#the Wrestling Incident
sergeifyodorov · 1 year
Nathan MacKinnon for the hockey impressions ask please. If you have not already done so.
I actually have no idea what my first impression of nathan mack was; the earliest thoughts i can remember thinking might have been Terminal Sidney Obsession, so let’s start with that. Wow, I think, looking at people discussing this freak on the internet, that guy is really into sidney crosby
Wow, this guy is really into Sidney Crosby
Mostly, Natemac strikes me as just… a real fridge of a man, a two-hundred-pound slab of muscle with a crooked nose. (the nose is good)(love the nose). He’s almost entirely a creature of obsessive hyperfixation and complete bullheaded determination -- you can see this in even just the way he skates, which has a forward momentum to it that even faster skaters like McDavid can’t match. Moves like a train, no real control or delicacy but good god you better get out of the way.
A tangled mess of feelings and emotion that he’s super terrible at understanding, even if he has the good grace to know how bad he is at understanding those feelings, which actually does help quite a bit. If I were to guess, I’d sum up those feelings as “blinding rage,” “all-encompassing desire to win,” and “ferda.”
This sort of all-things-lead-to-either-W-or-L worldview leads him to develop a very black and white way of thinking… especially re food. im not gonna say he has an eating disorder but i very much have heard he thinks things like milk are poison so whatever his relationship with food is it’s certainly not healthy
Oh my god he wants to fuck Sid so damn bad. I don’t even pretend to have vibe-based takes on his sexuality but gay or straight he wants to fuck Sid so bad
i , as with … probably many of you, grew to know natemac during the iconique avs 2022 cup run, and esp since my leafs got eliminated early i got to watch a lot of it. Fav natemac moment is definitely the hat trick against the blues, topped off with the third goal, which was just a gorgeous end-to-end coasting that you could FEEL coming from a mile away. So that’s probably my fav natemac moment i am after all a simple hockey watcher sometimes
sidnate nate’s-a-penguin au mayhaps… actually no idea. 
i find nate just an absolutely fascinating character simply because of his tangled ball of Emotional Problems, but because he’s so single-minded in all of them it’s actually hard to maincharacterize. like he’s got nuance, he’s got flow, he just doesn’t have the dimension to carry out a story in which he is the main actor. Get that boy into an ensemble cast
I don’t know of enough opinion on natemac to know what’s popular and what’s unpopular… but i do not think he should be the avs captain in the future if/when landy gives it up. Imho that’s cale’s c to take (or mikko’s, even)… natemac is obviously a leader but he’s just too goddamn much of a control freak you can’t take this bitch anywhere. Like everyone needs a freak who will stand up for the team but if that guy is given free reign to yell at any time because there’s a c on his chest he will do so. i like the avs nathan’s mad-with-power arc would not suit them…
Are you kidding me
he thinks milk is poison not because of its fat/sugar/caloric content but because he is lactose intolerant and unaware of it
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supakixbabe · 6 months
So, I will be going on a blocking spree (which I never wanna do) because listen:
I don’t care if you like CM Punk, but for fucksake, hold him accountable for his actions. Saying Tony should’ve forced the Young Bucks to work with him is wrong on so many levels. Nobody should have to work with someone that toxic, because if they were in the ring together, he could’ve seriously hurt them. He could’ve seriously hurt them outside of the ring too. Same with Jack Perry. This has been normal behavior for this man which should never be condoned, but Punk fans will ride him into the sunset on such a high pedestal.
He has done this shit in so many companies, it’s actually quite sad and nothing new. I’m a former CM Punk fan (WITH A FUCKING PUNK TATTOO) and I know someone personally who’s actually hung around Punk.
They too are no longer a fan.
Brawl Out and the ALL IN incident should’ve never happened, but guess who caused all this shit? CM Punk. He has always been the “child” he called everyone else. Like I said, I don’t care if you’re a fan but don’t fucking claim he’s innocent and blame the people who worked hard to fix the shit he caused.
HE ASSAULTED HIS CO-WORKERS AND BOSS. I dare you to do that to one of your co-workers and your boss and see if you don’t get terminated, or worse, put in jail.
