zaevauhm · 2 years
Barcelona 3/4
word count 5.9k
mentions of sex + anxiety
‘’No more escaping me now.’’ He quietly said, as he stood behind you, his arms wrapped around your waist, watching you as you looked out of the window of his hotel room, into the darkness.
His smell, his warmth around you was so captivating. You couldn’t lie, feeling his chest pressing against your back, was intimidating. There was no way around it, but you had to pull it together. Enjoy it, for as long as it would last.
You moved your head a little, meeting his eyes, completely losing yourself in them, again. ‘’I don’t think I want to.’’ Your smile made him feel warm inside. A warmth he hasn’t felt in so long, similar to you.
Even your quiet moments had started to feel more peaceful now, even though you felt the nerves rushing through your body and your heart pounding against your ribs.
‘’Come.’’ Lewis spoke, walking over to the bed.
Frozen, you looked his way for a few seconds before opening your mouth. ‘’Lewis…’’ You began.
‘’Don’t worry.’’ He chuckled at your shyness, making you blush.
‘’I promise nothing is going to happen.’’
Nothing physically, you thought.
‘’Not even if I’ll want to?’’
Lewis took a second to answer you, coming to the conclusion that it was better to protect you from himself, for now.
You sat down on the bed across from to him, as the two of you started to get to know each other. You told him about your job, about your university, a little about yourself even. Somehow in complete peace, being completely yourself, despite the fact that you were sitting here with the person who your world has been revolving around for months. The man you’ve been thinking and dreaming about daily. Then the obvious question came; how could a girl like you be single? If only you had a dollar for every time this question was asked, you thought. He seemed surprised by the fact that you had been by yourself for so long, he couldn’t quite believe it. ‘’So… Really nothing?’’ He asks. ‘’All those years?’’
It sparked something in him, the facts about your innocence, despite all of the obvious attention.
What you adored about him was the way you noticed how much attention he paid to you, to every little detail. He seemed so genuinely interested. You explained that you had to be back at the track tomorrow as well, immediately seeing his eyes sparkle with joy.
‘’So, you’ll accompany me?’’
‘’I think I won’t arrive as early as you, but I’ll make sure to come by and say hi.’’
‘’I’ll settle with that.’’ Lewis said. ‘’For now.’’ He added, softly, winning another blushing you. The man was the most beautiful creature you had ever laid your eyes on, the closer he got to you, the more you felt your cheeks getting completely flushed.
‘’Well, let’s get you changed.’’ He looked at the uncomfortably tight jeans that you were in since the afternoon. ‘’You can’t tell me you’re comfortable like that.’’
‘’What should I wear?’’
He walked over to the bathroom and a few seconds later, came back with a black oversized T-shirt and some matching black, soft sweats.
‘’These will look nice on you.’’ He smiled. ‘’Go change, I’ll wait here for you.’’  
You made your way into the bathroom, almost completely closing the door behind you, leaving just a peek of it open. You were able to do most of your nighttime routine just fine, as your makeup was a complete mess anyway. It didn’t take much effort to remove the remaining bits and put on some moisturizer. Quickly you adjusted the few things you wore in the mirror, before you froze as your eyes met Lewis’. He was looking right at you by accident, you knew he didn’t mean to, but your eyes locked as you were standing in nothing more than your black string and a black T shirt that belonged to him. Your heart nearly jumped out of your body. For a second you were doubting whether or not to wear the sweatpants, but as you felt your whole body heating up, you decided not to. Oh well, he had seen you now anyways. You tried your best to not let your shyness get to you and carry on like nothing happened.
After finishing up, brushing your teeth, putting your hair back up, you walked back to Lewis. Wearing nothing but the oversized T shirt, he looked over you as if he was the mesmerized one now. ‘’You look good in my clothes.’’ He spoke softly, as you noticed he had gotten a little shy. Embarrassed maybe? You weren’t completely sure, but you didn’t really mind either way. Somehow having been partly exposed to him just gave you more butterflies. 
‘’So do you.’’
