#that's why rebagles are off
definitely-not-an-alb · 9 months
Why are so many USians convinced the EU 'essentially functions as one country' like of all inaccurate things to believe, why that one. Are you so removed from democracy you straight up can't conceive of a democratically organized nation pact?
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princesstillyenna · 2 years
Fake anonify the anon: Hi! idk if your doing it, but maybe # 23 and mattdrai from the ask list u just reblogged? OBVIOUSLY THAT IS WHY I REBAGLED!
23. - How do they hug? Kiss? Tease? Flirt? Comfort? Ugh, I ended up doing some writing. Whoops Have some soft MattDrai moments. These are GCU compliant. But you can also just read it as any old MattDrai with MattDavoDrai implied Matt comes up behind Leon, wrapping his arms around Leon's waist, tucking his chin over Leon's shoulder and peering down over his shoulder at the dish on the stove. "Can I help?" Leon asks softly. "Nope." Matt says with a grin, popping the p just because he knows it winds Leon up. Leon sighs, and Matt waits for the inevitable 'where's Connor?' but it never comes, instead Leon relaxes infinitesimally into Matt's arms, his head leaning against Matt's, just a fraction, something that could almost be passed off as just 'holding his head at a different angle' if Matt didn't know him so well. "It's pasta." "Figured." Matt grins, pointing at the noodles, and then, because he's feeling cheeky, he turns and presses a kiss to Leon's cheek, except Leon seems to anticipate him doing it and turns at the same time so Matt ends up softly kissing his lips instead. "Whoops." Leon reaches up and threads his hand through Matt's curls, tugging him in for a closer kiss, his tongue flickering softly against Matt's before he pulls away. -- On the last day, Matt wakes up and Connor is gone - it's not unusual, Con's usually the first one of them out of bed, and Matt can hear him moving about in the kitchen, either making coffee or making breakfast. In his absence, Leon has shifted across the expanse of bed between them and has tugged Matt into his arms, so Matt actually wakes up with his head on Leon's chest. That's not hugely unusual either - it often happens when Connor sneaks out of his rightful position in the middle, and usually ends with Matt being shoved away the second Leon wakes up and Leon grumbling about Matt having got 'tkachuk-germs' on him. What's very unusual however is the soft hand stroking through his hair, letting him know that Leon's awake. "Morning." He mumbles softly. "Hey." Leon doesn't make any move to shift Matt away. "We should get up." Matt doesn't want to push his luck, no matter how much he's enjoying this. "Nope." Leon shuts him down instantly. "No?" Leon shakes his head, gripping Matt a bit tighter, and heaves a long slow shuddery exhale that leaves Matt wondering if he dared to look up at Leon's face , whether there would be tears in his eyes. "Five more minutes." Leon asks softly, almost begging. Matt nods, and stretches up to press a kiss to Leon's cheek, which, as he had half expected is damp. "Five more minutes." He agrees, tucking himself into the crook of Leon's neck and closing his eyes once more.
That answered most of them. They flirt by being mean to each other though. Exclusively. Chirping each other is their love language. The end.
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miniar · 1 year
Let me be clear. I DO NOT KNOW YOUR NAME!
