everybodyshusband · 19 days
hi hello i know we haven't talked much at all but i got hot chocolate for you if you want it!!
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oh oh i love hot chocolate thank you thank youuu !!!!!!!
may i also offer you a hot chocolate if you would like ?
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thisismondaymood · 2 months
have some hot chocolate (that was actually made by me)
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OMG thank you!
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burbur-49 · 22 days
@thatfuckinjester tagging you bc I think you'll like this
There's a ghoul around the ministry, one of the first ghouls. Their name is Death or Reaper. They've been named that because they're only ever seen right before or after someone's death. They help other ghouls get back to pit if they wish to be sent back. No one has seen their face or heard their voice in who knows how long. No one knows their element. They may not have one, but that's not important because the less you know about them, the better. If you do want to find them? Check graveyards, the lowest level of the ministry, or the ministry's catacombs.
They're the little black wisps people see out of the corner of their eye. If you see their full body, just know your time is coming. If no one's around when you're passing away, they'll remove their mask and talk to you as long as possible before you slip away, their gentle voice sending you off, hoping you end up wherever you wanted to in the afterlife. Once you're gone, they leave a note in the Infirmary, letting one of the quint ghoul doctors know that there's been another send-off.
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allnewbananasong · 13 hours
hello i have hot chocolate for you if you would like it
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@thatfuckinjester thaaaaannnnnks
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hypnoneghoul · 11 days
@thatfuckinjester mentioned ghoul accents to me and grrrr its such a good idea to write about it!!! i dont study english philology for nothing heh would anyone like to read my thoughts on that? i could go about it in various ways , because yk i took elvish as the ghoulish language in my personal hc so i could take different elvish versions and dialects and analyze how they'd influence the ghoul's accents in english and aaaaaaaaaa
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wrathofrats · 3 months
I love this sudden surge in general swiss content from people, especially ones where he is the one being taken care of or just being a silly dude
as much as I appreciate the nsfw shit lol, I feel like there isnt enough of him just being a guy (I esp love your’s and jesters swiss things)
I am gods #1 Swiss freak so I am always happy to share stupid non sexual Swiss thoughts. Bc yeah he’s fairly sexual and a whore and he’s my favorite whore but he also has a stupid giggle and blushes when people call him handsome and he says his favorite color is red but it’s actual the specific shade of purple that are aethers eyes so.
Also pspsppsps @thatfuckinjester uve been mentioned my icon
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shout out to @thatfuckinjester for inspiring me to write a little diddy, planting the seed
Thinking about Phantom beating the absolute shit outta someone (don't know who yet) based on my first fight I had when I was in HS
context : when i was a senior a friend of mine died and i heard a girl talking shit about my recently deceased friend so i jumped her in the middle of the library :)
Thinkin about Phantom just snapping on night, he's gone to the Abbeys massive old library, the one place he takes comfort and solace in. The one place Aether and Omega took him to show him of ancient books that spoke about quintessential ghouls, so if Phantom has any questions and they can't answer or aren't there he has resources.
Thinkin about Phantom who's feeling hopeless and overwhelmed, like he can't fill the shoes Aether left behind. So he goes to the library to read up on the books he's familiar with to try and better himself. Maybe it's his magic. Maybe it's not as good as Aether, not as strong. Maybe HES not as a good as Aether or Omega.
Phantom finding someone of the bands pack already in the library and his heart and stomach instantly fill with dread. He's wondering if he can get to his books silently, unnoticed.
Someone noticing him regardless and sighing, clearly irritated that he's even here. Picking up their books from the old tables intending on checking out and leaving.
Instead of getting hurt and sad, which is usually what that reaction makes Phantom feel: he feels anger instead.
Phantom "how dare they have such a visceral reaction to my presence when I haven't done a god damn fucking thing to them"
Phantom marching over to them and asking them what tf their problem is. Phantom all but launching himself at them, fueled by adrenaline, anger, and grief.
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eros-ghoulette · 3 months
Here is what's been pestering my mind:
As anyone probably knows, ravens and magpies are fucking enemies. They bully each other, steal from each other, and sometimes even kill each other.
And just for reference, their sizes: Raven: 56 - 78cm Eurasian Magpies: 44 - 46cm
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So, i guess, we all know who would win in a fight 1 vs. 1
Now, what my mind did. Let's take an elderly raven, he's 70cm long, blind on one side and has a slightly deformed foot, that makes him walk "funny". He has no mate, nor are there many other ravens where he lives.
