#the Watterson
slime-sandwhich-nom · 6 months
List of tawog hcs because I'm bored you guys
(processing that charlie is a bimbo now, this is how I cope)
• gumball fuckin hates being picked up, held, petted or just touched in general. He's one of those assholes cats who will kill you on the spot if you breathe the same air as them.
The closest one who got to even hug him or just touch him for more than 2 seconds was Darwin. Gumball's mom literally had to fight gumball as a toddler to pick him up
Penny though, penny gets the favorite person privilege and gumball lets her pick him up, kiss him, boop his nose, anything. Deadass the only one who can do it.
• speaking of gumball not liking to be picked up, penny, knowing she can, does it whenever she has to kiss him somewhere that isn't the forehead or the top of his head because this guy is so short.
He lets her too.
• Darwin can't pick shit up or hold anything because of his fins, so his handwriting is so bad he can't even read it. he always asks gumball to get notes in class because his brother can write better and nicer than him but gumball just sleeps through the classes. So.
• Anais did get her father's metabolism. She hates it.
• gumball does that thing where he speaks to the wall and stares at empty spaces like some cats do, Darwin is convinced gumball is possessed or someone lives again in the house without them knowing. (because gumball did that whenever rob moved around the basement and Darwin associates Gumball talking to the wall to another secret room with a dude living there again) he called an exorcist for the house before. Or for Gumball. He needs it anyway.
• Anais actually has to wear glasses to see well, and red especially. Gumball should wear glasses to see from a distance and he does have glasses for it, he just doesn't wear them. Darwin does does see pretty good, he just can't tell how far something is (he bumps into walls a lot for it.)
• deadass everyone in the family is colorblind, aside from maybe darwin. they think gumball and nicole are blue because it's all they see. they don't know it's the actual fur color.
• gumball's favorite color is orange, because of Darwin, he just doesn't call it orange. He says "whatever color Darwin is."
• Anais Is the only one who actually wears shoes, gumball is neutral on shoes as he also used to wear them but he just stopped, then Nicole and Richard just hate having shoes. (We don't count Darwin.)
• Darwin's only kind of flexible part are his legs. He's super envy of gumball's ability to fold like paper
• whenever someone in gumball's class talks about LGBTQ+ or anything about that topic they all just say "oh yeah I know that one!! Gumball is part of that club or something"
• penny was the first one to get that gumball is bisexual she just has no idea that it has a name so she just says that gumball is "gay but not all the way" but she loves him still for it
• Tobias actually did try to go for the guys to try and flirt, deadass only Leslie actually did give him a chance
• Alan is the one who is actually informed about things like lgbtq and all, he always tried to educate the others about it
• gumball has fights on Twitter Daily because he thinks it's funny. Alan says he's being mean (gumball gave him a side eyes for 10 minutes for it.)
• gumball vs dream actually did happen and it was peak drama at Elmore's jr. High for a while like it was for us (it was too iconic not to make it actually happen)
• masami only went with Alan because she wanted a bf because in middle school it's kind of a big deal about it- she actually likes girls.
• gumball is actually aware that he's a cartoon and that he's the main character, reasons why he doesn't hate rob and takes it more on the playful way, it's all a script anyway.
• tall strong girlfriend (can turn into a dragon and can kick your ass) & her small and weak as hell boyfriend (can't open a jar of pickles and has to ask her for it.) for gumball and penny
• my guy Darwin is into goths and emos. (Carrie)
• Anais also argues on social media whenever she can get access to it, but she actually writes down smart and true facts while gumball says directly "kys" to piss people off
• bobert tried to date a tv before (he had a crush on the computer in SpongeBob)
• ocho uses terms like "fr","lol","lmao" irl and everyone hates him for it
• gumball is the only one who knows the difference between geek and nerd. Or smart words or synonyms kids just don't use, and he always uses them whenever he has to convince someone to do something for him because he sounds smart but he's only saying bullshit in a smart way
• Darwin doesn't understand half of the things Gumball says so he just agrees.
• ms simian hates how much gumball yap. That's why she doesn't care if he falls asleep in class, because she gets some peace from him
• gumball is smart, he just has no care for school. Sometimes he pulls out actual good arguments and complains about society about things only Anais or his mom gets and Anais is Always surprised for it. (The more he yaps about stuff like this, which is everyday, the more she's convinced aliens are real and they replaced his brother)
• gumball is not a morning person, he actually is super pissy and snarky if he wakes up before noon. (Reasons why he just hates everybody at school constantly)
Darwin is a morning person, and he always talks a lot in the morning (gumball hates him for it. Did try to tape Darwin's mouth.)
