#the bulletin
dynasticgazette · 2 months
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Trifles Light as Air. He: "Miss Brown, whenever I hear the piano, I shall think of you." She: "And Whenever I smell whisky, I shall think of you." -- Benjamin Edwin Minns (1863-1937) - The Bulletin, Vol. 29 No. 1476, 28th May, 1908
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sunyshorewaves · 2 years
are pokemon sentient enough that I could send my Scrafty to the store with a shopping list and money and he'd be allowed to shop by himself when he gets there
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submaskudari · 2 months
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they finally got my ass 🥹
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dinemunyu · 1 year
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bYEE i spent way too long on this
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I don't own any of the assets used in rebuilding the town and the ui—nah, that's the great work of ConcernedApe. I just merely made two extra buildings to look similar enough to the other buildings in town.
Why stardew though??? idk i couldn't sleep one night and instead detailed out the steps on how I would do this with unity and aseprite because of course I'm still thinking about trigun 24/7; only this time I've recently started playing stardew.
wanted to add Nai, Livio and the rest of the cast but i wanna work on keychains next sooooo
Nai works in the library where books are less likely to offend him. Livio helps around the orphanage. Vash likes to garden and to visit the bakery next door in his free time. Kinda want Zazie to be an absolute menace of a niece that got sent there under their care.
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tarochimochi · 4 months
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Man parents are so cool I wish I had some
Part: one of bfdi fan - parent project!
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mylittleredgirl · 1 month
lennier “from birth, I was raised in the temple and studied the ways of the religious caste, six months ago I came here” is pretty funny when you think about it.
not only is this his first job, it’s his first time living outside a monastery. imagine spending twenty years or so never meeting anyone who isn’t also in a minbari monastery, and then one of the nine-most important people on your planet plucks you out of divinity school sight unseen to come work for her. so they put you on a space transport and now you live at the United Nations International Airport (*soon to be the Independent Galactic War Outpost International Airport) with the most cosmically relevant people alive. and all This is happening.
maybe that’s to his benefit actually!! everyone else has to have their moment of reckoning when they realize “we are living in unprecedented times and, regrettably, it seems i am a named character in biblical-level events 😐” while lennier, fresh from minbari religious mythology and history class (one subject), is like oh yes they warned us about the biblical events! how fascinating to experience them in person.
his direct supervisor is the second coming. it turns out that he personally knows Jesus George Washington from a thousand years ago who he’s been praying to this whole time. then he’s right there in the front row when the First Ones get kicked sternly shamed out of the galaxy and there’s a civil war on his planet because society broke down and it’s still his first job!
honestly we’re too hard on him for being a dramatic disaster in season five when 73% of his life experience outside the temple has been directly related to the End of Days (the rest is administrative errands and that time londo took him to a bar). every person he knows is unhinged. he has never seen normal life even from a distance. it’s a lot to expect him to handle an ordinary thing like “falling in love with your milf boss who’s the first lady of the known universe and is also like if the pope had a massive well-trained space army personally pledged to die for her” with anything less than shakespearean levels of drama.
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since I’m drawing more of them, here is a bit of background for my x2 Prowler PunkFlower AU (mix of comic and animated canon and my own delulu):
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- Hobart started out in a life of crime because he felt trapped by his circumstances (this follows the comic canon, he is the youngest of 9 siblings, but his dad left early, mom was an alcoholic, and eventually even his big brother left. Even though he was a tech genius, he struggled to make a living). Then after his right hand was injured after a job for Kingpin, he was saved by Peter (let’s say in Earth 42 Peter is not Spiderman, instead he runs a company.. which is also comic canon at one point).
Parker Industry gave him a prosthetic and provided a healthier environment for Hobart to grow, they sponsor him to be a kind of vigilante to keep the city safe (again, this is a bit based on the comic canon, but in the comics he was paralyzed from the waist down for a while, he also worked for Parker Industry for some time).
- For Miles G. after his father died, there was a time when he lost his direction in life. He was haunted by the fact that he could not protect Jeff. Earth 42 is already chaotic, he doesn’t know how to protect his mother (since Uncle Aaron also has his own business and can’t stay with them all the time).
