#the body in z2
lanatusnebula · 4 months
X got an upgrade, Zero!
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puppetsoftomorrow · 4 months
what if more legends had swapped bodies?
ray and mick
some kind of Shenangians means ray has to go rob a bank and mick has to give a presentation to palmer tech investors. ray is Very apologetic at the robbery, and gives everyone in the bank $200 'for the inconvience' until snart hits him upside the head with the gun and they leave. mick loses ray's prepared speech and ends up going on a tangent, but the investors find his honesty and plain language refreshing, and the stock price rises, netting the legends more money than the bank robbery did
ava and gary
ava, extremly embarrased by the whole thing, hides in her office and completes all of her paperwork And gary's, then reorganises his filing cabinets, then sleeps on her couch bcos she is mad that sara is just teasing her the whole time. gary goes out and decides to fufill his ambition of getting ava to dress in anything other than smart casual, and goes full on barbie dress up mode with nora and mona. he spends over $500 and ava pretends to be mad but gary actually has Great fashion sense and she looks amazing in her new clothes
sara and charlie
sara loves it, especially the ability to shapeshift, and only takes the form of various famous actors for a week. ava is uneffected as her knowledge of actors is terrible. charlie on the other hand sneaks off and decides to go on a mission with team flash, and they only realise she's not sara when she makes off with the proceeds of the bank robbery they were meant to be stopping, and befriends the evil metas along the way
zari and gideon
this wld definitly happen if zari was messing around with gideon's programming. zari finds it Trippy becoming a supercomputer but is very happy when she realises she can now Hack with her Mind. gideon is like a baby deer in her new body, but gets immense joy from the small things. when they swap back, she sometimes asks zari to describe the taste of apple pie to her again
nate and z2
z2 does nate's make up (in her body) bcos she isn't going to go on missions without full glam, which nate loves so much he insists on going to an award show to be on the red carpet. zari decides to use her Man Priveledge to go walking at night, ends up getting into a fight and gives nate a criminal record. she considers it pay back for the Terrible poses nate did on the red carpet
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dreamweave01 · 10 days
Are all experiments science stuff on their bodies or do they do experiments using magical objects and powers too? Since their elemental powers are the main goal, I think it would be cool if they did stuff with classic powerful objects from the show (like Chen's staff, techno blades, vengestone etc)
Also do you have any plans for Harumi?
Most experiments have to do with their elemental abilities. Any and all experiments on their bodies (Z2 is an exception to this) Is basically just the Order trying to find new ways to make the output of their abilities even stronger and more focused than before.
They've been exposed to things like the crystals that make up Chen's staff, vengestone, (etc.)
The majority of the compound has vengestone elements, most especially when it comes to locks and doors, and the boys's room.
When it comes to physical experiments on improving their abilities, the primary two who have to endure the brunt of that is C1 and K4, since J3 is less likely to be able to handle it than those two, and the Order don't want to risk accidentally messing up Z2's wiring. His is much more advanced than what they've seen before.
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jazzpostsstuff · 1 year
Chapter: AXL Development Documents, Initial Story Concept
When I first designed Axl's design for a Halloween art that spawned this project (you can see it below), I thought of making it cover all four games that existed for ROCKMAN ZERO series.
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The idea was to have Axl awaken prior to the start of Z1, occasionally appearing in the background and not interacting much with anyone while hiding his identity behind the hood of a ragged cloak (which wasn't a gift from Guardians of X for proving his loyalty and was just some random old rag badly stitched together). He would join Neo Arcadia off-screen during the timeskip between the first and second games. Once I figured out that it wasn't really working and that I couldn't really think of much stuff Axl could do in Z1, I scrapped the idea, turning Chapter: AXL into a trilogy that begins from Z2 and it was certainly for the best. Sorry, folks, but I guess I couldn't insert Axl into Z1 to make it better *chuckles*.
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There was also an idea by one of my friends and a former developer of the project. His suggestion was to add an almost game-long quest where Zero would've searched for parts of Axl's body, seeing what his old memories were prior to his death, and once everything has been gathered, Ciel would reconstruct and revive Axl. The idea itself was cool, but it didn't mesh well with what I had invisioned for chapter covering Z2 and I thought that it was taking too much focus away from Zero's main quest (and my goal was to not influence Zero's story to the point of severely altering it, I wanted to keep his story close to the original, even if some changes would still be implemented).