You grabbed your clutch where you found your phone that you had not touched for the past 3 hours, only to find 5 missed calls from your best friend, and that it was much later than you thought. 2:16 AM. You texted her, made sure she knew you were okay, and put your phone next to you on the nightstand. You’d have some explaining to do by morning.
You laid down on your side, playing slowly with the stitches of the bottom of the shirt, Lewis looking at you, taking in the sight of his newfound happiness.
All you wanted at this very moment was to be close to him, to feel him. To know what it would be like to have him around you. But you were scared. You didn’t want to cross any lines or have him get the wrong idea of you. He noticed you were getting tired, and for the third time, making physical contact. He took your hand, pulling it closer to him, as the rest of your body slowly followed into his.
Your hands were on his chest, your whole body stuck to his, with his two big arms firmly wrapped around you.
The moment was starting to feel unreal at this point, nerves slowly hitting you again and again.
‘’Am I scaring you?’’ He asks.
‘’Quite the opposite, I’m afraid. Why do you ask?’’
‘’Your heart is racing.’’
You felt it too, you still needed some time to get used to being close to anyone, and in this case, not just anyone. He held you, in the same position, speaking softly to you, until you felt sleep starting to come over you. A faded yawn left your mouth, your face was now softly burried in his chest.
‘’Can you promise me one thing?’’ You ask.
‘’Tell me.’’
‘’Please don’t let this be a dream I’ll wake up from tomorrow.’’
He kissed you softly on your head.
‘’Sleep, baby. I’m right here. You’re not dreaming anymore.’’
You woke up to Lewis slowly drawing circles on your ribs. You had turned around in your sleep, Lewis right behind you. He is leaning on his other elbow, reading something on his phone, right above you. For the first time in years, you woke up without worries. Without anxious feelings, without slightly panicking. How unfamiliar. You felt safe, happy and secure. Without a single clue on how you were going to recover from this heartbreak that was bound to come. Still, you couldn’t get yourself not to go with him last night. You had to experience this joy, no matter how badly the pain of separating from Lewis was going to be. Don’t think about it, not just yet.
‘’Hi sleepy head.’’ He whispers and places a kiss on your upper arm.
‘’Hi.’’ You mumble back. ‘’What time is it?’’
‘’7 AM.’’
‘’Aren’t you late?’’
‘’No, my testing is during the afternoon, and I already supported George yesterday, he’ll be fine.’’
‘’Mhmmm.’’ You yawned as you sleepily buried your face back into his chest.
‘’What is that?’’ Lewis started to tease you. Pinching your sides, making you giggle, as you tried to push him off of you. He was towering half above you now, and as your giggles stopped, he looked down at you, his thoughts easily readable. He desperately wanted you, wanted something to happen between the two of you, despite knowing it wasn’t the best timing.
For a few seconds, your eyes were locked with his, until you mumbled that you were still tired. You weren’t, and Lewis knew it, you just had to make something up to get out of the grip he held you in. It was just too soon.
Lewis arrived at the circuit not long after, leaving you with Layla to get dressed. She was barely awake when you entered your hotel room, jumping up, nevertheless. Hearing you out about everything. Being the excited; loveable best friend you needed her to be.
‘’So… Go on?’’
‘’What? I told you everything.’’
‘’Nothing happened?’’ She looked at you, slightly confused.
‘’No, I didn’t want anything to happen, and I’m pretty sure he felt the same way.’’ You spoke.
She let you know that she had agreed; that it wouldn’t make sense to rush things, it was probably the more responsible decision.
Arriving at the circuit during the early afternoon, you were delighted to be greeted by familiar faces. You walked the same route as yesterday, walking towards the RedBull garage to meet a certain engineer. He was cute, you thought. Apparently, they hit it off quite well, and he had even asked her out on a date tonight. You were genuinely super happy for your bestie, knowing it would be a fun afternoon of getting her ready, just the two of you.
After greeting the same kind faces you met the day before, you figured it was time to look for your own little source of happiness. You stepped out the garage, and walked over to the Mercedes pit, where you found the atmosphere wasn’t as calm as usual. The engineers looked tense, people were walking around working on all sorts of things, most of them with worried looks printed on their faces. Wonder what’s going on, you thought. ‘’Lewis has just exited.’’ An unfamiliar voice spoke to you. You turned around, to meet one of the engineers’ face. ‘’Ah, okay, is it okay if I wait for him?’’
