#the boots though 🗣🗣
hooksredrum ¡ 2 years
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appreciation post for hook’s new gear 😮‍💨
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braxlrose ¡ 1 year
things i imagine 2023 bf bill does
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cw: oral (f! and m!recieving), fingering, etc
• if you've been together since the 2000s, he's so so so happy that you never judged him for how he looked and that even though his style changed you still stuck with him. he knows that's the bare minimum but he's experienced first hand how some people treat him because of how he looks and he loves that you're not like that
• obviously, yall still go shopping together like in the 2000s and it's tons of fun. he loves it when you two try on studded jackets together and when you pick out cute platform boots for him
• you two once had the greatest birthday sex in the history of birthday sex because you got him the "greatest platforms in the world!!". His words.
• and I mean it ^^, it went on for like 2 hours and by the time you guys were done you were ready to pass out. but he also had some other gifts to open 🤩
• his aftercare was literally amazing in the 2000s, but it's gotten even better with time. if it was super intense sex, he will not let go of you. even if you were subbing, with intense sex both doms and subs need aftercare.
• MATCHING HALLOWEEN COSTUMES 🗣🗣🗣 also you better hype of bill for whatever costume he does. like that year he did Ariel. If you didn't hype him up 😒 what are you even doing?
• going out and buying costumes with him for concerts
• he said in a tiktok live once that he does out to restaurants for every meal. breakfast, lunch and dinner. so you two do that basically everyday and you guys always order too much food and end up having left overs
• you guys know how he loves his cheesecakes so you two make him all the time. and he teaches you how to bake some of his family recipes. but it always ends up with you guys a total mess because you were fooling around.
• also the mf is still a massive tease 💀 like bruh back off for two goddamn seconds
• like while you're kneeding dough he'd come up behind you and press his crotch into your ass and act like he was just grabbing a measuring cup. and the mf would just be smirking his ass off if your face got red
• tiktok lives all the time and you two bake together on those two. and sometimes tom comes in and helps you guys.
• cockwarming on tiktok lives 😍😍😍 (someone has gotta write that because oh em geeeeee I'm squirming and squeezing my thighs just thinking about it)
• he bites in bed. like when he's fingering you he'll bite your boob or literally any squishy part of you. and will get horny the next day if he sees you have bite marks on your body.
• he loves going to the beach with you. and you guys go with Tom and Heidi all the time too.
• now im very pale you guys. i hate tanning, I never want to be tan. It's just not for me, so if you're like that too bill will literally lather you in sonnencreme and bring an umbrella for you to stay under
• now if you're not like me and you like to tan then bill will buy you tanning oil and that mirror thing (I hope yall know what I'm talking about bc idk what its called)
• he gives you head scratches all the time because he always has long nails and it feels so good
• ON THAT NOTE, bill rarely fingers you because of his nails, but on the days he doesn't have any acrylic nails, he'll finger you like no tomorrow. but other than that he sticks to eating you out
• bakes you a cake all by himself for your birthday 🎂 he makes sure to get whatever flavor you like the best. strawberry, vanilla, chocolate, red velvet, whatever you want he'll do it. he decorates it himself and is very proud
• talks about you all the time in interviews and is smiling his ass off every time
• doing skincare together is a must!! you two have so much skin care stuff it's insane. serums, face masks (peel off, paper, clay, etc), lotions, moisturizers, oils, lip masks. literally everything.
• HE LOVES DOING YOUR MAKEUP and he gets so happy when you let him do it
• date nights with him are so much fun because you get to get all dressed up in a sexy outfit and go out to a fancy restaurant. plus the night usually ends in sex
• he loves it when you play with his rings on his fingers
• living room dance parties and karaoke happens all the time and you always end up on the floor laughing your asses off
• he buys Polaroid cameras and takes pictures of you guys all the time. at the mall shopping, on the beach, making sandcastles, you eating, baking together, him dicking you down with his cum all over your chest (who said that⁉️)
• showering together and doing hair masks
• loves pre and post concert head from you 😉
• binge watching TV shows together is something you two do a bunch. he gets all pouty if he found out you watched an episode without him.
• you guys manicures and pedicures all the time and you're always giggling and laughing with eachother the entire time
taglist: @hearts4kaulitz @burntb4bydoll @spelaelamela @bored0writer @fishinaband @billsleftnutt @tokiiohot @bluepoptartwithsprinkles @saumspam @5hyslv7
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sushiwriterhere ¡ 1 year
right where i want you
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summary: "Standing there, staring at the cotton balls in the trash, some part deep inside of you decides that it’s now or never with Rhett."  rating: explicit (18+ mdni) pairing: rhett abbott x f!reader word count: 6.1k warnings: sub!rhett, pseudo enemies-to-lovers!, mentions of violence, choking, dry humping, overstimulation, aftercare, potentially ooc, no use of y/n.  notes: uhhh walk him like a dog bitch walk him like a dog🗣😼 i'm not even gonna lie to y'all i've never seen outer range but lewis pullman is in my brain. pls let me know what u think! thank you to @sebsxphia for encouraging my rhett brainworms and to @rhettabbotts for reading a snippet ! my other works are here tagging: @lewmagoo @wkndwlff @bobfloyds @sometimesanalice @bradshawsbitch @roosterbruiser @withahappyrefrain @theharddeck - pls let me know if you'd like to be added or removed!
You work a comb in steady, circular motions over your horse’s coat, watching as the dust and pollen raises into the soft afternoon light. Just under the background noise of the stable, you hear boots crunching and you immediately know who it is. All your time away hasn’t changed a thing, it seems. 
“Rhett Abbott you leave me alone or I’ll yell at the top of my lungs, I swear.” You don’t even turn around to look at him, as if not making eye contact would mean he’ll leave. He won’t. And he never does.
“How’d ‘ya know it was me?” You hear the way he kicks at the dirt of the barn floor with his boots absentmindedly, and you try to not let his presence rile you up too much since you know that’s what he wants.
You still don’t turn around to face him. “Because y’never leave me alone.” 
“I’m jus’ sweet on ‘ya. Couldn’t help it if I tried. Besides, missed ‘ya while ‘ya were away at that fancy east coast school o’ yours.”
“Well, have you tried?” You ignore the second part of what he said–you’re back for the summer, and you really haven’t been gone all that long even if your parents act like you’ve come back from the dead.
That pulls a laugh from him. 
For as long as you can remember, Rhett Abbott has been a pain in your ass. You were slightly younger than him but that somehow never stopped him from always finding a way to be in your presence. Your dad being Wabang’s sheriff didn’t seem to deter him either, especially when your dad started getting real prickly about having boys around. 
“Nope,” He lets his lips pop dramatically on the ‘p’ sound, then pauses as if to consider his next words, “Plus, you’re real cute when you’re mad.”