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orange-coloredsky · 9 months
courser headcanon dump from notes app
all coursers are used for synth retention and internal policing of other synths, but are split into two subtypes based on specialty:
x-class (x6-88, x4-18, kellogg)
colloquially known around the institute as the "executioner class" because. yeah. typically sent into missions that involve inflicting mass casualities, like the cpg massacre, the switchboard raid, bunker hill, etc. or to hunt and kill individual institute enemies/snitches/etc. programmed to have extremely blunted emotions and the lowest possible capacity for self determination... for obvious reasons. combat & endurance focused
z-class (z2-47, chase)
usually used for intelligence purposes inside the institute and reconnaissance outside. trained more in psyop bullshit -- thought-crime policers. good with computers. still emotionally disengaged, but has more of an ability to display emotion with the intended purpose of manipulating others or gaining intel.
the courser chip is a multipurpose item that allows them to get in and out from the institute, acts as a radio to communicate directly to others within a mission underground, feeds them information on missions, and connects to another programming chip that handles their propensity to dissociate from atrocities and themselves by giving subconscious feedback loops that praise them every second of every day for continuing to be unquestionably loyal. the second chip often has to be given an update every year or two, as the biological parts of the courser's brain will start to "catch up" in a sense, making them more self aware and more likely to start weighing their own abilities against the defensive capacity of the institute; or worse yet, feel empathy or attempt to build solidarity with the working synths theyve been made to subjugate
despite all of this, coursers are not entirely incapable of autonomy. they actually often act in ways that are autonomous, just hidden from the sight of higher-ups; and even if they do get caught, coursers are less likely to be harshly punished due to their high social standing comparatively to other synths. also because most institute humans are genuinely terrified of them. coursers often keep things from aboveground missions in their quarters, despite constant warnings against it. most have a unique item on their body or uniform as a subtle display of individuality (x6's sunglasses, chase's orange stripes on her shoulderpads). a few have successfully escaped, sometimes taking a decent pack of other synths with them. all of these escapees have been marked as complete losses and no attempt to retrieve them has ever been made.
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sayorseee · 2 months
16, 18 and 21 for the Z-O-M-B-I-E-S ask game?:D
hehehe yayyyyyy thank you for the ask!
16. Do you have a headcanon you want to share?
This is an older one but the permanent damage Zed caused his body from messing with his Z-Band. You know how when they zombie out they’re covered in dark black veins? So since he kept messing with it my little headcanon is he has permanent scars on his arm leading to his heart of the veins and he covers them up to hide them.
18. A character you wanted to have more depth/screentime?
Zoey!!! She’s my favorite character after the ‘main four’ (Addison, Zed, Bucky, and Eliza — also side note ELIZA cuz all her storylines since Z2 have been centered on Wyatt which is NUTS for such a strong willed and powerful female character). I just want more insight in the Necrodopolis family life but I feel like Zoey is usually just there for jokes and we only have little hints about her personality. I really liked her episode in the reanimated series and I hope there are more Zoey focused stories cuz she’s so great.
21. What's something you wish had happen?
This is for me, I know it NEVER would happen for real in a Disney movie, but I wish forever and ever that Zed was either really hurt or trapped and really hurt in Z2 after the cavern caved in. You know I’d love another thirty minutes on that. In a similar vein, in Z3, when he helps Addison channel the moonstone and Mothership energy. I just love a good hurt/comfort situation. Plus the aliens kept hammering home how their stardust thing was lethal and stuff! It would’ve been cool to see. (Fun fact I have two separate fics I starting writing and never finished on these concepts).
