#thats asahi's drawing of him
pretty-idol-hell · 6 months
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Koyoi's birthday promise is up from 12/13 to 12/27/23! Starring Laala, Amari, and Michiru. And he gets THREE coords!
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maxwh33l · 6 months
my fave silly haikyuu hcs !!! side note: these are my personal headcanons and opinions. if anything is disrespectful or anything like that please let me know.
bokuaka own a blu budgie together n it loves playing in bokutos spiky hair. it also likes sitting on akaashis glasses and chews on his paperwork sometimes (he gets in trouble for it BAHAHAHHA)
T4T TSUKIYAMA yamz came out to tsukishima first around a year after they started dating (tsukishima cried)
tsukishima info dumps to yamaguchi about dinosaurs and sea creatures so much to the point yamaguchi gained a dinosaur hyperfixation from tsukishima (he still has it)
yachi hyperfixates on birds and she info dumps sometimes when helping hinata and kageyama study (hinata hyperfixated on birds after for a while)
auhd kagehina (hinata adhd kags autism :)
hinata gets new hyperfixations and rants/info dumps to kageyama. he always goes back to hyperfixating volleyball though, either way.
sometimes the first years have sleepovers together and sometimes all they do is watch documentaries on their hyperfixations (i wanna draw this so badly omg). hinata kageyama and tsukishima argue about what to watch first all the time (tsukishima always ends up choosing first)
one time when the first years had a sleepover hinata wanted to bake and they almost burnt tsukishimas house down
whenever they hang out its usually at tsukishima or yachi's place
poly karasuno 3rd yrs (asahi suga daichi kiyoko isnt a part of this cus of yachi)
when karasuno has practice matches kiyoko and yachi talk together most of the time and kiyoko listens to yachi info dump :3
when kenma and kuroo get into an arguement kuroo apologizes by either making kenma apple tarts or apple pie or plays a game with him. kenma apologizes by letting kuroo choose what they watch at movie night for the next two weeks.
on special occasions like oikawas birthday, valentines day, their anniversary, iwaizumi bakes oikawa milk bread!!
thats all :D holy shit this is long as FUCK.
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mata-aetara-if · 1 year
Time for a classic…
If MC can draw and the ROs find the sketchbook filled with drawings of them, how would they react?
Dakota the first one to ask an ro reaction let’s go 🙌🏻😂
That being said feel free to send in ro reacts! It just may take a while for me to answer them sometimes so I may not get to them super fast 😅!
On to the reactions-
Asahi: so flustered. Tried to convince himself that it’s just a friendly thing, you totally drew Niko too right ?(wrong). When he gives it back he tries to make small talk to avoid the elephant in the room, “so u-uh how long have you been drawing??” (He knows the answer he’s literally your best friend someone save him pls)
Niko: “if you wanted me to model you just had to ask!” Wouldn’t phase them immediately until they went to hand the sketchbook back to you and saw you blushing , then it hits them and they’re like “… wait a min 👀”
Shikako: “oh 😳” will see it and quietly look through it admiring all of the drawings you’ve done. She can’t believe how beautiful you draw. Until you tap on her shoulder and she immediately drops the book and promises she didn’t see too much! She has to go now goodbye!!!
Inoru: absolutely loves it, will find you immediately and ask you all about it. Will also act cocky, like “of course you’d wanna draw me 😌” on the inside though he’s like “I can’t believe they drew me 🥹”
Rona: genuinely touched by it. You could’ve drawn anything but you chose her??? Would be super affectionate with you afterwards 🥰 staying close by and giving you side glances for the rest of the day 🥰
Jun: what is this???? Why would you wanna draw him? Closes the sketchbook and pretends he never saw anything. But next time he sees you it’s hard for him to hold eye contact and you’re confused to see a light blush on his cheeks.
Chai: actual stars in her eyes 🤩🤩🤩 you wanted to draw her???? And you did it so well????? She will ask to borrow a piece of paper and immediately try draw you back!! (It’s not very good) She hopes you like it 🤩🤩🤩
Mokoto: is direct and to the point, “you draw so well… thank you… for drawing me. I like it” they won’t meet your eyes but you can see a small smile on their face 🥰 also likes to draw in their free time and offers to show you some of theirs to be fair
Ryoku: flips through it while thinking “so this is how they see me?” Trying his best to keep his cool. When you come to retrieve the sketchbook he mutters a “thanks.” He doesn’t know how to react and internally smacks himself for not knowing how to tell you how he really feels. (He’s very flattered lol)
Kougetsu: “WOAH THATS SO COOL! ITS ME!!!” You have to pry the sketchbook from their hands bc they legit think it’s so cool you drew them they want to keep it forever. Will only let you have it back if you promise to draw one for them to actually keep. Will carry said drawing around at all times.. next time they see you they ask you do draw a self portrait for them to keep too 😏
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cinnabumroll · 2 years
Haikyuu astrology headcanon lol
I think Yachi is the astrology bitch who's got everyones birthchart memorized
Asahi as well
I think Asahi shared it w tanaka and he tried to impress kiyoko but yachi already told her so kiyoko throws something clever back at tanaka about his own placements
Suga would tease asahi about it but he doesn't actually know how astrology works
Hinata tries it because it's cool
Kageyama would start steaming after listening to 5 minutes of rambling in the team and lose his cool and hinata would lose interest
Yamaguchi and tsukki stay out of it but yamaguchi is like hehe look at them having fun and he accidentally picks something up because how is he going to ignore anything tsukki related
so it comes out when hes teasing tsukki again just to annoy him hes like god you're such a aries moon sometimes and never does it again when tsukki looks at him like Yamaguchi just shat his pants
Daichi couldn't care less. But he's the one who found a magazine abt it and told yachi to not leave it hanging around which ended up drawing asahis attention to it
So basically it's all daichi's fault
Nishinoya somehow manages to evade all of this
And when ennoshita is telling the team about his slacker behavior and someone in the team goes uhuh that makes sense because of your ridiculous virgo placements noya just giggles and asks ennoshita if hes a virgin for like the rest of the year
The other second years plug their ears and slap his back and tell suga to calm it down
And asahi is so embarrassed because he thinks he started all this
But he and yachi have an after practice astrology tea party so she makes up for feeling bad about it
Kuroo definitely hears them talk (guessing signs of opponents) and asks about it and hinata already told kenma about the spread of astrology knowledge so kenma is like nope and sails kuroo away from it because he knows kuroo would not shut the fuck up about it if he took on another trend just to spite kenma
Also Hinata definitely knows Kenma's chart (he asked)
in the beginning when hinata was excited he told him all about it a little clumsily because he still speaks in blam kapow terms and kenma got a little quiet and asked for kuroos sign and he's the kind of person who went online and searched for compatibility measurments no doubt so that's why he vehemently keeps kuroo away from it because he's embarrassed
Daichi's a virgo. So daichi also keeps quiet about it. He makes asahi and suga swear to not share his birthday so that noya will spare him. It turns into a bet. Now I like the thought of daichi sitting with the knowledge that he created this and that he deserves it all coming back to him in banter but I also like suga and asahi keeping it to the grave because they love their stupid hunky captain and they're a little bit afraid of him
Also the bet is about whether they win a match, if they lose he has to tell them he's a virgo, cue Tanaka clapping him on the back in solidarity because he also doesn't really understand
Oh tanaka definitely bothers reiko about it
She knows the little giants birthchart thats why hinata was so excited and got so into it
Kageyama just wants to know if theres any way to tell how to obliterate his opponents. He finds out that oikawa is a cancer and during the matches on top of the volleyball info he also has, he finds that everyones sun signs are in his fucking noggin as well and he hates it so he learns some english to cancel it out
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nothoughtsnoya · 3 years
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a cover i drew for my timeskip asanoya playlist!