‘’Of course. He will be pleased to see you here.’’ The engineer, Oliver, as you learned, spoke to you kindly.
You were surprised, and a bit confused. Has he actually spoken about you? Had anyone noticed the two of you talking? You stopped worrying about that, as you made your way inside, where the engineer showed you the monitor that you could view his lap time on. ‘’He is doing well, isn’t he?’’ you asked.
‘’Fastest one on the grid.’’ Oliver said, proudly, despite his teammate not doing so well.
That’s why they were feeling tense, you thought.
A feeling you hadn’t quite felt before, overwhelmed you. Pride, happiness that Lewis was doing so good, probably making the other drivers feel some sort of shame. That’s my world champion, you thought. All you wanted for him was to finish so you could show him just how proud he’s made you.
He took some more laps before finally coming in, letting the engineers roll the Mercedes back inside, as he climbed out of the car, taking his helmet and gloves off, putting them on a nearby shelve.
He stopped to talk with Bono, a conversation that didn’t last over a few minutes, as they decided he’d need some time to breathe now. You waited patiently until he saw you, which didn’t take long at all.
You were scared, though. You did mention that you’d come by to say hi, but here you were sitting in his actual garage. Weren’t you overstepping? Who said he’d want you here, waiting for him, as if you were his girlfriend or something? Doubts started to creep up on you as you kept your eyes down, looking at some data you couldn’t quite place.
That’s when you felt two strong arms around you, hugging you from behind, surprising you. ‘’You’re actually here!’’ He spoke, loud enough for most people to hear.
Holding you safely in his grip, looking at over your shoulder, at whatever you were looking at before, before placing a soft, subtle kiss on your neck. The butterflies you felt because of the small gesture were insane.
You turned around and wrapped two arms around his neck, finally reuniting yourself with pure happiness. ‘’Of course, silly. I am working, remember?’’
‘’Of course you are.’’ He gives you a smirky smile and a wink. One that only he could deliver in such a perfect way. This couldn’t be real.
‘’I’m so proud of you, you did so well.’’ You smiled at him shyly.
‘’Thank you.’’ He looked slightly down at you, taking a breath and continued. ‘’Well enough for you to let me take you out? On a proper date?’’
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. Lewis fucking Hamilton, was actually asking you out? He actually wanted to spend more time with you?
Overwhelmed with emotion, all you could give him was a small nod. He understood you perfectly, it was a big deal to you, and he wasn’t about to mess it up.
The rest of the afternoon went by fast, around 5 PM you left the track with your best friend as both of you had some getting ready to do. It felt like both of you had so much to tell each other, but there was so little time.
Before you knew it, you were sat on the bed of your hotel room, surrounded by what felt as a million clothing pieces. The room was a complete mess by now, everywhere you looked there was makeup lying around, perfumes, jewelry, as if a bomb had quite literally exploded in there.
‘’I have absolutely nothing to wear.’’ You said, starting to actually worry. ‘’You’re going to be happy I made you get that little white top.’’ Layla shouted from the shower. ‘’You’re wearing it and I’m not hearing any more of this.’’ She said as she walked out, covered in nothing but a white towel, as she sat down next to you on the bed.
‘’It’s so exposed.’’ You chuckled.
‘’It’s a date, ‘’Y/N’’.’’ She reassured you as she placed a hand on your thigh. You were beyond happy to have her here. Her small gestures were what somehow brought peace to your, currently, very chaotic state.
‘’Also,’’ she continued. ‘’You’re going to be happy I got you these.’’ She said, handing you the VS bag that was lying on the floor next to the bed. You looked at her confused. ‘’They are your sizes, silly. You’re going to need them more than I do, and besides, you would have never allowed me to buy them for you.’’ She laughs.
‘’You really are the best; did you know that?’’
‘’Obviously.’’ She winks at you.
