#the bloodlust is caused by the transformation into werewolf form so the more wolf you decide to become the less bloodlust you feel
sobekc · 2 years
thinking of making a slightly shameful self-insert werewolf character/story even though I’m absolute dog shit at making characters and narratives
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seercayder · 4 years
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My Wendigo design. Info on each species below (and it fucking long brah)
Although Wendigos usually resemble a deer or boar, sometimes you find a more aggressive subspecies resembling predators such as wolves or bears. They still have many similar characteristics to the typical Wendigo, such as rotting skin and the ability to open their jaws incredibly wide (sometimes swallowing small prey such as young children whole), however these 'predator' Wendigos are always completely blind. This blindness is caused by hardened blood actually leaking from their eyes, hardening into an antler or root-like shape. These blood protrusions also sometimes burst out of other parts of the body, usually when experiencing aggression or feeding. Throughout their lifetimes, this blood continuously pours out of the eyes, causing the roots/antlers to grow in a similar way to a stalagmite. This can help to identify how old or young a Wendigo is. Because of their lack of eyesight, predator Wendigos seem to hunt through some alternative method, although it is unclear if they use sound, smell or perhaps some form of thermal imaging. Their blindness can also explain their more violent temperament (although Wendigos in general are known for being very bloodthirsty anyways) as they seem to be unable to tell ally from foe, and so usually massacre everything within the general area.
Wendigos always have a body similar to a deer, although with elongated front legs and claws. They usually walk on their knuckles, and so aren’t particularly fast. Instead, they stalk their prey relentlessly, using their sharp intelligence and voice mimicking to lure their victims into traps. They can also climb relatively well, and rely on ambush attacks.
Shifters are a race of people with the ability to transform into animals, although their animal forms are usually slightly different and stronger than a normal animal you would find in the wild, and retain their human intelligence. They can transform anytime they like, without pain, but typically remain in either form for most of their lives. They can pass down their abilities genetically and usually form isolated tribes within their species. They can communicate to each other (as long as they are the same species) so it would not be strange for a tribe to have a shifter in their human form talking to another shifter in their animal form, although it would be a bit strange for an outsider to witness.
Shifters however, do not live a peaceful life. They embrace their animalistic natures, believing it to be natural, and so it is common for a wolf shifter to hunt and eat a deer shifter, or a bear shifter to kill a cougar shifter. They will also attack non-shifters on sight, unless they have gained the tribes respect somehow. They also have strong magical properties, so are hunted down by sorcerers and hunters for their bones and blood. 
Some shifters also suffer from a strange magical disease called ‘Splitting’. They will slowly lose their human intelligence but will also be trapped in their human form. As the years progress, the shifter will be physically human but will have the mind of an animal, and so are usually killed during a ceremony. This is always considered a sad affair, but it is believed that their spirits will finally be released and put to rest.
Werewolves and other Were-creatures are a separate species to shifters, although their origin could be similar. Were-creatures have only recently been given the same rights as a human, and are protected as a member of society, unless they perform a serious crime such as murder. 
Despite this, a Were-creature will usually keep to themselves and live outside the village or town in their own house. They are more civilised than shifters, and many Were-creatures socialise with others, even if they are different Were-species. They will sometimes experience discrimination from humans, especially considering that all Were-creatures are carnivores (there are no Weredeers for instance) and so are considered inherently dangerous.
They can only transform fully on the night of a full moon, however they will always have heightened strength and other senses in their human forms. They are also not forced to transform after their first time, so many can lead normal lives. This makes them an all-rounder within the magical world, and many Were’s even join monster-hunting groups as a permanent addition.
Were-creatures also find it painful to transform, although this gets more manageable with age and many invest in herbal medicines to dull the pain. Although they can eat human foods, Were’s prefer to hunt in their animal form as a form of bonding with each other, as well as the fact that it’s far easier for them to obtain red meat this way. However, this is also dangerous if they live in a human community, as sometimes the bloodlust will make them target human prey.
Were’s can run on all fours, but prefer a bipedal stance, as their neck muscles are very well-developed and heavy and their arms are quite short in comparison to the rest of their bodies (and rarely used for combat). Their strong shoulder and neck muscles means that their bite-force is legendary, so they usually lock onto their prey and then use their feet to push themselves away from the victim, tearing away entire limbs at a time. 
Because of their strength, Were-creatures easily outmatch a shifter. However, both species fear the Wendigo, and for good reason too...
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themarveledwriter · 4 years
By the Light of the Moon~Part 2
Story Summery: Y/n is a vampire hasn’t told anyone about herself, her family, her history. She hasn’t even told her boyfriend. What happens when her secret is revealed in a violent manner.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Vampire!Reader
Words: 3.5k
Warnings: Angst, Sadness, Sorta asshole Steve (but his hearts in the right place), Cursing.
A/N: Here is the second part! Next part should be up soon! Not beta read.
She was gone. 
Just gone.
The window completely shattered, she didn’t even slow down. 
Everyone was stunned, Bucky wasn’t sure what to do. He knew he couldn’t go after her, she ran across the walkway and out the door before Bucky could even blink. 
Steve came out of it the fastest, “FRIDAY lock down the building.” This made me swing around to look at him, furious with what he was doing. 
“Are you still trying to stop her!? She doesn’t want to be here Steve! You pushed her to the edge and now she is gone!” Bucky says while walking towards Steve, shoving him with his last word. 
“Captain Rogers, Y/n is no longer in the building.” The AI says. 
