#thay are so gay for eachother
inkdrinkerx · 1 year
I'm rereading Crime and Punishment in two languages at the same time and I will say it out loud: Razumikhin and Raskolnikov should be together, my dear gods, they are so gay for eachother. Like, if you disagree I can fight you, they should be together and that's it.
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rasberrii · 5 months
Going so beyond rabid
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Shadow carrying Sonic bridal style. “Hang on Sonic” the FEAR in his voice. His grip on Sonic tightening as he fades. Holding him so close.
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Speeding toward a safe place as fast as he can. THREE sonic booms. To save Sonic’s life.
WHILE BEING CARRIED BRIDAL STYLE I CANNOT GET OVER THESE GAY IDIOTS. They care about eachother so much, SO much. Even if you do not view them as a ship, they do have SO much care for eachother and im here for it
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Both of them show thay they care in so many ways throughout the series and oh do i love them <3
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forestshadow-wolf · 6 months
Just real quick! Something not soapghost (sorry)
I was rewatching httyd 2 (one of my favorite movies btw)
And I remember the first time I watched it, when Stoic was singing to Valka, I hated when Gobber kept interrupting. I thought it was annoying, and didn't belong.
But watching that scene again and I actually kind of like it now. And to properly explain this I just want to put an image in your head.
So imagine this - you, a fresh-faced young viking, has grown up next to his best friend your entire life. He's been beside you through thick and thin, and has never once left your side. Now you yourself have nevr seen any lady that's caught your eye, but your best friend? Oh He's got his heart locked on one. He's quite the fella, has no shortage of women that he could wed. But no, he want the kind-hearted woman who refuses to harm a dragon.
You think maybe she's too soft for this life. She doesn't belong. But you're best friend loves her, and you're his best friend for a eason so you don't say anything.
At first you leave them alone, the waves of love that radiate from them are sickening. They can't keep themselves away from eachother for a second. So you let them be.
Imagine around this time that perhaps you realize lads catch your eye more than lasses do (this is canon btw, and the VA for gobber is also gay)
At some point, after a few moon cycles of your best friend and his lady being together, the three of you start hanging out. You realize this lady is quite nice, still too kind, but you can see why your friend likes her.
At some point you can't keep it in anymore, and confide in your friend that you won't be looking for a lass, but rather a lad. Your friend claps you on the back, and says he's with you always, and it's like a weight has lifted off your shoulders. But then you hear a noise behind you, and you whip around. Standing before you is your friend's lady, and you freeze, but she gives you a nice smile and says she won't say anything. She says the village won't think anything of it, but regardless she won't say anything.
A few moon cycles later and you really do like this lady now. She may not harm dragons, she may fight to save them, but she is just as fierce as any viking you've ever met. And through it all you're best friend and his lady are tag teaming you, trying to set you up with other lads.
These are your best friends, you couldn't imagine your life without them. You do everything together. They never left your side, even when you lost your leg. They've been with you through everything, and you them.
It's been years now. And your best friends are still just as in love now, as they were when they met, in fact they might be even more so. They're married now. They're still trying to set you up with a few guys. You have dinner every night at their house. You cook because like a perfect matching pair, neither of them can cook. And you all laugh and sing together, and you know that no matter what happens it'll all be okay as long as they're here.
They have a baby together, it's a wee little thing. The lady worries something's wrong with him, but your best friend says he's gonna be the greatest chief there ever was.
Then imagine one night there's an especially bad attack, you see your best friends' house catch fire, that's where the baby is, and quiet possibly the lady. You're too far to do anything. But your best friend isn't. He races to the house.
The next thing you know a dragon busts from the roof with the lady in its clutches. Your best friend bursts from the house, little bundle of furs in hand.
After thay day everything changed. It was the same just... less happy. Less kind. But it can be kind of okay with three out of four pieces.
You watch the little boy grow up. Your best friend he's happy, but he worries. He never sings anymore, that's sad. He won't put him in dragon classes because he's scared of losing him too.
Eventually you convince him to allow it. And it goes great until it doesn't. And your best friend disowns his own son for befriending the very beasts that took his lady, the boy's mother.
And then you see that very beast save your best friend's kid's life. And your with your best friend through all of that. Life and death, thick and thin.
And then imagine you find the lady! Or well the kid did. And all of the sudden, this light that died in your best friend's eyes lights up again. And then for the first time in over 2 decades you hear your best friend singing again. Just once. And it's been so long. And then you hear the lady! And now it's like everything is better, just like old times, and you can't help but sing along.
So there! Now you all know some (probably) useless knowledge :)
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bisexual-queenie · 7 months
Could you please post some Mha Pro Heroes head canons. By pros I mean the current pros.