- One night when he was walking back home, Miles was stopped by a robber, normally he could protect himself, but that day his mind was spiraling so badly and before he knew it, he was cornered. That's when Prowler saved him.
- Hobart was just on duty, the alley was dark so he couldn't see the other boy very well, he just turned his back to tie up the robber and told Miles to go home, it's very dangerous here.
- At that time, the Prowler symbol on the back of Hobart’s jacket seemed to engrave itself in the back of Miles’ eyelids - a call to fight, a call to protect. He made a decision then.
- Miles immediately ran to Uncle Aaron and told him of his intention to be a vigilante. Aaron was hesitant at first, but Miles said that if he didn't train him, he would go find the Prowler himself and ask him for help. Aaron was worried that Miles would be taken advantage of by others, so he accepted to train and help him create tech.
- After a while, the two of them started blowing things up left and right in Brooklyn with Miles as the new Prowler, that was when Hobart realized that there was another guy running around in his symbol (there is a whole theme in the comics where Hobie’s Prowler gears keep being stolen by other ppl to impersonate him 😭)
- He thought about telling the boy to stop, but seeing Miles punching criminals, confronting villains who are many times bigger than him yet was still not afraid, Hobart became… curious? Want to know who that person is, why do they do this.
- Of course, when they meet, Hobart still asked Miles to not to carry his logo around, but Miles stubbornly argued that anyone can be a symbol, and he would not dishonour this one.
- In general, Hobart was impressed with Miles, but it took some time for both of them to gradually trust each other. After more than half a year, Hobart took the initiative to tell Miles his true identity, Miles then also took him to meet his uncle.
- After the two became closer, Miles began to help Hobart repair and maintain his prosthetic. Hobart also began to doubt his future in Parker Industry. He had never liked to be confined to a system, and although Peter helped him a lot, he still wanted to be his own person, fought for his own ideals. So as soon as Miles and Hobart were able to fix his prosthetic on their own, Hobart left Parker Industry and moved in with Miles.
- They started dating after 2 years of knowing each other (Aaron thanked heaven and earth that his nephew finally stopped blue-ball that Hobart boy, his head hurt every time he has to witness their awkward flirting 😭😭), when Miles G. met Miles 1610, he and Hobart had been officially dating for a few months.
So basic timeline: first meeting Miles G. was 13 / Hobart was 15 -> worked together as Prowlers team at 14 / 16 -> Hobart left Parker Industry / they started dating when Miles is 15 and Hobart is 17 -> meet Miles 1610.
Well that’s all for now, so when I draw that AU it’s based on that groundwork. Cheers!
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catelyngrant · 10 months
So I'm thinking about the Fourteenth Doctor, and the bi-generation, and how he may have come to an end. What happened to him after those years he spent with Donna and her family, and with so many other friends on Earth (oh, I am headcanon-ing, friends), existing day-to-day and beginning to heal? After he learned how to let himself be loved, and shown compassion, and forgiven—and, eventually, learned to love, forgive, and care for himself? What happened when, at the end of this journey, his regeneration energy (I assume?) traveled back (in some hand-wavey fashion) to become the Fifteenth Doctor, who is born out of that love and forgiveness and compassion and is ready to move forward in the universe?
Fourteen becomes Fifteen—but what about the TARDIS?
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Fourteen's TARDIS was created for the same reason Fourteen was: they needed to slow down, to be gentle. They needed to find a home that wasn't moving at the speed of light. So maybe this TARDIS is a little gentler, too. Maybe she's a little more careful of herself and her charges.
When Fourteen takes Rose to Mars, they land right where they're supposed to, and Rose sees wonders. Nothing bad happens, and they return home five minutes after they left.
When Shaun wants to see a football match from 1988, he opens the TARDIS door and she takes him right there, flying all by herself, to Fourteen's chagrin.
When Fourteen takes Mel to New York, they have adventures that don't involve running, or hiding, or screaming with anything but laughter. When Fourteen takes Jo, Ace, and Tegan to the Jurassic era, the only danger he faces is when he makes an age joke.
When, after Sarah Jane dies (yeeeears in the future, tyvm), Fourteen takes Luke, Maria, Clyde, and Rani to see Florana—the place he promised to take Sarah Jane all those years ago—the TARDIS chooses the safest, most beautiful moment in time for them to honor her memory.
