#the challenge of wanting to wear all black 80% of the time and having a cat
omppupiiras · 3 months
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very thoughtful of my cat to overcome the challenge of me always sitting weird but still finding a way to get in my lap anyway 💖 what would i do without all this cat hair on my clothes
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tarochimochi · 4 months
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Winner Gijinka redesign! I like to think they swap between the skirt and pants depending on the challenge.
Uh I don’t know why I thought their old design was ever okay to bestow on human eyes!
Cut below the entire design process (it’s gonna be long)
So I knew immediately after finishing my Loser design I wanted Winner to be the opposite of Loser. Which ment no warm colors, no vest sleeveless thing, no sunglasses, esc. I wanted them to be 80s inspired to match my Loser’s 70s Inspiration! I wanted them to parallel Loser by being so different but the same at the same time. So I wanted to do alot.
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I think very clearly with the first ever winner draft (on the right) I HAD NO IDEA WHAT I WAS DOING LOL. I really don’t like it now looking back and it really doesn’t feel like Winner to me. I think just to show how old this is, this was before I even made established age headcanons so I also had no idea how older I wanted Winner to be.
That age headcanon list will probably be shown at another time, I think I showed it once on instagram after somebody asked.
The one on the left I did right after I finished my Loser design and oh my god I also really hate it looking back. I had this idea that Winner’s hair could be the opposite of Loser’s hair where instead of being from like brown to blond and lighter blond it would be the opposite and oh it looked horrible to me.😭
I think also at this point Winner was still just black and not biracial
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Now here are what I would call my “Stuck in design hell”. Characters I struggle with immensely when creating a design I think fits/I personally also like for them. It doesn’t mean I have no ideas, some of them I know exactly what I want to do with them but can’t figure out how to emulate it. I ended up abandoning Winner for awhile because they were giving me so many problems because I set so many restrictions for myself which weren’t exactly working.
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So then we got this.. I tried to force myself to finalize their design on the spot… bad idea.. worse idea I could ever fathom. I don’t like any of these designs and plus the way I draw now has changed since I made these designs. I had an idea that Winner’s arm could also be translated as one of those super cool arm grabber toys from the 80s which I don’t know, maybe I’ll bring back?? Depends on how I feel about it after focusing on writing more Winner central stories and exploring Winner more as a character and talking to people who really like Winner.
I should also note the inspo for Winner in the fluffy coat and overalls came from the fact that when I was in the movie theater, I saw a kid wearing black overalls and periwinkle jacket and went “HOLY SHIT WINNER TPOT.”
Somewhat unrelated but in this design Winner also became Biracial because @/exitstudent was like “Oh Winner feels afro-Latino to me” so I changed my headcanon almost immediately. This is why I probably shouldn’t have put my race hc chart out so early because my opinions get swayed so easily PLUS I changed a few things around. (Nothing to major, Snowball and Spongey are Wasian now, Donut is Dutch, put Bomby back in Blasian, Gaty is Finnish)
I also had the idea that instead of Winner having highlights (because I highly doubt Winner would go out of their way to highlight their hair) their greying really early on due to stress and poor genetics probably. Another cool parallel to Loser about how Loser’s hair is something he essentially paid for Winner in a way earned theirs. Loser also bleaching pretty much all their hair would also be a cool symbolism for how he’s not the truest to himself while Winner’s still having almost all their natural hair color is symbolism for them being way more true to themself. But that’s for another day to explore.
I tried to interpret Winner’s shape as being kind of like fuzzy fleece on their jacket and I tried to make this work so bad but I really shouldn’t have. I was just all over the place with the colors too.
After design a bunch of the other characters and finding and discovering new ways i like drawing i quickly figured out why I was hating Winner so badly.
It was everything 😭
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So after actually after researching 80s fashion instead of half assing it to make it obvious. I drew up these two concepts.
My first realization was “Wow that fleece is ugly as shit.” So I realized I had to stop trying making the fleece work, kudos to anyone who can. But away from the negatives, I really did love the big black Jacket and the legwarmers (I am a sucker for leg warmers so once I put them in them, it was over for me) Something about the headband also struck me because previously I out a strict “no head accessories rule” but honestly? It really just had to be not sunglasses so the headband stayed.
With some color rework and some help from my qpp (Shout out to her, she doesn’t use social media.) We were finally able to get the current design shown!
I guess if I learned anything from this, people should make gijinkas also based off people they know and see in day to day life. Some of my favorite gijinkas are based off people I know. Like Match being an Afro-Chilean Jew is because my friend who actually introduced me to BFDI was a huge match fan, and an Afro-Chilean Jew so I was inspired to make Match look almost identical to them. With Winner I pulled inspiration from alot of popular Black celebrities in the 80s and Chile again because of said friend 80s.
Thanks for reading this whole kuffuffle here’s some bonus doodles!
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Yes Winner is going to crush Loser and Clock, stop them.
The last winclock one may or may not be a reference to something.
Now who’s next? Honestly just whoever people want a ref of next, I think I’m a little burnt out from doing now 59 characters and drafting more currently I think I need a break. Although I’m definitely gonna redesign Clock’s outfit, I’m really starting to dislike it. Until next time bye bye!!
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streets-in-paradise · 7 months
Risking It - BarclayPierce ( Andy x Nica)
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Warnings: Nica showing Andy how much she loves his body. No explicit smut, but it's Implied that he has a praise kink.
Summary: When it comes to clothes, Andy has allways been a comfort prioritizer, but constantly playing it safe also means never taking risks. A smirk from Nica while hearing the mere suggestion of encouraging him to try crop tops is enough for him to accept taking the challenge.
Notes: Since we have been talking about the fatphobia in the show, this is my small contribution for some positivity :)
Tags: @barclaysangel @series-thoughts
The idea would have never occured to him before, but it had a source of inspiration he couldn't ignore. Used to being teased about his dressing style by the kids, he finally asked the twins what was wrong with it and the ultimate verdict was lack of risks. That didn't worry him much, since he was a comfort prioritizer, but he still let them ramble some ideas describing their definition of risk. Nica was having fun observing the horror some of the suggestions caused him, at least untill one got her interest.
She was smirking when crop tops were mentioned and that didn't go unnoticed.
" You have to be kidding, nobody wants to see that. " He mocked himself while showing awareness to her. " It's not my thing, and it would look ridículous … Who do you think I am? Brad Pitt in Fight Club? Not with these. "
He pointed at the rolls on his stomach.
" And who told you abs are a requirement to wear one? " She sweetly teased him ríght away. " I do think it would look great on you. "
"Challenging your insecurities is good. It's clear you cling to the baggy shirts to distract from the tummy the same way dad does with the platforms and heels because he hates being short. " Glenda commented, then shared a complicit glance with Nica because she was the source of the rumour about Chucky they were reproducing. " Dressing a fat body shouldn't have to be about hidding it all the time, Andy. "
It was very kind of them, but he wasn't convinced.
" I get it, but i'm not going to get from zero to one hundred in one move."
" It would look cute! And I can help you find one that fits your style. " Glen encouraged him. " The important thing is that you try the risk and see how you feel about it."
" But it's always on you. " Nica concluded, cutting them off to point out an important detail. " Remember not to push yourself just because we think it can be fun. Chucky took many uncomfortable risks with my looks and i don't feel like being that fun anymore, so a safe wardrove is another thing we have in common. "
Andy smiled and approached to give her a peck on the lips.
" You look lovely in anything you choose to wear. " He praised her afterwards. " I'm pretty sure you are going to regret the curiosity. "
Nica was giving him a mischievously skeptical glance while replying.
" I don't think so, confidence is your best fit … very sexy of you. "
That comment was the final temptation convincing him of trying it. He didn't admit it then, but secretly started to consider it. Glen had shared him some adresses of online stores with trustable sizing and good stuff where Andy began eyeing untill finding one he could at least imagine himself trying. The too tíght and colorfull ones were too much, he also saw a few made of fishnet that he sincerely couldn't imagine anyone wearing comfortably besides, peraphs, an 80's rockstar. There were some more bassic ones, black or white, with pop culture or classic rock prints he felt more inclined towards. Between those he stumbled with the black one he ended up choosing pretty much for the print.
The first try on happened a day when the kids weren't arround. They were always good intentioned, but but sometimes they could be little shits messing with him just for the fun of it. Lexy s honesty could get cruel despite she wouldn't even realize it, the boys could find the image funny just for the sake of the shocking change causing impact and only the twins would be cheering. He was surely doing it out of curiosity, but the only opinion he wanted to know besides from his own was Nica's.
Risking it was worthy even if it was just for her reaction. She seemed so interested, that damn provokative smirk had said it all … What could he had possibly done, but indulge her? He did feel a bit strange at first, like showing too much skin from all the wrong places, but wasn't sure about shying away on the first impression. The main trait the crop top was designed to highlight was the belly, his self perceived most troubled area, so his girlfriend's curiosity was quite a mistery to him.
She stumbled with the sight entering to the bedroom while he was evaluating his feelings about it. She wasn't seeing it coming and the first glimpse clearly offered to her was from the back, the sides of his bare love handles and his clothed ass in pants that weren't loose enough to hide his shape. Her lips parted as her eyes silently roamed his image.
It was completely unusual and exciting. Nica knew that Andy wasn't the kind of guy going cassualy shirtless while washing the car. She would normally only get to see something like that during intimate times or accidentally walking in when he had just showered. He had her used to feeling like an eighteenth century man looking at bare ankles with the accidental lift of a long skirt if his shirts would have a few open buttons exposing a bit of neck.
He was a gift for her eyes, yet her ears couldn't believe what he had to say about it.
" I think this isn't working. " Was his awkward verdict. " You can tell Glen and Glenda that I tried, but it doesn't feel good. I'm just too fat for it. "
Feeling so teased while he was venting his genuine insecurities was frustrating for her. If he could turn back and see how she was already drooling, maybe he wouldn't be overthinking.
" … Come here, big boy. " She seductively purred. " Let me see the front. "
Andy followed her hesitantly, but clearly affected by her sensual teasing tone.
Her first observation was a more neutral one, but it kept implying enjoyment of some sort.
" Back to the Future? Damn, you are such a nerd " She pointed at the print " … I love it tho, when you get nerdy. "
He smiled, but breaking eye contact to look down because the praise started to make him shy. He was weak for praising and he could vaguely tell it was just starting.
" So … What do you think? "
Nica was grabbing the arms of her wheelchair tíghtly, her eyes have never abandoned him and she didn't notice she was biting her bottom lip.
If they would be on a classic cartoon, she would be barking and howling.
" Fine, too fine. " Was all she could artículate. " Hot, so freaking hot. Thank you for your service, sir. "
He chuckled, wondering what was so sexy of seeing most of his flabby belly out.
" Is it just for the confidence or are you really into it? I can change real quick … "
" Don't!!" She cutted him off, urgence making her wheel closer. " It looks perfect … I swear, Andy, shut down those self deprecating thoughts because i can't think ríght … I'm not myself when you are in front of me in all your thick glory. "
Any rational seeming doubt jumped out from his mind to those words.
" Carefull, baby love. " He pleaded softly. " You know what this does to me and you are going to get us in trouble if the kids show up. Are you risking it? "
She was desperate for it, all over him as soon as the teasing question gave her the consent call. Her hands were grabbing his hips as her lips avidly searched for the spot of belly skin that was more accesible to her from that position in order to start planting kisses.
It was clear that the new item would not last much on despite how much she loved it.
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alexshumini · 9 months
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Backstage Pass || J.H
TW//: mentions of stress and anxiety
Pairing: 80's James Hetfield/any gender Reader
This is my first post on this account, so please do let me know if you would love more and pop a suggestion of anything you would like to see in the comments. I take nsfw suggestions too 😊
When your mom suggested looking for a new catering job, she made it seem like an easy task. However, that was far from the truth. Not many restaurants were looking for new chefs, and you had a bad reputation in your area for slacking on the job, so it wasn't like anywhere nearby would hire you anyway.
This caused you to sort of fall into a repetitive challenge; wake up, look for a job, borrow money from your parents, and forget about the job. Though you were in luck one night as your friend Kiara was over at your house. Kiara is also a caterer, but you believe she is far better than you are, I mean, she has worked with countless famous celebrities, which is your literal dream.
"So! I might have a job for you." Kiara will say. At first you will assume she wants you to do her makeup again or maybe drive her down to her dad's house after but you will be caught off guard by her next few words, "I'm catering for a concert this week and we are looking for a few more staff members. I put in a word about you, and they said they would be happy to have you."
You were ecstatic to hear the news. But intrigued to know who would be performing.
"Guess." Kiara said. But honestly, living in Los Angeles, California, means the concert could literally be anyone.
"Just tell me!" you whined after naming too many people. Kiara will giggle at your eagerness to know.
"Metallica! It's Metallica" She will jump up and yell. You will scream. HOLY SHIT! You are literally a massive Metallica fan and have even seen them in concert ones about two years ago with your dad.
"I'll take the job!" You spoke as you and Kiara both shrieked.
3 weeks went by, and it finally came time to attend the Metallica concert as a caterer. You would be catering for the band and their crew as well as the stadium staff for the whole evening. You were looking forward to it, but you also just enjoyed rubbing it in your dad's face that you could potentially meet the Metallica members.
