#the amity celebration / 2024
aevummarket · 5 months
Hi! I'd like to purchase one Mainecoon Kitten for Astarion Ancunin of Baldur's Gate 3 during the event's 50% off please! Stats are under /stats, emblems /skills and threads under /threads!
A special item has been delivered to your home and placed in a mailbox that wasn’t there yesterday. The box, and the item both have your name on them.
PET REGISTRATION FORMS. 150 Emblems How you gain this creature is up to mun discretion, whether the 'special item' is simply a bundle of all the necessary supplies to take care of your new pet, or the 'special item' is both the supplies and the pet. You can buy an animal from a pet store, or register an animal you have found on your adventures if you so choose. 
— 🏵️ Creo
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mischiefmodig · 6 months
Amity Celebrations \ / @magnusmodig
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Why are the celebrations of this world so... asanine? In Asgard the festivities would be for tales of glories and battles. Stories that were passed down from generation to generation, and regarded in the highest esteme.
Perhaps in some ways these "traditions" were largely the same. And perhaps Loki was biased, but that did not change the fact Loki saw little to no interest in engaging with anything of this world ( lest another beast come after him and force him to do so. )
But something was softened in the Ice Prince's heart. Perhaps it was seeing sons with their mothers, brothers playing in fields... it reminded him of an older time. a simpler one. where war was only a story they celebrated and they could fight it all together. Maybe what he felt was jealousy, maybe it was anger that these lives were happier than his. Mischief had already lifted his heart, but... perhaps... just this once...
Loki had found himself in a secluded part of the field's. There were very few eyes that would be upon him as he strode his way among the freshly bloomed flowers. He saw the ones he was searching for. With a skilled and delicate finger, he took them from the ground and into his hands.
He had a sizable collection of flowers, which to any casual observer were nothing special. But to him, he knew them alone as his mothers favorite. He'd often spent hours collecting bouquets for her from the lush castle gardens. The light that shown on her face whenever she would recieve such a gift was something he always cherished. Her smile was the prettiest. He often wondered if she was ever truly happy.
Every stem weaved into the next. He lost count of the hours he spent on the field floor, while waltzing in his memories. Good memories. Happy moments with her... that was squandered. The wreath was only halfway done, by the time he became aware of approaching footsteps.
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bluestringpuppeteer · 6 months
When Badou had suggested they go out to see the Luminescence Concerts, Legato hadn't thought much of it. A musical show at the Amphitheater? It sounded like a good time to him.
That was before he knew how many people came to concerts. They were surrounded by people, pressed in on all sides, and Legato wasn't wearing his spiky coat on advice from Badou. Which meant he wasn't protected from the press of bodies by anything except Badou himself.
And the drink Badou had shoved in his hand, that Legato had been nervously sipping. He was pressed up against Badou to avoid as many other people as possible, using him as a shield from the press. The alcohol was helping, though slowly.
"You could have warned me about the amount of people here," he huffs, trying to cover nerves with irritation.
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magnusmodig · 6 months
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unprompted / @mischiefmodig / always accepting !
In the spirit of this holiday, and because Loki is feeling extra he has purchased a very special product that he only had noticed today. Mostly because of the ingredients that it was made with. And even more special was the fact that it had been made into a delicacy that he knew someone, in particular, would adore. Loki bought this pastry as a gift. A sentiment, if you would of good nature... but it was anything but. ( though perhaps it was still of gaiety, even if strictly speaking it was out of curiosity of what would happen to someone who ate the thing ) And so he arrived upon Thor's door and knocked. In his hand, he held the box of Danish-style pastries with Logus Fruit Filling. Four of them to be precise. When answered, he presented the items to his brother, with hardly any emotion or tell. ❝ Here, brother. I saw them this morning and thought of you. ❞ The perfect test subject.
𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑 𝐎𝐏𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐄 door , he was less surprised to find loki behind it , and MORE surprised at the offering. his eye scoured the treats hungrily. danishes. his favorite. and quite lovely ones from the look of it. and still thor found them odd. loki was not the sort to dabble in apologies he did not mean. nor did thor expect to be graced by a sudden wind of familial kindness either.
their ships had blown too far away from one another to entertain that.
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he would not leave them disregarded and left in loki's hand , but . . . ❝ brother , what so happens to be the occasion? ❞
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epilvgue · 6 months
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「𝔟𝔞𝔫𝔤 𝔟𝔞𝔫𝔤!」- Coating Colors Day. It was something Vash had decided to observe from the side for the most part. Until some younger children who wanted to join in the fun decided to try and get him to play as well. Which he would, quite happily.
