#that's the essence of me at any social gathering..
somedaytakethetime · 11 months
Other people: *great, Ultra 4K HD top notch quality content* Me:
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I present to you- story time! This is actually relevant to the events of the AU, so do make sure you take a read!! So without further ado:
🍂 Blessings 🍂
It was a crisp autumn afternoon, and Blue was gathering his things. House keys, check. "Topics to Research" list, check. Reading glasses, check. Not a lot of items, but they would be necessary for his outing.
Lily and Dee were playing Memory in the living room. It was one of Lily's recent favorites, and kept her occupied for hours. Literally. Blue taught her how to play only a fortnight ago, and she has been playing it day in and day out. Cozmo was there too, watching the kids while Blue went out.
"I'll be back in a few hours, I think," Blue told Cozmo, who gave a thumbs up in reply. He turned to Lily and Dee.
"Behave," he pointed a finger in emphasis.
"Okay!" The two replied in unison, not looking up from their game (Lily anyway, it was hard to tell where Dee was looking, giving he had no eyes).
Blue put all his items in his satchel, and left the house.
There were a billion thoughts running through his head. None of particular importance, but there were a few worries coursing through his skull. Specifically, his worries about being unemployed.
He gotten pretty used to hopping from job to job. He would get fired or be asked to leave, for one reason or another, and often he'd get another job within a month. This time it was different.
He hadn't found a job in 6 months.
That aside...
He reached the outskirts of town (it wasn't too far of a walk). It was busy, as it always was, with monsters shopping around in stalls or shops, monsters hustling around getting chores done, or monsters making their way to their afternoon shift.
Blue walked into town, dodging around monsters and stalls. He made it to the Square, arguable the busiest part of town. Maybe not so much with foot traffic, but there were many businesses here, and some important buildings too.
West of the Square was the library. This is where Blue was heading to.
He opened one of the double glass doors that led into the building.
The library was quite large, one of the largest buildings in town. It was also quite spacious. The bookshelves were packed with books (obviously) that lined every wall, and were organized in a maze-like manner. The building was two stories tall, and the second floor was visible from the first. The second story was, in essence, a large balcony, with mostly study space and materials. There were also children's books on that floor. A large, round desk was situated in the middle of the library, underneath the glass skylight dome that made up the ceiling.
A lone librarian was working the desk. She was a Rare T-Rox, wearing glasses with thin, bright pink frames. She was reading a thick novel with a navy blue cover, or so it appeared.
"Um, excuse me," Blue walked up to the desk, feeling slightly anxious (social anxiety amirite).
"Hmm?" The librarian didn't look up from her book.
"I, uh-"
"Go on, spit it out," She gestured, still reading her book. Her voice had a bit of an accent.
"I was curious," Blue started, finally gathering his thoughts, "if you had any books on-" he took out his list, referred to it, "-interdimensional travel and multiverse theory?"
It was at this the librarian finally looked up from her book.
"What." She gave Blue a look. A look that read "what in the name of the Celestials are you bullshitting about?"
Blue blinked.
"Where would I find books on multiverse theory?" He asked again.
The librarian slowly blinked, thinking.
"I'm not sure if we have books of that nature," the librarian spoke deliberately, opening her eyes. "You can check the science section, it's over there-" she pointed a claw (more of a hand) towards a bookshelf directly west of the front desk "- by the history books."
"Thank you," Blue gave a small nod of gratitude, and headed to the science section.
"Mm-hm," the librarian went back to her book.
The books primarily found here were science books pertaining to the studies of the Monster world. Monster biology, herbology, plant encyclopedias, et cetera. Not a whole lot of interdimensional related stuff.
"C'mon, there HAS to be something," Blue whispered to himself. Nothing was turning up.
An older, slightly tattered book caught Blue's attention. It was leather bound, and smelled of old ink. It was also just out of Blue's reach, to his dismay. After several attempts of tiptoe reaching for it, he got the book out of its place on the bookshelf.
He opened to the front page. The title was written on it, or at least what Blue assumed to be the title. It read:
"The Times and Travels of H.R. Gungstein; A Detailed Account of Arguably the Best Sailor of His Day"
Turns out, it was just an autobiography placed on the wrong shelf. Blues disappointment was immeasurable.
Blue spent the next thirty minutes searching for books. He found a few actually, though they weren't exactly what he was looking for. Nonetheless, they would have to do.
He found a desk and an empty chair, and settled in to study.
Minutes blurred into hours, and Blue's eyes were starting to get sore. In fact, his body was aching from not moving for quite some time. It was as if his bones were made of old cobblestone.
He got up to stretch, and caught a glimpse of the clock. Half past four, post meridian. The sky was starting to turn pink and orange. It wasn't dusk yet, but it was getting close.
Blue figured it was time to head home.
He wasn't finished with his research yet, certainly not. He planned on resuming tomorrow, perhaps in his study.
He packed up his belongings, bringing the three books he had found with him.
The librarian at the desk was still there, reading a different novel this time. She had a somewhat small stack of books off to the side, presumably ones she had finished reading.
"Hi again," Blue said, a little nervously. He put his books on the desk.
"Checking out?" The librarian bookmarked her book, placed it down off to the side.
"Yep," Blue folded his hands awkwardly, nervously. Definitely not a social monster.
The librarian grabbed a stamp- a long one, with adjustable number rings; the kind of stamps where you can adjust the date - and pressed into the red ink pad. She opened the cover of each book, marking inside the date of "12/27"
"I'll be expecting these back in a month," She set the stamp and ink pad aside, pushing the books toward Blue.
"Thank you," Blue grabbed the books and started for the door. He was about halfway there when the librarian called to him
"Wait a minute," She said.
Blue turned, eyebrows raised expectantly.
"You're that one monster who can't keep a job, right?"
His heart stopped.
"How do you know that?" The words came out a little more abrasively than he liked.
The librarian shrugged. "I know a lot of things. Besides, I was in your shoes at one point."
He stood directly facing the librarian, intrigued by the conversation.
"You know," the librarian opened a drawer and produced a thin packet of paper, "we're looking for some more staff for the library."
She walked around the desk towards Blue, continuing. "As you can see, it's just me right now, and half of the other employees don't ever show up."
She was in front of Blue now, offering the packet to him. Blue took it, skimming through the front page's contents.
"I don't know what you have going on, or if you found a job, but if you're interested..." she nodded over at the desk. "You know where you can find me, yeah?"
Blue was, at this point, eyes wide open. If he thought what was being was being said...
"So I just-"
"Fill it out and bring it to me, yup," the librarian nodded, heading back to the desk.
"I- wow, uh-"
Blue smiled at her.
"Thank you...?"
"Raesa," She looked back at Blue. "And there's no need to thank me."
"Right," he nodded nervously, looking down at the packet of paper in his hand. There is no way this is happening.
"You ought to get home," Raesa looked at the clock. "It's getting late, and we're going to close pretty soon."
"Right, yes," Blue headed to the door.
He opened the door to leave, thanking Raesa one last time ("Don't even," she said, shaking her head. She was smiling a bit, which wad the first time Blue saw her do so).
The Square was a little less busy now, with businesses closing for the day and monsters going home. But it was still teeming with activity as the night life began to trickle in. Blue walked back home the way he came, through the South end of the Square.
The packet he was holding was now safely tucked into his satchel. Blue felt as though he struck gold, though not in the way he expected. Anyone would have felt the same way, Blue thought, if they were handed a job just like that, after months of trying to hold onto one.
He went home in high spirits. And he was definitely counting his blessings tonight.
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nirvanawrites111 · 1 year
Escape With You Part 2 (Sub!Taemin x Reader)
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Taemin x Reader
Pairing: Minho x Black Reader, Taemin x Black Reader
Word Count: 1681
Warnings: Smut, Unprotected sex, degrading Taemin (slut, whore), tying him up, piv, dom!reader.. not really proofread.. sorry.
Part 1 Here
"Make me whimper, then," Taemin throws your words back at you.
His eyes glimmer in a way that is seductive, but still needy. Your heels click against the concrete as you close in the space between the two of you.
Suddenly your ears perk up when the balcony door opens, and footsteps approach the two of you.
Your heart leaps, and you catch your breath because the last thing you need is your desire for Taemin to interfere with your financial arrangement with Minho.
Minho appears looking unbothered and gorgeous, all wrapped in one.
On the other hand, you are a nervous wreck on the inside, but you have successfully separated yourself from the essence of Taemin.
Minho's smile gives you a moment to ground yourself. You mirror his action, and make eye contact with him in anticipation of his response.
Has Minho picked up any vibes? Is he going to end your little arrangement right here?
The silence among the three of you is beyond loud. You want to see the reaction of Taemin, but you know it would mean that something is lingering among the two of you.
Minho has no room to judge since he has his secrets that you have never questioned him about. So, you know you aren't entirely wrong for your instant attraction to Taemin.
You also can't remember the last time you wanted to indulge with someone so quickly. It takes a lot for someone to grasp your attention. Sure, you're used to submissives approaching you.
But, Lee Taemin is the first to make you step out of your comfort zone and make the first move.
It's just something about his energy that has you willing to risk it all. But, you have to think with a clear head. You've always been about getting straight to the bag.
You enjoy your arrangement with Minho; the last thing you want to do is bite the hand that feeds you. Even though you can only think about leaving bite marks all over Taemin's pretty thighs.
"Y/n?" Minho's voice is cool, calm, and collected. He's the first to speak up, and he allows the long silence to end finally. His voice brings your thoughts to a more PG place instead of all the X-rated things you want to do to Taemin.
You open your mouth, ready to confess what you did on the balcony because you feel the guilt eating up. It is creeping up your throat, and you hope maybe Minho could somehow understand.
"We're going to back to Key's for a drink. You coming?" Minho extends his hand to you, and you grab it.
"Of course, babe," You reply, and flip your braids over your shoulder.
Minho suddenly hugs you and wraps his strong arms around your body. He presses his lips against your ear and holds your waist.
You can't deny how fine this man is and how good he smells.
His touch could make anyone fold, but for you, it does nothing. But, you are not interested. Which makes this arrangement so easy, because you are just a cover-up for his real relationship.
"You okay?"
"Mhm. I'm good," you quickly reply your voice almost high-pitched.
That was only half the truth, because you can feel the seat of your panties are already soaked with desire from your previous interaction with Taemin.
The two of you left off balcony and Minho didn't even address Taemin.
When you arrive at the after party you expect it to be just his members. But, there are faces you aren't familiar with.
Of course Minho became the center of attention, and everyone is gathered around him. You allow him to do his thing and entertain his friends and colleagues. It seems like you've done your job because no one has asked or questioned your connection to him.
Your eyes are glued to your phone as you scroll through social media until you feel the smooth case slide out of your hands.
"Hey!" you yell, looking up at Taemin dangling your phone. He runs off with your phone, and you follow him while pushing through people.
You see what you presume is the bedroom door close, and you open it. You see him standing in the middle of the room in front of the bed.
You close the door behind you and lock it without even turning around. You stare at him momentarily and take in all his beautiful features. His kissable lips, chiseled jawline, and high cheekbones. Not to mention his perfect body.
"Are you out of your mind?" You ask, trying to snap out of your trace that Taemin has you in.
You step closer to him and reach to grab your phone, but he holds it behind him. You push him against the bed.
"I'm just trying to see what you were talking about on the balcony."
You hop on top of him, and hike your dress up to your waist. You grab his hands and put them above his head.
You place them against the furry comforter underneath him.
"You know I'm definitely about that life."
