboying. 
His mother dotes on him though and adores him for the person he is. 
He always wants his fathers approval though, which is why he decided to go on a mission. 
He genuinely wants to do good in the world and make others happy, and will do anything to help others, even if he doesn’t get anything from it. 
He forces Kevin to Cosplay with him on Halloween. He goes as Han Solo and Kevin goes as Luke Skywalker.
He holds a halloween party and costume party in Uganda for all the Elders and Africans.
He also makes a Leia costume for Naba, which she loves, despite not really knowing too much about Star Wars. 
All the Elders end up loving the little quirks about Arnold in the end, and have a great deal of Respect for him, since he’s so kind hearted.
He’s never been happier than he was in Uganda. 
He still admires and loves Kevin after everything they went through.  AND FINALLY THE MOST PERFECT MAN ON EARTH (AND I WILL FIGHT PEOPLE OVER THIS) KEVIN PRICE. I literally love him so much though.
Kevin grew up in a really strict household. 
He’s the second oldest of all his siblings, with an older sister and three younger brothers. 
He always feels that he has to compete against his siblings to be seen as the best, and to do so, tried to do literally nothing wrong. 
His favourite sibling is his Brother Jack, who is just a year younger than him, because Jack worships and admires Kevin and he rather likes that. He also still feels super guilty for blaming him for eating that donut
Him and all his siblings all took piano lesson. 
Kevin is actually very good at piano, but not as good as his older sister, which always really bugged him because he wanted to be the best at everything. 
Straight A student. 
Literally had no time for relationships throughout school since he was too busy trying to make everyone like him, as well as being a good mormon, getting good grades, playing piano well. 
Didn’t realise till he was in Uganda that he was gay.
He never really though about relationships, or had sexual thoughts till he was in Uganda since he was always so busy.
He had a very meticulously planned schedule. 
He absolutely adores everything Disney and Pixar, loves happy endings and cries every time Mufasa dies. 
His favourite Movie is actually Toy Story, since he finds Woody relatable. 
Reads all Arnolds fanfictions. Feruses to admit that he actually enjoys them.
Actually loves and respects his best friend, Arnold, since he truly hasn’t ever had a true best friend before. 
Sings disney songs during Mckinley’s Karaoke nights. 
Everyone is shocked that Kevin can sing. 
Kevin is shocked by his own singing voice. 
He loves how touchy Mckinley is, but is a little embarrassed by it. 
Absolutely adores Mckinley for everything he is. 
Once he realised he was gay, was actually reasonably open about it, since he never really understood why it was bad withing mormonism anyway.
Takes hour long showers to make sure his hair is perfect
Loves dogs. Like really loves dogs OK! SO THOSE ARE MY HEADCANONS ON THE ELDERS!
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unluckyadept · 7 years
Character Journal Entry
{Thursday, November 16th, TUMBLR 2017}
But ah, onto happier thoughts and memories.
It will be good to see the other Grand Masters again. We held council at the summer solstice; I was the one who actually called it together.
[The Narrator was actually in the city hall, with the other Grand Masters present.
They were all dressed as they had been the night before, except they were not currently wearing their masks—save for the Narrator, that is.
There was Prox’s greatest blacksmith, who was turning over some bar of metal in his hands. He personally forged a good deal of armor and weaponry, with his understudies largely involved with maintaining and supporting at the forge. The lesser tiers of his craft handled maintaining the tools that the rest of the village used, as that is where the need largely fell.
Beside him sat the Grand Master Tailor, who was sorting through fabric scraps. Her skill had brought her to the honorable and demanding position of maintaining the quality of all of the ceremonial wear: not just for the dancers and their costumes, but also the formal and informal garb of many of the other Grand Masters. It was a rather prestigious position, for it afforded the use of resources one otherwise might not have; this, in turn, allowed her to wear nothing but the best, exactly as she envisioned it. While others may have had her level of skill in the craft, she was the best teacher among them.
This, too, was the case of the stern, almost angry-looking woman beyond her. The Grand Master Ranger was—despite being of a higher title in a slightly different tier—largely involved of teaching the ways of the hunt. She coordinated the hunts around Prox and further south to prevent overhunting of large game. She had raised two generations of Hunters behind her. Almost everyone studied under her before they were chosen for anything else, and her position as a teacher meant daily, constant work.
