#the casperan family au
cacahuatlll · 2 years
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Some Zoe Casperan She is filled with rage and angst!,,, and then young Zoe showing her powers to her little brother douxie. (Note; she didn’t get her powers at the age of the art, she got them way younger, I’ll expanded on this on another post someday lol) maybe one day you’ll get happy older Zoe 🥺❤️ I also have a small comic with them Asdfghjkl trying to finish it asap 🏃🏽‍♀️
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changlingfamilies · 1 year
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The Knights of New Avalon as students in The Owl House!
Close ups and explanations under the cut.
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Steve is a witch and potions student at Hexside though he used to be in construction. His dad works at Glandus but Coach is the construction teacher at Hexside. He also plays Grudgby.
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Krel is a human and is Multi-Tracking Bard and Illusion at Hexside. All the Akoridians are in the illusion track and use glamour stones to hide their ears in public.
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Aja is a human and is in abomination and illusion at Hexside. She also plays Grudgby.
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Toby is half human and is multi-tracking beast keeping and illusion at Hexside. He was born on the BI but still has some human features that he sometimes hides with a glamour stone. He likes to help his Papa with the animals.
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Claire is a witch and multi-tracking bard and healing at Hexside. I had her do healing because, in Changling Families Adventures, she became the team’s field doctor when Barbara isn’t present or available.
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Darci is a witch and Multi-Tracking healing and plant at Hexside. I headcanon that Darci grew up to be a social worker and therapist and thought plants and gardening would go well with that.
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Seamus is a half-wolf demon and is in beast keeping at Hexside. His bio dad was a witch but his mother was a wolf demon. He now lives with his dads, sister, and uncle who are all ogre demons.
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Mary is a witch in the abomination track at Hexside. Abomination is the closest there is to water and she could give Amity a run for her money. I probably should have made her blue streaks abomination…
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Eli is a winged witch demon and multi-tracks bard and plant magic just like his mother would have had she the opportunity. He likes to make plants grow with bard magic. Mary and Toby are his siblings and Krel is his boyfriend.
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Jim is a half demon and is in potions and abominations a Hexside. I combined his human and troll forms from Changling Families. I figured that these tracks would work for him on his way to take on Vendal's job as a school leader.
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And, finally, there is Douxie. He's just a witch and a bard at St. Epiderm since it's said to be the private school in the show.
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rikalovesrice · 2 years
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Just wanted to do a simple portrait with the (spooky-fied) hubby and wifey lookin’ cute, cool, and extremely dangerous uwu
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honeyxmonkey · 1 year
More of the walking dead au!
“Because, believe it or not, you’re part of this group now.” Rick gave him a meaningful look. “And I’m not going to leave you to believe otherwise. I don’t know what I’ve done to make you think you’re not safe here, or that we might make you leave for a reason I can’t comprehend. But we won’t. We don’t want you to leave, we don’t want you to be out there on your own. I told you I’m going to help you find your family, and I will. So please stop pulling away from us. You’ve been out of sorts ever since we brought Randall here, and I know this is the reason why. You basically told me as much back at the house.”
Douxie blanched, staring at him. Rick had just pointed out every single reason Douxie was angry right now. Maybe, in his head, Douxie had already convinced himself they were going to abandon him. So he wanted to leave before they could do that. Before they could hurt him first.
“Damniwch ef,” Douxie muttered. He sighed, looking at Rick with a tired gaze. But he didn’t deny a single thing he’d said. “You’ve got me in a glass box there.”
Rick smiled. “Come on. You can come back to your sulking tree after Hershel’s looked at your leg.”
Douxie climbed down after him, following him back to the house. “It astounds me you’d care so much about a person you’ve only just met.
“You’re a kid who’s lost everything important to him,” Rick said, slowing down so Douxie could keep up. “And despite your current attitude, I know you’re kind hearted and care more than you want to let on."
Douxie pursed his lips. “I suppose that’s true.”
“Hm,” Rick smiled, laughing softly. “By the way,” he said as he held the screen door open for Douxie. “What was that word you said just now? It wasn’t English.”
“Ah,” Douxie set his book down on the table. “No, it was Celtic Welsh. I did tell you I’m from Wales, right?”
