#thats her only weapon besides her dads knife
w98pops · 10 months
How did Wendy get her courier job? 👀 If its not a spoiler for your story (if it is give me any headcanons/lore you want to instead)
The Nashes adopted her! Well, kinda.
By the time she met them Wendy was 5 years out of the Legion, so she wasn't really helpless. She was a pretty good hunter and a decent fisherman (still is) and survived mostly by hiding and hunting. With NCR influence spreading across the Mojave it became really really hard for a person to live independently without being claimed a raider and a squatter and getting shot (even if youre just a random homeless teenage girl), so she kinda moved into more close spaced area aka. started to just steal shit from people and live in their attics. That's how she met Nashes :)
They let her Wendy and employed her! She really liked her job & Johnson and Ruby. I like to think she reminded them of their son 😭.
Also she didn't deliver the package to the Divide in my canon. Wendy did walk the Lonesome Road™ but Ulysses called for her for different reason. I'm thinking about 'the sins of a father' type deal, but it can't be ALL about Aletus being a fucking dick. Or can! I'm still thinking about it, but one thing i know for sure: she knew Ulysses before the Divide and he did too.
Thats the only DLC that my Courier was a part of. With all respect, Old World Blues sucked ass (i hate the PENIS VAGINA CUM jokes that both OWB and Fallout 2 are build upon. It's just not funny and it's hard to focus on what little serious lore the campaign has with these annoying ass robots screaming about penises all the time 😭 Im sorry OWB fans I really tried to like this DLC) and I refuse to believe Honest Hearts are real. Dead Money is much fun but it would be really uncharacteristic for Wendy to try and believe the Sierra Madre stuff. She's a very simple person and she doesn't care about money :)
Also yeah Wendy totally kept in contact with Nashes post-canon and even frequently left little Sharky with them! He totally thought they were his real grandparents until he was 15.
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A small small detail I just can't resist telling about!!! In his courier au, Aletus found this self-porktrait of wendy in Nashes' house. After he killed them. Because that how justice looks in the eyes of an unjust man.
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mousehole5000 · 4 years
 this is it... the final post.... 226 through THE END!!!!!
this shit with mu qing and the river of lava is SOOOO dramatic im loving it
oh my god theyre on a FUCKING bridge of course they are okay let’s go boys
“You’re right. We’re alike. You think me odd, I think you to be rather weird too.” - so what im getting from this is that xie lian and mu qing are the only characters in this book with working gaydar okay yup got it this checks out
god... the fact that xie lian is ready to be like “look mu qing we can just forget about the past it doesnt matter we dont have to be friends i know you dont like me but im not gonna let you die over it” and then mu qing is like “.... god i really do admire you huh”
“You...certainly...are rather amazing. You’re...also...a better person...than me. Long story short, I...very much wanted...to become your f-f-friend.”  - going to think about this for the rest of all time im about to become utterly unintelligible im overcome with emotions
“And, at the end of the white silk band, Feng Xin was gripping Ruoye with one hand while the other was holding on to a steel-faced Mu Qing, and he shouted towards him.” - the fucking IMAGE of this im gonna cry this is everything i could have asked for im so happy also mu qing dangling there like “ welp. guess ill live“
“Feng Xin was almost burnt by that pillar of fire, and he shouted in outrage. “WHAT’S WITH THIS BAND OF DOG SHITS, ATTACKING PEOPLE WHILE THEY’RE DOWN, SO VILE! FUCK YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY!” Xie Lian responded, “IF THEIR ENTIRE FAMILIES ALL LOOK LIKE THAT, YOU SURE YOU WANT TO FUCK THEM??” - theyre so funny!!! and theyre best friends!!! theyre joking together now in the middle of all this i could cry theyre back!!!
“Using sticks as arrows, he held the bow with one hand and used his teeth to bite back the bowstring.” - no clue how practical this is but okay archer boy. hot
i actually have so many little quips between the three of them highlighted but we’d be here all night if i included them all. im literally so delighted by this omg worth the wait
“Each sabre strike slashed to the bone. It wasn’t like Xie Lian had never seen Hua Cheng use the sabre before in the past, but his style had always been easy and leisurely, nonchalant and casual. Rather than say he was handling a weapon, it was more like he was toying with a small knife. Yet those blade marks were filled with killing intent. It was easy to imagine just how skilled the one exchanging blows with him was, and how perilous this battle.” you have no idea how mad i was when i read this and thought we missed witnessing the fight between hc and jw omg
“Behind him, Feng Xin muttered, “Dear fucking god, may all the gods and buddhas grant their blessings, that better absolutely be Crimson Rain Sought Flower, otherwise he’s gonna go mad!” “Stop your rubbish,” Mu Qing berated. “We’re all the gods and buddhas ourselves and we can’t grant shit, just keep up with him! Look at the stumbling way he’s running, he’s gonna trip and fall to his bloody death before he even sees the man!” - okay i know i said no more quips but this is literally too funny i just wanted to read it again
“ However, for whatever reason, that vicious ghost, in its muddled state, took that large group of live mortals under its wing and fled for many days. In the end, they were still surrounded by millions of ghosts, trapped in a dead end, and it was going to be eaten along with those humans.” [...] “That vicious ghost almost made a move against those humans, but for some reason, in the end, it didn’t. It instead used one of its own eyes as the price to forge a blood weapon. That vicious ghost was already forcibly hanging on with its last breath; after digging out its eye it should’ve broken apart completely. Yet somehow something had shocked it, and it instead woke to its senses completely. “ - THIS IS AMAZING ARE YOU KIDDING ME???? IS THIS ALL WE GET ABOUT HIS GHOSTLY LORE?????? HUA CHENGGGGGGGG
“What a terrible offence, his old habit had come out, and he quickly apologized. “I’m sorry! You don’t have to listen to me!” Hua Cheng, however, only smiled happily. “Everything gege tells me is the best advice, so why wouldn’t I listen?” - this isnt the fucking time afjdkfjsdkl they really never stop
“So you can hold the illusion of a perfect Crown Prince of Wuyong to face and dismiss the Jun Wu now. Isn’t that your objective? Did you think I don’t know what you’re thinking?” “THAT’S NOT IT!” Guoshi cried. “Stop getting tied up in right and wrong, victories and defeat, I’VE NEVER THOUGHT THAT WAY BEFORE!” - jun wu only being able to see xie lian as his successor and believing that thats all anyone else sees too... okay
honestly this whole final showdown was a blast i cant put everything in but it was so much fun to read. the DRAMA the LAVA the SHOUTING t
“Hua Cheng had poured too much spiritual power into him. There really was too much, so much that it was completely outside the amount the cursed shackle could withstand.” - okay.... okay... the love you give will set you free... okay....
“With Jun Wu in his grip, he carried both their bodies and forcefully slammed into the incomparably-solid rock wall! He used all of his power in this smash, and in the rumbling and crashing of rocks, he also heard the sound of something breaking.” [...] “A moment later, Jun Wu suddenly asked, “That move. What is it called?” “...” Xie Lian raised his sleeve and wiped away the blood on the side of his face. “Shattering boulders on the chest.” YES!!!!! YES!!!!! xie lian actually lived that life!!!!!! i loved this detail so much
“After a moment of silence, Xie Lian took off the bamboo hat carried on his back, took it in his hand, and covered it over Jun Wu’s face.” - xie lian... good... another detail i love. a hat that protects from the rain, given in a moment of need, even to someone who has caused you hardship... we do not forget the kindness granted to us
“There was gratefulness, there was shame, there was heartache, there was wild joy, but above all else, there was incurable love.” - :pleading: i wish it was just that easy tbh. “i have to tell you about the worst parts of myself” “ive already seen them and i dont care i still love you“ truly the dream
“ It’s been so long since anyone listened to me talk, won’t you stay? Don’t...actually do this. I won’t be able to take it. Twice, it’s been twice already! I really don’t want there to be a third time!!!” - the bit about just wanting someone to listen to him talk... xie lian... :(
emily corpse bride moment.... i knew it had to happen.... butterflies.... death and rebirth.... inevitable
xianle trio bickering about ruoye..... mu qing complaining but not letting anyone else fix it... im so happy
“The Rain Master sat down on the spot, looking like she was going to perform a passing service for her. After all, Xuan Ji was the only one left of the Kingdom of Yushi besides herself.”  - xuan ji you sure the hell were... a character. this little moment tho..... yushi huang... many thoughts
“ Who hasn’t made promises, or swore to the mountains and the seas when they were young? Talking of affection, of love, of forevers. But, the longer I hang around in the world, the more I understand, something like ‘forever’ is impossible. It’s never going to be possible. Having it once was already good enough. No one can truly achieve it. I don’t believe in it anymore.” - jian lan im happy for you bummer it didnt work out with feng xin but yeah that was looooong ago. also this quote me same mood kin but its chill. having it once was already good enough
although yeah tbh if theres anyone who can have a forever like that... it would be a ghost and a god
fasdfjadklfj GOD... pour one out for ling wen.. but is that not the truth of this world? the one can be pardoned for being good at paperwork that no one else wants to do? isnt that the plot of the shawshank redemption?
okay but the fact that all xie lian’s friends come to visit him while he waits for hua cheng is making me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.... fengqing coming together to try to get him out of the house but get scared off by his cooking... amazing
“Last time, they spent eight hundred years running towards each other. This time, it only took an instant to fall into each other’s embrace.” - im completely unaffected by this. im not lying i swear (i am lying im very emotionally affected)
okay i love this final wrap up chapter party its so fun. mu qing moving on from the broom thing!!! good for him!! the beggars get their reward!!! the fun ghost city chefs!! SQX!!!! and he xuan is?? here too??? he’s hungry??? fjadlkfjsdl
“The grounds that Feng Xin and Mu Qing had just swept were once again filthy from that giant crowd of muddy feet. Mu Qing gripped his broom, looking like he felt someone had infected him with fleas, and his eyes were wide.” - me when my dad comes into the kitchen when ive just finished washing dishes i get it king
the little folklore bit... fun!!! oh my god its over..... :(
that was really fun i had a blast reading it and on the whole really liked it i WISH soo badly that hua cheng had gotten more outside of being cunty and devoted even tho those are both important i just wish there was more about like how he got by during those 800 years and like did he ever have doubts? what shaped his worldview was it all xie lian or was it his experience as a mortal as well? why is he so mean to e’ming? theres bits and pieces here and there and i know it was already SO long but that really would have been great if there was more about hc cuz tbh by the end, at least for me, the hualian relationship didnt actually feel as fleshed out as the xianle trio relationship like i still liked hualian’s dynamic and it was really sweet how much they clearly really liked each other and  everything but i kind of wish some of the other subplots had been dropped or diminished in favor of more hc development i think that would have been cool
but anyway thats some of my thoughts and i really did enjoy the hell out of book 5 that was a riot and uhhh thanks to everyone who read these or commented *lends you spiritual energy through a high five*
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thenightau · 4 years
Chapter 35- Good Times for Help
TW: Swearing, Yelling, Slapstick humor, Dad jokes. 
Iskall looked down at himself, clad in iridescent diamond armor. He looked at Doc, False, and Cleo, all armored up and ready for a fight. The tension between them was thick enough to cut with a knife. 
“Ready yourselves. I see them.” Doc said, his voice a low snarl. For a moment, Iskall swore his robotic eye was narrowed in a glare. The grip on Iskall’s sword got tighter, and he felt his feet dig into the ground. His years of training being so natural it was like breathing. 
Tango was the first to land. His hands were up and none of them were wearing armor. A show of good faith. “Woah woah there! We don’t want a fight!” He said, a nervous smile growing on his lips. 
“You kidnapped Scar, what else did you expect?” Doc growled. Cub, Ren, and Impulse were the next to land, none of them carrying weapons. Impulse was just nervously playing with his shovels. 