All you want is to turn around and throw the rubber brush you’ve got clenched in your fingers at his stupid, smug, face. You know the exact expression he’s wearing in that moment because it’s the same one he’s had every other time he’s taunted you. 
“Decide if you love me or hate me, Rhett Abbott. Quit wastin’ my time.” You hiss, and this time you do turn around. You refrain from throwing anything at him, though. 
“Aw, don’t get too upset now,” He pushes himself off the stall door he’d been leaning against and makes his way into your personal space.
You level him with a scathing glare before going back to grooming. Even the way he breathes around you seems to raise your hackles and you wonder if all this tension is ever going to resolve itself. If he’s ever going to leave you alone.
“I didn’t come by to bother ‘ya, honest.” He murmurs.
You don’t grant him a response, but he stays where he is, undeterred.
“I wanted to see if you’d come out tonight, everyone’s been missin’ ‘ya. Whole town’s in uproar that you’re back.” 
“I’ll think about it.”
That seems to satisfy him as a grin spreads across his face and he spins on his heel, whistling jauntily as he strolls out of the stable.
You’re loathe to admit it, but it makes something twist in your stomach at the thought that Rhett came by to invite you out, to tell you he missed you. That everyone missed you. You shove that feeling down, though. Rhett’s always just been a nuisance and the fact that he seems to have gotten far handsomer while you’d been away is not part of your calculus.
For all his insistence that he actually likes you, has been thinking about you this whole time, Rhett sure is more than happy to let some buckle bunny cuddle up to him. You swallow something down, not jealousy, but what feels like a lump in your throat. He’s a liar and you’re a fool. Rhett Abbott will never be anything but a good for nothing, sonofa—
You storm out of the bar in a huff, not noticing the way Rhett’s eyes follow you over the head of the bleach blonde who’s grasping the collar of his flannel. 
In missing Rhett’s gaze, you also miss the way James Earl follows you out. By the time you’re in the parking lot, it’s too late to turn around. James is between you and the door. 
He calls your name and it makes all the hair on the back of your neck stand up, “Wait up!”
“Leave me alone, James.” You really don’t want to deal with him right now, you don’t want to deal with any men, for that matter. 
“I said wait.” His voice turns acidic and you pause before turning around slowly. There’s nowhere else for you to go but back into the bar, and you’re certain he won’t just let you walk off while you try to call your dad.
“Now that you’re back, I’m going to take you out to dinner.” James looks almost like he has good intentions, but you haven’t lost touch with the way news travels in Wabang just because you were separated by a few states. 
You know what the girls who stayed behind say about him. You heard the stories in high school about how he treated his girlfriends–always holding their arms too tight, a little too possessive. There’s nothing about him that you like, or even want to tolerate, at all.
“No, thank you, James. I really should get going.” You try to sound sweet, try to turn on the charm in hopes that he’ll change his mind. 
You turn your phone over in your hands, unlock it, and try to act nonchalant. You remember the Swiss army knife tucked in your bra if things get rough. 
His demeanor switches in an instant.
“You think just ‘cause you’re the sheriff's daughter you can just walk around like you own this place, huh? Too good for us with your fancy college? All of Wabang swoonin’ over a stuck up, prissy, little bitch.” The words are like poison, but you try to stand your ground, “Why I ought’a teach you a lesson.”
When James stalks your way, one hand starting to reach for you as you reel back in fear, you realize just what he intends. The world slows to a molasses, you’re outside your body as you freeze, unable to do much but witness what you know is about to happen to you.
Instead of James’ hand around your wrist or in your hair, Rhett’s voice breaks the moment, “Earl, I’ll make ‘ya sorry ‘ya ever look’d at ‘er if ‘ya don’t step away right now.” 
There he is, illuminated by the bar deck lights, one hand on his belt as he stalks into the parking lot. You’d call him your savior if you don’t blame him somehow; if he hadn’t been so wrapped up in whatever girl was giving him attention in that moment maybe you wouldn’t be here. 
“Like hell you will, Abbott. Leave us alone, this is none of your business.” James whirls around, his attention momentarily off you.
You think you can make your escape, make it back inside the bar where there are more eyes and call your dad to get him to pick you up. Instead, you watch as Rhett and James come face to face, both acting like macho idiots. 
They soil your plan for a hasty escape. It’s Rhett who makes the first move and shoves James, hard. In a split second they’re yelling obscenities at each other as Rhett grabs him by the collar to shake him and clock him across the face. His knuckles split open on James’ face and you aren’t sure if his nose is broken from the blow or not. 
“Stop it!” You try to at least get Rhett’s attention, maybe use his feelings for you for good, but it does little as James tries to gain the upper hand. “Rhett Abbott you fool, get off’a him!”
All at once, a few other patrons spill out of the bar doors at the commotion. You’re standing a few feet back from the pair as they tussle; there’s blood strewn in the dirt and you hope not too much of it is Rhett’s. Suddenly they’re being pulled apart.
You march up to James and stick a finger in his face as he struggles against the men holding his arms, “You ever try that shit with me again I’ll make sure my daddy gives you exactly what you deserve.”
His face is twisted up in a snarl, and he looks like he’s considering spitting in your face, “Still hiding behind your daddy? Figures.”
He’s hauled off in a moment before you can respond, no doubt to get cleaned up and have someone take a look at his nose. Maybe even to face your dad. You whirl around to start shouting at Rhett next, but he’s simply standing there, hands hanging loosely by his sides. No one’s restraining him anymore, they’re all dealing with James you guess, and you realize that it’s just the two of you in the parking lot at that point. 
You make your decision in an instant, “Give me your keys.” 
You don’t get closer to him, you just hold a hand out and look at him expectantly. Rhett doesn’t move. 
“Rhett Abbott, you damned fool, give me your keys so I can take your stupid ass home.” 
He has the audacity to smile wolfishly at you, cheek bruising, and say lowly as he walks to you, “Tryin’ to take me home, sugar?”
Snatching his keys from his fist, you turn around without responding. You don’t check if he’s following you, some part of you knows you don’t need to. 
You climb into the drivers side of his truck and start it, only barely waiting for him to get in and buckle up. Switching it into gear, you start driving. It’s deathly silent in the cab as you drive, ignoring far too many traffic laws along the way for someone who was raised by the sheriff. Rhett fidgets in his seat next to you. 
As you weave down the back country roads to his place, you distantly recall the time during high school when he’d bought the truck. All week, girls had flocked to him, begging him to teach them to drive stick (they all already knew) or even just sit in the back. Trucks were a dime a dozen, but Rhett Abbott’s was special in the eyes of all the future buckle bunnies. 
