#that's why mom's house smelled better after a few days living there and why it always smells bad again now
wlntrsldler · 6 months
poisoned mercury | end up here
a/n: i'm going FERALLLLLLL over this chapter. enjoy poisoned mercury's debut album hehe.
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iv. end up here by 5sos
series masterlist | previous | next
“your band name doesn’t even make any sense,” you argued, eyes narrowing at the boy in front of you. 
luke crashed your secret spot, again, and refused to let you smoke in silence until you gave him a detailed explanation of how your day went. he knew you didn’t smoke every day, only on days that were particularly hard. he noticed that your bad days always had something to do with your dad, but it didn’t feel like the right moment to bring that up. 
anyway, you got fed up with his badgering and that stupid smirk on his face because he knew you were about to crack, and decided that if he was going to act like a toddler, you would too. hence, why you were now bringing up his band name. 
luke took offense to that because he thought the band name was cool. he was the one to suggest it. he crossed his arms over his chest, trying not to let his hurt show on his face, “what do you mean? poisoned mercury is a sick name.” 
“mercury is already poisonous. your band name is like redundant or some shit.” 
“then why did so many people in history ingest it?” luke asked, recalling the one thing he remembered from his high school history class before he dropped out. he took a drag from his cigarette, turning his body a bit so the wind didn’t blow the smoke directly in your face. 
“they fucking died, castellan,” you replied, deadpan. 
“oh,” he blinked, staring off, “i didn’t know that.” 
you rolled your eyes, a habit that you’ve picked up whenever you were with him and sat back down on the bench. luke joined you, silent as he thought about what you just said. he really needed to stop zoning out during lessons, but since he was already out of high school, he guessed it didn’t matter anymore. 
as much as you hate to admit it, luke castellan was growing on you. sure, he got on your nerves like nobody else– the boy just doesn’t quit– but, he wasn’t half as bad as you originally thought. not that you’d ever tell him that though. 
when you got back to the cabin last week after helping with concert prep, the cabin was spotless. there were no empty red bull cans in sight, the table tops were free of crumbs, floor vacuumed and mopped, and there was even a candle burning on the counter. you approached your bedroom door to find a post-it on the handle. luke’s messy writing was smudged around the corners, but you could still make out what it said. 
“five star, 
i snitched on the boys and my mom will have a stern talk with them about their cleanliness. can’t promise that people will stop talking about me, but i can promise you won’t have to live in the dojo casa house mojo or whatever it was. 
ps i’m using the spot tomorrow, just thought i should let you know. maybe we can set up a calendar for reservations. 
luke :)” 
the cabin hasn’t been as messy since. whatever may castellan told the boys worked like a charm. there was still the occasional trash, but nothing crazy. it smelled better in the cabin too, still like a boy, but it smelled like expensive cologne more than anything. cedarwood and pine. 
and thankfully, the luke castellan hype train was starting to run out of steam, with many people finally realizing that he was also just a human being and the surprising revelation that luke castellan was not entertaining anyone during his time at camp helped with it as well. you still heard whispers about him here and there, but you were glad the topic of conversation was beginning to switch to something else. 
you and luke walked to the gym and back home every morning together. he and the boys sat with you and clarisse during meals. they tagged along for music lessons and spoke to the kids, which they really appreciated. they helped the older campers with writing music, luke particularly. you’d been around a few musicians in your life and many of them only kissed ass when your dad was around, but poisoned mercury was different. they were passionate about their music. that was clear.
after a conversation with clarisse, where she managed to convince you that not all musicians are like your ex, you began to let loose a little bit. you hung out with the boys more, partly as an excuse so clarisse could hang out with chris without causing too much suspicion, and found that you actually enjoyed their company. and luke castellan? well, he wasn’t half bad. that doesn’t mean he got off easy though. 
you took a hit of your vape, facing him, “are you done interrogating me?” 
“for now, yeah,” he smiled as you shook your head. “are you coming to the concert tonight?” 
“well, i did help organize it.” 
“a simple yes would’ve sufficed, five star,” luke teased, relighting his cigarette. it was burning unevenly and luke was never one to waste his cigarettes. “you gonna watch us play?” 
“don’t have a choice. dad wants me there the whole time.” 
“you can act a little excited,” luke ran a hand through his curls, “we are pretty good, you know.” 
“i know,” you hummed. the sun was beginning to set and there was a slight breeze in the air. goosebumps formed on your skin, the t-shirt and denim shorts you wore didn’t offer much comfort. you shivered, “i have listened to your music.” 
“are you cold?” 
your teeth chattered, but you shook your head, “i’m fine.” 
luke took off his hoodie, tossing it in your direction, “take it.” 
“no,” you tossed it back to him, “told you i’m good.”
always so stubborn, luke thought.  
“if you catch a cold, that’s not on me,” he placed the hoodie on the bench between the two of you. “which songs have you listened to?” 
“kilby girl, of course. it played on the radio so much when you guys first dropped it,” you said, remembering the days where you and your hometown friends would blast it in the car. it reminded you of high school, reckless decisions, life-long memories, and the thrill of knowing you were going to be playing the sport you’d worked so hard to excel in at a d1 level in the fall. you looked at him, sincerity in your eyes, “i really like family line. it might be my favorite.” 
luke’s eyebrows shot up. not many people talked about family line. it was probably their least streamed song. they never performed the song on tour because it was difficult for luke to sing it. it was a personal song to him. it was inspired by his relationship with his father, or lack thereof. 
when poisoned mercury first got signed to olympus records, luke sent a message to his dad on facebook. luke hadn’t tried to contact him since he was ten, not since his father returned his letter to him unopened, no response but a “return to sender” stamp plastered over the envelope. but after the small congratulatory party his mom set up for the band after they signed, luke felt like a little kid again, a kid who wanted to share the great news with his dad, so he found his dad on facebook, made an account, and sent him a message. 
he didn’t get a reply, which was expected, but it felt good for a second to pretend that he had a father to tell his good news to. luke thought he didn’t care about whether or not his dad was proud of him, but when his message went from “sent” to “read” a few days later, he was brought back to those moments in his life when he cried and wondered why he wasn’t enough to make his dad stay. he wrote family line in one sitting, on his bed in his bedroom in connecticut, looking at the little league medals on his wall that seemed to mock him. 
he originally didn’t want it on the album because he felt like it didn’t fit the vibe of the rest of the songs and that it was too real, too vulnerable for a debut album, but then he played it for his mom and she loved it. she cried when she first heard it and luke knew that even if people didn’t like the song, he was going to put it out for his mom. 
“huh,” he cleared his throat, trying to regain his composure, “wasn’t expecting that one. thought you’d be more of a crash my car type of girl.” 
“i like that too,” you shrugged, “but family line. that song. i don’t think i have the words to describe it.” 
“thanks, five star,” luke looked down at his feet, taking a puff from his dying cigarette. “that’s my mom’s favorite, too.” 
“did you write it?” 
luke nodded, looking to face you. there was a new expression on your face, one that you’d never used with him before. it was a mix of disbelief and awe. he tried not to get offended that you didn’t think he could write something like family line, but he couldn’t blame you. he didn’t really portray the type of person who would be able to be that raw and vulnerable on a song. “me and trav write the lyrics for our songs, mostly. chris and connor help too, but the bulk of the lyrics are me.” 
“you need to stop doing that.”
he cocked his head to the side, crushing the cigarette butt on the hardware of the bench, “doing what?” 
“surprising me,” you shook your head, “i don’t like it.” 
“i don’t know what to tell you,” he chuckled, leaning back on the bench. he looked out into the lake, watching the sun disappear behind the mountains, “i have layers. you just gotta give me a chance.” 
“how do you do it?” you sat criss cross on the bench, leaning against the arm rest. “how do you write like that?” 
you’d always been curious about music, even if you weren’t good at it. your dad was never one to answer your questions, especially because you were interested in lyrics more than anything, and that wasn’t his forte. 
luke mimicked your actions, “i dunno. personal experience, i guess?”
you frowned, thinking about the lyrics of family line. luke never talked about his dad, but spoke highly of his mom. was family line based on his own life? if it was, his dad was an asshole. 
you relented to the cold, grabbing the hoodie that he left in between the two of you. you ignored the triumphant smile on his face when you draped the sweater over your bare legs, shielding them from the wind chills. 
he continued, “sometimes things happen to me that get me worked up and i have to write a song about it. sometimes, it’s based on my imagination. it depends.”
you wanted to ask him about his dad, but you didn’t know if he considered you guys friends yet. it’s not like you made it easy for him anyway. you could deal with the banters and annoyance, but you didn’t want to push him to talk about something he wasn’t ready to. you could be a dick, but you weren’t cruel. 
you changed the subject, “okay, let’s play a game.” 
“21 questions?” luke bit his bottom lip, trying not to laugh. he waggled his eyebrows, dodging your arm that reached out to smack him. 
“you’re gross,” you gagged, knowing the implications of the game, “no, i’m gonna ask about the songs on your album and you tell me if it’s real life or from your imagination.” 
“alright, go for it five star,” he beamed, propping his elbows on his crossed knees. he loved talking about music with anyone. he could go on and on for hours. 
“real,” luke snorted, remembering the first time travis pitched the idea for the song to the band, “but not my experience. it was trav. he met this girl at one of our gigs in new york, right after we got signed, and he was obsessed. she was a freshman at nyu and she kept telling him he was too young for her, even though she was just less than a year older. trav was hooked.” 
you could picture it. it was definitely something travis would do. “okay, another one of my favorites. only angel?” 
“not real,” luke shook his head, a slight blush creeping up on his face. “if you tell anyone, five star, i will vehemently deny it, but i had a crush on jade west from victorious and i wrote it about her.” 
there was something about jade west that made luke like a love-sick puppy. ignoring the fact that she was hot, her attitude was something that luke was attracted to. she had a tough exterior and acted like she didn’t care about people, but she had her moments where she was soft and kind to the people she cared about the most. luke liked that. the idea that someone could be sensitive but only to the people they deemed worthy. 
he’d spent so much of his life trying to be worthy, in whatever way the stage of his life defined it, and he craved it– a pat on the back, an approval, a confirmation that he was worthy of it. 
you threw your head back laughing, surprised by his ridiculous confession. the sound of your laughter rang across the woods, making luke smile. your voice echoed throughout the trees and he his senses were surrounded by you. it hit luke like a truck. 
he sucked in a breath, taking out his phone. he jolted from his seat for more than one reason. “shit, five star. we gotta go.” 
you took out your phone too, checking the time. your eyes widened as you got up from your seat. you threw his hoodie over to him, “fuck, we’re late.” 
the two of you raced out of the woods, arriving to the concert venue with flushed faces and rapid breaths. you could feel clarisse’s knowing eyes on you as you got ready for the concert. you tried your best to ignore it. you were going to deal with that later. 
“and for the final event, i know you guys are looking forward to this one,” your dad laughed into the mic. the sun was long gone and there were disco lights illuminating the stage. a smoke machine was on either corner, making it difficult to see the bottom half of the stage. you and clarisse stood in the front row, listening to the deafening cheers of the campers. “ladies and gents, welcome poisoned mercury!” 
the screams got louder which you didn’t even know was possible. travis entered the stage first, sticking his tongue out as he expertly twirled his drumsticks around his fingers. connor came in next, smiling and waving at the crowd as he plugged his guitar into the amp. chris walked in with his bass strapped around his neck, eyes immediately finding clarisse and sending her a shy smile. you nudged her teasingly, enjoying the way she blushed under the lights. 
then luke castellan walked in. he ditched his hoodie and t-shirt and walked in with a white tank top on, messing with the curls on his head. he tugged on the silver necklace around his neck as his eyes scanned the crowd. he threw a wink to the group of the older girls in the back, turning to travis to let out a laugh at their reaction. the lights on the boys were blinding and a thin layer of sweat already began to form on their skin despite the bite to the air. 
luke took center stage, picking up his guitar. he leaned over directly in front of you, fingers pretending to mess with the wires connecting his guitar to the speakers, “hey, five star.” 
he straightened his back before you could reply. clarisse’s eyes darted between you and the boy, now nudging you like you did to her earlier. you rolled your eyes, smiling at the rest of the boys as luke began talking on the mic. 
“what’s up, camp half blood?” luke screamed into the mic. the crowd roared. “we’re poisoned mercury and we are so happy to be with you guys here this summer. before we close out this awesome concert, i wanna introduce our lovely band.” 
“on drums, we have the one and only, travis stoll!” luke turned around to applaud travis as he did a little drum solo, head banging as he hit the drums. he turned to connor, “on lead guitar, we have the amazing connor stoll!” 
connor strummed his guitar, leaning over on the left side to soak in the applause of the crowd. the girls beside you swooned as he unleashed one of his award-winning smiles. 
luke faced chris, “and on bass, we have my very best friend in the entire world, my 4lifer, chris rodriguez!” clarisse cheered loudly for chris as he played a tune on his bass, mouthing, “love you, brother,” to luke as he played. the crowd quited for a second as luke addressed them again, “and my name is luke castellan. we’re poisoned mercury!” 
you turned around to look at the crowd. the size of the crowd tripled when the boys got on stage. everyone had a smile on their face, excited to hear them play. 
“the song we’ll be singing for you guys today is from our debut album,” luke adjusted his mic on the stand. he got closer to it, lips touching the metal, “this is only angel.” 
you couldn’t help but let out a laugh at their song choice. this was not the song they were supposed to sing. they’d been rehearsing kilby girl for the past week. luke saw your reaction, laughing along with you. 
the instrumentals began and you nearly missed the beat drop because of the cheers from the crowd. as the song progressed, the boys were one with the music. you watched luke sing, working the crowd like a pro. his skin glistened under the spotlight, beads of sweat tricking down the side of his face. he approached chris when the chorus started, dragging his mic stand with him. he swung his guitar around so it rested on his back as he sang the lyrics. his curls were sticking to his forehead, eyebrows raised in glee as he performed. 
you couldn’t take your eyes off the lead singer, not even when the rest of the band had their own solos in the song. your eyes were glued on luke; how his adam’s apple was on full display as he threw his head back, getting lost in the music, how his arms flexed as he wrapped the mic cord around his fist, how his thin tank top stuck to his body and how it raised when he lifted his arm up to bring the mic closer to his lips. you saw the outline of his abdomen and his v-line. 
but what really got you was his face. he looked at peace on stage, a wide smile on his face, full lips pink and glossy as he licked them in between verses. he looked incredible up there, like that was where he belonged. he was born to be on stage like this. 
“fuck,” you mumbled, applauding at the end of their song. luke’s eyes found yours as he sang the last bit of the song, smiling at you. you hoped clarisse couldn’t hear you talk to yourself. you looked down at your feet, tugging nervously on the collar of your shirt, “i get it now.”
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gatitties · 2 years
Care and comfort
─ Yandere!bonten x motherly!reader (platonic)
─ Summary: you were just trying to help someone and you ended up being the obsession of a criminal organization
─ Warnings: obsession, stalking, toxic behaviors, kidnapping, slight mention of drugs and stuff related
Part two / Part three / Part four / Part five
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You turned on the light in your kitchen, almost tripping over one of the stools because your eyes were still half closed, you had fallen asleep correcting the last report that the newspaper where you worked had sent you. You had noticed that you hadn't even had dinner before, so you made a quick meal before heading back to work, but before you could touch your laptop you heard a crash at the front door, as if someone had collapsed and slammed against it.
It's not that you lived in one of the worst areas of the city, but it was strange that something happened in the wee hours of the morning, you walked slowly, opening the door, or trying to, because the body of a man was blocking the entrance, a few minutes of struggle was enough for the unconscious body to fall to the other side, leaving you to open the door completely and contemplate the man.
He had one of those mullets that were fashionable among young people, several earrings, some scars on his mouth and stains of what appeared to be vomit and blood, okay, you did not want to interfere with anyone who seemed to be a drug addict, but on second thought, it was better to help the man than to have to give statements to the police as to why there was a dead body at your door.
You dragged him home and laid him on the couch, laying him on his side so he wouldn't choke on his own vomit if he ever did, though after further scanning you decided he needed a good shower. You did not feel self-conscious in doing this job, you are of an age and you have worked in many things, among them you had a position taking care of the elderly, all kinds of care being more specific, so no, you did not feel uncomfortable having to wash this man.
You changed his clothes and put his striped suit in the wash, leaving him back on the sofa, you continued with your work, reading and quickly correcting the errors you found, the night passed quite quickly and you fell asleep once you were completely done your work, sending it to the head of the newspaper.
The next morning you woke up with a gun pointed at your temple and that man's pretty eyes staring back at you, good way to start the day indeed.
"Who the hell are you?"
"Are you young people these days so ungrateful? It was you who passed out on the doorstep of my house at two in the morning."
He lowered the gun, seeming to remember some parts of his night, he sat still a little bewildered and with his head elsewhere because of the drugs taken yesterday, he looked at you in silence now noticing his change of clothes as well as the smell of his hair, it was not the smell of his usual shampoo.
"Did you…?"
"Yes, oh, don't be ashamed, it's been a long time since I stopped being interested in that kind of thing, at a certain age the only thing one looks for is economic stability and peace of mind, are you going to stay for lunch?"
He blinked contemplating your calm form, he didn't know if he was still under the pressure of narcotics, but he didn't reject your proposal, Sanzu was anything but embarrassing, however he felt like a little boy next to you being cared for by the mother he never had.
For your part, he was not the first brat you helped, you had married friends, with grown children or adolescents who did not stop getting into small problems, you acted like the aunt who drinks wine and criticizes everyone at family gatherings, for your attitude, they found it easier to access you when they had problems they didn't want your friends ─their moms─ to know about, you always had their backs unless it was something that was detrimental to their health, then you wouldn't hesitate to call your friends to give their children a lecture, even as adults.
That same attitude was the one that made Sanzu visit you more often than he would like to admit, although most of the times he left scolded for coming home drunk or drugged, you never closed the door on him, how could you? You weren't heartless enough to leave him lying in the street when he came desperately asking for help with some of his hallucinations.
Your kindness led him to an obsession towards you, you were like his little lifeboat, his conscious part about all the madness in which he was involved, he began to watch you from afar, observing your interactions with strangers and friends, it bothered him, it bothered him that you were just as kind to others as you were to him, he wanted all your attention just for him. He was also worried about you, he had seen the worst part of the rotten world in which he lived, someone with a soft heart like you could not survive against the predators of this society.
Of course, Bonten executives were not stupid, usually most of them lived in the headquarters, they had private properties where they spent a few days or weeks, but most of the time they were in that headquarter, especially Sanzu, that's why they started to noticing his absence more and more, it's not like he had to explain himself to anyone ─except if Mikey asked him to─ but his behavior was strange, didn't he arrive drugged? It seemed like a bad joke, clothes without a bloodstain? he was definitely doing something outside their radar.
Not that the others cared much, but the Haitani brothers were a bit nosy, like gossips who want to know why their partner seems happier when he comes back in the morning after a night of 'fun'. They discussed it a couple of times with the others when Sanzu wasn't around, and they all agreed that his behavior was unusual, so they began to investigate what he did in his leisure.