Steve turned away from Bucky, “How did she get out?” 
“She exited from the roof.” Bucky was the one to talk this time, “What? How did she exit from the roof?” “She jumped.” Klaus said before the AI. Both Bucky and Steve turn around to Klaus, “What do you mean she jumped? This building is 93 stories!” Bucky said, panicked.
Klaus smirked, “She’s an original vampire. She could jump off a cliff and be fine, in fact she has.”
This confused Bucky, “Original vampire?”
Klaus tilted his head, and the smirk fell from his lips. “She really didn’t tell you anything did she?” Resulting in Bucky shaking his head. 
“Well, is there somewhere we can sit? It is a long story.”
Steve takes the lead on this, feeling more comfortable with having a purpose. “We can go to the common room. FRIDAY call the team down there.” Steve turns to Bucky, “I think this is something everyone should know.”
The entire team is already in the common room by the time Bucky, Steve and Klaus get down there. 
When the elevator doors open everyone stands up, Sam being the first to talk.
“Who is this? Where is Y/n?”
Steve goes to answer but Klaus talks first, “I’m Klaus Mikaelson, Y/n is my sister. She’s gone.”
This time it’s Natasha’s turn to talk, “What do you mean she’s gone?” She says, worried for her friend. 
Klaus steps forward, taking an empty chair, but no one else sits down. 
“Well? Go on, sit. It’s a rather long story and I doubt you’ll want to stand the whole time.” Everyone slowly takes their seats, Bucky sitting next to Sam who lays a comforting hand on his shoulder. Him and Bucky may have their differences but Sam can tell when his friend is hurting. 
“Alright, lets begin.” Klaus says with a smirk.
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“So, as you all learned earlier, my sister is a vampire. What you didn’t know is that she is one of the first vampires in existence, along with me and our siblings. See, my mother was a witch, a powerful witch though not as powerful as her sister. My mother was barren, and made a deal with my Aunt Dahlia to be able to have children, she just had to give her first born to Dahlia. So she gave up my sister Freya and told her husband she had died from the plague. My mother had another child named Finn before they came to the New World in the 10th century when my mother was pregnant with my brother Elijah. They settled in a village where everyone was healthy and happy, we didn’t know that they were all werewolves till later, though we lived with them peacefully for years.”
 Klaus stops at this, taking a breath before continuing. “I was born next, but I was born out of an affair between my mother and another villager. I wouldn’t know that until after I became a vampire. Kol came next, and then Rebecka. Lastly my mother fell pregnant with twins, Henrik and Y/n.” 
Sam talks before Klaus can continue, “Y/n has a twin?”
Klaus looks down with a sad expression on his face.
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“Not anymore… I was incredibly close to Henrik and Y/n, closer than to anyone else in my family. They were the youngest out of all of us and I was always more protective of them.” Klaus looks up at the group. “Henrik and Y/n were only 13 at this time… After we had discovered the people who lived around us became beasts on the night of a full moon, I became curious. I had planned to sneak out and watch them transform, which was forbidden, and when Henrik found out he wanted to come as well. Of course, Y/n being his twin came too. One of the wolves lost control, mauling Henrik. Y/n almost died as well, but was able to run from the wolf that was attacking her. Henrik died that night, from my ignorance and stupidity. It was also the night our mother decided to turn us into vampires.”
Now it was Bucky’s turn to speak up, “But Y/n doesn’t look like she is 13, how old was she when she turned?”
Klaus looked at him, “Our mother performed a ritual on all of us, including Y/n, to make us stronger. She wanted to protect us. My mother's witch friend Ayana refused to do the spell, but she did make it so that Y/n would continue to age until her 18th birthday.”
“The spell made us powerful. It made us fast, strong, it gave us fangs to rival the wolves, but it also turned nature against us. The sun burned us, the neighbors that had once welcomed us into their homes could now keep us out, the flowers at the base of the tree that was used in the spell burned us and prevented compulsion,” Klaus turns to Bucky. “That’s the ‘protection’ that Y/n mentioned earlier. Do you have a bracelet or necklace that she gave you?”
Bucky was already fidgeting with the necklace Y/n had given him for their one year anniversary. It was a habit he formed after she gave it to him. A pendant with his star on it, on the back engraved in her handwriting is “You are my hero”. She said it was to remind him that his arm didn’t make him a monster. 
“Yeah, this one.” Bucky says, not letting go of the necklace.
Klaus holds out his hand, “Can I see it?” 
Bucky is hesitant, but ultimately agrees. Standing up and handing the pendant to Klaus, who’s skin starts smoking the second it touches his skin. 
“Woah, what the hell?” Bucky says, taking back the necklace. 
Klaus smirks, “Like I said, vervain burns… The only thing that can kill us is a stake made from the tree that gave us life. The white oak… Like I said, werewolf venom won’t kill original vampires. I just had no desire for my sister to be in pain until it burned out of her system. I also haven’t seen her in years, I missed her.”
“When we became vampires, Y/n was the last to turn. She was so so young and killed the person that our parents used to complete the transition. She hated herself for so long after, and has always struggled with her bloodlust… When I killed my first human not long after my transition we learned that I was part werewolf. A hybrid, but my mother suppressed my wolf side. It was only recently that I was able to unlock it, which is why I can heal a werewolf bite. A normal vampire would die from a bite without my blood.”
Steve took this time to ask Klaus, “Y/n was drinking Bucky’s blood. Is he going to turn into a vampire?” This made Klaus chuckle, “No. You would have to die with vampire blood in your system and then drink human blood to complete the transition. But vampire blood also has healing qualities, if given to a human with a fatal injury they will heal within minutes.”
