#the big bro barou brainrot is really strong
maochira · 1 year
for the big bro bllk boys hcs, you should do one where their younger sibling is sick. kinda like a sequel from the recent one
ive seen that scenario everywhere and i wanted to know ur take on it
OMG....... YES
Blue Lock big brothers when you get sick after walking through the rain
Tells you it's your own fault and scolds you a bit, but ends up feeling bad when he sees you in pain, so he takes care of you.
Rin, BAROU, Karasu
Literally does NOT let you leave bed unless absolutely necessary. If you need something, he'll bring it to you. He wants you to rest every single second so you recover quickly.
RIN, Ness, Barou
Goes full mom-mode and takes care of you as if you were a little child. He keeps reassuring your parents they don't have to worry about you because he's there to take care of you.
BAROU!!! again, KUON!, Tokimitsu
Gets sick as well because he's around you all the time and tends to get a bit too close, so you accidentally sneezed on him when he hugged you.
Shidou, BACHIRA, Tokimitsu
Wants to stay away from you because he wants to avoid getting sick as well, but he misses being around you so he checks on you multiple times a day. Also stays in your room, with an open window and safe distance, whenever he wants to talk to you.
KAISER, Raichi, Nagi, Aryu
Makes sure you have water or tea in your room all the time. Also reminds you to drink something at least once an hour. He gets a bit upset whenever he sees your bottle is still full, but calms down when he finds out it's because you took a nap.
Barou, Rin, Kunigami
Cooks your favourite foods and comfort foods that will help you recover quicker. Also keeps track of how much you eat and makes sure it's enough. If you feel too sick to eat, he doesn't pressure you into eating more and instead encourages you to stay hydrated.
RIN!!!, Kuon, Kunigami, Barou (+he brings you pudding like your mom always did for him)
CW: vomitting in this last one
Holds your hair back when you throw up and comforts you afterwards. He hugs you and rubs your back until the shock of vomitting wears off. He also makes sure you drink enough so you don't dehydrate.
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maochira · 1 year
hi hii! i LOVE ur siblings fics!! i once requested an older brother nagi fic ANS I LOVE IT SO MUCH THANK YOUU!! if its okay, can i request older brother nagi, bachira, rin, and isagi and younger sibling reader with parents who is always out for work?? so the reader gets lonely all by themself since their parents is out and they only have time with their brother after their brother go home from school? SO SORRY IF ITS TOO SPECIFIC OR IF THERES TOO MUCH CHARACTER!! you can just write nagi and bachira if its too much! (or you can add more if u want to!) sorry if this request is too long, you can ignore this if you want! anyways i love ur works a lot so thank you so much! i hope you keep enjoying writing :D
Honestly, I love long and specific requests especially with multiple characters because it's just fun to interpret the same situation in different ways, so I've decided to add Barou as well because the big bro Barou brainrot is strong rn <3 also, thank you very much!! I'm glad you enjoyed the big bro Nagi headcanons!!
Characters: Nagi, Bachira, Rin, Isagi, Barou
Requests open - current writing event - masterlist
Tags: gn!younger sibling!reader, sibling fluff, reader is around 2 years younger than the older sibling
Seishirou Nagi (additionally: big bro Nagi after a fight headcanons/scenario)
-because your parents travel all the time, you and Seishirou live alone together
-he definitely takes better care of you than he does of himself. For example, he's too lazy to eat and he also doesn't do a lot of his homework on time because he procrastinates so much. But when it comes to you, he always checks if you've eaten enough and if you're meeting all your deadlines regarding school
-Seishirou doesn't like cooking. It takes too much effort. And because you don't want him to starve or order takeout all the time (it's expensive and leaves you with a lot of trash), you learn how to cook so you can make all the meals
-even though eating is too much of a hassle for your big brother, he always eats whatever you make for him, since he knows you put a lot of effort into it
Meguru Bachira
-Meguru is energetic all the time, no matter how much time he's spent in school or how much homework he had to do, if he gets to spend time with you, all his energy returns!