Kiara picked you up at 4 pm. as scheduled, and she drove you both to the stadium. She gave you a pass to get into the building that showed your name, age, and job role. You went round the back doors and showed it to a guard who quickly let you inside. Just being in the stadium was already a thrill, knowing the Metallica members were currently on the stage rehearsing. You head straight into the kitchen and left your belongings in the coat room. As soon as you stepped back into the kitchen the head chef gathered everyone.
You stood next to Kiara quite nervous and she looked at you with an odd look, as if you were the stupidest person on planet earth.
"Where is your apron?" She whispered. You looked around the room and noticed everyone but you was wearing their black apron with the stadium name written on the front. You hoped head Chef wouldn't notice. But luckily it was sat at your station, panic over.
"So. We have a lot to do today. The members have all requested separate meals for their dinner and you can find the list at your stations. I expect you all to devide the different steps between yourselfs." He explained. You looked back at your station to notice that it was empty with no instructions. "Yes chef!" Everyone including yourself replied.
"The three ladies in front here. Kiara, Y/N & Malakai, you will be preparing food for the crew. The crew hasn't requested anything specific, so it will be basic food on the stadium menu, which can be found plastered on every wall in this room." Head chef continued his orders. "Yes, chef!" You replied that within seconds, everyone went off to their stations and began preparing food.
You decided to make the macaroni and cheese leaving Kiara to make burgers and Malakai to make hot dogs. 2 hours passed by as you are working on your final batch of Macaroni and cheese. You had to make three separate batches due to their not being one big pot as they had all been taken. You felt quite anxious all night as if someone was watching you or maybe it was just the thrill and thought of possibly bumping into Kirk or Lars in the hallways.
You ran out of cheese and unfortunately there wasn't any in the main fridge either meaning you had to toss your apron off and head down to the storage room which is at the total other side of the stadium. "Hey, can you watch my pot for a second? I need to run and get more cheese, please." You asked Malakai, who was more than happy to help. You quickly headed out the door and walked as fast as you could down the corridor. You made it to the storage room pretty easily, but it was the getting back that was a struggle.
The stadium had a one-way system, and with crew all around and boxes piled everywhere, you got lost pretty quickly. You ended up in an empty part of the building, and you began to worry that head chef would be angry if you didn't make it back before your pot decided to boil over. You made your way down the hall a bit further till you came to a room with a blue door, the door read 'Metallica Room 1'. You were desperate to just get back to the kitchen, and you hoped a crew member would be in the room to help you.
You went to knock but before your fist touched the door it swung open. Standing in front of you was a tall man with blonde hair and a booming voice as he yelled backwards into the room "I'll be back in a second! going to find a toilet.". He stopped in his tracks when he noticed you. The realisation hit you before he could even speak.
"Oh my god...James Hetfield." You blurted out in a quiet voice. James looked at you confused as if you were supposed to be looking for him.
"Am I supposed to be somewhere just now?" He asked you. You shrugged your shoulders.
"I don't know- I'm just catering." You said. You couldn't even believe you were stringing words together whilst he stood in front of you in all his glory. You knew for a fact your dad would be envy when you told him later on.
"oh." James's head was empty. He wasn't quite sure what to say to you. "Can I help with something?" he sounded genuinely worried looking at you. To be fair you did have a panicked look on your face that turned red from his presence.
"I'm lost." you admitted. James chuckled slightly.
"are you really though? or did you just want to see the band for yourself?" he had a cocky attitude, one that caught you off guard. You were annoyed by his comment but the thought of your macaroni was long gone by now.
"I'm trying to make macaroni, so I'd appreciate if someone could tell me how to get back to the main kitchen" you replied in an annoyed tone. What a shit interaction, you thought.
"I would love to help you darling but I have zero clue either. how about, you help me find the male toilets and I'll help you find the kitchen?" He proposed. You weren't sure if you should take up his deal. It didn't help that you noticed Lars Ulrich looking at you from behind James, confused himself on why James was still stood at the door.
"deal." you replied and quickly followed James down the long corridor. He didn't speak on the walk but he kept looking over at you as if he wanted to say something.
Back in the kitchen, things were getting hectic. Malakai was now manning her station and yours whilst Kiara tried to distract the head chef so he wouldn't notice you are even gone. Your macaroni was 10 seconds away from being burnt whilst you stood outside of the men's toilets waiting for James to reappear. James came out of the toilet and smiled at you whilst rubbing his hands on his jeans, though his hands looked dry already. He definitely didn't wash them in the first place, you thought.
"Let's get you back to your macaroni, shall we?" James said with a sigh. You began to think you were bothering him and wasting his time. But you liked being in his presence so you decided not to let him go back to his dressing room.
"So. Are you from California?" He asked trying to make some sort of conversation but the atmosphere was awkward and uncomfortable.
"Yeah. grew up in LA." You replied. "what about you?" you asked. You knew he was from San Francisco before he even said it. You probably knew more about Metallica than the members did at this point.
"San Francisco." he replied.
"Cali twins" you spoke. He raised an eyebrow at your words almost as if he found you cute.
"I guess so. I think maybe the kitchen is this way." James said. You started to notice the area and realised the kitchen was just a few steps and round to the right.
"I know where I am now. Thank you." You turned to him with a smile. He looked disappointed by your sudden departure. You didn't want to stop talking to him either I mean christ IT'S JAMES HETFIELD in the flesh.
"I really have to get back to making that Macaroni. But thank you for helping me. Good luck with your concert tonight. I'm a huge fan." You said and gained the nerve to pat him on the shoulder though it took some effort as he was much taller than you. James opened his mouth as if to say something but nothing came out. He turned around and looked back at you.
"You are welcome. See you around-" He paused his sentence. What is her name? he thought. Did she tell me already?
"It's y/n" you replied as if you could read his mind and he nodded as if he was mentally noting your name down. He then began to walk back to his dressing room. He would be lying if he said he didn't want to ask you for your number and full name but he thought best to not let you get fired and you were okay with that.
After you got off work and got back home you told your dad everything and he was so jealous that he actually joked he wasn't going to speak to you for days.
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gothamslostboy · 1 year
Hey there! Was wondering if I could request a ship? I just found your blog and I love it!
Been in the Lost Boys fandom since I was 12 but I just found the fandom on here recently! (My LB blog is waitaminute-whowantstoknow)
If you’re not taking requests I totally understand!
Fandom: Lost Boys and Scream
Preference: I’m pan and I really have no preference
Favorite Animal: OWLS! And cats and bats!
Music taste: I love 80s and 90s music, goth rock, metal, I love H.I.M. And The 69 Eyes. Anything I can rock out to
Gender: female
Physical Appearance: I’m kinda short (5’3), kinda plus sized hourglass(if the bottom of the glass was a little bigger haha) around shoulder length wavy dark green hair, blue/gray eyes, lots of tatoos(including a chest piece that takes the whole space with bats and flowers and a large tarot card) and piercings
Clothing style: comfy goth? I wear a lot of black leggings and crop tops with a flannel or my battle vest or my leopard print faux fur coat, vans or big boots, a charm bracelet I don’t leave without
Personality: mom friend(have you had water today??). Loudly opinionated and really loyal, will fight for my friends, I like to think I’m funny, and I just really love talking to people so I’m the really chatty friend
Traits in a partner: I want someone who’ll make me laugh, who will be just as obsessed with me as I am with them(loyalty is huge for me), someone who will love that I need to be touched basically all the time(physical touch and quality time are my tops), someone I can chat with endlessly
Hobbies: I’m a Rocky Horror Picture Show shadowcaster so I perform as Janet, Rocky, and RiffRaff regularly, I love to write, I make crafts out of comic books(flowers and signs), I love games(video, arcade, tabletop)(surprisingly good at pinball) and I love reading, I’m obsessed with theme parks(had a pass for every one in Southern California when I was still living there)
Favorite movie genre: I love campy movie, comedies, mysteries, horror, but also cute Disney movies and fantasy
Thank you so much! I hope you have a great day!
Hello @its-freaking-bats ! Sorry this took so long, haven’t been feeling very well, and I’m sorry it’s just lost boys, I haven’t watched scream in a while and I can’t be sure about a match, but I’m think Stu!
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He definitely has dressed up as dr. Frank n’ Furter one year and will be so impressed you’ve been in the musical and is high key jealous
Y’all go on dates where you two ride every ride at the boardwalk, go to the comic book store (avoiding the frog brothers glares), then you teach Paul how to make different things out of them. He’d be estatic if you gave him a flower crown btw
He is also good at pinball and will challenge you to a tournament w/ the boys to find the best in the group
Honestly Paul fits your ideal partner perfectly & y’all like the same movies so it’s a match made in heaven
Y’all rock out together and chat for hours when Dwayne, Marko, and David are busy and Paul loves to trace over your tattoos:]
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every-dayiwakeup · 2 years
Here's a small cross over question, if Steve and Billy end up trapped in the Upside Down and somehow time stops, they're preserved at their teenage years, like Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes in ice, then they make it to today's time as teenagers still, I know its not a huge gap like the 40s to 2010s gap, but if you think about the social changes (some places 🙄) between the 80s and 2010s, how'd they react? Favourite things, things they struggle with, etc, etc...I'm here for the long haul.
Oh now you're speaking my language! (Stucky being one of my other guilty pleasures but moving on lol)
I think they both would be very confused about the acceptance of LGBTQIA+, and the terms. It would give them an opportunity to further explore their sexualities and gender identities though, because acceptance of something you've been told for years is an abomination is sooo liberating.
Pronouns. Now, in English class we are taught pronouns, and Billy would probably just say "See, Harrington? I told you school doesn't teach you everything!" The way he sees it, the new gen is expanding what standard textbooks taught.
Billy would be excited to see a man wearing the same shade of lip gloss as him, sporting pierced ears and nail polish. He admires the way the man walks with confidence and purpose, and he tells Steve he wishes he could have that same confidence.
On the topic of openness... which goes hand in hand with toxic masculinity ( a truly suffocating thing), I'm going out on a limb and saying that they aren't used to this wave of therapy, and communication, or being in touch with your feelings.
But this means that they can try things that were forbidden back in their time. Dabble in painting, fashion, makeup... the possibilities are endless.
Now, going by canon, assuming Robin was an old friend (maybe she's a black widow in this crossover?) Steve isn't a stranger to same sex relationships.
Billy however probably didn't know much about his preferences with partners, only that it "was wrong" (shitty times 😒), and his father being a trashy h*m*ph*be, he's understandably a lot more cautious about this- he's relatively new to the conversation. But he's curious, and he's eager to learn more about himself. He has a lot of unlearning to do.
They would probably bitch about how everything is so much more expensive (like the movies, gas, etc).
Steve would want to embrace this new world, and enroll in classes to learn about what he's missed.
Billy wants to be open to learning, but his first concerns would be to find Neil. To find Max. Steve probably realized they were in a different time before he did, because all Billy could think about was Max.
Neil is six feet under, and Max is like 52 (I'm bull with math so 😃🔫). Married with Lucas, and they have kids.
Now that Neil is dead, Max and Billy can really fix their sibling bond. Of course Max is a lot older physically, so it's challenging because Billy is still preserved. So Max is more matured, but seeing Billy brings back the childishness she lost when she thought he died.
She and Lucas help him and Steve out with settling down. Steve wants to move in together, and for Billy, old habits die hard. He's still looking over his shoulder.
Of course the other members of the Party are contacted, and they greet both Steve and Billy with happy tears and disbelief. Dustin would be the first to believe their odd story, while the others would be skeptical.
Steve finds out that Nancy is really sick (she's basically Peggy Carter) and he's torn between past feelings for her (even though she married Jonathan 💀) and whatever feelings he has for Billy.
Billy would struggle with speeding, and racks up tickets like you wouldn't believe. He doesn't have patience for traffic, or student drivers. They both have to renew their licesenses and documents in general. Billy gets his license revoked within ten minutes of renewal.
Steve stays by Nancy's bedside, and Billy tries to be understanding. He tries to keep busy around their shared aparrntment. He attends family therapy with Max and Lucas, and has since decided on getting a therapist focusing on him specifically (it was Max's idea). Billy has a lot to unpack, and therapy can get draining.
Especially because Lauren, his therapist, tends to dig deeper than he's ready for, which sets him off. He doesn't like to be pushed to open up, and she doesn't understand that. He doesn't want to let Max down, though. The way he sees it, its payback for how he treated her, and he's a wuss, like his father said. He should be able to take some stranger poking around his past. And he has a lot of making up to do (his opinion). So he sucks it up, even though he cries at night (that is when he does manage to have a peaceful night's sleep).
When you don't sleep you get extra moody, and Billy falls victim to mood swings. He lashes out at Steve, who should just kick him out on the street and turn his back on him like everyone else has.
Billy eventually gets a new therapist after Steve gets pissed for him and gives Lauren a piece of his mind- which is a new concept for Billy. Usually people are pissed at him. Its kind of nice.
Steve wants to try new flavors of ice cream (he thorough regrets it, because he's just found out he's lactose intolerant).
When Nancy dies, Billy is there by his side, the way Steve has been since they woke up in 2017.
There are two beds in their apartment, and a pull out couch, but they always sleep together. It'd to the point where one cannot sleep if the other isn't close.
Billy thrives without Neil, truly thrives, and he's smiling more. He's learning to communicate when he feels down, or if he doesn't feel comfortable with something.
Steve still takes care of the Party, only he's not the old one anymore. They get stared at when they go out together, but Billy just stares right back at the judgemental pricks until they look away.
They go to theme parks (the "kids" always find a way to get Steve and Billy together somehow) and the Party brings their kids.
