#thats right you can stack them however you want
dyke-pollinator · 1 year
Come sit in my lap babe I'll teach you how to untap, upkeep, draw.
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thetxtdevil · 3 months
Oh, to wake up and be called twin 😙😙😙
Anyway, here it is!
We all know, yeonjun has this whiny attitude right? However, he is the oldest and he tends to act maturely than others if he wanted to. Can you make someting about school student president yeonjun? Where he is the most strict school president the campus ever had. Then here's his vice pres, who balances it. Like, when yeonjun is too strict, she'd be like "that's too much, how about..." in the most gentle way. And theennn, before they can even leave the campus after being caught up on some works on the council office, yeonjun would be whining about these, like, "y/n, you shouldn't have changed the rules, they need to be punished because of what they have done" or something like that. But still, at the end of the day, yeonjun, he may be the president, but he is under the vice's power. 😋 like, she loves to play with and tease yeonjun whenever they are in the office, (i know you'll be adding the edging part 😳😋❤) and yeonjun is whiny whenever reader does this, but he still obeys. Hmmmm, but they do love each other. Being all time bestfriends with no boundaries 😭😆
- 👭🏻
Ooo twin this got my gears turning
"You did what to whom?" Yeonjun goes red out of anger.
"We might have toilet papered the head of the department's office thats why he's been strict about our publishing."
You giggle at the prank but look over worried at Yeonjun rubbing his face having a hard time not to lash out, "Why?" you ask
"We thought he's being too harsh" the younger students say.
It was true the head of the English department has been unnecessarily harsh on grading and simply on the students' lives. He was disapproving the fact that 'we have our own lives' and not truly focusing on work.
"Maybe we should not only being strict on publishing but no more access to the library" Yeonjun blurts out making the younger ones and even your gasp.
"Yeonjun, you can't do that they're in college the library has valuable resources" you plea, Yeonjun sighs trying not to look at your sweet face knowing too damn well that he'll melt.
Yeonjun rolls his eyes and waves his hand to let you approach the situation, "You're allowed access to the library but I want you to apologize and give your outmost respect to the HoD."
The students' tense posture relaxed showing their gratification towards you. You smile and walk away with Yeonjun.
Holding his arm you whisper, "You gotta stop acting tough or else no one is going to like you."
Yeonjun scuffs, "I need to show my dominance."
Both of you arrive at the empty council office, it was after hours, you both should go home too but at the same time both of you wanted to be together longer. Yeonjun starts his work on the computer immediately getting in the zone.
You walk over to the stack of papers needing filing, "do you?" Yeonjun looks over the desktop already forgetting what he said. "Where's all that dominance when I'm fucking you?"
Yeonjun's defined cheeks turn pink, thoughts of you runs through his mind. Thinking of you two having to reprint papers because they had both of you all over them, the time the janitor walking in see him tied up with his tie and you riding him on the desk, so on and so forth. He shifts in his chair looking back at the screen gulping down the drool forming in his mouth. You chuckle at his reaction, looking back at the papers which were starting to get less and less interesting.
You twirl around walking up behind Yeonjun's seated position, your hands on the arm rests as you hover over him. Acting like you were reading his words on the screen.
"You need a comma right there and change that to a period" you say leaning down so your breathe tickles his neck.
Yeonjun's nervousness was clear when his hands were shaking the mouse having a hard time pointing the arrow to the spot that needed to be fixed. He then feels your hand over his guiding the mouse to the right spot. You grin at his chest heaving, letting go of his hand you turn his chair around facing you. The man looks up through his eye lashes seeing your menacing grin. You straddle his hips determined to fit on the small desk chair. Your skirt flowed on top of each others groins, Yeonjun's hands instinctively guide up your thighs finding out you were wearing thin panties underneath. You kiss the man while slowly grinding on his growing hard on.
"Now show me that dominance you have."
A nuisance,
TxT's Devil
taglist: @inkigayocamman, @naoristerling
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malwaredykes · 2 months
the untapped Enemy Of The State Potential is one of boones best funniest traits tbh like ok since im in charge of Awesome Flawless FNV Remake Available Exclusively On My Beautiful Mind im rewriting boones personal #journey arc primarily by expanding on it because i mean yeah fatalistic thinking and the question of agency vs authority and having to live with having done something inexcusable and The Denying Of Closure are good themes but to me theyre not enough here. that lack of closure about something that really intrinsically can never entertain the idea of closure is all well and good, but... lets keep going lets put a pin in that. lets turn once again to boones potential for becoming wanted by the ncr government. boone i know you want to go apeshit. its time to admit that its always been about the system youd been conditioned into never questioning and which you continued to mentally cling to as you felt there was no other purpose or direction to your existence in the wake of all the disastrous events in your life. but its time to develop a grasp on your agency as a human being boone. and yes some of that is going to make you feel worse because, Well. The Complicity. bitter springs. but you know what, it is also freeing and the right thing to do. release your inhibitions feel the rain on your skin. youre already there just look around you. youve cut the ropes that held you back, now its time to rip and shred the ropes that still are wrapped around you. its there. youve physically gotten out. and its time to evolve. "now if iiiiii were to assassinate the president 🤔" i know you want to. im not saying you should but i know youve thought about it before. "guess that settler was well-connected" yes isnt that fucked up i know you think thats fucked up. and oh your friend the courier just did something fucked up at mccarran and all these ncr soldiers and staff are trying to shoot them? of course its the courier youre defending when faced with the immediate choice i mean if its between "fuck the ncr. die" and "fuck the person im ride or die for because theyre a force of destiny that entered my life to change it one way or another and now i care about them deeply. die" well of course youre choosing the path of Leave My FACKING FRIEND Alone You Beasts. but of course the situation doesnt have to be this immediately dire. it doesnt have to stem from an immediate danger to your new object of loyalty. we dont have to let it go down this particular route. no need to have something this drastic happen. you can reach this conclusion simply by giving into the desire youve repressed for years to go apeshit at the ncr government and every arm of its hegemony. that bubbling rage? that "if i let this fester inside me im gonna do a fucking murder-suicide about it"? that in a certain timeline you do in fact end up doing a murder-suicide about? thats not just hateful desperation. thats a feeling, hitherto bottled up and unrefined and volatile, that you should allow to breathe and photosynthesize and grow into something beautiful and true and let it blossom and bear fruit. boone, there is no need to feel alone and helpless and directionless in your unfulfilled desire to cut the umbilical cord.
so. enough rationalizing things as rotten spots and necessary burdens in an otherwise inevitable righteous system, you knowwwww thats pure bullshit. my advice, do some reading. reading is fundamental, and luckily for you, you literally know a very literate anarcho-communist. i can guarantee you that you could walk up to arcade and be like "👉👈 hi gannon soooo i want to get into critiques of capitalism and of the military, and into anarchism and other leftist theory. i want to know about Other Ways to run things. could you give me some recommendations? for books and essays and so on. thanks" and he would be like "boone, yes. Absolutely. yes. i will prepare a reading list for you. gosh." and youll be given a stack of books, with notes and a directory. however, if you two are currently on really bad terms to the point where he doesnt wanna talk to you at all, hey, theres other followers of the apocalypse that would be happy to help. providing education is literally one of their main things. either way, youll finally feel vindicated about things that used to make you feel like you were just going insane. boone you werent going insane you were in fact being onto something. baby that time you saw an ncr military police on the strip facing away from you and there was a loose brick on the ground and it was calling to you like the green goblin mask? that time you were at camp forlorn hope and folks kept saying shit like "that red beret is looking good soldier" and you didnt respond or even look at them because you were focused on containing the urge to grab them by the shoulders and start shrieking? well you see those are actually instincts that tell us you have potential. you have the power to end these patterns. you want to. you need to. thats where you should go. theres a world of ideas waiting for you to tap into and be liberated by. you have nothing to lose but your pitiful pension (you can even keep the beret like who cares). there is so much you can do. its not about allegiance or moral debt or soothing personal guilt, its about doing the right thing. there are so many paths in front of you. also youre trans. like, that one also isnt just you going insane, its real and its right and its you, you are transgender
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esoteriamaya · 8 months
Junk Mail ; Intuitive Reading Pt. 1
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Pick a character that resonates with you. And lets get down to business ! Whats bothering you? What do you need to hear right now? Collective Reading.
Meditative. Have fun with yourself. Groups & Expertise. Knowing how to be the middle-man. Taking a chance. Embracing the community. Take that class. Getting to know someone.
Going forward with that vision where groups are involved is extradordinary for your growth. Do what it takes to keep the heart moving. You got what it takes. Pressure is coming in and smoothly going out. It'll help to do the thing instead of whimpering about it.
Successor. You can have it all. Change brings favor. Most High's favorite gift. Butterfly. Exonarted Effort. Wings of an Angel.
