#that's such an annoying thing that ONLY everyone else on the planet does...not me though!
wordwizards · 1 year
People read the "Everyone thought they were Dumbo" quote and went "Yeah, this is like what other people do to me. And not at all like anything I have done to anybody else." which is frankly unsurprising.
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rorimoon9597 · 6 months
Lance has always been obsessed with Keith's hair for some reason. He didn't know why at first, but as time went on, it became so clear that he wanted to run his hands though it and feel it on his fingers.
He made comments about it being an ugly mullet to hide that fact. It didn't work, especially not when he confessed to Keith before he left for the Blade.
What? He was going to lose the chance to say anything anyway! And he was so happy when Keith kissed him to shut him up and told Lance that his feelings were reciprocated, he felt as if he were on cloud nine.
Since coming back from his fight with Shiro's clone (who they're forever going to refer to as Kuro as in 'Operation Kurone'), Keith has experienced some changes.
For starters, his eyes were more purple. Before they'd been a grey colour with purple undertones, but now they were properly purple. Then his canines were sharper, practically fangs, and his eyes would sometimes change. When he was angry, his irises would become slits and the sclera of his eyes would become yellow. It was hot, in Lance's humble opinion (Pidge called him an alien fucker when he said that at first. Lance said that Keith's dad was the true alien fucker. Shiro sprayed the water he was drinking everywhere and choked when he said that).
The most noticeable change happened to Keith's hair though. The ends of it lightened, until they were purple. It looked so cool, and it connected Keith to Krolia more. His hair stayed black, but now when it gets out it was purple.
Keith... Didn't think the same way as everyone else.
"I feel like I'm losing my dad. I've only ever looked like my mom, and the one thing that has ever connected me to my dad was my hair." The team had stopped on a planet for a rest, and Keith and Lance had gone off together to hunt down some meat and gather fruit and vegetables.
Lance stopped and grabbed Keith's wrist, forcing him to stop and turn to face him.
"You're still connected to your dad, Keith. It's just not entirely in your appearance," he said. Keith frowned.
"What do you mean?" He asked. Lance hummed.
"You said that he'd go head first into danger, right?"
"And that he was a hero?"
"Where are you going with this?"
"According to your mom, your dad was kind, and reckless, and a hero and someone she loved enough to leave to keep safe."
"Mom said that?" Keith asked, sounding surprised. Lance nodded. "Where are you going with this anyway?"
"Because those are some things that you have in common with your dad," Lance answered. Keith opened his mouth, then closed it.
"... You're right," he eventually said. Keith reached up to his hair and fiddled with a purple end. "That stuff... Does connect me to my dad..."
"I'm never wrong about people things," Lance said, confidently. Keith smiled down at him (that had happened during the two year time dilation that Keith and Krolia went through, and Lance found that he liked having to look up over looking down).
"You know more about people than I do," he agreed. He pressed a kiss to Lance's forehead. "Thank you."
"Anything for you," Lance said. He pressed a kiss to Keith's lips. "Now, let's go catch something that Hunk can make into a good meal."
They worked quickly, and made their way back to the campsite with food that all of them could eat. Hunk was quick to take care of the food, Krolia helping him while Romelle stayed by Allura's side.
Lance sat on a log, and Keith settled himself between his legs. Kosmo flopped down with them.
Lance ran his hands through Keith's hair, smiling as Keith joked with the others and treated Shiro and Romelle like Lance treated his siblings - by annoying the hell out of them out of love.
Lance leaned down and pressed a kiss to the top of Keith's head.
"I love you," he whispered. Keith hummed, tilting his head to look up at him. There was a smile on his face reserved just for Lance.
"I love you too," he replied.
Based off of this post I made
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strayheartless · 5 months
I have an AU in my head where Gaia gets sick of the Sephiroth’s shit and ends up tuning him back into a baby and shipping him off to Cloud to raise differently.
Like she full of grandma Pascal’s him like “He said mommy I want to destroy every living creature on the planet, but I said m’hijo, don’t do that do something else!”
And Cloud has only a little concept of what’s happening when he helps Tseng excavate an old project S lab. He had a dream about a Moses basket in the middle of a burning Nibelhiem and the sound of crying. He just thought It was new parent anxiety over taking on Denzel, but it all suddenly makes sense when he looks into an incubation chamber and sees a tiny silver haired baby squirming to be held.
He’s annoyed about it obviously. Gaia seems to be under the impression she says jump and Cloud asks how high, but he’s also smart enough to know that this is a chance to save the General and the planet from an endless war. So he scoops up babyroth and takes him back to edge to raise him.
It’s tough going at first. Sephiroth’s is not an easy baby. He’s fussy; his cries can and will shatter glass; he’s stronger than he should be for what Cloud would wager is only about four months old. He starts teething early; he has opinions about carrots and bananas (much to the walls dismay) once he gets onto solid foods; he’s demanding in that way that only baby’s can be, but it seems a little bit more than that.
It takes everyone a while to figure out that what he actually is, is traumatised. He’s clingy in a way that shatters Clouds soul because if they put him down he panics. If he can’t see Cloud, even for a second, Sephiroth seems to think he’s been abandoned.
Eventually though, Seph settles a little, and it doesn’t feel so much like Cloud is running on two hours sleep accumulatively and sheer will power alone. Seph seems to smile a little more and there’s a little look of wonder in his little mako blue eyes that makes everybody melt.
Tifa finds it the hardest to reconcile this tiny child with the man who murdered her father, and it does put significant strain on her relationship with Cloud for a while (that’s not a judgment on Tifa btw, girls aloud to feel conflicted.)
Barrat on the other hand is of the opinion that the Goddess knows what she’s doing and a baby is a baby even if it did commit atrocities in a past life. It’s not current Sephs fault that his human parents experimented on him and a Alien symbiotic parasite god sent him mad. Current Seph just wants grapes and Barrats enough of a sucker for Rosie cheeks to give them to him.
Vincent is very careful with Seph (who they’ve all collectively decided never to full name unless he’s in trouble.). When he’s home from travelling he speaks to him quietly about everything and nothing. He doesn’t really touch him to start with, which frustrates little Seph who seems to think the cloak will add extra comfy cuddles. Over time though, Cloud,Barret and surprisingly Cid (who appears to randomly know a thing or two about babies.) help him get over his fear of hurting the little boy. Seph really enjoys cuddle time with Vincent, and learns to demand to be “upped” whenever he comes home.
Cloud, for his part is just dad, which he finds endlessly strange. He’d never really taken on that role for Denzel, he was the boys guardian sure, but they’d never really discussed the whole “if you want to call me Cloud that’s cool, but if you want me to be your dad I can be that too” thing. Marlene wasn’t his; Barrat was her dad and Cloud was Cloud. A parent of sorts, but not her Father. He was more like a devoted uncle really.
With Seph though it’s different. Cloud is this baby’s entire universe, and once language starts coming into play, various versions of “dada” become increasingly common. He’s not sure how he feels about it at first; this is the man who slaughtered his mother and decimated his villiage, the man who killed Aerith… but he was also just a baby.
This version of Sephiroth didn’t know what he’d done. Gaia had given him a chance at redemption and Cloud will be damned if he holds the acts of a mad man against a kid; no matter the circumstance.
So he’s dad. He feeds Seph, plays with him, baths him, puts him to bed, reads to him and teaches him everything he can. He doesn’t lie to him, and he always explains when Seph doesn’t understand.
And if Tifa slowly adjusts to being Mama then that’s nobodies business but their own.
Life’s nice being a family. Maybe they’ll add to it one day…
Or maybe Cloud will trip over a double Moses basket one day on the way out of the door to work, and when he looks down he sees two little crowns of hair one dark one red, and similar sets of shiny Mako eyes.
Maybe the little red headed one will cough weakly, and the dark haired one will fuss.
And maybe Cloud will curse himself for being a sucker for babies that used to be evil maniacs.
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jordosprout · 2 months
Tumbling Walls
Tech X GN!Reader
Word Count: 3,964
Warnings: Nightmares, Trauma comfort, Anxiety attack, Mentions of childhood SA, Accidental SH, Tech and Reader are awkward, No established relationship, Barely any actual romance (tell me if there is anything I missed! I am very new to Tumblr :,) this is a pretty self-indulgent fic as I looked for one similar but couldn't find anything. I might make a follow up for it later on. I am open to taking writing prompts for the Bad Batch!!
Let's begin, shall we?
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It felt like you couldn’t have woken up any faster, sitting up as soon as you did. Your forehead was covered in cold sweat. Your heavy breaths echoed throughout the bunks as your eyes darted around the quiet bunks, finally remembering where you were. A shaky exhale came from your lips as you crashed back into your pillow. You might as well not have slept at all you were so tired.
Your alarm comedically went off a minute later. You laughed annoyedly to yourself with your forearm over your eyes. The rest of the batch was (thankfully) probably already awake. That was typically the case. They all knew of your usual late nights and knew not to wake you unless there was an emergency, Wrecker being the one to find out the hard way.
You mentally prepared yourself for your day as you sat at the edge of your bunk, before begrudgingly jumping down. You were dressed minutes later before you went to the door to the barracks, swooshing it open; Crosshair was the first to greet you.
“You look like shit.”
You rubbed one of your eyes, even though you knew it would just make the bags underneath them worse. Crosshair’s remarks were the last thing you wanted to hear right now. You could only bring yourself to flip him off as you poured yourself a cup of now cold caff.
You couldn’t seem to catch a break at all today. Every little thing felt like weights being added to your shoulders. Crosshair’s comments were hitting closer to home and you weren’t able to respond with your usual bite. Wrecker’s booming voice felt like it raddled your skull more than usual. His energetic and rough nature along with that did not pair well with your high-strung mood. Omega’s questions were getting to be headache-inducing, and while usually you would answer every single one without hesitation you found yourself getting frustrated. You hate getting annoyed with her. She has every reason to have the questions she does about the universe. But today you wish she would just ask Tech instead.
You fidgeted in your seat with anything you could find. First, it was picking and scratching at your hands, then biting your nails, your body acted on its own as you found yourself lost in your thoughts. 
You were pushed out of your spacey state when an excited Omega jumped on the back of the co-pilot seat, almost knocking you off. Shaking you up as a result.
