haystarlight · 7 months
Having thicc thighs is all fun and games until you wear short shorts or short skirts and your thighs rub together and now you live in agony
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fatblackfleetboys · 9 months
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Bro what actually happened I got THCK.🥴🫒🍑🐽🐖
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lielace · 4 months
Wheh jeiikrkll thck jdn d dofickrr djppl loll r anny one coufl tksk w advantage of me wndn f smm rtheit massive cock uo jbto my lower ringendifn and ieouldnt ve a ble tofuhht bakf
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starchbean · 1 year
First green curry
First time making green curry from scratch. Used a lot of garden and foraged ingredients.
Was really disappointed initially when I found out I was growing Serrano peppers instead of Poblano because I freaking love Poblano and I don’t know how to cook with Serrano... but I thought, “Hey, we have a can of coconut guts, let’s try a curry!”
So into the blender went 1 serrano pepper from the garden (deboned and seeded), 1/2 cup of carrot greens, 1.5 tsp garlic powder, 1 tsp wild foraged ginger powder, a heaping tablespoon of foraged monarda leaves (dried), and the same of garlic mustard leaves (dried), 2/3 cup of chorped yellow onion, 3 sprigs of lemon balm, 2 lambs ears leaves, and 2 clusters of wood sorrel all from the backyard flowerbed.
That got thoroughly ninjaswirled and wangjangled, and went into the pot on medium heat with 1/4 tsp cayenne, 1 tsp cumin, 1/4 tsp cinnamon, 1 heaping tsp of tumeric, 2 tablespoons of olive oil and cooked until the paste was THCK
Then I added the (16 oz) can of coconut guts, about a cup and a half of a pork and lemon broth I had from my dolmas previously, and let that simmer for about 20-25
Then went in a can of salmon and all the veggies I had that I needed to get rid of! 
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imlikeanangel · 1 year
BiG Dick or ThcK DicK ?
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thatyamiguy-blog · 2 years
Fluffy as a Cloud (Final fantasy)
Cloud had been a member of SOLDIER. Cloud had fought against giant monsters. Cloud had seen and done it all..but even he wasn’t sure he could handle this. The only way he was getting into the don’s mansion where Tifa was being kept was to be able to pull off a girly look, He knew that. The only way to save his childhood friend was to swallow his pride. He knew that too. But did Aeris have to be..so..Eager to doll him up? Aeris knocked on the door breaking Cloud out of his semi tranced mindset. “Cloud~ Are you done yet?” She asked with a giggle. Cloud looked at himself in the mirror, and cursed his twinkish body. Instead of the tough ex SOLDIER that he knew he was, looking back at him was a cute girl with pigtails and wearing a light purple and SHORT party dress, with puffed out shoulders and layers of petticoats to poof out the skirt part. Long silk nylons came up and over his knees, with lttle pruple bows  on them and Cloud felt more like a little girl then anything else. “I-I think so.” he said finally. “but I don’t think this will work Aeris.” “You hush and let me worry about that, and just come out.” Aeris giggled.
Aeris could barley believe how easy it was to trick the lil cutie into all of this. Sure, it was annoying that he was doing this to save that big tittied cow tifa, But putting up with that meanie was going to be worth it. It had been FAR too long since she last tricked a man into becoming a whimpering sissy, Her last attempt had been twarted by Cloud actually when he had chased Reno off. Now Aeris stood there, a hand on her hip and waited. Out came cloud and she giggled in delight with just childish and sissish he looked and clapped her hands. “Very nice Cloud! now give me a little twirl.” she said. “D-Do I have to?” Cloud whimpered, poking his fingers together and looking down. “yes. now do it.” Aeris said, a slight edge to her voice. Cloud bit his lip then did as quick twirl, making the skirt and petticoats flare up and there was Cloud little sword (And boy, was it mircosized) in the light pink panties and Aeris forced herself to frown. “Hmm..Nope, this is no good cloud.” She said and put a hand on er chin. “S-See I told you..this outfit-” Cloud mewed. “Oh the outfit  works. but it’s your ‘sword’ Aeris said. “It’s just too big to hide with panties.” Lord knows THAT was a lie, but aeris knew she had to boost his ego before she could suggest this next part.
Cloud was blushing but beamed as aeris mentioned how big his dick was. He knew those other guys in solider had been lying then they called him micro dick and accused him of being a woman.. they were all just gentriic freaks to have weiners as big as theirs had been. He was all smiles till Aeris snapped her fingers. “I got just the thing to hide your huggge sword.” Aeris said and walked over to where she had hidden a package she had picked up. “huh? what is it?” cloud asked..then froze as she held up a package of diapers. “No! No way, not happening!” Cloud yelled and waved his hands in front of him.