He is NOT INNOCENT. HE’S NOT RIGHT. NOTHING. And if you cannot hold him accountable and stop blaming everyone else for HIS actions. You’re JUST AS BAD.
AEW never needed Punk and he got salty and started running his mouth. He wasn’t right. HE NEVER WAS RIGHT.
This is my LAST time speaking on this and if you have a problem? Block me. If the roles were reversed, you’d all be up in arms. Keep that same energy with your pathetic savior – voice of the voiceless and a major hypocritical liar.
PS. Any Punk fans who hold him accountable are good in my book. 🖤
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d-lanx · 2 months
The most adorable Dean Amborse fan I've ever seen
So I'm watching an ambulance show and the paramedics are in liverpool. They turned up to help a little 76 year-old Scouse lady who'd slid off her settee called Jean. She wasn't hurt, but she couldn't get herself off the floor. So they help her, and when they offer to make her a cup of tea afterwards, she asks for whiskey instead (icon) and then proceeds to talk about her love of wrestling. She had two draws FULL of DVDs of the PPVs (they mentioned she had quite a few going back to the WWF era), and from the looks of it, she'd been a fan for many many years.
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And even better, she had a framed photo of Dean Ambrose (in his WWE era) on her living room wall. She was saying she was looking forward to going to see a live show, too. Great to see the wrestling derangement never leaves.
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And for anyone wondering, this is Jean. The queen. The icon. The legend herself.
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Also if you're curious, the show is simply called Ambulance, and its on bbc iplayer, this is from series 7 episode 4. It was first aired in 2021, so now I'm wondering if she still watches Dean Ambrose now that he's wrestling as Jon Moxley on AEW. I hope so. She was so sweet.
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thedman0310 · 3 months
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orange-catsidy · 1 year
i think that if the aew roster was in a yellowjackets situation and the elite were all ok they'd get through it fine, but if nick broke his leg in the crash or something matt would start murdering people immediately
despite being a vegetarian bryan danielson would be the first to turn to cannibalism - like he wouldn't kill anyone but if someone dies he'd immediately suggest eating the body just from pure pragmatism. he'd also make the other bcc members promise to eat him if he dies, to gain his strength
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kopw · 10 months
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nervous dog
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midnight-rot · 26 days
Kind if obsessed with Coyle and Franco hate-fucking. Well, maybe not full on fucking but something very LGBT happens and they then agree to never ever talk about it ever again. Until it happens again lol.
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thehardkandy · 10 months
tonight i am walking the strut of "that bitch who put all her sheets through the wash" which i understand isnt really an earthshattering achievement but if it keeps me on top i will take it
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So hows it going 😀
TMAGP 7 is a WILD ride
#First we're already starting off with the end of tmagp 6 with Celia Ripley being the new hire#(And having the same voice actress as a extremely side tma character who started calling herself Celia post-change)#Then you get fucking hit with#“I mean it's an old system but it could have been worse. It's not like we're wrestling with tape recorders and manila folders.”#AND CELIA ASKING IF THERE'S A WAY TO SEARCH FOR SPECIFIC THINGS. LIKE BEING BURIED ALIVE OR MEAT.#I.E. THE BURIED AND THE FLESH#I'm much more inclined to believe that the Celia's memories are seeping into each other than bit characters full on universe hopping#(Oh yeah The Magnus Protocol is set in a world that's parallel to The Magnus Archives; not technically a direct sequel)#[But like they are chronologically. I think.]#Anyway CELIA KNOWS WHAT THE FUCK IS UP#And you'd think things might calm down with today's incident report; it's just Chester (“ai”/“automated voice” also voiced by Jonathan Sims#[who voices character Jonathan Sims. Creative genius we know.]#with another internet-based statement#(HE'S TRAPPED IN THE FUCKING WEB)#Except know it's about a charity shop ON HILLTOP ROAD#For context: EVERY ELDRITCH ENTITY AND THEIR MOTHER FUCK AROUND WITH HILLTOP ROAD#PRIMARILY THE AFOREMENTIONED WEB#WHICH HARBORED THE MESSIAH OF THE CULT OF THE LIGHTLESS FLAME#AND THE CHARITY SHOP *BURNED DOWN* BY THE END OF THE INCIDENT REPORT#We then cut to the other new hire Sam going to talk to Colin the IT guy#Colin's definitely going to be the first to die he's in DEEP in trying to understand the mess of of system that is the OIAR#And he's been adamant against Alice giving the computers any sense of a personality#And what does Sam go to ask Colin? WHO JON IS#BECUASE HE GOT A NONSENSICAL EMAIL FROM A RANDOM USER WHO CALLED HIMSELF JON BUT IT LOOKED LIKE IT WAS AN INTERNAL EMAIL#Obviously Colin's to steeped in paranoia to react well to anything; but what is he hung up on?#That Sam brought his phone into the IT room; and that “it” has probably recorded too much already *!!!!!!!*#Oh and also their boss was like contracted to kill a guy but she failed and Gwen is using a video of it to blackmail her#tmagp spoilers
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smashthegiantkiller · 2 years
Because there is such a discourse on this on Twitter, I'm curious.
