#the absolute freshest of jocks.
alackofghosts · 4 months
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squeaky clean jocks
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wolfsclothing6 · 2 years
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I've seen you in the gym all the time bro. Every day, you are running, lifting weights, hitting the pool, or playing some racquetball with your buddies. I know that kind of lifestyle must get stressful after a while. Why don't you come up with me and have a nice mass gainer shake. I make them myself everyday, in a variety of flavors and with plenty of mix-ins available. It'll really help you put some meat on your bones.
There you go bro, keep drinking up. The gainer shakes I made here are extremely nutritious. I only use the finest quality ingredients. Top of the line protein powder, fresh fruit, and I make sure to only use the absolute freshest bear cum. The more you drink, the more you will crave. With each sip, your gut is growing bigger and bigger. Although instead of a six-pack, it looks like you are developing a keg. Not that you'll mind. In fact, I can already see you jiggling your new-found belly and tenting out your shorts a bit. Why don't you go ahead and polish off the rest of your shake.
That's it man. That's your third one, and that beginner gut of yours is a full-on beer belly. Seems like you took the freshman fifteen to heart, all the way up through your senior year! Plus, you've never been happier! Once I started telling you about your new life, offering up your mouth and ass to the hot guys who have just finished a workout, you came in your pants. A couple nice loads of jock jizz a day, maybe a small gainer shake, and you will be the most popular bro in the gym. With an ass like yours, there won't be a man here who won't want to take a turn plowing you. And with a nice soft gut like that, you will be content to just relax in the locker room or sauna, waiting for hot men to come in and offer you their cocks. Definitely a much less stressful life.
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chromecutie · 5 years
Cable x Reader - burlesque fluff!
A/N - unedited because I got sleepy but I still wanted y'all to be able to enjoy it for Saturday Night!
Tag: @starman-thorsus-canos-jock @emma-frxst (idk who else would want to be on a Cable taglist if I had one, but here y'all go!)
It was a Saturday night, and the team managed to not have a mission. Colossus tried to suggest a board game from the fancy high-strategy collection, but was quickly shot down by Wade (“What, so Domino can ruin us all again? I don’t think so!”). Wade tried to suggest a movie, but Cable cut him off before he could finish his suggestion (“I cannot watch the porno version of Predator again.”).
Domino hoped you might make a suggestion everyone could agree to, and finally asked, “Where the hell is Y/N?”
Wade howled at the top of his lungs, “YYYYY/NNNNN???”
“SHE’S NOT HERE,” Cable practically roared to make himself heard.
Colossus couldn’t help glancing around. He hadn’t noticed when you left, and felt a little embarrassed like he’d made a rookie mistake. “Do you know where she went?”
Cable fixed his gaze back on the gun he was cleaning. It was already clean; at this point he was fidgeting. “If she wanted us to know,” he hedged, “she would’ve said something before she left.”
“Ohhhh my god,” Wade gasped, “You do know!” He clapped his hands, excited to play a guessing game. “What’s she up to? Underground boxing? Secret meth habit? Robbing a bank?”
“High stakes poker? Cock fighting?”
They all said some variation of, “Then what??” in unison.
Cable sighed. He couldn’t deny that he wanted to see you, but he was pretty sure you wouldn’t want the whole gang showing up. Surely, if you had, you would have dropped some kind of hint. “We gotta dress up,” he said finally. “Black tie. And we gotta pick up flowers on the way.”
The gang had done their best on short notice. Domino wore a short, black cocktail dress cut so tight it was a wonder it didn’t split when she got in and out of the car. Colossus still wore his cargo pants and work boots, but classed up with a dress shirt, black suit jacket, and a tie. Wade, to no one’s surprise but everyone’s quiet exasperation, was in full Deadpool gear with a bow tie. Cable had managed to find a full three-piece suit, and though it wasn’t a perfect fit, he made it work. In his metal hand he held a bouquet of roses. They weren’t the freshest flowers, but they were the best that the store had.
They stood in the parking lot of a shabby strip mall and Domino said, “Looks like a nice neighborhood to sell your kidney.”