Rick thought for a moment, then nodded. “I recall you telling us that, yes. But what did you say?”
Douxie gave him a sheepish smile. “”Damn it”.” He cleared his throat. “I do that a lot.”
“Cuss in Welsh?”
Douxie nodded. “If they don’t know what I’m saying, they can’t reprimand me for it.”
Rick chuckled. “I guess. Just don’t teach Carl any of those words, please.”
Douxie smiled. “I won’t.”
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albentelisa · 1 year
Hi! Here's an interesting ask. What if Jim was Douxie's younger brother but still falls for Claire?
Oh, I actually have a fic draft with that premise in my notes though I don't know if or when I may post that one. So, I guess, I'll just share some of my notes.
So, in that AU, Douxie and Jim are half-brothers (they have the same mother who is the daughter of the Casperan family head). They are two years apart, with Douxie being the older one. Douxie is supposed to be an heir - he was born from the arranged marriage between his mother and a talented wizard from another powerful magic clan. Casperan family was once powerful but currently is in decline. The arranged marriage was an attempt to revive the former glory.
As for Jim, he is born out of an affair between his mother and a Camelot knight. This birth seemingly ruins everything for Casperan's family. Douxie's dad leaves as he is greatly insulted. The mother dies soon after giving birth to Jim, leaving both boys in the care of their aunt and grandfather.
Jim is greatly despised in the family. They refuse to give him a magical name, giving him a regular one James. While no one attempts to get rid of him actively, the family keeps sending him into dangerous places to gather ingredients for potions hoping that Jim won't return. Jim befriends Blinky during one of those outings.
Jim seemingly possesses no magic (yet another reason why his family cannot stand him), but Douxie doesn't fare that much better. He was supposed to be a rare prodigy and the hope of the Casperan family, yet he is nowhere close to the expectations. Besides, he likes music and wandering way more than studying under his grandfather's tutelage.
Technically, Douxie and Jim trust only each other in their family, feeling no familial attachment to anyone else (well, Douxie also has his familiar Archie, but that's it).
Jim's magic manifests out of nowhere when he is 9. Unfortunately for him, his magic is shadowmancy (it's blue and black in color, BTW!) and the Casperan family tolerates that one even less than Merlin.
They decide to kill Jim, but Douxie and Archie save him and the three of them run away and settle in Camelot (because of Arthur's purges, the Casperan family has no connections there).
After some time Douxie discovers some unexplained oddity about his brother - Jim has stopped aging both physically and mentally (think of a Peter Pan-like situation). It's the result of Jim's trauma.
Even though they are only two years apart as time passes and Douxie keeps growing, it starts to look like their age difference is bigger.
Jim has a horrible opinion about all wizards except Douxie (he believes his brother is a rare exception and everyone else is a horrible person). He likes knights instead - well, the concept of a knight, who is a noble protector and a true hero, and their aesthetics.
Douxie meets Merlin when he is 16, and around the same time, Jim meets Morgana (his magic goes out of control and she senses him). Morgana is extremely happy to meet another shadowmancer and proposes Jim to become her apprentice. It's the first time someone treats Jim's magic as a good thing (even Douxie, while not calling shadow magic evil, avoids discussing it).
So, Douxie and Jim end as apprentices of Merlin and Morgana respectfully. Merlin is furious about Morgana's decision, he believes she isn't ready to teach anyone and most likely will only set Jim on the wrong path. Morgana simply doesn't care about her master's opinion.
Morgana's support makes Jim start growing again and he also starts to understand that there are more good people among wizards than he thought before. Jim's shadow magic is slightly different than Morgana's - he exceeds in conjuring different stuff from shadows and because of his admiration of knights he can easily summon and maintain an armor and sword made of shadows. Merlin is both horrified and enraged when he discovers it and claims that something like that is too dangerous. Morgana simply believes that Merlin is jealous as doing something like that without external conduits is a rare skill.
When Morgana changes sides, it's another low blow for Jim (as Morgana was a true mother figure for him). Not to mention that Merlin is pretty much deadset on sealing Jim as well before he grows up to become as dangerous as his master. Only Douxie's pleas make him change the plan, but Jim is put under non-stop surveillance from the Camelot knights with some wizards always ready to seal him if something goes wrong.
