#the bg could be done more interesting but meh
elgarabelas · 3 months
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Long time no see! :)
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juni-ravenhall · 3 years
reactions (mild spoilers!) on sso comic song of darkness
bc i read it before bed. this is a mix of random reactions + commentary/criticism. no pics sry! under cut bc spoilers, but i dont spoil the story itself, just some content -
- the pages at the intro with character information for some reason made me feel really nostalgic and happy, like, “wow this is a real comic” idk its hard to explain. it reminded me of reading stuff like W.I.T.C.H. as a kid (ive read a billion comics in my life but i compare to this bc its closer in general vibe) 
- anyway wow sso comics. on paper. wow (yeah i have clouds over silverglade but that was a while ago)
- hhehehehehhe south hoofers and raptor in the bg!!!!!! after this panel i kept looking at the bgs for other cameos kjhdsfg
- i can tell the swedish translation is... a bit... meh. like, yeah this is standard, especially today’s standard, but it could be smoother and more natural, which would make it more fun to read (and supportive of the language in the country where sso was made like? idk...)
- AVALON?? U HAVE A FACE??? he looks way more like evergray than i’d have thought though, youd have imagined he wouldnt want to style himself similar to him lol
- its a bit depressing how even tho this comic tries to express everyone’s personalities, lisa still barely feels like she has a personality. she can sing! ok... and... we’re wating... what else? (there are plenty of “boring” people irl, but in media you usually want to exaggerrate or simplify things a little bit) the current lisa seems like she could have more anxiety/depression in her narrative, the old lisa looked like she was tough in a different way than alex, both of those are things that could be pushed. or anything else. 
- my only like, “art related criticism”, also relates to the above - i think more work could be done in using individually unique expressions. im generally not a person who agrees with the idea of “same face syndrome” (often its a stylistic choice which is fair) but i think here it could be a good idea to work a bit more with various expressions - you can have charas who would almost never make huge shocked eyes for personality reasons, charas who always have a very obvious expression (alex does have this a lot in this comic!), charas who always look annoyed or frustrated or scared alongside whatever new emotion they get, etc. just very simplified description bc im already rambling. but basically, letting all charas emote in a similar way also removes layers of personality expression. 
- it’s cool that kora is in here!! love to see many known charas!! not rly interested in random new charas since sso already has a ton to work with 
- was a bit surprised when they said “mistfall, so youre a long way from home?” to kora when they.. were riding to firgrove from valedale? i could have understood this if they were in like epona or golden hills.. but firgrove?? shes specifically not a long way from home? confused
- i do like that the horses’ personalities get expressed, altho it does feel a bit shoved in, it’s still nice to see them. many of us are here bc of loving horses after all, and this comic delivers in featuring them a lot, even if they dont talk. i get that theres a level of “explaining everything to newbies” in this whole comic, even though i could wish that wouldve been done less blatantly. (kids arent dumb!) 
- i do kinda wish the overall story hadn’t been a standalone random thing but something more tied to what we have, exploring parts of the story & charas in sso in more detail, BUT, i think thats a valid direction to go with comics and its more just a personal preference for me. i would anytime take more sso comics that are standalone random stuff than to not have sso comics at all. 
- it seems like the reason concorde is an alive adult in this comic, is bc its an AU where concorde “almost died” but didnt, if i understood it right (they just said “she almost lost concorde”). i think thats a bit weird BUT valid, its ok to have differences in canon between different media of the same story, it tends to be like that between books and movies for example. however personally i wouldve preferred to see comics that explore, for example, the 2 years (?) between SSL and SSO, or each soul rider’s life history in general until now, or exploring in more depth events that happen in the main storyline (in sso or ssl which counts as backstory to sso)
- there were times i committed small giggle during this comic even as an adult man, tho arguably a childish adult man, but just to say that it was enjoyable, and overall i thought it was really exciting and fun to read a full sso comic book, and i hope to see a lot more (even if i’d prefer stuff like what i described - more exploration of existing story/charas). like i said at the beginning, i also got good nostalgic feels etc. i feel a bit sad now that its “over”, i wish i could have a whole pile of volumes to read for the rest of the summer. 
(when i criticise something, it means i care enough about it to criticise it! i tend to criticise stuff i love - aka sso - way more than stuff i have no interest in or dislike, which i just dont talk about much bc that would be a waste of time.) 