“Okay. Fair enough.” Cub sighed, having heard Doc’s growl. He scratched at his beard, and thats when Doc realized something. 
“Your nervous. All of you.” He said bluntly. And the group deflated. 
“What happened?” Cleo asked quickly, her orange hair tied up in a ponytail. “Night didn’t get Scar did he?” She asked again, before anyone could respond. The group of traitors looked to one another. 
“It’s only fair if Ren explains.” Tango said with a bit of a glare himself. Ren pouted a fraction, a low growl leaving him. 
“It’s not my fault.” He said. 
“And we know that.” Impulse said. “But… It still happened.” 
“What happened?” Doc asked, walking closer. He grabbed Ren by his collar, pulling the werewolf to his height. “You better tell me now, or pray to the void that respawn is fixed.” His voice was a low growl, and it sent shivers up Iskall’s back. Ren’s hands shot up, and he laughed nervously. Tango and Impulse stepping forward to separate the two.
“Well… You see…” Ren started, laughing still as he was dropped onto the floor. He looked up at the creeper hybrid. “We kinda… Lost him.” 
“wHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU ‘LOST’ HIM?!” Doc yelled, and the group flinched. 
“You see…” Cub walked over, getting in between Doc and Ren. “With last night being the full moon, of which we… were neglectful to realize. And Ren kinda… Killed him.” Cub smiled, his hands raised. 
“So what your saying is.” Cleo sighed, stepping foreward and placing a hand on Doc’s shoulders. The hybrid turned and backed off, steam practically leaving his skin. “Ren killed Scar. And respawn is fixed?” 
“That’s what it seems to be.” Cub said. Iskall scratched at his beard. 
“Did you check spawn?” He asked. 
“Yes. Impulse and Tango checked spawn while Ren and I checked his shops.” Cub said. 
“His base?” False suggested.
“Checked there too.” 
“The diamond mines?” Iskall asked. He got a confused look back. 
“The what?” 
“Scar’s mineshaft.” 
“Oh… no we didn’t.” Cub sighed. Iskall nodded. “I’ll check there myself-”
“Oh no you don’t.” Doc said, walking right back up to them and shoving Iskall out of the way, grabbing Cub’s wrist. “You are not going anywhere until you agree that Scar will be free. It’s not his fault he has magic.” Doc growled. 
“We don’t know if he’s working with Night, Doc. I explained thi-”
“What would Xisuma say?” Doc said suddenly. And that shut Cub right up. “He would be as pissed at you as I am. Because you’re what? Discriminating against him for shit he can’t control?” Doc growled. Cub deflated. 
“... Fine. On one condition.” Cub said, “We keep him away from his own base, and hidden somewhere. I don’t want Night finding him and using him.” 
Scar was sitting on a black bed, The stone house around him built to be in ruins. It was clearly Cleo’s work, the armor stand work made him sure of that. He wasn’t sure what this was, but he bet it was a fun thing that had happened. A part of him was upset he hadn’t been invited to make some apocalyptic builds, another part wondering if Xb could predict the future. Because to him, it sure seemed like it. Xb was sitting beside him, an arm wrapped around his shoulders as the other was trying to talk to him. He couldn’t hear what the other was saying right now. Everything was muffled. He knew TFC was talking to Jevin and Hypno, and he knew here he was save from Ren and Cub. But he was still in pain. 
Some sort of deep seated pain that clung onto a man and only squeezed a bit tighter every time the thought of pain was brought up. The pain started in his heart, and spread out to every limb on his body, a numbing feeling all the way to his fingertips. The pain was mixed with another feeling. A swelling of magic. He refused to let his magic be released though, especially not around other hermits. He almost hurt Grian the last time! He couldn’t let that happen again. 
“Scar? Scar!” Jevin was in front of him now, his face one of gentle concern. “You with us?” He asked, and Scar nodded with a weak smile. 
“Yea. I’m here.” He said faintly. His voice was weak. He looked around. “Wait… Where’s Tfc?” He asked, an immediate surge of panic flooding through him.  
“Don’t worry about him. I think he’s off to yell at the other hermits. He’s our dad after all.” Jevin tried to joke lightly. Scar didn’t laugh. 
“You let him go?! By himself?! What about Night-? What about the civil war I-” 
“The other hermits won’t hurt him.” Jevin said calmly, his voice cutting through the layers of Scar’s panic. “Night won't get him.” 
“H...How are you so sure?” Scar asked softly. Xb responded next. 
“I mean. We’re the only one’s Night hasn’t attacked.” He said. Scar immediately bent to the side and knocked on the wooden floor. Xb chuckled at him. “Yet.” He said, to ease Scar’s superstitious mind. Scar nodded, and slowly sat up straight. “I don’t think he has much of a reason too. TFC especially. I mean, the man’s 50.” Xb smiled gently, and Scar nodded. 
“Yea… Guess you’re right. Sometimes I forget.” 
Tfc sighed as he walked through the nether for the third time today. He hated this place, He prefered the overworld, but he also understood the world was changing. The nether was the fastest place to travel. And he needed to find a few people. Cub and Doc specifically. He stepped through Cub’s portal first, hoping to find the quote un quote ‘pharaoh’ in his pyramid. He walked into a cave, sighing and just carefully walking across the packed ice. 
He really couldn’t afford a broken hip right now. 
He climbed up and into Cub’s pyramid, and saw no one there. He groaned loudly, wondering where the hell those two were. He walked over to the ender chest, and threw it open. He watched as his own stuff magically appeared before him. He pulled his communicator onto his wrist, and pulled on his elytra. He hardly used the thing, but thankfully Grian had been teaching him how to use it before everything went down. He rummaged through Cub’s things, promising to put back anything he misplaced as he grabbed a stack and a half of fireworks. He left an IOU in their place. 
Tinfoilcheif: Hermit meeting. Now. 
His words were simple and to the point. But he knew the other hermits would take him seriously. 
Tinfoilcheif: Meet at Grian’s mansion in 20. No exceptions. 
Docm77: got it. 
Cubfan182: Understood. 
Tfc nodded, walking out of Cub’s pyramid and walking up to the top of it, grumbling the entire way up. He couldn’t believe the hermits were being so stupid. He got to the top of the pyramid, taking a rocket and sighing. “Grian I swear to god if this doesn’t work. I will personally give you permadeath.” He grumbled, taking a running jump off the building and firing the rocket. 
Air flew past him quickly, and his eyes shot open. He. He was flying! Tfc laughed a bit, firing off a few more rockets and flying into the air. He started to head towards Grian’s mansion, twisting his body in the air and gripping onto the edges of the elytra. He understood why the other hermits used these now! It was actually rather enjoyable! 
It didn’t take long for the hermits to assemble. Scar was holding onto Xb, terrified that Cub and Ren were gonna drag him back into that cage again. As soon as the others arrived and saw Scar, they deflated. They knew how much trouble they were in. Tfc stood in front of them, all of them gathered outside of Grian’s ‘basement’ area of his mansion. His arms were crossed, and he glared at the other hermits. 
“Ya know. I used to think you were all really understanding, reliable people. But as soon as your admin vanishes you go straight into chaos?! You kidnap a fellow hermit AFTER HE WAS ATTACKED and almost killed?! Xisuma would be ashamed of all of you! Going into Civil war?! What the Nether is wrong with you people?!” Tfc yelled, and even Doc shrunk under the old man’s anger. “Scar was and still is hurting. Iskall is hurting and don’t you DARE lie to me and say you’re not, boy!” He scolded, pointing directly at the green clad man. “Listen! We have a HUGE threat in this world! A huge threat to OTHER worlds! And you guys are just fighting like children amongst yourselves! Grian, Mumbo, Wels, Stress, Suma, and Bdubs. You all claim to not know why he’s going after people when there's an OBVIOUS connection between them!” Tfc started to pace back and forth, unable to stay still with his anger. 
“Mumbo is a redstone genius, Grian is an amazing builder, Wels is loyal to a fault, Stress is a damn princess, Suma is an admin and Bdubs is also an amazing builder! Stress is the only one whom I don’t see benefitting Night! But I don’t know the young lady well. You should be protecting each other! Not at each other's throats! Cub is right. Scar could be next. You should be protecting him. Not locking him away to be some cHEW TOY.” He roared. “Am i clear?” He asked, his eyes still narrowed as he looked at the hermits. They were all hunched over, looking like scolded children. “AM I CLEAR!?”
“YES SIR!” The hermits responded with tenseness. 
“Good. Now, I am going to do what I do best, while you all make up with each other, and come up with a battle plan. Scar. Can I use your diamond mine?” Tfc asked. Scar looked up, his face brightening a little. 
“d...Diamond mine challenge?” he offered weakly. Tfc smiled kindly. 
“If you think you can beat me.” 
The rules had been set by Scar. One hour, in a straight line. Whoever came back with the most diamonds won. Each person had an ender chest and their tools, as well as their own intuition. Doc at first demanded that they take someone else with them, but Tfc managed to get out of being followed by a hermit awkwardly for an hour. Scar ended up going on his mining trip with False while the other hermits sat at the mine's entrance, coming up with battle plans. 
Tfc wasn’t necessarily human. Well… he was, just, not fully. He was half dwarf. So not only was he shorter than most of the hermits- Stress and Scar were only exceptions- He naturally was able to mine faster without beacons, and it was much easier for him to find diamonds. Sweat was on his brow, the underground tunnel hot and cramped. But something about the situation was… calming for him. He was alone here, with only his thoughts, his pickaxe, and the sweet sweet smell of diamonds. 
He broke through the last diamond of a cluster when his communicator’s timer went off. And he looked down at it with a chuckle. Scar had absolutely no chance against him. When he looked up again, he saw stone bricks. And for a moment he thought he mined all the way to the stronghold. Before he remembered the stronghold was in the completely opposite direction. 
Tinfoilcheif: Guys. have any of you used stone bricks at lvl 12?
Docm77: I don’t believe so. Hold up, im coming after you. DON’T do anything. 
Tinfoilcheif: I’m digging through it. I hear something on the other side. 
“Hello?” Was what he heard, and movement. Was that Xisuma? He heard Grian telling him to shut up, and how he was lucky to even be getting food. He waited a few moments, pressing his ear to the stone brick. He felt it vibrating as someone- presumably Grian- walked away. He heard a wooden door slam closed, before he took out his pickaxe. He broke the piece of stone, and his eyes widened at seeing the admin. The admins eyes were just as wide. “Tfc-?!” His voice was quiet, nervous as he looked back and forth. “H...How did you find-?” 
“No time. Let's get you out of here. I’ll write down the coordinates, we can get Doc and the others to get Bdubs if he’s still on our side.” Tfc said, sending his coordinates in chat and pulling Xisuma out through the small exit he had made. He quickly replaced the stone. Xisuma started to run, and Tfc followed after him. 
“What’s been going on?” Xisuma asked, and Tfc sighed. 
“Scar was attacked, killed by Grian essentially. The hermits were about to go into civil war because they found out Scar wasn’t Vex, and Cub assumed he was on Night’s side, so he kidnapped him. I had to yell some sense back into them, and right now they're in Scar’s diamond mine, coming up with a plan. And void do we need you right now.” Tfc said, running behind the admin to protect his back. “You happen to have a plan by any chance? We’re struggling.” 
“Surprisingly? Yes.” Xisuma said, panting as they ran the thousands upon thousands of blocks back towards the mine. 
“XISUMA!” The hermits yelled, seeing Xisuma emerging with Tfc. They were all wide eyed, watching the two collapsed into panting heaps on the ground. Doc and Cub ran over to them, helping them lay on their backs and telling Cleo to go get them food and water. Tfc only realized then how hungry he was. His stomach was tensing up painfully, and he put a hand over his larger belly. 