Two hours later, just as you were about as ready as you could be, you heard a soft knock on your hotel room door, gesturing to Layla to open it. ‘’Hi!’’ she greeted him, allowing him to enter the still somewhat messy hotel room, laughing. ‘’Every man’s dream right here, huh.’’ He smiled at you. You couldn’t help but feel a little shy about the mess the two of you had made, but then again, you figured it wouldn’t do you any harm as it shows him that the two of you were having fun.
‘’A few minutes and I’ll be ready.’’ You said, entering the bathroom.
‘’Take your time’’ Lewis spoke, as he continued his chat with Layla.
‘’RedBull huh? Can’t deny I’m a little bit disappointed to hear that.’’ You hear from the room while you’re leaned over the sink, adding a tiny little bit of mascara under the big lights that were placed above the entire mirror.
‘’Hey, don’t bash my date, okay? Not everyone is as lucky as you, tonight.’’ Layla said, teasing Lewis, as you walked out of the bathroom.
‘’Definitely not.’’ He spoke in awe.
You made your way down the parking garage, Lewis opening the door to the passenger seat of his, also white, Mercedes for you. Weirdly it wasn’t parked far from yours at all. How did you not recognize his car before? Why did he even bring it here? It didn’t make much sense to you, but you decided to not ask unnecessary questions. Your thoughts were interrupted by the insanely loud sound of the Mercedes’ exhaust as he started it. ‘’I bet you must feel weird, sitting in a passenger seat.’’ He chuckled as he put on his seatbelt. The fact that he remembered small things that you told him, makes your heart jump.
‘’A little unusual, but I’m going to enjoy every second of it.’’ You sighed.
As a soft breeze flows through your loose, long hair, Lewis drove you through the pretty Spanish streets. Your hand locked in his above the middle console, his thumb drawing soft circles on your hand. You hadn’t remembered a single moment in your life where you felt this complete. Everything simply felt like it was falling into place. All you did was enjoy all the happiness and blooming love that was flowing through your body. Everywhere you looked there were people, especially couples. Some young, some old. What a sight.
It didn’t take long before Lewis made a turn, driving right outside the old city, up a narrow street that led all the way up to the top of a hill. You wondered where he was taking you, but you didn’t ask. When you finally reached the top, Lewis carefully parked right beside a path that was lit up, but very dimmed. You could barely see anything, or where it would take you.
‘’Do you trust me?’’ He asks.
You lean your head back against the big sport seats of his AMG and take a deep breath, keeping your eyes on him.
Leading you by the hand he took you onto the lit-up path, only having to walk a few steps before you saw where he took you. There was a small event going on, some local artists were making beautiful music under the lit-up trees, there were people all around. Flowers and roses hung from the trees, decorating the place that could have easily been mistaken for a wedding venue. It was so romantic, you looked up at him in gratitude and he knew he’d done right.
You walked a little further, to a table that was located at the very back of the event, looking over the entire city. The view truly was breathtaking.
‘’It’s so beautiful here.’’ You spoke.
You sat together for a while, across from Lewis at the big, dark wooden table that was minimally decorated with white flowers. You were lucky, Lewis had a way of making things the complete opposite of awkward. He was so good for you, knew how to make you comfortable, knew what to say and how to handle you perfectly. After you ate and chatted like you had been dating for years, he got up and asked you to join him at a higher spot, more privately. You got up, walking up a small stairway with him, coming up to find that the spot was completely empty. Nothing but a big tree trunk on the ground, overlooking the same stunning view.
He took a seat, pulling you onto his lap. A little surprised, you sat down as nerves started to hit you. Feeling his muscular legs under you, leaning on his chest, sparked something inside of you. All you wanted was for him not to notice it. It was the first time you felt that oh-so-familiar twitch down in your string, aching for more. In all honesty, within a few seconds of sitting in this position, he’d probably have you dripping for him, without even trying.
‘’Baby…’’ he started. ‘’Are you enjoying tonight?’’
‘’Yes.’’ You knew where this was going, but there was no stopping anymore. The timing felt right, and it didn’t feel rushed at all.
‘’Is there something I can do to make it better?’’
Nerves. Pure nerves hit you. Your heart was beating so fast at this point it was impossible that he didn’t notice it.
