#also about the like. perceptions of certain accents as being More Educated at all really. like
lighthouseborna · 2 years
41. What phrases, pronunciations, or mannerisms did they pick up from someone / somewhere else?
(Specifically,) || Accepting!
Elizabeth's responsible for the bulk of his education. Henry's literacy and his understanding of the world come primarily from his mother, so a lot of his voice as it were comes from her. In particular, his accent is distinctly mainland English even though he's never been there ((I think his (what?!) in particular sounds remarkably like (hers) but that literally might just be me s;ldkfjgsd;lfjk)) and his word choices and sentence structures reflect the fact that he reads a lot, giving him a sort of 'higher class' affect to his speech that he gained from her. It also, though, contains a brash forwardness that you wouldn't find in polite society. He's not afraid to ask questions, break convention, or be taboo- byproduct of being raised pirate but, I feel these are also also things she would have encouraged in him.
Henry specifically and intentionally invokes his Jack-influence sometimes, particularly when he is working to be tricky or he knows that the person he is talking to will recognize it as Jack-influence. This appears in gestures sometimes, though more often in vocabularly- choosing words that have that certain twist to them that can trip people who aren't paying near enough attention, or that have a double meaning. He specifically uses (this hand gesture/bow) in this fashion and I have (talked about it before). Generally people who have had a number of run-ins with Jack are going to notice that Henry's got that thread in him regardless, it's just part of the way he carries himself, but there are days and moments when Henry is making it more obvious on purpose, to one end or another.
Personally I think it'd be really funny if he invoked this to annoy Barbossa in particular but I have actually barely touched the topic of whether or not I think Henry knows Barbossa very well at all. I'm completely undecided on it.
Circling back to the post that where I have (talked about it before) Henry's general disposition in terms of his confidence and wit is, to me, very reminiscent of his mother. He's not afraid to take up space, or speak his mind, and there's a real byline of independence through care in both of them: being loved and looked after gives you confidence. As well, there's a willingness to use their perceived station to their advantage. Elizabeth repeatedly uses her position as woman, governor's daughter, falsely-believed-to-be Calypso, subject of someone's affections, etc., to her advantage, moving people in favor of her plans. Henry, though often less willing to be outright manipulative, uses people's perception of him to his advantage; they've already decided he's crazy so they can look at him doing this crazy thing while something else goes on in the background, advocating for Carina when he knows he might be taken more at his word than she is. And these things are not intentional, really, he doesn't often decide to Be Like Mum, he just is.
Oh and one more specific example, Jack taught Henry Latin, and there are phrases and words of it that spring up in his casual use both internally and externally, just as part of the way he sees things. Probably both of them having any kind of good-natured back and forth devolves into utter nonsense to anyone else trying to keep up because they can just talk circles half in Latin and my god that sounds infuriating actually. I question whether or not they have their own shorthand at this point; trying to keep up becomes impossible as they make references to things they've already had detailed conversations about by mention only, building on them without revisiting the whole thing.
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necropsittacus · 4 years
also can i just say its a really fucking bizarre experience to have like...on the occasions you ARE interacting with other kids your own age, they think you talk funny and inform you of such frequently enough that it becomes a source of anxiety, but then if you try to shift your speech to what you perceive as "like the normal kids" your Family then deems it weird and makes fun of you for it (and, additionally, theres some nasty internalized stuff about the way your family does it being More Educated going on), so after a certain point you have to either shift your pronunciations of certain things based on who youre talking to or just accept being weird. also i still refuse to say "aunt" until i know how the person im talking to says it
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architectuul · 3 years
Interview with Dániel Kovács, the curator of the official exhibition of the Hungarian Pavilion at the 17. International Architecture Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia.
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Interior of the Calvinist church of Külső-Kelenföld, Budapest (1981) by István Szabó. | Photo Dániel Dömölky (20209
“In Central and Eastern Europe, modernist post-war buildings - relics of socialist modernism - are in an increasingly threatened position. Their situation in Hungary is becoming more and more politicized: seen as remnants of the communist past, they have no future, and are demolished or refurbished. The architectural heritage of a whole generation is getting lost,” starts the curatorial statement of the team behind this year's Hungarian Pavilion at the Venice Architecture Biennale. Dániel Kovács, the curator of the pavilion explains that “to this day, theory and practice of our modernist forebears is an important intellectual ammunition for architects, but more importantly, these buildings were once the backdrop of our everyday lives, and they are still objects of personal attachments and memories. Instead of erasing them out of our memory, we should finally come to terms with our past.”
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“Othernity – Reconditing Our Modern Heritage”, interior of the exhibition at the Hungarian Pavilion of the 17th International Architecture Exhibition in Venice.| Photo Dániel Dömölky (2021)
The Hungarian project exhibited in this year, titled “Othernity – Reconditioning Our Modern Heritage” tries to look for possible answers. On this occasion the curatorial team of architecture historian Dániel Kovács and architects Attila Róbert Csóka, Szabolcs Molnár and Dávid Smiló invited 12 architectural practices from nine countries of the region with a mission to outline the future of 12 selected modern buildings in Budapest. “They offer different approaches and perspectives, but the collective results make one point clear: in a sustainable and responsible way, our future can only be built on our past,” concludes Kovács. The pavilion features A-A Collective (Poland / Denmark / Switzerland), Architecture Uncomfortable Workshop (Hungary), b210 (Estonia), BUDCUD (Poland), KONNTRA (Slovenia / North-Macedonia / Croatia), LLRRLLRR (Estonia / United Kingdom), MADA (Serbia), MNPL Workshop (Ukraine), Paradigma Ariadné (Hungary), PLURAL (Slovakia), Vojtěch Rada (Czech Republic) and Studio Act (Romania).
In the curatorial statement you are pointing to overcoming the aforementioned neurosis of Eastern and Central European people within sharing the collective optimism phrased by participants; is that the Othernity? Dániel Kovács: The identity of this region, Eastern Europe, is an unnatural, political one, created by the invading superpower after WW2. They got stuck, Western media started to use it, but became filled with negative connotations. If you think about Eastern Europe, you associate it with slightly uncultured, tribal people, physical workers, and nonintellectuals. In the early 1990s we actually tried to change these connotations and come up with the concept of Central Europe, based on the German concept of Mitteleuropa. But it turned out that nobody was interested in this. We remained Eastern Europeans. Today there is an attempt to re-appropriate this term by our generation, the ones who grew up after the change of the regime. We are trying to fill this with new meanings.
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LLRRLLRR: Stars, Dead Bodies and Other Forms That Do Not Change - installation. | Photo Dániel Dömölky (2020)
So in this sense the neurosis is the feeling that our identity was imposed on us from the outside and what we are trying to do with Othernity, an architectural attempt, is to fill it with a certain kind of optimism. The expression of collective optimism came up in our first personal meeting with the participating architects in November 2019. The first time, when we sat down together with architects from 9 different countries in the region, we realized that it is so easy to understand and talk to each other because we share the same backgrounds, the same historical and social experiences. That leads us to define this feeling, this atmosphere as collective optimism that can replace the present neurosis.
Othernity is also a very provocative name, how is your statement accepted by the culture politics in Hungary? DK: Obviously the whole concept came from a recent problem, modernist buildings are being demolished not only in Hungary but basically everywhere. In this region there is a certain factor that contributes to this process of demolitions and that is the political aspect. Buildings from this period in the region are seen more as relics of this communist past. But everything is over politicised in Hungary, because this is what populist politics do, they overpolitisise every aspect of life. As a gay man I’m laughing all the time when it comes up that I “should keep my private life in my bedroom”. I would like to do it but it is impossible because my bedroom is full of politicians who are trying to control my private life. On the other hand however this is a very clever tool by populist politics, that politicizes everything and forces people to be either indifferent or take up a political point of view.
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KONNTRA: Mo·nu·ments - installation | Photo Dániel Dömölky (2020)
What about the Hungarian media? DK: Unfortunately, the media also takes over this tool from politics. Not only Hungarian but also Western media shows news from Hungary in a strictly political point of view. We are always represented as people in connection with politics and nobody does anything to change this point of view. This is a problem that works against an united Europe. Most of the people from this region don’t feel as part of the united Europe because we are always represented as different. Actually this debate and this situation is very similar to the debate about colonialism and to the representation of African and Asian people. But nobody understands that the same is happening with us Eastern-Europeans. We are represented in a way that we don’t identify with. And we can not do anything about it.
In which sense? DK: Whenever I am reading English press it is very funny to see how keen they are to use certain foreign language expressions, like for example taoiseach, the name of the prime minister of Ireland or certain expressions from the Maori language in New Zealand. On the other hand whenever they are writing down the name of anybody coming from Eastern Europe, they never use the proper accents and punctuation. Nobody is using the both two accents in my name, as they think it is not necessary. But that is not my name, I want my name back. What the Othernity project is about is that we would like to re-appropriate our identity to fill it with a meaning, which is defined by us. And believe me there is nothing political about it.
To answer your previous question shortly, surprisingly we have no political reactions coming from cultural politics. Obviously the concept was debated in Hungary, but it wasn’t politicised as much as I expected to be.        
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MADA: 1.250.000 m³ - installation | Photo Dániel Dömölky (2020)
Can the Othernity be perceptive as an utopia that generates new collective ways of living in the region? DK: I would hope so, obviously, but I don’t expect us to save the world. What I expect and what I am working on is to create discussion. To open up people’s minds, either Hungarians, people from the region or people from other parts of the world. To help them understand these problems and recognize their own problems, reflected by ours. In this sense Othernity is a bigger success than we expected because many people in Venice from different parts of the world came to the curatorial team and examined the problem, discussed its origins and questions engaged in lively discussion. This was great feedback, which we really didn’t expect. So many people would recognise their question and problems in this quite specific attempt.     
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Participants and curatorial team of the Othernity project. | Photo József Rosta, Ludwig Museum – Museum of Contemporary Art (2019)
What were the criteria for the selection of twelve practices from the region and how did the process of collaboration run? DK: First we have chosen the twelve buildings in Budapest and then we researched in our networks for international partners. This was way before the competition because in Hungary the biennial curatorialship is decided by an open competition. When we won our curatorial enrollment we already had everything finished, we even had the first ideas from the architects. This was six months of work before the deadline. As I mentioned we wanted to reach out to those who are in their twenties, thirties, early forties and who grew up and were educated after 1989. They are already citizens of Europe and they identify as Europeans but share the same experiences and architectural heritage. By this they would understand what these buildings in Budapest could mean and could represent for Hungarians and yet they have an objective distance. The original idea was to represent both sides of the story, with the historical aspect, buildings with their documents and the archive materials in one hall of the exhibition building in Venice and on the other hand, the proposals, the twelve new ideas. This created a mirroring structure, which we manage to keep throughout all the exhibition and even the catalogue. 
How is modernist architecture accepted by the current Hungarian government? DK: There is no general view on that. It is true that of the twelve buildings we have chosen, two have been demolished in the past year and one of them was demolished by the government. Another building is currently being considered to be demolished by an independent institution with governmental funds. When I approached them to ask about why this building is being demolished they answered that it is a brutalist building and it was the headquarters of the workers militia, a very communist organization. These kinds of arguments do come back again and again in these discussions, especially if you look in the context of the ongoing reconstruction of the Buda castle. I don’t debate the decision of the government, which is to reconstruct the castle in the pre-war state, against the current state built in the 1950s, 60s and the 70s. There is a certain kind of nostalgia from the part of politics towards the pre-war era and certain kind of hatred towards the post-war era.    
Maybe also ignorance and prejudices? DK: That’s the reason I wouldn’t try to point fingers on responsible parties. This is also a responsibility of the architectural community of the architectural historian community, because we were not able to develop canons, we were not able to come up with what’s good and what’s not good regarding modernism. Behind this inability to say anything out loud is again a general feeling of uneasiness and uncertainty, which is nowaday present in every aspect of our lives. Who is to say that one building is good? Who is to say that we should keep this building instead of the other? There is no hierarchy anymore. What Othernity is trying is to figure out how to keep discussing this topic. To show that architects do have the creative thinking necessary to solve these problems. I think these twelve different approaches in the pavillon really prove that young architects are capable to come up with ideas that can push forward certain problems.
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Do you think that architecture and culture fight can change political borders and create new identities in the geopolitical space of Eastern Europe? DK: This could happen everywhere, not only in Easten Europe, but I wouldn’t use the term fight. I think these  are tools to use. It Is not a coincidence that we came up with the expression reconditioning, because it's a psychological expression and not used in architecture. If we want to change these situations, we need to change our ways of thinking. For that we need to recognise, realise certain very basic problems such as overpolitisizing architecture, dealing with the constructing identity, recognising our neighbours and start to talk to them. If we are able to do that we can change what's happening and we can affect what’s happening in architecture and culture but only if we are able to recognize these things.  
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The curatorial team of the Othernity project: Attila Róbert Csóka, Szabolcs Molnár, Dávid Smiló and Dániel Kovács. | Photo Dániel Dömölky (2021)
The Othernity is a new, collaboration-based method, which helps us rethink our practice of heritage protection and, at the same time, it is such an architectural behaviour that can create a more responsible attitude towards profession and society. The Hungarian Pavilion is looking for an answer to the following question: what possibilities does the often disputed and in many ways obsolete heritage of modern architecture hold for the architects of the future?
The curatorial team asked 12 architecture practices from Central and Eastern Europe to recondition 12 iconic modern buildings of Budapest, offering a possible way to reconcile past and future architecture.The selected buildings of Budapest were built during the socialist regime, and in spite of their values, they are in danger today. The invited architects from Central and Eastern Europe know and understand the dilemmas concerning the conservation of the regional architectural heritage, however, they already studied and gained professional experience in the united Europe and one the characteristics of their projects is the experimental attitude pointing towards an international direction, which is accompanied by a fresh visual form of expression.
The exhibition is divided into two spaces: the LAB section documents the historical conditions of the 12 buildings, while the SHOWROOM section presents the 12 contemporary architectural reflections. Othernity is the first exhibition project in the history of the Hungarian Pavilion based on wide-ranging international collaboration. At the same time it is a collaborative practice, research on heritage protection and the expression of our conviction that the architecture of the future can be built on the past in order to reach due resilience, adequate sustainability and strong identity bonds.
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kyndaris · 4 years
A Tangled Web of Complex Mystery
Though I had purchased the game eons ago, it was not until quite recently that I found the time to slowly go through the backlog of games that I had purchased cheaply on various online stores. This one happened to be on Good Old Games (GOG), but I have an impressive list that spans both Steam and Epic Game Store. After hearing several glowing reviews and urged on by my own innate curiosity when it came to solving mysteries, I started up Return of the Obra Dinn. Being a connoisseur of problem-solving titles, with a deep love of crime, it made sense for me to try my hand at playing detective. After all, I have always prided myself on being observant and great at deducing the facts of the matter. In fact, during my high school years, I always thought of myself to be the next Sherlock Holmes. Barring that, I felt I would have been a great Kudo Shinichi/ Edogawa Conan with my excellent reasoning and analytical mind.
Return of the Obra Dinn puts players into the role of an insurance adjuster as they try to figure out what happened to the crew and passengers of the Obra Dinn, a ghost ship that mysteriously returned to port after missing for several years. Equipped with a journal from Henry Evans and a strange device that allows a person to review the events of the past, I started to try and piece together the events of the game.
The tutorial chapter of the game starts from the end. Though the scenes shown are frozen in time and the dialogue is sparse, it was quite easy to deduce what had happened. Almost immediately, I had identified the Captain. After beating down the remaining crew members that had decided to mutiny, he took his own life in despair. Most revealing, though, was the name “Isabela,” which helped immensely in identifying two characters: the Captain’s wife and the First Mate.
From humble beginnings, however, the story of the Obra Dinn took a much more dramatic turn. Suddenly, I was confronted by a battle at sea. The chapter was titled: The Doom and it was easy to see why. Tentacles rent the air, tossing crewmen overboard. Many were crushed on the gunner’s deck and others were torn asunder. This was where some of the limited choices proved a little frustrating. The depictions of their deaths oft times did not seem to match well with the verbs employed. In fact, I often wished that there was an option to say that a crew member died of blood loss or allowed me to be more specific in terms of their death. Having to say that ‘Jim Doe’ was killed by a sword from ‘Benjamin Smith’ did not fully capture the magnitude and accuracy of what had actually happened. In fact, ‘Jim Doe’ had his leg cut off by ‘Benjamin Smith’ because of reasons X, Y and Z. He thus died of blood loss in the arms of the First Mate. 
I remember reading a few forums that said some players wished for the option: they died of stupidity. After playing through the chapters, I could see why. The options available also proved finicky. As did some of the names for a few of the crew members. In the end, though, I managed to brute force my way through a couple by keeping two answers that I knew to be approximately correct and then simply changing the names.
My worst enemy, though, were my own preconceptions. For some reason, I thought the Persian was Indian. There was a small part of me that niggled at the fact that he might perhaps be of a different descent, but it was only after I searched for the answer, to confirm my deductions, that I realised that I had been blinded by my own prejudices and current perception of cultures. For some reason, I assumed the man wearing a turban was of Sikh religion, forgetting that this was set in the 1800s and that there were other ethnic groups that also used such head-wear.