“This way,” Cable led them to the back door of one of the suites. He knocked and was quickly greeted by a drag queen in green glitter eyeshadow and three-inch long lashes.
“Hi honey,” the queen made a kissy noise and asked, “Who y’all with tonight?”
“Liz Lugosi,” Cable said as if he had been here several times.
The queen lit up with glee and put a long-fingered hand on Cable’s shoulder. “Ohhh! Lizzie didn’t mention anyone coming tonight!”
Cable gestured vaguely to the roses. “She’s not expecting us.”
The queen made a purse-lipped smile and shimmied her shoulders, hardly able to wait until she could spill this tea later. The team paid for their tickets and were ushered inside to pick a table.
The floor was full of glammed up people milling about, sipping cocktails and snacking on Chex Mix. The tables all faced a makeshift stage with a curtain made of cheap velvet. “What is this place?” Colossus folded himself into a chair that was too small for him, but he wouldn’t complain.
“It’s a kids’ ballet studio during the day,” Cable replied. “This is probably how they pay rent, though.”
Domino caught on and grinned, “It’s a speakeasy burlesque show.”
Wade cracked up laughing in earnest. Pretending to wipe away tears from his mask, he said, “What’s her act? Kicking off her boots and sexily peeling off a spandex onesie?”
“You’ll see,” Cable said impatiently. “Shit like this is probably why Y/N - Liz - never mentioned it, you assclown.”
The show started soon enough. Three performers in sparkly costumes made a show of sneaking out from behind the curtain. Each held a microphone. “Good eeeevening, daaaarlings!” the one in purple sequins drawled. The crowd applauded, some hooted.
The second performer wore something like a green velvet bikini with a lot of feathers. She tossed her blonde curls and said, “Who here has been to our show before? Come on, make some noise!” Almost everyone gave a shout except Cable, Wade, Domino, and Colossus.
“I don’t know that we should have come here,” Colossus whispered. Domino hushed him quickly.
The third performer wore a long, black satin robe, trimmed in purple rhinestones that glittered in the stage lights. She wore a wig of bright pink waves and cocked a hip as she turned toward their table. “I understand we’ve got some new blood in the house tonight.” The pink-haired performer sauntered between tables as she continued in a sultry purr, “So let’s go over the ground rules. If you’ve been here before, say them with me! Rule One!”
The audience responded, slightly drunk and mostly in unison, “No photos or video! We do this show live and only live!”
“That’s right,” she let out an easy giggle. “Rule Two?”
“No touching the performers unless you are specifically asked!” One young woman added in a buzzed, but enthusiastic slur, “Consent fucking matters!”
“YES, HONEY!” the blonde in the green bikini agreed.
The pink-wigged woman beamed. “Wonderful. You know, just to make a point,” she went over to the buzzed woman’s table. “Why don’t you give me a good slap on the ass, huh? Not too high on the cheek now, nice and low.” She leaned over, sticking out her round butt. When the patron gave a smack loud enough for every table to hear, the performer snapped straight again with a surprised hoot. “That’s how I like it! Haha, and Rule Three, let’s go!” She gestured grandly, long sleeves swaying.
The veteran audience chorused, “If you see something you like, make some noise!”
The three performers gathered in front of the curtain again and struck a sexy pose that showed off cleavage, thighs, and arched spines. The crowd made a good ruckus of whistling and applause, the X-Force gang included.
The show continued - there was an opening group number, the drag queen from the entrance sang a parody cover of a popular love song, there were a few aerial silks numbers, and of course classic burlesque striptease. Domino and Wade had gotten comfortable quickly, cheering and applauding each performer like they were the sexiest they had ever seen. Colossus took a while to loosen up, but even he enjoyed the athletic fluidity of the silks performers. Strength, flexibility, and making it all look beautiful with a big showgirl smile? Gold star in Colossus’s book. Each performer had gotten a funny and colorful introduction by the drag queen, who was emceeing most of the show.
