#the assassin | widowmaker
arkhonarchive · 1 year
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i need an animated series where they chase eachother across rooftops batman and joker style but also become disgruntled partners to solve a big bad mystery. or something
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eclaire-went-bam · 2 months
hopping on the trend
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frostise · 1 month
anyone want a one-liner from your favourite icy girl?
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moonage-gaydream · 2 months
I wish Widowmaker Overwatch was real. She wouldn't have missed.
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corkscrew-rulez · 1 year
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every clip i see of widowmaker makes me more and more confused on her design (i only played like 5 minutes of hatred) anyways made up the ship of widowmaker x postal doe with my best friend and im thinking about them a lot :3
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joyfulmagic · 2 years
open starter // muse: arina; v: widowmaker
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"Sometimes I wonder if I did the right thing, recreating the Red Room as a healing and growing center for young women who don't have anywhere else to go," Arina confessed, "simply due to the legacy of the Red Room and of the Widows, I wonder if I should have destroyed it all and created something altogether new, not having the same names as the horrific Red Room or the associations the title Black Widow carries."
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leblogdechoubaka · 2 years
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Fatale - Overwatch
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hitscank · 1 year
Skyrim needs a dynamic hair growth mod.
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cursedpiratestash · 7 months
Talon x Reader
Cuddle/sleep headcanons
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He doesn’t have time for it very often but when it gets down to it he melts into you in a gentle hold
He prefers a casual position where you head rests on his chest while he rubs circles in your back
He would never admit it to anybody but big spooning him puts him right to sleep
But if you’re a natural heater it doesn’t matter the position after a long day
He’s constantly preparing and orchestrating missions so he isn’t usually with you when you wake up but always kisses you on the temple while you sleep on his way out
He isn’t entirely fond of it but does it anyways especially if it helps you sleep
Spooning is easier for him but he doesn’t mind you resting your head on his arm while facing him
He gets to have a good look at you as you usually wind up falling asleep first
His skin is pretty chilled so he counts on your body heat and a few extra blankets for warmth
He isn’t always in bed by the time you wake up but when he is he’s already caressing your cheek and dreading the headache his team will bring him
She’s almost always late to bed and occasionally isn’t there at all
You consider yourself lucky some nights when you can actually drag her to bed with you
She has terrible circulation and is pretty cold so after some complaining she makes sure the bed has extra blankets
However if you run hot at night then it’s a match made in heaven as she gets to watch you pass out while you practically drape yourself over her
She prefers you rest your head on her chest as it gives her a free hand to look at reports while the other hand runs itself through your hair
She always wakes up before you and like clockwork she returns to her experiments but not without a forehead kiss on her way out
I imagine she’s terrible at getting to bed at a reasonable time but you’ve changed that when you start dating
Now it’s something she can look forward to as she even takes an occasional nap with you whenever her schedule can allow it
There are nights she doesn’t show up but when she does she loves to be big spoon since she runs a little hot in her sleep
She finds it so rewarding even on nights you both hardly get enough sleep from staying up talking and laughing over every little thing
It always surprises her to think about how much you’ve helped her relax as it manages to show in her work as well
She’s probably the only Talon member what wakes up in unison with you and shares your morning routine
As a mercenary he only occasionally isn’t in bed whenever he has a mission run late
On nights that he’s home he makes sure to drag you to bed with him no matter what you’re doing
He’s earned his little snuggle session so “five more minutes” be damned
He enjoys any cuddling position but he loves to wrap himself around you and engulf you in his arms
He loves when you stay up late and talk with him as you trace whatever scars he’s collected from past missions
He does wake up before you but refuses to let you out of bed unless you promise him something like breakfast or helping him wash his hair
She doesn’t seem to need much sleep these days and she isn’t quite fond of cuddling as much as she used to be but she is fond of you
As an assassin the only time she isn’t in bed with you is when a mission runs late
Whenever it’s up to her she prefers spooning regardless of her position as long as she feels the warmth of your skin
Compared to you her skin is ice cold and hardly makes for a good cuddle session unless you run hot at night
If you don’t she always sees to it that the bed has extra thick blankets and expensive furs prepared on your side of the bed
You’ll sometimes catch her watching over you if you happen to wake up in the middle of the night
In the morning she’s always up and offering you tea or coffee before some breakfast
Like Moira his research never allows for him to have a normal sleep schedule
You usually have to coax him to bed with gentle hands and promises to let him continue his work early in the morning
It tends to work some of the time if he isn’t suddenly too cold and stonewalls you
Once he’s actually in bed it takes a little more effort to get him to ease his mind and get some sleep
A frequent tradition is to spend some time with his head on your lap while you message his forehead
You have your deepest conversations with him when he’s resting on you like this
When it’s time to sleep he envelops you in his arms and is finally soothed by the smell of your hair
He isn’t much colder than Moira but enjoys a few extra blankets on his side regardless of your heat
Mornings aren’t always the same but he does his best to share a routine with you
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thealtoduck · 11 months
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Peter Parker x Male Reader
Warnings: Mentions of murder, kidnapping, brainwashing, child abuse. General violence, gun use, reader is a assassin, people get hurt…
Y/c/e = Your color eyes
Summary: Peter has to save Tony from a cold blooded assassin… + backstory stuff in the end…
(A/n: Reader is based on the character Widowmaker from Overwatch and the story is based on the Overwatch short ”Alive”.)
(A/n: Btw, Hi, It’s been a while)
Peter’s pov…
Peter entered the large convention center, it was filled with banners saying ”STARK” as well as new inventions on display. It still felt unreal that Tony Stark himself had personally invited him to such an event.
Lots of business and investors were in attendence to see what new tech ”Stark Industries” were bringing to the table, making Peter feel slightly out of place among them. He looked towards the big stage, where Tony and Pepper would soon be holding a speech regarding their future plans for Stark industries.
Peter looked around, the security seemed extra tight, which was understandable considering the combined net-worth of the people in the room could probably buy a planet.
Peter went along with the crowd gathered around the stage waiting for Tony Stark and Pepper Potts to come out. As soon as they did applause thundered through out the convention area.
Tony and Pepper stepped up to the podium and Tony Stark spoke up in the mic saying ”Welcome everyone…”
Your pov…
From the building across you looked down on the convention center with an icy glare. Then you jumped and fired your grappling hook and swung to the top of the convention center.
You snuck carefully in to the building and using your recon visor allowing you to locate the guards. You silently knocked out the guards on the top floor one by one. Then you found the perfect angle to set up and you brought out your rifle looking into the scope and searched for your target…
And then your crosshair landed on him, Tony Stark…
Peter’s pov…
As he watched Mr Stark speak Peter felt something, his spider senses told him that something was wrong. He looked around quickly but everything seemed fine. But his spider senses didn’t let up, Peter moved through the crowd towards the bathroom and sprinted inside.
He stripped out of his suit, revealing his Spider-suit underneath, he thought best to wear it since trouble is known to follow Tony Stark. He hid his clothes and started patrolling around. Then he saw it, on the top floor a sniper was aiming straight for Tony and was about to pull the trigger.
Peter quickly reacted swinging himself up to the sniper and he knocked the assassin to the side just as he pulled the trigger making the blast of the gunshot cut through the air. The gunshot had missed his target but alarmed Tony and the crowd. Peter looked as the sniper stood up and looked at him.
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His visor had seven glowing red eyes and the visor shifted revealing your intense cold y/c/eyed stare. Peter said playfully ”Trying to crash the party” thinking he’d make easy work of the sniper. The sniper stood up as his rifle shifted. Peter’s spider sense suddenly flared up again and he dodged to the side as the assassin fired his rifle which had shifted from a sniper to an automatic rifle, firing quick shots his way.
