warriorgays · 7 years
!!! could you pls do bradray for the ship ask?
that post I just reblogged reminded me I owed you this from NINETEEN DAYS AGO gosh, sorry, enjoy:
who hogs the duvet: Ray. Pretty sure I’m not the only one to come to this conclusion based on the fact that he wears a hoodie in Kuwait when there are other guys walking around topless.
who texts/rings to check how their day is going: Both of them, but neither will admit it. Brad will send terse updates about his day that are supposedly totally reasonable things (ex. “I’ll be ten minutes late getting home, need to stop at the store” or “haven’t murdered anyone today”) but are secretly because he wants to hear back about how Ray is doing. Ray will send over-the-top cutesy texts and memes that are supposedly just meant to be obnoxious, but secretly for the same reason.
who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts: Ray gives ridiculous and creative gifts, Brad gives gifts that are sensible and might come across as boring, but are actually very thoughtful and probably exactly what Ray wanted/needed.
who gets up first in the morning: Brad because he still has a job where he has to (hahaaaaa). He will sometimes wake Ray up at the same time out of pure vengeance though.
who suggests new things in bed: Ray suggests new things all the time, mostly as a joke, and would be totally caught off guard if Brad said yes to most of them. Brad is more likely to bring up something he actually wants to do.
who cries at movies: NEITHER OF THEM (brad)
who fusses over the other when they’re sick: Brad doesn’t fuss in the traditional sense--he stares. Like if Ray is in bed with the flu, Brad won’t say “are you too hot? are you too cold? do you need tea? do you need a bucket? should I call the doctor?” but he’ll stand there with his eyes flickering around the room thinking all those things, and then staring intently at Ray trying to decide which one is the most important to actually ask, until Ray tells him off. Ray’s caring but more practical about this kind of thing.
who gets jealous easiest: I’ve definitely answered this for them before, but--Brad gets mildly jealous more often, whereas Ray gets jealous less often but more intensely.
who has the most embarrassing taste in music: They’ll each tell you the other one does. Brad likes old-fashioned music, mostly rock and pop-rock with some light metal thrown in, Ray likes that truly bizarre combination of country, alt-rock, pop, and whatever Limp Bizkit is.
who takes the longest to get ready: The weird thing is that Ray takes more time to get ready on a casual day to day basis, like just deciding what to wear, doing his hair, whatever, but less time on formal occasions when Brad is taking more care with his appearance. Which Brad always finds really confusing.
who is the most tidy and organised: Brad “shag carpet” Colbert, obvs.
who gets most excited about the holidays: Neither of them will display open, sincere excitement about the holidays, because they’re too cool for that. Ray will display over-the-top excitement about the Jewish holidays he’s allowed to make fun of (aka everything except Tisha B’av and the High Holy Days), and genuine excitement about Purim because Purim is fucking awesome. Secretly, though, I think Brad enjoys the holidays more. He thinks a lot of the hype is overdone--will swear a blue streak the second he starts hearing Christmas music in early November--but when it comes down to it, the holidays are about taking care of the people you love and Brad Colbert is All About That.
who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports: Again, obviously they’re both competitive people. If they’re with friends and everything’s chill, they’re both able to laugh it off; Ray is more likely to let things get personal if there’s any whiff of personal disrespect (as per canon). In that situation Brad’s more likely to turn cold and walk away than to get heated up.
who starts the most arguments: Depends on what you mean by starting arguments. Brad’s more likely to bring up things he’s genuinely irritated/angered by. Ray is more likely to escalate things so that something that wasn’t a big deal becomes a legit argument.
who suggests that they buy a pet: Brad. I think Ray is one of those people who never had a pet growing up who kind of… forgets that once they’re adults they can get one of their own? So they’re out at a park or whatever one day and see a dog and Brad casually asks if Ray would ever be interested in getting a pet and Ray’s like “holy shit!!! we can actually do that!!!” 
what couple traditions they have: The one day they’re not allowed to be overly sarcastic/obnoxious about is their anniversary. Sure, they’ll make a couple of “psh, we’re not one of those cheesy couples” jokes, but there’s a softer edge to them than usual, and they will actually go out to a nice restaurant or one that holds some kind of significance, and it often involves going to the beach. On more than one occasion they’ve ended the day sitting by a bonfire at night, Ray curled up against Brad with Brad’s arm around his shoulder, talking quietly or not at all. (And then obviously they go home and have crazy awesome sex, but still. It’s the closest to actually romantic that they get.)