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badanimereviews · 5 years
Summer 2019 anime: what to watch
This season is going to be so bloody awesome I can already tell, there’s a lot of very unique & exciting shows that I can’t wait for omgggg
Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou
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I don’t usually include images but I think I’ll start to just cause I wanna show off.... how..... so pretty and aesthetic this cover is like holy crap? it’s really nice. the character designs looks very well-done and the art style is very nice and clean. Let’s talk about the premise too: a whole class getting isekai’d. apparently it’s not just me who’s had dreams of their whole class getting transported to a fantasy world? also this one power this mc guy has i swear it’ll end up being super op or so help me god. i love isekai anime and as a genre so ofc im watching this, even so, i bet this one will be really good. 
Cop Craft
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dunno how i really feel about this one but i’ll check it out just cuz ive got nothing better to do :/ i’m digging the girl, tirana- she looks pretty yo but why are there pompoms on her outfit it ruins the vibe also the guy is too old for my tastes so i feel that might ruin this show for me. i’m getting Gate vibes
Dr Stone
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decided to check it out cuz that AMAZING bg art like HOLY FUCK! it’s super nice but then I saw the cover art on MAL and it looked ugly and shounen? i don’t know what to believe but like, it could be pretty cool. and creepy and i like science stuff bc aesthetic or whatever 
Danmachi s2: it’s danmachi what else do i gotta say i loved it, and sword oratoria too, i played the game, s1 ended on a cliffhanger, let’s go boiz
Enen no Shouboutai
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why do i get ditf vibes from this? i hate those costumes? but the art style is cool? and it could be pretty interesting?
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lolis! magic! what more do u need! premise doesn’t give much info but still thought i’d check it out, tho from the 2 covers i saw it looks mecha... even tho the tags said it’s magic... anyhow, i am digging the art style, it’s clean, cutesy, don’t think this show will be powerful or anything but could be fun
Isekai Cheat Magician
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the title fuckin says it all, my dudes. there ya go. even so, it is isekai therefore i must at least try it. character designs are nice. first character impressions are boring mc guy, white haired bird girl is annoying as fuck, everyone else is a tsundere. even so i am tryna be hopeful so! i love magic shit!
Kanata no Astra
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i already hate the girl with the puppet. also the premise givin me lost in space vibes... i hate space with a passion but i love a good survival story so if the characters aren’t a bunch of little bitches then i’ll watch it. art style is kinda meh, character designs.... honestly not too keen on them but whatever.
To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts
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can i scream briefly? i just read this entire manga series and didn’t think it was popular enough to get an anime anytime soon but here we are? i am so pumped to watch this? the manga is so good? it’s so good? i am so excited i can’t stop using question marks? WHTA THE FUCK I AM SO ESXCAUAT excited OMy god!!!!!! i love nancy! mappa don’t do her dirty! don’t do hank dirty! they deserve better! this is so good and i am glad a good studio gets to animate it! although.... the manga’s art style is so much more stylistic and nice to look at but it looks too different and sucky here so i am a little sad but this is only the cover art. holy fuck it’s actually getting an anime yas! this is so good i can’t say it enough oml
Naka no Hito Genome
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i rly like this art style. character designs are rly nice too. this sounds p interesting actually i like game anime and i like making up game-based stories too so i can’t wait to see how this will play out... haha... pun... cuz gamers... play... haha...
Vinland Saga
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never read the manga even tho i saw it in the library so often, but since anime is easier for me to eat up i decided to try it! i love history and i love viking stuff too so i hope this will be up my alley
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the art style looks cool. i will try this out.. tho that premise? sounds rly weird? but intriguing enough. i hope it won’t be one of those super edgy confusing as shit things cuz then imma drop it. im not smart enough to watch heavy anime and play love nikki at the same time ok
there’s also the accelerator anime coming out too but i’m not caught up on index so imma pass for now
anyways in summary, this season is gonna be swole as shit and fricken amazing i don’t care what anyone says there are actually so many good shows airing this season and a bunch of awesome leftovers too so lets get this fuckin bread
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lovemesomesurveys · 3 years
survey by xflirtykaosx
Alphabetti Spaghetti (1/3)
And we will fall in love with shooting stars. - A
Have you ever seen an Aardvark? Hm. I don’t think I ever have in person.
