#the TRIANGLE symbol that pops up on the ship! the LOVE TRIANGLES that keep popping up over the ship!
likesummerrainn · 1 year
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thechargrey · 1 year
Let's talk boxes in honor of next ep and things I want to see!!
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But more importantly let's also talk triangles bc as we know god dropped a box and it split in two and that's how we got triangles!
The triangle is the strongest shape. Any weight placed on them is evenly distributed on all sides. You can't have a wobbly stool or table if it has 3 legs. So we need to be thinking about all of our 3 legged stools.
The coaches Roy/Ted/Beard: they cover each others flaws. Roy has the most experience with football, beard has the most knowledge of strategy, and Ted has the most knowledge of coaching. This episode we're gonna see them start really working together. Up to this point this season we've seen Roy and Beard at the whiteboard, but without Ted it's lead them to failure. Not anymore!
Diamond dogs Beard/Ted/Higgins: it would be a weird episode to finally pull Roy or Trent into the fold, but a great episode to have some good diamond dog screen time!
Three aces Jamie/Dani/...and Colin?: from two aces to three, I want to see an opportunity for Colin to finally shine as he's more comfy in being seen. But any other player suddenly working as ace would also be a great opportunity to showcase in this episode.
Friendship power Roy/Jamie/Keeley: A trio I'd love to see working together at last. Keeley's moved on and Roy/Jamie are finally friends and this could mean that these three actually have a chance to be bffs finally. (And even if you want the ship, them being friends first is still really good/important)
Pub friends Baz/Paul/Jeremy: a great opportunity to explore the dynamic between our pub friends again, and to find out what was going on with that 4th friend/romantic interest Baz tried to pull unto the fold.
But there's more bc we also have love triangles that might start popping up this episode: Roy/Keeley/Jamie, Jack/Keeley/Roy or Jamie, Rebecca/Boatguy/Ted, Ted/Trent/Rebecca (okay maybe a little wishful thinking on this one), Ted/Beard/Jane (at least in Jane's mind) but you get the picture. Any number of love triangles could be explored.
Onto boxes!
Thinking outside the box: obviously this is going to be a big part of this episode, it's even in the description. We're gonna see the new triangle strategy operating in which each player gets supported by two others and it's gonna cause everyone to change the way they're thinking about football.
Other characters may have to implement extra creativity as well, perhaps Keeley will have to dive into some new strategies for making her company successful. We know Sam will be doing something simialar with his restaurant since that's in the description.
The box as tradition: boxes are big symbols of keeping traditions the same. So with the triangle being important leading into this episode, this episode may also be about challenging/breaking traditions. Some traditions to pay attention to:
Pink boxes of biscuits: both bc this is a literal box, but also bc it's a tradition for Ted to bring these to Rebecca every morning. Will we see this suddenly change somehow? Will Ted forget to bring them, or perhaps he begins to bring them to others as well?
Believe sign: is this the episode in which all the teammates make new believe signs as a new tradition, to represent the type of belief they need?
Diamond Dogs: diamonds are also box shaped, and the diamond dogs are a tradition since Ted began, perhaps we see this tradition change somehow...
Other boxes to look out for might be moving boxes (I hope not!), if Ted starts trying to move back to Kansas or at least thinks about it. But also press boxes or private boxes at the games. And of course the gender/sexuality boxes with which society places all of us.
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flowerypeaches · 3 years
“What is that?”
Hero stopped their approach, a positively bored expression on their face. “What are you doing?”
Their nemesis, who was currently pointing behind Hero with an incredibly overexaggerated look of surprise, rolled their eyes, “Uh, giving you your cue?”
“My cue?”
Villain sighed loudly, dropping the egregious pose. “You're supposed to turn your head, in a suitably dramatic fashion of course, search for what I was pointing at, only for it to be revealed a ruse, granting me the opportunity to strike you unawares so I may gain the upper hand in our skirmish.”
“Mhm, and why would I fall for something so stupid?”
“Because you are stupid?”
“Ow, okay, okay!” Villain held a hand to their nose, grimacing as it came back bloody from Hero’s rather crude punch. “See, this is what I was trying to avoid. No story, no drama, no excitement. What if I let you get a few good hits in afterwards?”
Hero replied by kicking Villain’s feet out from under them, knocking them onto the cold and cracked pavement. “Looks like I’m already getting a few good hits in.” They leaned over Villain, arms crossed. “Now, are we going to actually fight, or are you going to keep trying to direct your own personal soap opera?”
Hero waited for Villain’s patented snarky response, specifically about how soap operas are a valid form of art and Hero would be wise not to disrespect it, yadda yadda, but none came. In fact, Villain wasn’t even looking at them.
“Uh, Villain? You still with me?” 
Villain’s voice was barely above a whisper, “What is that?”
“Seriously? It hasn’t even been a minute and you’re really using the sa-”
“I’m not screwing with you, Hero, there’s something in the sky!”
Hero had to admit, Villain’s acting had gotten much better in the last thirty seconds, but no matter how real it looked, they weren’t going to fall for it. Villain might be messing around now, but Hero couldn’t forget that they were a criminal, and a dangerous one at that.
They reached down, pulling Villain, who was still staring into the sky, up by their collar. “Look, I get that you never got the lead role in the school play or whatever, and want to make the world burn because of it, but could you, just this once, take our fight seriously?”
“I think it's getting closer.”
Hero ignored them, “I’m tired of the other heroes telling me I have it easy because my nemesis would rather focus on projecting their monologue to all of the hostages than actually rob the bank they broke into to begin with.” Sure, Hero was thankful Villain’s obsession with the dramatic kept them from causing too much destruction, but they had their own reputation to uphold, and constant stalemates with the theatre school reject did not help! “Let me tell you what. If you go down to the station without a fuss, then maybe I can get you into one of the nicer cell blocks. You know, the ones with the view of the hills. Does that sound good? Villain? Are you even lis-”
Blinding light filled Hero’s eyes and ears, cutting off every train of thought and any plan of action they might have had before then. They looked up, and despite the harsh light making their eyes water, they could make out the vague shape of a disc floating directly above them.
Oh no.
“Told you.”
Hero looked back down to their nemesis, who looked much too smug for the situation at hand, and sneered, “Maybe if you didn’t insist on playing drama club, I might have actually taken you seriously.”
Villain had the courtesy to drop their grin, squinting up at the…  “Is it getting brighter?”
It was, and that meant it was too late for Hero to prevent what was about to happen. Familiar cold heat ran through their veins as their limbs locked in place.
A safety precaution.
Definitely not to prevent anyone caught in the beam from escaping.
“Hero? I-I can’t move.” Villain said.
They shouldn’t be here.
Hero’s eyes widened, realizing just how screwed they were. They tried to relax their hands, to let go of Villain, to shove them out of the beam, anything, but only managed to twitch their muscles, as if they were encased in a steel mold.
Villain seemed to be doing the same thing, though the trembling may have just been the fear. Any other time, Hero would have loved to see Villain’s mask slip. To force them to acknowledge that, yes, Hero was a real threat to their criminal livelihood. Instead, Villain acted as if Hero was a fellow actor, asking for Hero’s thoughts on new scenes they came up with, or excitedly talking about whatever had happened in their soap that day, a neon flashing sign that indicated they were in desperate need of friends. Did… did that mean Villain thought they were friends?
Not the time.
Hero gave up on their efforts, and let the looming dread wash over them. This wasn’t acceptance, no, they were just giving themself a moment to rest before they faced what was up in the ship. Oh, they weren’t ready.
Two enemies, encircled and entrapped in an ever growing light, locked eyes. 
“We’re so f-”
And as quick as it had appeared, the burning light and mysterious ship attached to it, along with Hero and Villain, vanished into the night.
Light surrounded Villain. The ambient noise of the city was replaced by a low, droning hum. Any sense of direction was lost as gravity no longer affected them. They were weightless, and, even in this world of superpowers, nothing made sense. Where did the city go? Why couldn’t they move? How were they floating? The light was all-consuming, and Villain would have thought themself lost in it if not for the deathgrip Hero still had around their collar. 
Slowly, the light faded, and Villain felt their own weight return to them. Their legs wobbled, and in an instant, whatever force that held them in place disappeared. They would have fallen if not for Hero, who still held them in their grasp.
“What just happened?” Villain said, though not really expecting an explanation.
Looking around, they could see they were now in a circular, silver chamber. Dials and switches and lights and symbols dotted the walls, communicating something or other, and the floor was, what was that, carpet? Villain shuddered. Honestly, it looked a lot like a cheap sci-fi set for a tv show that should have been cancelled three seasons ago than a futuristic aircraft capable of teleporting human beings.
“Oh, no, no, no.” Villain jumped at Hero’s voice, and stumbled as their anchor let them go to run over to a wall.
Not a wall. A window.
Villain blinked.
A window that showed… Earth? No, that couldn’t be right. If they were looking at the earth, that could only mean...
“Shit, we’re already in orbit.” Hero said.
Villain blinked.
They were in space. Space. That was impossible, right? They couldn’t actually be in space. But here they were, staring at the little blue marble with their very own eyes. Was the room spinning? Or was it the spaceship?
Villain ran their hands through their hair.
They were in a spaceship. A spaceship. That was impossible, right? They couldn’t actually be in a spaceship. But here they were, having been abducted by the UFO just seconds ago. By what? Aliens?
Villain forced their gaze away to keep themself from spiraling, instead focusing on Hero, who has since moved on from the window to the numerous switches and lights, tapping the wall and looking at the symbols that popped up. Villain didn’t understand what Hero was trying to do, it wasn’t like they could understand what any of it meant.
Three deep breaths, and Villain made the best plan ever made in 24 seconds. They stepped up next to their nemesis.
Hero’s hand was covering their mouth, muttering something to themself, and clearly not paying attention. Nevertheless, Villain continued, “Now, as much as I hate to say it, I think we may have to work together to get back on Earth.” Truth be told, in any other circumstance, Villain would have been ecstatic to work with their nemesis. Whether to defeat a worse villain or take down some other hero that had become corrupt, they would have welcomed the opportunity wholeheartedly. 
Why? Well, Villain would argue that it was more interesting, that their relationship, and subsequent fights, would have more dramatic tension. Definitely not because of any other tension that may arise from spending time together.
Villain puffed out their chest, “Lucky for you, I have decided to put aside our differences, and your lack of charisma, to take the initiative and save us both from peril. Yes, this does go against my better judgement, and yes, it may possibly be my most difficult role to date, but if it means I get to go back home in time to watch my soaps, then it’ll be worth it.”
Hero finally turned towards them, “Do you ever shut up?”
“Only for dramatic effect.” Villain said with an award-winning smile, earning an eye roll and a huff of annoyance. “So… what do you think we should do?”
“I thought you said you’d take the initiative?”
“Yes, the initiative in proposing we work together.”
Villain held up their hands, “Hey, hey, before you go punching willy nilly, why don’t you tell me what you were doing over here? Get anything useful from the flashing green triangle you were poking at?” They would have teased more, but Hero’s lack of response made them move on. “What are you thinking?”
Hero’s eyes flickered to the wall and back to Villain. “You need to leave.”
Villain blinked.
“Well, obviously we need to escape. We were abducted!”
Hero shook their head, “No, you need to leave. I’ll stay, and deal with-”
“What? And how are you going to figure out how anything works, huh? Even if you do, why wouldn’t you just come back with me?”
“It’s not that simple, I can’t re-”
A low, loud beep interrupted the enemies, and Villain turned their head in time for a wall opposite the window to open up and let someone through. Someone distinctly… humanlike. 
The person, an older woman by the looks of it, smiled brightly and opened their arms. “ .·°¯°·.·° .·°° ?”
That was distinctly not humanlike. It was like hearing someone speak through water, and an undercurrent of static scratched the inside of Villain’s ears. 
The woman—were they even a person?—walked closer, and Hero quickly stepped in front of Villain, shielding them.
She paid no mind, however, and spoke again, “ .·°¯°·.·° .·°° ,” looking expectantly at Hero, who, after a moment of hesitation, stepped forward. Her smile widened, and Villain was hit with a sense of deja vu. She pulled Hero close, and, were they hugging? Why was Hero letting her? What was happening? 
The woman whispered something to Hero, but it wasn’t like Villain could understand even if they tried. Hero turned back to Villain, giving them an apologetic smile before, “ ° .·°° ° .¯ .”
Villain’s jaw dropped.
Hero was replying to the woman. Which meant they understood her. Which meant they knew whatever language was being spoken. Which meant… which meant… Why were they abducted in the first place?
The danger presented itself fully to Villain.