Peter found cover and quickly had Karen cut in to the security guards communication channel. ”Mr Stark is in danger, shooter on the top floor, I repeat shooter on the top floor!”. A stern voice shouted back ”This is a secure channel, no one's a-”. Peter cut him off saying ”Tony Stark's in danger, get him out of here!” Peter commanded.
Peter then noticed the rifle shots had stopped he carefully peaked out and noticed that the assassin was nowhere to be seen, he carefully snuck out hiding towards the edge of the balcony floor to see that they were evacuating Mr Stark towards the exit.
Peter then caught a glimpse of something or rather someone outside on the roof top across from the convention center. Peter knew there was little time to he took a running start and rammed himself through one of the windows and swing to the other side of the street.
He landed a bit away from the shooter and as he ran closer to him, his spider-senses tingled once more but before he had time to dodge a hidden mine exploded setting free a gas that caused Peter to start coughing, he stumbled and fell and landed right before the assassin’s feet.
The attacker pressed Peter to the ground with his foot and aimed the sniper rifle right in his face, saying in a mocking tone ”Such a sweet foolish boy”. Peter stopped coughing as he heard him cocking the rifle. Without much time or thought Peter fired a web at the assasins face making him stumble back.
Peter stood back up as the assassin ripped the webbing of his face and then the two were at a standstill, simply staring hatefully in each other’s eyes. On the street below them Mr Stark had successfully been escorted in to his car that was now starting to drive away.
The assassin gave Peter one quick evil smirk and started sprinting over the rooftop set on following the car, Peter quickly gave chase behind him. The assassin dropped more venom mines but Peter quickly learned to dodge them.
The sniper was fast and agile as he had managed to get a decent distance between Peter and himself. He saw him stop dead in his tracks and take aim on the speeding car below. ”No!” Peter shouted loudly but the sniper took the shoot.
Peter watched in horror as one of the car’s front tyres was shot out causing the car to make a drastic turn and crash in to the side of a building. ”Oh no, nonono” he said to himself, praying that Mr Stark, Pepper and Happy were okay.
The assassin looked at Peter with a smirk and said coldly ”Looks like the party is over”. Peter felt rage quickly build up inside him and he tackled the assassin to the ground, holding him down. ”Why?! Why would you do this?” Peter demanded feeling tears stinging in his eyes below the mask.
The assassin didn’t even flinch at his words and simply started laughing. Then Peter felt a strong wind building up behind him and heard the spinning blades of a helicopter. He looked up seeing a helicopter hovering above the two.
The sniper had used Peter’s distraction to attach his grappling hook to a nearby water tower. He then grabbed Peter by the waist and looked in to his eyes saying ”Adieu, chéri” tumbled backwards making the two of them fall off the building and in to the alley bellow. The assassin quickly let go off Peter and activated his grappling hook, pulling himself up to the roof top once again.
Meanwhile Peter landed flat on his back on the ground as pain spread all over his his body. Luckily for him, thanks to hightened durability he seemed to not have broken anything. He quickly tried to stand up but stumbled and immediately fell again.
He watched as the helicopter swiftly flew away from the scene, taking the assassin with it…
Two days later…
Luckily no one died, Mr Stark, Pepper and Happy managed to get away with only a couple of bruises and one or two broken bones. Peter himself was mostly just covered in bruises on his back from the fall.
He went to visit Tony who was in bed rest at the Avengers compound, he brought a stuffed bear and a ballon that said ”Get well soon”. When he found him Tony had a couple of hologram screens open in front of him. He noted Peter’s presence and said ”Come inside, kid”.
Peter quickly found himself apologising ”I’m so sorry, Mr Stark, because of me you ended up like this”. Mr Stark looked at the brown haired boy in disbeleif, ”Peter, if weren’t for you i’d be dead, i should be thanking you” Tony told him and said ”Thank you for saving me, Parker”.
Peter put down the stuffed bear and ballon by Mr Stark’s bed and found himself asking ”Mr Stark, who was that?”. Tony then enlarged the hologram screen showing it to Peter. ”I had to go through some of Nat’s folders to find out” Tony explained as Peter looked at several notes and pictures of the asssassin.
”His name is Y/n L/n” Tony said. ”About twelve years ago several Shield opperatives and agents grew disillusioned with the organisation and turned their back on it and started Talon, a new organisation who’s methods were rather extreme” Tony explained.
”Shield and Talon fought one another on several occasions but one Sheild agent remained a thorn in Talon’s side, Gérard L/n, Talon wanted him dead but he always managed to get away. So they set their sights on his family. In the dead of night when Gérard was away and his wife was sleeping, they kidnapped his 12 year old son” Tony continued.
”They submitted him to intense brainwashing program, neural reconditioning and torture. They broke his will and supressed his personality, they reprogramed him into a sleeper agent. Gerard devoted Shield's every resource to recovering his son, and it wasn't long before the operation produced results”.
”Shield later sent several agents on a rescue mission where they found him unharmed. His agents saved Y/n, and a medical and psychological evaluation after the kidnapping found him to be apparently no worse for wear and he returned to life with his mother and father. But two weeks later his Talon programming was activated and he killed his father in his sleep” Tony said coldy.
”He then returned to Talon. At his behest, Talon completed the process of turning him into a living weapon. He was given extensive training in covert arts, and agreed to participate in an experimental marksman program, where he was trained by the best in the use of a sniper rifle”.
”Talon’s geneticist, altered Y/n’s physiology to improve his aim, drastically slowing his heart, which numbed his ability to experience human emotion. It dulled the pain of what he’d done, while heightening the charge he felt on the hunt. The slowing of his heart rate allowed him to become an exceptional sniper” Tony finished.
Peter then read Y/n’s field name out loud ”Widowmaker”. ”He widowed his own mom” Tony explained. Peter just stood there in silence after all he learned about the assassin, the only words he could find were…
”Holy shit”.
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mintyhootax · 5 months
According to Widowmaker's Mirrorwatch voice lines, Ramattra was in Mondatta's place in being the advocate for peace between humans and omnics before he was killed by Tracer. I like to think he wanted to turn his back on being a machine built solely for war and so he dedicated himself to showing that peace is possible despite adversity. Just because he was a war bot doesn't mean he is a threat.
Zenyatta and him were close at the monastery until Ramattra left to make a pilgrimage. But then he was killed and Zenyatta lost it. Ramattra was the kindest of them, going so far as to remove weapons from his body, and he was still assassinated. Zenyatta declares war on humanity and won't rest until the guilty have paid with their lives and omnics have secured the world for themselves.
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cornsoupflavour · 4 months
Hit List (Overwatch NSFW Smut) [LORE]
Widowmaker, Amélie Lacroix x Male Reader
Tags: 2.4k words, enemies-to-lovers, multiple creampies, mention of breeding & assassinations
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Image credit: Qi Sheng Luo on ArtStation
In the late hours of the night, you, Y/N, a relatively new recruit for Overwatch right before it collapsed, found yourself locked in a scuffle with none other than the infamous Widowmaker, Amélie Lacroix. The chase through the city finally came to a halt when you managed to trap the assassin in your own residence.
Panting, you dragged the stunned Widowmaker to the living room. Your hands had been stained with the remnants of your heated confrontation. The adrenaline from the chase was slowly dissipating, replaced by a sense of weariness.
"Lacroix, Amélie Lacroix," you stated, pronouncing her full name as you tied her to a chair. Once she was secure, you took a seat opposite her, your eyes never leaving the Talon operative. "Who sent you here?"
The only sound in the room was the ticking clock, emphasizing the silence that enveloped them. You crossed your arms, your tone neutral. "...and why?"