what tv shows they watch together: They’re both totally into those History Channel shows that your dad/uncle watch--American Pickers, Pawn Stars, How It’s Made, etc. Ray also ironically-unironically watches some overdramatic scripted shows, like soap operas or Grey’s Anatomy or whatever, and will keep Brad updated on what’s going on if Brad is in earshot (he’s never actually watching them, but he’ll go “mmmhm” while working on his computer at the kitchen table or whatnot).
what other couple they hang out with: Poke and his wife win for most frequently, for sure. Of the people who stay local, they do hang out with Rudy, Kocher, and Garza and their respective partners a decent amount, and ALWAYS Walt and his partner when they’re in town. It takes them a little longer to be genuine friends with Nate and his partner, just to get over the kind of stilted “we really do like you but like mostly as a boss” dynamic, but once it happens they do hang out with them a lot, too.
how they spend time together as a couple: I think they’re both pretty busy, hands-on people who take pride in what they do. And obviously they’re super comfortable around each other, right from the start, so while they will do couples activities together, they also spend a decent chunk of time doing their own thing while talking or just sharing the same space.
who made the first move: Brad. I’m increasingly a fan of the “Brad realizes he’s in love with Ray before the reverse” headcanon, and even if I don’t think he would push the way Ray would, I think he would be the first to make a tentative advance or drop a hint.
who brings flowers home: Dear God, no, are you kidding me? (brad)
who is the best cook: Ray! Surprise surprise! Brad just can’t be bothered to put that kind of effort into making food, while Ray genuinely enjoys cooking and sees it as one of those handsy kind of skills, like fixing cars and radios, that he can take pride in.
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alyseofwonderland · 7 years
i can't remember the exact place i learned this but re: the nixon marriage question, irene was the woman in aldbourne that he mentioned going back to visit in episode five!
Hey! Yes we are now pretty sure that his second marriage was to Irene Miller.
@alexpenkala spent a lot of time on Ancestry last night and found us enough records. 
Several people mentioned a Julia or Julie so we think that maybe she was someone he dated for a while but did not marry. 
This has been fun to dig around and look for details. 
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whystherumgong · 7 years
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thank you babe happy to be back!!
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distractionpie · 7 years
your webgott slaaaaayed me! could you do winnix?
·        who hogs the duvet
Nix gets all twisted up in the duvetwhen he sleeps and usually ends up dragging it off Dick in the process.
·        who texts/rings to check how their day is going
Nix does this often, although it’smore about procrastinating on work than it is about being a clingy boyfriend.Most of the time Dick refuses to answer because he doesn’t want toencourage/enable but he always looks at the messages and every once in a whileNix has said something too sweet to resist.
·        who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts
neither of them are very creative. Dicktends to give practical presents (socks, who couldn’t use a nice warm pair ofsocks. He’d be delighted with them.) and Nix’s tend to be flashy but either clichéor ill-thought-out – think a car or some unnecessary fancy gadgets.
·        who gets up first in the morning
the only time Lew has ever been awakewhen Dick woke up is when he hasn’t gone to sleep yet from the night before.
·        who suggests new things in bed
Nix will jokingly suggest things he knows are way out of Dick’s comfort zoneto reinforce the joke of Dick being innocent and vanilla. Dick responds by tellNix about all the things he does want to try, and that how he discovers that itis still possible to make Nix blush.
·        who cries at movies
Neither of them usually, although Nixwill sometimes have emotional outbursts if he’s watching things drunk.
·        who gives unprompted massages
Nix used to go on spa days with hissister semi-regularly and has picked up a few tricks that he will use wheneverhe feels Dick is getting too tense.
·        who fusses over the other when they’re sick
Dick doesn’t like to make a fuss, buthe does take care of Nix (provided he’s actually sick and not just hungover).Nix tends to fuss if Dick gets sick, both because it’s rare and because Nixdoesn’t know what to do with sick people, though it’s more panicked fussingthan caretaking.
·        who gets jealous easiest
Nix. He rarely shows it, just drinksmore, but the jealousy kicks in hard when he sees Dick with women or the kindof nice men who could live with him in a house with a big yard and a whitepicket fence, and give him kids and go to church with him on Sundays. No matterhow long they’ve been together he never full shakes the fear that at some pointDick is going to realise he could do much better.
·        who has the most embarrassing taste in music
Richard Winters listens to Nickelbackunironically. Nix is ashamed.