Klaus stood up, “I’m going to find my sisters storage unit, is there a room I can stay in tonight?”
Tony tells him where he can stay for the night, but when he turns to leave, Bucky runs after him. 
“Wait! Are we not going to look for Y/n?”
Klaus turns around, a small smile on his face. “It’s nice to know my sister has someone who cares so strongly for her, but looking for her right now is useless. If she doesn’t want to be found, she won’t be. I just hope what happened earlier doesn’t push her over the edge. She has gotten better at controlling her bloodlust but when she’s incredibly emotional she tends to struggle. We will know by morning.” This concerned Bucky. “What happens if she loses control?”
Klaus frowns at this, “Well, she will probably kill some people. That’ll cause her to have really bad guilt. If that happens I will need your help to make sure she doesn’t flip her switch.”
“What do you mean flip her switch?
“Oh I forgot about that. Vampires have this… ability. Our emotions are heightened, if the guilt or sadness gets too bad, we can turn off our humanity. It’s like this switch that we can flip. It’s incredibly hard to get someone who’s flipped their switch to turn it back on. We can’t let Y/n do that.”
That scares Bucky, “Has she done that before?”
Klaus nods, “She was the first one to do so… I feel like I should let her tell you the whole story but basically what happened was she accidentally killed someone she cared very much about. I believe that was why she was so scared when she fed from you. That person was her main form of sustenance but they were attacked by a hunter, she was severely weakened with vervain and he was seriously injured. She couldn’t control her bloodlust and he ended up dying.” This broke Bucky’s heart. He never wanted to see Y/n in pain. 
“She couldn’t take the pain and the guilt. It was killing her. She wanted to die but couldn’t find a way. She somehow found out she could turn it all off. It took me decades to get her to turn it back on. She left a string of bodies from New Orleans to Los Angeles. When she turned it back on she had all that guilt as well. Everytime she has turned it off it has always been worse when she turns it back on.
Bucky felt more comfortable now. It helped him to have orders, a mission. While Klaus isn’t technically in charge of him, he knew Y/n better than Bucky. Bucky could do what Klaus asked, or at least try. He wouldn’t lose Y/n.
“I am going to find Y/n’s storage unit. You wouldn’t happen to know where it is by any chance?” 
Bucky knew she had a storage unit near the tower, but he had never been to it. 
“I think it’s at Manhattan Mini Storage, it’s near Hell’s Kitchen.”
Klaus nods, “Alright, I’ll be back tonight.” 
He walks onto the elevator, leaving Bucky standing in the hallway.
~ ~ ~
Bucky was sitting in your room, it was almost bare because you have been slowly sneaking your stuff into Bucky’s room. 
But it still smells like you. 
He couldn’t believe he never noticed anything. Now that he knows he realizes there were many strange things that he always ignored. 
That ring you claimed you hated but would never take off. The time you lost it and refused to leave the tower, not even going into the common room. The fact you wouldn’t go into someone’s house before being invited in. You wouldn’t even go into Bucky’s room before he told you you could. 
He always thought it was because you didn’t want to spend that much time with him, that it was too personal. You had already been spending time with each other for a few weeks prior and he thought he had crossed a line. 
Apparently not. 
Bucky had just arrived at the compound after his time in Wakanda. He was a lot more confident knowing the Soldier could no longer be triggered, but he still wouldn’t be the first to approach someone. 
Y/n watched him around the compound, fascinated by the other man out of time. Her and Steve had been friends for years, and she had helped him and Sam in Romania. 
When he arrived at the compound, she was one of the only people to truly try and make him feel welcome. No one was out right rude to him, but they weren’t exactly welcoming.  Only Steve, Y/n and Nat would ask him to join them for supper or training. 
But Y/n went above and beyond for him. 
She would leave food by his door when he didn’t eat with the team. She defended him when Tony would say something.
The thing he appreciated most was the time she helped him through a panic attack.
It was when he was on trial, there was no way he would be convicted with all the Avengers behind him, but it still took a toll on his mental state. 
People were able to find his files, and after the public found out how many people he killed a lot rallied against him. Calling for the death penalty.
Tony had a party after the trial was over. Inviting all the New York socialites and having Bucky as the “guest of honor” to prove that he was one of the good guys now. But all he could hear the entire night was people saying how they couldn’t believe Tony let the man who killed his parents on the team. A monster.
He was pushed close to the edge when a drunk man started asking him all these questions and accusing him of things he never did. 
He was pushed over the edge when he started talking about his family. Claiming his ma and sisters would hate him for the monster he became. He was hyperventilating and about to lash out. Looking around for Steve or someone who could help him. 
That’s when Y/n swooped in like a guardian angel. 
The media loved Y/n, she was always helping people. Visiting children's hospitals and helping the homeless. 
Which is why they didn’t care when she threw the man across the room. 
She walked right between Bucky and the drunk man, telling him to back off. Bucky couldn’t understand much of what she was saying, he was too busy trying to not shut down, but the last thing he heard was the man call him a monster before Y/n had shoved him so hard he flew across the room. 
She had always claimed she was a mutant. That was why she was so strong and fast, why she healed faster than him or Steve. 
Next thing he knew she was leading him out of the party, arms linked. 