Widowmaker, however, remained stoic. Her purple-blue skin and yellow eyes stared blankly ahead, giving no hint of the information you desired. The silence was thick, an uncomfortable tension between the two.
That's when you remembered the recall Winston sent. You hang your head with a long, drawn-out sigh. "You know I'm not gonna let you finish your mission, right?"
You could feel beads of sweat trickling down your forehead, but you wiped them away, maintaining your stern expression.
You leaned back in your chair, the creaking of the wooden frame filling the room. A vein on your forehead pulsed as you glared at Widowmaker.
"Listen to me, Lacroix," you said, your voice dry. "I'm not in the mood for games. You're lucky I'm not going to just leave you here, roped up like a prize catch."
A long moment of silence passed as you stared her down. Her yellow eyes, so lifeless, still didn't betray any sense of emotion.
"You've got a pretty face, for a Talon operative," you remarked, your tone trailing off, hinting at sarcasm. "If only your brain wasn't so thoroughly corrupted."
You couldn't help but glance at her voluptuous figure, strapped into the wooden chair. Widowmaker's plump ass and hourglass figure were accentuated by her tight-fitting purple and silver bodysuit.
Suddenly, Widowmaker's tone shifted. Her voice was still cold, but there was an unexpected edge to it.
"Why don't we skip the questioning and do something more... enjoyable?" She suggested, her voice low and husky. "After all, I find the scent of your lust intoxicating."
You raised an eyebrow, taken aback by her proposition. In this tense moment, Widowmaker's suggestion seemed almost farcical. Yet, there was an undeniable attraction between the two of you.
"As if I'd give you the satisfaction," you responded, your voice full of disdain. "I'll be taking you straight to an interrogation facility."
You stood up, ready to escort the bound Talon assassin, but the thought of her twisted, alluring suggestion lingered in your mind. The quiet room was filled with an overpowering tension that seemed to hum in the air.
You hesitated for a moment, the thought of Widowmaker's proposition lingering in your mind. You remained standing, your body just a few inches away from her bound form. The scent of gunpowder and sweat filled the air. Your breathing was heavy, and your heart pounded. The room felt oppressive, the tension thick enough to cut with a knife.
You leaned in closer, whispering into Widowmaker's ear.
"Alright, Lacroix, I'll give you a deal." You spoke in a hushed tone. "If I allow you to expel my lust, I'll let you go. You'll walk out of here on your own two feet, and I won't track you down. We both forget this happened. But I want your word, here and now."
You could feel the heat radiating from her body, the scent of her perfume intermingled with the lingering stench of combat. Her stillness was eerie, and the only indication of her response was the rise and fall of her chest.
Widowmaker's lips curved into a small smile, exposing a set of sharp, white teeth. "A fair offer, Y/N. I accept your terms." Her voice was as cold as ever, but the seductive tone was unmistakable.
You hesitated for a moment, the deal seeming too good to be true. But, with a deep breath, you decided to go through with it.
"Alright," you stated, your voice firm. "But don't even think about betraying me. Once we're done, I'll set you free, and you leave. No turning back."
Widowmaker's stoic expression didn't change, but a glint of desire flickered in her yellow eyes. "Of course, Y/N." She responded, the promise of wicked pleasure in her voice.
You stepped back, adrenaline coursing through your veins as you contemplated your next move. The tension between the two of you was palpable; the room felt like it was about to explode. With a final, deep breath, you decided to proceed, ready to fulfill your end of the bargain.
Your hands tremble slightly as you unbuckle your belt and lower your pants, revealing your arousal. The anticipation of this encounter had been building, and you couldn't suppress the excitement coursing through you.
You moved closer to the chair and untied Widowmaker's legs. Her plump ass remained firmly planted in the seat, but her legs now dangled free. You spread them apart, giving you access to her most intimate area. The fabric of her suit was tight, but you managed to tear a small hole right at the entrance of her slit.
"Looks like I'll have to do this the old-fashioned way," you panted, your voice thick with lust. "I bet your body's itching for some relief, Lacroix."
Without waiting for a response, you positioned yourself between her legs, aligning your throbbing member with her soaking entrance. You slowly sank into her, the sensation of her tight warmth enveloping you sending jolts of pleasure through your body.
"Mmm, yes..." you moaned, your voice hoarse. "You feel incredible, Lacroix. I never knew you were this tight."
You began to thrust, your movements slow and deliberate, savoring the sensations. Widowmaker's body was a perfect fit, her folds clenching rhythmically around your length. You couldn't resist the urge to cup her plump ass, squeezing the firm flesh in your hands.
"Your ass is pure perfection, it feels amazing in my hands, Lacroix," you groaned, leaning down to nip at her earlobe. "I could spend hours just massaging it."
Your thrusts grew more aggressive as the passion between the two of you grew. Widowmaker's head rolled back, her body responding to your every touch. You leaned down, your mouth trailing kisses along her neck, causing her to arch her back in pleasure.
"Uungh, Y/N, I need you, deeper, please... Ah, nnn..." she moaned, her voice thick with desire.
You couldn't help but let out a groan of your own, your grip on her hips tightening.
"You feel so good around me," you panted, voice deep with need. "You're gonna make me lose control, Lacroix."
Your thrusts grew harder, more urgent, the air thick with the scent of sweat and lust. Widowmaker's moans grew louder, her body trembling beneath yours.
"Ahh, Y/N, I'm cumming, cumming hard, yes, Y/N, yes!" she cried out, her body convulsing as an orgasm ripped through her.
Watching her climax pushed you over the edge. With a final, powerful thrust, you let out a guttural moan, filling her with your release.
"Fuck, Lacroix," you panted, your body trembling. "You're going to cost me an entire day of work."
You collapsed, panting, onto her chest, your heart pounding in your ears. The room was filled with the sounds of your heavy breathing, the aftershocks of your intense encounter still coursing through your bodies.
Slowly, the reality of what had just happened began to sink in, but for now, you basked in the post-coital haze, the tension between the two of you replaced by an unspoken understanding.
As the afterglow of your first encounter began to fade, Widowmaker leaned in, her lips brushing against yours. Her soft, warm breath mingled with yours, and you felt the familiar pull of desire returning.
You broke the kiss, your eyes locking with hers. "Do you want another round, Lacroix?" you asked, your voice thick with lust.
Widowmaker nodded lustfully, a devious glint in her eyes. "Yes, Y/N, but this time, I want to be in control," she purred, her French accent thickening.
You untied her bonds, and she dropped her legs to the floor. Her costume was still partly torn, revealing her wetness. She grabbed your hand and led you to the couch, pushing you gently onto your back.
Widowmaker straddled you, guiding your still hard member to her entrance. You felt her tightness enveloping you, and she began to rock her hips, sliding you in and out of her at a slow, teasing pace.
"Mmm, Y/N, you feel so good," she moaned, her hips grinding against yours. "I love how you fill me up."
You reached up and cupped her breasts, the weight of them in your hands feeling perfect. Widowmaker arched her back, her head thrown back, her body moving with the rhythm you'd set.
"Oh, Y/N... Ungghhh, your cock is hitting all the right spots!" she cried out, her back arched, her ass undulating.
Widowmaker guided you to the edge of the couch, the change in angle providing even deeper penetration. You could see her plump ass jiggling with each thrust, the sight driving you wild.
She leaned down, her lips brushing against your ear as she whispered, "Mmm... ahhh... fuck, yes! Keep going, baby."
You pulled her up, your lips meeting hers in a hungry kiss, your hands gripping her hips, guiding her body up and down your length.
Widowmaker pushed herself up, her eyes locked with yours. "Uuhhh, I'm close, don't stop, Y/N!"