There were also several moments that I googled certain words: knowing that they were not English. In this way, I was able to ascertain the identity of a few more crew members. Accents also proved important. And while I had thought to use the Formosan language to my advantage, I found to my dismay that it wasn’t all Mandarin. A search on the Steam forums revealed that it was pieces of Taiwanese Hokkien. These small touches helped heighten the authenticity of the world in a way not many other games have. 
Seeing the narrative of Return of Obra Dinn play out and figuring out what had happened served to be a delightful romp. While my first few hours gave me some very mild motion sickness, I was able to power through by constantly turning my attention away from the screen. I also liked how the game also encouraged use of one’s intuition and allowed me to make educated guesses without much punishment. It was actually quite gratifying seeing my few leaps in logic land when the game confirmed my suspicions.
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But the mysteries did not end there. From Return of the Obra Dinn, I moved on to Kingdom Hearts 3. With the drop of the recent DLC Re: Mind, many players were rewarded with several answers to several jaw dropping and head scratching plot holes. Like Xion’s random appearance near the end, did Sora save Kairi and what really happened when Roxas just fell from the sky. I mean, thank goodness there was some more cutscenes to show Kairi being a bit more badass before she was summarily fridged crystallised. 
It also gave us new questions to puzzle over. Like: what is going on with Yozora? Is Tetsuya Nomura really that salty about Versus XIII? How does this all tie into Sora and the new battle with the Lost Masters?
Also, am I just supposed to accept that the pairings are: Sora x Kairi, Riku x Namine and Roxas x Xion? I mean, I will. Gladly. But please let us see how Riku and Namine fell in love. Also, how does Xion even work? Is she past Xion? Does that mean her heart, technically, needs to travel back in time to 358/2 Days? Or can she just blissfully live out her life in the future that is Kingdom Hearts 3? 
Even though I love Kingdom Hearts with all my heart, I can’t help but find myself a little confused at where the series is going. Til then, I’ll try to delve down deeper and figure out what chaos Nomura has planned for us next.
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crvelsovls · 4 years
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ophelia tate has been walking around town. hazelgrove is familiar of the thirty-one year old hunter. she is aware of the supernatural residents in town. the people of hazelgrove can agree that the librarian can be vehement yet still be reticent. let’s just hope things in town can settle down. + delicate fingers adorned with moonstone gem rings, a coy smile spread across peach-tinted lips and a slender form shrouded in an air of mystery and intrigue. 
s’up buttercups ?? ‘tis me again, here with my second gal ; ophelia. she’s my clever lil huntress who’s loosely based on various past muses of mine. she’s a lot more... innocent that delphine but she’s still quite fiery and sarcastic dkjsdsh anyways, i’ll save you all from my pointless babbles but as usual, pls flick that lil grey heart n i’ll shimmy my irish butt into your ims for plots !! : )
full name. ophelia penelope tate.
nicknames. o, phe, & effie.
current age. thirty-one.
birthday. january thirty-first.
gender. cisgender female.
pronouns. she / her.
species. human.
nationality. british.
religion. raised a catholic but no longer practices.
birthplace. london, england.
current residence. hazelgrove, me.
sexual orientation. bisexual.
romantic orientation. demiromantic.
education. english literature degree.
occupation. librarian at hazelgrove public library.
birth mother. natalie tate. †
birth father. alexander tate. †
full blood siblings. astrid tate. †
maternal grandmother. katherine reynolds.
maternal grandfather. marcus reynolds. †
paternal grandmother. anika tate.
paternal grandfather. edward tate. †
maternal aunts. odette reynolds.
maternal uncles. none.
paternal aunts. sophia tate.
paternal uncles. duncan tate. †
spoken languages. english, french, & latin.
negative traits. capricious, ornery, impulsive, guileful, & caustic.
positive traits. ardent, whimsical, intrepid, graceful, & poised.
strengths. etiquette, bold, rational, practical, original, perceptive, direct, & sociable.
weaknesses. dramatic, impulsive, quick-tempered, insensitive, impatient, risk-prone, unstructured, misses the bigger picture, & defiant.
skills. skilled with blades and various knives, hand-to-hand combat, perception, persuasiveness, good judgment, & able to use initiative.
talents. retaining information, memory recall, knife throwing, & quick thinking.
eye colour. blue.
hair colour. blonde.
height. five feet, four inches.
weight. 52 kg.
build. she is of quite a petite stature, and slender with mild curves.
scars. a long, silvery one running along half her spine.
tattoos. n/a.
piercings. earlobes.
glasses. yes, but usually wears contacts.
zodiac. aquarius.
element. air.
house. ravenclaw.
myers briggs type. estp-t.
alignment. neutral good.
enneagram. type seven.
temperament. sanguine
intelligence type. interpersonal.
character label. the orphic.
past mental disorders. post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, & suicidal tendencies.
current mental disorders. undiagnosed.
addictions. nicotine.
vices. wrath, envy, & pride.
virtues. temperance, charity, & diligence.
allergies. penicillin.
diet. vegetarian.
dominant hand. left.
accent. mostly english with a mild twang of notable american.
blood type. b negative.
vehicle. bottle green 2015 volkswagen beetle.
trigger(s). mention of exorcism, mentions of murder, & mentions of death. 
born and raised in london, the tate family seemed picture-perfect. though, underneath, the story was very different from how it seemed. while ophelia and her younger sister were showered with love and affection, their parents remained mostly absent albeit for fleeting moments in time. it wasn’t until ophelia grew older that she became more curious about what led her parents astray for weeks at a time. under the illusion that her parents were simply important figures, perhaps lawyers or detectives, a childish ophelia had never considered that their lives had been tainted by a much more corrupt presence. 
eventually, it transpired that her parents were hunters. more specifically, people who hunted down supernatural creatures and put an end to their existence. or, tried, at least. how ophelia stumbled across this fact was by pure chance. her grandfather had been visiting and she had walked into the basement where she witnessed her father and his father attempting to exorcise what she then described as a ‘man with black eyes.’ nowadays, she’d refer to said man and his kind as demonic bastards. 
of course, with their sights elsewhere, the demon managed to free himself only to murder her father and grandfather in the process. if it hadn’t been for her mother, ophelia would have ceased to exist that night also. it was that night that her mother shipped them off to live with their aunt for a while but eventually, after a week or so, her mother returned.
seemingly, everything had been fine until one night when their home was attacked by a pair of vampires. these vampires having been survivors of their mothers attack on their nest, thus they tailed her and laid low until the most opportune moment where they attacked. how ophelia managed to escape that night was anybody’s guess. though the rest of the household hadn’t been so lucky.
having lost her parents, sister and aunt to supernatural creatures, ophelia grew up with a deep rooted hatred for every creature of the night. it had taken her many years to learn of each creature, their weaknesses, strengths and, most importantly, how to kill them. but once she had mastered the art, she set out on a mission to hunt like her parents before her. admittedly, in the beginning, she’d had some near misses, brushing with death many times. but with more hunts under her belt, the better she became.
eventually, ophelia decided to leave london behind in search of the states where she was certain there would be ample supernatural beings endangering the lives of innocents. she moved around for a few years until she settled in hazelgrove where she soon learned that the town harboured an abundance of things that went bump in the night. it was this fact alone that she opted for staying put where she also works as a librarian; constantly researching and reading up on various creatures.
becoming a hunter hadn’t been something that had ever crossed her mind until she’d lost everything. in fact, it had been a path that she should have never stumbled across if it hadn’t been for her witnessing the demon that night. still, nevertheless, it was the road she’d travelled down now and with resentment deep in her bones, there would be no stopping her.
to all who encounter her, ophelia can appear on the surface an extremely reckless and careless woman with a huge tendency to adopt a sardonic tongue during almost all occasions. given her demeanour and attitude, it would be fair to assess that all the blonde is, is a satirical mouthpiece with a permanent simper corroded into the corner of her lips. despite this all, the shell of ophelia does contain much more substance. regardless of her blasé attitude, a passionate, whimsical girl remains deep within the high walls of her persona. it’s almost safe to say that the facade she paints over herself every day is nothing more than a basic ruse; a temporary fixture to aid in slowly but permanently fixing the broken fractions of her mind. it goes without saying that ophelia is constantly shrouded in mystery, concealing her true emotions and feigning any feelings whatsoever. although a sensitive, vulnerable aspect of her persona remains, it seldom prevails against her impulsive, sarcastic, intelligent nature. the problem with being clever is already knowing the things others try so desperately to hide from you. ophelia knows how others view her, she sees how they look at her. everybody assumes she’s too difficult to reason with and believe she’s even tougher to understand. it is this that enables ophelia to flirt with danger, use her words as a weapon and also a bargaining chip. it is this that gives ophelia an overwhelming sense of adrenaline, swimming through her veins and fuelling the fire that lies within the pit of her stomach.
can drink any man under the table.
smol but fierce.
one of those people who just excels at everything they try their hand at.
has a very high pain tolerance. seriously, it’s kinda freaky.
the only thing she’s truly terrified of is spiders. those eight-legged cretins have her shaking like a leaf.
absolutely adores animals. much prefers them to humans.
was raised a catholic and went to an all-girls catholic school but she no longer practices.
doesn’t drink much as she doesn’t like to be out of control even in the slightest.
she quite likes being a hunter and she does the job very well. attention to detail is key when she’s working.
is a very reckless driver, it’s a surprise she hasn’t been in an accident yet.
looks innocent but really isn’t in every sense of the word.
she’s that bitch that loves reading and has a thing for poetry.
she’s quite adventurous and loves to feel the adrenaline in her blood.
doesn’t take herself or her life too seriously.
a bit meddlesome and a troublemaker.
always up for a good time and is usually the life of the party.
outspoken and quick-witted with a sharp tongue.
for wanted connections and potential plots, i’m open to just about anything so feel free to hmu for connections or any plots you can think of !! some i’d really love are :
best friend ( pls give my girl a bff she can tell everything to and can party with and just do best pal stuff with like platonic soul mates pls. )
childhood friend ( they maybe drifted apart ? )
an on off relationship ( pretty much like a fwb type situation or casual hookup situation that could develop into feelings or just remain casual. )
a potential love interest ( bonus points if it’s angsty. )
exes / past flings / one night stands.
enemies and rivals.
drinking / party buddies.
and obviously connections with fellow hunters and the supernatural oOoOoOo.
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amityax · 4 years
Exampletron: The Tutorial Character!
Name: Exampletron
Age: 100 Vorns (About 8,330 Earth years)
Place of Origin: Cybertron, Pious Pools, Middle District
Alignment: Lawful Good
Religion: Agnostic (Ironically, despite teaching classes on Religion, he’s never thought about it)
Gender: Male Leaning, He/Him, 3 on a binary scale of 1 to 10, 10 being female presenting and 1 being male presenting.
Altmode: Projector
Faction: Strongly Neutral
Defining Quote: “Teaching the next generation is the greatest privilege a bot could ask for.”
Physical Description: About 5 Meters Tall, Padded Shoulders, Blue paint with green accents, blue optics, and helm fins that have a paperclip-like pattern on them. They are built Lightly, but are not frail. Small in appearance, but not a mini-bot or a mini-con.
Outstanding Physical Features: They’ve got big feet, and they’ve got small, decorational kibble wings on their back.
Favorite Thing: History, Wooden Rulers (the texture is so… interesting!)
Least Favorite Thing: Exclusionary Policies, Bad Teachers
Inventory: Caries no weapons. Has at least one ruler and one extra hand-held clock at all times. Laminated samples of things. A puzzle cube. A Personal Data Pad and a Work Data Pad.
Functionalist Class: Delta, Disposable Class
Job: An Academy Teaching Assistant and Part-Time Unofficial Tutor For The Newly Forged
Stats: Strength: 2, Dexterity: 4, Constitution: 3, Intelligence: 8, Wisdom: 5, Charisma: 8
Skills/Proficiencies: Proficient in History, Religion, Investigation, Insight, and Performance. Has a vast information base of most teachable subjects. He is a very charming person, albeit mostly unintentionally. It’s why the Academy lets him get away with stuff. Proficient in being loved. :)
Weaknesses: Low Insight, Intimidation, Deception, Athletics. Not very strong, not very hardy. Could not hold himself in a fight. He’s not a pacifist, he just couldn’t conceive the idea of getting into a physical fight with anyone, and therefore has never thought about it. In the only thing he has situational insight into is the minds and emotions of students. Sympathetic and perceptive of their needs, but his low situational awareness of everything else combined with his sheltered nature (he was raised in Pious Academy, basically), leave him vulnerable to malicious manipulation and the danger he unknowingly puts himself in when he strives for lawful change.
Personality/Character Description: A kind, jovial, knowledge-loving bot. He loves to teach students, and constantly expresses his gladness when he is able to do so, even though he is often relegated to being a board projector for others. He wants to pass on knowledge from himself to the next generation, and has a fondness for history in particular. Wants to teach so badly, he often gets himself in trouble. He has a good mind, and tries to follow the rules as best he can, but when it came to keeping himself out of social/legal trouble, he had heart where he should have had brains. He has trouble keeping his cool when assisting bad teachers who either butcher the material and/or are cruel to students. Honestly, is a bit oblivious to the corrupted state of society, and is unaware of the danger he is in by semi-unknowingly defying the norm.
Outstanding Non-Physical Traits of Character: An Incredible Memory and love of learning. Definitely more so than your average person, or even your average teacher. Very kind, and prioritizes his students' welfare above all else.
Goals: Wants to become a teacher. Wants to teach a history class. Wants to improve his students’ quality of life by improving society as a whole. Also pushed for peaceful, legal educational reform on Cybertron. He wanted to make teacher credentials available to anyone who could pass certain tests instead of building people to be teachers and throwing them into a teaching/tutoring career whether they liked it or not. He also pushed for the creation of “On The Grid” classes, which are basically online classes that can be taken anywhere, and more importantly, by anyone (which for a functionalist government trying to limit which types of people could and could not receive and education, was quite a problem).
Accomplishments: He once taught a long-running Intro To Pre-History course before being outed. Had the highest success and proficiency scores of any other teacher in the school. He is very proud of the quality of his historical evidence and analysis. He can and will name several “students of his” who became very successful researcher/educators of their own; Daybreak, Vertical Shift, Imperial, Nautical… he set up a few “Grid Classes,” but they were taken down by the government after “potential terrorist sympathizers” began to access them.
Failures: He was “barred” from his unlicensed teaching after the government put pressure on the academy to be “up to code.” He was devastated. He never got the majority of his reforms pushed through, and not many people cared about his cause; either they were uninterested in change, or his concerns were to “niche.” He's terrified of letting his students down.
Backstory: He has worked at Pious Academy since it was open. He was literally sparked for his job. Serving as a projector for other teachers to display things on by day and scouring the library by night, he listened in on so many lectures, and knew the school so well, he became the formats expert on all things going on. He was inspired by one kind professor who only taught one year at the school before leaving to follow his heart and pass on his vast array of knowledge on to the next generation. His light and charming personality endeared him to the management staff, and allowed him to do additional work, despite his Disposable Class. There was one point where he was teaching classes on his own thanks to his vast array of data and his sheer seniority, until some spoiled prick of a student found out his Frame Type and tattled (*Cough* Sentinel). The Academy is now very careful to keep Exampletron on a leash, for fear of governmental retribution.
Character’s Opinion: Exampletron believes that he needs to do what it takes to get his right to teach back by changing the education system such that knowledge and learning have the most priority in a school setting, putting aside all Classism for it’s sake. He pushed for reforms, and patiently waits for his letters, inquiries, pamphlets, and essays to be reviewed and discussed upon (they never are, but he keeps trying). He’s not a “revolutionary” per say, he thinks everything he’s trying to get done is obvious to everyone, it’s just no one’s bothered to address it yet, is all.
Philosophy: The students, their education, and their quality of life is the most important thing. Hands down. Exampletron thinks that knowledge, history, literature, and culture is all beautiful, and that everyone should have the chance to appreciate it. Teaching is the most rewarding experience there is, and watching your students become better is and should be the goal, always.
Friends With: Several of the staff, administrators, and students of Pious Academy. Doesn’t know anyone else, really.
Platonically Dislikes: One student who always purposely spills oil on his Projector Form, even after Oil consumables were banned from the classroom. What’s with that guy, anyway?
Admires/Looks Up To: Alpha Trion. He’s never seen them in person (obviously), but he is All Over historical accounts of his actions and his records. (It's like having a crush on a historical figure, but that historical figure is still very much alive and it’s awkward as hell for everyone involved.)
Mentor To: Specifically, Hardlight, and aspiring writer in the Architecture History class he assists in. He tutors her on the down-low about the Quintesseons and Age of Wrath, as that’s where her book is set.
General Enemies With: The assistant dean, Whippersnap. They’re always cruel and mocking after one of Exampletron’s attempts to get change or teach a class on the sly goes awry.
Best Friend/Amica Endure: A teacher named Inquiry. They’re not Amica or anything, but they’re still really good friends. Inquiry always asks for Exampletron’s opinion during his geography class.
Romantic Interest: Again, it’s Inquiry. He’s just not sure how to bring it up…
Hate Crush: Uh,,, no one, really? He is Black Aromantic. He doesn’t enjoy hating people, really, but understands that others find this form of romance attractive and/or cathartic.
