#thats clearly fucked up in the obvious dimensions
familyagrestefanblog · 8 months
I find it... kinda irritating how saying that Hero Gabriel is still a failure of a father even if he's not a bad person is apparently somewhat of a hot take.
It is irrelevant at what extreme end of the moral spectrum Gabriel is - sadistic villain or heroic saint - fact still remains that you wouldn't notice either with Monarque or Hesperia that they are fathers at all, while simultaneously both Adriens are clearly depicted as teenagers who basically have to re-settle themselves into their lives after they were emotionally orphaned in every sense that matters.
It is irrelevant that Alt Gabriel is a hero, not a bad person or that he wasn't outright abusive like our Gabriel, nothing will change the fact that Griffe Noire Adrien's path to healing goes the same route as our Adrien's.
And that is AWAY from his father, not WITH him.
Griffe Noire at the end was roughly were our Adrien started off at the beginning of the show, just this time with a better path ahead Ladynoir wise since they know their identities.
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He changed for the better when our Adrien gave him the self-acceptance, understanding and sympathy he didn't receive from Alt Gabriel or anyone else for the matter.
Helped him overcome the grief of loosing their mother and accepting that the self-harming behavior he's acting on (or both of them) is not something she would want for them.
There are 2 reasons why Alt Adrien couldn't get over his mother's death, and that's 1) because unlike our Adrien, Alt Adrien didn't try finding new happiness in friendship, and 2) because he too couldn't count on his remaining parent (Gabriel) which made him feel his mother's loss even worse.
Alt Gabriel could be the greatest hero of all time and he still would be a fucked up father because he was so busy being a saint that he apparently barely was a father. When alt Gabe cries in the sewer one would think he'd bring up his child as one of his main motivations, but no, he doesn't.
Because Hesperia is just as little characterized as a FATHER as Monarque.
That aspect of Gabriel didn't change.
Hesperia didn't even fucking know that his son is Griffe Noire either, how attentive to you think this man IS??
Alt Adrien goes on the same path as our Adrien and that's away from being emotionally dependent on his father - the way a 14 year old should normally ALLOWED TO BE bc thats NATURAL and how it's supposed to be - to make friends, but most importantly he sure as hell went on being emotionally dependend on HIS Maribug the way our Adrien was/is
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Especially the last picture is extremely telling (and one would think our Marinette would finally start paying attention bc Griffe Noire's change right in front of her eyes is literally all she would need to help her fully understand HER Chat Noir's behavior and how that came to be. But apparently we can't ever have Marinette pick up on the most obvious stuff about Chat Noir's problems).
Unlike Toxinelle who is waving goodbye while holding Griffe's hand, HE is not acknowledging our dimension anymore even when he's the last one to enter the portal by a good bit, bc he's so fixated on his Maribug as his whole world bc just like our Adrien he's literally emotionally an orphan and needs an anchor like everyone else.
Good chance that Toxinelle thinks they're just normally holding hands and she's merely going in first, but no, he is letting her lead him out. He doesn't care whats behind or ahead of him, he's just seeing her.
Alt Gabriel is an awful father and you can tell because Alt Adrien literally has to re-settle in life similar to an orphan while his father is still alive and living in the same damn house!
THAT'S what decides if Alt Gabriel is an awful father, NOT him running around as a charming hero. The quality of parenthood is NOT measured by how "good of a person" the parent is, it's measured by the child's fucking well-being
And I don't know if you noticed it by now, but this is the same logic as our Gabriel being hailed a hero after his death. The special already elaborates on this new angle of Gabriel suddenly being a "hero" while he very clearly was a monstrous failure of a father (and person).
So what side are YOU gonna be on here?
Are you going to victim blame Adrien by just declaring Gabriel Agreste a great, blameless and loving father now because that's what you're being told at face-value while the narrative conveniently plays the case in Gabriel's favors by removing all of them from the dimension they are actually from so his faults are being mostly covered up, and Adrien's looks worse without its proper context of their home-dimension and father-son dynamic
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Or are you going to fucking LOOK at the child this amazing hero is emotionally abandoning on a daily in way too many ways and ask yourself if that's the result of a competent and attentive parent?