Add whatever else to the tags.
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gemzies · 1 year
Hiroshi Tanahashi breaking a rib during that tag team triple-threat match at Capital Collision, while Kyle Fletcher practically bellyflopped onto a barricade and was perfectly fine after, is absolutely ridiculous.
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buttdawg · 2 years
I’ve watched a few of Marky123′s videos on YouTube, since they’re usually pretty decent rundowns of bad storylines and runs in wrestling.  So I checked this one out because I was never entirely clear on what happened to Austin Aries, a wrestler I routinely confuse with Bobby Roode.  Long story short, this video filled me in, but I lost some respect for Marky123 along the way, because he kept bending over backwards trying to be “fair” to Aries.
Basically, Aries torpedoed his career with the following missteps.
1) During a 2013 Impact show, ring announcer Christy Hemme flubbed his name, so he berated her in the ring, then backed her into one of the corners and stood on the second rope, effectively putting his crotch in her face. 
2) At Bound For Glory 2018, Aries lost the Impact World title to Johnny Impact. After the bell, he immediately stood up and left the ring, no-selling Johnny’s finishing move even as Johnny was being handed the title belt.
3) During the height of the pandemic, Aries was so hostile towards face masks that he refused to sign autographs for fans who wore them. 
4) Also, he was one of a number of wrestlers accused of sexual misconduct during the #SpeakingOut movement in 2020.  I’m not sure if that should be considered a career misstep or just his personal dirtbag behavior being brought to light. 
Marky’s main defense of Aries is that the Hemme incident hasn’t aged well, but it wasn’t seen as that big a deal in 2013, and he was a heel at the time, so he had to do something mean in response to the botched intro.  The no-sell thing might have been a worked shoot that never panned out, which is flimsy at best.  As for the Speaking Out allegations, Marky isn’t convinced because of a lack of evidence.  I find this absurd, because there’s recorded footage of the Hemme and BFG incidents, but he downplays both.  Like all of the naysayers during the #SpeakingOut movement, Marky123 talks about “evidence” but he would just dispute it if he had it. 
The Bound For Glory thing being a worked shoot is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.  It’s the sort of theory fans come up with because they saw something really stupid happen and they desperately want to find some sort of explanation to make it make sense.  From what I gather, Aries’ contract was going to expire the day after the show, which was why he was dropping the title to Johnny Impact in the first place.  If it was all a work, then the idea would be for him to make fans think he was being unprofessional on his way out of the company, only for Impact to re-sign him so he could return for another title program.  In this version of events, Aries is actually okay, guys!  He’s just pretending to be an unprofessional dick!  
The problem is that Impact didn’t renew his deal, so he didn’t come back, which leaves only three possible interpretations:
1) The no-sell was a shoot all along, and Aries really is an unprofessional dick, and Impact was happy to be rid of him.
2) The no-sell was a work, and Aries decided not to re-sign, thereby ruining his reputation.
3) The no-sell was a work, and Impact decided not to follow through on it, making Aries an idiot for letting Impact talk him into ruining his reputation for nothing.