They had been taken off the face of the earth by their mortal enemy, or someone who was well acquainted with them, at the very least, and had no possibility of escape. Villain considered themself clever, but trying to figure out how alien—alien!—technology worked was beyond them. They had to rely wholly on Hero, who, although Villain was loath to admit it, hated their guts. Hero could be plotting in front of Villain right now and they would be none the wiser.
Hero wouldn’t do that. Villain tried to reassure themself, because Hero wouldn’t send them off with some unknown alien being. They’d want to arrest Villain proper, right? Arrest and put them in some high security cell they’d break out of a month later. It was their thing. Villain didn’t want their thing to end.
Villain shook their head, they’d have to examine and repress that particular line of thought later, because the woman was suddenly standing in front of them, startling Villain out of their thoughts. She reached out, clutching Villain's jaw with cold fingers, turning them this way and that. As if they were being studied. Was Villain wrong? Was Hero really getting rid of them?
“ ¯ .·°°·°¯ .” She said. Villain’s ears itched worse now that the woman was closer.
Maybe Hero thought they were doing Villain a favour, sending them off on an adventure, letting them create their own melodramatic space opera. Or maybe this was punishment for all the dated Space Trek references. Both were a possibility.
Familiar hands pulled Villain away from the woman and into Hero’s chest. They were not blushing.
“ .·° .¯°·°° !” Hero’s voice was raised, clearly upset at whatever the woman had said.
She, however, was unaffected by Hero’s outburst, gesturing between the two enemies with raised eyebrows, “ °·.°·.°¯°·. .” 
Hero shook their head, and Villain felt Hero’s grip tighten ever so slightly, “ °·.°¯ .·°°·.°°¯ .”
A strange noise came from the woman, sounding almost like… bubbles? It was clearer than the other times she spoke, and it was the way she moved that made Villain realize it was a laugh. She was laughing at Villain. Or Hero. Both?
Hero’s hands were shaking, and Villain couldn’t tell if it was with anger or fear. 
“ ·° .·° .” Hero was curt with her, and Villain recognized the tone from when they threatened to blow up City Hall. The tone that preceded their fights.
The woman seemed to recognize the tone as well, as she backed off a little, holding her hands up in a placating way. She gave Villain a small wave before nodding at Hero, “ ·.°.°¯°°¯° .· .·° .” and left, the wall closing up behind her.
The pair stood in silence.
Hero let go of Villain, letting them step away. Except, they didn’t. In fact, they did nothing of the sort. Villain spun on their heels and stepped forward, “What on ear–ugh, what just happened?”
“There, um, might be a slight problem.”
“Slight problem? You call this”—Villain gestured wildly around them, narrowly avoiding hitting Hero in the face—”a slight problem?”
Hero leaned away from Villain, avoiding their eyes.
“Care to explain? Anything? At all?”
“Where do I start?”
Villain’s theatrics, for once, wasn’t uncalled for. “Oh, I don’t know, how about the fact that we were abducted? That we are in space? Or, or!” Villain backed off, giving themself room to pace around the circular room and project their panic to an audience of one, “That there is an alien speaking to you, Hero, in an alien language, because no human could actually sound like that, acting like she knows you, and you, you reply to her? As if you know her too?”
“Yeah, that would be my… mother.”
“Your mother.”
Hero nodded.
“Your mother who lives in a spaceship. Who speaks an alien language.”
“Who is an alien.”
“Who is an alien.” It took a good second for the words to sink in. “Your mother is an alien?! Like, an alien from an alien planet?”
Hero nodded again.
Villain felt their brain short-circuit. “Does that mean…”
“That I’m an alien from an alien planet? Yes.”
Villain felt lightheaded. This was okay. This was manageable. This world-shattering, insane truth of the universe was perfectly manageable, and they were not going to spiral, not for one second. Deep breaths. One… two… three… Villain stopped pacing, facing Hero with the calmest expression the latter had ever seen on the former. “Okay, so now that you’ve had your nice little family reunion, we can go back, right?”
Hero’s face was a cross between a smile and a wince.
Villain’s expression twitched, but held firm, “And why not?”
“Well, my mother-”
“The alien.”
Hero tried not to get annoyed, but damn, did Villain make it hard. “Yes, my mother the alien. She, erm,” They groaned, covering their face with their hands, “She may have made a fundamental mistake about the nature of our relationship.”
“And what mistake would that be?” Villain grit their teeth.
“She may, perhaps, think that, we’re… dating.”
“Louder, Hero. Speak so everyone in the audience can hear you.”
“She thinks we’re dating!”
Villain blinked, completing the rule of thirds and simultaneously breaking their composure. So much for not spiraling. “Dating?” Their voice squeaked.
“Dating,” Hero nodded, “And-”
“There’s more?!” Villain turned away, back to pacing and practically pulling their hair out from the absurdity.
“And, the reason we can’t leave yet is because she invited us to dinner.”
Oh. Oh, no. Oh, no no no.
“What’s wrong? I thought you loved drama.” Hero said, failing to lighten the mood. “Aren’t family confrontations and misunderstandings the bread and butter of soap operas?”
“My love of drama left me when we left the atmosphere.” Villain glared at Hero with enough ferocity to start a fire.
Villain walked up to the walls, flicking the switches and turning the dials, to see if, miraculously, they could make the ship go back to the city. The lights blinked mockingly in response.
“Uh, Villain?”
“There doesn’t happen to be an escape pod on this ship, does there?”
“Unfortunately not.”
“We’re really going to have to do this, aren’t we?” Villain said, turning to face their nemesis.
“Unfortunately yes.”
Two enemies, both flushed head to toe from frustration and embarrassment, locked eyes.
And Villain, lover of monologues and soliloquies, came up with the most profound, most thought-provoking line they could think of.
“We’re so fucked.”
Hero was inclined to agree.
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cyclone-rachel · 4 years
If you made a squeal to paying the asking price (not saying you have to, but I’m curious) how you would rewrite season 3 with Brainy coming back.
Ooh. That’s a good question? And I’m not sure I would do a sequel, because if I did it would be pretty similar to the actual season 3 (since I did like most of it, aside from the love triangle). However:
In the first episode, the dream/vision Kara has is sent by Imra, who is a telepath in this version, foreshadowed by the planet Saturn being in the background as Kara reunites with Brainy and her mother. Here it would be something deliberate, using the information she has in the future of those most important to Kara, in order to give her hope and tell her (albeit subconsciously) that Brainy is not dead. Because Kara does not know her yet, she can’t appear in the visions herself, but she gives her a hint as to who is sending her the dreams and uses Brainy as a messenger of some sort to inspire Kara when she is at her lowest point.
(aka my theory from the actual season 3 when the premiere aired, that I for sure sent to Supergirl Radio back then.)
And maybe in 3x02 when she’s seeing herself trapped in a pod again, there’s foreshadowing there too? Like the planet Saturn pops up again, and she doesn’t think about it at the time. I’m not sure if I would have them show up earlier than episode 7, because that might not work with the story of the season, but I might also want to have Brainy reach out to Kara earlier. Even though I do like Kara working through her angst and trauma early in the season. That’s very good. (not sure if that would be as present here? Because she knows she’s sending him home? But then again she also doesn’t know if he’s going to make it, so it’s questionable)
I want Reign to have her sword earlier? But I’m not sure when exactly I would put it in. It just looks very cool and it would be neat/badass to see her forge it herself, or to see it presented to her by the Kryptonian witches. Or it’s in her pod? Or the cult guy finds it? I don’t know.
Cult guy can stay, he was interesting. And the former cult member girl that James befriends stays too.
Brainy is not married to Imra. Imra is in a poly relationship with the two other core Legion founders, and she is very happy. Also if they wanted to make her look Indian, she could have just been played by an Indian actress? So I would have that be a thing, in my version. Also I’m not sure which Legionnaires would be introduced? But here’s some fancasts: John Harlan Kim as Lightning Lad, Holly Deveaux as Dream Girl, Kimiko Glenn as Phantom Girl, Michael Seater as Invisible Kid, Summer Bishil as Saturn Girl, Aaron Pierre as Cosmic Boy, Jacob Batalon as Bouncing Boy
Superman shows up at some point, to reunite with some of his Legion friends and possibly to give Kara some advice, as he’s dealt with a guy he knew as Davis who was similar to Reign. But I’d still have Alex say what she did to Kara in 3x09, and 3x10 would be very similar to the canon episode because I love it so much. (In terms of Kara being in a coma, and Brainy helping her out of it by telling her what Alex would say. Also the Streaky scene in its entirety, it’s perfect and needs no improvements from me)
There’s obvious tension between the DEO and the Legion because Brainy is keeping secrets from them again (since we know he does respect the timeline and all here) although of course he is in on everything. When he would’ve returned to the future, after he was healed up he would find that while the AI plague his parents talked about wasn’t real, the Blight is, and of course he devotes his time to working on a way to fix it. But when he can’t find any solutions in the 31st century, he decides to go to the source of the problem, and either it’s the same deal as in canon and he puts everyone in cryo-sleep, or they arrive just a little bit early and they wait until the timeline says a spaceship is recovered from under the National City harbor.
Kenny isn’t dead, thank you. He’s kidnapped, or goes missing, but he’s not dead. That wasn’t necessary.
Kara and Alex go to Argo together, and there’s more of an exploration of Kara’s feelings about a part of her planet being preserved. Also because Sam randomly saw Alura in a vision, maybe Alura had a part in the Worldkillers’ creation?
We still get Space Granddad, he’s still a delight.
Not sure how I would tackle Maggie and Alex? Or James and Winn, for that matter. I’d just say that the latter couple is still going strong, and have them continue to work together, with similar emotional scenes in the second half of season 3 as we saw in episodes 14 and 16, at least.
Eve may or may not be working on something shady behind Lena’s back, or she inspires Lena to start working on something shady.
I would have some Kara and Brainy angst in addition to them being happy to see each other again, because of the keeping secrets and the difference in Brainy’s demeanor that the inhibitors have caused. But they work things out, and of course still love each other.
Also, there’s more depth with Brainy and Winn’s rivalry, which I did a whole separate post about.
Kara and Sam, as well as Sam and Alex, probably have more friendship scenes, and so do Lena and James. Maybe (since Jack in my fic isn’t dead) he and Lena begin to rekindle their relationship?
No fighting Nazis in the crossover. I don’t think that was necessary.
I would introduce the Kryptonian witches earlier too? Like that concept, have Sam be visited by their holograms too, or have Selena tell her about them. And have some kind of thing about their knowing magic and then Kryptonians being vulnerable to magic.
The Legionnaires’ costumes might be the same here? Except that Brainy’s costume is what we saw from him in 5x10 and 19, because again, it’s perfect. Although I don’t really see a reason why they would have darker costumes just because they’re in a Dark Future. Why not have them be symbols of hope, like the Super-cousins, with costumes to match?
Related: James gets a costume redesign.
I probably wouldn’t include the Bon Jovi thing from 3x10, but maybe Brainy does bring the 21st century things he discovered and came to love back with him to show his friends.
Kara gets a dog. Because she deserves it.
Fort Rozz’s malfunctions in 3x11 involve Indigo somehow.
I don’t know how I would change Morgan Edge?
I would keep the Alex and Ruby bonding, because that is adorable
The DEO doesn’t storm into Julia/Purity’s house
We see the game night with the Super-friends and the Legionnaires! Winn and Brainy play Trivial Pursuit as partners! It’s adorable!
Winn leaves and Brainy stays, like in canon. Also Winn mentions that Brainy’s chair in the Legion ship looks like an egg.
Kara speaks more Kryptonian
Lena doesn’t “outsmart” Brainy by taking control of the Legion ship when he leaves his chair in 3x17
someone points out Lena wearing dresses that are sometimes inappropriate for the settings she’s in
J’onn confesses his old secret
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karliesbuzzcut · 4 years
When art really speaks to you, pt. 1: fans that have their eyes wide open
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This was the ask that inspired the following TED talk.. which I think I’m going to divide into 2 or 3 parts, because I don’t want to overwhelm anybody. And by anybody I mean me. I’m a delicate soul. 
I know we keep pointing out how weird/fascinating/worrisome? it is for Kaylors to think T&K are communicating with them through coded messages. And for a while I almost understood where it came from. Taylor does like leaving Easter Eggs in her music videos, Instagram, etc. One, of course, could argue that an Easter Egg is not the same thing as a coded message. Pixar leaves Easter Eggs for past or upcoming movies, not a “I’m stuck in a loveless marriage, please send help” kinda thing. So I’d think the same logic would apply to Taylor... but what do I know. 
Nowadays, I can’t help but think of how basic it actually is? I mean, finding symbols and coincidences is Conspiracy Theory 101. You have triangles, 666, pizza; name the conspiracy and someone will give you a list symbols to look for. And you will find those symbols, whichever they are, and you will ignore all those times you found nothing. 