“Tfc? You okay?” Scar asked, walking over to the two weakly. 
“Yea. Just fine kid.” Tfc said, taking the golden carrots Scar handed him and gladly chewing on a few, Xisuma doing the same. 
“Thank void you guys are okay.” Doc sighed. 
“I heard what happened, and frankly I can’t believe you guys.” Xisuma said with a sigh. “But that doesn’t matter now. Cause I have a plan. As admin, I can go into other worlds. I can take people and things to other worlds with me. So, lets get us some alley eh?” Xisuma said. 
“Tango, Impulse, and Cub. I need you to start making some houses to hold others. Doc, I trust you to be a manager here, make sure this all gets done. The houses and rooms don’t have to look pretty. But we’re going far from our little area. As close to the world border as we can go. Everyone, while I’m gone, Collect every bit of spare armor, weapons, diamonds. Anything you have. Iskall, go to your pigman farm and collect as much damn gold as you can carry. I have to go meet with a few of our dear Grian’s old friends.” Xisuma smiled, taking his mask when Cleo came back with it. He borrowed Tfc’s elytra and rockets, before he flew off to his own jungle base. 
The rest of the hermits started to rush back to their bases, even going through the ‘converted’ people’s bases to loot, despite feeling awful for doing so. They’d pay them back whatever was broken later, when they won against them. 
Wels was carrying Bdubs as they flew through the sky. And So far none of the Stars had found them or were chasing them. The two were locked in a never-ending cycle of apologies. Wels apologizing profusely for what he had done, while Bdubs tried to reassure him that it wasn’t his fault and not make them crash because Wels starts hyperventilating. They landed the first place Bdub recognised. “THERE! There's a nether portal at Keralis’s base!” He said, and Wels flew down, looking around quickly. The two ran into the portal, laughing as they were so close to the others. So close to their freedom. Bdubs grabbed Wels by the hand, running to the shopping district. 
They jumped through the shopping district's portal, went down the water elevators, and Bdubs ran straight for Tango’s fireworks shop. He grabbed a whole bunch of them, before running and nabbing an elytra. The two hermits quickly flew to Tango’s base, as it was one of the closer ones. They caught sight of the blond man running around and shoving things into skulers, the two of them tackling him. 
“TANGO!” The two yelled, and Tango screamed- totally not in a high pitch, girly shriek of terror- as he landed hard on the ground. 
“Bdubs?! WELS?!” He yelled, laughing as he wrapped his arms around the two. “Oh my void you guys are okay! But- But I thought Wels was one of them-?” Tango asked, adn Bdubs nodded. 
“I managed to break the spell! A song of true love~” Bdubs grinned. Wels punched his arm.
“The idiot is only half right.” He said fondly. Bdubs and Tango laughed. 
“Come on, I need help packing everything together.” Tango said. The two got off him and looked at him odd. 
“How come?” 
“Tfc managed to accidentally mine into Night’s base. That means we have a direct link to him-their?-base. But they also have a direct link to us. So once they realize Xisuma is missing…”
“You’re doomed?”
“To the extreme.” 
“Alright! Wels then let's get goin-!”
Bdubs got a groan for that one. 
Xisuma sighed, walking through Grian’s old world. Evo. He knew some people might still be here, but he wasn’t sure who currently. He looked around at all the old textures. At the lack of blocks he was so used too- certainly no honey blocks that is. “Hello??” He called out, cupping his hands over his mouth. He was at Evo’s spawn area, not having moved yet off the platform. He saw Grian’s city in the background of spawn, and chuckled a bit. The little gremlin really left his element when he left Evo. And god was Xisuma proud of him. 
He started to walk around the mob ridden area, with only a diamond sword with him. He saw a flash of lavender from the corner of his eyes, in a tree. And he ran up to it. “HEY! Are you Nettyplays!?” He called out, and a panda hybrid poked her head out of the tree.
“Um… yes thats me! Who are you?” She asked kindly, “Wait, let me get down there!” She chirped, climbing down her ladder. 
“My name is Xisuma, I’m an admin. And I was wondering, You’re friends with Grain right?”
“Oh absolutely! Has he been okay?? He hasn’t been sending letters for a few weeks now!” 
“Ahhh… about that.” 
“What trouble has he got into-?”
“A lot. Let me explain to the best of my knowledge…” 
“So what your telling me is. Theres this scary void guy and he wants too… rule the universe?” 
“Pretty much.” 
“And he… processed Grian and a few others into joining him?” 
“And you need me to go get my brother and his friends to help you get Grian back?” 
“That be ideal.” 
“Why don’t you move worlds?”
“He’d probably end up corrupting all of them.” 
Netty was sitting down, Her and Xisuma having made a small fire pit. She scratched at her neck, but sighed. “Anything to help Grian. I’ll get in touch with my brother. Actually! I can give you his world name! Would that help? And the names of a few others!” 
“Would you? That’d be awesome!” Xisuma said. 
“Stampy's lovely world, and Squid’s sky island!” Netty smiled. Xisuma nodded. “And I’ll come with you! My brother can be a bit… food driven. I know how to convince ‘em.” She giggled. And Xisuma chuckled. 
“Alright then! Thank you so much Netty. It means so much to me. To us.” Xisuma stood up and went over to spawn, which thankfully wasn’t too far away. He let out a breath, using his voice abilities and only softly mumbling the words. 
“Stampy’s lovely world.” 
Xisuma paused when they got to the world. “Holy…” He mumbled, looking around the vast and completely filled to the brim world. There was so many lights, shops, and he even saw a few rides in the background. He yelped when Netty grabbed his hand and started to run, running straight to a house over a bay. 
“STAMPY!” Netty yelled, and a few people poked out of no where, all animal hybrids. Reindeer, elephant, ect. What caught his attention though, was a bright orange cat. 
“He looks so fluffy-” Xisuma mumbled under his breath. He heard Netty giggle before explaining the entire situation to her shell shocked brother, waving her arms about and gathering the crowd of helpers. 
“So we really really REALLY need you’re help! And you’re dog’s help too!” Netty finished. And Stampy closed his eyes and took in a deep breath. 
“You’re so lucky I love you Netty.” 
“YES!!! Thank you Stampy!” She hugged her brother, and Stampy laughed. His laugh was a wheezing one, happy and infectious. Xisuma chuckled softly. “Stampy! This is Xisuma. He’s a fellow admin!” She chirped. 
“Nice to meet you! Can I call you X?” He asked, Xisuma waved his arms around shyly. 
“Ah… I’d rather you not. That’s… kinda what we call my twin.” Xisuma said. 
“Oh! Sorry then!” 
Doc watched as the others scramble around in the snow biome, making homes and work areas out of whatever materials they could get at their base and shops. It was quite amusing honestly, watching Cub run around like a chicken without his head. He was perched on top of a tree, looking at the village beside them and sighing. “Poor, poor villagers.” He said slowly, leaning back into the spruce tree. “They probably don’t understand whats going on.” He said, monologuing again. He held his sword in his hand, running his finger along the blade. “Oh It will be amazing once I get this sword through that creatures chest.” He grinned lowly, the expression twisted. 
“Okay okay! Damn! No need to shout!” He said, jumping out of the tree. False rolled her eyes fondly, and Doc walked over to help her build the small, two to three person homes. “I wonder who Xisuma is bringing though. It make more sense to go to Stress’s kingdom and get her parents army to help us fight.” 
“Xisuma is our admin, not our brain cell.” 
“Very true.”  
The group paused when they got an influx of notifications on their communicators. 
Stamplongnose has joined the server
Nettyplays has joined the server
Iballisticsquid has joined the server
Mithzan has joined the server
Yourpalross has joined the server. 
And around twenty other people. Doc whistled lowly. “Daamn. And its only been an hour. ‘suma works fast.” 
False laughed. “Oh my void. I think those are other admins. And Grian’s old friends.” She grinned. “Oh Night is officially fucked.” 
“Guys! Calm down-”
Xisuma pinched the bridge of his nose, bashing his head into a crafting table. Okay. Maybe he should’ve thought this through a bit more. “We don’t have time for you’re bickering. Come on. Lets get you elytras and we’re heading out.” Xisuma said, opening a chest full of boasts and throwing them down for everyone. He found out the names of these other admins and they were… and interesting bunch. 
Max and Ross were both admins to a lot of worlds, same with Sky- aka Adam. He was lucky he accidentally ended up in another server, with access to so many good pvpers. But… the bickering was unbearable. He guided everyone to the shopping district, being as discreet as he could with 20 people. 
Night knew of the others that joined the server. He had Bdub’s and Xisuma’s communicators after all. And he was quick to alert his Star’s on the situation. Assuring them that failure was not an option, no matter what. He noticed the flickering in Bird’s eyes, for now just assuming that was Grian telling him who these new people were… 
It was in fact, quite the opposite. Currently going on in ‘Birds’ head was…
Around 20 minutes later, after Night had explained the situation, Observer was trying to find the winged Star, only… only to see him at the top of a ginormous staircase. “Bird?! What are you doing?!” He yelled, only to screech as the avian threw himself down the staircase. He watched the winged man thud down nearly 64 stair blocks of varying materials. Observer watched with a deep frown, and he could hear Mumbo’s hysterical laughter in the background. He watched as Bird got to the bottom of the stairs, groaning loudly in pain. 
“Well did you really think that was a smart idea?” Observer asked, holding back his urge to laugh. Bird nodded as he groaned. 
“I think I broke every bone in this body.” 
~Ollie ;)
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yeunbins · 6 years
till dusk, till dawn
➳ summary: in apocalyptic world, is there a chance for you to find love?
➳ genre: apocalyptic!au
➳ a/n: gif creds goes to @hayoonbin! this was requested by annonue and i got too carried away writing it and uGh i love it so much!! kinda inspired by multiple zombie movies esp. the walking dead!
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“mom, what are those?” your voice quivered in fear. You see your mom stagger up the stairs and run towards your room. she grabs a backpack from your closet and stuffs clothes, the first aid kit, and water in it. “mom answer me!” you cried out loud. “run and never look back” her voice boomed. You look at her crying face in confusion. she shows her arm which revealed a bite mark. you run up to her and sobbed. You felt her stroke your hair in a loving manner. “I love you, sweetie” she says truthfully as your mom feels herself turning. the bangs downstairs got louder and louder. “mom please” you sobbed. your mom suddenly grabs a pistol. “mom.. what are you doing?” you asked in panic. “after I fire this gun, promise me you will take this and run” she looks at you dead in the eye “no mom!” you tried to stop her but its too late. she pulled the trigger. “ MOM!!” you screamed in agony.
you woke up from your daydream when you heard a clunk at the other side of the store. In a hurry, you grabbed the canned goods and other necessities you needed and shoved them in your bag. you stealthily paced around the store to check where the sound came from. you peeked over at the shelves to see a zombie. Not wasting any more time, you threw your army knife at his head. you watched the zombie fall to the ground. you look down at the zombie with your knife on its head. “poor guy” you say out loud. you pulled the knife from his head and ran out of the convenience store.
running out the store, you were greeted with the fresh air with the smell of rotting bodies. you were used to this kind of lifestyle by now. killing zombies here and there, finding abandoned houses in the rich subdivisions or in the villages to sleep in. your main “home” as you called it was in the forest. you knew your way in and out of the forest in your town. though there are still some parts of it to be discovered. you are now headed to the front and you see a hoard of zombies ahead of your direction. you didn’t bring attention to yourself by walking cautiously. even if there was a zombie in front of you, you would just stab them on the head.
it was just a regular day at the treasure base. asahi, yoshinori, and jaehyuk were getting down from the watch towers from their night shift. byunggon calls everyone to the dining area for their daily meeting. “any news?” byunggon asks everyone who was still in a sleepy state. “nothing from the night before hyung” asahi reports. “hmm. I guess that’s like a daily thing now” seunghun comments.
as everyone was busy reporting the activities from the dag before, byunggon checks the members attendance. “where’s mashiho?” byunggon asks. “in the kitchen hyung!” yedam answers. byunggon noticed the meeting was awfully quiet.