You know how ADHD brains sometimes are extra slippery with certain types of data? Like, some of us literally never learned their own phone number and always have to look at it in a written format because "sequence of numbers" just doesn't stick? Me.... I don't remember names. Sure, I can eventually remember some names through sufficient repetition, or if the name is unusual or has a "good rhythm" to it... but mostly, I don't remember names. This does not just affect the names of people. The names of streets, towns, shops, other locations, are a struggle. But also the sort of nicknames and such that you, my dear sweet internet person, use as your online moniker. This is ofc exacerbated by people's tendency to change icons and handles. So, if we are mutuals, I apologize, but I probably have no idea why because I have no idea what your "name" is and thus have absolutely Zero way to conceptualize you. But!, when I see a post rebagled onto my feed sometimes I'll scroll up a little bit and noticed you're passing it on from me to yours, and every time I'll smile a little and have an internal thought bubble go off with "oh! friend!" in a way that's kind of like being greeted by a neighbourhood cat that you've not seen in a while. Might still toss the post back in the queueueueue if I think it's worth repeating yet again, but with the warmth of feeling like "us friendos are maintaining the message!" So.... I do not know your name, but I appreciate you none the less for it. <3
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mercifulbutbroken · 2 years
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I posted 1,297 times in 2022
114 posts created (9%)
1,183 posts reblogged (91%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 616 of my posts in 2022
#reblog - 167 posts
#rebagle - 138 posts
#mercyspeaks - 86 posts
#submas - 64 posts
#pokemon - 64 posts
#thsc - 52 posts
#ingo - 43 posts
#henry stickmin - 39 posts
#emmet - 34 posts
#writing - 34 posts
Longest Tag: 123 characters
#was doodlin random things while scrolling through my dashboard and saw one of the artists i follow dealing with a cryptobro
My Top Posts in 2022:
Hallo good friend. As for human nature to rest and study for tests, i present a noble task
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Watch over him
(Featuring a Nav i drew w shaky hands in bed on my phone)
42 notes - Posted February 11, 2022
Soft PolyThreat? Pretty please?
Well, since you asked so politely- and I adore polythreat to no end- As always if you enjoyed, please like and reblog, and the AO3 link is here!
“ Oh guys, come look at this little dude! “ Henry and Ellie turn their heads, Henry putting down a small toy, joining his two other partners as Charles glanced inside a small enclosure. Inside were a few cats, two sleeping on the indoor cat tree, and another playing with a small child, chasing after the tiny red spot emitted from the laser pointer in the kid’s hands.
“ They all look adorable, huh? “ Charles continued, glancing at the papers posted outside. “ The calico is named Teddy, grey one is… Grey… “ Charles turned around, sighing. “ You would think they have the best of names like… hm… like.. “
“ … Dionysus? “ Ellie prompted, using the hand sanitizer dispenser by the door. Charles’s face lit up, nodding. “ Yeah, I would think so. Henry? “ She turned to him, Henry nodding. “ You wanna go in with me? “
“ Aww, Ells, why not me? “
‘ Charles, there’s a limit to who can be inside. ‘ Henry signed. ‘ Plus, you need to find the litter. ‘
“ It's not my fault my nose is sensitive. “
“ Yeah, and frankly, I’m thankful. Whatever you found before has no smell at all. I prefer smelling my candles other than that. “ Ellie smiled, patting his head. Charles chuckled, then started down another aisle, looking around for any signs directing him to the right area.
“ Let's go then. “ Ellie opened the door, slipping inside just as Henry disinfected his own hands, quickly brushing them off on his pants. And as soon as he stepped inside, the kid made his exit. Henry chuckled, looking at Ellie, who was already petting the grey cat.
‘ Guess Charles could come in after all. ‘
“ Guess so. This one seems chill though! “
Ellie continued to pet the grey cat, but as Henry approached, a meow from above made him look up. An orange cat, unseen at the start, was staring down at him. He waved, then approached the bottom of the cat tree. As the cat walked down, he kept staring up at him. Slowly, The cat approached, then booped his forehead against his own.
If Henry could, he would have melted on the spot.
Ellie only watched as he picked up the cat, and cradled it in his arms, one hand petting it’s head. She stood up, smiling. “ You like that one, huh? “
He nodded, smiling.
“ You think that Talia will like her? “
Henry nodded again, still petting the cat. She reached forward, and the cat’s head tilted towards her hand, nuzzling it. Ellie laughed. “ Oh wow, you are a friendly little one… I’ll go get Charles. “ Slowly stepping over the toys on the floor. Henry continued to hold the cat, until it wiggled out of his hold. Stepping on the small bench they were sitting on, the cat looked up at Henry. Henry simply smiled back.