Of course! Im super happy I got this ask!
(Trigger warning: A very small mention of a cult, but its not explicit)
All of nationality headcannons:
Mic: Half Japanese Half Italian
Edgeshot: Half Japanese Half Thai
Nighteye: Half Japanese Half Vietnamese
Miruko: Half Japanese Half Dominican
Mount Lady: Half Japanese Half Swedish
Present Mic, Edgeshot, and Nighteye are neurodivergent (ADHD, ADD, and Autistic respectively).
The Lurkers have a groupchat that was supposed to be for professional uses only, however it soon became so much more chaotic in a matter of minutes. People think Edgeshot, being the leader and all, created it, but it was actually Kamui (bless his heart by thinking it was gonna be professional). Edgeshot and Mount Lady quickly filled the chat with as much chaos as they could muster in 5 minutes.
Present Mic remembers every pro hero’s birthday, and you bet your ass he throws them the most spectacular birthday party ever (and by spectacular I mean the party fits what that hero is most comfortable with. If the hero in question doesn’t like huge elaborate parties, the party is more quiet and private. If the hero is a known party animal, then the room quickly becomes an elaborate house party)
Edgeshot and Ryukyuu know how to professionally throat sing. (Listen to “Genesis” by Otyken as a reference thats where I got this one lmao)
Some headconnons regarding pronouns and sexuality! (Please note these are no way cannon whatsoever, but rather something my brain think about a lot)
All Might: Cis Male — He/Him (Bi)
Eraserhead: Cis Male — He/Him (Gay)
Present Mic: Genderfluid — He/She/They (Bi)
Midnight: AFAB NB — She/They (Pan)
Ingenium (Tensei): AMAB NB — He/They (Bi)
Nighteye: Trans Man — He/Him (Gay)
Mount Lady: Cis Female — She/Her (Bi)
Kamui Woods: Cis Male — He/Him (Straight but such a wonderful ally. Would definitely hand out water at pride parades)
Edgeshot: AFAB NB — They/Them (Pan)
Best Jeanist: Cis Male — He/Him (Gay) (But like, he still could care less about gender, he identifies as a cis guy but trancends gender at the same time, y’know?)
Gang Orca: AMAB NB —They/Them (Gay) (In his words: “Orcas dont need genders”)
Miruko: Cis Female — She/Her (Lesbian)
Hawks: Cis Male — He/Him (Bi) (Never really put much thought into his identity, but is a huge supporter if everyone else in his usual nonchalant way)
Endeavor: Cis Male — He/Him (Straight) (I wholeheartedly think he doesn’t really understand, and thinks he is trying, but sometimes doesn’t show correctly, you know what I mean?)
Fat Gum: Cis Male —He/Him (Straight Ally all the way! He’s the one parading everyone around at pride event, wearing pride merch and making food for everyone)
Ryukyuu: Trans Female — She/Her (Lesbian)
(Please tell me if I used the correct terminology or not)
Nighteye can play the piano like a pro.
Present Mic loves playing the acoustic guitar. Hes THAT guy at a campfire.
While there is the obvious romatic relationships I adore (Erasermic, Edgejeanist, Nightmight, Kamui x Mount Lady, etc.), there are so many cute scenarios for platonic relationships
Eraserhead and Edgeshot being frenemies but caring for eachother so dearly.
Edgeshot and Ryukyuu BROTP
Gang Orca thinking they are the third wheel for Edgejeanist, but little do they know they consider them to be their “third”.
Lurkers being super close with one another
All Might caring for every pro hero like a mother hen
Nighteye and Midnight having gossip sessions
Miruko and Hawks BROTP #2
Ok, possibly the weirdest one yet: Yoroi Musha (the elderly hero, former number 9 hero) is Edgeshot’s adopted dad. (I saw it in a fic once and fell in love with it).
- The story (in my head) goes that Edgeshot was born and raised in a cult in rural Japan, and then one day when they were like 10 the comune gets raided after a tip was given, and Yoroi Musha led the raid. His eyes fell into a young, malnourished, and terrified Edgeshot and was like “they’re my child now” (This is the super simplified version, and Im super intrested in writing this!)
All Might considers Gran Torino to be his father figure. As a result, Nighteye considered him to be his father in law. Gran Torino wishes he can deny this, but at this point he cannot.
Last but not least! Eri, once she gets comfortable enough, considers every pro hero to be her aunt/uncle/somewhere in between.
Thank you @dragonspiritxx for the wonderful ask! I hope you like this!