“where’s jihoon, junkyu, and the rookie?” as on cue, the three stumble together at the door. “present.. for duty.. hyung” junkyu tries to hold in his laughter.
keyword: tried.
Byunggon massaged his temples at the three. “So, what are we-“ “hyung we ran out of food!” mashiho runs in. “NO FOOD?!” hajeongwoo exclaim in sync. “WHAT!?” junkyu screams in a high voice. “everybody listen up!” seunghun slams his fist against the metal table. all The boys stopped what they were doing. “thanks bro” byunggon bumps his fist with seunghun seunghun. “no problem” seunghun grins. “anyway, since we’re out of food, jihoon, junkyu, and the rookie here,” byunggon points at the three. “you three will scout for our food” he finishes. “great! we’re gonna go outside again” jihoon laughs, “and we try not to get killed yeehaw!” junkyu adds but ruins the mood. both leaders, byunggon and seunghun facepalm. “just head over to doyoungie and hyunsukie’s station to get your guns.” seunghun sighs. “copy that!”
“we’re in scouting duty again!” junkyu giggles. “ yep. but its our rookie’s first misson” jihoon coos at yoonbin, who just vaguely smiles a bit. “ aw come on, rookie! loosen up a bit” Jihoon throws his hand over yoonbin’s shoulder. “come on, guys. It’s not the time to—what was that?” rustling was heard. the three boys gripped their guns tightly against their chest.
you are now walking through the forest. just feeling the cold breeze hit your skin brings you relaxation or peace despite living in a apocalyptic world where the dead wants to eat you alive. your train of thought was cut short when you heard voices nearby. you dropped your bag filled with goods and hid around a tree.
“yo! who would leave this!!” a giddy voice exclaims. “be quiet man! you’re gonna bring us attention!” another voice hushed. “careful, we don’t know if there’s a catch” a deep voice interfers. “please” the other boy scoffs, “like there’s any other—“
he gets cut off by you grabbing a boy and holding a knife against his neck. 2 guns were pointed at you. “drop your weapons” you demanded. they slowly complied and dropped theirs. Even the boy you held hostage dropped his gun.
“who are you and what are you doing here?!” you pointed the knife towards the two boys who were holding their hands up. “i’m jihoon and thats junkyu” jihoon points to the guy beside him. “the one you held hostage is yoonbin” he then points to the boy you’re holding. “we’re scouting for food for our base” he explains.
“what base? there aren’t any bases here!” you raise your brow at the two boys. as you try to get information from them, you didn’t notice yoonbin who took the opportunity to flip you around. so now you’re the one who’s held hostage. “FUCK!” you yelped
“oH MY GOD DUDE DID YOU SEE THAT?! BYUNGGON HYUNG IS GONNA BE SO HAPPY AND SHOCKED” junkyu jumps. “guess we’re taking you hostage, lady” yoonbin whispers in your ear. “we’re gonna take your food if you don’t mind!” jihoon smiles as he grabs your little duffle bag filled with canned goods. “FUCK OFF THAT’S MINE” you trashed around yoonbin’s arms. “not anymore~” junkyu says in a sing song voice. “c’mon rookie. let’s head back now” jihoon commands. yoonbin pushed you harshly and now you four were walking to their base.
“you’re back early– whO IS THAT?!” jeongwoo screams over the intercom. “a stranger danger that’s what” jihoon mumbles enough for you to hear. you kicked jihoon’s ass which caused him to yell in pain. “DUDE! control her! she kicked my ass!” jihoon complained. “literally” junkyu joked. you snap your head at him and gave him a glare. “sorry” he says quickly. “you’re quite feisty aren’t you” yoonbin tries to give you a small talk, only for you to give him your best death glare. “cool” he replies.
you were now walking to the front door. their base reminded you of an army base with all the wires and metal doors everywhere. not to mention the watch towers and all that. “hyung! we found another civilian!” junkyu reports. “this time she’s a bit hostile” jihoon whispers over to byunggon. “where is she?” byunggon asked the two. “she’s with the rookie. oh my god hyung like he did a backflip and shit and the girl can’t do anything!” junkyu blabbered.
“it’s a girl?! hyunsuk and seunghun both piped up. “yeah–“ before jihoon could finish his sentence, byunggon, seunghun and hyunsuk ran off to where yoonbin was guarding you.
“you know, you could always let go of me right?” you smile fakely at yoonbin who’s still holding your arms together. “no can do. you’re hostile as fuck” he comments. “what the fuck is that supposed to mean?!” you start to raise your voice. “this is exactly why i can’t let you go” he counters. you huff at your place and try to find something to distract him. you spot an ajar door. an idea came into mind.
“oH MY GOD LOOK THERE MIGHT BE A ZOMBIE” you screamed. yoonbin got startled, “WHERE?!” he looks around frantically. taking this as an opportunity that he’s distracted, you ran away from him. “wha– come back here!” he yells. you sprinted faster but he’s catching up.
‘for a rookie they’re talking about, he’s pretty good’ you thought to yourself. you were now running around a goddamn table. you hear yoonbin ‘tsked’ and slid over to your side. “FUCK DUDE IT AINT THAT SERIOUS” you cry out as you ran faster than ever.
he finally catches up and tackles you to the ground. “you aren’t going anywhere” he says coldly. “yeah i am” you argue as you fight against him. “do you ever give up?” he pants as he tries to block your attacks. “nope, never” you smile. suddenly you felt something prick you. “ow!” you pushed yoonbin off of you as you felt yourself getting dizzy. “wha– the” you slurred. the last thing you remember was falling and you feel yourself being lifted and you’re out like a light.
you jolt up from the hard bed. hitting your head angst a shelf in the process. “fuCK!” you cursed loudly. “she’s awake!” you hear an unfamiliar voice call out. suddenly, a group of boys scrambled inside the room. “oh wow” one comments. “oh no she has a bruise forming” another comments. “i got the ice” another announces. “damn rookie what did you do to her” one jokes and the whole group broke into laughter.
“who the fuck are you guys” you ask them. “damn, you’re right hoon. she’s feisty as shit!” a blonde boy exclaims. “told ya” jihoon’s familiar voice echoed in the room.
“hello! i’m byunggon. i’m the group’s leader. you’re at our base. you are another civilian we found around the area!” byunggon introduces himself. “here around me are the other civilians me and seunghun found.” he points to a tall boy who’s smiling like a dad.
“this is hyunsuk, yedam, jaehyuk, doyoung, yoshinori and asahi” he points to the boys behind him. “and you already met those three” he then points to jihoon, junkyu and yoonbin who was leaning against the doorframe.
“i know what you feel right now. so we’ll give you time to take in everything.” byunggon puts a hand on your shoulder. “mashiho, make her some food. yedam, give her an ice pack” he looks at mashiho and yedam who were standing outside. “got it hyung!” they say. byunggon stands up and walks over to jihoon, junkyu and yoonbin.
“you three, watch over her incase she plans anything funny” byunggon whispers to the three. “nah hyung, let’s just leave it to the rookie here” jihoon teases yoonbin. “fuck off” yoonbin rolls his eyes. junkyu winked at byunggon hoping he got the idea. byunggon looked like he was about to laugh.
“okay then, rookie, watch over her for tonight” byunggon smirks at yoonbin who groaned and threw death glares at the two idiots. “bye~” they waved as they ran for their lives after leaving the room.
you watched as mashiho placed down a plate filled with food. you looked at him and mouthed a quick ‘thank you’ he shows you a toothy grin and walks off together with yedam who shyly gave you the ice pack. they both ran off and closed the door right after. you were now laying down at the bed with your hand holding an ice pack against your forehead.
“for someone who’s gonna watch over me, you don’t talk much” you comment at yoonbin who’s just standing at the corner with a gun. “just doing what i’m told to” he replies. you scoffed, “yeah right, sure”
“why won’t we start with the basics, like introducing ourselves. hey! that’s a good idea” you open up a conversation. you hear yoonbin sigh, “fine. what’s your name?” he asks. you gasp and put your hand over your chest. “i thought you’d never ask!” you say. he rolls his eyes at you. “anyway i’m y/n” you smile at him.
after hours of just talking about anything, yoonbin hears your breathing go steady. indicating you have already fallen asleep. he quietly tip toes outside where he could leave you asleep in peace. he closed the door quietly as he could. suddenly, a hand grabbed his shoulder. “hey rookie” it was byunggon.
“hey.. uh hyung” yoonbin smiles politely at the leader. “i see that you did something earlier with our new comer huh” he smiles at yoonbin. ‘oh no, is this going somewhere’ yoonbin thinks to himself. “i need you to be with her for a few days. like give her a tour and all that shit. make sure she has something to do. is that okay?” byunggon asks. ‘fuck’ he thought. knowing he can’t say no to gon, he agrees. “okay” byunggon smiles widely, “ey! that’s our rookie! get some rest, you have a long day ahead of you” byunggon pats his chest.
yoonbin walks through the long hallways as he goes to his room. his room was kinda small but it has a bed and that’s all what matters. his neighbors are mashiho and seunghun. who are both busy everyday. he drops his gun on the floor, he opens the small closet and changes into his hoodie and sweats. he crawls to his bed, making himself comfy. once he’s adjusted, yoonbin sighs before being knocked out cold.
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Task 5!
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Basic Character Questions
First name? Amelie
Surname? La Tremoille
Middle names? Violetta
Nicknames? Ames, Ame, she doesn’t have many.
Date of birth? February 10th
Age? 25
Physical / Appearance
Height? 5′3″
Weight? 125 pounds
Build? Small,
Hair color? Blonde
Hair style? Down, curled, straightened, ponytail, braided
Eye color? Green
Eye Shape? Upturned
Glasses or contact lenses? Neither
Distinguishing facial features? She has a mole on the left side of her face, underneath her lip and when she smiles, the right side of her lips quirk up a bit more.
Which facial feature is most prominent? Her eyes.
Which bodily feature is most prominent? Depends on who you're talking to, she’d say her breasts.
Other distinguishing features? Not that she knows of.
Skin? Soft, Ivory, marks easily
Hands? Soft, small, dainty.
Make up? Back home, she’d always have makeup on. Whether it was a tinted moisturizer of a full face.
Scars? One on her shoulder from when she was younger
Birthmarks? Yes
Tattoos? A rose on her right forearm, an arrow on her left forearm, and a cross on her finger, 
Physical handicaps? none
Type of clothes? She stays more towards the current street style
How do they wear their clothes? She likes to re-purpose, so if you see her cutting up a shirt, that’s why
What are their feet like? (type of shoes, state of shoes, socks, feet, pristine, dirty, worn, etc) She’s always getting new shoes, so you never see her wearing shoes that are terribly dirty. She keeps her feet clean.
Race / Ethnicity? French, Caucasian.
Mannerisms? When she’s bored she tends to start to hum or sing, and she can
Are they in good health? Very.. at least in her opinion.
Do they have any disabilities? Nope.
What words or phrases do they overuse? “Oh mon dieu!”
Do they have a catchphrase? Nope.
Are they more optimistic or pessimistic? Optimistic/
Are they introverted or extroverted. Extroverted
Do they ever put on airs? No.
What bad habits do they have? Her drinking habits have gotten.. out of hand.
What makes them laugh out loud? Anything. Literally, anything.
How do they display affection? She gets very touchy.
Mental handicaps? None.
How do they want to be seen by others? She wants to be seen as someone who is caring, yet knows how to exert herself in demanding situations.
How do they see themselves? A fragile girl who has gone through too much.
How are they seen by others? She doesn’t know, and she’d rather not know.