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mallesponge · 4 years
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fashion designer Asahi... what a power move
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spongyturnip · 4 years
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mm haikyuu characters as shit ive quoted
“please don’t make me cry i’m in a Mexican restaurant” -March 4, 2020 (Zoë [Text])
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crypt1dcorv1dae · 6 years
Y'all I like height difference ships as much as anyone (maybe more, who knows) but I would rlly love if y'all didn't draw em looking like a full grown ass adult and a literal twelve year old when they're the same fucking age
(also drawing like one inches height difference as if one is a full head taller...)
#hey from a short person being short doesnt automatically make you look like a toddler who knew!#like i see it a lot in the hq fandom like kage/hina for example.. i love the ship but yall realize HINATA is the older one right?#hes not the ~innocemt young boy~ amd kags isnt some dashing older dude hes just /tall/#plus they're only 6 months apart anyway???? like i get honata is the like#rounder??? one?? he has like rounder features??? but hes not a BABY#and oh god asa/noya has it even worse bc asahi does look like a grown ass man even tho hes n o t#but theres just certain art stykes that needlessly make it even more like... obvious? idk#also im not accusing anyone of being a creeo or anything i wanna make that clear!!! i get it sometimes u draw baby face and cant help it#sometimes ur hand does what it wants to do and you have no say in the matter...#jdhsjdhskns#its just smth ice noticed and it does kinda bother me a bit... but idk#ok but back on kghn YALL REALIZE KAGS IS THE MOST AWKWARD GODDAMN PERSON ALOVE RIGHT? HES NOT COOL OR SMOOTH OR SEXY HES AN AWKWARD LUMP#HES A 16 YEAR OLD WHO ONLY CARES ABT VOLLEYBALL AND FOOD AND DOESNT KNOW HOW TO HUMAN HALF THE TIME#HE IS NOT SUAVE#HES A GIANT FUCKING DORK WHO HAPPENS TO BE TALL AND ADORABLE BEHDJDHJSNS#i mean sjre he prolly has plenty of ppl who lile him but thats mostly bc he SEEMS like a cool mysterious dude if you dont actually know him#but in reality. he is a giant dork baby who judt really really loves volleyball and also his team#and milk#thats all he is dhshnabzka#i think its honestly fucking hilarious when ppl characterize him like thats bc THIS DUDE??? REALLY???? H I M??????? JDHSKZN#hq
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muilkyu · 2 years
Sketched Confessions
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can i request a valentines day imagine for asahi? one where he gives his crush a handmade gift/flowers or anything of the sort + finally confesses? or if thats too specific you can do whatever you please haha <33 thank you so much!!!
Asahi focused, no warnings, ~1k words, pure fluff
The day starts as they usually do. Well…almost for starters it’s Valentine’s day. Today was finally the big day he was going to finally pour out all his feelings. It was cheesy almost, the clique giving a gift to your crush on ‘the most romantic day of the year’. Yet, it also wasn’t because it was somewhat normal.
He'd had planned it all out. He told himself in his head that they’d always sits under the big oak tree at lunch, always by themselves and reading from some book he hadn’t quite made out yet. Now don’t call him creepy, but he would stare at her from time to time. Just to see if they were okay.
He wouldn’t admit it but his notebook was filled with doodles and small drawings of the latter. That originally sparked his interests. He sat down and planned and just drew till he couldn’t anymore. While the sketch wasn’t something that was mind blowing it sent sentiment to him. The pencil sketch was just as beautiful.
Walking to school that morning he was more nervous than ever. He stopped the night before to get a flower, but getting out of cram so late he had just barely made it to the last shop before they closed. The old lady in the shop only had one more bouquet left, a bouquet of yellow dandelions. While most would have gone with the typical roses somehow he knew they would just be perfect.
The entire day his nerves were getting to him. Thoughts of what if the gifts weren’t enough or if they thought it would be weird invaded his mind. When the bell for lunch rang his friends called to him to hurry up, but he told them he was going to hang back. Gazing outside as if time itself was pulling him towards them, the latter was sitting in their usual spot.
Carefully he took the envelope and flowers into his hands. With a small breath of air he pushed the remaining nerves out from his lungs. It was time.
Walking towards the latter, he almost dropped the items in his hands as they finally made eye contact. One thought was continuously running though his mind, ‘What now?’. He was so caught up in the racing thoughts he missed the soft voice of them speaking.
“Umh, are you okay?”
That pulled him back to reality, “Uh, yes, I wanted to give you something.”
They smiled, setting down the book that he could now finally make out. It was a classic, gothic style love story. One that would feature a big dramatic romance, truly a classic.
“I can see that,” they remark with a small giggle.
Without thinking too much he carefully hands the items to the latter. Carefully they take the drawing in their hands, “Is this me?”
He nods slowly, almost as if testing the waters, “Yes.”
They hold the drawing with so much care almost as if it’s going to break. Taking in every small detail of the sketch.
“I’ve never gotten something like this before, it’s truly beautiful.”
The feelings that were placed in the back of his mind slowly disappeared. He knew mentally now was the time to officially make his move.
“Everyday, you sit under this same tree holding that book reading like it’s the only thing in the world. It made me wonder about you more and more. The more I saw you the more I wanted to know more about you,” he takes a pause not knowing how to word the next part, but he just let’s his heart speak, “I wanted to know how such an interesting person could be so effortlessly beautiful.”
A small blush appears on their cheeks, he knows that maybe he said something right. They stand up holding out the bouquet back to him. “I may not know much about you, but there is a reason I sit here everyday. It has the perfect view of this boy that sits in the class. He watches me and I know that he draws me from time to time. I was just waiting for him to like me back.”