Hopefully everyone else will to! I haven’t posted anything MHA related since I graduated high school back in May and started college as well, so Im glad Im back in the groove!
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aejiajia · 7 months
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The moment Jisoo saw a 12 year old Chaein, the only thing on her mind was that she had to protect her from anything that could harm her. These two are so soft, always throwing compliments to each other and clinging in an almost romantic way. Though the way they can gang up to tease often makes people think these two are the maknae line.
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Cause of most of blinks gay panics. Met during an evaluation where they were tasked to work together. Both decided they worked well together and (somehow) found the time to go out for lunch together to meet each other properly. These two are always flirting, off-stage, on stage, off-camera, on camera. It's not a true Jenin moment if they don't at least wink at each other once. Though they always make fun of each other and themselves when their flirt is particularly cringy. When blinks say they have a reason to theorize Jenin is real, they aren't lying.
💫 ⋆ ★ ROSÉ - CHAE2
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When you look up 'soulmates' in a dictionary. There isn't a genuine definition, just a picture of these two. They actually met each other outside of YG - Rosé spotted a seemingly lonely Chaein and decided 'I'm going to be her friend'. When they found out they were training under the same company they had a little squealing session, and most definitely cried when they found out they were debuting together. They are basically glued to each other's hips, and are definitely a fan favorite.
💫 ⋆ ★ LISA - LISIN
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Menaces to society, chaos sisters, bp's problem children. While they initially had trouble with the language barrier, Chaein had offered to help Lisa with her Korean and Lisa had started teaching Chaein Thai in return. Once they found their solution to the language barrier these two hit it off, instantly becoming best friends. Always teasing eachother or ganging up on the others together. Never a quiet moment with these two.
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blood-injections · 8 months
I'm like in the Horrors right now (very mild head cold caught from my cousin lol) pleeease talk funkobra to me I wanna talk about them 🥺
Oh no not the horrors,, hope you feel better soon <3
Yeyeys funkobra ive been having thoughts today but then again i am every day theyre always on my mind honesty its a problem. They're best friends they're sometimes gay for each other they're rivals they're partners in crime they're complete fucking idiots. Ghouls kinda got a pathetic crush crazy puppy love sorta thing going on for kobra half the time and the other half just wants to fight him but just in that unbridled energy sort of way and like he has so much he needs to move he needs to fight he needs to be grounded by the physicality and pain. Also he just doesn't know any other way to show affection but figures fighting should work cause its kinda their thing. Hes like. This is flirting right? There's deeper stuff too yknow but that's the gist of it.
Meanwhile Kobra loves Ghoul as much as he hates him yknow but also its literally like that for everyone with him but where like with poison where its like i hate you with every inch of my being but i love you id die for you i could never leave your side with ghoul its like. You're cute i wanna bash your face in. Or youre annoying you fucking piss me off but youve also kind of become my best friend? And i still want to fight you and hurt you when you piss me off but youre part of the crew now and we've fought together and that means you're not alowed to die. Like unless its by my hands. Thats kinda the sum of what they are 2 me. Like where poison and kobra could never Actually kill eachother with ghoul and kobra honestly. theres a chance. And they kiss somtimes. Its a good thing they arent immortal or something because they'd literally be killing each other(mostly for fun) every five minutes.
Then theres the whole they both just like to fight for reasons and Tism and whatever so they fight eachother because it works and its safer than any other methods of getting thay shit out of their system because most of the time they know when to stop to not serously hurt the other like one of the could get if the just went and started a fight with someone or something.
They're so fucking stupid and it is very important to me that everyone knows. They're idiots. Neither of them understand social cues ghoul has no boundaries kobra is brutally honest and has anger issues they should not be allowed near people and their stupidity will bounce off of each other they actively make each other dumber they'll rile each other up and dare each other to do stupid shit left and right and they both have no reason to but theyll accept those dares regarless of danger or lameness or anything. "Hey go stand in that corner and stare at the wall for a hour." "Okay" or "hey drive your bike off that cliff" "bet"
They steal shit, they're both banned from tommy chow meins for life, they wont steal from dr d because they have too much respect for him but he watches them like a hawk so they dont break something because theyre buffons and will elbow and trip eachother out of the blue and they have indeed broken radio equipment before from both just tripping but also tumbling into it and proceeding to have a wrestling match on his floor. They're annoying they're the only ones that can stand each other and they're even more annoying together, the zones hate them. They're best friends they're soulmates in a way they're an argument away from losing control in a fight and actually killing each other but also if anything happened to one of them the other would fucking tear apart the desert piece by piece, set battery city on fire, or go on a rampage and not stop even to sleep until they get revenge or fix it.