Strongest character trait? She’s very trustworthy.
Weakest character trait? She’s very impatient.
How competitive are they? Very, challenge her to a game of anything, and she will try her hardest to win.
Do they make snap judgements or take time to consider? Snap judgements.
How do they react to praise? She loves it.
How do they react to criticism? She takes it with a grain of salt.
What is their greatest fear? Losing her family.
What are their biggest secrets? Her times with Clay.
What is their philosophy of life? She doesn't believe in life philosophies.
When was the last time they cried? When she found out Mathieu was on the island.
What haunts them? The fact that she left her parents on a bad note. Now she doesn’t know if they’ll even take her back.
What are their political views? She doesn’t have any political party she supports.
What will they stand up for? She’ll stand up for anything she believes to be true/right, even if she is wrong.
Who do they quote? She doesn’t tend to quote people.
Are they indoorsy or outdoorsy? Both.
What is their sinful little habit? PDA. Even though people hate it, she loves it.
What sense do they most rely on? Her hearing.
How do they treat people better than them? She treats them how she treats everyone else, with respect.
How do they treat people worse than them? She can be a bit condescending, but if she finds out why they’re the way they are, she tries her hardest to help them.
What quality do they most value in a friend? Trust.
What do they consider an overrated virtue? Patience and intelligence.
If they could change one thing about themselves, what would it be? Her attitude.
What is their obsession? Television.
What are their pet peeves? When someone doesn’t know how to take care of themselves and doesn’t know basic hygiene.
What are their idiosyncrasies? She quirks/furrows her eyebrows a lot, and tends to run her hands through her hair quite a bit.
Friends and Family
Is their family big or small? Who does it consist of? Her family is relatively quaint, consisting of her parents, and her three siblings.
What is their perception of family? They should be someone who never stop loving you, ever stops supporting you, never stops believing in you no matter what.
Do they have siblings? Older or younger? She does have siblings, two older sisters and one older brother.
Describe their best friend. Understanding, trustworthy.
Ideal best friend? Someone she could tell anything to, someone she could go to if she’s having a bad day... basically someone to be her substitute sibling.
Describe their other friends. She doesn’t have many friends.
Describe their acquaintances. Most of the royals.
Do they have any pets? Yes, she has a black lab she got a few days before getting brought to the island.
Who are their natural allies? She has many natural allies.
Who are their surprising allies? She doesn’t have any surprising allies.
Past and Future
What was your character like as a baby? As a child? As a baby and a child, her parents spoiled her like no other- thats where her bratty attitude comes from.
Did they grow up rich or poor? Rich
Did they grow up nurtured or neglected? She was nurtured up until her late teens. The more rebellious she got, the less her parent’s started to care.
What is the most offensive thing they ever said? She told her mom that she wished she ( her mom ) was infertile and never had her ( amelie )
What is their greatest achievement? Finally getting her mothers approval.
What was their first kiss like? How awkward can a kiss between two twelve year olds be? Oh, super awkward.
What is the worst thing they did to someone they loved? Told them to leave her alone and that she never want’s to see their face again.
What are their ambitions? Finish law school.
What advice would they give their younger self? To listen to her mom.
What smells remind them of their childhood? Fresh rain mixed with the smell of orchids.
What was their childhood ambition? To be a doctor.
What is their best childhood memory? When she went to her first peace meeting and learned what being a royal was truly about.
What is their worst childhood memory? When her mom and dad left in the middle of a night for an emergency meeting, she was scared shitless.
Did they have an imaginary childhood friend? No.
When was the last time they were crushed with disappointment? When she realized that there was a slight chance that she may never get to see her parents again.
What past act are they most ashamed of? When she stopped looking for him. She never should’ve stopped looking.
What past act are they most proud of?
Has anyone ever saved their life? Plenty of times. She has a habit of putting herself in danger.
Strongest childhood memory? When she and her brother had their first bad fight, she was ten, he was fourteen.
Do they believe in love at first sight? Yes, it’s how her parents met.
Are they in a relationship? No.
How do they behave in a relationship? She’s very adoring, and acts like that person is the center of her world. If she falls, she falls hard.
When did you character last have sex? Oh God. I don’t even know... before the island?
What type of sex does your character have? Rough, kinky.
Has your character ever been in love? No, not that she consciously knows of. She tries to distance herself from it.
Have they ever had their heart broken? Yes.
How do they respond to a threat? With a worse threat.
Are they most likely to fight with their fists or their tongue? Fight with her tongue, she has witty comebacks for days.
What is your character’s kryptonite? Her family. She make act like she hates her mom and dad, but if anything were to happen to them, she’d be heart broken.
If your character could only save one thing from their burning house, what would it be? Figuring her siblings were out, she’d get her notebooks.
How do they perceive strangers? She tries not to judge to quickly, but sometimes she preceives ideas way too quickly.
What do they love to hate? All the Marvel villains. (besides Thanos ofc)
What are their phobias? Spiders.
What is their choice of weapon? A knife.
What living person do they most despise? She doesn’t despise anyone.
Have they ever been bullied or teased? Yes.
Where do they go when they’re angry? When she was at the palace, she’d go to the garden, the flowers and aromas would calm her down. Being on the island, she goes to the shoreline and watches the waves.
Who are their enemies and why? She doesn’t necessarily have any enemies. She finds hatred to be to much of a burden.
Work, Education and Hobbies
What is their current job? She doesn’t have one.
What do they think about their current job? N/A
What are some of their past jobs? One time her parents made her work in a fast food restaurant as a work of charity.
What are their hobbies? Writing music, singing, playing piano, tending to her garden, shopping.
Educational background? She stopped going to university half way through her law degree.
Intelligence level? She’s very gifted in lot’s of things- except calculus.
Do they have any specialist training? She had a musician teach her piano for a bit, but she got the hang of it faster than most.
Do they have a natural talent for something? She is very talented at piano- it’s the only ‘talent’ she has... according to her mother.
Do they play a sport? Are they any good? She does not play any sports.
What is their socioeconomic status? She’s always been wealthy.
What is their favorite animal? Dogs.
Which animal to they dislike the most? Cats, she finds them to lazy for her liking.
What place would they most like to visit? She would really like to go to America again. Their lifestyles are so different.
What is the most beautiful thing they’ve ever seen? The way different countries can come together and put aside their difference when another country has something bad happen to them.
What is their favorite song? Nico and the Niners - Twenty One Pilots
Music, art, reading preferred? Music.
What is their favorite color? Red.
What is their password? ;)
Favorite food: Any type of pasta.
What is their favorite work of art? “A New Beginning” by Alen Vejzovic
Who is their favorite artist? Alisher Kushakov
What is their favorite day of the week? Wednesday.
What is in their fridge: A bottle of wine for emergencies, Dr. Pepper, and miscellaneous snacks.
What is on their bedside table? A book, a sketchbook, a notebook, and her phone.
What is in their car? Chap stick, charger cords, portable chargers, and a small bag full of necessities.
What is in their bin? Makeup removing wipes, broken pencils, and scrunched up pieces of paper.
What is in their purse or wallet? A couple of notes, her debit card, license, and a few gift cards of sorts.
What is in their pockets? Chapstick.
What is their most treasured possession? Her piano.
Who or what is your character’s guardian angel? She doesn’t believe she has a guardian angle.
Do they believe in the afterlife? Yes
What are their religious views? She believes there has to be some form of a higher power, but doesn’t know what.
What do they think heaven is? A warm, welcoming place.
What do they think hell is? A indefinite void of emptiness.
Are they superstitious? Sometimes.
What would they like to be reincarnated as? A bird.
How would they like to die? After living out a long, meaningful life.
What is your character’s spirit animal? A wolf.
What is their zodiac sign? Aquarius.
What do they think is the worst thing that can be done to a person? To be taken away from their family and the people they love against their will.
What is their view of ‘freedom’? To be able to do whatever they want, whenever they want.
When did they last lie? Probably the last time she spoke to a pirate.
What’s their view of lying? If it’s needed, its needed.
When did they last make a promise? The other day.
Did they keep or break their last promise? Keep
Daily life
What are their eating habits? She tends to skip breakfast and/or lunch, but dinner is a must.
Do they have any allergies? Nope.
Describe their home. Welcoming, judgmental, warm, playful, light spirited.
Are they minimalist or a clutter hoarder? Minimalist.
What do they do first thing on a weekday morning? Go to the kitchen and see what foods are being prepared.
What do they do on a Sunday afternoon? Family outings.
What do they do on a Friday night? Depends who she’s with but normally, she’s at home, watching musicals, and drinking.
What is the soft drink of choice? Dr. Pepper
What is their alcoholic drink of choice? Wine.
What is their character archetype? (Innocent, Orphan, Hero, Caregiver, Explorer, Rebel, Lover, Creator, Jester, Sage, Magician, Ruler) Lover
Who is their hero? Her dad.
What or who would your character dress up as for Halloween? She doesn’t really do Halloween.
Are they comfortable with technology? Very.
If they could save one person, who would it be? Her grandmother.
If they could call one person for help, who would it be? Celestine
What is their favorite proverb? “Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.”
What is their greatest extravagance? Travel. She loves to go to different countries, whether it’s for business or not.
What is their greatest regret? Leaving her home on the night she learned her parents had married her off.
What is their perception of redemption? Redemption is necessary, no matter what.
What would they do if they won the lottery? Give the money to charity. She doesn’t need anymore.
What is their favorite fairytale? Rapunzel.
What fairytale do they hate? Snow White.
Do they believe in happy endings? Yes.
What is their idea of perfect happiness? Being able to be yourself, no matter what.
What would they ask a fortune teller? Will she meet the love of her life?
If your character could travel through time, where would they go? 1950′s in America.
What sport do they excel at? She’s not good at sports.
What sport do they suck at? Basically any sport you could imagine.
If they could have a superpower, what would they choose? Whatever powers Doctor Strange has.
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There is no time for us...
TMNT Crossover Resident Evil Its playing at the time of last chapter. 
Part 1 of my new series enjoy!^^
New York Manhattan suriviors 13999 and my brothers and me, the name is Raphael and we protecting them.
Ten years ago we where only the guardians of the city. The heroes in the shadows how the media called us. Our enemies where the Shredder and his foot clan or some other scum from the streets.
Only the police and our few friends knew about our existenz and what we really are. Life was fine this time only some fights against the Shredder and other scum nothing to serious.
We enjoyed life the fullest well as much you can enjoy your live living in sewer and walking by night.
But all changed as the daughter of a rich man got sick and he tried all to save her. To our bad luck he found the t-virus.
At the beginning this virus was like a blessing it saved many lifes and healed many sick people but his shit had real bad side effects. The people who where once healed died and mutated to undead bastards. All they want now was FOOD!
Who got bit will sooner or later die and mutate to the same shit!
As hell broke lose we managed to save a really smart part of the citizen of NYC. My smartass brother Donnie and us started to build gigantic walls with the help off umbrella at this time we didnt know that this bastards where the reason for this shit.
But Donnie came behind it and we kicked their asses, we started to give the suriviors a new life behind the big walls we protect every day and night with soldiers and polices help.
April is the only friend we have left beside the chief. She  helps where she can, even thought she misses Casey her lover really  much.
We lost dad and Vernon while we build up the  city to some lickers fuckers with long tongues hate them like crazy.
This fucker infect them and because no one could do it I killed them! It  was not my father anymore okay and not our friend they died and   became real monsters!
The people accepted us quick because we are their only chance to survive this hell. Donnie kept on building things and weapons who help us against the undead and the flying monsters who are after our asses.
Mikey keeps the kids busy and plays with them while flirting with every girl who comes to close to him.
Leonardo is the leader with the major of the city, the police chief and me.