"Show me then. We both know Minho isn't your type. Everyone else might fell for your little charade, but not me."
"Is that what you think?"
"Of course. You would never pin Minho down to the bed like this. Is this turning you, on?"
"Why are you so mouthy?"
"I'm just direct about what I want."
"You're so lucky I don't have my strap. Because if I did you would be screaming my name."
"So, you need a strap to dom me? Hmm.." Taemin challenges you.
It sparks such a fire inside of you. You want to toy with him even further.
"I seem to have you underneath me and restrained. Don't I?"
"Good point."
"But, don't worry. I'll have you whimpering in no time. So, do you want to fuck or not? I don't like wasting time."
"I do. Have me.. goddess."
"Mmm.. goddess? I like that. Are you cool with being tied up?"
"What is our safe word?"
"Final Dragon"
"Is that a song?"
"Chile.. I can't. But, whatever."
You grab his belt from around his waist in a quick swift movement and tie up his hands. You admire how beautiful he looks with the contrast of his skin compared to his jet-black hair.
You move down his body and pull down his pants to see he's wearing a thong. Your eyes lit up. "What kind of whore wears a thong to a company party?"
"A whore who is looking to give it up."
You laugh at him. You still can't believe that you went from eye fucking him at the party to now having him on the bed. You grab your phone and place it on the nightstand.
"You're lucky you're hot," You reply. You between his legs and take off his thong. You free his dick and immediately start stroking it. He's already hard for you and it's such a beautiful sight to admire.
You watch as he reacts to your touch. He's needy and pumping upwards into your hand. "So, the whore is enjoying this?"
"Mmm.. yess goddess. I've been wanting this since Minho showed me a picture of you a few weeks ago."
"Oh really?"
"Yes," Taemin moans, music to your ears. "I immediately went to your Instagram and I had to please myself by looking at your photos."
"So, essentially you wore a thong for me. You wanted to seduce me."
You speed up by stroking his length and stare into his eyes. His mouth is slightly open, and he whimpers your name. "Yes... Y/n."
Your pussy throbs at his admittance of desiring you from your photos. Something about him wanting you for a few weeks have you turned on even more. 
His body jerks up into your movement, and you want to taste his release. You cover his dick with your mouth, and Taemin shouts your name.
"Y/n, please... Goddess. Don't stop," Taemin whimpers.
You know you have him exactly where you want him. He cries out and releases it into your mouth. You swallow all of it. 
You don't give him a moment to gather his thoughts. You lift his legs and wrap his legs around you. You slid down onto his dick. Your wetness coats him perfectly. 
"Is that what you've been desiring? You've been wanting to be inside of me?" You question him. 
You stare into his beautiful dark brown eyes and wait for his response.
"Yes.. you're even better than I imagined."
"Of course I am," you cockily reply. 
You work your magic on him and catch a steady rhythm. Your bodies together feel like this isn't the first time. There is something so sexy about Taemin being underneath you and you dominating him in the most intimate way. 
Your hands hold his legs back and push them further, testing his flexibility. You are in awe and how flexible he is. 
You guide your hips and glide up and down his length. You clench around him. You speed up and move closer to kiss him. 
"I want you to come inside of me," you request. 
"Anything for you.."
"So, come for me, Taemin. Fill me up with your love."
You watch as Taemin releases inside of you, and you approach your orgasm too. You roll off of him and sit up on the bed. There is a knock at the door. 
You both look at each other, and your heart drops. You untie his hands. "Hide in the closet. I'm sure it's Minho."
Taemin rolls off the bed and does as you say. He goes into the closet.
You stand up, and you go over to the door. You open it. It isn't Minho, but instead, it's Onew. 
"Uh, have you seen Taemin?"
"No, I was on my phone."
"Oh, okay," Onew looks past you, but you aren't sure what has his attention. 
"Alright, well I'm about to leave. Have a good night," Onew responds. 
You close the door and look at Taemin's thong in the middle of the floor. 
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holylottie · 2 years
aquarium dome.
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cursed!Cove Holden x reader
warnings: father-son miscommunication, cove got the curse but cliff got the sadness, kyra and cliff together for lore needs, monarchy, reader is the heir of rapunzel's tale, cross-posted on ao3.
summary: Cove Holden is the heir to the tale of Beauty and the Beast, a prince who is known to hate any royal event. You can share the feeling, but not directly with him, Cove is almost unreachable! 
But no worries, you are not alone, you can share your thoughts with C, your mysterious friend who sits on the highest shelf in the library every evening.
p.s. hiding from oneself is not a very e-fish-ent move.
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Cove hopped down the stairs, his ocean green locks flowing freely. Reaching the end, he came across a room full of furniture-like employees passing by from all sides, the sight made his stomach turn. But it wasn’t long till his worries eased, in the middle of that coordinate dance of organization was his mother, and her presence was more than enough.
“Baby!” her smile was so big that Cove couldn’t contain his own “I’m sorry about the fuzz, gotta get everything ready for the big night!”
The previous smile got a little smaller, royalty balls weren’t his favorites. No event with royalty was if he was being truly honest, but he did his best for the sake of his parents.
“I promise you don’t need to be socializing for too long, okay?” She hugged him by the side, checking the clipboard on her hands “go get yourself some food! An empty bag cannot stand upright!” 
The boy chuckled, walking straight to the kitchen. He wasn’t a fan of eating at the table in the morning, it was all too lonely. In fact, that big place looked lonely all the time ever since…
Well, ever since his father decided to take refuge in his office.
The new chef made some pretzels for him, eagerly trying new things everyday to win Cove’s paladar, but the young boy remained faithful to Mrs. Potts, his favorite cook. Most of the time, he didn't know if she really cooked better or if he was unintentionally sabotaging himself to his preferences.
It didn't matter now, she could cook either way.
“The king is eating in the dining room, would you like to make him some company, your highness?” 
Cove's head moved so fast in the direction of the servant that the world seemed to twirl for a couple of seconds. He didn't even remember to nod and thank the man, his legs taking him fast, afraid his father could vanish. 
He cheers, but his voice gets progressively lower seeing that his father was already up, cleaning his hands.
“Oh, hello, darling” Clifford gives him a side smile, pressing his lips. And cove has to contain himself to not take the butter knife and cut the tension out.
Two beasts staring at each other, the unspoken words deciding who was going to be the prey.
“Are you gonna come back to your studies?” uncertainty in every letter.
“Yes, the clock is running against me.” Cliff makes a sad chuckle and if the son wasn't so busy in his own insecurities, would have noticed the kind essence behind the king's eyes. “gotta go, darling, have a nice meal. Excuse me.”
“There will be no glory for this family, you should let that animal go.” 
Both men stopped on their tracks for a second, but the king paid no mind to his child's words, leaving the room. When did you stop sharing bonbons? 
The young prince sat in the luxury chair, his hunger long gone.
He was the prey today.
You were on the other side of the city, sitting at goldilocks restaurant. It was even more beautiful at night, the large chandeliers and the many flowers distributed throughout the place made it an unique environment.
The food menu made Leandra jump for joy, she had finally taken some time off from the sea and prayed to Poseidon that this time no one served sushi as Lizzie had at their last gathering.
She could only complain about the smell still making her nauseous, and how the poor little fish got through so much pain to not even be cooked.
“My feets are simply killing me!” Lee said while sitting by your side. She put her and your drinks on the table. 
“I told you to choose the other one…” Elizabeth singing-said, joining you two at the table “But let's go to the subject directly: ball attire!” 
The lady opened a huge smile, without being able to contain her hands.
“I am torn apart between blue and pink, to be honest…” 
You and Lee shared a look, you two could give your opinions but everybody in that table knew that Lizzie would wear the one she liked in the end.
“I'm really excited, so much time since the Holden's had a ball!” Lee shared, quickly changing her expression “do you think Cove's gonna show up?” 
Elizabeth and you took a moment to think.
In your humble opinion, you disagree with every single colocation that anyone on the royalty circle had. But when it comes to the beauty royalty, you were even more the black sheep. 
Cove Holden seemed to live in his own world while the others wandered the earth waiting for his next move, authenticity flowed through the few poppy branches in his green hair. It was his personal garden.
You thought everything around him, about him, was so amusing. Definitely a mystery, but intriguing just the same.
“Hopefully he will feel comfortable enough to.” you answered, without giving time to them to add anything “what about your friend, Liz?”
“What friend? Miranda?” 
”No, silly, Baxter!” Lee was the one who answered. 
Lizzie huffed, not minding the jokes, but done with only talking about the new student.
“He is my friend, why is everyone so pressed about it?” her eyes rolled “I get it, I get it, he is the prince charming heir, I got the princess role, but basically everyone in Epilogue is royalty!” 
Your other friend pressed her lips together seeing the outburst “I'm sorry, Lizzie, I didn't mean to upset you.”
The oldest shook her head, taking a deep breath and pressing her long nail in one of her fingers.
“No, no, I'm sorry, I didn't want to sound so mad. It's just...If I'm gonna sleep for a hell of eternity the least that people could give me is some liberty to make my own choices while I can, don't you think?”
Your hands were quickly to find hers, receiving an appreciative smile. You knew about complicated destinies.
“Well, I never saw anyone manage time better than you, but if I can say something, eating ice scream is the best deal to make!” 
Laughs were shared between the trio, and the rest of the afternoon was light-hearted conversations and clothes search.
Shortly after, you all went to Epilogue. The school had its baobab doors open and the talking cricket welcomed everyone.
You said goodbye to your friends, having the first period free to collect your books and decide which extracurricular activities you would engage in this year.
The library was your first step of the morning, but without a specific book in mind, you started wandering through new categories that would satisfy your curious brain.
"How the lines of fate works", "Destiny: cause and correlations”, "Horses".
You couldn't think that much about the topic, a pile of books crashed onto the floor a few meters away, you started following the direction but stopped when an alarming voice asked you.
“I've got this, please, don't worry” they said. 
They were on the other side of the shelf, the last one of the right side. 
“Is everything alright there?” you asked, waiting for they to get out, but that didn't happen “do you need any help there?”
“No, thank you, I'm gonna stay here for a while.” it was your answer “But I would appreciate it if you stay in your side.” 
“Oh, okay” it was confusing, maybe they had a embarrassing situation going on “Well, so I will stick around and make you some company”
“No, don't worry, you don't need to do it” 
Your face broke into a smile, they apologized a lot. 
“You will be making me company in the same amount. And even more, making new friends on the first day sounds awesome.” you sat on the floor.
“We should begin by the beginning, it is always the same anyway” your voice got a little louder, afraid it wouldn't reach their ears “I'm y/n, how about your name?”
A few mutters escaped their mouth “Hm, would it be okay for you if you just call me him? Or he?” he shrugged, insecure in his ask 
“That is more than alright, don't worry, I won't meddle in” you answered “Maybe we could decide a letter for you?”
“I can work with C!” his voice got less worried and if you pay enough attention, you could find a happy tone
“We should start with simple questions then, C.” you tried to keep the conversation going “do you like flowers?” 
“Yes, I do!” his voice got excited “I have my own garden! My favorite is the poppy, but I like the yellow ones only”
You scrunch your nose, confused
“How can it be your favorite if you only like one color?” 
Your parents and you lived in the center of the town, but on a no-way-out street. They were requested to stay close, even though they were almost always away in the lake house. 
“Eugene! How can that be a cat?” you heard your mother's voice complain playfully.
“You gave me creative liberty!” 
When you entered the living room, your father had puppy-eyes to you and your mom was seated haphazardly on the couch.