-the house never feels lonely, even if it's just the both of you. Meguru loves being around you and never runs out of things to talk about
-sometimes you're tired and don't feel like talking. That's when either Meguru does all the talking and you just listen, or you sit together in the living room in silence, watching some random movie
-it's very rare for you to be in separate rooms. You don't mind being alone, but Meguru always gets afraid of you getting sad, so he tries to be around you all the time. In case you really want to be alone, he will definitely let you have your private time and either play soccer outside or return to his own room
Rin Itoshi (additionally: Itoshi siblings masterlist)
-Rin doesn't like being around people, you're the only exception to that. He's not around you all the time, but he checks on you fairly often and asks if you need help with anything very often
-even if you don't need his help, you often pretend like you can't do your homework on your own, so he can help you with it
-since Sae left and because your parents are out of the house so much, you and Rin have a very close emotional bond
-Rin isn't the middle child anymore, he's the big brother now, so he definitely acts like it. He gets overprotective a lot. He always wants you to tell him about your day and if anyone in school was mean to you
-even though your parents are gone almost all of the time, you don't remember ever feeling lonely at home, thanks to Rin
-you know even when Rin isn't in the same room as you, you just have to call for him or knock on his door, and he'll be right with you
Yoichi Isagi
-Yoichi takes a lot of responsibility when it comes to you. He does more than he needs to, but it doesn't bother him at all
-your parents sometimes joke about him being almost motherly towards you. And actually, that's true
-even though you're only two years younger, Yoichi tends to treat you as if you were a lot younger. He's very stuck in his position as a big brother, especially since he's alone at home with you so much. To him, as soon as he gets home from school, making sure you're okay is his main responsibility
-you do a lot of things together, like sharing your chores and sitting at the dining table to do your homework. Being in each other's company makes the absence of your parents more bearable
-talking with Yoichi is a lot of fun! He talks a lot about soccer and you talk a lot about what you're into. But sometimes you talk so much, you forget the time and suddenly you hear your parents being back home, which means it's already late at night
Shouei Barou
-as soon as it's only you and him in the house, he goes full parent mode
-don't worry about your chores, Shouei will do them. That's actually because he thinks you don't clean well enough, but he makes you believe he doesn't want you to do extra work after an exhausting day in school
-sometimes you have to remind him he's your brother and not your parent. As soon as you get into trouble with something, he starts holding speeches about why what you did was wrong. One time he even tried to ground you, but him even attempting that made you laugh so hard he couldn't be serious about it anymore either
-you think you're too old for it, but Shouei insists on tucking you into bed every night. He wants to make sure you get into bed at a decent time to get enough sleep
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maochira · 1 year
Ughhh cannot stop thinking about big bro barouuuu and his teenage sibling who is lazyyy and hates cleaning their room so their somehow “encouraging” barou to clean their room and he ends up doing it and won’t stop bitching about it later so we bake cookies for him to shut upppppp
Requests open! - current writing event - masterlist
Tags: gn!younger sibling!reader, a bit of swearing
"Oh my fucking god." Barou says as he enters your room. "What the actual fuck."
"It's not that bad." You roll your eyes at him and lie back down on your bed.
Your big brother groans in annoyance. "It's more than 'that bad'. How can you live like this? It's awful." He points at the pile of clothes on the floor. "Put it in the laundry basket right fucking now." He instructs in a strict voice.
"Huh? Those are clean clothes I haven't put into my closet yet."
"This can't be real." Barou gets more and more frustrated. He grabs your arm to pull you out of bed. "Clean your mess. Right now."
"But that's exhausting..." You whine like a child to tease your brother a little. "How about you help me?" You suggest, trying to hide your grin.
Barou takes another glance at your room. "Without my help, you wouldn't even be able to clean up anything anyways. Your room looks awful."
And that's how you got your brother to help you. From the moment you asked him to help, your intention has been to let him do everything. But you knew he wouldn't do that if you straight up asked him to do it on his own.
Although, you know how to get him to do it. You keep being too slow or doing things in the wrong ways, knowing they will frustrate Barou so he ends up doing those things.
And just when he throws the last piece of trash into the bin, he notices you sitting on your bed with your phone in your hand. And then he realizes he did pretty much all of the work.
In anger, he snatches the phone out of your hand and yells at you. "I can't believe you used me like this! Don't expect me to ever clean your messes again!"
Before you get the chance to answer, Barou throws your phone on your lap and storms out of the room. You call after him, but he ignores you.
That gets you thinking about the entire situation. Sure, your brother is the one who always complains about your messes, but they're your messes, so they're your responsibilities. You start feeling bad for using Barou like that, so you think about ways to apologize.
Apologizing with words doesn't feel enough. He put so much effort into cleaning your room, you feel a strong urge to put effort into something as well.
You don't know what to do, though. You try really hard to come up with something because even a day later the two of you can't be in the same room without him bitching about how you used him like a maid to clean your room.
You've had arguments a handful of times, but he's never been as resentful as he is now. Not only do you feel bad about it, but his complaining also starts getting on your nerves.
Another day later, while Barou is at soccer practice, you decide to bake his favourite cookies as an apology, hoping he will accept that.
He comes home earlier than you expected him to, so he walks in on you cleaning the kitchen from the mess you've made while baking.
"Look who can clean up their own mess,"" Barou says in a condescending tone. "If only you would have done that with your room."
"Listen, I'm sorry." You tell him.
"That doesn't make it better."
"Do cookies make it better?"
That catches Barou a bit off guard. "What?" For the first time since entering the kitchen, he takes a look at the oven.
"I made your favourite cookies. You know... as an apology."
Barou sighs and chuckles a little. "Alright, I forgive you." He ruffles your hair before he continues speaking. "I can't be mad at you for that long anyways. Even if you're an annoying little shit sometimes."
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