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beetleviolet · 3 months
ROTTMNT NEWSIES AU - Characters and plot
Leo - Jack Kelly
Raph - Crutchie
Casey - Davey
Mikey - Les (kind of?)
Donnie - Spot Collins
April - Katherine Pullizer
Big Mama - Snyder (the spider)
Ms. Medda - Senor Hueso
Krang Prime - Joe Pullizer
Warning: the following explanations are wildly out of order with large variations of detail
Leo is the obvious choice for Jack Kelly, both being angsty tenor protagonists and all, but I also think about it in the way they both so clearly want something. For Jack its Sante Fe, a place he's romanticized into this perfect world away from all of his hardships. Leo in the ROTTMNT movie is desperately hanging onto the past. Before he became leader, before the Shredder, maybe even before they became heros. He wants everything to go back to the way it was, where they could just go in, smash, get out and then grab pizza on the way home. But as things got more serious, this became unrealistic.
Raph serves as the role for Crutchie, more specifically he is taken to the refuge after they try and stop the wagons. This scene is what inspired everything. Maybe someone fucks up his eye with a police baton or something. This is what leads Leo to sing Sante Fe and then give up in the second act.
As for the earlier characters, Casey Junior is Davie. He just moved to NYC from another town where the job he had (tbd) had a union (cough rebellion cough) so he knows a lot about how to rally a group, just lacks the confidence. Originally I was going to have Donnie play this role... but I wanted to include CJJ somehow and I thought Don would be a perfect Spot Collins lmao, he definitely can be scary enough. Also I feel like Casey and Leo's talk in the collapsed subway station can parallel Jack and Davie in Medda's theater in the second act.
April O'Neil is a no brainer for Katherine, except I'm dropping the romance sub plot because I don't really like writing romance and even beyond the turtle human situation I just don't think that April and Leo would like eachother like that, you know? Also I feel like Katherine and April have some of the same spunk. They are also both witty so writing an April and Leo argument in this context would be so fun.
April is following the story and grows fond of the newsies and the Hamatos. Her pen name is April O'Neil, and I'm debating whether or not I keep Pullizer as her dad because Pullizer is Krang Prime and that makes absolutely no sense.
Mikey is still brothers with Leo and Raph, but he serves as Les for the cute little brother laughs and he convinces them to help out Casey, saying he won't help sell papers unless Leo takes Casey under his wing.
The newsies work for the Krang's newspaper business, but uhhh i have no ideas for clever names similar to The New York World but alien style. The New York Dimension???
Big Mama is Snyder because, you know, Snyder the spider. Her "refuge" hosts an underground child fighting ring. It sucks. Leo has escaped there in the past when he outsmarted her, and she hates him for it and is constantly after him. Leo takes refuge (hehe) in Señor Hueso's resturaunt, which he makes up for by waiting tables. April is there rating food and service, and Hueso warns Leo not to give her a bad impression. This is when they first meet. Hueso's is also where the Newsies gather in I'm The King of New York and other scenes. The glasses of water scene would be hilarious.
So uhhh yeah. In conclusion hyperfixation + other hyperfixation = WOAHHH THATS SO FIRE.
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necropsittacus · 4 years
also can i just say its a really fucking bizarre experience to have like...on the occasions you ARE interacting with other kids your own age, they think you talk funny and inform you of such frequently enough that it becomes a source of anxiety, but then if you try to shift your speech to what you perceive as "like the normal kids" your Family then deems it weird and makes fun of you for it (and, additionally, theres some nasty internalized stuff about the way your family does it being More Educated going on), so after a certain point you have to either shift your pronunciations of certain things based on who youre talking to or just accept being weird. also i still refuse to say "aunt" until i know how the person im talking to says it
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oh-in-italics · 3 years
Okay guys I have a rambling paragraph about why I think the Supernatural ending was written the way it was so, uh, Hellers, hold onto your cowboy hats.