Your gifts are incredibly strong and potent in this era, however its not ready to be born just yet. The change in the air is forming alignments in the sky in order for your wishes to be fulfilled. All takes pure effort, yes, but the stars take a hold onto what changes, what formulates and what exists in a spiritual and yet a physical one. Honor the senses and go slowly. Be strong in who you are and acquire gratefulness and tact in all your ventures. Be honest with your vulnerability. It is what'll help you fly.
Take your time. The world isnt leaving without you darling. What is it that you wanna do right now? Its okay to not have all the answers. Can you figure out a plan for what you want? Thats all you need at the moment. Starting one by one. Finishing the product. Enjoying the service. Getting excercise. Pondering. Thinking about what you can do to make your life your own.
Are you enjoying yourself? Make a list and plan what you want to experience, for the sake of feeling alive my friend. Wishes can be fulfilled, dont worry.
Gossip. Put the phone down. Talking less and staying low. Stack your bread. Being focused and staying in the moment. No judgement. Higher self wants a word with you. Goals and desires coming to fruition. Peter pan. Youthful voice. Picking at the skin. Making room for a new vocation. A whole new era is present. Dont let them get you down boo.
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felixwikipage · 2 years
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“what do you believe in Felix?” “Creation.”
[Analysis below]
I really hope 1. the sentimonster theory is true, so that way we would finally get an interesting side plot line than the “i want my wife back, better beat up kids that are in love” “”plot”” but also 2. Felix is the only sentimonster. I would really prefer only him than Adrien to be one. Not just because it would make more sense to give such a tragic deposition to a side character than main character, but it’ll be a main component to finally separate him from Adrien.
I guess I dont mind if both of them are. I mean the ring rubbing for adrien (which is ‘evidence’ I dont really like to rely on too much because the ring theory is too messy, but its definitely something to not ignore) wishmaker episode only knowing to obey parents since birth pretty much, and the biggest and most sus evidence is ‘evolution’ episode where adrien’s parents are clearly going to make something. So it could be both of them, but this is why I’d prefer it to be felix.
Felix and Adrien are so similar in almost every part of their life. They are both from rich families, both dont have the best social skills making friends (but obviously adrien more so than felix), they both lost a parent also around the same time, they’re very exceptional with everything they try at, and literally similar arcs (as we know so far) with wanting to be independent. But they’re different how? Felix is the mean one? That’s just not enough to have 2 distinguishing characters. They can have similar arcs but clearly need their own crutch or stic ya know to be different. Clearly adrien already has his cat noir arc plus papa being baddie going on. So it would be so interesting to not just stack another awful thing onto adrien and instead give it to felix where he finaly has his own thing going on.
At the moment, the theory is not yet 100% confirmed (not counting just ‘tweets’ its gotta be said in the show, finding out through twitter doesnt count and if we needed to find out through twitter then that isnt good writing....but...its miraculous soo lolll) The audience however is now more conscious about the idea of sentimonster rights lol. So who better to explore that avenue than someone who is one. 
Adrien has a lot on his plate already to be a sentimonster lol. Even though I find it hard to see how adrien isnt in the mix of all this, especially with the evidence that supports adrien being one...evolution episode being the biggest one.
crazy theory: Gabriel and Emelie made a child (felix) using the peacock miraculous because Emelie couldn't bear one (painting of emilie reference)...but then later she actually miraculously did get pregnant, and thats adrien. 
Emilie: “soo what are we going to do with this child that we created?”
Gab: “eh..just give it to your sister”
(LOL) The alternative is adriens and felix parents back and forth passing each other the peacock miraculous to make their own children, which is tooo messy. Ya my theory falls a lil towards the end lol, but everything is pointing to both or one of them being sentis but we just know how it all happened.
Conclusion, give felix the sentimonster arc, it’ll be cool, and he would be able to handle it more than adrien who already has a lot on his plate. Wether some of us believe in the theory or not, cant lie and say the destruction of sentimonsters is not in our conscious now after Risk. Everytime we see one get snapped out, thats a sentient being losing its life. Gosh what an interesting avenue to explore uhgh if it ever happens, if not a much more interesting side plot better replace it. And I mean a really goood motive for felix. It must be good since they have been hiding it for so long no??
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freebooter4ever · 1 year
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So you guys know i (try to) post daily doodles, and i have said before that i draw for about 2-3 hrs every night. BUT that also means i dont post about like 80-90% of the drawings i do each night. Today though, i've been thinking about A*I and my own relationship with drawing, and how utterly baffled i am that anyone would want to use it to like...draw for them..and how the concept that *tell a computer what art to do so i dont have to do it* is alien to me. So here's ALL the drawings i did tonight. The bottom one is the last one i did and the one i would normally post. And i want to talk about A*I without talking about good or bad end product. Because i dont care if im making the shittiest art in the universe - i still wouldn't use A*I. Not even as a ‘tool’.
If you've been around here for a while you know i have a love/hate relationship with my art. I write too, but writing doesnt make me so frustrated and angry that i want to throw my computer out a second story window. HOWEVER. There is a huge caveat to that anger.
It happens after.
You could look at it a little like hockey. Every game is fresh, right? I mean god knows the US made an entire movie about how every game is a new game and the odds could always fall in your favor no matter how stacked against you. So every drawing i go into it excited - like LOOK at that reference material, its gorgeous. The gesture is beautiful, the post is interesting, there is something about it that is just begging to be drawn. But then say you hit intermission in the hockey game and the opposing team scored a few points. And i step back and look at the drawing and realize i started to go wrong somewhere along the way. But its too late now, you gotta commit and keep going. And you do but somehow the final score is STILL 6 to 0 and thats when i want to flush all my art down the toilet and never look at it again. But its okay because the next drawing is going to start with a blank canvas and who cares what happened last time.
Ok maybe a bad example.
The product is never really what drives me to draw - i mean, sure i do like it a heck of a lot better when i have something /anything/ that i can post to show that im sticking with my everyday doodle. But its not a requirement to doodling. The process of drawing is always fun. Its when i come out of it and look at the stupid thing that im like ‘well fuck i fucked that one up again didnt i’, and THEN i get annoyed lol.
I dont sit there consumed with frustration over ‘gee i dont know what to draw’. This is never an issue. I HAVE TOO MUCH TO DRAW. Sometimes i avoid certain gifs/photos because in the back of my mind im like ‘yeah no, i havent leveled up that far yet, i cant do that justice’. But i dont want to admit the sheer number of images of geno alone i have saved. I think my biggest reference folder is still aoki and that has over two thousand screenshots - i dont think anyone will ever surpass that LOL. I have a never ending supply of practice art to be done.
The frustration comes when i have an image in my head and i want to get it down on paper so-to-speak (computer whatever). So - when im NOT using reference (or at least not an exact one) and am making an ‘illustration’ (ish). But again, the process isn't the issue. I like the act of drawing, i like the image in my head slowly taking shape, i like how vividly i can see it. Yall know how obsessed i am with personality - that's not just part of the drawing, that IS the drawing. And each deicision in the illustration is defined by the personality/character.
A computer can't fucking do this.
Could i maybe tell a computer ‘draw geno in the shower’. Sure. And it probably could. And if i didnt care about the process - if all i wanted was a very good drawing of geno in the shower....that probably would be fine. Maybe great even. Maybe it would be the best damn drawing of geno in the shower ever. And then i'd feel like shit because a machine is producing art that is more valuable to other people than mine ever will be. But holy fucking shit that ruins the entire POINT of drawing???? Why would you do that?
I mean, im sure yall can infer the entire point of the act of drawing geno in the shower. He's hot, he's wet. ANYWAY.
In my opinion, a person who wants the end product and doesn't care about the process of getting there....that person is not an artist. That person is someone who enjoys art, and probably thinks they have a lot of good ideas to make into art, but who doesn't feel that pull to make art themselves. They just want to buy art. And they want it cheap. And mindless computers being trained in seconds on the decades of creativity and hard work of art masters is a heck of a lot cheaper than a human.
And the hardest part of all this for me is how worthless this makes me feel - nobody wants you, they want that automatic button. Kinda like my dad that way (haha)
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batbirdies · 2 months
Thank you @coyote-nebula and @selkienight60 for the tag!
1. how many works do you have on AO3?
2. what's your total AO3 word count?
610,258 - the fact that it's over half a million but I've only written 22 fics is... telling lmao.
3. what fandoms do you write for?
currently and for the forseeable future, just Batfam, but I have written for the Hobbit fandom and Marvel in the past. And I think Harry Potter way back in my OC days.
4. what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Clearly Calm and Keeping Terrorized in which Jason has a ROUGH time with PTSD and the timing is right to do some relationship healing with the fam. The Penny Drops the Penny Dreads in which Jason is a 12 year old Robin new to the manor and struggling to deal with some unresolved trauma thats not so far behind him. I'll Come Our Right On the Other Side in which Bruce is in therapy and trying to work on his relationships with his kids Overcoming Our Antecedents in which Jason is deaged to the day before he ran away to Ethiopia and Bruce gets to try again Live While I Breathe in which Bruce is badly triggered by an explosion, deals with it badly, is yelled at by Stephanie Brown to get his shit together, and has a a slow internal battle that ends in the decision to go to therapy.