Billy is a little skittish around the little ones (he's not sure what their parents have told them about him) but once Mike and Wills four year old daughter Diana (a shy, quiet girl) takes his hand and tugs him to play a carnival game, he grows less uncomfortable, allowing himself to live in the moment. Especially because he can tell Mike is annoyed by the fact that Diana likes him more.
Steve has the freedom to look at Billy without having to be afraid for both of them. His pining is more obvious (just not to an equally whipped Billy).
They are men out of time, and they have all the time in the world.
Mad Max annoyingly reminds Billy, however, not to wait too long.
Billy insists Steve is just being... Steve. Sooner or later he will come to his senses, and kick Billy to the curb.
Steve has no intention of abandoning him, though. Because he's with him till the end of the line (I couldn't resist)
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noahsinclaxr · 1 year
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What is your favourite?
Task #2 challenge from @easthavenhq
Food and Drink
Favorite fast food restaurant? Burger King
Favorite ice cream flavor? Mango or Citrus flavoured.
Favorite chocolate candy? Snickers.
Favorite fruity candy? Skittles.
Favorite kind of sushi? Anything with seaweed in it.
Favorite Asian dish? Beef teriyaki.
Favorite Italian dish? Lasagna
Favorite food of all time? Whatever the wife cooks.
Favorite way to cook a steak? Medium rare. 
Favorite breakfast food? Eggs and bacon
Favorite fruit? Grapefruit
Favorite comfort food? Marshmallows.
Favorite dish at Thanksgiving? The turkey (stuffing)
Favorite thing to cook? Casserole
Favorite soda? Coca Cola.
Favorite alcoholic drink? Beer (Budweiser)
Favorite flavor coffee? Regular black.
Television and Movies
Favorite '80s movie? Beetlejuice
Favorite Harry Potter movie? Prisoner of Azkaban
Favorite Hobbit from the Lord of the Rings? Samwise Gamgee
Favorite TV sitcom? The Nanny
Favorite cartoon? Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Favorite scary movie? Dead Silence
Favorite funny movie? Austin Powers
Favorite celebrity? Arnold Schwarzenegger
Favorite chick flick? How to lose a guy in ten days
Favorite Pixar movie? Up!
Favorite actress over 50? Angelina Jolie
Favorite Marvel movie? Captain America: The Winter Soldier (I mean)
Favorite TV show? Doctor Who
Favorite classic movie? Psycho
Favorite Beatles song? Here comes the sun
Favorite string instrument? Guitar
Favorite instrument? Piano
Favorite band or music artist? Imagine Dragons and Deep Purple.
Favorite music genre? No particular genre. He likes singing along
Favorite style of dance? Lindy Hop
Favorite '80s song? Call me by Blondie
Favorite song you're embarrassed to like? Baby by Justin Bieber
Favorite foreign band/artist? Bob Marley
Travel and Recreation
Favorite state you’ve visited? Michigan
Favorite country you want to visit? Nepal
Favorite thing about America? Family
Favorite kind of vacation? Warm temperatures but loads of culture
Favorite car? Porsche
Favorite way to travel? By sea
Favorite place to go with family? Cyprus
Favorite vacation you’ve taken? Cyprus (honeymoon)
Favorite fictional place you’d want to visit? The Shire
Nature and Animals
Favorite dinosaur? Pterodactyl
Favorite breed of dog? Belgian Malinois and Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Favorite season? Fall
Favorite flower? Lily
Favorite animal at the zoo? Lions
Favorite thing about a rainy day? The smell
Favorite sea creature? Blue whale
Favorite thing about spring? The colours
Favorite sport? Soccer
Favorite extreme sport you're too scared to do? Skydiving
Favorite Olympic sport? Curling
Favorite winter sport? Skiing
Favorite sport as a hobby Running
Favorite nursery rhyme? Hush little baby; don’t say a word
Favorite childhood memory? Going to the zoo with all three of his siblings
Favorite board game? Monopoly
Favorite toy as a child? His transformer action figure
Favorite teacher? Mr Charles from History class
Favorite thing about school? Sports
Favorite age? Preteens. 
Favorite Christmas present? A walkman
Favorite Dr. Seuss book? Oh the places you’ll go.
Favorite Halloween costume you've worn? Darth vader
Favorite superhero? Superman
Favorite color Power Ranger? Green
Favorite fairy tale? Hansel and Gretel
Favorite game to play outside? Tag
Fashion and Beauty
Favorite place to shop? Calvin Klein
Favorite perfume/cologne? Sauvage by Dior
Favorite hair color? Brunette
Favorite makeup you can't live without? eye cream
Favorite shoes? Low boots
Favorite occasion to dress up for? Weddings
Favorite hairstyle? ( x )
Favorite outfit you have? Jeans with a form fitting tshirt and a sweater over it. 
Favorite soap scent? Dove
Favorite article of clothing? White knitted sweater
Favorite piece of jewelry? Marine dog tags
Favorite thing to wear to bed? :) 
Favorite luxury brand? Calvin Klein
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puzzlesprintcom · 1 year
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ohcanadashop · 1 year
Tips For Using A SweatshirtTo Appear Smart And Stylish || OhCanadaShop
Over time, the way that sweatshirts are styled has changed. The versatility of sweatshirts in terms of personal style has increased dramatically in light of the wide variety of styles that are presently offered. With so many choices, picking the one that would look the best could be challenging. Every man's closet should contain at least one hoodie. Yet, how do you assemble them? Can they be worn in a variety of ways? The hoodie can be the ideal combination of style and comfort. As men's fashion gets more casual, streetwear is on the rise and leisurewear is gradually evolving into more expensive clothing. It's time to start seriously putting together your own distinctive clothing.
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Although wearing a sweatshirt may seem uncomplicated, it does not convey your feelings. Sweatshirts are always big or huge and never fit. These are not sweaters, despite the fact that they are categorized as such. Actually, it's the exact opposite. In other words, until winter arrives, you can only wear a sweater when you're exercising. This is the primary difference between a sweater and a sweatshirt. One of the many winter clothing options is sweatshirts. Sometimes hoodies are used to refer to sweatshirts. Sweatshirts are composed of thick cotton and have a liner inside to absorb moisture.
Be direct in your approach. There are numerous hues, fashion trends, and pattern options available, and each one functions in a special way. But, keep the design straightforward if you want to achieve a true traditional hoodie style. Pick a grey or black hoodie since you can match it with practically any other color because they are neutral and monochromatic.
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Unisex Crewneck - US EH
Travel around sporting this head-turning design – a perfect combination of two great nations. This soft crewneck sweatshirt has a very comfortable feel. 50% Cotton 50% Polyester, Medium-heavy fabric, Sewn-in label
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sagendipity · 3 years
the law of attraction: de minimis
a quackity x reader law school au
part one, chapter one
The first myth about law school is that everyone is the same.
In movies, in TV shows, in books- everyone in law school is a certain type of person. Dangerously smart, hardworking to a fault, and absolutely cutthroat.
Now, that is true. To get this far, to get into a competitive law school and make it to your final year, you have to be all of the above. Smart, hardworking, and just a little cunning. It’s impossible to get a leg up unless you’re standing on someone else’s knee.
Or neck.
However, the fact that everyone here has to have a certain few traits in order to survive does not mean that they cannot have other traits.
Some are louder, exuberant, and competitive- the type to yell out the answer to a question before raising their hand, the type to go back and forth with the professor when they’re sure they’re right (and they’re not). There’s the introverts, the sly ones you never see coming, who you barely notice next to you all year until you glance over at the grade on their final and it’s a 110%, somehow.
Of course, there’s also the in-between. The respectable ones, the students that are just there to get through the classes they need and get a respectable job at a respectable law firm and make something nice out of their lives.
Or the hero type, the ones that are convinced they can fix any injustice they perceive in the world- the environmental lawyers, the criminal defense lawyers, the civil rights lawyers. They might be right, too, which is why it seems like a never-ending flow of them are pouring into the school at each orientation.
It’s not always as simple as that, of course. You, like many students, are a mix of a few types. You lie somewhere between the exuberant and introverted sides, not shy about answering questions in lectures, but not jumping the gun to cause discourse, either. A bit of a hero type, you must admit, but you do pride yourself on being reasonable when it comes to your life’s expectations. You don’t expect to become some William Kunstler. You work hard, you get shit done, and like law school has a tendency to do, it seems to become your whole entire life.
The type of person you never quite got a read on is Alex.
He’s been sitting next to you in your upper level criminal procedure class for the entire semester. A whole semester’s worth of lectures means you have plenty of time to observe and analyze the people in your classes- its not like there’s anything else to do when the professor is going over voir dire for the third hour that week.
You pegged the kid in the third row as a die-hard businessman. He’s not going into law to help people, he’s going into law to make the most profit off of the most vulnerable clients he can find. The girl in row six, however, is definitely the hero type, judging by her “save the oceans” stickers on her giant re-usable coffee cups.
Alex, though, you can’t read. He dresses down compared to the other students. They dress up to hide their shortcomings, like their fancy coats can stop them from feeling bad about their less-than-adequate qualifications for the internship they just applied for. Others just like to lean into the New York City aesthetic and dress like they’re already lawyers, even despite failing their last midterm. You fall into that category- you can’t help it, it’s a fun look- but hey, you definitely didn’t fail your midterm, and you’ve lived in New York your whole life, so you think you have the right to dress like that.
Alex dresses like he has nothing to hide. He dresses like the young, high-level professor who is always cracked out on Redbull and hasn’t graded a paper in his life; like the cute, fascinating barista at the local hipster coffee shop you can barely afford. He dresses like that one guy you’d see on the subway one day and never manage to forget because of how his eyes met yours for a split second.
To be fair, that is kind of how it’s gone. It’s not exactly like the two of you met on the subway, and you’ve definitely interacted more than just a passing glance, but goddammit is Alex stuck in your head.
You convince yourself it’s just because he’s such a mystery. It’s not because he has really sweet brown eyes, or the most charming, unruly hair you’ve seen this side of the Midwest. It’s not because he whispers a joke under his breath whenever your professor says something stupid, or because he bumps your ankles together and shares an amused glance with you when that one really annoying kid pipes up with an opinion no one wanted.
It’s just because you don’t know why he’s here, and you don’t know what he wants, and you don’t know how to read him.
It bugs you. It gets under your skin- not like an itch, more like a hum. He’s on the back of your mind constantly, like you’re trying to subconsciously figure out what’s up with him, but to this day you’ve had no success.
It’s not like you think about anything substantial in regards to him- every time your traitorous brain brings him up, you put it down quicker than it came up. Getting attached to people is dangerous in the best of circumstances, but getting attached to the absolute enigma of a guy in your criminal procedure class who you can’t even confidently say is named Alex would be equivalent to signing up for heartbreak.
“Don’t date law boys,” your roommate had lamented after she had done just that, laid across her rose-pink bedspread with a sleeve of crackers clutched in one hand and a tissue in the other. She had then blown her nose unattractively. “Lawyers have a reputation for being soulless for a reason. They’re only here for themselves. Fuck them.”
Despite that, you find yourself friends with Alex. As if you’d be able to resist the self-satisfied grins he flashes at you when the professor praises him for a particularly poignant answer, or the way he holds his hand out under the table for a high-five after you nail the answer to a cold call. You barely know anything about him, and yet, you know enough to decide he’s a good person.
“Alex”, whose name you’re only about 80% sure of- maybe it’s short for Alexander, but you thought you’d heard someone he was on the phone with call him Q, so maybe he’s a Quinn or a Quentin?
“Alex”, who shows up looking more comfortable than you’ve been in your entire life, and still manages to hold an air of confidence around him that you’d not be able to master even in your finest long coat and shirt.
“Alex”, who seems determined to wiggle his way into your heart in any way he can.
“Alex”, who you seem to be powerless to resist.
This growing attachment to Alex of yours is only strengthened with each lecture. You share this class three times a week, two hours each on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. It’s a focus class, meaning that anyone who wants to go into criminal work should take this course. It’s challenging, it’s competitive, and it’s cutthroat.
And it’s only February.
A cold Monday morning in February, in fact, with the clock above your professor’s desk ticking obnoxiously as the big hand nears the 8. Outside, it’s downright miserable: windy and foggy. The outside of the paneled windows of the classroom are glazed in a sticky frost, reducing the figures of passing students to dull blobs as they hurry through the whipping wind to get to their classes.
The big doors at the back of the classroom close with a bang that reverberates throughout the lecture hall, cutting through the murmuring chatter of the students who are already here. Out of the corner of your eye you catch a flash of green- as you suspect, it’s Alex. He always takes the seat on the very end of the row, and you the one immediately to his right. You look up at him with what you hope is a casual smile, but the one he returns is so bright it could probably melt the frost off of the windows.
“Hey!” he says, too awake for 8 in the morning, and sets his binder down on the desk with a clatter. The whoosh of air rustles the paper of your notebook, which you smooth back down habitually. You watch Alex longer than you should, only tearing your gaze away after you notice the smattering of tiny snowflakes that have gathered atop the beanie he’s wearing.
You stifle a little laugh. This guy wears a beanie to law school.
Out of the corner of your eye, you watch as he settles into his seat. He shrugs off his hunter green jacket, leaving him in just a gray hoodie, dotted with darker spots from melting snowflakes that’d been blown into him. He drops his outer jacket across his lap just as the room goes silent, your professor walking up to his desk.