Were you ever abandoned in a public place as a child? Where? No.
What accent do you have? A California one, I guess. It’s weird to think of myself as having an accent.
Is there someone in your family addicted to something? What is it? I have family members who have/had drug and alcohol addictions. 
Have you ever been under general anaesthetic? What were you having done? Yes. I’ve had to have several surgeries.
How do you show the ones you love affection? I haven’t been doing a good job at that lately. :/ I’ve been such a pain and difficult to be around lately because I’ve been so miserable and irritable and depressed and in pain and just feeling really, really shitty and ugh. I feel so guilty because my family gets the brunt of it and they don’t deserve it at all and they do so much and more for me and I’ve had to be totally dependent on them and do it anyway and they’re so patient and loving and ughhhh. I’m a piece of shit.
Are you more passive or aggressive? Passive. 
Do you like the band Aha!? I only know taaaaaaaaaaaaaaake on meeeeeeeeeee (take on me) takeeeeeeee meeeee on (take on me)..... <<< I’ll beeeee goneeeee in a month or twooooooo.” haha.
Do you know anyone called Aidan? What are they like? Nope.
Ever heard of the band Ajax? Doesn’t ring a bell.
Do you know anyone called Akash? No.
Do the sound of fire alarms scare you? Yes. I’m super jumpy anyway and don’t like loud and/or ringing noises. 
Do you live in America? If so, which state? If visited, where’d you go? Yep, I live in California.
Have you ever had an ant infestation in your house? No, nothing that serious. 
Aora - did I spell that correctly? Were you going for Aurora? 
Do you have a preference in Apple? What type do you prefer? I like Apple products if that’s what you mean. My laptop and phone are Apple.
Are you an Aquarian? Is anyone in your family/your partner/best friend? My younger brother is.
Have you ever worn any type of armor? Which type? No.
Do you use the word ass a lot? No.
Have you or your family had an attorney? What for? Nope.
Is your car/family’s car an automatic gear or manual? My mom and brother have an automatic and my dad’s is manual. 
Are you interested in aviation, piloting and aircrafts? Nope.
What was the last award you recieved for? I received awards for the psych club I served as a board member for in college.
Axl Rose - like or dislike? I don’t have an opinion.
Do you like air being spelt ayre or ayer in rap or hiphop or is it nasty? ....what?
Is the sky outside Azure? If not, what shade is it? It’s pitch black out currently.
Belle amour (we’ve been here before). - B Do you call anyone baby? Is it sweet or an overrated name for affection? I don’t call anyone that.
Bby - does this shortened version bug you? It doesn’t bug me, but I wouldn’t use it.
Do you know what BC in terms of time stands for? Yes.
BDf - For or against? Uh, so I Googled this and got an Urban Dictionary definition and I’m not sure if that’s what you’re referring to or not...
Do you prefer beach breaks, city breaks or winter breaks? Why? Never heard of beach or city breaks, but I’m definitely going with beach breaks. I’m guessing that’s just a beach vacation/trip?
Do you spell out boyfriend properly or put bf in texts/online? I spell it out.
Do you know what bg is short for? Background? *shrug*
Do you know anyone with the last name Bhays? No.
Have you ever been bird watching? What did you see? Nah.
Do you like Bjork? I know who she is, but I don’t have much of an opinion. 
What does this read: bk 2moz miss u lyk fk. Doesn’t this text speak annoy? This is super annoying.
Do you like BMWs? Sure.
What is the nearest book to you called? How many times have you read it? "Flooded” by Nicki Koziarz. This is my first time reading it.
BnQ - gone there? What did you buy? What’s with all the weird shorthand/abbreviations??
Are you more brainy or brave? I’m not brainy, but I’m certainly not brave.
Did you like the BSBs (Backstreet Boys) as a kid? How about now? Yeah.
Burgers, Hot Dogs or Salads at a Barbecue? Burgers.
Do you have a Byro? Sigh.
Cold eyes and filthy lies all leave me petrified. - C Do you have a Cactus (Cacti)? Nope.
Do you know what a CCTV is? Yes.
How many CDs are in the room you are currently in? Zero. 
What’s your favourite cereal brand? I like all the sugary ones, basically.