His hands moved slightly under your puffed jacket, moving slowly over your exposed sides. It was all you could focus on, until he used them to turn you towards him. It was so easy for him, as if you weighed absolutely nothing. Your nose touched his, as his hands gripped you tighter, making you feel like you had nowhere to run to, anymore. You didn’t want to. Nothing felt better than to be in his arms, in his captivating grip. Your hands carefully holding on to his broad shoulders, almost as if you were scared to fall. ‘’Nothing at all?’’ He whispered onto your plump lips.
You looked into his eyes and back at his lips, and no more was needed. He knew enough, tilting your head up with one hand, and before you realized, surprising you by letting you fall into the most electrifying kiss you had ever experienced. You could swear you felt something blooming inside of you, as the waves of ecstasy ran through your veins. Nothing, no other boy had ever made you feel the way he did.
You fell into him completely, tongues softly massaging each other slowly, it was almost artistic. How long you had been longing for this, for someone to see you, for someone to feel you. After the bitterness of being alone for so many years, his kiss was so insanely electrifying. His soft lips, his soft moans, had you feeling like your legs would give out at any moment.
After only awhile, you softly pulled your head back. ‘’Can we leave?’’ You spilled, not knowing where the bravery that had grown inside of you came from. Lewis could only nod, lifting you up in his arms, holding you for a while before putting you down.
Before you knew it, you were back in the car. Everything moved with incredible pace all of a sudden. Lights flashing by the car, mumbles of people and loud music as the city got ready for her night life. Everything felt surreal, like you were in some sort of different reality now. The ecstasy had started to wear off, and you felt almost like you were not ready for this at all. You took a glimpse at your driver, trying to place what was happening. He was oddly quiet, as well. His muscular body and intimidating appearance had made you feel so small, and slightly hesitant, in the best way. It was scary, but there was no way back. You wanted this, more than anything.
Lewis closed his hotel rooms door behind him, keeping his lips on yours. You took small steps backwards until you felt his bed behind you, as he softly lowered you onto it. He took off his jacket, leaving him in a black T shirt, as he towered above you. ‘’I bet you haven’t got a clue just how beautiful you are.’’ He said, and you knew he meant it. You smiled up at him, and he made his way back down, squeezing your naked side with one hand, as he kissed your neck so softly, you thought he was afraid to break you. Your heart was beating at a rate you’d never experienced before, and it was quite difficult to even stay still.
‘’You’re nervous.’’ He spoke. You couldn’t respond to him; your head was still in a completely different place. ‘’Don’t be, I’m right here with you.’’ He whispered, as if he was scared that someone might hear him.
He kept kissing you, ever so softly, until he felt your body ease up under him. ‘’That’s better, you’re doing so good for me, baby.’’ He whispers. ‘’I’m so proud of you.’’ It felt as if he could read your mind at this point. How did he know exactly what to say to calm you?
He moved his body down a little bit, his kisses following him down. He kept putting gentle kisses on your neck. On your breasts, giving you a small twitch. Down to your stomach, until he reached your lower stomach. He stayed there for a while, until you felt calm enough, that’s when he unbuttoned your jeans. Gently he took them off, leaving you in nothing but the tiny, white lingerie you had Layla to thank for, and the sheer, white cropped top. A sight that would be imprinted in his memory forever.
‘’God, you’re beautiful.’’
He kept kissing your lower stomach, the inside of your thighs. Your whole body was under the influence of adrenaline by now, and your mind completely in a state of pleasure. The way he was so careful with you was something that made him a hundred times more attractive to you. He was in no hurry with you at all.
He moved from his thighs back to your lower stomach, placing a few kisses there again, before kneeling down in front of you. He moved your string to the side, lowering his kisses down between your legs. The first kiss you felt in between your legs, made you let out a soft, innocent moan. It absolutely drove him wild. ‘’What’s that, baby?’’ ‘’Did I hear that right?’’ He whispers, with the most devilish voice you knew. He started massaging his tongue into you softly, as your moans became more and more alive. Without warning you, he slowly worked one finger in you, you gasped at the small stretch he was giving you. He shocked and slightly looked up to you, not expecting you to feel this tight around a single finger. Not wanting to scare you off, he kept it to himself. ‘’You’re this tight, huh?’’ He knew you would have a huge problem trying to take him inside of you, you really had to be well prepared and soaked. He gently started to fuck you with one finger, as it took no time at all for you to start dripping over him. ‘’That’s it, baby, loosen up for me.’’ You tried your best to relax, to listen to his guiding words. It worked. He slowly took his finger out, immediately leaving you moaning softly for more. ‘’Missing me already huh?’’ ‘’I didn’t know my baby was going to be this impatient.’’ He smiled.