He was gasping for breath at this point, not really noticing she was moving him until his back hit the couch. They were in a smaller common room at the tower, used as a sort of library. Bucky knew this was Y/n’s favorite room in the tower because there were days he wouldn't see her until she emerged from the library at midnight, walking into the kitchen wrapped in a fluffy blanket looking incredibly relaxed.
Not that he was looking for you. 
“-ucky. You are okay. Match my breathing okay? You are just fine.” You were pressing his hand to her chest, her hand on top of his. 
It's the first time they touched.
Well not the first time, they’ve trained together. Brushed shoulders in passing. 
But she was purposely touching him, comforting him. 
His breathing slowed down, and he was shocked when your arms were suddenly around his shoulders.
“I’m so so sorry he said those things to you.” 
Your voice sounded watery, which made him push on your shoulders to see your face. Which made you panic. 
“I-I’m so sorry Bucky. I know you don’t like to be touched. I should have asked before I hugged you. I was just so mad that he said those things to you!” You were aggressively wiping the tears from your face. “He had no right! He doesn’t know what you went through and the fact that he was accusing you of things you never even did! I’m so-” Bucky was smiling at this point. 
“Doll, you’re rambling.”
That shut you up really quick. 
A small smile slowly appeared on your face, confusing Bucky.
“Doll? You called me doll?”
“Uh… Yeah, I guess I did.” Your smile grew larger. “And don’t feel bad for hugging me.”
“Yeah I… I liked it.”
“Then why did you push me away?” Y/n says, tilting her head to one side. Making Bucky think of a confused puppy.
“I heard you crying doll. You should never cry over me.” At this she threw herself at him, wrapping her arms tightly around him, snuggling her face into his neck. “Everyone needs someone to cry over them sometimes.”
~End Flashback~
When Bucky came out of his mind, the sun was already rising. He quickly wiped away the tears that had fallen down his cheeks. 
He didn’t realize so much time had passed, and couldn’t help but wonder where Y/n was. 
Was she even in New York still?
Bucky laid back, grabbing one of Y/n’s pillows and hugging it to his body, breathing deeply. 
He was dozing off, comforted by the smell of you, when FRIDAY jolted him awake.
“Sergeant Barnes, Mr. Mikaelson is back and requesting your presence in the kitchen. The rest of the Avengers are already on their way.”
Bucky jumped up quickly, needing to know if Klaus found anything, when he your favorite of his hoodies in your closet. He quickly grabs it and throws it on, comforted by the fact it smelled like you. 
He made his way down to the kitchen as fast as he could, practically running once the elevator stopped.
When he made his way into the kitchen he noticed the rest of the Avengers were already there. Klaus was standing at the island with a canvas bag sitting in front of him. 
Steve was the first to speak, “Why’d you call us all down here? Have you heard anything?” 
Klaus looks at him, and then at Bucky. “I went to my sister’s storage unit. While I was there I got a call from my sister Freya-”
Natasha cuts him off. “I thought you said your mom gave her to your aunt in the 10th century?”
Klaus smirks, “You pay attention, nice. Incredibly long story short, my aunt discovered how to practically make herself and Freya immortal by sleeping for 100 years and then living and aging for only a year.”
“Anyway, Freya called me. She said that there were some ‘animal attacks’ on the outskirts of the town. I’m going there tonight, James is coming with me.” 
Klaus started gathering the bag, but Steve puts his hand over it, stopping him. 
“Bucky isn’t going anywhere with you, how do we know we can trust you.” Bucky was about to object, but Klaus started first. His face blank.
This is my sister!” Klaus says, getting angry as he said it. 
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“I would not do anything to risk her. I agree, you don’t know me and have no clue if you can trust me, but I will help my sister no matter what. I need James to help me with that.”
“Why does Bucky need t-”
Steve is suddenly pushed against the wall, Klaus baring his fangs at him. 
“He may be the only one who can keep her from losing her humanity. He is coming with me.
Steve goes to object, but Bucky stops him. “Steve, that’s my girl. I am going with him.”
“Stop. You are the one that pushed her over the edge. I will not lose her”
He turns back to Klaus, who looks overly smug.
“Is there anything you need before we go?”
Klaus nods at this, “I need a cooler, and you should pack for at least a week… Maybe longer. We will also need a car.” He says, looking at Tony.
Tony speaks for the first time, telling FRIDAY to ready a car and make sure it has a cooler in it. 
“Why do you need a cooler?”
Klaus walks back over to the canvas bag on the counter, unzipping it. 
“Well, I went and collected some things from Y/n’s storage unit. Let’s just say, it’s a tad perishable.”
With that he turns the bag over, ten blood bags spilling out.
“What the hell is that!?” Clint says, “Well, I know what they are… I’m in the medbay enough to know that, but why do you have them?”
Klaus looks at him, “Take a wild guess.”
He looks at Bucky, “She’s feeding on people, we need to get her back on blood bags as soon as possible. She may not be a ripper but she is in such an emotional state that we don’t need to risk her seriously hurting someone.” He finishes with a pointed look at Steve. 
“Sir, the car is prepped.”
Klaus looks at Bucky. 
“Go pack, we have a long drive ahead of us.”