Our brains are wired to do just that. And all in all, finding patterns it’s a good survival instinct. The problem comes, I think, when we rely on it a little bit too much. When we give our brain way more credit than it deserves, without realising that our brain fucks up a lot. Ignoring that fact is how Conspiracy Theorists are born. And that’s not something I’m just pulling out of my cute little bum. It is believed that an easy way to predict if a person will believe a Conspiracy Theory or not, is to look at how much they rely on their intuition instead of the actual facts.
Back to the point. Looking for patterns is something we have been doing for a long time so, of course, we are going to take that tendency with us when we look at art. And that’s what I want to focus on in this 3 part series (yes, it’s three parts, I’ve decided it).
I’m aware that, in general terms, the Kaylor theory is most similar to theories like Larry and Camren. They all believe there’s a secret and gay love affair that has been oppressed by the music industry. They were born a few years ago, and coincide (sadly, for their followers) also on the lack of recent interactions between the parties involved.
I’ll admit I don’t know that much about Camren or Larry, but from what little I know, the belief of those two ships seems to, mostly, rest on interviews. Being that they were members of the same band, there’s a lot of footage for fans to dissect; to analyse secret brushes of skin and to look for sparks in their eyes. Arriving, then, to the same conclusion, not that “maybe they share a kind of friendship I’m unfamiliar with” or even “maybe they’re sexually attracted to each other because they are, well, humans, but also young and hot, with teenage hormones through the fucking roof”, nope. It’s undying love, period. And other than, Kaylors only having a few videos to work with, the logic is pretty much identical.
Probably it’s because we are talking about Taylor “storyteller” Swift, whose lyrics are famous for being personal, detailed and intimate (and fucking brilliant, if you ask me), that Kaylors base almost all of their current theories on these lyrics. Obviously, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with trying to know Taylor a bit better by paying attention to her lyrics. Quite the opposite. I think it’s a good exercise on empathy to try to understand an artist by analysing their art; matching, maybe, what we know about them: their age, their life’s experiences, their social economic class, etc. Basically anything that could guide us into answering why someone would feel a particular way and what drove them to express it in a certain style. This only becomes a problem when you decide that whatever prior knowledge you had about an artist is suddenly false and you’re going to uncover the truth through your interpretation of their art.
I don’t think I’m revealing new information by saying that art is extremely subjective... that’s the beauty of it, isn’t? Once a piece of art has been released into the world, it adopts a different meaning for each of us. That meaning will mostly reflect our vision of the world, not the artist’s. So, while looking for clues in a piece of art could be super fun, it’s also going to be extremely unreliable.
And not even a new concept at all.
Art (meaning: songs, books, paintings, etc) has conceived many conspiracy theories for hundreds of years. It’s not a Taylor-Swift-Easter-Eggs’ exclusive thing.
So, I went ahead and looked into many of these Pop Culture, art-inspired Conspiracies, because that’s my idea of a fun time. I selected a bunch that, either have some similarities with Kaylor, one way or another, or that I thought were somehow fun.
But that’s going to be all in the second part of this mini-series. I’m sorry I’ve pulled a Shane Dawson and just released an entry that only works as a long ass trailer for what’s to come. I knew I’d get carried away just introducing the subject... and I did. Wow. That’s a lot of text up there, how embarrassing.
I will leave you with this gem (that’s very on-topic, mind you) as an apology for blue-balling you ❤️
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sometimesrosy · 4 years
Do you remember writing a post about why you weren't worried about other romantic partners either Clarke or Bellamy had? I seem to remember you writing a very good post about not being worried about those other characters when it came to wanting Clarke and Bellamy together. If you don't remember could you tell me why it doesn't bother you when those other characters pop up. I'm trying to be less upset that a couple I'm following seem to be split up by other people lately.
I vaguely recall it. I’ve written stuff like that multiple times I think. 
I am not worried about Clarke and Bellamy’s other partners because the story (or one of the main stories) of The 100 IS Bellarke. Bellarke are soulmates and it is NOT platonic, as indicated by the narrative, symbolism, cinematography, dialogue, music, even the costumes. I Bellarke were a platonic soulmate team of leaders, then the other romances (especially in s5 and 6 but also in seasons 2-4) would have been treated differently. Almost all their other partners have been compared or referenced to Bellarke directly, and ALL of them have if you include indirect referencing. 
The story is ABOUT Bellarke. Bellarke is the main relationship and it includes feelings that are distinctly romantic, like attraction, longing, pining, jealousy, devotion, tenderness, and intimacy. You don’t have Clarke and Bellamy see the other being sexy/romantic with one of those other partners and get jealous if it is not romantic. 
The story is ABSOLUTELY about Bellarke. Bellarke has gotten more and more romantic as the seasons have passed. If the story weren’t about bellarke, I wouldn’t be sure. If Bellarke weren’t romantic, I wouldn’t be sure, because the finale of s5 would have had them achieving the goal of togetherness without romance, and therefore their relationships story would be over. It is, however, continuing on and getting deeper, isn’t it? 
I first realized that Bellarke was endgame after Hakeldama in season 3. I realized that the refrain of the show was that they could only succeed Together, and they were the Head and the Heart, neither of which works without the other. Unity is the point of the show. The leadership won’t succeed without either the head or the heart, but in terms of Bellarke, they NEED each other. 
The story is ABOUT bringing Bellarke together. Yes I’ve been wrong about when that endgame would come about. I didn’t know what kind of long form story they were telling. It was NOT one season. It was the whole series. I didn’t want Bellarke to have to wait until the finale season, but clearly this is what is happening. The whole story is an epic love story set in the apocalypse with our heroes saving the world and finding family, love, hope, faith, a reason to live and love. 
I did not worry about any of the side romances because in a story ABOUT one epic true love of soulmates, all interceding romances will be used as development, character development, plot development, romantic development... of Bellarke.
This is how you tell a love story. Two lovers meet, but circumstances keep them apart. The story is about HOW those two lovers finally get together, the side romances are part of the obstacles that they have to overcome in order to be together.
TBH, there was still some doubt that they were going romantic-- because they could always back out and change directions-- until Bellamy came back to earth with a girlfriend and THEN I was like, Hot Damn! They’re going love triangle. Because B/E was framed IN OPPOSITION to Clarke alone on earth waiting for Bellamy to come home to her, 2199 days of calls, 2199 days of longing. To put a ROMANTIC relationship in opposition to Bellarke meant that Bellarke had been moved into the romantic category.
You can NOT have a ship in a love triangle if it is platonic, because platonic is the ABSENCE of romantic or sexual feeling. If even ONE character has that longing then it’s not platonic, it’s pining or unrequited romance. A ROMANTIC relationship. As long as they framed Bellarke as romantic, that meant the story being told was NOT platonic and all the deep connection they had still had farther to go in their development and it was goign to romance.
Also, with the lack of development of B/E, that was honestly the final evidence that the side romances were not important. Bellamy was Clarke’s love interest from the end of season 4. 6 years separated, and BELLAMY was in her heart. Just like Clarke was in his head, but he thought she was dead. This is a classic romantic trope of a wife back from the dead, after the widower has moved on.
But the question is, WHO is the main romance and who is the obstacle romance. In this show, that is ABOUT The Head and The Heart, and continues building the closeness of Bellarke while just ASSUMING a relationship between B/E but not growing or developing or changing it. One relationship develops. The other does not, and in fact begins to fade away as B gives more atttention to Clarke and Echo spends more time working on herself. Oh hi, Ash, nice to meet you.
Last hiatus, people were like, Oh, Clarke will find someone else to hook up with and that will be her new love interest. And I was like, she might find someone to hook up with, but that will serve to show bellamy that he is INTERESTED in her romantically, as he will get jealous, but whoever that is will not be her “love interest” which is the character in the narrative that is the object of romantic affections. In other words, Bellamy was already her love interest, anyone else would be a romantic OBSTACLE. 
There is no love story without obstacles. Up until s5 and 6 all the obstacles to their relationship were political, physical, emotional, apocalyptic or whatever. In season 5 and 6, the obstacles became ROMANTIC OBSTACLES. Hot damn, it’s a romance genre story now.
That’s why the other romances don’t bother me. 
Love isn’t about One True Love and that’s the only person you’re allowed to love/kiss/boink. That concept is related to purity theories, which say a woman must have only one love and otherwise is useless, dirty, shameful. That concept is also related to disney movies in which the princess doesn’t even KNOW any men until she meets her prince, and that love story is happy ever after. This show does NOT practice any of those one true love concepts... or if it does, the one true love is Bellarke, and the loves before it were important and valid, but not soulmates.
However, in real life, nothing is that neat. I can tell you the narrative path of THIS show because they are following some tropes and archetypes that tell us what path they are following. Real life doesn’t have tropes or archetypes... or genres. The romance genre demands a Happy Ever After ending or the audience feels betrayed. The Apocalyptic Science Fiction genre does not, it demands death and destruction and fighting back against the end of the world, and either finding hope and rebirth, or doom and grimdark. It is still to be seen if Bellarke’s story is a romance genre story within the apocalyptic genre, but it does seem as if they are going with the hope in the darkness story rather than grim dark story. So this gives us some guidelines on what is happening.
All in all, I have faith in Bellarke as a love story because I’ve been following the story being told and the tropes and archetypes and genres that they use, and it says Bellarke is endgame. I couldn’t be sure about another story unless I pay attention to the tropes and archetypes and genres that they use. Also tv and movies are often sold out to hollywood, for cheap endings, so you always have to be aware that they might not be paying as much attention to story as you are. It’s much easier to analyze things once they are already done, than as they go along. TV shows can change. Also most TV shows don’t have a long term, novelistic story going on, like The 100 does. If you’re looking to find faith in a ship you follow on tv or the movies, you have to search for the clues in the story that the writers are telling, and even that may be screwed when it comes down to it. I would not be so sure about Bellarke if I weren’t sure that JR was telling one cohesive 7 season story. Most shows don’t do this. If you can’t find a way to lower your anxiety about this couple, then I actually suggest not wanting it so much. Let go of your attachment a little. It’s ok. You can love something without NEEDING it. 
If the couple you’re following is in real life, I can’t give you hope that they’ll survive, because real life doesn’t have a narrative, an author, a genre, symbolism, cinematography, a musical score, or an ending. You might be able to see symbolism or a thread of a narrative or cause and effect AFTER things happen, but it is exceedingly hard to predict how relationships will end up in real life, whether they’ll be happy, if what appears beautiful on the outside is actually toxic in private.
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16; Going Up?
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In which you recall that one time you were trapped in an elevator with Yoongi and you bond over jello shooters and Eminem (and other American rap artists)
idol!Jimin x staff!reader ft. the origins of bestie!Yoongi
genre: fluff, comedy, slice of life
word count: 8.4k
A/N: I feel like I’ve neglected this AU and its sort of ‘story building’ 😅😅😅 So in this AU’s episode, we get something of an origin story that kinda...falls under a filler....ahhh sorry but it was definitely an idea/episode that I had in mind for this AU XD Note; this takes place still in the early stages MC crushing on Jimin
Some Time Ago
 It creeps up on you before you can stifle it.
 A monstrous yawn erupts from you and almost tears your mouth wide open from the intensity of it, so much so that you decided not to stop the gargling groan that follows afterwards (not like you think you could anyways). Oh well, you thought, the office is near empty and there’s hardly anyone around and if they were, they’d be plugged into their monitor too busy to care how unlady-like that was of you.
 You throw your hands up in a big stretch, hearing your joints crack here and there. You slump back in your seat once you’re satisfied in working out the kinks and stiffness of your limbs, tired. Your eyes drift towards the digital clock on your computer screen and you nearly bash your head against the desk at what you saw; 2:30AM. You should long be at home by now, in bed, asleep. But no, it was one of those nights — the ones where there’s a mountain of things to be done and despite going at it for more than eight hours long, you feel like you hadn’t even made a dent in it.
 Running a hand through your hair, you lean back against your desk chair until your gaze is up towards the ceiling, feeling yourself slowly fall into the pit of dissociating. You would think going through one comeback would be enough to harden and prepare you for the ones to come after, but you work for BigHit Ent. and that meant that they just love to keep you on your toes. You wanted to cry when they had announced that the date had been moved forward — earlier than what was planned because apparently it was possible to do so.
 They weren’t wrong about it, but that didn’t mean you wouldn’t internally dislike it the entire way. Schedules are moved, deadlines are shifted and your perfectly organized plan of getting stuff done on time is thrown out the window and with it, your sleep.
 Such is the life of one who works in the entertainment industry. It’s not as glamorous when you’re behind the scenes, even more so when you think about whom you’re working with too.