Aeris smirked, loving the look on clouds face and then moved on with the next part of her planed speech. “Cloud listen to me.” She said in a stern tone and almost gushed when he instantly stopped. “You wanna rescue Tifa right?” “Well..yeah.” “your already in drag too right?” “Well, of course.” “Then what does it matter if I put you in a diaper.” She asked, mentally adding ‘or two or three or-’ “But..but..” Cloud whined and for a second aeris swore he was about to suck his thumb. “no buts mister. you’ve come this far..and with the wig in place no will will be able to figure out that Cloud the handsome and awesome warrior is dressed like a sissy baby.” Aeris said, do a bit of ego stroke. and lying, it was soooo clear it was just cloud in drag. “...O-Only till we rescue Tifa right?” Cloud asked in a little voice. “Of course.” Aeris lied. “Now lay down.”
Cloud covered his face, unable to watch as Aeris too out one of the thck diapers and unfolded it. Tifa had better worship the god damn ground he walked on after this! “Butt up cutie.” Aeris coo’ed. Cloud did so and then put it back down, groaning at how thick the padding felt.
Aeris smirked, glad that cloud had covered his eyes. It made putting multiple diapers on him easier. sure one of these was thick enough but she wanted cloud to have a super cute waddle in his steps, and to make sure the diaper peeked out of his dress. the plastic diapers had a moggle and chocobo print on them and as Aeris finished tapping the last one on, she leaned down and kissed the front of the diaper. “And sealed with a kiss~ Come on my little princess, let’s get you on your feet.” Aeris said and got up and held out a hand to cloud.
Cloud was utterly humiliated but feeling all squirmy inside, even though he couldn’t feel the kiss the fact that a hot big girl like aeris had kissed the front of his diapies.. Cloud blinked raipdly, wondering where the hell THAT mind set had come from and ignored Aeris hand, and went to get up on his own. only to wobble and plop down on his butt. “I Uh..” “hey, you got a lot of padding between you’re legs, let me help you up.” Aeris said with a smile and held out her hands again.
To anyone watching what happened next looked like a mom trying to teach her little girl how to walk. Cloud just couldn’t get the hang of waddling it seemed like, till aeris took his hand to help him keep his balance and they walked/waddled around the shop for a few minutes before Cloud finally got his diaper legs so to speak.
Aeris smiled as she looked at Cloud, clinging to her arm and suckling softly on the pacifier she had gotten him. It' was just part of his disguise is what she told him, but truthfully she was getting tired of hearing his whimpering. Now as they made their way though the streets, heading to the Don's House Aeris had a feeling that word had gotten out about her little cutie. Because Damn, it seemed like everyone had found a excuse to come out and watch as they walked/waddled past. Sadly for Aeris's amusement no one was bold enough to just come over and pat the sissy's butt.. though she was positive she saw a picture or two being taken. 'Hope you get used to this my little fluffy Cloud.. I'm going to make sure you can NEVER go back to being a boring old big boy~' Aeris thought and giggled out loud, planting a kiss on the Sissys forehead.
Cloud was in hell. total and compete unflinching no mercy hell. For some reason ALL these people had come out to watch him and he found himself shutting his eyes tight, fighting back tears and clinging to mo- er... Aeris. He heard a couple of taunts, and one boy asking what was the big girl wearing diapers... but thankfully Aeris didn't make him answer. The paci Aeris had got him felt ...nice in his mouth. sucking on the fat nipple was keeping him from full on freaking out though he'd had to wipe his chin a few times, some drool was coming out. 'Just doing this till we can save Tifa. Just doing this till we can save Tifa..' Cloud thought and looked at the -BLUSH- diaper bag she had packed. Cloud wasn;t sure how she was going to fit his boy clothes in there but she had promised him she would, then given him a rattle to play with. "You need too look convincing if they want you to play the baby role out to the fullest." she had said.. though.. Reaching up he tugged the paci out of his mouth and spoke in his soft sissy voice. "Aeris.. where's my sword? I'll need it if we hafa fight!"