Weyard’s beastmaster sat with a great wolf of a hound next to him. He was officially in charge of Prox’s work animals: reindeer, horses, sled dogs, and falcons. In practice, he served as the village veterinarian. He was one of the few Grand Masters who was not involved in maintaining Proxan culture—and this did allow him more of a personal life than anyone else there.
The Grand Master of Dance sat with his eyes closed, weary. He was older, now—older than any of the others there, save for the Elder himself. He oversaw the physical training of the soldiers and taught the performance arts. Beyond that, he served as a local medical examiner. Years of studying and working with the body had enabled him to see how a particular injury might have happened, in cases (both living and dead) of foul play. He was tired, but could not fully retire from his duties until the day came where he did not have the strength for the dance.
The Narrator was sitting at the table with a pile of scrolls nearby—her (very excited) understudies were taking down exact notes of the meeting in shorthand, while she recorded incoherent thoughts as she got ideas for her work. She was a Grand Master Scholar who had excelled in oration. She knew all the stories of the Clan’s teachings and history from the beginning of the world—the most famous part of her job was that she recited these each day for the children and those seeking contemplation.
However, there was more to it than that; she was also well trained in the personal histories as recorded in the documentations of trials and disputes under law. Her keen memory had allowed her to obtain her position while only in her late thirties, but she oversaw the work of the Scholars and Scribes. Her days were constantly filled with analysis of Proxan literature and historical records, and being ever ready to recite any given tale for children and adults.
This connection with civil law made her a direct advisor to the mayor, Puelle. She did not do any teaching herself—she did not teach literature, history, or law, no. She was instead involved in maintaining it.
The actual teaching of literacy was part of the task of the Great Healer—the only southerner present besides Felix himself. He served as the doctor for injuries and complications that required help, as was his mission: this was the mission of all such emmissaries who traveled even to the most desolate or “barbaric” places in the world. He had lived in Prox a very long time. Most of his subordinates were acolytes who held specific roles in facilitating Prox’s spiritual life—particularly in the ceremonies, such as this one.]
[And then there was Felix himself.
He was the center of attention for the moment in the matter at hand—though he did not seem ill at ease, and knew he had only himself to blame.]
Ranger: {You’re late.}
Felix: {I’m aware of that.}
Ranger: {Where were you, the last five years?}
[There was no formal beginning to the session. And while the title of Warrior was slightly more prestigious than all the rest, everyone present had positions of authority—enough to be brutally blunt to one another, if they so chose. That was part of the nature of holding such office: you couldn’t be too sensitive to the criticism of others.
Felix found he cared less than he was worried he would. The familiarity of the ceremony last night had done a great deal to calm his nerves.]
Felix: {I wandered the wilds until I came to live in a forest next to some plains. The weather is harsh, there—}
Tailor: {I can see it. You’ve kept your ceremonial gear well—have you not even been wearing it? Your cloak could stand to be replaced.}
Blacksmith: {I heard a rumor that you’ve been studying under a craftsman in Osenia. Some part of me is more insulted than relieved.}
Narrator: { “Relieved”?}
Blacksmith: {He could support himself better as a family man—in the south—if he had such a useful trade.}
Beastmaster: {Such arrogance you two both have. He was living in hiding, you know. It’s hardly wise to proudly show in garb so bold that one is a Warrior of Prox.}
Dancer: -In a voice strained with age- {Be grateful he has returned and given you presence. There are other things to discuss in the matter at hand.}
Ranger: {You say that, when he has not taken over duties that you have had to carry the last five years? Really?} : |
Felix: {…Sorry?} -Confused- ({Why would he…?})
Narrator: {Felix, the master of Dance is involved in exercises with the soldiers. But the Warriors are the ones tasked with other training relating combat.}
[Felix frowned at this, looking a little weary. The Healer stroked his beard and seemed to prepare something to say, but Felix used Psynergy to create visible hands for gesture while remaining unmoving himself. Such a gesture was used now to ask him to wait.]
Felix: {I’m afraid there is a great deal for me to discuss. I have been gone a very long time, and much was lost after the fall of Saturos and Mendari.}
[He shook his head slightly.]
Felix: {Saturos was teaching me effective leadership and decision making, but our lessons were never given proper formal structure and narrative. He led by example more than anything else. I think this is one reason why he spent so long putting off being a teacher. Some people just are better at that, while others are better at just going on with what they do.}
Narrator: {The records that he left behind do support this speaking. He never had the chance to fully learn all the duties or how to fulfill them. He was too far lost in mind and heart after he returned from Mars Lighthouse.}
Felix: {Need we bring up that again…}
[A pause as he brooded momentarily, before his brief sulk cleared.]