 You honestly lost track of how many times you’ve heard from friends and family alike that you were extremely lucky to be working with arguably the biggest K-pop group in the world. Though you do agree that you are indeed lucky, it’s by no means because you get to see them every day — that is far from the truth. What many don’t understand is that the boys are shipped around on the daily with their own schedules, packed to the very last millisecond that you think they’re not even in the country half of the time, let alone have ever stepped foot in the office for more than a day.
 And even if they do, at least four of the seven of them would be holed up in their respective studios. That’s why seeing them around the office has become more of a paranormal activity event; you never quite believe your own eyes when you see what you think might be Namjoon slinking into the kitchenette area to grab a coffee.
 You blink hard, willing away the cloud of drowsiness to overtake and blur your vision; you have so much work to do still.
 Your mouth tugs down into a cartoonishly deep frown as you inwardly sob; you have so much work to do still…!
 So like the responsible adult you are, you straighten up, stand and then proceed to walk to the communal kitchenette. Hey, you’ve been seated for over five hours, your ass is sore and if you’re going to be sitting for another three or four, you deserve a pick-me up.
 Your heels clack against the tiled floor as you make your way, the sound echoing more now that the building is near empty. It’s a little unnerving but the bright decor and well-lit halls made it better. As you push open the door, the motion sensor lights trigger to reveal the spacious room designated for a small lounging area, a fridge, a sink, some counter space and of course, the assortment of electronics to make hot beverages.
 You stare at your options but not in a way where you’re trying to decide whether you wanted to have tea or coffee. It’s more like you’re a Sim and your command got cancelled and now you’re just standing there, staring vacantly with a buffering symbol above your head. God, you need sleep.
 Your eyes inadvertently drift to the long, black sofa that’s two steps away from you. Its plush cushion are inviting but you know that if you lie down now, you’re not gonna get up again. The reality of the thought saddens you. Reluctantly, you drag your longing gaze away and back on the matter at hand: to make coffee or tea? Or perhaps….
 You shuffle to the fridge and pull it open, scanning the contents to find…nothing. Just a handful of water bottles, a half empty bottle of coke and three cans of energy drink. A heavy sigh leaves your lips but what did you expect. The thought crosses your mind; maybe you should do a convenience store run? Not the healthiest option you know, however, 1) you need an energy boost and 2) it’s like your mind had just slipped a hint to you that you probably need to take a walk and the prospect of snacks is a way to motivate you to do it.
 Decisions, decisions….
 Why is adulting so hard?
 With another sigh, you turn to head back to your cubicle to grab your purse and coat before you decide to change your mind. There’s a slight chill in the air when you step outside of the office building, making you stuff your hands in your pockets and hunch up your shoulders but you don’t dwell on it too long. You were determined to make quick work on this trip as you set your course with fast strides. You make it to the 24-hour convenience store in half the time Naver said it would take.
 You browse around the different sections, taking in the assortments of candies, snacks, and lunch packs. You grab a couple of Hi-Chews, bags of chips and two kimbap triangles before making your way over to the drinks. You stand for a few seconds, eyes scanning over the selection before ultimately settling on a vanilla latte carton (two because you know you’re gonna need it). When you’ve just about pulled yourself away from the verge of splurging any more, your feet stops short at the cash register. The vibrant red-topped lid of a decent sized plastic jug catches your attention, eyes zeroing in on the large bright letters that adorn the wrap around it; lychee jelly fruit bites.
 You inwardly groan — the mere sight of them drudges up nostalgic memories of your childhood gobbling those down and when you got older, you’ve been blessed with the knowledge that popping these babies into the freezer and taking them out just enough to let them thaw gave you the sweetest, satisfying balance of texture and taste anyone could ask for; especially during hot summer days.
 Ah, fuck it. Your hand is grasping the handle of the lid before you realize it. Now you’re done your food raid. The cashier rings you up, thankful that he’s a little too out of sorts (no doubt from the late shift) to judge you for your childish and deplorable food choices. You head on you way after a small nod and thanks, plastic bags of goodies clutched in hand, only to scowl a little when the doors slide open to reveal a slight drizzle had started. You carelessly throw your hood over your head though it does nothing but flops over your eyes, making it hard for you to see.
 You huff in annoyance but proceed to power walk down the street towards the office again. There’s hardly anyone out so late at night anyways, especially now with this weather so you make it back with no trouble (though damper than you would have liked). You shake your hood off, cringing when you feel raindrops splatter across the floor and your face and attempt to smooth out your hair, which has started to curl thanks to the added moisture.
 You trek your way back towards the elevator, hitting the button and as you wait, you fuss more with your hair until you ultimately give up on it (it’s 3am, who’s gonna be here to witness this disaster?)
 The elevator arrives and you slip into the lift as the door parts. As you press the close button, a shadow-like mass rushes forward and nearly causes you to actually pee yourself. You visibly jump — violently, to the point where you jostle your bag and jar of jellies loudly. You gather yourself, senses on high alert and eyes frantically zero in on this intruder to assess if they were a threat or not but before you throw yourself into a panic, a deep grumbling tone stops you.
 “Ah, my apologies.”
 It gives you pause because…they sound familiar — this unmistakably male voice that has this gravelly undertone sounds suspiciously like a certain rapper….
 Your eyes do a once over on this figure, taking in their own much more damp (was it raining harder? You’re so out of it) black sweat pants, black oversized hoodie, black baseball cap and black face mask that’s currently slightly pulled down to reveal the beginnings of slightly thin lips, pale skin and a button nose….
 “Ah….” You only manage to get out in realization because now you’ve put a name to this face and voice. It makes you relax a little, having known now that this is someone who you’re fairly familiar with. But then your mind starts to spazz out with thoughts like ‘you might know him but does he even know you?’, ‘should you say hi? It’s only polite to right?’, ‘oh my God is he actually even standing in front of you right now because you swear he’s supposed to be in another country….’, ‘oh God he’s looking! Say something!’
 You already feel your face flushing from embarrassment as he peers at you through the brim of his hat, already bracing yourself for an awkward encounter where he doesn’t even kn —
 “Y/N-ssi correct?”
 Oh wow.
 You blink, surprise taking over your face without it meaning to. You definitely did not expect someone like Suga, an A-List celebrity of the biggest boy band in Korea (and very much on the way to being the world) to recognize you, some generic office worker that happens to be in the same company as him. Granted you’ve ‘met’ the members on separate occasions, but only because you had to pass off paperwork, memos and, the super rare chances, running into them in the communal kitchen area. The only recollection of your meeting with the rapper before this moment was actually the time where it was your first day in the office, being completely lost and running into him only to run away from him and then only for him to find you awkwardly doing laps trying to get to where you need to be (he was gracious enough to direct you in the right direction but that did not mean you didn’t want to just jump out the nearest window afterwards).
 Thinking back on it now, you suppose that did make for a rather unforgettable impression on a person. You inwardly groan but quickly snap out of your self-loathing when you realize that you’re spacing out.
 “Y-Yes!” You wince at the unintentional rise in volume, immediately feeling the heat rising to your cheeks and causing you to clamp down on your mouth. The rapper doesn’t seem to notice or at least, has chosen to not comment on it. Instead, he nods once before pressing the button to the correct floor of the BigHit office space, finally allowing the elevator (which had remained closed but not moving) to start up in its ascent. Silence envelopes the both of you again, and you can’t help but bring your hands together in front of you to fidget nervously with the bag handle, eyes firmly glued to watching the levels climb. For absolutely no reason at all, you get in your head on how awkward this all must be — you feel like you should try to make conversations with Yoongi right now because you both work in the same company but you know next to nothing about him (and you’re pretty sure vice versa). Plus, you’re horrible with small talk; keeping even a simple conversation about the weather is a struggle for you.
 But as luck would have it, the universe answers your worries and anxieties…. in the most unconventional way possible.
 You’re knocked out of your swirling thoughts of social dilemmas when you hear the constant sounds of the electrical hum decrease, like it was powering down instead of up — immediately followed after with the dimming of the elevator lights. You stop breathing for a split second as you’re suddenly plunged into darkness, only to have your heart lurch up as the lights, as quickly as they had went, jump back to life. Before you could let out a breath of relief, the lift jerks to a stop altogether. Your eyes fly to the digital panel up top, usually displaying the appropriate floor levels but as you register the number, your stomach simultaneously plummets.
 The numbers do not match BigHit’s office. Instead, they were one floor below your destination. You wanted to cry — what were the chances?
 “Huh…” You hear a chuff of disbelief that reflects your inner feelings coming from beside you. Stiffly, you turn your gaze to the man who seems way too relaxed at the notion that you’re both very likely trapped in an elevator right now. Your gaze shoots to Yoongi briefly, managing to only see his mouth was slightly agape in a curling open-mouthed smile before he says, “Well, isn’t this unbelievable?”
 You’re not sure if that’s directed to you or he’s just talking to himself but a grimace makes its way onto your face by the comment nonetheless. You’re pretty sure the both of you had not planned on getting trapped in an elevator tonight but here you are…
 You watch as Yoongi pulls out his mobile from his pocket, sliding the lock open with quick and nimble fingers to likely make a call to building management. It prompts you to gather your own wits, and immediately you do the logical thing that anyone trapped an elevator would do; smash the designated panic button.
 It gives no indication on whether or not it’s functional however, the soft click the only sound it gives off. You swear its supposed to do something else like…. buzz or beep maybe — wasn’t it supposed to ring the intercom to alert building management? You press it a few times, all of which result in the same, unresponsive manner and it makes your palms start to get a little clammy.
 “Is it not working?”
 You jerk away at Yoongi’s gravelly tone, wide eyes darting to him. He stares at you questioningly, the slight tilt of his head back allowing you to finally catch a glimpse of his dark, eyes that remind you a lot of a fox…. or a cat.
 “I don’t — I don’t know….” You murmur, gaze drifting back to the button in question and you prod at it a few more times to show him what it’s doing instead. “Like, is it supposed to make a noise if it is? Do you think maybe it got short-circuited from the power flux? Maybe…? I don’t know….” Your voice drifts off into a quiet rambling of your thoughts, almost like you’re spiraling into the depths of despair at your situation.
 You hear him hum in response, regardless of your indecipherable mumbling. “I tried calling the building management office — no one picked up which means whoever is there must’ve stepped out.”
 “…. Oh.”
 “I’ll try again later. But for now….” He peers around the small space, shoving his hands into his pockets. “Looks like we’ll be stuck.”
 You could only nod, accepting defeat; you figured it could be worse. Absently, you see Yoongi shuffle over to the far corner of the lift, sliding down onto the floor and settling into the nook while pulling out his phone. Watching him get comfortable, it makes you consider doing the same since…. well, there’s not much else to do. So you move on over to the opposite corner, mirroring the rapper. A quiet lull falls over you both as Yoongi preoccupies himself with his phone, leaving you to your own devices — which aren’t much. It’s no surprise that you find yourself also pulling out your mobile from your purse, clicking it awake and you nearly bemoan the sight of the time: 3:26AM.
 You don’t know whether to grieve for the loss of work you could’ve got done, the sleep you’re losing out on, or how this is all going to mess up your entire sleep schedule altogether. You’re already getting a headache just thinking about it all. And evidently, that’s not the only thing about you that’s disturbed; your stomach gives off an obnoxiously loud growl. In the small space, the sound seems to reverberate off the walls like you were in an empty cathedral. Your face immediately flushes with heat, teeth instantly gnawing on your bottom lip and you dare not look over to see if Yoongi had heard but you get your answer anyways when you hear his unmistakable low rasp, tinged with concern.
 “Did you not eat yet?”
 When you glance at him, you find his eyes already looking your way and it makes you redden till the tips of your ears.
 “Ah…Um…Yeah I was gonna eat these…” You slightly lift the bag up in your lap but at the gesture, it only makes Yoongi look at you dubiously, an eyebrow no doubt raised even if you can’t see it.
 “Did you…. actually eat anything before that?”
 Your mouth opens to respond on instinct to say ‘yes’, but then you hesitate because…. did you eat a proper meal before this? You remember you ate…. something but you can’t remember if it was a full meal or some packed lunch from the convenience store meant to make you full and keep you going. You shake your head to rid of the thought and refocus on the actual question Yoongi asked.
 “Yeah…. I did. This is just a late….” Late was an understatement, it’s practically morning now and you shouldn’t even be eating. So you correct yourself lamely. “Morning…. snack?”
 He blinks, staring silently at you for a moment before a small twinkle of amusement reaches his eyes. He masks it well enough, as he doesn’t pry anymore, instead nodding his head towards your bag. “You should eat then. It must’ve been a while since your last meal.”