As the last tails of conversations die off, you turn to Alex, unable to help yourself, “You have… snowflakes, on your head.”
He glances at you, a little huff of laughter escaping him as he brings up a hand to smooth over the beanie. The snowflakes are swiped off, melting on the heat of his hand- you wonder how it would feel held in yours, probably warm, he looks like he runs hot- and you pry your eyes away as he straightens out his beanie and tucks his hair up into the brim of it. He misses a strand, and the black swoop stands out sharply against the frost-paled skin of his face.
“Happy February,” your professor begins, his microphone crackling to life. “The month of love, is it not? Just two weeks until Valentines day.”
He swings his bag up onto the stool next to him, the sound echoing through the microphone. He turns to face the lecture hall, arms spread as if welcoming you all to a talk show.
“I’m about to ruin all of your Valentines Day plans. Welcome to the start of your final project: the mock trial.”
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floresmarique · 3 years
Hello! This is the first one shot i wrote that you can find on my Wattpad too! Also, sorry if there are some mistakes, i'm italian so sometimes i still struggle a bit with my english but i hope you like it ♡
Plot; You are a new pupil in the Cobra Kai dojo and to impress John Kreese you fight with his best student, Johnny lawrence. But Johnny will develop some special feelings towards you...
WARNING: This one shot will contain smut and a bit of violence.
Tags; oral, swallowing, a little bit of bully Johnny at the beginning and a tiny bit of fluff.
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Since (Y/N) was a kid, she always wanted to enter the fascinating world of Martial Arts but never had the economic possibility to afford the lessons.
But now that she was in California and her parents had a new well paid job, they encouraged her to join a Karate school and she couldn't believe that when they first told her about it with smiling faces.They always knew that (Y/N) wanted to learn Karate as a child and, with the new money they were making, her parents supported (Y/N)'s passion, which made her happy.
Everytime she came back from school, she always stopped by that dojo called 'Cobra Kai'. (Y/N) couldn't stop looking at the perfect moves of those boys, at their amazing grit.
But there was a thing that worried her; she never saw a girl inside the dojo.
Not having girls was kinda old minded and sexist in her opinion.
It's the 80s, for gods sake!
She thought.
But trying wouldn't be too bad, right?
So one day after school, she finally decided to enter inside that place and the first thing her ears heard were some screamed words by the boys. They all looked like soldiers and the Sensei looked like the captain.
"Strike first, strike hard, no mercy!" They shouted in unison and (Y/N) furrowed her brows.
What kind of motto was that?
She didn't know what she was supposed to do, so she just cleared her throat to catch their attention, hoping to not get humiliated by them or the Sensei.
The Sensei looked very rough and rude and the girl noticed that he had a cobra tattooed on his arm, he was the only one with a black gi while everyone else had a white one.
She always wanted to wear one.
The tall man walked towards her, trying to intimidate her with his glare but (Y/N) kept her head high and stared him in the eyes with a straight face.
"How can i help you?" He spoke with a slight grin on his face.
"I'd like to join your dojo."
After her answer, everyone bursted in a loud laugh and (Y/N) started to feel uncomfortable, especially with the man's glare on her.
"We do not accept girls." Was his simple response and she wasn't surprised about it, but disappointed for sure.
"Why not? Girls are capable of kick asses just like boys."
She didn't expect to be that bold, but did she care? No.
She wanted to challenge herself and demonstrate to those immature people that girls can be just as strong.
"That's very brave of you..." He started to slowly walk around her in a circle, only to stop again in front of her with his arms crossed. "I could give you a chance."
(Y/N) smirked, proud of herself while she took off her shoes to stand on the tatami. She was so excited and loved to see the disappointed looks on the boys faces.
"Let's see how good of a fighter you are, shall we?" The Sensei said and she nodded, repeating in her head the techniques she found in some martial arts books.
She felt ready.
"Lawrence, come here."
A blonde, tall boy with a muscular figure stood on the Sensei side, his expression was filled with anger. (Y/N) also noticed that he had a black eye and a black headband wrapped around his head. She couldn't deny that he was pretty hot, but she was too determined to get distracted.
"He's one of my best boys." Sensei smirked and the boys shared an amused look while sitting down on the tatami in a circle. "Good luck."
The man walked away and she and the boy remained at the center of the tatami in the attack position.
The blonde smirked before speaking.
"I'm gonna go easy on yo-" Before he could finish his sentence, (Y/N) kicked him right on top of his stomach, which made the boys howl in amusement. She was the one smirking now, standing again in the same position as before.
"I'm not gonna go easy on you, blondie." (Y/N) stated, and that was where the boy lost it. He started attacking her with punches and kicks that she perfectly shielded, just to punch him right in the face and kick him on his black belt, making him fall on his back.
Before he could stand up again, (Y/N) positioned herself on his lap and bent forward to put her hands under his shoulders to block him with her dead weight. She once saw that position on a book and it was kinda awkward to do since it looked like she was hugging him.
She could smell his sweat and a little bit of perfume, but she also could feel his warm breath against her forehead and it made her shiver a bit. He was attractive and being that close to him clouded her senses so much that she didn't hear Sensei's voice.
"Enough, you can stand up." He demanded.
When they both stood up, the blonde guy adjusted his gi and looked at her dead in the eyes while (Y/N) observed the shocked expressions of the other boys.
"What's your name?" The Sensei asked, walking towards her again. She tried to catch a little bit of breath before answering.
"(Y/N) (L/N)."
"Well, (Y/N), you're in. Consider yourself lucky, this is a privilege."
(Y/N) couldn't contain her happiness and a smile formed on her lips. She was proud of herself and she was sure that even her parents would have been.
"Thank you, Sensei." She said, but before he could respond, she heard the boy behind them speak.
"What?! Is this a joke?!" The same blonde blue eyed boy spoke. "I let her win, obviously. I bet she is not gonna resist a week here."
"Johnny, i'm the one who makes the decisions here."
So his name was Johnny.
Johnny Lawrence.
She heard of him at school, he was considered the 'bad guy' along with his mates but (Y/N) wasn't intimidated by them.
(Y/N) smirked and held out her hand for Johnny to shake.
"Pleasure to finally meet you, Johnny Lawrence."
He looked at her hand and then stared into her eyes with a killing glare.
"The pleasure is all yours."
Johnny refused to shake her hand and walked away, but that didn't wash (Y/N)'s smirk off her face because she had him exactly where she wanted.
She liked some rivalry.
Or so she thought.
For the next weeks, Johnny made her life a living hell.
He would tease her at school or he would start fights while she walked home, fights that (Y/N) either refused or won. Johnny had enough of that. He couldn't believe that a girl, a so innocent looking girl, could always beat his ass better than him.
On the other hand, Johnny also knew that he could hurt her bad if he wanted to, but the truth was that he didn't want to make her suffer. He didn't want to ruin her pretty face with a kick, so in a certain sense he let her always won.
Johnny knew about her even before she came into the dojo that day, he saw her multiple times around Ali or during P.E.
And he wanted her.
His friends thought that he still had his mind set on Ali, but he moved on as soon as he saw (Y/N) at school and when he saw her enter the dojo, his heart was beating so fast that he was afraid she would actually notice it. When she got on top of his lap to block him, Johnny smelled her hair and felt all of her warmth on his body.
And he got a boner too in that exact moment.
There was something about that look on her innocent face, about her fake naivety that he just loved and needed in every sense of the word.
He teased her only to be around her, only to hear her voice again even if it was just to tell him to fuck off.
But he wasn't the only one who was crushing hard on her.
Bobby, his mate, always talked about her to Johnny.
"I want to ask her on a date." He once told Johnny and the rage he felt inside was about to explode, but he couldn't let them know his feelings.
Not yet.
"Why would you do that mate?" Johnny scoffed. "Our plan is to kick her out of Cobra Kai. She will only cause trouble to our dojo. A girl, please, i don't know what Sensei was thinking. Everyone will laugh at us at the tournament because of her."
Johnny was talking bullshit.
She was perfect for Cobra Kai, she had determination and strenght that even some boys would envy.
She would kick everyone's ass at the tournament.
But he couldn't let Bobby ask her out, because he was sure that she would say yes. They always chatted a bit at the dojo during stretching and they even had two or three classes together.
"Johnny, i think you are exaggerating a little bit. She's a badass and god, so pretty."
And after that, Johnny knew that he had to make her his before Bobby would find the courage to ask her out.
And that time came soon.
After another lesson, (Y/N) went to the changing room to take a shower, as always. She was very surprised that there was a changing room for girls since she was the first one that was accepted, but she never questioned it and was pretty happy to have a whole changing room for herself.
She had plans tho, about revolutionating the whole Cobra Kai so that other girls could join in. She also wasn't a fan of their 'no mercy' motto, honor was much more important to her.
While cleaning up her body under the water, she mentally repeated all the things she learned during the last lesson so that she wouldn't forget them and she got so concentrated that she didn't hear steps inside the changing room.
She hummed 'Girls Just Want To Have Fun' while wrapping a towel around her wet body and stepped out of the showers while looking down, adjusting the towel.
"Ohh girls, just wanna have- what the fuck are you doing here?!" Looking up, she saw Johnny completely relaxed on the bench of the changing room, his hair were still a little damp and the blue tight sweater he was wearing perfectly hugged his muscles.
"So is it true, you just wanna have fun?" He raised an eyebrow and gave her a cocky smile.
(Y/N) blushed and wrapped the towel even tighter around her body, embarassed.
"Johnny, what the fuck are you doing here?" She repeated, her cheeks were flushed, both for the rage and embarassment. "Can't you read? It says girls changing room."
"I'm exactly where i'm supposed to be." He stood up from the bench and towered over her figure. (Y/N) rolled her eyes and started brushing her hair while looking into the mirror. "I just wanted to see my dear friend."
(Y/N) widened her eyes and scoffed, shaking her head.
"Friend?" She scrunched up her hair and stared at Johnny's reflection in the mirror. "Since when?"
"Since today." He crossed his arms and observed her, amused by the situation.
"Ok, well, friend" she turned around and sighed. "Can we be friends after i get dressed? We'll talk about this later outside of the changing room."
"Change here, i don't mind. You will not need clothes anyway pretty soon." He nonchalantly said, trying to hide his grin.
"Well i do mind actually, what the hell are-" before (Y/N) could finish her comeback, Johnny pressed his lips on her soft ones, completely shocking her. It was a short kiss, just to see her reaction.
When he pulled away, he stared into her eyes and saw shock in them, but also something that made him smirk.
She didn't slap him or even tried to back off. Her slightly open lips and her red cheeks said it all, Johnny didn't need words.
He kissed her again, but in a more ferocious way, and she did the same thing. All the attraction they had for each other was coming out from their bodies and actions.
Johnny backed off while taking her with him, so that he would sit on the bench with her on top of him. She gripped his large shoulders and moaned a little bit when she felt his boner against her thighs. Johnny groaned and held her neck with one hand while the other easily took off the towel from (Y/N)'s still wet body.
"I've wanted to do this for so long." He sighed into her mouth and deepened the kiss. His hands were roaming on her body, not knowing where to stop. He touched her shoulders, her breasts, her arms, her legs.
Her skin was soft and the smell of her was driving him crazy. (Y/N) kissed his cheeks, his forehead and then his lips again, with a desperation that made Johnny even more turned on.
"I always wanted you too..." (Y/N) softly said and caressed his cheek while leaving wet kisses on his jawline and neck. Johnny closed his eyes and then opened them again, he needed to see her desperate for him. He needed to remember her face, her body, the pretty shades of her skin. He wanted her to be printed in his mind for the rest of his life.
"Yeah?" His voice was a lot deeper than usual and also rough. "Fuck, come here."
He took her face in his hands and kissed her again, feeling her little fingers on the buttons of his blue jeans. He knew that she wasn't as innocent as she made people think. And he loved it so much.
"Wait-" He spoke with a ragged breath. "Am i- am i your first?"
He searched for her eyes and when she kept looking down, he raised her chin with two of his fingers so that she could look into his blue eyes.
"Y-Yes." She stuttered.
She was ashamed, but Johnny felt like he was touching heaven with his fingertips.
Because she was the first one for him too.
"You are my first too." He admitted and lightly kissed the top of her nose.
"What about Ali?" (Y/N) furrowed her eyebrows in disbelief.
"We never did anything like this, only some make out sessions...but never like this." He caressed her lips with his fingers and bit his lip, staring down at her naked body.
He thought she was perfect, every curve on her body was, and he felt lucky to have her in that moment. To even speak to her. She was a goddess for him and he knew he needed to keep her in his life forever, because someone like her would be too hard to forget.
She was something else.
"You know, we don't have to rush..." Johnny calmy said, his voice was soft now and he made sure to keep eye contact with her.
He cared.
"I know, it's fine, i want to do it." (Y/N) said, confident about her decision.
"You want to do it... in a changing room?" Johnny raised his eyebrow and (Y/N) giggled at his shocked expression while caressing his golden damp locks.
"Well, wasn't it your plan?" She asked with a grin and Johnny rolled his eyes, a slight blush was appearing on his cheeks.
"Sort of..." He sighed "I just, i don't want our first time to be here, i want it to be more intimate and special."
(Y/N) thought about that and realized that he was right. They didn't even have condoms and it would have been too uncomfortable to have sex for the first time on a bench, considering the pain.
"I guess you are right." She nodded and gave him a peck on the lips. "But... we could do something else..."