“Our last lady of the night,” the queen teased, “has a slither that’ll make you shiver and she has NOOO idea how to just SIT in a chair!” The crowd chuckled. The drag queen bobbed her head and gave a wide flourish, “Just make sure you check for fangs before you kiss her - it’s Liiiiz Lugosiiii!!!!” The crowd hollered and clapped as the curtain drew back, revealing the pink wigged woman with the black satin robe.
Something steamy and full of saxophone blared over the sound system as Y/N, aka Liz Lugosi, swirled her robe - and disappeared. She reappeared a few feet away in a puff of smoke, similar to Colossus’s friend Kurt. As Liz Lugosi swirled, floated, and poofed around the stage, Colossus couldn’t help but note that where Kurt’s ability was abrupt like popping a balloon full of smoke, Y/N was smooth and soft, like drips of ink in water. A simple folding chair was on the stage, and in another few beats, Liz let her robe slide from her shoulders, down her back, and onto the floor. Domino glanced over at Cable and saw his face was relaxed in a gentle smile, eyes shining in the light.
Liz Lugosi turned to the front - and revealed that she appeared to be wearing nothing but black and purple rhinestones. Of course, her thong and pasties were there, but they matched her skin tone and the stones and beads had been carefully stitched and glued to cover them. The crowd screeched their appreciation. Wade yelled, “Holy shit!” but Cable barely even registered it.
“How did you find out about this?” Colossus asked him.
Cable answered without taking his eyes off Y/N, “I followed her to rehearsal once, to see where she goes.”
The stage floor filled with rolling fog as Liz Lugosi tossed her pink waves and slid over the chair so her chest was on the seat and her legs arched over her head. The rest of her routine was a series of acrobatic rolls and stands on and around the chair. Just when it looked like she would sit normally, she would turn and suddenly she was upside down, nearly sitting her butt on her head, with her legs in a deep split.
“Is that a mutation?” Domino asked, astounded.
“No,” Cable beamed, absolutely smitten, “she can just do that.”
Wade clapped for a particularly unexpected roll off of the chair. “I can’t believe she’s been holding out on us!”
Colossus agreed, smiling despite the awkwardness of seeing a coworker mostly naked for the first time, “You can tell how much she’s enjoying herself.”
As her number ended, Liz Lugosi bowed, dramatically tossing her pink waves. The team cheered louder than any other table and drew her attention. If she was caught by surprise, she didn’t let it show, maintaining her stage persona. She swayed her wide hips over to their table, and made the rounds expressing her thanks. She kissed Colossus on the cheek and left a red print on his chrome skin, though he froze when her boobs touched his arm. Domino soaked it up when she got a kiss on the cheek too. Wade didn’t get a kiss until he laid his palms on the table, and he all but squealed with delight. Cable, subdued and a little sheepish, offered the roses when she got to him. Instead of kissing his cheek, she pressed her lips to his and made it steamy enough that the crowd hooted and whistled louder than ever.
Y/N pulled away and teased in Cable’s ear, “Do I need to learn to cover my tracks better?”
“Aw, I hope you never do,” he was still grinning like a fool, “I’ve been wanting to bring you flowers for a while.”
She pulled away and she was Liz Lugosi again. Bouquet cradled against her heart, she winked and sashayed back to the stage to pick up her robe. The curtain closed, and Cable didn’t even try to hide how light and pleased he felt after getting to kiss the woman he’d been quietly pining after for months.
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daveeddiggsit · 6 years
Note: This is the most cliche series/fic I’ve ever written and probably will write lol. (I decided to split this up into a series that I’m entitling WIDEOUT!) I’m not entirely finished with writing it yet (I still have one part to go, I think), but I decided to release the first part today since it’s Saturday. Enjoy, and please lemme know what you think! I’d love some feedback.
Word Count: 2,262
Pairing: Thomas Jefferson x Reader
AU: High School. Football Player/Tutor
Warnings: None. Chemistry? High School?
Summary: When you’re assigned to tutor Thomas Jefferson in chemistry, you find out that there’s more to him than just football. Will you end up being more than just a tutor?