All of that is obviously no good for Jim's mental health and his time stops once again. Douxie tries his best to heal his brother's psyche but Jim seemingly needs something he can't give him. There are centuries of roaming with no change.
James Lake is Douxie and Jim's latest caretaker from Camelot knights (they keep existing as an organization) and he is a bit more flexible than his predecessors (well, and actually not that devoted to the case). That's why Douxie manages to talk him into trying to play the true family (as he hopes that if Jim has some normal life it may help him).
Douxie and Jim both take the de-aging potion and pose as James's small sons. Eventually, James meets Barbara and they marry. It is serious for Barbara (and she also gets attached to boys fast), but for James, it's just a passing infatuation. He falls in love with someone else and abandons Barbara. Douxie and Jim insist on staying though and James sees it as an opportunity to get rid of an annoying responsibility. Douxie is supposed to report to headquarters about the development, but he ends up faking reports to get some freedom.
Douxie's plan actually succeeds. Jim has Barbara and Toby now, and Jim finally actually gets into living through the teen years.
In this AU, Jim isn't the Trollhunter. Barbara takes over this role and Jim is forced to actively use his shadowmancy to protect her (as she is another mother figure for him and he'll do anything to protect her).
As for Claire in this AU, Morgana plans to use her as a vessel, so Jim is eventually forced into picking between his beloved master and the girl he loves. Obviously, he picks Claire. This entire situation helps him to get a full grip of his magic at last.
Some other stuff this AU features:
part-Akiridon Toby (both Toby and Jim discover each other's secret simultaneously - and it's awkward),
changeling Steve (and he's also Draal's younger brother),
space mercenary Darci (which leads to some problems when she starts dating Toby),
Mary's family are devoted servants of the Arcane Order and she initially is a spy,
Eli is extra sensitive and being surrounded by so many people who feels 'odd' to him drives him crazy
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cinnamoncoco1 · 2 years
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Romani Zoe Casperan and Hisirdoux Casperan edits.
I absolutely love the Romani headcanon and it fits so well for these siblings.
Based of the Casperan Family AU
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nikibogwater · 2 years
Here’s some more out-of-context concept doodles from the past week while I quietly have another mid-project crisis in the corner. Rin looks different every time I draw him. And poor Viri is still stuck in visual development hell.
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His name wasn’t originally supposed to be Rin. It’s sort of an inside joke I had with myself that he looks like a cheap knock-off of Lin Casperan from my Casperan Family AU. My plan was to just use Rin as a placeholder name until I could come up with a better one. But then the name just....stuck, and now here we are.
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prismarts · 2 years
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Douxilly Spy x Family au-
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wizardouxie · 3 years
nimue and douxie.
I'd like to think that Nimue used to take on a humanlike form to assess Arthur's worthiness with Excalibur, because taking a sword from a stone is by no means a measure of someone's virtue, even by magical standards. Except in the process she purposefully takes a quick detour to chastise the shit out of Merlin for his horrible guardianship skills and raises Douxie in his stead.
And Douxie takes to her quite nicely, because wow, he didn't realize how great it feels to have someone other than Archie actually believe in him. Nimue comes to learn of this one night and she holds him by the shoulders, forcing him to look up at her. With a fierce determination set ablaze in her eyes, she tells him,
"You are worthy to me. And you always will be."
After that night, she starts reserving 'lessons' for the apprentice to learn a few spells. To hell with those chores, the old man can rot in his armor. And when she sees Douxie in action, she can't help but stand by that statement. The boy's a natural! And yet Merlin has him spend more hours milking the Slorr and sweeping floors than practicing even the basics. It's preposterous, really.
When Douxie masters a particularly hard spell, he of course shows it off giddily to Archie and Merlin. Archie throws him a fond look as always, because the familiar he took in is growing up before his eyes. On the other hand, Merlin expresses a "hmph" before walking away. And that's on a lucky day. Nimue scoffs. He'll regret that soon enough, she'll make sure of it.
Nonetheless, Douxie finds his life getting better each day with Nimue around, and though he may not admit it vocally, he really considers her as a sort of, well, a mother. He cheekily prods for more affirmations of his worthiness at times (the words of that night still lingers in his mind) and she pinches his cheek lovingly, more than happy to provide any validation she can. In a way it's her manner of saying "I love you" and he holds it dear to his heart.