Her fingertips traced the line of his abs, covered by his tight sweater. Johnny inhaled some air and rested the back of his head against the wall, grinning at her.
"Well, that was what i had in my mind in the first place..." He winked at her and took her hand that was placed on his belly, just to place it down on the buttons of his jeans. "Let's see how good you are now..."
(Y/N) felt a certain warmth in her stomach at his words and stared at his eyes while unbuttoning his jeans, her fingers were fast and almost desperate to feel him. Johnny eagerly helped her lower his pants, his white boxers showed the prominent boner under them.
(Y/N) slowly got on the cold floor, on her knees between Johnny's legs. Her heart was beating fast against her chest, she felt heat all up in her body and a deep desire for Johnny. She never saw a dick before, except for that one time in her old city where one of her friends had an adult magazine at school and showed it to everyone, and (Y/N) was pretty grossed out by the view of a penis.
"Do you want it?" Johnny deeply asked, his eyes were filled with desire and lust.
"Yes." (Y/N) said and slowly lowered the waistband of his boxers, only to display his full hard lenght.
She didn't feel grossed out now.
Johnny noticed her surprised expression and softly laughed.
"Like what you see, baby?"
(Y/N) shivered at the pet name and nodded, taking his member in her hand to observe it better. Johnny slightly panted at that and gulped, wanting to feel her hand around him.
"Stroke it slowly, baby..." Johnny placed an hand on one of (Y/N)'s shoulders to keep her going.
She did as she was told and observed his eyes and expressions to understand if she was doing it the right way and, judging by his heavy pants, she was.
"Like that?" She innocently asked, pressing her palm on his lenght while stroking it.
"Fuck, yes, like that" Johnny was already a moaning mess, (Y/N) never saw him look more vulnerable than that and she liked to be the one that made him feel that way. The skin of his dick was smooth and warm and it was probably 7 inches long. The head was red and wet with pre-cum that (Y/N) decided to taste with the tip of her tongue, causing Johnny to groan.
"Oh, god- yeah, keep doing that baby..." (Y/N) smirked at his desperation and pressed her tongue on the head of his cock, licking it up and down. Her eyes never left his face, he looked completely gone to the pleasure.
He looked at her with half lidded eyes, his mouth was in a 'o' shape and he was starting to sweat, (Y/N) could see it on his forehead.
Johnny caressed her hair, encouraging her to take his lenght inside her mouth more. His legs were tensed and (Y/N) gripped his toned thighs while going down on him.
"Mmh..." Johnny closed his eyes and thrusted his hips a little forward, but still carefully and slowly to give her time. "Keep stroking it while you suck it, baby..."
(Y/N) welcomed his thrusts into her mouth and wrapped one hand around the end of his dick, stroking it a little faster. The changing room was filled with Johnny's moans and the sloppy sounds of (Y/N)'s mouth wrapped around him.
She could feel herself getting wetter by the second and felt the urge to touch the area between her legs for some friction.
"Oh shit, yes, yes, i'm so close, love-" Johnny took her head in his hands just to feel her movements and opened his eyes to stare down at her. The sight of the pretty girl he wanted for months on her knees with her swollen lips around his dick, were too much for him. "Baby, i'm about to cum-"
(Y/N) looked up at him and managed to show a little grin while staying on his cock, bobbing her head up and down faster than before.
Johnny took the hint; she wanted him to cum inside her mouth.
"Fuck, you want it don't you?" Johnny bit his lip and rested both of his hands on the sides of her face, his cheeks were flushed and his forehead was wet with sweat. "I'm coming, oh fuck, (Y/N)!"
(Y/N) stopped her movements but kept his lenght inside her mouth, she felt his dick contract various times and then a salty and warm liquid squirted on her tongue. His thighs tensed even more and he never left his grip on her face while riding off his orgasm. (Y/N) made sure to swallow everything till the last drop before letting his dick out of her mouth.
Both of them were breathing heavily and Johnny looked high, still trying to recover from the intense pleasure.
"Fuck" he sighed and smiled softly while watching her standing up. She had messy hair and flushed cheeks, her lips were pink and swollen and Johnny couldn't help but to kiss her. "You are incredible, baby..."
"Well, thank you!" (Y/N) giggled and Johnny stood up, kissing her again but only to make her sit on the bench, on the same place he was some seconds ago.
"But i can't let you go like this..." Johnny was now on the floor, gently opening her legs while staring into her eyes. (Y/N) was dying of embarassment, no one ever saw her intimate parts and she felt self conscious about it.
"Shh, don't worry, let me admire you..." Johnny could see that she was nervous and it was important for him to reassure her. He slowly parted her legs without breaking eye contact. Once he saw how wet she was, Johnny licked his lips and slightly smirked at her, amused by her embarassed expression.
"Do you want me?" He whispered, leaving a wet trail of kisses along her thigh. His blue eyes never left hers while doing so. (Y/N) tensed, feeling him that close to her private area was making her sweat. "Tell me."
"Yes, Johnny." She gulped. "I want you."
He took both of her legs and rested them on his shoulders, getting closer to her pulsating pussy.
"Even out of this changing room?"
(Y/N) smiled and nodded, but Johnny wanted to hear her.
"Tell me." He kissed her inner thigh, getting even more closer to her vagina.
"Yes." She panted. "I want you, always."
Johnny grinned and before (Y/N) could blink, he pressed his entire tongue on her aching pussy, making her moan. He kept looking at her, holding her legs with his strong arms and he started to move his tongue in circular motions on her clit.
"Oh, Johnny..." She gasped and tugged at his blonde hair. Everything was new to her, she never felt something like that and she would have never imagined it to happen with Johnny. She for sure dreamed about it, but never expected it to become reality.
"You like it, baby girl?" He asked her, his voice was deep and his lips red and shiny because of her fluids.
"Yes, Johnny, so much!" She moaned when the blonde started sucking on her clit like he was hungry. He was breathing heavily against her, she could feel his warm breath on her pussy and it made her crazy.
"You taste so good, love..." Johnny whispered and reached one of her breasts with an hand to gently stroke her nipple. "You're so beautiful, fuck."
With his other hand, Johnny teased her entrance with one of his fingers but never left her clit untouched. He slowly inserted the tip of his finger inside of her, feeling how tight she was. (Y/N) let out a light squeal at that.
"How do you feel?" He asked her and slowly pumped the tip of his finger inside her.
"It kinda burns, but it's okay." She panted and nodded.
Johnny repeated the same action and watched as she threw her head back in pleasure. He smirked and added a little bit more of his finger inside of her while applying pressure to her clit with his tongue. He felt her legs shake a bit and heard her ragged breath and he couldn't help but think that she was absolutely perfect in those conditions.
She was close and he could see it and feel it.
"Please, Johnny- Oh!" Hearing her moaning his name made him pump his finger faster with the movements of his tongue.
"What do you want?" He groaned against her.
"I want to cum, fuck!"
"Look at me." He demanded. He needed to have her eyes placed on him, it was like a kink for him. "I want you to look at me while you cum on my tongue..."
(Y/N) looked at him but keeping her eyes open was an hard task with that intense pleasure. She wondered where he learned to do that since he said it was his first time, but he probably just was a natural talent.
Just like her.
(Y/N) felt a weird sensation build up in her stomach, a very heavy feeling and she knew what that meant.
"Johnny, i can't!" She panted and tugged harder at his hair, making him groan.
"Cum then, cum for me (Y/N)..."
And she did.
She did while moaning his name repeatedly, trying to look at him while her toes curled behind his back. Johnny had a proud smirk on his wet swollen lips and licked  her fluids with pleasure before standing up to kiss her sweetly on the lips.
(Y/N) still had a ragged breath and was recovering from her orgasm, but she was also scared.
What if he's gonna be an asshole again now and this was just a joke for him? She thought.
They both silently fixed themselves and (Y/N) finally got dressed. Her hair were almost completely dry and she didn't know how to act and wondered why he was so silent now, fixing his hair and clothes infront of the mirror. He looked like nothing happened while (Y/N) was still shocked.
"Will you go out with me this Friday?" He asked and turned around, resting his back against the wall. (Y/N) felt better after his question and gave him a smile.
"Well, usually, boys ask a girl out before they finger fuck her in a changing room-" she grinned and Johnny crossed his arms while letting out a laugh. "But sure, why not."
"Always a tease, aren't you?" He hugged her from behind and (Y/N) felt butterflies in her stomach while he rested his chin on top of her shoulder. "We could go to the Arcade, mh?"
Before she could respond, they heard the voices of the other boys outside of the changing room.
"Johnny!" They shouted. "We have to go, where the hell are you?!"
Johnny sighed and shook his head before speaking again.
"Seems like we are gonna need another shower when we get home, don't you think?"
(Y/N) giggled and gave him a fake disappointed look.
"Yeah, you jerk!" She laughed while putting on her shoes. Johnny gave her a peck on the right cheek and then proceeded to walk away. "Wait, Johnny, have you spied on me while i was under the shower?"
Johnny chuckled and turned his head to look at her.
"Doesn't matter anyway, now."
And after winking at her, he left the changing room with a big proud smile on his face. His mates were shocked when they saw him get out of the girls changing room and howled like little kids.
"Man, what did you do?!" Tommy asked while patting Johnny's shoulder.
Johnny shrugged and smirked.
"Nothing impressive, i'm taking her out on a date on friday."
Bobby was confused and Johnny could see the disappointment written all over his face.
"I thought you wanted to kick her o-"
"There are a lot of things you still don't know about me, dear Bobby" Johnny gave him a friendly slap on the cheek and then saw (Y/N) getting out of the changing room. She waved at everyone and gave a particular smile to Johnny, which he returned. "A lot of things."
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ariendiel · 3 years
You know I love spamming your inbox with questions, so here’s another one; If the theme of the party would be movies & series, what would the islanders dress up as? Totally not asking this for inspiration.
And I LOVE that you're spamming my inbox (it's not spam though, it's creative inspiration 😌)! I've done my best for them, and here are my thoughts. I've not done absolutely all of them, so do feel free to reblog with your suggestions.
Who would the Islanders dress up as?
(to a movies & tv theme party)
Bobby – One of the kids from Stranger Things. Yes, it was tempting to say Aladdin, but honestly I think Bobby with his taste in fashion would absolutely embrace the 80s look. He probably has the clothes already
Carl – Spock. For sure. I bet he already has the costume and has worn it to comic-con before. Will probably be the best dressed at the party
Chelsea – Elle Woods, or Dorothy from Wizard of Oz. Both mean she'd get to have a cute look, and she can bring her pug with her as company, which she'd absolutely love
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Elisa – Elisa. Yes, I know, but Elisa would happily point out that she herself is the most fabulous tv star that she knows of so... Alternatively she'd go as Beyoncé
Gary – Luke Skywalker. Gary loves Star Wars, and I so want him to dress up as one of those characters, and then playfully argue with Carl about which is best out of SW and ST
Hannah – Elizabeth Bennet, or any other romantic heroine from classical literature. She'll insist on knowing the book by heart but only quote the 2005 movie all night
Henrik – Carole Baskin. Flower crown and a leopard/tiger print dress. Henrik would definitely embrace the 'character' and talk about big cats and the mysterious disappearance of his husband
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Hope – Daenerys. Mostly just because I love her prom dress. I'd want her to go all out in a long, stunning dress, her gorgeous braids in intricate designs with some statement jewellery. Also just love how strong both Hope and Day are so
Ibrahim – Violet Man. His favourite superhero, of course! I can alos see him looking absolutely fab as Black Panther or Superman, but definitely Violet Man
Jakub – A soldier from 300. Anything to go shirtless and show off his muscles. Will probably bring a spear and do the 300 chant at random times all night
Lottie – Maleficent. Inspired by the Angelina Jolie version, I think Lottie would see it as a fun make up challenge, in addition to getting to be a villain and wear a sleek, black costume
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Lucas – James Bond... Not that he's lazy, but it's a great excuse to wear his nice tux and drink martinis all night. Also feel like it'd make him be extra smooth
Marisol – Erin Brockovich. Sexy lawyer, based on a real story, strong-willed woman. Yeah, I can see her embracing that. I also see Marisol as someone who's definitely got a crush on Julia Roberts
Noah – Indiana Jones. I kind of loved him as Alan Grant in CMM, but to go with something different-but-similar I'd say yeah, Indy it is (I can also see him as Rick Blaine from Casablanca)
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Priya – Joan Holloway. I just really think Priya would nail the look of this Man Men icon. Her in a curve-hugging, 50s dress, swaying her hips... Or she'd be the Devil from Bedazzled
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theolsentimes · 3 years
Mary-Kate Olsen's Singular Style
She came to fame as a twin, but the actress's cultish look is entirely her own. Here, with Lauren Hutton, she pays homage to another fashion inspiration, Grey Gardens. Written by Laura Brown, with photography by Peter Lindbergh (Harper's Bazaar, 2007)
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Mary-Kate Olsen may be the only young actress who breezes into her local Starbucks wearing towering, fashion-fierce Balenciaga boots, who arrives at her latest premiere (in Mary-Kate's case, for the new season of Showtime's Weeds, in which she plays a devout Christian with a pot fetish) sporting an oversize cross, and whose favorite band is Led Zeppelin. She may, in fact, be the only young actress who knows who Led Zeppelin is. MK, as she is known to her friends and family, is also a punctual and professional sort. She arrives for a poolside tea in Los Angeles 10 minutes early, ordering a hot chocolate while explaining her fetish for all things sweet — "I'm a candy girl, like Tootsie Rolls and Swedish Fish" — and objecting when the waiter tries to take the sugar bowl away. She is wearing a nautical striped T-shirt (her mom's, from the '70s), tucked into two black Wolford slips rolled down and turned into a tight, Robert-Palmer-video-style mini, and multicolored sparkly Christian Louboutin stilettos. She's just had her hair colored, returning to a sunnier shade after some experiments with both peroxide ("I woke up one morning and was like, I want white-trash hair today") and the dark side (an auburn-haired near-Goth moment last year). She's carrying a large black fringed leather Prada tote — she doesn't do small bags — and her fingers are covered with rings, most notably two vintage coiled gold snakes stacked on top of each other. ("They remind me of twins, sort of double headed.") Altogether, the effect is less her famed "bag-lady chic" than an edgy, body-conscious, and, yes, sexy silhouette. If she weren't 21, she could be 40. And French.