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palladiumfragments · 2 years
flight Z2 764 
i'm going back to my hometown today. it's 2 in the morning, the rain-slicked streets gone, and i'm trying to wash down the lump in my throat with a cheap corner store coffee. good thing a rock band i love just released a new song so i wouldn't have to listen to a fraught silence. my body isn't sure how to respond to leaving, i don't think it ever learned. it doesn't understand how i can just take off cities like nightdresses and come back to the one i always dream of forgetting, ironically oblivious to the marks every place i've ever been to have on me. 
yesterday, our cat kept following us everywhere. he slept in my open suitcase for hours. he barely ate. i guess he felt we're leaving. i hope he knows i'll miss him every second because he's the first cat i ever fell in love with. 
my niece, too, didn't want to leave my side. she wanted me to come back for her birthday, i'm not sure if she heard the crack in my voice when i said i couldn't. someday i'll tell her i had to leave because i needed to grow but she doesn't have to worry because i saved my inner child for her. besides, i'll visit whenever i can. 
in a few hours i'll be in the airport again, walking around like everybody else as if it's not taking everything in me not to visibly fall apart. or sitting still, waiting for the P.A. system to say "pull your shit together and soldier on". and i will because i have to. but is this how i'll always be, moving from one liminal space to the next? 
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vr-trakowski · 1 year
Being a Star Wars original trilogy fan, I was not overly invested in the sequel trilogy until the very end of it, when the muse perked up and went Hey! and thereby diverted my life (again). 
Still, I was not pleased when Han Solo got killed off.  I understood the reasons for it, thematic and plotwise and real life, but I didn’t like it. 
Well, one of the primary uses of fanfic is to fix canon.  This isn’t a story, it’s just a scrap of idea.  Someday I might take it further. 
The Empire, in its heyday, ran on some of the galaxy’s most advanced technologies.  The Death Stars, despite the humiliation of their destruction, had been engineering marvels undreamed of by prior generations.  Massive vessels, however, required massive crews, and even then there were only so many skilled workers available. 
So the Empire did what everyone else did, and used droids to handle the endless, myriad, menial tasks of repair and maintenance.  Sturdy and tireless, they were far more efficient than weak flesh, and could be programmed at whatever intelligence level was required. 
When the First Order rose up from those cold ashes, it outstripped even the Empire’s lofty ambitions, and modified an entire planet to meet its needs.  But there was no need to relearn old lessons; the power and control structures that had honeycombed the Death Stars were easily rebuilt, piercing Ilum to bring about its transformation. 
And in those depths scurried thousands of droids, ranging from simple cleaning units all the way up to command droids that oversaw entire sections.  They spent their entire existences in the depths of Starkiller Base, making sure everything ran perfectly, and dealing with whatever problems manifested.  
This included, of course, all kinds of debris from above.  Dust, moisture, loosened bolts, scraps of cloth and paper; dropped tools, helmets, and weapons; lost, doomed insects; garbage deliberately and surreptitiously tossed by lazy troopers. 
And, occasionally, bodies.  Fortunately for the clumsy souls who lost their footing or their grips high above, the repulsor fields of the shafts slowed their falls - bringing them to an undignified hover in midair near the bottom where they could dangle until collected by whatever droid was on duty nearby. 
So the arrival of one elderly human male was not a surprise to supervising unit N13-Z2.  It sent out the usual hoverdroids to snag and propel the limp form to safety.  His unconsciousness was not unexpected either - many humans fainted on the way down - but the severe damage to his body was. 
N13-Z2 triggered the emergency protocols automatically, obedient to its programming.  The male was whisked down a corridor and into a bacta unit in short order, medical droids convening on the spot at N13’s summons.  Life hung by a thread; a consultation was held at binary speed. 
The decision to transfer the injured human offworld to a medical facility that could cope with such overwhelming trauma was not routed through Starkiller’s protocol channels - the emergency was too high-level.  The senior medical droid requisitioned a shuttle and an ensign to pilot it. 
Some hours after the shuttle lifted off, Starkiller and its attendant droids ceased to exist.  And in the resultant upheaval of the First Order, there was no one left to follow up on the patient... 