Outside, Ellie quickly pulled Charles over to the cat enclosure, Charles one arm full of a bag of litter. “ Whoh, chill Ells, just… Hold on– Oh- “
Charles paused, watching Henry play with the cat, as Ellie nudged Charles, grinning wide. “ Yeah, told you so– “
“ Oh my goodness both of them look adorable…. “
“ I know right?? “
“ … Cuddle pile. When we get home. “
“ .. Charles. We would first need to set up the new cat enclosure. “
“ Yeah. I know. Afterwards. “
Both partners turn to watch their other partner, smiling as he pet the cat, the cat letting out a content meow.
This was mostly based off of me adopting my own cat, Junior! He is now 8 years old and counting, and is a rescue. I may not have a relationship like Polythreat, but I am so glad I have Junior here with me. <3
56 notes - Posted January 30, 2022
IT’S THE FINAL WEEK OF THE FUNDRAISER! And that also includes the raffle!! So go donate at least $10 to enter and i’ll pull the winner on stream!
65 notes - Posted September 23, 2022
Chapter 6 is out! Come get yall's juice-
78 notes - Posted April 29, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
yall like pokemon right? Funny train man lost in time? What if I told you we got two funny guys lost in time???
228 notes - Posted April 11, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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elfyourmother · 4 years
No rebagles
I don’t want to reblog the post because I really don’t feel like getting into disk horse but I think it’s extremely important that mutuals (eg @iapetusneume ) reblogging the post about Visa and MC disallowing their cards to be used as payment on P*rnhub understand the context of that decision. It’s in direct response to a NY Times writer doing an investigation into the proliferation of non consensual material on the site (revenge p*rn, spy cams, people’s real assaults and child abuse). I know because I subscribe to the Times and read the original article in the actual paper online the other day.
This isn’t CC companies trying to attack legitimate sex workers, though we can and should discuss the ways those kinds of decisions can harm them—I’m not saying that ppl shouldn’t. I’m saying that it’s really irresponsible of that OP to not include that context. Like it’s literally about child p*rn. Not even in a hyperbolic “what about the children” slippery slope kind of way. The article linked in the op links back to the original op ed but we all know that nobody actually clicks on links to read articles, which is why I’m so pissed off about this. And PH is hardly a friend to SWers any damn way.
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corey-067 · 4 years
24 for corey black?
Thanks for the ask, Nonny. I don’t know if this was the one that you were intending, but I’d recently rebagled two lists. Apologies if it’s not the right one, but have some fluff!
This is set in @keldae‘s DMVerse, a SWTOR AU, which I highly recommend you check out. 
They'd gotten the younglings aboard and settled as quickly as possible, their pilot sending them skyward the moment the ramp was up. Curled up on the couches in the common area, several of the Jedi younglings had already fallen asleep. The Mandalorian left his helmet with one of them, who had latched onto it planetside, and had curled up with it wrapped in their arms. 
He felt the presence of two of the Jedi following him as he made his way to the Dancer's cockpit. "Resistance forces, assets are aboard. Repeat, assets are aboard. Disengage and head for rendezvous aurek." Moments later, Corey heard the distinctive sound of the ship entering hyperspace, and he hoped that the remaining ships made it through okay, especially considering why they were there. 
Korin came forward first, a frown crossing his features as he took in the Mandalorian's eyes and injured face. "Rough day?" He asked, a hint of a smirk playing about his lips. He reached out his hand, and Corey clasped his wrist, pulling him in and clapping him on the back. "Hey, hey! Armor, ow! Don' be digging that into my sof' parts!" He chuckled as he returned the gesture before stepping back.
"I've gotta get something out of today," Corey sighed, shaking his head. "You're never gonna let me live it down." His grin was tired but sincere. "Vor entye, ner vod. Truly."
He released his grip on Korin, eyes searching the cockpit until he found her. Sliding one of his gauntlets off, he reached out and caressed Lana's cheek, as though he couldn't quite believe she was real. 