5. do you respond to comments?
Not very often :( I used to reply to all my comments but it just started to be a source of anxiety and to feel overwhelming so i decided to stop unless something just really inspires a response or asks a direct question I can easily answer.
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I struggled to think of one for this because I just don't write angsty endings. HOWEVER I do have one from 2014 when I was in the marvel fandom. Seams in which Bucky internalizes the fear surrounding his metal arm. (it's only 500ish words)
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I would say most of my fics have postive endings if not outright "happy". But I would saaaaay probably Overcoming Our Antecedents?
8. do you get hate on fics?
Occasionally I get rude comments, usually complaining about how a certain character is unfairly treated by the narrative. Which always makes me a little insane lol. I try to just delete them.
9. do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I don't. Never been interested. Probably actively uninsterested lol.
10. do you write crossovers?
I don't, and probaly the same as above lol.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't believe so.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have! Mengru on AO3 translated multiple of my fics into Chinese.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! Recently with Coyote_Nebula. Tip for a Successful Interview: Lie (down)
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
I really don't care about romantic ships, if I'm willing to read a fic that centers around it it's up there lol. But I dearly love platonic ships. Having said that I am terrible at choosing favorites of things. My reading and writing history probably supports Bruce &Jason as my fav platonic relationship but lately I'm also loving Bruce & Clark friendship.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
A Bad Case of the Good 'Ol Days I still really like whats there but the rest of the fic is a mystery to me at this point. I've plotted it like three times at least but it never feels right.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think Dialogue and complicated emotions. I have also been told that I'm good at evoking anxiety in readers lol.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I am VERBOSE I'm very bad at being concise which is clearly reflected in my stack of long ass fics lol. I think I've improved but its definitely still my biggest weakness. I also struggle with any kind of complicated plot. I have a WIP currently that has a deeper plot and it panics me lmao.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I think it depends what you're going for. If you want the audience to understand what's being said, you should provide a ready translation that doesn't involve jumping to the end notes and then having to find your way back to the place you were previously reading. Its just really disruptive to the reading experience for me. I have seen people do really cool formatting on AO3 where you can hover over text and see a pre-input translation. Its very cool on desktop but I'm not sure if it works on Mobile. My go to is pretty much always just to state that someone is speaking in a different language and tell the audience what they said. Sometimes I'll italicize it only so the reader doesn't forget that the words are not meant to be in English.
Of course sometimes you don't want the audience to know what is being said and that can be fun, however you do risk some of your readers speaking the language and getting hints other people don't lol. Or google translating it for themselves. So up to the author if they're cool with that or not.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I honestly am not sure. I think I wrote fic for most of the cartoons I watched as a ten year old lol, but I didn't know what fandom was then. Harry Potter if we're getting official.
20. Favourite fic you've written?
Still CCAKT at this point I think, but once Penny Drops is finally FINALLY completed it might give it a run for its money.
Sorry I don't have the bandwidth to think of anyone to tag right now, it took me three days to finish filling this out despite the entertainment value 😅 but thanks for the tags and I hope anyone who wants to will do it too, feel free to tag me when you post it if you do :)
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 2 years
Skin & Scale (Part 24)
The palace is a distorted, off-kilter version of itself. It is both larger and smaller than she remarks it being. It feels like there are more stairs although she counts the same number as she ascends them. The gold accents trimming the tiers of the roof don't gleam quite as splendidly. These things, she knows, are illusions. The palace is the same as it has ever been.
She can only attribute this familiar unfamiliarity to prolonged absence.
The palace gardens however, are vastly different. There are new bushes surrounded by clusters of new flowers, mostly jasmine and panda lily. There are new stones as well, they are stacked on top of each other decoratively.  
There is a great hammering and banging that she follows to just beyond the palace garden and as swift as the clanging hammer falls, it comes back to her and her cheeks color ever so slightly. It has been months and they are still working to fix the damage that she has done.  
Months of work that wouldn't have been needed had she been more careful.
"Of course you're staring at the wall." Zuko comments.
"And what's that supposed to mean, Zuzu?"
"That you still tend to focus on mistakes instead of accomplishments."
"Maybe you do that." She shrugs, "I find it perfectly easy to appreciate my successes." And equally as easy to shame herself for the times when she had had none. She waves her hand dismissively. "It's just a wall, it is as though I toppled the entire palace."
"So how are you adjusting to being a dragon?" He asks.
"Well enough, I suppose. I was able to fly all the way here. And I can manage these partial transformations, but mother and father advise against."
"Why is that?"
"It isn't worth the energy that it takes. But o would rather like to have claws, just the claws every now and again." They take a few steps in silence before she asks how things have been here. "The city, as far as I can tell, is still in tact."
"Thats because I am a good Fire Lord who totally knows what he is doing. I've repaired most of the roads, improved our infrastructure, and started striking up new trade deals."
"You want my approval so badly."
"I do not!" He exclaims just quickly enough to let her know that there is at least a fragment of him.that itches for validation. "I suppose that you did a good job what the roads.
"Thanks, I…wait a minute, you said that you flew here!"
Azula laughs and then tappers off into a hum. "I suppose that they did look rather nice from above, I didn't see any massive craters."
"Right well, you'll get a chance to walk on them soon enough and see for yourself."
"Do you like living with the Sun Warriors?"
"It has been rather enriching and insightful. I am learning chunks of Fire Nation history that most people haven't thought to learn about."
"How are Sokka and Katara?"
"Annoying and helpful respectively."
"But are they happy? What about Mai and TyLee?"
"I guess. They haven't said otherwise. And Mai is still mad at you, if that's what you are trying to ask."
Zuko grimaces. "Is she still angry at you?"
"We've had time to talk. Believe it or not, I put in a good word for you." She gives a flippant hand flick. She gives an extended pause. "Have you heard anything of mother's whereabouts?"
"Father talks more about you than her…" Zuko trails off.
Her skin prickles. So he has been to see Ozai. She wonders just how regularly. Based upon the exhaustion in his voice, she would wager that he has been paying for information for nearly as long as she has been gone.
"He kept saying that he doesn't know. And he would tell me awful stories that can't be true. He makes mother sound so…evil. She isn't evil."
"Isn't she?" Azula quirks a brow. "She stole me away from my parents and had the audacity to tell me that I was a terrible child."
"She made mistakes!"
"Those were some mistakes…"
"You don't even know know what they are!"
"I have a decent idea. The Sun Warriors told me what kind of rituals are performed to create a…whatever I am."
"Father didn't give her a choice. He told me that he forced her to do it!"
"Don't be so dramatic, Zuzu. We're all a little bit evil."
Something in his jaw works.
"I want to talk to mother. You can either let us come with you or Ran, Shaw. And I will find her on our own before you can find her."
"Seriously, Azula, you're going back to the menacing threats?"
"I offered you an opportunity and presented you with facts; we will find her on our own if we have to."
He slows his walk to a halt. "That's a threat,  Azula." 
"Only if you take it that way." She flicks her bangs. 
"How else am I supposed to take it." He frowns.
And here she had thought that they were past him assuming the worst of her. She mumbles as much. "What do you think we'll do when we find her?"
"I don't know what Ran and Shaw will do. They weren't exactly shy about how much they hated our…my mother."
"What do you think I'm going to do?"
"Is it wishful thinking to say that you'd defend her?"
"A little bit, yes. I won't defend her but I won't let them seriously maim her." Unless she gives her a reason to. "I want to hear her out, Zuzu. I want to hear her tell me why she did this to me. I don't want to hear it from you or father or uncle. I want her own words. She can at least give me that after everything she took."
"What about father?"
"What about him?"
"How can you be harder on mother than him!?"
"I've already had a discussion with him. He knows where he stands with me. Mother and father can decide what they want to do with him." She nonchalantly inspects her nails.
Oh right, she never had gotten a chance to tell them about that misendeavor. "Before I fully transformed."
"And you didn't tell any of us?"
"I never found the time. I was busy bleeding and breaking, in case you don't remember."
Zuko rubs his hands over his face and sighs. "Sorry."
"For what?" She quirks a brow.
"For assuming the worst of you again."
"Im used to it."
"But you're not making this easy you're still…"
"Distant and mistrustful." She shrugs. "Yes, Mai went on and on about that…" she trails off into a sigh. "Its in my nature."
"You're still afraid, aren't you?" Aang invites himself into the conversation.
"And why would you think such a ridiculous thing like that, Avatar?"
"Because you're a lot nicer when you aren't stressed or nervous. Sokka said that he's been getting away with a lot of shenanigans since you began your flying lessons."