‘’I want you inside me, baby.’’ You spoke, almost under your breath, but enough for Lewis to hear. It made his jeans starting to feel awfully uncomfortable around his twitching cock. He really wanted to let himself go in that moment, to fuck you right then and there, as hard as he could, but there was no way you would be able to take it. He wanted you to feel him, he wanted you to feel his cock finally stretching you out, but he didn’t want to truly harm you, after all.
He added another finger inside of you, curling them up and gently starting to fuck you, again, in a way that only he could. He felt so good, you had no idea how he was making you feel things you had never felt before, hitting spots in you that you had no idea even existed. All you wanted was to feel him, to know, finally, what it felt like to have him deep inside of you. He moved his tongue relentlessly over your clit and started to fuck you with his curled-up fingers at an unforgiving pace. He was so deep inside of you now, making you feel better than any other boy ever could. How was he doing this to you, with just two of his fingers? His other hand moved to your nipple, squeezing it until you were a complete moaning mess. ‘’Baby…’’ you whined. He knew what that meant, he would have you orgasming over him in no time. ‘’Cum for me, my pretty baby.’’ ‘’I know you want to.’’
It took you a whole couple of minutes, until you released all over his hand and into his mouth. He came up, kissed you deeply with his tongue, letting you taste yourself, as you slowly came down from your high. He finally got rid of his clothes and seeing him naked for the first time honestly shocked you. You figured that he was packed, but you could have never imagined this. He noticed the nerves that started creeping up on your face, and kissed you on your lips, again. ‘’I promise I won’t hurt you.’’ He whispers as he positions himself at your entrance. ‘’Baby…’’ He goes. ‘’You’re trembling.’’
You were scared to take him, scared it was going to hurt you, but you wanted nothing more than to feel him, nevertheless.
‘’Are you sure you want me to do this?’’ He asked.
‘’Yes, please…’’ was all you managed to get out, almost unable to speak. He placed a featherlight kiss on your cheek, as he continued to focus on your body. Never keeping his eyes away from yours, in case of any discomfort. He wanted to make sure you wanted this, more than anything.
Slowly, he started to push the head of his cock in, making you let out a gasp, as you held on to his shoulders. He lowered himself a little, your head was now buried in the crook of his neck, as if you were seeking for some sort of protection.
‘’Hold on to me, baby.’’
‘’Scratch me, bite me, whatever you want.’’ He whispered, as he placed a kiss on your forehead.
The squirms and moans of pain were making him even harder, fueling his desire to be relentless even more. It was starting to get truly difficult for him to keep his focus and work you open in the slow manner that he was. The way your tight pussy was wrapping his cock was something he had never experienced either; it made the job nearly impossible for him.
He slowly pushed deeper inside of you, making you stretch wider and wider, your nails digging into his back even deeper. When had finally managed to push his whole cock inside of you, you weren’t even able to think straight anymore. No one could ever compare to him, no one could ever work you like him. No one could ever be him.
He kept himself still inside of you, looking down at you, making you blush for him all over again. ‘’Good girl’’ he smiled. It made the butterflies in your lower stomach go absolutely crazy. Lewis was trying his best to let you get used to his size for a while. The feeling of being so filled up, almost made you cum again. It hurt, you were hurting, but it was at the same time the greatest pleasure you had ever experienced.
‘’Are you okay, baby?’’ He asked you, breathlessly.
‘’Yes, please… I want more.’’
He slowly started to move, at the only slow pace that was manageable for now. It was becoming so hard for him not to roughly fuck you into the bed, but he couldn’t let himself go. Not now, not just yet. Not when he didn’t know exactly what you liked and didn’t like.