So! Gonna start off by stating that I have not watched all of seasons 15 and 14 (mostly out of gay spite) but I know enough to have a valid-ish opinion so let’s go. Also, obvious warnings for spoilers for uh, all of Supernatural, but most explicitly the final three episodes.  Some of the biggest questions I’ve had since the finale have been about Sam’s ending. Sam getting married off to a nameless blurry shape of a brunette defined only by her womb seemed like a really fucking weird choice. Don’t get me wrong, by now I’m very used to casual misogyny in any episode written by A*drew D*bb, but he’d already gotten his chance to hate women by having one violently killed earlier in the episode. Why the bonus misogyny D*bbs? Why? This is especially confusing due to the  development around Sam and Eileen, a multiple season-long relationship that was explicitly romantic. Eileen was brought back in season 15, she and Sam were romantic, and after 5x18 she was Thanosed by Chuck.  Here’s the thing, though- Jack brought Eileen back. She is alive. In the canon. Theres no speculation- Eileen lives on. So why no Sam and Eileen ending? I’ll tell you why. Sam and Eileen could never be endgame without acknowledging Dean’s queerness. Saileen (Sam/Eileen, keep the fuck up) has way too many Destiel parallels, and if Sam and Eileen were endgame, well, it would change how Dean treats Cas’s death in the canon. 
Not only did Sam and Eileen have a near identical conversation to one between Dean and Cas before sharing their first kiss, but the two relationships both clearly accelerated towards the end of season 15 (with Sam and Eileen actually going out on dates and kissing, and with Castiel ya know professing his love before being consumed by a hellish void). When Eileen vanished, Sam shut down and refused to talk about it, even when Dean tried to express his sympathies. When Cas died, you guessed it, Dean shut down and refused to talk about it, even under prompting from his brother. And finally, 15x18 sets the stage for the two brothers to be quested with saving both the world and their love interests, who are trapped in a parallel dimension. 
Theres also the fun detail that when Sam and Eileen first met, she almost killed him with an angel blade (again- ring any bells?) (yes I know it was a demon knife with dean/cas but let me vibe plz)
Sam and Eileen’s relationship was honestly really beautiful, and one of my favorite parts of the final seasons. Sam is a happier person around Eileen, and actively tries to change himself for her, even when she was killed by hellhounds and was believed to be *real dead* (which is a weak concept in this show but fine), he relearned ASL specifically for her. After seasons of developing this relationship, and so much time spent on it specifically in the final season, it doesn't make any logical sense that Sam wouldn't end up with Eileen in the end.
Anyways, thats all to say that there was no way to give Sam a significant final white-picket-fence love story with Eileen without recognizing Dean’s queerness. Because if Sam would love Eileen, and Dean was left alone, that meant that Cas was in fact, the love of Dean’s life. Dean’s solitude would leave no other explanation. If Sam could love Eileen, a woman he mourned many times over and fought to have resurrected, the question of why couldn't Dean do the same for Cas would always linger.
The brothers have always had parallel stories- they are the main characters, after all. So if Dean Winchester couldn't get his happy ending, well, Sam couldn't either. 
So, homophobia won I guess. Saileen died with bisexual Dean. Neither Winchester got a real ending. 
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[takes a deep breath in]
And another thing
If the Destroyer ate people and gained their smarticle particles then why did it fall for the most basic trap in the beginner's hunting book or whatever idk I don't hunt
Like okay
It eats entire civilizations, says the eridians
It takes all that intelligence for itself, says the Eridians
We've gotta trap it, they say
But this is a dummy easy trap to spot, they say
Let's give it bait, they say, and look pointedly at Nyriad but her eyes are empty, so they sigh and resign themselves to their job
And then they go party inside Pandora and the Destroyer actually goes in to eat them while Nyriad sits on Nekrotefeyo while she closes a big vault with glowing magic siren hands
(how she knew when to close it with the machine when she was halfway across the galaxy I genuinely have no idea but that's not that implausible given the Eridian tech we've already seen, so I ignore it)
Ur telling me. That this big tentacle monster thing with the knowledge of multiple, entire civilizations (billions probably trillions of minds) combined somehow couldn't spot that obvious trap and maybe instead of going inside didn't just put a few tentacles in to grab some folk
Like its big ol brain wasn't like
'Hm. If I go in to this suspicious enclosed space after these people, it might be a trap and I might get stuck here. I should wait outside'
The way the *situation* is described it sounds like nothing more than a big mouth attached to what amounts to a predator animal that can be tricked with basic traps
Put the food in the box, when it goes in the box, shut the lid. Trapped.
