#the “it's antizionism not antisemitism” group are being antisemitic again
silverfox66 · 1 month
Pro-palestine protesters disrupted a concert by a Dutch-Jewish artist (74 years old), shouting "terrorist" at her. This has nothing to do with Palestine, it's antisemitism.
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mylight-png · 6 months
I just got a stupid reblog saying that "Hamas doesn't want to kill Jews it wants to get rid of colonialist Zionists" and shit. I've already addressed that, being indigenous to Israel, we literally cannot be colonists there, and the history confirms this. That is not the point of this post, however.
If the antisemites will not take my word for it, maybe they will listen to their beloved "resistance group" Hamas and when they are clear about their goals.
So, with that being said, let's take a look at their founding charter, shall we?
"The Prophet, Allah bless him and grant him salvation, has said:
'The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharkad tree, (evidently a certain kind of tree) would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews.' (related by al-Bukhari and Moslem)."
Hmmm. Yes, they definitely only want to get rid of Zionists. For sure. That's why the word "Zionist" was mentioned so many times in this statement of genocidal intent. For sure. (Sarcasm, by the way.)
Let's take a look at another part, hm?
"Our struggle against the Jews is very great and very serious. It needs all sincere efforts. It is a step that inevitably should be followed by other steps."
Right yes, their struggle is against the Zionists. Not the Jews. For sure. How could I not have seen this before? (Again, sarcasm. Obviously.)
They also mention Jews in addition to Israelis and Zionists as a group of the people they don't like, as well as Christians, such as here:
"'But the Jews will not be pleased with thee, neither the Christians, until thou follow their religion; say, The direction of Allah is the true direction. And verily if thou follow their desires, after the knowledge which hath been given thee, thou shalt find no patron or protector against Allah.'"
Uh. Who is gonna tell them that Jews do not seek to convert anyone? (They might just be referring to Christians, I'll give them that.) However, they still do very clearly vilify those who do not subscribe to their beliefs, and it almost seems as if they wish to violently convert them. Y'know, with the "thou shalt find no patron or protector against Allah". Just saying.
So yeah. Hamas aren't your "freedom fighter" heroes. They are a terrorist group based in genocidal intent.
If you ignore this and fail to condemn them, maybe you just hate Jews. Just saying.
I feel like I'm being a lot more... Not blunt, but I suppose more sassy? With my tone? If that makes sense? But you know what, I'm so fed up with these people not bothering to read a document that is incredibly easy to find online. How can you support something you know nothing about?
So yeah. Hamas's original founding document says it all.
The Antizionism movement is founded, steeped, and marinated in antisemitism.
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jewish-vents · 2 months
being an anti-zionist jew is so exhausting and isolating… i’m always afraid to share my thoughts or have discussions with anyone else in my temple or community as far as i/p is concerned. being trans and disabled already made me the black sheep of my family and community, and my pro-palestinian beliefs really exacerbate that. i just wish it was easier to find more anti-zionist jews, either near me or online (there is no active jvp or if not now organizations near me) ;-; it really really hurts to feel more at home with some goyim than many of my fellow jews. i’m tired of being called “not a real jew” or a “self-hating jew.” i don’t hate myself, and i am incredibly proud of my jewish heritage… i just believe never again means never again and tikkun olam does not mean the ethnic cleansing of the palestinian people.
hi anon, thank you for sending an ask to this blog. I only have one thing to say, please be wary of JVP, they're an antisemitic extremist group cosplaying as a Jewish organisation.
since this is the first ask made by an antizionist jew, I'd like to remind everyone that this blog is a neutral jewish space, therefore both Zionism and Antizionism don't break the blog's rules, as long as they aren't antisemitic or hating on/wishing harm upon an individual or a group. personally attacking anon, especially in the ways they described, will not be tolerated.
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shyfrog-says · 4 months
Once again, I would like to explicitly state that none of my Palestine posting or reblogging is promoting antisemitism of any kind.
But regardless of what my absolutely whacked out supreme court says, antisemitism and antizionism are not the same thing.