Taglist (Open):
@tranquility-or-chaos​ @21st-century-daydreamer​ @winterboobear11​ @theycallmemrsbarnes​ @notawritergettingtherethough​
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domolord492 · 5 years
😸(part4) dog father insticts kick in and hes like this is my cub now he's coming home with me I must protect him with my life and Oota just goes with it like yep that's my new dad. Sorry for the long ramble Oota is my fav and hound dog is my fav underrated pro hero and I feel like hound dog doesn't get enough love like he should and he's probably a total cuddle bug in secret cause he's part dog and dogs love affection and from what I've seen Oota needs a better family than the one that gave him
Wow, this is a long ask! Thank you for writing so much~ You’re right in that Oota’s quirk is both mutation and activation. The mutation aspect of it isn’t dangerous beyond making Oota a tiny wolf puppy, lol. He’s got anger issues and sharp puppy teeth, so he can be a little menacing to his stuffed animals XD. Oota transform every night except during the full moon, and he really acts like a hyperactive puppy, running around everywhere, destroying shoes, etc. Lol, it’s a real pain for Aizawa to get him to settle down for bedtime; generally involves a lot of belly rubs and treats. 
It’s only during the new moon that the really dangerous aspect of his quirk activates. He loses all reason and actually grows into a huge werewolf beast that has significantly more bloodlust and destructive power than his tiny puppy form. This form manifests increases strength and speed which Aizawa can erase and then wrangle Oota into isolation. His parents abandoned him, not really for the once a month blood-thirsty monster (though that played a part in it), but because they didn’t want to handle an overactive, happy puppy chewing up their shoes and destroying their furniture. They sought perfection, and their son wasn’t up to their expectations. They’re fucking assholes. Dude, I have no idea what Hound Dog is like because we never see him in canon, but I could totally imagine him and Oota getting along. Oota is slow to trust strangers but to see someone kind of like him? He’d be really intrigued. Unfortunately, it’d be really difficult for Hound Dog to actually see Oota because he works at UA with is like a 5-6 hour drive away from the facility, and he works 2 jobs. However, Oota would be delighted to see him every time. Oota totally deserves a better family and tons of cuddles. 
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dylan-o-yumm · 5 years
How would Dante love/deal with a werewolf s/o? UwU
(I did a little scenario, hope thats okay lol) Very small and not my best work, I apologise. 
“Okay, I’m good. You should go back inside now.” You pant through gritted teeth, feeling the moon affect, not just your mood, but also your body. Your muscles feel like they are being twisted and moulded in different ways, causing you to wince and sob in pain as it became too much. You had fallen to your knees about twenty minutes ago, the muscles and bones in your calfs and feet aching far too much to stand any longer. 
You’d think you’d be used to shifting by now, since you go through it once a month, but it’s like every singe bone in your body had to break in order for you to take your new form. Every bone had too mould into another shape… the same shape that wolves bones would be. 
You are drenched in sweat, your undergarments soaked through since you don’t like to ruin any of your good clothes during a shift. Your hair makes you appear like you had just come out of the shower, dripping sweat onto your forehead and down your back and spine. 
“No can do, doggo. You know I have to stay until you shift completely, just in case.” Dante sighs from the doorway, arms crossed, but there was no hiding the concerned look on his face. He hates watching you go through this every damn month, watching you cry out in pain and there being nothing he could do to help you. It was torture for him almost as much as it was for you. The first time he watched you shift he cried like a big baby, watching the one he loves in excruciating pain for hours on end… Anyone would be concerned if he didn’t react that way. 
“Don’t call me names right now, Dante”  You seethe, claws digging into your palm, cutting through the skin as your blood drips onto the cold floor of the basement. Your wrists are bound in chains, chains that Nico had invented to make sure theres no way of you getting out. Neither you nor Dante were risking you getting out and slaughtering a bunch of innocent people in your bloodlust. 
The devil hunter takes a step forward, sighing before he opens his mouth to say something. However, you cut him off before he even speaks, holding your hand up as you tell him to stay exactly where he is, “Don’t you dare come any closer!” You spit, voice growing more hoarse and animalistic. 
The truth is you still have enough control of yourself to know you don’t want to hurt him. Crazy healing abilities be damned, you would not lay a claw or tooth on him. 
Dante holds his hands up in surrender, backing away to stand back against the doorway. “You’re getting angrier quicker. That mean you’re shifting faster than last time?” Dante asks, looking down at you with soft eyes. You however, look up at him with a scowl, baring your teeth at him and snarling. “Hey! That was a serious question! Wasn’t a dig at you.” He defends himself quickly. 
“It’s only been two hours… and I can already feel my bones cracking… ugh” You groan, back arching as the pain intensifies. “So yeah… I’d say… ugh fuck—! It’s going a little quicker than last time” You explain, being used to your shifts lasting up to three to four hours rather than just two. If it stayed at this rate, you’d be a wolf with in no time. 
By the time you shifted, Dante was sitting with his back resting against the wall, nibbling on his thumb nail as he watched the wolf before him. You snapped your jaw and growled at him, saliva dripping from your mouth and onto the floor. 
“Okay, that’s it.” Dante groaned as he pushed himself up off of the floor, stepping over towards you, not fearing you in the slightest as you continued to snarl and growl, glaring at his face. “If you’re gonna act like a bratty little pup, then I’m gonna treat you like one.” 
Your transformation was painful, like it was every time, and Dante hated watching it happen, but he was always there for you. As much as he hated watching you cry out in pain as your bones cracked and shifted, he’d feel even worse if he left you on your own while it happened. 
He crouched in front of you, just out of reach where the chain kept you in place so you couldn’t bite or scratch him. 
“C’mon, stop it” Dante whined, reaching his hand out to brush against your soft fur, but you growled and lunged at him. Your body jolted back from the impact of your lunge and you fell to the floor as the chain yanked you backwards. “What did I say?” Dante teased, taking the brief moment you weren’t aggressive towards him to scoot forward. 