 You nod shyly but hesitate on his suggestion. It feels weird to be the only one eating in this situation…. like you feel you should be rationing things out or…. maybe you should also offer him something to eat too. Who knows how long you two will be stuck here. The thought makes you involuntarily shudder. Slowly, you pull the bag open and peer into it, spying the kimbap triangles. You take one out but then your eyes wander over to Yoongi again. He’s on his phone, perhaps trying to get in touch with the building management office again. It makes you flounder on what you wanted to do. So awkwardly, you sit and peel away at the wrapper as slowly as you can while still glancing at Yoongi every once in a while like a creep (but you swear you’re not).
 He seems to have gotten through (thank god) and after a brief chat; he hangs up and turns to you. You try to act normal, eyes taking on a curious look to mask the fact that you’ve been staring at him for the past few minutes as he updates you.
 “Mr. Lee from building management says he’ll get this sorted out as quickly as he can. It might be a while since there’s not many people on hand to help but we should be out within the next hour or so.”
 You nod, making an ‘oh’ with your mouth but nevertheless, glad to hear that you won’t be starving yourselves in an elevator lift all day. With nothing more to report, Yoongi begins to slip back to browsing his phone when you decide to shoot your shot.
 “Suga-ssi…..” It comes out so softly that you think he won’t hear it. He does though, dark eyes turning to blink at you questioningly. “Would you…like some? I have a lot of stuff in here…” You fiddle with the plastic of the bag as if to make a point. A corner of his mouth tugs up along with the slight crinkle in his eyes but he shakes his head, holding up a hand.
 “I’m fine, you should eat.”
 You still feel unsure, so you compromise in a last ditch effort. Taking the black plastic bag from your lap, you settle it to the side closest to the rapper, inching it towards the centre of the space between you two. He perks up a little at your action, intrigued so you hastily provide a reason.
 “I really do have a lot in here! So if you feel hungry or thirsty, you’re more than welcome to take something since…. well, we really don’t know what an ‘hour or so’ would actually turn into right…?”
 “No I’ll be okay, really.” He says while giving you a reassuring smile.
 You go to protest but your pounding heart and nerves get the best of you, making you clamp your mouth and worry your bottom lip instead. You give a relenting nod, sitting back to fiddle more with your kimbap triangle wrap with one last defeated mumble.
 “If you’re sure….”
 You finally take the first bite of the seaweed covered rice ball and nearly moan out at the rich, delicious flavours that burst onto your tongue. If your mother could see you now, she’d be scolding you to the heavens for the amount of convenience store junk food you’ve indulged in the past month but really though, who could resist something that tastes this good? The kimbap is gone in a snap, you having underestimated your hunger and now you find yourself conflicted in whether or not to grab another. No, you tell yourself, you can’t; how embarrassing would that be especially after making a show of offering some to Yoongi?
 You’re still undeniably hungry though….
 In your midst of debating with yourself, your eyes have strayed over to the red-topped container that’s still resting in front of you, momentarily forgotten. Immediately, you brighten up. Yes, your jello shooters! It might not be the most ideal food to go for next in the face of hunger but you can stave it off with munchies like these. Mind made up, your hand grasps the lid, grip hard as you twist but the plastic doesn’t give as easily as you had thought. Leaving you no choice, you bring the entire jar into your arms to get a better hold at opening it. Your struggles (as discreet as you try to make it) go by unnoticed.
 “Are those….jello shooters?”
 Your head whips up to Yoongi who stares at you with clear amusement in his eyes. You blush, pausing in your quest to free the jelly goodness.
 “I haven’t had those in….” He tilts his head in thought, arms crossing as he sucks in air between his teeth. “Nine years…? Maybe more than that; I was very little when I ate those…”
 “Yeah…. Same…” Your answer comes out in a mixture of uncertainty and a bit of confusion. “Just…kinda had a craving…and impulse buying.”
 Yoongi nods, “I remember the mini ones, with different flavours of fruit in them. The ones that don’t come in that jar.”
 “Ah…yeah I know what you’re talking about.”
 “My mom would always scold me for eating too much of those. But they were good.”
 At this point, you can’t help but feel a bit taken aback by the sudden flow of conversations. You don’t mean to be but this is all quite new to you. On top of not seeing them that often or having any opportunities to work closely with them, you’ve never really talked to any of the boys before unless it was work related. And as much as you are a fan of them before coming to work for the company, you’ve always had this image about them that seems untouchable, like they live in their own little bubble that not just anyone can enter. So you never tried, too intimidated and having no substantial reason to; you’re just an office worker.
 But sitting here now, just the two of you, you’re starting to see that the possibility of being friends with one of them is not entirely impossible after all. At least with Yoongi, considering he even remembers your name. It’s enough encouragement for you to relax and engage in the conversation a little.
 “…I didn’t really like those….” You reply in tentative honesty. “I prefer these ones instead.”
 Yoongi’s attention goes to the jar you still have wrapped up in your arms trying to get the lid off. He’s about seconds away from asking you if you needed help when you finally twist the damn thing off with a loud jostle, nearly sending its contents flying; you catch the few stragglers on your lap.
 You let out a huff of air, sheepishly turning back to Yoongi who only smiles at you. You place the extra shooters back into the tub until you have two left in your hands.
 “It’s lychee jelly with a coconut cube in the middle.” You gesture to them. Yoongi looks intrigued and to your astonishment, he wordlessly holds out a hand towards you. It catches you off guard for a second before you maneuver the jello shooter in your hand, tossing one to him in an underhand throw. He catches it with ease.
 “Ah…” He lets out in recognition. “I know these too.” You watch him peel the seal off and effortlessly suck the sweet treat out of its container. He nods to himself in approval as he chews. “Tasty.”
 The comment makes you smile as you begin to peel your own. “Have you tried them when they’re half frozen?”
 “These? You can freeze them?” He sounds genuinely amazed.
 “Yeah, if you put them in the freezer but take them out to thaw for a bit, they get a nice slushy feel to them. It’s especially good in the summer.” You inform before popping your own in your mouth. Yoongi hums impressed, nodding to himself again as if to take note before casually leaning over to rummage through your appointed communal snack bag. Unknowingly, your smile begins to grow at the sight.
 The conversation naturally drifts to reminiscing about snacks you ate as a kid and it’s where Yoongi divulges from you that you’re both the same age, eyes widening at the discovery and even more so when you tell him that your birthdays are within the same month (twelve days apart, with Yoongi being the earliest. He gets a little smug at that). Gradually, you find out that you have a lot in common with the rapper, from being the youngest in your family to having more introvert tendencies. Formalities drop slightly from there; he insists that you can call him by his first name instead of his stage name but the dam really breaks when the topic of music is brought up.
 “No way.” Yoongi guffaws. By now you’ve both downed half of the lychee jelly tub, another kimbap triangle and have decided to sip casually at the lattes you’ve bought. At first the rapper wrinkled his nose at the drink, too sweet for his taste but when you tell him that he doesn’t have to drink it (as well as apologizing for not getting an Americano), he ignores you and continues to anyways.
 You can’t hide the embarrassed grin on your face. “Yes, I really did listen to 50 cent.”
 “No way!” He repeats himself except this time it gets lost in a bout of throaty laughter, his gummy smile making its first appearance. When he calms himself enough, he asks with unabashed expectancy. “Name some of his songs then.”
 You don’t hesitate. “In da club, Many Men, Window Shopper, 21 Questions….” The more you list off his songs, the more Yoongi is losing his shit, wheezing and silently laughing until his eyes are disappearing. You get bashful, fidgeting with an empty jello shooter cup in your hand. “What? It was a middle school phase…” You defended weakly.
 “No, no, no it’s not that.” Yoongi reassures, wiping the corner of his eyes. “I just didn’t— To be honest you don’t look like someone who would listen to that kind of music; I’m amazed.”
 You let out a breath through your nose but take no offence to the comment. Though you’ve outgrown your own hip-hop warrior phase, taking on a more preppy, chic sort of fashion, you admit, you still enjoy those oldies.
 “Who else did you listen to? Eminem?” He asks eagerly. You nod at that too, recalling the names of the rapper’s best-hit songs easily.
 “Without me, Mockingbird, Lose Yourself, Real Slim Shady….” You tilt your head in thought, trying to think of the other artists you listened to back in middle school. “Listened to a lot of Jay Z, Dre, Ja Rule, Busta Rhymes, Notorious BIG, Bone Thugz N Harmony, T.I….”
 “Oh my God….”
 “Yeah…. It was— it was quite the phase.”
 He’s quietly laughing again, eyes shining through the crinkled crescent shapes they’ve become before breathing out a single, “Wow…”
 You give a wry smile, taking a sip from your carton of latte as you try to ignore your burning cheeks. After a moment, Yoongi says, “At least you’ve got good taste.”
 “…. Thanks. I guess.” You chuckle. He goes to say something else but there’s an abrupt ringing coming from his phone. Both of your attentions lock in on the device and he casually picks it up to answer the call.
 “Hyung…” Yoongi interrupts Seokjin who’s clearly the person on the other line; yes he’s that loud that you could tell even from where you sat. The rapper shoots you an apologetic look and you nod in understanding before turning away to give him some privacy. You busy yourself with gathering most of the food wrappers and pocketing the small snack packs into your purse, save for your other pack of strawberry Hi-Chews, which you decide to offer to Yoongi instead. The call ends, as there is a shudder in your lift, you leap with a startled yelp as the lights shut off. Before the panic in you can rise to its full metre, they’re on again and they remain stable. You feel the familiar pull of the elevator as you let out a shaky breath of relief. It only lasts a short second, then it stops and the doors chime open, letting you get a glimpse of the familiar office floor for what seems like the first time since forever.
 “Sorry about the wait! Are you two alright?” A middle-aged man greets you before you can get a word out first. You can only presume this is Mr. Lee from building management, judging by the uniform he’s wearing as well as the two men beside him being his colleagues. You nod your head, squinting at the harsh lighting. You hear shuffling from beside you and see Yoongi getting up with a slight stumble. He finishes up his call, addressing Mr. Lee with a toothy smile.
 “Yeah, we’re fine. Just worn out from the…adventure.”
 Mr. Lee smiles, chuckling lightly at his response before gesturing for you both to exit. “The elevator bugged out when the electrical surge happened. All it needed was a power reset; it should be working fine but we just want to make sure so we’ll be doing maintenance on it. So if you please exit the elevator, we’ll be putting it out of order now.”
 “Ah yes, of course.” You reply, shuffling to gather your things to stand. A hand reaches out for you and glancing up, you find its Yoongi. You smile, taking his larger hand to let him pull you up — except it’s not a smooth pull upwards as you had thought. Yoongi tugs and you try push yourself up at the same time to let the momentum carry you but all it results in is the two of you nearly toppling each other over. A grunt escapes you as you try to muscle through the numbness your leg has taken on from falling asleep, hearing a few joint crack here and there, followed by Yoongi who lets out a choked, straining noise from the back of his throat. You try very hard to hold back the wheezing laugh threatening to escape you as well; this whole thing makes it sound like you’re both well into your nineties instead of being born in the nineties.
 With a sheepish bow, you bid the maintenance crew goodbye as you and Yoongi make your way back to the main hallways of the offices, while you’re sure he’ll be heading back to his studio.
 “You should go home to rest for the day, come back when you’re better rested in the afternoon.” You hear his drawl. He’s right, you think, even if you’re certain that the both of you are no strangers to pulling all nighters, it doesn’t make it any less healthy and for the most part, you do try to avoid it if you so can help it. His concern makes you smile back at him.
 “Yeah, that sounds like something I should do. But I don’t know…. I had a lot of work to get done still, the comeback being so close and all….”
 “You should at least freshen up and try to get two or three hours of sleep still.” He admonishes gently, stopping in his tracks at a fork in the hallway. It makes you stop as well from continuing forward where your cubicle is. “Otherwise, you’ll burn yourself out before you know it.”
 Says the man who practically lives in his studio, you chide silently at him but you digress. Instead you choose to give him a rather loaded look that clearly conveys your thoughts that he should practice what he preaches. He picks up on it, the corner of his mouth tugging and he crosses his arms with a shift of his weight on one leg.
 “I have a couch to nap on in my studio and all my essential toiletries are there too so I’m covered.”
 You let out a small snort — you honestly don’t doubt that so that means he’s got you beat. Still, you’re just as stubborn as they come and you personally don’t even know if your reporting manager will allow you that half day (yes, even when you have the legit reason of being trapped in an elevator for two hours after already staying past ‘working hours’. When there’s work to be done, it needs to get done).
 “I don’t know if my manager will allow me a half day.” You bring up but Yoongi brushes it off with ease, shaking his head.
 “I’ll let them know about it, don’t worry. You just worry about resting enough to come back.”