“Do you wanna see my mimic, sweetie?” 
“From my mother's experience, I think I do not.”
“Meow-ch” he answered, tossing himself by your mom's side. 
You walked in the kitchen's direction, but stopped once you saw pre-packed lunches on the table.
“y/n, you have to try it again…” your mother pleaded.
“I can not! Is it that hard to understand, I just freeze!” your voice became hoarse easily.
Thinking about your biggest fear was enough to upset you.
“It's okay, we can go on little steps” they both went to the kitchen, taking you in their arms “slow and steady, hm?" 
“Like a chameleon!" Eugene's added.
Things weren't solved with a simple hug, but you're glad to have people around you to make it a little easier.
A failed try was still a try. 
All of your attempts to hide your new mysterious friend from your not mysterious best friend had the same result: failure. 
Derek is, without a doubt, a terrible liar. For a time, you were almost sure that he could be Pinocchio's heir, until you witnessed his green magic. 
But here's the thing about terrible liars: they are great at figuring them out.
“Okay, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to, but you can't believe that I will believe this hard-to-believe excuse.”
You smiled, he certainly spoke more than his tongue.
“So I don't have to tell you?” you arched one eyebrow, thinking the whole conversation was very amusing.
“Well, no, I mean, I'd be happy for you to tell me, completely happy, but I'm certainly not going to be mad if you don't.” He smiled at you “Even if I think the wise thing to do would be to tell me, if it is bothering you, it's definitely too much of a burden to carry alone.”
You laughed, nodding your head in denial, could ever be a conversation where Derek didn’t worry?
You two headed to Cinderella’s class, a non-regular dance lesson, but that was held every week before a ball. Author forbids anyone to ever miss a step in these routines.
Derek and you were a little bit late, too busy in your own conversation to carry about the ticking clock, and once you two entered the room, the boy by your side was scooped by the teacher. She knew Derek was the only one polite enough to not decline dance in front of the whole class, even if he hated all the attention on himself.
However, you didn’t stay alone for too long, another person was late. One point for destiny, zero to your indecision!
Immediately, the music started playing, and you looked to your partner.
Well, destiny must be really up for the competition, cause offering you a hand was the Holden Prince. A very uncomfortable prince, but looking incredibly charming nevertheless.
Two points for destiny, zero to your insecurities. You felt like a fish out of water so close to a big member of the royal council.
His face was flushed, more red than the roses you saw in the path to your house, and the previous duo-dance transformed into a trio. Him, you and the deadly awkward silence between. 
He didn't mutter a single word to you and once the teacher dismissed the class, Cove was the first one to take his bag and leave.
You made a mental note to complain about it to your library friend. 
The last lesson of the day was Introduction in Princesology and you couldn't think about a more boring class. 
Sitting on your usual spot, you waited for your desk-partner. Placing your books and pencil case on the table, you notice a little note glued to the support part of the table. 
“Delight me in your presence? — C” 
It was a simple yellow paper, adorned with a beautiful sketch of a poppy and a happy fish. 
A wave of happiness went through you, and you suddenly got up from your seat. 
Which could be normal unless you are in the middle of a class, with the teacher making a practical example on how to spot the difference between a regular frog and an enchanted one.
She looked at you with a big question mark on her face. The same expression as everyone in the room.
“gotta go. Headaches.” you said, leaving the class, not giving enough time to your body swallow itself in embarrassment.
A few steps were all you needed to head where you were needed. 
You entered the library already complaining, and sat on the floor, not failing to notice that this time a new rug adorned the floor.
“I just, I can't do it!” you said, frustrated, adjusting to the rug “I literally ran away and I mean, going in the wrong direction would have me dead! How can I be a suitable heir in these conditions?” 
Your friend gives a loud laugh, but quickly hides it with a fake cough.
“Are you seriously laughing at me? I thought this was a safe place to vent!” you said, not really upset.
“Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do it! It was stronger than me!” he apologizes 
“It's okay, don't worry…” your hands started making patterns in the soft fabric. “I'm glad I could make your day a little better, but my problems aren't really that bad, I'm improving my singing skills, it's all I truly needed.”
“You need to be a singer?”
“No, no, no” a little chuckle escaped your lips “I just need to be able to sing one healing song, nothing much…” 
He didn't say anything for some time, and if you didn't know he was up in the shelves, you would have thought he was gone. 
“You mean your song can make things come back the way it was before?”
“Well, kind of, I guess.” you shrugged, you never really had to explain it before, and finding words to it was harder than you thought. “It’s more like healing what once was damaged”
It was quiet for a while again, but it didn’t bother you this time. You started to learn that his silence sometimes said even more than his words.
“Do you think you could help me with something?”
This time, you were the quiet one. Getting up from your previous position, you tried to get closer to the voice, worried about him.
“Are you hurt, C?”
“NO! No…” he quickly added “I-I’m, it’s just… it’s very complicated.”
“I like complicated stories, you shouldn't spare me the details!” you sing-said, already finding a more comfortable position to listen.
“Well, I guess I already revealed a lot about myself anyway…” 
C was thinking on the best way to start, at least that was how you take his silence.
“It all began not so long ago, in a not so far away land. The king had a nice marriage and a happy kingdom, not much more could be asked for in a simple man’s eyes, but he had a secret wish in his heart, that claimed his whole body and soul: to have a golden heron that wandered around his realm.
He went on long journeys away from his wife, trying to capture the golden animal. Until the ball in celebration of the queen's birthday came, and as her gift, she pleaded to her husband to forget about his wish, and he promised to, even if he didn’t understand her pleas, it was just a gilt bird, for who could ever learn to love such a beast?
But the golden heron was his deepest dream, he wanted it more than anything. He said it to his wife before they even married. More than anything. 
After a few days of discussion, he thought that the best was to just leave it aside, to hide his ambition.
Until, he spotted the animal close to the sea. The royal ruler's land was full of living mazes, plants and trees everywhere, which confused the poor heron. The king shoots a straight arrow, craving it in the animal's heart.
It didn't last long, in his sight the heron was long gone, switched into a naked woman. His wife. The sky closed with dark clouds, a rainstorm starting.
He asked for her forgiveness while she asked the moon god for mercy. Yet it was all for nothing, the moon god condemned the man to be seen as he was. 
A beast in the body of a man locked in the form of a beast. 
The god made his daughter a statue. A material memorie of the beast's choices, holding a red poppy until the beast was able to find someone to truly love him. Until he was able to love himself the way he was deep down…”  
You thought there was more, the history made you want to understand every single detail, did the king loved the queen? How about all the rest of the kingdom? Did it end up happily? C didn't give you anything more.
“I think I like your version better. If I am condemned to be the way I am, I would rather do it all by myself in a tall tower” he said, from the top of the library shelf.
You took a moment to fully comprehend his words, still processing the tale. Who was the beast? How did it affect C? How could he wish to do all of this on his own?
“What about your parents? You can't talk to them about it?” 
He said something that you couldn’t catch, not hearing an answer back, he repeated it, louder “They never saw it. I never showed it to any of them.”
Even without wanting, your face contorted into a deep frown. It must be hard doing it all alone. You still couldn't imagine him a beast, everything about C was gentle.
“Not that I don’t have their support, but mom is most of the time some miles away for her queen duties. And my dad…” he stopped for a moment, in the silence, the only thing you could think of were the sound of bubbles “my dad tries his best but he’s just not the same anymore.”
His voice had a feeling that you couldn’t catch. Maybe it was the kind of mix of understanding and grief that only parents could give.
“Isn't it ironic that both our lives were doomed by flowers?”
For a few moments, you both were lost in your own musings, without knowing that we're sharing the same thoughts.
“Perhaps we could find our own seed. Make sure it grows happily.”
You smiled. C's own personal garden was now yours too. 
“I have nightmares about it. I think I'm afraid of becoming something worse.” 
He confessed and your father's wise words echoed in your mind. You took a little longer than him to gather the words, but you hopped to help that same way.
“You know, when someone passes for such a hard thing like you do, they have a lot of fear, and this fear doesn't come out all at once. They get out little by little, with every little laugh and hug you receive.” you said, mentally praying it would fit in C's context, your hands move freely while explaining, even if he couldn't see it “so these nightmares are the little amount of fear that your body is still holding. But you don't have to worry, one day it will all go away.” 
“I guess I got to laugh a lot then!” the secret friend answered, holding to the little by little part.
“Well this is your lucky day! You have me to do it!” 
He playfully laughed, charmed by your cheers. 
The silence grew comfortable once again.
“Yeah, I think I got my own golden heron.” he whispered, smiling gratefully. 
The reunion of Parents and Tales was a gathering between guardians and professors that happened every two months. The objective was to make everyone aware of the semester routine, events and the student's grades. 
You find it boring but always come to spend time with Derek or Lizzie, except for today, cause the second your feets passed through the door, you excused yourself to the library. 
And we're there for at least one hour, without having any need for it to end.
“I will give you twenty crowns for you to tell me which you prefer.” 
“You can't buy my sincerity! That is a hideous move!” his words were interspersed with laughter
“Okay, I will just choose it then.” 
His silence was short, followed by a sequence of “What is it? What is it? What is it?” 
“Getting a handful of these brings a joy you've never felt, but don't leave me in your pockets because I may melt! What am I?” 
You said the riddle, waiting for his answer.
“You brought me chocolate?” 
His voice didn't carry the joy you mentioned. Actually, suddenly C sounded down. 
“You don't like chocolate? I bought you the cherry one, but I can give you another flavor or…” 
"I can't do this. I can't, I can't, I can't…” 
C's voice suddenly stopped with a loud thud in the background, making your whole body shiver. Your brain was so filled with uneasiness that you didn't realize where your legs were taking you. You broke the promise.
You had got up, running to his side of the shelf.
And once you were there, in your sight was the prince.
Well, he did have a crown. 
But he also had fins, gills and scales. 
An ocean green fish, a moorish idol looking like in a round aquarium ornate with gold. In tiny steps, you get closer and closer, seeing that his little left flipper had an even smaller pink scar. 
“No! No, no, no, you gotta leave!” he said. The fish. C. Cove? You didn't even know how to refer to him. 
“Do you…can I…do you want to be held?” you kept going forward and back, afraid of passing any limits.
Cove could only mutter, and once you saw a puddle on the floor you started to freak out, losing any common sense.
“It's okay! It's okay! I'm going to help you, cove” you got close enough to have his little bowl in your hands, trying to equilibrate him for no water leaking. “You gonna be okay, I promise”
And this promise, you intended to never break.
The night of Holden's ball came. 
The last time the palace looked that illuminated and perfectly decorated was when the heir was born. 
Walls with expensive fabrics, floral arrangements in every corner and crystal chandeliers adorned the entrance hall. 
The principal saloon had a huge dance circle, a big table that went from end to end with an enormous variety of food, but what made it perfect for a party was the impeccable vitrales that the room had. No other place in Grimmwood could ever compare to the beauty of the Holden's windows.
In the left corner of the room, a white staircase resided, shaped like a C, and you need to be honest, a curved ladder gave a nice touch to the architecture. 
Not that you could focus that much on the building. Going down the stars was the Prince, his ocean green hair was looked by a fish golden clip, his attire was on the finest finary: a white ruffle shirt decorated with a golden and red brooch, matching with dark pink trousers. 
The Holden family got together for the pics, at Merlin's request. 
The camera facing Cove, his father's arms around his shoulders and every single person's eyes on that room were on him, and he couldn't breathe. He suddenly couldn't breathe. 