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k-white · 18 days
Personal Opinions of GMMTV PART2 SERIES
To nobodys request I am gonna do a opinions on the gmmtv trailers, let it be stated that I barely watch anything lately so we'll see how many I will actually watch🤣
so lets start, I will go in order of how they came out on the lineup:
Ossans Love Thailand: I do not like slapstick it isn't my thing but strangely enough I liked this trailer it made me laugh a lot and seeing EM in a show where they can be silly and ceazy is so fun plus the chemistry with the Boss was working, I haven't watched the japanese but I might go back and watch that cuz I wanna ne up on top of knowing the plot
Leap Year: It looks cool and has Gun, feels a little more survival show wich isn't really my thing but the concept is cool, I am always ready to try out more put there plots with supernatural elements and the acting seemed solid for both Dew and Pond
The Heart Killers: hem do I even need to say anything? BE GAY DO CRIME SHAKESPERE WITH FK AND JOJO DIRECTING I think this suffices moving on! jokes aside I am so exited for an action romcom with betrayal and tattoos and my babies looked AMAZING
Friendshit Forever: it's Mook and Pat acting their asses off and almost killing eachother while looking sapphic doing that, so yes please, New and Boom are ok man ruinibg things as always lol/j but honestly I would watch this for the girls and the drama plus Pat is literally a goddes I love that woman
Perfect 10 Liners: sigh another gay engeneers cute boy ensble with 2 couples I am not particualry a fan of om screen(FB PC) and one I have no feelings for(JM) plus the plot looks so uninspired and boring and if it is true it's gonna be 10 eps per couple you bet your ass you wont see me sit thtough this thing! We Are is enough and at least there I like the pairs
Us: FUCK YES BABY GIMME THE GL, this looked so artsy and indie it didn't even give off thai show vibes with the minimalist approach and cinematography, the story is gonna be angsty as fuck but I live for it and Girl falling for the guys sister? Man good drama, and it has Sing and Emi looking mighty fine plus Bonnie wich is so pretty, you will be seeing me seated for this one
Hide & Sis: Again it has women, and WHAT WOMEN GEEZ! Jan, Lookjun and Piploy???? god I am melting they are everything, it is very PS I Hate You and thank god Snap went back to that after Jungle, stick to the messy murder plots, it honestly might not be everybody shit but it's mine and I will take it, tho the revenge porn is trash and fuck you Chimons character, and Lookjun and Pepper actually playing a sort of couole on screen! and oh Gawin as a cop(probably corrupted) brings back memories
Thame-Po: another one that doesn't have gmmtv vibes and I like it when they try to branch out, the idol subplot isn't my thing tho even if I know LYKN are good, EstWilliam mmmm they look pretty but didn't really vibe with the acting, they do have good chemistry tho, for this one I might have to wait for the actual trailer
Break Up Service: NO moving on... ok fine this is ridiculous and does not give me anything even if there is Off in a suit, the comedy wasn't even good next
Revamp: I know this is Boons crown jewel and it looks good but vampire shows are hit or miss and I am not that into them but I think I will watch for the cast and cuz I am attached to BP, and Kay in a villain role is cheffs kiss
Sweet Tooth, Good Doctor: SIGHHHH Oh Mark what have they done to you? they were able to make Mark Pakin look plain MARK! UNACCEPTABLE! plus dentists? I have visceral reactions to just thw sounds of the trailer, Ohms acting still isn't to my liking and it is a Jittirain novel so skeptical isn't even cutting it, the trailer even if less slapstick as OL it cringed me, the balance of humour and romance is off, I think I will watch but just for Mark, Jimmy and View
The Dark Dice: meh felt like a bootleg gifted in a bad way idk I like Gem and Prim enough but this didn't give me anything much, might have to wait for final trailer here too
The Ex Morning: I like the concept don't care at all about anchor man plot, still not a big fan of Krists acting, but I like Singto and the ex part was interesting enough, we will see, might be a little too meta and not in a good way
Scarlet Heart: My Tu come back and ot is a Harem Reverse? WHY??? I hate harem shows always had, I don't even know the og show, I do like most of the cast but still this was just a teaser so I might need to check the og show and then the full trailer to judge, for now I am not into it and I am sorry cuz MY TU!
Ok thats it, overall I liked this lineup better than part 1(even if it's just cuz of FK be in an actual show and not just to announce School Rangers) for now I am in for most of the shows we shall see once they start airing but I stay optimistic that I will watch most
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spark-gem · 2 years
TFP Shockwave x scientist Mech reader scenario?
The reader is one of the best scientists on Cybertron, haveing knowledge of basic first aid. He met Megs in the Pits of Kaon. When the war broke out he sided with Megs, and put him in charge of trying to start Project predacon without Shockwave.