When Donna and Martha and Yaz and Shirley sneak in for a joyride, they have the time of their lives, and the TARDIS covers for them. (Fourteen suspects, but can't prove it.)
When Fourteen is struggling, and chafing at life on Earth, and just needs to run, to fix things, to solve puzzles, to get away from the day-to-day of it all, the TARDIS lets him. She takes him so many places he's never been before, and they're all beautiful and wild and remind him what he loves about the universe.
(He tries, a few times, to go places that might bring him pain, and she gently refuses.)
And every now and then, someone will try to get in. This TARDIS doesn't have a key; she just opens to those in her care, and refuses entry to those she doesn't trust. She is safe, and so are they.
When Donna's in her eighties and can't get around as easily, the TARDIS takes her where she can manage. When Rose is overwhelmed with the pain of the world, the TARDIS takes her to places where none of that pain exists, and lets her stay as long as she needs to.
They live magnificent lives, and the TARDIS takes care of them. And then, at the end of it, Fourteen is ready for what comes next, and he becomes Fifteen. There's only one Doctor again.
But this TARDIS...
I think she stays, right in the corner of that yard. She leaves and then lands so precisely that roots and ivy grow over her. The Doctor is gone, and eventually Mel and Sarah Jane and Jo and Donna and Martha and everyone that traveled with the Doctor once upon a time in a different TARDIS are gone too.
But Rose is still there. Luke, Maria, Rani, and Clyde are still there. Their families, their kids. The TARDIS opens to them, and shows them the universe. She takes them only where she chooses to, and it's always exactly where they need to go.
She always takes them home, to the garden that once belonged to Donna Noble.
The Doctor finds new companions. Some of them come home to Earth after awhile, but they're not stuck dreaming of the universe. You showed me the furthest reaches of the galaxy, Sarah Jane said. You showed me supernovas, intergalactic battles, and then you just dropped me back on Earth. How could anything compare to that? We get a taste of that splendor, but then we have to go back.
These new companions, they return to Earth and their lives there, but every now and then, they swing by that old house that the Noble family has lived in for generations. They say hello to this old/new box, and she invites them in.
They don't have to say goodbye to the universe. She's right there in Chiswick, waiting for them.
And sometimes—on rare occasions, when they need it, or when he (or she, or they) does—she takes them to the Doctor.
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nishimuraazr1zzkiii · 4 months
Well that was embarrassing....
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୨alternatively: enhypen reacting to you doing an aegyo!୧
Genre: fluff, crack┆pairings: ot7 x idol! fem! Reader┆ keep in mind: basically an aegyo is someone acting cute, (some) idols find doing aegyos cringy🤷‍♀️ 🤷‍♀️┆warnings: you're lowkey a people pleaser in sunoo's part. Sunoo isn't mentioned to be an idol so he can be an idol or not depending on you. Lowkey no happy ending for sunoo. Maknae line parts are long 😬😬. You're in Korea for ni-ki's part just for his part┆
Notes: did this after I posted the ni-ki insta stories, look at me being so productive🔥🔥 And this lowkey gets repetitive 😭
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
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𓆩♡𓆪 Heeseung reacting to you doing an aegyo on a variety show that the two of you and your group were apart of, all of the older members from both groups was forced supposed to do an aegyo. None of your members could complain since even though they didn't want to do an aegyo, they wanted their fans to become satisfied. Enhypen did it before your group, you watched with a smile as heeseung tried miserably acting cute without showing his dislike. After their group was now finished, it was now your turn. Being the eldest member of the group you were the first one to do an aegyo, as you were acting cute, heeseung was looking at you and even though he couldn't give much of a reaction but just let out a smile that reached his ears as you bury your face in your hand and quickly hiding behind your other members, hiding from the camera, the other hosts laughing at your reaction while heeseung kept his gaze on you with a large smile. He had a smile everytime he looked at you every chance he got. Meanwhile behind the camera he kept teasing you and Mimicking your voice and gestures with a higher pitch and exaggerated everything.
Safe to say, the smile he kept giving you on the show got him a jab to his ribs by jungwon(and you😇⁉( 1) and a dating scandal with you that lasted until he established that you both were indeed dating.