• Anais Is also a morning person, she just isn't too happy about waking up this early like her brothers because of how young she is.
• Gumball can't eat chocolate, and like any cats he's lactose intolerant (he still can tolerate milk a little because he's a kitten), and he always gets extremely sick from chocolate or just- throws up with lactose. He still eats both.
same goes for the rest of the Watterson, gumball just forces himself to eat both. (And also uses it to his advantage to skip school)
They all have no idea why gumball keeps on getting himself sick from it.
Btw chocolate and lactose ain't good (chcolate is toxic for cats.) for bunnies and cats- and fishes!! That's why my guy reacts badly to it
• neither Nicole or gumball can taste sweets, or anything sweet really. Still, gumball's favorite food is chocolate (and cheese.) which is ironic because he loves to eat it but it's tasteless for him, and he gets sick from it. He's truly a creature.
He likes the texture of it though, that's only why he eats both.
• penny feels like non-sticky peanut butter. Gumball is always looking for a way to knead on her for it, because it's relaxing (and because kneading is also a cat's love language.)
• gumball always forms half a heart with his tail whenever he's talking near penny, or together with her, because normally cats form a heart when they walk side by side, but penny has no tail. So it's only half a heart.
• Darwin is a tryhard on sports, Anais is a tryhard on academics, gumball just likes to sleep because he avoids doing anything that he doesn't find necessary (like any cat, really.)
• Penny likes listening to rock, gumball just enjoys listening to anything he likes the melody of.
Carrie likes to hear stuff like mlp opening, Darwin is with penny on this one.
Anais Just likes daisy the donkey's opening, really.
• Gumball is an introvert and just hates people, Darwin is an extrovert, the little guy is just a little shy.
• you know gumball has a stupid plan in mind when he starts calling Darwin things like "my fishy friend" instead of buddy.
• Darwin always watches documentaries about animals, specifically cats and bunnies because he wants to know about his family more.
Once he tried to slow blink at gumball and the kitten was just confused as fuck, but appreciated the gesture. He only understood it because Darwin stared then really slow closed his eyes.
• gumball sometimes pulls those deep sleeps and Darwin always thinks his brother died. Anais has to comfort him for hours until gumball wakes up
• Nicole is always overworking herself because of trauma, and sometimes envies how laid back her eldest son is.
• gumball can actually draw really well, art is probably the only class he scores in.
• gumball and Nicole actually hear everything I'm the house and they hate it.
• gumball has a tendency of calling everyone nicknames because he can't remember anyone's name for shit.
• gumball uses at his advantage the fact that he's considered cute because he's a kitten. he gets free stuff from it.
• Darwin tried once to mimic gumball loafing, did not end up well.
• all of the videos, or most of them, of cats on Elmore's YouTube are about gumball. He's that one cat that is being constantly recorded doing shit like stealing people's food at restaurants, breaking in by accident, just randomly coming up to people, stare, then go away, accidentally falling from the ceiling. Anything a cat does, gumball does it and gets recorded.
This is one of the reasons why gumball specifically is known by ANYONE and either they love him because he looks cute, or they are terrified of what shit he can pull. (Depends on the day)
• Gumball gets free food because people like to pet him and hand him treats. He doesn't complain about it, even if he doesn't enjoy petting (which is the only thing he complains about, so he just moves his head and gets the treat.)
• when gumball was younger he had darker fur, and at night it looked like he was a black cat (same problem was for Nicole), so he was not allowed to go around alone on the streets, especially on Halloween because people tend to be aggressive or straight up kill black cats during halloween. The same rule was for Nicole, especially because she was also a girl.
• gumball just likes sleeping around, especially during the day. People need to look for blue shit around because it could be gumball.
• gumball fuckin HATES wool, he can't stand it. he'll go insane with wool, and it's texture and how it feels on his body. Darwin instead loves it, but doesn't wear it (he doesn't wear anything aside from shoes.)
• Nicole almost cried when gumball first sat on her lap to loaf. she's very emotional on the whole family thing. And also Gumball never does it to anyone, she feels loved, that's it.
• Richard's favorite kid is most definitely gumball, they both enjoy slacking around, it was their best bonding moment (and still is.)
• surprisingly gumball is better with kids, Darwin is not. Anais Just hates kids her age.
• Darwin is more of a people pleaser, gumball is just really firm on his own boundaries. And now he's also firm on Darwin's.
• gumball, when he was really small, just did not talk. he enjoyed meowing more (to his father) and thrill or mrrp to his mom. He only ever talked when he needed something and neither get what he wanted.