Do you like children’s TV shows still? Which one(s)? Yeah. I like the stuff from when I was growing up like As Told by Ginger, Hey Arnold, Rugrats, Doug, etc. 
Cinnamon - Yum or Yuck? Yum.
Do you know anyone with the initials and or name CJ? No.
Have you ever met a self professed clairvoyant? What did they do/say? Nah.
Do you watch CNN News? What’s your prefered news channel/show? I get most of my news from the news app on my phone, but sometimes from my local news channels or the Today Show.
How many cousins do you have? A shit ton.
Do you still draw with crayons? When was the last time you did? Drew what? Nah, I use colored pencils. 
Do you know what a CSS feed is? What is it? I know there’s a CSS feed on here. It has to do with the coding for the layout, right?
Do you like cycling/biking? What type of bike do you have? No.
Do you really like it, is it is it wicked. - D What is the most dangerous animal you’ve petted/held? Nothing dangerous. 
Do you like Death Metal? If so, which band(s)? Nah.
Did you ever keep a diary/journal? I had an actual journal in middle school and some of high school and then switched to Xanga and LiveJournal. This is my journal now.
Do you prefer small, medium, large or no dogs? Medium.
Do you know what DP stands for in porn? No.
Have you ever dressed up as a celebrity for a party/Halloween? No.
DS or Wii? Why? DS.
Does dust make you sneeze or cough? Both.
How many DVDs do you have all together? I have no idea.
Do you dye your hair regularly, sometimes or never? I was dyeing it regularly. I’m currently well over a year due now.
Every love lies sometimes … - E What’s something you refuse to eat? Seafood is one of many things.
Don’t you think the word ebb is so pretty? No.
Do you like Chocolate Eclairs? Meh.
Ever tried edible paper? I rememer this candy I had as a kid where you could eat the wrapper and I thought it was so cool haha.
Eevee - pretty name or too Pokemon-y? I just think Pokemon.
Do you sometimes mix up the spellings/meanings of affection and defection? No...
Do you have a big ego, low self esteem or somewhere in between? I have no self-esteem. It left the chat a long time ago.
What Element does your starsign fall under? *shrug*
Do you show your emotions easily and freely or hide them? I didn’t used to show the sad ones so easily and freely, but my emotions took control and I don’t have any say now.
What is your favourite form of entertainment? Tumblr, doing surveys, reading, YouTube, watching TV.
What will they write on your epitaph? I don’t know, man.
Estimate/guess what number we are on now? Nah.
Do you know basic social etiquette? Yes.
Does your country use the Euro, Great British Pound, Dollar or other? Dollar.
Do you still get excited on Christmas Eve? Aww, yeah.
What animal/creature that is extinct do you wish wasn’t? Hmm.
What colour eyes do your parents have? My mom has brown eyes, my dad has blue eyes.
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pyrrthea · 7 years
I really have no excuse for this, I just wanted to see if I could brighten up the days of people who really brighten up mine
@crowndefiant cassie, you are literally my best friend in the entire world and i love you a lot. thank you so much for always being there for me, even when i probably didn’t deserve it, and for brightening up my day by literally just putting up with me. i love you so so much and you mean the entire world to me.  as for your writing, you already know i think it’s phenomenal. be it some dumb crack on this hell site, or your gorgeous novel that’s going to turn you into a new york times best selling author, you could write about a cardboard box and i would die for it <3 your dumb jokes, your kindness, your willingness to always be there for me by my side all makes me so happy to have you in my life, and i want you to know that i’m always going to be here for you no matter what.
@anorablespark josie!! you’re about 95% of the reason why this blog exists and probably why i still roleplay at all. you following me all the way back on p//bg was a shock because you seemed like such a high quality blogs and back then i was a total mess (i still am. that is beside the point). despite my total lack of confidence in any of my abilities, you were nothing but kind and caring to me in a time where i was considering giving up writing all together, and you made me a lot less nervous joining this fandom by introducing me to some of the most amazing people here that i love and admire, you are one of them. you’re nora is one of my favourite muses ever on this fucking hellsite, and even though we say we have to plot and we never do, what little we’ve done with nora and pyrrha’s relationship makes me smile, and your nora makes pyrrha smile a lot too. your backstory for her has so much though, love and care put into it, and i want you to know that i love it, and i love you, and all of your muses and headcanons. don’t forget that.