“KRIFF- Omega can you not do that? You scared me.” you rubbed one of your eyes with your palm before turning to her. She was a bit taken aback, not used to you being snippy. But she didn’t let your roughness get to her like hers did to you.
“Oh- sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you! I just wanted to let you know that Wrecker, Crosshair, Hunter, and I were about to head off.”
You cocked your head at this. You weren’t aware of any missions for today and Hunter usually briefed the Batch on all of the day's plans.
“What do you mean by head off? Do you lot even know where you’re going? We haven’t exactly been on this planet before.”
She smiled excitedly at that, the idea of exploring making her almost bounce off the walls.
“We’re just running low on supplies. Hunter says there should be a town where we can restock but we probably won’t be back tonight.”
You simply nodded in response. Your throat felt too tight to talk today. Not a rare occurrence for you, there have been times when you wouldn’t say a word for hours. And that’s exactly what it was like today, the only difference being that it wasn’t clear to everyone else as to why like it usually was. 
It’s not that you were always quiet; sometimes words just didn’t seem to be able to form themselves. Or that they were stuck in a lump deep inside your throat. But when your stress levels were low you always spoke what was on your mind. 
Once Omega figured you had nothing to add she bounced off the ship to the others. You saw Hunter look up to you before saying something to Tech. He probably noticed your off-attitude, especially since you're rarely tense to this extent, seemingly for no reason. All you caught before they left was a responsive nod from Tech and a wave from Wrecker, who had a giddy Omega on his shoulders. 
“Tech, keep a close eye on em’ yeah? They seem off today.” 
Tech hummed at his brother, adjusting his goggles slightly before nodding and offering a response,
“I have noticed. I have it covered here.”
“Alright, good luck. We won't be back until sundown tomorrow,” Hunter told Tech with a sigh dreading the long trip.
Wrecker and Omega gave you a wave from outside before they all left, leaving Tech and you behind.
Since you joined the batch, Tech and you would usually stay at the ship. That way he’d have backup if needed. Even if all that meant was listening to all the facts he had accumulated.
Once everyone left Tech turned around and motioned for you to come over. Groaning as you stood up from your spot. But, obliging nonetheless. You leaned on the entryway of the Marauder before questioning his request, “Ya need somethin’ Tech?”
He nodded, goggles catching the reflection of the sun “Actually, I was thinking about your request from a few rotations ago. About teaching you basic ship repairs. It looks like it could use some work. And it would be best to teach you now, seeing as there will be no distractions,” he told you matter-of-factly. It was honestly quite surprising he took you up on your request seeing how protective he was of ‘his ship’. “And you’ve been inside all day now. That will not do your current mental state any good.”
“What are you talking about? I’m fine, Tech.”
He simply hummed at you, ignoring your obvious lie of a response for the most part. “The exterior hull took some damage from our last mission, and the hyperdrive motivator is not in the best shape either. It will not be too difficult of a repair, though it is an important one for you to learn.”
You gave him a quick alright and walked over to him, taking your place on his left.
You whined in frustration and threw your tool to the ground. You couldn’t seem to get the hang of it and it was maddening. You sat before easing yourself into laying down with your arms crossed; a curious Tech granting you shade as he stood above you.
“You are… quite reactive today,” he told you, stating the obvious like always.
You rolled your eyes at him, “I don’t know what you're talking about Tech. Perhaps you don’t either.” Just because it was obvious did not mean it needed to be discussed. Hopefully, you made that clear.
“I always know what I am talking about.”
Or perhaps not.
His armor shuffled as he sat next to you. 
“It is clear that there is something on your mind. You are not one to be quick to anger.”
Turning your head to face him, he was clearly in thought himself as he looked out towards the body of water in front of you. You sighed before grumbling, “You’re right. sorry.”
He shook his head, “While it is not good to keep emotions bottled up, it is a common response. Do not apologize.” He flicked his eyes towards you momentarily, “...Though, if you are willing, I do not mind lending an ear.”
You have had many conversations with Tech during your time with the Batch, but none this personal. Typically it was just you asking him different questions about how things worked or him telling you without your prior inquiry. You weren’t too keen on the idea of it, you trusted Tech, of course you did. You trusted all of them. But you… held yourself to a high standard. Especially when it came to the clone next to you. 
“It will not change how I view you.” He assured, basically reading your mind.
You turned your head away from him before starting, “It’s silly Tech, I’m just in my head today. A dream I had brought up… unpleasant memories. And it’s all I can bring myself to think about,” his eyes felt like they were burning holes in the back of your head as you spoke, “But I am not going to rant your ear off about it. You’re not my therapist.”
“As far as I am aware, no one is your therapist. However, that is not what I am trying to be. I am simply concerned for your well-being.”
“You have no reason to be concerned,” you told him bluntly. You did not like the idea of taking up someone's time with your feelings. Especially when it came to things you feel you should have moved on from.
“Oh, but I certainly do. To start, I'm certain you've not eaten your rations today. In addition to that, you have remained isolated from 1000 to 1400. And that isolation only stopped when I asked for your time. You have been tense and highly reactive all day. Whatever it is that is on your mind, it is making you anxious. Your lack of focus on any tasks given proves that your thoughts are preoccupied. Stop downplaying your current state and talk to me,” Tech almost sounded like he was begging you, a rare tone to come from him.
You sat up at that and looked at him for a moment, pulling your knees towards you and holding onto them; playing with your hands.
“It’s kind of heavy stuff Tech, are you sure?” he silently nodded, all of his attention on you. You took a deep breath through your nose before you spoke, “Okay… I’ll be blunt then. I was sexually abused, frequently when I was young. It went on for a long time. And whenever I felt safe somewhere new I would be quickly shown that I was not. There were occasions when it was more violent. And I have had vivid nightmares of it in the past. But they haven’t popped up since… maybe a month before I met you guys. But whenever they did they were all I could think about.”
“And that is what’s going on today I assume?”
“Yeah… pretty much.”
You could only bring yourself to focus on the ground, the idea of even looking at Tech right now was daunting. Eye contact was never your strong suit, but definitely not now.
“Do you feel safe?” he inquired bluntly, never being one to beat around the bush.
“Yes? No? I don’t know, it’s not easy to put into words. It’s like… realistically I know I am. But I can’t stop feeling like there is a possibility that I’m not.”
He shifted slightly, one knee up as he put all his weight on the thigh and hand closest to you.
“While I am not sure if it helps, I can assure you that you are. At least in that case. Obviously, there are dangers when it comes to our current line of work and we will always do our best to prevent harm, but please know that none of us would let something of that nature happen to you. You are safe here.”
You broke down at that. You weren’t used to your anxieties being comforted in this way. They were usually dealt with in your own time. Tears began to roll down your cheeks as your body shook. Every little thing that you had piled onto your shoulders began crumbling down.
Tech quietly spoke to you holding his hands up slightly trying to show he wasn’t a threat, facing you as he sat on his knees, “I apologize I did not mean to make you feel worse I-”
“No no don’t say sorry it’s not you just- I haven’t felt safe in a long time and you saying that caught me off guard. It’s hard to hear in a way. It’s frustrating that you even had to say that. Everything about today felt so hard but I know it shouldn’t have felt that way. I’m just so- so upset with myself you know? I feel so- broken. I hate feeling this way. I hate not being okay by now. I- I should be okay by now…” you vigorously wiped your eyes with your palms, sobs falling out of you. You could feel your walls falling and it terrified you. You shook harder as your anxiety bubbled up, all of your thoughts taking over. Tech was silent, you could almost feel him calculating what to do next.
Timid warm arms found themselves around you, slowly pulling you into Tech's chest. You flinched slightly at the sudden gesture before melting into him. His armor was cooler than you expected, but you welcomed it onto your warm face. Tech was stiff. Emotional comfort was not his specialty, but he couldn't bring himself to just sit there.
“I will never let anything happen to you. Do you understand?” He said to you quietly, only receiving a nod from you in return. “And while I do not have much expertise in situations like yours, I promise you do not have to deal with this on your own. You are… quite important to me.”
You didn’t respond, and he didn’t expect you to. You could feel your heartbeat pounding against your skull as you held onto his arms. He tightened his hold around you, securing you to him.
Exhaustion flooded over you when your anxiety attack finally stopped. You could barely bring yourself to move. Once Tech figured you got what you needed out of your system he finally spoke, 
“Are you tired? I hope you know I don't expect you to complete your lesson. It can wait.”
You laughed slightly at him stating what you thought was obvious, “Yeah a little. But… I'll be fine. Thank you for uhm- staying with me through that.” You rubbed your eyes, crusty from your salty tears hardening on your lashes. 
He stood up, making sure to not jostle you in doing so before offering you his hand to help you up. You finally looked up at him after everything. His brown eyes glistened softly under his goggles. They were warm, but the sad gleam they held was noticeable.
You took his hand so he could hoist you up. Your legs shook like twigs in the wind as you got back onto your feet.
“I really think you should rest. Anxiety attacks are quite draining. It will only do you good.”
He walked behind you as he pushed you up the ramp to the Marauder, not taking no for an answer. He even waited near the door to the bunks to make sure you made it up to your designated sleeping spot
“I will leave you to it.”
Tech sat in the pilot seat on his datapad for nearly two standard hours as you slept. He was looking into different coping mechanisms he could provide you. Or at least so he was better at calming you down. Not knowing what to do in any situation frustrated him. But he wasn't sure if it was because of his ego, or if it was because it had to do with you. 
His brows furrowed when he remembered how you shook like a leaf in his arms. He's never seen you cry, let alone like that. 
Tech sighed and set his device on his lap, resting his head in his hand as he thought about today. He couldn't help that he was still worrying about you. The thought of the things you told him whirred in his mind and he felt his hands clench slightly. He couldn't bring himself to even begin to imagine your experiences. And he knew if he saw those guilty of inflicting so much harm to you he'd see red. 
All he knew was that he had to protect you. He knew that he would by any means necessary. And if that meant merely holding you while you cried then that is what he'd do. Any time you needed him he'd make sure to be there. You were… special to Tech. He wasn't exactly sure why. Or what the exact feeling was. All he knew was that he stole glances at you whenever you weren't looking. He wanted to know every thought that ever entered your mind. And that your laugh was one of his favorite sounds. 
He has wondered before if it was perhaps love he felt for you, but he had no real way to be sure. He's never had a crush before so he wouldn't know exactly how that would feel. But it was the only idea that really made sense to him.