·        who collects something unusual
Nix would collect dogs if he could,but Dick reins him in. Instead they just have two dogs and a massive collection of dog toys.
·        who takes the longest to get ready
Nix is the sort of person who willstart to get ready and then get distracted and Dick will come back ten minuteslater to ask what the hold up is only to find Nix in shirt, boxers, and onesock reading the newspaper like he’s got all the time in the world/
·        who is the most tidy and organised
Dick is and he gets frustratedsometimes because it seems like Lew doesn’t even try – he’ll leave drawers openand his laundry on the floor even though the hamper is right there.
·        who gets most excited about the holidays
surprisingly Nix. He was never a bigfan of the holidays before their relationship -holidays with his family arejust him and Blanche drinking and rolling their eyes at their parents- butholidays with Dick’s family are like something out of a postcard or a holidaythemed movie. Everything is so quaint and cliché and he loves it.
·        who is the big spoon/little spoon
Dick will start out as the big spoonbut usually wakes up to find Lew has turned around in his sleep and is clingingto him.
·        who gets most competitive when playing games and/orsports
Nix finds Dick’s hardcore competitivestreak hilarious. Dick is not a sore loser because the game isn’t over until he’swon.
·        who starts the most arguments
They try hard not to fight, they knewgetting into the relationship that there would always be things they wouldnever agree on and they would just have to accept those difference butsometimes things bubble over. It’s genuinely about 50/50 on who starts it, Nixwill get moody and then bitingly sarcastic, Dick will get more and more tenseuntil he snaps.
·        who suggests that they buy a pet
Dick. He doesn’t want to be the guywho treats animals as replaceable but after hearing Lew pine after his old dogfor so long he can’t help but be like, “Maybe a new dog would help.”
·        what couple traditions they have
Dick likes them to eat togetherwhenever possible, sat at the dining table and talking about their days.
·        what tv shows they watch together
Dick likes documentaries and Nix prefersreality TV – they both get a kick out of mythbusters though.
·        what other couple they hang out with
They spend a lot of time with Harryand Kitty, and they’re good friends with Lip and Speirs so in verses wherethose two are a couple they also get invited to the couples weekends.
·        how they spend time together as a couple
they both spend a lot of hours atwork (Dick because he gives 100%, Nix because he often goes slow then has tostay late to get caught up) so they both try hard to keep couples time free ofbringing work home or shop talk. They often read together and Nix likes to takeDick to the movies on a semi-regular basis.
·        who made the first move
Nix would flirt and then be like ‘hahajust kidding we’d be a terrible couple you could do much better’ and the Dickresponds with a disarmingly sincere comment about only wanting Nix.
·        who brings flowers home
Nix will get flowers when he’dfeeling guilty about something or suspects Dick is mad at him because that’swhat you’re supposed to do despite the fact that Dick has light pollenallergies and Nix always forgets which types of flowers don’t make him sneeze.
·        who is the best cook
Dick is the best at simple home cooking, but he likes tomake Nix help out by chopping vegetables and opening tins. Nix can cook he justfinds in a lot of work and would rather get something delivered.
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auroargraves · 8 years
yo so re: that post you just reblogged, pull out ur tissues bc you!! are genuinely one of my all-time favorite blogs and every time i see you on my dash i want to send you all the heart emojis
you’re a precious gem, my friend
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arcadeigannon · 8 years
just to add to the Icon Discourse i've never seen justified in my life but i would honestly lay down my life for jacob pitts so i love your icon
THANKS BIG MOOD @ LAYING DOWN YOUR LIFE FOR JACOB PITTS!! BY the way im still not over how good nix looks in urs like just. kill m e
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so a good mood thought: who of easy co would give the best hugs? pls discuss because i'm thinking lip, babe, and doc but i'd lve to hear more and you deserve hugs from ALL OF THEM
So first of alL THANK YOU
Idk if you wanted a preferences or just an opinion but that’s what you’re getting
Highkey Mama Lip’s arms were made for hugs have you seen his shoulders¿? His arms would like hold you perfectly and he kisses the top of your head and whispered little encouragements idsxislxosl
also like on the low, Joe Toye would be a good ass hugger. When he hugs he wraps both arms around you and like has you firmly against him. During the hug he will rub your back softly and he also likes to bury his face in your neck
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ruinsrebuilt · 8 years
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(birthday) aesthetic for @thatsnotmozarts <3 
Happy Birthday sis, hope you like it!