Felix: {I left years before I came of age. We traveled long with no one but myself to rely on as a guide. I have learned within the context of the world, and there, the world kept it—I would have returned sooner if I had not been driven into exile.}
Tailor: {You could have come to Prox.}
[The beastmaster leaned forward, holding his hands out in front of him with a slight grin.]
Beastmaster: {Boy, did you leave a proper mess in the state of affairs behind. You have more property than I bet you’ll know what to do with.}
Narrator: {You did inherit all that Saturos left behind, as well as the estate your parents were granted when you first came here. That includes two houses, fully furnished, and all the property included therein.}
Beastmaster: {If nothing else, you’re going to have to name a legal heir. Though I think we all know the real solution—}
Felix: {We’re not here to talk about my personal life.} : |
[The beastmaster laughed at this, and the Tailor put a hand to her face, amused.]
Tailor: {You really expect us to ignore that business*? It’s—}
((*Keep in mind, she’d be making the clothes for a wedding ceremony and ceremonial wear for any smol babs in his children))
Puelle: {As interesting and desired as this is, if we continue to do nothing but gossip, then we’ll not have time for anything else today. There should at least be some façade of order to this.} -Looks over at the Scribes- {It IS being recorded.}
[Felix gave a frowning glance, but the Narrator merely returned a dragon-like grin.]
Narrator: {You’d be surprised how many records there are like these in early Proxan history.}
Felix: -Thinking of the Writers- {Somehow, I doubt that.}
Dancer: {Enough on that now, then, all you young people. Felix, you called this assembly. What would you say to have it called to order?}
[There was silence, letting him think. He spoke up after a while, the Psynergy hands gesturing or shifting into symbols every so often.]
Felix: {…There are many duties, public and private, that I must attend to. And yes… one of them is to make a choice, and to choose an heir. I must seek counsel with the Narrator and the Elder regarding specifics of other aspects, and how to carry them out. You will accept my absence—I could not have effectively served as a leader over the last few years, as the madness of suffering and bitterness had taken hold in my heart. The years passed by without me even able to truly keep track of time—I even slept through much of them.}
[The Elder kept any others from responding to that, and Felix relaxed after a little while.]
Felix: {I have said so before, and I will say it again. I do plan to return in full when the time is right—but that will still be after the harvest, at the earliest.}
[He turned to look at the Ranger—the one who had given him his last training in full.]
Felix: {I will need more time than we have today and tonight to be able to resume my role in the community. You know this.}
[He looked over his shoulder at the blacksmith.]
Felix: {For what it’s worth—I studied under Sunshine because the last great craftsman of Ankhol turned me down. And it wasn’t—isn’t—a formal thing. I’ll talk more to you about that later.}
[He returned his attention to the master of Dance.]
Felix: {Master, I apologize that you have been forced to maintain duties that rightfully belong to me. I must ask that these are maintained for a while longer, until I am qualified to carry them.}
[He shook his head.]
Felix: {Yes, I am a Warrior. But even then, there are levels in all such things. I never gained so high a status as that of a teacher.}
Narrator: {True. You were recognized as one who only nature had tasks left from which you could learn. Let all recall that this mastery is not the same as being a teaching expert.}
Felix: {Exactly. I have not had much chance to teach except in one-on-one sessions.}
[He frowned in disappointment.]
Felix: {But… have none of the other acolytes made it to full recognition, in all this time?} : \  {There is no one else to oversee the drills?}
Puelle: -Shakes his head with a slight sigh- {The situation is… in stasis. There are those who can conduct the drill exercises, but it is mere repetition for them. The do not have a sense of tactics. They will be able to help you manage large numbers, but they do not have the capacity to lead them.}
Blacksmith: {I can see your aura shows you are disappointed in this.}
Felix: {Yes, that is part of it. Admittedly, I am dismayed at the amount of work ahead. It is going to be difficult to maintain all of my duties, since I am the only Warrior that Prox currently has. Even when I left, such duties were divided among four people. Even that was a stretch.}
Narrator: {Time will not make the workload any less. It will eventually make it greater, now that the beacon is lit.}
Felix: {I called this meeting because there is a chance that you all have seen someone who shows promise: enough that—in theory, mind—I could start working with one-on-one right away. I have been gone for a very long time, after all. Eleven years…}
[There was some silence at this. The Narrator then spoke again.]