"We need to get you looked at," Lana frowned, reaching for his hand. Her skin was cool against his, and the moment that the reality that she was really in front of him, and not part of a nightmare in which she would be ripped from his grasp, the sulfur drained from his eyes, returning to their natural blue. Everything he'd been holding onto, all the pain and hate, seemed to drift away as he rested his forehead against hers. 
"I know you said y' had contacts among the Mandos, but I never woulda guessed..." Korin murmured in the background, more to himself than anything. 
Corey leaned down, his fingers tracing Lana's features, and he kissed her. At that moment, the galaxy simply ceased to be; there were only the two of them. No shocked Jedi, no friend who was ushering them out of the cockpit so that they could have a moment of privacy. For the first time in more than two years, they felt complete. Their lips only parted to breathe, as they found each other again, softly meshing together. He'd tasted nothing sweeter, his heart swelling with love as they held each other gently, energy singing through their bond as the Sith began to heal his battered body. Simple proximity was enough of a salve for his soul, and the last thing he remembered was planting a gentle kiss on her cheek, as a smile curved his lips.
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bereft-of-frogs · 5 years
I absolutely love MCU Hela and am looking forward to that WIP you mentioned where Hela wasn't beaten so easily. Do you have any headcanons for an AU where Hela wasn't originally banished?
Sadly (for me), that one is my big bang, so I won’t be posting it for a while, which makes the part of my brain that craves instant gratification real sad. Though that’s also giving me enough time to make some progress on the other two works in the series so there isn’t too much of a gap between posting. (And I guess it’s more...she doesn’t initially win so easily? It takes her a bit longer to actually conquer Asgard, so there’s time for some shenanigans ha.) (I have not been summarizing this fic well, even the summary I turned in was like...’come on, we all know I’m basing this off of a cool tagline and quotes from a poem about death, do I really have to explain the plot of this thing?’)
Anyways. Hela not originally being banished:
- Her and Frigga would make for the best magical rivals. I am not normally one for pitting women against each other, but in this case I will allow it because they could have just the most intense, personal, vicious rivalry and I think that would be really fun. Like, there’s court drama, each vying for power and alliances and setting various plots in motion, they once ‘accidentally’ destroyed a wing of the library, they each have at least three mysterious disappearances under their belts, casualties of their conflict.
- And the whole time Odin is completely ignoring it, just like ‘oh my wife and daughter are so powerful, how excellent, oh no, this is a perfectly healthy competition, they’re fine’. Frigga chills out a bit over time, but Hela Does Not. Frigga chills out, her resentment doesn’t burn quite as hot as Hela’s, and then gets super distracted by having kids. Cuz you know, when you have really little kids some things you used to enjoy doing just have to take a backseat for a while and that includes bitter, intense rivalries with your adult stepdaughter.
- Hela’s initial impression of Thor is ‘yes, somehow I can use this in our game.’ Her second impression is ‘why does it cry so much?’ Her first impression of Loki is...somewhat more violent and murder-y. Her second impression is ‘wait, what do you mean you’re taking it back to Asgard. just because it’s kind of small and does a cute little shapeshifting thing does not mean, hey old man why are you walking away from me, listen-”
- So Hela just kind of fucks off for their early childhoods because babies cry a lot, and she finds that kind of annoying. So Thor and Loki grow up with the vague understanding that they have an older sister who occasionally pops in to be like ‘are these things useful yet?’ but shows very little interest in them as actual people. Which Hela should have known would only lead to them being a thing apart from her and Frigga’s rivalry and not actually that useful to her. (Because, true to canon, they are deeply attached to Frigga, deeply emotionally codependent, and have their Own Thing Going On.)
- But Hela rolls back in (ushered by the frightened whisperings of servants and courtiers who had been around during the days of Hela and Frigga’s first rivalry) during their awkward/tumultuous teenage years and yeah, kind of looks like the Cool Older Sister who teaches Loki the dark magic Frigga has told him he’s too young for, and talks to Thor about power. (She keeps the Jotun thing in reserve, in case she ever needs it.)