"Sokka should learn when to keep quiet…"
"It's okay to have a soft side, Azula." Aang smiles one of his cheerful, affectionate smiles. 
"I am a dragon. We are not cuddly."
Behind her Sokka sniffles a snorting laugh.
"We have fangs and claws and it would do well for some peasants to remember that."
Sokka slings an arm over her shoulder. "If you say so." Very loudly he whispers, "They all sleep in one cave together and she curls up in the middle."
For the second time today, her face reddens. It isn't as though she had ever had the chance to curl up next to her parents as a child.
"She's a baby dragon, remember!" TyLee gushes. 
Zuko cracks a smile, his expression softening significantly. 
"I will set all of you on fire." She grumbles. She ought to transfer the burning in her cheeks to the ground in front of her.
"We can work together to find mother." Zuko agrees. "All of us and it won't be anything like the spirit mission."
"Alright, I will speak with my parents. That have grown fond of Mai, TyLee, Katara, and this buffoon." Azula jabs her thumb at Sokka. "I will tell them to be…open minded about the rest of you." She can't promise that she can convince them to be lenient with Ursa. 
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isabelguerra · 2 years
You've gotta tell us more about your Wizard AU, it is amazing
pandoras box anon you just ripped it in half
paranatural hogwarts is an au ive had for roughly 6 years now. it’s been posted about on ~7 blogs, 2.5 of them mine, with a good amount of it deleted/orphaned bc i get very cold feet talking about things unless theyre with specific people. but despite my efforts to kill it she keeps coming back so you know what. whatever. fine. it wins. let me tell you about wizard au. this is gonna be a long post
pnat hogwarts follows the cast of paranatural in a wizard setting, with a lot (i mean a LOT) of my own spins on things. there’s an overarching plot with the main cast, but it’s less important to the real reason i made it, which was a 6 year long izjo slowburn. thats right. wizard au is my own personal excuse to write as much izjo as i want and make them fall for each other over the torturous span of 6 years. and they cant do anything about it. but i put a lot of non-ship stuff in there too bc as much as its my indulgence au i still want people who are indifferent to the ship to enjoy it if they want. so here’s some overarching lowdowns:
- isabel is a gryffindor from a super old school magic family
- the guerra name is a GIGANTIC in this au. super old family, super old money, super old power. francisco is much, much older than he is in canon and is hailed as one of the most powerful wizards in history, known for pioneering an entire art form of wandless magic. wizards from all corners of the globe come to train with him to learn the honed technique. but he’s dead, and his son is nowhere to be found, and isabel is the heiress to the guerra family name as soon as she turns 18. so she has a lot riding on her shoulders and is expected to take over and ‘grow out’ of using her wand. francisco allows it while she learns at hogwarts because he considers it a frivolous childs play technique, but will not tolerate any thing less from her studies than excellence.
- isabel, however, just wants to play quidditch and sneak around with her friends and read books and learn spells.
- her best subjects are charms, care for magical creatures, and DatDA. she sucks at potions and herbology.
- in their second year she joins the quidditch team and becomes one of gryffindor’s beaters with johnny. in their fifth year she makes team captain, which he pokes fun at her for for the rest of their school days. they butt heads a lot in their earlier years but are solidly friends by the time theyre both 15. but more on that later
- when she was 6 isabel befriended a baby acromantula, which she named eightfold. after bringing eightfold with her to hogwarts for 2 years, eventually she becomes too big to keep in her dorm and isabel hides her in the library were she can eat as many dusty old books as she likes. but when rumors of a monster among the stacks begins circulating the student body, she has to sneak eightfold out to the forbidden forest in the middle of the night and say goodbye to her friend at the risk of her safety. she still visits when she can
- max is a slytherin halfblood who didnt know his mom was a witch. in his first year he falls into an acromantula pit and hates spiders ever since, even though isabel tells him theyre actually very sweet. on their way out of the forbidden forest, he catches the attention of a blind basalisk, which he keeps running into for years to come.
- when theyre 16, max is chosen as hogwarts’ triwizard champion. he does not win. his friends love him very much for it
- him and isabel go to the yule ball together because isabel got a lot of people asking her out but none of them were anyone she actually liked (cough) and max is as much of a homebody as he is a chad. its very much a ‘okay i’ll do the first dance with you so you dont get laughed at and then we can do whatever we want the rest of the night so go have fun with whoever you wanna ok?’ situation
- max’s boggart is an acromantula
- he cannot fly and the one time isabel tried to get him to play quidditch in their 2nd year he broke his arm
- max , having grown up in the human world, likes to sneak in laptops and dvd players and show the wizard friends movies.
- theyll all do movie nights in the gryffindor common room at isabels invitation, which johnny will crash, which ollie will also crash. then they all end up on different areas of the couch floor and surrounding armchairs covered in blankets and watching the human wonders of Home Alone 2 and Megamind
- in their 1st year, max finds a compass hidden in a locked room. after lugging it around and thinking it useless for a couple weeks, he realizes this thing doesnt point north, but shows you the exact direction you need to get wherever you need to go most. this helps an INCREDIBLE amount to show him, and therefore the rest of the activity club, direct pathways to secret passages and routes to avoid teachers when sneaking around at night. the compass has no identifying marks on it aside from the name Smith elegantly seared into its side
- the AC and the jang steal Smith’s compass back and forth from each other literally the entirety of their school life. johnny will grab it from isabels robe when she’s in the quidditch changing room, max will grab it from stephen when hes napping in the slytherin commonroom, isabel jinxes johnny to get it back, ed and rj play rock paper kick-your-knees-in to decide who gets it, etc
- suzy has been trying to get her hands on it for years. YEARS. but each time she cooks up a plan to figure out how the eight of those guys can get from one side of the castle to another so quick, theyre already gone
- is a year ahead of them, ravenclaw, with both wizard parents. i know blair just wrote a whole post about why isaac is a gryffindor and i thought that her reasoning was super cool but i stand by my placement that hes a ravenclaw he’s too flashy
- isaac doesnt have too much plot relevance, which i kinda feel bad about now that i like him more. he became a prefect in his 5th year and worked as defence against the dark arts teaching assistant in his 7th year, when the rest of his friends went up against their 6th year boggarts.
- for the record isaacs boggart is sasuke breaking up with him
- isabel and isaacs relationship is better in this, i tried to interpret isaac as less of an Insufferable Tortured Sadboy more of a Teenager Who Is Just Kind Of A Dramatic Dick Sometimes And Thats Fine
- isabel becomes a gryffindor prefect in her 5th year, so she and isaac sometimes hang out during patrols or meetings and chat about it
- can fly ok but isnt great at it and doesnt play quidditch. best subjects are potions and transfiguration, but he kinda sucks at history of magic and astronomy
- hufflepuff adopted member of the guerra family. parents worked for the ministry and disappeared mysteriously
- i made ed nb here so just putting that out there. canon nb ed
- befriends johnnys gang later on than canon, around 3rd year. him and rj i think ended up dating? they go to yule together in their 6th year
- one time jinxed himself to only speak in puns. max hounded him for the countercurse but he never got it until 2 weeks had passed
- loves and GREAT at charms. bad at DatDA and history of magic
johnny (+ the gang)
- johnnys a muggleborn gryffindor and the other beater on gryffindors quidditch team w/ isabel
- worst wizard you will ever meet. not in the ‘bad with magic’ way, but in the ‘oh god why did this guy have to get magic’ way
- you think REGULAR bullyings bad??? imagine WIZARD BULLYING. with SPELLS
- johnny finds out hes a wizard and immediately thinks Ah How Can I Use This Information To Torment People and then does exactly that until like their 4th year when he gets some sense knocked into him
- literally knocked into him. he gets a concussion from from taunting a hippogryff.
- hes particularly attuned to heat magic, has a higher body temperature than normal people, and sometimes catches fire if really wound up about something. has been known to occasionally blow steam out his ears
- remember how isabel hides eightfold until their 2nd year? johnny catches isabel speaking with her in the library and nearly freaks out before she pushes him against a bookcase and swears him to secrecy “or else my spider will eat you”
- he catches isabel sneaking out of the gryffindor commonroom at night a week later and gets roped into helping her sneak eightfold out. theyre sortof friends at this point but theres a lot of perilous bickering. which is ridiculous because theire sneaking a 3ft tall spider out into the woods at 1am underneath a blanket and trying not to get caught. look at yourselves
- it works though and they chase each other the whole way back laughing and trying to avoid ghosts and teachers, snatching smith’s compass back nd forth
- theyre super tired by the time theyre safe in the commonroom. they both collapse in front of the fire and isabel kinda clears her throat like hey so. thanks for helping tonight. dont you ever tell anyone but it was scary letting her go and having someone else there really um. you helped. so thanks.
- johnny who does not know how to deal with genuinity even from the gang is sitting there like. hm ?