He wondered if you felt that way about him. Or if it was even possible that you could. Tech shook his head at the thought. Now was not the time.
He jolted when he felt you tap his shoulder.
“Hey, sorry I was out for so long. I brought you some caff,” you handed him a cup with an awkward smile, looking to the side instead of making eye contact.
“Ah… thank you.”
The seat beside him creaked as you sat down and he couldn't help but look at you. Your bedhead wasn't drastic but it was there. You somehow still looked tired despite sleeping for so long. That was probably why you had your own cup.
“How are you feeling?” 
Tech hummed in response as he sipped his drink. It was relieving to hear you say that and it finally felt true, unlike your earlier statements.
A comfortable silence was between you as you both looked out the Marauder’s glass pane. 
“Can you uhm…tell me about something? Anything works. I kinda just wanna hear you talk.”
Tech was used to you catching him by surprise. You always managed to. But you outright saying you just wanted him to talk for the mere sake of talking wasn't something he'd ever expect from anyone. Though he figured it was just to keep your mind occupied. He thought for a moment before picking a topic.
“I don't believe I have told you how hyperdrives work and it's quite a fascinating topic really. The way they manage to preserve a vessel’s mass is quite spectacular, you'll love this-”
You loved hearing Tech talk, it was a great pass time and in your current moment a great distraction. Though you're embarrassed now with how straightforward you were with it. You took long sips of your caf, eyes focused on the dark sky and his voice. He began to ramble a bit about ionization, somewhat forgetting the original topic; but it was obvious that you didn't mind. You just appreciated how willingly he took your request.
A content hum came from you before Tech cleared his throat causing you to face him.
“Have you managed to eat anything yet? I am aware that anxiety can affect your digestive tract into having a lowered appetite, but I insist that you attempt to eat at the very least once a day.” 
You shook your head causing him to stand up to grab you a ration bar. You took it and begrudgingly ate. Between bites, you attempted to look Tech in the eyes.
“Thank you for caring, Tech. It's…. Nice”
Tech took in the features of your eyes, making sure to capture every little feature while he had the chance. A moment later, he adjusted his goggles and looked into his cup,
“That is nothing to thank me for. But… you are welcome. Anytime you require emotional assistance, notify me. You will never be a burden in doing so.”
You laughed at Tech a bit. His formal way of speech no matter who he talked to always seemed to be present. Even in intimate moments alone. You hoped he didn't think you were making fun of him. You just found him intriguing.
“Well alright…I'll keep that in mind Tech.” you stared into your cup, warmth surrounding your hands. You appreciated Tech’s efforts dearly, though you felt a bit guilty for breaking down in front of him. The back of your hands stung a bit, you didn't realize how raw they were from your fidgeting earlier. You took that as a sign that trimming your nails more frequently would be a good idea.
“May I see your hands?” You didn't notice him staring, but you reluctantly set down your cup and held them out to him. He set down his own cup before gently taking your hands into his for his inspection. He frowned at the wounds you accidentally gave yourself. A clear liquid formed over them as your body worked to prevent infection. “A bit deeper than expected… Wait here.”
He stood up suddenly to grab the med kit, coming back to you with Bacta spray and a roll of bandage wrap. He sat back in his pilot seat and took your left hand which took the worst of the damage.
“It may feel a bit uncomfortable. The texture is rather unpleasant.”
You grimaced once he sprayed your hands. He was right, it was quite slimy. It felt…honestly rather gross. but you ignored it the best you could, watching him work on you. Once he finished with the spray he skillfully wrapped your hands; likely having experience with minor wound care. He paused and kept your hands in his, looking up at you, tilting his head to get your attention. 
“How… is that? Too tight?”
“No- no it's good.”
He nodded but didn't let go. He seemed lost in thought as he looked at them. You felt his grip tighten, causing you to grimace slightly at the discomfort it brought. Suddenly, he hung his head; bringing his forehead to your hands. You were… more than a little confused. But you didn't break the silence that hung heavily in the Marauder’s cycled air. He broke the silence instead. 
Head still resting on your hands, he spoke quietly, “I will make sure to obtain a proper stimulation gadget for you.”
All you could offer him was a small okay, not sure how to navigate the situation. You couldn't figure out what he was feeling. But his discomfort was clear as he removed himself, excusing himself to the refresher. You sat there for multiple standard minutes trying to decipher him. 
Once he exited, he was obviously trying to string together something to say. But for once he couldn’t find anything.
“You alright Tech?”
He snapped his head up at you, “Oh! Ah yes, I am fine. To be blunt, I do not know exactly how to behave with you at the moment. This is quite new to me as well.”
You nodded “Well you don't need to do anything special. Your company is enough, Tech.” He sighed at that. He clearly felt like he should be able to offer more. But he was willing to take your word for it. He stood next to where you sat, probably bored out of his mind. 
You looked up at him, finally allowing yourself to find some comfort in his honey-brown eyes. You locked gazes as the peace you felt warmed you through your core. You found yourself leaning into him, head resting on his side. He was tense at first, not used to your unusual want for physical contact. But he found himself returning your gesture with a hand to your shoulder, pulling you closer.
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emonydeborah · 10 months
some ramblings on among the lotus eaters
what is happening in this household. I am not one to criticize professional screenwriters but genuinely who did this. first and biggest pet peeve: Una is immune to radiation. We know this. And YET she is affected by the asteroid’s spooky vibes. I would have even taken Christine saying something along the lines of “if Una is affected, it’s only a matter of time before it gets us too,” or SOMETHING. The first officer has superpowers and we never see them. I would like to see her carry more people around. (I have written a fanfic to fix this bc I was annoyed)
I will confess that I am biased against any episode that is not Una centric. I miss her. Where is she. I appreciated her calling Chris out on evidently habitual nonsense but I would like to see more.
also though where is Pelia?? Napping in a Jeffries tube? I am curious how thousands of years of memories are affected by the radiation. These are the real questions.
Another real question: why is the doctor here for his combat skills? They make it a one-liner for Joseph to be all deep and tortured but genuinely. What is the reason. Yes he’s a war veteran, but aren’t there other veterans on the ship? (yes) Is there not a whole security department of people trained in combat? (yes). I know the writers wanted to split everyone into fun little groups but why was this the move. Send your super strong first officer to lead the mission and your super strong science officer to assess the cultural contamination.
(tangent: Una Spock and La’an on the planet would have resonated SO much more for me butwhatevertheydidntdothatitsfine)
last but not least, the whole “you brought me home” thing with Batel IRKED me. You’ve been dating for six minutes. This is not believable. It simply does not make sense to me! If Chris is going to have a deep emotional connection with anyone that endures all memory loss, it would be Una or Spock. IF ONLY he had a history of a connection like that… like shaving a depression beard and going to rescue someone in the middle of his midlife crisis… or braving a hostile atmosphere and possible suffocation…OR sacrificing his future so someone else doesn’t suffer the same fate…
but no Batel brought him home she is the most important relationship in his life. obviously.
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dr0wning-in-hell · 1 year
Siren Song- Jed
Summary: In which the gang has discovered a siren amongst the waters of Mystic Falls, but only because Jed was the only one who could hear her song.
Warnings: some angst, slightly mean!reader, mentions of hunting, a little agression from reader
Word Count: 3.3k+
Pairing/Characters: Jed x mermaid!reader, hope mikealson, Landon Kirby, Kaleb, M.G., Lizzie Saltzman, Josie Saltzman, Alaric Saltzman,
Prompt: “Can you do a mermaid reader fic set the the show legacies? And can it be mermaid reader x Jed?” -anon / “ If you still take requests and if you do can you do a Legacies Jed maybe Like a fluff?” -anon
A/N: I’m still trying to figure out the other parts to my other Jed fic, I’m just not sure what to do with it at this point:/ if anyone has any suggestions please let me know! I also decided to combine the two and knock two birds out with one stone! This might have to have a second part, it depends on how well this one does. 
New masterlist| prompt list| color prompts| buy me a ko-fi!!
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No one at the Salvatore Boarding School ever thought they would come face to face with a real mermaid, let alone a siren. Sure the students had heard stories about sirens from headmaster Saltzman, but they never thought they’d meet one. These students had fought loads of different monsters that emerged from Malivore, all of them having been forgotten by society. In a way, this was kind of like that but without all the killings.
It was a rather hot day at the school so of course the only way to not die of heat stroke was to have a pool day. Kaleb was grilling some burgers, someone was blasting music through a speaker they had got their hands on, and the teens were basking in the rays of sun. It wasn’t every day that they got to be ‘normal’ teenagers, so for once in their lives they grasped the day by it’s handles and just prayed to god that it never ended. That’s how some of them felt, Jed on the other hand was about to dig is eardrums out of his head. It wasn’t the music playing through the speaker that had his ears bleeding, it was the sound of a humming that was coming from far out in the distant.
Jed has no idea how he heard it, but he did and it was the most annoying thing on the planet. He was trying to enjoy the day with his friends, forget about all the troubles for once, but this was just absolutely dreadful. Standing up from the pool angrily, the werewolf threw on a t-shirt and shoes and decided against his best intentions that he would follow the sound and see where it takes him. His friends watched as he hastily walked through the trees, mumbling to himself that he was losing his mind and hearing things that no one else could hear.
His friends followed him, abandoning their carefree day and wondering behind the wolf to see where he would lead them. Though they tried to call out his name to get his attention, it seemed it didn’t matter as he just walked farther and farther along until they all reached the lake that was infamous for it’s summer parties.
Jed stopped at the edge of the water, looking out into it as if he was waiting for someone- or rather something- to emerge from the depths of the water. 
Out of curiosity, Kaleb came up from behind, clapping him on the shoulder to get his attention. It seemed to work, the boy turning to his friend with a shocked expression on his face. 
“Man, why did you walk all the way out here for?” Kaleb was worried for his friend, it wasn’t like him to just up and wonder around aimlessly. 
Jed looked at the vampire with almost dead eyes, as if he had been drawn there without knowing it. Without saying a word he turned his attention back to the water, where ripples began to form and the shadow of what looked like a person moved under the lake. Everyone watched as the shadow moved gently and delicately, not knowing it was being watched.