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artqueen17 · 1 year
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Meet my zombies oc: Alexandria Cohen
Here’s some information about her:
Full name: Alexandria “Alexis” Jade Cohen
Age: 15 (Z1), 16 (Z2), 17-18 (Z3)
Portrayed/Face-Claim: Maya Boyce (RIP Cameron Boyce aka her older brother)
Crush: Wynter (currently)
Features: She has curly dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, she has ombre red dyed bottom hair & has freckles all over her face & body
Occupation: Cheerleader (formerly), Leader of vampires (currently)
She’s a vampire before she discovered she was a vampire, she’s cousin with Bucky & Addison & she was also scared of werewolves, zombies until she got to know them better especially a particular werewolf: Wynter, Alexis has a crush on her
I love for @werewolfvanillapotato to draw her own fanart version of my oc
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kangaracha · 2 years
ZOMBIES MASTERLIST it's been two years since i did one of these holy heck. (it's also been two months since i was requested to make this list but we're not gonna talk about that)
new dawn, new day zed wants to go to human school. eliza doesn’t. (canon compliant, pre-movie) read here
if only we knew (the things we know) the wolves are dying. the great alpha is a myth. wyatt doesn’t know where to turn. (pre-z2, canon compliant) read here
and the chasm grows the moonstone is lost in the powerplant explosion. the wolves face their fates. (post-z2, au, sequel to if only we knew) read here
i can't feel the waves anymore a companion piece to and the chasm grows. (willa-centric, post-z2 au) read here
blood // stone a zeddison twist on the powerplant explosion. (human au) read here
to what your heart once was willa is marked by a dark prophecy at birth, prompting fear and distrust in the pack. she takes her fate into her own hands. (soulmark au) read here
i-d-e-n-t-i-t-y zombie containment, and what comes after. (canon compliant, coda to z1) read here
(when the sun comes up) in the name of love wyatt tries to pretend to be human enough for seabrook. a body is found in the forest. (wyaddison au, mostly canon compliant) read here
bury you back underground as anti-monster laws tighten and his future shrinks, zed necrodopolis turns to a life of petty crime. (zeddison, mostly canon compliant) read here
two lonely hearts meet in the dark in every timeline, they end. addison searches for a beginning. (zeddison, some wyaddison, time warp au) read here
the king walks the tower crown prince of the kingdom, wyatt survives an attack on his family and vows to avenge them. (wyaddison, royalty au) read here
the river near the valley Tentative peace has lasted as long as Princess Addison has been alive, hanging by a thread. When a new enemy marches to the north, it falls to Addison to convince the King of Strigoi to join forces with her people in the coming war. (wyaddison, some zeddison, royalty/medieval au) read here
all the things left unsaid wyatt and willa are caught by hunters. this is the fight, the fall, and the road back to home. (au) read here
river cold, mountain wild after three years living as a werewolf in the human world, addison returns to seabrook and the wolf pack for a summer and finds herself caught at a crossroads. (great alpha!addison au, mostly canon compliant) read here
PRETTY against her better judgement, addison falls into her rougish co-worker's bed and a whole mess of a relationship she never wanted. (zeddison, human au) read here
my hand in yours after years apart, a high school crush of eliza's reappears in town. (wyliza, post-z3, mostly canon compliant) read here
like stars in the sky tumblr prompt fill collection read here
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Final Major Project - Research - What makes a good, accessible, easy to read font?
Topline summary
What was learned can be summarised in these overall takeaways:
User research and testing with a broad range of real users — in the context that they encounter your content — will help you find the best font for your purposes.
Professional opinion varies, but some pointers around letter shape can guide you to make more accessible font choices.
A sans serif font is not necessarily more readable than a serif font. In fact, some san serif fonts can be less readable than some serif fonts.
Easy differentiation of letter shapes, and also between headings and body text, is essential.
Font weight, as well as shape, needs to be considered for legibility.
Exemplar, usability-tested accessible fonts are available.
What is the best font for reading?
Consultation for a Large Charity:
Offered opinions on readable fonts to a large charity, presenting evidence and perspectives shared within the design community.
Engaged in a practical application of font considerations for a specific organization.
Learning from "The Non-Designer’s Design Book":
Expanded knowledge on graphic design by reading "The Non-Designer’s Design Book" by Robin Williams in January.
Extracted insights from the author regarding font choices, adding a theoretical and practical layer to the understanding of readable fonts.