Arch Nemesis/Mortal Enemy: Trunchable from down the hall. She is THE WORST teacher OF ALL TIME. NO knowledge of subject matter, downright CRUEL to the students AND the other staff. She enjoys cruel and unusual punishment for even the smallest of slights. She once forced another teacher to eat an entire full-sized oil-cake in a teacher’s meeting for stealing her slice of cake from the work fridge, and the teacher got so sick they had to go to the hospital to get their tanks pumped. No one can tell her off or fire her because she’s the daughter of some high ranking official, and to make matters WORSE she teaches THE NEW FORGES. UGH!!!! He doesn’t like hating people, but she forces his platonic hand!
Peacemaker For: Many, many, many student pairs (and one teacher pair). Study groups can be quite challenging when you have to play Peacemaker for not one, not two, but four intensely Black-waxing couples all at the same time. That was a trying semester for Exampletron. The teacher pair is the only one he enjoys Peacekeeping. Young bots, as a rule, are hell to Mediate, even for Exampletron.
Peacemade By: Honeytrap, an assistant dean, mediates Exampletron and Trunchable, basically whenever they’re in the same room. It is a platonic Mediation, but so what? It’s the closest thing you can get with Exampletron.
Author’s Plans/Goals For Character: Exampletron tries to set up a Grid Class at the wrong time in the wrong place, and sends one to many letters to his local senator, and he gets placed on the Government’s long, long shit list. Ironically, Exampletron’s knowledge of history didn’t allow him to realize it was repeating itself, nor save him of his corrupt overlords and the lengths they would go to keep their power. At the end of the Golden Age, during the terror and confusion of the Dreaded Rust Plague, Exampletron, among many other political dissenters of the Prime, both private citizens and public politicians, are kidnapped from their homes and forced through space bridges en-mass to random colony locations. And then, to quarantine off the planet, Sentinel makes the decision to permanently deactivate the space bridges. What timing, amiright? Exampletron lands on Caminus and not one of the infected colonies, thankfully. He didn’t achieve his goal of reforming Cybertron’s education system, but at least the Camiens let him get a job as a history teacher the way he always wanted! He still misses his old students, though (and Inquiry).
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hollenka99 · 5 years
Peer Pressure
Summary: Jack had pushed and pushed. He'd chipped at Sean's mind until he cracked.
Warnings: Like with The Friend, there’s a whole bunch of unhealthy/toxic friendship and resentment. Plus Chase’s suicide is referenced.
Sean's problems begin when Angus gets worse. Jack's always had a big mouth. He tends to speak before he truly thinks things through. Sean's technically to blame for that. However, it hasn't been much of an issue until now. The first time Jack brings it up, he hates to reject him. The painfully dejected look in his best friend's eyes breaks his heart. He wants to help, he really does. He just can't. Not long after, he spends an hour or two looking for a game with an open world. Perhaps he could put on an Australian accent for the anniversary of the character's first appearance. Nothing comes up. Life gets in the way. Sean forgets about the search for a while. Jack never allows him to forget for too long. What starts as "I'm worried about Angus" soon morphs into "Angus only called me Jake once today". The longer it goes on, the more desperate Jack gets. And angrier. Sean has never seen such frustrated fury in his friend. He wishes he never had to. He's not sure when exactly their friendship takes a turn for the worst. It happens after he dyes his hair green, that's all he knows. Sean is excited to dress up as a superhero and Jack is just as pleased to make a new friend. Jackie as a character is expected. His age though? Not so much. Sean never intended for him to be sixteen years old. It causes conversations about school and whether the boy would need an education in the first place. Sean doesn't necessarily see the point. Jackie was currently the only minor in their world. Even if he created a character with children at a later date, the kids would probably be the wrong age group to attend school with Jackie. If it was that important to Jack to see the young superhero have an education, he would have to do it himself. Being home-schooled would also allow Jackie to do his job. 'His name is Marvin.' Jack says a couple days after the magic set video. Sean can't say he was expecting this. Although, he probably should have. It had just been a dumb video. The mask was cheap, something to use once and forget about until you throw it away in a big spring clean. The magic set was the same, only with extra smaller parts. Nothing was meant to come from it. He hadn't even given himself a name. It was just 'Jack the Magnificent'. Where the hell did 'Marvin' come from? "This better not happen again." Jack demands. "I don't want another Angus. God knows you're not going to help." Oh please, would he shut up about Angus already. How many times did he have to tell Jack it wasn't possible before that information got through his thick skull? He's tried. Slightly out of spite, Sean prints out all records he's kept of his research efforts and hand delivers them to the egos' home. Whoop-de-do, it triggers another argument. The Skype call to Signe is long. He thinks he can move on. Oops, haha, I didn't mean to create you but I still want to be on good terms with you. No, of course he can't get on with his life. Jackie has to get himself gravely injured. The demands come from two this time. For once, he's happy to co-operate. The doctor character is fun to play. Screw Jack with his questions about the accent and backstory. It's his channel anyway. If he wants to play a character a certain way, he will do just that. In the case of Dr Schneeplestein, he is an eccentric doctor who probably should have his license checked on and a father whose children were the reward in marital blackmail. The best part is that there are a surplus of games revolving around hospital procedures. See, he could think things through. So there. Not fully satisfied, Jack begins to bargain for a tweaked home life on Schneeplestein's behalf. The doctor suddenly has trust issues regarding his wife instead of her being a cheating, manipulative woman. In the compromise, Sean is also made to increase Schneeplestein's medical competence. When Sean points out the whole joke was that the doctor has dubious qualifications, Jack reminds him he isn't the doctor they'd requested. He guesses that's true. He doesn't want all this to become truly canon yet. That's why he is pleasantly surprised to find videos that are uploaded privately still work to develop an ego. Perfect. Until it isn't. Jack comes complaining about the confliction in 'Henrik' caused by the subscribers still believing the old characterisation. He asks if the egos were a joke to Sean. If anything is a joke, it's their relationship half the time. There are times where he can't think straight thanks to the stress Jack dumps on him. He wishes the guy would shut up for once. Yet, somehow, Sean can't bring himself to change his character. He could, theoretically it would be so easy, but he can't. For the hell of it, he throws in a little extra. They can't die. Or, to be more specific, they can't die for long. Jackie gets stabbed and bleeds out? Easy, just deal with the wound and he should wake up after a while. What this means for Peter, who knows? Sean is thankful when the accountant isn't granted life. That's one less person to keep happy. Like seemingly everything ego-related he does, it backfires. Within a year, this fail safe will have caused more suffering than hope. Sean isn't to know. However, he convinces himself he's done the right thing for once. He sure as hell knows how much trouble it's going to cause him if they don't believe that too. He makes an irreversible mistake in the October of 2016. He gets so caught up in the teasing and build up that he doesn't contemplate how this will affect everyone. Sure, to him it's a bit of red paint. But to Jack? He doesn't want to imagine the scene Jackie discovers. God, he can't believe he's been so thoughtless. Resurrecting the dead is exhausting, he finds. He postpones visiting Jack for a day before realising his avoidance is likely making matters worse. The dread cumulates to the point he swears he will be sick if he doesn't actively focus on his breathing. The loophole he made in September might have ensured nobody died permanently but it never mentioned scars. It's not visible behind the bandages but he knows it's there. Jack is pissed off. Rightfully so. Matters worsen even more after Jackie vanishes while attempting to get away from their fighting. It's just another thing that's ruined the egos' perception of him. If he thought the hill Jack was ready to die on was Angus, he's got another thing coming. There's only so much he can take before he has to force apathy for the sake of his sanity. He understands he can't control Antisepticeye. Once this situation is dealt with, he vows, the demon will never be used on his channel again. The subscribers' love for the character will have to ignored. It's too risky to play Anti again. He puts the red suit on again. In the short video, only a minute or so in length, Jackie sprints through poorly lit corridors to the exit. Sean acts scared and looks behind him frequently as he runs. It is uploaded privately. His community didn't need to know anything about this. He hopes with everything he's got that it works. Nothing. For days, for weeks, for months. Sean doesn't bother letting the egos know what he'd tried to do. It's guaranteed Jack and Marvin would tell him to try harder. He has no idea what that means in this context. Their lack of respect causes him to give up all efforts to have a good relationship with them. Jack still comes over every now and again. Their birthday goes far better than he'd hoped. Plus, Marvin appears to be coming into his own magic-wise. Sean doesn't like what Jack is implying when he mentions he's stopped learning German. At least he appreciates the video he made before Christmas with Henrik.   In an emotional slump, he buys a bunch of Lyons boxes and mini chocolate eggs. It's just a parody of Dude Perfect from someone with zero accuracy. Then he does the stupid thing and creates life again. Fuck it, his wife hates him and he may never see his kids again. Chase Brody's depression causes him to pretend to shoot himself before the end card plays. When Jack calls him and demands to know what the hell he was thinking, Sean has no answer. Afterwards, the ego doesn't provide his creator with any updates. Insisting he has the right to talk to Chase only makes him more hated. Despite having never met before, Chase already resents him. The next time an ego is intentionally created, Sean's going to be there to intercept them. They're not going to enter that home and have their opinion of him influenced by people who wished he wasn't in their lives. The next new guy would be given a fair chance to see Sean for what he was. A massive screw up when it came to the ability he's unsure how to master. In no way is he some villain. August is around the corner when Jack asks to visit. The two of them seem to be on the same page that day. Sean is more than happy to hang out and cheer him up. Believing Jack would be empathetic, he begins a conversation about how the YouTube algorithm was bothering him. Over three years of working as a duo on the Jacksepticeye channel meant Jack should understand where he was coming from. But, of course, his friend makes it all about himself and his own problems. Why wouldn't he? It's what he usually does. They argue because apparently that's the only way they communicate with each other nowadays. Jack sure knows how to pack a punch. Being friends with him shouldn't be such a struggle. Sean snaps. The emotional fatigue of trying to keep up with the algorithm and all this fighting causes him to make one of the worst decisions he'd ever go through with. If Jack wants him to be the bad guy, fine. Sean would be the bad guy. Just this once, he'd actually be the asshole. "You want to sleep, I'll let you sleep." He threatens when Jack begins walking off mid-argument. "Bring back Jackie. He's been missing for months. Do something!" Jack flings viciously back seconds before he marches out the door. He can tell Signe regrets asking him how the gaming session went. He dresses as Schneeplestein as soon as he finalises his plan, pretending he aims to save a version of himself in Bio Inc Redemption. He loses. Oops. He acts as he feels the real Schneeplestein would, desperate not to watch another patient die. He sends the video to Robin for editing. The final uploaded product is nowhere near what he'd recorded. His audience are all talking about Anti. They were praising him for his acting and Robin for his editing. But... he never included Anti. Any recollection of filming the final scene was non-existent. And the parts with Henrik getting possessed weren't him either. The more he thinks about it, the further the terror sets in. Jack had pushed and pushed. He'd chipped at Sean's mind until he cracked. It had only meant to end with Jack slipping into a coma. Just a chance for Sean to focus on his own problems for once. He would have gotten Henrik to wake his patient up when Sean was ready. God, he just wanted peace for a change. It was never meant to happen like this. Marvin is deaf in his rage. Chase is equally distraught. They forbid Sean from entering their home. Henrik is missing and Jack is unresponsive. What had he done?
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rekant-a · 5 years
CHARACTER SHEET repost. do not reblog.
𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
FULL NAME.     jacqueline angela hall NICKNAME / ALIAS.     jack! GENDER.     girl-ish. she/her is fine and she’s comfortable enough being female-aligned she’s just not All The Way There HEIGHT.     5′0! she cannot stand it! AGE.    a very unfortunate topic to talk abt so i will say ‘early 30s’ and leave it at that ZODIAC.     cancer. libra moon?????? LANGUAGES.     just english
𝐩𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
HAIR COLOR.     as dark a brown as you can go without it being jet black. because there’s no ‘hair style’ / place for me to describe her hair i also have to say that her hair is chopped very messily - she usually does it impulsively / herself and then gets it fixed up so, realistically, not as bad as it could be. she’s got bangs + layers and the length is a little below her shoulders, barely long enough to put up but she manages it, somehow. i think soon she’s gonna go even shorter so stay tuned for that EYE COLOR.      very light brown SKIN TONE.       so pale it’s been joked about her being see-through. looks ill. might be. anaemia might factor into her consistently pallid state. burns, doesn’t tan. i also need to mention the abundance of freckles she has on her face, arms, chest and back :3 BODY TYPE.     pretty small, but soft around the middle. no curves whatsoever and prefers it that way. she runs often to calm herself down / channel anger + other unpleasant feelings so she’s got a runner’s frame + strong legs ACCENT.     sounds like she might be trying to unlearn a southern accent, which is very strange, because she lived in minnesota until she was 11. has absolutely no trace of that accent left VOICE.     soft, hesitant, like she’s afraid you’ll actually hear her if she speaks. she thinks it’s noticeably deep, but it isn’t DOMINANT HAND.     right. POSTURE.     slouched. standoffish. generally so that you won’t approach her, but look at you doing it anyway! SCARS.   big tw here for obvious reasons - a lot. brandings, a lot of lashes on her back, tiny scar on her cheek, mostly faded, probably not noticeable unless you get her in really good lighting + pay close attention TATTOOS.     no. afraid of needles BIRTHMARKS.      nil MOST NOTICEABLE FEATURE(S).      slouched posture, freckles, unruly hair, baggy clothing (a jacket like 10 sizes too big)
𝐚𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 !
OCCUPATION.      waitress at a dingy little 24 hour diner where the coffee isn’t great and the eggs are like rubber CURRENT RESIDENCE.          a small, one bedroom apt that, for visual reference, is kinda close to zoe’s in h.ouse of cards (esp incl the little outdoor area) - she shares the burden of rent + utilities with her parents CLOSE FRIENDS.          BUNNY (regrettably)...trish walker and butterfly also get honourable mentions but there’s no chance jack would mention either of them to anyone asking RELATIONSHIP STATUS.             ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ FINANCIAL STATUS.               not super well off personally, but is supported in part by her middle class parents ... like, she has health insurance and lives by herself in new york, so. DRIVER’S LICENSE.               no! CRIMINAL RECORD.               she killed someone kjdhfgkjhdfg VICES.               formerly substance abuse (xanax), occasionally (more often than she’d like) binge drinking, uhhhh violence 
𝐬𝐞𝐱 & 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 !
SEXUAL ORIENTATION.               lesbian!!!!!!!!! PREFERRED EMOTIONAL ROLE.             submissive  |  dominant |  switch. PREFERRED SEXUAL ROLE.             submissive  |  dominant |  switch. LIBIDO.                ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?  TURN ON’S.               WE’LL GET THERE. MAYBE TURN OFF’S.              SEE PREVIOUS LOVE LANGUAGE.               Talking About Herself, Talking About Anything At All, Talking About Her Feelings...Being Comfortable Talking To Another Person In General...... small, chaste touches. sitting in silence. not feeling the need to shy away. any touching at all, tbh. uncertainty. GOD this girl is such a useless lesbian RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES.               IDK BUT LIKE I SAID WE WILL GET THERE!!!!!!!
𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐬 !
CHARACTER’S THEME SONG.         god this is such a wild question and i dont really have an answer but i must, for my own sake, say running up that hill by kate b.ush HOBBIES TO PASS TIME.               running. working. would like to read more but isn’t great at concentrating on one thing for a prolonged period of time + sitting in a quiet room for very long. likes to sit and listen to music. gardening (has little succulents and a small herb garden) MENTAL ILLNESSES.             ptsd, anxiety, insomnia, depression, dyslexia PHYSICAL ILLNESSES.             anaemia, chronic fatigue, lasting effects of malnutrition throughout childhood: insulin resistance, hypertension, dyslipidaemia (elevated cholesterol), awful immune system, impaired function of her kidneys, also affected her reproductive system and her heart, brittle boned, prone to easy breaks and injuries, i’m gonna need to do more digging into the effects on cognition / learning difficulty but i know that there Is Some w jack so, that as well LEFT OR RIGHT BRAINED.            left. PHOBIAS.           enclosed spaces, the dark, suuuuuuper paranoid abt people watching her, uhhh people breaking into her house, also obviously kidnapping SELF CONFIDENCE LEVEL.             very low. she tries not to think about it, but she does dress and act in a way that looks like she’s trying to hide (because she is) VULNERABILITIES.            hmmm... you kno! poor impulse control / prone to violent outburst (we’re working on it) / heightened aggression, not picking up on certain cues / needing to Be Told exactly what one means in order to grasp it, easily overwhelmed, not handling experiencing her own or anyone else’s emotions well at all - prone to shutting down, escapism, her education was very unconventional so there are certain things she doesn’t know and certain things she knows that aren’t true because she was straight up lied to and she’s very insecure about her perception of this world and is doing her best to unlearn / relearn when and where she can, not very good at handling being laughed at + playful jabs
TAGGED BY.  no one.. but i will not be silenced TAGGING.   tag me if you do it!
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tertiovitae-blog · 6 years
Tumblr media
Full Name: Simon Chun, as far as federal documentation says.
Nickname(s): Sy, if he has any beyond that, he doesn’t know about them.
Age: 32
Date of Birth: September 22nd, 1986
Hometown: New York, NY
Current Location: Dertosa, CA
Ethnicity: Korean
Nationality: American
Gender: Cismale
Pronouns: He/him
Orientation: Purposefully emotionally unavailable tbqh
Religion: Raised under a Presbyterian mother and an apathetic father. Currently swings between atheism and agnosticism: he’d like to believe there’s some higher power but fails to see much evidence for the presence of one - at least in the form most modern religions teach. There’s no proof in Simon’s eyes of a God that’s both powerful and benevolent. 