You’d watched the chaos from afar until he’d lifted his gaze from the girl tugging at his flannel to look at you. You’d looked away quickly, too embarrassed to be caught staring at him despite your continued insistence you didn’t like him in the slightest and that he never crossed your mind.
He never did end up giving any of the girls a chance. He wouldn’t even let them touch the keys.
Now here you are, driving his truck like it’s your own without a single complaint from him. 
When you pull up to his house, you get out the same way you’d gotten in–without a word and barely waiting for him to catch up to you. It’s almost instinctual, the way you grab the house key from next to the truck one, unlock the door and shove inside, only knowing that he’s inside too because of the way the door slides shut softly instead of slamming. 
Once inside, you flick on the kitchen light and round on him, “Now why’d ‘ya have to go and start shit with James Earl, huh?”
Rhett looks like he’s just been scolded by his mother for leaving his socks on the floor at his ripe age, and he scoffs harshly. You don’t miss the way his knuckles are split and crusted in blood. There’s a bruise blooming high on one of his cheeks. 
“I’m the one startin’ shit? He was tryin’ somethin’ with you!” He takes a step toward you but you don’t move, “Earl’s a piece of shit and he got what was comin’ to him. I don’t regret a goddamn thing.”
“I had it handled.” Your defense is instinctual–knee jerk, even—everyone wants you to be fragile, to be something that needs protecting, and you’re sick of it. 
“Did ‘ya?” You’re toe to toe now, and his shoulders are heaving. “‘Cause what I saw said somethin’ else.”
For a moment, you think he might kiss you. It takes all of your mental effort not to shove him and start shouting at him for how stupid he is, so instead you raise a single eyebrow and plaster on your most disapproving expression possible. 
“I’m not arguin’ with you, Rhett Abbott. Get your damn first-aid kit and lemme clean ‘ya up.” 
For once in his life, he listens to you. Eventually you find yourself kneeling in front of him as he sinks into the couch. You’ve turned on one of the living room lights, but there’s still just barely enough light to make out the details of his face and the way he tore up his knuckles on James Earl’s nose and cheeks. 
“Now keep bein’ all tough, I better not hear ‘ya bitchin’ about the antiseptic hurtin’.” You don’t have it in you to actually hurt him though, so you keep the press of the rubbing alcohol-soaked cotton balls gentle. 
He draws his shoulders up by his ears regardless, hissing lightly when it stings. Thankfully, only his pinky knuckle is actually split open on his right hand, so he won’t be entirely useless at work. His left hand is in worse shape, with three of his knuckles bubbling blood where he managed to cut them open. Both hands are bruised.
He doesn’t comment on your position at his knees. 
“Earl’s nose better be fuckin’ broken.” Rhett finally breaks the silence as you finish cleaning his hands. 
You don’t grant him with a response. Instead you stand to your full height and make your way to the kitchen to throw away the cotton balls now soaked with his blood. Standing there, staring at the cotton balls in the trash, some part deep inside of you decides that it’s now or never with Rhett.
When you return to him, he hasn’t moved a muscle. He simply tips his head back to look at you. Slowly, you put one knee up on the couch next to his thighs, then the other, and all of a sudden you’re kneeling over his lap. The hem of your dress just barely brushes his jeans. He looks like he’s holding his breath and he barely exhales when you let your full weight rest on him.
“I need to make sure he didn’t break yours.” It’s a lame excuse and you both know it, but you know he won’t call you on it, not when your bare thighs are warm against his denim-clad ones. 
He smells like outside, like the evening sun, and something that tickles your nose; it’s uniquely Rhett. Privately, you wonder if all his clothes smell like him, and if they carry that scent even when he hasn’t worn them in a long while. 
Shifting in his lap, you cradle his face and turn it toward the light. As if he’s trying not to spook a wild horse, he very delicately places his hands on your thighs. He doesn’t grip them, doesn’t let his fingertips twitch, just rests his calloused palms against your bare skin.
“Looks fine to me.” You breathe out, realizing how close your faces are.
“I’ll pretend that was a compliment.” He’s trying to sound flirtatious, trying to sound like the casanova his reputation makes him out to be, only he’s breathless and his face is flushed and you can feel his pulse racing.
You hate when men think they can just take control of you in bed because they’re a man and you’re not. But with Rhett, you can tell you’ve got him right where you want him by the way his Adam's apple bobs in his throat and the way his hands rest on your thighs, fingertips just barely brushing the hem of your dress. 
Letting go of his face, you brush imaginary dust off his shoulders before letting one hand rest flat on his chest, and threading the other up into his hair. It’s silkier than you ever imagined despite the way you know you can safely assume he does jack all to take care of it. He’s so damn pretty it makes your chest ache.
Both of you are silent, only the sounds of your breathing barely audible. Ever so gently, you slide your hand from his hair to the base of his neck. He’s like a foal in the way you’re unsure of how he’ll react to your hand placement, a new sort of touch. His heart hammers in his chest beneath your palm.
He doesn’t bolt or react strongly. Instead, he swallows thickly against your hand, blinking slowly at the sensation of your fingers tucked neatly around his throat. You’re not squeezing in the slightest, just letting your fingers rest around the warm, tanned, skin of his neck.
“Are you going to behave, Rhett?” Your voice is low over the sounds of the night outside.
He nods as you flex your fingers gently, testing the waters, and his eyes flutter shut. Rocking your hips experimentally, you feel the way his grip tightens on your thighs and the way he’s hard against you. 
He likes it. He likes the way you’ve got a hand around his throat, the other resting gently on his chest. He isn’t fighting you, he isn’t arguing–for once in his life, he’s quiet in your presence. 
The realization of how obedient he’s being sends a skittering sort of arousal through you. You see yourself pulling on jeans tomorrow and finding his fingerprints on you. You see him staring at himself in the mirror in the morning, lost at how to cover up the evidence of what you’d done to him the night before.
“You’ve spent all this time pullin’ my pigtails, and now that I’m here you can’t even form words.” He keeps his eyes closed and nods ever so slightly.
You want to hate him. 
Oh how you want to hate Rhett Abbott. You want to hate the way he’s spent the last however many years following you around like a stray dog, poking fun at you and riling you up, just to have your attention. You want to hate the way he probably spent more time chasing boys off than your dad did. More than anything else you want to find it in you to feel something other than the way he’s burrowed himself under your skin. 
“Whatever,” His voice is strained and he clears his throat before opening his eyes again, “Whatever you want, sugar. I’ll do whatever you want.”
“And if I want to get up right now, and never see you again?” You aren’t going to make this easy on him. 
Yelling at James Earl is one thing, almost beating him to a pulp is another. You can protect yourself, you’re not a damsel in distress, and above all Rhett needs to learn his place. You’re grateful he was there, you are. But you didn’t need him to go and get in trouble on your behalf.