- nd shes like DONT let this get to your head idiot i just. yeah i had a lot more fun than i thought i wouldve. i thought it was gonna just be me walking my best friend somewhere id never see her again. but it wasnt, it was fun and got my adrenaline going and that wouldntve happened if i did it alone so.. yeah. i had a really fun night. thanks. for being there with me. i mean it.
- and if johnny didnt know how to deal with earnesty he DEFINITELY doesnt know how to deal with the girl he fight with all the time giving him an ACTUAL REAL SMILE and laughing all out of breath and looking at him earnestly in the light of the fire and. and he needs to leave. right now. oh he needs to get out of here
- haha that was a weird feeling! good thing it wont happen again!
- anyway thats how johnnys crush on isabel starts. it lasts 5 years.
- aside from that though he’s an AWESOME quidditch player and duellist, great at DatDA, and is the best jinxer you’ll ever meet.
- he dorms with ollie, who is the only other gryffindor in the cast aside from isabel. theyre roommates (:
- FORGE!!!!! in johnnys second year he finds a creepy old knights helmet in the woods and brings it back to his dorm in secret. turns out the helmet talks, and tries to get johnny to help him with some kind of mission. from then on forge lives under johnnys bed and does everything from giving him advice to giving him fully fledged lectures. forge likes to talk to the paintings when johnny isnt around
- when 5th year rolls around and isabel’s appointed quidditch captain by their old leader, he jokingly calls her ‘captain’ in every opportunity he can find. (it’s only half joking but he’d never admit to that)
- by 5th year he genuinely respects her leadership but WOULD LIKE FOR REAL die (and kill) if anyone ever found that out so it’s still all friendly teasing and rivalry. but it’s a HUGE step from where they were 2nd year though, where one time in a match against ravenclaw they got in a fight mid game. in the air. the match had to be stopped bc the 2 gryffindor beaters kept trying to shove each other Off Of Their Brooms While 100 Feet In The Sky
- stephen is born to wizard parents and is completely wholly undividedly obsessed with the human world. he’s INCREDIBLE at divination but he doesnt think its real. every prediction he makes comes true but ONLY the ones he says as jokes or doesnt take seriously. every single one.
- stephens a slytherin and heckles max in their commonroom every chance he gets. steals his slippers. etc.
- ollie is the only other gryffindor with isabel and johnny. him and johnny bunk together their entire school careers
- he’s great at care for magical creatures. awful on a broom. came from a half magic family, hes known johnny since they both were little. they found out they were both magic users around the same time.
- johnny goes to ollie about his Not Feelings sometime around the start of their 6th year and ollies like are you kidding me do you not think i have eyes. youve been sighing over guerra since like 2nd year and johnny goes WHAT
- rj is a hufflepuff with the others (“WE wouldnt ditch you johnny”) and i dont have as much on them as i’d like. but its also 6:30am so what can you do ig
supernormals+ journalism club!
- cody and lisa are twins. if i cant have it in canon im going to have it in my au. cody and lisa are twins and also fillipino. cody is a hufflepuff, lisa is a slytherin.
- cody is a great flier! he joined the hufflepuff quidditch team in their 3rd year as a seeker, hes a cool guy
- lisa is a potions MASTER and loves to make magic drinks with them. these are usually super popular around wizard finals, but she makes a hot chocolate that’ll keep you warm for hours, an apple juice to turn your tongue green, truth potions that she sells under the table for a pretty dime, etc etc.
- lisa ABSOLUTELY knows about johnnys crush on isabel. not through dark blackmail, shes just a weird girl who has an uncanny knack for knowing things. she doesnt use it against him but she DOES know and he DOES know she knows and they do NOT talk about it
- and when isabel gets it back. well. maybe they talk about it a little
- shes often found in the slytherin commonroom talking to the merfolk, or walking the grounds/herbology cabinets for potions ingredients with violet
- speaking of which! violets a hufflepuff. shes pretty well rounded in terms of magic, but in a lowkey way. i honestly dont have much for violet but she does go to yule with lisa
- jeff is also a hufflepuff, bc he loves his friends and values working hard. him and ed have hangouts a lot and its a pretty social group.
- dimitri is both the best and worst ravenclaw you’ll ever meet. if he ever cant figure out the commonroom riddle he HAS been known to just sleep right there outside the door
- collin was a hufflepuff when i first made this au, but i think i wanna reconsider that. i dont have much more for him atm sorry lol
- suzy is a slytherin and runs hogwarts’ newspaper. i’ll write more on her someday sorry AGAIN i just got hit with a wave of Tired
- spender teaches history of magic bc duh. he’s also head of ravenclaw house
- lucifer is a painting in his office which he talks to frequently
- garcia teaches defence against the dark arts. he is NOT a werewolf in this au bc i like him better when hes just some guy. he does however have some weird relationship with the giant squid in the lake
- when i wrote this originally zarei taught potions, but now im thinking maybe she teaches transfiguration? patchworm is a boa constrictor she speaks to and has hang around for companionship. the students joke that theyre a teachers aide. zarei is head of slytherin house
- starchman is the charms professor and head of gryffindor house. he teaches magic very, very enthusiastically.
- agent day teaches herbology and runs hufflepuff house! venus guytrap is an audrey 2-esque 7ft tall magic talking flytrap that lives in the greenhouse
- boss leader. i. okay. i made boss leader so unbelievably ridiculous that i still get a headache over it. boss leader started off as being hogwarts headmaster. but then i thought ‘huh if she runs the consortium, wouldnt that be more akin to the ministry? but i really like her as headmaster, what do i do here’
- the answer is to make her Headmistress Boss Leader, Minister of Magic
- i dont know if ill keep that last part but even the phrase Headmistress Leader puts me into a fucking coma
- i said some of these already but ill say them again
- eightfold: baby acromantula living in the library. isabel and johnny sneak her out of the castle in their 2nd year
- scrapdragon: a blind basilisk who max meets in the forbidden forest
- muse: a painting in ed’s dorm (i think)
- king C: a wind spirit that has taken a particular liking to isaac and now doesnt leave him alone
- forge: a severed knights head johnny found in the forbidden forest and took home. has some hidden agenda and business inside the school. gives johnny advice. lives under his bed
- lucifer: much like muse and ed, lucifer is a painting in spenders office
- patchworm: boa constrictor doubling as minas animal companion. minas a parseltongue so they chat
- venus guytrap: a huge flytrap grown in the herbology greenhouses. professor day keeps him in her office mostly
- Big Scary Shadow Spirit: this one is fun. i love this one. the shadow in this AU is a basilisk king living underneath the school. i say ‘basilisk king’- like a rat king but snakes, a bunch of them all knotted together at the tails. if you dont know what a rat king is, dont google it it’s disgusting and horrible. great for writing though. since basilisks are immune to each others gazes, this just leaves a terrifying writhing mass of snakes entangled in each other forever. ironically, the blind snake max has made himself known to used to be part of its masses.
OKAY. okay. okay i cant write any more for this ask. oh my god i love this stupid au so much. i love wizards. please ask me more about it. i couldnt get too specific here bc theres so much and i wanted to give more of an overview- but if you want to know about any particular character/year/plot moment/ship (cough) id be HAPPY to go into detail. tysm for asking abt my au this made me really happy !!!! i hope you enjoyed reading about it as much as i did writing about it
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jackiietaylor · 2 years
잔 ── hello ੭ ask
ᰋ ː ՞ hello everything is fine? first I would like to say that: your tumblr is amazing and beautiful!
ᰋ ː ՞ second I would like to know if you could tell me how you make your gifs and the quality of them. please. 🪺
hi!! im doing good, hope you are as well. and thank you <3
sorry it took me a few days to get everything together. but here's a basic tutorial of how i make gifs:
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to start, i explained here what programs i use and how i choose source videos to gif. that link is actually an old tutorial I put together about my gif making process, but ive changed a few things since then that i think improve quality so i figured i would explain everything instead of just the changes . for the things that have stayed the same ill just be copying and pasting
so there's a few parts that ill go over here:
importing frames
converting frames to layers
to start, go to file>script>load files into stack
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this is where you’re going to load in the screencaps you just took. go to browse, then select the first screencap and hold down shift until you select the last screencap, then hit ok
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after that, i crop my gifs using the crop tool on the side of the screen. on the top of the screen i usually select square, but the exact size and shape depend on what exactly im making
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next I go to image > image size. tumblrs standard width for single gifs is 540p, so thats almost always what you'll use for width
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so here's where we actually start to make the picture move. to begin, click "create frame animation" at the bottom of the screen. this is what it looks like once you've done that
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next, go to the three horizontal lines across from the word “timeline” at the bottom. once that menu opens, click “make frames from layers” at this point the gif is backwards, so you’ll want to go back to that same menu and click “reverse frames.” I forgot to take a screenshot of this point, but you should see more individual frames in the timeline now - however many you imported during the first step
now that your gif’s frames in the correct order, you can set frame delay. select all the frames in the timeline, then right click. i almost always set frame delay to .05, but if i have less than ~20 frames ill set it to 0.06    
next, click the symbol in the bottom left corner (you can see it in the photo above) to convert the frames to a video timeline. after this, on the bottom right side, select each layer of the gif under the “layers” tab. right click, then select “convert to smart object.” this is what your screen should look like before converting:
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once you've converted your layers to a smart object, you can begin sharpening. this is the stage that can really improve the quality of your gif, especially if the source itself wasn't great.