This leads to many sleepless nights and one experiment after the other all in failure.
(Megatron doesn't mind cuz of course the reader is making better progress in the lab then Starscream in anything-)
But when Shockwave is on board he sees all this progress, just overall impressed that the reader made it this far with only a hand full of old notes of his lol.
Thay start working together and thay just fall for eachother (Predaking totally ships it-!)
Im so sorry this is so long-
I just really excited cuz i found someone who writes for transformers! And im just gay for tall handsome robots lol
You can choose to ignore this if you wish, tho i would love to be your 🇨🇱 Anon.
The emoji got lost from mobile to desktop translation but yes! You can be my Chile anon.
Sorry if this is short though ^ ^;
TFP Shockwave x Scientist!Mech reader
Shockwave read through the notes of his lab partner, continuously impressed by the intelligence of their efforts.
The datapad was encoded with Shockwave's notes but scribbled in the margins was S/o's writing on random anecdotes regarding Project Predacon.
The scientist stopped in his reading when he felt a presence come up from behind. Casually holding onto Shockwave's arm, and lowering the datapad so S/O could read their own notes. They make a disgusted noise at the writing before taking note of an anecdote.
"What if we try combining this with the data from the previous experiment? See what data we could yield in making a more effective Predacon."
Shockwave stared down at the bot.
A being after his own spark.
"I have come to the same conclusion." He gestures for them to return to their lab.
"Let us begin."
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schugo · 9 months
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I needed to post this here also, other is in IG mixing the soup and peoples heads. I decided to reveal my latest home service of massaging with untold extra feature added to the fee. I just want to say that I truly love Tumblr and the new gay networks and content that people freely share here. Also the spesific analysing of life and the picturing of near future gets in my heart warmly. We all know what is going to happen in the next year everywhere in the world SO we must not let it get to US. DigitalID is hackable with vaxxine registering. We have enough time to collect food and other stuff ins torage for chaos era. Most impostantly, WE MUST stick together as developers, coders, analyzers and Influencers (actives) . It Is actually a fct that if all of us have ONLY one commong weapon united to the mainstream media and Gov control- They will not force us to their totalitarism slavery. Of course we must create our independent sub society of trading and teaching eachothers how to survive in a crisis and help others in need. I have had 5 massging clients now after AI raped my last side income as a designer and promoter. Im familiar with Thai culture of my younger days when I hosted one sweet thai trans male, one of best friends I ever have had. Awesome memories stay within and I refuse to let go of my grandparents teachings about independence and freedom that is hold togehter by truth and honesty among humans. If only small crew let`s this vlue live and shine, no one can take that away from us-It stays inside forever like our memories.
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mycarhasasecret · 2 years
TfP Shockwave x scientist Mech reader
The reader is one of the best scientists on Cybertron, haveing knowledge of basic first aid. He met Megs in the Pits of Kaon. When the war broke out he sided with Megs, and put him in charge of trying to start Project predacon without Shockwave.
This leads to many sleepless nights and one experiment after the other all in failure.
(Megatron doesn't mind cuz of course the reader is making better progress in the lab then Starscream in anything-)
But when Shockwave is on board he sees all this progress, just overall impressed that the reader made it this far with only a hand full of old notes of his lol.
Thay start working together and thay just fall for eachother (Predaking totally ships it-!)
Im so sorry this is so long-
I just really excited cuz i found someone who writes for transformers!
You can choose to ignore this if you wish, tho i would love to be your 🇨🇱 Anon.
Im just really gay for tall robots-
Hey, 🇨🇱 anon! This was a lot to fit in one ask, so I did have to take some liberties, but I hope you like it!
Shockwave could honestly say he was still impressed after all these months of working with you. When he first stepped on board he was blown away but how much you'd done from just a few of his notes. You amazed him every day with your progress and persistence. When he found you pouring over notes from the both of you, more frustrated than he'd ever seen you, he wasn't sure what to think.
"(Y/N)," his deep, booming voice rang out through the lab, and you quickly looked up at him. "What are you doing? The work day is over. You've made excellent progress. It's illogical for you to continue to work, as neglecting your rest will only hinder you."
"I've made no progress, Shockwave! No matter what, everything I do ends in failure! I'm no closer to getting any answers than I was when I started this damn project! You're notes are so detailed and have so much data in them, and I still can't get it right! I need help, Shockwave. I can't do this on my own."
"You are not on your own," Shockwave tilted his head in confusion. It's true, you weren't. He'd also been conducting experiments and sharing his findings with you. You'd been working more or less together, but you obviously didn't see it like that.