Tags: @musicalmoriarty @nadialinett14 @jazygirljazzy @coololdsoulpoetlove @perfectionistdia @friendlyneighborhoodwhatever @gunsandshiiiips @wreakhavoconmacroissantdiggs @wiffle-snuffles @snufflypuffly @walkingtvs
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“Alright, everybody. For the final five minutes of class today, I will be handing back your tests from last week. The average grade on the exam was an 88.” Your chemistry teacher says as she picks up the stack of papers that lie on her desk.
"Amazing job as always, Y/N." Mrs. Stephenson smiles when she hands you your graded test on chemical compounds. It has a 98 circled in red pen at the top left of the paper.
As your teacher hands out the papers, you chat with your best friend Maria, who sits in the desk next to you.
“Ooh, what’d you get?” Maria asks from her seat, leaning over to get a glimpse of your grade. “Knowing you, you probably got a perfect score.”
“Nope,” you say, “I actually got a 98.”
“Wow, nerd.” She teases.
“Shut up, I am not!” You laugh, shaking your head at her. Your best friend calling you a nerd is a regular occurrence, but you don’t take any offense to it. “Chem is my best subject, okay?”
“Okay, whatever you say, Y/N…” She trails off and you roll your eyes, directing your attention back to your teacher who is handing papers back to the group of football players who sit in the back of the classroom.
"Mr. Jefferson, I'm afraid I'm going to have to see you after class. We need to discuss some things regarding your grade in this class." She says when she hands Thomas Jefferson’s test back.
Thomas' buddies, James Madison and Aaron Burr, who sit to his left and right 'ooo' obnoxiously, causing the star athlete shove both of them while rolling his eyes.
You know who, well, everybody knows who Thomas Jefferson is. You know that he is good at multiple sports (he’s on the varsity football and track team), his dad used to be in the NFL and his family is rich because of it, all the teachers love him (except Mrs. Stephenson apparently), and all the girls have had a crush on him at some point of their high school career (you’d be lying if you said that you didn’t find him at least a little bit attractive...).
As the star football player, Thomas is one of the most popular kids in school. He carries himself like the stereotypical jock: cocky, poised, outspoken, and most of all — he’s hot and he knows it. 
So to say the least, you are actually surprised to hear that he’s not doing well in this class. You’re pretty sure he has to have good grades in order to play on the football team — all athletes do, to your knowledge.
Oh well. It’s not your problem anyway. Why do you even care about all this? You’ve never even talked to the guy…
The loud ring of the bell dismissing class snaps you out of your thoughts. As you get up and gather your things, you are ready to head out of the door with Maria when Mrs. Stephenson calls your name.
"Y/N, could you stay behind for a few moments?"
You pause in the doorway for a second. Maria and you exchange confused glances before you face Mrs. Stephenson. “Uh, yeah sure.” You respond hesitantly before you turn back to Maria. “I’ll text you later.”
She nods before she turns to exit the room, leaving you in the room with your Mrs. Stephenson and a few others. 
"Yes, Mrs. Stephenson?" You ask politely, walking over to her desk with your books hugged to your chest. “You wanted to talk to me?”
"Yes, one moment, Y/N," the chemistry teacher says, her sight set on something over your shoulder. "I’d like Thomas to join in on this conversation as well. This involves both of you."
Wait, what? Thomas? Why would he need to be in this conversation? What could this be about? You’ve never even interacted with him before. 
Your heartbeat begins to beat slightly quicker as you grow a bit nervous.
Mrs. Stephenson raises her voice so that Thomas and James (who are still talking to each other in their seats towards the back of the classroom) can hear her. "Thomas, can I speak with you for a moment. And James, don’t you have another class you need to be getting to?"
Thomas mumbles something that makes James laugh. Mrs. Stephenson doesn’t seem phased at all as her stern look pierces into Thomas and James’ slow-to-move figures.
"Alright, man, catch you later at practice." You hear Thomas finally say as they do a special handshake and bro hug.
“Later, Jefferson.” James says before he walks out of the room. “Bye, Mrs. Stephenson.”
Thomas saunters up to Mrs. Stephenson's desk next to you as James leaves the room. "What's up, Mrs. S?" He asks coolly before he nods to you. "Hey, Y/N."
He knows your name?