Narrator: {All who would be placed in the succession for the Warrior candidacy must first train in combat. There were no new candidates for many years, as the light of the jewels held by the dragon proved that the Warriors who were gone lived even still.}
[Felix raised an eyebrow at this.
He wasn’t sure if this feature was something he never knew, or had just forgotten from before.]
Narrator: {The light of these stars faded from life when Karst and Agatio succumbed to the bitter cold. The Mars Clan lost its Clan status without any Warriors who survived.}
[His aura turned ruefully sober at this.]
Narrator: {The Clan lives again, when you were truly recognized. But without a Warrior to lead for over ten years—and no war to bring out such a thing out of need when the time is dire—there has been little chance for the development of such things.}
Felix: {There are truly none who serve as a true leader?}
Ranger: {That is not so.} -Turns to look at the Beastmaster- {You may recall that he did not hold this title when you had last arrived.}
[The Beastmaster grinned.]
Tailor: {What are you smirking at?}
Beastmaster: {You are all so caught up in the way things should be that you don’t understand where the plain truth hides.}
Blacksmith: {Oh, and you do?}
Beastmaster: {You’re actually letting me speak now? That may be something you regret within moments, you realize—}
Felix: {Please, stay on topic for at least these next few minutes.}
Beastmaster: {There are natural leaders within the community, and people of talent besides.}
[He turned to look at the Narrator.]
Beastmaster: {I don’t want to go on a tangent on those who train under several* Grand Masters, but suffice to say—in the times long past, weren’t there some Rangers who were recognized?}
((*For example—he himself got Ranger training, but showed proficiency in working with animals and thus was permitted to learn from the previous highest-ranking Grand Master Tamer (the official title).
Who is still a Master Tamer, incidentally—just that this guy now holds the rank of Grand Master since he’s younger and more able to handle all the responsibilities. Working with horses and dogs (who are like wolves) with fantasy-era medicine is a very dangerous job, and commonly results in inevitable injury.))
Narrator: {Yes. It was unusual in times of crisis, and the wording used is different in the ancient tongue, but such a thing has precedence. That is one reason why Felix was able to be nominated for the candidacy, despite never being recognized as a Soldier.}
Beastmaster: {I personally think that the few Rangers who have been realized are fair leaders in their own right.}
[He turns back to Felix.]
Beastmaster: {But they are leaders within their personal circle, or to their trade’s apprentices—and that is not the same as being the leader of those who live for battle.}
[He put his hands behind his head, leaning back in his chair.]
Beastmaster: {Face it, Felix—and everyone else, for that matter. None of the Soldiers named as successor have the capacity, on their own, to be Warrior-level leaders. Neither of the Rangers who have been realized truly want the responsibilities they would have—and besides, there is the matter of legitimacy. Everyone’s been looking to you to do this; anyone else just won’t do as substitute.}
[Felix gave an exasperated sigh.]
Felix: {I suppose I never really truly expected it would be any different. That would make it too easy.}
[He turned to look at Puelle.]
Felix: {I do recall one of the other candidates seeming like she showed promise.}
[The others all seemed more alert at this.]
Felix: {Her words remain clear to me; she vowed to train even harder, having taken heart. She had a specific goal of being strong like Mendari and Karst. Out of anyone, I should think that there is the most promise in her.}
Puelle: {She has not shown the leadership of tactics, however…}
Felix: {Nevertheless, I will be in need of all their help over time. If she has continued in earnest all these years, then she will be able to handle much of the combat training drills. That is very important—}
[The Beastmaster clawed briefly at the table, coming to a sudden realization—]
Beastmaster: {Ah…! Of course, we all take that for granted.}
Tailor: Mmm?
Beastmaster: {We’re so used to having subordinates to carry out lesser tasks, so that we can devote ourselves to the high end of the craft.}
Ranger: {I should not call such an important duty a “lesser task”!}
Beastmaster: -Flops a hand down, shaking his head- {As long as Felix is by himself, he just simply will not have time to handle everything alone. If he is to focus on teaching leadership skills, then perhaps he should be allowed to do exactly that—there are not enough Warriors for them to lead such exercises anymore. We only have one. And we have to respect that he has other duties—duties to his own Clan.}
[He clawed at the table again, leaning forward.]