"I know I just..." You sighed. "I feel like I'm running in place. All this work with no pay off..."
"There is pay off."
"What? Being able to tell Megatron I failed without getting berated?"
"No. Data."
"What do you mean?"
"Every time you fail, you fill in a gap in the data," Shockwave moved toward you, his large form filling the room in a comforting sort of way. "I admire your perseverance and dedication. Every unsuccessful experiment is one step closer to finding a solution that works." His servo cupped your face places. He softly stroked your cheek. "I admire you so much that I have begun to have some rather distracting thoughts and feelings."
"Have you?" You were in a daze, gazing into his large, red optic, frustration forgotten. Shockwave nodded. The lab was silent, and all the two of you could focus on was one another. The air around you was dense with longing, and you wondered if the spell the two of you were under would ever break.
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ermespop · 2 years
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Atsumu & the student council
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character(s): Miya Atsumu
warning(s): none, pure fluff ig
author's note: i will maybe write something more detailed about this :))
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Atsumu is best friends with the student council's president
be it fem or not
be it extrovert or introvert
be it confident or shy
be it tall or short
be it black or white or mixed or asian
be it straight or gay or anything in between
they are bestfriends
the rest of the student council also likes atsumu
even if he is problematic
even if people think he's annoying
even if people think he's an asshole
even if people think he's childish
even if people think he's a simple-minded idiot
the student council isn't as estrict
the student council isn't as squared
the student council isn't as stuck up
the student council isn't as judgemental
the student council is a group of kids
they are all teenagers
they all like to go to the movies
they all like to have picnics
they all like to hang out in the afternoons
thay all like having sleepovers
they all understand that people envision them in certain ways but
they are friends
they are kids
they are people
they are human
they love eachother
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author's note (2): i really liked this for some reason :D
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© ermespop | Please don't ever copy, translate, edit or repost my work on tumblr nor any other social media and/or site.
• Likes, comments, reblogs and follow are so greatly appreciated ๑´ᴗ`๑
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lizardboy66 · 3 years
things from thai BL shows that live absolutely rent free in my mind every day
-the “I’ll make you my wife” scene from sotus. it’s literally a perfect piece of television. I felt every emotion in that moment.
-the necklace scene in why r u. im gay. im so very Gay. homosexuality seeps from every one of my pores.
-all of I told sunset about you. the whole thing. rent fucking free. I love it so much.
-the “I’m here to pick you up” scene from theory of love. they didn’t have to make it Like That that was traumatic.
-the hand holding under the table in dark blue kiss. girl help they support eachother unconditionally.
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dumpling-energy · 3 years
˚✧₊⁎  ~ 𝒜𝑒𝓈𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓉𝒾𝒸𝓈/𝒱𝒾𝓈𝓊𝒶𝓁𝓈 2020 ~ ⁎⁺˳✧༚
I got tagged by @gunsatthaphan (Im always so late to these I’m so sorry ejfhwoenhfowenfwef, I really do be slacking)
list 10 or less favorite aesthetics in Thai dramas this year. Shots, sceneries, moments, whatever you find aesthetically pleasing and/or has impacted you due to its composition/motif/meaning. It may not be your favorite show, just something that made you feel something.
It is in no way necessary to be gifs.
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ITSAY: this show is beyond a masterpiece... Huge applause to Billkin and PP, because they had me on edge and crying severely every fucking day... To think that we got a real story with an actual happy ending made me ecstatic and have my heart jump. I never see happy endings on TV... To me, ITSAY is more than a show.. It's a future for all LGBTQ+ kids It’s a masterpiece 1000/10 recommendation. Also this whole show is just aesthetic *sighs in gay* (but I love this beach scene right here. So calming)
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YYY: ahh yes. the show that got me through the first half of quarantine... I love this scene. Nothing is better than 2 boys on drugs and having a pillow fight am I right? Fun scene. Not angsty, no mess, just fun.
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Mr. Heart: The amount of times I’ve watched this part of the show is just unhealthy
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My Engineer: This scene is so fucking soft between them. Call me an ambulance... Please
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2Gether the series: Hmmm... Hmm... I feel like this is really comforting to me, because of the way the just lean into eachother and get close.. Beautiful..
Anyways I stole most of these gifs from @gunsatthaphan​ and I dont remember where I got the others, Im such a bad person 😭 😭
i have no one to tag either so just like... be my friend so I can tag you (or do this if you want!!!!!)