Initial Hesitation and Motivation for Discussion:
Initially hesitant to engage in discussions on readable fonts due to the ongoing and debatable nature of the topic.
Embraced the spirit of continuous improvement rather than seeking absolute perfection, recognizing the absence of a one-size-fits-all solution.
Gathered Observations on Best Fonts for Reading:
Despite the lack of absolute consensus, compiled observations on what may contribute to the best font for reading.
Acknowledged the complexity of the topic and the absence of a universally perfect answer.
Emphasis on Improvement Over Perfection:
Advocated for a mindset of improvement, acknowledging the evolving nature of design considerations.
Recognized the absence of a singularly perfect answer in the realm of font choices for readability.
Community Engagement and Evidence-Based Approach:
Leveraged insights and evidence shared by professionals in the design community, emphasizing a collaborative and informed approach to font discussions.
Highlighted the importance of collective learning and shared knowledge in navigating the complexities of readable fonts in content design.
Why is a clear font important?
Type font confuses people if it’s not well-defined. A study by Thomas Bohm of User Design, Illustration and Typesetting showed that the following letters and symbols were confusing for people aged 13 to 45, with no dyslexia or visual impairments. Writer Lizzie Bruce bolded the letters and characters that were confused.
clear / dear
turn / tum
105 / IOS
Z2 / 22
LJ, LI, Ll / U
ce / oe
When you add a visual impairment or increase user age to over 45, the range of characters that may be confused increases:
i / j
B / 8
D / O, 0, o
0 / O o
k / R
a / o
F / f
r / v / Y
g / q
Similarly shaped letters and characters and short ascenders and descenders increase letter confusion and decrease legibility and readability for people with dyslexia.
GOV.UK avoids using certain characters in passcodes altogether because of these legibility issues.
Best fonts for reading
When looking for the best fonts for reading, you'll want to consider both legibility and availability. The ideal fonts are not just the easiest fonts to read on web pages but also the fonts available to most of the audience. In general, Microsoft fonts are a good choice and will be accessible to many people within your audience.
According to the Bureau of Internet Accessibility, the right fonts for website accessibility are:
Times New Roman
Lucida Sans (PC) or Lucida Grande (Mac)
Recommendations for legible typeface:
Do have:
Tall x-height: the height of the lower case letters like m, a, x, and r.
The height difference between ascenders and capital letters, so that, for example, capital "i" and lower case "l" look different.
Distinguishable characters, for example, L, l, and 1 should all look different from each other, as should o, e, c, a.
Adequate letter spacing.
But avoid:
Thin weights on smaller font sizes.
Narrow-width fonts.
Block capitals.
Fonts, where the letters mirror each other, for example, d, b, p, and q, should have features that differentiate them from each other through more than just their ascender and descender position.
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nikonstudio · 7 months
Transforming the Nikon Z30 into a FF Camera!
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The very logic and primary reason of getting a crop body is obviously its light weight and size to many travelers including me. Besides, its almost always cheaper too from the cost perspective.
But what if your objective is to both adapt FF lenses with your crop camera while obtaining an additional stop of light in the process too? What if you manage to sell your older Canon EOS M body and still would like to reuse some of those EF lenses on another Nikon body? What if you are an arse who still demand AF and IS capability from those glasses with the transition and unlocking image stabilization concurrently to a body that does not offer any?
Then you can only do what I did - get the Viltrox EF-Z2 Speed Booster and call it a day. Save you the trouble of hunting for anything else. Period.
Magic? Nah, just some common sense to a USD200 problem.
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lotuslandcomics · 1 year
Beyond excess, beyond ethics, beyond science. . . Enter a terrifying new experiment in pain from Eisner Award nominee Cullen Bunn (The Sixth Gun, Basilisk) and acclaimed illustrator Jesús Hervás (The Empty Man)!
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dreamweave01 · 24 days
Was Z2 7 years old physically??? Was he also 7 years old mentally or was he a bit closer to his body's teenager shape in terms of mental age?
Yes, 7 years old physically. When it comes to mentality, he was probably around 5ish when they first found him, and has stayed pretty consistent with the others as they've grown up and matured.