Political Affiliation: Independent. Mixed liberal and conservative attitudes. 
Occupation: Former assistant district attorney in Suffolk County, MA, current owner of Pulp Kitchen and Pulp Vintage, his side business in the rare book & documents. PV specializes in early editions, maps, signatures from significant persons predating the 21st century, and the ever-popular vintage movie posters, as well as a few specialized items (architectural blueprints, maps, letters) from Dertosa’s history. Only a handful of these precious items he actually displays: in the very back of the store, close to his office and locked behind a delicate metal gate. Walk-in purchases are not welcome, though interested customers may contact Simon through PV’s website or by phone to make an appointment to examine the collection in person.   
Living Arrangements: The second floor of Pulp Kitchen is dedicated to Simon’s living space, accessed through the stairwell connected to his backroom office, which also empties out into the alley behind PK. He likes the simplicity of an all-in-one building (as well as the feeling of security afforded by elevation and insulation from other people and structures). He’s managed a mish-mash aesthetic of spare industrialism and coziness: exposed brick walls and steel beams, a dark floor but the living room popping with a deep goldrod-yellow carpet and anchored on a large, buttery, reddish leather sofa. There’s a knit throw blanket tossed over the back of just about every seating surface that isn’t the chairs at the kitchen island. All doors are sliding and usually left open for the feeling of greater space. The apartment is blessed with the same wall-to-wall windows of the cafe downstairs and Simon enjoys having his morning coffee with a chair pulled up to them to soak in a little sun and watch the street wake up below. There’s a surprising lack of bookshelves considering the man himself, but less surprising considering the abundance of them downstairs. 
Language(s) Spoken: English, Korean (less frequently than he knows he should). 
Accent: Fairly neutral American, a very clear, well-enunciated way of speaking.
Face Claim: Steven Yeun
Hair Colour: Black, slightly wavy, usually brushed back or curling over one side of his temple, just a little too short to tuck behind his ears. It tends to not bother him enough that he lets it do what it wants
Eye Colour: Dark brown - call it coffee. 
Height: 5′9
Weight: 145-150 lbs
Build: Closer to slim than wiry or bulked, he pushes himself to stay in shape but he ain’t out to get buff.
Tattoos: N/A
Piercings: N/A
Clothing Style: Man’s got a big spectrum. Take your normal urban book-keep stereotype and add a few more colors and much nicer shoes. Almost always in a collared shirt of some kind, sleeves rolled up above the elbows and leather bracelets on his wrist, or maybe under a well-cut blazer with a discreet watch. You’ll never see Simon in a simple t-shirt if he’s got any choice about it, but at work he’ll range anywhere from this level of fancy jacket to this level of relaxed everything. If he’s going to go casual, it’s definitely in a hoodie with a some kind of weird reference plastered on the front. 
Usual Expression: Neutral and a bit removed, he tends to look ten levels deep in daydreaming even when he’s just sorting shelves or making a cappuccino. There’s pretty clear tells as to whether was he’s thinking is upsetting or pleasant: pinched brows or the smallest upward quirk to his lips.
Distinguishing Characteristics: A rigid scar above his left hip from the struggle three years ago that nearly cost him his life. Simon thanks the bullet scraping his side for giving him the panic-adrenaline to even survive it. A single dimple in his left cheek. Oh -- and we can’t forget the goddamn glasses. He felt like a jackass at first with fake lenses in, but over time he’s learned that they generously contribute to his fulfilling a certain stereotype within this new identity, and he’s now happy to hide behind the thin extra layer of protection granted by longer hair and a useless pair of wire frames. 
Physical Ailments: None.
Neurological Conditions: His move to Dertosa came with a government-recommended psychologist, though Simon only met with her for a month before dropping out of his appointments with the stubborn belief it was better to take care of himself. There’s a bit of a self-stigma in Simon’s mind regarding mental health: depression and paranoia are emotions from his point of view, not conditions, and he expects himself to manage them like an adult, regardless of whether or not that’s a realistic goal. 
Allergies: Lower level lactose intolerant, but the kind who just pops a lactose pill, says ‘fuck it’, and has his latte anyways.
Sleeping Habits: A pretty solid seven to eight hours a night, in bed before midnight and out before eight 90% of the time. Structure is something Simon actively works for, in the hopes it’ll encourage stability. 
Eating Habits: Somewhat of an accidental vegetarian, his typical diet skirts close, but he lacks the moral rigidity on that particular stance. He’s weak once a really good smell hits his nose, meat be damned. Tries to keep his eating habits as regular as sleep, breakfast is a cup of coffee and any fruit he can grab and take downstairs, lunch is grazed from whatever’s on the menu at PK, dinner thrown together before after seven and before nine, always with some sort of fresh green veg involved. It’s tempting sometimes to revert to old college ramen-and-microwaveables habits, but he’s grudgingly taking care of his body with the full knowledge that the work of cooking is worth pushing him for.
Exercise Habits: Swims laps for an hour and half at the YMCA three times a week and tends to bike or walk for groceries, errands, ect. 
Emotional Stability: Mmmmm, let’s say 6, 7? There’s plenty of emotions tugging at Simon’s sleeve, but he’s simmered down to a more stable center as time has passed and he’s proven to be good for better or for worse at systematically approaching, sorting, and stuffing down what he thinks is useful to acknowledge or not. He purposefully tries to keep away from situations of high emotion, he knows himself well enough to know once he is propelled to extremes, it’s hard to get himself down from them.
Sociability: Simon definitely needs his alone time to refuel and recenter, but he also needs the stimulation of other people or he’d go stircrazy. He keeps an arm’s length, but he’s also too curious about what’s rattling around in other people’s heads to be a true isolationist and can be very warm with the right crowd. It’s a pleasure to have social connections, as long as he can keep the frame of mind that they can only go so far as PK’s front door. 
Body Temperature: Cool-natured, there’s a reason he can get away with wearing suit jackets in summer.
Addictions: Lil bit of a hoarder of sentimental objects. Does not matter is the memory is positive or negative and he doesn’t need to be able to lay eyes on it, just to know it’s within his care.
Drug Use: None.
Alcohol Use: Strictly self-enforced as social. He doesn’t bring booze into his house unless it’s for cooking or a guest. No point in tempting a bad habit.
Label: The Advocate, The Enduring, The Cynical
Positive Traits: driven, educated, perceptive, disciplined, curious, conscientious, discrete, generous, steered by an inner moral code
Negative Traits: dogmatic, detached, stubborn, overly self-reliant, impulsive and bold in matters of principle, deeply buried vulnerability to self-criticism, and the capacity to be truly venomous
Goals/Desires: Stay in his own damn lane while making a life for himself he can actually enjoy. 
Fears: Having to start over again, any form of his past biting him in the ass, having an opportunity to do something just but being rendered unable to because of his situation, forgetting the past.
Hobbies: Cultivating Pulp Vintage’s collection is as much hobby as work, swimming, snapping up new posters for the wall of the cafe, listening to podcasts, reading, handheld puzzles, volunteer work. He hasn’t been back to his self-defense course since his first year in Dertosa but his teacher is slowly attempting to wheedle him back into other classes at the gym. Monthly trips back to Dertosa’s legal indoor gun range to keep himself sharp.
Habits: Cleaning those useless glasses as a way to stall a conversation or action, drumming his fingers, the two-handed mug hold, reading behind the cash register, skimming the paper every day from front to back and impulsively checking the news bar on his phone, covering his mouth with his hand while laughing, doing the lazy half-tuck with a shirt, tapping his foot when he’s jazzed up. 
Weather: Daytime summer rain, that perfect crisp winter day when the air is frosty in his lungs and the ground is coated in snow. Real winter is one of the big things he misses about the Northeast.
Colour(s): Green, blue
Music: He started playing classic jazz/oldies in PK for the sake of that bookshop aesthetic, but he’s gotten genuinely into a lot of it. Nina Simone, Cab Calloway. Longtime listener to The Black Keys, Red Hot Chili Peppers. Vivaldi, Andrés Segovia.
Movies: Clever comedies or character studies, psychological thrillers, old Hollywood experimental movies, all the campiest of 80s horror. ‘Nightcrawler’, ‘the Exorcist’, ‘Metropolis’, ‘In the Mood for Love’. 
Sport: Basketball & fencing. He was a pretty damn good at the latter in high school and he’s entirely self-aware of just how pretentious a thing a boarding school fencing team is to be an alumni of.  
Beverage: Water with a few lime slices, sue him for being boring. Guilty pleasure is those stupidly sweet matcha green tea lattes from Starbucks.
Food: Hit him with that spicy shit. Fuck it up with savory flavors. Finish it with good n’ sweet. There’s definitely love for Korean, but he’s big on Thai and Southwestern cuisine as well. 
Animal: Panther. Just about any big cat, tbh.
Father: Jeong Yung-sik, aka Howard Jeong. Incarcerated since 2003, age 67. Eligible for release 2249. 
Mother: Jeong Su-jin, aka Sujin Jeong. Deceased as of 2015, aged 56. Official cause of death: craniocerebral ballistic trauma aka a gunshot to the head. 
Sibling(s): Jeong Min-chul, aka Erik Jeong. Deceased as of 2002, aged 16. Official cause of death: exsanguination aka prolonged and fatal blood loss.
Children: None, despite liking kids he doesn’t realistically see a future where it’d be wise to have them. 
Pet(s): His cats Darlene and Mister Meowgi have the run of Pulp Kitchen, the first named after a character from Mr. Robot, the second by an ex-girlfriend. The pun stuck; Simon still can’t bring himself to rename him. He had to give up his boxer, Odin, when he moved to Dertosa and he misses that damn dog every day. 
Family’s Financial Status: Raised very upper class, currently a comfortable upper-middle. Technically, he has none of the money left over from his family’s generous supply, but some of his earnings from his work as an ADA came with him to start him off in Dertosa and fund the opening of Pulp Kitchen.
Zodiac Sign: Virgo - reliable, practical, critical, seeking goodness while expecting disappointment, prone to overthinking
MBTI: INFJ, ‘The Advocate’ - creative, decisive, perfectionistic, incredibly private, “INFJs have strong beliefs and take the actions that they do not because they are trying to advance themselves, but because they are trying to advance an idea that they truly believe will make the world a better place”.
Enneagram: The heart of Enneagram 8 (the Protector) under a strong shield of Enneagram 5 traits (the Observer) - a conflict between the desire to be confrontational and assertive in issues of justice and protecting the weak and the knowledge that oneself is the person who must be protected first, as well as tendencies towards hoarding and intellectual pursuits. 
Temperament: Melancholic - thoughtful, schedule oriented, economical and perceptive, interested in the philosophical and poetic 
Moral Alignment: Neutral Good - belief in the intrinsic rights of all beings, drive to help the innocent, desire for justice but a willingness to defy the law and do usually immoral things in order to see that justice happens
Primary Vice: Wrath
Primary Virtue: Charity
Element: Water - evolving, inward, empathetic
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Mank and Amanda Seyfried’s Quest to Save Marion Davies from Citizen Kane
Amanda Seyfried is a fan of old school movies and classic Hollywood. Considering the Mank star has been acting since she was a teenager, this isn’t a surprise. In her mind it’s a prerequisite, something that comes with the territory: each young actor is obligated to “study film on the job” when starting out. So she’s seen Citizen Kane, of course, and knew the stories of Orson Welles’ masterpiece taking on newspaper baron William Randolph Hearst. And yet, even she was barely aware of Marion Davies, the once popular movie star from a century ago whose image Kane left like roadkill in its wake.
Perhaps that’s the dark magic of the movies though. Seyfried can recount early memories of Davies’ contemporaries like Charlie Chaplin, who loomed large in her childhood. But the shadows cast by these legends have a way of obscuring everything else.
“I grew up with a father who was obsessed with projectors and old movies,” Seyfried says over a Zoom call. “We have nitrate film still in our basement, and I can’t believe our house hasn’t blown up yet. I grew up surrounded by Charlie Chaplin, James Cagney, and Laurel and Hardy. I just watched everything with my dad… that was my childhood. And I still didn’t know about Marion Davies.”
To Seyfried, Davies was just a name, another glamorous Hollywood film star from the ‘30s who was renowned for her beauty and style—and like so many other women of that era, was overlooked for anything more. Yet after the early 21st century star was cast to play her 20th century counterpart in David Fincher’s Mank, Seyfried became astonished by a talent that’s been largely forgotten, and determined to do it justice.
“She’s effortless,” Seyfried says of Davies. “She is immensely watchable, really funny, and clearly for me, [a] really talented comedian. She’s got the timing all right. She’s like Goldie Hawn. She’s fantastic, and I don’t think she got the respect that she deserved.”
That frustration stems in part from how Davies came into the industry. Once a chorus girl who ran away from a Catholic convent education, Davies had a natural ability for Vaudeville comedy and Broadway theatricality, appearing as one of the Ziegfeld Follies while still a teenager. And it was as a Folly that she met William Randolph Hearst, the much, much older (and married) media tycoon who became enamored with Davies, and soon her suitor.
Says Seyfried, “I think a lot of people assume that it was just one of those situations, a May-December relationship with the billionaire man and the young woman. And it just wasn’t that. It might never have been that.”
It was, however, what brought Davies to Hollywood, with Hearst grooming her for stardom in first the silent era of the 1920s and then the early talkies of the ‘30s. It also simultaneously provided Marion with opportunities and obstacles. Her natural knack for comic timing was often mitigated by Hearst’s desire to see his mistress in respectable period fare: as Mary Tudor in When Knighthood was in Flower (1922) or as Marie Antoinette in a film MGM eventually made—without Davies, much to Hearst’s chagrin.
Many, including Seyfried, believe these career choices limited Davies’ potential, and hid her genuine talents. However, the bigger blow to her legacy was due to something entirely out of her hands: Orson Welles and (more painfully) screenwriter Herman J. Mankiewicz’s Citizen Kane. As a thinly veiled satire of Hearst—especially in Mankiewicz’s first draft—that film followed a fictional newspaper baron who becomes obsessed with a young entertainer played by Dorothy Comingore. Like Davies, Comingore’s Susan Alexander has a thick New York accent, but unlike Davies, Susan is a talentless singer who feels trapped and resentful of Kane’s possessiveness.
Says Seyfried, “A lot of people when they think of Marion, when they hear her name, they think of Susan Alexander. So that’s not helpful. It’s a myth. They’re very different careers.” For starters, Seyfried sees talent and incredibly hard work in Marion’s filmography, as well as a brutal intelligence that Seyfried knows was misunderstood. “It’s sad she has been misunderstood for so long, in a lot of ways,” she says. But that misunderstanding is in no small part because of how oblivious Susan Alexander is depicted in Kane.
It’s one of the biggest acts of betrayal in Golden Age Hollywood, and it’s a treachery at the heart of Mank’s drama. Seyfried plays Davies, thick Brooklyn accent and all, as a bon vivant. She’s the life of the party and lady love of Hearst (Charles Dance), whose old age is a seemingly endless party at his and Davies’ castle like home of San Simeon. There Marion and Hearst hold court, including with their favorite jester, screenwriter Herman “Mank” Mankiewicz (Gary Oldman).
It was Mank who had the idea to turn Hearst’s life into a source of drama and tragedy when meeting with Welles, and it was Mank who made the choice of depicting Charles Foster Kane’s lover as a lonely, self-absorbed neophyte imprisoned in his palace. It wasn’t the Marion whom Mankiewicz knew, which Mank demonstrates by showing an actress of scathing wit that’s every bit as quick as Mank’s. Yet that unflattering image of Marion was the one Mankiewicz felt compelled to give the public. He knew how to find a good story.
Perception, even among industry insiders, is everything. And those pressures are ones Seyfried is acutely aware of, particularly given how little they’ve changed in the hundred or so years that separate her from Davies.
“You always encounter people who want to tell you what to do and where to go and how to do it,” Seyfried says. “Agents, managers, publicists, you have these people that are meant to help you and guide you, and when done well, they do really well, and you have a good relationship with them.” In that sense, Seyfried doesn’t believe the industry has changed much at all from the days of Hearst demanding Davies appear a certain way, which Seyfried believes “put her in a box [and] was partially why her career petered out.”
Says Seyfried, “There have been times when I have argued over my own career path at one time time or another, and also the powers that be in Hollywood sometimes want to put you in a box. It’s really hard to push through that in the beginning of your career, and you just have to be strong-willed and know what you want. Luckily I didn’t get trapped at any point too much, but it’s hard, especially to be a woman and feel like you have a voice and that people actually want to listen to you.”
The way Seyfried sees it, there are things about the industry that weren’t going to change for decades or more, “maybe a century, sadly.” And there remain other challenges as well. Citizen Kane might make Davies’ experience with being misunderstood singular, but Seyfried is all too aware that “anybody who’s famous is misunderstood immediately because nobody can ever know the real person, every dimension of somebody.”
Seyfried came to understand those similarities, and appreciate Marion’s full talents as soon as she began preparation for Mank. That process included reading Davies’ autobiography, The Times We Had: Life with William Randolph Hearst—a series of recollections as much about Davies and Hearst’s mythic parties at San Simeon as her film career—as well as diving into old movies like Cain and Mabel (1936). But at the end of the day, it always boiled down to finding Marion’s voice as imagined by Fincher’s singular eye, and his father Jack Fincher’s painstakingly authentic screenplay.