@starsetdiva maaaaaayyyy~ as someone who has tried, struggled, and failed to take a background character with like five lines of dialogue, and turn them into my own, let me tell you this, you have done a phenomenal job, with both neon and arslan. the care and effort into everything you do for your muses makes me so happy that there are people like you, who are willing to do all that for a character they love, and i respect you so so much for that. you’re always there to make me laugh, be it ooc or ic, and i’m glad we live in the land of fucked up timezones, because being able to see you on my dash, and talk to you, makes me so happy. i know how self-conscious you are about your writing, and i know exactly how you feel, but i want you to know that i genuinely love and enjoy all of your writing, and i would so so so so soooo love to write/plot with you some more, i just,,,, need to come up with some plot ideas <3 i’d follow you on any muse to the end of the fucking earth, and rest assured, i will always be around to icon whoever or whatever you need lmao
@mirrornium chloe, you’re pretty okay for someone who shits on my lawn. nO BUT REALLY, in all seriousness, i was really sad when you just sort of disappeared off my dash a while back, because you always made me laugh a lot with your drake bell icons buT NOW YOU AND YOUR DRAKE AND JOSH SHITPOSTING IS BACK AS WELL, and i could not be happier. we haven’t talked a lot one on one but everytime we speak, be in privately or in a group of people, you never fail to make me laugh until i’m in tears, and i couldn’t ask for anything more from you. 
@bloomess stELLA WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU SO NICE TO ME. you’re literally the best, like god damn woman, you are so kind and funny and you’re always doing nice things for me and saying nice things to me, which i don’t???? deserve??????? like dang man what’d i do to deserve you, like, what the fuck. ad you!!!! put up with me sending you memes that make me think of you/ur ruby, who is the absolute cutest think i lov okay. i lov you, and uhhh i love ur ruby, and pyrr lovse rooby 2, her lil cowgirl gf yeehaw. wE HAVEN’T HAD A PROPER THREAD YET BUT UHH I RLLY WANT 2 WRITE WITH YOU BECAUSE I LOVE HOW YOU WRITE RUBY IT GIVES ME A REASON TO LIVE LIKE DAMN WOMAN. but yes i love you a lot and i would die 4 u but u already know that so okAY BYE NOW Y’ALL
@saecris meh.  NO I’M KIDDING I LIKE YOU A LOT MORE THAN JUST meh. you better full well know how much i love you and how much i love your ren. you are so kind and funny that it like genuinely confuses me like how is??? that possible like dang. i really really really enjoy talking to you ooc so much, and our ic interactions are a lot of fun too, even if it’s just pyrrha and ren acting like children and also that one time they were being nerds about books or something. speaking of, i love your ren. so so so sos os sosososoooos o soooooo sooooooo much. your headcanons and backstory are so well thought out and genuinely interesting and make me want to care about him so much more and i just  👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏
@nctdamsel how and why do you even put up with me mack. you let me yell at you about greek fire and it means so much to me that you care about these two nerds as much as i do lmA O. all of your headcanons and oc’s are so well thought out and all the care and detail you put into them shines through and makes me smile. you’re always kind and sweet and just in general way too good to me???? i love all the cute threads we do together and it makes me so happy to see you on my dash, to talk to you, write with you, plot with you, waTCH YOUR FUCKING SNAPCHAT STORY I’M LOV U MAC K
@kingdommark helL O HUSBAND <3 we’ve known each other like what, two weeks and we’re already married. i haven’t known you for nearly as long as a lot of other people, but you’ve never been anything but kind and caring to me, and it really means a lot to me that you take time out of your day to talk to me and be a nice person???? and seeing you be a nice person to other people makes me so happy, because i think we both know that this website is a place filled with unnecessary toxicity, so to see people like you who are always doing their best to be kind is so heartwarming to me. obviously i don’t know shit about KH but your sora is a massive cutie who i love a lot and enjoy seeing on my dash so much, and you can bet your ass i cannot wait for sora/pyrrha interactions
@saintlyhilt aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA??????? hello yes, shi did you know that you’re an absolute blessing and idk how we haven’t interacted much outside of crack/dash comm, because i’m pretty sure our first ooc interaction was just me telling you how thirsty i am for jaune so. i lov seeing u be gay on my dash and the rare times we talk make me happy because you’re so kind and caring and i don’t know if you know it but you never fail to make me smile all the gosh darn time, and i literally cannot thank you enough. your writing and headcanons for both sun and jaune are so well thought out, interesting, and so much fun to read. i just want you to know that you’re really important to me and i appreciate you a lot.