You gave her hips a firm slap, feeling a delicious shiver run through her body. You flipped her over, positioning her on her hands and knees on the couch, her ass still presented to you like the perfect offering.
"Uahh, you are driving me wild, Lacroix," you growled, giving her ass a firm smack.
You plunged into her from behind, the tightness of her pussy sending a shockwave through your body. Widowmaker's moans grew louder, her hips bucking to meet your thrusts.
You lowered yourself to her ear, your breath hot against her skin. "Fuck, Y/N, harder! I want to feel that cock pound into me!"
You obliged, your thrusts becoming more forceful, your balls slapping against her ass with each movement. Widowmaker's cries grew louder, her French accent thickening, "Ugh, Y/N, you're breeding me like the wild stallion you are."
As you watched her body tremble beneath you, you felt the familiar pressure building. Widowmaker's eyes locked with yours, her face a mask of pure lust.
You gave one final, powerful thrust, your release spurting into her. Widowmaker cried out, her orgasm washing over her.
"Oh, Y/N, pound my pussy, I want that cum!" she shouted, her back arching as she came.
You collapsed onto her back, your chest heaving, sweat dripping down your temples. Widowmaker's body trembled beneath you, her breathing ragged.
"Ahh, Y/N, your cock... I can't take it, I'm cumming!" she cried out, her body convulsing, her release coating your cock.
When your breathing had returned to normal, you looked down at Widowmaker, her hair tousled, her makeup smeared. Your heart raced as you realized what had transpired between the two of you, but for now, you savored the moment, the heat of your bodies still entwined.
"Uhhh, yes, Y/N, fuck me, don't stop, don't you dare stop," Widowmaker whispered, her voice heavy with satisfaction.
You didn't respond, simply pressing a soft kiss against her neck, content to linger in the aftermath of your heated encounters. As she caught her breath, you trailed your fingers through her damp curls, her body still humming from the orgasm you'd just given her. She looked up at you, her eyes unfocused, her lips parted in a soft smile.
You leaned in, your lips brushing against her earlobe before whispering, "Lacroix, I have a proposition for you."
Widowmaker met your gaze, her eyes piercing into yours. There was silence for a moment, the only sound was the soft rustling of her breathing.
You slowly inserted a finger into her wetness, gently massaging her inner walls. Widowmaker gasped, her eyes fluttering shut.
"Ah, Y/N, you're still so... insatiable," she said, her voice heavy with lust.
You continued to stroke her, the rhythm slow but deliberate, your thumb teasing her clit. Widowmaker's body began to tremble, her breathing became labored.
"Mmm, Y/N, don't stop," she murmured, her voice thick with desire.
Your finger began to move faster, Widowmaker's moans growing louder. "Ahh, Y/N, I'm close, I can't... I can't take it!"
You withdrew your finger, then replaced it with two, curling them to hit her g-spot. Widowmaker's back arched, her legs trembling.
"Oh, daddy, stopppp... Ahhh... ahhh, don't... stop...!" she cried out, her voice almost a plea.
Her walls clenched around your fingers, the waves of her orgasm washing over her. You continued to stroke her until her body stilled, her breaths shallow and shaky.
You removed your fingers, leaning down to kiss her softly on the lips. When you pulled away, you looked her in the eye.
"Lacroix, your talent is wasted on Talon. I'm offering you a chance to join the good fight, to make a difference. It's time to leave your past behind and start a new chapter."
Widowmaker stared at you, her eyes reflecting a mixture of thought and uncertainty. Her stoic expression didn't falter, but her eyes hinted at the inner turmoil she faced.
You waited, allowing her time to consider your proposal. The silence stretched on, the tension in the room palpable.
Finally, Widowmaker nodded, her voice low and firm. "Y/N, I'll consider it."
A smile tugged at the corner of your lips. "That's all I can ask for, Lacroix."
With that, the two of you lay entwined on the couch, the night still young and full of possibilities.
The future was uncertain, but for now, the promise of change lingered in the air. Widowmaker's stoic yet sultry demeanor remained, but perhaps, just perhaps, a small crack had formed, allowing hope to seep in.
And so, a new chapter began for Widowmaker, one that would test her loyalty and push her to confront her past.
[Let me know if you want a part two or if you want me to make this a long running story. And let me know who else you'd want to see a fic about.]
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crushedgraham · 1 year
NSFW Alphabet with Widowmaker x shy girlfriend 💗?
Widowmaker NSFW Alphabet (with shy Gf)
A = Aftercare (What they're like after sex)
Depending on the night and how Amélie's feeling, the amount of affection she'll give you after sex varies. If she had pushed you out of your comfort zone then she'll curl her body around yours while whispering praises in your ear. If it was a typical night then she'll leave a good amount of space between you two but she will allow you to hold her hand/arm (she secretly loves when you trace her tattoo).
B = Body Part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Amélie loves her legs/ass solely based off the fact that you love them so dearly. She absolutely adores how you look between them when she makes you eat her out till she's satisfied.
Amélie favors your hands. Your hands seem so much more pure than hers. No matter what you've done or who you are - they offer her relief from the grief that she continues to suffer from. When you're hands are interlaced, it feels like some of her guilt's been washed away. (And your fingers know exactly how to fuck her but that's not the point)
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically)
She's not a huge fan of the taste of cum but wants you to be obsessed with hers. I feel like Amélie tastes pretty sweet because of her strict diets which makes her cum all the more addicting. This may be because of how possessive she is but Amélie gets off from seeing her cum on you. Whether it's smeared on your chin from riding your face or dripping down your fingers and wrist - she loves seeing it on you.
D = Dirty Secret (A dirty secret of theirs)
We all know that Olivia has access to all of the cameras throughout Talon's base. But who would've thought that Amélie would purposely take you to rooms where she knows a camera is so Olivia can watch just how good Amélie fucks you. She mainly started doing this because Olivia would playfully flirt with you before you and Amélie had gotten together, so she had to prove to the hacker who's name you scream when you're at the height of your orgasm.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they're doing?)
Amélie's experience was cut short due to her marriage with Gerard. She was married off to him at a pretty young age - abstaining from sex until she was properly wed. After turning into the ruthless assassin, the very idea of sex repelled her, at least not when she was still grieving over Gerard's death. But that all changes when you two get together. Amélie isn't clueless though, she's touched herself countless times and knows how to make you cum in record time.
F = Favorite Position
Face riding/sitting and reverse cowgirl. Something about seeing you smothered between her thick thighs gets her going, maybe it's how powerful she feels - like a queen on her throne but she loves this position and keeps you between her thighs until their numb. Amélie's favorites definitely connect to the fact that she loves feeling in control. When she rides your strap in reverse cowgirl style, she'll have you cuffed to the headboard so all you do is watch. Just imagine how good her ass looks, bouncing up and down on your 8 inch strap that's stuffed deep inside her pussy. Amélie loves hearing your moans and groans from the visual, and on occasion she'll degrade you - mocking how such a shy girl's so filthy.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Listen, it's already hard to get her to laugh normally so getting her to be a little silly during intercourse is not happening. Maybe during your first time together, when you're nerves are amped to the max - she'll let loose and giggle once or twice but you're not really getting more than that.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc)
Amélie's a woman of class. She may be blue but that never stopped her from looking her best. Amélie's European. Her hair is thick. The carpets most definitely match the drapes so you're dealing with a thick head of hair and pubes. Her hair grows extremely fast but she tries to keep it relatively short. The length varies but Amélie keeps it in a controlled triangle.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect)
Intimacy pairs with the aftercare - it depends on the night and how Amélie's feeling. The intimacy usually increases when she's been feeling desolate. Especially if you have sex near the date of Gerard's death or if Moira had been experimenting on her again. During these times she'll let her walls down and put you in control. Amélie won't say much, just burying her head into your shoulder while your hands gently unravel her woes.