So you can understand the grief and confusion he goes through when Nimue disappears the day after Guinevere dies. The bloodied Excalibur Arthur carries and the grave somber look on Merlin's face is enough to render Douxie silent about the topic, because right now what mattered was not the fact that one of the only nurturing figures in his life was snatched away before he could even say goodbye, but the fact that the queen was dead.
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sopafa · 3 years
So, I love angst I could stop thinking about that particular scene on ROTT where everyone falls from Bellroc’s Titan.
We know that Aaaarghhhh protected Aja during the fall, so he absorbed the impact; and Claire used shadow portals to salve Krel from the fall. But, and Douxie?
Even when he used an “antigravity spell” to lessen the damage, and that this is not his first sky fall situation, Douxie compared to the rest, had a free fall, not to mention hitting the surface of a vehicle directly, denting the hood, and smashing the glass with the impact.
I had been thinking about this for days, so a friend and I took the time to do the math.
Since there is not an exact height for Douxie, we calculated his weight, height and the speed with which his body hit the vehicle.
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In conclusion: AT LEAST, he had to suffer of several injuries and broken bones.
After the fall, he barely could walk. Even Blinky had to help him to stand up for the next scenes. Being serious, this is not realistic at all.
Seeing thin on a medical point of view, the mayor part of the impact was absorbed by his lower back, not to mention that the surface of the car hood is not completely straight, causing the impact not to be distributed evenly throughout his body.
What does that mean? That the first part of his back that touched the hood, absorbed more damage than the rest.
More specifically, the vertebrae of the lumbar and sacral region. (The green and blue one)
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A fracture in this area of ​​the spine can lead to paraplegia.
That means that Douxie would not be able to:
Feel his legs
Depending on the intensity of the damage, he may or may not have incontinence
Not to mention surgery
Months in bed rest
Years Rehabilitation although nothing will ensure that he will be able to walk on his own again
He probably would be confined to a wheelchair (maybe with an insane amount of luck: forearm crutches)
An immense amount of pain
And even if it heals, it will have lifelong sequelae.
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With his in mind, the AU begins after this efects, and focus on the colateral damage that the impact had caused.
Archie finding him, Douxie saying that he is okay EVEN WHEN HE IS CLEARLY NOT, and after screaming and crying when Claire or Jim tried to lift him, he finally says "I think i do not feel my legs...."
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sammyheroes · 3 years
I want to know if I count with your support to finish this monster ‘what if’ fanfic:
Stuff Happens (read it in AO3) is my what if fic after Wizards and I’m glad I wrote 30 chapters of it before the movie because I am now electing to ignore it, no matter how amazing the animation is.
Here’s a quick part of chapter 30 that was published back in March, but currently I’m writing chapter 31 and I want to see how many of you will like me to actually continue this story and renew my will to finish this once and for all. 
So, bascially, in summary, it includes Nimue, Merlin’s past, the wizards don’t die and live with Douxie now, Nari lives in Arcadia, Jim gets Excalibur and Claire has some crazy  destiny plus the villain is Mordred and the rest of the Arcane Order and everybody in Arcadia are just pissed at a perfectly ruined Tuesday night. There’s the Douxie and Zoe content i wish i got and Archie ships them. 
In summary of the craziness that happens, of course.
It was a battle for the ages, at least that’s what the history books will say in a couple of hundred years or so. Arcadia coming together, humans, trolls and all magical creatures in the area alike, plus the help of extraterrestrials. It wasn’t something anyone would believe if they didn’t see it.
If looks could kill, Mordred and the Arcane Order would be dead by now. Merlin glared the most, not only was he fighting for Arcadia, but he was also avenging his mother. Many here had their reasons for going against Mordred and his Shadow Army, but tonight, the only reason was simple.
Take. Him. Down.
“Play the battle song!!!” Blinky yelled at Krel. The prince pulled out his boombox.
“This is the perfect battle song.” The king in waiting pressed the play button with a grin.
“I DON’T GIVE A DAMN ‘BOUT MY REPUTATION!!!” The boom box played.