This led to an ordinary person like you being watched by two executives of the largest criminal organization in the country. At first they thought that you were a whore with whom he had fallen in love, but investigating more about you, they discovered that you were a lady with an established daily life, there was nothing about you that stood out and yet you seemed so interesting.
"Sanzu please, I need to finish correcting this report, I promise you that later you can have all the hugs you want."
He tightened his grip on your waist, burying his face in the crook of your neck, you were trying to do your job but Sanzu found your hugs too comforting after you once found him crying ─from being drugged─, killing people leaves obstacles in any person and as much as he loved it, certain deaths of innocent people always ended up flying over his thoughts like ghosts that tormented him from time to time.
The sound of the doorbell made you stop typing, moving the man slightly away to go to open, you were not expecting a visitor which was strange to you, Sanzu felt a chill when you opened the door, meeting the eyes of the youngest of the Haitani directly, he got up quickly without even letting you ask what those guys wanted, he pulled you back before Ran could drag you with him.
"What the fuck are you two doing here?"
"Make sure you don't have too much fun, are you so in love that you forget the meetings?"
They started a little discussion while you looked blankly, you and Rindou looked at each other in silence while the other two talked, you greeted with a brief nod, thinking they were Sanzu's coworkers.
Luckily just when the discussion was getting more heated, a 'ding' coming from the oven threw everyone off concentration, taking advantage of this you got out of the man's strong grip, walking towards the kitchen to see that the cookies you had been working on before were ready.
"There are plenty of cookies for everyone, Sanzu you can invite your friends."
"They are not my friends!"
"That's very kind of you, we'd love to meet our friend's friend."
So you ended up having lunch with the three men in an awkward silence between them, due to the tension of which you preferred not to take into account, Ran and Rindou were quite nice and understood that you were not a love interest, nor did you want it, nor did you seek it. Alarm bells of boys without a mother figure going off again, of course you caught their interest more than before, they knew your background but not your personality, and they ended up falling into that obsession towards you, as if there was something that made them gravitate towards you, was it because of your simplicity? for your kind words? They didn't know it, but they were jealous that Sanzu could snuggle up against you and they would have to keep more of their distance.
Now you had three of Bonten's executives constantly visiting your house, whether it was asking you for small favors or advice on nonsense to asking you to make them cookies or food in general, they just desperately wanted your attention, like babies crying out for their mother.
This cycle of obsession only made the others begin to suspect that they were up to something, whether it was harmful to Bonten or not, Takeomi was the first to notice, Kokonoi the same, he noticed how the brothers spent a certain amount of money, which they didn't used to do that often, followed by Kakucho, Mochizuki and lastly Mikey.
So it led you to be kidnapped by Mochi after doing enough research on you, because they didn't take much notice of it at first when the brothers first noticed. You were tied hand and foot, a blindfold was removed after consciousness returned to you, you found yourself face to face with a man with immense dark circles and eyes full of lifeless, on his right side another man with a large scar on his face, on his left side another man with a small scar on his left eye.
You felt something cold touching your temple, again you had a gun pointed at you, held by the same boy who had kidnapped you, you turned your head also noticing another man with long white hair.
"Who are you and why do you have my executives after you?"
"Executives…?" you looked at everyone carefully, connecting the dots when you saw their tattoos "Oh- so that's why they never wanted to tell me what they worked for… are you some kind of organization? Like arms smuggling, money laundering or something?"
You took the situation calmly, that your life was hanging by a thread right now was not one of your biggest concerns, you had lived a full and happy life up to now, you had no regrets, you were mature enough to understand the point at which you were, the more the years go by, the less afraid you are of the things that used to terrify you when you were young.
Everyone was surprised to see how Sanzu entered kicking Mochizuki so that the weapon flew out of his hands, away from you, the Haitani brothers followed closely untying you quickly while all those men had a discussion of looks, the dense silence was broken by your giggle, you were trying to control yourself as much as you could but it was impossible.
"My God, Sanzu, you just called me mom!?"
The boy's face was completely dyed in pink tones, all the attention was now focused on you while you let out a laugh at the slip that your child had, something made the hearts of others clench in pain when they heard your laugh, no matter how bad it sounded, whether it was asthmatic, uproarious, or silent laughter, it was like real music to the ears of all the executives at Bonten, including the leader. As if you had flipped a switch in the mind of their rotten minds, they now had a new interest in you, as if you had further triggered an obsession you were unaware of with the first three you met.
They began to understand why those three felt attracted to you, it was as if your mere presence was intoxicating for them, as if just listening to you or looking at you calmed their broken hearts, many alarms from boys without a mother figure, of course that was a triggering reason, all these men longed for that kind of love that they could hardly experience.
Now you had the criminal organization after you, not in a bad way, more like a bunch of men acting childishly because of your limited attention. One thing they were clear about without the need to speak, you were not going to leave their sight for a single moment from now on.
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charlottecutepie · 8 months
☥ Bunny meat (William Afton x fem!reader x Michael Afton)
Summary: He was a likeable middle-aged man who had wonderful children, his dream job and a beautiful wife. He never blamed himself for his own actions, or to be more exact, he never thought about their consequences.
author note: Ive been thinking for a very long time whether I should publish this fic here. this is my fav fic I wrote for fnaf, I especially like the way I portrayed William here. so please, if any of you would like to see this story here, can you leave a comment? It’ll help me to understand. I’m just unsure if I should post this fic here :’’)
tags: darkfic, unhealthy relationship, angst, smut with plot, p in v, dubcon, oral sex, rough and gentle sex, daddy kink, blood play, knife play, fear play, hurt/comfort, violence, gore/murders, child abuse, follows fnaf lore, moral and physical abuse, virginity kink, anxiety disorder, age gap, daddy issues, unreliable narrator, hallucinations, hidden pairing, William is sick, psychopathy, unhealthy narcissism
Chapter 2.
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Chapter 1. Thoughts
Chilly spring night. Light wind and rain. It's so fresh outside that the opposite effect appears: you feel as if you are suffocating from excess air. Outside is your favourite smell of wet grass after the rain. Light smile appears on your lips, and you carelessly go out on the porch of your house, looking at the beautiful view in front of you.
At such moments, everything around seems to be a part of you, you feel some kind of connection with nature and this world. Peace, tranquility, two things what you lack in life.
Today was a bad day. Maybe tomorrow will be better? Tomorrow will be the same. And when will it be better? Does this hell have an end?
Your head is filled with bad thoughts. It feels like every day is getting a little worse than the previous one. You never understood why you deserved such treatment from your father. It was as if he was doing everything so that you wouldn't feel like his daughter. He never even called you that. Something bad happened in your family every day, mom and dad always argued, and you always ran into your room in a state of panic, anxiety. What if father does something to her? That's what happened a few years ago. When you called your aunt in tears, begging her to come, because your father broke your mom's leg and beat her to a concussion. You could have been next if your aunt hadn't arrived on time. That evening, the picture of father changed dramatically in your little child's head.
“Father” means something cold, something cruel. The one who can punch, beat, shout, scream. Abuse.
You live with this thought to this day, but the only thing that has changed is that now there is no father anymore. He died a month ago, which was a shock to your whole little family. You hardly remember what happened exactly on the day of his death, but you clearly memorised your mother who cried all night because she knew well that the only one who could work to feed the family was her husband.
And now, because of this husband she cannot find a well-paid job, because he took care to provide her with a serious disability. And you're too young to work, first you must finish school and university.
Your skin was covered with goosebumps, you went back into the house. Passing by mom's room, you made sure that she was asleep and went to your own one.
Tomorrow is another day.
June 22.
“Y/n, breakfast is ready.” you heard mom's voice from the kitchen. Telling her you'd be coming soon, you headed to the bathroom to comb your hair and wash your face.
On the dining table you saw a plate with your favorite breakfast. Pancakes with honey, it couldn't not make you happy. You smiled and sat down opposite your mom. Woman was in a joyful mood.
“Good morning, dear, how did you sleep?” she asked gently, examining your face expression. That's how your conversation started, about everything and nothing at once. She told something about her plans for today, for a week, about her friends, about how one of them gave birth again. You just enjoyed her monologue, sometimes nodding and shaking your head. It was nice for you to see a sparkle in mom's eyes, it was something strange and unique for you, but warming soul. “I absolutely forgot that soon is your birthday!”
“Oh, really? If you hadn't told me, I wouldn't have remembered…” you answered in confusion, fidgeting in your chair and twitching your leg. For some reason, the mention of your birthday made you uncomfortable. Probably because it will be your first birthday without your father. After all, when he was alive, you never really celebrated it. The maximum that was — sweets that your mother gave you in secret from him. You wonder what will happen this time?
“How are we going to celebrate?” Mom asked, smile on her face.
You looked at the floor, nervously fiddling with your shorts. You scratched your head, trying to think of something, but no idea came to mind. Your thoughts are empty again.
“It's your 18th birthday… We need to celebrate it well somehow.” for a second she paused, before looking at you with cheerful face. “Oh… Mr. Afton!”
Your eyes widened in surprise, because after the funeral, your family stopped communicating with Afton family.
“Mom, what are you up to?” you frowned. To be honest, you always got shivers running down your spine from his name, because your last meeting was at that cemetery, on the day of your father's funeral. Memories have entered your mind, forcing you to remember your last dialogue with Mr. Afton.
After the burial itself happened, you ran away from the crowd away. Your heart was racing like crazy, trying to jump out of your chest. You sat down on a wet bench, covering your face in hysterics. Tears streamed down your cheeks, dripping onto a puddle under the bench.
“Young lady,” a low-pitched male voice called you out of hysteria. “Everything is okay? You've been sitting here for hour.”
You opened your eyes and raised your head. Next to you was standing was a tall, middle-aged man with dark brown hair, dressed in black trousers and a jacket. He leaned towards you, holding an umbrella over your head. His face seemed painfully familiar, but because of the hysteria, you couldn't remember who it was.
“Oh god, Y/n? I didn't recognize you, little one. Why are you sitting here all alone?” he smiled broadly as he sat down next to you on the bench, still holding the umbrella for you. “Your mom is looking for you, she's so worried. Her beloved girl is lost.”
You recognised this man. It was none other than William Afton. One of your father's friends, he often came to visit you, and your family also visited him. You were embarrassed by ignoring his questions because you didn't know what to respond. He's been staring at your face the whole time.
“Come on, princess, I see how cold you are.” with these words, he took off his jacket, putting it on your shoulders. “I understand how hard it is for you, honey.”
You haven't received so many nicknames from any men for all your 17 years of life. Never, not once. His voice at some point began to seem more comfortable and soothing. Because of all the surging emotions, you burst into tears again in front of him, no longer hiding your face. William, not wasting a minute, threw umbrella and took you in his arms, so that your face was hidden in his chest. His cold hands stroked your hair, soothing you, calming you. It may have looked strange from out of context, but you really needed support in such hard moment.
“Don't cry, Y/n. You'll be fine, little one.” he talked and talked endlessly, but because of your own tears and sobs, you ignored everything, only burying your nose in his chest more.
“He's the owner of a pizzeria! Do you want to celebrate there? I'm sure he'll give us a discount in honor of such an event.” her smile never disappeared for a second. You were already beginning to doubt at how real her emotions were.
“Are you sure? We don't have much money anyway…”
“Never mind, I want you to finally have the best birthday, dear.” she winked and got up from the table, putting the plates and mugs in the sink.
Your lips curled at the thought of having to see William again.
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Hi! Congrats on 500 followers!
Could I request prompt 30 with Javi going out of his ways to surprise Osita with a candle lit dinner at home? Javi is a great cook and very domestic/tidy in my head.
Thank you! 😍
Ugh, nonnie, this one was so cute!!! 😭💕 I 100% agree that Javi is also kind of a neat freak and a good cook!! Also this one goes out to my own personal Javi P bc my husband has put up with my grumpy ass while I go back to school this week and has done everything around the house so I can go to bed at like 8:00 every night 🥺
You Make Life Worth It
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Summary: Javi knows you've had a rough week at school, and surprises you with dinner
Word count: 1.2K
Warnings: FLUFFFF, allusions to smut (bc of course), mentions of eating and drinking, mentions of alcohol, work stress, Javi just being the sweetest and wanting to make you happy bc he literally loves you so much
This can be read as a stand alone or as a part of the It's Never Too Late Series!
Part of the 500 Followers Celebration Requests!
Tired would have been a tame way to describe how you had felt the past few days. Truth be told, you were fucking exhausted. There must have been something in the air at Alma Pierce Elementary School this week- your class was even crazier than normal, you got a new student in the middle of the year, the copier and broken down on you not once, but three times, and the closest you had gotten to eating lunch was shoving half a sandwich in your mouth during the 30 seconds you had to sit down at your desk. It was safe to say, you’d been kind of a grump this week. Javi knew first hand from his mom that teaching was absolutely draining, and could tell when there were times that all you needed to do was come home and lay down on the couch before you could do anything else.  You tried your best to always have a positive outlook and not complain, but when Javi came home yesterday to find you face down at the kitchen table, asleep face down in the pile of art projects you were trying to organize, you were really going through it. 
Today had been no better than the rest of the week, but at least it was Friday. Although, this Friday felt a lot less relaxing than most, realizing on the drive home that your apartment was a disaster. You had been so tired that practically every household chore had gone neglected. Laundry was in a heap on the floor, dishes were piled in the sink, you had left things out everywhere- it really looked like a tornado had rolled through and took down everything in the apartment in its wake. Javi was always good about helping you clean around the house, but his dad had needed help re-roofing part of the horse barn, and had been over there every day after work, coming home to find you already passed out in bed, on the couch or yesterday, the kitchen table. Trudging up the stairs to your apartment, you took a deep breath as you walked down the hallway to your door, pausing as you got closer. Why was there music playing? Why did it smell so good? Javi isn’t supposed to be home for another 3 hours? The questions spun in your head as you twisted the doorknob, too exhausted to even care if it was an intruder. If it was, at least they had good music taste and were maybe making you dinner. 
As you pushed open the door, you saw your apartment was dimly lit, candles scattered around the living room and kitchen, the shadows of the flames flickering and dancing along the walls. You could hear soft music and pans sizzling in the kitchen, along with the sweet humming of Javi’s voice. You closed the door behind you to see that the candles were everywhere, placed all over your now spotless apartment, taking a few more shocked steps into the living room before Javi noticed your presence. He grinned, quickly setting down what he was working and wiping his hands on the towel he had tucked in his waistband while he was cooking before coming over to cup your face for a long, sweet kiss that made your heart race, leaving you speechless. 
“Javi… is this… what are you… what?” You stumbled over your words, tears welling behind your eyes as you felt the stress begin to melt from your body. 
“Go take a seat, dinner’s almost done.” He smiled, tucking a piece of loose hair behind your ear before planting another kiss on your lips and heading back to the delicious smell of whatever was in the kitchen. Turning around, you now noticed that Javi had set the table with a fresh bouquet of flowers sitting in a vase in the middle, and two beers for you at your seat. 
“You really knew it was a two beers off the get-go kinda night, huh?” You snickered, cracking open one of the cans, taking a lengthy sip sitting down in your usual spot. 
“Osita, with the week you’ve had, I probably should have just set the whole 6-pack out for you.” The both of you laughed as you propped your elbow up on the table, resting your chin in your palm as you gazed at Javi, a gentle grin growing across your face as you watched him finish up dinner and bring a plate out for each of you. “What’s that look for?” He smirked, gesturing to you as he set both your plates down, pressing a soft kiss into the top of your head before sitting down in his seat. 
“You just… Javi, you didn’t have to do all of this. It’s so nice of you. Like, so nice of you. Thank you, Jav. You’re way too good to me.” You outstretched your arm across the table, grabbing his hand, tenderly running your thumb across his skin. “I love you.” The 3 words sliding out of your mouth just as easily as the stress had slid from your dreary expression after walking into your apartment just moments ago. “Also this salmon looks so good I could cry. Oh my god, is that the risotto too? I think that you have literally ruined any other risotto for me ever because whatever you do to it is- I don’t even know. I dream about your risotto, babe. You really are too good for me.” Nodding down at the plate in front of you, eyes widening at the delicious looking food Javi had made the both of you. He laughed as you took a fork full, your eyes rolling in the back of your head as swallowed, practically moaning from how good it was. 
“Well it’s the least I can do to make up for being a shitty boyfriend this week. I felt awful that I had to help Pops and that the past few days had been so tough for you. I feel super shitty that I haven’t helped to keep the apartment clean, either, I know that stresses you out.” He shifted his eyes down to his food, frown pursing his lips, feeling guilty for not doing more to help. “But-” his demeanor began to shift as he took a bite full of food, barely finishing chewing before speaking again. “Everything should be all cleaned now, laundry’s done, even finally got around to fixing that fucking shelf in our bedroom so it doesn’t scare the shit out of us every time it falls down.” He smiled at you, the look in his eyes almost begging you to forgive him for the fact he hadn’t been there for you the past few days. 
“Damn… I don’t know Jav, I’m really gonna miss almost crapping my pants every time that collapses.” The two of you giggled, taking a few more bites of your food before the gears in your head began to turn, wondering how Javi had time to do any of the things he was talking about, let alone have time to make you this delicious dinner. “Wait, when did you do all this? How did you have time to get all this done? 
Javi shrugged, raising his eyebrows, trying his best to hold back his grin. “Told Morris that I had something I had to get done today. Left a few hours early.” 
“Javier Peña, you did not leave work early just to clean the apartment and make dinner!” You swatted at his hand across the table, trying your best to be mad at him, your sass only making him smile wider. “My couple of bad days and lack of responsibility for not cleaning up after myself is not a good reason for you to play hooky.” 
“Hey.” He paused, grabbing your hand, holding it carefully as his sweet brown eyes gazed into yours. “Before you, I had nothing to live for. I had written off the chance of ever having anything like this. But then you came into my life. I never dreamed that something as simple as coming home from work early to do laundry and cook dinner would make me so happy. But, when you’re doing it for the person you love more than anything in the world, I’d do it again and again, every goddamn day. So thank you.” Te amo, Osita. Me enamoro mil veces al día, y todas son de ti. (I love you, Osita. I fall in love a thousand times a day, each time with you.) He interlaced his fingers with yours, holding your hand up to his face, planting a tender kiss on the top of your hand. A smile stretched across your face as you sniffled, using your free hand to wipe the tears falling down your cheeks with your sleeve. 
“Te amo más (I love you more), you dork. Thanks for making me cry.” You teased, Javi giving your hand a squeeze before releasing it, letting you dry the rest of your wet face. “I still don’t know what I ever did to deserve you. Or this delicious food. You’re the best, Javi. Thank you.” 
“I’m glad you like it. I hope you saved room for dessert.” He smirked, a boyish grin growing across his face as he bit down on his lip. You raised an eyebrow at him, setting your fork down on your almost cleared plate as you leaned back in your chair, crossing your arms over your chest. 
“Oh really? And what’s on the menu for dessert today, chef Peña?” 
“You’ll see.” 