𓆩♡𓆪 Jay hearing that you were going to be forced to do an aegyo for a dare at a party got his attention faster then anything, was he talking to one of his member? No he isn't, he's looking at you with stars in his eyes subtly shining. He even tried to hide his smile after you did an aegyo, meanwhile you were sliding down on your seat to the ground, and covered your face as you were cruling yourself in a ball while shrieking loudly. You heard a low chuckle across from you, you peeked out from your fingers, you could see jay trying to hide his laugh from you, looking away while still drinking from his cup, you grabbed a nearby pillow and threw it towards jay almost spilling his drink on his clother and on the floor, you were still hiding your face from everyone and you still layed on the floor.
Even if he did (kinda) make fun of you, he'll admit to you when you get home that you're aegyo was the cutest one he saw in his whole life, earning a jab from you(2) while you blush
𓆩♡𓆪 jake had discovered you acting cute in videos while visiting your parents, your mom had shown jake your childhood pictures and videos, one caught his eye and your mom had showed him and explained that it was when you were 6 years old, acting cute in front of the camera to get chocolate from your mom, your mom seeing his reaction said that you were always like that when you were a child but when you got older you stopped doing it in front of your family, so jake took that as a challenge,he confidently said to your mom that he could make you do an aegyo Infront of him, your mom looked at jake before giving him a soft smile and said that she would be waiting, so when both of you went home, he kept begging you to do an aegyo after he discovered your younger videos while you were acting cute Infront of the camera you mother was holding. You kept denying Jake's request for an aegyo, you just told jake to watch your past videos if he so badly wants to see you do an aegyo, but after a while of him begging and bargaining with you, you let out a defeated sigh, hearing this jake looked at you with eyes that were filled with stars.
oh how you regretted doing an aegyo by his request, because now he keeps bugging you to do an aegyo everytime you want something from him or if you need his help.
𓆩♡𓆪 sunghoon and you getting nominated for the it couple of the year, you gave your speech and so did sunghoon, but before you were going back to your group assigned seat, your were stopped by the MC because you both had to do something the fans had voted for before the event started. The two of you having a smile but it immediately faded after you had heard what the MC said, having to hear it again for conformation, you glanced at sunghoon expecting him to do an aegyo for the both of you, seeing that he also was looking at you, thinking that the other one was going to do an aegyo, you two just look at each other, after a quick look at the mc, you eventually whispered to sunghoon for the both of you to do an aegyo. Both of you got embarrassed, but luckily for you, you got had already gotten used to it.
Meanwhile sunghoon hid his face behind the award that were given to him, still having his face hidden, he stole a glance at you, seeing you naturally do an aegyo, his embarrassment turned into admiration for your braveness since he know you dislike doing an aegyo.
𓆩♡𓆪 sunoo watched the newest episode of your variety show, guessing the word your member was saying to you while wearing headphones, getting split into two teams, the punishment still being unknown. The other team had started and they got 6 words right. You team started next and sunoo was rooting for you since you were the one guessing the word and every time you got a word correct he cheered quietly since it was late at night and his roommate had already fallen asleep earlier. After a few round of the guessing game, your team had lost to the opposing team and they picked the punishment to be ' one of the member has to do an aegyo', you glimpsed at your team looking gloom, having felt bad for the older members, you raised your hand, wanting to do an aegyo so your other members didn't have to. Sunoo viewed you in the screen while his lips unconsciously curled upwards admiring your courage. Seeing you act cute as the song played in the background, sunoo's heart beated loudly as he kept his eyes on you all through out the song. He wished he could become closer with you, what you like to do in your free time, how he wishes he could experience how you were so kind to people, to see it for himself, but he knew deep down he couldn't experience it since both of your social status were so far apart and how with just a single interaction with you could tarnish your reputation in just seconds knowing how knetz were so harsh with anything that associated with k-pop idols.