 You sigh heavily, head falling back at his tenaciousness. It seems like you’ve met your match, even though you find it very sweet of him to care about your well being (while disregarding his own). If this was Min Yoongi’s tactic to wear you down and get you to agree with him, then it’s clearly working because you’re starting to feel the fatigue creep up on you, slowly but surely the longer you stand passive-aggressively arguing with each other in the middle of the hallway. Coincidentally enough too, you see the beginning rays of the sunrise peeking through the window at the end of the hall over Yoongi’s shoulder.
 As if sensing your waning strength, Yoongi gets the last word in, “I hate to say this, but I’ve been here longer than you have so that technically makes me your sunbae.”
 And that really does leave no room left for argument. So with much reluctance, you acquiesce, slumping your shoulders in defeat.
 “…. Fine.”
 He gives a satisfied nod, turning his body to head of in the direction of his studio. “Good. Enjoy your rest, I’ll see you around okay?” He begins to saunter off but you call out to him again.
 The rapper stops, tilting his head. You take the time to draw out the Hi-Chew pack you saved, tossing it to him. It arches nicely in the air, allowing him to catch it with ease.
 “I hope you can get some rest too.” You say sincerely. “You’ve worked hard.”
 He smirks but doesn’t say anything, only raising the candy pack you gave him in thanks before turning around and walking off again, head bobbing to the rhythm of the distinct waddle he has. You shake your head, finding yourself not being surprised of his enigmatic answer but you trust that he’ll know when to stop and take a breath when he needs to.
 Alone in the empty hallway, you resume your trek back to your desk, gather your things and leave a sticky note explaining as best you can why you won’t be present until well into the afternoon. Deep down, you’re still a little doubtful that you’ll get the slide from your manager but the need for a power nap and a quick shower wins out; you’ll take the chances.
 By the time it hits 2:30pm, you’ve arrived back at the office, refreshed and ready to work with, surprisingly, not a single peep of complaint sent your way. You smile to yourself in both disbelief but glad to know that you might have a start of a great friendship.
 Some Time Later
 “Hey loser, I bought you lamb skewers.”
 You let out a huff of air as you turn to eye the white takeout bag being placed on the island counter. Glancing upwards, you raise an eyebrow to the deliverer of the savoury treat.
 “It’s like….” You pause, your eyes flit to the clock for a second. “2AM. Isn’t it a little late for lamb skewers?”
 “Never late for lamb skewers.” The rapper grins, already untying the knot on the plastic. “And I just managed to catch the owner before they were closing too so these are still hot.”
 As the knot comes undone, the succulent smell of marinated, grilled meat wafts into the air and reflexively, you swallow, already salivating. You hate that he’s right and the late night munchies in you rears its gluttonous head. Placing your mug of milk tea down, you eagerly watch as Yoongi pulls out the foam box, packs of sauce and pickled radish sides.
 “Want some iced coffee?” You ask. He hums in reply and you set to work on getting a cup and the Nespresso going. After replacing the pod and pushing the button, you let the machine run its course, turning back around to already see Yoongi with a skewer in hand taking his first bite. He nods to himself, clearly happy.
 “So how’d the recording go?” You go to ask as you pick up a skewer to take a bite. Yoongi lets out a grumble in reply and you incline your head, urging him to elaborate on his grievance.
 “It went well, but it wore me out. I couldn’t get the pronunciation right on this one line so I did around twenty take for it.”
 “Wow… That sounds brutal.” You grimace.
“Yeah…. But it turned out good.” He says around stuffed cheeks, tearing open the pickled radish pack and popping one in with a satisfying crunch.
 “That’s good. I can’t wait to hear it then.” You praise, tearing off the last chunks of meat from your wooden skewer, turning around to toss it into the trash bin behind you. Grabbing the cup of brewed coffee, you open the fridge to grab a handful of ice cubes to add in before passing it off Yoongi. “You’ve worked hard.”
 “Thanks, friend.” He takes the offered cup, exaggerating his smugness as he takes a sip. You roll your eyes but can’t keep the smile from taking over your face. As you go to close the freezer door, you gasp.
 “Oh! My jellos.”
 You pull out the familiar plastic jar of lychee jello shooters, that are now, for the most part, frozen. You take them out and place them on the counter with the intent to let them thaw a little.
 “Wow, I haven’t seen those since that time we were stuck in the elevator.” Yoongi chuckles, mouth wide in a gummy smile as he eyes the container. “You’ve frozen them this time.”
 “Yeah, you need to try one of these when they’ve thawed out enough.” You adamantly say, grabbing for another skewer and chowing down some more. By the time you’ve finished the box, the jello shooters have come down to a reasonable density that wasn’t akin to an ice cube. Pulling two out, you give one to Yoongi’s awaiting hand.
 “Are they really that good when they’re frozen?” He picks at the seal while simultaneously flicking off the condensation that clings to the small plastic cup.
 “I think they have a really nice texture when they’re frozen on the outside but soft on the inside.” You struggle to find a good grip on your own and resort to using your teeth to peel the seal back. After a beat, you jokingly add on, “Like you.”
 “Ha. Ha. More like you.”
 You grin toothily but manage to successful tug your shooter open. You pull the rest of it off with your finger, wide enough so that you can suck the sweet treat out. The cold stings your tongue briefly before you crush the jello cube and let the slushy lychee melt in your mouth. The flavour mixed in with the coconut chunk inside is delightful and you shiver happily. Across from you, Yoongi smacks his lips, having already devoured his own.
 “I can see how this can get addicting…especially in summer.” He says it in a way where he’s completely nonchalant about it but you see him already reaching for another one. You throw you head back in a laugh, disposing your empty cup and doing the same.
 “I told you, they’re good right?”
 “Maybe you can even put them in drinks, like instead of ice cubes in say, club soda or something.”
 “Oh!” The idea strikes you and now your mind runs rampant with all the possibilities that Yoongi has opened. “That’s genius….” You can’t help but whisper.
 The comment makes the rapper scoff, “I’m not a genius for nothing.”
 “Okay Yoongi….” You reply impassively, popping another jello cube into your mouth, whole. You see Yoongi give you a pointed look at your lacklustre acknowledgement to his ’genius moment’ but before you can begin to placate him teasingly, a soft voice calls out for him.
 “Oh hyung…and noona?”
 You and Yoongi simultaneously turn to the newcomer, your eyes immediately spotting a mop of blond poking out from a rather large olive coloured hoodie.
 “Oh Jimin-ah, you’re still here recording?” Yoongi asks casually, all attention on the vocalist. He just misses the way your eyes widen, shrinking back visibly to conspicuously hide the way you furiously chew the jello cube that’s making your cheek puff out like a hamster on one side — only you underestimate how cold it really is so when you hastily swallow, the rushing sensation of a brain freeze overwhelms you.
 “Yeah, I just finished up and heard you in here so I thought I should stop by…”
 You’re half paying attention to the conversation, more preoccupied with trying not to die so you don’t really notice that the attention has been shifted to you.
 “Yah, Y/N you good?” Yoongi’s the one to ask but his amused smile betrays any concern he has for you. Jimin, on the other hand, is visibly more concerned, eyebrows knitted together with an uncertain hand raised in case he needed to call a medic (bless him).
 “Y-Yeah! Just….” You wince, trying to get yourself together and slap on a reassuring smile but it comes out as a grimace. “Brain freeze.”
 While your brain may be freezing, your cheeks were absolutely on fire. God, you wanted a black hole to just suck you into the floor right at this moment. Of all people, it had to be Jimin to witness one of your stupider moments. But he just smiles at your poor attempt to brush it off, eyes crinkling slightly in a way where even if he does seem to think you’re weird, you don’t care because you made Park Jimin smile and that’s all that matters.
 “I heard there’s a trick you can do to get rid of brain freeze. If I remember right, you press your tongue to the roof of your mouth.” He’s genuinely eager to help ease your discomfort. You blink, not really expecting that sort of trivia but touched nonetheless. You take his advice, also out of curiosity if it would work to find that it does!…S ort of. You might have to try that one out again (in the comforts of your own home and no one to judge you; for science of course).
 “…I think it did kinda work.” You smile shyly, feeling the effects of the brain freeze lessen into a more tolerable ache.  “Thanks for the tip.”
 He beams back, apples of his cheeks rounding out fully in a way where it makes your heart do flips and you become a little awestruck. You swear your cheeks are also heating up too but then again, you had always thought your cheeks were a lot warmer by default throughout this entire exchange to begin with so you guess your cheeks are burning off at this point and you’ll just have to live with —
 An obnoxious clearing of the throat interrupts your absurd thinking, eyes whipping to Yoongi who’s got a full on shit-eating grin on his face, gums on full display and a teasing remark you know is ready just at the tip of his tongue. But it doesn’t come as you expect it to, instead choosing to let you stew in the knowledge that he knows that you know what exactly he’s going to say. It’s just as effective because you’re holding yourself back from being a spluttering, blushing mess all the same. The rapper carries on, stretching his arms above his and you go to busy yourself with cleaning up the counter, intent on finding a way to make yourself disappear.
 “Well, you should head back home soon Jimin-ah — got a busy day tomorrow too so you should get some sleep.”
 “What about you, hyung?” Jimin seems to remind himself of the elder’s presence then, wide smile taken down a notch to be a more bashful one with a light dusting of pink on his cheeks. Yoongi lets out a small snort but covers it up with another clearing of his throat.
 “I’ve gotta finish something up in my studio so I’ll head home a little later.” He drawls casually, gathering the take-out containers back into the plastic bag to be disposed of.
 “Don’t stay up too late hyung. You need to rest too.” Jimin gently chides the rapper, reaching out to take the bag from Yoongi’s hand to throw into the bigger trash bin in the corner of the room.
 “Don’t worry I won’t.”
 “Noona, are you heading home soon too?”
 “H-Huh…?” The question catches you off guard, whipping around to face the two members from having your head in the freezer. You blink as the two stare at you, waiting for your answer. “Oh…I, uh, also have some stuff left to do, but nothing that would take long.”
 Jimin’s brows furrow, “Oh, is that so? How will you get home?”
 “Umm….Kakao T?”
 “Ah…. I see.”
 He says this but you can pick up hints of hesitancy in his tone, the way he bites his bottom lip as if he wants to say something but is too afraid to. You pick up on all of this, except you don’t know what to do with it. Does he want to as you a favour? Pass something off to the design coordinat — no that wouldn’t make sense. Maybe you’re just overthinking all of this. In the end, you could only nod awkwardly before the overwhelming need to escape back to your cubicle takes hold of you, suddenly feeling like you’re out of place.
 “I should probably go now…” You declare, gesturing with your thumb to the general direction of the offices. “Got work and…stuff.”
 “Ah, yeah I’ll see you around then.” Yoongi waves, gulping down the rest of his iced coffee.
 “Yeah…Bye noona, thank you for your hard work.” Jimin inclines his head in a sort of half-bow and you return it out of habit, shuffling off with a rapidly beating heart.
 It’s once you’re out sight that the elder turns to Jimin and in a very deadpan way says, “You scared her off again.”
 The blond turns to Yoongi, incredulous. “H-How? I didn’t do anything!”
 Jimin was only met with a vaguely disappointed sigh, Yoongi shaking his head as he looks off into the distant with an overly exaggerated wizened gaze furrowing his brows, bringing up his now empty coffee cup for an imaginary sip for emphasis. “That’s unfortunate…”
 “…I think you need to go to sleep hyung….”
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poetica-miscellanea · 6 years
Dragon Age OC/Inquisitor Profile
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Full Name:  Felan (fey-LAUN, but FEY-lihn is also acceptable pronunciation to him) Fen’an Lavellan
Nickname(s):  “Snow” - Varric, at first (because of his hair and eye colour - he later stops at Dorian’s behest) and then “Spitfire” on occasion after that; “Ickle” - Sera (she thinks it’s hilariously ironic given Felan’s tall height for an elf); “Fae” - Dorian (at Haven, Dorian tells Felan it’s not just because it’s an alternative spelling to the way the first syllable of his name is said, but also because Felan’s “glowy hand” and humming after battle makes him think of the stories of Firesprites in the Korcari Wilds)
Age:  24 at the Conclave, 27-28 during Trespasser
Gender:  Male
Pronouns:  He/him
Sexuality:  Gay
Family:  Felan’s mother, Una, was a city elf born in the alienage of Starkhaven.  She met Felan’s father, Fen’an, while he was doing trade off and on in the city for his clan.  They became smitten with each other soon after.  Tired of the treatment of elves in the alienage, and the pretentious luxury and grandeur of the rest of the city, Una eventually ran away with Fen’an, as she had no more living relatives in Starkhaven to keep her there, either.  Fen’an was the clan’s long-standing Master until he, along with a few other clan members, were killed when Felan was 22 during a treacherous ambush in a trade with humans gone awry.  Unfortunately later on, Una and Vienne do not survive the attack on the Lavellan clan in Wycome.