So, once again, a reminder that I stand with Palestine, as well as anti-zionist jews.
I don't believe that every civilian of the Israeli Occupation is guilty of the crimes of their government. I also believe that, with the desperation they have been pushed to, Palestinians - as thinking, feeling, passionate human beings - should not only be allowed but expected to stand up and fight for themselves. They are being killed with hellfire and chemicals and guns, and some people say that the only moral thing they can do is lay down and die. No. People say this 'conflict' started on October 7th, but it's been going on for decades, and it is part of a near-global trend to demonize and dehumanize arabs and muslims everywhere.
If you're an American like me and you haven't noticed the patterns, the trend in our culture and popular media, wake the fuck up.
Antisemitism is a problem, but with jewish people - individuals, families, and groups, all over the world, and I have no doubt that it did see a spike after October 7th. In Israel, however, it is a convenient excuse for them to hide behind whenever someone even suggests holding them accountable for their actions.
Additionally, does anyone else find it odd that, when Israeli settlers or zionists fish for sympathy, they have a grand total of A Single Day that they use to garner that sympathy? October 7th. Because people remember single days, don't we? October 7th, September 11th, January 6th, etcetera.
How does a Palestinian choose which date they want us to remember? Out of 75 years of occupation, and recently, months and months of non-stop terror and death and tragedy, how are they supposed to pick which day? So that our tiny detached minds can use it as a cute little mneumonic device for us to remember that people have died? Which day should we use to remember? Which of the dozens? Hundreds? Which one? The day the bombs started dropping on Gaza? Maybe the days when white phosphorus was rained down from the sky? Or what about the day Hadiya Nassar, a woman older than the Israeli Occupation, was assassinated by an Israeli sniper? Which one?
I have seen more than enough. Logic and reason tell me that, with all the cries for help and attempted information suppression I've seen, there is only one just side to this: freedom. If you do not support an end to the occupation and freedom for the Palestinian people, you are either ignorant or evil. There is no further nuance to this. Children have died. It must stop.
It won't... not now, probably not soon... but it must.
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jewish-skitter · 3 months
feel free not to answer this if it's tokenizing or if you just dont want to ofc but i just wanted to know your perspective since you've posted on the issue, is it possible to view the state of israel as a reactionary colonial entity (which i think qualifies as anti-zionism unless i'm misusing the word?; barring the very existing issue of the people who disguise their antisemitism as antizionism) without being antisemitic or do you feel that it's inherently problematic
This seems like a good faith question, so I'm not going to give you my normal answer of "lmao."
Not sure if tokenizing is the word you're looking for, it would be if you were asking me to speak on behalf of all Jews, which I don't think you are. I'm not going to do that, obviously, just speaking on my own behalf as some random with a blog who's not Israeli and whose knowledge of Israel is pretty limited. Yes, you're misusing the word anti-Zionism. I'm honestly of the opinion that goyim should just banish the words Zionism and anti-Zionism from their vocabulary and so should most Jews with the possible exception of historians and other academics who've actually read the pretty extensive literature on the subject. The question of Zionism was pretty firmly resolved in the 1940s with a yes. State of Israel exists, now what we have to do is figure out where to go from there. You're better served by being more specific.
As for the actual question? I'm going to be annoying and say you need to be more specific again. Define Israel, define reactionary. and define colonial entity. (I'd honestly banish the word "entity" from most conversations relating to Israel too, since "the Zionist entity" is something nazis say.) Hell, define colonial too. If it's a colony, what's it a colony of? I think you could say that there are Israelis who are using the tactics of settler colonialism on the West Bank (setting up homesteads, fucking with the people who live there and provoking attacks that require the IDF to come and protect them from the consequences of their actions). At least, that's the impression I've gotten from what I've read/heard people talk about, but I haven't actually read much of the literature about what settler colonialism is.