His hands grabbed the chains around your paws and took them off of you, setting you free of your confines. 
The moment you realised you were no longer bound, you lunged once again, this time pinning the Sparda son beneath you. You growled right in his face, drooling on his skin as you prepared to go for the throat. 
“Y/n… I know you’re in there. You know it’s me… Take. Control” Dante ordered, though he didn’t look scared in the slightest, in fact, he was smiling. 
His words sunk in and you’re growling stopped. Your eyes widened, suddenly turning innocent-like as you slowly backed off of him, curling up in the corner against the wall. 
Dante sat back up and scooted over towards you, sitting with his back against the wall and reaching out to place a hand between your ears. You huffed out a breath and nuzzled into his leg, enjoying the feel of his large hand petting your head. 
“Good puppy”
1 more Dante request and 1 more for Nero then imma post the threesome fic o.o
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littlenightma · 5 years
Werewolf Myers meets Were lioness reader? Reader is a shy girl who doesn't have a lot of friends due to the curse of the werelion as she tends to keep it a secret. She is physically strong since lions tend to be bigger and stronger than wolves. She is loving towards animals including cats. She is pretty determined as she would do anything to defend herself to escape from a situation. She is a young adult and is between 4'10 and 5'0.
Note: Please forgive me, dear Anon. I know this is really late, but I hope you enjoy it :)
Warning: A glimmer of nsfw
Werewolf!Myers Headcanons Here
Nsfw Werewolf!Myers Headcanons Here
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• Michael had always smelled something of feline whenever he hunted in the woods at night. It never struck him as peculiar until the day the smell was stronger than usual and had a mix of human within the scent, much like his.
• Intrigued and following his wolf’s desire to scout the smell, Michael tracked the scent to a small figure who was leaning against a tree. It was a girl, just a girl, and no one else. Why was your scent so different?
• His bloodlust was getting to him, he wanted to kill you, break you, yet his wolf was abdoment on letting you live.
• Not too long after Michael’s arrival, you decided to transform into your feline form. Unlike Michael, you could choose go to and from your werelion form, but you still had to transform or else your lion would become aggravated.
• Michael was dumbfounded. Your form was greatly bigger than his, which was surprising as your human form would not even come up to his chest. Appearance of prey, form of a predator.
• You two fought for dominance as you both wrestled one another. Neither wanted to back down, but eventually you both gave into exhaustion. From then, Michael stayed around you. You became tolerant of his ever-bearing presence. You didn’t really hate Michael, but you didn’t quite like him either. He was a massive pain in your ass, yet he was so alluring.
• When your heat came, Michael was there, ready to take you. Your lion was willing and you found yourself wanting him back.
• Michael may not be able to dominate you in his werewolf form, but he certainly can outside of it. He makes sure you know to submit to him whenever he can get his hands on you. He likes hearing you moan and mewl beneath him as he rocks his hips into yours, the way you bare your neck for his teeth to sink into, the way you spread your legs for your Alpha.
• Your love for animals makes Michael jealous so you have to keep them away from him if you ever have any. The best thing for you to do is to rescue any strays and bring them to a no kill animal rescue or try to rehome them. Small animals are prey to Michael, cats are his worst enemies and dogs will make him lose his fucking mind and he’ll rut you out of sheer possessiveness.
• Don’t joke too much about how your lion can overpower his wolf. Michael will only take such disrespect to a point before he snaps.
• Your shyness turns him on and he likes that you usually stay to yourself. That means you are all his and no one else can take you away from him.
• Michael won’t admit it, but he is envious that you can choose when to transform. Even if you have to transform at some point, you still have more freedom than he does.
• Your temper and stubborness cause you and Michael to get into multiple fights in both your human and animal forms. You are understandable to Michael having a problem fighting his voices and his wolf, but that doesn’t mean you were going to sit back and take his shit either. You both share nasty wounds and scars from past battles.
• Michael does not tolerate disrespect. If you weren’t a supernatural being, you’d be dead by now. A mere human would not be able to fight Michael off in any way, but perhaps that explains why Michael and you found each other.
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liv-light-seer · 5 years
Wondering Nights: Entry 2: Getting Some Facts Straight
I’ve asked myself to many times on how I’m going to cope. I thought about going back to that woman again and demand more research material, but she has been long gone after our last encounter. I might not have been the nicest to her, but she didn’t warn me about this side effect of this “drink” she gave me. Her only stance was, no one told you to actually drink it. Even worse, I knew she was right.
My questioning at the time was about what people have asked her for and if they worked. She told me about the numerous items, tonics, spells, and enchantments that have been asked of her. She even said they worked. Then I asked if anyone would be able to produce the things she produces with the same result. She said, “Of course, anyone could do it.” What scientist wouldn’t take this and test to confirm her answer?
Instead of testing on a “guinea pig” unlike others in my field would, I tested on myself. That was another mistake. Now I get to walk around at night because my subconscious is all about night time. I should stop saying subconscious, as it is more than that. It is another being. A wolf. The day is mine to walk, the night is the wolf's to walk.
I can’t stress enough how hollywood has completely went mental when depicting werewolves. At least, in my case. There might be others that are not like me that hold more to the myth of the creature. But for my sanity, I’m going to debunk a few of the myths that don’t apply to me.