𓆩♡𓆪 jungwon and you were visiting his parents since they finally finishes their promotion so their manager granted them a week off and all the members(excpet ni-ki) went to their parent house to relax and spend time with their parent and/or siblings, you and jungwon were just hanging out in his room while playing with maeumi, waving around his favorite stuff toy at the same time he kept jumping around trying to get the toy from you. Jungwon was laying on his bed with his phone in his hands, staring at both of you playing around, you eventually got bored and maeumi got tired and went to sleep,you crawled on jungwon's bed and kept annoying him until he got super annoyed with you tickling his waist and went out of his room leaving you sitting on his bed. Feeling awful for bothering him, you went out to find him in the kitchen getting himself a glass of water, you sneaked around him making sure he doesn't notice you. You circled your arms around his waist tightly so he couldn't get away from your embrace, but he was much more stronger than you, he easily got away from your grasp and went back to his room, you following him close behind, still whining and pouting while he still kept ignoring you.
You both were now laying on his bed while he is scrolling on his phone, for a while he still kept ignoring you until you kept pouting at him and giving him teary eyes, he finally put down his phone and rolled and layed on top of you. Hearing giggles beside him, jungwon asked what you were giggling about, "I knew you wouldn't last long ignoring me~"
"Hmm, or maybe I should ignore you once in a while if I get to see you looking so adorable whining for my attention" jungwon smirked as he made you realize he ignored you because he wanted you to act cute for him. Well, the tables have turned, you were now ignoring jungwon and he was now trying to get you to talk to him.
𓆩♡𓆪 hanging out with konon in her apartment with your other friends in the living room, chatting amongst all of you, one of your friends suggested to have an aegyo battle since you guys weren't doing anything or playing any games. All of you agreed and started right away, but konon had forgotten to mention to all of you that her younger brother, riki, would visit her later in the afternoon but you guys were having to much fun and she eventually forgot it. After a while you guys were finally in the final round, you, konon and 2 other friends were finally finished battling. It was now you and konon's turn, she went first and while she started to act cute, you remained stoic, your lips twitched upwards a few times but now enough for you to let out a laugh, when it was finally your turn, all of your friends we're laughing so loud that all of you couldn't hear knocking at the front door. When you were in the middle of doing your aegyo to konon for the second time, the door suddenly burst open then revealed riki, konon's younger brother. Riki stared at both you and his sister with a dumbfounded look as silence quickly filled up the room, until finally, konon broke the tension by her shouting at rik for suddenly barging in while riki remarked back that he kept knocking but no one heard him. As he was rushed by his sister to get his stuff in the guest bedroom, you hid yourself from riki as you were getting relentlessly teased by your friends since riki saw you acting cute and you had a crush on him.
When konon came back from helping riki get his stuff organized, she saw you getting teased about something she couldn't hear, she let it go and announced that since her brother came to visit her she had to cook food for everyone, you were instantly crowned as the winner of the aegyo battle, everyone clapped and cheered for you. When konon was finally cooking food and everyone was talking to each other, your phone had a notification pop up, the name of the messenger was riki.
"I didn't know you were a pro of acting cute, why won't you do an aegyo in front of me :( "
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Final notes! : I FINALLY FINISHED THIS WORK, AFTER A MONTH OR TWO. I really hope you all enjoy this! And all the next work will be drabbles unless someone sends a request in my inbox!
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dynasticgazette · 3 months
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Playing the Waiting Game Auntie: "We could never approve of you marring Mr. Smith, Dorothy. Your father thinks he's a spendthrift, your mather thinks he's dissipated, and I think that he's altogether unsuited to you. Now what do You think?" Dorothy: "I think I'd better wait till he asks me, auntie." -- Benjamin Edwin Minns (1863-1937) - The Bulletin, June 10th, 1909
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boccher · 2 months
Oh yeah that last post reminds me. For anyone in the northern hemisphere, the Perseids meteor shower is peaking over the next week, with a maximum rate of 50 to 150 meteors per hour. The precise peak is around 11-13 August, but it persists before and after its peak at a lower rate. It'll be best viewed from after midnight until sunrise. The Perseids is one of the best annual meteor showers so it's worth looking for if you're gonna be outside
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Severin draws this memorable Hulk pose from the Bullpen Bulletins page of a 1980 Avengers issue
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marzipanandminutiae · 5 months
a cheer for my various workplaces
ready? okay!
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sacrificialcat · 6 months
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too fast, too soon.
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