Which might not even be true, because the Eridians tell (ha.) Nyriad to specifically note that it is smart enough to not be tricked by traps, unless the bait is good enough
So I have a few branching theories
The first is the basic 'the Eridians lied to Nyriad (what else is new) and the Destroyer really was a thing that just ate a bunch to the detriment of everything around it and the Eridians used Pandora + the machine to send themselves back to their home dimension while making it look like they sacrificed themselves to trick humanity'
this is sorta kinda backed up by my write up on how tychos ribs might be the actual Vault entrance, with the eridium keeping it open and how when you enter you're clearly in another dimension and not inside a moon (there are not galaxies inside moons afaik that's probably a space issue there) and how the giant eridium crystal isn't necessarily the Vault despite being named it, just a part of it that lets the Sentinel act with more power and control the area (like a simulation the VHs entered, which I insist was expanded on with the claptastic voyage dlc). I'm saying like in tps, you enter the main vault thru the elevator and thus there is no big 'walks thru a portal' situation, u just take an elevator down. Same with when u enter Pandora as a Vault. It's not a huge thing, you just enter it from one side and boom suddenly youre in another dimension. Which the Eridians most likely are from, anyway, given Nekrotefeyo means First Landing in their language. (Also how a lot of the names of locations in the Machine are about a home)
Second part that backs it up is when you open the Vault of the Destroyer in BL1, that's definitely one of those Vault traveling film things in between those rocks. It's not a big canyon like you see on Pandora in 3 that Tyreen just jumps into (see above). So *that* Vault led to somewhere, and it led to the Destroyer (emergency human feeding port for some reason). Meaning there was at least one functional gateway between those two areas. The point is that there were ways to travel into and out of the Vault of the Destroyer, you didn't always need to crack Pandora open like an egg.
Also when Tannis uses the machine, she near immediately shows that it can just. Create portals. Gameplay/story convenience or not, thats a pretty big deal because if the machine was build solely to seal Pandora, why does it have the power to create portals between two places?? Couldn't they just. Teleport the Destroyer into Pandora with a well-placed portal then close Pandora real quick with the Machine and not have to all sacrifice themselves? Shit they could have even teleported the Destroyer inside then placed two looping portals, one at the exit and one in the far back so whenever it tried to go out the exit, it was sent back to the other side of the inside of Pandora until the machine worked its magic.... Or even if they did need to bait (no.) the Destroyer in, couldn't they just use the machine to teleport themselves back out then close the portal real quick. Yeahhhh. So anyway that's what I think actually happened, but back to their home dimension so Nyriad thinks they died. I don't think Nyriad really knew what she was doing with the machine, and Tannis is a tech whiz so I'm not surprised she immediately discovered this thing had other options built in. It's possible even that the guardian watching her was doing some stuff behind the scenes (have I ever mentioned I always assumed that was Scourge. Like. The way he speaks gives off that vibe that he saw what Nyriad did and is pissed about it).
Anyway the other theory is that the Destroyer was totally aware it was a trap, but decided the knowledge of the Eridians was worth the wait.
OK so. This one isn't as backed up as the other one, but essentially if this thing is as smart as we are lead by Nyriad to believe:
It eats entire civilizations -> it gains the knowledge from everything it eats -> it has the combined knowledge of entire civilizations
Then this thing ought to be like. Pretty fucking smart right??