Now that catches his off guard, they like him back. A small smile makes its way onto his face. “You like me back?”
“Who wouldn’t like you back?”, they smile softly. “Now when are you going to officially ask me out?”
He stares into the eyes of the latter. The sincerity in their eyes tells him all he needs to know so in the most confident voice he’s spoken in since he’s met them he says, “I would love it if you would let me join you?”
He gets an instant reply of, “Of course.”
Thank you so much for requesting! Please do let me know what you think!
Requests are open.
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ghxstlike · 4 years
how karasuno met their s/o part 2!!
characters: yamaguchi, tsukishima, asahi, yachi, kiyoko and coach ukai!
TW: mentions of a panic attack!! be safe <3
for kiyoko and yachi, the reader is female :))
he just wanted some lunch!! he didn’t want to scare u :(
you heard a scary voice saying:
“move.” behind u
BUT HE SAID “can you move please!!!!! it’s my favorite lunch and i’m scared it’s gonna run out :(”
you looked at his face, it seemed dark and menacing. with that little stubble and man bun.
he freaked out and was SWEATING
“i didn’t mean to scare you!!!!”
you sighed in relief, “it’s okay, i thought you were gonna kill me.”
permanent :( face
he thinks ur adorable
u always have ur hair in a ponytail, so you blew ur hair out of ur face
“thank you, gentle giant.”
he’s whipped over u and he’s just speaking to you for the first time
you were singing in a empty band room
“i’m mr. loverman.”
he thought you had a GORGEOUS SINGING VOICE so he stayed near the band room for a bit
he just needed to get a drink so
your voice had so much emotion, he thought it was lovely.
you started crying and screaming
“i miss my lover, man.”
he, of course, heard, and was like NO NO NO
yes, yama, they’re fine.
the song ended, and you wiped the tears off your cheeks
“yes, i’m okay. just a bad day.”
worried baby :((
“can i help??”
“what’s wrong?”
you chuckled, “what’s your name?”
“yamaguchi tadashi!” his cheeks are pink
“you also have a great singing voice 👉👈”
“what’s your name?”
he’s talking to a cute person omgomg
“can i sit with you? and you can talk about your feelings????”
he’s so scared of what ur gonna say
“sit down with me.”
u guys are in the same class :D
BUT you are so fricking shy so all you do in class is doodle
tsukki sits right next to u
he thinks ur doodles are cute but shhhhh no one but him will ever know ;}
he’s a peeping tom cuz he wants to see ur drawings
the sun was shining, the brightness coming over him in the most beautiful way. he was paying attention to the teacher, writing down notes.
why he so pretty for UGH
you decided to draw him :D
ur like AH SHIT SHIT
ur packing up so quick that you don’t notice the tsukki drawing on the floor
you run out of the room, going to ur next class.
he thinks ur the cutest when he sees ur little body shuffle out the classroom door
but when r u not cute um!!!
tsukki sees your paper fall on the floor
looks at the drawing and he’s ASTONISHED
leaves a note on the piece of paper and gives it to the teacher
he’s very careful that he doesn’t smudge it 😌
the next day the teacher hands you the paper
compliments u on it and you’re just like
“uH tHank yOu???”
you read the note;
“i like this drawing. you make me seem nice. - tsukishima.”
very blunt but you BLUSHSHAHSSJ
“you’re cute.” [ enter phone number here ]
she approached you and of COURSE you said yes
honestly you didn’t know what she was saying you were just like
prettÿ lädîe
“so happy that you’re joining!!! i’ll see you after school near the gym!” she sounds so EXCITED
you were sweating
should u ask her out?????
the answer is yes.
you saw her near the gym and approached her
she had her karasuno volleyball club jacket on
“i’m so glad you came!”
“we should go out on a date.”
she looks at you with wide eyes
smiles and says “i would love to.”
y’all are babies 😡😡
you were having a panic attack :(
she heard you hyperventilating and crying in the handicap stall
“is everything okay in there?”
she sounded so worried, but u were surprised cuz why would anyone care (PEOPLE CARE ABOUT U!!!!! I CARE ABOUT U!!!!!)
especially a stranger
you squeak out a “yeah” but she’s not convinced
“can you stand?”
she’s so caring omfg
you stand, your legs shaking, your breath quickening and your thoughts racing.
who was this girl?
you walk over to the stall door, opening it slowly
you looked into her eyes for a breif second and you saw the worry and care in her beautiful brown eyes
“hi, i’m yachi,” she said softly
you melt at the softness of her voice
“i’m y/n..” you whispered
she smiles, raising her hands to your shoulders
“is it okay if i touch you?”
you nod yes, taking a deep breath in before she touches your shaking shoulders
she does a couple breathing exercises with you, calming your heart rate.
she asks you if you wanna have lunch with her and ofc you say yes UMMMM???? she’s an angel!!!
coach ukai
he hears a loud BONK and a bunch of commotion
“what the hell?”
goes to the aisle you’re laying in
you glare at him
“i could sue you.”
“but i won’t since you’re gorgeously hot.”
you didn’t say the last part tho 🙄
you get up, balanced on the slippery floor and look him straight in the eyes
“did you not realize there was a wet floor?”
and in love with everything else about you
he’s a simp for you and he doesn’t understand what that is but it’s okay
still makes fun of u for slipping on the floor LMAO
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katiea03 · 3 years
∠( ᐛ 」∠)_ why hey there
Saw your request where open and was wondering if I can get some first date fluff?
If you can have a great day! <3
❣︎First Dates With The Haikyuu Boys❣︎
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❣︎Warnings❣︎: None other then maybe a lil bit of suggestivness in Osamu’s
❣︎Genre❣︎: Fluff
❣︎Featuring❣︎: Asahi, Osamu, and Hanamaki
❣︎A/n❣︎: I finally got to this request! So sry for the wait but i really liked qriting it and am thinking of doing a part 2 to it eventually! And despite me never writing for Maki, his actually turned out to be my favorite. I am now realizing I’ve never written for any of these characters so thats kinda exciting! Enjoy!!!! ♡´・ᴗ・`♡
❣︎Masterlist Here❣︎
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Of course going on a first date with this man means he’s gonna be at least a little nervous.
In his mind, it was a miracle you even said yes to going on a date with him in the first place.
Especially since he was a total mess when asking you out on a date
So he knew he had to make it special, he just wasn’t sure how.
He was drawing a total blank as a to where to take you and what to do on your date
So he went to his closest friends to ask for advice (which he would later regret)
*Reminder* never ask for dating advice from the guys
Suga was going off on some crazy shit about doing a wild date like bungee jumping (obviously he was fucking with Ashley) and Daichi on the other hand trying to convince him a movie date is perfectly fine.