J = Jack off (Masturbation headcanon)
Like I said earlier, Amélie's well acquainted with her fingers because of the dry sex life she had in her previous relationship. But with you? Oh honey, you're gonna be dragged into closets, spare rooms; pushed against basically any surface to soothe her sex drive. Why would she waste her energy fucking herself when she has you?
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Exhibitionism, BDSM, Temperature play, Bondage,
L = Location (Favorite places to do the do)
Probably her bedroom in the castle since it makes you feel the most comfortable. It literally has anything you could possibly want. The bed is huge and has the headboard that she loves cuffing you to, the fireplace that sets the mood and countless surfaces for you two to have fun on (and the chest of toys hidden away under her bed). Amélie's bedroom just feels romantic with all the accents of purples, maroons, silks and furs.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Your shy nature is one of the biggest motivators for Amélie. She loves seeing you squirm and shake whenever she touches you. Hell, even just her stare can have you flushing. And she eats it up. Amélie loves unraveling you like a little present, caught in her web - picking at your shy facade until you break. Pushing you to your limits until your crying and begging for her. Turning you into her little slut's the biggest turn on for her.
N = No (Something they wouldn't do, turn offs)
Amélie refuses to have sex/intercourse in certain areas of the castle because they remind her too much of her past and Gerard. Places like her old practice room and Gerard's study are closed off to never be touched again.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Prefers receiving 100%. Amélie loves your tongue more than any toy in her stash, she could literally ride and grind against it for hours. But, that doesn't mean she can't give head. Babe if she wants to eat you out she's gonna do a damn good job. Amélie's tongue is slow and precise, the excruciating pace slowly driving you to the brink of madness. Like I said before, she doesn't really like the taste of cum so getting head from her is a luxury.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual?)
Very slow and sensual. Amélie loves drawing out everything so she can really soak up the reactions from you. It's just so adorable seeing the effect she has on you. If you get a little bratty or bold then she'll get rougher but never faster. No, if anything she gets slower. Edging you at an incredibly slow pace that you can't help but to beg for mercy.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc)
Amélie prefers taking her time but thoroughly enjoys a good quickie here and there simply because of how shy you get when she pulls you into a small closet or corner to have a little fun. She does it pretty often, especially when the risk factor's particularly high. During quickies, Amélie's faster than usual - usually taking the reins and pinning you to the wall with her hand over your mouth.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc)
Amélie's always open to finding new ways to make you squirm. She loves the thrill and high she gets from taking you in public - knowing that someone could walk in at any moment just to see how much of a dirty girl you really are. (She always makes sure to take a precaution - aka her poison - so no one can actually see you but the idea is still thrilling. And if someone does walk in, she'll just knock them over the back of their head in the blink of an eye.)
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last)
Have you seen this girl run up multiple staircases without even breathing a little harder? Amélie's stamina is almost scarily high. She can go round after round, pulling orgasm after orgasm from you or herself. Be prepared because she loves overstimulating you. But at the same time, she's gonna make you her personal chair for well over four orgasms.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves)
Amélie prefers using her toys on you. When it comes to her own pleasure, she'll choose your tongue any day. Favorites of hers: Bluetooth connected vibrator, regular hitachi wand, and her favorite strap.
U = Unfair (How much they like to tease)
Amélie's so unfair it hurts. She'll tie you up and edge you for hours as punishment over minor offenses, she just wants to find any excuse to edge you. And with the bluetooth vibrator..? You're fucked. During date nights, Amélie will force you to wear the vibrator in your panties and she'll play with it on her phone throughout the night. She just adores the blush on your face and the way you bite into your plump lip to try and keep quiet.
V = Volume (How loud are they, what sounds do they make)
She's pretty quiet in and out of the bedroom. Amélie pretty much just lets out sighs and grunts, when she's about to cum she'll moan quietly.
W = Wildcard (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Secretly likes anal. Amélie discovered this early on as a teen but didn't bother telling Gerard since he was very vanilla. She won't initiate anal play unless you do it first. Amélie wants to mainly receive it but she would kill to see you with a pretty butt plug that has a gem atop it.
X = X-Ray (Let's see what's going on in those pants)
Amélie's inner folds are longer than her outer ones, sticking out past them. Her clit's pretty small and she has an overall deep purple color.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive)
Her sex drive's pretty high, after being sex-deprived and touch starved for so long - it made her drive increase a decent amount. But you are dating one of the top agents of talon so you only have so much free time with her. This means you guys have sex maybe two or three times a week.
Z = Zzz (How quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Depending on the day, Amélie can feel a lot of things after such intimacy. She frequently waits until you're asleep so she can have a smoke on her balcony. When she comes back she'll just look at you until she starts to fall asleep, admiring your face and maybe even whispering small praises in french. This is when she feels the most comfortable being vulnerable, oftentimes you'll be just awake enough to catch her whispering "Je t'aime"
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drefear · 18 days
Mon Cœur Caché
Summary: She’s the daughter of the famous assassin from Talon, “Widowmaker,” And Spiderman 2099 is helping her train, but he finds out later that she’s just like her mother- a true-to-call black widow.
(A twisted smut between Overwatch 2, and ATSV)
TW: Violence, guns, smut, p in v, fingering, oral sex (female receiving), fighting, lying, a little bit of angst, a hint of mom death.
AN: I woke up at 7 in the morning to write this from a dream I had that had NOTHING to do with this fanfiction. Nothing at all, but here I am. Also I love Overwatch and I'm a Widow main (im so sorry) so here is my perfect scenario of angst, sex, and violence. ;)
Metal clanked against metal as the rods being used in this particular training were heavy and loud, but the young woman persisted as the large man she was practicing with barely broke a sweat. She, on the other hand, was drenched in sweat and huffing profusely. Her heart rattled like bird bones in a cage as she registered how difficult doing this would be. 
“Cmon, you got this, one more round.” Miguel’s voice echoed in the dojo room of the spider society and the girl shook her head, a dryness beginning to crawl up her throat as she encouraged her to fight her fatigue. 
“I can’t, I feel like I’m dying. I need water!” She begged and he smiled, finally lenenting and dropping his weapon against her. She dropped to a squat with her hands on her knees and gasped for air, using her own body to help her stay standing as he lifted the rod and leaned it against her shoulder, his other hand on his hip as he watched her struggle. 
“In a week, you won't even be struggling to fight me.” 
“You’re either a miracle worker, or a perfect liar.” She mumbled and coughed a bit, before he handed her a water bottle. 
“Widow.” He spoke her codename softly and she keened at the resonance. Well, she would keen if she wasn’t fighting for her life against oxygen right now. But his voice really was the most soothing sound she’d ever heard. “You are going to be amazing.” 
A week went by, and training was just as strenuous, but she managed with slightly more ease and not as much choking on air, which was a good sign to her. 
She walked through the building closer, and scanned to see if anyone was watching before placing a fist-sized octagon, something glowing until it completely disappeared from sight and blended in with everything around her. She was amazed by the technology and then acted like nothing happened. A smile rose to her face as she felt her own taste of success. 
Later that night, she’d stayed late to train with Miguel once more, using throwing knives tonight to learn accuracy and technique. As she struck the air and made a stunning throw, the knife landing in the center of the target, Miguel chuckled and grabbed her throwing hand. 