The young boy's smile faltered, and as soon as the flash went out, he left the room, going to the stairs to find refugees in his mother's personal library. 
He missed the sound of steps behind him, Clifford was in his tail, following him with a worried look. 
The boy reached the second floor, entering the first door he could find: his father's office.
“you know what? I can't do this anymore!” Cove cried out.
Cliff closed the door behind him, watching his son pace around the room.
“You are still the king you were before! Still an egotistical man!” Cove's hands move exasperatedly, all his body attempting to emphasize his despair “you still only seek glory!” 
“You changed ever since the cursing! You are not the same with me.” Cove’s words got through his dad's skin, piercing his heart more deeply than any dagger could, making it seem easy to kill a beast. “You never looked at me again. Not truly.” 
The ambient got quiet for a while, until faint sobs were heard.
The king was…crying?
“It was my fault. Your curse was mine to take upon.” Clifford couldn’t hide the aching in his voice “I left you for a couple of minutes, I told you to not touch the fallen rose, but you’re such a young and curious kid, and now you’re doomed to this suffering like once I was. I had my time to accept that my claws were claws, but how can I forgive that your little fingers would soon fade into such tight grips? That I couldn’t protect you like I was supposed to? Oh, Cove… I would rather have this kingdom succumb to ashes than see you face the mirror with fear. I had to do something, That’s what I’m researching. No magic is powerful enough to be unbreakable. Definitely not with the strength of my love.”
Cove’s mouth got dry, he didn’t know what to do. He couldn’t feel anything beside his burning eyes.
“Even for the pain that comes with being different, sometimes, I miss my ugliness, and I think that some people may miss it too.” The older Holden took a deep breath, looking through the stained-glass window. “It's easier to be hated and love for afar than let yourself experience any good thing that you sort yourself undeserving. I didn’t want you to ever feel what I did during those years.” 
Clifford shocked his head, trying to focus on the topic and gather his thoughts.
“But none of this is ever an excuse for what I did to you. My fears and regrets are many but not one of them regards you… I mean, except for the absence ever since it happened. I’m sorry, Cove. I truly am.”
And that was the first time in a few pages that father and son looked at each other in the eyes, the first time they were in the same paragraph, paying attention and trying to understand the other's notes.
“I really apologize about that, my darling. The last thing that my monstrous heart wanted was to put you in any kind of pain.” Cliff gave a sad smile “I love you endless, from the tips of my claws to the end of my nose.”
“You don’t love me till the end of your forehead?”
“Well, considering that my thought was that the best for you was to not have me around to focus only on the cure, I suppose that my head isn’t the best place to receive love right now.”
Cove shrugged “I think that's what makes it the most needed place.”
The dad’s eyes watered once again “There is no creature that your heart couldn’t ever bend.” 
You went outside, your legs and mind aching for a rest that only a comfortable bench in a silence garden could provide. You kept walking, looking at the ground once you saw the crying statue that the Holden palace had. You were afraid that looking at it for too long would make you cry too.
You wandered aimlessly, your feet passing through to the living gates without a care in the book, that was until your attention was caught. In front of you was a red poppy field, an impeccable courtyard that you couldn't take your eyes away from, lured to the shining petals. 
“Don't touch them!” 
You jumped, having his hands on your shoulders quickly, but the panic was soon gone, you recognized Cove's voice, only this time, you could also see him. 
“Sorry, they are incredibly pretty” you apologize, even if his voice is nothing but worry for you.
“Yeah, the moon god has some mercy after all…” He said, not looking directly at you, but not able to face the flowers too.  
“Thought that some fresh air would do some good.”
“Already cut your hair?” he moved his gaze to your head.
“Couldn't handle the sweat.” you laughed a little, smiling wider to him. “How long have you been here?” 
“A little bit. Couldn't stay that long…” 
“Well, you did try your beast.” you smiled, trying to catch his eyes.
He stopped for a minute, confused if you meant if or got a wrong letter. The prince gave the first true laugh of the night.
“The stars in the palace seem brighter than the ones in the city.” you commented, trying to keep the conversation going.
“Oh, these are not stars” the young boy smiled, and you realized that there was something even brighter than the constellations lighting up the place “they are firefly's in lanterns” 
A garden seemed like a suitable place for both of you to talk, little by little Cove's roots and yours were intertwining and the silence that grew between you two served only to water the comfortable relationship. 
Cove got up and stopped a few feets away from you —and the field—, swinging his body softly by hearing the melody from the party inside. He was looking you directly in the eyes for the first time. It was a night for a lot of first time's for him.
“Care to dance with me?” he gave you a shy smile. 
“I can't hear anything, we can't dance without a song!” you said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
The young Holden stared at you in a funny way, you could almost see his brain searching for solutions. Until his lips started moving, he was singing?
He comes close to you, giving his hand in offer while making his own melody. 
You chuckled, bowing slightly and accepting it, and found yourself in the same entranced feeling from before, but your sight was even more amusing and bright.  
It started as a classic ballroom routine, but soon you entered the song making an energetic duet, twisting and turning around the garden, resulting in an exciting dance, as if the steps were engraved in both your minds. 
The song got progressively lower, and once you and Cove came face-to-face, he approached your ear, in an barely audible voice, whispering
“more than anything."
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astrojulia · 1 year
Hey, I’m new to astrology. I was wondering what do you think about Gemini sun 8th with Scorpio rising (Aries mars 5th)?? It would be really helpful :)
Gemini Sun (8th house) with Scorpio rising (Aries Mars 5th house)
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Hello Siren!
I just want to warn everyone who might be reading this (which I know isn't many). I'm answering these types of questions (BIG 3, more than one question together and such) because I'm a companion of a sick person. That is, I need to do activities that allow me to leave at any time. When my routine returns to normal and I go back to work, I will no longer answer in so much detail.
With a Gemini Sun, your core essence radiates with the qualities of curiosity, versatility, and intellectual prowess. You possess a keen intellect and a natural gift for communication. Your mind is agile, and you thrive on gathering information, exploring various perspectives, and engaging in stimulating conversations. You have an aptitude for adapting to different situations and can easily connect with people from all walks of life.
The Scorpio Rising sign, on the other hand, casts a profound and enigmatic aura around you. Others perceive you as intense, mysterious, and possessing an air of magnetism. Underneath your friendly and sociable Gemini exterior lies a depth of emotions and a capacity for passionate connections. Your rising sign enhances your perceptive abilities and grants you the ability to see beneath the surface, sensing hidden motivations and unspoken truths.
Aries Mars in the 5th House adds an element of fiery passion and assertiveness to your self-expression and creativity. You possess a strong drive for self-actualization and a desire to stand out from the crowd. Your creative endeavors are fueled by a fearless and enterprising spirit, and you approach them with enthusiasm and a bold, pioneering energy. You may have a natural talent for taking risks, initiating new projects, and embracing a sense of adventure in your creative pursuits. In matters of creativity, you are driven by a desire to express yourself authentically and passionately. Your creative projects are likely to have an element of originality and a touch of daring. You thrive when given the freedom to explore and experiment, and your dynamic energy inspires others to do the same.
This combination indicates a dynamic and multifaceted personality. You possess the ability to adapt to various social situations while maintaining an aura of depth and intensity. Your intellectual agility and communicative skills can be powerful assets in your personal and professional relationships, allowing you to connect deeply with others on both intellectual and emotional levels.
However, it is essential to be mindful of the potential challenges that may arise from the interplay of these influences. Balancing the lightness of Gemini's adaptability with Scorpio's density can be a delicate dance. It is important to honor both your need for intellectual stimulation and your depth of emotions, finding ways to integrate them harmoniously.
In conclusion, dear siren, your Gemini Sun, Scorpio Rising, and Aries Mars in the 5th House create a blend of intellectual curiosity, depth, and passion. Embrace your multifaceted nature, allowing your communicative gifts and passionate drive to guide you on a creative journey that is uniquely your own. Remember to nurture both your mind and your emotions, as their harmonious integration will empower you to shine brightly and leave a lasting impression on those you encounter.
Kisses from the Sea! 💙
(CC) AstroJulia Some Rights Reserved
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tacticalhimbo · 4 months
The continuous bombardment and the ongoing genocide pose a significant threat to their well-being. What pains me even more is that due to the lack of medications in Gaza, my Mom, who is a type 2 Diabetis patiant and was scheduled for an urgent eye surgery, have had no access to insulin or any medical care for the past 3 months. Some of my family members sought refuge in the southernmost part of Gaza (Rafah) in tents. However, my parents, and sisters have no alternative place to stay, forced to remain in the Nusierat refugee camp, which is now the subject of continuous severe bombardment since christmas started.” Am on my knees requesting for your donations. Please help where possible.
While normally I would boost messages like these, I'm very doubtful the OP of this blog is associated with Rawan AbuMahady and their family, who this message actually comes from:
Especially as this blog, on top of others, have been posted about by several blogs regarding using the Palestinian genocide as a way to scam good-natured individuals.
On top of Rawan AbuMahady's fundraiser, there are various others that are floating around and are legitimate. I'll reblog those as soon as I can, on top of adding a link from my Social Justice Spotlight on Palestinian aid and allyship that includes some fundraisers and organizations:
You can also check the tags FREE PALESTINE and BUMP! on my post to view vetted resources and materials ♡
Please be wary of asks like these, and if you're unsure about something, research it. Be smart with your money, folks!
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mollymagician · 11 months
I actually finished the second chapter of my weird little street artist!Dream AU
I am so proud of myself. Like, so proud, guys.
A week passed. Slowly the sunflowers faded from the New Inn’s bricks, distorted and worn away by rain and curious fingers.
Hob had spent a good amount of time scrolling through the various social media accounts run by enthusiasts dedicated to cataloging Dream’s work and any bits of personal information that they could gather about the artist in question, which was: nothing. Zero.
Well, aside from one blogger who claimed to have seen a shadowy figure lurking around one of the murals at two in the morning and described them as…tall.
Yes, tall, Hob thought. Legs for days. And the hair’s got to add at least two inches.
Matthew was right, he had been out of touch lately, but this sort of thing wasn’t normally in his wheelhouse anyway. He appreciated art and what it meant to the world but he had enough personal artistic ability to fill the tip of his pinky finger. Literally. He’d broken the ice with more than one tough group of students by illustrating his lecture on the fly with horribly drawn graphs and chaotic stick figures. Still, he could recognize talent when he saw it.
He had a few favorites saved on his phone. On the side of a building just off Richmond Green, an expanse of blue and white, shot through with swirling figures in every earthy shade—children, it took Hob a moment to realize. Children running against a vibrant blue sky. Tucked just out of sight of the bustling crowds at the Tower of London was a flowing mass of sunset hues shot through with streaking dark figures that could only be ravens.
On the side of the old derelict White Horse Tavern, where Hob had spent a good chunk of his youth faffing about with his mates, a white figure leaping against emerald green, rampaging, like it had escaped it’s hill in Uffington and didn’t plan on being caught again.
The talent was obvious…but that wasn’t all it was. Hob remembered reading a line somewhere—it’s not what a horse looks like, it’s what a horse IS. It’s what they all were, these weird works of art, weren’t they? Things distilled down to the essence. Yes, the artwork was arresting. Yes, the man who made it was just as striking. But Hob couldn’t explain the feeling that there was something there beyond what he was seeing, like a magic eye painting with a third hidden layer, and just as frustrating.