First, the whole full moon is complete and utter nonsense. The fact that I transform every night, yeah that doesn’t apply. That being said, I have a few ideas, theories, as to how this rumor started. Being as my human consciousness has control over myself during the day and not at night, this could be part of it. Also, if people were like me and drank the tonic back when modern technologies were not around, it would be conceivable that during a full moon, the brightest night of the month, people would see werewolves roaming about. But the fact that transformation would only happen at or on a full moon is not correct.
A bite from another werewolf causing the transformation. Do we need to review the fact that I turned because of a tonic. A DRINK. So, that’s debunked for now. I’m hoping that a bite from me won’t transform another person, but I’m also not willing to try it out on someone. At least, I know with me “awake” while being in wolf form, I can state that I’ve not bitten anyone while in that state either, yet.
Wolfsbane as a weakness. This, this right here makes me want to laugh. One of the ingredients to the tonic?. That’s right, Aconitum. More commonly known as Wolfsbane. I should have been suspicious to begin with, but coming from a scientific family I just thought it was a flower. Sure it can be poisonous, but the amount needed to cause death was far exceeded the measurement called in the recipe. There had never been anything indicating transformation from the Chinese history nor that of Greek history, who have used this as medical procedures for centuries. Even millenia. How was I to know?
Silver bullets are not one that I particularly want to find out about. However, my parents’ have a silver dining set that doesn't bother me, nor do they have any effect on me when we use them to eat. Maybe this one was just fabricated. I feel the science on this is in my favor. Not going to test bullets though, I have a feeling silver bullets would kill anyone.
The next couple hollywood stereotypes seem to be ones that I’m going to need to further research and to document. Memory loss, heightened emotions/intelligence, heightened senses, etc. I know the loss of memory isn't one I have. Just no control over my body during the night. While I’m human I still feel the same emotions, and still want my life. I’d like to say that I have higher intelligence than most. But I’m not sure what canine level of intelligence/instincts would be. Does this mean I’ll regress back to primal instincts, become more wolf-like, or possibly even more neanderthal? Will I become super sensitive to noises, smells, taste, even touch? Will I become hyper aware?
Some of the research in the lore of werewolves, they say on top of the heightened senses, there can become a bloodlust. No self-control bloodlust. I’m not a killer. I can’t see my human side doing this, yet as I don’t currently have control of my body during the night, will this change? Will I want the taste of raw meat? Will my dietary needs change over time, or stay the same?
What’s worse is more questions come to mind. Is there a way that I can control the shift? Is there a way for me to stay in control my body even in wolf form? Is there various degrees of my transformations like in some movies? Half wolf-half human? I’d settle for just keeping my human mind in a wolves body, even if I have to repeatedly turn wolf every night.
More questions than answers at this time. More things that need to be tested. Things that I need to document and hope that what I document will eventually help me find a cure. One of the things about being a scientist, the curiosity doesn’t leave, even in the frustrating time of having more questions than answer. I have to stay positive, and work towards answering all the questions.
Update on my parents, they are even more concerned with me. I was able to make some school friends through a gaming group, and this has helped with their views of my late nights. I exaggerated the gaming group just a bit. We don't game every night, but we do game between classes. Because I said it was every night, I had to reassure my parents that it wouldn’t hurt my studies.
It doesn’t help that they found out about my switch in studies. My parents don’t understand my switch, nor do they like it. I hadn’t had the heart to tell them and they found the school books that is apart of my new studies, this didn’t go well. I realized that there no point in keeping with studying physics and mathematics, if it wasn’t going to help me. I told them of my switch to majoring in ancient studies and minoring in genetics after they calmed down. This only posed a new possibility. I’m going to have to move out a lot sooner than after college, if I don’t start making progress on the cure. Do I move this plan up, or try to make this work for now at my parents?
@catthewall @cantdutchthis
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messrsmemoirs · 7 years
This may be random, but I always kinda wondered this. When Remus was bitten by Fenrir Greyback as a child, where do you think he bit him. I always imagined a place like his shoulder or arm, but what do you think? Also, I assume it would scar? Do you think he was ever ashamed or insecure about that?
Now this is an interesting question. And I’ve had some lengthy conversations with one meerkat in particular about it, and it’s safe to say that this is one of those things that differs widely between Remus fans. I’ve seen fanart–brilliant, all of them–that never seem to depict it in the same place. So I like to think about it logically, which… when dealing with wizards, and often times with Remus, is never as simple as it sounds.
First we have to deal with sifting through what we know concretely about the night of the attack.
At the time, Voldemort was making strong headway in his first rise to power. There was an uptick in the number of attacks and sightingsfrom Dark Creatures, who unbeknownst to the Ministry at the time were being recruited by Voldemort in unheard of numbers at the time. In order to investigate the cause of the attacks and put a stop to the fear, the Ministry called in all experts on Dark Creatures, including those in “lower”, less dangerous classifications like the Boggart or the poltergeist. Enter Lyall Lupin, encountering Fenrir Greyback as part of a Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creaturesinvestigation for the deaths of two Muggle children.
Right away, that gives us one very important piece of information: that Fenrir Greyback was already experienced in his signature attack style just in the year 1965, well before the 1990s. In fact, he was experienced enough that he was even under investigation–though not well known, because he was able to convince the committee that he was just a Muggle tramp despite what (I hope) was a reasonable trail of evidence that eventually (hopefully) lead to the families getting some kind of reparations.
Anyway, this is a man who knows his intended victim well enough to isolate them from their families before he transformed and was out of his own control. We can argue that Greyback “works” with his wolf, that he can target someone whilst transformed, but there’s no evidence to suggest anything other than a blind bloodlust which will attack anyone. In other words, if a werewolf fails to isolate his intended target before moonrise, his wolfish self will likely seek an easier target despite all intents to the contrary. That’s why Greyback actually forced open Remus’ bedroom window while he slept. That’s how he got in.