I think the current government is definitely far right, and a lot of the population is in support of reactionary policies, but that's far from unique to Israel. Would you call Serbia a reactionary colonial entity because of the Republic of Srpska or because of Kosovo? Russia, because of Ukraine? America, because of the everything (especially Hawai'i, Puerto Rico, Sāmoa, Virgin Islands, Guam, Mariana Islands, etc)? None of these are very good comparisons because all of these situations are unique, but it's worth considering. If you'd agree on calling any/all of those things "reactionary colonial entities," then what's the point of describing Israel that way? Why not be more specific in what you're talking about? What does using that descriptor communicate and how does it further the cause of peace and justice? Who did you first hear it from and what were their motives? Is it possible? Sure, maybe. But a better question might be "is it useful to understand it this way?" And just again, I'm a random Jewish American blogger. I've got an interest in history and we do plan on going to grad school for genocide studies eventually, but right now, we're an arts major with a concentration in comics. Most of my knowledge comes third hand at best. That being said, from what I've seen of it, I really like the work that the organizations Standing Together (https://www.standing-together.org/en) and the Parents Circle (https://www.theparentscircle.org/en/pcff-home-page-en/), as well as other groups promoted by Middle East Peace Alliance, (https://www.allmep.org/) have been doing. I actually really appreciate that you asked it like this and not just demanding to know my labels. This doesn't feel harassing at all.
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adelle-ein · 6 months
it's dawning on me that being online when you have extreme morality ocd might not really be feasible and i don't know what i can do about that
i'm utterly terrified of people calling me/thinking i'm a zionist, to the point where i can't stand up for any antisemitism that i see from people, so i'm just letting everything slide and being the Good Jew but that ALSO kills me bc it's so distressing knowing that i'm friends or mutuals with people willing to say and share these things
throw in the usual tumblr social justice "kys if you don't reblog this screenshot of a tweet thread from a random bluecheck" and like. i feel like i'm constantly dying. i feel completely responsible for the actions of israel as a jew because people are constantly telling me that i am, i feel like a monster for caring about innocents everywhere, i'm terrified that everyone has the most radical "all [palestinians/israelis] must die For Peace" positions and that there's nobody i can trust
i can read really profound and good writing from people smarter than me and feel secure in my position again and then go on here and see people i truly love and care about reblogging about how oct 7 was a false flag or justified. go in a doll discord and see random teens with harry potter icons musing about how mattel and mga are being controlled by israel bc as we all know companies never support anything evil of their own volition unless (((they))) make them. twitter is unsalvageable due to the sheer number of nazis being rt'd onto my dash for saying vaguely pro-palestinian-appearing things. and several of my relatives are far-right zionists and even the ones that aren't i'm scared might secretly be. it's fucking everywhere. i'm trying to close it off and do limited exposures to it per the advice of my mental health team (ie actually go to news sites/journalists and read at certain times of day instead of being constantly randomly exposed to inflammatory stuff) but it's really inescapable
and the worst part is i know this is amplified by morality ocd but i think some of it is true. i think saying my piece to people i love would get me called a zionist pig by some and an antizionist traitor by others. i think people i respect and care about genuinely believe some really horrible things. some of them are just sharing stuff or siding with a team and not really thinking about any implications but how can i take that risk?
and yeah i'm probably an evil cunt for caring about myself when people are dying! probably! but the one reassurance, i guess, is that nobody can possibly hate me for it, or for anything, more than i hate myself. i'm screaming for help but nobody hears but that's not really anybody's fault bc i'm also covering my mouth, bc if people hear the screaming then they'll hate me. that's what i truly believe
i don't have a point i'm just struggling really really badly that's all. i've literally written 4k about various things and not shared it bc like, my voice isn't helpful or needed or necessary here. i'm not smart i'm not special i'm not a scholar on antisemitism or islamophobia or hate groups or zionism or antizionism or israel or palestine. this is just me crying because i don't know how to keep going and i truly believe that everyone in my life hates me. that's all. yes this is pathetic but i need to let things out just this tiny bit
(if you do hate me for this then please please just block and break off any communication we have now, i hate to think of anyone feeling trapped in a relationship with me)
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thatonebipotato · 6 months
antizionist jew here. sorry to disappoint you, but antisemitism as a word was created to mean hatred against jews. it has shitty etymology because a german guy who was into eugenics created it. he meant to revamp the old word judenhass which signified a more "medieval" and religion based hatred, into a word which defined jews as an inferior race in the modern day.