Or maybe month and a half into his sabbatical from what he jokingly referred to as his ‘side hustle’ was long enough for his brain to be going a little stir-crazy.
Then one morning, it happened again.
“Woah,” Matthew said. “That sure is…something.”
They stood staring at the new mural spanning the Inn’s northern wall. Radiating tongues of yellow and orange emerging from a peculiar dark background. The wall was smooth here, and the image had less of the feel of stained-glass and instead was a tumult of swirling line and color.
“I can’t tell if this means you shouldn’t take any more flirting advice from me, or my flirting advice is 100% on point.”
Hob slanted him a look. “I didn’t take any flirting advice from you, if it makes you feel better,” he said.
“That’s probably your best bet, actually.”
“Even if I had, I don’t think he’d threaten to burn down the place because I used the worlds worst pickup line on him.” Hob stepped up to the wall, reaching up to trace the shape of the image carefully without touching the easily-smeared strokes. “Look, here. The way the light curves here…the mantle. It’s a—a hearth, a fireplace. Like the one back in the old White Horse. See?”
“Oh,” Matthew said. “Huh.”
This strange offering was on a side of the building hidden mostly from public view, between the glorified storage crate they called Dar’s Gardening Shed and a stacked pile of unused planters. He didn’t think there’d be any gawkers this time, Hob himself had only happened upon it that morning by chance. Of course, Dream seemed to favor out-of-the-way locations, were there were swaths of empty wall and not many observers around to interfere. But this felt different. This felt…personal.
As Matthew lifted his phone to snap a shot, Hob said, “Hey. Uh. Maybe don’t post this one.”
“What?” he squawked. “It’s free advertising, dude. Why not?” At Matthews perplexed look, Hob could only shrug.
He didn’t have to wait long for it to click “Oooohhh. I see.”
“Aww.” Matthew followed him back around the front of the building and through the main entrance. For all he looked broad and soft-edged, once he latched his brain on something, he was relentless. It was like being pecked to death by ducks. Pecked to death by something, anyway. “Oh come on, man, it’s adorable.”
“Matthew, zip it.” Hob ducked past the bar, hoping he could make a quick exit into the kitchen. This wasn’t a conversation they could have out here, not if he wanted his dignity intact. Any moment now—
“Not that I’m not a fan of anyone telling Matt to zip it, but why are we telling Matt to zip it this time in particular?”
Hob sighed. Too late, he was doomed.
Dar’s russet head poked through the kitchen doors, followed by the rest of her, busily tying on an apron. They’d just opened for the day and only a few regulars had so far trickled in, at least, which meant there would be minimal witnesses to what he was about to endure.
“Our resident mysterious artist left him a token of affection on the wall in the alley and he wants to keep it all to himself.”
“Ooh!” Dar said brightly. “Tall Dark and Spooky strikes again!?” Matthew handed her his phone where the photo of the yellow and gold flames swirled in miniature. She gave a little whistle. “Oh my!”
Hob dragged a hand over his face. “It’s not a token of affection.”
“Wanna bet?” Matthew pulled out his wallet and waggled it. “Bet you ten bucks. Pounds. Whatever. Shit. What country am I in?”
“—and he’s not our mysterious artist,” Hob continued, undeterred.
“He’s decorating your pub and he likes my tea,” Dar said decisively. “That means he’s ours. Sorry, I don’t make the rules.”
“Actually I’m pretty sure most of the time you do.”
Hob wondered if noon really was too early to start drinking.
“I’m sure he’d be fine with the attention,” Matthew said, “considering that he’s dropping this stuff all over town.”
“No one knows anything about this dude, Matt,” Hob argued. But. You do, a little voice whispered in the back of his mind. You know how he likes his tea, you know his hands look cold, you know his eyes are the bluest thing you’ve ever seen— Hob shook it off and plucked the phone from Dar’s hand, closing the screen and poking it back into the front pocket of Matthew’s shirt. “You didn’t see the look he gave me last time he was here. Maybe he doesn’t actually want any kind of attention at all.”
“Well,” Dar said, flipping a dishtowel over one shoulder. “I can guess at least one type of attention he wants.” She looked past Hob and jutted her chin towards the door. Slowly, trying to be nonchalant and failing, Hob turned to glance behind him.
…you know his eyes are the bluest thing you’ve ever seen and he keeps looking at you with them…
Dream edged in through the door of the pub, cautiously, and headed straight for his usual table. He moved, Hob thought, as though the space around him was packed with rickety shelves covered in teacups. Slow and precise. Or, as Matthew would say, like a cat in a room full of rocking chairs. As soon as his eyes met Hob’s he glanced quickly away and busied himself with pulling the ever-present sketch book from his satchel.
“WELP I should be—“
“Oh look, I’m just gonna head—“
Hob watched in resigned amusement as Matthew and Dar both suddenly discovered they had somewhere else to be and nearly ran into each other trying to get there. He sighed, and set about making a cup of tea.
He didn’t know what possessed him, this time, to make a second. Or to sit down, easy as you please in the chair across from his stranger, as though they had a standing date. Maybe a little of his old confidence was coming back from wherever it had been banished to over this past exceptionally shitty year.
Dream, who had been very studiously ignoring him for the last five minutes, actually gave a startled jump when a mug appeared in front of him, followed by a whole other human. He watched Hob with an expression of guarded surprise as he settled into his seat, cleared his throat, and extended a hand across the table. “Robert Gadling. I, er, hope you don’t mind me being wildly presumptuous.” To his delight, Dream reached out, slowly as though he was expecting to be bitten, and met his hand. His grip was firm, but cold. Hob resisted the sudden fierce urge to take his hands and wrap them around the mug of tea he’d just set down.
“I don’t mind, Mr. Gadling. I. Was.” He looked down at the blank page open in front of him, seemingly at a loss for words.
“I’m sorry for interrupting you,” Hob said. “I just wanted to come over and thank you, I suppose.”
Dreams eyebrows crept up. “Thank me?”
“For the—“ Hob gestured over Dream’s shoulder. “Artwork. It’s remarkable, really.”
Dream opened his mouth to speak, closed it. Tried again. “You don’t mind,” he finally stated, not quite a question.
Hob huffed a laugh. “Do I—? No I don’t mind at all. It’s brilliant. I needed something to brighten up this bastard of a winter and you’ve done a spectacular job of it.” Dream glanced away with what appeared to be a blush coloring his worryingly pale face. “I just had one question, if you don’t mind me asking.”
“No. Please.”
“Why us?”
Dreams head tipped questioningly to one side and Hob hastened on. “I wondered how you choose your…locations. There’s always some inspiration, isn’t there? Was just curious what it was about this old place that inspired you twice.”
Dream stared at him for a moment, a parade of emotions flickering across his face so quickly, it was impossible to parse them. His eyes dropped back to the table. “I came by chance. I was out looking for. Inspiration, as you said, I suppose.” He spoke like someone who hadn’t in so long that he’d lost the knack, Hob thought. A crying shame, with that voice. “I saw you, and your employees. Laughing together. Often. I was…interested in your experience.”
“Friends,” Hob said. Dreams eyes flicked up to meet his briefly and he smiled. “I inherited the place. Been in the family for generations. Doesn’t really feel like mine, you know? It belongs to the community at this point, I’m just here to keep the paperwork in order. Knew I’d be taking it over one day, but if I didn’t have friends helping me out here who knew what they were doing I’d have made a complete mess of it.” Hob realized he was prattling on, as he was wont to do, and took a gulp of tea in an effort to rein in his mouth. “I’m sorry. You said you were interested in our…experience?”
Hob watched Dream move his fingertips over the surface of the blank sketchbook page, producing a gentle rhythmic susurrus. “Yes…I…have had precious few of my own. I find inspiration in watching other’s appreciation for life and this place…there’s so much life to appreciate here.” Oh. He was blushing. It was fucking delightful. “I hope you don’t find that. Intrusive.”
“Of course not,” he said. “It’s literally what we’re here for.”
Dream said, “You were very kind, Mr. Gadling. The last time we spoke. It was…it’s own kind of inspiration.”
Ohhhh dear. Oh good grief. He was in trouble. Hob had no idea what his face was doing. He couldn’t even imagine. He coughed to clear the sudden tightness in his throat. “Call me Hob,” he said. “Everyone else does. No one uses my proper name unless I’m in trouble for something.”
“Hob.” Dream said. His mouth curved into the smallest of smiles. Something in Hob’s gut gave a little delighted jump and warmth bloomed, down beneath his breastbone. “My name—is—“ He paused and swallowed. Hob could see him battling forward through something, some wall, and had the irrational urge to cheer for him. “Dream” he finally managed. “You may call me Dream.”
The warmth in Hob’s belly grew, filling his chest. Knowing the name was nothing compared to being gifted the name. “Well, Dream, you’re welcome to come back anytime. Avail yourself of the blank wall space.” Hob grinned, hopeful. “And the experience.”
Dream was silent for a moment, then took a quiet breath. “The tea is also very good.”
It startled a laugh out of Hob. “That’s Dar’s doing, she blends it. Grows some of the herbs herself out there in the spring. She’s got a terrific hangover remedy if you ever need it.”
“I don’t often drink alcohol but I will keep that in mind.”
From the corner of his eye, Hob had noticed the steady motion of Dream’s fingers against the paper turning jerky and irregular. Now he’d abandoned it altogether in favor of twisting them together over and over. His shoulders were tensing, rounding a bit. Ah. It was time, Hob thought, to let him experience his inspiration from afar. But they’d made a start. He thought it was a good start.
Hob picked up his half-drunk mug and lifted it in a little salute. “Right then, I’ll…just leave you to the—the creative processes.”
Dream wrapped his hands around the mug in front of him, just as Hob had imagined, though without his own curved over top of them. “Until next time, then.” And there it was again, that faint smile.
Hob beat a retreat back to his flat. He was only halfway up the stairs when his phone began buzzing its way out of his pocket. Dar, as expected.
Okay we want the story. Spill!
Goddammit. I think I owe Matt a tenner
Told you
Next time came later that week, when Dream appeared with his sketchbook and awkward smile and absurdly sexy voice, which Hob coaxed out of him for ten whole minutes before it was obvious he needed a break from human interaction. Hob gathered his small victories where he could.
The warm feeling in his gut, it stayed with him. It was gentle, soothing, some invisible softness blanketing all the rough-edged hurts he’d collected over the past year. It was…striking.
Which was why it was so profoundly obvious to him the moment it was gone.
The day started off wrong-footed in a dozen small and frustrating ways. It was one of those bloody wretched freezing winter days, devoid of snow or any kind of charm, with a biting wind that seemed hell-bent on causing as much trouble as possible. The Inn was busy with customers who mostly just seemed fed up with the outdoors and wanted to forget it existed for awhile.
Hob was helping out behind the bar, pulling orders for a surprisingly rowdy pre-dinner crowd and keeping an eye on one customer in particular—red sweater, surly expression, toeing Matthew’s cut-off line for acceptable drunkenness. He just caught Dream stepping in, huddled in a coat that didn’t look near heavy enough and looking even more like a frozen scarecrow than usual. Quickly he threw together Dream’s usual order, with the addition of a large muffin on a plate, and hurried over. “My friend, hello. I have a job for you today.”
Dream’s brows lifted slightly as Hob set it all down in front of him. “A job involving…muffins?”
Hob grinned. “We started bringing things in from that new bakery down the street, Gilbert’s, maybe help give them a boost. Matthew’s idea.” He nudged the muffin forward and grinned. “Taste test for me, give me a report later.”