Asahi was just getting more overwhelmed and was even more lost than before,
Man had no idea what he was going to do.
But unexpectedly, Noya had the best advice from the group.
Well more or less
“Dude, you could take her on a date behind a trash can but as long as you’re smooth with it, she’s gonna have a great time. Just be butter my bruh!
Noya is not the most well spoken person, but Asahi got the point.
So he settled for a simple dinner date and ice cream if you were down for it.
Of course the man was panicking when the date finally came.
As he goes to pick you up from your house he talks aloud to himself,
“ Just be butter, just be butter… Oh my god I sound like an idiot”. (Man bullies himself)
As he pulls into your driveway he takes a deep breath.
As cheesy as it sounded he tried convincing himself that as long as he is himself the date would go fine.
He was really scared of messing things up, cause he reallllly liked you.
You open the front door and this boy is thinking about butter again.
There of course was the initial awkwardness but once you overcame that, things actually went really well.
“ You look really good Asahi!” You look him up and down and silently thank your lucky stars that you found a man who dresses like a runway model(You would later learn on said date that he is an aspiring fashion designer)
“T-Thank you. I was gonna say you do to.( Little does you know that he spent an hour tuning to find a decent outfit and his tiny apartment looks like a clothes tornado hit it)
The dinner date ended up being perfect. It was a simple restaurant with simple conversation.
Not only did it make Asahi more comfortable, but it allowed for you both to learn a lot about each other.
It was safe to say, you had this man hooked.
He offered to take you out for ice cream and you gladly accepted.
It was a couple blocks away so you guys decided to walk.
You both subconsciously walked slower dragging the date on a little longer.
It was unfortunately a little too slow cause by the time you got to the ice cream place, it was already closed.
Asahi apologised profusely rambling on
“Asahi it's fine! We can come back here on our next date.”
It took Asahi a hot minute to register what you had said.
“You want to go on another date?”
“Yea I had a really nice time tonight, and I really hope we can do it again soon.”
Man was a little awestruck,
A girl had never been so straightforward with him before, and he really liked it.
“Yea for sure!”
You both talked about the possibilities for date #2 on the way back to his car
Asahi did not attempt to kiss you just yet.
He liked you without a doubt, but he wanted to be completely sure before kissing you.
But what you had right then was perfect.
The stupid butter analogy worked!
The minute he was in his car alone he called Noya telling him all about it, and how much the “butter reference” had helped him.
Asahi felt like he was in high school again getting all hyper over a girl. He hadn’t been that happy in a while and the successful date only pushed him in the right direction.
Man was over the moon and couldn’t wait for a second date
You and Osamu had been friends for a while and the not so subtle flirting finally led you both to finally go on a date.
Man is smooth as FUCK and straight up just asked you while he was working
He so very nonchalantly offered to make you dinner at his house
“Are you asking me on a date Osamu?”
“Maybe I am, but it depends on whether or not ya say yes”.
Obviously you said yes-
“But on one condition, I get to help”.
The smallest but apparent smug look appears on this face (ggrrrufffff gruffff)
“ Deal. See ya at 8.”
“Get back to work Samu.”
You playfully roll your eyes and leave his restaurant.
That same night you pull up to his apartment dressed casually
You knock on the door to be greeted by him with a towel over his wet hair and the faint scent of his cologne.
Man was gonna make you act uppppp
“ I didn’t think it was possible to be late for your own date, at your own house.”
Your eyes trail down to his unbuttoned shirt, and man notices.
He decided to leave them unbuttoned (hehwhwhehw)
“Yea that’s my bad, just come’n.”
His loft style apartment was really freakin nice
And much to your surprise, he actually has a good sense of interior style
“Make yourself comfortable, I’ma be back in one sec.”
Yes… you were checking out his ass
He comes back and leads you to his state of the art kitchen.
So much stainless steel
“ Yer wanna make pasta?”
“Pasta sounds great.”
But of course Osamu doesn’t do anything half assed, so you guys make it from scratch.
As you guys are rolling out the dough, he leans over your shoulder inspecting your work
“Not half bad, but yer know ya gotta put more elbow grease into it.”
In all honestly you didn’t hear half of what he was saying
All you could focus on was his warm breath on the skin behind your ear
And without realizing, he had his hands over yours helping you with the rolling pin.
Your back was pressed up against his stomach and you were silently cursing him out for making you feel this way. (Puthy talented it do carwheelsssssss 🤸🏽‍♀️🦋✨😽)
Man knew what he was doinnnn and it was workinnn
Once you guys were finished with making dinner, he picked out a wine that he said ‘really complemented the pasta’ whatever that means. But it tasted good
Maybe a little too good cause by the end of the date you were a little more than just tipsy. But to be fair so was he
And lets just say he made you breakfast in the morning ( wink wonk wink wonk 😉)
This is probably the best chill date ever
Maki isn’t the quickest person in the world so when he asked you out on a date and you asked what you guys would do, he panicked
So where is he taking you out on your very first date?
Drum roll pleaaaaaaseeeeeee…
Yes, you heard right. Now it wasn’t entirely what you were expecting but hey, foods food.
Matsun, Oikawa, and Iwa would be laughing at him for the next week
He picked you up in his silver honda civic late that night in his grey sweats and a hoodie.
Man was nervous as fuck. His palms were sweaty, knees weak, arms were heavy (there’s vomit on his sweater already, mom’s spaghetti 🍝)
Nah but on a real note he really was nervous
He wiped his sweaty palms against his sweatpants before opening the car door for you
You dressed relatively the same as he suggested you do.
I believe he is the type of a guy to be speechless when he sees you (MEGA SIMP)
You nudge his shoulder slightly embarrassed “So are you gonna drive or what?”
He snaps out of his slight daze “Yea, yea I’m going.”
The whole way there he is cracking jokes and has you holding your stomach in laughter
“M-maki stop making me laugh my stomach hurts!”
His heart swells with a little pride as he turns into the drive through of the McDonalds
“Okay what do ya wanna eat?
You sit there wondering for a moment. “ I don't know, you pick.”
“No, no, no, we aren’t playing this game. Pick something.”
You guys continue to playfully bicker until the woman behind the speaker interrupts. “Can we please order today?” The woman sounded tired.
“Sorry ma’am, we can order now”
Maki leans over to you and whisper yells “ just pick something!”
“Ill just have whatever you have!”
He leans back in his seat, and laughs “ I don’t know about that, you won’t be able to finish it all”
“Is that a challenge?”
“I guess it is.”
Maki’s order alone was huge and you were beginning to regret challenging him.
He pays and pulls into the parking lot of the closest park. It was completely empty and only two single street lights were on.
He pulls out the two giant bags and starts separating the food between the two of you.