“Now, sugar, I find it hard to believe—”
You move as if to stand up, going to remove the hand from his neck to use one of his shoulders as leverage. Before you can get far, really even one inch away from him, one of his hands is flying from your thighs to clutch at the wrist of the hand that’s leaving his throat. He holds you there, and you can feel the way his pulse is racing. He maintains the way he stares into your eyes, but this time his are wide, almost as if in fear that you’d actually get up and leave. 
“Try again.” You don’t change the way half your weight is off him, but you let him hold your wrist.
“Whatever you want, goes.” He swallows slowly before speaking again, “Will you just–Will you please sit back down?” 
He doesn’t let go of your wrist.
You ease yourself back into his lap and run your free hand in between you till you reach his erection. It sends a thrill through you to feel just how excited he is by all of this. You want to hear him say please again, you want to see how far you can push your luck with him in the palm of your hand. You want him to beg.
You laugh lightly, if not a bit cruelly, as you squeeze his cock over his jeans, “Does this turn you on, Rhett?” You pause to watch how his pupils dilate at your tone before pressing on, “Not much of a big, bad, man now, are ‘ya?”
To your surprise, that doesn’t set him off. Most men wouldn’t let you put your hand around their throat, much less question just how much of a man they are. But he barely reacts beyond his chest rising and falling, his hands moving back to fully settle on your thighs and this time, gripping tightly. 
“Like I said, whatever you want, sugar–I just want ‘ya to use me. Be good for something,” He licks his lips and exhales shakily, “Be good for you.” 
Jesus. His sincerity bleeds through in the way his face is flushed and he maintains steady eye contact. He doesn’t waver for a single moment. 
Something sick twists in your chest. Never before has a man been so willing, so pliant, for you. They’ve always tried to take what they want from you, always tried to make you submit. But what you actually wanted was this, Rhett’s eyes gazing pleadingly up at you while you sit in his lap. 
“So this is what you wanted all along, huh? Always following me around, playing pranks on me, just wanted me to get my hand around your throat and use you?” You’re goading him on, trying to discern exactly what he wants you to say, what he’ll let you get away with. 
With that, you lean close as if to kiss him and he closes his eyes lightly in anticipation, but at the last second turn your head so you can drag the tip of your nose across his cheek. The shudder that runs through him at the feather-light sensation is delicious; it makes you laugh lightly at how affected he is. His breaths are starting to come heavier, already betraying him if he tried to hide how badly he wants this. But he isn’t hiding, not in the slightest.
Now that you’re this close to him, the scent of him is overwhelming. It floods your mind and makes you almost lightheaded as you realize just how badly you want him. Part of it is that he’s so pliant, so willing, but the other part is the truth of the matter that you finally have to admit to yourself: you don’t hate Rhett Abbott. 
In fact, his whole years-long performance has only meant that his constant presence is lingering somewhere at the forefront of your mind regardless of whether he’s around or not. When you’d gone off to college, those nine months had been odd without him around. You’d half expected him to show up to walk you between lecture halls or push some frat boy off you at a party.
(What you don’t know is that Rhett did almost go out to visit you. He’d looked at plane tickets, at how long it might take him to drive. He decided against it when he remembered every time you’d rejected him or told him to, very unkindly, “fuck off”.)
“Can I kiss ‘ya?” His voice is rough and he licks his lips again, like it’s a nervous habit. 
You press a gentle kiss to his cheek and giggle softly to yourself when he whines and says, “That’s not what I meant and y’know it.”
Finally, you press your lips to his. They’re soft and warm and he’s so much better of a kisser than everyone else you’ve been with that it almost knocks the wind out of you. But he keeps you grounded, especially when his hand moves up to your jaw so he can coax it open. The way he licks into your mouth makes you let out a startled gasp. 
You don’t expect it to feel so good. It’s one thing to sit in his lap and flirt, it’s a whole other to taste him and understand why girls chase him endlessly. You can’t stop the way your hips move against his and he keeps one hand on your thigh while the other goes to your tits. His hand dwarfs your chest and he gropes you haphazardly. 
“Fuck, you’re even better than I imagined,” He sighs, pushing up against the hand that’s still around his throat. 
“I haven’t even taken my clothes off, Rhett.” You tease, wanting to see how far you can push him, see if you can still get a rise out of him.
But it seems he’s given up the fight now that you’re right where he wants you. He smiles gently as he pulls back to look you in the eyes, “I could finish in my pants like a damned teenager with you like this, sugar, doesn’t matter.”
Rhett Abbott, womanizer, absolute menace in your life, admitting that he’s got it so bad for you that he could come in his pants just from having you near him? You could’ve guessed that he wanted to fuck you, but you always thought it would be more of him getting his rocks off and letting you fend for yourself. It never would’ve occurred to you that this is how he’d be in the moment. Him admitting how weak he is for you makes your head spin.
You press yourself ever closer to him, licking into his mouth and trapping his hand between the two of you where it had been stroking your nipples through the thin fabric of your sundress. He manages to free it, though, and slides it down your side to where your thigh creases. He wraps it around you there and the the sheer size difference between his hand and your hip makes a twisted sort of want course in your veins.
The first press of his thumb against your clit through your panties sends a jolt through you. He keeps your hips moving in a steady rhythm against his as he works steady circles over your clit. His other hand won’t stay still as it runs up and down your back, rubs your nipples, yanks on the tips of your hair ever so slightly. It’s mind-numbingly filthy, the quiet of his house filled with both of your gasps and moans, your hand still on his neck. 
“Cum for me, sugar,” Then, as if he’s anticipating your chastisement, he adds, “Please.”
Your orgasm rips through you like white hot lighting as you gasp into his open mouth and he moans right along with you. You realize you’re chanting his name over and over like a prayer, completely unwittingly. He doesn’t let up with any of his movements, prolonging your pleasure til it folds into something more biting, just on the edge of overstimulating. 
“Fuck, Jesus,” He gasps, and after a moment, “I’ll be thinking ‘bout that til I die,” He rasps out, settling both of his hands on your hips and leaning his forehead against yours. 
You want to tease him about taking the Lord’s name in vain but you hold back. For a moment, it’s quiet. Your hips are still against his as you take in what just happened. It begins to dawn on you that he’s still hard under you, but he isn’t making any moves to change that. 
He starts to shift under you like he’s considering standing up but you stop him by leaning into him. 
“Ah ah, I’m not finished with you yet,” His eyes snap to yours in surprise.
“Rhett Abbott. Tellin’ me I could make you cum in your pants like a teen boy?” You lean back ever so slightly with a light snarl on your face, finally tightening your fingers to a tight grip in a way that makes his eyes glaze over, “Prove it.”