"Mr. Jefferson," your teacher begins. "As you know, you are extremely close to failing this class, which is not only bad for your reputation, but mine as well."
"Okay..." Thomas trails off, leaning against the desk behind him. "And?"
You look him up and down as he nonchalantly glances at Mrs. Stephenson. He’s wearing a varsity jacket (stereotypical), fitted jeans, and Nike shoes that you’re sure are hella expensive. The silver chain he wears around his neck backs up that statement.
"And, as you also most likely know, Y/N has the best grade in this class.” 
Thomas takes that moment to glance over at you, causing you to quickly snap your gaze to Mrs. Stephenson. You can feel his stare on you as your chemistry teacher continues. 
“This explains why I will be pairing the two of you together so that she can hopefully help you better your grade through a number tutoring sessions over the course of the semester."
Thomas looks back at Mrs. Stephenson before he scoffs, clearly annoyed by his teacher’s accusations. "Is this really necessary? A tutor?" He asks, crossing his arms. "I mean, I'm not a dumb guy.  Nothing against you, Y/N, but I don't need a tutor to help me learn."
“None taken,” you chime in. You’re just as surprised as he is about this whole thing. Thomas and you are on the same side here; you don’t really want to tutor him unless you absolutely have to.
"Well, your grade says otherwise, Thomas."
The football player presses on defensively. "Well, what about James? His grade isn't that great either. Why doesn't he need a tutor?"
"Mr. Madison has a B- in this class. You have a D, Thomas."
Thomas pauses for a second. "Really?" His eyebrows quirk in confusion. "Well, damn..."
"I'm afraid neither of you have a choice in this matter.”
Well, shit.
“Y/N, I'm sorry to put you in this position, but it is the school's decision. The science department scores need to be brought up, and this is the way we are choosing to take action. Thomas, you will either get tutored until you bring your grade up, or there will be repercussions and your coach will have no other choice but to kick you off the team."
"Coach would really do that to me? To my teammates?" He hops to his feet and actually looks offended. "Are you really-? You can't be serious."
"Deadly." Mrs. Stephenson responds sternly before she stands up from her desk and grabs her empty coffee mug. "I'll leave you two alone to exchange information, set up times, etcetera. Good luck to the both of you. I’ll be looking forward to seeing your progress in the upcoming weeks." She says, walking out the door to presumably fill up her cup with a fresh brew (well the freshest you can get from the cheap coffee machine in the teacher’s lounge).
The two of you stand in shocked silence. After a few moments, you sigh and turn to him.
“Well, uh… I guess I’m your tutor now…”
He looks at you and nods slowly, his curls slightly bouncing as he does so. “I guess so.”
You set your books down on a nearby desk and shrug off your backpack, taking your phone out of its front pocket. You unlock it and open the Contacts app before you hand it to Thomas. “Here, put your number in. We can start tomorrow after school, I guess.”
“Okay, so I have practice from 6-8 everyday after school, except for Fridays which are game days, and I have practice Saturdays from 2-4.” Thomas explains, as he types in his name and number before he gives your phone back to you. “But tomorrow right after school works.”
“Wow, you could have just said that. You didn’t need to give me your entire life story, Jefferson.” You laugh softly, causing him to flash you a charming grin, but you miss it as you send him a quick text so that he knows it’s your number. “Just text me and make up a schedule. I’m usually free right after school.”
“Alright, sounds good, Y/N.” Thomas nods as you put your backpack on and pick up your books.
“See you around, Thomas.” You say, and he waves at you as you walk out of the room and towards your next class.
As you walk in the hallway, your thoughts run freely. You’re not entirely mad about the whole tutoring thing (you’re not happy either; it’s not like you want this), but you know that it’ll at least look good on a college application in the future. That is all you have to look forward to.
⋆﹥ ━━━━━━━   ♛   ━━━━━━━﹤⋆
“Alright, Jefferson. So, what exactly is it that you need help with?” You ask, taking out your chemistry notes. Thomas sits in the chair next to you, tapping his pencil on the surface of the wooden table. The library isn’t entirely empty yet, which means that there’s ambient noise surrounding you both. It’s the perfect condition for studying.