- Her aim is to use them against Frigga but quickly realizes it would be more efficient to use them as proxies for her and Frigga. (Come on, they even look the parts.) And for a while it works - she feeds their rivalry and watches as they fight and plot against each other and is gleefully thrilled at how well this scheme is working, they are just like her and Frigga back in the day. But the problem is: Hela and Frigga never loved each other. Thor and Loki’s rivalry stems entirely from how much they love each other, how they feel forced to compete in spite of that, and where in canon that simmers for centuries into the bitter resentment we see at the start of the narrative, with Hela pushing them it boils over much, much sooner. And they can’t take it anymore. So, furious competition set aside, they take another leaf out of Hela’s book and just fuck off (because it’s not like either of them are heirs to the throne, they’re both just spares, they can leave), and Hela is like ‘...wait.’
- Thus, Frigga is like ‘see? see what you did?’ and Odin finally turns his attention to this intense magical rivalry that has been happening for literal centuries and is like ‘you did this, you can very well fix it’ so Hela finds herself setting off to find the two little brats to do some sibling bonding (shudder) and bring them home.
Thank you for asking! Sorry it took so long to get to this!
[If you are like ‘what is this’ before I went on vacation, I rebagled an ask meme that was like ‘ask me for an AU and I’ll give you 5+ headcanons’. It has been very fun! I have a couple more to answer in the askbox right now and if you’d like to read the others, I collected them under the tag ‘purveyor of AUs’. (Apologies for the font color of my theme, it’s...complicated. I can’t fix it. I know it’s kind of hard to read. Sorry!)]
My ask box is always open! : D
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shcllshocked · 6 years
“ hard things happen to people all the time. we never really know why. ” (Older!Isaac)
this is for a meme i rebagled awhile ago but I’M DUMB AND AM ONLY JUST GETTING TO IT FECK
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      “ well, son, “ the older man replies, flicking ashes off his lit cigarette, “ i believe somebody up there is keepin’ count. ya do good, ya get good. ya do bad, ya get bad. sometimes the bad just needs t’ happen t’ get ya ready for the next task. jus’ how it is sometimes. “
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sasster · 7 years
hi i know i made one of these before but i thought i’d make one in the interest of full disclosure
my name is chase (you can call me aster or coko though, that’s fine) and i am 21 years old, i’ve been in the fantroll community since i was 16 and i did a Lot of growing up here unfortunately
and i had a lot of bad ends with people that used to be or are still in the community
if you are curious as to why i’m on someones black list
chances are we met had a bad end and they’re left with a perception of me from 2015 or before, and they’re entitled to that opinion of me. if for whatever reason you decide that you and i can’t be pals then that’s fine i understand completely
i used to involve myself with drama that wasn’t my business and i’ve only recently got out of the habit of vague blogging about stupid stupid things
i’ve been in the community long enough to see people come and go and trends live and die and all that weird ancient wisdom bullshit, i don’t bother myself with canon or not canon you do you and i’ll do me
there are very very little people in the community that i cannot see on my dash for any reason whats so ever and if you hit me up in PM i’ll gladly tell you who they are, in the interest of trying to not put them on my dash, not just to gossip.
this isn’t meant to like deter you from making friends with anyone or weasel my way out of anything
there are just some people in the world that ended off on bad terms with me, and im trying my damnedest not to be weird of standoffish to anyone in terms of the community and making new friends.
this isn’t in response to anything or to lash out at anyone this is just something that i need to be understood by anyone that tries to interact with me
i have a long history in this community and there are people who do not like me and will probably tell you that if you ever bring me up and i don’t want it to feel like it’s something that i won’t talk about if it’s brought up if you want my side of a story you heard to formulate your own opinion but please please do not ask me for some information that happened three four five years ago to treat as a hot new gossip
i just want that if any one person who this post might be “subbing” to understand (if for whatever reason one of you see this post) that i do not intend to trash talk you or make you look bad to potential friends or rp partners, please do not think i am talking about you or your friends or anything because that is not what this post is intended to be
i don’t know what this post was supposed to be but it’s something that was on my chest and i just needed to do a early morning vent i suppose
i know i posted this at 6 am because i am a weenie and a coward so please hit that like if you read this also please do not rebagle it because
it’s not really intended to go far, just for my followers eyes.