Vash was jumping and scrambling all over, making the kids work for their hits. He had ditched his coat and marksman glasses, leaving them with a kind elderly woman who was helping to hand out the balloons. He was dressed now in some work clothes which he didn't much mind getting stained or pigmented in various colors. They got dirty enough at the farms anyways so it really didn't matter.
He had taken a break, telling the kids that he'd just get some water and then be back to continue playing with them. At the moment he was was splattered with blue, orange, and yellow. He caught his own reflection in one of the shop windows along main street - it was strange to see his hair "blonde" again. The gunman leaned against a brick wall beside the tiny pastry shop. He observed everything from a relatively clear spot with a small plastic cup in hand. He spotted a familiar figure then.
Badou! That was a bit of a surprise… he wouldn't have exactly thought that the man was one to get mixed up in the paint-throwing event. Maybe other things but this seemed a little out there from what little he knew about the man. Regardless, here he was. The redheaded was wandering down the street. Vash raised a hand and called over the noise from his small space that was relatively clear of others.
"Badou! You playin' with the kids too?" Although the man looked far more haggard and weary than play might suggest. In fact it looked rather like he had been attacked by a gaggle of kids or teenagers.
@brokeassgoing || Amity Celebration - Coating Colors Day
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drunkelreporter · 6 months
"Hey, Star, have a look at this." Roberto hummed, pressing the newspaper he'd been reading while sipping his coffee out flat on the kitchen counter. Among all the talk of Amity Celebrations and all the events scheduled over the city was an advertisement talking about tapestries, woven from special threads only the Padedeu Temple had access to. Things that drew on memories of home and family and wove them into a real piece of art.
"Kinda interesting. Think I might go see about getting one made. Might be nice to have, especially with Wolfwood hovering around now. More often I can shove that he's adopted in his face, more likely he'll get the idea and stop thinking he's gonna protect me from himself or something." He checks the number written in the paper and, slowly since he's really still not used to actually using his phone, adds it in to his contacts.
"Looks like there's a lot going on this month. I'm gonna be busy writing stories. Guess this is why so many people wanted new spring outfits made, huh?"
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windsofcourage · 6 months
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— & . amity celebration / info & . starter call ! (CAP: 3, castmates exempt !)
Please reply to this starter call with your preferred event participation! It makes it easier to write starters <3
Link will be relatively active all around Arcanus Isle for the Amity Celebration! You can find him participating in the following events and places:
The Blossom Dance Link can be found observing the Blossom Dance, and may even participate! He's a great cook, and would prepare meals for people who stop by. The Ceredae and Moonelope are also on his radar. Most likely, you'll find Link tailing both creatures to try and take a picture! Link can also be found looking for Wyrd Fae. They would remind him of the Koroks and Blupees. With your muse's help, he might even be able to find the Wyrd Fae's GOLDEN COIN as a keepsake!
The Tea-Lip Party Beneath his calm exterior, Link is a master of chaos. He will try out most things in the name of fun and exploration, and while he would express some level of hesitation towards the alchemical drinks ... he would also still drink them. (This is also true of Logus Fruit confections.)
The Tapestry of Traditions Link cannot remember his past or his family... but he does have them. Attempts to create a Sovenance Tapestry will result in no tapestry at all. Trying to trigger memories with Link may result in ... various levels of success.
The White Nights Link can be found during the White Nights at all hours of the day. Does he sleep? Has he been avoiding it? Does he even NEED sleep? Great questions, you're more than welcome to ask.
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fellstcr · 5 months
⚔️ // "i'd understand if you had other things you would rather do today" byleth was saying , "but if it isn't too much trouble for you , i —.... i think it would be nice to be able to spend some time together. outside of the temple , i mean." it was said haltingly. hesitantly. all between a failing flicker of eye contact as byleth's gaze fell to one side , and her fingers curled into the fabric of her skirts.
of course ... byleth knew that she SHOULDN'T BE NERVOUS. seiros didn't know who she was or could be. they barely knew anything about each other. even still , an anxious prickling knotted her stomach all the same. EXPECTANT , almost , that seiros might even rebuke the idea outright.
but the truth was that the potential to share in her company for a little while was every bit worth the strain of asking.
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"i recently got new tea blends that you might be interested in. and ... it would be a nice way to wind down after a hard day's work."
@seirosu / amity celebration !
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chaoticclaybomber · 6 months
Amity Celebration 2024!
Deidara is going to be using the excuse of the holiday to cause mischief and to use some homemade, slightly less destructive then usual explosives. Fireworks and dye bombs will be the marks of his passing, be warned ye who interact with him!
Logus Pocus Day He won't eat the fruit himself without a good amount of convincing, but he will try to get others to eat it so he can laugh at them.