“I don’t know.” He says, shrugging. “Everything?”
“Let’s just start at the beginning, yeah? The easy stuff.” You reply, opening your notebook.
“Whatever you say, darlin’.” Thomas shrugs with a hint of a smile. “You’re the boss.”
You have to force yourself to not let his charm or smug persona affect you. So you ignore the nickname he calls you and move on, but not before you address something with him to get it off your chest.
“Listen, Jefferson, I’ll be honest, I don’t really wanna be here any more than you do. Tutoring isn’t really my thing. Neither are athletes or sports or anything like that. No offense.” Your blunt statements cause him to raise his eyebrows, but an amused expression appears on his face. 
“None taken.” He smirks, and it’s like a mirror of the day prior in Mrs. Stephenson’s classroom. “Gonna take more than that to offend me, though.”
“I wasn’t trying to offend you, that’s why I said ‘no offense.” You reply, breaking eye contact before continuing. “I’m sorry if I came across as rude, but I just want you and I to be on the same page, okay? I’ll give you my full attention and you give me yours. Then, hopefully this’ll all be over quicker and we can go back to our separate lives.”
“Okay, now that offends me.” Thomas says, faking hurt and putting a hand over his heart. “Tryin’ to get rid of me already? Really, sweetheart, that hurts.”
“Really...?” You trail off, giving him a pointed look, but his fake pout persists and you know that if you want to make any tutoring progress in the near future you have to give into his antics. “Fine... I’m sorry you feel that way?”
“Good enough.” He shrugs, before he adds on another sentence. “I was just messin’ with you. I know what you mean, though, so yeah - you’ve got my full attention, princess. Doesn’t mean I’ll like chemistry any time soon, though.”
“Wasn’t expecting you to, genius.” You roll your eyes, biting your lip subconsciously. “I’m not gonna be offended if you hate chemistry, trust me, Jefferson.”
He watches you with the edges of his lips quirked up into a small grin. “You know I have a first name, right?”
“You earn first name privileges after the first tutoring session.”
“Well, what are you waiting for, then? Let’s get on with it.” His grin widens, causing you to let out a small laugh and look back down at the paper that’s between you.
You can feel his gaze still on you as you try to put your mind back into chemistry-mode and come up with a question to gauge how much of the subject Thomas actually knows.
“What does the C stand for on the periodic table?” You ask him after a few seconds of silence.
“Carbon.” The football player answers, breathing out a laugh. “I’m not hopeless, Y/N.”
“I mean, you did say everything before, didn’t you? I had to make sure.” You grin (making Thomas roll his eyes) before asking, ”Do you know how many protons it has?”
Thomas’ eyes narrow in concentration as he thinks. “Seven?” He says slowly as if he’s unsure of his answer.
“Is that a guess?”
“Nah, I know this stuff.” He says confidently, but you know he’s lying. “I swear.”
“Well, you’re actually wrong. It’s six.” You correct him.
“I knew that…” He mumbles, looking down at the pencil in his hand.
You sigh internally but don’t let your true, already frustrated emotions show on the surface. Deep down you know that tutoring Thomas Jefferson is going to be a challenge to say the very least.
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14 Questions You Might Be Afraid to Ask About jason natural body wash fragrance free
Best Organic Body Wash For Men
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Best Body Washes For Men Your Skin Would Adore
This is another hand-made natural product that is going to fit the bill perfectly for you if you’re looking to take good care of your skin or dealing with certain skin issues. One particular customer says that their skin had turned into a mess as a result of side effects of some medication.
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Best Body Washes (Shower Gels) For Men 2020
Men’s skin are usually composed of large pores, they tend to sweat more but Molton has been made to resolve this problem. The body wash is suitable for both showering and proper bathing. The jack black turbo body wash for men & black men is two in one body wash made to refresh the skin and help reduce the amount of bacteria present on the surface of the skin. The body wash has an aroma that is energizing which help you to detox your body and help you to recover healthy skin after exercise.