‘’My baby wants more?’’
‘’Yes’’ You moaned into his mouth in a high-pitched voice.
He slowly pulled out of you, leaving you immediately aching for him again.
‘’On your hands and knees, sweetie.’’ His accent, his thick gorgeous accent drove you completely wild. You’d do anything for him in this moment.
‘’Will you be a good girl for me and let me take you however he wants?’’ he whispered into your ear, leaning over your back, as one hand grabbed your jaw.
‘’Oh my god… yes, I’ll do anything for you.’’ You whispered, barely audible.
He pushed your head down onto the pillow, and slowly entered you again. Feeling your walls tighten around him, made him let out an aggressive groan, sending you immediately into a submissive state. He started to move, slowly. In and out, a few times, making you drip for him all over again, until his pace changed, without warning. You grabbed the pillow to moan into it, much to his annoyance. He immediately pulls you up by your hair, leaning your head against his chest. ‘’Did I say you were allowed to do that?’’
‘’I want to hear everything.’’ The anger in his voice making your legs weak, it was getting hard to keep yourself up for him. ‘’I won’t do it again.’’ You managed to speak, as you spread your legs a little wider and curved your ass more onto him. ‘’That’s it, baby.’’ He breathes. ‘’From now on you’re going to have to learn to do as you’re told.’’
His pace was unforgiving. Hard, rough, making you almost black out. You never even knew it was possible to feel what you were feeling now. You cried out as he was fucking you like he hated you, and you loved every second of it. He started to feel your walls squeeze him again. ‘’Baby…I’m going to cum…’’
‘’No.’’ He said, brutally denying you your orgasm, leaving you a complete mess.
‘’You won’t, not until I tell you to.’’
‘’But… I won’t be able to hold it…’’ You said, tears forming in your eyes again.
‘’You will, because you’re a good girl, and good girls do as they are told.’’
He pulled out, flipping you over on your back again, pulling your legs up to his chest. Without warning, pushing himself into you at once, making you gasp and moan out his name, for the first time. He leaned over you, pushing you down with his body weight, as one hand moved to your thighs. His soaking wet body was such a sight, you couldn’t tear your eyes off of him. ‘’What does my little girl want, hm?’’
‘’To cum for you’’ you spilled, shyly.
He leaned over you, placing a wet kiss right beneath your ear.
‘’Beg me, baby.’’ He whispered into your neck. ‘’I want to hear you beg.’’
‘’Please…You’re the only one who can make me feel this good… I promise I’ll be a good girl. Please make me cum…’’ you cried, while guiding his thumb to your clit.
The pace on your clit was as unforgiving as the one he was fucking you with. ‘’I’m so deep inside of you, baby.’’ ‘’Can you feel how deep my cock is inside of you?’’
‘’Yes… oh my god…yes.’’ You moaned into the pillow as you turned your head away from him.
‘’Can you believe you took the whole thing in that tight little pussy?’’ ‘’You’re doing so good, my little baby…’’ he praised you, in between the punishing thrusts he was giving you.
It took no time at all before your orgasms collided, having him pulling out at the very last second, coming all over your stomach and chest.
You let your head fall deep into the pillows, unable to speak at all. You felt exhausted; but satisfied. All you wanted now was the soft, sweet Lewis you met to come back to you. And he did.
‘’You did so good, baby.’’ He praised you again, kissing you softly on your forehead, before getting up to clean you. You weren’t sleeping, but the emotions that had just overcome you, were too much to handle at the moment, Lewis perfectly understanding you. How he was so in tone with your body language and your feelings, was still a mystery to you.
He cleaned you properly, before covering you with a thick sheet. Within a few seconds he was back by your side, holding you tightly in his arms as you started to slowly drift into sleep. You wrapped your arms around him, still very aware of the debt you were going to pay for the past two days. The inevitable heartbreak, but it was worth it.
‘’When are you leaving?’’ you said, already half asleep.
‘’I’m not going anywhere, baby. I’m here to stay.’’ He spoke to you softly, but firmly.
‘’Close your eyes, I’ll keep you safe with me.’’