Beastmaster: {If we don’t permit him to grow in that life, then we are leaving the fate and ruling of the entire Venus Clan in the hands of Isaac.}
[The mood in the room immediately darkened at this.]
Beastmaster: {And I don’t know about you, but I think the world would be far better off if such a Clan were to return under the guidance of Felix.}
[The Elder stood up, and all turned to face him at the sound.]
Elder: {He does speak to the heart of the matter. We all need more time… and thing will have to proceed differently, until there are enough Warriors who are truly recognized. Felix… you have the right to choose how you will train your successors you bring forth to the candidacy. I get the feeling you will be drawn more to the scholars than to the strong… so I just ask you to be aware of the matter.}
Felix: {That is fair. And thank you… I appreciate it.}
Perhaps the winter meeting can proceed with a bit more focus in the matter on things other than my personal life. I do look forward to hearing about how trade is doing, and whether or not any of the old land has been reclaimed.
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becomeungovernable · 8 years
CSSSA Writing Application
So, here it is! I noticed a grammar mistake in my B, and descended to Hell but hopefully they’re looking for content not grammar quality. Also, I interpreted the B as a memoir reflecting back on something, so that was the way I wrote it and I’m terrified I did it wrong. 
Assignment A
Writing is vastly complex, a process of finding the right words to string together to convey a message or an image. For myself, writing is a coping method. I’ve never been exactly open about how I’m feeling, or very good at conveying those emotions. However, when I was fairly young, around eight, I picked up Harry Potter for the first time. I adored it, and still do, and I soon found myself creating my own characters, building stories whenever I had the chance. Of course, they were not very good, seeing as I was nine at that point, but reading various authors taught me to grow as a writer. From Lin Manuel Miranda, to Suzanne Collins, to George R.R. Martin, I grew from those I read, using their creativity and much more superior knowledge to fine tune my characters into actual people. I also find myself applying lessons of psychology and history I learn from school into my characters and worlds, paralleling people and events into fictional places, and having them overcome the odds. That’s why I write, to create real people who can overcome standards set upon them, whether it be from others or society.
Assignment B
At the age of fourteen, I was uncertain of many things about myself, most prominently my sexuality and gender identity. They were constant nagging questions at the back of my mind, a weight upon my shoulders that I could not shake no matter how hard I tried, the feeling of falling with no ground in sight. These questions bore strange consequences, some of which were reflected on the depression that would fall upon me eventually, but most came from other people. Lingering looks, slightly too loud whispers, but never to my face. That was, until about three weeks until my fifteenth birthday. By then, I had established that I was most certainly some form of gay as well as a form of transgender, thought I did not know what form yet, and had come to terms with it. However, when I was shopping with my older sister, I encountered a person who openly despised me for who I was. It a woman, with a strange amount of hatred in her face for a child she had never met. It was the first time the slur “faggot” was thrown my way, and it shattered my heart. I left there, hurt and confused, but rather than letting it make me angry, I made a decision. I want to spread love and tolerance, even to those who will not return it. That is the way I can feel welcome, and hopefully that woman who threw that slur my way will be able to find the way to extend the hand of brotherhood to me in return.
Assignment C
Scene opens on a lavish room, adorned with exceptional paintings and decorations. ADRIAN, a prepossessing man in his late late teens, sits forward in an armchair by a fireplace, eyes fixated on the flames. Enter ROSELYN, ADRIAN’S elder sister and current guardian, a woman in her mid twenties. Her eyes linger on the armchair as she moves into the room.
ADRIAN: Can I ask you something, Rosie?
ROSELYN: Shoot away, little brother.
ADRIAN: So, these guys I know are having a party, and I was wondering if I could go. It’ll be...
ROSELYN: (Interrupting) Who? Anybody I know?
ADRIAN: Oh, y’know, Matthew, Danny, Micah, Jonathan, … (Mumbling) Michael…
ROSELYN: (Fiercely) Absolutely not.
ADRIAN: Oh, c’mon, Rosie! It’ll be the biggest party of the year, everyone will be there!
ROSELYN: Which almost certainly means there will be people doing illegal things there! Drugs, alcohol, so many bad influences. Especially Michael, what was he expelled for again?