Coming to work with David for the first time, Seyfried was obviously aware of the stories about him shooting many, many takes for every scene—Mank even apparently set a record for the director during a climactic sequence at a Hearst party. And Seyfreid has a story of her own. It involves Mank’s recreation of Davies’ infamous exit from the MGM lot (a reaction to the studio passing her over for Marie Antoinette), which itself was a reshoot that included Seyfried’s Davies driving away with a full size house on a flatbed, dozens upon dozens of times.
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By Don Kaye
David Fincher’s Joker and Orson Welles Criticisms Shouldn’t Matter
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“I don’t know,” Seyfried confesses when we ask exactly how many takes she filmed that scene. “I will tell you, I definitely fell asleep a lot in the back of that car. Many, many naps.”
However, what surprised Seyfried most about being inside Fincher’s process is that his penchant for multiple takes is the thing that gets most publicized.
“I think it’s surprising to me that he’s not immediately known for other things, that it’s the takes,” says Seyfried. “I feel like enough people have spoken about him, about working with him, that I think it’s still funny that people are still hanging onto the multiple takes thing. Having worked with him, I don’t feel like that really characterizes him at all.”
Instead she thinks what does characterize him is the warmth and freedom he gives actors to play.
“What I really loved finding out was that he’s incredibly respectful of his actors because we are the people embodying his characters, and we all need to feel supported… He gives us huge space to evolve and grow within the scene or the work, or the moments, even.”
It also gave Seyfried the space she needed to luxuriate in the language crafted by Jack, and his sometimes old-fashioned dialogue. Indeed, before writing Citizen Kane, Mankiewicz cut his teeth on Hollywood comedies in the early sound era, helping write scenarios and gags for the Marx Brothers around the same time that screwball comedy was being invented. And in Mank, Mankiewicz and Davies’ scenes especially crackle with rapid fire exchanges.
“We have a spark,” Seyfried says of her and Oldman’s scenes. “Gary and I have worked together before and we get each other. I think we’re perfectly matched to play anybody if we’re doing it together. I think we work very similarly and that spark you hopefully feel when you’re watching the scenes with us is actually based in reality.”
Yet at the same time, Seyfried credits Jack’s screenplay, which she compares to being “like cake for us,” as a chance to imagine what it might’ve been like if Mankiewicz could have ever written a comedy for Davies.
“If the powers that be could have made that happen, I think that they would have made such wonderful music together,” Seyfried reflects. “They’re cut from the same cloth. The chemistry that’s there was, I do believe, very authentic… He clearly had deep feelings for her, platonic feelings for her, a deep respect. And I think she felt the same for him. It would have been amazing to see that, to see him write for her.”
With Mank, it’s as if he finally has. And in so doing, Seyfried has helped Davies take a spotlight free from Kane’s deep shadows.Mank premieres on Netflix on Friday, Dec. 4.
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thornstocutyouwith · 7 years
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﹄☆✮Full Name: Cystennin Callum Branwen
﹄☆✮Pronunciation: KihSTEHN-ahN Cay(Kal)-lum (Alternatively Caelum) BRAHN-wen ﹄☆✮Nickname/Alias: Bran (Brahn) ﹄☆✮Meaning: Cystennin means: Constant. Callum means: Dove. Branwen means: Beautiful Raven. ﹄☆✮Pet Name: ﹄☆✮Signature: 
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﹄☆✮Gender: Male ﹄☆✮Orientation: Undecided ﹄☆✮Real Age: Nineteen ﹄☆✮Age Appearance: ﹄☆✮Birthday: February 20, 1998 ﹄☆✮Deathday: July 2nd, 20XX ﹄☆✮Birthplace: Llanfair­pwllgwyngyll­gogery­chwyrn­drobwll­llan­tysilio­gogo­goch, Wales ﹄☆✮Faceclaim: Dylan O'Brien ﹄☆✮Zodiac Sign(Western/Eastern): Pisces - Aquarius Cusp, (Earth) Tiger
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﹄☆✮Parenting: His parents were great, they loved him to pieces. He was always well-taken care off and often times babied as a child. His father always made sure to spend time with him at least once a day and wasn't shy about telling Callum he had loved him. The same with his mother, Cystennin always took their main priority over all. ﹄☆✮Upbringing: Christian Ideals and Morals, but not strict. Paganistic morals and ideals. ﹄☆✮Infancy: Callum was good baby, his mother and father didn't drop him or anything. He was very well behaved and intelligent. It didn't seem to take him much time to pick up on things and learn quickly. ﹄☆✮Childhood: Callum was quite reserved as a child. He liked to be by himself and just explore the world around him at times. He was endlessly fascinated by anything he could see. ﹄☆✮Adolescence: In his early teens Callum had started getting more interested in other things, these interests lead him to work on things with his hands. Taking apart stuff, or building something from nothing, almost. He really got into all sorts of sciences and such. His classwork often times would suffer because he was just never interested in it. He'd rather learn things on his own, of his own want, rather than that of a teacher's. He also began to get into writing at this time and started working on his first book. ﹄☆✮Adulthood: Callum is only 19 and has just started his adult life, but he has accomplished plenty in this short time. He has sold a relatively successful book of a series he's still working on today. Though between writing sessions he helps bands touring with their technical work. Which he also enjoys doing. ﹄☆✮Coming of Age: Callum has always had a very responsible attitude about certain things, growing up. But the moment he 'grew up' is when he moved out and started living away from his parents. ﹄☆✮Evolution: Callum hasn't really changed much at all growing up, he has kept his innocent, reserved, curiousness throughout the years. For the most part he has become more childish and playful the more the years go by. ﹄☆✮Current Residence: Sunnyvale, California ﹄☆✮Funds: He has $50 on him, $3569.48 At home, $2400 at the bank ﹄☆✮Home: His apartment is relatively neat, but does have some mess here and there, like clothing and books, and such. ﹄☆✮Neighborhood: Callum thinks they are friendly, but he's never really talked much with his neighbors. Though the entire place is very well kept since it's a very decent place to live. ﹄☆✮Transportation: Kawasaki Ninja ﹄☆✮License Plate Number:
﹄☆✮Occupation: Author/ Technician/ Back up Vocals  ﹄☆✮Work Ethnic: Callum works enthusiastically, he loves what he's doing. Though of course some days can be a complete drag. ﹄☆✮Rank: He is mostly self-employed, so he is the highest rank. ﹄☆✮Income: ﹄☆✮Wealth Status: Middle-Upperclass ﹄☆✮Experience: Assistant Engineer, Engineering, Art Model ﹄☆✮Organizations/Affiliations:
﹄☆✮IQ: 127 ﹄☆✮Education: His parents didn't trust schools to give him a proper education. Though they had sent him to one they viewed as 'fair' while also having him doing extra work at home every so often, outside of his regular school work. ﹄☆✮School: Callum's school was a private school so it could be seen as better than at the very least most public schools. ﹄☆✮Grades: Callum got the highest grades just as much as he did the lowest, he didn't care much for school at all. ﹄☆✮Special Education: Early in life Callum skipped two grades. ﹄☆✮Social Stereotype: He never really had one. ﹄☆✮Degrees: Highschool ﹄☆✮Intelligence: Interpersonal ﹄☆✮Extracurricular Activities: Art, Music, Home Ec
﹄☆✮Religion: Peganism ﹄☆✮Morals: ﹄☆✮Crime Record: Has not been caught breaking any laws. ﹄☆✮Motivation: Reputation ﹄☆✮Priorities: Family, Writing, friends ﹄☆✮Philosophy: Individualism ﹄☆✮Political Party: ﹄☆✮Etiquette: Callum has relatively decent manners, there are some areas where he might be lacking though. ﹄☆✮Culture: American, Welsh, Scottish, and Pegan ﹄☆✮Influences: ﹄☆✮Relates to: ﹄☆✮Traditions: Welsh and Pegan mostly ﹄☆✮Superstitions:
﹄☆✮Main Goal: Becoming a popular author. ﹄☆✮Minor Goals/Ambitions: ﹄☆✮Career: Being an Author ﹄☆✮Desires: ﹄☆✮Wishlist: ﹄☆✮Accomplishments: Became an author. ﹄☆✮Greatest Achievement: ﹄☆✮Biggest Failure: Not paying being interested enough in school to fulfill his full potential. ﹄☆✮Secrets: ﹄☆✮Regrets: Not getting more interested in school. ﹄☆✮Worries: ﹄☆✮Best Dream: ﹄☆✮Worst Nightmare: ﹄☆✮Best Memories: ﹄☆✮Worst Memories:
﹄☆✮Languages: English, Cymraeg, Gaelic ﹄☆✮Accent: Thick blend of British, Welsh and Scottish, accents. Untainted, despite the years he has been in america. ﹄☆✮Voice: Medium pitched, soft yet penatrating and elegant. ﹄☆✮Speech Impediments: Bad stutter ﹄☆✮Greetings and Farewells: ﹄☆✮State of Mind: ﹄☆✮Compliment: ﹄☆✮Insult: ﹄☆✮Expletive: Shiiit! ﹄☆✮Laughter: ﹄☆✮Tag Line: "Um." ﹄☆✮Signature Quote:
﹄☆✮Reputation: Many people know of him as a New Author ﹄☆✮First Impressions: Shy and quiet, but also friendly. ﹄☆✮Stranger Impressions: ﹄☆✮Friendly Impressions: ﹄☆✮Enemy Impressions: ﹄☆✮Familiar Impressions: ﹄☆✮Compliments: ﹄☆✮Insults: ﹄☆✮Self-Impression:
+++ IMAGINATIVE: having or showing creativity or inventiveness +++ THOUGHTFUL: showing careful consideration or attention. +++ METICULOUS: showing great attention to detail; very careful and precise. +++ SAGE: having, showing, or indicating profound wisdom +++ BALANCED: keeping or showing a balance; arranged in good proportions. +++ HELPFUL: giving or ready to give help. +++ PERSUIASIVE: good at persuading someone to do or believe something through reasoning or the use of temptation. +++ BENEVOLENT: well meaning and kindly. +++ DEBONAIR: confident, stylish, and charming. +++ AMBITIOUS: having or showing a strong desire and determination to succeed.
--- UNPREDICTABLE: not able to be predicted. --- CHILDISH: silly and immature. --- MANIPULATIVE: characterized by unscrupulous control of a situation or person. --- ODD: different from what is usual or expected; strange. --- CONFIDENTIAL: intended to be kept secret. --- UNDEMANDING: not demanding --- HYPNOTIC: exerting a compelling, fascinating, or soporific effect --- SHY: being reserved or having or showing nervousness or timidity in the company of other people. --- CLUMSY: awkward in movement or in handling things. --- EXPERIMENTAL: involving a radically new and innovative style.
﹄☆✮Perception: ﹄☆✮Conflicts: ﹄☆✮Instincts: ﹄☆✮Lures: Sweets, Animals, Libraries, The Woods ﹄☆✮Soft Spot: The injured/upset ﹄☆✮Cruel Streak: Jerks ﹄☆✮Mood: Quiet and content ﹄☆✮Attitude: Shy but friendly ﹄☆✮Stability: Quite emotionally stable ﹄☆✮Expressiveness: Sometimes they are extremely expressive, other times they aren't. ﹄☆✮When Happy: ﹄☆✮When Depressed: ﹄☆✮When Angry: 
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﹄☆✮Immediate Family: Andras Branwen ( Father ), Nathaira Branwen (Mother) ﹄☆✮Distant Family:
﹄☆✮Community: ﹄☆✮Family: ﹄☆✮Friends: Addison ( Best Friend!) ﹄☆✮Enemies: ﹄☆✮Bosses: ﹄☆✮Followers: ﹄☆✮Heroes: ﹄☆✮Rivals: ﹄☆✮Relates to: ﹄☆✮Pets/Familiars:
﹄☆✮Lovers: ﹄☆✮Marital Status: 
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﹄☆✮Species: Human ﹄☆✮Ethnicity: European ﹄☆✮Blood Type: O ﹄☆✮Preferred Hand: Ambidextrous, but Left preferent. ﹄☆✮Eye Color: Amber ﹄☆✮Hair Color: Dark brown ﹄☆✮Hairstyle: Hair ﹄☆✮Skin Tone: ﹄☆✮Complexion: ﹄☆✮Build: Lean, Average ﹄☆✮Height: 5'11" ﹄☆✮Weight: 123 ﹄☆✮Facial Hair: ﹄☆✮Birthmarks/scars: Moles/birthmarks all over body. Scar on his right temple from a childhood accident. ﹄☆✮Distinguishing Features:
﹄☆✮Health: Quite healthy ﹄☆✮Energy: Can be seen as very energetic. ﹄☆✮Memory: Callum can remember things pretty well, mostly when it's about a subject he's really interested in. ﹄☆✮Senses: Callum has somewhat bad eyesight, but he can hear things extremely well. ﹄☆✮Allergies: ﹄☆✮Handicaps: ﹄☆✮Medication: antidepressants, antipsychotics, ﹄☆✮Phobias: Spheksophobia ( Fear of Wasps), Sciophobia (Fear of Shadows), Hemophobia (Fear of Blood), Coimetrophobia ( Fear of Cemetaries), Aphenphosmphobia ( Fear of being touched), Cynophobia ( Fear of dogs/Rabies), Merinthophobia ( Fear of being bound or tied up), Pupaphobia (Fear of Puppets), Psellismophobia ( Fear of Stuttering), Poinephobia ( Fear of Punishment), Pediophobia ( Fear of Dolls), Nyctophobia ( Fear of the dark, or of night.), Gelotophobia ( Fear of being laughed at), Emetophobia ( Fear of Vomiting), Dystychiphobia ( Fear of Accidents), Dishabiliophobia ( Fear of undressing in front of someone), Cleithrophobia (Fear of being locked in an enclosed space) ﹄☆✮Addictions: ﹄☆✮Mental Disorders: Schizophreniform disorder, Panic Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder
﹄☆✮Style: Casual, professional, loose fitting clothing. ﹄☆✮Mode of Dress: Often times somewhere between well kept to messy, except on off days, where it could be one extreme or the other. ﹄☆✮Grooming: Also often times somewhere between well kept to messy, except on off days, where it could be one extreme or the other. ﹄☆✮Posture: Stands mostly straight and proper ﹄☆✮Gait: ﹄☆✮Coordination: He has great reflex's but bad exicutions of movement at times, which makes him seem quite clumsy. ﹄☆✮Scent: Earthy rose and rain smell 
𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕖𝕩𝕥𝕣𝕒 𝕓𝕚𝕥𝕤
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﹄☆✮Habits and Mannerisms: (Any nervous ticks or unconscious habits your character might have. Ex: Nail biting, crosses arms, or twirls hair)
﹄☆✮Wardrobe: (Describe your character's closet. What is their formal, casual, or other kind of wear?) ﹄☆✮Accessories: (Tattoos, piercing, jewelry, glasses, ect.) ﹄☆✮Trinkets: (Applies to but not limited to good luck charms, purses, watches, or any other items they carry with them almost all the time.) ﹄☆✮Collections: (Does your character like to hoard or collect anything?) ﹄☆✮Most valuable possession: (In money)
﹄☆✮Prized Possession: (What object does your character value above all else?) ﹄☆✮Sex Life: (Pretty self explanatory) ﹄☆✮Turn-Ons: (What does your character want to see in their ideal mate?) ﹄☆✮Turn Offs: (What tends to make them back off) ﹄☆✮Position: (Dom/Sub) ﹄☆✮Plays: (Bondage, roleplay, ect.) ﹄☆✮Fetishes: (Self Explanatory) ﹄☆✮Virginity: (How many times have they "done it"?)
﹄☆✮Element: (Fire/Water/Air/Earth)
﹄☆✮Hobbies/Interests: (What does your character like to do for fun?) ﹄☆✮Skills/Talents: (Similar to hobbies, but refers to the level of skill a character has. For example, a character could like playing violin but isn't very good at it or vice versa.) ﹄☆✮Likes: (What does your character like?) ﹄☆✮Dislikes: (What can't they stand?) ﹄☆✮Sense of Humor: (Dark/dry/witty/sarcastic/dirty/childish/sophisticated/ironic) ﹄☆✮Pet Peeves: (Similar to dislikes, only more relating to human behavior than specific objects. Ex: When people tap on things or when people say "You're not fat!" when you really are) ﹄☆✮Superstitions/Beliefs: (Does your character believe in conspiracy theories or aliens? Do they throw salt over their shoulder or knock on wood?) ﹄☆✮Dreams/Nightmares: (What do they dream about? [at night]) ﹄☆✮Quirks: (The strange little things that your character does to make them unique. Ex: Sleeps with their feet on the pillow or runs their hand along a pole as they walk beside it.) ﹄☆✮Savvy: (What is your character particularly well-informed of? [Ex: Politically, nature) ﹄☆✮Can't understand: (Something they just can't get into, such as English literate or obsession with sports) ﹄☆✮Closet Hobby: (Something that your character likes but isn't too obvious.) ﹄☆✮Guilty Pleasure: (You know...)