Then Darwin came and he started yapping constantly to the fish, who had a hard time talking because of his new features like feet, lungs and an actual voice.
gumball is those types of cats who yap a lot, Anais is just, silent (like bunnies that make no noise) and Darwin learned to be also a yapper, just a very bigger one than gumball.
• Darwin has the habit of eating fish food still, sometimes he just goes in the bathroom, fills the bath with water, puts fish food, gets himself in and eats.
• gumball drinks like actually cats do, Nicole does it as well.
• the Watterson deadass go to the vet, people like Leslie or Carmen go to arborists or generally people who know plants and take care of 'em. Like maybe 2% of Elmore's population goes to a doctor.
• gumball loves fireworks, but hates other loud noises like thunder. Anais HATES fireworks, but doesn't mind things like thunder.
• Leslie hates vegetarians and is almost glad gumball is a forced carnivore (gumball annoys Leslie with the fact his father and sister are technically "vegetarians".)
• gumball zoomies are almost nonexistent because of his shenanigans he pulls everyday, they always tire him out so he doesn't get zoomies.
• Gumball got accused of being the devil with how stupidly chaotic he is to the point he's the terrorizer of Elmore. Gumball is proud of it. His mother is very much not.
• nicole is the "man of the house", but this is because of cats being matriarchal. And Richard just will not go against his wife's words.
• Tobias feels like non sticky cotton candy, you could potentially stick you hand in there and find his actual body which is hidden under all that rainbow cotton candy thing.
• dude, gumball fuckin hates the boys in his class because they just don't care about hygiene and it just bothers him on another level. he's exactly like normal cats where he spends like half of the day cleaning themselves.
Regarding this, Darwin's only problem is that he constantly smells of fish (which he's self conscious about, and always worries about bothering gumball) but really gumball always tells him it's okay because he can't help it
(he forces the other classmates to take a shower though.)
• mr.small is just always high, there's no other explanation for whatever he's on.
• gumball talked so much about penny that Darwin had to tell him to shut the fuck up. (Gumball kept going)
• gumball has severe beef with Billy's mom to the point he's daily sabotaging her life just so she can move to another town and stop bothering gumball with her existence.
(Darwin is sick of gumball's bullshit)
• gumball swore once. (Reference to the video of gumballs VA saying "fuck") And when he got elected as school president once he won by saying "I will eliminate the middle class" (again gumball's VA saying it)
• gumball always tells rob "gay gay homosexual gay" to the point rob screams at him, like just yells at the top of his lungs and runs away crying
"I'LL SHIT IN YOUR FUCKING GARDEN" from south park but it's gumball and half of Elmore.
And I'll stop because I'm writing something longer than the bible
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ravenlynclemens · 2 months
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calvin and hobbes
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prokopetz · 4 months
I thinks folks expressing incredulity at the quality of the writing and composition in Calvin and Hobbes are often missing the context that Bill Watterson is arguably the most influential sequential artist of his generation. Like, this is a guy who once told the editors of nationally syndicated newspapers to go fuck themselves when they wanted to mess with his panel layouts, and not only did he keep his job, he got his way. He could have had literally any gig he wanted, and he chose to be the Sunday funnies guy because that's what made him happy. He's basically the Weird Al of sequential art.
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bluecastlemistawis · 11 months
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Love this strip
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write-on-world · 3 months
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claypigeonpottery · 3 months
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never added the final line to one of these mugs before, but I felt it was time for weird bugs
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bizarrobrain · 6 months
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beardedmrbean · 4 months
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curtvilescomic · 4 months
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Calvin & Hobbes by Bill Watterson
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cr4zy-esm3 · 8 months
The Sunrise and The Sunset
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(Basically an orange and blue duo)
It was a lot of rush drawing this because it's almost close to February but since it's already hit 12, well that's it. So I just draw calmly until I finish.
All of the characters are my first time drawing it and for my opinion, I'm proud of it but also not..
Credit: People who post about the identicals of the characters (I forgot who and I can't find it)
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stitchedspider · 4 months
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in a very strong cartoons mood lately
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fenyakz · 23 days
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choose YOUR T E A C H E R!!!
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gyokusai · 1 year
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Time Source: Calvin & Hobbes by Bill Watterson.
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solar919 · 7 months
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I made a wheel of all my favourite fictional cats!!
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ask-cupbros-parents · 17 days
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 "So clever, so dapper, ya betta' believe this dice is loaded. Hi-de-ho!"
—King Dice, Death Screen.
It's all done, YAAY!!!!!
🚫Please do not repost or trace my artwork! 🚫AI learning prohibit Cupbros blog | Main blog | Twitter
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slime-sandwhich-nom · 2 months
Just saying
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