trying to argue about etymology gets us nowhere when palestinian americans are being stabbed to death and jewish-parisian schoolchildren are facing bomb threats. yes, most antizionism is not antisemitism. but every so often it can be, whether that be a white supremacist co-opting the movement or a leftist who has genuinely unexamined antisemitic biases. and we need to understand what antisemtism looks like so we can shut down hatred that israel will use to continue presenting itself as the only safe place for us jews (hint: it's not).
please take this as an opportunity to learn. not calling you out but calling you in. thanks.
alright, thank you for informing me! when trying to make sure that what i was saying was right, i found nothing that really said anything about this(i guess i just didnt look in the right places or hard enough).
what i had originally said was information that I'd gotten from many different kinds of groups, mostly others trying to shut that original argument down, so i thought wholeheartedly what i said was correct. im so sorry if i upset anyone with what i had said, i really am. i feel like i have a good enough grasp on the situation that is and has been happening, enough so that i could reiterate what I'd been taught/told on my own, but i was wrong.
i was trying to help deconstruct the argument I'd heard so many times, and i got it wrong. i have taken down the post, but some ppl did also reblog it already, so its going to stay there. cant do anything abt it, i fucked up, thats my own fault. if youre coming back from those posts to see what's up over here, uhhh here's what im saying :)
again, thank you very much for informing me! im a little new to actually being involved in things, so im very desperately trying to get everything right and try to help where i can, and im so sorry that i did it in the wrong way!
ill be sure to try staying a bit more on top of things, and thanks so much to you and also the few others who decided to help me understand, it means a lot!
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bxbatea · 6 months
Be very careful with the link to that video with the rabbi. The group he is part of, Neturei Karta, are open holocaust deniers. Because of this, they are generally hated and mistrusted by every other jewish group from the most reform to the most religious. They don't speak for us. Support a leftist jewish group like ifnotnow instead!
Also, even though antizionism is NOT antisemitism, if someone doesn't know the difference between a jew, an Israeli and a zionist (for example, most zionists in the USA are actually christian), they can produce antizionist rhetoric that is accidentally antisemitic.
We help Palestine by inoculating our advocacy against pitfalls like antisemitism, an action which also shows respect and support to jewish antizionists. Keep fighting the good fight from wherever you are, and take care of yourself!
Hi there to whomever this may be. Thank you for the heads up! I have since removed the link on my post. I myself am also continuously learning. Therefore, I would like to refrain from spreading any sort of misinformation even if unintentional. I am in the process of preparing for academic exams, so I made the post in a rush in the hopes to help...But I should have known better and just taken my time, and I apologise! 😭
I will do my best to be more critical of the sources I use going forth from here. Thank you for your recommendation! Jewish Voice for Peace is another anti-zionist, Jewish run organisation that I have currently been following on Instagram. They have been strong advocates for Palestine and its people.
Please, to anyone who may come across my posts to feel free to speak up or kindly notify me if there are any errors, dodgy sources, or even straight-up misinformation in my posts! With the internet and social media being such broad entities, it is easy to become susceptible to misinformation/disinformation.
Likewise, if anyone has helpful information and reliable sources, feel free to share them so we can spread the word. Thanks again! :)
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girlactionfigure · 2 years
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When it comes to terrorist attacks against Israel, the BBC has long held a reputation for, shall we say, being more than a little economical with the truth. The aggressor is rarely portrayed (or described) as a terrorist and the Israeli civilian the victim. The story more often than not leaves the viewer, listener or reader with the impression that the terrorist is the real victim. Now we find the very same form of 'victim blaming' being applied in the UK. On Monday 29th November, a group of young religious Jews celebrating Hanukkah on board a coach travelling through Central London were subjected to a torrent of antisemitic abuse from a group of youths in the street. Every other news channel reported it exactly as it happened, but not the BBC - they gave the story their own special twist, something they usually reserve for terror attacks in or against Israel, claiming (quite incredibly) that 'a slur about Muslims can also be heard from inside the bus', a claim that has subsequently been proven to be completely untrue. Sadly, the damage is done, and the BBC has achieved what it set out to achieve. Now tell us again about how antisemitism and antizionism are not one and the same.