Here’s where things get messy:
In order to force open the window, I assume that Greyback is in his final minutes as a human. I assume that he needs his thumbs and his human intelligence to do so. Pottermore states that Lyall “reached the bedroom in time to save his son’s life”, which to me seems to indicate that it took him some time, because more than hearing Remus’s screams, falling out of bed, stumbling down the hallway and reaching the bedroom, first thing’s first: Greyback had to transform. Remus has told us how brutally painful, how agonizing it is to transform into a werewolf. I think even a man who relishes in it would still scream. And so he did, waking up a four year old boy trapped in his bedroom.
Remus’ transformation in PoA is exactly five lines long. Five tiny lines in a scene with major plot implications, and one that I expect was deliberately kept short both for moving the story onward and to save the readers a gruesome experience. Magic aside, we have to be a tiny bit honest: the logistics of going from man to beast takes just slightly longer than five lines. It takes time, it takes energy, and it’s not a small chunk of change. And what’s to stop a target escaping while the transformation happens, like Peter did many years later? I have a strange gut feeling that Greyback would also have blocked the door before he transformed, trapping Remus and also further preventing a timely intervention by the only armed wizard in the home. I picture Lyall trying the doorknob, then pounding desperately on the door to try and force it, and then finally, desperately, taking his wand and blasting it open and blowing the werewolf away from tiny, crumpled form of his son in one terrifying and heart-wrenching moment. All the while Remus screams, and Greyback had to actually be driven out of the house with multiple powerful curses. So he likely escaped punishment in the end unless Lyall barged into the Ministry later on and demanded justice. But how can they prove it was one specific werewolf, when, as we saw, they couldn’t even decide if Greyback even was a werewolf at that time?
But back to the attack. Have an interesting tidbit:
In the late nineteenth century the great English authority on werewolves, Professor Marlowe Forfang, undertook the first comprehensive study of their habits. He found that nearly all those he managed to study and question had been wizards before being bitten. He also learned from the werewolves that Muggles ‘taste’ different to wizards and that they are much more likely to die of their wounds, whereas witches and wizards survive to become werewolves. [x]
That right there means that there’s something beyond pure bloodlust when a werewolf attacks. Sure, a werewolf will attack anyone and everyone blindly, without pause. But they are magical creatures. And they are creatures that are physically incapable of reproducing sexually. (See the pack of wolves in the Forbidden Forest for more on that.) This means that the only way for the werewolf to procreate and ensure the survival of the species is to infect another human with lycanthropy, most commonly via the transfer of saliva during a bite. And Muggles are most likely to die after a bite. This give the werewolf a biological incentive to seek out magical people. Still, werewolf bite victims do still die, and probably with some regularity. After all, bloodlust is a powerful drug. And an animal can’t always resist going a little too far. Sometimes there just isn’t enough inhibition. It’s nasty business.
Fenrir Greyback has killed. He killed those two Muggle children. And he’s been known to transform in whole crowds, using himself as a weapon of mass destruction. He purposely ruins lives. Greyback is okay with murder, but that isn’t what he wants. His purpose in life is to create as many werewolves as he can; to infect as many innocent people as he can. And more than inflicting maximum suffering (which I am not about to argue that he did not want to cause, because he most definitely did), turning children means that there’s less chance of escape, less change of a physical struggle, less chance of lasting damage. Children are more fragile than the standard adult, but then, children also recover quicker.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think it was as simple as that. Children squirm. Terrified children squirm like their life depends on it, which in this case, it very much does. When Remus heard the sounds of Greyback transforming and awoke, his first instincts would either be to hide or to flee. He’s not quite 5 years old. What else can he do? And so my guess would be that he tried to run, first to his parents’ room which if Greyback were smart he would have blocked off. But he could also have tried to make a run for the closet, or tried hiding under the bed.
Or, honestly, he may have cowered right there in his bed, frozen. Either way, the werewolf probably pounced at him, knocking him down. Remus would have been scratched by the claws. And his instincts would have driven his arms up to protect his face and head and neck, to use them as a shield. This is most likely where he was bitten, and in the violence of it all there is no way it was one of those “clean”-looking dotted rows. Dog bites take a variety of shapes. ... I looked. Remus would probably have been swatting, hitting, kicking... He may have been bitten on his legs, too, or on his bare feet. Honestly it really depends on how the attack actually happened, and we have very little detail about that traumatizing event to say. We may even go so far as to suggest that it wasn’t just a single bite, because these kinds of things are just so chaotic and messy. We just don’t know, but logically it makes a lot of sense for it to be on his arm in an attempt to shield himself. So that’s where I tend to hover.
And yes, they would scar. All werewolf injuries scar, no matter how minor. They’re cursed, and thus leave a permanent reminder. And supposing that the bite mark and other scars are present on his arms, Remus would likely try to hide behind long-sleeve shirts at all times. People stare at scars. We’re all told not to, but sometimes we just do anyway, without even noticing. Even without a stigmatizing illness to hide, the scars, if gruesome or large, or glaring, are noticeable. Many are not: Remus is able to lie and claim he has an obnoxious cat, etc, and we have the story about the badly behaved rabbit. But nonetheless, any scar to Remus is an open invitation, a question waiting to be asked, and it would be something he would not want. So yes, I do think there would be insecurity.
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