Y/N, the shadow being watched closely, had no clue that a werewolf had heard her song from so far away. If someone had heard her song it meant that they were meant to be together, they were what some would call ‘mates’. Never in a million years did she think she would find her mate, but she would be surprised in just a few minutes. Poking her head out of the water she began to make her way to the edge of the lake, her tail splashing against the water with every movement. 
The group of teens watched as the scene unfolded in front of them and they finally saw what was under the water. It was a mermaid, no- it was a siren.
As if on cue, Y/N began to sing without knowing that the teens were only a few feet away from her. The sound  of her voice grew Jed in closer again, this time he walked around the edge of the lake until he was where the siren was. Y/N was too lost in the song to realize that there was now a werewolf standing above her. 
When she heard the crunching of leaves and twigs her eyes snapped open, eyes widening and then dilating. Fear coursed through her veins which causes her fangs to unsheathe themselves, along with her talons. Y/N hissed at the stranger, moving back as quickly as her body would let her. The team noticed this and rushed over to where Jed and the mermaid were, all of them getting ready for a fight. What they didn’t notice though was the fact that the girl in the water was absolutely terrified  about all the people that were suddenly around her.
Jed had snapped out of the trance, his eyes refocusing and finally realizing where he was. “What-what is going on?” He looked around, confused as to what had happened and why he couldn’t remember walking all the way out to the woods. His friends looked at him as if they expected him to just automatically remember what he was doing and why they all walked out so far.
Y/N was still sitting there in the water watching all of them, wondering what they were going to do to her. If they were like any of the other humans, or even supernatural creatures, they’d try to capture her and sell her.
Josie was the first to make a move and step closer to the mermaid. She reached her hand out gently, showing that she wasn’t a threat. This eased Y/N’s anxiety a little bit, but not enough. “It’s okay, we’re not here to hurt you.” Josie’s voice was soft, as if she were talking to a child. Her head turned to the group who was trying to put a game plan together. “You brought our friend to you, we just wanted to know why.” 
Y/N’s tail was still swishing behind her vigorously, but she had a weird gut feeling that she could trust the girl talking to her. Her talons retracted and she felt her fangs sink back into her gums. Y/N’s y/e/c eyes looked back between Josie and the other teens. Her gaze landed on Jed, who coincidently turned to look at her in return. Their eyes locked, a weird fuzzy feeling swarming in both of their chests. It then hit the mermaid that the only reason why Jed heard her song and the rest of his friends didn’t is because he was her mate. 
This had to be wrong.
As fast as she could, Y/N moved her hand in front of her face and vanished from their sight. Though they couldn’t see her, they heard the swishing of water as she dove further into the lake. Josie looked back at the group, confused and unsure of what to do.
Seeing as though Y/N was not a danger to her or anyone else, the teens decided it was best to head back to school and figure out what to do next. While Jed’s friends were walking away he just stood there, waiting for her to resurface. There was no luck. Huffing in defeat, Jed followed after his friends. 
Once the group arrived back to the school they were met with an angry headmaster. “What have I said about leaving the grill unattended? You’re luck the school didn’t burn down and that Wade turned it off before one of the kids got to it.” Oh he was angry. Simple things like this are what can set Mr. Saltzman over the edge sometimes, and this is just one of those times. 
As he went to lecture the teens further he noticed how everyone seemed shaken up almost. He asked them what was wrong, and was surprised by what they told him. The adult quickly ushered his students inside and led them to the library. Sure he had come in contact with Sirens before, when the twins were still very young, but those sirens were different. They didn’t have tails and they were being used by ‘The Devil’ and doing his bidding. 
“Are you going to tell us what’s going on?” Hope asked as she watched her teacher go digging through books until he found one he was looking for. He flipped page after page until he found the picture of a mermaid, then flipped it around to verify with the kids that this what they saw. 
Lizzie rolled her eyes as her dad started rambling on about how the sirens that he’s encountered never had tails, but did like the water, how they didn’t have talons or fangs, it went on for a little bit before the other twin interjected. “So what if this siren is different than those two that tried to kill us when we were little? Did you see how scared she was when she saw us? There’s no way she’ll ever come near us.”
All eyes landed on Jed, who had zoned out yet again. Jed snapped out of his trance and looked up to everyone staring at him. “I think I need to go back out there.” He said looking between all his friends. They all had a ‘why the hell would you want to do that’ look, plastered on their faces. “I felt something out there, when I looked at her. Not when I was in that trance, but when I actually looked at her.” He sighed as he realized no one else is going to understand what he was saying because they didn’t feel it. 
There was a small pause between all the chatter, no one really knowing what to say since this was such an odd situation. Hope was the first one to speak up, which was not a surprise to anyone. “If you want to go back out there we’ll support you on it.” With that being the only thing said the group went to put an emergency bag together just in case this mystery girl came out of the water ass-naked. 
While the teens were headed back to the lake, Y/N was drying herself off and getting ready to book it back to the main road and skip town. If the word got out that she had been spotted then all the people that had been after her before would definitely be coming after her again.
The thoughts of that strange boy being her mate kept making her stomach churn, in both good and bad ways. She didn’t want a mate, she never wanted out mainly because she always had the idea that they would never truly love her. She’s spent her life on the run, hiding from hunters and black market dealers. There weren’t very many sirens like her anymore, so catching one meant big bucks for the capture.
Once Y/N was ready to go she started making her way through the forest, trying to stay as quiet as she could just in case there were other things out in the woods. Before she could head out on the road she had to grab her belongs from the hotel she was staying in, seeing as though she didn’t want to leave any evidence of her being here behind.
Lost in her own train of though, the siren hadn’t even realized that she was about to cross paths with the group of teens again, who were not going to be ready to see a fully dressed siren wondering around the woods. Y/N’s head perked up as soon as she heard the crunching of leaves growing louder and louder. Before she could try to find a place to hide she was met face to face with her mate and his friends, all of them holding a bit of surprise in their faces as they saw her standing in front of them. 
“You- you can walk.” Jed stuttered out. 
Y/N scoffed, “Of course I can walk, and I can talk.” The tone in her voice was anything but friendly, a little warning sign for them to back off. When the group didn’t say anything, Y/N started to walk past them, hoping that they’d just let her go in peace. 
How she was wrong.
As she started to walk past Jed had had reached out and grabbed her wrist, a rookie mistake for anyone who didn’t know how insanely strong a siren was. Without hesitation Y/N turned around, hand landing flat against the werewolf’s chest. It was a flat handed punch of sorts, strong enough to send Jed flying a few feet away from her. The group watched as she did it so effortlessly, not even batting an eye as Jed struggled to regain his breathe and get up. 
For whatever reason, whether it was the mating bond or just the growing feelings for the girl, Jed was seeing stars and not just from how hard he had just hit his head. 
“What the hell was that for? We weren’t going to hurt you!” Lizzie yelled angrily, throwing her hands up in the air. Y/N shrugged.
“I do not like being touched, and I do not like any of you.” She stated simply. “Now, if you don’t mind.” As she went to make her way past them again, Hope stood in her way, a sarcastic grin on her face.
“Yeah, you’re not going anywhere till you tell us why Jed is the only one who’s able to hear your siren song.” The Tribrid crossed her arms over her chest as she awaited an answer.
Sighing, Y/N looked back at Jed who was standing up and making his way back to his friends. The siren looked back at the teens with a straight face. “He can hear my siren song because, unfortunately for the both of us, he is my mate.”
There were small gasps from the group, but noy from Jed. When Y/N looked back at the young wolf he was smiling, like he was actually happy about the announcement. 
“You’re my mate? No wonder I was in such a daze, I mean of course it was probably your siren song, but I could feel the bond and how close you were and all I wanted to do was to just come find you-” Jed’s ranting was caught off by Y/N putting her hand in the air to get him to shut up.
“You’re happy about this? Wouldn’t you rather be with someone of your own kind? A fellow werewolf?” Y/N questioned. 
Jed shook his head as he took a bold step forward to the girl, “I’m just happy I found you, I never thought I’d find my mate.” If it weren’t for the fact that everyone else was around the two mates, Jed probably would have tried to kiss Y/N, but he knew it was much too soon for that. Plus, she’d probably throw him against a tree again.
There was a silence as no one had any clue of what to say, but one thing was for sure and everyone’s stomachs were growling for the barbequed food they had left behind at the school. 
Kaleb clapped his hands together to gain everyone’s attention, “Why don’t we head back to the school, get something to eat, and you two can uh- sort this whole thing out. Sound like a plan?” Before anyone could say anything he started walking back in the direction of the school, the others following behind him. 
Y/N was going to wait till they were far enough ahead and then make a run for it, but when she went to turn around she hit her face straight into Jed’s chest. The boy was smiling down at her, which was kind of creepy in a way, but he couldn’t help it. Jed started walking behind his friends, and reluctantly Y/N followed them.
Reaching the school felt like it took hours since they were all so hungry, but as soon as they reached the grill where all the food was still warm it felt well worth the wait. Everyone started to fill their plates, talking and passing food. Though Y/N was hungry, she didn’t want to eat anything that was handed to her just in case they were trying to drug her or something. Instead, she went to the deep end of the pool and sat at the edge, her shoes discarded behind her as she dipped her feet in the water. She sighed in relief as she let the coolness of the water calm her down.
Unlike most mermaids who don’t have control of when they shift into the fishy form, Y/N did. She was old and had learned many spells that had helped her gain control of her shifting over the years. She closed her eyes and imagined she was home, deep in the ocean where no one could find her, where it was quiet calm. She hated the land, the people there were too greedy for their own good. 
Her peace was disturbed as Jed sat next to her, water splashing as his feet were submerged into the water. Y/N opened her eyes, narrowing them at the boy. She knew it was a bit irrational to be so angry over something so small, but she was just angry at everything at the moment. Jed smiled as he handed her plate of food, hoping that she’d takt it. It took a little nudge, but eventually Y/N took the food and slowly started to eat bits and pieces of it. 
“You know, if you don’t want to talk about it right now, we don’t have to. I just want you to know that I’d really like to get to know you, and for you to get to know me. I can feel the mistrust, the anxiety, but we’re not going to hurt you.” There was a pause as he looked into Y/N’s eyes, really meaning his next words, “I’m not going to hurt you.” 
Y/N was silent as she looked down at her plate of food, most of it already gone and she hadn’t even realized. Jed chuckled softly, knowing that she was probably starving deep down. 