Yeah I became a leader of a special team. We go out every day searching for food and other much needed things. Our most important goal is to find other not infected surviviors and bring them in to our little city.
"Hey boss its time to go!" a voice familar voice calls me I stop writing and hide the book in a box full with some weapons. I grab my sais and put some guns and a winchester in the holder on my back shell before I open the door.
"Hey scarface are the others ready to go? " I ask one of men he is a ex-marine soldiers with scars all over his face thats why he gave himself this name.
"All ready" he saluted before me I nodded and followed out of my half destroyed house.
We walk over to the others. I have a team of ten men we where more but umbrella killed some with their fucking traps all over the city, this fuckers tried to destroy our city!
"Okay you know the plan like every day if one gets bitten you will kill them no exceptions!" I reminded all before they got in the two special cars and I jumped on my bike. Mikey and some other men let the gate down for us.
"LETS GO!" I shout and start the motor.
We drive for a while through the streets as I hear a scream of the flying bastards but they dont attack me but a car before me.
The beast pulls up the car in the air I drive faster and take a car wrack like a ramp to jump up in the air hitting the fucker with my motorcircle making it crash down while I land behind the car with the surviviors inside it.
I pulled the guns out and shoot at the flying fuck and jumped on it stabbing it a few times. I turn slowly around as I hear voices.
One of a woman the other of a man. He discussed with her and suddenly opened the door and throw her out.
I couldnt help but stare at her. She has light brown wavy hair reaching wild over her big breasts d  cup breasts or more. Her eyes where green or blue I couldnt decided it from the distance. Her face is round with full red lips or is it because it is bruised?  She wears only a blue tanktop with black highwaist jeans with some holes in them and a holder around her left tight with a big steak knife inside it.  The girl has killer curvers her waist was thiner than her big hips and butt, her legs long she had boots with iron heals on them and spikes on the tip.
"I tired of being with you I have no reason to stay with you my family is dead! I only stayed because we where better together and had more chances to survive! But if you treat me like this I prefer dead or a life as infected over being one second more with you!" she said loud back at him.
"YOU WILL NOT LEAVE ME!" the man shouts and gets out walking over to her it looks like he was about to hit her but then I heard a gun shoot.
She screams and holds her leg. "YOU WILL...." before he could shoot her again one of the fyling fuckers grabbed him and fly off with him screaming "ZOYA!"
"KIRILL!" she yells back and starts running after them. I run to her and grab her pull her against me my hand quick over her eyes as I see another flying bastard come flying towards the one who has her husband and both started to ripp the man in two pieces to devour them.
"ATPUSTI!" she screams tries to get away I let her go and the woman turns around staring at me.
Silence, then we hear the flying fuckers screaming and she runs to the car I jump in behind her.
"NOT THE TIME BABE! DRIVE!" I growl at her and she starts the motor and we speed off. The fuckers following us.
I growl as one of them gets down ready to attack us I smirk and pull a granate out of my bag beside my sais holders and throw it in to his fucking face! He swallows it and his head explodes.
I laugh while she screams and stops making me fall through the window. I look at her pissed before I look back before us was the big krater.
"Fuck okay babe slowly backwards" I told her she nods and drives backwards one more flying fuck want to attack but my team shoot him and he explodes in the air. I smirk looking at scareface and get back in beside the goddess.
"NO FUUCK!" I scream as I see her sitting there unconcious from the fucking blood loss I quick ripp a piece fro my mask and put it tight around her leg grabbing her and getting out with her.  Walking her over to scareface. "She needs help!" I told my team  Kiara the only woman in my team when April is not with us nods and helps me to get her in the car.
I walk over to my bike and growl how bad as I see my motorbike. "Fuck this!" growl and collect the pieces I throw them on to the truck and get up. "Back home!" I order my team and scarface starts driving off.
We make it back and I grab her and run with her to Donnie breaking in to his room and tell him to take care of her.
I stay beside him watching my bro pulling the bullet out of her leg and taking care of her wound.
"We need to talk with Leo to decide where she can stay" the egghead explains to me I pull her up in to my arms.
"She will stay in my room until we know that"I decide and carry her out with me in to my house. I smile as she sighing nuzzles herself closer to me.
"You safe here" I promise her and kick the door to my bedroom open and carry her over to my bed. I lay her down and pull her boots of her before I put a blanket over her.
Then I sit down on my chair and watch her laying there in my bed. She is not the first women I brough her but the others where sluts who wanted to only try out how it felt to fuck a mutant.
She is different in a good way I could feel it the way she looked at me.
A knock on my door rips me out of my thought I get up open it to see fearless.
"Where is she?" he asks me and looks over my shoulder at her.
"Her name is Zoya, she will stay with me until you have a place for her" I told my brother and followed him out in to my living room.
"There are bigger problems coming for us, Donnie cameras captured this tonight" he explains to me and shows me some umbrella and foot soldiers with big as tanks and a army of infected bastards behind them.
"How long until they arrive?" I ask him growling.
"In two days we need to prepare ourselves and get all ready in case we need to flee down in to the sewer" Leo decided I nodded.
"Are you nuts this people dont wana rott in the sewer thats their city our city Leo. We have the weapons to fight back!" I protested against his decision.
"Our weapons are not as strong as the one Umbrella and the Shredder is sending against us! Raphael! Are you blind? Even if we can stop this five tanks and the army of infected coming in to the city. There will come more of them. They will overpower us! And as one of the leader of this city its on me to decided what is the best for this city the human choose me not you for this place!" fearless growls at me.
"Do you really think the citizen are this weak? They been through hell like us as we lost Dad, Casey? The nerd Vernon. We are lucky that we could save April and all this people. They are counting on us Leo! Look what they build up they have food they have clothes and houses and they can walk free around without fearing that some fucking monster attack them! We have no right to take this away from them! " I yell at my brother as I hear footsteps.
"Sorry I dont mean to disturb your discussion but I am really thirsty and..." she falls back I quick catch her and pull her up sit her on my old couch.
"I will get you something stay here with my brother" I order her and quick go to my kitchen to get her some water.
As I come back seeing Leo kissing her hand, I growl as he walks over to me. "We will talk later Raph" he tells me while walking past me out of the room.
I roll my eyes  and make my way over to her and give her the bottle with water. She starts to drink it greedy taking big sips.
My eyes following her brown wavy locks down to her her baby face to her neck down her breasts waist, hips to her longs legs and her wound. I see her bandage slightly rosé from her blood.
So I decide she will not walk around until her wound is healed.
She stops and looks at me. "Thank you for all but I dont want to be a bother for you so if they find a place for me I will..."
"You can stay as long as you want!" interupt her quick dont know why but the thought of her leaving made me do it.
"Okay thank you I can cook food for us" she offers me I cant stop myself imagine her staying with her back to me cooking something nice while I walk over to hug her close. Taking in her sweet scent. The thought makes me churr.
"Are you okay? What was this sound?" she asks me worried and I look back at her feeling my face heating up.
"Nothing!" I tell her quick looking blushing away.
What the hell is happening to me?!
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shambledbylaw · 7 years
Negan’s Daughter Falls for a Redneck
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isis278 asked: hey ! can I please request one were the reader is Negan's daughter and when Daryl arrives at their camp she patches him up and they fall in love but eventually rick comes and kills Negan and the reader has to continue where her father left ? thanks !!
"(Y/n)!" your dad Negan called out as you heard his footsteps walking down the hall. "Yeah dad?" You called back out, "Are you in your room!" he called "Yes!" I called back to him. "Hey dad." I said as he entered the room. "Hey (y/n), I need you to do me a favor." he said looking at you. "Sure dad what is it?" I said giving him a small smile. He smiled at you and said "I need you to help patch up this new guy, I took him from another group." He knodded his head to the side to signal you to follow. Grabbing your flashlight and some medical supplies, you followed. "Dad why did you take him from his group, they can't be that bad." you said while looking towards him. He kept quiet till we got to the cells part of the sanctuary, looking at me my dad said "They are bad (Y/n). They killed a bunch of my men and this man that you're about to patch up punched me in the face." You looked at him with a straight face and said "Alright but why are you having me patch him up instead of the doctor?" He smiled while speaking. "I have no idea, I guess to give you more practice if you ever alone and need to do it yourself. Though that will hopefully never happen." You knodded while your dad signaled for them to open the door. "I know you can protect yourself, my guards will be at the end of each hallway just in case." he said while kissing your head. "Thanks dad." you said smiling "By the way his names Daryl, in case you need him to answer you. I'll talk to you bout his condition later." he whispered before walking away Dwight opened the door to the cell; seeing a man against the wall in the corner, you stepped inside turning on the flashlight as they closed the door behind you. Their footsteps being heard going down the hall. Pointing the flashlight towards the man, but not in his face, you decided to try speaking to him. "Hi Daryl, I'm (Y/n)." He looked up at you through his hair and said just above a whisper "How'd ya know my name?" Kneeling in front of him you proceeded to talk "Negan. He's my dad, he told me. I'm sorry he took you from your group, You didn't deserve that and neither do they. I'm not going to hurt you though, I promise." He looked at you while knodding that he understood. "My dad brought me here to patch you up, Could you tell me what's wrong?" You asked him politely as you put the flashlight down to where it shines all over Daryl, and grabbing some supplies you think you'll need. He kept quiet while watching you, till you looked up and your eyes met his. After a few minutes you both looked away, clearing his throat he spoke "I got shot in the right shoulder, and I have a few cuts here and there." You looked at him shocked and asked "Could you take off your shirt, please?" He looked at you with a questioning look as you continued to speak. "I need to get a better look at your shoulder, so I can clean it good and dress it appropriately." He knodded while proceeding to take his shirt off, he was struggling a bit so you reached your hands out to help him. He didn't do anything that would tell you not to help so you helped him take his shirt off. Once his shirt is off you put on some gloves, picked up the flashlight, grabbed some rubbing alcohol, and some bandages. Looking at his shoulder you see the bullet went through and through. "This will hurt." you said looking at Daryl getting ready to clean his wound. "It's ok." he said while watching you. As you were cleaning his wound you decided to ask him what happened. "That son of a bitch, Dwight, shot me." he said a lil angry. You stopped cleaning his wound, looking at him, you said "Dwight's the one that shot you, I never liked him. He's an asshole." Daryl chuckled a lil while you went back to cleaning his wound. After a lil while you were finished cleaning and stitching his wound, you also cleaned some of his cuts that he had. After you patched him up, you helped him put his shirt back on you said "I'll be back tomorrow to see how thats doing and to make sure theres no start of an infection. There shouldn't be but just to be safe." Daryl knodded. You left and went back to your work. A few weeks have passed, you had to check on Daryl because some of your dads men had beaten him for trying to "escape". You and Daryl have gotten really close since hes been here, you knew you had feelings for him but wasn't so sure if Daryl felt the same for you. You got to his cell door, standing infront of Dwight. He looked at you while opening the door. "Hurry up, need to start playing easy street soon. Knock when you're done." Dwight said as you stepped inside, him shutting and locking the door behind you. You turned on you flashlight, sitting beside Daryl. He looked upset as you started to clean his wounds, deciding to take a chance you reached out and hugged Daryl. You felt him tense under your touch but after a few minutes he relaxed and you felt him hug you back. You both pulled away after awhile, looking at eachother Daryl brought his face closer to yours, as you felt his lips on yours you kissed him back. After you pulled away, you hugged Daryl while whispering sweet things to him. "I have to go but I will see you soon. I promise." you said to Daryl in a hushed tone so Dwight wouldn't hear. A few days after you left Daryl's "cell" you were told by one of the saviors to come with him to see your dad. When you got outside, you saw Daryl standing a lil ways from him. "There she is! My beautiful daughter." Negan says. You knod at him while asking curiously "Hi dad, did you need to talk to me bout something or?" "This. all of this is what I want to talk to you bout, it will all be yours when I'm gone." he says as he points all around the sanctuary. "Wait you want me to run the sanctuary?" you said with a smirk. "You are my daughter and I want you to take over wherever I leave off." he said smiling at you. Daryl was looking at you and your father, Negan noticed just as you were bout to say something. "Dwight! have Daryl do some work." he ordered. Dwight took Daryl away, "Well babygirl what do you say?" he asks turning his attention back to you. "I don't really know what to say besides Thank you dad, I love you!" you exclaimed as he pulled you in for a hug. As you hugged your father, you couldn't help but think about helping people instead of scaring them, even though you some people you will have to scare. You pulled away from your father thanking him again as he told you "I have some important things to do, meet me back here tomorrow and we will go scavenging. I'll teach you a thing or two." "Thanks dad, see you tomorrow!" you exclaimed as you hurried back inside. After you woke up the next morning, you found a note on a try with some breakfast. It was from your father, the note read "Goodmorning babygirl! Eat up, get dressed quickly and meet me outside so we can go scavenging like I promised. Love dad." Smiling after reading the note you ate and got dressed quickly. You got outside to see your dad giving some saviors orders. When he turned around to see you standing there he waved and gave you a smile. You were about to go down to meet up with him until a gunshot was heard. The saviors were looking around with their guns raised, you looked towards your father and noticed him layin gon the ground. Everything seemed to be in slow motion when you screamed "Dad!" as you ran toward him you noticed Dwight with Daryl watching you. "Dad can you hear me, I love you!" you yelled "(y/n) I'm sorry babygirl. I love you more than anything." he choked out as he took his last breath. Everyone was silent as they stood still in their spots with their weapons down as you cried silently over your dads body, you knew it was only a matter of time so you took his knife and stabbed him in the head so he wouldn't come back as a walker. Daryl started to walk towards you till Dwight stopped him, you looked over your shoulder and knodded to Dwight to let Daryl approach you. Daryl came and sat beside you with his arm around your waist while whispering sweet things to try and calm you down a little. A group came stepped out and the saviors aimed their weapons on them. "Rick?" Daryl said as he got up hugging the man, you assumed this was the group your dad took Daryl from. Rick looked down at you with a look of sympathy, he softly said "I'm sorry I had to do what needed to be done." "Everyone put your weapons down." you said as you stood up and looked towards the saviors. They started to look at eachother but did not put their weapons down, "She's the leader now, Negan talked to her about it!" yelled Dwight. The men put their weapons down. "Dwight give Daryl his stuff back." you said as you looked towards Daryl who followed Dwight. You worked stuff out with Rick along with talking bout The Kingdom and The Hilltop. Daryl came back with Dwight, he hugged you and kissed you passionately. Everyone was shocked when you both pulled away, "Ya sure ya can't come back with us?" Daryl asked sadly looking down at the ground. You lifted his head to look at you as you softly said "someone needs to take over where my dad left off, he wanted me to and I need to do this for him. I'll come visit just like you can visit me here, I love you Daryl." He kissed you one last time, "I love you 2 (y/n). I"ll see you again soon." he said with a small smile. You held out your hand to Rick for him to shake but he shakes his head and opens his arm pulling you into a hug. They leave to go back to their community, as you and the saviors bury your father. You took Lucille and his leather jacket cause he wanted you to have them like you hhave talked bout way before Daryl showed up, putting on the leather jacket with lucille resting on your shoulder you look at all the saviors as they kneel on one knee infront of you. "I'll make you proud dad. I love you and I'll never forget you" you said looking up at the sky.