There’s no way Aries comes off as a cool dude in this situation.  He’s either an unrepentant asshole or a clueless dope, but Marky123 doesn’t seem to be able to connect those dots. 
Overall, Marky’s thesis here is: Sure, Aries was kind of a dick, but does he deserve to get canceled over it?  And that misses the whole point: Aries didn’t get “””””canceled”““““.   He alienated fans and promoters alike over the course of several years, to the point where no one wants to do business with him.  It isn’t a question of whether or not he “deserves” it.  His current status in professional wrestling isn’t a punishment meted out by the court of public opinion; it’s just the result of his behavior. 
Marky makes it out like maybe “we” should “forgive” Aries, or at least consider it, but who’s “we”?  I never gave a shit about the guy in the first place.  Then he started getting heat for his anti-mask horseshit, and that’s how I found out what a shithead he was.  I must have missed the sexual misconduct allegations, but I’m pretty sure he’d already burned most of his bridges by then anyway.  The rest of it all deals with him being unprofessional, and that’s a business question, not a forgiveness issue.  If promoters and wrestlers don’t want to work with the guy, that’s just them protecting themselves.  Every time I’ve watched the BFG footage, it amazes me that he pulled a stunt like that.   It’s the sort of thing a wrestler would only do if they plan to quit the business for good and get a cushy job in some other line of work.
And even if indy promoters are willing to work with Aries, it’s still up to the fans to decide if he’s worth showing up for.  If he’s still refusing to meet with fans over his anti-mask policy, then he’s just leaving money on the table.  If he’s that contemptuous of the fans, then eventually the fans won’t bother with him at all.  I’m pretty sure that already happened, but if he’s not careful, it soon will.  It’s not about forgiveness, it’s about supply and demand.  Aries has been killing demand for his brand for a while now, and lo and behold, he’s not a draw.
Like, am I supposed to pay to see him because I feel sorry for him?  That’s like saying we should all buy VCRs because the videotape format didn’t deserve to become obsolete.  No, Aries didn’t get buried, he dug his own grave.  Let the fucker lie in it.
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comediakaidanovsky · 2 years
you know what, let punk return to wwe for a steve austin match. cast him as john cena’s love interest in season 2 of peacemaker. i’ll follow wherever he goes and i’m just. so. tired
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Travis Scott's Paris Arrest and WWE Legend Kevin Sullivan's Passing: Shocking Moments in Entertainment
📰 In the Spotlight: Travis Scott's Arrest in Paris and the Passing of WWE Legend Kevin Sullivan 📰 The entertainment industry is currently buzzing with two major headlines. Rapper Travis Scott was recently arrested at the Four Seasons Hotel in Paris following a dispute, while the wrestling world is mourning the loss of WWE legend Kevin Sullivan, who has passed away at 74. These events highlight both the challenges and fragility that come with fame. Stay informed with all the details in our latest blog post. 👉 #EntertainmentIndustry #TravisScott #KevinSullivan #WWE #MusicIndustry #WrestlingCommunity #CelebrityNews
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dawnsiren · 6 months
I don’t know what it says about my work/life balance that I had a dream where I was taking a class (some kind of fashion/sewing course? I think?) and hated it to the point where I got into an argument with the professor, tried to fistfight another student (failed because my dreams don’t let me hit people, my arm just Stops or my hits are pathetically ineffectual), and then dropped the course with loathing in my heart.
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windex-for-blood · 6 months
I'm a bit frustrated. Even at a time when spots are incredibly ridiculous and LOOK dangerous, wrestling is, for the most part (and no matter what Jim Cornette may tell you), safer than it's been in a very long time; certainly more so than when they were using barbed wire, bleeding hardway, and doing unprotected chair shots to the head.
All of the really impressive moves are actually pretty safe, if you know what you're doing. Don't tuck your head on a Styles Clash, roll completely on a Canadian Destroyer. All of the spots are rehearsed and done with proper equipment. Gimmicked tables and the like.
And that makes me aggravated because, in simple terms, I want Logan Paul to get Droz'd. I want Logan Paul to get Sid Vicious. I want Logan Paul to get Mass Transition.
I daresay I want Logan Paul to get Owen Hart'd.
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