Aeris frowned as cloud spoke. he was still calling her Aeris most of the time.. 'Maybe I should of worked on him longer.. I just love it when he calls me mommy.' She thought then turned her attention to cloud's question. "I used Mini magic on it and put it in the bag." She lied Truthfully she had pawned the ungodly thing to help pay for some of Cloud's new wardore. "Oh.. Otay...I mean..Ok.." Cloud said and turned crimson and Aeris gushed. Cloud was going to be the perfect 24/7 diaper loading little princess! Though as they finally closed into the don's mashin she knew she had the hardest test yet. "Ok Cloud, remenebr to follow my lead.. It's important that you do EXACTLY like I say if you wanna rescue Tifa." she said and waited for him to nod.. then they moved towards the guards who were already smirking.
Cloud gulped, his tummy was all butterflies and he started to feel the need to tinkle.. but he knew he had to trust Aeris on this, so he waited for her to start the plan. "And what do we have here?" Asked a tall tanned skinned guard. he had short black hair and wore a pair of sunglasses and cameo pants and a white t-shirt. He was also grinning at Cloud in a way that made the sissy instantly clinging to mommy. 'Ok.. Aeris is gonna tell them I'm a girl and were here for the party and-' Cloud thought. "Well I'm a mistress ommy and this here is my little Sissy babykins Cloud. He just Looooves being a red faced sissy as well as cuddling REAL men." Aeris said. Cloud blinked, and opened his mouth, his paci dropping out and he looked at mommy. "T-That's not-" "Hush Sissy! you were never going to fool them all the way. now be good or I'll have to tug your diapers down and spank you right here!" Aeris scolded him and then stern tone had a side effect. "HISSSSSSSSSS" Cloud shut his eyes tight, the hissing as he wet his diaper like a gushing waterfall to him, and the other guard came over now, looking alot like the first one and laughed. "Awww you scared the piss out of him!"
Aeris honestly couldn't of been more pleased with how this was going.. She was making cloud soak his huggies with just her voice and a look to the crotches of the guards show that they were LOVING the show. "So gentlemen.. do you think me and my little sissy can come in for the party? Cloud needs to get lots of 'ba-bas' in him if you know what I mean." aeris said and patted clouds butt. "W-Whats that Mean Ae-" Stern look "Er..Mommy?" "What that means my diaper soaking tiny dick baby bitch.. is your gonna go down on your knees.. like this." Aeris started and then pushed gently on clouds shoulders. "then your gonna look up at a MAN.. and in a cute voice..Beg him for a cock ba-ba." Aeris said with a grin. the look on clouds face and the tears that welled up in his eyes Made aeris almost wish she had a diaper on she was getting so wet!
Cloud shook his head no and whimpered, pleading with his eyes.. scared to open his mouth. "Hey, if this little fairy doesn't suck dick then he can't fucking come in." guard opne said. "Jeez, don't be a jerk.. it's clearly his first time..Come on princess, I won't even make you ask." Guard two said and unleashed a at least 8 Inch cock, making Clouds jaw drop. Which, was unfortunate because the guard took this as a invitation. the thick cock was instantly thrust in and as it turned out Cloud didn't have a gag reflex.. taking the cock all the way to the balls without a single gag. 'oh my god oh my god oh my god..I...I have a cock..in my mouth.. ' Cloud thought frantically and then the guard started to thrust slowly. in the corner of his eye Cloud could see Aeris reaching in and stroking the other guard. 'Oh..god...i'm..I'm in a WET diaper..dressed like a little girl.. one f the tweo girls i wanna do is seducing anther man in front of me.. and I have a cock fucking my mouth.. so...so...Why am I so hard?'
Tifa couldn't believe her eyes as she looked at the sight in front of her. There was that weird elf girl she had seen earlier with Cloud, her name if she had bothered to learn it, escaped her at the moment. But the bigger attention grabber... Cloud.... Mr.Macho man himself.... In diapers and drag!! She looked down at the drink in her hand, (it was her third one actually) and wondered if it had been spiked with something. She took a step or two closer and winced as Cloud started to whimper and try and explain himself. OH MY GOD!.... He had cum breath! "T-Tifa fank gawd ou are awright!" Cloud lisped then caught himself and blushed. "Jesus. Effing. Christ. The HELL happened while I was gone?" Tifa asked.
Aeris was frowning a little. Not only was this big titted cow showing up MUCH too soon for her liking (she had planned to milk this out MUCH longer!) but she was making her darling sissy baby feel ashamed and not in a fun and kinky way! "Cloud did what he had to do to come in here and rescue you... Though why I'm starting to wonder." Aeris said with heat in her voice. "Look, uh.." Tifa started and paused, a slight slur to her voice. "Aeris." "Air tits. Got it. Look around you, there are twinks in here NOT dressed like... Like... THAT... So Cloud never had to dress up!" Tifa said. "WHAT!?" Cloud squeaked and then another hiss was heard. "Damn it..." aeries muttered.