So why would it let the Eridians lead it into a trap like that?? The only answer I can think of is that it wanted their knowledge. They're from another dimension (tho given one Typhon line so is the Destroyer? I think I remember that right??), they have this wacky tech, they're the ones that build the prison its about to enter, and the Guardians that will guard it
Getting that knowledge could have been worth it for the Destroyer for whatever reason. Other than, like, using that info to break out of prison and wildly miscalculating, idk, it didn't seem like it was building stuff and using big smarts to eat people, just sorta giving them the munch. It could have wanted info on the Guardians, since things clearly aren't what they seem with the Seer's dialogue, so maybe it's using whatever it learned about the Guardians to control or manipulate them into controlling and manipulating other people into opening the Vault
It could have been, if it's so damn smart and did actually eat the Eridians and gain their knowledge, biding its time and waiting for the perfect moment to escape. Idk how patient something that is described as endless hunger can be, but that's another option
Ofc there is always the option that the Destroyer was just having an off day, didn't consume any coffee shops that morning, just was too sleepy, saw the opportunity to eat an entire civilization of bug people, and went for it. Maybe it was just having a bad day idk.
OK byeeee
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skittykittys · 6 years
prob obvious but gaster is the narrator and the one who took over the twitter (redacted name, typing quirk and speech pattern matches translated wingdings from datamined journal 17)
also obvious, kris is A Version Of chara. they are NOT the chara we know from kill all route, they seem to have had a normal childhood but are being corrupted at high school age in this timeline. this is the original timeline pre-corruption and the corruption clearly goes way further than we thought. also, im not sure if it was ever stated, but i know that in frisk's timeline, chara was poisoned as a child and asriel was also a child; however they always seemed to be closeish in age? in this i would say that kris is 15-16ish, probably a sophomore, and asriel is 18-19 in his first year of college. they have to have a gap of at least three years or so, since people asriel's age seem to see kris as a younger sibling and remember them as Young when asriel was getting up to shit in high school. toriel says kris will be going to college soon, which probably means another two years at least since theyre not working on applying rn.
ignoring timeline divergence for now bc thats clearly happening, this seems to be set at least a few years before the major events of the first game based on clues. asgore and toriel are split up; sans has just moved into town and papyrus seems to be fairly young still; alphys is a teacher, which iirc she mentions having been before; pre mettaton's transition and new body, pre alphyne meeting, etc.
kris has shadowed eyes the whole game and toriel mentions several times that they have been sick and seem off. this version of "chara" hasnt had their SOUL corrupted, but is in the process of becoming something else. i believe gaster has been experimenting on them during and before the events of the game without their knowledge. it makes sense to use them as a test subject, since wherever monsters live in this version of the world also seems to have only one human, and gaster is clearly experimenting with SOUL. also, i believe that sans already has some knowledge of this, and that kris has had memories erased, or has been able to recall flashes of erased timelines. they have an option to say its good to see sans and he gently corrects them that they haven't met; i believe that they have. the "dark" is the subject of gaster's experiments and is what ends up fracturing him into pieces. the empty, abandoned classroom is being used to conduct those experiments. the other dimension is at least partly a story that gaster is telling kris and susie in order to observe them in battles and gain access to kris's soul.
ok so let me explain. obviously, we know Something is off from the board game themed monsters and the scattered games in the classroom. it's all very alice in wonderland. because that's what it is, a story, maybe even inspired by this world's version of alice. everything in the "dark" world is a little bit too perfect, their win is far too easy and the aftermath not high enough stakes. and theyre not fully aware of the consequences of whatever they did to the dark fountain.
simulation, pocket dimension artificially created by gaster, induced hallucination. whatever it was, it was a form of sleepwalking in a sense. it was a means to an end, a means to gain access to kris's SOUL and expose it to whatever kind of force the Dark really is. but one thing was real about it. gaster's assistant, another monster, who dressed as a lonely prince and guided susie and kris through the story that gaster wanted them to play out. he may well be one of the three people in the photo found in sans' secret lab. gaster's experiments with SOUL and determination were going well, so he moved to the next phase of testing and tried to fully expose his subject to the Dark, which led to them, out of control of their body, ripping out their SOUL and becoming a shell. clearly, this is where chara began in one way or another.