Birthplace:  Somewhere outside Tantervale, near the Minanter River where the Lavellan clan stayed for a time
Occupation:  Prior to Inquisitor and assassin specialisation:  Master of clan Lavellan after his father’s death; he then relinquishes his “title” and duties to Aridhel Lavellan a couple months later.  Felan takes on the job of one of the clan’s best hunters and weapons crafters until he leaves approx. four months following that.  He periodically checks in with the clan to see his mother and Vienne, so he stays relatively close, even when it isn’t to their knowledge at times (which he prefers).  Prior to the events of the Conclave, he briefly comes back as the result of Aridhel and Vie’s combined pleadings.  Keeper Deshanna and the clan’s hahren then request of Felan to be a spy on the talks at the temple as retribution for his “slights” against the clan, and a way to be welcomed back with open arms.  Felan very, very reluctantly accepts.
Fears:  Losing those he cares about and failure.  Though he also suffers PTSD after his father's death, and the fall of Haven worsens it.  Occasionally heavy snowfalls trigger panic attacks.
Guilty Pleasures:  Learning about magic, expensive wine, having Dorian read to him, seeing if he can make Cassandra blush or smile, and visiting with his favourite terrifying undead steed, Dearg (JAIR-ahg) in the stables! :D
Hobbies:  Once Felan eventually learns how to read fully, he enjoys that a great deal; learning to fight with a sword & shield, drinking with Sera and Varric, blade crafting and weapons modification  
Eye colour:  Very pale, icy blue
Hair colour:  White
Height:  approximately 5’9 / 178cm
Scars:  He has quite a lot, especially on his arms, but his most prominent are the ones on his right brow and the right side of his nose which he got during the attack on his clan before he joined the Inquisition.  And he later gets a pretty bad scar beneath his left pectoral muscle from an injury involving an arrow.
Burns:  Of course!  He’s fought enough enemy mages, fire-breathing dragons, and has both heroically, and idiotically run into burning buildings aplenty.  Technically, the scar from the arrow injury also involves scarring from cauterisation, too. 
  Overweight:  Nope.
Underweight:  Though some humans would say otherwise, no.  He’s actually got a decent amount of muscle for an elf, but is still lithe.
Had sex:  Yess
Had sex in public:  Technically speaking?  Uh.. yeahh... shh...
Kissed a man:  Yep!
Kissed a woman:  Romantically?  No.
Gotten tattoos:  His June vallaslin when he was 17, and then at some point when he is 25 and travelling in Val Royeaux, he gets the alchemical symbol for fire (triangle) connected to the ends of the vallaslin going down his biceps for Dorian :)
Gotten piercings:  No
Had a broken heart:  Yes, twice (in the romantic sense)
Been in love:  Twice, Dorian being the last<3
Stayed up for more than 24 hours:  Felan has insomnia, so it’s more than likely.
A virgin:  Ohhh no haha
A cuddler:  Yep, he loves physical affections
A kisser:  Very much so, and isn’t afraid of PDA unless it makes his partner uncomfortable
A smoker:  He’ll smoke elfroot on occasion if he really wants to sleep, especially because it prevents nightmares
Scared easily:  Besides his PTSD triggers, no.
Jealous easily:  He’s only jealous of those who haven’t experienced prejudices or have lived relatively “normal” lives.
Trustworthy:  Yes, it’s something he prides himself on being
Dominant:  Yes
Submissive:  Definitely not, though he would be to Dorian in bed.  But Dorian veryyy rarely allows it.
Single:  Quite the opposite!
Morality Alignment:  Felan stumbles in between Chaotic Good & Chaotic Neutral at different points in his life
Sins: Desire / Despair / Envy / Fear / Hunger / Pride / Rage / Sloth
Virtues: Charity / Diligence / Humility / Justice / Kindness / Patience / Restraint
introvert/extrovert:  introvert mostly
organized/disorganized:  organised
close minded/open-minded:  very open-minded
calm/anxious:  calm when it counts (especially in battle), but is prone to panic/anxiety attacks
disagreeable/agreeable:  Most on his good side would say agreeable
cautious/reckless:  Ugh, reckless!
patient/impatient:  He leans more towards being impatient, because of his recklessness lol. Fae also has no patience for bullshit.
outspoken/reserved:  A good bit of both
leader/follower:  Reluctant leader - he fails to see he’s good at it, and also refuses to follow
empathetic/unempathetic:  empathetic
optimistic/pessimistic:  Cynical optimist
traditional/modern:  A bit more modern than most Dalish, he breaks away from quite a lot of tradition
hard-working/lazy:  very hard-working
OTP:  FaeDor! haha  Dorian & Felan ♥
Acceptable Ships:  Felan & Cullen as they were together for a little over 3 months sometime after they met.  And Felan & Aridhel, who were together from the time Fae was 17 until he left the clan at 22.
OT3:  None - Fae is very monogamous once he’s in a relationship
BROTP:  Felan/Cullen when things smooth over with them, Felan/Sera, Felan/Varric, Felan/Cass, Felan/Leliana, at times Felan/Harritt, and Felan/the Bog Unicorn lmao
NOTP:  Since he’s gay, no women, obviously lol.  And nothing against Bull personally, but Felan doesn’t trust him, so he wouldn’t bed or end up with him.
Recruited the mages or Templars?:  Mages because magic interests Felan greatly and he was hoping the Anchor was magic-related enough to be removed after closing the Breach.  He also wasn’t sure how trustworthy the Templars would’ve been, despite Cullen’s insistence on the matter.
Who did they leave in the Fade during Hear Lies the Abyss?:  Stroud :(  Purely for my selfish reasons because the thought of a romanced Fenris finding out Hawke was left in the Fade guts me.  I can’t think about that.  Not to mention how crushed Varric would’ve been.
I “tag” anyone who’d like to do this themselves or even tweak it to fit their non-DA OCs!! :)  And my asks are always open, so feel free to pop in there if you’d like to know anything more about Felan!
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mst3kproject · 7 years
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524: Twelve to the Moon
There are 50's sci-fi movies with wonderful titles like The Monster that Challenged the World and IT! The Terror from Beyond Space. I poke fun at how irrelevant or misleading some of them are, but I actually love them: there's nothing better to entice me to see a silly movie than a deliriously hyperbolic title!  Then there's this film, Twelve to the Moon, which is about twelve people going to the moon.  No points for the title guy.
Despite that, I rather like Twelve to the Moon.  It's not my favourite of the MST3K Moon movies – that would be Moon Zero Two – but it's a hell of a lot less annoying than either Rocketship XM or Project Moon Base.  There's some earnest effort that seems to have gone into this film, even when the effects budget was not equal to the filmmakers' ambitions.  The result is not a good movie but it is a functional one, and in the land of MST3K fodder that ain't half bad.
So let's start with the stuff that works.  There's a few places where Twelve to the Moon really did get something right, or at least, where its heart was clearly in the right place even if the follow-through didn't work out.  For one thing, they don't spend half the movie hanging around in space talking about stuff.  They have to dodge a meteor shower, but I'm pretty sure that was mandated by the Space Movie Union rules in the 50's.  Other than that, there is some flight time with dialogue, but unlike the pointless bullshit that consumed significant parts of Fire Maidens of Outer Space and almost all of Rocketship XM, in Twelve to the Moon this actually sets up some honest-to-gosh plot points.
We get a brief sketch of some of the characters, of their attitude towards the trip and their area of expertise.  We meet the animals they're bringing with them, and see the technology that makes the trip possible – some of this, like the sonic shower and the invention of the screenshot, is filler, but some, like the mentions of nuclear power and foreshadowing of Heinrich's heart attack, is important.  It's actually kind of neat that they included some irrelevancies, since it means we don't know which parts will turn out to be vital later.  And we get a setup of the film's main human conflict, Heinrich's distancing from his father's war crimes and what it means for his relationship with his protege David.
The movie also makes quite an earnest attempt to portray people who are different getting along for the sake of the common good.  The characters clearly disagree about a lot of things but when fights break out they're usually quieted pretty quickly.  Somebody put at least a little thought into where each member of the crew came from and how that would be reflected in their personalities, though the results are not especially nuanced.  Furthermore, even when they argue the characters mostly treat each other with respect. The women are allowed to be useful instead of just being there so the men will have girls to kiss.  The black guy is not treated badly on account of either his race or his faith.  Twelve to the Moon really, really wants to be progressive and whatever you think of the result there's certainly less of the Unfortunate Implications that plagued Women of the Prehistoric Planet.
The surface of the Moon as presented in this movie is actually pretty cool.  The backdrops are suitably craggy and desolate, and the black and white film actually adds to the effectiveness of it.  Even when we get stuff like the geysers, the quicksand, and the corals, that enrage Tom Servo by clearly not belonging on the moon, they look pretty neat.  This is obviously where the production spent most of its money and I have to say, good call.  If you’re only going to show us one really cool thing in your trip-to-the-moon movie, best make sure that’s the moon itself!
A related good decision was how the movie never actually shows us the Moon People.  Anything they could have put together on their budget would have been disappointing at best and laughable at worst. By keeping the Moon People off-camera, they are made an ominous presence in the movie, unknowable, unpredictable, and with powers we cannot comprehend.  This is far scarier than people in silly 'moon men' costumes would have been!
Finally, to my grateful astonishment, the movie does not have a love triangle in it!  With ten men and two women on the Lunar Eagle, they could easily have gone that way, but they didn't! Hideko has no love interest at all, and so little time is spent on the romance between the two physicians that when they pull off their helmets and kiss it comes as a complete surprise.  Instead, the movie derives its human drama from the differing political views of the characters.  It's still kind of beside the point of the main 'moon adventure' plot but it's not nearly so tired and cliché as the romantic angle would have been.
Of course, a lot went wrong in this movie, too.  For starters, there are far too many characters.  We simply don't have time to get to know the entire cast: there are too many names and faces to remember, and while we do get an outline of each person, we get no more than that.  Some of the irrelevant stuff that added colour to the first half of the film could have been cut to make room for setting up Dr. Martel's dislike of Americans, or at least to give a brief setup to the romance.  The cast could have been cut down by half, while the film told the same story in a much tighter and more engaging fashion.
Then there are the effects.  I mentioned that the movie spent most of its effects budget on the moonscapes. This means there was not much left for anything else and... yeah. You can tell.  Whether we're watching model spacecraft on sticks, or the cast getting bombarded by cartoon meteors, or the kleig lights intruding into the top of a shot, you can certainly see the cheapness on the screen. The worst moment of all is when we see two men who are supposed to be flying a smaller rocket ship, sitting in front of a blank wall with the shot framed to crop out an instrument panel that does not actually exist.
Perhaps the lack of budget is why they went with the 'invisible force field helmet' thing... maybe they couldn't afford twelve custom-made glass or plastic face plates, plus extras in case of breakage.  Or maybe they worried that reflections on the material would make it hard to see the actors' faces and tell who was who. Either way, they probably would have done better to just pretend there were helmets there, rather than draw attention to their absence – though actor Richard Weber delivers the line with admirable conviction.
A lack of budget is the studio's fault, not the film-makers', but where the movie really stops making sense is when the Moon People decide to make actual contact with the human crew.  They do this by transmitting a series of symbols that pop up on the Lunar Eagle's computer, and which more than anything else remind me of the 'hieroglyphics' supposedly found on the Roswell UFO wreckage.  I don't know if this was intentional on the part of the film-makers... Roswell was mostly forgotten after it happened and didn't become big news until conspiracy types started looking into it in 1978.  What's really weird about the symbols is not what might have inspired them, but the fact that Hideko can translate them.
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What?  The picture-writing we're shown doesn't look anything like Japanese, or any other logographic language I can think of.  Just because Hideko can read one type of pictogram doesn't mean she can necessarily read others – I can read the Roman and Greek alphabets, but that sure as hell wouldn’t help me with Sanskrit or Inuktitut!  Is this one of those things where the aliens came to Earth thousands of years ago and left their language behind, and Hideko just happens to have studied it? Because that would be awfully convenient.
The other possibility that occurs is that the aliens deliberately chose to communicate in a language they knew their guests would understand... but if that's the case, it seems more likely that they would have just done it in one of the languages spoken by their two captives, which would give them a choice of Turkish, Swedish, or English.  The Moon People clearly understand at least one of those languages, since they mention that the hostages “say they are in love”, so why bother with the pictograms at all?