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stormysurveys · 5 years
1. First thing you wash in the shower? + -- I usually shampoo first, then slap on conditioner so it can sit in my hair while I clean everything else. 2. Are you more of a coffee or alcohol drinker? + -- Coffee. I haven't had alcohol in years. 3. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? + -- Yes. 4. Do you plan outfits?   + -- I don't have any "outfits" to plan. 5. How are you feeling RIGHT now? + -- I am still sleepy as I only woke up recently. 6. Whats the closest thing to you thats red? + -- My keyboard lights. If that doesn't count, there's a notebook cover, a pencil, the bandana on my Stain Funko Pop. 7. What would you do if you opened your door and saw a dead body? + -- Uhh. Call the cops I guess?  That's a little concerning that someone is either trying to a) frame me for murder or b) leave me a weird present. Do I have a werewolf that likes me?? 8. Tell me about the last dream you remember having? + -- I was hunting a creature ...I was ordered to. And I got lost while chasing it. 9. Three of your current feelings? + -- Sleepy. Sore. Bored. 10. What are you craving right now? + -- I'm not. 11. Turn ons? + -- Oh uhm. I have a thing for voices. Specific types of voices. Uhm. TO MY KNOWLEDGE THERE'S NOT REALLY ANYTHING ELSE. I probably have some weird turn-ons that  are even awkward to talk about. 12. Turn offs? + -- A partner who is super submissive or timid. OOPS JKL:jdfklghglkh
13. What comes to mind when I say cabbage? + -- A cabbage. 14. When was the last time you cried? Why? + -- Who knows. 15. If you could be a superhero, who would you want to be? + -- I don't really know. I was more into antiheroes as a kid, so the lawful good type didn't really do much for me. 16. Did the one person who hurt you most in your life apologize? + -- Yes. 17. Do you bite into your ice cream or just lick it? + -- Both. 18. Favorite movie ever? + -- I'm not really sure. 19. Do you like yourself? + -- Lol. No. 20. Have you ever met a celebrity? + -- I don't believe so. 21. Could you handle being in the military? + -- Probably. 22. What are you listening to right now? + -- I'm listening to a let's play of Stranded Deep. 23. How many countries have you visited? + -- None besides my home country. 24. Are your parents strict?: + -- My parents were weird. They would jump from being completely strict to not giving a damn in the span of ten minutes.   25. Would you go sky diving? + -- Yes. 26. Would you go out to eat with a stranger? + -- I have no idea. I'm so socially awkward it would just be an unpleasant experience for them. 27. Whats on your mind right now? + -- /shrug 28. Is there anything you want to say to someone? + -- No. 29. Have you ever been in a castle? + -- I don't believe so. 30. Do you rent movies often? + -- Occasionally. 31. Whats your zodiac sign? + -- Aquarius. 32. When was the last time you had sex? + -- Uhhh a few days ago. 33. Name five facts about yourself. + -- I love to draw and I've been doing it for most of my life. + -- I work in retail. + -- I am 5'2 and 3/4" + -- I can be conspiratorial. + -- I love martial arts. 34. Ever had a near death experience? If so, what happened? + -- I believe so, but I'm not sure. 35. Do you believe in karma or predestiny? + -- /shrug 36. Brown or white eggs? + -- /shrug 37. Do you own something from Hot Topic? + -- Yes. 38. Ever been on a train? + -- No. 39. Ever been in love? + -- No. I'm not sure my brain works that way. 40. If you were paid 1 million dollars to spend the night in a supposed haunted house, would you do it? + -- I'd do that for free. Just uhhh give me a knife or a weapon of some kind. LOL 41. If you could trade places with any person living or dead, who would you trade places with? + -- Nah. 42. If you could shorten your life expectancy by 10 years to becopme more attractive, would you do it? + -- Lol. Take your attractiveness and shove it up your ass. 43. Whom do you admire and why? + -- I don't. 44. What was your favorite bedtime story as a child? + -- I didn't have one. I don't really think my parents ever read me bedtime stories?? 45. You’re walking down the street, you come across a burning building. A woman says her baby is trapped inside, what would you do? + -- WELP UHM guess I'll see what I can do to help! My dad was a firefighter so I know HOW to do that, I just don't know if I'd make things worse or not...  but I guess in that situation I'd do whatever I could to help. D: 46. If you could choose the future profession of your son or daughter, would you? + -- No. Stifling someone's choice like that is not my cup of tea. 47. What was your best experience on drugs or alcohol? + -- I haven't had any? 48. What was your worst experience on drugs or alcohol? + -- Nothing to note. 50. As your walking down the street you find a suitcase full of money sitting next to a parked car, would you take it? + -- Uhhh no LOL. I am not getting involved in ANYTHING TO DO WITH THAT. An open suitcase full of money? That's got to be a trap. 51. If you found that a close friend has AIDS, would you still hang out with them? + -- Of course. 52. In front of you are 10 pistols, 5 of which are loaded. If you survive you’d receive 100 million dollars. Would you be willing to place 1 to your head and pull the trigger? + -- LOL NO do you think I care about money that much? 53. How old were you when you lost your virginity? + -- I was... 25?  I basically just hit a point where I decided I trusted someone enough to give it to them I guess. 54. Do you believe in ghosts, werewolves or vampires? + -- Ghosts, yes. 55. If you could live forever, would you want to? + -- That sounds like torture. I want to rest. 56. Which fictional movie character most resembles who you are? + -- Lol probably none of them. 57. If you could go back in time, which time period would you visit? + -- Eh. 58. If they were to televise a live execution, would you watch it? + -- No thanks. That's a little barbaric. 59. If you could be the president of the USA, would you be willing to do it? + -- There are so many more qualified individuals than myself. 60. If you could choose the sex of your unborn child, would you want to? + -- No. 61. Would you rather live longer or be wealthy? + -- Honestly I'd rather just have a life worth living. I don't care about wealth or living until I'm 120 or something.
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flora4373 · 7 years
Here's some of my story I've been writing....