“I do not trust anyone.” Y/N said slowly, which caught the rest of the group by surprise. “Many people, supernatural or not, want to hunt me, kill me, or sell me. I do not trust anyone.” Y/N’s eyes glanced up for a split second, just long enough to see the sadness that rested on everyone’s features. 
Jed gently put his hand on Y/N’s knee, and thankfully she didn’t move back from him. “We won’t let anything happen to you.” He smiled softly, the action warming Y/N’s cold heart just enough to make her smile a little bit. 
Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad, to have a mate that was a werewolf. Maybe it wouldn’t be bad to stick around and see what happens. Just maybe.
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udekai · 11 months
MattFoggy 27?
27.) Things you said through a closed door
Matt hesitates before knocking. He's standing in the hallway with a grocery bag on his wrist and more under his eyes. He has a spare key in his pocket, but Foggy had left the office with a melodrama he didn't usually manage, and he doesn't want to assume that he's welcome at the moment.
For once, it's not his fault.
This case has been killing all of them, one by one. Karen excuses herself three times a day to get angry at everyone involved. It's a disgusting use of copyright law; Mrs. Clark lost her son in May, who was an illustrator. Before he passed, he made some beautiful drawings for his mother, but the contract he had signed meant they belonged to the company. They wanted to keep the prints in their vault for their own use.
Mrs. Clark was willing to pay. She shouldn't. She would, though, to keep some memories of her son. They wouldn't even let her have that.
Foggy had the floor today, and he stammered; he let the cold, dead eyes of the bailiff intimidate him, and he dropped the ball. It was a rough tumble from there, and they'd be lucky to settle.
He wasn't happy.
Matt isn't much good at this; He's never found the right things to say to make failure feel better, because nobody else has, either. He knocks anyway.
"Leave it in front of the door," Foggy groans.
Matt sighs.
"It's me."
There's a beat of silence.
"I'm fine, Matt."
When Matt lies about being fine, he tries to make it convincing. Foggy does no such thing. He says it in a way that implies he'll prove how fine he is by biting him. Matt is not well-known for his sense of self-preservation.
"I know," he replies. "Can I come in, anyway?"
A shuffle. A couple of footsteps. And then a little thud on the door as Foggy bonks his head against it.
"I don't want to be an asshole, Matt, but I really just want to... sit down. For a while. Y'know?"
"Alone?" he asks.
There is another beat of silence.
"You're not the only one gets brooding time, Murdock. I can brood. I can brood hard."
Matt's already smiling, but he feels it widen from something sad into amusement.
"I can tell. You're knocking me out of the park here."
"I... Can you do court without me? Tomorrow?"
This coming from the guy who wiped the floor with Matt in college debates.
"Maybe. I don't want to, though."
"I just don't know if I can look her in the eyes, man," Foggy says. He doesn't bother raising his voice to speak through the door. He knows Matt can hear him.
Matt drops his head into the wood right where he knows Foggy's is on the other side, and knows he can feel it. The jokes aren't working, and Foggy blames himself. Even these little hiccups of self-doubt make Matt feel like he needs to extol his every virtue in front of a crowd, assuming he could even list all of them before he ran out of breath and died.
"C'mon Fogs," he begs, frustrated. "It's one slip-up. How many times have you ever actually made a mistake in court?"
"This one's kind of a doozy, Matt," he bites back.
It was. Matt couldn't deny that. He switches strategies.
"We're partners, right?"
"Obviously. It says so on the sign," Foggy replies, more tired than annoyed.
"And partners let partners into their apartment to eat ice cream and figure out how to fix the case?"
There's a scoff of laughter. The door shakes a little with it.
"You seriously brought me ice cream?"
Matt grins. Every time he wins him over, he feels like the biggest hotshot on the planet.
"Yeah," he says. "With the little chemically-brownie bits in it. I'm standing in a puddle of thawed condensation, by the way."
The door wrenches open, and Matt has to jerk away from it before his body weight goes with it.
"Lead with that! Jesus, my landlord's gonna have my ass on the wall."
Foggy drags Matt in by the front of his shirt, and he lets himself be herded out of the hallway.
They spend the evening watching awful movies that still get aired on cable, eating ice cream, and pouring over case files in rotating shifts. Foggy's warmer with him than Matt can ever remember, and it feels easy.
They win the case by a landslide.
Thank you for the prompt :D
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mathlann · 4 months
Big Lore Dump be upon ye. Nothing necessarily in-game related but a bunch of stuff that probably won't get its own post.
The von Valancius ancestor that eventually led to Casimira was from a ne'er-do-well bastard line of the family from Scintilla centuries back. This forgotten von Valancius eventually got in trouble with the law, but like many a bastard noble too valuable to kill outright, he was given a gun and some provisions, dropped onto Iocanthos with others of his ilk and abandoned. He married a local and had a few kids before eventually growing restless and trying to amass his own warband. Unfortunately, he lacked the combat and leadership abilities his family and descendants would be known for, and thus he met a grisly end after a good 20 years on the planet. His passing went barely remarked upon and his presence likely would have been erased outright if not for the Sisters of the Orders Famulous at the Abbey of the Dawn keeping a record of it.
Cas' native language is Ashleen/Iocanthan High Gothic, an archaic dialect that isn't spoken off-world but is moderately intelligible with its modern counterpart due to the influences of Imperial settlement. She eventually learns standard High Gothic on its own but she does have fun using her own dialect when talking shit because while someone who knows standard High Gothic may get a vague gist of what she's saying to everyone else it sounds fancy enough that they probably won't catch on so long as her tone doesn't shift.
Vhaebos VI is probably the favorite of Cas' domain planets, despite (or because of) how miserable it is. She has a large manor on the planet and is a regular patron of the arenas. She takes more "rest stops" on Vhaebos VI than on Dargonus or Janus in part because as a positive side-effect of the hostile social and physical environment, many of her most annoying nobles and hangers-on think twice about following her there for any extended period of time.
As she gets more settled in as Rogue Trader Cas does develop a taste for luxury, even though she doesn't ever fully adopt the more cumbersome Imperial styles. She has a large collection of furs and jewelry and at least one of her fancier court gowns is made of color-shifting Vaporian silk. This mantua is probably the closest to what she casually wears on Dargonus, fancy but not too structured.
Hardly anyone has actually seen them in full, but Cas does have tattoos going up her arms and extending back to her shoulder blades. While they are mostly clan/culture related with a few religious motifs thrown in, there's a thin line between God-Emperor-honoring folk tattoos and "this seems Khorne-y" so she keeps her arms covered just to avoid the hassle.
Cas is not very good at showing certain negative emotions (fear, pain, anxiety, etc.) or having to rely on others when she's physically vulnerable. She doesn't necessarily judge other people for having those emotions but as the Leader™ she feels as though it's bad for her to show them so she prefers to ignore or deflect from those feelings when they occur (ie, "the officers don't get to know about my kidnapping, shut up and throw me a party"). The exception to this being if the other person she's talking to is going through the same thing, then the walls can come down a little, like during Heinrix's moment in Commorragh. Beyond that, any attempt to intimidate or be protective of her automatically puts her in fight mode. (Abelard has found a semi-reliable way around this through the art of harrumphing but even then she has a good chance of ignoring him.)
She's very family oriented. The Ashleen are a clan-based people and even beyond the four siblings she grew up with, the idea that wherever she went there was a good chance of being in some proximity to at least one or two distant kin was just her reality. And so going off-world for centuries-removed relatives she's never heard of, only to then have two of those relatives die and the other go off to be evil was deeply unsettling and isolating. Getting cut off from the Imperium, and thus her homeworld later did not help with those feelings in the least, even if it was ultimately for the best.
The above reason is also one of the many as to why the Werserians are Cas' favorite nobles. She and Abelard don't agree on a lot but his family is always reliable and not prone to internal squabbling.
Bonus YM-specific HCs, (for @poetikat lol 💕)
YM is publicly known to be a mutant (by accident of Her Ladyship's warp travel late in her pregnancy, a side-effect of his home planet's environment, or a sign of the God-Emperor's disfavor for his mother's close association with Xenos, depending on who you ask). He can almost be compared to a voidborn with his height and thinness, if not for his coloring being so unnervingly vibrant. And like the voidborn, among people newly introduced/not frequently in contact with him, he's almost universally considered to be somewhat unpleasant to encounter. It wasn't as noticeable when he was an infant/small child and even as an adult there's nothing obviously wrong about him per se but his general person is just....uncanny.
Despite her past flagrant impiety, perhaps in a fit of conscience (or pressing from her Seneschal) Cas had nearly every sanctification, public ceremony, and convention followed to a T before and after her son's arrival. All of this was done on Dargonus, except for his actual birth, which took place in the privacy of Vhaebos VI. The first few months of YM's life were spent there before his official presentation to the court at the capitol, to the dismay and suspicion of the type of nobles and church men who cared about that kind of thing.
Even though Astartia's death does complicate her relationship with the Werserians quite a bit, Cas arranges for some of the younger Werserians to be raised alongside her son in lieu of siblings of his own. She does this in the hopes that he will have some actual close connections to rely on when he eventually takes over the dynasty and these Werserians in turn all receive prestigious positions when they come of age, whether they end up serving on the flagship or not.
YM was an incorrigible child, an absolute terror at the palace from infancy. This slowly got better with age but with the exception of close friends he still maintains a certain capricious meanness and an overall carelessness with other people's well-being that, while probably in-line with most noble scions, has been known to go far enough (with people of status) to be a frequent cause for concern.
Like his mother, he is a frequent patron of Vhaebos VI's arenas and rewards his favorite gladiators handsomely. It's been said that he himself fights in the arena incognito, which he did as an adolescent once or twice due to a dare from friends, but not nearly as often as the rumors say.
Also like Cas, he speaks Ashleen, although not her level of fluency and as an adult acquires some of the same tattoos she has, particularly the clan-specific ones. He also has a few deed-related tattoos similar to those of Cas' sister Eisha, by his choice and as a consequence of his own adventures.
He's also mostly fluent in Aeldari (Drukhari dialect) and conversational in the Asuryani dialect. Neither group particularly likes this. But he is in semi-frequent contact with both factions of Aeldari due to the state of the Protectorate so the skill is useful.
He is a swordsman! Which he's quite good at, although he does have some nasty scars from a few close-calls. There's one vicious one on his left arm that he's especially proud of, from where a Khymera nearly split his upper arm in half diagonally.