Few people need reminding that Mary-Kate — with her twin sister, Ashley — literally crawled into celebrity aged nine months (courtesy of Full House) and has not been out of the spotlight ever since. She has been a celebrity for more than two decades. Perhaps that's one reason she seems as if she came out of the womb worldly, the textbook old soul. "Yeah," she says with a small shrug. "I get that a lot." With all of that attention and all of the money (her and Ashley's company, Dualstar, has famously become a "billion-dollar business"), Mary-Kate could easily have ended up the type who wears pink terry cloth and carries a variety of small dogs. "Could you imagine?" she says with the politest version of a snort. "No way." She credits her exceptionally close-knit family (she has five siblings) and, interestingly, early stardom with helping her keep her perspective. "I think it helped that I started in front of the camera, so it didn't come as a shock. If I was a teenager and was thrown into the spotlight, I don't know how I would react, to be honest." Though the tabloids are all too keen to brand her a skinny, nervous deer in the headlights, in person Mary-Kate is easy in her skin, confident and surprisingly tactile, curling up in her seat and touching you on the arm to make a point. She laments the generic style of most actresses and cites only men as style inspirations: "Heath Ledger, Johnny Depp. Men, they just dress the way they want, and they don't think about Who Wore It Best." She doesn't much care for Who Wore It Best, noting she avoids those pages by "wearing vintage so often. I just dress the way I feel instead of looking for what's the new handbag." If Mary-Kate and Ashley have their way, more people will be wearing clothes and carrying bags the way they do. They have just shown the fifth collection of their ready-to-wear line, the Row, and recently launched a contemporary label, Elizabeth and James, named after a sister and a brother. The Row's holiday collection (in stores next month) is a slick mix of skinny leather pants, razor-cut blazers, butter-soft, slouchy tees, and a destined-to-be-cultish pullover fur. Lauren Hutton, who stars in the Row's Spring '08 look book, says, "The clothes are extraordinary. A man I was with just loved them. The pieces are just so genius, soft like a baby's skin. Simple minimalist stuff, but really spectacular." Mary-Kate, designer, faces an interesting challenge. She has to marry Dualstar — which has made its fortune selling tween-tastic DVDs and pastel Mary-Kate and Ashley T-shirts at Wal-Mart — with her increasingly edgy and subversive taste. Dualstar executives, some of whom have worked with her since she was a child, often nag her, mom-style, about pulling her hair back "or wearing a color," she says with a laugh. "I had this event recently, and I was like, They're going to be so happy that I'm wearing ... purple. I actually have to think about those things, though, you know, so I don't get trashed." Get trashed sometimes she does. Hutton says, "Once in a while, she'll wear something and I'll think, Oh, baby doll, take another look. But to have the bravery, to take the chance to do that, is pretty wonderful. She is making her own way, which is hardly ever done in Hollywood." Of Mary-Kate's penchant for gigantic Balenciaga heels, Jenji Kohan, the creator of Weeds, says, laughing, "I'd be like, 'It's Tuesday. Do you really want to be wearing those shoes?' But she pulls it off." Designer Giambattista Valli, a friend, says, "She likes to take risks, but because she has such strong personal style, she always manages to make it work. Even if she had nothing on, she'd have style." And MK chic is spreading. "Sometimes I'll look at people or at a magazine and I'll do a double take because I'm like, Oh, my God, that's my outfit, but that's not me," Mary-Kate says. Playing with her wire-rimmed aviators, she jokes wryly that she should have bought shares in Ray-Ban. (She and Chlo�� Sevigny pretty much brought back white '80s Wayfarers.) She tends to fall in love with a look, then wear it until she's done. "If I put together a good outfit, I'll wear it for three days and then switch it up with a blazer," she says. "I still love my vintage jeans, my tights, and my pants, though." She didn't start wearing heels, in fact, until a couple of years ago: "I kept watching Ashley walk around in them so gracefully, and I'm such a klutz. But I ended up loving heels, and I don't usually take them off." She wears precisely one pair of flat shoes: Chanel's knee-high patent-leather gladiator sandals. This season, it's Balenciaga's fall collection — all of it — that has Mary-Kate obsessed. She is close to designer Nicolas Ghesquière and says, "He is so talented, but he's the nicest, most down-to-earth guy, and that makes everything he does more brilliant. I bought everything, but I haven't got anything yet," she says like a girl impatiently waiting for Christmas. Will she wear the new pieces with her infamous clodhopper boots? "Uh-huh. Wore them the other day, actually." Mary-Kate always goes with her gut, even if some people (back to those tabloids) don't quite get it. "The tabloids say things about me? What do they say?" she asks archly. "People are going to write what they want, and everyone's going to have their own idea of who I am. But I'm not trying to be friends with the people who are reading them, really." After a rough couple of years filled with near-forensic scrutiny of her weight, she'll have you know that she does eat. "This is not going to sound good," she laughs, "but I like making crispy tofu sticks with peanut sauce. I love my sashimi and my salmon and my vegetables." She observes, "Stress plays a big role in how I look day-to-day. I've always been very active — Pilates, yoga. I grew up horseback riding every day for hours. I love dancing. I usually last longer than anyone on the dance floor." A common image of Mary-Kate has her emerging from a coffee joint with an oversize cup. "I always get creamed for having my Starbucks cup," she says, sighing. "But the only time people get photos of me is when I'm getting coffee, when I can't sneak away from the camera." She also resents the pictorial implication that she and Ashley are dilettantes. "They take photos of us going into our offices, and it's 'Mary-Kate and Ashley shopping again.' But I'm going to work for eight hours, and we're working so hard. ..." She trails off. "It just shows how people want to think of you." Mary-Kate is not above celeb watching herself, however. Newly obsessed with Victoria Beckham, she notes she avidly watched Beckham's Coming to America documentary: "She's running around in a bikini and heels, and I'm like, Oh, my God! I do that, too!" How positively Grey Gardens. "I run around my house naked with heels all the time. It's so funny. All my friends will tell you I love running around in kimonos and jewelry or naked with jewelry." More people will be watching Mary-Kate soon, thanks to her role in the Emmy-nominated Weeds. "I am a very good Christian girl," she says with a wink. "She has her moral beliefs — and she happens to smoke pot." Of her newest cast member, Kohan adds, "Mary-Kate is complicated. She's a big celebrity, a huge media icon, but you have to separate the media images from someone who has the same issues, the same desires, as anyone else." Of course, Mary-Kate's image, in all its incarnations — from high fashion to small screen — is her strongest asset. And she has yet to settle on one. "I feel like I've lived 10 different lives already and I'm only 21," she says, almost as a reminder to herself. "But I also feel like I'm entering a new chapter." One thing on which she is clear, though: She doesn't need to be looked at all the time. What would she do for a day if she were invisible? "I would probably go to a restaurant with my friends, who would be able to see me, of course," she adds pragmatically, "and I would sit outside and enjoy a nice lunch with them. Then I would walk down the street." The old soul takes a sip of her little-girl-sweet hot chocolate. "That's what I would do."
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neocatharsis · 3 years
Ten on his new Represent capsule, grappling with creativity, and evading genre lines.
As Ten Lee - a vocalist and dancer in K-pop groups NCT (with whom he debuted in 2016) and Super M, and Chinese group WayV - is musing over his proclivity for partnering music or visual styles in a way that others deem strange, he veers off on a tangent. “Anything can be matched… except juice and coffee,” he says, suddenly. “Those two should never be.” Ten is infamously anti-fruit. It stems from a mistaken process of association in childhood where “I had the image of a spider and the image of fruit mixed up,” he laughs awkwardly, “so now whenever I put fruit in my mouth, I think there’s spiders in my mouth.”
Random abstractions such as this pepper his rapid-fire conversation, like small fireworks fizzing through the dark. Excitable, enthused and sharply alert, if Ten’s energy was visible it would be a shimmering mantle of gold and silver dust. As a dancer, he moves with a sinuous, controlled power that can shift from elegant to explosive on a single beat. As a visual artist, the Bangkok-born, multilingual 25-year-old recently added the title of designer to his growing list of achievements, launching an already sold out collaboration with the bespoke merch platform Represent.
Aptly, he named his collaboration “What is ??? THE ANSWERS”, for although being a chameleonic artist is one of Ten’s greatest strengths, the personality traits that enable this created within him question marks around how he saw himself fitting into the world. “People ask me, ‘What kind of music do you like?’ And I say, ‘I like R&B but hope it sounds rock’. And they’re like, ‘That doesn’t make sense’.” It was troubling to Ten that people began telling him who he was and how he should be, instead of accepting him as is.
In a recent Instagram Live, the myriad of Ten’s contrasts tumble forthwith. He’s the doting cat-dad. His inner emo, who loves rock music, shows off dried roses, with the stern, black, geometric lines of the large tattoo on his inner right arm sometimes visible. But he’s also delicate in a way, with his butterfly tattoo and hair lightly permed, who names daisies as his other favourite flower, and plays Fousheé’s breathy TikTok hit, 'Deep End'.
“Have you seen the image where I have my name in a cross in lots of different languages?” He pulls the image up on his phone. The design sits on his Represent long sleeve tee. “I was thinking [about this], like, what you’re saying... Ten has this luvvie flower side and a very ‘rawwrr!’ side. I’m always like, ‘Ten, what kind of person are you?’ I do ask myself that, too, because everything I like is so different [to the other].” He could have conceded, and reined himself in. He’s pushed back instead. “I thought, ‘I can be anything I want, I can be this in the morning and this at night. I can be any person I want to be’. And that’s what makes me comfortable and happy.”
On his Instagram, Polaroids feature scrawled messages, like “Don’t tell me what to do!” and “Whatever! I’ll do it my way”. The designs of his collaboration seek to challenge being boxed in by other people’s standards, thus limiting ourselves. The recurring symbol of a cross tipped with arrows is a nod to the Chinese letter for 10, but doubles as a plus sign. He’s added it to his Instagram, writing “TEN_+•10” in his bio. “A plus sign can mean that you’re adding on and growing.” He points to another version of the arrow-cross, one with short diagonal dashes between its points that symbolise light. It means, he says, “that I’m radiating. I’m burning, I’m active, I’m doubling myself.” He touches his forearm, where crowning his geometric tattoo is a blazing sun. “I have this, like, if you want to be the light, you have to burn. I relate to that.”
This isn’t to say Ten’s self-exploration is complete. While celebrating his strengths, the artwork also portrays parts of himself not yet conquered. He admits to being a chronic overthinker: “Even very small things that happen to me, I rethink a thousand times, and I get stressed out because of the things I do. Like, the main theme [here] is me overthinking but trying to find an answer even though it doesn’t have any answer.” Fittingly, spiral shapes dominate his designs, looming large amongst bright, bold shapes that evoke 80s Pop Art and graffiti, though Ten shies away from defining himself as “fully an artist, I’m not in the position to say things like that yet.”
“I’m still learning and trying new things. You learn by getting different elements from different people and I’m in that stage now.” He enjoys wandering the infinite halls of Instagram and Pinterest where he screenshots art that he likes, lost in the images, often for hours. He explains that he’s mostly influenced by whatever his current visual obsession is. “I’m interested in tattoos lately so my paintings look like tattoo designs. I’m that person who, when they see stuff, it goes into my brain and instantly comes out from my hands,” he laughs.
Ten’s introduction to art and design was through his mother, who believed music, art and sport were more important in a child’s development than traditional academia. “She didn’t care if I got an A* or not, just don’t get an F or a D,” he grins. Like any kid forced to do something, Ten railed against spending his weekends at art school. He attended but he didn’t draw. He befriended his teacher and other pupils and, as they worked, he chatted. “I was a very talkative kid! When I came to SM Entertainment (in 2013), I had a lot of my own time because my parents were in Thailand and I was alone. I had to absorb all the new culture and adapt to a new environment.’” When he felt surrounded by “negative energy”, he began drawing, enamoured with the space and freedom it offered because in art, as he often says, “there’s no right answer.”
There is, however, sometimes a middle ground. His goal was to make the Represent collection accessible to his diverse fanbase. “I wanted to make things that people can easily wear because it was my first project to make something with clothes and it’s a collab. If you go too far out, no one will get it. If you go too far back, people won’t reach for it. So finding the middle ground is important but that’s the hardest thing to do. If it’s my own project, I’ll be like, ‘I’m the president of this brand, I’m gonna make all the weird clothes that I can imagine!’”