The fact that physically he hasn't changed much was one of the biggest leading factors to how the Golden Order discovered him being a nindroid in that first year or so.
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llort · 1 year
Here is the list of frames and perspective to keep in mind generating US Projects
This is not really a comprehensive list of all the cognitive technologies I have developed and utilize but it will hopefully give a sort of insight into why I seem to be absolutely batshit sometimes
AAMP – Attentional Awareness Model Perception
Awareness of focus subjective substrate
Awareness of foci of focus
Awareness of circumstantial NWF correlates emergent in conscious awareness
External |Objective/Subjective/Abstract
Internal | Objective/Subjective/Abstract
-6 Continuous Homology Recursive Base Reality?
-5 Planc Quantized Wireframe
-4 Subatomic Interactions
-3 Electron Orbitals
-2 Biochemical Interactions
-1 Neurological Activity
0 Perception Input and basic awareness/dispersibility
[xn State of dissociation of whatever perceptual order or unconsciousness/dreaming]
1 Awareness of perception and SV
2 Awareness of perception in context or awareness of awareness
3 Awareness of self, regarding one's cognitive topography
4 Aware of a disruptive axiomatic shift recursively impacting various areas and fidelity of one's consciousness
5 Aware of a fundamental change in perception or PMC affecting POV. Shift in paradigm
Xa Intrapersonal models
Xb Allocentric models
Xc Global and Orbital Cyberphysical Memetogeographic Space
Xd Cosmology
Xe Uber Universes/5D+ EGC splines (ego/exo/allo) centric/ totality of EISOA over CT0-9
Xf Fully elucidated Abstract Reality
[+y]/3, 6
Philosophy Logic Maths
Physics Chemistry Biology Earth Science
Self-Organization Cellular Automaton, Mind, VSM
Human, Human Brain and Body, Human Condition, Skill
Engineering Statistics Knowledge
Systems Science, Cybernetics, Psychology
Language and Linguistics
Outline of Self, Self-Schema, Personal Life
Intelligence, AI, Conceptual Model
Health, Technology
Law, Business, Alternate Reality Game, HUMIT
Culture, Reality)}
01 S (Second) -> (CT0) [Incorporating approximations of smallest length of cognitive latency]
02 M (Meter) -> (One Relative MR Length)
03 Kg (Kilogram) -> (Vividness of MR Qualia/Intensity of Focus/Attention)
04 A (AMPERE) - > (Spontaneous Fluidity of Emergent Properties/Associations))
05 K (Kelvin) -> (Stability and Half Life of MR Entity)
06 m (Mol) -> ( n=(Amount of Nodes, Edges, Planes, Modules, and Axioms) present in a n)
07 cd (Candela) -> (Prominence of Focus of Pure MR over External Subjective Reality Sensory Input)
Emergent Meta Awareness
1 IO - Internal Objective
2 IS - Internal Subjective
3 IA - Internal Abstract
4 EO - External Objective
5 ES - External Subjective
6 EA - External Abstract 
+z 1 Active (Right Now)
+z 1 Sense, Attention and Action (Non-selective/Selective and/or Undirected/Directed Attention)
-z 2 Perceiving, Observing, and Introspection
-x 3 Logic, Axioms and Experimentation, ISR
+x 4 Describing, Modeling and MR
-y 5 CBT, Modeling, Working Memory, Mnemonics and Schedule
+y 6 Specific Thinking, Frames Application and Management (Inter branch/Sub Branch)
-z 2 Personal
+z 1 All Current Conscious Perception and Immutable CT's
-z 2 Narrative, Identity Management, Frames
-x 3 R4
+x 4 Beliefs, Values, Hopes, Ethics, Dreams
-y 5 Memory, Mnemonics, Autoepisodic, Encoding and Recall
+y 6 Consciousness Models, Influencers and CT Management
-x 3 Planning and Logic
+z 1 Dynamic Planning and Situational Awareness
-z 2 Skills and Technical Application/Adaption
-x 3 Active Goals and Projects
+x 4 Habits/Predispositions/Routines/Baselines (SETS Blooms, Taxonomy) and limitations, Re (self imposed and/or Real Boundaries), Frames and Physiological/Psychological Patterns