His first important "Rogue Trader" journey on the Charybdis happened when he was a teenager, and it's rumored something terrible occurred on board during that time even though nobody actually speaks of what it was. He doesn't return as a regular member of the crew until his thirties.
In the interim decade or so between the Incident and when he started assuming a more hands-on role as heir, he just...disappeared from public life and was unable to be easily contacted. Allegedly he went off to go see the Expanse on his own, but curiously not on a von Valancius ship. Cas never made much of a fuss about it despite only a few blips of contact and various rumored sightings over the years. Eventually he returned, scarred and triumphant, and was welcomed back as though he never left.
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hawkp · 9 months
I can't guarantee anything. But I might write a Kirk Bros fic because of you. Any ideas on what kind of thing would be the most fun and/or heartbreaking with that? (Again, no guarantees. I'm kinda flighty sometimes.) You've made me think more about them than normal, so if you need to yell about them, I may yell with you. (Sorry if this is too random, or annoying, or anything.😅)
So sorry but this answer might not make much sense. I have the stomach flu and just woke up from fourteen hours of sleep because I broke my fever. This is how I feel rn.
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So if it doesn’t make sense please ask or message me for clarification. Everything below is just word vomit at this point.
NO NOT RANDOM I LOVE PPL YELLING even if it’s something I don’t know about. I just love when people are passionate about stuff.
I have like 30 WIPS sitting in my google drive so I totally understand you. I also started a Kirk Bros fic. It’s just a lengthy outline right now that starts right at the end of 2x10 and would end after the four Enterprise crew members are back on the ship and recovering (because everyone is going to be messed up as hell, especially La’an and I’m sure that someone will be dead in the show).
But these are some things I’ve thought about including in my WIP! Please feel free to run with them. Seriously, take them from me!
Disclaimer, in my fic I’m retconning Sam’s wife and kids from TOS because I haven’t found the SNW mention of her, which is apparently there somewhere, but I didn’t want to have to include the daddy dynamic of Sam’s character into it lol.
So first off, Pike doesn’t end up deciding if they’re pulling out, Una does. They only pull out far enough to not be in immediate danger, which is still against Starfleet orders, so they’d be breaking some regulation already and be in a wacky sort of limbo.
Then, how difficult it would be for Pike to tell Jim. I feel like he’d save him for last after contacting everyone else’s families… which I now realize those four have very little of. Jim would just know that something is wrong off the bat just from Pike’s face. He might even jump to the conclusion that Sam is dead and then the reality of his situation when Pike tells him ends up being so much worse. From there, Jim is dead set on joining them for a rescue mission, even if he has to break some regulations himself. Also at this point Christopher is a freaking mess ofc.
My biggest issue with writing the Gorn right now though is figuring out how to not have them immediately kill or do the dermal impregnation thing that’s going on with Batel, to the four of them and the settlers from the planet. I’m toying with the idea that the Gorn have been possessed by another entity. There’s an episode of Enterprise where some crew members contract a “silicone based virus” that was a whole separate species and I was thinking about trying to emulating that somehow.
I have a lot in my brain that happens between the exposition and the rescue but of course my whumpy ass had Sam being in the worst shape out of the group when they get back to the Enterprise. I think if I did go the infected Gorn route then the “virus species” will have been experimenting on Sam and he might be totally catatonic by that point and from there it would be blah, blah, blah recovery blah, blah. <- my brain literally cannot form a better sentence to communicate this rn
The actual first scene I wrote for the fic was Sam telling Jim about how picturing their childhood got him through everything that happened and specifically telling him the story about the first time he held him as a baby. Idk what kind of crack I was on that night but he ends it by telling him that he knew it was his job to take care of him as soon as he set his eyes on him. Did I write that because I’m the oldest sibling? What? No.
So anyways… yeah I have a lot of thoughts on this. And if you’d like to write something together I’m down for that too!
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katherinebotten · 10 months
Jack Donoghue, the opioid epidemic merch hoodie, and Salem
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Jack is cool because of what he brings to the situation. The situation isn’t cool. It’s cool because jack is there. Jack sets the tone he does not let the tone dictate how he is received. He has a romantic mid-west America sensibility. Humble. Disappearing to become a heroin addict ploughing the fields of Alaska like a gold-rush miner in the 1800s. Always in a BPD codep relationship but he remains the Elvis of his life. The captain of his ship. Enough self hating insecurity that we relate to him yet enough mastery over his exterior material conditions that we are in awe. The shame never takes him under the way it would us. He is a god amongst men because shame would kill us mortals yet he takes his shame and turns it into capital through the commerce possible from fine art. Everyone else tries to be Salem but only Salem is Salem. Everyone else should try being themselves. He dated lana because they are both magicians. Liam wanted to be Jack. Every boy wants to be jack. If I saw a person in a Salem t-shirt I would make sure not to talk to them. I think identifying with Salem is for losers only. But I can’t deny the appeal of jack. And of Salem! 
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Daisies boyfriend wore a black hoodie it said “I survived the opioid crisis” and I wanted it even though they are the most loser couple of insecure losers on earth. Australia’s prom king and queen if the high school was Insecure High. And it really makes you think, huh, it must be true… money doesn’t make you happy. I didn’t know who made this hoodie - for days I was thinking about it. It was like a sigil. Charged with subcultural power. Then I googled it and saw it was Salem merch... Of course! Salem merch is cringe by nature because when you signal the code that your into Salem you also signal that your a desperate creton lazy death lover with no creativity. Like every art gallery in Melbourne named after death. But this hoodie got me. Death has built in sex appeal that’s why I think it’s lazy. I wish Salem made pro-life merch but they wouldn’t, couldn’t, and won’t. Because then they wouldn’t be Salem. I come for the death and stay for the sex. Jack is the Bee Gee’s “Stayin’ Alive” song, walking down the street in spring using your denim cock crotch as a compass. Jacks cock = true north. He is magnetic because he is a child looking for a whore and/or a mother and won’t break out of himself to become sovereign (ie to become a magician) and we identify, the magnetism is that he is us but he looks, sounds, and seems cool doing it, so we idolise. We want to feel okay. We also can’t break out to become sovereign selves, we want company. But jack is accidentally a magician and I can’t figure out why. He is a martyr in that he becomes magician so we don’t have to and we praise him for it. (Idk how u become a magician without becoming a magician????) He is America. He is a poet. He is a beat poet. He is a dumb hunk. Drunk. Drug addict. Sex addict. Bpd pest. Annoying regressed pitbull. The archetype of the Casanova, Eros, Mars the planet named after the Roman god of war. He signals an authenticity that hipsters feed off but being death obsessed isn’t authentic it’s fake and a cover and fear centric and our authentic core is always life obsessed. My magic coach max says life and death are the same thing. Idk I just know Jack is a loser because death is pathetic but I also know that he gets me everytime and we love him because we want to love the fearful parts of us too and in jack we see the dualism of fear and the things we do to camouflage it that to dumb people appears as fears opposite. We want to empower the parts of us that are scared and weak and lying to cover themselves over as strong (see: in Melbourne - indifferent, apathetic, amoral, apolitical). So we love jack. Scum John Travolta. A boobytrap. Salem is for the codependent. Salem is loaded, charged, cool. 
I watched a fan made documentary on YouTube about Jack and spent the next 12 hours totally desperate to relapse. Every product we want has a secret promise it will make us feel safer. No one wants to die and to change is to die and to be attracted to darkness is liking this sensation you get when you think you are changing because you are dying because you like darkness, and how happy it lets you feel making believe like you're changing when your actually not. Surrounded by darkness my loser XXXXXXXXX thinks he is so cool because he loves death but he doesn’t change he is stuck because he thinks the attraction to death is death (he's not brave enough to die). The final thing out of Pandora’s box was hope and it was the cruellest of all because it kept people exactly as they were. Unchanging. We are such liars. Salem hoodie losers declare themselves as liars. Looking beyond death is life, like in Zazen setting up seated meditation and staring through the hoodie. Refracted out on the other side is the understanding that there is a quality within you that is dependent on external validation for your sense of mysticism, and this is of a low vibrational frequency and probably blocking you from real divine union, being yourself, knowing your purpose and carrying it out.
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I wish they didn’t have the opioid brands on the back it makes it uncool, glib and heavy handed. It’s cheap like loser graphic design not fine art and you could find anything that looks like that at Savers or someone in Brunswick yuck. The front is kind of dope in that it’s a public service announcement and mysterious and doesn’t technically have to be true. Then the brands on the back is this energetic doubling down but it’s confused and Vibrationally comes off as not mysterious. Too “of the world”. Plus can you imagine all the losers behind you as you walk being intrigued or scared while reading the branding on your back it’s kind of beyond ugly thing to force to happen in the environment in fact I would go as far as to call the graphic element on the back of the hoodie environmental rape. 
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It seems like no matter what he has friends and some what accepts himself. If it was one of us who ended up picking olives in willunga, South Australia, or being a cleaner on a FIFO offshore oil refinery, or in the mines of deep Queensland I doubt we would remain cool and desirable, it is the perserverance of Jack’s essense despite the material conditions that we admire. It’s like he is in the olympics of remaining cool despite what is happening around him. I would kill myself if I ended up childless and living in the fleurieu peninsula alas I am sober and Jack copes by smoking, driving a ute, staying reflexive to trends, and contributing to the zietgiest with markers reminding us of his virility via Instagram posts. I’m torn, it’s not king behaviour. I stan a drop-out, jack hangs-in. 
One day zac described to me that Ed Sheeran was famous because he distilled the essense of England into a man and that is what was being celebrated. England championing the spirit of “England”. The schizophrenia of it was enticing, I don’t know if it checks out. I think we just want to be carried off to sleep, our consciousness blunted. Nothing toooo much but enough of enough to think we’re being satisfied. A Course In Miracles says nothing of this world could be satisfying. I think jack represents the edge of an edge most hipsters are happy to occasionally occupy or aim for. If Jack actually was a frontier explorer we wouldn’t know or see him because he wouldn’t be so representable and locatable. (I wonder if that’s truly true?)
I like jack because he shows me beauty in hopelessness. Where jack is is ok not because it is ok but because jack is there. This is a representation of presence-creation. If I am ok then I can be present. At the end of it all we love hope. The art is dark but it represents making the most of nothing and that is hopeful. Jack is a magician because he is an alchemiser. 