﹄☆✮Favorite Colors: ﹄☆✮Favorite Animals: ﹄☆✮Favorite Mythological Creatures: ﹄☆✮Favorite Places: (Ex: Fav City, State, or Country) ﹄☆✮Favorite Landmarks: (Ex: Eiffel Tower, Mt. Rushmore) ﹄☆✮Favorite Flavors: (Ex: Vanilla, Sour, Strawberry) ﹄☆✮Favorite Foods: ﹄☆✮Favorite Drinks: ﹄☆✮Favorite Characters: (Not one of yours) ﹄☆✮Favorite Genre: ﹄☆✮Favorite Books: ﹄☆✮Favorite Movies: ﹄☆✮Favorite Games: ﹄☆✮Favorite Shows: ﹄☆✮Favorite Music: ﹄☆✮Favorite Bands: ﹄☆✮Favorite Songs: ﹄☆✮Favorite Sports: ﹄☆✮Favorite Stores: ﹄☆✮Favorite Subjects: ﹄☆✮Favorite Numbers: ﹄☆✮Favorite Websites: ﹄☆✮Favorite Words: ﹄☆✮Favorite Quotations: (Can be lengthy and philosophical or just simple clichés such as "Every dog has his day)
﹄☆✮Least Favorite Colors: ﹄☆✮Least Favorite Animals: ﹄☆✮Least Favorite Mythological Creatures: ﹄☆✮Least Favorite Places: ﹄☆✮Favorite Landmarks: ﹄☆✮Least Favorite Flavors: ﹄☆✮Least Favorite Foods: ﹄☆✮Least Favorite Drinks: ﹄☆✮Least Favorite Characters: ﹄☆✮Least Favorite Genre: ﹄☆✮Least Favorite Books: ﹄☆✮Least Favorite Movies: ﹄☆✮Least Favorite Games: ﹄☆✮Least Favorite Shows: ﹄☆✮Least Favorite Music: ﹄☆✮Least Favorite Bands: ﹄☆✮Least Favorite Songs: ﹄☆✮Least Favorite Sports: ﹄☆✮Least Favorite Stores: ﹄☆✮Least Favorite Subjects: ﹄☆✮Least Favorite Numbers: ﹄☆✮Least Favorite Websites: ﹄☆✮Least Favorite Words: ﹄☆✮Least Favorite Quotations: (Can be lengthy and philosophical or just simple clichés such as "Every dog has his day)
﹄☆✮MBTI Personality Type: [Ex: ENTP, ISTJ] ﹄☆✮Temperament: (Chloric/Sanguine/Melancholic/Phlegmatic) May also be called color types, such as yellow, red, blue, or green) ﹄☆✮Enneagram: (The Reformer/The Helper/The Achiever/The Individualist/The Investigator/The Loyalist/The Enthusiast/The Challenger/The Peacemaker) ﹄☆✮Ego/Superego/Id: (Superego is aims for perfection, society, and the idea of right and wrong. Id is unconscious desires and instincts - Which of these are they most driven by? ﹄☆✮The Self: (The center/core of your character) ﹄☆✮The Shadow: (The opposite qualities your character themselves does not believe they possess, but do subconsciously) ﹄☆✮Persona/Mask: (What they present to the world, or the side they use to protect themselves)
﹄☆✮Role: (What purpose does your character serve? [mentor, leader]) ﹄☆✮Fulfillment: (How well do they serve that role?) ﹄☆✮Significance: (Why does your character matter?) ﹄☆✮Alignment: (Good/Evil/Neutral/Lawful/Chaotic) ﹄☆✮Comparison: (Compare your character to some kind of animal, object, or anything else you can think of.) ﹄☆✮Symbol: (Does your character have any kind of recurring symbol that represents them? [Ex: a rose, a black cat, a sunset] Could be blatant or subtle.) ﹄☆✮Song: (A song you think best suits your character) ﹄☆✮Vice: (Pride/Greed/Gluttony/Lust/Envy/Sloth/Wrath) ﹄☆✮Virtue: (Patience/Diligence/Chastity/Temperance/Charity/Kindness/Humility) ﹄☆✮Defining Moment: (This is it. The single greatest moment of your character, when they truly become alive.) ﹄☆✮Tropes: (What about your character is stereotypical or cliched? [You can't say nothing. Every character has some kind of cliche in them]) ﹄☆✮One Word: (Use a single adjective to sum up your character in a nutshell)
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trueraretalent · 7 years
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1. Describe the character’s height and build. Is he heavyset, thin, short, rangy?
“I’m skinny or lean or whatever and I think I’m about 5′9? I don’t know.”
shut up alex, you’re 5′8 and you know it.
2. How old is he?
3. Describe his posture. Does he/she carry himself well or does he/she slouch?
“It could probably be better, but I don't slouch too much. Depends on my mood really.”
4. How is his health? Is he fit or out of shape? Any illnesses or conditions? Any physical disabilities?
“Obviously I’m nowhere near as fit as Jordan, but - and this is hard to believe, I know - I’m actually a fairly decent runner and did track for a few years. Take after my mum in that aspect, I guess.”
5. How does he move? Is he clumsy, graceful, tense, fluid?
“There’s…there’s more than one way to move? Fluid, I don’t fucking know.”
he moves with ease and usually looks comfortable or casual or whatever. idk. 
6. How attractive is this character physically? How does he perceive himself in the mirror?
“Why don’t you tell me? Attraction is more of a perception thing based on personal preference so… but I’m not looking at myself and nitpicking, anyway, I know I’m pretty ace.”
was that a fucking pun you little shit.
7. Describe his complexion. Dark, light, clear, scarred?
“I’m pale. I’m a white-ass white boy and I’ve got a bunch of tiny freckles all over the place because I’m incapable of tanning.”
8. Describe his hair: color, texture, style.
“My hair is about as straight as I am, and if you’re a sucker for brown hair with shaved sides, boy do I have news for you.”
he doesn’t do much to style it or anything. usually just rolls out of bed and brushes with his fingers. (x)(x)
9. What color are his/her eyes?
“Fuck if I know.”
they’re brown alex. they’re brown.
10. Does the character have any other noteworthy features?
“Dimples deeper than the Pacific ocean.”
11. What are his/her chief tension centers?
“…Shoulders, I guess.”
his first instinct was to say farrah. tf alex.
12. What is the character’s wardrobe like? Casual, dressy, utilitarian? Bright colors, pastels, neutrals? Is it varied, or does he/she have six of the same suit?
“I don’t even know. I’ve got ripped jeans and a whole range of graphic tees and also some random big name shit. My fashion policy is basically just if it looks cool, I wear it. Pretty casual, ridiculously varied. I don’t really have a colour scheme at all, but hey! If I can throw together a half decent outfit then who cares?”
wardrobe tag: (x)
13. Do his/her clothes fit well? Does he/she seem comfortable in them?
“That’s basically my only criteria, so yeah. That, and if the clothes match whatever the hell my acethetic is.”
that's pun number two, people.
14. Does he/she dress the same on the job as he/she does in his free time? If not, what are the differences?
“If I had a job, I’m sure I’d make myself look professional as fuck.”
i doubt that.
15. You knew it was coming: Boxers, briefs or commando?
1. What does this character’s voice sound like? High-pitched, deep, hoarse?
“…Am I meant to know this? Middle-range, I guess. A teacher once described my voice as ‘warm’ which was weird but might answer the question?”
imma be honest with you fam, half the time i imagine him with a british accent like his fc, one daniel howell. idk?? dan howell without the accent?? idk???? pretty even and clear, no cracking when he speaks. idk.
2. How does he/she normally speak? Loud, soft, fast, evenly? Does he/she talk easily, or does he/she hesitate?
“Okay - well - right. I just interrupted myself several times so sorry about that but let me give you the run down. I speak pretty easily, but speed varies depending on who I’m talking to or how I’m feeling and all that shit. The more nervous or worried I am, the more I ramble and I speed up a bit, but when I’m angry I’ve got a very even and calm tone somehow and when I’m talking to someone new I try and avoid talking quickly.”
3. Does the character have a distinct accent or dialect? Any individual quirks of pronunciation? Any, like, you know, verbal tics?
“Not really.”
when he rambles he does a lot more ‘you know’ and ‘i mean’ without noticing.
4. What language/s does he/she speak, and with how much fluency?
“English. And I know some French from school but that’s about it.”
5. Does he/she switch languages or dialects in certain situations?
“Uhh, no. Breaking out in French at random times would be super fucking weird, considering I know roughly five words.”
…yeah…who would…do that…
i apologise for my son penelope
6. Is he/she a good impromptu speaker, or does he/she have to think about his words?
“I’m a very good impromptu speaker. That’s basically the only speaking I do.”
literally the only time he stops and fully thinks his words through is when he’s full on angry. like legitimately furious. so, not talking to any one in particular here nope not at all i’m sure this will never be relevant at all ever haha, if alex is taking his sweet sweet time to answer, you know you’ve fucked up big time.
7. Is he/she eloquent or inarticulate? Under what circumstances might this change?
“A mix of both, I think. It depends on the subject, but talking is one of my strong suits so it’s not like I can’t convey an opinion.”
he’s probably more eloquent when he’s angry. also sarcastic. it's wild, he really gets his anger from vidia.
Mental and Emotional
1. How intelligent is this character? Is he/she book-smart or street-smart?
“Well, I’m not stupid. I ace most tests. My problem is more just figuring out where to ‘apply myself’. I know a lot about things I actually like and certain social issues like the feminist movement and sexuality stuff. And the only reason I passed maths as a sophomore was because I managed to get the teacher to like me after he’d decided that he hated the class with a passion. He wasn’t even subtle about that, actually. He literally announced it in our second week of classes. Yeah, he didn't fuck around. We had that in common. Anyway, befriending people is the closest I’ve got to street smarts.”
alex’s pun count so far: 4, i think.
2. Does he/she think on his feet, or does he/she need time to deliberate?
“I think a lot more on my feet than I probably should.”
3. Describe the character’s thought process. Is he/she more logical, or more intuitive? Idealistic or practical?
“I’d say more idealistic. I’m an optimist. Apparently those are in short supply nowadays so I’m basically a unicorn. But yeah, probably more intuitive than logical, I’m led by my emotions rather than my head.”
for anyone curious, his mbti is enfp. take that as you will.
4. What kind of education has the character had?
“Imagine a series of private schools full of a mix of the kids of both shockingly successful strippers and the classic pretentious rich assholes. It was a weird juxtaposition. But I’ve gone through all the regular tiers to university.”
5. What are his/her areas of expertise? What, if anything, is he/she interested in learning more about?
“Social issues, probably. I was pretty good at drama. Also I did violin for like 3 years. I still suck but at least I can be rhythmic about it. I don't know what I want to know more about, just a whole bunch of things in general. Biology has always been interesting.”
it hasn't really, he’s just taking any opportunity for a pun.
6. Is he/she an introvert or an extrovert?
“Take a wild guess.”
extrovert, in case it wasn’t clear.
7. Describe the character’s temperament. Is he/she even-tempered or does he/she have mood swings? Cheerful or melancholy? Laid-back or driven?
“I’m pretty even-tempered and cheerful. I’ve got energy but I wouldn’t say I’m driven. My focus can be pretty sporadic sometimes.”
8. How does he/she respond to new people or situations? Is he/she suspicious, relaxed, timid, enthusiastic?
“New people are great. Love ‘em. I’m pretty comfortable with most people, really.”
9. Is he/she more likely to act, or to react?
”Umm… react…?”
10. Which is his/her default: fight or flight?
“I see your fight and flight and raise you; freeze.”
probably fight tbh.
11. Describe the character’s sense of humor. Does he/she appreciate jokes? Puns? Gallows humor? Bathroom humor? Pranks?
“Most humour, really. I can get bi with jokes, but I really ace sexuality puns - and you know that thing that happens where you create some ridiculously elaborate scenario and get really into? Yeah, I love doing that. I also have a compulsive need to make sarcastic comments. I think it’s a genetic thing.”
12. Does the character have any diagnosable mental disorders? If yes, how does he/she deal with them?
13. What moments in this character’s life have defined him/her as a person?
“Being born was pretty significant. Meeting Jordan, definitely. Learning to embrace my sexuality. I don’t know, a bunch of little things. A bunch of people. Fucking Tyler, unfortunately.” 
fucking tyler page - this boy’s first serious relationship. listen up fam: it was a mess and fucked him up a little for a while there and basically made him doubt himself and his identity. it was toxic af because i have a compulsive need to give my characters unnecessary angst.
14. What does he/she fear?
“Spiders can fuck right off. And I’ve probably got a crippling fear of rejection or not being good enough, like any true teenager or young adult.”
for an optimist you sound pretty cynical there buddy. 
but for real that not being good enough thing.
15. What are his/her hopes or aspirations?
“Good question. I’ll get back to you when I know.”
he has no idea wtf he wants to do with his life he’s gonna be a social worker i guess i just want him to squirm for a bit but probably just having everyone he cares about happy?? what a dork.
16. What is something he/she doesn’t want anyone to find out about him/her?
“Well, it’s not that I don’t want people to know, but half the time I forgot to tell people I’m ace. Not that it’s something you have to tell people at all, but I at this point I have no idea who I’ve told and who I’ve just thought to myself - ‘oh, I should probably let them know at some point’. Other than that, Tyler. It’s just not fun to talk about.” 
fucking tyler. basically the whole deal with tyler he likes to keep under wraps and if he does tell someone who doesn’t know he’s definitely never going to mention that the breaking point of the relationship was tyler hitting him.
but yeah, that asexual thing. pull yourself together alex seriously.
1. Describe this character’s relationship with his/her parents.
“Mum’s great. We’re close, and we’ve got each other’s back. Usually that just means her intimidating teachers, or us making comments to each other under our breath at events we have to go to or me pretending to be sick to get her out of meetings, but it’s fun. She’s pretty casual, really. Her coworkers probably think I have cancer or something, which is also fun. Wait - they might actually. Oh man, this explains why they were so weird and excessively understanding when they found out that we were fostering kids. They totally thought it was so Mum could find a replacement kid in case I died. Oh man, this explains so much. That’s why they looked so concerned when we adopted Jordan - they totally thought I was going to die. I need to text Mum and see if she can confirm it. Ooh, we could fake my death - actually a coma would be better, that way we can still mess with them and no one will have a heart attack when they see me.”
they have fun.
2. Does the character have any siblings? What is/was their relationship like?
“Jordan. I love her, she’s amazing. We’re definitely close, and it took a while to get to that point. She was the angriest 12 year old I’d ever met and I swear, I swear, it took months before I even saw her smile. That was such an achievement for me. We’ve got a pretty normal sibling relationship - we tease each other, we take care of each other, she threatens to punch people in the face, it’s a riot. I’d be glad to be replaced by her if I died of cancer.”
3. Are there other blood relatives to whom he/she is close? Are there ones he/she can’t stand?
“We don’t see them that much, but I have grandparents. Grandma’s got a whole bunch of interesting stories about interesting people and jesus fucking christ, was their marriage nonexistent. I don’t know about Grandpa. I think he might actually be dead. Mum doesn’t really like either very much regardless.”
you think he’s dead?? alex wtf????
4. Are there other, unrelated people whom he/she considers part of his family? What are his/her relationships with them?
“Well, mum’s friends are all practically my aunts and I grew up with their kids, so there’s that. Birdie in particular. She’s basically my little sister and she’s the literal embodiment of sunshine, I swear. I take care of her and Farrah whenever I can, even if the latter makes it difficult sometimes. And all the kids that have stayed with us - except for one or two that were legitimately assholes - are just automatically part of the family.”
don’t mind me just making assumptions about the pixie hollow fam.
5. Who is/was the character’s best friend? How did they meet?
“Jordan, probably.”
6. Does he/she have other close friends?
“Birdie, Farrah, Kennedy, the Belle’s - hey, if I say Scarlett, how annoyed do you think Noah would get? Because Scarlett Blake is fucking adorable and I’d be honoured to consider her a close friend.”
more assumptions don’t mind me.
also why do you need to mess with noah come on now alex.
7. Does he/she make friends easily, or does he/she have trouble getting along with people?
“I’m decent at making new friends, probably because I’m pretty friendly and trustworthy. I make a point of not fucking with people.”
you can't see but he's doing finger guns bc he's a dork.
8. Which does he/she consider more important: family or friends?
“Family, if I have to choose.”
9. Is the character single, married, divorced, widowed? Has he/she been married more than once?
“Single, I’m all bi myself. And yes, at nineteen I have been definitely been married not once but twice.”
10. Is he/she currently in a romantic relationship with someone other than a spouse?
“Oh no, you totally got me!”
alex please.
11. Who was his/her first crush? Who is his/her latest?
“Some girl called Alesha when I was five. I’m not sure where she is now but I remember that she always had freakishly intricate braids. Lately? I don’t know if you’d call it a ‘crush’, it’s more of an, I don’t know, mutual attraction?”
lol whatever you say alex. you're looking very casual there with your fond smile and lack of eye contact.
12. What does he/she look for in a romantic partner?
“Okay, first off - nice hair. Not saying it’s necessary but, you know, always a bonus. Secondly - can survive without sex. Don't think that one needs much explaining. And, I don’t know, just being comfortable with them. Being able to feel like there isn’t any pressure and like I can talk and they won't get annoyed and like they actually really care. Someone I can have stupid inside jokes with and just have fun with. Someone that makes me happy and that I can make happy.”
alex that's sweet and all but what is your deal with the hair like seriously.
13. Does the character have children? Grandchildren? If yes, how does he/she relate to them? If no, does he/she want any?
“Shockingly, I am not a father. But, one day, I want kids. Maybe not any time soon, but yeah, I definitely see it in the future for me.”
if you don't want kids you do not have a chance with alex in the long term.