“Oh, I’ll see? Okay then, well-ahhhhh!” You squealed as Javi darted up from his seat, lifting you out of your chair and scooping you up in his arms, peppering kisses across your body as he carried you off towards the bedroom as you giggled and squirmed in his arms. “Does dessert come with seconds?” You asked, as he carried you down the hallway, only stopping his ticklish kisses to answer your question. 
“Baby, dessert alone is about to be a full four course meal.”  
Taglist: @cool-iguana @rhoorl @whyjuliaaa @bbiophiliaa @pertinentpostmortem @angelofsmalldeath-codeine @pedrobaby @fatima-marisa @beboldbebravethings @poodlebae @kittenlittle24 @3sriracha @jungchloee @perennialdoll247 @prettyinpunk85 @partyofone3413 @harriedandharassed
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medusapelagia · 6 months
Learning to Love 2
(Part 1, Part 2, Part 3,..)
Rating: Mature Relationship: Steve /Billy Tags: enemies to lovers, mention of parent's death (Steve's mom), mention of domestic violence Words: 1870
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Harrington's place is a solitary house in the middle of nothing, surrounded by the woods and nothing else. Billy appreciates the privacy; no noisy neighbors that might call the police if they hear a few screams, like it wasn’t a normal thing, and no one around to see him limp the day after. Not bad at all.
Neil was even proud of him when he told him that he was going to tutor the richest boy in town.
He literally said, "Kid, I'm proud of you." Which is a first in Billy's life.
If the big house and the heated pool didn't give away how rich Harrington's family is, the doorbell would, it sounds like the doorbell they have in the old big mansions and Billy is almost expecting a butler in a pressed uniform showing him the living room instead of his schoolmate.
"You came." Harrington says, almost surprised.
"Told you I would. Are you disappointed, pretty boy?"
Steve shrugs, moving from the door and gesturing to Billy to get inside. The house is super modern and cold, the living room seems ready to be the set of a sitcom, the kitchen is so clean that it almost shines and Steve's room is the most boring room he has ever seen; there is nothing personal, not a trinket, a picture, a sporting trophy, nothing at all, just a desk and few books there are lying on the side.
"Do you want something to drink?" Steve asks, annoyed.
"I'm not here for a courtesy visit, I'm here to help you because you are too stupid to do your fucking homework and you need a babysitter." Billy snarls, ready to fight, but Steve doesn't take the bait, he sits at his desk and stares at his books.
"Where would you like to start?" He asks, pointing at the pile of books.
"What do you need more help with?"
"Let's start there."
Steve takes his book and opens it, staring at the first problem.
"Come on! It is an easy one!" Billy sighs, taking the book and quickly solving the problem while Steve stares blankly at him "Can you just concentrate a little for Christ's sake! You didn't even write the right numbers! Are you stupid? Can't you copy some fucking numbers?"
Steve flinches, moving away from Billy. Billy sighs, this is not going well. He takes a deep breath and thinks about the waves of the ocean, trying to calm himself and when he feels a little bit settled he asks "Why... why didn’t you write the correct numbers?"
"I did!" Steve replies, "I can copy some stupid numbers, ok?"
Billy stares at him for a long moment and he sees how the boy squints while reading.
"Do you wear glasses?" He asks and Steve glares at him.
"Of course I don't, jackass!"
"Well, maybe you should. Have you seen a doctor recently?" After Billy broke a plate on his head.
"I... I don't like doctors." Steve confesses blushing in embarrassment.
“Are you scared of doctors?” Billy mocks him and Steve turns his face, avoiding Billy’s stare “Are you serious?” 
“I’m not scared… I just… I don't like them.”
Billy stares at him for the longest time before Steve finally cracks. “When mom went to the hospital… she never came back, ok? I know that’s stupid but I can’t deal with the smell of disinfectant ok? And I’m young and healthy, I don’t need a doctor!”
Billy can understand the fear of the doctors, the few times Neil brought him there with a broken arm or to fix his nose, he was always terrified that those doctors, who asked so many questions about how he got hurt, would have taken him away. Living with Neil was no fun, but living in a foster family didn’t sound much better either.
“I’m not saying you should do a complete checkup, I’m just suggesting that you might want to see an eye doctor, so maybe everyone will stop thinking that you’re stupid.”
“I don’t give a shit about what everyone else thinks about me! I was their fucking god and now what? You came to town, took my place and all my friends forgot about me. I guess they weren’t my friends after all and you are not my friend either! And I don’t need to study all this stupid shit because I’m going to work with my father as soon as I get out of high school! So what the fuck do you want from me? I’ll give you a good review, I’ll say that you were the best tutor ever. Let me copy you from your test and we’ll be good!”
Billy shakes his head “No.”
“No. I will not let you copy from me and I don’t give a fuck about your stupid opinion of my tutoring skills. I just gave you a suggestion, you don’t want to follow it? Fine.” Billy replies, ready to get back to his place. Harrington is avoiding his stare, he is clenching his fists so hard that his knuckles are white.
“Stop being such a baby. You can’t take any criticism!”
“What about you? You come here, to my house, telling me that I’m either stupid or blind! What did you expect?” Steve snaps.
Billy gets up, grabs his things, and pushes them in his backpack. Fuck Harrington! Billy doesn’t have to help him! He doesn’t owe him anything! It’s not his fault if his sight is shitty!
Only… maybe it is.
Only… Steve actually tried to help Max.
Only… Billy is not the dickhead he pretends to be.
“I could… I could come with you.” He suggests, keeping his back to Harrington, his hand on the handle of the door.
“And what? Hold my hand like a fucking child?” Steve snarls, throwing what’s left on the desk to the ground.
Billy dares to turn, this time it’s Steve who has his back turned. “If that’s what you need.” Billy steps forward, not daring to touch the other boy but wanting to let him know that he is there, that he is listening “Where is your father?”
“Russia? China? Don’t remember. He must have written it on the calendar, I don’t really check anymore.” Steve replies and Billy sighs. He never really understood how lonely Steve must feel now that his friends have turned their back on him and even his girlfriend left him.
“Was she worth it?” Billy asks, and Steve’s shoulders stiffen “Was she worth losing your privileges? And your friends?”
“If I lost my friend it is not her fault. She is… She was… well, she was everything I wanted, the only problem was that I wasn’t enough for her.” Steve says in a self-deprecating tone. “It’s the story of my life. I’m not bad, but I’m never enough, no matter how hard I try. Even my father thinks that I’m not enough and he should know, right? He is my father.”
Billy gets closer to Steve and forces him to turn toward him, “Listen to me. You are the only one who knows your worth, ok? Not Wheeler, not your father, not those stupid boys at school! And if you keep repeating to yourself that you are not enough, you’ll end up believing that! So look me in the eye and tell me something good about you.”
Steve tries to free himself from Billy’s grip “What the fuck? I don’t do this stupid shit. If I needed a therapist…”
“Look me in the eye and tell me something good about yourself.” That’s a game Billy’s mother made with him every time Neil belittled him, and it worked every single time.
“I… I…”
“One thing, I know you can do it.”
“I’m… I’m brave.”
Billy smiles “Yes, you are. Good job, Harrington.” He tells him, patting his back, ready to leave.
“Hey…” Steve calls him, finally getting up from the chair. “Would you like to stay for dinner? I was going to order pizza and watch a movie.”
Billy stops, wondering if Neil would get mad at him “Can I call home? I’m not sure if Susan already cooked.”
“Sure. The phone is in the living room.”
Billy and Steve get downstairs and Billy calls home, it’s Susan who answers and tells him that Neil is not home yet but that he can stay out for dinner, he just has to be home by ten. 
They order pizza and watch a movie and for Billy it is the first time ever. He never invited anyone to his place and he didn’t get invited much, always too unpredictable to be invited to someone’s home. Maybe that’s why he and Steve are perfect; Steve feels like he is not enough, and Billy feels that he is too much.
“Will you book a visit to the eye doctor? I’ll drive you.” Billy asks while they are watching an action movie.
“I don’t know.”
It’s not a yes, but it’s not a no either, so Billy nods and goes back home. As soon as he enters his father calls him, asking him where he was, and when he tells him that he was at Harrington’s house his father seems really pleased. “Those rich boys are always stupid, aren’t they? But my boy is so clever that he is the one who is going to help that stupid kid. You’ll do great things, I know, you are just like me.”
Every time that Neil says that they are similar Billy feels some disgust about himself. He doesn't want to be like Neil, and even if he knows that his outbursts are so similar to the one his father has, he is trying his best not to become like him. Waking up one day and seeing Neil Hargrove in the mirror is Billy’s greatest fear. Not being beaten to death by his father, not getting married to a woman he will never love because he likes boys, not being trapped in a life he knows he will hate every single day. The only thing that terrifies him, the only ones he prays from every night, kneeling on the side of his bed, folded hands and eyes closed, is not becoming like his father. 
He always lived a life where he was always ready to fight for dominance and he is so tired of being alert at all times.
Max is sitting next to Susan, watching a television show together, “Steve’s house is so cool, right? Did you see the heated swimming pool?”
“We studied, I wasn’t there to have fun.”
“I know…” Max snorts “I just thought that maybe… but you are right. You are no fun!” She rebukes, finally leaving him alone.
Billy’s room is full of music posters, he has a big stereo and a vanity made with plastic crates where his few precious belongings rest: a strong male perfume, the same brand his mother bought him years ago, and the golden necklace he received as a gift for his christening.
He stares at himself in the mirror, somehow he feels a little bit less angry and skittish, is it possible that spending time with Harrington might really be beneficial for both of them?
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Headcanons for dating George O'Malley...
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He's always thought you were pretty, beautiful actually, but you were friends and nothing more.
Until one day Izzy lets slip that you think George is cute.
"(y/n)? (y/n) thinks I'm cute? They think I'm... Oh god, I'm gonna pass out."
Through Meredith and Izzy's incessant pestering, they keep telling George to ask you out but he's terrified, he's so freaking scared.
"What if she says no?!"
"But George what if she says yes?!"
It takes a few days of convincing but after a drink in Joe's with some liquid confidence, George asks to have a chat with you and tells you in a very George like way.
"We're friends, right? We're actually pretty good friends but Izzy told me something and I keep going over it in my head that maybe we're not just friends... Maybe we could be more. What I'm trying to say, (y/n), is that I like you. A lot. And I want to spend time with you that isn't in the hospital or at Meredith's mom's house. I want to go out like two normal people going on a date. I want to take you on a date."
To his surprise, you agree eagerly and you plan a date for the next night when the two of you should be off work.
He's sweet, god he's so sweet. He's nervous as all hell but it's endearing the way he stumbles over his words as he tries to tell you how beautiful you look as he stands at your front door.
The first date is a little awkward initially but George probably does something a little silly like spilling his water down his shirt which makes the two of you laugh until your stomach hurts and then the ice is broken.
He's always been so damn easy to talk to but in this context where it's the two of you on a date, he's so attentive, listening intently to what you're saying, asking genuinely interested questions. You've never been on a date like it where the other party is so curious about you.
He's so funny. You'd known George a long time, been friends for ages, but you never realised just how funny he was. He had a whole lot of stories about his family, about his wild brothers and his dad that had you in hysterics the whole night over dinner.
He takes you home once again nervous and bumbling and you know why. He wants to kiss you. He just doesn't know how you'll be if he asks. Will it be weird? He doesn't know.
"I had a great time tonight, (y/n)..."
"Me too, George. That's the best date I've had honestly."
"Seriously? I mean, uh, yeah, me too..."
There's an awkward pause but George takes a breath and asks, "Can I kiss you?"
You don't answer but instead clash your lips together in a passionate though short kiss.
From there on your friendship blossoms into a steady relationship.
You sneak away from your busy lives as Doctors to make out in closets where Bailey catches you and gives you the worst cases but it's worth it.
Izzy teases the two of you whenever she sees you cuddled up together on the couch when she comes home from her shift. She loves seeing the two of you happy though.
George gives the best cuddles, it's like everything else disappears when he cuddles you. He's warm and soft and his arms are home to you. If you've had a crappy day at work, he's the only one you want to make you feel better.
Forehead kisses, cheek kisses, neck kisses, knuckle kisses. George loves to kiss you, he kisses you anywhere and everywhere he can.
The sex is always so passionate and tender and he attends to you like no other. He makes sure that you're satisfied no matter how long it takes. He loves to pleasure you. He loves the taste of you, loves the smell, loves the way you react to him. That alone is enough to please him.
It's one night after you've had a bad day at work and you're curled around each other he whispers that he loves you. You're falling asleep but you hear him, "I love you too, George."
He lets you call him Georgie and he surprisingly doesn't mind it. It doesn't annoy him like his brothers when they call him it. He likes it when you call him it.
He has about a million pet names for you. Babe, baby, sweetheart, love; any sort of cutesy name George will call you it along with some silly ones too.
He introduces you to everyone as his girlfriend, even patients, because he is so damn in love with you.
Date nights curled on the couch watching scary movies.
Date mornings having breakfast and coffee before work every morning.
Helping each other study for tests, grabbing coffee for each other every so often during your shifts.
You don't get a lot of free time together but when you do, the two of you make it count.
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helpwerami · 1 year
Osomatsusan headcanons cause I’m bored
This is more on a take on them in a more psychological/meta pov on them.
-He’s still irresponsible as the show states repetitively, but I think there’s a deep under layered of anger issues. Maybe feeling like he’s stuck being unemployed and can’t change his life, or feels like his feelings are put on the sidelines.
-oso secretly very stressed but hides it by playing it down. Being the oldest but not the most matured may be a result of him trying to get some control of himself or over small things.
-He acts sexist and pervs on girls on the regular. I like incorporating the old show to the new one, specifically we’re oso was a ballerina,and wore womens swimsuits. So I like to think he secretly wants to be more feminine and dress feminine, but fears the shame or backlash of his family. He Avoids and projects his wants and desires in a more “masculine” manner instead.
-The problem with him at the root of it all is that he doesn’t want to change. He’s comfortable, he’s unfamiliar to change. Therefore he sees change as a threat.
-Oso’s anger makes him go quiet and visibly irritated. Storming off out of the house for a few hours before coming right back.
-He’s an alcoholic,smokes,gambles,unemployed,lives with his parents guy. He doesn’t want to change.
-The most confident in himself. His fashion is questionable ofc but it shows how willing he his to present himself. Albeit his made up persona of himself.
-Closeted. His brothers have made comments of his clothes looking gay and how he acts is gay as-well, but he can take that. He thinks if he actually comes out he thinks he’s giving more ammo for his brothers to put him down
-Kara is secretly the most matured. He uses his persona as a shield to deflect his brothers judgement. Later in more recent seasons you see him start to not use his persona less and less, and his brothers caught on it even,but when faced with the confrontation he gets aggravated and even intimidates his brothers when he gets mad.
-On a more positive note I would like to think he got his jacket from
-Kara’s more of a job hopper. Never keeping one and doing small gigs like street shows or helping Chibita with his business.
-he tries to act better or more mature than he really is. Helps his mother with taxes and some small chores but he uses this to put himself on a higher horse in comparison to his brothers.
-wares a collared shirt under his hoodie kind of shit.
-he gets very defensive about very small things. Considered being more short tempered than the sophisticated role he tries to put up.
- he hides his love for anime and idols away from his brothers because he’s ashamed of himself for liking it. Although most already know because he buys copious amounts of merch and tickets for idol shows.
-though he does look after his brothers in a more keeping tabs sort of way than a mom would. Comment or would ask if they’d showered or brush their teeth that day then lecture them to do so. This does help some of them positively to keep somewhat of a schedule.
-I want to say he’d might want to work at a manga/anime shop or something, but I’d doubt it. he’d be too ashamed to work at one. He feels like degenerates or creeps work at manga stores. (Even though that’s verbatim what he is.) would maybe end up in a book/convince store ran by an old lady.
-he’s my favorite so take some of this with a grain of salt.
-he hides how he feels. His antisocial behavior and dislike of the general public is why he turned to cats.
-uses cats as a coping mechanism and hyper fixation. Shows some signs of being on the spectrum be he doesn’t want to know the diagnosis/ answer to what specifically he has. He feels like it’s searching for an excuse for the way he is. (Not in a ableist way but more in a learned helplessness way.)
-low hygiene. Either Smells like cat piss or just body odor. His depression not helping him at that, choro runs his mouth at him on the regular for this. But instead of picking up that he’s maybe depressed, he calls him lazy and gross for ‘sulking in his filth’.
- oso and ichi are more closer in a bond because of their similar nature. The only difference between them is that oso is more accepting and chill about his current state. While ichi is more pessimistic and hopeless in his. Giving each other nicknames to show there on good terms.
-gets small jobs at local restaurants. working at the back cleaning dishes and taking out the trash.
-looks after jyushi. Finding solace in his more cheerful enthusiastic nature to his pessimistic one.
-autistic with adhd. dresses more for comfort than to present himself. Highly energetic with not much sense of social cues or sarcasm.
-he’s more of a good influence on the brothers by bringing them outside when he wants to go out, instead of being shut-ins. He helps them have more to do than gamble or drink.
-i like to think he’d have a long distance relationship with him and Homura. Like todo got him a Nokia so he wouldn’t break it and to call her now and then. It would give him some one positive to talk to and she’d have him to talk to.
-he likes to hang out with ichi on the regular. Help ichi get out of the house, and then go feed stray cats in ally’s.
-maybe he’d volunteer at daycare’s or babysit if he needed to work. Showing in some episodes that he’s good with kids.
-The most put together. Has his job at a cafe in the city and usually has good luck when gambling on pachinko.
-Openly gay with his family. They weren’t too surprised and he wasn’t to scared about it either since he already dressed in more pink and flamboyant clothing,and having friends that are mostly girls.or fuck it he had friends period.
-The most social brother. He tried to bring some of his brothers to mixers but it didn’t end up too well. Either in their brothers getting them kicked out or in other times or his own exclusion.
-I feel like he could move out if he wanted he makes his own income to have a phone and can walk or take a bus to his job. Maybe own an apartment of some kind.
-this might also go hand in hand with the fact he’s scared to be alone. He’s never not been alone for so long that when he finally is, it scares him. It’s unfamiliar to him.
-in the episode were they all got tortured in hell we saw the demon read his dairy. It said he wanted to dress like a girl and be like a girl, then you see him almost cry from the embarrassment.
-I think he’s questioning in his gender,but is to scared to explore that part of himself yet.
I do feel like As much as they hate or irritate each other, a key reason they don’t move out minus the money or occupation, is that their all unconsciously codependent on each other. If they even wanted to move out, the thought/feeling of being alone is so out their comfort zone and unfamiliar they’d rather spend their lives with familiarity.
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jaestrz · 2 years
𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬 - 𝐥𝐞𝐞 𝐣𝐮𝐲𝐞𝐨𝐧 이주연
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genre: fluff (soft hours) [juyeon x reader]
‘cuz all of the small, things that you do. Are what remind me why I fell for you’
The apartment smelled nothing except for his cologne. It shows how you never really cleaned the house properly so the scent would stay. You missed him too much it hurts your head.