Jack Black Turbo Wash Energizing Cleanser For Hair & Body
The bodywash is transparent enough that allows for a light cleanse, and naturally locks the moisture your skin encompasses. Its lush bubbling gel will leave your skin feeling renewed and clean. This highly rated body wash has a matchless blend of 3-in-1 products that mildly cleanse the body with lush foam, while moisturizing your skin.
And The Winner Is… Body Wash Vs. Bar Soap
The cult perfumer's new Portrait of a Lady foam wash that's scented with the same timeless of blackcurrant and patchouli notes as the house's original 2010 fragrance. At Conscious Skincare we don’t put products in outer packaging as this can be a waste. However, please just choose from the menu above if you would like our Absolute Shower presented in a gift tube for a special occasion. We included the wonderful fragrance of Bergamot essential oilas it also acts as a natural serum to tame frizzy and stray hair strands. Smell great, even after your shower; Irish Spring's Non-Stop Fresh Body Wash leaves you with the freshest of smells so you feel your best.
Best Body Washes Every Man Needs (Review) In 2020
Few beauty products are as popular with men as scented shower gels. When choosing a shower gel, it is important to look at the ingredient list and choose a non-toxic formula to ensure that you are not exposing yourself to any harmful elements. Finding a truly all-natural body wash can sometimes be more difficult than just running to your local pharmacy and picking up what is on sale. are the ingredients in your body wash and other cleansers that cause them to have the lavish bubbles.
Ld Spice Men’s Body Wash, Swagger Scent, Red Collection
Eucalyptus is another ingredient featured in this product. It supports the immune system and reduces bacteria on the skin. Rosemary is there to warm your muscles and to act as a decongestant.
Our favorite from the new collection is the Juniper Sage aroma; juniper’s green bite meets the earthy mildness of sage in a naturally derived body wash that satisfies even the harshest critic. For some, a simple, all-for-one kind of attitude toward full body washes is all you need. Instead of being a body soap for your head, it’s a shampoo for your body. Free of parabens, mineral oils, phthalates, and chemical additives — never tested on animals — this is the indulgent, luxury-shampoo-meets-body-wash you didn’t know you needed. Good for any part of your body, a simple shower with this body wash transforms into a fir-tree lined luxuriation.
Greenfibres have forged the first ever Soil Association, 100% GOTS, certified organic cotton, make up and cleansing pads. Ecover are pulling the plug on plastic packaging with their brand new Washing Up Liquid bottle, made from 100% post-consumer recycled, 100% recyclable plastic.
For the fans of natural products, search no further than the Truremedy Naturals Remedy Soap. This body wash is formulated with tea tree oil, aloe vera, and mint to combat athlete’s foot, jock itch, and ringworm.
Nourishing botanicals like omega fatty acids along with mint essential oil, tea tree oil, and neem oil are a part of the invigorating, spa-like experience. The ingredients are natural and organic, no two ways about that. Unquestionably, harmful or chemical preservatives, detergents, dyes, and fragrances are not included.
When it comes to buying a body wash, the fancy ones may not be as effective in cleansing your skin of oil, sweat, and grime. Since all you want is a body wash, insisting on passing fads won’t work.
Has a nice lather, but you won't find any harsh chemicals, foaming agents, or irritants in this product. This beautiful organic body wash from LILFOX will not only https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dNP71HDBHir6XRatvlYC1TmgGOQRLlus/view?usp=sharing transform the scent of your bathroom into a tropical jungle, it will leave your skin feeling silky soft. The formula is crafted from organic olive oil and coconut oil soaps mixed with essential oils of jasmine flower, citrus oil, and violet leaf. It's got this fruity, floral, mildly sweet scent that is totally unique, but not overpowering. Best of all, it comes in a big 16 oz bottle and has a thick consistency---meaning it'll last a good long while.
It also washes away clean and leaves your skin feeling nice and smooth. Organic - An organic body wash is one that’s made with all natural ingredients. Body washes are a vital part of any man’s routine, the importance of which we hardly need to spell out.
When you want to get the best body wash to moisturize your skin, there are several characteristics to look after. However few signs to determine your dry skin are little rough red patches on the skin, especially on the cheeks.
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rileyreid84 · 4 years
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