gaster's experiments on the true lab amalgamations have already begun--if you fully explore town, you'll see the graves of several of them, and i believe the sick reindeer is also part of one?
undertale itself is a story that gaster created that got out of hand. it's a blending of the world of the Dark that he created in order to experiment on kris and the modern world of the monsters. basically, it's post apocalyptic.
who is the mayor? she is never seen, but we are told she has basically zero charisma.
asgore greeting kris in his shop is the most eerie fucking parallel to pre his fight except for he has country music CDs in his car now. his flower shop must have become the castle in whatever cataclysm happened
monsters' appearances and relationships seem to have not been affected much by the timeline shift other than becoming more high fantasy. the secretly in love guards are normal jock dudes, bratty and catty are neighbors, asgore and toriel still have a rocky relationship, undyne is a policewoman, etc. they all got... storified? by the shift.
notably missing (or at least i didnt see) is grillby?? also clam girl
creepy ice cube mascot is a shitty pizza place mascot, burgerpants is still a min wage worker and is the same age as asriel which was JARRING
so. like. who, THE FUCK, is frisk. tho.
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astronomicalegotism · 6 years
And Winding Away
Revenge Is Best Served Together (BOOK ONE)
Part Thirteen
Nate screamed as the door slammed behind him, stumbling forwards a little and almost falling flat on his face. Eyes wide, he frantically turned around and tried to open the door again, only to find himself grasping at air.
"Oh fuck no!" Nate's eyes darted around, seeing only darkness. It was like he'd fallen into the void, the darkness both swallowing him and making him feel smaller. For some reason, this emptiness was worse than all of the bullshit from earlier. A sinking feeling settled in and he called out again.
There was a shift, and suddenly the darkness started to swirl around, like someone had pulled out the plug in a sink. Nate squinted at the sudden growing light. Soon, all of the shadows had congregated to form his copy. Except he looked...Different from when Nate had last saw him. Earlier he had looked purposefully deformed, Now he just looked positively demonic, although Nate noticed that the three shadows behind him were looming over him, almost like strings. Wait, Red Black and Blue? Wasn't that like Mark's...weird ass vampire roomie... Jesus Christ how badly was he hit on the head?
"You come here often?" Nate asked casually, wishing he had something to lean against for both dramatics and also because he still wasn't feeling all to good and was pretty sure he'd pass out. Something flashed in Natemare's eyes before his face went blank.
"It's six am." Natemare spat, causing Nate's eyes to widen.
"That's...Thats not possible, Time doesn't pass that fast." Natemare snarled, the action almost animalistic.
"This dimension is mine to control and do whatever I wish!"
"Natemare please-"
"SHUT UP!!" Natemare screamed, his own voice being underlaid by a deeper voice that wasn't his own. Nate shook his head, soldiering on.
"Natemare, I just wanna talk with you. Please, Just tell me why you are doing this, What I've done wrong! We can fix this, I'll try make up for whatever mistakes I've made. You seem like a pretty cool guy, We can work this out." Something in Mare must of broken at those words, as the empty black eyes shifted to a somewhat reassuring vibrant purple. The two stared at each other in silence for a moment, Nate's unwaveringly calm gaze meeting Natemare's now terrified one.
"I...I don't want to die." Natemare whispered suddenly, curling in on himself. "Not again, I can't...Please..." Nate could see the shadows looming over his double, looking ready to strike. Pools of black started to grow again in his eyes. No way, Nate was not having this.
"Natemare, What do you mean?" There was a choked sob and Nate yelped, jumping back quickly as the part of the floor underneath him seemingly disappeared.
"This whole place was falling apart!" Nate thought frantically as more pieces started to shatter or disappear as Natemare's distress grew. He had to hurry up.