It’s been so hard without him at home with you. You couldn’t think the last time you had a good day since he left for tour. God. Only God knows how much torture it is to be separated by your loved ones. Every single room felt empty, quiet. Cold. Without his presence. It’s not like he didn’t communicate with you, it’s just the difference with the time zone. Juyeon was at the other side of the world.
But that never stopped his accompany for you. He adored watching you close your eyes. You sleep so calm.
You don’t know what to feel without Juyeon because for 6 months without him, you were like a lost puppy not knowing the way home. Wake up to see Ju yeon wasn’t in your screen anymore and he had left his usual text messages, got ready for nothing and ended up back in bed after one meal.
You don’t even know how you survived that. You were too caught up in bed, inhaling his cologne and fell asleep without checking your phone or surroundings for the whole day.
The sound of the apartment main door creaked when Juyeon opened it. A weird express of emotion caught on his face when he notice how quiet the house was with the living room lights off. Juyeon checked his messages and you didn’t text him anything. The previous information that he would return was only left unread by you. Your shoes were still there, beside his unused one.
His footsteps padded their way, bringing his luggage and duffel bag with him into the room. When he turned on the light, Juyeon acknowledged your sleeping presence. He noticed how you were sleeping with all of your plushies that Juyeon found familiar. How could he forget? Half of them was his gift to you. But then he remembered how you had rarely go to bed with them anymore. This would be the first time since ages. Juyeon settled his things aside so he could keep it away later and went to shower quietly. And quickly. He wanted to be in your arms as fast as he could.
Maybe the quiet lasted a while because you soon woke up to his own phone notifications.
“I see a sleepyhead waking up, hi love. I’m home.” You see Juyeon walked towards you with damped hair, laying beside you. You laughed, feeling him snake his arm around your waist to close the gap in between you and him. This felt much better for you. Probably for him too.
It felt like heaven again. “I miss you. Badly.” You murmured, half asleep. Earning a chuckle from Juyeon himself. “I miss you too dummy. Did you took care of yourself nicely when I was away?”
You shrugged. You don’t know if you took care yourself either. “It was okay. Your mom came here a few times so I wasn’t lonely.” His hands found its way to play with your hair while listening to you. “you didn’t go out with your friends?”
You shook your head. There was nothing but silence that filled the room.
It wasn’t like an uncomfortable situation or boring. It felt more like he was hearing what your heart says and it was comforting. You wanted moment like this to stay forever. You don’t want this to end. Juyeon’s eyes never left yours, he just stared and kissed you deeply.
Your eyes hold a lot of stories that you didn’t unravel to him. As if he could see the worries in your eyes.
“Is there something bothering you love? You can tell me sweetheart. We promise to not keep secrets from each other right?”
You stopped breathing for a second seeing how your vision starts to get blurry, Juyeon wiped the tears that was streaming down your cheek. You were struggling to form words in your head. “breathe baby. I’m here.” You love how transparent you could be around him. No judgements, no lies, nothing fake.
Just him. Juyeon.
“I had bad days. I denied it so much so I could think that it was good when in reality it was worse than I thought. There was a day where I think I didn’t do anything and just stayed at home. I had nightmares and you weren’t there so it was harder for me to sleep. I know it’s your job and I agree to it so it’s stupid of me-”
Juyeon hold you so close and careful, as if you were made out of porcelain. His heart felt like it shattered into pieces knowing he made you feel that way. “Your feelings are valid sweetheart. Don’t think that you’re stupid because you felt that way y/n. You deserve to tell how you feel.”
To him, what you feel was the most important thing in the world. Juyeon needs to know if you’re alright or not. So it could be avoided in the future if he accidentally hurt your feelings.
“I’ll be here with you from now on. It’s okay, I promise. I understand what you feel. It must’ve hurt a lot.” Juyeon sighed sadly. Hearing your breathing slowed down.
“I love you so goddamn much.” You breathed. There was a soft kiss on your lips before he returned.
“I love you too y/n. With my whole universe.”
‘When we’re apart, and I’m missing you. I close my eyes and all I see is you.’
‘And the small things you do.’
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tellingfnaf · 14 days
Her Perspective
“The One You Should Not Have Killed, telling the story by her perspective.”
Introduction: I don’t really recall what came before. I remember mom being upset all the time. I remember dad being loud and angry. And I remember me hating school. Teachers would often call me “an agressive kid”. All i wanted was to be memorable, I guess. So how the hell did I end up in that pizzaria?
Chapter 1:
March, 1983.
I was sitting in front of my house tying my shoes. Although it was a sunny afternoon, the cold air was cutting through my skin. I heard footsteps coming from my front, thinking it was another weird neighbor. That was the first time she talked to me.
-Hi! I’m Charlie! What’s your name?
I looked up and saw a tall and gentle looking girl observing me.
-Do you need help with those?- She continued, pointing her finger to my failed attempt at tying shoelaces.
-I’m fine, actually- I didn’t even finish when she bent down and tied them perfectly. Then she just looked at me again, waiting for a reaction. I felt like I owned her a response.
-Cassidy. My name is Cassidy.
-Oh, hello Cassidy! Are you from around here?
Around here? She asked like I was fresh news to the neighborhood. I wasn’t.
-No. I lived here my whole life.
The girl was ready for another question when a bearded man showed up.
-There you are, Charlotte. I’ve told you a hundred times to not leave the diner while I work.
-Sorry dad! It won’t happen again.
He looked at the green bracelet Charlie had in her wrist before turning his attention to me.
-Oh, hey little one. Sorry to take your friend away, but she gotta stay close to her dad!
The man chuckled and left, taking his daughter. I just stared at them while they walked back to a new place that had opened a few weeks ago. A restaurant called “Fredbear’s Family Diner”. Charlie seemed to be friendly towards me and that was rare. She was a happy child and I wanted to know what caused this. So after that day, every afternoon I would walk in front of Fredbear’s to watch all the families happily eat their food. I never had the courage to enter. My reason was different from the other kids, though. It wasn't the animalistic robots that scared me, but the eery guy who worked there. If only I knew.
May, 1983.
-Hi Cassidy! How are you today?
-Hi Charlie. You shouldn’t be here.- I answered, looking at her bracelet. I never really understood what was that for, but I knew it had something to do with her father.
-Why you say that?- She asked, slightly tilting her head.
-Your dad doesn’t allow you to walk away from diner, remember?
-Well actually, I’m allowed this time. You know why?
-No. Why?
-Because dad said that I should invite you to eat with us at Fredbear’s! How’s that sound?
She said that in such a happy tone, genuinely excited to have someone to invite to her dad’s work. I knew she was friends with the owner’s kids. At that time, I didn’t know Henry was one of the founders of that place, so it was quite impressive for me that she befriended the “cool kids”. I would regret that for the rest of my existence, but I accepted it. I had that habit of searching for things by myself, later I would learn that curiosity killed the cat. The restaurant had a warm environment and cool animatronics, like that huge silly yellow bear. I loved him at first sight but the others kids had a very opposite opinion. Everything was nice inside Fredbear’s Family Diner.
-Oh, Henry! Looks like Charlie came back with a friend!
I’ll never forget the moment when my stomach squirmed just by looking at him. That man had the worst face in the whole world, I could almost smell his wickedness.
-Cassidy, this is uncle William! He works with my dad here at the diner!- Charlie exclaimed, but I could barely hear. My mouth tasted metal and I wanted to run away from that thing. Luckily for me at that moment, he had better things to do so the conversation lasted short. I then sit at a table and had dinner with Henry and his daughter. He payed for me and I felt a little safer close to them. It was the last day of happiness for that place.
Next chapter: https://www.tumblr.com/tellingfnaf/761351305946185728/her-perspective
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kiteofdreams · 2 years
Watch You Bloom
Danny x Reader
2.8k words
Warnings: pregnancy, alcohol, normal pregnancy symptoms, a hint of implied sex, & fluff.
a/n: this was a thought that came into my head and I couldn’t get rid of it. it’s helped me process a few things about my life as well, because postpartum is a real bitch.
A typical week had turned into a week from hell. Your body hurt, you had trouble sleeping, and you were constantly nauseous. Your work week felt like it lasted a month. By Friday, all you wanted to do was spend a relaxing night with your boyfriend. As soon as you stepped into your shared home, you knew it wouldn’t be.
“Sweet pea!” Danny called out, stepping towards the front door. The nickname he had given you in middle school followed you throughout your lives together after you spilled Sweet Pea body spray all over his homework in 6th grade. “Glad you’re home!”
“Why are you all dressed up?” You questioned, kicking your heels off and placing your bag on the foyer table. “I thought we were just gonna stay in.”
“Well, mom and dad invited us to dinner and I couldn’t say no,” he replied with a sheepish smile. “I picked out an outfit for you?”
You turned towards your bedroom to change, pulling your shirt & pants off in the hallway to throw in the hamper. A loud wolf whistle came from behind you and you turned to see Danny leaning against the wall, looking you up and down.
“Now isn’t that a view,” he said with a sly smirk on his face.
Rolling your eyes, you walked into the bedroom finding a navy, off-the-shoulder sundress on the bed. You slipped the dress on before walking into your bathroom to touch up your hair. Immediately a wave of nausea hit you.
“Danny,” you called out into the house. “Did you change cologne?”
“No, same one as always,” he replied, his voice getting louder as he walked into the bathroom.
“It smells different…are you sure it’s the same one?”
“Yeah, Pea. It’s the same,” he laughed. “You feeling alright?”
“I’m alright, the smell is making me sick. I think it’s from the headache I’ve been having.”
“We don’t have to go if you’re feeling sick.”
“No, baby. I’m fine. Just give me a glass of water and I’ll be okay. Then we can leave.”
With a kiss to the top of your head, Danny turned and headed towards the kitchen. After finishing your touch-up, you followed after him, grabbing a pair of wedges out of the hallway closet. As you reached the kitchen, he handed you a cup full of cold water.
“Who needs this when I’ve got a tall drink of water right here?” you winked at him, watching the blush overtake his cheeks. You stood close and placed a kiss on his cheek, the blush deepening even further as he turned toward the front door. You downed the glass of water, grabbing a bottle to take with you, already feeling a bit better.
“Are you ready to go?” Danny asked, pulling on his shoes.
“Yeah, almost ready,” you answered, placing the glass in the dishwasher. You walked over and sat on the bench beside him to put on your shoes. As you leaned to clasp the buckle, Danny knelt down beside you. He moved your hands out of the way, buckling them together before placing a soft kiss on the top of your thigh. Once he was finished, he stood and pulled you with him.
“You look beautiful, sweet pea,” he said with a soft smile. He took your hand as he led you out the front door and off to dinner.
Once you arrived and hellos were said to his parents, you were quickly seated and chit-chatted amongst each other. Having known the Wagners for years, it was an easy conversation. You ordered a glass of sparkling wine with your dinner and with one sip, you stood and grabbed your small clutch. Excusing yourself, you made a b-line for the restroom. As you entered the stall, everything from the day (and what seemed like the previous day) came back up. Feeling nauseous still, you grabbed your phone to send a text to Danny telling him what was going on but saw he had sent one first.
You ok?
Quickly typing your text, you pressed send before another wave of nausea hit. As your stomach emptied, you heard your name being called from outside the stall.
"Honey, are you alright?" his mom asked.
“Yeah,” you whispered, wiping your mouth with a piece of toilet paper and unlocking the stall. “I’m okay, I’ve had a headache all week and it’s making me sick. Danny’s cologne made it worse.”
“Well, you and Danny head home. Get some rest and feel better. We’ll take you both out once you’re feeling up for it. I do have to ask, hope I’m not overstepping but from what you’ve said, is there a chance you could be pregnant?”
You laughed loudly as you washed your hands, “no, I don’t think so.”
“Well, it’s okay if you are,” she said with a soft smile. “Just think about maybe taking a test later. I won’t say anything, especially to Daniel.”
You gave her a quick nod and dried your hands, following her out of the restroom. The more you thought about it, you couldn’t remember when you last had your period. Thinking back, you realize it was supposed to arrive three weeks prior. As you walked back to the table, you gave Danny a timid smile.
“It might be best if you head on home, we’ll take it from here. Get some rest, okay?”
You gathered your belongings and Danny rushed you to the car, a worried look clearly on his face.
“Sweet pea, what’s wrong? Do we need to go to the hospital?”
“I’m fine, baby. I promise. I’ve just had a headache for a few days and it’s taking a toll on me. I’ll just need to rest,” you said, grabbing his hand in yours to reassure him.
You fell asleep on the quiet drive home, not even realizing you arrived as Danny carried you into the house. In a daze, he helped you undress and climb into bed. He kissed your forehead before turning out the light and you let sleep overtake you.
“Daniel, I’m home,” you called from the front door a week later, knowing he couldn’t hear you over his drumming.
After stopping at the store to buy a box of pregnancy tests, you quickly turned towards your bathroom. You followed the directions on the test and set a timer for 3 minutes. All you could do was pace around the room. Your mind was racing with all the questions running through your head.
What if I am pregnant?
Am I ready to be a mom?
How will Danny react?
Can we handle a kid?
The timer beeping brought you out of your thoughts. Clearing the timer, you stepped over to the sink, taking a deep breath before looking down. Right in front of your eyes were two pink lines. You were pregnant.
You ran towards Danny’s studio with tears in your eyes. Throwing the door open, you stood in the doorway holding the test in your hand. With the door suddenly opening, Danny removed his headphones to look up at you.
“Woah, sweet pea. What’s the hurry? What’s in your hand?”
Danny placed the drumsticks down, walking towards you. At this point, you were a bundle of nerves, unable to speak. You closed the gap between the two of you, handing the small white stick to him.
“Found out why I’ve been sick,” you looked up at him with eyes wide.
“Is that what I think it is?” he asked, looking down at his hand.
You nodded, reaching to interlock your fingers with his empty hand.
“Two lines, does that mean…” he trailed off.
You nodded again, pulling him over to the worn couch in the corner of the studio. You both sat as he stared at the test.
“We’re gonna be parents?”
“Yeah,” you laughed. “I think I’m about 8 weeks along.”
Danny turned towards you, eyes bright with tears in the corners.
“We’re gonna be parents!” he repeated as he stood, picking you up and spinning you around. “I’m gonna be a dad!”
“You’re going to be an amazing father, Daniel.”
“And you’re going to make the best mom, sweet pea,” he said, placing you back on the ground. “Wait, did you put a pee stick in my hand?”
“Oh my god, Daniel!”
Two weeks later and you’d never been more nervous. Your leg was bouncing as you sat in the waiting room for your first ultrasound. Danny sat next to you, fingers drumming away on his thighs. You heard your name being called and you both stood, following the nurse back to the exam room. It was dark, as a video projection of the ultrasound machine stood out against the wall. The nurse asked you numerous questions about your medical history and had you verify all your information. She instructed you to lay back on the table and pull up your shirt as she grabbed the ultrasound gel.
“Now, this might feel a little odd,” she said as she began to move the ultrasound wand around your stomach.
Both you and Danny were focused on the screen in front of you. You had no idea what you were looking at, everything looked like a blob to you.
“There’s the little one right there,” the nurse said with a smile. “Based on the size, I’d say you’re right around 10 weeks, give or take. Heartbeat looks good. I’ll print your pictures for you.”
After she had gotten all the images needed, she wiped the gel off your stomach and helped you up off the table. She handed you the ultrasound pictures with a quick “the doctor will be in shortly” and left you and Danny alone.
“Hey,” Danny grabbed your hand in his, placing a kiss on the back. You flipped through all the printed ultrasound pictures. “That’s our kid, sweet pea.”
Weeks later and you were still keeping it hidden. As Halloween approached, you knew that you couldn’t avoid it forever. You weren’t showing just yet at 14 weeks, but if you looked closely you saw a little bump. With the annual Kiszka Halloween party coming up, you were trying to figure out how to tell everyone. Since Danny was busy in the studio working on the new album, you were in charge of costumes.
You had been searching high and low for the perfect costume. Then, a shirt appeared in an ad and you knew what to be. Ordering the shirt, a new pair of shoes, and shorts for Danny, you got to work on yours. Thanks to two-day shipping, your order arrived the day before the party. You washed everything and put it in the back corner of your closet, you made sure to hide it from Danny until you were getting ready to leave.
Danny was out golfing, one of the last times of the year in your town as it was starting to get cold. You were at home in your office looking for baby registry items online, hoping to get a jump on the items you needed. Adding some bath toys, you peeked up at the whiteboard on the wall that listed all the names you had chosen. While you didn’t know the sex yet, you had narrowed it down to two names each. The board was scattered with names crossed out until just four remained. Your thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door and a messy bun peeking in.
“I’m home, sweet pea. I’ve been calling for you,” Danny said, walking over to you. “Still looking at baby stuff?”
“I’ve got nothing picked out!” you pouted, crossing your arms over your chest.
“We’ve still got six months to go. I’m sure we’ll get everything done in time. I’m gonna shower, we need to leave in about an hour. Gonna be ready by then?”
“Mhm, I’ll need to shower too, don’t waste all the hot water,” you called out to him as he walked through the office door. Stretching yourself, you closed the laptop and started to walk to your bedroom to get Danny his costume. Standing in the hallway, Danny looked at you with a smirk on his face.
“Well, mama. Let’s save the environment for our kid, save some water, and shower with me,” he whispered, pulling you close by the waist.
“If it’s for the environment, I suppose we have to,” you replied. “Lead the way, daddy.”
45 minutes later, you both were out of the shower, shivering from the cold water. Wrapping yourself in a towel, you walked into your closet pulling out the costumes. Chuckling to yourself, you called for Danny to grab his.
“What am I?”
“You haven’t figured it out yet?,” you smiled at him. “If you don’t get it by the time we get there, I’ll tell you. Hurry up and get dressed. We’re gonna be late because you couldn’t keep your hands to yourself in the shower.”
You both quickly got dressed and dried your hair before putting on a bit of makeup. Grabbing your bag, you were out the door only 15 minutes late. As you arrived, you placed the hat on your head and looked over at Danny. Squeezing his hand in a silent “I love you”, you walked up to the front door. Before you could knock, a grinning man opened the door.
“You made it! I didn’t know if you were going to. Danny’s been kinda off the past few weeks,” Sam said, pulling you into the house. You gave him a nervous smile. “What are you supposed to be? You don’t match each other.”
You gave him a twirl and stuck your hands out in a “ta-da!” manner, hoping to give him a hint. Sam looked you up and down before turning to Danny to do the same. He stared for a minute, so you decided to give him a little help.
“I’m a baker. I take care of buns in the oven, Sam. Danny is a stereotypical dad. He’s got the jean shorts, the white New Balances, and the ‘World’s Best Dad’ shirt. Gives him some practice.”
You heard Danny let out a loud laugh as Sam looked even more confused. Stepping inside, you heard Sam finally realize what you were saying.
“Wait, you aren’t fucking with me, are you? You’re pregnant?” Sam whispered. You turned around to see his shocked face staring at you both intently. You looked at Danny only to see a big smile on his face. “You’re not joking? Well, shit man! Congrats! Can I hug you?”
“Yeah, Sam, you can,” you laughed, opening your arms for the hug.
Closing the door behind you after he let go, you began to greet everyone. Jake appeared quickly with a shot in his hand.