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mycatshumans · 3 years
ive met a lot of people here and honestly you’ve all helped me feel better about myself? idk i just know that i’m so much better now thay i’ve met y’all. it doesn’t matter if we’ve been friends for months or a few weeks or days, you’ve all made me happier. UGH IM CRYING ANYWAYS TIME FOR THE PARAGRAPHS
YANIIIIII I LOVE YOU!!!!! i know i say it a lot but i really do mean it. you’ve been one of my best friends and i feel so happy when we talk. whenever i get to talk to you my day instantly gets so much better. UGH IDK WHAT TO SAY ANYMORE I SUCK AT THIS ILL JUST TELL YOU IN DMS AJAJDJSNS
whore. that’s all you get.
jkjk we’ve been through a lot with our friendship but you were one of my first friends and like fawk i’m crying i hate it here anyways i love talking to you and just being in the same servers or wtv because you make me laugh. you’re lowk a great person to vent to 😩 UGH ALSO YOURE HAWT LEMME KIDNAP YOU AND GET OUT OF MY BASEMENT.
PLEASE YOU DONT KNOW THIS IS LINN HUT ITS YOUR THOT 😩 please i love talking to you so much and all i ever think about is ron daddy and oog and our scary games and ladybug grandma HAHJWHSHSHHSHD but like seriously tho, don’t send me a package stalker JEJSHDHSH I LOBE YOU SO MUCH AND YOU CHANGED MY LIFE WHEN WE FIRAT TALKED
THAWT AHHSHSHSHHSHS I STILL CANT BELIEVE YOU WERE MY FIRST CHILD ON MINJIBJWJWHSHHXHXHDB you were also my first friend on snap 😩 i remember that one night on my old acc when we were in that gc nd just fucking dying. i’ll always love you furry opaper feeonsay
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yioh · 4 years
hello my dear friend, apart from cherry magic and the untamed, which drama would you recommend the most? and which has the softest love story? i hope you've had a good day and that tomorrow treats you with kindness :D
HIIIIIIII ok ok so off of the top of my head
The sleuth of ming dynasty - this is a cdrama and its abt this guy called tang fan who solves cases and ends up partnering with sui zhou whose part of the royal guard and they solve mysteries together and form a found family and its genuinely the funniest sweetest thing ever i laughed so much during it :") ((also in the original novel tang fan and sui zhou become a couple and u can rly see how married they r on the show fjfkfjfk ) also the food on the show is an incredible motif i love it . oh ALSO its directed by jackie chan so it has that jackie chan esque to it and the fight/comedy scenes are soooooo good
Where your eyes linger - a korean web drama !!! it has a total runtime of 80 mins i think and there's a movie version too but its literally the same, its abt han tae joo this rich ceo's son and his bodyguard who r childhood best friends but they recently feel like theres something More ... the acting is *chefs kiss* and the characterisation/writing is SO good and its just such a well rounded drama ,,z iss so cute :((( theres ALOT of yearning in this one its so so so good i didn't think korea would go this hard on this show but they rly did it for the gays
I told sunset about you - this is a thai drama and its still airing,, episode 3 comes out tomorrow but so far its INCREDIBLE. seriously the production is amazing and its so pretty and soft ... once again childhood friends to lovers and its just.... boys being boys..... falling in love.... crushing on ur best friend.... studying for exams.... hanging out with friends,, defo u should check out sometime :)
Sf8: joan's galaxy - this is a kdrama and every episode is dedicated to a different story. The episode im talking about is episode 3 called Joans galaxy,, its about these 2 girls sometime in the future who r classified as 2 different kinds of people depending on whether they recieved life saving medication at birth due to high levels of fine dust. I would reccomend u read the synopsis first bec im shit at explaining cjdhdkb but basically these 2 girls who r told that they will be dead by the time they are 30 years old meet eachother,,,, and its just .... the softest most beautiful thing ever i literally held my breath for the entire episode its SO beautiful:")
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k-white · 1 year
I am gonna make an Headcanon regarding Only Friends to cope with the fact that I will not have Khao and Neo make out in that show and I am sad about it!(like this is the second time this year that I have been robbed! first Earth and Khao in MLC and then Neo amd Khao in OF! Aof and Jojo I am disappointed! why can't I have my EarthKhao and NeoKhao! I want at least Khao and Book make out even as a revenge kiss or a rebound kiss to Top and/or San cuz if I am gonna get SanTop or NickSan at some point I also want RayMew!) So bear with me!