Pressing the heel of your palm into his crotch, you watch as he eyes scrunch shut and he grinds up once, twice, three times before a he releases a shaky exhale. You watch as he comes, as he pants and whines through his orgasm, the denim under your hand growing warm and wet. He doesn’t stop grinding and thrusting up against your hand til it draws a pained moan from him. 
“Can I–Can I keep going?” He tries to make eye contact but his eyes are too unfocused from pleasure, “Like it when it, ah, when it hurts.”
God, this is what you’ve been missing out on the whole time? You let yourself rock steadily in his lap as he grinds up against your hand and leans forward to kiss you messily. You wonder if he let the other girls he’s been with do this to him. But something tells you that isn’t the case–you really don’t want it to be.
The whines and gasps he’s letting out as he’s writhing below you are something from your most far-fetched fantasies. You’re only slightly stunned as you feel him get hard again below you, though it seems to draw out the pain more than the pleasure given the way his face twists up and the hiss he lets out. All at once he settles; and then he goes to lift your wrist away from his crotch. 
It’s terribly tender, the way he pulls away from you to press a kiss to the palm of your hand and smile widely at you. You almost get whiplash.
“What are you playin’ at?” You can’t help but settle back into your old ways–the Rhett Abbott you’ve known for so long has only really been around to aggravate you, the heartfelt way he’s looking at you sets you off kilter. 
When he laughs at the way you’re starting to get irritated, you try to pull your hand from his to no avail and it makes the heat rise in your face, “Knock it off, Rhett. You’re bein’ an asshole.”
But he just keeps smiling at you as he pulls your other hand off his neck so that he can place both on his shoulders and cradle your face, “You’re so beautiful.”
As if anticipating the way you’re going to react to his words, he pulls your face to his so that he can press your lips together once again. It’s nothing like before. Before it was all tongue and your lips barely meeting through the gasps and moans being pulled out of you. This time it’s something so warm, so delicate, it makes your chest hurt in a different way. 
“I hate you, Rhett Abbott,” You manage to gasp out once he pulls away fully, a sparkle in his eyes. It doesn’t have any heat to it, lacks all the rage it used to–this time, it just sounds like you might be trying to tell him you love him. 
He ignores you in favor of standing with you still in his arms and declaring, “Come on, let’s go get cleaned up and go to bed.”
Somewhere between your orgasm and when he kissed you that final time, you think he might’ve figured it out too–that you don’t hate him and maybe you never have. Because you let him carry you through his dark home without protest. You let him undress you wordlessly, without fanfare and without ogling your naked form. He simply drops your soiled clothing into a laundry hamper and starts undressing himself.
You watch him strip as he turns on the shower and gestures for you to follow him in when he steps in. For just a second you stare at him, halfway in and halfway out from under the stream of water, the way he’s staring at you expectantly. 
He still has that bruise on his cheek from where James Earl hit him what feels like a lifetime ago. His knuckles are still split in some places, just turning that particular shade of red in others. He’s a goddamn vision under the yellow and white fluorescent lights of his bathroom. It makes you want to hold your breath for fear that you’ll disturb the moment somehow.
The shower proceeds without a hitch. It’s oddly lacking sexual tension, though you notice that he’s still half hard. You have half a mind to sink to your knees and suck him off, just to prove your point, just to show him you mean business. But the way he gently washes you as if he’d done it a million times before stops you. You let him clean you up between your legs without a protest.
When he opens the bathroom cabinet to reveal various creams and lotions after you’ve both stepped out and wrapped yourselves in towels, you feel yourself start to get angry. Is he seriously showing you all the products he buys for all the other girls he brings home?
Instead, he smiles sheepishly at you and rubs the back of his neck, “You always smell so good, I spent ages tryin’ to figure out which one you were usin’. Just bought all of ‘em at some point.”
You feel floored as the fight leaves your body. You don’t have a way to be upset about that. Wordlessly, you pick up one of the bottles tucked in the second row and hand it to him. 
“It’s this one.” 
The grin that spreads over his face is one of such genuine happiness it makes you want to squeal and run for the hills at the same time. You wonder distantly if he’ll ever stop making you feel like that–simultaneously like a trapped animal and like you’re the only girl he’s ever seen. You wonder if this (there’s a ‘this’?) will last long enough for you to find out.
He lends you one of his shirts and you’re pleased to find out that it does hold his smell. It sits long on you, settling around your knees, making you feel just a bit like a sexy ghost with the way it hugs your chest. He pulls on a pair of briefs before flicking off the overhead light and then throwing back the covers and patting the space next to him.
“You’re a vision for a blind man, sugar,” His voice carries through the otherwise silent room, “Now come to bed.”
It’s something out of a daydream, climbing into bed with Rhett Abbott. You’re immediately enveloped in his scent, the way his arm lays heavy around your waist and pulls you close to him. For once, you don’t fight him.
“You okay there, sugar? Been awfully quiet.” His voice is low right next to your ear before he turns away momentarily to turn off the bedside table light. His arm is back around you in an instant.
Wiggling yourself around in his arms, you turn so that the two of you are nose to nose. He smiles that smile again, the one that fills you with warmth and makes your stomach twist. There’s barely enough light from outside to really see him as your eyes adjust to the dark, but you know his face.
“I don’t think I hate you.” 
He starts laughing. It shakes his shoulders and makes the bed creak. His eyes screw up and you can feel the way his stomach moves against yours. You feel your shoulders go up by your ears and you try to pull away, embarrassed that he’s laughing.
“I’m sorry, sugar, c’mere,” He tugs you even closer to him than before, if possible, “I’m not laughin’ at you, I’m laughin’ only ‘cause I never hated you. I don’t really think you hated me either.”
“Hey!” You’re indignant, “Rhett Abbott, who’re you to tell me how I feel?”
“Alright, alright, sugar, I’ll take ‘yer word for it. My heroics do it for ‘ya?” You barely catch the way he winks at you in the dark, but it makes you want to bite him in retaliation.
“The way you almost got the snot beat outta ‘ya? Sure.” Scoffing, you turn yourself over so you’re facing away from him again, only you don’t move out of his arms. 
He huffs lightly in protest, but lets it go in favor of nuzzling into your hair and pressing his lips to the crown of your head. It sends a warm sort of heat through you. You’re not ready to fully give in to him yet, but you think he might be growing on you. You’ll just have to see.
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the-kk-crow ¡ 2 years
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Dreamtale Sans Update
Check his website for the newest download links!
This update took 8 months but definitely worth it. Here's the list!