I still think wearing Salem merch shows yourself to be retarded it’s the same as saying I am four years old but I can’t deny that the graphic design of the Salem font is an effective sigil. I respect the mastery of magic in this regard. Salem tea towels would be cool. “I survived the opiod epidemic” on a teatowel would have such a different register vibrationally than a black hoodie. I guess I’m missing the point again people want death not life from salem and tea towels are too life coded. I wonder if there is a way for salem to have less loser attracting merch? 
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I know they have such bad porn star sex. I actually feel so sad writing that, I look into their eyes above and see broken 4 year olds crying out for affection and security. They could perfectly heal together, two of the same wounds. My heart breaks to think of both of them stuck on the same merry-go-round from hell.
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nebulacollege · 10 months
is it perchance too early to ask who is fucking who... and maybe some notes/'headcanons' about these relationships? (it's your own ocs so they're not headcanons but idk how else to really express what I mean!)
That’s a good question, but such a difficult one... Nothing is certain and I’m not sure how well I’m going to follow what’s going to be written in this reply, so please forgive me!
I’d love to give you a Ryu’s more classical reply with headcanons, but even describing everything in more details takes so much time lol so this answer is just more detailed notes of their relationship.
One thing is sure though: the story is a harem story, and Edmund is the bottom bitch lol so the ships are: Niall/Edmund, Ned/Edmund, and Liam/Edmund. Let’s start with Niall.
Edmund doesn’t like Niall because he’s a fake ass bitch. He has a strong suspicion that Niall isn’t as perfect as he tries to make it look like, even though he doesn’t have any proofs. His popularity is annoying to him, and people who fall for it (like almost the entire school) seem dumb to Edmund - there is no way someone can be so perfect by using honest means.
Niall doesn’t like the fact that Edmund dislikes him so openly, so he tries to act twice as nice to him just to prove him wrong. That’s what he wants people to think. In fact, he’s quite annoyed by this attitude, so his extra attention to Edmund is also done out of spite – he knows how much Edmund dislikes being the centre of attention. Niall gets on his nerves while also looking like a helping hand to a lonely loser in the eyes of others.
So, Niall is bothering him from time to time under the disguise of caring for him, and Edmund wants nothing to do with him while being more open about his disdain.
Not very romantic, right? Their “love story” would depend on something that I’d rather not spoil, but this core basis would remain even if they start dating. Maybe their hate would become stronger, so they’ll have nice love-hate relationship, with the only love between them being passionate sex lol
Next is Ned/Edmund... They have the least thought out relationship, because I hope to write them as the story goes. They depend heavily on it, so there is no pre-established bias like with Niall, so it’s all vague, but their love is the closes one to resemble... well, love.
Ned is someone who is used to depend on a strong/weak division in his life, both in physical aspect and in terms of skills and personality traits. So to him, Edmund, who is quite lacking in all of those aspects, seems underwhelming at best and not very notable. However, this is the first time in his life when he might start thinking that all of this is kind of cute... only after talking enough times with Edmund and gaining sympathy for him.
Edmund has similar bias, but definitely not such a strong one – he’s going to get warmer much faster, and his idea of Ned being a dumb jock is going to disappear into thin air after a couple of conversations. As the chart suggests, he’ll think Ned is cute.
The thing is, when Ned does something, he does it on a big scale. So his love is also going to be extremely passionate, obsessive and... scary. The longer he’s in love, the more intense he and his feelings get. Even if Edmund loves him in return, Ned is overwhelming and doesn’t really listen to him all that well because of his controlling nature.
Liam is his own planet and Edmund is just “lucky” enough to stick around. Since Liam doesn’t like other people all that much, Edmund became his chosen friend by accident. I think Liam would mix their friendship and his sympathy for Edmund into this weird cocktail when they’re not dating, as Liam doesn’t care about dating, but Edmund would still get all the playful flirting (which he has already partially received  when they were just friends) and enjoy the special treatment of “now everyone is suffering but you”.
Edmund, on the other hand, can’t tell what Liam is thinking at all, so him agreeing or disagreeing to certain things still can end in something entirely unpredictable. Liam doesn’t listen to him properly anyway. Liam’s physical touches feel very nice, but I think that Edmund’s mind, as well as his heart and his feelings towards Liam, would be a mess.
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thegeminisage · 5 months
ok it's tng update time. im actually so behind idr when we watched what but the episodes were "the nth degree" "qpid" and "the drumhead."
the nth degree: holy shit this one sucked so bad. i hate barclay so much and it's a SUPER bad look to make him geordi's project specifically when geordi is equally as creepy in the fucking holodeck as this guy was
the only good part of this epiosde was when deanna was like, he made a pass at me. and riker looked at her SO fast and later he was like. deanna was it a successful pass. deanna. deanna please. and she just smirked at him. AND HE LOVED IT. he loved being toyed with. down to clown. that was so fun
my biggest gripe was that deanna turned him down THREE TIMES and then they eventually had the date anyway. disgusting. why do they hate her
i was gonna write a longer thing about how bad barclay's whole deal is but honestly it was ages ago, why relive it. it was bad is the point. shoulda shot him when they had the chance
qpid: i am SHOCKED to inform everyone that this episode finally brought me around to q. i didn't think it was possible because he was SO ANNOYING in every single other appearance but i think the guy playing him and patrick stewart have finally settled into a dynamic that works because it really worked for me. like suddenly it was funny instead of unfunny and embarrassing. like a switch flipped. i'm not sure what changed but it's great
the crucial element of this of course is that q wants picard to fuck him soooo bad and picard is Not gonna do it. picard Will Not fuck him. and the more picard is like i'm not gonna fuck you, you are a vile little man, the more q wants him. q is telling all his friends about him nonstop. q is drawing little hearts around his name in his diary. he is writing their names on the fog of the enterprise's windows and then sadly wiping them away. and all of this makes picard want to fuck him EVEN less which makes q want him EVEN more. it's a self-sustaining cycle and it's the funniest thing i've ever seen in my life. i don't understand people who write fanfic about them fucking. it would ruin every bit of the magic. i don't want them to fuck ever this is too perfect
sour notes: one racist worf joke. CAN WE PLEASE STOP.........we were doing so well otherwise
oh and the other sour note: ??? what is up with vash. like good for her that she will fuck q or anyone else she needs to if it gets her out of situations and even have fun doing it. but why is she like, picard how could you not tell your friends about me WHEN THEY WERE A FLING. they met on the fuck planet and they fucked and then they never expected to see each other again. why is it weird that he didn't tell everyone he fucked her? who does that? yeah thanks for asking coworker riker i went to the fuck planet and i fucked this lady named vash. let me give you the intimate details while we're on the bridge, our place of employment! ? NO
the drumhead: i think the mistake we made here was watching this one directly after ep5 of pjo. anything looks boring in comparison there you know......
i do like when picard gets good and fiery mad though. like righteously. as long as he actually does have a good reason to do this he does a GREAT job, it's some of his strongest acting. the first time i realized he actually could act was when he did this in the data courtroom episode and he does a good job in this courtroom episode i am just. tired of courtroom episodes. please. this and the holodeck. ENOUGH. i wish they had listened to gene roddenberry when he said courts don't exist in utopia
i liked worf in this episode even though they gave him the idiot ball. he's like, i would LOVE to be racist to this guy who is 1/4 romulan even though i didn't know that a second ago. wack. furthermore all he talked about was his honor in a way that reminded me of zuko. i hope he, like zuko, gets his honor back someday <3
anyway they were Saying Something in this episode about political witch hunts and you know what it reminded me of? that the cold war was Still Going when this episode aired. it was going when tos was airing and more than halfway through tng it is STILL GOING! wild.
TONIGHT: "half a life" and "the host" (i think i've heard of this one is it the gay one...nobody tell me)
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adamsvanrhijn · 1 year
Oscar steals all the covers and John sometimes complains/broods about it, but sometimes he likes to let Oscar do whatever he wants to. Oscar runs cold occassionally (when he forgets to eat) and John is of lukewarm stable temperature. Oscar sometimes wakes up early but only because he's a restless creature and wakes John up too by making noise at like 6AM. John loves early slow mornings but Oscar doesn't get the appeal of something like that.
i truly think a great deal of their vibe is that a lot of the time john is genuinely totally happy to go with the flow and let oscar do whatever he wants, not in the least because as tumblr user @whartonists astutely pointed out in a fanfiction last year, "whatever oscar wants" usually has john involved somehow, and so he is fine with this status quo until either of two things happens:
all the self-compromising john makes such a habit of with literally everyone gets to be Just emotionally weighty enough to tip the scale to being an unacceptable way of living his life, and he would like oscar to let Him do whatever he wants now actually (this concept is particularly enhanced by ascribing certain modern psychiatric diagnostic terms to him)
oscar wants something else that john [feels that he] cannot be a part of
at which point every bet is off....
i have said this before but i feel like a lot of their relationship conflict probably surfaces as like. getting annoyed about something that does not matter and, crucially, is not worth breaking up over, and fighting about That instead of whatever it is they actually need to fight about, because that is Safer and they feel comfortable in not having to face any consequences or actually risk anything with each other.... and that energy probably gets them somehow into "i remember why i love you"? maybe?
which all comes back to your ask BECAUSE. i feel like if john is complaining about the covers he probably doesn't actually care about the covers (the covers poll and the temperature poll are related to each other!!!) there is something else going on.... like it would be Nice if oscar didn't do that, but he does, and john is used to that and they still get to spoon and everything so normally he doesn't care but sometimes he does because he is tired of everything always being what oscar wants etc etc.... and oscar is always like well it was fine before
and it either wasn't actually fine before and it is a communication issue or it was fine before but john changed his mind about it being fine before because something else is giving him bitch eating crackers syndrome about his boyfriend
i have thought more about these guys than Anybody on the planet needs to
as for the rest of your ask!!!
obsessed of course with "of lukewarm stable temperature". oscar being cold because today he is subsisting on a bird/toddler diet of like, grapes and other things he can casually & disrespectfully put in his mouth without thinking about it and hasn't eaten anything substantial is a marvelous take though i do feel like his victorian life is probably regimented enough that it doesn't happen toooo often
(20th century alternate universe and later he is really bad at food though i feel. in terms of like. he is actually totally normal about food and doesn't think about it and that is pretty positive for him, but he simply does not have a consistent and well balanced diet. whereas on the other hand i totally made up that john is really good at having a consistent and well balanced diet but not at being normal about food.) (you didn't ask about and probably don't care about any of this sorry!)
your waking up takes interest me......... restless oscar is a good point!!! i feel like i myself have thought oscar must be difficult to get out of bed and then once he gets up he needs to start his every day mode of movement that is low key parkour on every surface, and then once that is happening he has ruined any chance going Back to bed, which he doesn't like but what can you do, but john Can go back to bed if he wants and sometimes he does want to because he just wants to hang out and snuggle and maybe more because they don't have to be anywhere today 🥺👉👈
i feel like oscar can be Kept in bed but cannot be coaxed To bed very easily unless he decides that is what he wants.... it's like taking a shower.
