#the Nostarial
mikumoduleoftheday · 5 years
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Today’s Miku Module of the Day is:
the Nostarial. by 黎 (Hajimu) !
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cycas · 3 years
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“Then Treebeard said farewell to each of them in turn, and he bowed three times slowly and with great reverence to Celeborn and Galadriel. ‘It is long, long since we met by stock or by stone, A vanimar, vanimálion nostari!’ he said. 'It is sad that we should meet only thus at the ending. For the world is changing: I feel it in the water, I feel it in the earth, and I smell it in the air. I do not think we shall meet again.’
And Celeborn said: 'I do not know, Eldest.’ But Galadriel said: 'Not in Middle-earth, nor until the lands that lie under the wave are lifted up again. Then in the willow-meads of Tasarinan we may meet in the Spring. Farewell!”
“Many Partings” - The Return Of The King - LOTR - J.R.R. Tolkien
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paulnewmanlover · 3 years
no memes from our pirates game tonight but I had this quote burning in my mind during our big lore discussion... so courtesy of treebeard, speaking to galadriel and celeborn, from the third lotr book:
"'A vanimar, vanimalion, nostari (O beautiful ones, parents of beautiful children)!' he said. 'It is sad that we should meet only thus at the ending. For the world is changing: I feel it in the water, I feel it in the earth, and I smell it in the air. I do not think we shall meet again.'"
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storiesfromanewdm · 8 years
Ethel (talking to new players): Okay, can I tell you my name real quick? Dm: Ok wait. I'ma need them to roll pronunciation first Both rolls are 17 Ethel: You are expected to succeed everytime now, my name is Nostarial Ithilethiel Eruaphadrial Silence from the Skype call Null: Sorry what?
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“Then Treebeard said farewell to each of them in turn, and he bowed three times slowly and with great reverence to Celeborn and Galadriel. "It is long, long since we met by stock or by stone, A vanimar vanimálion nostari!" he said. "It is sad that we should meet only thus at the ending. For the world is changing: I feel it in the water, I feel it in the earth, and I smell it in the air. I do not think we shall meet again.”
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dickbosman · 7 years
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Then Treebeard said farewell to each of them in turn , and he bowed three times slowly and with great reverence to Celeborn and Galadriel. 'It is long since we met by stock or by stone , A vanimar, vanimálion nostari!' he said . 'It is sad that we should meet only thus at the ending . For the world is changing : I feel it in the water , I feel it in the earth, I smell it in the air. I do not think we shall meet again. ' And Celeborn said : 'I do not know, Eldest. ' But Galadriel said ' Not in Middle-earth, nor until the lands that lie under the wave are lifted up again. Then in the willow-meads of Tasarinan we may meet in the Spring. Farewell! ' -----The Return of the King. .....Art by Leo Takanashi
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storiesfromanewdm · 7 years
Character Introduction
It occurred to me I’d not done a proper introduction of all the characters involved in the NC’s, which is all of them. So here they are with a brief description.
Auron Kraus
A human Rogue seeking vengeance on the usurper that cost him his position of power.
Melwax Gripplewrist
A Svirfneblin Gnome Monk, framed for murder by his brother Walston, Melwax is endeavoring to explore the top realm for somewhere he belongs.
A Fire Genasi Druid on the hunt for gold and opportunity for more gold.
A Teifling Druid on the hunt for his parents, who mysteriously disappeared.
A Half-Orc Cleric presumed dead by her ex elven gang boss and saved by Ollandra, starts a revenge path where there is no escape.
A Half-Orc Barbarian found in the Goblins dungeon. Pure non-canonacle character
Nostarial Ithilethiel Eruaphadrial
A Moon Elf Cleric, no backstory as of yet
DragonBall Barbarian, pure NC, no backstory
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storiesfromanewdm · 8 years
Character Roll part 1
Saturday night, 4 of the 6 players (as two of them are in America) gathered in my lounge to create the various characters they would be throughout my campaign, and since I have no prior experience to character creation, I take back seat to Max, someone who's played and slayed before. With their help we see the birth of Melwax, a Gnomish Monk, exiled from his people. Auron, a Human Rogue who had been usurped from his seat of power. Vox, a Genasi Ranger who's just out for vain glory and riches. And (I shit you not) Ethuethial Nostarial Elathadrial? A High Elf Cleric with no backstory yet. Characters are created in rather no time at all, meaning if I had left it there I would have wasted everyone's time, because I live furthest south. We decide to do a random, non-canonacle dungeon crawl to a quaint ourselves with our new positions. The adventure proceeded as follows. Me, before the game begins: Everybody needs to roll for the ability to pronounce Ethuethial's name properly E sighs Me: You all wake up in this room here Vox: why are we in this room? How did we get here? Me: I don't know? Sean Connery told you to DM: You find on the shiny body a breastplate, an amulet, and a small bag of dried snakes Vox: I'm gonna do a slight of hand to pocket the snakes DM: Ok, don't wanna take anything else? Vox: Nope DM: The door is locked and Auron fails to pick it open. Ethel: why doesn't he try bash it down? *after dice rolls* DM: He fails Ethel: what if we throw the Gnome at it? DM: That succeeds? What? *They throw the Gnome headfirst at the door and it opens* DM: You enter a long room lined with pews, at the end of the room sits a golden orb on a small platform Ethel: I sit down, fuck taking gold from a Shrine! Auton: I want to take it Ethel: Wait! It might be booby trapped, like in Indiana Jones *Investigation check* DM: You see that the orb is pure gold, probably solid all the way through, and roughly the size of a bag of snakes... *everyone starts looking at Vox* Vox: I make the loudest, most aggravated groan as I get up from a pew and reluctantly hand over my snakes DM: You lift the orb to replace it with snakes and you find that it was one solid pillar the whole time, it clicks into place at the top of its rung and the bag of snakes comes alive, you can hear one snake screaming. Quiet loudly. You all suffer a curse in your next battle of -1 attack DM: Through the keyhole you see a Goblin around a campfire, talking to someone. What do you do? Ethel: let's throw a snake at him DM: Alright, you reach into the bag and find the screaming snake, when you pull it out you see it has *descends into a fit of laughter* it haaaaAAAsssss *can't stop laughing, has to write down* Auron: alright, this snake has theeee. Head of Danny Devito! *room loses its shit* Auron: I speak Goblin, so I go into the room and say hi He goes in, talks a bit, gets shown maps of the surrounding dungeon and it's looking like he will be offered rest here Auron: I want to make a sneak attack DM: He's been real friendly so far, and you wanna gank him? Auron: Yes
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