#the argumentative indian
sapphireshorelines · 2 years
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real hardship of death consists of the frustrating – very frustrating – inability to argue.
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Ram Mohun Roy, translated from bengali
Amartya Sen, The Argumentative Indian: Writings on Indian Culture, History and Identity
Albert Camus, The Fall
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metamatar · 2 years
For example, when Alexander asked a group of Jain philosophers why they were paying so little attention to the great conqueror, he got the following – broadly anti-imperial – reply (as reported by Arrian):
King Alexander, every man can possess only so much of the earth’s surface as this we are standing on. You are but human like the rest of us, save that you are always busy and up to no good, travelling so many miles from your home, a nuisance to yourself and to others! … You will soon be dead, and then you will own just as much of the earth as will suffice to bury you.
The Argumentative Indian, Amartya Sen
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atopvisenyashill · 10 months
“why would elaena marry a dornishman when they’re nasty evil people who murdered her poor innocent brother daeron”
maybe because once elaena grew up she realized that there were better ways of bringing dorne into the realm than violent conquest, and that daeron got the death he deserved from not just a nobility that is valid for fearing subjugation from valyria but also a smallfolk sick and tired of these people showing up every few decades to set their principality on fire, and put aside any anti dornish sentiments she may or may not have harbored as a child to see the way her family had directly attributed to their suffering, eventually even falling in love with and marrying a dornish man??
also, considering daeron ii attempts a type of proto-reparations act in bringing dorne into the kingdom, it’s not out of the realm of possibility that someone as intelligent as elaena would recognize the inherent racism in the targaryen conquest of dorne and especially considering the very loud anti-dornish, deeply anti intellectual faction in the blackfyre rebellions, realized they wouldn’t be kind or understanding of an intelligent woman like herself and had no interest in herself or her daughters (of which she had four!!) getting shoved back into the maidenvault again?
like, daeron i is on some andrew jackson manifest destiny shit, and if it makes me an asshole for thinking “god i wish someone had merked jackson before he genocided & displaced my ancestors, good on the dornish for realizing you can’t negotiate with imperialists” than i am perfectly comfortable being considered an asshole right next to my girl elaena.
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sleepingghostt · 4 months
Aomine’s half Indian
Aomine’s half Indian
Aomine’s half Indian
Aomine’s half Indian
Aomine’s half Indian
Aomine’s half Indian
Aomine’s half Indian
Aomine’s half Indian
And he can speak Hindi
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moonylads · 4 days
careful, your inner coloniser is showing 🥴
careful, your inner cowardness is showing 🥴
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just2bubbly · 5 days
Jasprit Bumrah 2024 is the New York version of Virat Kohli 2022 MCG Stadium
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cirripedia2 · 4 days
"Can't imagine being this vicious toward women who have men in their lives (aka the vast majority of women). "
meanwhile me: hit my dad when I found out he was being physically abusive towards my baby niece, hit him again just for a good measure, told him that Id beat him up if he hurt her again, and because of my own past abuse and trauma ended up spending next couple of nights in fear of getting beat up myself. left with fresh trauma that I havent completely dealt with yet.
you guys have no fucking idea how much I actually care about women in my family or women who are my friends, regardless of their sexuality. you guys are just making shit up because some rando on the internet said some slightly mean shit, that too in general, about bisexual women. seriously youre all so far your own asses you refuse to acknowledge that willingly hanging around men has rotted your brains.
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slicedblackolives · 3 months
btw I just watched the zone of interest and it’s become very clear to me that I’m one of the little children who were playing in the pool at the hoss’ garden party
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thewolveswolf · 4 months
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@mrghostrat 🤧
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i thought there were some things in history that everyone could agree on, but i've just read a book suggesting that the sand creek massacre was justified, so obviously not
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schoolhater · 10 months
sorry for still thinking abt this it just makes me physically i’ll anyway one thing i’ve noticed in the discourse over whether the people kidnapped from their homeland and shipped to a growing empire to benefit from the global imperialism enacted by said empire in the ensuing couple centuries is the conflation of how things claim to work vs how they actually do. its not exactly de jure vs de facto but that’s how it feels? just because US citizenship is intended to grant citizens a massive amt of privileges over the entire world doesn’t mean ppl actually see these benefits in their lives. so like what are the implications of ‘black ppl have american privilege’ even supposed to be? how are we supposed to move on after accepting this claim? are black americans supposed to redistribute their wealth (that they don’t have) or use their elevated platform (that they don’t have) to ally with (nonblack, i’ve not seen one person bring up US intervention in african countries) people in the global south (who benefit from and engage in antiblackness) or to renounce american citizenship and all benefits that come with it (which they never experienced anyway) to live in a US-enemy state (where they will continue to experience antiblackness) like what the fuck is the point of saying this
post was mad with zero evidence or research as usual ❤️ this is my blog
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dual-domination · 1 year
Me, *writing Guardian AU, Wild West Weilan*: This fic is very serious, dramatic... we’ll have angst... 
@the-marron :
@eleganttbarbara : cheerleading for Marron’s Soundtrack
@sagittariusdarkarrow , an asian person: *dancing in his lungi*
If one ask me how do I write a serious story after that, I have no idea anymore
Bonus by Marron: Peak Weilan
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twelvedimensional · 1 year
reading thru the live reportage of india's same sex marriage hearings and I am actually losing my mind
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robotsprinkles · 1 year
Yeah okay I need to move out. If I have to deal with my mum any longer I'm going to actually completely lose it (moreso than I already have/am)
(admittedly while moving out would solve a lot of the problems currently plaguing me it'd also bring its own whole host of issues — some of which miiight be caused by my current issues and thus would be solved/rendered moot by moving out but just as many which likely wouldn't)
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toucansafari · 1 year
I'm actually happy that ffxiv isn't popular in India. The govt would definitely have banned the game otherwise lol
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probablyjustamagpie · 2 years
getting 13 chapters into a fic and then noticing the author made a historical fact error and it would be fine if it wasn’t something you had already hyper fixated on
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