New Collaborator! 🤝 @wyrm-in-the-apple, co-writer of Black Apple Blues helps with the ghost now!!! Redone Goopmode 🐙 Entire shell is redone, as well as much of the dialogue. You can see this by either doing the negative route, OR by booting him on Halloween! Redrew some poses 🧸 This includes the shrug pose, some others I forgot, and the doll pose. Also there's a new doll. And the pre-existing doll dialogue works now. Changed ACT Options ❓ Now you can read him some stories or whatever. Dialogue Replacing 🔊 A lot of the dialogue was replaced to fit better with the Black Apple Blues series, which is... ABOUT him, so it'd be weird to have them contradict each other lol. New Icon 🍎 Now there'll actually be something in your task tray thing! Just a little cute. More Book References 📕 When I first made the ghost I just pulled Night's book summaries from the Hunter and Smoker ghost, but I decided it'd be funnier to add a bunch of my own that actually reference AUs and maybe remove a few that weren't fitting. Rewrote the readme.txt 🧾 Who can resist?
Tweaks: SSP Menu 🎀 Touched up the right click menu because the old one was fuzzy. It's basically the same, though. Rebalanced Negative Route 💦 The old one took FOREVER and now there's some behind the scenes restructuring with negact and posact and villagelevel to make it faster.
Talk Function 🗣 The talking function would only work if you waited or pressed "t" on your keyboard, and the one in the menu didn't work. This is fixed. Cutscenes work 🎬 I fix this every update don't I? Sleeping 🛌 skeleton will no longer fall into the superposition of being both asleep and awake Relationship Level 💔 Fixed deleting your relationship level value when updating ??? 🛠 Various typos and other stuff
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talesofourworlds ¡ 6 months
🗣 for hubert and sync b/c they're the first charas to come to mind HAHA
Send me 🗣+ the names of 2 muses on the blog, and there will be a random conversation written involving them.
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"Well, well, well. If it isn't another drop in the bucket of children soldiers. With daddy issues to boot. What's the matter? Are you still mad because your brother was the favorite? That you got thrown away like a piece of garbage? That makes us worth about the same."
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"You're really comparing me to you? At least my self worth isn't so far in the negatives that I'd throw myself away at a moment's notice. You think you're so worthless that you only function as a tool! Who's the real fool when you can't accept that you are more than your shallow impressions of yourself?"
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"Don't give me that 'You have value, you're not trash' crap. I heard it enough from Asch's reject replica and the seventh Ion!"
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"Then maybe you should actually take that sentiment and apply it to yourself! You call yourself trash, say that you have no purpose, yet you still draw breath!"
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"Big talk from someone who's dead set on never forgiving the fact that their father threw them away. Face it. We're not that different."
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"...Perhaps there is some similarity. Limited though it is. But where you decided to take the way Van shaped you and latched on to the idea your existence meant nothing, I made something of myself. I hope one day you can do the same."
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"Save your breath, Lieutenant. I told you, I'm nothing."
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"Suddenly, I'm very grateful I didn't hold on to the grudge I once bore against mother and Asbel..."
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starrysupercell ¡ 3 years
How do you think the Bosses of Starr Park were like before being controlled? (Bosses I’m referring to are like Mr. P and Byron and anyone that qualifies as a boss job wise)
~🎶~ Pushing us around when we can't fight back! SHITTY BOSS! ~🎶~
(I covered the three you mentioned here, but expect a part two soon for more bosses like Bull and Barley! I'm just trying to catch up on asks. <3)
I feel Mr. P has had broad strokes of bad luck in his life. He had big dreams! He could see the way his life would play out, how he could be on top of the world... If he only had the tiniest fraction of luck others seemed to have. But I feel he came from a poor upbringing, and really had to scrap up to save.
Since even before he was legally old enough to work, he's had at least one job at all times. Each cent from paychecks and tips went to his family. Working hard lets you go places in life.. and that place ended up being Starr Park.
Since he's very well-versed in all things customer service oriented, no doubt owning a hotel was his life long dream. That's exactly what they gave him! A lavish, cozy place that feels like the house he's always wanted...
Despite his exterior, Mr. P is soft! The poor guy's misunderstood though, and still continues to be! He likes decorations, and dressing up his Porters. His friends in the park are few, but very tightknit.
C'mon, let's be real. Those snowman signs were there for a reason. Snow Tick's fantasies were bombing the guests and causing mayhem inside! It's happened before.
And Mortis gave him flak for "bad acting" and being cast as a vampire. Please, he was assaulted several times, and still agreed to finish the movie. If that isn't hard work, I don't know what is. Justice for P!
Regardless, I really think his bad luck is easing up...
I haven't really given much thought on Byron. 😪 /s
Byron had strict parents growing up. Very strict, very demanding and very particular in how they wanted the snapshot of their kids to be displayed to the public. So much so, that his older sister ran away, leaving him behind.
Well, that was just as well.
In the same way his parents turned their full attention on him to upkeep the same air with no cracks showing, he turned his full attention to his work, his demeanor, his words.
Of course, being an incredibly talented man with such skill and dedication was the perfect candidate. To boot, his morals weren't the strictest, and really, who would miss him?
He's a true asset to the Park.... but he's not being controlled, you see. He's the one pulling the strings around here.
I take Griff as somebody who's felt he never shone as bright as his siblings. Even at his best, he was average.
His interest was always showmanship and theatrical stints. Being a voice actor or a singer was his dream, but rampant voices at the back of his mind rampant made him falter on the path to doing so.
It was a make-it-or-break-it situation, and from his experience, he'd no doubt break it. The fact that he never heard many compliments in his life was also what led to him being discouraged.
That's why he believed being a business owner would come more naturally to him. If he really studied, and put his heart and mind to it, there's no way even he could fuck this up, right!? He just had to stick by the book!
Why wasn't it working.
Why can't he ever accomplish anything.
It didn't help that Edgar's already sour attitude was magnified because his father figure former boss was suddenly "replaced" by this grade a jerkwad.
It's a back and forth of increasingly worse tempers.
But, this has been covered before! (Not mine, but I enjoy and agree with this headcanon.)
They both go through necessary steps. Edgar takes much needed time off and learns a little more about anger management, and Griff gets shown the ropes, learning to accept that theres not just one way to get things done. (At that, Byron also gets peace of mind about the Gift Shop.)
Now Griff is trying to be more of an understanding boss, like being the one to be the holiday mascot when it's colder weather, eeeven though Edgar is still skeptical.
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talkingtea ¡ 3 years
Agree with anon. Eric is a fanboy at heart. There was an interview where he said "people think i hate romance, i domt hate it. I am a romance guy. I love happy endings" (paraphrasing) but thats when it clicked for me that he doesnt lol. His mentality is that barry and iris must earn things. Barry the gold boots even though he can just have them and iris must suffer first to be happy. He also doesnt know how to write barry and iris as individuals and together because he has no idea who they are. Barry is basically unrecognizable. He keeps giving iris powers even though what we want is for her to be a journalist. He really has no idea who barry and iris are. When i watch im mostly like "barry wouldnt do that" or "thats mot how iris would react" and thats where it starts. They are the core, if they dont feel right, no one on the show will. And i think thats why the show FEELS off.