“So if this is a challenge, what do I get if I win?” Maki looks up from the bag and raises an inquisitive brow
“ Whatever you want babe.”
You blush at the new pet name and pull out your fries.
“I’m gonna win!”
“We’ll see about that.”
You both talk as you eat, and you quickly find yourself getting full. And you were barely halfway through your food. Maki was practically done with his food already and talking about the time him and Matsun almost got arrested for “trespassing on private property”
“I give up. I can’t eat anymore Maki.” You lay back in the car seat and close your eyes in defeat.
He cackles and he takes the remainder of your food and puts it in a bag.
“So, what’s my prize?”
You sit up and turn towards him in your seat, “I guess whatever you want then.”
He stares at you intensely and he slowly leans in, giving you an opportunity to deny the kiss he’s been waiting all night for.
But you never pulled back, you leaned in and softly pressed a kiss to his slightly salty lips.
The kiss only lasted another moment but you both pulled away wanting more.
The guys can laugh all they want, cause man is walking away with the a kiss he wouldn’t forget.
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emsvegetables · 4 years
okay but like i screamed when i saw your requests are open, ( after reading the pregnancy hcs ) if it's fine with u - you can totally not do this if you don't like it - may i request headcanons with the same boys you did with the pregnancy hcs but with their father-daughter/son relationship with them headcanons? i'm a sucker for those HAHA. thank you again if you ever consider, love ♡♡
“okay but like i screamed when i saw your requests are open, ( after reading the pregnancy hcs ) if it's fine with u - you can totally not do this if you don't like it - may i request headcanons with the same boys you did with the pregnancy hcs but with their father-daughter/son relationship with them headcanons? i'm a sucker for those HAHA. thank you again if you ever consider, love ♡♡”
AHHH OFC!!!! hi @karasunology this is for you, you’re so sweet!!!!! hope you like these <33!!!! i’m not sure if i interpreted it correctly fifkfjrrj i rewrote this THREE TIMES FIEIDIFIF also i made the child a daughter haha hope that’s okay!!!
* he’ll love his child SO much!!!!!!!!
* anyway he’s REALLY excited for little (Y/N) to come out!!!!!!!
* he’s with you throughout the entire birth process, and he tries his best not to cry when you curse him and say that you’re never having a baby with him again.
* and when she pops out of the womb?
* he is CRYING and calling Iwaizumi to tell him how cute she looks.
* Iwaizumi hangs up on him LOL
* but afterwards he’s softly running his fingers through your hair after it’s all over, and telling you that he loves you.
* but anyways the Seijoh third years come to visit little (Y/N) every weekend and they always bring so much things for her to play with!!!!
* but it’s obvious Iwaizumi is little (Y/N)’s favourite uncle LOL
* she looks like she LIKES Iwaizumi more than Oikawa AHAHAH
* she’ll crawl to him and always reach for him and he’ll happily hug her!!! Oikawa is SO jealous lmaoooo
* but when little (Y/N) can start walking and talking, MAN.
* Oikawa is instantly teaching her how to play volleyball!!!!
* he’s teaching her how to set, and how to receive balls!!!
* her uncles come over to play with her every weekend and you find it really cute, when you poke your head out into the backyard and see four grown men cooing over your little girl!!!!
* but she grows up to love spiking more thanks to her uncle Iwaizumi!!!!!!
* Oikawa’s VERY salty about that LMAOOO but he’ll set to her all the time to practice!!!
* he and her are the total power team!!!
* he’ll go to ALL her games and he’ll happily point her out to you when you’re looking for her!
* and when she gets a spike in??
* he’s also a super supportive father!!!!
* but he’ll draw a line at relationships AHAHA
* he’ll know how disgusting high school boys are (CONSIDERING HOW HE WAS AHAH) and he’ll gather the Seijoh third years and scare that boy away.
* Matsukawa is the scariest bc he actually is really intimidating HAH.
* and Hanamaki manages to scare them away bc he threatens MURDER AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
* but anyway your daughter has to BEG him to stop after he scares the seventh boy away.
* you just laugh as he tries to make excuses to what he did.
* aw this man!!!!!!
* i’ve said before in a previous hc, i THINK his parents had some sorta tension between them and hence he had to live with his grandparents.
* so growing up, he never really had active parents in his life!!! so he’s promising himself that he’s going to treat you and little (Y/N) right.
* and when little (Y/N) comes out of the womb!!!!! he’s SO SO SO happy, and he’s smiling so widely and tears are rolling down his cheeks.
* he’s praising you on how well you did during the entire process, and he’s kissing your forehead and saying how proud he is of you.
* but he’s SO SO SO HAPPY!!!! and he’s immediately telling Kenma and the third gym squad!!!!!!
* okay but Kenma occasionally pops over to your house every few weeks to give little (Y/N) toys and stuff, and you have to tell him to STOP bc he’s spending so much money!!!!!
* but Bokuto, Akaashi and Tsukishima also come over to play with little (Y/N)!!!!
* it’s obvious her favourite is Akaashi, bc he’s the most gentle with her, and she’s always crawling up to him and hitting his thighs.
* Bokuto always goes into emo mode whenever she choose Akaashi over him LOL
* anyway.
* he’s teaching little (Y/N) volleyball when she can stand up and walk!!!
* and he’s such a big influence on her life that she actually ASPIRES to be a middle blocker just like him!
* he always brings you to all her games when the both of you can make it, and occasionally the third gym squad will make an appearance too!!!!
* when she blocks the other team????
* there’s two people screaming on the second floor.
* “THATS MY DAUGHTER!!!”-kuroo
* “WOOOO GOOOO LITTLE (Y/N)!!!”-bokuto
* Akaashi and Tsukishima just exchange looks like: wtf is wrong with them.
* he’s also a really, really supportive father.
* he’s so close to her, and he really understands her so well, just like how he understands you.
* he’ll let her talk to him about anything, but he also knows when to give her space to work out her problems when she needs to!!!
* overall super supportive.
* though he gets a TAD protective when little (Y/N) starts to talk about her boyfriend to the both of you.
* but he trusts her!!!! so it’s all good!!!!!
* ahhh!!! he’s actually prepared for little (Y/N) to come out.
* like.
* he’s already bought all the stuff needed for babies, and he’s already put it in the room.
* and when your water breaks??? he’s bringing you to the hospital, with a very calm face, because he’s researched on what to do and he made sure to get the BEST doctor on your case!
* and when little (Y/N) comes out?
* he’s so proud, and you see this lone tear slide down his cheek, and he’s pressing a soft kiss onto her forehead, before pressing one to your lips, and telling you that he loves you so much.