Cloud couldn't believe it. Mommy had lied to him?! Made him do those... Icky things, Dress like this and he could of just been in boy clothes!? "N-No! Mo-Aeris said I hada dwess like this to get in ta save you!" Cloud whined and looked back and forth from the two women. His pampers drenched and sagging BIG time now. "Pffft yeah right! And you really thought that sucking dick was the only way to get in?" Tifa asked, she then stuck her finger and thumb in her mouth and whistled. "HEY! Did anyone else have to chug a couple loads of man milk to get in t'night?" She called out. The no far outweighed the yes's and all of the yes's were from some meek looking girls. Clouds face was burning red now as he plopped on his squishy diaper, a hand came to his eyes as he started to sob and wail, even as his diaper leaked and a puddle formed around him.
Tifa couldn't help herself, seeing Cloud as such a total baby BITCH she started to roar with laughter, hunching over and slapping a leg. "Oh my god! You're SUCH a sissy baby Cloud! I can't WAIT to tell Barret about this later!" She giggled. "Maybe he'll give you a job at the bar. You can be a baby barmaid wiggling your pretty pampers for the customers and putting that slutty mouth to use!" Just thinking about cloud sobbing as he sucked on a dick was making Tifa laugh and oddly get a little aroused. (and oddly, her mental image of it kept switching from Cloud in a baby maid outfit to HER!)
Aeris meanwhile, had had enough as Tifa kept taunting her poor widdle Cloudly She flipped up Tifas short dress and grabbed her by her thong. "You're being a brat." she said and then lifted Tifa up and started to smack Tifa's cheeks. Aeris didn't know that normally this would of ended with a one sided beat down. All she knew was that as she smacked Tifa's cheeks over and over again the brunette shrieked and flailed around, begging to be put down then.. Psssssst! Aeris laughed. "Whats this? The so called big girl will make fun of a cute little baby, but then she goes and makes a puddle of her own?" Aeris asked in a loud voice. "Who here thinks that maybe this so called big girl deserves to be in diapers just as much as my sweet lil sissy?"
Cloud's bawling stopped and even as he felt icky in his leaking diaper he giggled a little seeing Tifa getting punished. Mommy wouldn't do something like THAT to him, cuz he was a good sissy. If Cloud had been able to think rationally (Well, if he'd had that ability he'd of never started any of this) then he would of realized that what little part of being a big boy he was holding onto had vanished and he was really just mommy's big baby now. But it looked like he was going to have a sister now.
Tifa's face was red and tears flowed down her face, this couldn't be happening to her! But air tits or Aeris... Whatever the hell her name was was now taking advantage of the very strong elastic in her thong, bouncing her almost like a basketball and getting every last drop of piss out of her. The crowd was on Aeris's side now, chanting for Tifa to join Cloud in diaper dorkdom and she was shaking her head no. But even as she did her body betrayed just how much she liked the idea. A few more bounces and any fight that might have been in Tifa was gone. Tifa and Cloud were sat in a dry area while their respective puddles were cleaned up. Clouds diaper and dress had been removed and Tifas thong and dress were thrown in the trash. Though unlike cloud who laid on his back and suckled on a pacifier and was SMILING behind the damn thing Tifa was trying to cover herself up.
"Looks like both my babies were looking forward to this~" Aeris giggled. Looking at Tifa's snatch it was damp and clouds little sword was leaking. She regreted she couldn't of drawn out breaking cloud in a little longer, but hey, she was about to get two babies for the price of one so who could complain? She took out two of the diapers from the diaper bag and used a spell to dispel the mini magic she had used to fit in lots of diapers in it... Then had a rather mean idea. "I bet you're VERY proud of those hooters aren't you Tifa?" She asked, and setting aside the diapers for the moment she took one in each hand, fondling them. "Y-Yes... Mo-Mommy?..." Tifa said, looking scared. 'I wonder if she's figured out what I'm about to do.' Aeris wondered with a smirk, then she started to cast mini. The once large wonderful globes of flesh shrank and soon Tifa was at best an A cup now. Tifa sobbed the whole time and was shaking her head and saying no over and over till someone grabbed a pacifier from Aeris bag and popped it in Tifas mouth. Now with itty bitty titties and nursing on a pacifier, the former big titted cow was ready for her first (of many) diaper changes.