“You’re late! You know what that means, drink up,” he shouted, pushing the shot into your hand.
“Ohhhh okay,” Danny said, taking the glass from you and downing it in one gulp. “Come on, Jake, you know she doesn’t like tequila. I’ll go get her one.”
Danny walked towards the kitchen as you chatted with Jake. Small talked turned into Jake talking about the new album as Danny brought back a “shot” for you and two for himself and Jake.
“This one’s yours, sweet pea,” he said with a wink. He leaned down to your ear and whispered, “it’s just water, play along.”
Danny lifted his glass in the air and began to speak, “to new beginnings, new life, and a new adventure.”
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw a hand reach in front of you and take the shot glass out of your hand and you heard a loud, “you can’t have that!” Turning towards Sam as he downed the shot, you laughed as he realized what it was.
“Ugh, gross. That’s just water.”
“No shit, Sammy,” you chuckled. “Danny brought it specifically for me.”
“I thought it was rum! You had me worried.”
Jake stood there with shot glass still in hand looking confused at what just transpired. He looked back and forth between the three of you, wondering why you had just a shot glass of water.
“What the fuck is going on?”
“Do you like Danny’s costume, Jake?”
“His shirt says ‘World’s Best’... oh,” he trailed off.
You couldn’t stop laughing as he finally realized what was going on.
“Congrats, you two! That’s great to hear! I’m gonna be an uncle!” Jake shouted a little too loud.
All the heads in the room turned towards you and Danny. You looked up at him and gave him a little nod as the room became silent.
“Well, uh,” Danny started, clearing his throat. You squeezed his hand in reassurance. “Baby Wagner will be here sometime in early May. We’re both really excited.”
You let out the breath you didn’t know had been holding. All of a sudden, cheers erupted from the room.
“A toast to Baby Wagner!” Josh shouted from across the room. Everyone raised a glass to toast your little one, who was loved by so many already. You placed a hand on your stomach as Danny pulled you closer to his side and you couldn’t think of any other place you’d rather be.
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coraniaid · 1 year
Band Candy is a fun episode, and I don't really have much to say about it beyond that.
While Dead Man's Party is bad because it struggles at the things Buffy is usually good at (characterisation, dialogue, and clever use of monsters-as-metaphor), and while Beauty and the Beasts is bad because it spends more time than usual on the things Buffy is typically bad at (consistent world-buildng, plotting, the handling of side character deaths, special effects) without being any better at them than usual, Band Candy is the show playing to its strengths.
A particularly boring pedant might ask why "teenage" Giles is going around calling himself Ripper when The Dark Age established Giles only left Oxford and adopted the Ripper persona in his early twenties (and I know: I've asked before), or why Buffy leaves Giles' house with her mom's car keys in the middle of the day only for it to be fully dark outside in the next scene when she's driving around with Willow, or why Ethan goes from being tied up in a warehouse to leaving town fully paid by Mr. Trick. But this feels like obvious, unimportant nitpicking; the episode itself does not live or die on the answer to these questions.
What makes the episode work is ... well, the things that make most good Buffy episodes work. The characterization (particularly of the band candy influenced Giles and Joyce and Snyder -- all of them acting unlike themselves but in a way that still tells us something about who they normally are); the use of metaphor (Buffy's desire for more independence being framed as her wanting to be allowed to drive, contrasted with the fact that we later see she really is a terrible driver and her Mom was probably right to not want her in a car); the callbacks to the show's previous history (I think it's honestly a minor tragedy that Ethan didn't get to be a character who appeared once every season); the hints we're starting to get about the Mayor and what he might be up to, and the fun interactions between him and Mr. Trick; the convincing awkwardness between Buffy and an almost-fully-recovered Angel (I mean, just the way her face falls when he responds to her light "pretty soon you won't even need me" with a gruff "that'd be better" speaks volumes, and that's before we get on to her reluctance to admit she's broken up with Scott or her offer to have Angel smell her), the way Buffy's fears about the SATs are blended into the wider episode, bookending the episode with a "rite of passage" into adulthood.
It's just a very solid episode. I liked it a lot. I can't quite imagine it being anybody's favorite, but it's hard to imagine anybody disliking it either.
Lastly, Band Candy is typical of many good Buffy episodes of this period in that it feels Faith should be in it but she very obviously isn't. I assume that this episode was written when it still wasn't decided how pivotal her character would be this season. Still, after appearing on the show for a run of three episodes in a row up to this point it's a little jarring that we don't even get a throwaway line about her being missing (in the way we will in Helpless in a few episodes from now). I guess the headcanon handwave is that Faith skipped town for a few days after how badly going to the Homecoming dance with Buffy panned out for her?
(Oh, and the Willow/Xander subplot isn't much fun either, but I'll talk about that more when we get to Lovers Walk.)
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yuriko-mukami · 10 months
His Possession Ecstasy 07
Beta reader: @ruki-mukami-dl
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The living room of the Mukami manor was silent for Ruki had retreated to read in the library after gaining new books from Eden, Kou was at work, and Azusa was busy with whatever he usually did in his room. Yuma had been occupied with something for days, so he wasn’t around either.
The opportunity had been perfect from training transformation… or would have been if it hadn’t rained cats and dogs. The rain drummed the windows fifth day in a row and while it wasn’t uncommon around this time of the year, it was a bit inconvenient. But since others weren’t around, Yuriko had decided to use the living room for her needs. Perhaps that was better anyway. Outside there was always a chance that she would make her clothes disappear again and someone could see her.
Yuriko put her glasses on the living room table. Closing her eyes, she tried to focus. Yet, a figure with emerald-green eyes and a fedora was instantly painted onto her eyelids. She yelped, pushing it into the back corner of her mind. She was at home. There was nothing to scare, nothing to worry about. She could practice in peace here.
Yuriko rubbed her temples. This shouldn’t be that hard. She had managed to bring her ears out a few times already. Now, she would need only the rest of her fox body. Why was it so much easier to manage when she was sleeping? These days she had to go to sleep naked to prevent her clothes from disappearing… and many times this fact led to something else than… well… sleeping.
I can do this! I need to do this! Anything to save Mom and Yuuto! Everything was up to Yuriko, those two were counting on her. She still didn’t know why her relatives kept them in captivity, but they were her family, and she would fight for their freedom.
Suddenly, Yuriko felt like the air was swooshing around her. She opened her eyes, and the room was growing bigger and bigger.
Yuriko was shrinking. It was like she was squeezing into a tiny ball, though… she wasn’t a ball but just this small furry creature. Her hands hit the floor, turning into paws and she could feel how a tail pushed out of her backside, soon swaying from side to side. She let out a whining bark. 
Again, it seemed Yuriko couldn’t talk. Whimpering, she gazed around.
I managed it… but now what? I still don’t know how to turn back. Last time it happened while I slept. 
The living room looked the same, yet different. There was surprisingly much dust under the couch even though Ruki was adamant about cleaning the house properly, and even the carpet had a dusty smell on it. Perhaps it was better not to mention that to him though.
Maybe this was an opportunity to practice Yuriko’s fox skills. After all, this was what she had been trying to do. Still, it felt weird to be in the real world in this form. Even with her sharp canine teeth, there was a lingering unsafe feeling of fragility. Yuriko was so small that Yuma could snap her in two pieces with his bare hands.
Well… truth to told, Yuma would probably be able to do that even if Yuriko was in her human form. 
Okay… no scary thoughts now! I will sniff around the manor to see if I can locate new scents. Maybe that will help me to learn how to find the gate in the forest. With that, Yuriko hurried to the hallway and lifted her snout. Once again, everything looked way too big, and the angle of her view was somehow wrong. Not really, but still. She couldn’t quite put it into words.
Instead of pondering too much, Yuriko closed her eyes for a moment and tried to catch every smell in the manor. There were so many! She could distinguish the remnants of the breakfast in the air but also the bit of poignant fragrance of Vampires that wafted everywhere. Even though it had always been there, Yuriko hadn’t realized how it stuck in the walls, carpets, in everything. It was so clear that there were Vampires housing the manor. So clear, and yet in her human form she had failed to notice this detail.
Moving on past both the entrance and garden hall, Yuriko kept sniffing. Even though her eyesight was much better now, her snout was still giving her even more information than her eyes. It was like she could feel her surroundings on a completely new level, and she couldn’t quite comprehend everything.
And there was something Yuriko was sure she hadn’t smelled in the manor before. A sweet scent mixed with something… something… vampiric? Or demonic? Yuriko wasn’t sure, perhaps both. Sniffing, she tried to locate where it came from. As she proceeded closer to Ruki’s study the scent got stronger, yet she didn’t think it floated from there.
“Anyone there?” A sudden voice along with a knock made Yuriko jump. She turned her head, staring at the door of Yuma’s room. “Is there anyone? Please… please let me out… Yuma-kun, please? I want to go back…”
Such a sad, quivering voice. Yuriko didn’t recognize it but it made her heart ache. She hurried to the door, sniffing it. Yes, the scent came from behind it! And judging by the voice, it belonged to a girl not much younger than Yuriko.
“Yuma-kun… I wish to go back to Shu-san… please…” The sentence ended with sobs.
Oh my gosh! Yuriko whimpered and rose on her hind legs, pressing her front paws against the door. Still, she couldn’t reach the door handle. She tried to jump scratching the door.
“Yuma-kun? Is that you?” 
Yuriko tried to jump again. She could see how the door handle went up and down without her reaching it, but the door didn’t open. Yuriko only managed to scrape the wood.
“Oi! Whatta hell!?” A rough hand snatched Yuriko by her nape and lifted her in the air so fast that the hallway was spinning in her eyes. She barked and whined, trying to meander from the grasp but it was useless. The pair of piercing eyes stared at her as the tall Vampire — he seemed even bigger than usual — leaned in. “...the fuck! A fox? Yuriko?!”
Yes! Yes! It’s me, Yuma! Let go of me! Yuriko wanted to shout but the only thing she managed to get out was whimpering. 
“Hah! Ya made it, Vixen!” Yuma’s laughter rumbled in Yuriko’s ears. Unfortunately, it died down as soon as it started, and he gave another glare that radiated anger. “Tried to enter my room, right? Ya have no business there.”
But… but… but… Yuriko opened her mouth. Again, only barks and whines.
“Yuma-kun, let me out!” A soft, sobbing voice pushed through the door, squeezing Yuriko’s heart.
“Shut up, Sow! Ya ain’t goin’ anywhere!”
Is that Komori-san, Yuma? Tell me! Why is she here? Yuriko squirmed and meandered, trying to slip from Yuma’s grip but it seemed that she wasn’t going anywhere either. If anything, Yuma clenched her nape even more.
“Whatcha doin’? I ain’t got time to deal with ya! I’m gonna take you to Ruki!” With that, Yuma marched toward the stairs and all the way to the third floor even though Yuriko did her best to struggle. Her heart was bouncing so fast that it was hard to breathe.
Tossing the door open, Yuma stomped in, and the fragrance of the old ink hit Yuriko’s nose mixing with the smell of a Vampire and Ruki’s musky humanity. He lifted his gaze from the book which he soon put aside as he rose from his armchair. 
“Good grief, what is going on?” Ruki stepped closer, his eyes fixated on Yuriko. Before Yuma had time to answer, Ruki had already reached his hands and pulled Yuriko into his arms, pressing her against his chest. “Do tell me, Yuma, why are you treating her like this? She is not just a common fox you can manhandle.”
“Fuckin’ vixen was tryin’ to get into my room!” Yuma’s voice made Yuriko’s ears ring. She buried her snout in Ruki’s shirt, shivering. His hands held her firmly, but fingers clenched slightly as he heard Yuma.
“You should not call her that.” While Ruki’s tone stayed collected, Yuriko could already smell his annoyance. Yet, he petted Yuriko’s back. “Is Yuma telling the truth, Yuriko? What were you thinking? You know that you are not allowed to enter my brothers’ private quarters.” 
But there is a girl there! A crying girl! Probably Komori-san! Yuriko met Ruki’s gaze, trying to give him a pleading look. She butted her snout on his chin and let out a whine.
“Haa… I cannot understand you at the moment…” Ruki sighed, turning his gaze to Yuma. “Perhaps she smelled something in there. The fox in her might have taken the lead since she has little to no experience with this transformation yet. You should know this, for she chatted away all her secrets to you in the garden the other day.”
“Fuckin’ hell! I ain’t got time for this shit right now! Just keep her out of my way!” Yuma grimaced. “I gotta make Eve realize that she should be with me and not with that damn neet!” Yuma turned around, heading back to the door with his hands clenched into fists. When he was gone, Ruki roamed to the couch, sitting down, and putting Yuriko on his lap.
The situation had turned into a catastrophe. Yuma’s words confirmed it was indeed Komori Yui trapped in his room for… What? For Yuma to make her his? 
Oh my gosh! That would mean he would —!
“Good grief, you are a handful.” Ruki took a better hold of Yuriko again. “Calm down, Yuriko. You need to turn back into a human so that we can talk about this properly.”
But there was no way Yuriko could calm down now. There was something terrible going on in this very house. Even though she didn’t really know this Komori girl, she didn’t want to think anything bad to happen to her. Yuriko had clearly heard how the girl had asked to get back to Sakamaki Shu — she had meant him with Shu-san, right? What Yuma was doing was completely wrong!
I have to do somet— Suddenly, Yuriko gasped as her body started to morph. Her paws turned into hands and legs, limbs growing longer again. Her ears pressed against her head, melting as part of it while her human ears grew back, and her tail disappeared. The air in the library felt cool against her bare skin.
“Oh my gosh!” Heat coursed through Yuriko when she realized that she was sitting on Ruki’s lap without any clothes at all.
“I hope you were not naked when you turned into a fox near Yuma’s room…” Ruki muttered as he collected Yuriko better into his embrace. The air swooshed around them when he teleported them into his bedroom. 
Yuriko hung onto Ruki’s blazer. “I… I was not!” As Ruki put her on the bed, she crawled to take her pajama shorts and top, dressing up hastily. Soon, she turned back and hung onto Ruki again. “Ruki… we… we must do something! There is a girl! Komori-san! She’s crying in Yuma’s room and… and… I think she’s there against her will! We must get her out of there!”
“I know.” That was all Ruki said while wrapping his arms around Yuriko’s shaking body. “Calm down, your heart is beating too fast. That is not healthy for you.”
But it was impossible to make Yuriko’s heart settle down, more like her breathing was starting to get rasp. “You… you know that she is there… or that we must help her?”
“The first one.” Ruki stroked Yuriko’s back as if they were having a gentle moment even though there was a family crisis going on in his manor. Slowly, the truth sank into Yuriko’s mind.
Ruki had known! Yet, he had done nothing to help the Komori girl but allowed Yuma to keep her in his bedroom. That was a crime. A kidnap!
“Ruki… she doesn’t want to be here. Yuma must let her go…” Yuriko looked Ruki directly in the eyes. She could feel how her bottom lip began to tremble.
Sighing, Ruki brushed Yuriko’s cheek. “We cannot do that, my angel. This is part of that man’s plan. I have told you about it, have I not? We are to follow it till the end. While it does not concern me anymore, my role is to support Yuma in this…” Ruki’s voice died down. What was he going to say?
“But… but… It’s not right! She clearly said she wishes to go back to Sakamaki Shu…” Yuriko enveloped Ruki’s neck with her arms, pressing close. “Please, Ruki… we need to do the right thing.”
Ruki frowned. “We are doing the right thing, Yuriko. You are to follow your master’s orders in this and not to approach Yuma’s room anymore. That man wishes we do this and as part of this family you are now doing as he says as well.” 
Yuriko couldn’t believe what Ruki was saying. This man… the said king of the Vampires whose castle she had visited too… He wanted to trap a mere human girl in Yuma’s bedroom. No, not a mere human, Yuriko reminded herself. This Komori Yui was something special, the most meaningful girl in the whole world for Sakamaki Karlheinz. Ruki had said so. But that still didn’t explain why she was treated this way. If she was so precious, shouldn’t the Vampires treat her like a queen or something like that?
“Other than that…” Ruki snatched Yuriko’s chin. “You have your own problems to worry about. We need to get you through the midterms and then use these fox skills of yours to save your brother. You have not forgotten that have you, Yuriko?”
“I… I… have not! But…”
“No buts. You will focus on these two things together with your master.” Ruki’s gaze bored into Yuriko’s. “Now, tell me what did you learn today? Clearly not, how to keep your clothes from disappearing…”
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blvckqwz · 9 months
Family Reunion
[August 25th 2010]
Isabelle opened her eyes, squinting them as she tried to make out the room around her which was illuminated just by the dim light of her night-light. A loud thump came from outside the tiny house, making her jump. 
She put on her slippers and quietly exited the room, darkness surrounding her. She held in a breath as she closed the door behind her, lightly tracing the little stickers she had put on it. They were butterflies. Isabelle loved butterflies, even if she preferred ladybugs. But there weren't any stickers with ladybugs when she hung them. Butterflies were alright. 
A muffled sound came from outside the front door, and Isabelle would think it was from her mother if she wasn’t currently collapsed on the sofa in front of her, a bottle of beer next to her and a lot of bright orange little cylinder shaped boxes on the dirty table. She wondered if her mom felt better after taking those medicines. She hoped so, even if deep down she knew that no medicine could cure what she had.
Another sound made Isabelle jump as she came closer to the door. She pushed a chair against the door and climbed on it to look out the window. The street lights stopped working a few months ago, but no one had come to fix them yet. 
She hoped that they fixed before winter fell, because then it would always be dark and Isabelle liked seeing where she was going without fearing to fall in a ditch and break her neck. She giggled. Her mom would probably scold her for joking about something like that, but she knew that her uncle would find it amusing. Maybe even her dad. 
Near the barbed wire fence around the house stood a girl with black hair and a red hoodie. Isabelle recognized her, it was Naomi Guerrero, a girl a few years older than her who lived three houses down from hers. 
Her parents owned the liquor store near the school and her mom was always pregnant. Merle often joked about how her parents were like rabbits, but Isabelle never understood what it ment because they didn’t look like any kind of rodent at all. 
Naomi even babysat her a few times when Isabelle was still a little girl and couldn’t handle herself for a few days. Her mom always pinched her on the cheeks when she passed in front of the store, and she even said that she would give her Naomi’s red sweater once she had grown out of it. Isabelle couldn’t wait. That sweater was really sick. 
But Naomi also had her problems, and sometimes she told them to Isabelle when she came to her house. She had a super secret boyfriend who drank beer and drove a truck just like her daddy, which Naomi thought was cool. Isabelle just found it gross, because she didn’t like the smell of beer. But Naomi must really like it because she wanted to go live with him.
Maybe she got in a fight with him, that must be why she was standing outside in the middle of the night. 
Isabelle opened the door before quietly closing it behind her, leaving a tiny little crack from when she needed to go back inside. “Naomi, what are ya doin’ here?” Isabelle whispered as she got closer to the girl, who was still standing right in front of the fence, “Naomi.” She called out again, this time louder. 
The girl raised her head, but when her eyes met the girl's, Isabelle only felt panic. Naomi’s eyes, once a sweet auburn color, were now milky white, her dull gaze settling on the young girl in front of her. 