"I'm an ego...A creation that's brought to life by the attention of its fans. We live on attention, it's what powers us and keeps us existing I guess." Nate listened carefully to Natemare, taking his words in. "Except... Attention it's reliable." Natemare laughed, Although it sounded horribly forced. "When people slowly begin to forget us be begin to fade, until eventually we are shattered from existence!" Natemare flinched, gripping at his hair. He mumbled something, practically inaudible to Nate. "Fuck I'm losing control..."
"Wait..." Nate's eyes widened. "You're saying that if everyone forgets about you, You die?" Oh god...
"WHY DO YOU CARE?! YOU NEVER DID BEFORE!! Fuck!!" Natemare repeatedly whacked himself in the head, like he was trying to get something out. Nate could only watch in horror as he double struggled, clawing at his own eyes. Nate wanted to stop him but the ground underneath his was unstable, the holes too big and preventing him from reaching him. When Natemare eventually did open his eyes, they were back to pitch black.
"They forget, find another toy to play with!" That part in particular was said practically murderously, almost like he was referencing someone. "They move on. They don't give a shit about us, even the dedicated ones loose interest when there's nothing new. Not that you helped matters at all." Natemare glared daggers at Nate.
"I couldn't of known!! Besides, The fans haven't lost interest in you, I've seen it!!" Nate was yelling now, but he was desperate for Natemare to hear him. "Fanart!! Mentions in the comments!! Hell, Even fanfiction!! They haven't forgotten you at all, despite you barely having anything they still love you, I know that!!!" It was true, Nate remembers it clearly. In the comments section, fans theorising and talking about even the smallest glance to the camera about what it could mean. The blue and red shadows around Natemare flickered.
"Then why did I... Why did I fade?!" Thick black tears were streaming down Natemare's face now. "You have no idea what it's like, having your entire being be ripped to shreds!! Having to live in constant agony for what feels like years, your mind scattered everywhere and burning burning burning!! It's just nothing but constant pain non stop!!" Natemare was shaking his head furiously. "I can't go back, I can't I can't I can't!! I had no one!! Those fucking Markiplier egos had Darkiplier to stop them from fading!! He brought them all together, knowing that that would protect them!! Even fucking Anti had the other septics, BUT I HAD NO ONE!!! The only person I could ever call a friend...I pushed him away, I acted like an ass and ruined everything..." Natemare looked like he was going to collapse, utterly exhausted and over whelmed.
"My thing is fears...I control them, Contort them, use them for my own means. I can see it you know? I can see when someone is scared, How it twirls around a person like smoke. I control that smoke, making it strike and overwhelmed. You'd think...I spend so much time around over people's fears that I would have any of my own." Natemare shivered. "And I didn't used to, But now look at me?! I'm fucking weak, so fucking terrified of dying again!! I'm pathetic and willing to do anything, So when Dark proposed a plan to help prevent that of course I joined in. I'm basically fading again already as it is, you saw earlier. I'm like a ghost, I'm not even supposed to be here. I only am because Dark went to the effort to bring me back.." Nate remembered the room with puppet, How Natemare seemed to keep flickering from existence, How he kept phasing through him. Nate didn't know what to say.
"How could Darkiplier help you then?" Nate settled for asking. Natemare hesitated before answering.
"Like Mark, Dark technically created the egos, him and Warfstache where were it all began. They're basically creators."
"The ones that have more power than the fans, the ones with the final say." Nate blinked, it all clicking. His face shifted into one of a smile.
"Well then why don't you come with me?"
"I'm your creator right? So I should be able to keep you from fading easily! You could be my weird demon like roomie." Natemare looked taken aback, and for a split second he looked almost exactly like a normal teenager. No creepy shadows, no flickering or grey skin, no tar like tears, just a scared pale face and a way too thin of a body. He was basically just a younger, annoying taller, version of Nate with too much eyeshadow on Nate realised.
"You'd...You'd really do that? After everything?" Nate nodded, like it was obvious.
"Yeah, Although you are going to have to let me and my friends go." Natemare nodded, and Nate noticed for the first time that the purple smoke around Natemare was almost hugging him.