Eric wants a show where everyone has powers and the human aspect (which iris brought and joe too in earlier seasons) to be less than the hero aspect and thats not what the flash is. Its always been heart first. You dont watch flash for a good fight scene. The show had a lot of heart. Eric took it out and stomped on it and tried to make a frankenstein version of the show, came out and tried to convince us it was the same thing. A show should develop but this thing we are watching isnt the flash, it has the same characters but it isnt the same
Sorry for the rant 😭
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crispin-kreme ¡ 3 years
Hello friend, may I request a Tears of Themis matchup if this is still open?
I am an INTJ-T, Aries sun, Capricorn moon, and Cancer rising. Currently I am attending college as a psychology major, soon I’ll be going into graduate school for clinical psychology (my end goal is to be a child psychologist). I’m often busy with school and I work myself way too much— I’m a perfectionist and it’s not healthy, haha.
Some description of myself: I’m approximately 164cms, chin-length hair, dark eyes, and olive complexion. I am nearsighted and I do have glasses… though I often forget to wear them (which can be a problem at times). I do have two tattoos, both located on my legs, and I plan on getting more. I often dress to be comfortable. Usually it is dark hoodies, ripped jeans, black boots… yeah, pretty much anything black lol.
Personality wise I’d say I’m pretty motherly. Sure, I’m not really good at expressing myself unless I experience strong emotion— but I try at least. I enjoy caring for others. Over the years I’ve developed morbid humor and a strange fascination with the dead… yes, I suppose it can make people a little weirded out, but I just adore bones.
Some interests of mine: Astrology, psychological disorders, health psychology, mortuary sciences, reading, horror movies, collecting (books, bones, crystals, tarot decks, and coffee mugs), paranormal stuff and conspiracy theories.
I hope this is enough information, my friend. Please keep up the wonderful writing and if you do get to this, thank you very much <3.
i ship you with vyn ritcher
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two psychologists in a relationship so cool😋. vyn would talk loads about psychology with you and thats okay its a given already lol. helps you with your studies if you need assistance. he would love to hear about your interests! (and omg u like tarot cards? bcs same, i do readings lol 🗣). doesn’t matter if thats dead people or astrology or conspiracy theories, all that matters to him is your enjoying with him (god i hoped that didn’t sound wrong)
he’d appreciate and love your caring personality. vyn might actually find it easy to show his vulnerable side to you because you’re just so caring. in return, he becomes more caring. spoils you i guess 🕴. maybe manipulates you into giving your whole attention to him but you’ll never know.
thank you sm for requesting and i hope you liked this! <3
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dragonologist-phd ¡ 3 years
🗣: oc’s temperament (sarcastic, violent, honest, etc.)
answered here!
💍: favourite magic item?
Does Finnean count?
jk, let me think...I don't think there were any specific inventory items that really stuck out, but there were a lot of items I like for character reasons! Dancer's boots, the thiefling ring, the bracers! accessories are not for making my character stronger they're for helping build her character and backstory lol
🎼: opinions on the ost?
um, no strong opinions? honestly a lot of the time i play with the volume low so i don't pay much attention to it in the moment
⛺️: what’s your favourite camp banter?
oh there's too many good ones to choose from!
I'm just gonna make a blanket statement and say all the stuff between Aru and Seelah is wonderful. I was afraid at first the lawful characters would be super judgey of Aru but Seelah is so wonderfully supportive and welcoming to Aru and it warms my heart! honestly if Aru doesn't romance the Commander I do kind of ship them, they just have a great relationship!
Woljif and Sosiel also have a really good good and underrated friendship, most of it consisting of Woljif poking at Sosiel and Sosiel smiling along and being too patient to get riled up. there's a really good one that's basically:
Woljif: So, hypothetically speaking and for no reason at all, what's the most valuable item in the temple of Shelyn?
Sosiel: rose tea <3
And of course all of Nenio's banter is pretty darn great!
❤️: any npcs you liked, or even wished you could romance?
All the Azata NPC's are awesome, and I really liked Aranka. Piper was definitely flirting hard with her when they first met, lol. I'm not really dying for any full romances though, given that would be some pretty limited content unless they got upgraded to full companion
I do wish we got a wlw Seelah romance though. Games never let me kiss the buff ladies!!
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elwenyere ¡ 3 years
🌹🗣😂✍️ (it was so hard to choose!)
Thank you so much for these asks, HT! I tried to choose some fun ones for you. <3<3<3
Share your favorite dialogue exchange: from the Stony branching timeline sequel (now with side Sam/Bucky!)
“And no more run-ins with the alien tech?” Steve asked, still searching Tony’s face.
“Nothing we need to worry about,” Tony answered, leaning over the back of the armchair where Natasha had curled up. Steve looked like he was going to press the matter, but Tony was saved from further scrutiny by Bucky flashing his cards quickly at Sam across the table.
“Quick: say kemps,” he said evenly, and Sam yelled “Kemps!” at the same time that Vision politely chimed in, “Kemps, Sergeant.”
“That’s cheating,” Wanda complained, kicking lightly at Bucky’s shins under the table. “You’re supposed to use a signal.”
“A, there’s no rule that says your signal can’t be obvious as hell,” Bucky pointed out. “B, I’m playing a game of stealth against opponents that have telepathy,” he jabbed a finger at Wanda, “a mind stone,” a jab at Vision, “and whatever secret-head-nod, Vulcan-mind-meld thing these two have going on,” a wave of the hand between Steve and Natasha. “Meanwhile, my partner fights in a bird costume. So ‘obvious’ is really the only advantage he brings to the table.”
“Some lights can’t be hidden under a bushel, man,” Sam grinned at him. “I just burn too bright.”
Share your funniest line (or dialogue exchange): from a Sam/Bucky coffeeshop meet-ugly
Bucky’s smile faltered as he hesitated among a range of possible responses (sarcastic downplaying, who-me? ignorance-feigning, ostentatious high-roading), but then he saw Sam staring at him levelly across the table, holding eye contact for a protracted moment before he tipped back in the chair and stretched his arms behind his head.
“I’ll take a large latte,” he told Bucky evenly. “No need for sugar, because I’m perfectly sweet.”
Oh, I’ll show you sweet, Bucky muttered internally, and he shot Sam a horribly strained grin that he hoped would convey a similar sentiment.
“One large latte coming right up,” he promised.
“Bucky,” Steve said warningly.
“Steven, you’ll be taking your usual, I presume: drip coffee, burnt like the trust of your closest friends.”