-y 5 Resource Management
+y 6 Ideas or Future Goals and Projects
+x 4 Systems, Communications and Creative
+z 1 Observance and Interaction with Systems Associated and Context Awareness
-z2 Persona and Ego Management
-x 3 Social and Communication, Systems Identification/Interaction/Alteration/Mechanisms Options, Sets
+x 4 MR
-y 5  Communication and Language Management, Social Analysis and Responses
+y 6 Language, Ontology and Frame Engineering
-y 5 Health
+z 1 Physical Health
-z 2 Mental Health
-x 3 Self Management and Contingencies
+x 4 State of Other Systems
-y 5 Applied Mindful Meditation, Self Awareness and Reality Checking
+y 6 Cognitive Health
0,0,0 9 Strategic
+y 6 Knowledge
+z 1 Technology
-z 2 Philosophy
-x 3 Engineering
+x 4 General/Cultural
-y 5 Frameworks
+y 6 Science
6, 0, 9 (HISE)
+z 1 Active Use and Applications/Implications
-z 2 Personal Relevance (Meanings, Values), Memorizing and Facts of Interest
-x 3 Fact Analysis, Information Management, Concepts, Calculations and Mnemonic framework
+x 4 Cross Branch/Subject Integration, Research, Development, Projects and Communication
-y 5 Administrative, Housework, Maintenance and Self care
+y 6 Learning, Hypothetical and Theoretical
0, 0, 0 Ground Zero
+z 1 Mindmap Practice
-z 2 Undefined... (and/or((x))
-x 3 Useful, productive, efficient or divergent heuristics (BH)
+x 4 Alternative Mindmap Development
-y 5 Mindmap Contingencies
+y 6 EMA Curation
Experiment 0001 Perspective Theory
Experiment 0002 RTS MR
Experiment 0003 TSEC Vision
Experiment 0004 Personas, Identity, and Narration
Experiment 0005 Evolutionary OMA7
Experiment 0006 Passive CAMQ and Autonomy
Experiment 0007 Codification
Experiment 0008 (8 Contingencies
Experiment 0009 MicroMindlab
Experiment 0010 Plato's Mind Palace
Experiment 0011 Godel's Infinite Chewing Gum
Experiment 0012 Project Autonomy
Experiment 0013 OMA7
Experiment 0014 Mind Canon
Experiment 0015 NAOI
Experiment 0016 TAE
Experiment 0017 Elucidating Actualization
Experiment 0018 Memex
Experiment 0019 PremtivMR
Experiment 0020 Dramata Reconstructive
Experiment 0021 Deep Thunk
Experiment 0022 Holistic Construction
Experiment 0023 TSeCIV
Experiment 0024 LoUtrix
Experiment 0025 Hyperbolic PMC Actualizing D-progression
Experiment 0026 Blue Wave
Experiment 0027 ARP experiment of JMC
Experiment 0028 Further back and/or forward into Possible Universes
Experiment 0029 Beyond the Hydrogen Model
Experiment 0030 Cartesian Drawing
Experiment 0031 Deus Ex Sight
Experiment 0032 Alternate PQ
Experiment 0033 PQ 8)
Experiment 0034 Self Structed Holistic HISE Regarding JMC
Experiment 0035 IO Emergence
Experiment 0036 EUGENE Actualization
Experiment 0037 Fractal Cosmic Regression
Experiment 0038 Pure MR Practice, Enaction, and Simulation
Experiment 0039 Axiomatic Assembly
Experiment 0040 Adversarial Chewing Gum Generation
Experiment 0041 Tangibility QnQ for CA/CB
Experiment 0042 Chewing Gum Loading Dock
Experiment 0043 Ultima Synthetic Qualia
Experiment 0044 Black Box
Experiment 0045 Non Gestalt MR
Experiment 0046 DRD4 Entraining
Experiment 0047 HISE Cellular Automata
Experiment 0048 DRD4/AE MM Memex
Experiment 0049 TSeCIVii
Experiment 0050 Embedding UJS in NWC
It is a bit tiring :)
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takeoffphilippines · 1 year
AirAsia Philippines’ warmly welcomes its guests to the new home of the champions, NAIA Terminal 2
Manila, Philippines, 01 July 2023 – AirAsia today painted NAIA Terminal 2 red as it warmly welcomes its guests to the new home of the champions. The world’s best low-cost airline will operate all its domestic flights to and from the centennial terminal, offering guests with bigger space, better amenities and a more comfortable travel experience.