(The meme is one we've been running for many years)
Likud UK
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magicwithineleteo · 3 years
Antizionism may not be antisemitism in the default but that doesn't mean there isn't antisemitism in antizionist spaces as well as elsewhere. Its really not a good look to only be talking about antisemitism in terms of what it is not. Especially when it's at such a high level like it is now.
nuance is very important in each case. like you said, antizionism is not anti-semitic by default, but unfortunately many people commit anti semitism in the name of being pro-palestine/anti-zionist. that being said, of course any hate crime is a horrendous thing that no group should have to suffer. i feel for my jewish brothers and sisters who are innocently attacked due to antisemitism; i feel like lots of anti-semitic people have used this as an opportunity to go ahead and be openly hateful (which is deplorable). as such, many zionists use this as fuel to spread islamophobic and anti-palestinian misinformation, labelling the entire movement and those who support it as anti-semitic, evil, supporting "terrorists" etc.
my discussion regarding antisemitism is centered around how being anti-zionist is NOT anti-semitic, which is commonly used rhetoric to undermine the horrid suffering the palestinian (not just muslims, jews and christians included) people have been going through since 1948.
i am in no way trying to dismiss anti semitism, i understand it is at a high level right now, but that was not the point of what i post. i am advocating for voices that have been silenced, told that their truth is not real, and consistently have their injustices invalidated, or even told that fighting for themselves is hateful to others.
i am not going to stop spreading this message just because antisemitism is on the rise. i have expressed time and time again that i absolutely condemn antisemitism, i am primarily spreading awareness about palestine at this time. news about antisemitism is more spread than what i am discussing, and people have no issue in unequivocally denouncing antisemitism, whereas supporting palestinians is deemed controversial and problematic. people literally lose their jobs and are shamed for believing that what palestinians are going through is not right at all. their struggles are stigmatized. that's not to say that there are not just as many anti-semites out there, holocaust deniers, etc. but antisemitism has a stronger response against it than the oppression and ethnic cleansing of palestinians.
lastly, i am not the end all be all of every social justice issue. they are all equally important yes, but i am not going to discuss every single belief i have on here. there is no way to go in depth about every single injustice, as there is so much history involved, it's truly a lot. there are plenty of media sources out there that educate and inform people on what is going on.
as far as "not a good look" goes, i frankly do not care what i look like for standing up to injustice. i am not going to repeat myself every time someone thinks that my posts may be a bit off. why can we not talk about the rise of antisemitism while simultaneously talking about what is happening to the palestinians? i do not hear anyone talking about the rise of islamophobia and racism towards muslims, and arabs in general; it is consistently ignored. so many horrific crimes go unheard, because the mainstream media (and thus the common opinion in society) do not think it's worthy enough to talk about/educate on, or worse, that the victims deserved it.
i will say it one last time: antisemitism is not okay, it never was, never will be. no hate crimes are acceptable obviously and the oppression of every group deserves a platform and justice. people should be educated on the plight of as many as possible. however, what i am not okay with is the oppression of one group being used as a weapon against the oppression of another group, especially when they should not be linked in the first place.
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A brief chat about antisemitism
Since December, I have watched people attack fandom artists for daring to draw specific characters in Santa hats. They’ve got from claiming Islamophobia, to Antisemitism, to incest shipping.
And I am tired. 
I cannot speak to the Islamophobia, but reblogged someone who could not to long ago. That post can be found further down the blog.
I don’t think I know many people who do incest shipping. I follow a bunch of bat-blogs. But I generally don’t see much of it.