for example, this is what my gif looks like before i begin:
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i personally sharpen my gifs four times. to start, my settings are 500% at 0.4px:
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next, i repeat the same steps, except my settings are 10% at 10px
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i then repeat those two steps again, so my third sharpen is 500% at 0.4px and my fourth sharpen is 10% at 10px. here's what it looks like after the third:
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so theres really two parts to coloring. first is adjusting the lighting, and second is adjusting the color. the amount of adjusting you do will depend on what exactly you're working on. for example, for this, im not really adjusting the colors, just fixing the lighting.
to add adjustment layers, you can either  1. go to layer>add adjustment layer>select the layer type 2. pick a layer type from the icons on the right side (above the layer list)
i always start with a curves layer. the key to this is using the bottom dropper tool on the right side (see below image) to select the lightest layer in the gif. personally, i always zoom in on the characters eye, because theres usually a white speck from the reflected light. your other option is just clicking "auto" and photoshop will make the adjustment for you.
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next is brightness. for this, i almost always just hit auto
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next is layers, and i use the same technique mentioned under curves
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once these are done, i add a selective color layer specifically to increase black. to do this, i create the layer, go to black, and then increase black to whatever i think looks best. this is another way to try to improve quality, as it can kinda make the gif look sharper
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next i added a vibrance layer. for this, i increase both the vibrance and saturation to make the colors stand out more.
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after i added the vibrance, i realized that her face looked a little too saturated compared to how i wanted it, so i corrected it with an additional selection color layer in which i went to red and decrease the magenta and yellow a little, and then did the same under yellow. when you gif people, a lot of times you'll have to play around and figure out how to correct skintone, because sometimes adjusting lighting can make it look a little unnatural. in my experience, the easiest way to do this is by adjusting the red and yellow tones either under hue/saturation or selective color.
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next, i added an exposure layer to the gif to brighten it a little more. ill usually always add this at the end because so many shows are so dark that giving it that final additional brightness can make a difference
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once you’re done coloring, you can save your gif. to do this, go to file>export>save for web (legacy)
the save settings i use are perceptual, diffusion, colors: 256, dither: 100%, quality: bicubic sharper
also, the gif size limit for tumblr is 10M, so make sure your gifs are all under that size. if they’re too big, you can either adjust the image size on the save page (or while making the gif) or shorten the gif. i would recommend shortening the gif because adjusting the image will decrease the quality  
i hope this was helpful!! i tried to explain everything as much as i could, but let me know if theres anything you'd like me to explain more :)
and here's the first and last version of the gif, so you can see them side by side:
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(also, i created the "tutorial" gif at the top way after i made the rest of the examples, so i dont have the full tutorial for it. but basically this is what i did:
selective color 3: green > +100% cyan +100% yellow -100% magenta, yellow > +100% cyan +100% yellow -100% magenta, then used the brush tool in black to paint over her face, getting as close to her surroundings as possible to remove the excess yellow
hue/saturation 2: green saturation +45
hue/saturation 3: green hue -60
the text effect i explain here
and the box is made by hitting "command" + clicking on the base layer of your gif > adding a new layer > "stroke" (edit > stroke) > choosing your settings, and then adjusting to the size you need)
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thehandwixard · 3 months
FUCK I FORGOT ABOUT THIS ok so let me catch yall up:
finished traverse town, got through wonderland, beat cerberus, at the start of deep jungle. we caught up? also my bestie has started streaming the game so im getting double exposure
gameplay thoughts right now: path of the mystic is actually pretty fun if youre doing anything that isnt aerial combos, which is most combos if anything flying is involved but thats ok. ripple wave is very rewarding to land and clears out a lot of goons around you. of course, choosing path of the mystic limits the amount of cool, actiony abilities i have, and this early on in the game you cant equip all the abilities you want for your combos, but it like. works. sora's bread and butter combo is rewarding to pull off, though its difficult to avoid getting hit out of it. i wish it was a little easier to stack finishers, but thats not really a thing.
its very difficult to manage items, though, for me at least. you have a lot of control over donald and goofy's ai in kh1, but that still doesnt mean you control their actions, so you have to be careful about the items you give them. sora donald and goofy are all also just kind of weak and inflexible at this point in the game, and theres not a quick way to get a lot of items. that said, i dont think thats BAD for this early in the game, just can make things tedious.
anyways to get into story stuff: a lot has happened in a short amount of time, and not a lot has happened in a long amount of time. wonderland is just kind of for getting your bearings, and the grinding pads it out, but it sticks out to me just how dire the cheshire cat is allowed to be. he and alice are by far the shining stars of the world, and for alice thats mostly because she's really the first.. like. princess sora is tasked with rescuing, and he is made unable to. wonderland also has our first segment of "donald and goofy dont believe theyre allowed to meddle in world affairs, but sora sees someone needs help so he does so anyways" which is fun. idk HOW recurring that is, but i think its important. esp with the like... nuance that at least donald and goofy are upset that they feel like they cant help. like they want to.
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as he should, the cheshire cat comes off as a force that knows far more than anyone else can comprehend, and is easily the most lively and real character in the world. my friend singled out "if you want to find the shadows, try turning on the light" as a parallel to dive to the heart's "the brighter your light, the darker the shadow" yknow. common wordplay and shit but its still interesting. hes also the one who teaches you blizzard magic.
not much to say about olympus coliseum really? phil is ok. teaches you thunder. the hades bits ARE very funny in a specific sort of way, much has been said in the past about his VA kind of phoning it in, and that combined with the... strong Attempt. at animating him makes the whole thing really uncanny. however the part before you leave the world and have the option to talk to cloud is realllly digging at me in a good way.
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i really don't know much about cloud except some like... slightly advanced basics such as his backstory, general shit hes doing, and like.his mental state at most times, which gives him and sora a really interesting instant connection
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sora speaks with a genuine gravity to cloud, and it really comes across like he went out of his way to go back and talk to him, to ask if he was ok. we know that cloud is searching for sephiroth, which makes him indirectly implying sephiroth is his light... Loaded
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hes really cute in this game. uhh sora's meeting with cloud also is a major part of my hashtag truth that sora kind of figured out he was into guys through the journey and meeting all sorts of cool and hot dudes and in general making connections with queer people. learning whats out there.
deep jungle is The Real Shit though.
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in many ways its where the main emotional plot picks back up again and some additional threads are pulled on. sora is in a place reminiscent of his home, one that donald didnt want to go to and called 'backwater' and he crashed them onto it looking for riku and kairi. its high tier donald jackass moments to the point where when sora was explaining to tarzan hey im trying to find my friends goofy and donald, he corrects himself, and goes back to kairi and riku. and thats not a dick move from him, cause donald is being an asshole! and also now sora is hallucinating kairi without a good prompt (imagining kairi waking him up in the place of yuffie) so hes doing normal.
sora's a normal boy with many outlets to express his emotions
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eastcoastzilla · 1 year
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I'm almost positive no one gets on tumblr anymore so I'm gonna use it like a livejournal from 2005
Crazy to think that person above in the photo is me + I am now 34. Wasn't I just 19 yesterday? How does time do that? Move so fast and not at all, all at the same time..
So much changes, yet also stays the same. Year 5 this Nov at Cowan - I would say I am content there. It works, it is steady, + that's all I can really ask for at this point. Everything in life is super unstable and as I get older I find myself craving that stability more and more. That feeling of peace; that feeling of everything being okay and knowing that whatever comes our way we will be okay. The old saying "we want for nothing" becomes more relatable in my 30's. Don't get me wrong though - I do NOT feel 34. Heck, I don't even feel 30. I still feel like I'm in my 20's. I think my a lot of my generation feels that way until they are in their 40s/50s and I'm okay with it. From working at a retirement home for 10 years, I've come to highly believe that age is just a number. (Check back in with me in five years to see if I have a new opinion. I bet I do.)
Material things don't matter. I don't need things to feel like I've lived a good life. I just want to be happy and find enjoyment with the person I love to share life with :). Things are scary and life can be fucking hard but I'm proud of how far we've come. Never asking for too much but it can feel like the odds are stacked against us/me. I try to remind myself that there are peaks and valleys. Writing shit out helps me get it out and move on - that's how I've always been able to process things.