Share a line you’ve edited, and what it used to be: from a Sam/Bucky Old Guard AU (with side Stony eventually):
Before: The first time Sam Wilson died, he had the theme song from The Golden Girls stuck in his head. Riley had been singing it into an imaginary microphone while they suited up (they both had their own ways of channeling the pre-flight adrenaline, and Riley’s sounded like two cats going at it in an alley), and even though Sam had rolled his eyes and chucked a towel at him at the time, it had been playing on a loop in Sam’s mind all the way from Kandahar.
After: The first time Sam Wilson died, he had the theme song from The Golden Girls stuck in his head. Riley had been singing it into his combat boot while they suited up for the last mission (everyone had their own ways of channeling the pre-flight adrenaline, and Riley’s sounded like two cats going at it in an alley). Sam had rolled his eyes and chucked a towel at him at the time, but then sure enough, the fucking tune had been playing on a loop in his mind all the way from Kandahar.
Share your most poetic line: from the same fic:
That was the first time: a jagged line of fire tearing through his tissue as the combined voices of his dead wingman and Cynthia Fee thanked him for being a friend.
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devilish-bloom ¡ 2 years
A/N: You know what…fuck it
Introducing my oc of this blog 🥁🥁🥁
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Meet Zora! 🍀🤫🦊
Age: 17 👩‍🦰
Height: 5’5 👟
Gender: Female 🧍‍♀️
Sexuality: Asexual 🖤🤍💜
Weight: 120lb 💪
[Species: Human]
(Don’t have the colors or know any apps to help - so try picturing this…)
Hair: dark ginger 🧑‍🦰
Eyes: golden 👁⚜️
Jumpsuit with sleeves: champagne 👡👢
Vest: emerald green 🟢💎
Sash: Canary yellow 🐤
Boots: copper / bronze/ goldenrod 🍂🥉📔
- adventure 🏴‍☠️
- traveling 🧳
- animals & insect 🐰🦋
-pastry 🥮🍰
- responsibilities 📚
- lies/ liers 🗣❌
- leaving someone hurt (physically and emotionally) 😔💔
- cruelty 🐍
- thunder & lightning 🌩 ⚡️
- stealing 🍃🤫
- hiking 🥾
- dancing 💃
- “causing trouble” 😈
- using the mockingjay whistle (ideal sound from Hunger games)
- Aladdin 2.0 🐵🧞‍♂️😉
- sly fox 🦊
Even though she enjoys keeping her village active with her mischievous tricks, Zora won’t waste any opportunity to help and protect the innocent people she knows.
She constantly travels, so don’t be too surprised if you are met with this energetic human. And by energetic, I mean constantly running away from authorities, letting animals roam across walkways, sneaking in bakeries to “try” making pastries, constructing trees houses and making secret hideouts, sneaking shots of beer from bars to throwing a party later, hiking around forbidden areas, and much much more.
As of now, she doesn’t have any friends or developed any skills. But her carefree sprite will decide on that…
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cfmanymuses ¡ 5 years
🗣+ Namira and Horatia (do they know each other???)
Multimuse Conversations || Accepting!(Not in their respective canons, but for the purpose of this ask, they can!)
“Is there any particular reason you’re following me? You’re always around after I dispose of someone.”Namira’s tone was cold, hand resting on her bloodied blade. She’d stopped for a moment to clean it while the blood was still wet.
“You know I’m part of the cleanup team, even if I don’t particularly care what happens to these guys.”Horatia leaned on her scythe, booted foot resting on the blade. Her tone was easy, compared to the former assassins. “Anyway, I’m not here on business. I came to bring you some news.”
The elf twitched, dropping her cleaning cloth. “Good or bad?” She scrambled to pick it up off the ground, muttering a curse in Dwarven. That made the reaper smile.“Good, in a sense. When you left, there was a rebellion within the guild. Many of the members wanted their lives back, your mentor included. Some of them didn’t care to go back. They’re too used to this life of bloodshed. They clashed violently”She sighed, pushing back some hair that had fallen into her face.
“The ones who wanted to leave, did. The guild master was wounded in the fight, so he’s restricted in his movements. He can’t leave the headquarters, but he’s still sending the remaining members after the deserters. Would be a real shame if someone were to exact revenge on him for stealing their formative years.”Her words were accompanied with a grin, which she directed towards her former coworker. She had frozen again, this time while cleaning her blade. She could tell that she was thinking about it.
“Anyway, I should probably get this guys’ decay started and go on my way. It was good to see you.”Horatia lifted her foot off the scythe, which she rested against her shoulder, and turned to go. Before she could, though, she felt a hand on her shoulder.“Thank you, and I’m sorry. It’s just so hard to lower my guard these days. Every time I do... Well, you’ve seen what happens.”Namira huffed out what could have been a laugh and let go of Horatia, fumbling her sword back into its sheath. “Say hi to Brelynna for me, if you see her around?”The reaper grinned again, this time accompanied with a laugh. “You should go and visit her. She’s up in Neverwinter, last I heard.”
The two parted, and for the first time in a long time, Namira felt a glimmer of hope.
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the-kk-crow ¡ 2 years
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Dreamtale Sans Update! - 21/12/22
Check the website for the newest download links! If you already have the ghost, you can update from the menu or pressing Ctrl + U.
As I teased in this post where I canonized some old doodles I made, Dream real!!! Terrible that there's Dream in the Dreamtale Sans ghost now. Joke RUINED just like Nighty warned.
ANYWAYS, happy birthday to Dreamtale twins! Lets get into the update.
Dream is in here now!! 🔔 It's like a whole-ass other ghost!!! It's pretty limited comparative to Nighty, but look! Dream! I can only put this on one bullet point but like, got act menu, questions menu, some items, a few anchors, you can drop files on them, pet them, hit them, change how big or small they are, all the things. To unlock them you open the ghost on December 21st.
New random dialogue! 🗣 Totally nothing to do with this awful gif I posted lol
More ect.dic flavor text. 🔁 While I was working on putting Dream in there I just added some other stuff for goopy or nighty I thought would be fun.
Replies to other ghost's better. 👂 basically if another ghost tries to talk to Dreamtale Sans it will respond appropriate to whatever mode it's in.
Goopmare answering some questions as Nighty. 🐙 Pretty weird for mr.goop to be calling anyone "mommy" XD
Typo fixes, as always. 💬 When @wyrm-in-the-apple contributes to the ghost it's usually cleaning up my old mistakes, like a good little peon. (He did help with the coding though thx worm ^_^)
When you first boot him there were too many line breaks. 💔 This basically goes under typos but being specific is fun.
Also, there's a discord server now! Small moderated server about my Sans-AU projects with an entire channel dedicated to DTS, if you want to check it out, report bugs, suggest things, whatever.
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