Then she growled. Yes, she growled. Isabelle never heard someone growl like that before, only mister Willson’s dogs. 
“Naomi, are you okay?" Isabelle's voice quivered. She didn’t know why she felt like crying, she wasn’t a little baby anymore. She just had this awful feeling in her stomach, like butterflies. But not the butterflies on her door, more like moths eating you from the inside.
Naomi raised her hands and clenched and unclenched her fingers, almost like she wanted to grab Isabelle. The girl noticed the blue nail polish on her nails, the same she had put on Isabelle many times before. Isabelle always chewed it off because she was always biting her nails when she was anxious, and she was often anxious. 
Maybe Naomi wasn’t as anxious as her, because her nails were still blue. But there was also a dark crimson color on her fingers. Was it blood? Was Naomi hurt? Isabelle didn’t know what she was supposed to do in case Naomi was hurt. Her medical experience was reduced to Merle saying that crying is for pussies when she scratched her knees and her mom’s boyfriend saying that she couldn’t show anyone the bruises he had just given her. 
She was stupid, she knew that, she didn’t even know what to do if her friend was hurt. What a stupid girl she was. 
“I’m gonna call mama, okay?” Isabelle asked, but the only response was an even louder groan. Great, now even Naomi was angry at her. 
A bullet went through Naomi’s head, making her collapse on the floor and a bruised Steve stood on the other side of the road. He was yelling at her about something, but all Isabelle could focus on was how Naomi’s sweater was getting even more red, her sticky blood absorbed by the soft material.
Isabelle wasn’t sure she wanted that sweater anymore.
The girl shot up from her slumber, beads of sweat crowning her face. It was just a dream, just a stupid dream, she repeated to herself as her eyes took notice of the surroundings. They were in the middle of the woods, but the smell of burnt flesh was still there. 
Memories started to float in as her eyes landed on the figure next to her, relaxing a bit. “For how long was I out?” She asked Carl as he raised his eyes to look at her.
“Just a few minutes, but you scared us to death.” He shrugged, “We are waiting for my dad and others from our group who were separated from us before the explosion.” He explained.
Isabelle just hummed as she sat down next to him, a comfortable silence falling on the two of them as they watched the adults speak in hushed tones. She always hated when people did this, speaking with their eyes or behind a hand. She felt like they were judging her. 
Her mom always called her silly for thinking that. She missed her, if only she was there then she could cry in her arms. But she isn’t with her, and Isabelle refused to cry in front of strangers. So she brought her knees up to her chest and hid her face, trying to shut out the whispers around her. 
“Welcome back soldier.” A deep voice called from in front of her. Isabelle raised her head to acknowledge the red haired man. “What you did back there was impressive.” He was probably talking about how she killed that man. She didn’t feel like it was impressive. “Thank you sir.” She murmured.
The man seemed to appreciate the courtesy title because she could see a smirk under his big red mustache. Most people did, especially back at home. 
“Your folks around here?” He questions, making the girl shake her head, “I was hoping my mom would be at Terminus, but I imagine that it’s good that she wasn’t.” 
This time the man nodded, “We are moving as soon as we find the others. I want to put as much distance as we can between us and those fuckers.” He announced before returning to the woman with pigtails and the goofy looking man. 
Silence fell again as Isabelle alternated her attention from the group in front of her and the boy next to her. Her head was still throbbing, and she was sure that she had some sort of concussion because her ears kept ringing.
“Are you worried for your dad?” She asked as she fidgeted with her sleeve.
Carl shook his head, “My dad is a fighter, I know he’s alive.” He said and his eyes shone as he talked about his father with such an admiration that Isabelle for a second almost felt envious. 
She never had the same fondness for her old man. Maybe she had once, but now it was all forgotten and buried under all the resentment that she felt. But she still loved him, and she cursed herself for that, because she knew he didn’t care. 
“They are here!” Maggie shouted before she ran towards an asian boy emerging from the woods, stopping Isabelle from sinking deeper in her thoughts. Carl immediately got up, running towards a bearded man. 
Isabelle sighed as she tiredly got up, wiping her dirty hands on her already stained jeans. She would love to take a shower and put on some other clothes, but deep down she knew that they couldn’t afford such comfort. Maybe there was a river or something around there, she was in desperate need of wiping off the dried blood on her skin. 
Isabelle reached the people of the group who stayed behind as they watched the others reunite. She wondered what their stories were. Did they know each other before the world fell or did they find each other after? Her mom said that they couldn’t trust strangers because you never know what they are capable of, especially in times like this. Did they follow the same rule? They seemed pretty wary about her. Maybe it was because she was covered in blood and had passed out in front of them.  
She watched the men Carl talked about slowly come towards them. The first one was who Isabelle assumed to be Carl’s father, a man with a big beard and blood smeared across his face. Carl was speaking really fast to him while he kept his hand on his son’s shoulder, smiling as he nodded. Envy stung the girl’s heart again, but she was still glad Carl’s father was okay. 
Then another man followed, still hugging who assumed was his girlfriend. Maggie had said her name when they were running, something like Sammy maybe? Or Sarah, Isabelle couldn’t really remember. Her features were stone cold back in the train car, but now she looked happy. Isabelle felt happy for her. 
After them came Maggie with an asian boy, and she was crying. The boy looked young, much younger than the other two men. She felt bad for both him and Maggie, they were really young after all. People tend to forget that not everyone in the apocalypse is a grown man. 
“Where is-” The woman whose name Isabelle learned to be Michonne started to ask, but she got cut off by Carl’s dad, who pointed at the woods they had previously emerged from, “They are coming.” He answered as he hugged her too. They looked like a real family, not just some people who met while the dead roamed on the Earth. Carl’s eyes found hers and he smiled at her. Isabelle tried to shoot him a smile back, but she was pretty sure it came out as a grimace. She didn’t feel like smiling. She was happy of course, but she still didn’t feel like smiling. 
Another man came out from the woods, but he was alone. No one ran towards him, Isabelle thought as the man kept his head low, greasy long hair hiding his face. Her dad always said that long hair was for scumbags. She wondered if that man was a scumbag. 
No one was paying attention to him, all too busy to reconcile with their loved ones, so Isabelle didn’t feel the need to look away. Instead she kept her eyes fixed on the man, who kept looking behind to yell at something still in the woods. Was he nuts or was there still someone there? 
“Daryl we don’t have all day, c’mon!” Carl’s dad yelled, the name almost making Isabelle flinch. She looked down at her shoes for a moment, afraid that tears might spill from her eyes. She was both relieved and sad when they didn’t. His name didn’t have much of an effect on her anymore.
She looked up at the man again, his face now visible. his dark hair still provided a curtain against his bruised up face, a black eye forming on his left side. He was covered in dirt and sweat and a light beard covered his chin and upper lip, but still Isabelle sucked in a breath. His blue eyes met hers and she felt like crying. They were blue like hers. Blue like her dad’s eyes were. 
She felt like she was almost going to faint as her legs moved on her own running towards Daryl Dixon as his eyes widened in surprise.
“Daddy!” She yelled as he ran towards her, wrapping his arms around her so tight she thought she was going to crush and picking her up, tears wetting her shoulder as she buried her head in the crook of his neck. 
Daryl’s body kept shaking as he held her closer, afraid that if he let go she would disappear. She was alive, his baby was alive. 
“I thought-” Isabelle’s voice quivered as she sobbed.
“Me too baby, me too.” The man nodded as he lifted up his head, meeting all the surprised faces of his companions. Only a few knew he had a daughter, and only one knew what happened to her. But she wasn’t there. 
He finally let go, but still held her close as he cupped her bloodied cheek, the tears wiping away some of the blood, “What the hell happened?” “It’s not mine.” She shook his head, “I had to.” It came out as nothing more than a whisper but it still made Daryl’s heart ache for his little girl. He took a moment to look at her, something he hadn't done in a long time, even before the world went nuts. 
Her hair was a mess, and they were darker than how they were the last time he saw her. They were also shorter, now barely reaching her shoulders. She was covered in scratches and had a bulky black eye, but they still shone with the same light they did before. 
[August 20th 2010]
The air felt sticky against the girl’s sweaty skin as she propped herself up with her hands to look out the dusty window of the trailer. Her dad and grandpa stood outside with other men from the trailer park, discussing something Isabelle couldn’t hear as they smoked, the dim light of the mood casting a shadow on them. 
If her mom was here she would tell her to go to bed, but she wasn’t there so she stayed up anyway. Her eyes met her dad’s and he looked at her angrily before turning back to talking to his friends. He always looked at her angrily, but the glares only worsened after Uncle Merle went to jail. 
She didn’t know what happened, all she knew was that one night the police showed up in front of her dad’s trailer and dragged a bloodied Merle out of the house as he cursed at everything that moved. 
He reeked of booze, Isabelle could smell it on his clothes and on his breath as the police shoved him on the bonnet of the police car to handcuff him and shove him in. She knew that the police could smell it too, she saw them talking in hushed tones as Merle stayed still like a ragdoll, something not very Merle-like. He must have surrendered to the idea that he was going to jail for a few days once again. 
But it wouldn’t be for a few days, because she heard the police talk about tempted murder. Isabelle didn’t know what it ment, but it had to do with killing someone and she knew that her uncle would never do that. So she smiled when he winked at her and waved his hand as the police car drove away, because she knew that she would see him again in a week. 
She didn’t.
Her dad didn’t come home that day. Nor did he the following day. It was weird. He had dragged her there in the middle of the night while she was at her mom’s, and she never saw him looking as mad as he did. He was clenching so hard at the steering wheel that for a second she was worried that he was going to hit her. But he didn’t. Isabelle felt stupid, because she knew that her dad would never hit her, but she was just so used to it that she didn’t know what to expect anymore. 
Maybe that was why her daddy was mad, because she was being hit. Isabelle didn’t know, all she knew was that he brought her to his trailer, ordained her some pizza and then disappeared with Merle. 
He came back for her after three days, and now he was planning on going away again, Isabelle could feel it in her bones as she revived another narrowed look. She didn’t know why he looked at her that way, like he wished she was anywhere but there with him, but she knew that it was he fault. She must have done something to make him mad, she thought. The problem was that she didn’t know how to fix it. 
“Girl, come outside to say bye to yer dad.” Her grandpa called from outside, slurring his words. He was drunk. Isabelle hoped that he didn’t drink too much, otherwise she was going to receive a big slap on the wrist for whatever reason he was able to find. He always found a reason to hit her, like the cruel man that he was. Isabelle hoped that her daddy didn’t turn like Grandpa Will, because she could see that he still flinched when his old man came too near. Now she was being the cruel one, she thought, for thinking that her dad could be like that. Maybe that was why he disliked her, because she kept thinking mean things about him. 
The girl waddled outside, fidgeting with the sleeve of her pajama as she watched the men get inside her grandpa’s truck. Her dad stood waiting in the middle of the field, a cigarette still between his lips. 
“Are you leaving daddy?” She asked, nervously shifting from one foot to the other. 
Her dad was good, better than her uncle Merle, better than her grandpa, better than any other men that she had ever known. He was also sadder than everyone else. Isabelle always thought that it was because he was less of an asshole. Her daddy was kind, just like her. She had inherited his good heart, even if his had now turned cold. 
Then why was he so vile to her?
The man grunted something about going hunting in response, tossing the cigarette away before turning his focus on the girl standing in front of him. “Ya better stay out of trouble, hear me?” 
The girl just nodded. They both knew that she rarely got in trouble, it was just a way to say stay safe without actually expressing any feeling. Feelings weren’t allowed. At least Isabelle hoped that it was because of that, otherwise it really meant that her daddy didn’t know her. 
“C’mere.” He grumbled as he wrapped his arms around her tiny frame, callous fingers drawing imaginary circles on her shoulder as she closed her arms, trying to enjoy the rare embrace instead of focussing on the smell of cigarette that reeked from his clothes or the way that this felt like a long goodbye. 
Then her dad walked towards the car, not turning around even once as the engine rumbled before departing in a cloud of dark smoke. And Isabelle stayed there, with a hand raised in a half wave and a heavy heart, not knowing that it would be the last time she would see Daryl Dixon in the old world.
The group finally started moving, looking around for the guns that Carl’s father, Rick, had hidden before they arrived at Terminus. Isabelle wasn’t used to being around this many people, especially now, so she just kept walking beside her uncle Merle. She wanted to go to Carl to chat a bit, but she was sure that right now he would much rather stay with his family. Which brought her back to the man walking right next to Rick, helping to search for the weapons. 
She wasn’t sure if he was happy she was there. And she wasn’t sure if she was happy that he was here. It was all too weird, seeing him again. She already finished mourning him, so it felt like opening an already healed wound. 
“You okay kid?” Her uncle asked, “You are quiet.” Isabelle just shrugged, fidgeting with the hem of her dirty shirt. Merle slowed down, now walking next to her, “Wha’ happened to yer arm?” He nodded towards the girl’s limp limb. She knew it was going to cause a problem, just like the throbbing pain in her head.
“I don’t know.” She lied. It was broken. She was in intense pain and she knew that if she took off the jacket it would be swollen. 
The man just grunted before turning his attention back to the woods, “Yer daddy was really worried about ya y’know.” Merle noticed her gaze fixed on the man’s back, “I was too of course, but he was going nuts.” 
The girl’s eyes fell on her shoes again, her eyes watering. She didn’t want to cry, she wasn’t little anymore. So instead she just sighed, closed her eyes really hard and then went back to fidgeting with her shirt. 
“Where were ya all this time?” He then asked.
“Mama.” Isabelle just replied, her eyes still fixed on her shoes. It was all too weird, all too confusing. Maybe she was just making a fuss over nothing, maybe she was just being a baby and this was the new normal. Maybe now it was common for people to meet again. She did feel like a baby, a big baby. She hated it. 
She looked up at Merle. He seemed like he had changed, but the rest of the group still didn’t trust him. They probably didn’t trust her either. She probably didn’t trust them either. She just trusted Carl, and it felt like a milestone. She didn’t trust easily, at least she learnt not to. She was naive by nature, but nature was now changing and so was she. 
She still liked to consider herself kind, even after what happened. She didn’t know if others would agree with her. She hoped so. The man mindlessly wandering around the slaughterhouse with his neck sliced open probably wouldn’t. 
His name echoed in her throbbing head. The fact that she knew his name made it a lot worse that it already was, because it made him sound real. He was a person, a horrible one, but still a person. Isabelle wondered what his story was. Was he always like this or did he change like everything else around them? She always wondered too much, spent entire days in the reign of her imagination. Her dad always scolded her for this. 
And now he was pretending like she never existed. She wondered if he had told about her to someone, if perhaps he came looking for her. She doubted it. 
Daryl Dixon wasn’t that kind of man and some things never change.
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midnghtprentiss · 2 years
i want you - robin buckley
a/n: had this idea and now i'm obscessed.
summary: pretending to be your ex grilfriend fake fiancé couldn't go any better.
pronouns used: she/her - no physical descriptions
warnings: exes to lovers, fake dating troupe, modern!robin, 5sos and taylor swift quotes (sorry i'm crazy), very fluff.
you can see more of my work here!
made a playlist for this because i am romantic today.
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There was a different energy in the morning when Robin woke up. She was nervous because she remembers exactly why the air was different. She has to talk to you. She lies to everyone saying you two got back together and are engaged. She has to talk to her ex because of a lie that could be ignored if she thinks about things. 
She told her family you two got back together and are planning a wedding. Your wedding. After her mother asked what was going on in her love life all she could think was you. 
"We got back together a few months ago, but we decided to keep it a secret, now we are engaged!" 
"Delightful! Let me know if she needs help with the plans!"
Now she was standing outside your house, shaking from the rain. Almost like a sign from heaven for her to go home. 
"Robin Buckley I swear to God you are a dead woman! You told your mom we are engaged? We broke up 5 years ago and you came with that?"
"Look, I'm so sorry but I can explain, please let me do that?"
You let her in, closing the door behind as you wait for her to speak. She was overwhelmed by the smell of your house and how familiar the scent of vanilla and light strawberry made her heart ache. 
"My mom was asking a lot of questions to my siblings and I kinda lost it and said we were back together and engaged. I'm sorry, alright!"
"Robin, you have a whole career, a successful one! You don't need me to help you with that, for God's sake." 
You two broke up five years ago because you wanted something but Robin wasn't ready to be a part of that. You wanted children, she didn't. You wanted to live in the uptown, she didn't. You wanted to get married, she didn't. Funny how the tables turn, right? 
But the truth is, Robin never stopped thinking about you and everyday for the last five years all she ever thought about was you. All of the songs she wrote were about you. After the break up you two decided to be friends and it was pretty cool but weird at the same time. 
"We can keep that lie for a few months and then we split up. Don't make me pass this humiliation, please." 
You knew how much this was a huge deal for her. Her family doesn't accept her entirely and when she was with you things were easier and lighter. 
"Robin, I want to kill you with my bare hands right now. Imagine my surprise when your mom called to congratulate me and I have no idea why. But fine, I'll do it. You have three months to make this shit end." 
Now Robin has three months to win you back and she is going to make her life purposeful. 
First month
The first month was a whole different Robin for you. She was nervous just like she was years ago. She pay attention to everything you do and say. And she brought a ring, a fucking ring that was so beautiful that made you mr heart race.
"Robin, are you insane? A ring!"
"How are we going to make people believe in our lie if you don't have a ring?" 
She knew her mom wasn't going to give her a ring, so she saw this one and thought of you. 
You didn't take it off since the day she gave you, kinda stupid for someone that is faking an engagement. 
Robin was investing in romance this time. She sent you flowers while you were working, and sent you gifts with notes. 
"Excuse me, you have something." Your colleague Jenna calls you in your office. 
When you see the flowers your cheeks warm up really fast. Damn it, Robin Buckley and her romantic mind.
The note between the flowers made your heart melt.
"To the woman whose lipstick stain is a work of art, I will tattoo your name in an arrow heart and now I'm so down - yes I am quoting 5 seconds of summer because you like. 
Robin :)" 
When you go back to your office all you have was a message from her.
"Did you like the flowers ? I thought of you when I saw them. :)"
"I love it! You didn't have to. Thank you." 
In the evening you and Robin attend a dinner with your friends. Nancy was going to introduce her twins to the group. You told her about this whole situation with Robin and all she said was "You're going back to her.". 
"Hello! I'm so happy you came! Come in." Jonathan welcomes you with a warm hug. 
"Tell me where the babies are." He laughs at you and shows the way till the living room where Nancy was holding them. 
"Oh my god! You have two babies, Nance!" You sit down with her holding one baby with a big smile. 
Robin watched everything with a warm chest. She was so hypnotized with the scene that if someone interrupts she is able to kill. 
"You're screwed, like a lot." Steve shows up on her side looking at his best friend.
"How do you know?" 
"It's the way you look at her, like she is your whole world. You have two months to have her back." Jonathan whispers and she shakes her head. 
Her eyes were on you the whole time, she watched you hold the baby, whispering to him and giving him light touches. She wants to have this with you so bad that it makes her dizzy. 