I DO want to address the claims of antisemitism, because as a Jewish woman in fandom, I feel it’s important to call shit out when I see it. 
Drawing a Santa hat on a character whose religion is, at best, ambiguous (his father’s mother was Jewish. His father was not raised Jewish. His mother’s family’s religion is ?? because they were terrorists who mostly worshiped his grandfather) does not count.
It’s not antisemitism. 
It’s not.
Let me say it once more, with feeling.
This is not, in any way, antisemitism. 
Nobody said being Jewish was bad. Nobody said the characters could NOT be Jewish. Nobody went after anybody who was Jewish. Real people were not, to my knowledge, attacked for being Jewish. They just didn’t draw them depicted as such. 
And because these 80-year-old characters’ religions are, again, ambiguous (DC themselves have portrayed Bruce Wayne celebrating Christmas for literal decades, and never shown him celebrating or practicing Judaism), this should not be a big deal.
But people keep screaming about antisemitism. 
And I am so angry about it, I could scream.
Because there are some really fucked up things happening to Jewish people all over the world. All the time. I’ve experienced antisemitism personally. People used to draw swastikas on my things at school, and kids used corner me and tell me their grandparents were Nazis. I have friends who were beaten to bloody pulps for being Jews. 
Let me tell ya. 
Drawing a Santa hat on a fictional character? Could it be viewed as some sort of erasure? Maybe. If you pay no attention to canon and just pay attention to your own personal head canons. 
But this is not Jews being attacked for being Jewish. And if people feel attacked, there are other ways to deal with that feeling than telling people to go kill themselves.
So to calm my nerves, because at this point, reading through all of this for over a month, has frayed the shit out of them, I encourage everyone to  check out the below link to the ADL, which as some really good definitions for Antisemitism, antizionism, anti Israeli sentiments and criticisms and is just a good place to educate oneself about such matters.
The Anti Defamation League! 
EDIT: I'm adding in a link to T'ruah, a Rabbinic human rights group who work towards human rights in north America, Israel and Palestine, and urges Israel to stop trying to expand and for all parties to sit down and come to a peaceful resolution.
*takes a deep, cleansing breath* 
Back to nerdery.
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yuval-david · 4 years
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Never is Now! I was honored to be invited by @ADL_National and @uscShoahFoundation to participate in The Summit on Anti-Semitism and Hate. The work of the Anti-Defamation League and the Shoah Foundation both solidify my process, as they support and remind us Upstanders that we are in this together. My commitment to making this world a better place is intertwined with my career and life goals. Anti-Semitism is frighteningly more palpable with increases of overt hate speech and hate crime agains Jews. As a child, I understood that I am the grandchild of Holocaust survivors, and I saw how hard my parents had to work to give me the life I have. I thought I would just need to “Never Forget” and “Always Act” to make this world a better place. Yet, I never thought that the anti-Jewish and anti-Israel attacks would become so frequently prevalent. Hate has become empowered. So, we must fight it by empowering ourselves and each other, together empowering love. Throughout my life, I have learned that when we stand up to bullies, they will stand back, they will even back down. They will only do so when we unite as Upstanders and not Bystanders. We must gather, organize, and each take part, actively as activists. We have the power to do so, we have the light within us that must be shared with the world around us. For darkness cannot be eradicated with darkness. Darkness is eradicated with light. We are in a time when darkness is all around us, where hate and violence are openly expressed and supported by many of our leaders. Well, that is unacceptable. Join me in the light, join me in being the light. Speak out. Act up. Hate and intolerance is out there. We must group together, with courage and love. We will beat them by countering their hate with love. We can only do it together. #YuvalDavid #ADL #ShoahFoundation #NeverisNow #FightHateForGood #antisemitism #antijewish #antiisrael #antizionism #proudjew #zionist #israel #hatespeech #freedom #hatecrime #zionism #advocate #advocacy #activism #socialjustice #socialchange #jewishactor #jewishfilmmaker #publicspeaking (at Jacob K. Javits Convention Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5N4O60BQom/?igshid=1j74xagq5psib
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