Dream opened his mouth, but a crash and raised voices in the direction of the bar drowned out whatever it was he was about to say. Hob looked over his shoulder and swore. “Excuse me, I’ll be back.”
It was Anita, a friend of Dar’s, only two weeks on the job. She stood frozen in the middle of a circle of broken glass from a dropped tray and bystanders who were half out of their seats with the look of folks obviously ready to start throwing punches but unsure how to go about it. The man in the red sweater had one hand locked around her wrist and what could only be described as a leer on his face.
Coming up on them, Hob heard her furious “…I said shove off.”
Red Sweater slurred, “I see you talkin’ but ‘m not hearing anything worth listenin to, yet.”
“Oooh, bad idea mate,” she said. And then Hob’s hand was coming down on his forearm, fingers digging, and he released her with a pained shout.
“Out. Now.,” Hob said.
“Fuck you arsehole, what, you own the place?”
“Actually, yeah,” Matthew said, stepping up to Anita and gently pulling her out of range.
“He does.”
Hob leaned in close and growled, “It’s not that loud in here, I know you heard me.” He shifted his grip to grab a handful of red wool at the back of the man’s neck and pulled. “You can leave now, or I can walk into the back and just let the regulars decide how to sort you out.”
The man wrenched himself out of Hob’s grasp and honked a few more drunken obscenities around at no one in particular grabbing his coat and staggering off. Hob watched him go, resisting the urge to fling him bodily through the door. Out of the corner of his eye he could see Dream, his head bent over his sketchbook, pencil moving intently.
It was pure dumb luck that he saw what followed, it happened so quickly.
The man was stalking unsteadily towards the exit, which took him directly past Dream’s table. As he neared it, Dream looked up and made the most peculiar gesture with his hand—Hob nearly missed it—as though he were lifting something from the table in front of him and flicking it away.
The banana peel hit the floor just as Red Sweater came parallel with Dream’s table. His shoe hit the peel, and in true slapstick fashion, his foot shot out from under him and he landed flat on his arse.
A wave of snickering passed through the crowd. Someone in the back hooted, “OH SMOOTH.”
Red Sweater scrambled to his feet, gave the room in general the finger, and slapped his way out the doors. The usual buzz of the Inn resumed as everyone went back to their conversations. As though an absolutely impossible thing had not just occurred right in front of them.
“What a dick,” Matthew said, appearing at Hob’s side with a broom. “Hey, you okay, boss?”
“What? I— yeah.” Hob shook his head. Nodded his head. Dragged his fingers through his hair. “Is Nita okay?”
“She’ll be okay, I think, she’s taking a break. You sure you are? Because you look like someone just slapped you with a fish. Hey! You know, there’s a word for that? It’s—“
“Hold that thought, Matt,” Hob said, reaching out to pat him absently on the shoulder. Feeling cold prickling across his skin, he made his way over to Dream’s table.
The table was empty. The tea sat untouched. The muffin was missing. Dream was gone.
Hob bent and picked up the banana peel, staring at the thing dangling limply in his hand. It was. A banana peel. Slightly squashed from being tread on. He didn’t know exactly what he’d expected, but that’s what he had. Feeling slow and stupid, he looked down at his feet and there on the floor—a steak of yellow, like chalk ground across the wood.
“What the hell?” he muttered.
Standing there by the door, he felt the cold rushing in, chilling him for the first time in what seemed like days.
Suddenly he was moving, ducking into the kitchen and through the back employee door. Turning the corner, he skirted around the odds and ends that littered the narrow space and pulled back to look at the wall where the orange flames had swirled.
They were…gone.
“What the bloody hell?”
The piece was still there, mostly, a little worse for wear. Hob could see the framing background details, but the flames themselves were gone. Instead there was nothing but empty space, clean bare wall, not even traces of clinging pigment left behind.
The wind blew sharply down the alley, and Hob shivered.
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ammonitetestpatterns · 11 months
the evening skies of prince george, i saw them as a causeway to hellfire cradletipping out of breathless space, hinting that maybe, hell prefers enclosure and feels exposed at extreme parallels. kintsugi scars, blinding cream yellow, the mistold fortune of a world looted of locality, your eyes are the ransom paid for the last bit of natural mystery, handed over to unreel the pastripened azimuth. was this daylight meant to repair the night? he walked with me through homemade forest trails, advertising to mosquitoes. the sun gilded arrows onto leaves, our arms locking round the other’s waist. for an instant, he jolted with the lost memory of a free trial girlfriend, parting the thicket of dissociative brain damage only for it to recoil back into place. clamoring up, batting bugs and sweat, we found the horizon of a lookout on accident. it caught us with an elegiac feeling, the tension of the changing light. a curving armory of evergreens to entrust the city history before the letter and the ledger. i wondered if this place would ever regain its holocene prestige and surrender back to immemorial waters. a small furor then, entertaining which invisible forces are most likely to affect the accumulation and exchange of social energy by its common means, a density of presence. at least, we were both “feeling it.”
this was beyond any doubt one of my most important trips. the pine boughs responded in their sway, my sensitivity to forgone home, placefulness, the sense of having business somewhere. jonas said with the satyric nonchalance that often hides his spite, you were locked outside consciousness, you lost your key with the loss of the impossible family. he takes himself to be at the end of consciousness, i feel my judgment falling to the end of telemachus. under the same skies that melted him all those years ago, all the catastrophic beauty punctuated by its alienation from the earthly/georgic homing of the human and the mirage of its loss after thought, how dishonesty comes to rot, it all fuses down to the productivity of nature, world without end, an accomplice we can barely understand. why won’t my mind’s poison arrow find him, why can’t i bring myself to hate him? the woundsalted blame, repressed bloodrooted longing for the maternal, strangeness, lying with the wolf, the gold of reality taken between his teeth. reunion, breakdown of the manifold with her smile.
as we made it out, night now inaugurate to its depth in low dying bands of blue, my companion beside me mounted his respect for judas, taking seriously the determinist explanation for his betrayal, the solemn pain, brandishing the social logic localized to a blink of time, for a prophecy of the higher good, mass forgiveness and resonance to form, way past the matter scatter. the paradoxical strength in sinning and willing to be misunderstood and reviled for lifetimes to come, we held a look and felt a sliver of the same. the mortal kiss, such a harrowing, complicated picture of evil.
the touch memory placed me in the same motor mold of late may, real people romance walking under heavy crepuscular glow, gathering lilac bushels and tulips wherever they laced our path, satchels of new herbs in our pockets. my head mooned with the realization that threatened to restore all before me to an imagined valor of unity, how much i respect you, always for who you are, i want to sow your quiet field to a harvest of dreams. like a saint to me, with the smile of a devil! sharing dreams, timeless against the lapse of the scent, however deep its momentary pull. there is an ineffable essence to dreaming and hoping that cannot be uncovered and had elsewhere, the foldless desire for a better day that is lyrical, thin, ephemeral and tender, that threshold of expansion. it compels you back to childhood without overstaying, the progression of the generational cohort at the beginning of consciousness, “we all have a dream, maybe.” in darkened dovelike bed, the first after days of roadside sleep, he placed a square of dark chocolate on my tongue and brought umeshu to my lips, velvety plum like the tulips. terpenes simplified to lipids and even further, the virtual cataclysm of synthases.
what is left after orison? spectacular sunrise, waking out of the offal, over the skew of every shutout star, one speck in the dust ramble, torn by thoughtless time. being ready to live outside the impresses of the external drilled inward, crossing, cut exposure, cardinality of tongue, carrion signs, pointer posture. walking to make not only nature, but a circulatory, somatic awareness into your accomplice against communal death, vanishing inlets. within the boundaries of the individual, the body is a means and not an ends, the self is an ever attractive block.
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l-1-z-a · 1 year
Game pioneer Will Wright wants to make games ‘as personal as our dreams’ [July 10, 2012]
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GamesBeat 2012: In Will Wright's vision of the future, the player is the game.
After more than 30 years of steady evolution, gaming has reached its own version of the Cambrian Explosion, SimCity creator and Stupid Fun Club founder Will Wright argued today during his GamesBeat 2012 keynote speech in San Francisco.
“Lately, it feels as if the industry has exploded in a million directions at once,” Wright said, “and I think that’s very healthy.”
Wright is one of the most legendary names in gaming. He’s the creator of the SimCity and The Sims franchises, two of gaming’s cornerstones.
This explosion includes mobile and social platforms, but Wright believes gaming can go still further. “[Video games] should be as personal to us as our dreams,” Wright said.
To illustrate his point, Wright went on a whirlwind tour across 30 years of technology, beginning with how the military uses wargames to map out war plans and continuing through the evolution of writing, the explosion of personal data, and the ways in which technology alters our personal perceptions.
One trend Wright highlighted was the rise of augmented reality through smartphones and other devices, which he argued is conditioning us to a new worldview that effectively blurs the real with the digital. This new perception opens us to possibilities that might have been invisible before, such as “illuminating” something like a gathering of car collectors around the corner that we otherwise would not have known about.
Gaming technology can be a matchmaking device for the world around me versus very particular things, like what mood I’m in,” Wright said. “I think it could potentially make my life far more interesting.”
Wright also believes in the power of metrics to make experiences more personal, which he highlighted by showing how data from The Sims could be used to uncover roadblocks and other issues, with mechanics being modified to match. Going forward, this data will only get more comprehensive, he said. What Wright described as “little islands of data” are breaking down as we move into the cloud, with the result a growing “wake” of information on social networks. Already, such data influence the design of social games like Farmville, allowing developers to determine what is “sticky” with gamers and what isn’t.
Based on this, Wright believes that the one overriding trend in gaming is personalization. In essence, reality will begin to replace consoles as the platform. “We don’t have these little islands. We are building experiences that are accessible at any time. They will be more like biological experiences.”
The rapid proliferation of sensors such as those in Google Maps and increasingly granular metric analysis will enable such experiences, Wright said. Already, Wright’s Stupid Fun Club has launched a new venture with Warner Digital to explore some of these possibilities, using personal metrics to bring new experiences.
“I believe this is the direction that games are going,” Wright said with confidence. “We want games to be more relevant to the individual. We want them to be more personal to our lives.”
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Been having a hard time getting back into practice and honoring the gods lately. It's like....life gets in the way and the first thing that usually falls to the wayside is everything that's just for me (spirituality, journaling, art) as I make space for everyone else's needs.
And the more my altar gathers dust, the worse i feel and the harder it is to say hello to the gods again. Idk, maybe it's neurodivergence. And it makes me think of a Christina Baldwin poem that goes something like "the essence of spirituality is this: hands held upwards, saying to Spirit, 'well...here I am again'" (I'm paraphrasing because I don't have the book open in front of me rn). Something something the gods are always there even if we're unaware something something.
Anyway, here's my plan for getting back on the wagon, for my mental health, spiritual health, and the health of my relationships with the gods I follow:
Dust off my altar. Literally - clean it.
Recharge the spell jars I have on there.
Give an offering, any offering, with prayer. (With Lughnasadh coming up, maybe I'll bake some bread rolls)
Meditate for 10min daily, more if I'm feeling it/have time but no pressure.
Do the 30 days of deity devotion prompts, either in my journal or on my tumblr.
Start dedicated daily actions to my gods. For example, lighting a candle and incense and praying to Frigg just before and during cleaning.
When I have time/energy, make some devotional art.
I find the most important factor in actually sticking with plans like this is making it zero pressure for myself. If I make it too big of a deal in my brain, I kind of freeze up and then I just can't do it. I end up scrolling social media instead.