Rinzler got sick right when we were going away to NY for my birthday. We spent 3 days thinking we were losing our best buddy of 12 years. He ended up pulling through and Perry hall animal hospital saved the day but it was super scary + eye opening. He's getting older and we are trying to appreciate the time we have with him here. It's why I wish I had a pet growing up so I would be more prepared to lose one since it's inevitable. At least we have him for now and he's a great light in our lives.
It's September and very soon it's the first day of fall. I'm super bummed summer is over - I'm always cold so I'm down with the heat! However I can't wait to camp soon.
Friends are grown up, moved away, married + doing the fam/kids thing. I love to see them happy and enjoy meeting their babies. Kae's boys are amazing - I'm always blown that she is a mom just because it will always feel like we are still 16 burning CDs for the first time.
Idk why but there's a weird stigma about people who don't want to have kids. Plus I wish people would stop saying "want". Of course I WANT to have kids. I believe I SHOULDNT have kids for my own personal reason that's no one's business but my own. So even though I have chosen not to at this time, it's not okay to assume that I don't get sad about not having kids or that I hate kids. Neither are true. Sometimes I have to not look too deeply at photos online because I will get into my own head and it will take off from there. I don't think that will ever go away. Maybe it's a natural thing - like a natural "maturnal" thing something within me that can't help it cos it screams HEY YOU SHOULD PROCREATE AND BE A PARENT. Whatever it is, it's le pits. There is an eternal, internal voice war going on in my head - should I feel guilty knowing that sometimes I can't spend too much time online or I get really sad about seeing all the mom photos, knowing I'll never be a mom.. I'll never get those firsts.. It's my choice to not have kids so is it even fair for me to get sad? Uh yes thats how you feel let yourself feel it - then I disconnect and stop looking or thinking about it until the next time I do it all over again. Idk, maybe it's something I'm supposed to work through? It's weird. Logically I know it's a smart decision for where I'm at, where we are at, and things directly relating to the happiness and fullness of the child in question. It's a decision I am content with but at the same time have so many thoughts on. Hopefully it'll get easier. Another part of me hopes that I will finally befriend a human being in my later years and we can chat about it like rory and lane. But clearly I just watch too much TV/movies. At least those are good right now. Except for the internet - XFINITY sucks ass.
That is all. Goodnight :)
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fridge-reviews · 1 year
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Curse of the Dead Gods
Developer: Passtech Games Publisher: Focus Entertainment Rrp: £17.99 Gog.com, Humblebindle, Steam, Epic and Origin Released: 23rd February 2021 Available on: Gog.com, Humblebindle, Steam, Epic and Origin Played Using: An Xbox One Control Pad Approximate game length: 22 Hours +
They say that great power can be found within the temples of the dead gods, but only if you can survive the many curses they lay upon you. Within those halls you'll find the twisted remains of all those hopefuls that came before you. If you truly feel you can brave all these and survive... then you are a fool, but such is the way of fools.
Curse of the Dead Gods is a isometric roguelite game in which you attempt to work your way through three temples to gain powers beyond mortal reckoning. That really is about it when it comes to the story, however, I've found that being light in the story department is a strength for most roguelite games (with the notable exception of Hades). Most players don't want to be bogged down with a complex narrative and simply want to get back into the action and in that regard this game doesn't disappoint. The temples of the dead gods are sealed shut with no natural light apart from a few lit braziers, well that and your trusty torch. However, you have a choice to make you can either have your torch out and illuminating your way or your weapons. Both light and darkness have their benefits and drawbacks. When in light you can see hidden traps and have (slightly) more warning of upcoming enemies, but in the darkness your attack damage increases significantly, in fact certain builds rely upon you fighting in the darkness rather than the light.
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Your character (whose name I only found out was Caradog when doing some research) has stamina points, five of them actually. One of these stamina points is depleted each time you dodge, use your secondary weapon or perform a finishing attack (which is the final attack in a string of them with your main weapon) and using your two handed weapon drains two stamina points each time its used. These points regenerate quickly after use and can even be earned by performing a perfect dodge, meaning you dodged out of the way at 'just' the right moment. Each time you go through a door you gain corruption which will start to fill a gauge in the bottom right of the screen, when it fills up you are 'gifted' a curse upon entering the next door. These curses add additional rules that make the game more challenging. You can have five of these curses which range from being mildly annoying through to deadly, however its the fifth and final curse thats the worst usually directly affecting your health (like draining it away).
At the end of some rooms you will find altars where you can make an offering, the various altars relate to weapons, relics or attributes and they will accept an offering of either gold or blood. Expending the gold will use the gold (that doesn't stack between runs) you've gained to purchase what you want, an offering of blood increases your corruption instead.
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Normal enemies will sometimes drop crystal skulls, weapons or relics when they're killed. The occurrence of these drops happening is influenced by your Perception attribute. If you kill a champion (end of level boss) they will drop jade rings, crystal skulls, relics and weapons (and if its your first time killing them they also give blood emblems). Jade rings, crystal skulls, and blood emblems carry over from playthrough to playthrough and you spend them to upgrade your characters situation in the underworld. Normal enemies will sometimes drop crystal skulls, weapons or relics when they're killed. The occurrence of these drops happening is influenced by your Perception attribute. If you kill a champion (end of level boss) they will drop jade rings, crystal skulls, relics and weapons (and if its your first time killing them they also give blood emblems). Jade rings, crystal skulls, and blood emblems carry over from playthrough to playthrough and you spend them to upgrade your characters situation in the underworld. Now you may have noticed that I've made no mention of the enemies dropping gold, that's because they don't, but that doesn't mean you can't get gold from their deaths. This game rewards the player for skillful play with its 'Greed Kills' when you chain kills the greed kill counter will appear and start to count down (it lasts approximately two seconds) the more enemies that die while the counter is on screen the greater the multiplier becomes. If you take damage during that time though, the greed kill timer disappears.
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As you play you'll find relics and weapons that will grant bonuses if they are equipped. However, you can instead choose to offer them up to the gods who in turn will reward you with a reduction in your corruption, gold or sometimes a increase to an attribute.
I've mentioned attributes a few times now so I should probably explain what they are. There are three attributes, Constitution, Dexterity and Perception. Consistution increases you maximum health, dexterity increases your damage with weapons and perception influences how often enemies will drop items. Inevitably, your character will die either to an enemy or a trap, and when that happens you're sent to the underworld, its here that you can spend the crystal skulls and jade rings on blessings, unlocking weaponry and improving your starting arsenal. Thus improving your chances at success in your next run.
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The game comes with an 'assist mode' that can be activated in the system menu. Turning on this mode will allow you to customise the difficulty of the game somewhat, for example you could increase your stamina or remove the final curse. However, activating this will stop you from gaining achievements (if that matters to you) and will put a permanent marker on your save slot, I know a lot of people who would find that very off putting.
My thoughts on this game? It's pretty damned good. I liked it enough to purchase the soundtrack and even when I finished the game I kept coming back to try my hand at the daily challenge events that appear. So yeah, I recommend it.
If this appeals to you perhaps try;
Hand of Fate 2 Hades
If you’d like to support me I have a Ko-fi, the reviews will continue to be posted donation or not.
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baeshijima · 1 year
To: Sophie
Subject: My Aggravate Team Having A Tea Party
My aggravate team circles around Alhaitham as a dps, Fischl and Kuki Shinobu as support & Yaoyao as a healer
(I mentioned Yaoyao as a healer because I stacked em on kuki and hp on yaoyao, don't ask why— I tend to build most characters however I want... just like that time when I spent most— if not all— resin on ley lines & my team included of Tighnari, Xiangling, Yaoyao & Fischl
I had stacked so much energy recharge on Tighnari that I practically had his burst ready seconds after using it and only had to wait for the cooldown
This was practically my "lazy team" where I just used Tighnari's skill, summoned oz, guoba and yuegui and watched the chaos...
...but that's not the point— ahem)
I had this random though when I was in my teapot to check on my crops:
what if my aggravate team had a tea party?
At this, an image popped into my mind where I could see the 4 seated at a round table alike the one available in the serenitea pot.
The table seems to be divided with an invisible wall as, on one side, Yaoyao snuggles close to yuegui on her lap as she chatters happily with Fischl and Oz.
Meanwhile, on the other side of said invisible wall, Shinobu and Alhaitham are deep into an academic debate with the mood so intense despite the laughter of the adorable kid seated right beside them.
This was quite a random thought, but I liked the idea and wanted to share it with you hehe
Hoping you perform well in your exams! (Don't forget to have proper meals and drink enough water, hoping you get restful sleep!)
PLS THATS SUCH A CUTE THOUGHT 😭 the lil tea party... yaoyao playing along with fischl and making her happy that someone is going along with her whims... haitham and shinobu chattering away while keeping an eye out in case smth spills or theres an accident....
cries wails holds them gently
(also the tighnari + xiangling + yaoyao + fischl team sounds like absolute chaos with all the explosions and reactions that would occur and all i can imagine is tighnari saying "i'll uproot u!" and "let's nip that in the bud!" while an explosion happens behind him 😭)
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royalbabble · 1 year
yeah the armor itself might need to be updated as the game goes on. You can also set multiple equipment sets, which is useful for when you're grinding certain areas.