Ok so Boston and Ray! my HC is set before university when they were still in highschool, like 1st or 2nd year when they are still fairly yung and inexperienced, it is summertime Mew is away with his family for a trip(We know shit about their families and the only one we have context to is Ray cuz we know he is welthy so maybe with the show this will make no sense, I also think Ray could have a sister? in case in this she is older in Uni and is living alone in a flat not with Ray) and Rays ones are away for a business trip for a couple of weeks so they decide to spend tine at his house cuz it's bigger has a pool and they can do what they want cuz nobody is there, so they spend the days splashing in the pool eating junk food and watching TV, so one day they are watching a movie and it's a romcon and as the leads kiss Boston asks Ray if he ever kissed anybody and he says yes he kissed a couple of girls(for now I identify all the boys as gay cuz we only see them attracted to guys so in this hc they are realizing they both like guys and are not attracted to girls) but he didn't like it and Boston says that he as well kissed a girl he was dating in middle school but he didn't like it so they look at eachother and Ray asks if kissing boys would be different, so Boston suggest they try with eachother to try it out so they do and it works a lot more than with a girl even tho it's a bit akward and messy but they both liked it better, so they finish the movie keep hanging out like always and then B goes home.
A couple of days pass and they are still at Rays house, his parents wuold be back in 4 days so they decide to make them count, so Ray asks Boston if he wants to sleep there for the 3 nights he would love to but has to asks his parents for permission and they say yes, so the first night they decide to stay up late cuz of course they do! they are teenagers after all, they watch tv and late at night they stumble upon an R rated movie and decide to watch it, tho they are not really invested in it considering it is a straight couple and both boys are pretty certain they are gay, so Ray suggest for them to look up some movie with 2 male leads on his PC, they go in Rays room and look for a movie or a show with more explicit scenes(this in my head is set in 2016 so still no explicit thai bl have aired yet and Sotus still has to air cuz its july and it came out on september)
they find one and start to watch it and it is immediatly clear that they are a lot more interested, watching the leads interact and kiss and be together, they are not used to see this kind of representation and even in school the more out people are saw in a bad way and even bullied, so they watch engrossed the movie when suddently Boston asks Ray if he's ever done it, it took Ray a moment to understands and then he says that he never did it with neither girl or boy, so has Boston he only ever get to kissing, so he propose they do the same as with the kiss but with sex and to be each other firsts so that way if they ever got a boyfriend they would be more experienced and appear in a better way, "you know more cool"
Ray is a bit taken aback cuz this isn't just kissing his friend is talking about it's sex and even tho they wouldn't be able to do a lot on that first night it is still crossing an undrawn line that is still very present, but he also is very curious especially considering that he had this kind of thoughts for a long time and he never acted upon them because of societal pressure and the heteronormarivity still very present around him, and honestly Boston is a very cute guy and doing it with him would be no problem Ray believes
So he agrees and that first night they reserch a bit on gay sex together and decide they will go for only getting eachother off for now as they are still awquard and shy over it
they don't do much those 3 days just kissing and a bit of handjobs, then Rays parents get back and they ang out less at Rays house and more outside, and with sleepover be it at Rays ot Bostons they don't do much for fear of theire parents
so one weekend Rays parents have a small trip to make to assest some legal business on the same location of their business trip, and the boys decide to use the opportunity to practice what they have been learning over the weeks, they also have less time cuz Mew would be back soon and they want to get it over before their friend is back cuz otherwise they would have to excude him and make him feel not wanted
So that weekend they do a lot more and it is awquard and messy but they both feel like rockstars like they conquered mount Everest, this is what they want who they are! and they are not gonna be anyone else from then on, this was the first time they did it together but it wouldn't be the last, cuz they decide to keep practicing together to be better and cuz they really liked having sex even if it was a bit messy
When Mew is back they decide not to tell him cuz they are sure he would surely believe that Boston and Ray had some sort of relationship or have feelings for eachother cuz they know Mew is a romantic that loves the idea of love itself and of relationships amd casual sex would probably be the farthest thing from that!
cuz after all what the boys had did not involve feelings at all, they just liked doing it together neither started having a crush and what it was time to stop they did no question asked, they kept it up for the summer then come the school year they only did it for a handfull of times then got back a bit more in summer next year and kept like that untile the last year of highschool, then they webt on a summer trip before uni and met a couple of guys each and decided to stop cuz they started their agreement for this! being able to be with people and have more experience and it worked, so they remained friends and stayed friends until the last year of university... then a lot happened but that is for the show to tell not me cuz that is Jojo story and this is just a little something that I was thinking about for a wile now and wanted to word it out
thank you for those that took their time to read this, I know it's probably trash and when the show airs will probably make no sense, but hey this is what stories are for expressing our heart out unapolojetically even if it doesn't allign with canon and a lot of the time screw canon give me fanon all the way
thanks again and see you when the show start filming and then when it airs for the mess it will be! I am so exited!
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