14. Does he/she have any rivals or enemies?
“Not that I know of. If I do I don't give a fuck. Literally.”
15. What is the character’s sexual orientation? Where does he/she fall on the Kinsey scale?
“I guess you could say I’m pretty ace.”
also biromantic without any real preference.
16. How does he/she feel about sex? How important is it to him/her?
he literally just snorted. he's literally trying not to laugh.
“Okay, seriously, though, what’s the big deal with sticking parts of yourself inside another person? Who looked at the process of making babies and went ah, yes, this will be a big deal for society, the act of sex. And that’s not even mentioning the concept of virginity which was fucking made up to make people feel bad about not having banged someone yet. Oh, and don’t even get me started with the double standards for girls, I mean -”
and that’s enough social justice ranting, thank you alex.
17. What are his/her turn-ons? Turn-offs? Weird bedroom habits?
“Actually - you know what? I’d probably - reluctantly, mind you - sleep with someone if they went all out. Neither of us would enjoy it, but if someone, like, took me to a super expensive restaurant and hired out a theme park and did that sky writing thing and did the whole rose petals leading to the bedroom and some scented candles - actually, that’s a fire hazard, I don’t need the candles - but if someone went all out, you kind of have to give it a go, you know? Good thing the people I’m attracted to aren’t billionaire hopeless romantics, because it would be pretty uncomfortable for everyone involved. But if you want weird bedroom habits, I’ve been told I talk in my sleep.”
okay thanks for that, nice to know you’re taking this seriously alex. for those wanting some semblance of a proper answer (admittedly to a slightly different question), alex is definitely a kiss-me-hard-and-push-me-up-against-a-wall (or other flat surface) kind of guy. likes biting, cool with hickeys, not that into tongue. go wild kids, this is literally the only character that i can give an answer for this question.
1. Do you know your character’s astrological (zodiac of choice) sign? How well does he/she fit type?
“Birthday’s June 10th, which makes me a Gemini. It fits well enough - good communicators, witty, indecisive, energetic. It works.”
2. Is this character religious, spiritual, both, or neither? How important are these elements in his/her life?
“Yeah, the bible has had a great impact on my life.”
no, they aren't very important to him. 
3. Does this character have a personal code of morals or ethics? If so, how did that begin? What would it take to compromise it?
“Doesn't everyone? It's just the normal stuff to be honest; don't be an asshole for no reason, let people do whatever the fuck they want as long as they aren't hurting anyone, don't treat people like objects. That one really annoys the hell out of me.”
4. How does he/she regard beliefs that differ from his? Is he/she tolerant, intolerant, curious, indifferent?
“All for it unless they're disrespecting someone’s existence, then they can fuck off. And people who like pineapple on pizza, what is wrong with you?”
5. What prejudices does he/she hold? Are they irrational or does he/she have a good reason for them?
“You know, there's probably some that society has planted in my subconscious but I try to avoid being consciously prejudiced. Unless you're into that pineapple on pizza bullshit.”
Daily Life
1. What is the character’s financial situation? Is he/she rich, poor, comfortable, in debt?
“We're fairly wealthy. Yay for us, I guess.”
2. What is his/her social status? Has this changed over time, and if so, how has the change affected him/her?
“I don't know, I don't think it's changed much. Pretty upper class.”
3. Where does he/she live? House, apartment, trailer? Is his/her home his/her castle or just a place to crash? What condition is it in? Does he/she share it with others?
“Condo in Vegas. Sounds exciting, right? It's not bad, everything is open 24 hours and always a ton of tourists so that's good for people watching. The condo’s kind of big, especially for three people, but pretty comfortable. We all get our own rooms - even if Jordan barges into mine whenever she wants. Also the wifi is really good, which is the most important thing.”
4. Besides the basic necessities, what does he/she spend his/her money on?
“Food. Clothes, I guess. Going out to the movies or exploring the city. There's this place down the road that does the best bubble tea, and it's right next to this phenomenal Chinese restaurant so I always end up spending money whenever I go down that street.”
5. What does he/she do for a living? Is he/she good at it? Does he/she enjoy it, or would he/she rather be doing something else?
“Don't have a job, so...”
6. What are his/her interests or hobbies? How does he/she spend his/her free time?
“Hanging out with friends, reading up on something so I don't have to do homework, I’ll go to a party or a club or something if it sounds like it’ll be fun, stuff like that.”
7. What are his/her eating habits? Does he/she skip meals, eat out, drink alcohol, avoid certain foods?
“I don't skip meals, or try not to. Mum’s cooking is pretty hit and miss so we eat at restaurants and get take out a bit more than we probably should, especially if no one can be bothered cooking. I don't drink that much - thank Jordan for that, she actively despises the stuff. Not that she doesn't have good reason to, though.”
Which of the following do you associate with the character, or which is his/her favorite:
1. Color? 

like summer day sky blue. also yellow, tbh.
2. Smell? 

chocolate cake.
3. Time of day? 

late morning.
4. Season? 

5. Book?
think john green.

6. Music? 

think fun., walk the moon, paramore.
7. Place? 

sitting around a bonfire, talking and laughing with people.
8. Substance? 

does sarcasm count?
9. Plant? 

10. Animal?
probably like a dog or something. which is ironic bc he’s a cat person.
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justholdinghandsok · 7 years
Gillian's interview :)
submission by @melissascullysmessybun . Thank you so so much for translating this interview for us!
The truth is out there
I had no idea British rule in India lasted for over 300 years, and for that period of time lives of millions people were in the hand of very few people.
Berlin – I today’s world, there is something that’s been called The Scully effect. The Scully effect is a phenomenon initiated by worldwide famous fictional character Dana Scully, who inspired many young women to pursue careers in science, medicine and the law enforcement and as a result brought a perceptible increase in the number of women in those fields. Dana Scully is a character from worldwide popular TV series, The X files, and the person who brought Scully to life is a tiny (petite) woman, actress Gillian Anderson.
Scully forever changed the life and career of this actress, born (1968) and raised in Chicago (IL), who later moved to UK, where she still lives. Single mother of a three children (from two husbands), she writes, starers in theater, movies and TV series and she is actively engage in charitable and humanitarian work, especially within Neurofibromatosis network (from which her brother Aaron died) and the organization for sustainability education in South Africa.
But even after all those roles Anderson played in years after the show ended, it seems like she can’t escape the ghost of Scully. That fact was also visible at the premiere of her latest movie, The Viceroy’s House, directed by British director of Indian origin Gurinder Chadha, in which Anderson very convincingly embodied the character of Edwina Cynthia Annette Mountbatten, Countess Mountbatten ofBurma, socialist and advocate for labor rights. Edwina was a wife of Louis Mountbatten, king’s relative and the last Viceroy in India, who represented the Crown when India declared independence in 1947, which divided the territory into two countries, India and Pakistan, while the violence that followed the political moves killed over 200 000 people.
Exclusively for Politica, Gillian Anderson talks about the challenges of portraying the historical character, price of being popular, Brexit and the sudden discomfort it brought to her and her family…
Press: What was it like to connect to the historical character from today’s perspective?
Gillian: It was very easy, she was very likeableperson. I was surprised how much respect I’ve grown to have for her, after I’ve read her biography, the details from her early life, her activism and how much she was involved in war, and the events that led to The Partition of India. It’s always a good thing when you fall in love with the character. It helps you to be convincing and to do your job as best as you can. Forest Whitaker did the same, when he played Idi Amin (Gillian was his partner in the movie (she was not, lady didn’t do her homework)), and Forest believed that Amin’s motivation was justice, ha, ha.
P: How much did you know about historical events that led to The Partition of India before you took the role?
G: Not much, really. Most of the things were a lessions for me. I don’t think I even knew British rule in India lasted for over 300 years, and for that period of time lives of millions people were in the hand of very few people. It wasn’t a part of my education, it wasn’t something we’ve learn at school. But all of those new information, the fact that the small amount of people had power over millions of people. It had a very big impact on me.
P: What was the greatest challenge in Edwina’s character?
G: From technical point, probably her accent. She had a very posh accent and it took a lot of time for me to learn how to move and shape my lips so I could spontaneously speak the way she did. After the premiere, mother of one of our producers congratulate me and said: Great concentration! And basically that’s what it was: a lot of concentration so you don’t make a mistake.
P: You’ve managed to achieve the physically resemblance as well?
G: That was a challenge of a different kind. She had a sort of dislocated hips, so her entire body was somehow pushed forward. That forced her back to bend and her shoulders were stiff. It was very important for me figure out the way she moved, the way she walked. Edwina was a very active woman, the hostess of this huge palace, with a lot of stairs. Plus, she was taller than me, I’ve noticed that while I was watching archival footage. It was very exciting trying to overcome that, and to make the physical
appearance credible. Long after the shooting was over, I would caught myself walking like her, with my hips forward and my back shrugged. It took awhile to get things back to normal.
P: Edwina did a lot trying to find the way to prevent the conflict between the Muslim and Hindu populations?
G: She did, yes. She was restless, she was always on the field, in the conflict zones, trying to make people realize the need of peaceful cohabitation, the value of compromise. She was strongly against discrimination of any kind. She really did a lot. She was in contact with Nehru, Gandhi, the Muslim leader Muhammad Ali Jinnah, she often advised her husband…
P: Some sources say that she and Nehru had an affair, but the movie is not exploring that.
G: Yeah, I’ve read about that, but I really can’t say I’m sure it’s true. A lot of people in Britain didn’t appreciate her closeness to people from India, and, even more, they were against all the changes she made when she stepped in Viceroy’s palace. So maybe that’s where the story about their affair originated from.
P: She was very influential, the real proof of that behind every successful man stands a woman?
G: Yeah, but there is also a saying that the wives of powerful and genius men often go crazy. In real life it might be true, but not necessarily. There are examples of very influential and powerful first ladies, wives of US presidents.
P: As an American living in the UK, do you understand the fascination with the Royal Family? Or do you share it?
G: Hm, I do have a lot of respect for the challenges of neutrality, which is also part of the monarchy. And there is also a question of having strong leader as a head of the country and what happens when you don’t. So when you watch everything that’s been going on in the UK, with Brexit and everything, the existence of the crown became a basis of security and mental health.
P: Where you personally affected by Brexit?
G: The irony is: my daughter has a German passport, her father is German. She lives u UK, she goes to school there, so now the Brexit raised a questions like what does it all (the facts that she has a German passport but lived long in UK and is active student there) mean and will happen to her. It affects her, and we are all concerned. The final result of Brexit is yet to be seen, but what is certain is the this sudden insecurity at my home, in my family, which also brought a dose of worry.
P: It seems like you haven’t had much rest in past three years: you did movies, TV series, wrote a book, and you are very active in charity events.
G: Yeah, I don’t really have time just to sit and do nothing. Sometimes I think about slowing down a bit, and try to create a space for myself, so that I could be on still. But new challenges always emerge and than new choices have to be made.
P: What is your priority then: acting or activism?
G: My children are always my number one priority. Everything else shifts: sometimes it’s acting, sometimes writing and sometimes charity and activism.
P: And when do you write: during the day, or at night? Do you need a quite place for writing?
G: I definitely need a quiet room. But sometimes, there are long breaks on the set, so I use them to write in my trailer. And sometimes, I write on a airplane, because I spend a lot of time flying.
P: What was the most memorable moment from Berlinale, if there was one?
G: O yeah, it was! Freezing on the red carpet in that thin sleeveless dress!
*The questions on the side, in that almost purple box
Dana Scully is everywhere she looks
P: No matter what you did and still doing, people till identify you as Dana Scully. Is that bothering you?
G: It is how it is, no matter if that bothers me or not. I’m used to it.
P: So it isn’t annoying?
G: Oh please, don’t ask! It was so annoying, especially in that first period after the end of The X files. It took a long time and a lot of work to separate myself from her. It was very frustrating, because it was reflecting on the work, or the lack of it, because there wasn’t a lot of people who would want Dana Scully in their movies. Fortunately, I have manage to prove that I do have the acting talent. At one point I’ve stopped being angry at her existence and I’ve pushed her far enough so that now I can still play her role, without any stress and pain.
P: Many actors would be happy to have their television roles become phenomena and have such a powerful effect?
G: It’s true, but it may be true for Judy Dench or and any other actor in the UK, where, no matter how popular television role is, you will not have the problem working in the theater or on film, after the television series is done. In States is different, TV roles have been considered second-rate at the time. Now, the things have changed and all the most important television series are hiring the first-rate actors. And even here, on Berlin film festival, you can see that change: now there is a whole program dedicated to the premieres of the television series.
P: Are the people surprised when they see you on the street?
G: I’m the one who is constantly surprised, hhahah. There are days no one recognizes me: I walk the streets, go to the store, buy what I need. And there are days when every other person comes up to me. I don’t know what it is, is it the make up, the clothes, my hair, I have no idea. It’s like I am a Gillian Anderson on some days, and Dana Scully or any other character on other days.