The HR random starting location thing is also given an explanation in World, and that mechanic completely absent in Rise. (In World you get to the field by riding on a little winged dinsoaur called a winddrake. But it can be dangerous or monsters could attack/threaten you, so sometimes the little wingdrake drops you off somewhere random. This is kind of now the explanation in all older games. In 4u the big problem is theres exactly 1 weird, impossible to reach location on every map that you can randomly start on in high rank. This area is filled with crystals and items that get used for special gear/equipment. But you have to be lucky enough to roll that, as well as being able to complete the quest!
It's also possible you'll start the quest and be thrown into the place with the monster, so hopefully you're prepared!
The map item also starts to become a double edged sword. If you KNOW the map you can just have a extra item slot for healing. I think there are some locations you can only find/access if you're holding a map. But that may just be true of older games. Its just something i heard of for a specific map.
Monsters only go in certain map routes, so you don't need paintballs and can follow by their shadow/knowing what map places to look by having fought them enough times. Though paintballs are FAR less annoying/better to use. I personally recommend them, I just wanted to bring that up as 'the game's kinda gives you a do you really need this item or can i do without it' feeling as you go on.
Some of the monsters also have some uh. mechanics that you can use to cause yourself more suffering if you so wish. Rathian and Rathalos will know if you've taken their eggs and will hunt you down on any egg quests where they re on the map. They will be enraged. However, this also means you can basically trap them to one map screen because you can just take a egg every time they leave.
The attack/defense up items I want to stay stacks with the Caravan Boosts or the Equipment Status boosts, but i don't know if the last two stack with each other. I think it might only take the highest boost, but i'm not 100% sure on that. (and even then once you cart thats it, its back to whatever your armor gives you only.)
If i remember right doing multiplayer quests can in fact raise your caravan cook's skills. (I specifically recall feeling frustrated because I have to get to a certain point to unlock high rank expeditions, and alcohol is a food type that just isn't available until you unlock it in multiplayer mode!)
I actually did the Rathian egg quest and it was a lot easier than I thought. Granted, I did end up enraging the Rathian after the first egg delivery, but I managed to kill her pretty quickly before going for the second egg.
As for armor sets, I'm currently farming for a full Gravios set. I'm hoping I'll be able to add an attack boost via Attack Gems, but I'm not sure if the Gravios set has enough slots for that. If it doesn't, I can just get the Demondrug/Fighting Fortre Palico boost if I need a boost.
And yes, I'm pretty sure the Canteen/potion effects/Palico effects stack because I was able to get ~170 defense with a Canteen and Palico boost alone, which is about 50 extra points of defense. I'm pretty sure the same is with attack boosts, but I haven't really had to rely on attack boosts all that much in low rank.
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husbandohunter · 3 years
You want Vitamin F, then let me supply you one;
Genshin boys transform into cats.
A Furry Predicatment [Cat Genshin Impact x Gn!Reader]
Synopsis: Venturing to Springvale the boys inhale the fairy dust that turns people into cats, now they must endure the consequences.
Characters: Diluc, Kaeya, Xiao, Albedo, Zhongli, Childe, Venti
(A/n): My student just sent me a video of her cat. I think thats a sign anon. This was meant to be written. part 2 here :P
The grumpy cat (to no one's surprise) who wears the same iconic frown with the same matching gloomy eyes. He's grumpy about this outcome in particular, plus the fact he can't even voice his frustrations except for meowing noises and the endless craving for raw fish. RAW, how despicable.
The maids were looking for Master Diluc except that he was already there...in your arms. Just like his hair, his fur is the fluffiest as if he were a gigantic ball of hilichurl hair. You would nuzzle your face into it because he just feels so warm!
Absolutely will NOT live like a cat. The uncrowned king of Mondstadt refuses to drink water from a bowl. He cannot eat anything unless you feed him with utensils. NO, no he will not shove his mouth into the plate, its uncultured and unsanitary.
He never though taking baths would be so nerve-wracking (cat instincts). It was terrible, choosing between the feeling of water against his body or licking his paws to clean himself (a much more comfortable choice). This kind of lifestyle was miserable.
The mischievious cat (oh no) cue pink panther music, he's the Tom with Jerry's brains. Unlike Diluc, Kaeya will ultimately fall into his cat instincts and somehow uses it to his advantage.
You bet he's gonna spy on people. At night he would jump upon the rooftops to peek through Goth Grand Hotel's windows (watching closely at the Fatui), until the Darknight Hero comes in. Diluc knows it's Kaeya, it's rather uncanny how he does it, hence the cat runs away immediately.
The type to lick you upon contact. You think this was a quirk that came with the spell but he was actually doing it on purpose. Usually targets the neck because he could get a reaction out of you (ohoho you're tickilish there eh?)
As he is roaming out on the streets, always manages to escape the dogs. Kaeya knows his way around the city like the back of his hand, he enjoys watching them bark endlessly while he licks his paws in a mocking manner. Until one of them hopped up, now things got tricky. Basically Kaeya gets himself to alot of trouble as a cat, the worst part was when a bunch of kids started to join in too.
The fiesty cat (he was always a fiesty cat) who hisses alot. Even his fur stands up like a porcupine when expressing his distastefulness. The way he meows almost sounds like a low growl, bares his fangs as if he were a thirsty vampire. Will scare alot of people away with his behaviour, even dogs.
But damn he would make a pretty cat. Golden eyes, dark green stripes and teal fur, the purple diamond still tattooed between where his eyebrows once were, it didn't take long for Verr Goldet to realize that was Xiao.
And the worst nightmare of all, while Cat Xiao roams around the city at night he happened to attract alot of other stray cats who lived in the streets. They were very attracted to his beauty, cornering him until there was no where to run, that was the only situation where Xiao was scared enough to run away.
His ears are the most sensitive. He can't help but purr whenever you pet between them. Though if anyone were to grab his tail, the outcome would not be very pleasant...
The curious cat (who does not die) that will appear from every corner, silently, mysteriously as if he teleported. Once Lisa found him between the bookshelves of her Library while seeing a pile of books stacked upon the floor. Before she could shoo him out, she realized that the cat was way too smart to be a mere cat and quickly deciphered that it was the Chief Alchemist.
Of course no one else in Mondstadt knew it was Albedo, they thought you just had a very talented pet. Margaret even decided to put him against Prince to see who's cat was the best. It wasn't even a competition. Catbedo could paint a picture just by using his paws.
But Klee found out eventually (she deserved to know). She would open her drawer, take out her bow and stick them upon his fur. It seems that Albedo can never get a break when it was against his little sister, she will find indulging activities to do without consent.
Astounded by the sheer talent your cat possessed, the Knights of Favonius offered to hire your cat to be trained as a Knight Cat because animals are very good at deciphering clues for investigation. Oh how unaware they were.
The type of cat for crazy cat ladies. It's the vibe he gives being an old man ranging to a thousand years. Zhongli is very behaving, very considerate and very calm in his cat form. His favourite activity is to snuggle upon your lap while you quietly read a book.
He is indeed a tall black cat. Has incredible and refined posture and if he were to stand up on his hind legs, he can even reach as far as the kitchen counter! Though he does not like the fact that he sheds so much fur, it leaves a huge mess behind him (in which you had to clean up)
Zhongli decided to venture into Liyue's streets and see what it's like to be a cat. He starts communicating with some of them, speaking his cat language (meow meowmewomewo? meeoooow). Needless to say, the cats had no idea what he was saying.
If there were any cat-related dish he eats, it has to be sushi. Raw sashimis if possible. You worry if the choice was even healthy for a cat but you remembered that he was still a god. He'll be fine, right?
The annoying cat (that you must take care of, remember) whos a little too impulsive for his own good. Childe finds the excitement running through him whenever he spots a mouse, a squirrel or even a bird. One moment he's in your arms, the next he just leapt high into the air and running into the streets.
Adventurous as always. You take him to the pond to get some fresh air. Childe is not afraid of water, at all. He plays a game with the fishes, trying to see how much he can catch in one swipe. You had to keep a close eye on him otherwise he'd fall in and drown.
Loves climbing trees but shortly realizes that he can't get down. You tell him to jump but he feels hesitant so you had to climb up and get him. However, now the two of you were stuck and Zhongli had to get you both down one at a time.
Childe has the prettiest blue eyes as a cat. They were big and bright, almost feminine. But you knew that look was the look of upcoming trouble.
Oh God Barbatos.
Venti can't stop sneezing. His own fur is all over the place and he just couldn't catch a break (or a breath). Every second he will hiss-sneeze, they sounded like dying noises.
You had to get him to Lisa as fast as possible otherwise the death of Barbatos would have been caused by his own self.
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