He sought second opinions to ensure his designs landed the way he hoped. “I have a lot of good friends around me - my choreographer, (SHINee and Super M member) Taemin hyung, my manager. I randomly ask people I’m comfortable with and have known for a long time, like Mark (Lee, of NCT and Super M). Mark has the same kind of perspective as me, but I’m a person who is arrghhh!” He waves his hands in the air. “And he’s very calm. I need a person who is opposite of me because when I’m in a mood, I talk nonsense - ‘I wanna do this, I wanna do that, I wanna make this!’ - and Mark’s like,’Bro, calm down’,” he says in a rather uncanny impression of the Canadian-Korean.
Ten works fast when he’s drawing. He has to. He describes his personality as someone who can't wait until the next day to do something. “I’m very impatient,” he smiles. “If I’m going to paint or draw, I’m going to finish it in, like, two hours. I can’t sit down for three hours.” When inspiration hits him, it’s off the back of deep contemplation, sometimes about the mundane - “Like, why do the cats come to me when they’re hungry only? Is it selfish or instinct? - at other times, something affecting him emotionally.
But whereas his job as a singer and dancer sees him project his energy outwards, art offers the opposite. He’s often alone in his room when he works. As is for many artists, the right mood is fundamental. “When I’m in a good mood, I can’t draw,” he half-sighs. It’s also a multi-sensory process. “Smell or the temperature of the room, that really helps me draw. I light three or four candles. And when I draw, it’s kind of heavy, the feeling,” he explains. “It feels like you’re sinking into something, into yourself, and everything seems so small. Everything narrows down into me, my pencil, the paper.”
The more work he does in different creative mediums, the less Ten’s desire is to keep them separate. His art, dance and music influence each other, whether it’s customising his own collaboration pieces, a choreography video in an art gallery or dancing underwater with a film crew. When someone tells him that something won’t work or match up well, he refuses to let the idea go until he’s attempted it.
“I’ve had that since I was young. I think everything is possible. If you don’t try, you don’t know. When people say it’s impossible, like dancing in water for three minutes, I’m like, then let’s make it possible. You don’t need to walk a straight line [in life], you can walk this way,” Ten says, pointing along an invisible line before switching sharply in direction. “Then go back on track, go that way, come back. No one should tell you to walk in a line, I don’t see the point of that.”
© Clash Magazine
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lampmeeting · 3 years
D for Charles/Magnus, I for Magnus/Toki, L for Charles/Pickles, and F for Melm/JT.
eeehEHEHEHE DILF *rubs my little hands together* don't mind if i do~
D for Drunken Love Confession - Charles/Magnus
pre-klok. :') magnus has been chipping away at charles' resolve. there's just something about the bookish, put-together little chuck offdensen that makes magnus wanna break through all his defenses and see him come undone. he always did like a challenge. they have heated, passionate debates about the direction of the band. they get in each other's faces. magnus even kissed him once, but charles pushed him away, furious and blushing, and demanded he leave his office.
after six months of this weirdly charged back-and-forth they have, the band invites charles to come drinking with them to celebrate pickles' birthday. charles declines, concerned they're just inviting him to come because they want someone else to play designated driver. but magnus intervenes like "nah i'm driving tonight, promise. so go nuts." and charles seems to think it over... and eventually agrees.
so they all go out! at first charles seems to be pacing himself, but pickles gets shots, and it's all downhill from there. magnus, staying dutifully sober, watches the rest of the band + charles get sloppy and silly, not minding in the slightest the way charles leans against him a little in the booth and touches him when he laughs. he starts to regret not getting drunk himself, but he'd promised charles. it's enough just to see charles' mask slip, albeit not quite in the way magnus wanted. but he'll take it for now.
at the end of the night, magnus drops the band off at the apartment and then continues on to charles' place. he pulls up, and charles tries to get out of the car, but stumbles and falls. he's a lot more fucked up than magnus suspected. magnus helps him to the door, but charles seriously looks like he's about to black out, so he takes him inside, cleans him up a little, and puts him to bed (on his side, in the recovery position, he knows the drill). before he leaves, he can't help himself... he runs fingers through charles' sweaty hair and strokes his jaw. charles opens his eyes, seeming surprised that magnus is still there, and then... he smiles at him. a genuine smile. and as his eyes close again, he whispers something that freezes magnus in place.
"...mmfm...mmlove you..."
but charles is under again, and magnus leaves in a panic. charles doesn't, can't, have feeling for him. that's too much. magnus just wanted some fun, right? maybe get charles worked up enough for an angry fuck. but...love?
magnus can't sleep. the next time magnus sees charles, charles pulls him aside. "i apologize that you had to babysit me like that the other night. i can't exactly recall everything that happened, so if i said or did anything, ah...embarrassing, i'm very sorry."
so charles doesn't remember what he said. or he does and he's just trying to save face. magnus should be relieved about this, but for some reason his heart feels suddenly sore...
"oh, yeah, no...you were out like a light. don't worry about it."
I for "Idiots in Love" - Toki/Magnus
post-post-galaktikon. weirdly enough i'd probably write this from like nathan's pov or something. he's having everyone over to the house for some reason, maybe a holiday or his daughter's first birthday or something (her cool uncles wouldn't dream of missing it). this means..... rrugghhgh magnus is coming over. it's the first time he's interacted with magnus since pickles and charles' wedding, so maybe a good couple years, and he's not looking forward to it.
everyone arrives. toki and magnus are the last to show up, and nathan has to do a double-take because this is SO not magnus. half his hair is back in a ponytail, he's let his beard grow in some, and he's wearing a sweater?? and he's smiling? he genuinely seems happy to see nathan, gives him a hug, says a warm hello to abby.
over the course of the afternoon nathan has to keep looking at him and reminding himself that's magnus fucking hammersmith because he's just so... animated? friendly? he's sitting next to toki and they're holding hands, and when others are talking the two of them are making eyes at each other and cuddling and laughing at little things they seem to be sharing between themselves. they're being a couple of absolute goofballs together, and honestly it's a bit sickening to watch. is magnus just faking this?
at some point nathan excuses himself to the kitchen for something, and while he's in there he's joined by magnus, considerably more subdued.
"sorry, man, i just...i thought maybe we could talk for a sec."
so they talk. they catch up a little. nathan learns magnus has been hitting the therapy especially hard over the past year, making some meaningful strides. it's not an act, he's genuinely happier now. or at least trying to be.
"i mean, you know how it is, nate, right? doesn't abby make you wanna be better just because she exists and she loves you?"
okay, nathan can understand that. he still doesn't understand... them. but it really seems like magnus has turned a corner, which... good for him, he supposes. as long as he's treating toki well.
when they return to the party, nathan watches magnus sit back down with toki and give him a kiss like he'd been gone all month, and they giggle to themselves again. this time, it seems...all right.
L for "Love at First Sight" - Charles/Pickles
i'm gonna flip the script here!! i've already done the whole "charles sees pickles on stage and goes gaga for him" twice now... so i'd pull away from the 80s and do a fic where they actually did meet for the first time in the mid-90s when pickles was in dethklok.
so they've got their shitty original manager (the one from doomstar) still, and he's just not pulling his weight. he's managing a few other bands and his heart isn't in dethklok the way it used to be. pickles is worried they're stagnating, and when he learns that it's been magnus lately making sure they get booked, that's the last straw. they all come together, and they tell the dude to fuck off. but then this leaves them without a manager. magnus offers, but pickles has already been wary about how possessive magnus seems about the band recently, so when pickles says no the rest of them vote the same.
pickles blows through his old contacts looking to dig up some manager from his past who can either wants to manage dethklok or has connections to someone else. no dice. skwisgaar comes up with no one. magnus is still trying to campaign for himself. shit gets dire when somehow seth finds out dethklok is lacking management and leaves pickles a voicemail offering his "valuable fuckin' services". pickles blows his fucking top, swearing and screaming. "HOW HARD IS IT TO FIND ONE GUY CAPABLE OF MANAGING A FUCKIN' BAND??"
the doorbell rings, and pickles, still raging, throws it open.
it's just... a dude. like a normal-ass dude. glasses. a nice dress shirt and slacks. nice hair. handsome. he's nervous as shit, but that almost makes him more handsome.
"i, ah...i-i was told that van on the street belongs to, ah...to someone here? i clipped the, ah, the bumper. just a little. but it's noticeable."
anger forgotten, pickles just... stares at him. are his eyes green or brown? and that jawline...
the man shifts his weight just a bit, peeking into the apartment with wide, curious eyes. "sorry, that, ah... that's quite the drum kit."
"huh?" pickles looks back at it and steps inside, and the man follows as if he's simply meant to be there. "oh, yeah, thanks. you play?"
"hardly. a small jazz kit in college for a friend's music project but it, ah, obviously didn't go anywhere." the man glances around and seems to realize that he's just waltzed inside. "right, ah, so about the van--" he pulls out his card. charles f. offdensen of finch & associates. an honest-to-god lawyer. huh. so he's a smart guy. good-looking to boot. knows a bit about music, apparently. and he's looking to make things right about hitting the van...
pickles smiles, hearts in his eyes. "ya like metal, charlie?"
F for "Fake Dating" - Melmord/Twinkletits
aaahahah... okay. so, this would be when melm is living with john as part of his continued therapy. a few months pass, and they've actually become good friends, melm thinks, not just therapist and patient. it's nice living there with john.
and then, john gets a call from his ex-wife, joy. she's in town, and she wants to come over for dinner one night before she leaves. the only thing is, she's got her new fiance in tow. she and john ended on pretty mutual terms, so there's really no bitterness there, but even so, john knows it's going to be an unpleasant evening. and then there's the question of what to do about melmord.
"you can just stuff me in a back room and pretend i don't exist. i'll be real quiet."
"absolutely not, you've been watching too many sitcoms."
"excuse you, that's jane eyre."
john just doesn't exactly know how to approach explaining melmord's presence in the house. because he knows joy, and joy will ask.
"tell her i'm a friend who needed a place to crash?"
"joy knows i don't do friends anymore."
ouch go melm's feelings.
"well, uh... you could just tell her the truth? that i'm your patient and i live with you?"
john pulls a face. "absolutely not."
in a flash of sitcom inspiration, melm snaps his fingers. "i got it! i'm your boyfriend! we'll pretend to date!"
"pretend to--?? mel, honey, no. okay? i understand you're trying to help, but--"
"but what? what's your brilliant idea, doc?"
cut to john introducing melmord to his ex-wife.
"and this is my... well, he's uh, my boyfriend actually. my boyfriend melmord."
melm is all smiles as he leans in and takes joy's hand. "please, just call me mel."
and then of course at the end of a long night, joy and her fiance leave, and john and melm pat each other on the back for a job well done. they really gave it their all, put on a convincing performance full of long embraces and doting glances and romantic touches. neither of them really want to talk about how easily it came to them, and how unwilling they both are to bring it to an end.
"well, uhh... good night, then." john chuckles. "darling."
"yeah, haha, sleep good, uh... sugarbear."
they laugh. they're standing in the hall laughing. they should really move apart from each other and go to their respective rooms if they're going to sleep, but they're not moving. and they're still laughing. and now melmord is touching john's shirt, fingering a button, and john has a hand on melm's hip...
"maybe," melm says quietly, "we can just pretend for, like... a little longer?"
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appleteez · 3 years
No Going Back This Time
Pairing: Seonghwa x reader
Genre: Smut and FLUFF, crack too
Word count: 5401
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The little metallic band seems brighter than it should be. Every time he moves his hand a bit the light reflects on it. When he takes a sip of wine, it clings on the glass. When he cuts his meat, it rubs against the cutlery. Finally, when he talks about our university days, he plays with it.
“Don’t you think it’s weird?” I blur out not even paying attention to what he was telling me before.
“I don’t know. I feel like out of everyone you know or knew, you could have chosen someone else besides me?”
“Well, I’m just the most comfortable with you. You were my best friend through the four years of uni and—“ Once again, his words become background noises. For some reason, I couldn’t concentrate at all. My eyes start to wonder around the room.
There is only happy couples around us and because they didn’t know what our situation is, they could think the same of us. Maybe, other couples in this room were in this situation too. Actually, no way, that was just too weird. I look back at him he’s still talking. Trying to explain his way out of this one. Sure I had feelings for him, when I was in college, when I didn’t want a boyfriend. I always said that we met at the wrong time. He always muttered that I didn’t give him a chance. But if I said that back then was the wrong time, now it definitely is.
Seonghwa is engaged, and he contacted me after years to ask me out on a date. Him and his fiancé made a weird deal. They allowed one another to go on a date with a random person to see if they were really ready to engage themselves into a marriage. So here I am, on a date with an engaged man that used to be my best friend in college, and occasionally something more.
“Are you even listening to me?”
“Honestly? Not really no.. I don’t know. This is weird. It’s like giving me false hope.”
“False hope?”
“It’s a fake date Seonghwa. It’s basically rubbing it in that I’ve been single forever.” I sigh wanting to lay back in my chair but I feel like the restaurant is too fancy for that. Since when could he afford this kind of place.
“Well I mean..” He looks around embarrassed, and then I don’t know if it’s my pride or just wanting to be an asshole to him as a revenge, but I decided to take on his challenge. Tonight, Park Seonghwa, you’re gonna fall in love with me all over again. --- I was always a bit wild. College years were actually my peak. I had been arrested a few times and Seonghwa was never far behind me. Even though he was the calm type, always having good grades, never missing class. I guess there was something about me that pushed him to do the irresponsible things I loved doing.
“How do uni students dress these days?” I say looking through clothes at a local thrift shop.