@adornedscars jhuwan, you may be one sassy fucking piece of shit, but you know what? i wouldn’t have it any other way, because you make me laugh and smile a lot, especially when i need it most, and our stupid running joke of fox calling pyrrha a bitch is one of my favourite stupid thing to happen on this blog. you’ve literally taken a character with nothing and made him your own in a way that literally just???? makes me forget that he doesn’t even have a canon fucking voice actor. you are one of the most important people i see on my dash, and one of the funniest too, and even though we don’t talk a lot, i’m glad we’re friends.
@baddrunkcharm hEY ASHE DID U KNOW THAT UR LIKE MY FAVOURITE QROW AND I’M LOV U AND THE WAY U WRITE SO MUCH AND U HAVE TO SHARE THOSE COOKIES WITH ME. no but seriously you’re another person who i just??? haven’t talked to a lot because i’m a nervous bean and you’re just super cool and i love your writing and characterization so fucking much man like dang. and!!! i super hope we can interact more, both ic and ooc, because!!! i’m going to fight you either way!!! but with hugs, and puppies, and love, because,,,, i love seeing you on my dash, and talking to you, and just knowing that you exist.
@miragesque heLLO YES WE HAVE LIKE NEVER SPOKEN BEFORE BUT LIKEDANG SEEING YOU ON MY DASH MAKES ME REALLY HAPPY DA N G. seeing how much you love and care about blake makes me so happy because i 101% absolutely know how you feel to be absolutely in love with your muse, and to see other people that just care so much makes me get all emotional, and it all really shows through in your writing because like????? you’re probably one of the most stand out blakes i’ve ever seen on this god forsaken hell site and it makes me all giddy and smiley and happy to see on my dash because you’re an amazing writer, and i am just a small bean, hoping that one day i’ll build up some more courage to sAY HE L L O.
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violetren · 6 years
THIS IS MOSTLY AIMED AT PEOPLE MAKING BLACK AND WHITE STYLE GIFS. And also some gradient/specific colours only type gif makers. And honestly a few full colour gif makers seem like they could use a reminder lately too. Idk if theres a new generation of gif makers, or just a new style thing trying to happen, or if I just need to find some new people to follow, but my inner art student is screaming so now I’m screaming into the void too in the hopes the universe will let me fucking live.
If you are putting writing on something make sure it doesn’t get swallowed by its background. Change the font colour. Give the letters an outline. Don’t put white text on a black and white gif where at least half the space the text will take up will also be white for 98% of the gifs loop. Same goes in reverse. People are more likely to just scroll past something that doesn’t immediately grab their eye, than they are to stop and try to decifer it. Gifs with text on them can grab more attention that gifs without them, because they are showing and saying something, why hamstring yourself by making the text almost invisible?
Here are 3 things that’ll help make your emotion raising, thought provoking quotes readable to your audience, all of which you will probably have seen before if you stop to think about them.
0 extra time. Change the font colour. Admittedly this can fuck with some aesthetics. Especially if you’re trying to do a total black and white thing. But it’s the easiest, and depending on your quote and the bg you’re putting the text over you might only have to make one word stand out which can lead to some interesting visuals.
1 extra minute (Give or take depending on the text/selection method). Select the letters of your text, Grow Selection by 1 pixel, on a layer underneath your white text colour the selection in black, merge the two layers into one singular layer where your text is outlined similarly to how many subtitles and memes are. There is a reason many subtitles do this. It helps ensure there is contrast so that the words can be read regardless of background. Even if you’ve changed the font colour it often doesn’t hurt to do this anyways so that the brain doesn’t think the colour is “bleeding”. This one works whether on black and white or on colour. Protip fonts that are too compact can look a little meh, and really fine fonts can end up loosing their prettiness by being make too blocky so try to pick something in the middle. Simple is what’s gonna work best here.