"Yeah...Wilford's pocket dimension is getting hard to keep together anyways..." Natemare's eye suddenly widened, and the shadows came back at him with full force. "Shit."
Nate didn't have anytime to react before it happened. Nate was slammed back at full force, agony coursing through him body and his head feeling like it was going to split in two. Purple smoke was attacking him like wasps, engulfing him. Nate heard someone screaming, a horrific almost inhuman sounding scream and it took him a few seconds to register that it was him. Alarm bells were going off in Nate's head and he'd never felt so terrified in his life. Pure, unfiltered terror was coursing through his veins, all of his worst nightmares and more piercing at him brain and making it impossible to think straight. It was never ending and Nate knew right there and then, He was going to die. He was never escaping this hell.
Natemare started in horror as Nate's body contorted and twisted in agony, his owns powers ripping into Nate without mercy and tearing at his sanity. Nate's screamed filled the air and Natemare wasn't going to be sick but he couldn't move he couldn't control his own powers he couldn't do ANYTHING!!!
Suddenly, almost as soon as it started, Nate stilled. Natemare wanted to run over to him because he was still, unnaturally still why wasn't he moving why couldn't he sense anything?!!
Natemare felt like he was drowning, submerged in disbelief in horror because no, He couldn't of, He didn't, He was okay right?! Nate was okay!! Everything was fine everything was fine everything was fine fine fine fine-
Natemare could feel himself on the verge of a panic attack, unable to do anything as the energy was drained from his body. He trembled, a pathetic whimper escaping his lips.
"Quite a disappointing show that was." Mare sobbed, his legs giving way and feeling completely utterly drained. He didn't want this he didn't want this-
"Quit lying to yourself, you are just as much as a monster as I am." Natemare felt his head get yanked up, and he was met with two powerful red and blue eyes staring down into him. Darkiplier's suit was as perfect as ever, a bored expression on his face that Natemare wanted to rip to shreds.
"Fuck...You..." Natemare hissed, his eyes drooping against his will. He could do nothing but yelp as Darkiplier's grasp shifted from his hair to his neck, squeezing hard and almost crushing his windpipe. Stars exploded in Natemare's vision as he struggled for oxygen, his form flickering.
"No wait, You're not even that." Dark sneered, his face filled with some much hatred that Mare didn't even know was possible. "You are completely insignificant. A puppet, nothing more than a tool for me to use and now your use has run out. You. Are. NOTHING!! No one gives a shit about you and no one ever will!! You are nothing more than a stepping stone that I have to crush to get what I want. You're only purpose in life is to serve me, got it? You aren't your own person, you aren't anything. You are going to die without ever serving a purpose on this dead and empty rock."
Natemare was thrown harshly back down to the ground, but he couldn't find it in himself to move. The world around him was glitching violently, falling apart at the seams and he knew he would be able to hold it for much longer.
"I'm going to do the same thing that I've done to you to every single ego out there, I'm going to take your powers and use them for my own purposes. I'm going to create a world filled with fear and hopelessness and nothing with stand in my way. Course, don't worry, I won't kill you. I can't, If I get rid of you I'd loose your powers. But that doesn't mean I can't hurt you in other ways. Once again, Your cowardliness will be your down fall, You are so terrified of dying, so I'm going to make sure your continued existence is hell! You wanted to be able to live forever and I'm delivering just like the deal. You wanted revenge on Nate and you got that to, So why the long face? You got your wish!! Celebrate!! This’ll be the last chance you get after all.” Natemare squeezed his eyes shut, concentrating. He couldn't find enough strength to warp the pocket dimension as much as he would like but maybe he might be able to use its powers to-
The dagger materialised and Darkiplier laughed. Natemare used the remainder of his energy to get to his feet.
"Do you seriously think that you'll be able to kill m-" Natemare smirked, his throat burning but for the first time in a while he felt confident about something.
Darkiplier's eyes were wide, a look of utter shock on his face as Natemare did the last thing Dark ever though he would do.
There was the sinking of metal in flesh and a scream of rage.
Natemare had plunged the dagger right into his own heart.
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