The whole dinner was naturally fun and nostalgic from all the old times when you, Robin, Nancy, Steve, Eddie and Jonathan go out to talk shit and laugh. 
The drive home was nice, it was silent and nice. Robin was almost dying to put a hand in your leg or to make you laugh like you did earlier that night. 
"Did you have a good time?" She asked and you nod.
"Oh yeah and I think I have a lot of wine too." She giggles at your answer and you smile at her with that smile.
"Too much? You are better than this!" You burst out laughing. 
"Hey! I don't eat too much while drinking, you can't blame me, woman."
When she stops in your house you breathe deeper and look at her quickly leaning close to give her a kiss on the cheek. Robin was over the moon with this, her heart was so fast that it almost stopped. 
"Drive safe, ok? Call me when you got home. Goodnight, Rob." 
Second month
The idea of having Robin around romanticly was so natural that you got used to reading her messages in the morning or to sleep in her house more times than you could ever imagine in the last month.
You were falling in love all over again and it sucks so bad because you need to hide this. It was so easy to wake up with her warm body close to yours, the smell of coffee, to get used to her light touches and sweet kisses on your forehead or cheek. 
One night this changed. She was in your house to have dinner and watch a movie. You were close on the couch, her arm around you, a glass of wine in the other hand. Honestly, you weren't paying attention but Robin was laughing and that mattered the most. She caught your eyes on her and raised an eyebrow making you blush. 
"Need something, miss?" She asked quietly and you nod. 
"Just looking at ya, can I?" You giggle and she squeezes you. "What is this Robin? We spend so much time together, we sleep together, we kiss, we act like a couple and all that. But you need to tell me what we are because if you are going to leave again that agreement needs to stop right now." 
"I don't know. I like this, the way we are leading is going somewhere and I can't wait to see the end. We act like a couple of girlfriends cause we like each other and that's okay, right?" 
You were looking at her but your head was slower than your acts. The next thing you noticed was her lips on yours and your body going on top of her. Hands all over each other like the world was ending now, in that moment and just you two matter. 
After that day everything changed. You two were so head over hills for each other that was kind of confusing.
"So you two are back together?" Eddie asked and you nod. 
"We don't use names on this, just trying again to see where this is going." 
"I'm happy for you. It was more than time for her to make a move." 
"So you and Steve, hm? It was more than time for him to make a move." He blushes and you push him. 
"You're a bitch, you know?" He laughs while you two walk around. 
Robin was getting ready to go out on tour with her band again and it was sad to know you were going to stay apart for a few months. It was a test for her and for you. For her to make sure she doesn't change her mind and for you to not give up in the relationship. 
"You come back for my birthday, right?" You asked again for the tenth time. 
"I could never miss that day." Shehugs you pulling you to a sweet kiss. "I love you. Take care, okay?" 
"I love you too. You take care." You nod before letting her go in the airport.
Third Month
Robin was out for a month now. You missed her so badly that it hurts your whole body, but your birthday was two days away and you knew she was going to be there.
She constantly reminds you that she was going to be there to show all the gifts she brought from her trip across europe. 
The day of your birthday came and you were so excited to finally see your girl but there was something wrong. She didn't call back or answer your texts. 
"She was supposed to be here already, Nance." You whine to your best friend that pet your back.
"She's on her way, hun. Calm down, ok?" She assure you. 
Robin was stuck in the fucking traffic. She was terrified of not showing up on time because she knew how important birthdays are. Now she was screaming and panicking about not showing up on time, so she called Steve. 
"Steve, I'm stuck in traffic about to collapse." 
"Well, she's almost crying over here. What do you want me to say?" 
"Pass the phone for her, please." It took Steve a minute to pass the phone. 
"Robin, why don't you answer the calls or text me back? I'm about to have a mental breakdown" 
"I'm stuck in traffic but I promise I'll be there soon." Robin was crying right now.
"Robin, you're travelling in the morning and we are not gonna have time for each other. You know what? You don't need to come, let it go." You pass the phone to Steve who was petrified looking at you. 
You walk away from the people going to the bathroom. Take a deep breath, one, two, three. One, two, three. There was a knock on the door. You see Eddie's head before he sits down on the floor with you. 
"I'm sorry, ok? She wanted to be here, you know? She 's trying, five year ago Robin wouldn't even travel to see you, or make you laugh or even try to win you back. Gotta say, the engagement story was funny." You laugh quietly resting your head on his shoulder.
"I love her, you know? I thought this idea was so stupid and I said yes, I mean who agrees to fake an engagement with your ex?" You look down at the ring in your finger.
"She's almost here, come on. We bake you a cake, if you are going to cry, at least do this eating cake." He stands up and you do the same cleaning your face. 
The living room was empty except for Robin. Her face was red, she was probably crying just like you. 
"I came on time, just like I promised." You nod coming close to her. 
"Let me talk, okay? Look, I love you. I always did. Since the day you were introduced to me twelve years ago and there's not a day you are not in my mind, in the words I spoke, the things I do, the songs I write. You are everything I think about, everything I do. You occupied my mind all the fucking time and I mess up once but I'm trying so hard." She sits down next to you. "I never wanted to get married or have children, living a normal life until you. I want to have all of that. I want to be the only living space in your head. I want to tell you that things are gonna be fine, I want to see you singing all of your favorite Taylor Swift songs while cooking and watch you work at night. You are the love of my life and the only one I want." 
You were sobbing at the time she hugged you. Her smell was so intoxicating. You love that woman so much. 
"I love you, Robin. I always did but I was so scared of letting you in and things end up because you are not ready. But how do you know that you're not ready if you don't try? I am here to be your first time in everything you want but can't do this alone. I love waking up with you, and touching you and watching you playing or writing your songs." You look at her with watery eyes. "I fucking love to love you and it's so creppy. And you want to know the creepiest part? I am organizing a wedding and I have no idea what this is!" 
"Are we going to get married?" 
"That wasn't the whole idea of our agreement?" You hold her shirt and lean over her putting your lips together. 
"How do I say no when you kiss me like this?" You laugh pulling her away for a moment. 
That was the moment you realized that Robin Buckley was made for loving you and you were made for loving her.
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weirdo09 · 2 years
mi amante
a byler 90’s au fic(might make this a series)
moving away from chile really hurt will but he knew that they needed to move with the military fallen and the country in shambles, desperately needing stability. kind of like will at this moment but the maldonados were already on the plane to hawkins, indiana. just because he knew why didn’t mean he liked it all the same. to be truthful, will thought that the move was mierda(bullshit) but he wouldn’t say that in front of his mom, the one who was struggling the most. she’d just divorced with jonathan and will’s father, leonardo ‘lonnie’. will was glad that the piece of shit was out of their lives but he would still miss his home which was forever chile.
after a 13+ hour flight, they landed in indianapolis. then after a 5 hour drive, they finally arrive in hawkins. it was a small house but it had character or at least that’s what joyce said. it was better than their tiny apartment in the outskirts of santiago. first look around the house, will would say that it’s cozy, maybe even livable if you got rid of all the boxes full of things. they brought a few things from chile like photo albums, joyce’s record player and so on. will headed to his new room and sat down on his bed, there he thought that he should give america a try.
first off, will woke up with the most excruciating headache then, he tripped and fell in the shower. “mierda!”(fuck!) will exclaimed roughly . jonathan knocked on the door, “ciuda esa boquita!” (watch your language!) he called before going in the kitchen, will huffed. after quickly changing, he rushed into the kitchen to get some breakfast. jonathan was just finished making empanadas de pino, will could smell it from a mile away. he grabbed one and took a bite, “veo que alguien tiene hambre.”(i see someone’s hungry) jonathan said chuckling, will rolled his eyes. joyce popped into the kitchen due to the smells coming from there.
“hola cariño, listo para tu primer día?” (hi, baby, ready for your first day?)joyce asked will, fluffing his hair. will groaned in protest but smiled. “hola, ma, sí.”(hi, mom, yes) will replied, taking another bite of his empanada de pino. joyce played a record of paty maldonado then she gave her youngest son a tender look, “aww, mi bébé ya esta tan grande!”(aww, my baby’s all grown up!) joyce gushed, pinching will’s cheeks. will yelped “mamá! me tengo que ir!”(mom, i have to go!) joyce stopped pinching his cheeks,”oh, ok, ten un buen día!”(oh ok, have a good day!) she called as will made his way to the door. “ok, mamá.”(alright, mom) will said before waving his family goodbye. “te amo, cariño!”(i love you, baby!)joyce said before will closed the door.
like most american high schoolers, will had a car to drive to school. though, the other teens were probably more up to date, will’s was a 70’s chilean beaumont but he loved it nonetheless. it was a gift for his 16th birthday, jonathan and joyce were secretly saving for another car just for him and will has forever grateful. as will drove, he took a look at the scenery hawkins had to offer. sure, it wasn’t as rich as santiago but it would have to be his home now. soon after, he made it to school, will took a breath. ‘aquí vamos.’(here we go) will thought as he got out his car and locked the doors. there at those blue doors he would see a bunch of students laughing and talking. sure, he knew few english but he certainly knew more than his family.
will decided to pass the hoards of people to his home room. he took a glance at the paper he got in the mail. ‘señora jackson?’ will thought as he scoured the halls for her room. one person who caught his glance was mike wheeler, resident of hawkins since he was born. at first glance, mike could’ve swore that he’d seen the shorter boy somewhere before but soon couldn’t remember where. whatever force pushing him towards the boy must’ve been invisible because when mike looked, he saw no one behind him. he then looked at will, who was giving him an annoyed glare. “uhm, do you need help?” mike asked, will nodded in fear of him saying something in spanish. mike looked for approval to see will’s sheet, will granted it. “oh, mrs. jackson? i have her too, i’ll take you there.” mike said with a small smile.
to be honest, will was intrigued by mike coming up to him but soon lost interest until he said that he’d lead him there. will was never one to automatically accept help but he thought that this kid could be useful so he followed him. a few minutes later, the two made it to mrs. jackson room with time to spare. “uhm, thank you.” will said softly, pronouncing each word carefully. mike smiled, ‘his accent’s cute.’ he thought. “your welcome, wanna sit together?” mike asked, will looked at him before slowly nodding. they picked seats in the third row, will took a seat first, placing his bag next to his chair. mike did the same, taking out his supplies. will took out his sketchbook to pass the time, mike peered over, catching a glance at some of will’s art.
will could feel mike staring at him and he would call him out but what the heck? some boy’s seemingly obsessed with him and he’ll let him. though that doesn’t make it any less annoying, it was like mike was staring holes into him. will huffed before closing his sketchbook and putting it back in his bag, replacing with his notebook. mike took that as a sign to stop staring at will, not that he could help it. it was just that will looked so…what’s the word? hot. mike’s always thought that he was the littlest bit queer but he’s never really explored it and has never really wanted to until will. he began to think a little bit more about will before mrs. jackson called for class to begin session.
after class, the two went their separate ways to their next class. however will’s class had to be one of the most boring classes, yet. so, he asked to go to the restroom to probably wander the halls til the end of class and actually use the restroom. then, will was off….to the restroom. unluckily, mike was on his way to the restroom as well and he was carrying a… spray can? besides that, will decided to follow him because why not? he sneaked behind mike and found him graffiting a stall very poorly. this was too sad to see so will called out, “you’re doing it wrong.” mike jumped and turned out,”oh, hey! uhm what’s your name?” mike asked, will have him a look, took the spray can and did some actually good graffiti.
‘damn, he’s good, really good.’ mike thought as he and will look at his handiwork. will have mike back his can and mike looked at him like he was the best thing in the world. will gave him a confused look when he looked a little too intensely at him. “my name’s will, by the way.” will said carefully, mike nodded, “mike, mike wheeler.” he said with a sheepish smile. “chao.”(goodbye) will said before leaving the restroom. “wait-.” mike began to say but will already left. “shit.” he cursed, touching his cheeks to find they were hot. will bursted in fits of laughter when he exited the restroom and he didn’t stop until he made it back to class. the teacher looked at will unamused as he walked in. “where were you? you were gone for 15 minutes.” the teacher asked. will just stared at him, “sorry, bad food.” he said with a smirk before sitting down at his desk.
some of the students laughed and the teacher just huffed. troy whispered to him, “hey, that was good. nobody stands up to mr. harvey. want be friends?” will rolled his eyes, “no thanks.” troy huffed in annoyance “do you know who i am?” he asked, will chuckled. “i don’t need to.” he said before turning around to face this mr. harvey. troy glared at will but then turned his attention to mr. harvey. the day went by smoothly after all that well until, mike and will bumped into each other quite literally. mike wasn’t watching where he was going and tripped, falling into will’s arms. he really wanted to curse out god at that but will didn’t show any discomfort, really he just looked unamused.
“oh, shit, sorry!” mike said before scrambling out of will’s grip. will just shrugged and began to walk again when mike stopped him, “uh, hey, i wanted to ask you something!” mike called out, making will turn to face him. “can i uh have your number?” mike asked sheepishly, will started laughing. “yeah sure, mino.”(handsome guy) will replied, mike didn’t really pick up the last part but didn’t complain. will took out a marker and wrote on mike’s skin his house number. he stuck his tongue out while doing so, mike was mesmerized. “ok, there.” will said after he finished, mike just stared at him in adoration. then he shook his hand to get out of his trance, “thank you.” mike said breathlessly, will nodded with a smirk before walking away. ‘god, he’s beautiful.’ mike thought before mentally facepalming himself.
at the end of the day, mike was mentally drained. he was dreading staying there any longer but he was also dreading going home. with nancy out to college, his parents seemed to forget him more than before, if that was even possible. at least, he still had holly to look forward to seeing at home. his baby sister was his joy, one of his first best friends besides lucas and dustin. funny enough, lucas was sitting next to him, probably writing down notes for basketball practice with dustin on his far left, doodling. they both despised mrs. smith, she was the rudest teacher yet and she gave the most homework. mike was looking at the clock, counting down the seconds when they’d be dismissed.
the bell rung and mike ran at the speed of light out the room, he was so fast mrs. smith didn’t even see him leave. mike looked at his arm, will’s number still there, signed will m. ‘wonder what the m stands for.’ mike thought as he exited out the school building. walking down to his car, he spotted will about to get into his. “hey, will!” mike exclaimed, walking over to will, he looked up and smiled at him. once mike was close enough, will hummed. “uhm, i just wanted to say bye.” mike said with a smile, will nodded. “bye, mike.” he said before getting in the driver’s seat and driving away. mike watched as he did, sighing. ‘what am i doing? i can’t seriously be into this guy.’ mike thought as he continued his walk to his car.
unfortunately, there would be a unappealing surprise awaiting him there, troy. mike stopped once he saw him, troy glanced at him and smirking maliciously. mike began to slowly walk over, “what do you want, troy?” he asked, troy dryly laughed. “do you know will maldonado?” troy asked, mike looked down ‘so that’s what the m stands for.’ he thought before answering troy. “yeah, so what?” troy took his hands out of his pockets and walked closer to him. once they were a few inches apart, troy said, “he denied my proposal.” mike cackled unexpectedly. “what? did you ask to marry him or something?” mike blurted out, still laughing. troy gave him a cold stare before saying, “no! i’m not a queer! i asked to be his friend.” he said, mike stopped laughing.
“ok but what does this have to do with me?” mike asked, about to push troy to the ground and get in his car. ‘why would his rude ass ask to be his friend? he’s mine after all.’ mike thought before then thinking, ‘wait stop, will’s not yours!’ troy huffed, “i thought he’d be useful to me, i guess not. so, i’m going to beat you up, maybe that’ll satisfy me.” troy said before getting in a stance. mike had two reactions to what troy said, run until you get home or try and fight him. luckily, will just happened to cruise by when he saw what was happening, troy threw the first punch at mike. he missed but will stomped on the brakes and got out. he walked over, mike glanced over at him and troy threw another punch…..but it didn’t land for will stopped it. mike opened his eyes to see will in front of him, giving troy a death stare.
troy stumbled before getting balanced again. “ah, if it isn’t will himself!” he exclaimed, rubbing his fist. will just stared, awaiting his next move. mike just stood frozen in terror, sure after all these years, troy still terrified him. troy threw a punch and will blocked it, also throwing a punch and landing it hard at troy’s nose. troy fell back at the force of it, hitting his head on the ground. will looked at his fist, wiping the blood off on his jeans. mike looked at the scene in front of him. will had just knocked out and broken the nose of his childhood tormentor, he slowly walked over to will before stopping a few inches. will turned around to face him, “thank you, will.” mike whispered, will just stared before he was thrown into a hug.
mike had wrapped his arms around will’s waist in a hug. will stood frozen, he’d never gotten hugs like this but it felt nice so, he leaned into it. “your welcome….mike.” will whispered back, slightly tightening his grip on mike. mike chuckled wetly, letting go of will and he did the same. “uh, we should probably go home.” mike stated, wiping his eyes with his right arm.(will’s number is on his left.) will looked down at his feet then looked up at mike, “yeah.” he said with a small smile. mike returned it then walked over to his car, “see you around?” mike asked, will nodded. he then walked over to his car, mike called to him “i’ll call you!” will smiled, saluting. they both went into their cars and drove away, leaving troy alone on the ground.
as will drove him, he replayed what he did in his mind. he had punched a random guy for another random guy well, not really he knew mike a little but certainly not enough to start a fight. then, that other said random guy hugged him and he started to feel something for him, not really sure what that something but it’s indeed something. god, why were feelings so hard? will didn’t know, really didn’t want to find out. he sighed and continued driving.
mike, on the other hand was in a spiral trying to figure out what happened. will fought a guy for him! for him of all people, it’s just shocking because he’s never had anybody to fight his own battles for him and mike’s not sure if that should be ego brushing or not. whatever, he still liked the guy, like really like liked. hell, he was smitten for him even though he would begrudgingly agree with it, he was down bad for will and he just wanted to know if will felt the same. mike sighed, focusing back on the road ahead, just a few short minutes til he’s home.
will finally arrived home. he got his bag and keys, locked the car doors and went inside. there he found his mom making churrasco, the smell practically hitting his nose also making him drool and remember he hasn’t eaten. will closed the door and floated to the kitchen. music filled his ears as he walked in, seeing his mom and brother dancing while the food was cooking. “hola, cariño como fue tu primer día?”(hey baby how was your first day?) joyce asked while still dancing.“estuvo bien, ma.” (it was ok, mom) will replied, joyce stopped dancing to hug her son. she gave him a tender kiss on the right cheek. “bueno, anda a ducharte y comemos.”(alright, go take a shower and get ready for dinner) joyce told will, fixing up his outfit. “ok, ma.” will said before vanishing to his room.
after the shower, will’s head felt clearer. he put on some pajamas and made his way to the table. the maldonados had a great time eating, laughing and chatting, just the three of them. after dinner, they danced and danced. about hour later, will headed to his room, he laid down on his bed thinking about what the next day will bring.
what’s for sure is that you won’t know until the next chapter, stay tuned. this was a joy to write and i’m sure the next will be just as great
tags list: @foodiewithdahoodie @aimz304 @unprofessionalprofessional @evil-gay-person @pimplepogue @xhavibee @eefonline @eggo-owl @verashalurks @finalgirlharrison @ronanticized @buckieduckie2 @yelenapines @finalgirlkaspbrak @hoteadepresso(idk, can i tag you? yk what it’s ok) @ohfallingdisco @delusional-dingus @thefruityfours @thegayupsidedown @willelfanpage @atbyler @she-wont-miss
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minstar0801 · 2 months
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⭕UNSOUL TALE⭕ By: Min☆Star
The children of the king of the underground world - Asgore were playing. Suddenly something fell from the ground, they both ran to check.