Coating Colors Day Dye bombs and chalk dust bombs abound. He will make a mess. He will be a mess. It's all in good fun and no one can yell at him for making small booms to go along with the excitement, right!?
Blossom Dance He may be found milling about and, if someone is pleasant enough company, can be roped into dancing. He's not bad at it, quick on his feet and nimble.
Candlelight Passing Contrary to the rest of the excitement and interest of the celebrations, Deidara can be found on one night during the White Nights, solemn and alone, floating a boat out toward the Reef.
Deidara is open to participating in other facets of the event, though other parts would likely be led by another muse.
Soft cap of 3 for the festival, give this a like and I'll shove this little gremlin your way!
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unluckyuncle · 5 months
Family Threads 𓅭𓅭𓅭𓅭 Amity Drabble
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Boy oh boy had it been a rough month for the duck. Of course, it had been another year of the triplet's birthday, more specifically one where he wasn't able to share in it. Donald had to pretend it was enough for him, but it only made his heart more to think about.
It was a suggestion of the family he did have here ( honorary, but in his book, that's all that mattered ) that led him all the way out to the Padadue temple. It really was a pretty landscape out here, just teeming with life and color.
He walked into the temple, not exactly sure what to expect. But he knew what he was here for. He was greeted by one of the Acolytes, who spoke to him a little bit more about what this was and the entire ceremony process. It sounded like a lot of magic-y things that Donald didn't fully understand, but he was assured that it was painless, and the end result would be well worth the time.
Donald let out a deep sigh but nodded. A huge part of him just wanted to see his family again, and this Sovenance Tapestry seemed to be the best way to do that.
He sat down and thought hard. Though really, he didn't have to do that much. He had so many memories of his family.
The boys were the first things that came to his mind. Of course, that wasn't too much of a surprise. He thought of them today. Dewey with his energy. Louie with his cleverness. Huey with his intelligence. He loved each and every one of them more than life itself. He remember when they hatched. Their first steps. Their first day at school. And of course, he remembered the struggles. The trips to the food bank. And the days when Donald wasn't sure he was good enough to be considered a parent at all. But he knew without a shadow of a doubt that they loved him just as much as he did, and that's what mattered the most to him.
With the boys comes Uncle Scrooge. There's a pain in those memories, Donald knows. He feels it deep within himself. The 10 years of bitterness, anger, regrets. But he remembers the times before. The adventures they had, the way Uncle Scrooge was so much like a father to him when his own didn't take the time to understand him. He'd spent so much of his life with the man, that he hardly knew what to do with himself when they cut ties. But now he was back. He loves Uncle Scrooge more than anything, even with his faults. They're family, and families stick together.
With Scrooge then comes Della... she was alive. She was somewhere home - or maybe not, he didn't know for sure. But she could be back with her kids, her wonderful boys. He wondered how much she had changed - if he'd even recognize her if he saw her ( would she recognize him? ) But he focused on their past. There was no one else who understood him like her. They stood up for him like her. She was there for all of his lowest moments, just like he was there for hers. Of course, they fought and teased... but they loved each other. That's all Donald can hope for.
There were so many memories that Donald searched through. He saw little Webby and Mrs. Beakly. He saw Launchpad and Gyro. So many friends; all of whom he'd call his family in one form or another. They'd saved the world together and loved each other more than anything else. Donald had been 10 years without a family, only to find himself surrounded by multitudes. Like all families in the world, they weren't perfect, but they all knew where they belonged.
And that's what he left the temple with. The tapestry turned out pretty big, but it was full of his memories. They were so vivid and captured the likeness just as he remembered it. The image depicted a giant family photo. Donald with the boys all doing something dear to them. Scrooge and Della stood behind, a plane in the distance. While everyone else filled the space around them, totally unique and representative of who they were.
It was a beautiful thing, and he couldn't be happier that he had one. He'd treasure it forever.
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bvrriers · 6 months
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Coating Colors Day. It wasn't exactly something that had been explained, but it looked fun enough that the two boys had eventually hopped right in, finding themselves some balloons full of colored water and powder. And so the fun (read: fight), began.
Ito was laughing as he whipped another balloon at Steven as hard as he could. It had rapidly become a contest, at least on Ito's end to cover Steven head to toe in colors. Then, perhaps it was cheating, but as Steven threw his own balloon, Ito created a barrier ahead of himself. He'd let it up eventually, but sometimes it was also far too much fun to flex his newly returned abilities.
:"HA! Good luck!"