And then a male magpie shows up, he's young not even sexually mature yet, and he takes fun in pestering the raven. But someday the magpie is sitting on the ground, trying to eat a nut when a cat appears. The raven, who originally just wanted the nut, flies down and chases the cat away by it.
The magpie gets scarred and flies away too, taking the nut with him. But after some minutes, the raven has returned to his tree, the magpie shows up again and lands next to the raven, holding the nut in his beak. And the raven does not attack him, he looks utterly confused, more so when the magpie drops the nut to the ground and gives his head a motion, so the raven would follow it. It's the magpies thanks to the raven for saving him.
After that day the magpie often shows up with little gifts for the raven, some snack, bottle caps, small shiny things and stuff like that. And they can be seen chilling in trees together. When it rains, the magpie finds his way under the raven's big wing.
Basically, it's just that they became partners in some way. They use different kind of sounds, but after some weeks they can understand the other (like humans can learn different language, or they just learned by seeing the motions that followed after the sound the other made). They act like mates.
This probably does not make much sense in a biological way, but i really like that thought, sooo... And for the ghost reference: The Raven is Omega, the magpie is Terzo hehehe. My minds been bothered by them and corvids, so that's the results. And i hope you two don't mind me tagging you here @thatfuckinjester @aweisz
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miss-multi45 · 12 days
if you get this, answer with three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs! anon or not, doesn't matter, let's get to know the person behind the blog <33
BABYGIRL?!?!??! Well I guess you do need to know more about your beautiful princess with a disorder.
1: I hate being praised when talking to people in person.
2: My dream pet is a bunny.
3: It's my birthday soon.
@bloodofvoidx @polteergeistt @thatfuckinjester
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rebelrobinrules1984 · 5 months
💌 send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome. 💌 :)
awe thanks you too ❤️
I’m tagging cause it’s easier lol
@faggyv4mpire @doingpushupsindrag @thatfuckinjester @mychanicalheart @milligramspoison @cyanide-sodapop @vsaysnaur @poolboyservice @bitchboy @cr4shjay @humanteethmarksonhumanbone @ineffableemo
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everybodyshusband · 2 months
here's some hot chocolate for you if you want it ofc!!
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oooooo yummy yes please !!!!
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sapphic-starz · 2 months
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@thatfuckinjester for the ask game :>
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burbur-49 · 13 days
Day seven of @cirrus-ghoulette 's Whump Month: Broken Bones
Cw: broken bone
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Phantom's been bouncing about all day. Dew and Swiss have been gone for days and are finally returning. He can't wait to see them, especially Dew, his favorite little fire ghoul. He does all his chores quickly, even helps others with their chores while he waits. Finally, it's time.
It's six pm, time for Swiss and Dew to come home. Phantom heads outside, to the parking lot of the ministry. He sits on a bench in front of the ministry as he waits for their car to arrive. His tail wags quickly that it makes a breeze behind him, swishing some of his hair. Thirty minutes later he sees the car pull into the parking lot.
He can see Swiss driving and Dew napping in the passenger seat. When Swiss parks the car, Phantom runs up to the car and waits for one of them to get out. Swiss is first, and Phantom gives him a tight hug and holds it until Dew gets out of the car. When Dew is out of the car, Phantom is on him, hugging him like he's going to disintegrate. Dew grumbles half-asleep half-annoyed, but hugs him back.
Phantom doesn't let go of Dew, he's always touching him in some way. It's fine for two days before Dew gets annoyed with it, he loves the bug, he does, but they're just being so clingy. He can smell Phantom before he can see him. He can sense Phantom's hand reaching out to grab his shoulder. He can't keep his brain from making his hands move to grab Phantom's wrist and snapping it.
He just broke Phantom's wrist.
The little quint lets out a yelp and moves his hand back, cradling it in his other hand.
“Sorry… Dew…” The quint whimpered before leaving Dew to be.
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turnthevolumeon · 2 months
@thatfuckinjester 's NSFW fics account.
i'm 18' it/its you can call me volume, jester, klip or phantom <3
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wrathofrats · 3 months
Hi I stole this idea from @thatfuckinjester but here’s a bunch of ghouls as my playlists
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ghoulbaby99 · 27 days
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Tumblr please don’t remind me I am nothing 💀💀 and thank you @thatfuckinjester for being probably all my reblogs 💀💀😅🤣
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