Chara: "Wow…I think that's human!" Asriel: "It would be better if it wasn't…"
The thing woke up, it looked at the two.
?????: "Where…am…I…?"
Looks like it's having some trouble talking…
Asriel: "Welcome to the underground, human!"
It looked at them with an expressionless expression.
?????: "I-I…am not a…huma-n!" Chara: "Even better!"
They hauled it up and led it to their castle. In the castle there is a goat dressed in royal clothes.
Toriel: "Welcome home, my children!" Asriel: "Hey mom, look what we found!"
He gave her that thing.
Toriel: "Do you think it looks like a little girl?" ?????: "I-I…am…a…g-girl…"
Toriel was surprised, but then she calmed down and smiled.
Toriel: "Can you tell me your wonderful name?" ?????: "I…am…T-Thena." Chara: "She has a beautiful name! So mom, can we adopt her?"
Chara looked at Toriel with an excited expression, she thought that her mother would let Thena stay and they could play together…but Toriel didn't think so…
Toriel: "I'm so sorry kids, I really wanted to let she stays here, but I'm afraid your father doesn't want to, for him, two children are enough…"
Chara and Asriel looked disappointed…
Asriel: "So…where is she going to live?"
At that moment, the castle door opened. A skeleton entered.
Sans: "Hi Queen Toriel! Looks like some angels lost their wings, right?" Toriel: "That's right, um...Sans!"
He looked closer…
Sans: "A monster instead of a human? How could a monster fall from the ground?" Toriel: "I want to know too but…" Asriel: "She has some speak issues!"
Sans was surprised and started to have some interest in her.
Toriel: "Ah! I have an idea! Sans, your brother wants a sister, right?" Sans: "Yea, why are you ask-Wait, you mean…" Toriel: "Yes, can you?"
Sans thought for a moment then smiled, it seemed he had the answer.
Sans: "Okay! It would be great to have another sister, wouldn't it?" Toriel: "Yeah! Her name is Thena, by the way."
Toriel chuckled and gave the child to Sans, who then took her to Snowdin, where he and his brother lived. At a house in Snowdin, we could clearly smell Papyrus's spaghetti. It seemed like he was cooking for someone. A few minutes later, Sans and Thena walked in.
Sans: "I'm home!" Papyrus: "Welcome home, Sans! Wait…THAT'S A HUMAN?!!!!" Sans: "No, she's a fallen angel~"
Thena walked up to Papyrus and looked at him, then she smiled.
Thena: "Hel-lo! I…am…Then-a! And…you…?"
Papyrus's eyes widened.
Papyrus: "God, YOU'RE SO CUTE!!!! By theway, THIS IS ME, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, AND I WILL MAKE SPAGHETTI TO CELEBRATE OUR FIRST MEETING!!" Sans: "Yes and we'll adopt her." Papyrus: "OH MY GOD, WOULDN'T THAT BE AMAZING THENA?! Thena: "Y-Yes, thank…for…the…spa-ghetti, Pa-pyrus!"
After that, they lived happily together until the day him-the eighth fallen human came. Thena was relaxing in the forest when she saw someone, he looked like someone she knew. After seeing that, she immediately turned around and went home. She told her lazy brother Sans about what she had just seen.
Sans: "Okay, I'll check it out…also, don't tell Papyrus about this." Thena: "Y-Yes… Now… I… go… to… the forest… to… practice… t-here." Sans: "Okay, stay safe!"
Sans then went to that bridge and saw a… human, he shook hands with that human and took him home. And a Pacifist Route begins… After completing it, the 8th fallen human-Frisk resets the entire world. After the reset, Thena woke up from the bed, she thought it was just a dream but we all know that it wasn't a dream. She walked into the forest again, then she saw a human AGAIN, she started running back to Sans and told him what happened, he seemed to notice it too, but Papyrus didn't seem so, Thena has a bad feeling about this. They brought that human home again, everything was normal but…Frisk no longer seemed as innocent as before. Then that day finally came… Thena with Papyrus and Frisk are playing hide and seek in the forest, Thena is the seeker, Papyrus and Frisk are hiding together.
Thena: "Hey! I…heard…some…one…!"
She ran towards that noise, and I think you know what she just saw, yes, it was that scene, the scene where she lost…her brother. Thena was shocked to see Frisk with a knife in hand, beheading Papyrus and Papyrus gradually turning into dust… Then Frisk just smiled and left. After Frisk left, Thena went to Papyrus' place, there was nothing left, only a scarf covered with dust. She grabbed his scarf and carried it home. Thena finally comes home. She looked at Sans, he was cooking, Sans turned his head towards her.
Sans: "Oh! You’re home! Look, today I'll make spaghetti for you two, Papyrus will be surprised and proud of me!" Thena: "Ah…yes…"
Sans looked around, a few seconds later, he looked at Thena.
Sans: "I heard that human boy is leaving today, but where is Papyrus? Is he not coming back to you?" Thena: "I want…t-to tell you…some th-things but you…m-must…keep calm…"
Sans was extremely surprised, his eyes widened.
Sans: "Did you just speak faster and clearer than before?! That's a good thing!" Thena: "I…don't t-think so…Sans…" Sans: "What do you mean you don't think so?" Thena: "Every time a… person that dear…to me…dies, each time…my speak issues…got…improve…
Sans seemed to realize something, he looked at Thena with a tense expression.
Sans: "It's not what I'm thinking right now, right? Tell me!" Thena: "Papyrus, he…won't…come b-back…"
Sans's pupils disappeared, that smile was no longer on his face…
Sans: "What…happened..? Thena: "Papyr-rus, Frisk and I…were playing hide…and seek, while I was…looking for them, I saw…F-Frisk chop…Papyrus's head m-off…a-and Papyrus…turned into d-dust…"
Sans was shocked to know that the person he always protected was the one who killed his little brother…
Sans: "I warned that kid, but looks like someone's going to have a bad time…" Thena: "You are…g-going to find…th-that kid?" Sans: "Hm…Welp, maybe tomorrow…" Thena: "T-Typical Sans…"
The next day, Thena woke up as usual, but Sans was already gone, it seemed like he wasn't lazy at this part. She prepared her things and left the house, she turned around to look at it, feeling like this'll be the last time she can see it. Then she left Snowdin.
{Time skip to when Sans was about to give the child his "special attack" }
Thena was standing outside the door watching the two fighting eachother. She wanted to help her brother, but she couldn't move. Her soul was empty, it filled with nothing in the moment she saw Frisk slashed Sans. Thena ran over to Sans.
Thena: "The h-human…is gone…it's okay…y-you'll…be fine!" Sans: "N-Nothing can save me, sis, I'm a dead bone now….Wait, what the ketchup is that???"
Sans's surprise, Thena is HEALING him, his wounds were now gone and he felt as good as before fighting Frisk.
Sans: "How is it possible…?" Thena: "I f-found out..my ability..and s-started…practicing….f-from that day, soooo" Sans: "That's a good thing, I think so…Haiz, we should go to the king now, Frisk is probably 'bone'-thering him." Thena: "Y-You're right!"
The two ran to the king as fast as they could, but it was too late, Frisk had used the RESET button, again. The timeline keeps reset to the time when everything has not yet happened, Thena and Sans's nightmare is only now truly beginning. That human chose the Genocide Route over and over again, killing everyone and then RESETING from the beginning over and over again. Thena and Sans just watched Papyrus turn into dust over and over again. . Frisk did RESET 5 times, 112 times,…,1932 times,…,2071 times,…,3069 times,…by the 4738th RESET, Thena had endured enough, her voice stuttered. The corn mixed with her anger rang out every time she saw Frisk. Sans and Thena did not use those eyes to look at 'Frisk', but to look at what was inside his eyes, in his eyes was a 'person' sitting and looking at the puppet he was controlling. Thena and Sans didn't see it as human anymore…but as a real monster. This was the umpteenth time Sans saw Thena bring a dusty red shawl home, her old absent-minded eyes had changed to helpless ones.
Thena: "Sans I c-an't…see it over and o-ver…again anym-ore"
Sans immediately encouraged her, even though he knew it would never help.
Sans: "Don't give up, eventually that guy will get bored and give up…then we'll be at peace again…"
Thena knelt down with the towel, her eyes mixed with anger and hatred…
Thena: "No…they will n-never get…bored, how about…this, let's k-ill…everyone! T-hen when we…get stronger t-than…that guy, we can…kill him over…and over again, until he gets…bored, o-okay?"
Realizing that his sister was gradually immersed in hatred, Sans immediately calmed Thena's spirit and comforted her. Even though Thena was calmer, she still felt a bit helpless…
Thena: "I…hope one…day, he will get…bored with what…he is doing…"
Of course, Frisk was also bored with the way he did the Genocide Routes. That was the 5001st RESET. When Thena and Sans were training in the forest, she was horrified to realize that her healing power…was weakening…
Thena: "Sans, I feel like…something i-is…wrong, my healing…ability is getting weaker…with each re-set…" Sans: "It's probably okay, maybe it's because you're tired today that's why, don't think too much!" Thena: "But w-what if I can not…heal you by t-then?!" Sans: "I trust you, you know you're very strong, right?" Thena: "Um…y-yeah!"
The next RESET, the 5013th, instead of killing as usual, “Frisk” killed almost all the monsters, including King Asgore. Leaving only Thena, Sans and Flowey. Sans was also cut by 'Frisk' and was barely alive. Thena came and treated his wound, but...her power didn't work, Sans's 'blood' just kept flowing down her hand, she Tried my best but to no avail. In the end, Sans also turned into dust, leaving only his coat and Papyrus's scarf, and the 'blood' stains on Thena's hand. Thena stood up, put on Sans's coat and wrapped Papyrus's scarf around her neck. She looked in the direction Frisk had gone, her pupils turned red for a few seconds and then returned to normal. Thena then walked towards the place where King Asgore often went, the flower garden. When she arrived, Frisk was already here and about to press the RESET button. Thena quickly threw a stick at Frisk, causing him to lose his balance and fall to the ground. Frisk stood up, glaring at Thena.
Frisk (Player): "I almost forgot you existed, Thena." Thena: "W-Why are you doing this? You are not bored or something?” Frisk (Player): "Why would I be bored? Isn't it fun?"
Thena glanced at Frisk (Player), she then summoned several large tree branches and flew at Frisk, of course he dodged.
Thena: "D-Do not you think it would be better to have fun together, talk and laugh, and do many things together? No one h-had to die, everyone liking each other would be better, right?" Frisk (Player): "No, I'm bored of that…"
Thena then became very angry and directed large, sharp tree branches to stab towards Frisk (Player). Frisk then dodged but still took a few hits. He couldn't restore HP because he had used up all his items in the battle with Sans. Frisk (Player) finally has the chance to attack Thena, but she uses her stick to block the blow and dodges it.
Thena: "B-Bored?! Are you kidding me?! You have only done the Pacifist Route once and you have done the Genocide Route countless times! W-What you should be bored with is that stupid Genocide!!" Frisk (Player): "Wait..You know about the RESETs?! You impress me, Thena."
Both of them kept attacking each other like that, of course Thena had the advantage. Frisk was hit many times and his HP was still very low, while Thena kept using her stick to block and dodge Frisk's attacks. Frisk somehow kept dying and resurrecting dozens of times, but Thena kept attacking Frisk as if she was never tired. Frisk(Player) kept RESETing, causing the game to crash and "Player" being unable to re-enter the game, Frisk also escaped his control. Although Frisk is free, what he lost in return is his life. Thena walked up to Frisk, Frisk was still bald but not completely dead, because he had DETERMINATION. Thena sat next to Frisk, looking at her small body covered in wounds she caused. Frisk looked at her, smiling with satisfaction.
Frisk: "Sorry! As far as I know, your soul is quite 'empty', isn't it? After I'm gone, you can take my 'determination'…"
Thena looked at him one more time before he disappeared, her tears falling drop by drop onto the bright yellow flowers. A bright red soul flew towards Thena, she caught it, gently smiling a sad smile.
Thena: "Thank you so much kid…"
Thena spoke faster and clearer again… The underground is now deserted, with only one person still alive besides Thena, Flowey. The flower tree reminds players of the Genocide Route. With Thena's existing hatred, she approached that demonic flower. Flowey stepped back in fear, the only person he was afraid of was Frisk, but now the person in front of him was the one who killed Frisk…Flowey retreated, looking at Thena with pitiful and pleading eyes.
Flowey: "Please let me live! Please, I can help you a lot! I'm useful! I-"
Before Flowey could finish his sentence, Thena pulled him up using Sans's 'Gravity Control' move that she accidentally obtained after his death. Thena then summoned large trees and crushed Flowey.
Thena: "How do you think you can help me in a world where only you and I survive?"
After Flowey died, Thena headed to the flower garden in the palace. There was also a carpet of yellow flowers like the place where people often fall. Thena sat down on that flower bed, looking at the delicate flowers flying in the cold wind blowing from Snowdin. After sitting there for a long time, Thena began to see... the silhouette of a human who looked quite similar to Frisk, she was wearing a green shirt with yellow stripes and long black pants. That girl looks…very familiar to Thena.
Chara: “This Genocide finally has something new, right?~ Wait…you look familiar…I think I've seen you somewhere before…” Thena: “I also think you look familiar…”
Both of them stood looking at each other for a long time…and seemed to remember something.
Chara: “Wait…You're the monster that fell from the ground, right? What is your name….Ah, it's Thena, right?” Thena: “And you are the deceased human that was adopted by the former Queen Toriel, right?
Chara and Thena looked at each other happily, one was happy that there was still someone to talk to and that the other has the power of DETERMINATION, one was happy that there was finally something new in this rotten world.
Thena: “Hey Chara! You have the power of DETERMINATION, right? If so, please RESET this world and that will be the last RESET!” Chara: “It's true that I have DETERMINATION…but it's corrupted by HATE…I can only use the ERASE button…and you know, if I use that button, the whole world will be destroyed, there’ll be nothing left.” Thena: “If that is so…” Chara: “Didn't you absorb Frisk's soul? Why don't you use it!?” Thena: “That is right, I completely forgot!”
Thena eagerly opened the MENU and there was indeed a RESET button.
Thena: “It is really here…so we can do it…everything will be peaceful again like before…” Chara: “If you were the user…maybe it would RESET us to the moment you fell here…and I’ll be alive again…” Thena: “Yes, I hope so!”
Thena pressed the RESET button but…the underground world was still the same…monster dust was still scattered everywhere, Flowey's body was still there, nothing had changed…However, Thena who pressed the button felt her body something else, her injuries from her battle with Frisk had completely healed, she was a bit shorter and her healing magic was back.
Thena: “W-What…Why did not anything happen…?” Chara: “Yes, your body has changed.”
Thena looked at herself and also saw some changes.
Thena: “This power…feels like the power I had when I just fell down here…” Chara: “So it's clear…”
Chara sighed, it seemed she knew something. Thena looked at Chara with puzzled eyes.
Thena: “What do you mean?” Chara: “Those buttons can only be used by humans, luckily because my soul is quite strange, I was able to absorb the soul of DETERMINATION and use RESET on myself , it's not like I melted away a long time ago…" Thena: “Oh…so that is it…” Chara: “Why would I count on this..!”
The two looked at each other in disappointment for a long time, but in the end, they decided to rely on each other to have more interesting days in this world. The thing is that both of them could go to the surface but they decided to stay here, because they believe that one day, this 'world' they live in will have an error that will bring everyone back again. Day after day, the two wandered around and Thena began to show symptoms of… hallucinations. She saw people that…she shouldn't have seen. Undyne, Toriel, Asgore, Papyrus, Muffet and even the king's child - Asriel… sometimes they appeared to comfort Thena's mental, sometimes they scolded and disappointed her because she was one of the two people who knew what would happen but she did nothing to stop it from happening. But the thing is…she still hasn't seen…her older brother. A few months later, while wandering in Snowdin, Thena and Chara suddenly saw a familiar figure… A skeleton, wearing pink slippers and a faded white shirt, was standing in front of the first house that we can see it as soon as we arrive at Snowdin.
Thena: “I think I am hallucinating again, Chara…” Chara: "One, I'm also gradually having hallucinations like you…two, what you and I are seeing is real…"
The skeleton turned towards the two of them, smiled as usual, and waved at the two of them.
Sans: “Already here? I've been waiting for you two for so long!” Thena: “Sans…?” Chara: “Smiley trash bags?”
Thena stood stunned for a moment then ran towards Sans, grabbed him and hugged him.
Sans: “Long time no sea (sea=see), I miss you so much…” Chara: “How come you show up here like me?! I have DETERMINATION, you don’t fricking have anything??”
Hearing the two of them talking like that, Thena then let go of Sans and stood next to him.
Thena: “Please answer the question of Chara, Sans!” Sans: “Oh great! You talk faster now!” Chara: “Don't be a fool!!”
Sans laughed for a while then started to sit down on a wooden bar.
Sans: “I'm lazy so let me make this short, after I realized I was about to be a dead-bone and my soul was breaking into pieces, I gave a small part of my soul into Thena's hands. When she unconsciously clenched her fist, she absorbed that small soul. That's also why Thena can use Gravity Control.” Thena: “Great, now I have 3 different souls inside of me…” Chara: “At least now I have more people to talk to =)”
About a week later, because of the addition of Sans, Thena's hallucinations improved but were still numerous and clear, especially Papyrus. Chara also spent less time around the two of them and often visited the castle's flower garden. Because of Thena holds a part of Sans' soul, he must always follow Thena, if Sans doesn't want to, his soul will drag him along. Day after day in that world, the three of them gradually felt exhausted (even though no one needed that :D), helpless, depressed,… Until one day, when Thena and Sans discovered the presence of a 4th person. That's a…skeleton? But covered in goopy substances and with many black tentacles, the person's head wore something like a crown and this person's body emitted a bit of yellow light. That person explained about alternate universes (AUs) and invited Thena and Sans to join some group of his, of course Sans did not agree and "told" that person to get out of his universe. As for the "Player", because they tried many ways but still could not enter the game, they decided to delete the game. It has the same meaning as Chara's ERASE button but the difference is that Chara doesn't have the control it. The patches from where the main character fell in the underground began to disappear and gradually spread to surrounding places like the Ruin, etc. Meanwhile, Sans, Chara, and Thena chatted in Snowdin and discovered it, but eventually Chara was caught up by it and erased forever. When Sans and Thena were about to reach the end, that strange guy appeared again. Thena and Sans had no choice but to agree to join him. The two of them were teleported to another place by him, and the 'world' was now only a black void.
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