The battle was on. The citizens of Arcadia, both magical and nonmagical rose a battle cry and ran forwards towards the shadow army. Jim at the front of the Arcadian Army with Toby right by his side. Those that could fly like Strickler, Charlie, Archie and the wizards, took to the skies with Merlin and Nimue leading them. Zoe and Nari ran with a small army of hedge wizards behind them. Trolls with various weapons followed. Blinky ran with Dwakstones in each hand and a bag full of them on his back. Aarrrgghhh followed with kruberas following him.
The Arcadia citizens charged with various creative weapons like cooking tools and mothers in law. Señor Url stepped on the gas of his beloved truck Susanna, yelling angry Austrian curses while Ms. Janeth, Coach Lawrence and his fiancé, Vivian Palchuk, hitched a ride on the back of the truck. Coach and Vivian waved baseball bats with nails on them and football paint on their faces while Ms. Janeth cited a quote from Shakespeare’s Henry VI part 3. “Sound trumpets! let our bloody colours wave! And either victory, or else a grave! AAAHHHHH!!!”
Mary and Darci charged while riding their bikes and armed with the strongest hairsprays and dry shampoos money could buy. Detective Scott drove his police car with the sirens on and his gun at hand. Aja, Krel, Luug and Varvatos ran behind them with serrators at hand. Eli followed in a hoverboard with Akaridion ninja stars at hand and Steve used his Water Magic to form a spiral of water that took him across the canal.
A typical Karen passed by in a motorcycle and wearing a Juicy Couture tracksuit, yelling at the dark wizard, “I want to speak with your manager!!!”
Mordred covered his ears from listening to the dreadful battle song. “What sorcery is this!?”
Skrael and Bellroc covered their ears as well. “Blasted modern music!” Skrael yelled.
Bellroc growled. “That’s enough!” Bellroc and Skrael charged as the Shadow Army followed.
“Oh no (No no no no no no) Not me (Me me me me me me)!!!” The boombox kept playing.
The battle had begun.
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cacahuatlll · 2 years
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Zoe loves helping douxie find a boyfriend, after all he deserves the best.
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changlingfamilies · 10 months
Chapters: 33/? Fandom: Trollhunters - Daniel Kraus & Guillermo del Toro, 3Below, Wizards - Fandom, Tales of Arcadia (Cartoons) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Mary Wang/ Seamus Johnson, Barbara Lake/Walter Strickler | Stricklander, Toby Domzalski/Darci Scott, Otto Scaarbach/Lenora Janeth, Eli Pepperjack/Krel Tarron, Draal/Nomura (Tales of Arcadia), Jim Lake Jr./Claire Nuñez, Aaarrrgghh/Blinkous "Blinky" Galadrigal, Steve Palchuk/Aja Tarron, Bagdwella/Bular (Tales of Arcadia), Angor Rot/Morgana | Pale Lady
Chapter 33: A Day Out
Things are starting to calm down in Arcadia Oaks once more but Skrel still hasn't gotten a chance to learn about the town. Mary and Nari decide to put an end to that.
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rikalovesrice · 2 years
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I realized as I finished this that Jim and Claire would be a lot older at this point in Douxie and Zoe’s lives whoops
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honeyxmonkey · 3 years
Ok, so is this Big Bro Douxie AU in the new timeline where they gain their memories? Or is it where basically Douxie joins the gang early on without the whole ROTT thing?
Because I am thinking on how they would get in this little found family thing in the first place. *rubs hands together* maybe Toby and Jim seeing Douxie's magic? Maybe Douxie seeing Jim's armour? MAYBE A FIGHT SCENE???
There's way to many possibilites...
So if you go to the tag search on my tumblr and type in "big bro douxie au" you'll find all my posts and the beginning one where I explained it! But yes, this is just an au where douxie joins the gang early! But the way he does is quite interesting! I recommend taking a look at my first post about it! 😊
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thecasperanfamily · 4 years
Douxie, standing outside Zoe's window and holding a boom box over his head: Please come out soon, my arms are too skinny for this.
The sound I just made was positively inhuman. 
I don’t know who you are Non, but please be aware that I love you with every ounce of my heart. 
Zoe: *shuffles outside in her bathrobe, yoinks the boombox out of Douxie’s hands* IT’S THREE IN THE MORNING, YOU MANIAC
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