* anyway he immediately tells Hinata what happened, and after Hinata jokes about little (Y/N) not being named after him, he congratulates the both of you through the speaker!!
* Kuroo finds out a few minutes later, after Hinata hangs up and Kenma texts him, and he also congratulates you happily, and berates Kenma over not telling him first AHAHAH
* Kenma. is literally and figuratively A SUGAR DADDY TO LITTLE (Y/N).
* this guy???
* a new toy shows up in a parcel outside the house EVERY day, and you have to PLEAD him to stop buying little (Y/N) presents when the drawers start to overflow AHAHA
* Kenma merely shrugs, and gets another cupboard built in the room to store more toys, and shoots a small smile at you when you sigh.
* “i have money to spare, babe.”
* tbh he won’t teach volleyball to (Y/N), bc he’s lazy AHAHA
* BUT when she inevitably picks it up thanks to her uncles Kuroo and Hinata, he’s cursing them silently in his head when your daughter asks him to play with her.
* he will not be able to refuse her and he’ll actually play with her until SHE’S tired, bc he loves her so much!!!!
* she ends up wanting to be a setter, and he teaches her all his hacks and techniques to get out of practice if she’s tired AHAHA
* he’ll try his best to make it to all her games, and he won’t shout whenever she scores, but instead grip your hands really tightly and mumble a cheer under his breath.
* he’s a really chill dad, tbh.
* like, he’ll never scold your daughter if she’s in the wrong.
* all the discipline is up to you AHAHAH
* he also doesn’t get worked up over her having her boyfriend over for dinner, and instead asks the boy what games he plays.
* the protectiveness gets handed over to uncle Kuroo!!!!!!! who’s instantly firing a barrage of questions at the poor boy.
* “stop it, Kuro.”
* “BUT KENMA, this boy is trying to make his moves on little (Y/N)!!!!”
* he’s so PUMPED for little (Y/N)’s delivery.
* and when your little baby pops out???
* this guy is CRYING.
* tears are rolling down his cheeks and he’s SMILING so much as he holds little (Y/N) in his arms.
* he’s SO happy, and he’s telling you that straight to your face as you lie back down on the hospital bed.
* he’s pressing a soft kiss on your cheek before he’s texting the Karasuno group chat WIDIFIFIR
* they’re all so happy!!! and they swarm into the hospital like the maniacs they are to see little (Y/N).
* but when your baby can walk and talk???
* you BET that the entire team is coming to your house EVERY weekend to play volleyball with her.
* little (Y/N) ends up loving Nishinoya the most, and he excitedly teaches her the ROLLING THUNDER move, but Sugawara scolds him when she rolls wrongly and ends up with a gash on her cheeks.
* Nishinoya is BANNED from returning to your house AHAHA KDG
* okay she ends up being a libero like her favourite uncle!!
* and whenever she has a match?
* the ENTIRE team is going there to cheer her on.
* i’m not even lying.
* she’ll save a ball, and all her middle-aged uncles start screaming and cheering, causing her to blush in embarrassment.
* Sugawara and Daichi have to calm them down AHAHAHAH.
* but when she undergoes changes and starts getting male attention???
* man Tanaka and Nishinoya are NOT going to let that happen.
* they’ll be protecting her like how they protected Shimizu AHAHA
* but the most scariest is HER DAD, SUGAWARA KOSHI.
* he’ll smile widely at the boy who your daughter brings home, and that smile is the scariest you’ve seen on his face.
* AHAHAH the poor boy’s TERRIFIED of Sugawara LMAO
* OH!!! this pure, sweet man.
* he’s so SHOCKED when your water breaks.
* he’ll be running around the house and freaking out AHAHA and you have to call the ambulance yourself LOL
* and when little (Y/N) pops out????
* he’s CRYING.
* he’s SOBBING.
* he’s SHAKING.
* he’s so scared!!!! what if your baby doesn’t like him?????
* he’s instantly texting the third years at Karasuno for help LOL
* but they tell him to chill and just hold the baby in his arms!!!
* and he starts to cry again AHAHAH
* but anyway your baby will have the CRAZIEST UNCLES.
* literally your baby is showered with LOVE AND AFFECTION by the entire Karasuno team!!!!!!
* your baby’s favourite is Daichi!!! bc he’s the gentlest with her, and she’ll always wiggle out of Asahi’s arms to go to Daichi.
* she ends up being a wing spiker like her father!!!!!
* Asahi’s so proud he starts to cry AGAIN.
* but whenever she has a match????
* the entire team is going AHAHAH
* Nishinoya and Tanaka ARE SCREAMING when she gets a spike in.
* Asahi will just tear up bc he’s so PROUD.
* oh and Asahi’s the MOST SUPPORTIVE DAD.
* he’s always letting her do whatever she wants!!!!!
* and he supports everything that she does!!!!!
* and when she brings a boyfriend home???
* tbh he’s totally fine with that, bc his baby is all grown up, after all.
* but the boy’s scared bc of Asahi’s LOOKS AHAHAHAHAHAH
* your daughter has to tell him to smile more bc her boyfriend is scared of her father’s face AHAHAHAHAH
JRRKFKFK HI IM SO SORRY IF THIS ISNT WHAT YOU WANTED FIRIFIFI i tried my best to write this!!! i hope it’s okay!!!!!!!!
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can i get a platonic matchup pleaSeEeE?
okay, so- lets talk about myself sdsnfnenxnf
My name is Jei, I use she/they pronouns, I am 5’11” and I ABSOLUTELY AM THE AWKWARD TALL KIND OF PERSON (I wish I wasn’t tho-). I have short curly hair, (RANDOM THOUGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF THIS, DO YOU EVEN NEED TO KNOW HOW I LOOK FOR A P L A T O N I C MATCHUP? weeeeelll i am already here so, lets just keep going ig) I am like b i g IDK BAHSHAHSHABS
As you can see I am a bit uH chaotic (it is a daily thing but iDK TODAY I AM JUST OVER THE TOP) I am an ambivert, I am an INFP, Aries sun, Cancer moon and Sagittarius rising sbdsndns
I uHhhHh- I am very awkward in first meetings but if we have something in common I’ll ramble about our common interest which almost always leads to me talking about other stuff.
I am a Marvel fan if that’s uUuuh- important? I LOVE UM GOOD OMENS BAHSHAHZHA, i dOnt even know what i am talking about anymore but lets keep going BABDBAHZHA
I have a B I G variety of music taste, from 40s big band songs to uhhhHh lets just say ppcocaine(???