Sorry it took so long, it was a loooooong day at the office. I’m sorry for all the mistakes, and if our grammar sucks, we did our best, and at least it’s better then the google translate shit. :)
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im-m-azing-art · 7 years
Madison Jura Character Sheet
It’s a lot so 
What does s/he do too much of? Be alone Too little of? Talk with people Most prized possession: Why? Silver Play musical instrument? Nope       Which one(s)?       How did s/he learn? Does character like animals? Dogs and cats but not much else Any pets? Robot cat ?? Likes music? Any really       What kind? Just nothing too loud TECHNICAL Owns a computer? Yes/No       If not, why not? Email address(es): [email protected] probably       If more than one, each used for...? "Handle": Jurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrah        Meaning to character: her last name with a lot of r’s Uses computer for business, pleasure, both? Play computer games? Yes       If yes, which game(s)? If yes, how many hours per day? Probably minecraft or any other sandbox games       If so, are they/it multiplayere game/s? Not usually Name used on each game & meaning to character? Cat_robots, cats.. robot.. List 4 online site(s) (URLs) visited daily?       1. Youtube       2. Twitter       3. Instagram       4. Various websites to buy materials UNCATEGORIZED Person character secretly admires: No one rlly Person character was most influenced by: Cole Most important person in character's life before story starts: her mom       Why? She was the only one there for her really
Character's Full Name: Madison Jura          Reason or meaning of name: Old self insert Nickname: Maddy or anything really         Reason for nickname: Maddy was an old nickname Birthdate: August 27 Astrological Sign: Virgo but she doesn’t believe that astrological stuff PHYSICAL APPEARANCE Age 12      How old does s/he appear? 14- usually 2 or three years older than she is Eye Color: light blue      Glasses or contacts? She has both if needed Hair color: darkish brown       Distinguishable hair feature (bald, receding hairline, etc.): she doesn’t care about how her hair looks usually so she’ll cut it in weird ways and just let it grow out again       Type of hair (coarse, fine, thick, etc?) thick Typical hairstyle: undercut or just however it gets cut Height: 4’7 ft Weight: 100 lbs.       Type of body/build: chubby Nationality: Ninjagian ? (Appears European) Skin tone: light Skin type: sometimes dry Shape of face: round Distinguishing Marks?       Scars? Miscalenious but usually has them covered Most predominant feature: eyes change color when using her powers       Resembles (famous or not): me.. Accent? none Is s/he healthy?  moderate                                                       If not, why not: she doesn’t go out much Physical disabilities: none Physical abilities (what is character good at? sports, etc.): she can run pretty fast for a short amount of time. Also had inventions that help her physical abilities. FAVORITES Color: Gray Music: Any Food: Pancakes Literature: Hot-to guides Expressions: Confused and :/ Book: anything non-fiction Quote: “Nothing is work unless you'd rather be doing something else.” Expletive(s) (swears): fuck Mode of transportation: her inventions (mainly silver) HABITS Smokes: No       What?       How often? Drinks: No       What?       How often? Worst bad habit? Blocking others off Quirks: If she does get close to someone she’ll do anything for them. Can invent a lot of things very quickly and can be very creative BACKGROUND Hometown: Ninjago City Type of childhood: Decent but lonely First memory: getting ice cream with her mom Most important childhood event that still affects him/her: Father leaving       Why? Not having a dad makes her jealous of others with good relations to their fathers and can sometimes be weary. This also left her with just one parent. With only one parent she was alone a lot and this made her pretty closed off Lower education: elementary school, left after to join the ninja Higher education: never went Booksmart or streetsmart? More so streetsmart but is good with electronics Religion and/or religious views and/or tendencies? Just the general First Spinjitsu Master thing Firsts: Job? Freelance electronics Kiss? No :( Sexual experience? NO >:( FAMILY Mother (name): Srene Jura        Relationship with her: it was decent Father (name): Marc Jero       Relationship with him: b a d and mostly non-existant Siblings: none       Birth order: none       Relationship with each: none Children of Siblings: none Extended family (aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.): If she does she never met them besides for her grandparents on her mothers side Close to family?  Yes/No CHILDREN Does character have child(ren)? No       How many? Are all children with the same partner?       If no, why not? If no, what is the custody arrangement? How does character relate to his/her child(ren)? Which child is character's favorite?       Why? Character's most favorite memory of his/her child(ren)? Character's least favorite memory of his/her child(ren)? Is relationship with children good? Is relatioinship with children important to character? OCCUPATION Where does character work? Nowhere specifically        How many years? Since she could build Relationship with co-workers? none Like his/her job? yeah       Why or why not? She likes building Dream job: she likes to have no specific job ATTITUDE Greatest fear: Having the one person she’s close to hate her Worst thing that could happen to him/her? Her jealousy could get her in some pretty deep stuff What single event would most throw character's life in complete turmoil? Powers disappearing Character is most at ease when: Everything is calm and she’s with the person she likes Most ill at ease when: too many people are around and everything is crazy Priorities: person she likes-herself-everyone else Philosophy: nothing specific How s/he feels about self: Sometimes over confident but her self-esteem can be easily shattered Past failure s/he would be embarrassed to have people know about: stupid stuff she did while she was alone and past failures with inventing If granted one wish, what would it be? Being able to be close to multiple people       Why? She’s uncomfortable branching out Daredevil or cautious? More daredevil       Same when alone? A little more careful when around other, especially someone she likes. Biggest regret? Not trying to make friends with kids her age while she was still at school Biggest accomplishment: her inventions, mainly silver Minor accomplishments: performance enhancing electronics, being a semi-celebrity amongst a certain crowd of young inventors. Character's darkest secret: deep down she is really jealous of people close to people she likes that take up even a smidge of their attention       Does anyone else know? Not exactly              If yes, did character tell them?              If no, how did they find out? She is not the best at keeping up a nonchalant facade PERSONALITY Greatest source of strength in character's personality (whether s/he sees it as such or not): creativty Greatest source of weakness in character's personality (whether s/he sees it as such or not): jealousy Character's soft spot: the person she likes       Is this soft spot obvious to others?  Y e s       If not, how does character hide it? Biggest vulnerability: she’s not very skilled without her electronics. Which of the 7 deadly sins does character fight (or give into, willingly or not)? She tries not to but fails       (lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, pride) Which of the 7 virtues does your character have (or fight against)?       (chastity, abstinence, liberality, diligence, patience, kindness, humility) TRAITS Optimist or pessimist? pessimist Introvert or extrovert? introvert Drives and motivations? Talents (hidden or not)? Building, drawing (mechanical), creativty, electronics know-how Extremely skilled at: building, electronics, drawing Extremely unskilled at: interacting with people. Good characteristics: creative, dedicated Character flaws: jealous, oblivious Mannerisms: fiddles with electronics or building materials, doodles a lot Peculiarities: her sense of humor is slightly specific and obscure and sometimes laughs at inappropriate things. SELF-PERCEPTION One word character would use to describe self: eh One paragraph description of how character would describe self: Good at building but makes up for that with being socially stupid. All around, eh What does character consider best physical characteristic? Her eyes, she likes them What does character consider worst physical characteristic? Her fat, it’s not much but it’s still there.       Are these realistic assessments? Sort of              If not, why not? Her weight is fine and she gets her eyes from her dad who she hates How CHARACTER thinks others perceive him/her? What four things would CHARACTER most like to change about self? (#1 most important, #2 second most important, etc.) Introverted-ness jealousy awkwardness More aware If change #1 was made, would character be as happy as s/he thinks? No       If not, why not? Everything on that list would need to be changed or it would probably just be worse INTERRELATION WITH OTHERS Is character divorced? Why? no       If yes, how many times? no Has character ever cheated on any signficant other? no How does character relate to others? Not very well How is s/he perceived by... Strangers? Very well Friends? Decent Wife/Husband/Lover? N/A Children N/A Co-workers? N/A Protagonist? Decently most times Antagonist? Sometimes with respect and sometimes not First impression character makes is: “Wow she is good at building”       What happens to change this perception? She has a terrible personality What do family/friends like most about character? Her abilities tbh What do family/friends like least about character? Her passive-agressiveness GOALS Immediate goal(s): build stuff Long range goal(s): she hasn’t decided yet ; her goals change a lot How does character plan to accomplish goal(s)? She thinks she’ll just figure it out How will other people around character be affected? It depends on what she decides to do PROBLEMS/CRISIS How character react in a crisis (calm/panic/etc.)? She’s fine under stress unless people are rushing her How does character face problems? She isolates herself or just doesn’t do anything       Kinds of problems character usually runs into: Enemies : her dad How does character react to NEW problems? She takes a minute to process it then usually tries to figure out something to do How does character react to change? The gets easily upset and grouchy
GENERAL Jewelry? no Other accessories? Drives a ... : MECHANICAL CAT DRAGON
Where does character live? Wherever the ninja are       With anyone?  Yes/No Where does character want to live? In the country but with a good wifi signal Spending habits (frugal, spendthrift, etc)? Oh god she’s terrible with money but she has a lot of it so it’s just terrible
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vitmelbourne · 5 years
How To Choose A Good Institute For English Courses Australia
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Being able to speak English fluently opens doors all over the world. If you speak English well, you can practice travel, education and employment in Australia and elsewhere. Yes, learning a new language can be scary. However, you can be guilty that millions of people who do not speak English have successfully learned English as a second language and use it at work or at school, at home and abroad. You can do it too!
Where to Start
There are several best practices for learning English Courses Australia . The first way is self-study. There are computer software and online lessons for beginners. These courses are structured so that students can study independently.
The best way to learn a new language is to merge yourself in that language. Most major universities offer English as a second language, and many private English schools specialize in teaching English.
5 reasons to learn English in Australia
Australia is a popular destination for international students to learn English. The number of students deciding here increases from year to year. Here are the top five reasons why Australian students
want to learn English:
There are more than 240 schools of different sizes and specialties throughout the country. There is a school for every taste.
The Intensive English for International Students  elicos course in Australia is available throughout the country. Most schools are accredited by ELICOS. This will ensure that you receive a qualified program of qualified teachers. A wide range of quality programs focused on specific learning objectives. You can learn the language because you want to travel or work. The proposed programs vary in length and depth.
English programs in Australia can be completed in different periods from 12 weeks!
Flexible learning programs for Learning a language is not just about teaching. As a result, some programs include off-campus activities. It is important that you learn the language by interacting with native speakers. Although Australian institutes provide English language course programs provide excellent education, they often lack the personal aspect of teaching English.
You may also want to register at a private school. Here are some reasons why:
·         Small Classes: Improved interaction with your classmates and the full attention of your teacher.
·         Ability to learn English in different cultural and educational settings: Dive into the language by interacting with native speakers in their natural environment.
·         Highly qualified teachers with different professional backgrounds: experienced professionals who adapt their style to their individual needs.
·         Generally cheaper than university programs.
·         These schools can be connected to programs for the home.
 They are almost ready to embark on the adventure. First, some tips for choosing a school.
·         Select a school with accreditation
·         Make sure that the school carries out regular assessments
·         Choose a school with qualified and experienced teachers
 The best way to improve your english courses australia like any other language is to live and speak with native speakers. That's why so many international students live and study in Australia. Better still, no matter how much you speak English, an English school has a program tailored to your needs.
 Do you already have average English language skills?
 Would you like to enroll at an English-speaking university?
 Are you a professional who starts an apprenticeship?
 Are you looking for a professional registration?
 Are you planning to migrate to an English-speaking country?
 If you answered 'yes' to two or more of these questions, then it's time for you to embark on an academic English course. The reason is simple: Educational institutions, employers and state immigration authorities require proof of English as part of their recruitment process.
 Now a days English is used in everyday business situations in English-speaking countries. These situations include meetings, presentations and negotiations. Taking an academic English course will hone your communication skills and help you excel in your workplace.
The importance of  English Courses Australia
The importance of English training can not be overstated. We all know that as a generally recognized language, immigrants can increase their income by 20% if they speak English well. In order to serve this huge market, English courses are offered worldwide. Online English courses are also becoming increasingly popular.
 With so many options available online, it is important to separate good English training courses from the mediocre ones.
 A good english language courses australia should offer:
 A free test -- An online English tutorial should offer a free test to first judge your level of English proficiency, before recommending a course for you.
 Interactive English Videos - Interactive English videos help you improve your English course. You can watch it as often as you want to learn better.
 Test Lesson - A proficient english courses australia gives you a test lesson to help you judge if you're familiar with the content and training style. Some online English courses provide full access for a while. You can access online lessons, videos, and the saved materials library. Some even have teachers who offer help and offer free live lectures. This would give potential students a good idea of ​​the experiences they can expect.
 Private Lessons - It is very important that an online english courses australia offers this option. Most candidates for these courses are full-time students and active professionals. This gives future students the flexibility of timing and allows them to tailor their English courses to their needs.
 English for Business - Indicate whether the company that offers  business services and whether the english courses australia tutorial has proven English lessons in the business field. To be in the business and to reach out to corporate organizations, these online English courses have to meet certain benchmarks of excellence. Very often, their trainers design relevant courses for
 personnel at entry-level or senior management in the organization.
Native speakers - Make sure English teachers are native speakers themselves. So you can master the language perfectly, speak the right accent, understand all the nuances of the English language and teach you well.
 Consider the above factors when choosing between online English courses Australia or Sydney courses. A good English courses Australia tutorial like  can really add value to your life and make your career soar. It is not hard to see why so many attend an English language school every year. It is a city that has been called a place more English than England itself, and with its clear skies, amazing outdoor living, is an incredible place to learn a new language.
 Why Should You Take Up English Language Courses?
 Eloquence needs time and perseverance. Here are some reasons to help you sign up for english language courses melbourne  .Some are for practical reasons, some are intellectual and ambitious, but for some reason they can help you to be interested and to motivate you to learn the language.
People move a lot - in another region or another country. When you learn English Courses Australia, you can communicate with a community and become a community because English is a language spoken in different parts of the world. By learning English, you will improve your understanding of other people's cultures and their perception of things and the people around them.
When you work, you meet people with different backgrounds. If you can speak English with them, you can communicate your ideas better and communicate effectively with them. If you speak English, you increase your chances of getting a new job or promotion.
The English language is the most commonly used communication tool in many countries. This means that you have the opportunity to speak the language in order to communicate with a number of people from different countries and to offer many opportunities. If you speak the language fluently, you open to employers the search for spoken speakers. If you speak English, employers will be impressed by your language skills. Learning English lessons opens up many possibilities. Since English is often the business language, it is always a good idea to update your language skills. International affairs are often in English. They will present you at business meetings and sometimes stand out from others that put you on the gamut of business success.
By learning English Courses Australia you will be able to have access to more entertainment mediums like books and films, helping you learn and understand more information in general.
 If you are able to speak English and would want to further enrich your ability, an elicos course in Australia 
will help achieve your goal. Learning English is sometimes difficult and time consuming, but it is also a valuable tool to succeed and open many opportunities in your country or abroad.
For getting more information visit here VIT - Victorian Institute of Technology
14/123 Queen St, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia
1300 17 17 55 (or) [email protected]
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podcastcoach · 6 years
Vicious Listener Comments That Were 100% True
Today I share the story of some pretty harsh criticism I received, and how I had to deal with the fact that my listener had a point. Welcome to episode 639 of the School of Podcasting
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Today I'm talking about branding, and I could've invited Greg Corey  (Corey says, I love to talk to audiences about how creating better branding for themselves and their products can skyrocket their sales).  It took all of three seconds to find Greg, and we know he's looking to get on podcasts. 
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Fat Fingers Can Cause More Them Embarrassment
In the last episode, I mentioned that I had brought up a controversial subject (Collin Kaepernick) and that people might tune out (the subject was controlling the conversation).
What is offending is not the episode but rather your poor grasp on basic spelling and grammar throughout many pages on this website.. By the way, if you want to sound like an authority, please learn basic spelling and grammar or hire someone (fiverr) to do it for you.. How do you have an education degree when this is how you write and communicate?
By the way, in the sub-title, “Freedom of Speach is Not Freedom from Consequences”- The word “speach” is spelled Speech. Any sixth grader knows that and certainly a g college graduate should know that as well.. It is not that hard. At least have your written copy proof read by someone who does know how to spell and write decently before publishing it to the world. Geez! I think that is pretty basic..
How again can you confidently charge $200 an hour for consulting when you have such poor spelling and grammar skills in your written web copy? You are a joke sir!
What college granted you a degree when you consistently cannot write legibly? and you are tying to sell yourself as an expert? Please! I will say again.. Please!
At least hire someone to cover your mistakes and not try to promote yourself as some sort of “expert” – You look like a damn fool sir
So I sent Mark Doyle and Email
Dear Mark,
Thanks for the comment. My Apologies for the typos. You're right I'm a damn fool and a joke of a human being...
Mark Sent Me a Reply
Mr. Jackson
I would like to take a moment and apologize for my comments and harsh criticisms. It was unwarranted and uncalled for and not like me at all to post something like that
Please accept my apologies Best of luck to you sir
Mark Made a Really Good Point in a Really Crappy Way
I hold no ill will toward Mark. Mark may have had a really bad day, and I have forgiven him. He did get me to check into why these typos got through (I was using two spell checkers, and Grammarly does a GREAT job). In a nutshell, I had logged out of Grammarly and it no longer was checking everything I typed. 
There is Probably More Than One Way To Fix Your Issue
I had typed my show notes about an hour before I published them. I did this to "flush out" ideas before I pressed record. Then I thought, would this not work a day or two (or a week) in advance so I could come and look at the copy with "Fresh eyes." Yes, this could be done. 
Another option would be to type shorter notes. This makes sense to a certain extent. I always want to have at least 300 words. I am currently at 1591. 
If I pushed thing back even further than a few days, I could hire someone to look over my posts. 
This is not an unsolvable issue. It just means I can't keep doing what I've always been doing. 
Your Podcast Is Your Brand
In looking up different items about what makes a good brand, I kept seeing things that I saw that I had dropped the ball on.
Neglecting Public Perception: The public’s perception of your brand might not be the rosiest, but instead of chalking it up to bad luck or pointing fingers, it’s time to get serious about turning that frown upside down. (source). 
Another article mentioned this as "Not providing great brand experience." Brand experience is not only about your stuff, but also your website experience and every other touch-point where customers come in contact with your brand. Another article stated, "Many savvy consumers judge credibility by grammar and attention to detail."
Why Branding Matters
The audience might feel:
You value quantity over quality when you get sloppy
You appear irresponsible
You appear uncaring
You think the audience stupid (as they won't notice)
You're not the most intelligent person on the planet. 
The Internet Writes in Ink
While many blunders appear on the news and are replaced by tomorrows new headlines, don't plan on everyone's short attention span. Just ask Louis C. K (Sex offender), Chi-Fil-a (homophobic), Uber (employee Harassment), Target, Facebook, and many others (data breach), as well as other companies that have had topics that left a black eye. 
It's Just a Podcast
You may be tempted to think, "It's just a podcast." That kind of talk will keep us in the "Minor Leagues" of content creators. 
We end up with a stereotype that sounds a lot like this video or this video where we are all giant nerds. 
Building Your Brand
You need to develop a brand strategy, and understand your business objectives and shift focus to that instead of designing a beautiful logo that won’t work. Also, realize your business strategy may be "THIS IS NOT A BUSINESS." With that in mind, you may want to blow off your brand. I would recommend you don't. 
When you launch your podcast you are creating your brand. In looking at a TON of articles about branding, here are some things to consider:
Pat Flynn talks about the Four P's. These are: Places: You want to create your list of places where your target audience exists. This could be online or offline. I like to go to conferences, meetups, and events. My goal is to tell you the eye color of my target audience. It's not just in person, look at what publications they read (those kinds of things). 
People: Look at the people in your space who already have a following. You don't do this to rip them off, but to see what is working. You can see what they are covering.
Products: Make a list of all the products and their prices. 
Position: After you look at where they are, who they are following, and seeing the products, you can see if there is any place where you can take your unique perspective (where you explain things in a way that immediately obvious or cliche). 
I love the quote by Seth Godin, "Don’t find customers for your products, find products for your customers.” 
If you haven't read the book "Will it Fly" by Pat Flynn, you should. You can even listen to Pat Read it on Audible (you can get the book for free if you're a new customer) go to www.schoolofpodcasting.com/freebook 
You need to research your competitors, look for points of differentiation, then define who you are, who your customers are and how to connect with them
The Podcast Brand Experience
Some 23% of consumers say they would stop using a brand after a bad experience. (source) In that report, they were talking about dealing with rude employees, etc. However, in podcasting what is part of the experience:
Your intro/outro 
Your audio quality
Your logo
Your voice (tone, accent)
Your grammar
How quickly you get to your topic
The relevancy of advertisements if you have them
Your volume levels
The quality of your content. Are you boring?
Your show notes (we did a whole episode on do people look at these?)
I'm Worried About This Post
As I write this in October of 2018, people are freaking out about the little things that often don't matter (what font on your artwork, what theme for their website) and while all of that is your brand, if you try to wait until everything is perfect you will NEVER start your podcast. Keep in mind you can change your brand (Dunkin Doughnuts is changing their brand to Dunkin, Starbucks used to have BOOBIES in their logo. BOOBIES!
What I Want You To Take Away
From time to time you may get some negative feedback. Some of it may be constructive, and some it may be cruel. Today my point is, no matter how feedback is provided you need to ask yourself, "Is it true? Do they have a point?" and in the case of Mark Doyle - he did and I thank him for that. 
Ideas For Adding Merchandise To Your Podcast
I have an interview with James from Tee Public from the last day of Podcast Movement (hence the lack of voice, and the loud background).
Ideas on how to integrate merchandise with your show
How to sell without being "salesy"
There are more products - not just t-shirts
Now with coverage in the UK
More features coming very soon.
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