“I think you’re a little too good at this.” He smiled down to her and she felt a warmth like molten lava bubble and pop in her belly, his voice making her stand completely still. His eyes found hers and she read his as a dark thought passed by her mind, both seemingly reading each other’s new feelings. She noticed he’d gotten closer. Much closer, and she was happy to close the distance as he replaced the space between them with his hot lips on hers. The kiss moved and glided against one other in a wonderful trade of sensuality, little sounds turning into louder and heavier moans. Miguel’s hands reached beneath her and picked her up against his body, slamming her backwards on the wall behind them as she kissed him more hastily than before, the temperature between them practically sizzling in the night air. She felt his tongue move inside of her mouth and she wondered what other talents his tongue had, before he began moving down her body with his lips still on hers, as if he read her mind. Hot, open-mouthed kisses trailed down her neck and soon, he was stripping her of her clothing, showing off her hardened nipples from both the pleasure and the frigid temperature in the training room. 
He smirked at her waiting breast and quickly latched on, rough and rushed as he sucked her like he was a man drinking his last drop of water. She leaned her head against the wall and rolled her hips against him as he chuckled, the vibrations of his laugh making her go crazy with lust as she felt it against her pert tit. 
His hands gripped her thighs harder and he licked fat stripes down her belly, before rubbing the outside of her skin-tight jumpsuit and then haphazardly shredding the fabric with his own talons to create an opening in the center. 
He stared at her dripping core and growled under his breath, seeing the creamy juices dribble down her leg and make him hungrier. He was feasting right now, and he wouldn't be full until he tasted every inch of her. 
His mouth found her most sensitive button and she cried out as he sucked on it, following this with inserting a finger and exploring her insides. The plush feeling of her walls made him drunk with need, and he began to thrust his finger faster and faster, until a slight curl made her scream as loud as she could and finish right on his face. 
When she was clearly done, he smirked once more and stared at her before standing tall and trapped her with his arms against the wall. He didn’t say a word as he removed his bottoms and spring free of his underwear, making her face go red with embarrassment and intimidation. She looked between his one rod and his face, but he kept the same expression the whole time, unlike her unfiltered surprise. 
“I’ve been wanting to fuck you for so long.” He whispered and she shivered, dragging her nails down his chest as he picked her up and balanced her in his arms and against the wall once more. “It might hurt.” He warned and she nodded, before his tip prodded against her entrance and she gasped at the stretch when he entered. He could feel her legs shake a bit as he kept pushing into her and she bit her lip to avoid thinking of the pain until it was suddenly gone and replaced with overwhelming pleasure. He jerked his hips and she groaned loudly, making him want to hear it again and bouncing her a bit between him and the wall. She could feel herself getting close already and he was nowhere near done, but she couldn’t help it. As he leaned down and bit into her neck a bit, liquid wet the middle of them as slid down their abdomens as she cried out, pulling him closer against her chest and listening to him begin to get ravenous. His thrusts were beginning to get harsh and almost violent against her, plummeting inside her over and over as she thought she might lose her voice over how much she was screaming his name, and his body slammed into her so hard, she thought she’d surely have a bruised cervix after this. 
He was so close and-
Loud alarms signaled an intrusion overhead as red lights blared. How fitting. 
He hissed as he saw this and moved to end their passionate embrace, but she held him tight. 
“So close-” She mumbled, but he shook his head. 
“This first, and then we can continue all night, mi aranita.” He exp[lained and quickly found his bottoms once more. “I’ll go check upstairs, you find other pants.” He smirked at her playfully and she nodded, seeming nervous and serious now. How unlike her, but he thought maybe she was frustrated or regretful. They could talk later, but now there was someone here that shouldn’t be and he had to find them first. 
The corridors of the spider society headquarters were empty, quiet, aside from the obnoxious alarms. Nothing seemed out of order until he looked a bit closer. There was a holographic tech-connector in his office, a small little octagon that was glowing a pink light. All at once, things became clear, and he could hear running from down the hall. 
“Widow!” He shouted and began to put puzzle pieces together. As he was doing his best to find her, she was currently dashing across the main lobby of headquarters with Sombra not far behind. The chip in her ear beeped and she knew Talon could hear her. 
“Who’s there?” She asked, running as fast as she could to get Miguel to follow her, distracting him a little to get more time and plan an exit. 
“It’s me, mija. I’ve tracked the best exit and it’s on the roof. We’ve got the jet waiting there, but hurry or I’m sending in Mauga.” 
“No!” She protested Sombra, and there was silence on the other end at her exclaim, “I just mean there’s no reason to fight him. I’ll be out soon.” She concluded and checked her surroundings before she felt goosebumps against her back and knew she was being watched. Tapping her mask and going into heat detection mode, she saw him hiding agi=ainst a large wall near the 4th floor. Slinging her grappling hook, she flew through the air and past him towards the 5th floor and he growled. 
“You sneaky little-” 
“Anarita?” She finished his sentence and smiled, blowing a kiss as she found herself at the doors of his office and pushed through the metal doors before they heavily slammed and locked in shutdown mode. She ran up to his large computer and pulled out the small plug in that she’d placed there earlier in the day, smiling at her own handiwork before jumping from the sound of the doors opening. The red alarms flashed against Miguel’s beautiful face and she cursed under her breath as she would have to find a way to get to the roof from here if she wanted to make it out of the building alive. 
“You lied to me.” He hissed and stalked towards her, making her both excited and scared. 
“I lied to everyone. Don’t take it so personal.”
“You fucked me.”  
“Technically, you fucked me. I just didn’t say no.” She playfulled answered as he was now only a few feet away. She glanced down, seeing her grappling hook almost at full charge, and stepped towards him, making him stop and stand still. “And who says I don’t want to do it again? You didn’t finish, right?”
He was quiet, analyzing her as she spoke sweet words and tried to get him to speak.
“You work for Talon?”
“I am my mother’s daughter.” She referred to her mother, the famous Widowmaker fromTalon, who was killed in an accident on a mission years prior. No one had ever known she had a daughter until she just showed up one day and was trained. He thought of how sad it was, that she’d only known how to be a ruthless, coldblooded killer and nothing else. 
“Stay with me. We can fight for the good.” He tried to reason with her, tried to talk some sense into her and she just smiled a distant, beautiful grin, and her grappling hook shot to the ceiling above her before jerking her up towards the roof quickly. “No!” He shouted and began jumping from platform to platform, anchoring himself with his arm blades, but she was faster and she found the glass ceiling in mere seconds. Throwing her weight into it, she shielded her eyes and crashed herself through, landing with a roll on the roof and seeing a few familiar faces. 
The cold rush of wind slapped her face as she felt Sombra grab her arm and yank her to a standing position, tiny cuts on the open areas of her assassin suit, and she gave the hispanic hacker a smile. 
“Right on time-” She spoke, but Miguel grabbed her hard and pulled him to his chest, glaring at the other woman who frowned and sighed. 
“Sombra.” He sneered as he said her name and she shook her head, smiling as he held her niece against him tightly. “You’re not taking her.” 
“We never have taken her. She came to us on her own, isn’t that right, mija?” She called to her with a nickname, showing their comfortability and the young widow girl pushed away from him  as Sombra smirked. “Anything else?” 
He reached towards her, but a sharp shot that burned his skin made him freeze. He looked up and saw a jet hovering over them, with a man around his size standing there with two large guns in his hands and a devious grin on his face. 
“They’re coming home, whether you like it or not.” He grumbled, making Miguel stop and glare at them all. 
“Widow…” He called to her one more time, but she turned her back and gave him a solemn look, an empty gaze with nothing but anger. 
“Adieu, Mon Caur.” She whispered the French and her true accent showed through, Miguel stopping cold and staring in disbelief. Had she fooled him so easily? Was he too open to others that he was blind to seeing her true nature? He refused to believe it, and as the jet pulled away, he knew he saw a heavy tear pass down her cheek and vowed to free her from whatever prison they had put her in, mental or not. 