5 extra minutes. Get fancy. Go through each frame of your gif with your selection tool and your paint brush. Any piece of text on a white bg paint it black. Any bit on a black bg stays white. Done right the text is as much a feature as the images themselves, the way the inversion shifts giving the illusion that the image is moving through/behind the words and that the words are part of the scene not just overlayed onto it, and can be done with pretty much any font. Bonus points if you use this option but use colour instead of monochrome.
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obscurelysevere · 7 years
How are you today? Today was such an unday that it made me rather uncomfortable. And it’s been frustrating, technology wise.
Do you have any pets? I have 4. 3 cats and a ferret. :3
What is your birth year? 1992..
What was the last thing you wrote down? Probably the information of a doctor.
What is your least favorite color? I don’t think that I really have one.
What was the last relaxing thing you did? Napped in my cozy bed.
Name a topic you consider yourself knowledgeable with. Animals. Specially, cats.
What’s the easiest way to make you smile/laugh? I’ve got a pretty broad sense of humor.
Do you own any band merch? Ohhh yeah. Many a t-shirt.
Name a random fruit. Persimmon.
When was the last time you have fallen? A far as my memory can tell (which isn’t far at all), it’s been a while.
If given the opportunity, would you ever perform on Broadway? No thank you. Ain’t that talented.
What is your favorite number? Why? 3.
What was the last thing that made you smile? My sister’s cat was trying to comfort me.
What was the last thing that made you cry? The pain I was in.
Recommend me a book. (any genre). Good Omens.
Do you like to read? Loooove it!
What is your favorite way to eat popcorn? (buttered, salted, plain..). Butter & salt.
What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received? Something that speaks to my character, not my looks.
Have you ever faked being sick to get out of something? Oh, yes. But I don’t have to go very far or fake very much.
How do you feel about online dating? I’m hesitant and not very interested. But it’s not entirely out of the question.
What is your greatest strength? I keep going.
First thing you thought of when you woke up this morning. How comfy I was...
What’s something you’re really passionate about? Animals.
Do you have any posters on your wall? Not posters. I have some pictures hanging up. Two canvases of my babies when they were just a few weeks old, a painting my cousin did, a photo of a llama in NC, and the family calendar.
What’s a song you feel was written just for you? Fear by Pauley Perrette.
If you could go back in time to one point in your life, where would you go? Either back to when mom and I were in St. Pete for a week, or back to Japan. <3
Did anything embarrassing happen today? No.
Who is the first person you think of when someone mentions “love”? My family.
Did you have a good summer? Yeah! It was great until August rolled along... But up until then, things were pretty rad.
How has 2017 been so far for you? No rougher than 2016. But it certainly hasn’t been anything fantastic as of yet.
Are you dressing up for Halloween? If so, what are you being? I just might. I was too sick to dress up last year, and I would really like to get into it this year. Dead prom queen. I went out of my way to buy really cool FX products for the look and I have done more than my share of research on how to do what it is that I want to do.
Name something you want. To be moving forward in my life again...
What’s the most boring sport to watch? Just about any, but football.
Worst feeling in the world? Down to your bones fear.
Best feeling? Unconditional love. And freedom,
Are you listening to music at the moment? No, it’s almost 3am.
Anyone you’d like to get things straight with? Eh. Nothing that I seriously need to get off of my chest.
You receive $500. What would you spend it on? Definitely treat my family to something AWESOME. Or just literally pay my parents back for everything they have done for me, and all of the sacrifices that they have made on my behalf.
Is anything bothering you right now? Lots of things. But what’s new?
If so, let it out here. Nope. This isn't the time, nor place.
What are you doing right now, besides this? IMing a nurse I became good friends with from all of my hospital visits.
Name 3 things you really want to do. Get better, be able to go home, find a way to bring Taj home. </3
What is one quality you really appreciate in a person? Compassion for ALL things.
Has anyone ever compared you to someone you don’t like? Ohhhhhh yeah.
Describe your style in one word. Comfy/casual.
Do you wish you were somewhere else right now? Not really. I would really like to be able to go back to my house soon, though.
When was the last time you were sick? I’m literally always sick. In one way or another.
What do you plan on doing now that this survey is over? Going to bed.
When was the last time you pulled an all-nighter, if you ever have? What was the reason? Probably in the hospital.
Do you find coffee and energy drinks actually give you more energy? I don’t drink any of that.
Who is your favorite Disney character? Mulan! <3
Aside from apple and orange juice, which juice is your favourite? Peach.