The later actions of the Moon People don't really make any sense, either.  'Leave the cats and go home' seems like a fairly reasonable request (given the option of two cats or twelve humans, I know which I would choose to keep), but then they freeze the Earth so that the Lunar Eagle cannot land.  A later communication makes it sound like this was a test of the crew's willingness to support each other and sacrifice themselves to the greater good of humanity, but was it really necessary to freeze the planet in order to do that?  They'd surely already seen that these squabbling primates worked together well enough to get themselves to the moon, and tried to save their colleagues who were in danger.  It really just seems like the Moon People want to make the point that they can snuff humanity's candle out any time they like... which doesn't make them seem that much more peaceful or enlightened than us, honestly.
So yeah, there's a lot of stuff that sucks here, too, and between that and the good bits the movie balances out somewhere in the vicinity of 'tragically mediocre'.  Despite all that, I really do kind of like this one.  Twelve to the Moon wants to be not just an entertaining movie but an important one, one with an optimistic vision of the future and a message for all mankind.  It fails, but it fails in such ways that I really would like to give it points for trying.
Except for the title guy.  He didn't try at all.
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super-lemon-sama · 7 years
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Mariana's "Gem guardian" WARNING there's a lot to read so if you want a summary skip to the end Zircon used to be a member of Captain Ray's crew He left after having a heated argument with Captain ray over money. (he wanted to keep more of the money and goods for the crew, she wanted to keep giving it to the poor) After that he started doing bounty hunters work for the obsidian market [homeworlds black market] after being approached by one of the obsidian markets leaders and offered a job, he began taking high paying bounties and "retrieval" jobs and started selling the gem shards and corrupted gems on the market Zircon was trying to capture a corrupted gem on earth when it attacked a cruise ship what he didnt know about the job before taking it was that the corrupted gem in question was ten times the size of a cruise ship and all teeth and tentacles. the beast wrapped itself around the ship and was trying to crack it in half zircon ran aboard and started making his way to the ships deepest room. his plan was to drill through the bottom of the ship and attack the tender belly of the creature that was wrapped around the ship. before he could even go bellow deck however he was stopped by a young human girl crying her eyes out. she was weeping about how her parents were gone and she couldnt find them. He was irritated that this stupid thing was getting in the way and was about to yell at her when she let out and ear piercing shriek "BEHIND YOU!" He dropped down just in time to dodge a tentacle. a little bit of time passes where she tries to attack the creature head on and the girl some how helps him however when he is about to strike the ship snaps in half and the next thing he knows is that he's hurt badly and sinking rapidly. the first thing he sees is small human girl wildly flailing and yet sinking faster than he. she reaches out for him before passing out he's idle for a moment but when air escapes her mouth and the bubbles fly up past his face he jumps into action grabbing her and swimming towards the surface He found a half submerged cave and dropped her there did a few compression she sputtered and began to breath again but remained unconscious he sighed with relief, and collapsed against a flowstone column before reverting back into his gem from The girl awoke with partial amnesia and decided to live on her own until her parents... or the mysterious hero showed up his gem kind of grew onto the flowstone column he collapsed on as the years went bye. mariana (the girl now older) thought it was just a normal gem and would admire it and monologue to it often one day she was monologue-ing to the gem and started talking about the vague memory she had of someone bringing her here, and how she wasn't sure if it was real or a dream. she got frustrated and started tearing up. she kicked a small rock and it flew up and smashed into a small stalactite, that then crashing down not hitting the gem but the growth right above it. there was a loud popping noise and the gem rocked out, landing right at her feet. she picked it up looking deeply into it That's when he reformed of coarse. scaring the shit out of her. at first she tried to fight him she didn't like him blah blah blah but he explained to her how he felt obligated to care for her since she had kept him company for so long (plus a bunch of other reasons) Zircon is kind of a spoiled prince character he acts kind of deadpan with a "I am right and if you dont you do what I say, then you're obviously an idiot" kind of attitude. especially after so many years of being a very proffesional and deadly bounty hunter, as well as one sided conversations has left his compassion a little crippled His personality and attitude can make it seem like he doesnt care but her actually cares about Mariana a lot. But other than what Mariana has told him while in his gem he doesn't know much else about humans. certainly not enough to really help her that much (yet) [here's a bit about a love triangle that I might change or completely get rid of later, you can most certainly skip if you mostly just want to read about zircon] there's this weird back and forth love triangle thing going on between Mariana Richard and Zircon Mariana does actually like Richard and would like to talk to him about her problems but she's so stubborn she wont, Richard want to help her and see some mysterious and kind traits in her but interacting with her is such a hassle and can end badly, zircon cares about Mariana a lot and sees himself as her guardian and in a way she was his, zircon sees that Richard cares about mariana  and respects him a lot and will go to him (more like let himself into his house when ever he feels like) when ever he's unsure on how to help Mariana but he also gets a sense of annoyance about him due to mariana being stubborn and getting annoyed when Richard tries to help her, Richard feels kind of the same towards zircon, he's very mysterious and interesting, he's attracted (both in a social curiosity and romantic sense) to the pair (zircon and mariana) and he's not totally sure why. [end] Zircon has kept his gem a secret for a long time. he had body augmentations that would allow him to summon a weapon without his gem being exposed. the weapon wasn't HIS weapon, but a simple gem made gun. (im unsure if i want to do guns but oh wellll) this is supposed to show how his personality and affections were closed off. he wasnt wiling to reveal anything weak about himself or connect to others however when he is reformed a second time his outfit changes (and I might change his hair, but im still unsure) to reveal his gem it's to symbolize how he's changed he's more open and friendly, and wiling to reach out, and be reached out to. he also begins to use his real weapon(s) (which are large drills on either one or both of his hands) Summary: a rouge gem bounty hunter goes to earth to capture a corrupted gem monster but ends up saving a small human girl from drowning instead after saving her he goes back into his gem for many many years and grows onto the cave he left her in the small girl in now a young adult living in the half submerged cave he had left her in she often talks to the gem as a muse of sorts telling it about her problems and dreams and what not he comes out of his gem and thanks her for keeping him company and declares he will be there for her like she was for him. they are both grumpy and stubborn and arent good friends at first but of coarse eventually become best friends and maybe even lovers?????
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sometimesrosy · 5 years
Hi Rosy, I hope you are well. Now, I had mentioned to you I would come up with a lovey-dovey-Bellarke question... Not sure if this is it lol but I love when you write about the symbolism/yin yang aspect of their relationship, so when you first heard them being described as Soulmates, how did you feel or react to that? Or did you have a feeling from when you first watched the show? Is ‘soulmates’ an important term for you when you think of their relationship? Thank you again for all you do. xo
Hi Pauline! :) You’re welcome.
The first time I actually heard the term “soulmates” in relation to this show was in season 3, back when I was still talking to and arguing with CLs, when someone was telling me that CL were soulmates. 
Now I don’t believe in soulmates, not in the way people mean them in stories, I believe in the “you have many soulmates in your life and they are those people you feel that immediate connection to and have a big effect on your life, but they might be there only for a day or for the rest of your life or they might pop in and out of your life who knows?” So when the CL said that CL were soulmates, I was like, “no there are no soulmates in this story you can see–”
And I had to stop. Because when I double checked that statement up against the narrative, looking for evidence, what I saw was that I was wrong and The 100 DID have soulmates. Whether I believed in soulmates or not was irrelevant, because the STORY was describing soulmates.
But it wasn’t CL. 
It was Bellarke. The way they kept being drawn together, the way they kept believing in each other, saving each other, making each other better. And the words that they used to describe the characters and relationship. The Head and The Heart, Together. The almost unwelcome trust and respect. Even the princess and the rebel king. It placed their relationship in a primary, linked, necessary role. They placed their identities in one body. The head and the heart, and declared that they had to be together. That is two souls in one body. That is the myth of the soulmates separated and needing to find each other. I mean, it’s almost exactly the myth. Here they are. They’ve found each other and they need each other. 
This was NOT the way CL was talked about. If anything, when they were “together” as in pressing the button to open the mountain… it didn’t work. 
So in addressing the interpretation that CL were the soulmates of the show I not only discovered that The 100 was romantic enough to be writing a soulmates story, but the soulmates were Clarke and Bellamy.
Much later, when JR said that Clarke and Bellamy were soulmates I reacted like I usually do when he confirms some interpretation I had. I go “YES!” and then forget about it, because for me it wasn’t new information, I knew it already because I saw it in the story. I just take it as confirmation that I’m on the right track and continue on.  So like, I wasn’t surprised when he said that, becuse that was the story on screen. Clarke and Bellamy as soulmates. Him admitting it meant that he was closer to telling the story, and actually WAS telling it. Because before that, he wouldn’t talk about Clarke and Bellamy because he wanted to tell OTHER stories first. So I was excited about that. Because it expressed a development in romantic Bellarke that would be seen on screen. And it was.
When I hear JR speak about the story, I don’t take what he says as canon. I listen to his words and they sound like tags in a fanfic to me, he’s telling us what to expect, what kind of story he’s telling, without giving away spoilers. Except if you listen closely, he does tell you endgame. So when he said “non-romantic partners and soulmates,” that was confirmation that Bellarke was soulmates. That they would be moving from their non romantic partnership into something else. Because as soulmates, they have to. ESPECIALLY once I found out they had B/E. Because it COULD be possible that he was keeping it platonic… but it wasn’t anymore once he was setting B/E up to be the obstacle to the Bellarke relationship. Because if B/E was romantic, and Bellarke wasn’t, it wouldn’t be an obstacle. But if B/E was a PROBLEM for Bellarke, for the already state soulmates, that means that the soulmates were romantic on TOP of their partnership.
Not only did JR confirm Bellarke as soulmates, though, he also confirmed them as the primary relationship of the story. He confirmed Clarke as hero. And Bellamy as protagonist, without whom there is no The 100. He confirmed that The 100 is, and has always been, about Clarke and her relationship to Bellamy.
I got accused of listening to JR too much, but I don’t. I listen to what he says to try and find out his intentions. I think about the different interpretations and compare it to what I see on screen, if it makes it fit together better or make more sense, if it clarifies a narrative path.
And so far, almost everything, especially if you take his tendency to speak ambiguously, follows the narrative very well. And the speculations I’ve based on his commentary have turned out to be mostly correct. (I get into trouble when I get impatient for my OWN desires or avoid my dislikes.)
Let me give you a rundown of the basic tags for this show that I think I’ve figured out. There are a lot so I’m probably not going to do all the character tags or ship tags, just the main. It goes like this:
warning: major character deaths, Bellamy Blake/Clarke Griffin, post apocalyptic science fiction survival, slow burn, REALLY slow burn, enemies to friends to partners to lovers (eventually,) soulmates, the head and the heart, PTSD, trauma, mutual pining, love triangle, betrayal, abandonment, being the good guy, together, mom and dad, leadership, hero worship, jealousy, parent trap, a life worth living, redemption, the heart and the head.
That’s more or less what it is based on what JR has said and some key phrases from the text, and some obvious but unstated tropes. I think when we ignore those things, like “apocalyptic science fiction survival” or “love triangle” our expectation can lean too far into the romantic and we are disappointed. But if we ignore the things like “soulmates” we miss the depth of the story and get confused by the side plots.
I don’t think this was as lovey-dovey as you wanted it to be. That’s probably because I don’t really ship the “soulmates” dynamic, so I don’t get gooey over it. And JR isn’t very lovey-dovey when he talks about bellarke either…
JR is doing something that REALLY does check all my boxes. Something intensely romantic. And that is the mythic love story, the story of two lovers separated by fate and being brought back together time and time again, across space, time and death itself, that the universe must have together, because without them, things don’t work. And this is NOT really about the modern concept of romance, but a deeper one about love and partnership and being a better person WITH them. It’s about a balance, that yin yang, where each lover becomes a part of the other, where they give strength when needed and hope when needed. You know how Bellamy always touches Clarke’s hair or face? That’s where her head is, and also where her HOPE is. And you know how Clarke always touches his shoulder or chest, that’s where his heart is but also his STRENGTH. This is what they provide for each other. Even when he left her behind and thought she was dead, Clarke’s life gave him hope. And Bellamy’s memory gave Clarke the strength to keep going. So they are no longer separate. They carry the other inside them. OMG. poem time.
[i carry your heart with me(i carry it in]
i carry your heart with me(i carry it inmy heart)i am never without it(anywherei go you go,my dear;and whatever is doneby only me is your doing,my darling)                                                      i fearno fate(for you are my fate,my sweet)i wantno world(for beautiful you are my world,my true)and it’s you are whatever a moon has always meantand whatever a sun will always sing is youhere is the deepest secret nobody knows(here is the root of the root and the bud of the budand the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which growshigher than soul can hope or mind can hide)and this is the wonder that’s keeping the stars aparti carry your heart(i carry it in my heart)
And e.e. cummings has brought the lovey dovey.
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