Cloud looked over at his new sister and smiled. He took her hand and tried to assure her it was going to be alright. The crowd gave an 'awwww' at this and Cloud giggled. Tifa oddly didn't seem to take much comfort in it till seconds later her legs were up in the air and she was sitting on a diaper. She closed her eyes in shame and so she didn't see Aeris take out some weird thing from the bag and insert it in her pussy, but from the way the sissies eyes flew open she knew it was there. She was squeezing Clouds hand like crazy and squirming as her new mommy taped her diaper up. "Your turn sweetie." Mommy said. Cloud smiled and lifted up his bum as best he could, but Aeris simply shook her head. "Can you roll onto your side for mommy?" she asked. Cloud did so and was looking at Tifa sucking hard on her pacifier now, rubbing the front of her diaper and giggling. Then he felt something greasy being poured onto his butt. Curious, he looked over his shoulder. Mommy was greasing up his butt with something. He suckled nervously, hoping she wasn't gonna give him poopie pills or something. "It's ok Cloud, I just want both my babies to feel good." Mommy said as she got out the same kind of thing she put in Tifa... Then it finally slid inside him and he gasped, then let out a girly moan. His thing was throbbing like crazy and mommy had him roll back onto the diaper and taped him up, kissing his forehead as he suckled just like a sissy. He wiggled a little making the thing in his butt move around a little. He rolled over on his side as Tifa did the same, the big babies locking eyes. Tifa made the first move and pressed her pacifier to his as the crowd cooed. Tifa was rubbing the front of her diaper again and patting Cloud's behind! Cloud reached around and embraced her... It was funny but, a few days ago when you had asked him what he pictured his first time with Tifa would be like this would not of been the answer! But now they were nursing and nuzzling and about to... About to...
Cloud sat up panting and gasping. His bed was soaked... AGAIN. He was going to have to tell Aeris' mother sorry for the third time since the rescue from The Don's. His seven-inch cock was tenting out his blanket, which by now was stained with a mixture of cum and piss. He fell back in bed groaning. "Why the hell do I keep dreaming about that?" he whined to himself. "And making it worse then it already was? Hadn't wearing that wig and the dress been bad enough?" God, maybe he was just fucked up. Well, he knew from experince there wasn't a extra bed or sheets so he laid back in the pissy mattress and, with a blush, reached down to take care of his cock. "My fucking subconscious is a A-hole.." he moaned.
The End
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machetemaiden27mcx · 2 years
I wish we could fuck in front of all our friends
I would give anythin to feel tht nice thick doggie dick inside me.you pretty long and super thck wanna chok on it until you blow your load down my throat
#Kaidam #bb #polyamory
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the-firebird69 · 8 days
The Cars ~ Moving In Stereo we listen hear them wow wow this is bad. and it is. they fall. and tons died. nd they say htis we re cockly and have tudes. why. and sy it we harrass him. so.  and ouir son says ok yoiu harrassme so you get a free ride by van to the gifted small string orchestr this saturday monring t the activits center i mea really shit you are now gross. retrds at fishermans villa and yes hte see who you are.  gross shits. and are in truoble.  sink now.  and publcly and at eachother.  
and it is about cars.  well. john cena the cenerator. this band and songs were to tell ofi  it and yes the cena car kicked off the parting out of cars.  and tons. and soon car parts.  and threateened all and did so to amass weaponry and now surruoned by bja who says he hd him do it when the empire had them all do it. 
the cars also means vehicles.  but particular ones and related only to cars.  the dodge aries k  is  te God of War and it means that.  and states it there. too.  nd our son pays Homage to his Father and i the cinematic and games as Kratos and shall appear as he if he makes it to comicon and show you what he looks like.  imemnse arms ok. huge thck neck giant lats hulk sized delts and more. massive legs like tree trunks.  and for comicon he will paint up and more. fun stuff he will say tons will be in fer and he iwll sign autogrphs.  and accept somemoney yup. tons say it we want to have lunch w you. he says you buyin and he says it a huge circle in front of him and they say no way but ok and they go and eat good. he has a sandwich and  they laugh seteroids no eats a few times each day about five.  nd see him eating a lot.  laugh nd are in fear.  he is a giant nad hated ok. but no wont eat ppl.  fun stuff if you do it though.