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bones4thecats · 10 months
Hi again! I've got an interesting idea for you today!
How would Record of Ragnarok Gods react having to fight/marry a widowmaker(overwatch) reader!
Widowmaker is a really interesting and tragic character in my opinion! She was a ballet dancer, before she was kidnapped and subjected her to an intense program of neural reconditioning, in effect creating a sleeper agent
Shortly after returning home, she killed her husband and vanished.
Widowmaker is the perfect assassin: a patient, ruthlessly efficient killer who shows neither emotion nor remorse. Widow's physiology was altered to improve her aim, drastically slowing her heart, which turned her skin cold and blue, and numbed her ability to experience human emotion. It dulled the pain of what she’d done, while heightening the charge she felt on the hunt.
How the gods react knowing she killed her first husband? How would they react to her title as the perfect assassin? How would they react knowing she can't feel emotion yet yearns to be loved and to be healed?
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A/N: I have never played Overwatch, since I’m not that big on video games, so thanks for the description regarding her character! I also decided to do all Hindu Gods because they’re my favorite pantheon. Now, I hope this makes sense, enjoy~~
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🪩 Shiva met you through his wives, as they needed someone taken out, but they couldn’t just stroll up to random human and go, ‘Yeah, ur dead.’
🪩 After that hunt was successful, he had gotten more and more interested in you personally
🪩 It took a while, but you eventually took him as your husband and your blank stare was something he was determined to fix
🪩 He had no idea why your skin was blue, but he figured you were a possible demi-god, or like Kali, you just had blue skin like how he had purple
🪩 When you decided to tell him about everything, his reactions varied;
🪩 For the husband thing; He was kinda freaked out, but he knew you had changed and wouldn’t try hurting him
🪩 Title as the ‘Perfect Assassin’; Like mentioned, he already knew from his wives, so he just relaxed about that
🪩 And the way you yearn to feel things; Shiva was quite the romantic, so knowing you couldn’t show it, yet you wanted it so badly made his heart yearn for you more
🪩 Parvati, Durga, and Kali have been trying to get you to feel things again to the fullest, and they swore on it, with Shiva, they’d succeed
🪩 Oh yeah, and he loves dancing with you! It calms him down after a long day
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🔥 He had heard about you, but never met you until Shiva brought you into help scout a rogue God from another Pantheon that was said to try murdering any God that came near them
🔥 Agni looked at you as you nodded and he helped you take the God down, using his fire to burn the guy to crisp
🔥 You and him were a funny match
🔥 He was very warm while you were very cold, so resting with him was one of the best experiences you ever had
🔥 Unlike Shiva, he reactions a lot differently to each incident
🔥 Husband murder; Kinda scared of you, but he accepted it in the end, as it was the only way you guys could continue a healthy relationship
🔥 Title; It’s normal for important people to have big titles, like Shiva’s was the God of Destruction and Dance, which made people turn to look at him. So having you get a nickname that stood out didn’t shock him, in fact, it impressed him more than anything
🔥 Your yearning for closeness; Definitely has the same issue as you, he gets judged by the fire that envelops his body, and because of the flames, he doesn’t get that much physical affection, so he tried hugging you daily no matter what
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🐘 He met you when he was picking flowers for his mothers and father
🐘 Ganesha was spacing out so badly that he didn’t notice a rogue God coming from behind to kill him, so when he heard the sound of a man burning alive, he jumped and saw you come down to finish the job
🐘 You scared him at first, but after getting to know each other, you guys were inseparable
🐘 The women and Shiva allow your relationship to thrive as long as you didn’t go berserk like you did with your last husband, which prompted you to tell him about your past;
🐘 Husband Murder; He won’t judge you for it, but seeing as your past gives you justification in his eyes, and he’ll defend your honor of that from anyone
🐘 Title; Shocked? Yes. He knew you were a good shot, but not that good! Not like he was doubting your ability, but it just made him go;
“ Holy Heaven, my wife is the best assassin in all Pantheons! “
🐘 Finally, the yearning for love; Definitely gives you what you want, he loves affection and nobody can change my mind.
🐘 He does enjoy watching you dance, sometimes joining in himself whenever you ask him too
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astarlow · 1 year
hello! would love to see widow, mercy, moira, and ashe reacting to their long lost female s/o who was brainwashed. thank you and stay safe!
Characters: Widowmaker, Ashe, Moira Form: Mix Warning: Character death (Ashe's part) Synopsis: After being together for quite some time, s/o disappears without leaving a trace, making their partner reacts Word Count: 2 377 A/n: Hey! I didn't include Mercy because I have done something similar and you can find it here I hope you'll like it for these characters tho! And for the anon that has requested this, sorry for the wait. The draft has been sitting for 3 years ;-; and I just had the motivation to finish it
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🕷️Her sudden disappearance did not concern her, at least, in the beginning 
🕷️As time passes, she does get slightly worried but never will she ever admit or show it 
🕷️She knows something is amiss when even Sombra can't tell her where she is 
🕷️The pain and doubts never fade but she is trained to be a stone-cold killer, she is a fool to believe she could love again 
🕷️The next time she meets her, she's in a reclused village in France. 
🕷️The place where she met her for the first time and decided to spare her. To this day she still doesn't understand why she did it
She walks in the street, strolling down the path she used to take with her lover. It is only memories now, fading where it belongs, in a void deprived of any emotions. She hides her face with a scarf, her blue skin with gloves and not an inch of her body is visible. Only her face is. She stops in front of a church, next to it is a crèche. Her body halts for a millisecond, recognizing the face leaving the building right away.
She watches her go to the centre of the village, to the garden. She follows her from afar, just like a shadow looming in the dark, like the assassin she is. 
She sats on a bench surrounded by children. She takes a book out of her bag, reads it to them and entertains them. A smile graces her face but it is quickly replaced by a frown.
'What is she doing here? After all this time, why is she suddenly appearing before her?'
"Watcha doing love?" This voice belongs to someone she personally knows and not in a good way. She curses internally for allowing herself to grow dull. She didn't notice them coming up nor did she expect Overwatch agents to be in such a small and calm city. Although as a Talon agent, she should be on her guard every time. 
She inspects all of her options, weighing each one of them. Tracer shakes her head, pointing at the people posted behind her. "Nu-uh you're not escaping this time love. What are you doing here?" She stays calm, face stoic as she watches her fading into the distance, ushering the kids to go away. She scoffs, what else should she expect?
"This doesn't concern you-" she raises her eyebrows. "-and I am not here to cause trouble." 
"I'm not believing in a lie, come on, what would a renowned Talon assassin be here, in a small town like that?" That is indeed a question she couldn't counter. If she did, she would show her weakness. She is surprised when someone links their arms with her own.
"Sorry, sorry. I was so caught up in my storytelling with the kids I forgot about my meeting with her." That is a voice she longed to hear, even if she denies it now. She surprised herself when she stays, arms still linked with hers.
"Uhm- are you sure about that?"
"Yes, you must have confused her with someone else. We'll be taking our leaves, sorry for bothering you." She drags her away under a confused-looking Tracer and a furious soldier. Once they are in a calmer area, she scratches the back of her head with a sheepish smile. A pink hue dusts her cheeks.
"Sorry, I don't know why I did this but you seemed quite uncomfortable in this situation and... It might be silly but it feels like I know you from somewhere." So she has forgotten about her. At least, she got out of this tricky situation thanks to her. Should she pursue their conversation? Mingling her with Talon once again? It is a selfish wish. She already had gone through this one time, why should she a second time?
"You must have made a mistake." And with that, she walks away. She doesn't expect her to block her way.
