madhare0512 · 2 years
hi idk if you're still in the usm fandom or not, but i read a few of your spideyfist analysis thingies where you watched the episode them commented on them and pointed out spideyfist or other ships and i wanted to know if you had any spideyfist headcanons or fic recs bc im desperately attached to them :>
Hello! Little bit of context, if I have ever posted about a fandom and am not currently posting about it, I'm still in the fandom or into the show, I'm just not focusing on it at the time. Since you asked about the Spideyfist list, this is as good a time as ever to give an update. I'm still working on them, I'm just not focusing on the fandom/show right now. The hyperfixation will come back around, I'm positive! I'm just not sure when. I'll get to the remaining episodes, though, so hang in there!
Secondly, I have all kinds of headcanons, but my fic recs are sparse 'cause there's not many spideyfist fics out there. I'll dig through my list and see what I find!
Now, as for headcanons!
- Peter can sing and sing well, sometimes he convinces Danny to join him, they duet love songs
- Peter’s favorite hero is Iron Fist, Danny’s is Spiderman
- Danny is always the first to react when Peter’s in trouble, the first to have him back, the first to ask what's needed, the first to be there when Peter needs someone
- Because other heroes are constantly underestimating him, Danny has come up with a Spiderman fanclub and will not hesitate to set people straight on what Spiderman can do, but no one knows how he knows half the things he knows
- Peter taught Danny to loosen up and make the most of the time given, Danny taught Peter about duty and honor
- If given half a chance, Danny and Peter will not hesitate to sacrifice for the other, the Ultimates and the Warriors really wish they'd FUCKING STOP
- Peter complains constantly about the smell of smoke and how it makes him sneeze, but if Danny asks if he wants him to move his meditation elsewhere, Peter refuses to let him
- Danny has chronic pain in his hands from where he's broken fingers, knuckles, and wrists so often, so Peter helps him treat it by buying him hot packs and Tylenol with what little money he has
- Peter gets migraines because of his heightened sensed, he can only stand to be around Danny when he gets them, but not because he's Peter’s boyfriend, but because Danny’s the quietest person of his friends and family
- Danny isn't a trouble maker, but villains always seems to know to go after him first and foremost and if he gets hurt on patrol ONE MORE TIME then Peter will not be held responsible for his actions
- Deadpool once dropped by Peter’s house to annoy him for a while, but noticed almost immediately that the Kung Fu boy was with him, they where napping at the time, Deadpool left with resolve to come back another time
- Heroing is a dangerous business to anyone, but if you hang around Peter long enough, you begin to notice that he's the most dangerous hero in the business
- Danny can cook if so desired, but Peter does most of the cooking for them
- Danny and Peter got together after the season 1 episode 'Freaky' in which Wolverine gave Peter a little push in the right direction
- Danny and Peter are soulmates, regardless of romantic or not
- Danny went back to K'un L'un when his time was up, but he seriously didn't want to. He very much considered giving up the throne to someone else, letting someone else take his place as leader and ruler, but Peter convinced him that they could do long-distance. It worked shockingly well for them
- Peter is bisexual, Danny is demisexual
- EVERYONE knew that they'd end up together, even Fury, it's impossible to miss those puppy-dog eyes
- Danny and Peter never underestimate or overestimate each other, they know each other's limits and abilities as well as they know their own
- Peter has a standing invite back to K'un L'un, but the elders strong suggest he doesn't take it. Ever.
- Peter is Danny’s first real relationship, but he had a small fling with Scorpion when they were growing up. It didn't last long and Danny got his heart broken
- When Peter gets mad, he tends to forget himself. When he starts blacking out is when it gets dangerous. Danny is the only one who's been able to pull him back from this state without the use of powers
- Danny gets angry, but not like seeing-red angry, more like "I'm going to grind you into paste with my teeth" angry and Peter is the only one able to stop him
- In some universes, Danny (and the other Ultimates) are abused by SHIELD and Fury, Peter is always furious when this happens, but most notably because Danny’s usually the one who gets the brunt of it
- Danny is in complete control of himself at all times, it takes a lot to distract or deter him. There are very few things that can manage
- Danny and Peter are in love, this much has always been clear, even when they fight. It takes a lot for them to be upset with each other and a lot for them to actually fight over something, but no matter what they're always in love
Fic recs!:
Mostly pre-slash but I love it a lot-
Major character death-
This one's really cute-
Thank you much, friend!! If you have more asks, feel free to send them my way!
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lovestruckprimrose · 2 years
r u okay hun? u have some angry posts ♠️♠️
I’ll be okay, thank you!! Just some terrible shit going on and it’s really not fun ):
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lovestruckprimrose · 2 years
ure amazing in every way <3
Aww thank u sm!!! 💜
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