If you’re in a rush to go somewhere, would you rather do your make-up or fix your hair? Fix my hair. Makeup is such a hassle.
What are some questions that you get really fed up with answering? Questions about exes.
Do your parents trust you enough to leave you home alone for a week without them? Considering I LIVE on my own, pretty much.
Do any of your friends have children? My best friend does. <333
How young do you think is “too young” to get married? Or is age just a number? I’m hesitant about anything under 25, but that’s just me.
If you knew you had the right person at this precise moment in time, would you marry them? Not this very minute. It would have to take the time to be planned out.
If you’re staying home all day, do you bother getting changed or do you just stay in your pajamas? I don’t necessarily stay in my PJs but I will change into something equally as comfy.
Are there any TV shows that you’ve found yourself watching a lot recently? The Carbanaro Effect, and Nashville.
There’s a bar in Canada which sells a cocktail that contains a human toe. You can pick any alcohol of your choice, but it has to contain this toe. You don’t have to drink the toe, but it has to touch your lips. Would you try it? WTF!? Why? No. Just, no.
Does it bug you when bars overload your drinks with ice? I don’t go to bars. But I hate ice in most of my drinks. Really fucks with my teeth. D:
How different would your day-to-day life be without internet access? Holy fuck. I’d be lost. And I probably wouldn’t have written my story.
Do you judge people when they don’t enjoy the same things as you? A little bit.
If you live near the coast, do you like it? If you don’t - do you wish you lived closer to the beach? I lived there for a year. It was hard, because I was working 2 jobs, 7 days a week, so I rarely ever got to go to the beach. I miss it now.
Do you have any interest in tennis? I tried it when I was younger, sucked at it, hated it, yadda, yadda.
Did you really care about the Royal Wedding, or did you just want it to get out of the news? Noooope.
Can you remember where you were when Princess Diana died? No idea.
If you’re awake late at night and get hungry, what do you tend to snack on? I don’t. Unless my BG is low, then I go for some cereal and juice.
Can you sleep with a bra on, or do you find it way too uncomfortable? I haven’t worn one of those traps for years now. It feels so much better to be free.
If you don’t drive - how come? If you do - how old were you when you got your license? I don’t right now because of all of the meds that I am on, it wouldn’t be a wise idea to get into a vehicle right now.
How old were you when you started doing your own laundry (assuming you do)? 18?
Do you have a dishwasher or do you still wash things up by hand? I have a dishwasher but some things just can’t go in there.
What do you think of people who don’t vote (assuming they can do so)? There’s no excuse; it’s ridiculous.
What’s a word that begins with the first letter of your bf/gf/crushes name? Bullet.
Have you ever heard a song mash-up? Did you like it? I’ve heard a few. I like most that I’ve heard but there are some that are just meh...
If you had to choose between being a garden gnome or a gargoyle, which would you be? Gargoyle FO SHO.
Do you know the original hunchback of notre dame story? Not all of it.
Are you pretty much a junkie? I am. I’m entirely addicted to essential oils.
Do you care to share your thoughts on twitter? Not usually.
Have you ever gone walking around looking for flowers? Yeah, whenever I go hiking.
How was the last party you went to? I had a kinda lame ‘Halloween’ party at my place.
Do you ever babysit? Are the kids wild? Nooooo. I did that stint when I was younger. It’s not my thing at all anymore.
Have you seen the movie, forgetting sarah marshall? Did you like it? Yes. It was alright.
What’s the last thing you spent money on? I bought a new oil vape, and a new case for my iPad.
Have you ever caught a tadpole? A lot of times when I was younger down at the river in ND.
Do you know the difference between a joint and a blunt? Not at all, really.
What kind of dog would you get if you could choose any breed? Shiba inu<3
Would you ever move to a different country than your own? Sometimes I think I would love to live in Japan. I miss it so much!
Have you ever made a music playlist? Alllllll the time. I love doing it.
What does most of your money go towards? Rent.
Do you like to decorate? LOVE LOVE LOVE IT.
What are your bedroom colours? Beige, white, and blue.
Have you ever done anything sexual in exchange for something? Not in the least.
How long is your longest relationship? 16 months.
Can you name all the people you’ve been with? I think I can. But I won’t.
How often do you listen to rap? Every now and again, it’s alright.
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