Here's to trying again!
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modifyeddigital11 · 2 months
SEO Services Delhi: What is local content in SEO?
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The technique of increasing visitors and traffic to a website by creating and optimising content for a regional or local audience is known as local content optimisation SEO services Delhi. In essence, local content aims to captivate viewers belonging to a certain target audience or target geographic location.  
Difference Between Local SEO & National SEO
The target audience for each industry is separated here according to whether it is for local SEO or nationwide SEO. Due to the fact that local SEO focuses on one or more specific locations—for instance, those looking for the "best restaurant in Mumbai" or a nearby restaurant—it has a narrow or limited target audience.
However, with national SEO, the target audience is the entire nation, and actions are conducted throughout the nation. A user is looking for men's clothes or shoes on the internet.
This is how to get your website ranked in local search results. 
1. Include location/city keywords: 
Make sure that the meta tags and text contain your keywords or the city or place you are aiming for. By using these location-specific keywords, you tell search engines that your company caters to clients in that specific region, which can increase your website's exposure and rating.  
2. Google My Business Listing:
Google provides a free service that enumerates every firm's contact information, including location, phone number, website, business type, and operating hours. In order to interact with their audience, they may also upload images, reply to reviews, and publish updates or deals. Google Maps and Google search results display the GMB listings when consumers look for related companies, services, or items in their neighbourhood.
Google My Business assists companies in enhancing brand credibility and trust as well as their presence in local search results. It is a crucial tool that helps nearby companies draw in clients and enhance their internet visibility. 
There's no better method to boost website traffic than using Google My Business Post with SEO services Delhi.
You have the ability to enhance the Google My Business listing with images, news, reviews, and frequently asked questions. You have up to 1,500 characters to describe your company.
In order to publicise your company event, you may host event dates on GMB. 
3. Local Pack:
When a person searches for your service and product locally, a local pack appears. When someone searches for "restaurants near me" or "cake shop in Mumbai," for example, a collection of Google My Business profiles known as a "local pack" appears. A company's exposure and traffic can be increased by being listed in the local pack since people who are looking for local companies quickly and easily click on these listings.   
4. NAP Citations:
NAP citations are references to places on other websites, directories, or other online platforms where a company's name, address, and phone number (NAP) are cited or listed. Since it increases a company's online presence's authority, consistency, and reliability, NAP citations are crucial to local SEO services Delhi. When Google bots search and gather NAP data from various sources, it validates the company's validity and reliability. 
5. Multiple Location Pages:
You may make location-specific pages if you are targeting many areas. This will inform Google bots that your business is serving multiple places. It alludes to distinct web sites made for each company's actual location. Unique material should be included on each location page, such as the address, phone number, business hours, services provided, and any other pertinent information. 
6. Online Reviews:
Customer or user feedback regarding a product, service, or business is submitted online on a variety of channels, including social media, e-commerce sites, and review websites. Negative internet evaluations can have the opposite impact from positive ones, since they can enhance a company's reputation, reliability, and trustworthiness with prospective clients. Online reviews have a significant impact on consumer happiness, help businesses enhance their services, and help them gain the audience's confidence and credibility.  
7. Backlinks:
For a local firm, backlinks are among the most crucial elements. A website's local backlink profile is a collection of connections from other websites in its local area or geographic region that inform Google bots about the website's relevance and authority in the local community. Keywords with a special geographic focus, including city names or regional identifiers, should be included in the anchor text of backlinks. Backlinks from industry journals, local directories, local event pages, local periodicals, and more increase their exposure in local search engine results pages (SERPs).
8. Schema Markup:
In local SEO services Delhi, schema markup is crucial. This kind of coding aids in the comprehension of the context and content by Googlebot, which can enhance your material's visibility on search engine results pages. You may use the following kinds of Schema markup for local businesses: author, local company, FAQs, services, events/special deals, etc. 
Increasing the amount of visitors to your website and improving your local SEO services Delhi efforts both depend on local content. The key is to establish a connection with your intended local audience and give them useful, pertinent information that satisfies their requirements. You may position your company as a reliable authority in your neighbourhood and foster long-term success by implementing these professional recommendations for local content optimisation with Modifyed Digital. 
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hogncracklin1 · 4 months
            Unraveling the Delight of Hog Roasts: Finding the Best Companies Near You
Hog roasts are the epitome of culinary indulgence, blending the rich flavors of slow-roasted pork with the communal joy of shared dining experiences. hog roast companies near me If you're craving this delectable delight for your next event or gathering, you'll want to ensure that you're entrusting your feast to the finest hog roast company available. In this article, we'll explore the essence of hog roasting and guide you on how to find the best hog roast companies near you.
Understanding the Charisma of Hog Roasts:
Hog roasts, rooted in centuries-old traditions, offer a unique culinary experience cherished across cultures. The process involves slow-cooking a whole hog over open flames, resulting in succulent, tender meat infused with smoky flavors. Beyond the gastronomic allure, hog roasts evoke a sense of conviviality, transforming any occasion into a memorable celebration.
The Quest for the Perfect Hog Roast Company:
When seeking a hog roast company to cater your event, several factors warrant consideration to ensure an unforgettable dining experience. Here's what to look for:
Reputation and Experience: Opt for companies with a proven track record and extensive experience in hog roasting. Established businesses often boast a portfolio of satisfied clients and positive testimonials attesting to their expertise.
Quality of Ingredients: The hallmark of an exceptional hog roast lies in the quality of its ingredients. Choose companies that prioritize sourcing premium, locally-sourced meats and fresh, wholesome ingredients for their sides and accompaniments.
Customization Options: Every event is unique, and your hog roast should reflect your preferences and dietary requirements. Look for companies that offer customizable menus and are willing to accommodate special requests to tailor the experience to your liking.
Professionalism and Reliability: A reputable hog roast company should exemplify professionalism in every aspect of their service, from initial inquiries to on-site execution. Ensure they possess the necessary licenses and adhere to food safety regulations, guaranteeing a seamless and worry-free experience.
Finding Hog Roast Companies Near You:
In the era of digital connectivity, discovering hog roast companies in your vicinity has never been easier. Here are some effective strategies:
Online Search: Utilize search engines and directories, inputting keywords such as "hog roast companies near me" to generate a list of local providers. Refine your search by perusing customer reviews and ratings to gauge each company's reputation and reliability.
Social Media and Forums: Tap into social media platforms and online forums where community members often share recommendations and experiences. Engage with local groups or forums related to event planning or food enthusiasts to solicit firsthand insights and suggestions.
Word of Mouth: Leverage your network by seeking recommendations from friends, family, or colleagues who have previously hosted events featuring hog roasts. Personal referrals can provide invaluable insights and help you narrow down your options.
Embarking on the quest to find the perfect hog roast company near you promises a culinary adventure brimming with flavor and festivity. By prioritizing factors such as reputation, quality, customization, and professionalism, you can ensure a delightful dining experience that leaves a lasting impression on your guests. Whether it's a wedding, corporate event, or backyard barbecue, let the tantalizing aroma of a meticulously roasted hog set the stage for an unforgettable celebration.
For those in the UK seeking an unparalleled hog roast experience, Hog N Cracklin stands as a beacon of excellence, offering bespoke catering services tailored to elevate any occasion. Visit their website here to explore their offerings and embark on a culinary journey infused with passion and flavor.
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glambyridhimathukral · 4 months
Best makeup artist
As a distinguished wedding makeup artist near me, Ridhima Thukral understands the importance of your special day and is dedicated to ensuring you radiate confidence and beauty. Her expertise extends beyond bridal makeup, making her a versatile option for various events, including parties and photo shoots.  Known for being a highly skilled professional makeup artist near me, Ridhima Thukral has a reputation for delivering flawless looks that perfectly align with her clients' visions. With a commitment to quality and precision, she transforms each client into a stunning work of art, highlighting their unique features.
What sets Ridhima Thukral apart is her commitment to affordability without compromising on the quality of service. As an affordable makeup artist near me, she provides a range of packages that cater to different budgets, making luxury beauty services accessible to everyone. Ridhima Thukral's versatility shines through as a freelance makeup artist near me, offering flexibility to accommodate various preferences and schedules. Whether you're preparing for a wedding, party, or a special photoshoot, her freelance services bring a personalised touch to every makeup session. For those planning a party, Ridhima Thukral is your ideal choice for a party makeup artist near me. Her creativity and expertise will ensure you stand out and make a lasting impression at any social gathering. To experience the magic of Ridhima Thukral's artistry, use online platforms to easily visit Ridhima Thukral website.
When it comes to excellence in makeup, Ridhima Thukral stands out as one of the best makeup artists in the industry. Her skills and dedication have earned her a reputation for creating breathtaking looks that enhance natural beauty and leave a lasting impression. If you're in search of a top-tier makeup artist near me, consider Ridhima Thukral could be the key to achieving your desired look.
Ridhima Thukral not only specialises in bridal makeup but also offers a wide range of services, making her an excellent choice for various occasions. Whether you're looking for a stunning makeup makeover near me or need the perfect look for a special event, Ridhima Thukral's expertise ensures you'll turn heads wherever you go. As a sought-after artist, Ridhima Thukral is associated with a reputable makeup artist agency that connects clients with the best professionals in the industry. This association not only speaks to her level of skill and professionalism but also ensures that clients receive exceptional service when choosing her for their makeup needs.
For brides-to-be in search of the best bridal makeup artist near me, Ridhima Thukral is a name that consistently delivers perfection. Her attention to detail and ability to capture the essence of each bride's unique style make her a trusted choice for those seeking a flawless and memorable bridal look. 
In addition to traditional makeup services, Ridhima Thukral also excels as the best permanent makeup artist near me. If you're considering a long-lasting solution to enhance your features, her expertise in permanent makeup ensures a natural and beautiful result that lasts. When you're looking for an artist who goes beyond the ordinary, Ridhima Thukral is the answer to your search. Her commitment to excellence, versatility in providing services like event makeup near me, and affiliation with a reputable agency make her a standout choice for those who want nothing but the best in the world of makeup artistry.
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queenofdragons12 · 5 months
Echoes of Destiny ─── J.JK
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parings: jungkook x female reader
Warnings: none, really.
Word count: 435 words
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You and your classmates are attending a fancy social gathering at a beautiful mansion. You couldn't quite remember why you were attending the soirée, but you didn't mind. It was a chance to have fun and let loose. Erikas asked you why you didn't drink with everyone else. You looked at him and explained that you don't drink alcohol, as you had already told him before. You rolled your eyes, feeling annoyed. Erikas found it amusing that you were trying hard to resist drinking alcohol, yet you were holding a wine glass with a golden rim. He asked if wine was more to your liking.
You gave Erikas a strong look after what he said. You turned away and started talking to Soifa and Samiro. But Erikas interrupted again, making you want to slap him. Instead, you looked at him with determination. You used to have feelings for him, but now your heart belongs to someone else.
In a social setting, your friend Erikas asked you about a man he had seen with you before and wondered if you were in a relationship with him. You were surprised by his lack of understanding of your affection for your partner and didn't share any details. Instead, you teased him playfully. However, your conversation was interrupted by a phone call, and you had to excuse yourself. Your friend Soifa understood your situation and encouraged you to take the call. When you saw the caller ID, you were happy and answered the phone with enthusiasm, saying "Hello darling!"