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sadisticscribbler · 2 years
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Reposted from @truthstream_media I feel like this about sums up our current level of frustration with reality… #titanic #titanicissinking #frustration #frustrated #whoislistening #memes #meme #thatsaboutit #truthstreammedia https://www.instagram.com/p/CcpgFxJrh6N/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nosleepatall · 3 years
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#dmx #princephillips #reality #realitytv #thatsaboutit #theworld #theworldisyours (at Non Taj Mahal) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNeeltvn0Ey/?igshid=194gp6ovzfr8f
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jonnislater · 6 years
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Sometimes the roughest looking old instruments have the best tone. This one sounded like hitting a bag of cats.⠀ ⠀ #katzenklavier #piano #pianoplayer #music #musician #singersongwriter #vintage #uprightpiano #bag #cats #hands #keys #redshirt #thatsaboutit Photo by Adam Richards, from video shoot for 'Alright'. New version of that coming on the new EP. (at Bristol, United Kingdom)
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aery-c · 5 years
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🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈 #nofoundation #justconcealer #eyeshadow #rainbow #eyeliner #liptar #redliptar #rainboweyes #rainboweyeshadow #me #bronzer #thatsaboutit #makeup #motn #rainbowpride #worldpeace #experimentalmakeup #iger #potn #igdaily (at Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3rdxnYjIe2/?igshid=1934h44pxem6d
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Why do I have so much product on my dresser yet I don’t use like any of it? 🙈💁🏽 #MoneyWaster #IUseMyDeodorantAndPerfume #ThatsAboutIt
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lovethedanceoflife · 6 years
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Growing like a budding rose on a timelapse. I don't think I've already said this on ig but moving away from my hometown at the beginning of the year was so hard but arguably the best decision I've ever made. It's made me more grateful for what and who is at home 😍 and opened my eyes to SO MANY new opportunities. Kinda forced me to shed my skin and start over. I was too comfortable at home. And too comfortable becomes really uncomfortable. Moving away made me re-meet myself and I'm re-learning who I am and what I need to be happy. To feel fulfilled. To feel alive. I didn't leave because I didn't love everyone there, but because I love them so much and want to be the best me and that's going to take a lot of exploring, pushing, falling and climbing. Scary, but worth it. That's where I'm at atm, not gonna lie.💕 trying to take advantage of this lifetime 💕 Pc @ralphleon_ #atm #inapicture #feelingalive #grateful #beaching #socal #sandiego #caligirl #confessionsofthedanceoflife #moving #thriving #minimalism #essentialism #love #family #friends #dance #plantpower #veggies #sun #thatsaboutit #natto (at Torrey Pines State Natural Reserve & State Beach)
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breezysparkles · 7 years
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🙇🏻‍♀️ #sotrue #paybills #getdrunk #thatsaboutit 👈 tit 😆
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keemzus-sama · 7 years
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the 2 weeks i spent in jail 😂😂😂 #ThatsAboutIt
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elaineaihk · 7 years
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Tea time from yesterday 🤗 📍San Jose, CA #latepost #milktea #gnam #goodvibes #iger #cheers #boba #cuteplace #thatsaboutit #lol #EatwithE (at The Sweet Corner)
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davidnogaki · 7 years
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Congrats to BioKinetic athlete @luke.konen for a big win on his road to #crossfitregionals2018. You are one focused and positive individual. Keep chopping wood and carrying water. #Repost @luke.konen (@get_repost) ・・・ Had an awesome time winning #SummerSlam with these killers. Thanks to @perbehr for setting this all up! And thanks to @biokineticathlete for getting me fixed up again to compete! #NoDebate #IJustDoWallBalls #ThatsAboutIt #LetTheShortPeopleDoTheRestOfIt
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lemony--grass-blog · 7 years
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- t e a
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trice369 · 6 years
Why are accents so amazing
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rikkithemermaid · 6 years
Buried my uncle yesterday. Taking it pretty hard... leave it to his ex and idiot daughter to make the funeral about them when allls theyve done is make his life hell. Welll at least now he is at peace and away from toxic people. Fuck you and fuck cancer.
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