wont and ok yout then tons say it your out turmp.  were the msternow your out.  aare not him dont care for it we dont care for you we need to your out too and weak gross and losers.
all thsongs say it teh cars help good
Thor Freya
we helped make a small economic car and the broke it.  and the escort was prior to sow e sued it on them yes
tht sucked bdly i hate it see why no.  ok he thinks.  going to the store passing by tom foolery......usualy about tommy allen and ok we pass by the gifted and try to and get hurt and ghwb saw it .worked told us all we worked . they are off good.  we got spun around each of us had an injury and also females rep by ellie and qe2 nd it was a hit order.  tried it on him and they died and a lot and in te midwest.  we simply left but were hurt  a lot.  we need this out . need others to see macs and what they do wanted thiem there nd to use it nd did and do
we are sorry about our fight have to.we lose and go down. need to fight to stop it. but yeh we cant fight macs will be bd.  need out i guess
your a loser cant ifugre out how to open a door t times we do it leave you trump and out of here your a high spaz now.  no.  he hates you. is alone and your a tyrant nad faggot. shithead. out
mike g
and so i am so what
and wrarhammer in full swing outfits on armor. ships up. stan hit. and you are out up to titan. hit yourself hard and after teh borg ship.  and are controlled by ghwb.   and he is out still yeh.  are out.  leave.  go to concord.  and tommy f puts you there he said it itoohis singatrue.  and gone.  wars over teh pyrmids and in massachusetts.  all to go deeper.  and to shps that are ancient.  and unknown.  not identified. huge.  but yeh tax day and symbolic of those who would free the slaves so they accuse you of it trump
Zues Hera
and we are the slaves and no they say not those the other ones.  and i say negros...they say yes them too.  and go on....os his  people. y s you did it and on purpose and it is your ass character charles manson that shows it and hte ladies hhave you in the mansiont your wife sings that song over nd over cstles.  and had him in casl.  and your dopes they are too but owmen do stuff and us you. we see it.  cnsst stop it and ok. we did it too. but no this is rancid. now fight them or else.  and we wont and you shall leed it and your the  odd man out not women. ok trump your done
we see ittoo he is the guy and we hit.
he tried for tommy f and the cars ten times today.  and on his bike. and yyeh from a dodge ries k.  and to use it.  tommy f whipes himout
news shortly but ok
the caverns are looked t.  groups made it there.nd  few.  and trump found this empty no. and pissed outside some saw him balk.  and heard this. youir the faggot. and he did  pee outside stn owns the apprtments. will look intoi it.  and knows how.  wills ee the pile. and it is used to threten for the money there in wesboro and both of them and his banck account.  
Thor Freya
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bimbo-slut-cindy · 17 days
dummi cimdi sooooo lyk nedz hott thck Cocks in hr holzz plz snd Dick pcs 2 dis slvt lykee 💕
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oreo-hong · 7 months
“of course, sweetheart. now it’s getting late and i’m sure you need to get to bed so i’ll see you tomorrow, alright? sweet dreams, seullie,” i whisper fondly into the phone. 💼
“night night y/n-ie.” she says cutely, minho saying goodnight to you as well as he thcks her in
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dresstv · 1 year
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isabelsakisi · 1 year
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Thck thighs saves lives..
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inkedmoth · 2 years
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quick an simple critter idea for Ilum’Dural
the “Icebreaker Seal” is a massive seal type creature only found in the Winter Domain. Its thck armoured scales are used to scrap and chip at the ice to keep breathing holes open and allow access to the ices surface. The bony teeth like protrusions, exagerated flipper claws, and blade like scales all enable it to do this task, as well as providing protection against marine and land based predators. However with a soft unprotected stomach, its best defence isn’t to swim away, but towards the predator, using its sharp scales to slam into and injure any attackers.
I like to think they’re not very agile, but are a powerhouse in the water, once they get up to speed you need to move or they’ll cut straight through you. Possibly feeds on shellfish or other hard scaled creatures, the powerful jaw can crush them open. Not sure if males and females will look different, but the males might spar for females when on land. Imagine the crack as scaled head meets head!
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tousfaim · 6 years
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Hambre. RRD. #Handstyle #Graffiti #Tipografía #ChicaliX3 #México #Hambre #Soke #Roots #Neok #Tama #RRD #THCK #2KR #TNK #Stickers #Namasté. https://www.instagram.com/p/BrkMSwYHl0V/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=kzdej8f382ud
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ofallthingsnasty · 2 years
ngl i miss villain peridot’s ass... that’s it
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