ADRIAN: Having a gun on campus and gang affiliations…
ROSELYN: I don’t want you getting mixed up with people like that, you might end up in a gang! Then you can kiss your full-ride scholarship goodbye, it would be gone in an instant. What would dad say if he were here?
ADRIAN: Fine! I won’t go! (Muttering bitterly) You’re almost as bad as mom. (Suddenly, he looks mortified with himself) Christ, I didn’t mean that Rosie, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.
ROSELYN: Don’t. (She picks up what she was looking for, looking extraordinarily hurt) I’ll order a pizza for tonight, make sure you get your homework done.
Assignment D
The young woman had never been so afraid.
Scrawny, shaking knees, a slender blade in slim, quivering hands, yellow irises darting to any sound she heard, she had never felt fear like this before. A lithe form hunched over, trying not to be significant in any way. Constantly, she adjusted her footing, unable to find any particular position she was comfortable with. Creator, she was a fool.
She could never know her people would be under attack in such a way. They were a peaceful folk, farmers and fishermen, who never expected anything very exciting to come their way. They lived, they worked, they died. That was, until the creature showed up.
Nobody really knew what it looked like, because if you saw it, you were more than likely dead. It lurked in the wetlands of Exandria, preying mostly on the fishermen. Her people would only find melted skeletons, with bits of flesh clinging to them. The young woman quivered at the thought.
The square of the town was abandoned, excluding the woman waiting alone for her fate. Everyone with sense, that being everyone except for her, were in hiding as soon the effulgence of the moon crested over the horizon. Curtained windows and barred doors were in every direction, as those inside awaited her screams of agony.
She brushed a lock of unpigmented hair from her eyes, tucking it behind one of her horns as she shifted her footing and her grip on her sword. With one hand, she released the blade and reached up to touch the holy symbol around her neck. Creator, give her strength and wisdom to defeat this foe born far from your kind gaze.
Out of the corner of her eye, the woman saw a small child being ushered away from a curtained window, and was suddenly reminded of her brother, barely ten, horns just beginning to sprout from his brow. Curious blue eyes, an innocent optimism that his big sister would succeed in defeating the creature. For his future, she thought fiercely. For his hopes and dreams.
Suddenly, she heard a low hissing behind her, and the woman turned slowly, fingers tightening around the hilt of the sword. Behind her there was a black scaled creature, pointed teeth bared and coated with what she assumed was some sort of acidic solution. The woman was suddenly filled with fury and courage, and she lifted her sword.
“Creator, give your daughter the strength she needs to defeat this abomination born far from your gaze!” She shrieked, baring her own painted teeth to the lizard-like obscenity before her. “Cloak me in your light, guide my sword true, and let this creature fall to avenge those of your children that have already fallen!”
And with a fierce battle cry, the woman barreled forward, swinging her sword in an arc of deadly metal. As she moved, the blade burst into white, divine fire, and she knew the Creator looked down upon her with favor.
Assignment E
I was red and she was blue
She was light streaming through a window
A ship sailing through fog
The sky at daybreak, streaked with pink
The brief moment before the break of dawn
The soft sound of a pencil beginning a sketch
The first snow of the season
Being curled in a corner with a favorite book
A secluded and private garden
The satisfaction of finishing important work
The first dance between spouses at a wedding
‘The beach on a rainy day
A gentle sea breeze on an exposed face
An entirely empty house
Light being reflected on the surface of water
A gentle rainstorm on a summer’s evening
An empty library after school got out
A lazy Saturday morning spent in bed
Gentle background music at a family dinner
A vacant forest glade, abandoned by the world
A content night with a lover
I was a booming, sold-out concert
The moment at the top of a rollercoaster
The lights of the city, late at night
Instinct driving each step further
The buzz of a crowd at a sporting event
The rush of adrenaline whilst going down steep slopes
A sports match between rivals
A sudden clap of thunder
A city street, bustling with people
The tense moment before a race
The crash of waves on rocky cliffs
A breath held in suspense
Falling through open air
A storm about to break
The sky at sunset, streaked with reds and oranges
Pulls for air between breathless pants
The instant before an anticipated event
Teasing chides from a good friend
Exhilarated laughs while being daring
The thick air of a horror movie
A moment waiting to happen
I was red and she was blue
And I found that I loved blue
And that’s it! My E is a two tone poem, so formatting is weird on Tumblr, but it’s fine on my app.
Edit: Oh my god what has this hellsite done to the formatting on my poem I can’t even fix it.
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