@ttauriwanderer || amity celebration - coating colors day
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aevummarket · 5 months
I’d like to purchase pet registration for Millions Knives from Trigun Maximum using my Amity Celebration ticket for a red merlie Australian shepherd puppy! My Stats Page can be found at /stats, and my Emblems can be found at /skills and threads at /threads. Today is April 21.
A special item has been delivered to your home and placed in a mailbox that wasn’t there yesterday. The box, and the item both have your name on them.
PET REGISTRATION FORMS. 150 Emblems How you gain this creature is up to mun discretion, whether the 'special item' is simply a bundle of all the necessary supplies to take care of your new pet, or the 'special item' is both the supplies and the pet. You can buy an animal from a pet store, or register an animal you have found on your adventures if you so choose. 
— Mod Leillis 🌸
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ttauriwanderer · 6 months
Amity Celebration Starter Call and Info
Steven loves this festival. He will do everything, try everything, get into any and all possible trouble. Want someone to eat a bunch of Logus Fruit with? He's game! Want to get into a friendly color war? Totally up for it! Mixing teas at the party for the most comedic affect? Absolutely! This young man is going to absolutely exhaust himself trying everything this festival has to offer.
Go nuts, go wild, he is more then happy to drag along a new friend into the playful chaos!
Soft cap of 3, I may make more starter calls for him later on.
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bluestringpuppeteer · 6 months
Festivities seemed to be a favorite of the people who lived in this place, taking every opportunity to celebrate and party. It's... odd, for a man who grew up without anything to celebrate on a world where there were few enough reasons to do so for normal people. He's learning to relax and enjoy himself, slowly but surely, and it's helped along by Knives' eagerness to do the same as long as it's with him.
Instead of dismissing the festivities outright and only acknowledging them when his job called him to, he actually looks into what's going on beforehand.
Granted, most of the events aren't something he's interested in attending. One or two, perhaps, but it's not until he sees the description of tapestries woven to represent one's home that something actually calls to him. He... wants to see what home would look like, woven out before him, just for him.
But also, 'home' wouldn't mean anything without his partner, the one being he loves more then anything else.
"Knives," he asks softly, padding out into the garden to find him fussing over his plants. It's still terribly odd to see Millions Knives with dirt up to his elbows and smeared across his cheek, but it makes something in his chest warm every time.
"Have you looked at the festivals the Aercons have planned? Is there... anything you might be interested in attending?" Not yet consistently bold enough to make a request or a suggestion outright, but if Knives had already picked something out he would of course go along. And if he hadn't, well, that left him an opening to present his idea, didn't it?
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magnusmodig · 6 months
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𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑 𝐒𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐍'𝐒 𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐃 was a medium sized wooden block. one that he was slowly whittling away at to form a wooden boat just large enough to hold a small bouquet and some burial ornaments. he was working on a third of these such wooden vessels. the rest were placed soundly on the grey pebble-sand beside him. on their starboard and port sides were asgardian runes.
ᚢᚦᛁᚾ . ᚠᚱᛁᚴ .
one for father . one for mother . one for asgard .
amity celebration / open !
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epilvgue · 6 months
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「𝔟𝔞𝔫𝔤 𝔟𝔞𝔫𝔤!」- People had been coming and going from the fields for hours now as the Fanalean residents and others from Arcanus City, Echos and native people's alike, all came, had their fun, and moved on to other activities. This included the farmers and their farm hands, many taking turns in rotation for making sure that everything was going smoothly, helping where help was needed, or selling their own wares to commemorate the start of spring. The sky was clear and air was crisp, still slightly chilly but not as bad as it had been during the winter season. All sorts of flora was budding and blossoming anew while those creatures who slept through the dreary months began to rouse themselves back to life.
Right now, dressed in a casual pair of jeans and a white button up, Vash was grinning ear to ear as he was surrounded by people talking and watched over a number of people picking from the many strawberry bushes. Several children were full of dirt, finding it more fun to play in the soil than to collect the ripe red fruits.
Vash was more than glad to see everyone enjoying themselves. However, something caught his eye enough to turn his head. He had just heaved up a crate full of the berries and was walking it over to a long table that had been set up with various boxes and bowls of water for washing and packaging when he noticed one man just milling about. He wasn't sitting in the field or any of the provided benches, he wasn't perusing wears or in the field picking berries, he didn't seem to be sipping any drink - the guy just seemed to be observing. Not like that was a crime or anything, but…
Well… sticking his nose where he didn't belong was one of the things he did best…
The Plant wandered over to the other man, the crate heavy in his arms as he held it by the handles on either side. He smiled. "Hey there friend, ya need some sort'a help?"
Maybe he was lost or looking for someone. Intuition told him the guy was probably an 'Echo', like he was.
@cagedfreedom || amity celebration starter
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