Jungkook called, and his voice was filled with affection. He chuckled gently and said, "Hey, my love, I miss you. Can I come to get you? I just can't bear to be away from you." You smiled and leaned against the wall, feeling happy and content. "Of course, babe! That would make me so happy! Do you know where I am?" Jungkook confidently replied, "I've got it all under control. Can't wait to see you, my princess." You said your goodbyes and hung up the phone, feeling excited and ready to be reunited with your love.
You suddenly saw Elijah and Trygve in front of you, and you were surprised and dismayed by their unexpected presence. They both looked shocked, with their mouths hanging open like fish.
"Ah, greetings, gentlemen," you acknowledged, a flush of embarrassment gracing your cheeks. Their expression of astonishment conveyed that they had inadvertently overheard your conversation with Jungkook. However, the initial astonishment and horror swiftly transformed into a simmering anger and a composed demeanor. "I gather you have taken pleasure in eavesdropping, I presume?"
Elijah, the first to succumb, exhibited a slight watering of his vibrant azure eyes, causing your heart to ache. A pang of nostalgia reminded you that you had once harbored affection for this young man, yet here you were, traversing through your daily life as if those sentiments had dissipated into thin air. Nonetheless, his penetrating gaze still evoked flutters within your heart and warmed your cheeks. Unintentionally, you had become a source of heartbreak for him, which weighed heavily upon you.
"Elijah, please accept my sincerest apologies," you murmured, but he dishearteningly shook his head, his dark locks obscuring his eyes. "No need to offer forgiveness. I had merely assumed that I had finally discovered a glimmer of felicity," he sighed, turning his gaze aside to meet the empathetic eyes of Trygve. "I had intended to propose a romantic endeavor today," he revealed, causing you to tense. Had he not sensed your deliberate aloofness, your guarded demeanor meant to shield him from any semblance of hope? Long before you succumbed to your affection for Jungkook, the fragrance of his adoration for you had already reached your senses.
Adorned with a gilded hue, your lengthy auricles pressed against your cranium while your muzzle dipped gently. "Dearest Elijah, I sincerely apologize, but my heart and essence have discovered Jungkook as my destined companion," you explained, taking a step closer and finally sensing the radiance that emanated from him. "May you attain happiness in whichever path you embark upon, and rest assured that I shall forever regard you as a cherished confidant and companion."
As your ears quivered, you detected the alluring fragrance of Jungkook wafting through the atmosphere. Relinquishing Elijah's grasp, you declared, "I shall converse with you on another occasion; for now, I must locate my soulmate." Bowing your head courteously, you gracefully departed, discovering the handsome, youthful vocalist positioned by the entrance of the grand estate. His attire was impeccably tailored, his hair elegantly swept back, and a cigarette poised leisurely between his lips. A warm smile adorned your countenance as you embraced him tightly, his sturdy arms promptly encircling your shoulders. "Darling, it brings me immense joy to behold your presence," he whispered, pressing a tender kiss upon your brow, his laughter resonating as your ears perked forward blissfully.
"And I, too, am elated to behold your presence, Jungkook," you purred, gracefully ascending to the balls of your feet to tenderly bestow a kiss upon him, ensuring that the movement of your snout guided his lips effortlessly.
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amitraphotogrpahy · 9 months
Capturing Life's Moments: Your Guide to Finding the Best Photographer Near You
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When it comes to preserving the precious moments of your life, from pre-wedding enchantment to the grandeur of your wedding day or any special event, selecting the right photographer is paramount. Whether you're in search of the best photographer in India or a photographer near you, this guide will help you make an informed decision.
The Quest for the Best Photographer Near Me
Convenience and Connection Choosing a photographer near you offers several advantages. It's convenient in terms of location, saving you time and travel. Additionally, a local photographer often has a better understanding of the region and can recommend picturesque locations for your photoshoot.
Personalized Experience A local photographer can provide a personalized experience, taking into account your preferences and the local culture. They can also offer flexible scheduling options and, in some cases, last-minute availability for unexpected photo opportunities.
Access to Portfolios When you search for a photographer near you, you can easily access their portfolios, view their past work, and even meet them in person before making a decision. This face-to-face interaction can help establish trust and ensure that their style aligns with your vision.
The Best Photographer in India
In a diverse and culturally rich country like India, finding the best photographer can be a daunting task. Here are some tips to help you identify top-tier photographers:
Check Their Portfolio The best photographers in India showcase their work through online portfolios and social media. Take the time to review their previous projects to see if their style matches your preferences.
Read Reviews and Testimonials Client reviews and testimonials are excellent indicators of a photographer's reputation and reliability. They provide insight into the client experience and the quality of their work.
Awards and Recognitions Many accomplished photographers in India have received awards and recognitions for their outstanding work. Look for these accolades as they often signify excellence and expertise.
Ask for Recommendations Don't hesitate to ask friends, family, or colleagues for recommendations. Personal referrals can lead you to hidden gems in the photography industry.
Pre Wedding Photography: Capturing the Essence of Love
Pre-wedding photography has become a cherished tradition for couples in India. It's a delightful opportunity to create memories and build rapport with your chosen photographer before the big day. These photos often reflect the couple's personality, their love story, and their unique connection.
Location Matters Select picturesque locations that resonate with your love story or represent your shared interests. Your pre-wedding photographer can suggest romantic venues and breathtaking backdrops.
Wardrobe and Styling Coordinate your outfits and styling to complement each other. A skilled pre-wedding photographer will guide you on the best wardrobe choices to enhance your photos.
Best Wedding Photographer: Turning Dreams into Reality
Your wedding day is a once-in-a-lifetime event, and capturing it perfectly is the job of the best wedding photographer. Here's what you should look for:
Experience and Expertise A seasoned wedding photographer knows how to capture the candid moments, intricate details, and emotions of your special day. They can handle challenging lighting conditions and ensure that no moment is missed.
Communication and Collaboration Your wedding photographer should be an excellent communicator and collaborator. They should work closely with you to understand your vision, timeline, and any special requests.
Event Photographer: Documenting Your Occasions
Events, whether corporate gatherings, parties, or cultural celebrations, are moments that deserve to be documented by a skilled event photographer. Here's what to consider:
Versatility An event photographer should be versatile, capable of adapting to various settings and capturing different types of moments, from candid shots to posed group photos.
Equipment and Preparation Ensure that your event photographer is well-equipped with professional gear and has a backup plan in case of technical issues. A prepared photographer is less likely to miss important shots. In conclusion, selecting the best photographer, whether near you or across India, involves careful consideration of their portfolio, client reviews, and personal compatibility. Whether it's pre-wedding enchantment, the grandeur of a wedding, or any special event, the right photographer will transform moments into lasting memories. So, start your search, and let the artistry of photography capture the essence of your life's most beautiful moments.
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thecropau · 9 months
Event Photography Tips and Tricks: Professional Guidance for Novices
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Do you have a strong passion for photography and are you want to make a name for yourself in the exciting world of event photography? For photographers, taking pictures of interesting moments at different events—like weddings, corporate parties, or high-profile red carpet events—can be exhilarating and rejuvenating. Before diving headfirst into this fascinating project, beginners should become acquainted with a few crucial rules and suggestions.
This blog post looks at expert advice on Sydney event photography and offers crucial suggestions to help improve your capacity to produce outstanding images that successfully capture the spirit of any particular occasion. In order to properly meet all of your demands, we offer thorough coverage on a number of topics, from pricing tactics to equipment choices. Please have your camera ready and come along on this thrilling adventure with me. In a city like Sydney, which is well known for its vibrant social scene, there is always something interesting happening that you want to take pictures of.
Different kinds of occasions to take pictures of
Weddings: As couples exchange vows and enjoy their special day with friends and family, love is in the air. A sharp eye for detail and the capacity to foresee those ephemeral, once-in-a-lifetime moments are essential for wedding photography, which involves anything from candid images of the happy couple to capturing emotional moments throughout the ceremony.
Corporate Events: Whether it's a gala dinner, product launch, or industry conference, corporate events present a special chance to take expert pictures and record significant occasions that highlight a business's character. From business networking to keynote speakers enthralling audiences, these events demand a professional and creative blend.
Music Festivals: Get equipped to have a blast! Music festivals provide an endless source of photographic opportunities due to their vibrant stage designs, lively crowds, and throbbing beats. Photographs that capture the dynamic energy of performers, such as your favorite artists, or capture the lively atmosphere of festival attendees, can produce striking visuals that evoke the essence of music.
Red Carpet Affairs: Exquisite opportunities to capture superstars at their best are presented by lavish premieres or prominent awards shows. Both eye-catching photographs and candid photos that offer a peek into the realm of celebrity culture may be found on the red carpet.
The good and bad of event photography
For novice photographers, capturing moments during events can be a thrilling and fulfilling experience. But in order to make sure you get the greatest images, there are a few dos and don'ts to remember.
Plan beforehand, please. Get to know the location before the event and make a shot list of the important moments you wish to document. You'll be more organized and ensure that you don't miss any crucial photographs by doing this.
Avoid becoming obtrusive. Remember to respect people's personal space even when it's necessary to approach close enough for amazing photographs. Be aware of your presence so that you don't block views or interrupt talks.
Ideas for capturing amazing event photos
Recognize the Event: Before you begin snapping away, pause to discern the intention and tone of the occasion. Is this a laid-back networking gathering or a formal gala? You'll be able to take the perfect pictures if you understand the mood.
Be Ready: Make sure your camera is completely charged, and carry extra memory cards and batteries in case something happens. Carry a variety of lenses with you so you can take clear close-ups and wide-angle photos.
Capture Unposed Moments: Although posed group photos are crucial, don't overlook the importance of unposed moments. These unplanned photos frequently capture sincere feelings and provide a more accurate account of the incident.
What gear is required for event photography?
Possessing the appropriate gear is essential for event photography in Sydney order to record those unique moments. Every event photographer needs to have a few basic equipment in their toolbox.
Camera: Any event photographer should have a top-notch DSLR or mirrorless camera. These cameras have excellent image quality with customizable settings for ISO, shutter speed, and aperture.
Investing in a variety of lenses will provide you with the adaptability to take various kinds of pictures. A telephoto lens enables you to close in on particular subjects from a distance, while a wide-angle lens is excellent for gathering photos and landscape photography.
Flash: Although natural lighting is preferable, there can be circumstances in which more lighting is required. Using an external flash can assist soften harsh shadows and provide more illumination for your subjects.
Tripod: When taking pictures in low light or with slower shutter speeds, a strong tripod is necessary to achieve stability and quality in your images.
How much does event photography cost?
It can be challenging to choose the appropriate pricing for your event photography services, but it's a crucial factor to take into account. Make sure you're getting paid appropriately for the time, expertise, and tools you provide. When determining the cost of your services, bear the following points in mind:
Take Experience Into Account: If you're just getting started in Sydney with event photography, you might need to charge less at first in order to establish your experience and portfolio. You might raise your prices in line with your level of expertise and recognition.
Determine Your charges: Include all of the expenditures related to offering event photography services, including travel charges, equipment upkeep and upgrades, editing software subscriptions, insurance premiums, marketing costs, and any other incidental costs.
Examine Market Rates: Find out how much other event photographers in Sydney are asking for their services. You can use this to determine the average market rate and establish competitive rates without devaluing yourself.
Assess Your Worth: Take into account the value you provide as an experienced event photographer. Do you possess any special abilities or knowledge that make you stand out from the crowd? Emphasize these attributes when deciding on your price plan.
Provide diverse package options that align with the demands and financial limitations of your clientele. Offer entry-level packages, for instance, with fewer hours of coverage, or upscale add-ons, such as more prints or albums.
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