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joshuaorrizonte · 7 years
Personal pls don’t rebagle
You would think that my mother would be able to criticize Lord Dampnut without fat shaming, slut shaming, or engaging in ableism, in the presence of her fat, mentally ill son who used to be promiscuous, yet here we are.
I just don’t get why a person would attack such trivial things when he’s literally trying to destroy our school system, provoke a nuclear war, and is emboldening bigots and racists to the point of violence. And that’s just off the top of my head.
In a good news, she corrected herself when she called me her “sweet little girl” so we’re making SOME progress...
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haevatein-archived · 7 years
I hope this doesn't come off rude or anything, just curious. But if you don't write the starters with the intention of making it into a thread, why do you do them?
/no not at all.i write starters from starter calls as a way of getting to interact with mutual followers, especially new ones that i havent written with. im a shy bean, so usually liking/writing starter calls are the best way of saying ‘hey lets write’ and actually getting to do it. but then again starter calls arent plotted threads, and are just fun things to get muses together, to get a feel, you know? there is no way for me to know if it will grow into something serious. sometimes they do and it gets rebagled many times. sometimes i reach out ooc to the blogs liking my starter calls to ask more about how to go about it, but in general random starter calls are a bit of fun that i love writing, they can be random scenarios between muses that already know eachother from earlier interactions on this blog, or new. but normally longer threads are plotted first before we start writing. am i making any sense? or am i a midnight zombie rambling.
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darthsuki · 7 years
I've never gotten an ask.... (probably because I only have 29 followers)
That would be a large reason why, though it could also be due to the fact that your blog isn't really a personal one, just a joke blog that rebagles a lot of memes. I don't mean that as an insult, but simply as the most likely reason why. Asks are typically submitted when a blog comes off as personable or gives them a reason to submit an ask in the first place
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defira85 · 7 years
Saw artwork of Ka//llus hugging a baby Lasat and I wanted to vomit
I’m at the point where I’m really fucking angry at the casual use of genocide as narrative window dressing in star wars at this point, because it’s massively overused by writers who know GENOCIDE = BAD and want that shock factor, but then there’s absolutely no follow-up to it whatsoever, no worldbuilding to acknowledge or support that
Any mention of how the Cathar recovered from the Mandalorian genocide, whether there were breeding programs put in place to recover the species from the brink of disaster, whether they received Republic funding to kickstart rebuilding? Haha nope. And gosh, in the modern era, turns out there’s another planet full of Lasat so it “wasn’t really genocide” after all, and gosh I guess that means that Zeb’s PTSD is resolved now! And Kal//lus is off the hook! The Genosians got wiped out? Actually let’s make this about how fanatical a black man is in pursuit of vengeance and not about the loss of an entire species and culture
War for Iokath spoilers tell us that the alleged superweapon was responsible for the deaths of ten trillion sentient beings. Ten trillion. That’s ten Coruscants at the peak of Coruscant’s stability! Where was the food coming from to support ten trillion people? How could ten trillion people just vanish from the galaxy and their absence not be felt by the greater community? What was their culture, what was their history, their language, their art, their science, their children??? 
asdjkfsakfjahsdjkhfa I am resisting making real world comparisons but that art was fucked up and I’m just angry at how casually dismissive it is of the very real pain the murder of the people of Lasan was, I don’t give a shit about his fucking redemption arc
don’t rebagle, I don’t want to argue with anyone I’m just venting ugh, this isn’t a discourse or a meta thing this is just me and my frustrations 
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