I get distracted w a y too easily, I tend to get lost on time
I LOVE TO DRAW AND TO WRITE (but i never have time to finish so me is very m a d >:))
My best subject is english, english teachers always love me for some effing reason :D
My favorite colors are orange, green, coffee? (COFFEE IS A COLOR? I FORGOT OMFG) OH SHOOT WAIT I HAD TO SEARCH IT UP, IT IS CALLED BROWN BAHAAHHAHAHA I AM SO STUPID, beigeEs and blaCk >:)
yeah, i like dark academia buT in a like chaotic rebel way if it is possible???????
AM I MAKING ANY SENSE NOW???? i am sleep deprived so i don’t really knoW
I tend to see the good in people (yes that includes bad people too, sadly), I have troubles speaking for myself in situations where people are troubling me,,,
What elseeee????
I am lazy sometimes, I’ll admit it 😌☝🏽 and it gets on my nerves:D (i am working on it tho)
All my time is sucked by school, I am an overachiever and adbanxnajxjs i cry cuz school u know? <3
And I think that’s it?????
Also yes my Aries sister 😩
Platonic Matchup
Nishinoya Yuu
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How Y’all Met
So you rolled up into school with a FIRE marvel t-shirt
And nishinoya being a marvel fan himself took IMMEDIATE notice
So what did he do
Approach you of course 🙄✋
It was quite awkward at first 🥲
He really just went up to you and was like
“Oh you like marvel? What’s your favorite movie, or do you prefer the comics?, OH Have how ever seen...”
And he just went on and on and on
But when he realized he was rambling he apologized and asked you the first question again
Now it was your turn to ramble on and on about your interests
But honestly noya just rolled with it
Rooooooollliiiinnnng Thunnndaaaa
After you both were done with your rambling
He invited you over to his house for a #MarvelMarathon
And who tf were you to say no
So you pulled up to his house and started the marathon
In the middle of said marathons noya’s phone started to ring
And what was his ringtone?
Ppcocains PJ
And what did you do when you heard this?
Sang along ofc
And noya was just in shock
But after overcoming his shock he started singing with you
Yeah...he missed that call
But who gives af! Y’all are having a concert rn!
The day bled into night and he offered for you to stay the night
Not wanting to walk home in the dark you agreed
And oml the night was just filled with movies, mini concerts, and junk food 👀
Ever since that night you and him have been attached at the hip
What You Have In Common
Well obviously you both like Marvel
And ppcocain
But you both have a chaotic energy that mashes well with each other
You both have small attention spans/ get distracted very easily 😀
Istg conversations with you two are all over the place
One minute it’s this subject then two seconds later it’s a different subject
Fun fact: you made him watch good omens with you and now he’s obsessed
He says he has a deep emotional connection with Crowley ❤️
Favorite Things To Do Together
Good lord
Honestly if he could just recreate your first sleepover
Life would be perfect
Because THATS his favorite thing to do with you
Just bonding over common interests
Whether that be with music, movies, hobbies
No matter what you two do it’s always a party
He actually really likes to have drawing competitions with you
Even though he always loses 🥲
You’ve offered to not make it a competition
But he says that’s what make it fun :)
Random Hc
Oh your his personal tutor
He needs help with school
Screw the teachers
Screw the tutors
There is only ✨you✨
He has also volunteered you as a tutor for the team :D
without your knowledge....
You two have weekly movie nights
But lately he’s just been binging good omens with you
Speaking of Good Omens 👀
That is YOUR show
Like if one of you even watch ONE episode without the other
All hell breaks lose
Ok off topic Hc but people think your the equivalent of asahi 🥲
Independent Aries and collaborative Libra form a funny sort of friendship.
Aries tries convincing Libra to take chances, shake off criticism, and be more direct.
Libra constantly tells Aries to slow down, smell the flowers, and be more appreciative.
It's an odd couple type of relationship that can work extremely well.
Aries can learn the fine art of diplomacy from Libra, while Libra may become more assertive thanks to Aries.
While the Aries and the Libra are opposing each other from an astrological point of view, they can still become friends very fast.
The Aries admires how the Libra is graceful, stylish and funny, while the other way around, the latter truly likes how determined to take part in new adventures and always courageous their friend is.
Of course, the friendship between these two will sometimes be challenging because the Aries can get hurt seeing the Libra is flighty, while the latter may not like the way the former is pushy.
However, these two can easily make up and neither of them likes to hold a grudge.
Chaotic ⚡️👹💥
PJ - Ppcocain
Tokyo Drift - Teriyaki Boyz
Won’t Bite - Doja cat
My Axe - Insane Clown Posse
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keisurin · 4 years
୨୧˚unlikely hcs˚୨୧
⋆ ୭ karasuno, seijoh, shiratorizawa, dateko, johzenji
↳ a headcanon for every character in haikyuu that i can analyse
↳ warning: mention of periods, sexual content, sensitive topics.
↳ pt2, nekoma, fukurodani, inarizaki, itachiyama
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daichi- has a guilty pleasure of eating chips everytime before he sleeps. honey it’s not a guilty pleasure it’s all in the head
suga- is a big fan of lady gaga, knows all her song lyrics by heart.
asahi- has tied his hair into pigtails before, just for fun.
nishinoya- doesn’t know other continents exists
tanaka- one time saeko’s period leaked but he thought she was dying.
ennoshita- knows how to play the trumpet, musically talented.
kinoshita- one time he bought the really spicy korean noodles and after the first bite he gave it to sugawara and cried in the corner.
narita- has a girfriend no one know about.
kageyama- somehow accidentally went into a sex shop and his sister had to drag him out.
hinata- during exams, when he doesn’t know how to answer the questions he puts there ‘i’m sorry, i don’t know’
tsukishima- smells really good like he smells like flowers.
yamaguchi- the first time tsukishima jokingly insulted yamaguchi, yamaguchi told him to shut up and that scarred tsuki.
kiyoko- reads bl<3
yachi- saw kiyoko reading bl once and really said ‘i do not see’ she’s suddenly tsukishima but without his glasses.
ukai- his hair is greasy
takeda- has a 50% discount as ukai’s store.
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oikawa- waiting for his favourite milk bread manufacturer to sponsor him and has sent multiple emails.
iwaizumi- really good at doing heavy ink drawings, looks like some tattoo art. if he didn’t become Iwaizumi Hajime (27) Athletic trainer, would’ve ran a tattoo shop.
matsukawa- he knows how to make those embroidery friendship bracelets and made them for him and the third years. claims ‘some girl gave them to me’
hanamaki- wants a dick, tongue and navel piercing. unfortunately has a very low pain tolerance.
kyoutani- has a nape piercing and scoliosis.
yahaba- plays roblox and has a girlfriend. later on found out if was hanamaki and matsukawa running the account.
watari- plays minecraft and that’s why he’s the superior 2nd year.
kunimi- occasionally goes to kindaichi’s house just to throw away his hair gel. has seen him with his hair down so he as the right judgement.
kindaichi- prefers hot water over cold water.
irahata- actually a fan of oikawa, thinks the boy is pretty.