It all began with a story. A legend really, of a boy and a girl who were destined to save the world and twins who were meant to be their other half. When the world is at an end these four will stand as one and lead those remaining into a new world. Twins:  Tori and Jace Holt. Full Names: Victoria Katherine Holt, Age: 21, D.O.B: 06/02/1995 Hair: Fire Red, Eyes:  Change color based on mood, Height: 5’6, Weight: 130 lbs. Jace Thomas Holt Age: 21, D.O.B: 06/02/1995 Hair: Nut Brown, Eyes: Ice Blue and Emerald green specks, Height: 5’6, Weight 130 lbs. Both have Olive Complexion, and always wear sunglasses. Traits: Tori: Hunting, Tracking, softball, Racing, Hockey. Activities: Singing, Drawing, Writing. Element: Water Abilities: Control of Water, Water magic, Breathing underwater, Clear path when it rains, Telepathy. Traits: Jace: Hockey, Baseball, Archery, Swimming. Activities: Singing,Fiddle, Painting, Writing. Element: Fire Abilities: Fire Control, Explosions, Telepathy. Both Have abilities in Combat, healing, military tactics, long range shooting, History, Tracking, Bilingual, Tori: I woke up  to a crash in the backyard. What the hell was that?!! I thought to my brother. I think it came from out back. I got up and stretched and went downstairs and looked out back. “ Jace…” Silence “JACE!!!!!” I saw before me a sight that you only saw in movies, the world was grey and she walked out which was a huge mistake. I saw my neighbor and talked to him “ Hey do you know what happened?”  I realized then that what was once my neighbor was now a rotting mess. I screamed and ran back inside and locked the doors and casting a barrier around the house. “Victoria what in the name of all that is holy is going on down there?” My mom came running down the stairs and saw my face. “Zombies… Apocalypse… Dont…. Go… out there!” I was trying to catch my breath. She looked at me and ran outside. “MOM!” I yelled right as she was bitten. Jace: Tori was asking questions a mile a minute but all I caught was Is this the end of the world?.  I sighed and got out of the shower. What if this is the Zombie Apocalypse? I was joking of course but i heard her crying downstairs. Not the quiet sobs but the loud gut wrenching ones. Jace get the hell down here! Tori was clearly distressed, I got up and ran down the stairs. “Tori what the Hell?” She sniffed and looked up, her eyes a light purple showing she was upset. “Mom and Dad are gone” she looked like she was struggling not to cry. I knelt down next to her and was hoping she was joking. “you're kidding right? I mean they probably left for food or went to see grandma” I was trying to figure out whether or not she was joking. “No Jace they are gone... Zombies now” She hugs me as I went to my knees. Not believing her I jumped up and ran to the back window, and saw my parents their faces   half  decayed.   Boy and girl story: Girl: Name : Katrina Marie Mason ( Kat) Age: 20, D.O.B: 01/15/1996 Hair:   Platinum blonde,   Eyes: Light brown,  Height: 5’2, Weight: 110lbs, Skin: Fair Boy: Name: Carter George Reise Age: 19, D.O.B: 10/22/1997 Hair: Sandy Blonde, Eyes: Dark Green, Height: 6’3, Weight:205lbs, Skin: Light Brown Kat: Sports: Shooting, Swiming, Dancing, Softball, Soccer. Activities: Drawing, Sewing, Cooking, Gardening Element: Earth Abilities: Earthquakes, eruptions, grow plants in any climate, Telekenisis, Telpathy Carter: Sports: Running, Swimming, Biking, Boxing. Activities: Gamer, Song Writer, Gutair. Element: Air Abilities: Control of air flow, breathing underwater, flight, windstorms, Telepathy. Kats Story:     I was running my early morning run when everything happened. It was my wedding day “Keep going almost there!” I kept repeating to myself out loud. I stopped though when I saw a plane crash in the distance and everybody around me I noticed werent the same smiling neighbors. I watched in horror as my neighbors bit each other. I looked at my phone and started running. Shit im going to be late I wonder if the girls know whats going on. I thought to myself as I ran back to my house. When I got there my friends and bestfriend stopped what they were doing and turned. “Katy we were waiting for you!” Milly Staie gleefuly chirped. All of their faces all of their faces were rotting. You could smell the stench which was horrible, just imagine the smell of rotting meat and the smell of feces and puke. I ran upstairs so as to get away from the stench. I tried to reach eric my fiancee but all I got was his voicemail. “Dammit Eric!” I slammed my phone down and grabbed my backpack and filled it with neccessary thing. “Well it seems like a good time to visit Auntie Breiell in St. Louis” Carters Story:     I was playing a video game when I heard a loud screaching noise from the other end of my headphones. “Dude you ok ?.... Jake?” All I heard was loud screeching. I took off my headphones and went downstairs. “ Hey dad whats going on? Something weird is going on” I laughed hoping it was just something some people are doing like a hoax. He slowly turned when I started talking and I almost screamed. His face was horrifying his skin was greyish brown, his ear was falling off. I turned on my heals and ran to my room and locked myself in the room. He kept scratching the door I knew i diddnt have much time. I grabbed my medkit and survival pack. Beside my bed was my weaponry I  put all of my weapons in my pack and climed out the window. I put m y earbuds in and jimi hendrix came on (Purple Haze) I started walking across roofs when my mom called me. Toris Story:     “Well Jace we gotta go to missouri” our grandmother had called me early this morning. I started packing everything we needed into the car and it was so hot you could feel the air thick and heavy melting with every breath.  Thats a far drive sis I mean were in West virginia what if we run out of gas? I stopped and wiped the streams of sweat off my face. We gotta keep packing and pack effecient then, also quickly cause we gotta get moving. Hand me that case of water bottles and some canned food. Ill get the weapons. I started packing all of our guns and other weapons. I was proficent in knife throwing and target practice. All of the knives had spots in my clothes. I started putting the knives in my jacket, boots, backpack, and pants. We need a map and some first aid kits also some extra shoes. I thought tieng my hair up and lacing my boots. We for sure need toiletries and sewing kits, and dry in shampoo. Grabbing my keys I put them in the ignition before I started the car though I put a silencing spell on my car so we diddnt start a horde. I revved up the engine and we were off to grandmas house. Jaces Story: Where in the hell are we tori? I was freaking out because she was driving so fast. Chill Jace we are in Kentucky near Fort Knox. Im driving as fast as the car will let me also we will have to cut through Tennessee and Illinois to get there because bridges are being knocked down and we have to take a detour. She looked troubled, I put a hand on her shoulder. I looked down at my phone which I had a feeling we have unlimited data now and called my girlfriend. She picked up and she sounded relieived, “Jace where are you?” “somewhere in Kentucky near Fort Knox why where are you?” Hearing her voice I thought I would feel better but I diddnt. “ Well My family and I are going to Canada and try and see if there are more people there” “Im going to St. Louis to see my grandma she sounded worried about us so were starting the long journey” She said goodbye and hung up…. No I love you just goodbye, deep down I knew she was cheating on me but I just couldnt fathom saying anything to her it just seemed to cruel. Meanwhile while I was just burried in my thoughts Tori was crying.
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florar373 · 7 years
Here is some of what I've been writing....
It all began with a story. A legend really, of a boy and a girl who were destined to save the world and twins who were meant to be their other half. When the world is at an end these four will stand as one and lead those remaining into a new world. Twins:  Tori and Jace Holt. Full Names: Victoria Katherine Holt, Age: 21, D.O.B: 06/02/1995 Hair: Fire Red, Eyes:  Change color based on mood, Height: 5’6, Weight: 130 lbs. Jace Thomas Holt Age: 21, D.O.B: 06/02/1995 Hair: Nut Brown, Eyes: Ice Blue and Emerald green specks, Height: 5’6, Weight 130 lbs. Both have Olive Complexion, and always wear sunglasses. Traits: Tori: Hunting, Tracking, softball, Racing, Hockey. Activities: Singing, Drawing, Writing. Element: Water Abilities: Control of Water, Water magic, Breathing underwater, Clear path when it rains, Telepathy. Traits: Jace: Hockey, Baseball, Archery, Swimming. Activities: Singing,Fiddle, Painting, Writing. Element: Fire Abilities: Fire Control, Explosions, Telepathy. Both Have abilities in Combat, healing, military tactics, long range shooting, History, Tracking, Bilingual, Tori: I woke up  to a crash in the backyard. What the hell was that?!! I thought to my brother. I think it came from out back. I got up and stretched and went downstairs and looked out back. “ Jace…” Silence “JACE!!!!!” I saw before me a sight that you only saw in movies, the world was grey and she walked out which was a huge mistake. I saw my neighbor and talked to him “ Hey do you know what happened?”  I realized then that what was once my neighbor was now a rotting mess. I screamed and ran back inside and locked the doors and casting a barrier around the house. “Victoria what in the name of all that is holy is going on down there?” My mom came running down the stairs and saw my face. “Zombies… Apocalypse… Dont…. Go… out there!” I was trying to catch my breath. She looked at me and ran outside. “MOM!” I yelled right as she was bitten. Jace: Tori was asking questions a mile a minute but all I caught was Is this the end of the world?.  I sighed and got out of the shower. What if this is the Zombie Apocalypse? I was joking of course but i heard her crying downstairs. Not the quiet sobs but the loud gut wrenching ones. Jace get the hell down here! Tori was clearly distressed, I got up and ran down the stairs. “Tori what the Hell?” She sniffed and looked up, her eyes a light purple showing she was upset. “Mom and Dad are gone” she looked like she was struggling not to cry. I knelt down next to her and was hoping she was joking. “you're kidding right? I mean they probably left for food or went to see grandma” I was trying to figure out whether or not she was joking. “No Jace they are gone... Zombies now” She hugs me as I went to my knees. Not believing her I jumped up and ran to the back window, and saw my parents their faces   half  decayed.   Boy and girl story: Girl: Name : Katrina Marie Mason ( Kat) Age: 20, D.O.B: 01/15/1996 Hair:   Platinum blonde,   Eyes: Light brown,  Height: 5’2, Weight: 110lbs, Skin: Fair Boy: Name: Carter George Reise Age: 19, D.O.B: 10/22/1997 Hair: Sandy Blonde, Eyes: Dark Green, Height: 6’3, Weight:205lbs, Skin: Light Brown Kat: Sports: Shooting, Swiming, Dancing, Softball, Soccer. Activities: Drawing, Sewing, Cooking, Gardening Element: Earth Abilities: Earthquakes, eruptions, grow plants in any climate, Telekenisis, Telpathy Carter: Sports: Running, Swimming, Biking, Boxing. Activities: Gamer, Song Writer, Gutair. Element: Air Abilities: Control of air flow, breathing underwater, flight, windstorms, Telepathy. Kats Story:     I was running my early morning run when everything happened. It was my wedding day “Keep going almost there!” I kept repeating to myself out loud. I stopped though when I saw a plane crash in the distance and everybody around me I noticed werent the same smiling neighbors. I watched in horror as my neighbors bit each other. I looked at my phone and started running. Shit im going to be late I wonder if the girls know whats going on. I thought to myself as I ran back to my house. When I got there my friends and bestfriend stopped what they were doing and turned. “Katy we were waiting for you!” Milly Staie gleefuly chirped. All of their faces all of their faces were rotting. You could smell the stench which was horrible, just imagine the smell of rotting meat and the smell of feces and puke. I ran upstairs so as to get away from the stench. I tried to reach eric my fiancee but all I got was his voicemail. “Dammit Eric!” I slammed my phone down and grabbed my backpack and filled it with neccessary thing. “Well it seems like a good time to visit Auntie Breiell in St. Louis” Carters Story:     I was playing a video game when I heard a loud screaching noise from the other end of my headphones. “Dude you ok ?.... Jake?” All I heard was loud screeching. I took off my headphones and went downstairs. “ Hey dad whats going on? Something weird is going on” I laughed hoping it was just something some people are doing like a hoax. He slowly turned when I started talking and I almost screamed. His face was horrifying his skin was greyish brown, his ear was falling off. I turned on my heals and ran to my room and locked myself in the room. He kept scratching the door I knew i diddnt have much time. I grabbed my medkit and survival pack. Beside my bed was my weaponry I  put all of my weapons in my pack and climed out the window. I put m y earbuds in and jimi hendrix came on (Purple Haze) I started walking across roofs when my mom called me. Toris Story:     “Well Jace we gotta go to missouri” our grandmother had called me early this morning. I started packing everything we needed into the car and it was so hot you could feel the air thick and heavy melting with every breath.  Thats a far drive sis I mean were in West virginia what if we run out of gas? I stopped and wiped the streams of sweat off my face. We gotta keep packing and pack effecient then, also quickly cause we gotta get moving. Hand me that case of water bottles and some canned food. Ill get the weapons. I started packing all of our guns and other weapons. I was proficent in knife throwing and target practice. All of the knives had spots in my clothes. I started putting the knives in my jacket, boots, backpack, and pants. We need a map and some first aid kits also some extra shoes. I thought tieng my hair up and lacing my boots. We for sure need toiletries and sewing kits, and dry in shampoo. Grabbing my keys I put them in the ignition before I started the car though I put a silencing spell on my car so we diddnt start a horde. I revved up the engine and we were off to grandmas house. Jaces Story: Where in the hell are we tori? I was freaking out because she was driving so fast. Chill Jace we are in Kentucky near Fort Knox. Im driving as fast as the car will let me also we will have to cut through Tennessee and Illinois to get there because bridges are being knocked down and we have to take a detour. She looked troubled, I put a hand on her shoulder. I looked down at my phone which I had a feeling we have unlimited data now and called my girlfriend. She picked up and she sounded relieived, “Jace where are you?” “somewhere in Kentucky near Fort Knox why where are you?” Hearing her voice I thought I would feel better but I diddnt. “ Well My family and I are going to Canada and try and see if there are more people there” “Im going to St. Louis to see my grandma she sounded worried about us so were starting the long journey” She said goodbye and hung up…. No I love you just goodbye, deep down I knew she was cheating on me but I just couldnt fathom saying anything to her it just seemed to cruel. Meanwhile while I was just burried in my thoughts Tori was crying.
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