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Sorry to bother you, but can you name some blogs that still blog about band of brothers and/or the pacific? thanks x
You’re not bothering me at all :) I know quite a few that do but do some other posting as well from time to time if that’s okay! (you can choose if there are too many other fandoms and stuff)I’ll do my best! 
@saraphotographercalcon @janovec @punkspeirs @intergalactic-she-devil @wolfandwildling @gingerwerk @cajunroe @ronaldspeirskilt @andrewhaldane @ruinsrebuilt @g-luztrash @thatsnotmozarts @emptymasks @t-4georgeluz @doofwarriors @buck-compton @ackackh @gilove2dance @doc-sledge @gemfyre
Feel free to hmu again if you want more! x
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penguinated · 7 years
I was tagged by @not-all-the-prayers
“Love you too, kiddo.”  
@moorbees @maresnuncadantesnavegados @auroargraves @thatsnotmozarts I think some of y’all write! Also you totally don’t have to do it if you don’t want to.
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warriorgays · 7 years
#this is killing me i didn;t even know i shipped this.???/ 
@thatsnotmozarts this tag cracked me up, thank
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drarchibaldpeppermd · 7 years
i’ve been tagged by @petitdejeune who is wondrous and radiant
1. Lyric currently stuck in your head ”She played the fiddle in an Irish band, but she fell in love with an English man.” from Galway Girl by Ed Sheeran 2. Favorite kind of weather thunderstorms and rain 3. Favorite vine OMFG the gandalf sax office prank one 4. Favorite flower rose 5. A song with good memories attached Que Sera Sera by Pink Martini 6. Where would you go on a three month trip? Europe 7. Have you ever been in a newspaper? once b/c when the fam and i went to Salzburg to see Mozart’s house some international newspaper interviewed me to get a kid’s perspective of it 8. Do you play any instruments? nope 9. Something you like about yourself my hair 10. Most used expletive fuck 11. Do you like sports? Support any team? HOCKEY. THE CAPS. THE BOLTS
my questions:
1. Current fave movie 2. Do you prefer pants or skirts? 3. Fave food 4. Dark or light? 5. Favorite movie sequel? 6. Is your room messy or clean right now? 7. What would you do with a million dollars right now? 8. Favorite city 9. Favorite flavor of candy 10. Gold or Silver? 11. Fave video game?
tagging @braden--holtbys @silly-lioness @saltofficial @femmethem @onyour--left and @thatsnotmozarts
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peterparvker · 7 years
@snowmedics @gendryw4ters @thatsnotmozarts @aces-low (I think I'm meant to just send one but....unrealistic)
that’s okay i understand!!! haha ♡
@snowmedics @gendryw4ters @thatsnotmozarts @aces-low
send me tumblr users that you love!
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auroargraves · 8 years
soft winnix for sad days! i hc lew as falling really deep into depressive episodes and who better to pull you out than dick winters? he'll nudge nix off the couch and convince him to tag along while dick walks the dog, gets him out of the house into the sun when the coulds are hanging over him, and they go home. dick puts on some soft music, quiet jazz or piano, and just sits with him, makes sure lew knows that he's not alone. (and you aren't alone either alia, there are so many ppl who love u!)
I love this so much because while Nix will grumble and push Dick away, he will eventually follow the man wherever because he can’t say no to that face. Ahhhh Rachel, thank you so much for sharing this softness ❤
share with me what kind of soft moments do you have for your fave OTP
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petrichorus · 7 years
tagged by the wonderful @thatsnotmozarts, ty!
THE RULES: Choose one (1) musical artist, then respond to the questions using only the titles of songs by that artist. No repeats.
ARTIST: Slow Club (cos theyre my truest luv- way to my heart? liking this band)
Gender: Giving Up On Love
Describe Yourself: Sorry About the Doom How Do You Feel?: Give Me Some Peace If You Could Go Anywhere: Where the Light Gets Lost Mode of Transportation: Wanderer Wandering Best Friend: Sweetest Grape on the Vine If Your Life Was A TV Show: Champion Greatest Fear: Ancient Rolling Sea
okay im gonna tag everyone cos i dont know many artists sadly :0 
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ilikecatsandoreos · 7 years
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Tagged by @thatsnotmozarts I think I've always looked pretty awesome but I do think I've glowed up over time, about four years between pictures I tag sop if I ever remember her URL and any one else sooooo 😊
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