"Then how about I invite you to drink in a little café? That way, I could get to know you truly." 
Ignorance is bliss, she shakes her head, convincing herself she wouldn't drag her one more time through this hell.
"I need to go," she says hastily, voice turning ice cold. If she stays any longer, she won't be able to say no to her. She stares at her form, deflated a bit but a grin on her face nonetheless.
"I'll see you around then Amé!" She almost whips her head around at the mention of her name but she knows better than to do so. It would make her hope, make them hope.
"Such a foolish girl," she mutters through an imperceptible smile.
She doesn't know why she chose this name. Maybe it was those scarce visions appearing before her. Maybe it was because of this little voice in her head repeating the same name, again and again. Once it does pass her lips, it feels natural to her.
Her first love was free and an experiment, the second time was a punishment. She wouldn't allow herself to love a third time. Who knows what unfathomable thing would happen to her? She already lost her memories and it was already enough.
🧨she isn't worried when she disappears, not one bit
🧨they are used to living apart, without any info about the others for months
🧨she starts to have her doubts when even members of her gang don't know where she is. She tells her crew to keep an eye out for any info they could gather about her
🧨she curses herself when they don't find her after intensive searches
🧨she'll keep up her job as the boss of the Deadlock gang but she is worried about her s/o, BOB can tell it and soon, the members of the gang notice it too
🧨She doesn't expect her at all, in front of her, stopping to pull out another heist
Ashe always has a backup plan. She always expects something to go wrong during her mission, that’s why she is prepared for everything and anything. Although this time, she has to admit nothing could prepare her for this situation. 
"What's all this about?" She shouts to know what is causing so much trouble to her men. They shout over each other and it becomes a mess to understand what they are trying to say. At some point, she became used to this.
Shots are being fired and she hears the sirens of the police. She reloads her rifle, whistling to get the attention of BOB. She takes a bag filled with loot but drops it when someone shoots at it.
"Boss... we have a problem," one of them mutters and she rolls her eyes.
"No shit." 
They are surrounded by police officers and if she could see clearly, even some Overwatch agents. What on Earth are they doing here? She restrains herself to spit at the face of an old comrade. 
"Of course, I had to find you here," she spat out with animosity laced in every word. He shrugs smugly, puffing out a cloud of smoke from his cigar. No one is shooting yet, but they all know it'll start soon.
"Don't blame me, Ashe, just trying to figure out why on Earth she joined us." He points at something behind her and she tilts her head to look at it. Her eyes widen before they are filled with anger. She throws herself at her, ready to punch her but she avoids her blow easily. Cassidy stares at them for a moment before leaving them alone. He'd better help his friends.
"So there you were, hiding all this time and working with the law, I should've known you were just like him!" She aims, shooting at her. She takes cover and the rain of bullets starts. "BOB, shoot!" He wakes up from his slumber, attacking all of his targets one after another. Those who escaped the first round of bullets are hit by successive waves of bullets until BOB had to reload. Ashe lets him take care of them while she pursues her once lover and partner in crime. 
She finally catches up with her, taking her down with a bullet in the leg. She tumbles to the ground, her weapon falling from her hand. She stomps on it, glaring at her with her teeth gritting each other. She didn't expect her to cry when she finally faces her.
"Now why would you traitor want to cry? I should be the one upset right now, you betrayed us!" She doesn't struggle, she just keeps crying uncontrollably.
"I-I don't even k-know you-" she lifts her by grabbing her collar, staring at her right in the eyes.
"Tell me this once again, in the eyes." She keeps her eyes on her, tears flowing freely on her face.
"I don’t know you! I don't know who you are, yet-" she brings a hand to her face to wipe them to get a clear look at her. "-yet why am I crying over a stranger? Why is my heart hurting me in the worst way possible? Why is it that my chest hurt so much when I look at you?" She drops her to the ground, examining everything about her. It hurts her to admit that she doesn't lie. What has she gone through to not remember a single thing about her? After everything they have been through. Their heists together, planning them in the dead of the night when no one else was awake besides the two of them, their love...
"I can't recall a thing, but those feelings... Why won't they go away?! I am supposed to hate you, you're breaking the law but- why is this sentence haunting me everywhere I go? Why can't I remember anything else but this: 'Don't work with the law and always punish betrayal'" She walks away, taking her rifle in her hands.
"And I will. You betrayed us, you betrayed the Deadlock Gang... You betrayed me. I'm not gonna let this slide." There is only one way to get rid of this feeling. She turns around, ready to aim before she changes her decision. Although the pool of blood on the ground makes her aware of things she hasn't acknowledged yet. 
"What?" She coughed blood and following her instincts, she placed her hands on her wound and put some pressure on it. Ashe rushes to her side, feelings clashing with her logic. Her eyes quickly scan her surrounding, falling on B.O.B.
"Damn it..." The shot came from him but it's too late anyways.  
"I'm sorry... I can't remember your face and the things that we went through. If I could- I know I'd be more than sorry-" "Shut it. You have no right to apologize after disappearing like that!" Tears are flooding from s/o's eyes, smiling apologetically while her consciousness slowly slips away.
"I know but I feel like apologizing for all the unknown hurt I've caused you... Sorry, Ashe, for everything." Ashe grips her by the collar.
"Don't you dare die on me like this s/o!" B.O.B comes in, scooping Ashe away as the police officers finally caught up to them.
"Shoot at them!!" Ashe struggles against B.O.B's grip but he carries her away from her once lover. The last thing she sees was s/o lying on the ground, bleeding to her death.
🧪Moira doesn't even notice in the first few weeks, being busy with her experiments and field research
🧪Sombra being her coworker do tell her her s/o has been missing for a few weeks
🧪She's not going to search for her intensively, rather, she'll ask Sombra do to the search for her
🧪When she comes back empty-handed, she knows she's not going to have much luck with her search as well
🧪So she gives up on the search but will look out for any pieces of information related to her s/o. She asks Sombra as well to be on the lookout
🧪When she comes face to face with her, it's a rather interesting conversation that ensues
Moira rarely leaves the talon base. Whenever she does, it's to gather data for her research or to pick up test subjects. So for her to be outside the base at this hour of the day, it's rather a curious decision. News of s/o has been spreading. Thanks to Sombra's research, she has been seen around Talon's base. With no memories of her life. Moira doesn't fully believe those rumours, but they couldn't have appeared out of nowhere. 
She has a book with her, to read while she sits in a cafe. Her mind on her book while her eyes scan the people walking in front of her. She doesn't try to be discreet, she doesn't care about people's judgement. She flips another page of her book and she raises one of her eyebrows when someone approaches her.
"Oh! I read this book not long ago, someone recommended it to me but I can't recall their name. How are you founding it so far?" 
"Fascinating. Truly fascinating..." she mutters to herself as s/o stands in front of her. Seemingly not recalling she's the one who recommended this book to her.
"Right? Ah- sorry, I hope I did not interrupt your reading." Moira observes her every move and words. Anything that could hint why s/o doesn't recognize her. Amnesia, brain tumor, dementia? What could possibly cause this sudden memory loss?
"Of course, not. It is always more entertaining to discuss a book with someone else rather alone. Take a seat. Let's discuss further."  
"Oh, alright." As the discussion progresses, Moira notes some elements. S/o doesn't remember much. She lost most of her memories. She started to keep her memories one month ago. That coincides with when she disappeared. For the moment, it makes sense. 
She still has to figure out why it happened. Or how. She doesn't want to rush this. After all, it'll be suspicious for her if she keeps insisting on knowing her past. She's willing to expand the time of her experiment if it means she's going to have an answer in the end. How fascinating, truly.
"Today has been interesting. Would you like to meet up again?"
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