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AirAsia Philippines' first day of operations at the NAIA Terminal 2 was welcomed with a ceremonial cake cutting at the South Wing of the terminal with DOT and MIAA officials and AirAsia Philippines executives.  
From left to right:  AirAsia Philippines Country Head for Communications and Public Affairs Steve Dailisan, Chief Pilot for Training and Standards Captain Darren Acorda, MIAA OIC Bryan Andersen Co, Usec Roberto 'Bobby' Lim, Cabin Crew Samantha Namanayaka, Kira Balinger, AirAsia CEO Ricky Isla, Jameson Blake, CAB Executive Director Atty. Carmelo Arcilla, AirAsia Director of Flight Operations Captain Gomer Monreal, and Chief Finance Officer Ray Berjaw
AirAsia Philippines CEO Ricky Isla and other airline officials are joined by Manila International Airport Authority (MIAA) OIC Bryan Co, Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB) Executive Director Carmelo Arcilla, and Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP) FSIS Assistant Director General Atty. Frank Edward Marty in a holy mass to celebrate the transfer.
A water cannon salute was also accorded to the arriving AirAsia aircraft followed by a ceremonial cutting of the cake was held to mark the significant event among guests.
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AirAsia flight Z2 351 from Tagbilaran was welcomed by a water cannon salute upon arrival to its new home at the NAIA T2
“We keep saying that this is a winning move for our guests because they deserve only the best from us. Moving to Terminal 2 will allow us to add more routes, increase frequency and utilize wide body aircraft in the near future to improve connectivity and enhance customer experience,” said Isla
Twenty check-in counters (22-41) are allocated for AirAsia guests entering the south wing of the terminal. After going through the security screening, they may enjoy various food stalls in the passenger lounge while waiting to board from the seven (7) operational aero bridges in the south wing or utilize the four (4) remote parking bays during high traffic or peak hours.
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Guest on queue at the more spacious AirAsia check-in counters at the NAIA Terminal 2
For a hassle-free, contactless and convenient check-in, self check-in kiosks are also made available beside the counters.
To raise awareness among guests, preflight notifications via email and sms were sent 2 months ahead of the scheduled transfer. During the transition period, a Customer Happiness help desk and a shuttle van will be positioned at NAIA Terminal 4 and Terminal 3 to assist guests for a swift transfer to Terminal 2.
Isla further adds, “During the past months, our On-Time Performance (OTP) is at an average of 80-85%. We even reach a high of 100% on some days when there are no factors causing disruptions such as weather or lightning red alerts, air traffic congestion and non-scheduled maintenance. This only proves the commitment among our Allstar employees to do it best for our guests. They may expect the same level of commitment and even more as we journey through this winning move.”
As a formidable air travel partner, AirAsia operates more than 100 domestic flights daily, and is aiming to increase routes and frequency during the winter season to provide guests with affordable flights coupled with its brand of world’s best service.
Meanwhile, MIAA and CAB share the same excitement for AirAsia and its guests as it moves towards a promising growth trajectory post pandemic.
MIAA OIC Bryan Co said, "We warmly welcome AirAsia in its new home for domestic flights. We share the same level of commitment in improving the total airport experience of the flying public. Indeed, this is a winning move for all stakeholders.”
CAB Executive Director Carmelo Arcilla said, “It’s important for industry stakeholders and government to continue to engage to ensure that passengers ultimately win. We shall work closely with the industry towards full and strict adherence to the Air Passenger Bill of Rights,  as we endeavor to go above and beyond in the service of the Filipino people.”
AirAsia Philippines is advising its guests to regularly visit the airasia fly safe page, airasia newsroom, and airasia Super App social media platforms Facebook and Twitter for latest flight schedules and other travel advisories.
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