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ushijima- had a fake plant but he thought it was real so he watered it until the water spilled out, thats when he realised it was fake.
semi- has worked at a femboy maid cafe. no one knows about it.
reon- can’t tell the difference of taste between all of the cheeses in the world and he’s frustrate by it.
tendou- tried to plays semi’s guitar and when he did he broke the string. said that the strings were rusty to begin with.
shirabu- one of those weak bitches that has a peanut allergy (jkjk i salute to you guys please say safe!!)
kawanishi- big softie, cried watching banana fish. tendou recommends him a lot of animes.
goshiki- has a goldish and says it gives him goodluck. he forgets to feed him sometimes.
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aone- really loves orange juice
futakuchi- when he feels sad he tells himself ‘stop, you’re a bad bitch’
koganegawa- allergic to cats
terushima- typical bitch, likes the smell of gasoline.
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Hi im here for the matchups, the fandoms i would like are haikyuu, and mha
My name is Rex, im 15, i am also non binary and use they/them pronouns
i have like a caramel colored skin-tone and im 5’3 (short king). Rn i have a purple-pink short mullet and i have pretty curly hair(the ethnic popped off hehe), im pretty chubby but i have an hourglass shape, im pretty busty(im a fuckin k bro😭) and thicc thighs(thicc thighs save lives, sorry i’ll stop). I dress pretty alternative but i cant just choose one subculture tho, i wear a lot of heavy eye makeup. I could say i dress kinda “showy” but thats kinda what only fits me, but also who gives a fuck.
My hobbies include art (painting, drawing), sleeping (because i stay up mad late😭✌🏽), reading comics, Marvel and D.C superheroes, and super villains, cartoons, and anime/manga.
Im a libra sun, scropio moon, and gemini rising. This means that im a pretty social person and always wanna hang out with friends and just have fun, but moon in scropio makes my emotions rlly haywire and kinda boosts any sorta negative emotion. I really like making people laugh, it makes me feel helpful, but im also good at being to mother figure for people.
Likes: Drawing, Painting, Sleeping, going to party’s (only when i’m up for it), food
Dislikes: People who try to control me, mayo, most cishet men, racists, homophobes, ect
Favorite color: Purple and Black
Favorite sport: Don’t really watch sports but if i had to choose one i’d say basketball cause i know the most about it
Favorite animal: any very chunky animal
Favorite food*: Oreo Ice Cream
Do you have a pet*: Yes a Bullmastiff
Do you have any mental illnesses*: Chronic Anxiety and Major Depressive Disorder
Do you have any physical disabilities*: Kind of no, like a big fucking tittys that make my back hurt
Do you have any siblings*: Yes a younger sister
If so, what are they like*: annoying as hell, plus touches my stuff when i say no, so thats fun.
Do you speak any foreign languages*: Nope not that cool lol
Reading, writing, watching movies or playing videogames*: Watching movies and playing video games
What’s your job: Babysitting
What’s your dream job: Anything involving fashion or art
For MHA, I’d match you up with Kirishima. You both probably met at a party. You both are very old and social. You and Kirishima like comics and superheroes, so you both read and talk about the topic quite a bit. Most of your dates are pretty chill at home dates, but you guys got to parties and social gatherings a lot together, whenever you are up for it, that is. Get ready to know a ton about all kinds of sports. Seriously, Kirishima will talk your ear completely off about sports if you let him. He really likes your dog, and they get along well. Kirishima takes him for a walk if you don’t feel up for it.
For Haikyuu, I’d match you with Asahi for Haikyuu. You both meet in art class. He is much shyer than you are; he can’t not attract extroverts. You bring out a more social Asahi. You two paint with each other a lot, trying different styles or painting in various locations. He likes taking you on picnics to new areas like parks and painting. Your dog kind of scares him.
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manjiroro · 2 years
hi , kai !! congratulations on hitting 500 milestones! u deserved it, babe ♡ okay im here for the mashup event actually :3
so my top kins are Asahi and Osamu from haikyuu and megumi from jujutsu kaisen , im an introvert (my mbti is istp fyi), im a quiet person who hates crowds. i dont like to be participant in any group project since im bad at interacting with people. but im a kind and honet person too. i enjoy reading books and also drawing, i dont like bugs especially cockroaches and also as i said before i hate crowds and also i hate when some stranger stand really close to me, that's just makes me completely uncomfortable. i like people who's caring, honest, respect their parents and loyal
maybe a chilling day off from work, having a date inside of the house while watching movies and eat a lot of snacks together, reading books, pranking each other, cuddling and maybe cooking together (boring, i know 😭)
im choosing Tokyo Revengers and i prefer to be matchup with male character.
thank u for letting me join! im sorry if there's any grammar or spelling mistakes since english is not my first language. thank u again, love ya, kai ♡
500 milestone event (closed!!)
hello hun!! thank you for joining and im so sorry for the delay iqjsnd hope you like this!! and no ur not boring >:( theyre actually really cute!! love you too!! <3
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i match you with.. INUI SEISHU, INUPI
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i picked inupi because i feel he’ll be a source of comfort for you!
whenever you have to go out to a crowded place, i see inupi as the kind of person to follow you so that you wouldn’t feel too overwhelmed
he’s gonna be that reassurance to you, hold your hand to at least calm you down even if its a little
but of course, he’ll also look for places that aren’t as crowded so that you’d feel comfortable
your well-being is one of his top priorities
inupi is also extremely loyal, he’s super loyal to you and he’ll follow you wherever you go
i see him and you as the type of couple to enjoy each other’s presence in silence, because he’s a typically quiet person too
yesyes he’s caring as well and he just wants you to feel loved and comfortable at all times!!
after what seemed to be a dreadful week of work, you finally had the day off and what better way to spend it than with your dearest boyfriend?
legs tangled underneath the blanket as you snuggled closer to his chest, feeling as if all the stress you had from work disappearing. the kitchen is in a mess from the both of you trying to cook up a meal, which led to a food fight. surrounding you were packets of half eaten snacks and books littered on the ground, the room filled with the distant noise of the television playing some corny romance movie.
“how’re you feeling right now?”
inui asks, pulling himself away from you slightly to look at your beautiful face.
you replied, not once lifting your face from his chest and you feel the rumbling of it as he chuckles at you before pressing a soft kiss to your head.
“yeah? thats great.”
you hummed at him,
“wanna stay like this with you inupi, love you”
you smiled, arms wrapped around his waist tightened, trying to be as close to him as possible.
“anything you ask for, love you too angel”
his larger hands come up to rub small circles on your back as you slowly drifted off to sleep.
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