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kcuf-ad · 1 year
Your weekly headcanons!! ⋆˚✿˖° ˖⁺‧₊˚ ♡ ˚₊‧⁺˖ ⋆˚✿˖°
Theodore and Kiku call each other every term of endearment you can think of. Especially the really cheesy ones. You’ll often hear them call each other things like pumpkin, honey, babe, cupcake, just everything. Canonically, Kiku does call him Teddy, and I’m just gonna add on to that and say that she also calls him her Teddy bear, because he’s so cuddly! Sometimes when they’re out in public people get annoyed because they’re so lovey dovey with each other.
As for Yusaku and Skye, they often just call each other by their real names. Yusaku is SOOOO shy, he maybe tries to call her something cute like once, and then just dies of embarrassment. Skye is also pretty shy, but if Yusaku is having a bad day, she tries to be extra sweet with him, and she calls him things like love, or sweetheart. Nothing too silly or cheesy, just the more normal ones I guess lol. Oh but in Link Vrains? She does not shy away AT ALL. She’s not as bad as Theodore and Kiku, but she’s getting there 😂. It’s easier than calling him Playmaker all the time online though LOL. Also when they’re alone, Skye will call Yusaku babygirl when they’re alone. Yusaku always gets hilariously flustered.
As for Ryoken and Miyu, I don’t think Ryoken would really be the type to use terms of endearment that often, but perhaps he calls her darling, or love everyone once in a while. Miyu likes to call him silly and cheesy things like honey bunny, and cuddle bug. Ryoken’s reputation is really going down the drain thanks for his girlfriend being very sweet with him all the time.
Hehe, Nice to get one of them for a change.
Yes, absolutely. Teddy Will absolutely be the one to call Kiku every single terms of enderment on the planet and once he runs out of them, he Will make brand New ones. Kiku is as bad as him if not worse, sometimes words that don't make no sense. Also only she can call him Teddy Bear,anyone else is getting smacked.
Yusaku Will turn to the corner red tomato while calling Skye dear once, while Skye is equally shy. She is competiting with them actually to see who can call their lover the most amount of terms of enderment.
Absolutely. One day in the future where Ryoken set up a very successful buissness, he is on a meeting and sees his phone ring, then says 'Sorry my wife is calling me" and then on speaker hear the most adorable sounding terms of enderment ever spoken as the buissness man tries not to laugh about it.
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imabillyami · 1 year
I said I didn’t like last night’s RAW. Rambling about some of my reasons/frustrations under the cut. 
Finn’s attacks on Seth are getting old, like… Play a new tune pls. Seth isn’t stupid, very much the opposite, so him not learning from his “mistakes” after weeks of Finn attacking him? They’re making him look like an idiot who can’t defend himself 🙃 
Becky being the one standing tall when the history of MITB matches shows that the last person standing tall doesn’t win. If she doesn’t, at least give it to Iyo?
The lack of deep and meaningful creative for the entire women’s division. What year is it again? There’s so much potential with Damage Control and others and it’s so frustrating that they’re not doing anything with that. 
Ronda Rousey. I don’t think I have to elaborate, we’re pretty much all on the same page here. She fucking sucks, is highly overrated and is holding the division and the titles hostage when she should be out on her ass. (Please free Shayna from her, I’m begging you. She could be so much more than a pin-eater for that woman.)
Damien constantly being used as a punching bag for everyone when he deserves that singles push 🙃
Don’t get me started on Kevin and Sami. They’re being turned into everyone and their mum’s side kicks without having much of an own story. There’s a lack of creative for them and it’s pissing me off. These guys are your TAG CHAMPS ffs! They are being used to push Cody and Riddle and pretty much everyone else around and I’m very much annoyed. A couple of months ago Sami basically beat Roman clean (if the ref bump didn’t happen) and now he’s back to eating pins left and right. (I’m not just talking Gunther here, I enjoy Gunther and Imperium and I liked the match itself, but ugh). And while I love Kevin’s anger issue thingy, it’s really the only thing they have going for themselves right now and that’s worrisome. I feel like the second they lose these titles they (or at least Sami) are going to get bumped down the card even further. I hate that they’re on RAW and are treated like an afterthought 95% of the time.
I’d love to see a Sami/Gunther feud leading up to an actual PLE, not as a side note on a mediocre episode of RAW where it only serves to push the Gunther/Riddle rivalry. It think Sami vs Gunther could be such a banger if they gave it room to breathe. 
I really really don’t like Riddle. That goes for the character as much as for the guy behind it. I don’t actively dislike many wrestlers (cough Austin Theory cough), but Riddle is definitely on that list. Get that idiot as far away from my Tag champs and any titles as possible please. 
Even though I don’t actively dislike him, add to that list one Cody Rhodes. I appreciate and respect what he did and does for the wrestling industry and I’m sure he’s one of the nicest people on the planet outside of that ring, he just doesn’t click with me and the way they are pushing him… well, I just don’t see it that way. No disrespect to him, sometimes there are people/ characters you just don’t like or click with and he’s a good example for that. His whole “finish the story” thing has been getting on my nerves since long before Wrestlemania 🥲 And sorry, but a lot of the time his acting sucks.
I could go on and on, but those are the major ones, really. In conclusion: Respect your World Heavyweight Champion, respect your Tag Champs, respect your Women’s Division, give people who work their asses off a chance and ffs stop putting titles on Ronda.
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vampirebutterflies · 1 year
15 Questions!
tagged by the shrimply fantastic @not-nervous-jester (ꈍᴗꈍ)ε`*)
1. Were you named after anyone?
…my first name is partially after a dog. yeah.
A show dog that my paternal grandparents bred and showed, so not just some random pet, but still. A dog. At least my full first name slaps so it’s not that bad.
I share a middle name with my paternal grandma not the biggest fan but I digress and I’ll be changing that to one of my chosen names (Asteroid) to keep the initial but also make it Mine yk? Orig just is Not the vibe for me. And also I keep forgetting if it’s spelled with or without an e (it’s without lmao)
2. When was the last time you cried?
Two days ago! I absolutely fucking hate crying and it’s taken me until the last few months to really. Be able to more freely. ‘Cause I’d repressed it all so heavily that I just straight up couldn’t 😌 My beloved beef is very patient and very kind in helping me though
3. Do you have kids?
Nope and absolutely never thanku very much
4. Do you use sarcasm?
Me? Sarcastic? Never! Can’t believe you’d ever think that
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Honestly? Visual appearance, I’m very quick to pick up on anything interesting like tattoos or piercings or what they’re wearing or their hair or eyes / mouth / makeup or jewellery etc etc. Not in a judgemental way at all, I just really like looking at people ??? that sounds weird. it is a lil weird. that’s fine it’s not mean or gross weird. I’m very much a complimenter too so if there’s something I like about you or what you’re wearing or if you’re just. really really pretty etc I’ll just. Say it
Online is probably things like your own lil spelling and grammar things (like u or you or if you capitalise stuff) and if you come across as kind / kinda dickish. Also your ✨aesthetic✨ if there’s one available to be perceived
6. What’s your eye colour?
Dark green?? Green-hazel?? Not to be that annoying person but truly struggled answering this for my photo ID card— asking four people got four different responses from dark blue to brown and they’re absolutely Neither of those so like. Shrug. Whatever you wanna call this one
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7. Scary movies or happy endings?
I’m an absolute lily livered pussy assed lil baby WIMP so scary things can be very very good and very fun HOWEVER I’ll be making distressed noises and hiding behind a pillow and jumping and flap stimming when it gets even a lil too much
8. Any special talents?
god I wish uhhhhh floristry maybe? Not to toot my own doot but some of the pieces I turned out were fucking BANGERS
9. Where were you born?
I fell to this planet during a meteor shower, I was barely formed with no one but the worms and beetles for company until my parents unearthed me from the dirt after the fae requested their assistance in finding me
jk I was evicted in a hospital about half an hour away from here
10. What are your hobbies?
uhhhhhh running my damn mouth, thrifting and upcycling, amateur photography, silly lil outfits and makeup looks(? Does that count?) I’m trying to get back into art as well??
11. Do you have any pets?
Yes!! Technically Diva’s the only one who’s Mine tm everyone else is family owned but two cats (Brave— 3yo rescue fluff, and Diva— 11yo Burmese), two dogs (Tripp and Chia) and a yellow budgerigar called Chicken or Special Budgie
12. What sports do you play / have you played?
*horrified noises*
I played volleyball and netball in school though that wasn’t the worst
13. How tall are you?
5’2. on a good day. 🥺
14. Favourite subject in school?
English, science and art (specifically visual art and wearable art in highschool)
15. Dream job?
Is “pretty twunky femboy faggot living the dream with lots of people adoring me and giving me lots and lots of money just for looking pretty and being fun” an option? If so how do I get there and where do I sign up
That aside. I’d absolutely fucking love to work at the museum doing science communication and conservation work!!!! Particularly I’d love to specialise in the space / minerals / animals / plants / natural sciences sections. Absolute dream absolute goal
also because I’m not necessarily like smart enough to actually Work In Those Research Fields and that’s fine!! I’m glad about that because it means far less Huge Gigantic Super Smart Studying but there’ll always be a need for conserving and protecting materials and communicating all the super smart shit into Normal People Understanding yk??
Tagging: @chupacactus @nofeelingisfinall @turtles-on-turts @eye-scream-girls @blackbeardskneebrace @cononeills @ipomoea-batatas @enbiosaur no obligation as always 💕💕
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