“I don’t know..” He says looking around nervously.
“Here!” I take an over sized t-shirt and some ripped up baggy pants. “That’s how I’m gonna dress !! Wait do they have bucket hats?” I go the hat section and find a white bucket hat. “Your turn!” I turn to him.
“No way, we’re not going to a frat party.”
“Seonghwa, it’s Friday night! The parties are booming right now. Let’s just go have some fun like the old days. Here wear this.” I find him a pair of skinny black jeans that had a chain and a white t-shirt. “Just tuck in that white t-shirt and you’re gonna look… Oh! So sexy~” I go up to him taking his nice tie in my hand to pull him to me. “All the girls are gonna want you~” I almost whisper to him and he can’t help himself but to smile back shyly. I was getting to him slowly but surely.
My over-sized shirt french tucked into my large pants, I wait for Seonghwa to get out of the changing room. Once the curtain opens, I can’t help myself but to smile brightly. The man looks like an 80s god. I smile at him in awe and he just scratches his cheek shyly.
“Ok what now?”
“Now~ We go partay!!!” I pull him with me out of the store. We walk down the streets to get to the local campus, who happened to be our university. As we get closer to the frat street, where all the frat houses were located, I stop him. “Wait let’s get rid of our other clothes we can’t walk around with plastic bags it’s weird.” I say as I throw my bag into some random bushes.
“What? Are you crazy, that suit cost me an arm and leg.”
“Mh? Really?”
“Well.. I have the money but it’s still an expensive suit.”
“Seonghwa, you should know better but to wear expensive shit around me.” I smile at him and he sighs. His eyes look around for a minute and he breaks.
“Fine.” He throws his bag too and I laugh.
“Look at you !!! Ok now.” I start running my hands through my hair, taking out any hair accessory that could look fancy, and I shake them lightly to give them a wild look. “Do the same, your hair slicked back like that, doesn’t look like a uni student out partying.” He brings his hands up to his hair hesitantly, and starts to shake his hair around giving him an irresistible bad boy look. The tight pants, the white shirt tucked in it, with the belt and the chain. Back in the days I would have jumped his bones in the bushes right away. However, I was on a mission tonight. Jumping his bones would have to come later. I look back at his veiny hands and something shiny catches my eye. “The ring, you have to take it off.”
“What? I can’t do that, no.”
“Hwa, you can’t go into a frat party with a ring on your fucking ring finger. Put it at least on your index. It’ll look hot.” He hesitates again, but soon enough his ring is on his index finger, and before I know it, I’m dragging him into the house we used to party at all the time.
I don’t know if it was due to better audio system, or because I had gotten older, but the music boomed so loud in my ears I almost feel dizzy. We get a few drinks in, and have been dancing for a good half hour. Seonghwa is sweating so much that his white T is now transparent and too many eyes are on him. His body against mine, his smile is now on full display, I had him.
“Hwa!” I yell, and he leans in closer to me. His hands snaking around my waist to keep me close to him so he could hear me. The scent of alcohol on him, our bodies touching, it all brought back so many memories. “Let’s play a game!”
“What is it!?”
“Let’s see who gets the most hook ups!” I smile at him and he looks back to look at me, he’s nodding no energetically. “What? Why not?” He leans back in.
“I’m on a date with you tonight, I can’t hook up with other girls like that.” My heart starts to beat so hard that it feels louder than the beat of the song. My cheeks start to heat up, but I want to blame it on the amount of beer I have in my system.
“So, does it mean you’ll hook up with me only?”
“Only!” He screams back and I lean back to look at him with a huge smile. His white smile flashing at me, made me lose mine real quick. His lips were red and plump, his neck was sweaty and tanned. I look down even more, his white t-shirt was basically useless at that point.
“Then do it~” I mouth to him and it doesn’t take more than a second for his lips to be on mine.
One of his hand on my waist, the other cupping my face, our bodies were slightly swaying to the beat of the music. I slightly open my eyes to get a glimpse of his expression, desperation, was written all over his face. His eyebrows are pinched together, little beads of sweat on his forehead, his breathing heavier than ever. I close my eyes again and smile into the kiss proud of myself. Until I realize, that I am exactly the same. My heart beating harder than usual, I could feel it in my ears. My finger tips start to feel tingly, and I could just lose myself in his touch. He is not the only desperate one. If anything, I had been more desperate than him.
He leans back away from me after heavily and shamelessly making out in the middle of a crowd. His thumb goes over my lower lip and my eyes won’t leave any of his facial expressions out. I take everything in. His raise of an eyebrow, his teeth sinking in his lower lip, the heavy breath he takes.
“I missed you.” He ends up saying in a whisper that I could barely hear but see perfectly on his face and lips. I missed him too, so so much, but I can only smile as an answer.
“Hwa!” I try to scream over the music and he leans in. This time it’s different, he leans in closer and I can feel his breath against my sweaty neck. “Let’s go skinny dipping~” --- The idea back in the basement of the frat house seemed like the best idea ever. I mean that was before we realized that it was a hike until we got to the lake. However, it’s while we’re both giggling our asses off that we go deeper into the park that led to the said lake.
“Fuck I remember, I felt so bad for San.” Seonghwa laughs his heart out remembering that one time San had walked in on us making out.
“He should just have knocked before.”
“It was his room !!” He laughs with me and I almost end up on the ground. I try calming myself down and wipe some tears out of the corner of my eyes.
“Jeez.. I almost forgot how much fun it was to hang out with you.”
“Yeah~ You really made my uni years interesting that’s for sure.” He says also calming down a bit. We both take a deep breath and look up, the lake was finally in view. The bright moon reflecting on it making it look like a lake of liquid silver.
“It’s so pretty~” I walk onto the little wooden deck.
“Do you think the water is warm?”
“I mean, it’s been really hot lately. Let’s find out.” I turn to Seonghwa and push him into the lake. His screech is heard in the whole park making some birds fly away, soon my laughter was filling the whole valley up. “Dude! Why did you scream like that?!” I hold my sides trying to control my laughter so no one would come to us.
“Why did you push me !!! I still have my clothes on ! Y/N !!!” His hair is over his eyes, and his shirt was now looking like a really thin layer of transparent paper. I start taking off my belt, I take off my shoes, my socks, then slide my pants down. I give him a slide glance his eyes are fixated on my bare legs. I smile amused, then proceed to take off my shirt.
“How’s the water Hwa?”
“Good.” I laugh and jump in with him. When my head goes out of the water, I see him really close to me, his Adam's apple bobbing slightly after swallowing.
“That’s not skinny dipping.” I refer to his clothes. He snaps out of it and starts to undo his belt. He throw his shoes on the little wooden deck, then his socks, pants and belt, and finally his shirt.
“What about now?” I smile and reach down. His eyes become big and his cheeks redden when I pull out a little ball of pink fabric out of the water. I throw it on the deck and look at him with a huge grin on my face. “You know.. I was allowed to go on a date..” He says coming closer to me. I feel his arms snake around my waist. “Not anything more..” His hot breath fanning over my face.
“You’re the one that came closer Hwa~” My hands naturally go up to get a hold of his hips. I hook my fingers to his boxers, and start to bring them down slowly. “Plus there’s nothing wrong with two old college friends swimming together.”
“Yeah..” I take his boxers out of the water and throw them with the rest of our clothes. He hooks his fingers to the back of my bra and swiftly takes it off. “Nothing wrong with that.”
“With who did she go on a date with ?”
“Her ex.” He says in a low tone.
“Does that make you jealous?” He looks back up at my face and throws my bra away.
“Not anymore that’s for sure.”
“Are you still gonna marry her?” His eyes travel around my face. His mouth opens a few times as if he was trying to answer but nothing comes out.
“I’m on a date with you right now..” He ends up saying after a little moment of silence. I wanted to answer with something snappy to hurt him, but my attention goes to something else when I feel his thumbs rub my sides lightly. It’s a simple rub and yet there was so much love into it. That’s how Seonghwa used to make me feel better in college. His thumbs rubbing my hand, my cheek, my side, my thigh. Just a simple rub made thing way better. This rub is.. as if he’s telling me that it’ll be ok, even if he’s not by my side tomorrow.
A ball starts to form in my throat, and my eyes start to sting. All I wanted was to get back at Seonghwa for using me as a one night date before getting married to some other girl but.. it shot back right at me. All the feelings I had for him, all reappeared tonight. Except this time I wanted him for myself, and with a personality like mine, what were the chances of finding someone that would love me the way Seonghwa did.
“What are you thinking about?” I snap back to reality, and I feel his hands bring me closer to him. My body is now pressed against his and I can feel my cheeks blush. “You look like you’re thinking.. that’s not something you usually do Y/N.” He laughs lightly.
“What does that mean?”
“I mean, you usually just act before thinking. That’s what I always loved about you. It’s not something bad.” He panics as he sees me squinting at him.
“Well, I guess I grew up. I haven’t done something that reckless since graduation.” I bring my arms up, and put my hands on his shoulders.
“Wow really?”
“I’m getting old.”
“You’re so dramatic.” He ends up laughing with me. “Well, I am glad to have been part of you’re first crazy night since college.” He smiles at me, and I look down at his lips, then back up at his eyes. “Y/N.”
“Remember when, we made that rule that, we wouldn’t go any further than making out in college.”
“What happened that one night?” I directly knew what he was talking about. That one night we both gave in and had sex. We both broke our rule and never really talked about it.
“I could ask you the same.”
“I liked you and wanted to date you, and that wasn’t really a secret. Now what’s your side of the story?”
“I was extremely selfish.” He looks at me confused. “I liked you too, but I didn’t specifically want a boyfriend. If I did you were my absolute last choice.”
“Seonghwa, look at me. I’ve been single all my life, I wanted to get back at you for choosing me as your one night date, and now.. I’m regretting it more than anything. If I’m pathetic like that now, I was way more pathetic back then.” He raises an eyebrow still confused. “The reason why I didn’t want to date you was because you deserve so much better. The reason I had sex with you, was to get a taste of you at least once. The reason why we did all of that tonight, was to get back at you. I wanted you to regret getting engaged to someone. I wanted you to fall back in love with me, but it fired back, because I’m the one that caught feelings again. I guess you just make me that weak.” I try to laugh it off. “Well.. mhh.. Sorry. I’ll go now.” I try to get off his embrace but his arms stay strong around my waist not letting me go. “Seongh—“ One of his hands get a hold of my cheeks and he brings me really close to his face. “Ah~ Seonghwa it hurts..” I whine to his face, as he pinches my cheeks together stronger.
“You’re such a selfish brat.” He says in a deep tone of voice. As I thought he was mad, I see a smile appear on his lips. “You are so fucking selfish I hate you.”
“Sorry.” He lets my cheek go, definitely leaving two huge red marks. I bring on of my hand to rub them, and with that a pair of familiar pillow lips also come up to the other side, kissing my red mark. One small kiss on it, a second one, and a third one. He leans back just enough to rest right in front of my mouth, I can’t even see his eyes just the side of his face, and then.. his lips on mine.
He soon deepens the kiss from something light to something sinful. I’m not sure if it is pure love or anger, maybe a mix of both.
“You have got to be kidding me.” We both jump at the weirdly familiar voice and turn to the wooden deck. “I thought you guys graduated a while ago. What are you guys doing right now?” We both look at each other then back at the security guard that had arrested use more than once when we were students.
“Hey, it’s been a while~” I try to play it off but he just sighs.
“Get your clothes, I’ll be waiting for you, we’re going to the station.” He walks slowly towards his little car and me and Seonghwa look at each other once again.
“Just like old times.” He smiles at me.
--- “I’m just gonna let you off with a warning. Let’s just not have that happen again. I don’t know if you were trying to relive the old days but come on, aren’t you guys too old for that. So am I..” He sighs the last part obviously tired.
“Sorry.” We both say with a small smile on our faces.
“It was good to see you though.” I wink at him and he tries to hide a smile.
“Just be glad I’m the one who found you guys. I mean Y/N.. you’re a college professor now. That would have been really bad if another security guard found you.”
“I’ll make sure to be more cautious next time.”
“There is no next time ! Ugh.. Get out of here.” We start walking out when he calls out to us one last time. “But.. I’m glad to see you guys together. Almost makes me believe in love.”
“Oof..” I say really silently and look at Seonghwa who’s still looking at him with a huge smile.
“Wouldn’t want to be with anyone else sir.” He says before passing his arm around my shoulder to walk me out. My eyes still big from what he said to the guard, we walk aimlessly around the empty streets of the college town. After a while I look up at him, his arm still around my shoulders.
“Y/N.” He says in a really weirdly caring voice.
“Why did you say that?”
“Because it’s true.”
“After everything?”
“Well.. Y/N.” He stops and turns me by the shoulders to look at me. We are both wearing completely wet clothes and the night is starting to get chilly. I feel a chilly breeze wash over us, and his eyes won’t leave mine for a second. “You called yourself selfish for all those things.. but I’m no better really. The reason I choose you for the date was because.. I was secretly hoping I would still get a chance with you. I mean I was ready to get married, and start a life with this girl I’ve known for years.. But I was still hoping to get you instead. I would say I’m pretty selfish too. I haven’t laughed like that in so long. In the few hours with you I laughed for than the years with her. I think that’s a huge tell on the mistake I was about to make.”
“But if we do this Y/N..” His hands get tighter on my shoulders. “YOU NEVER BRING ME BACK TO FRAT PARTY THE FUCK !!! YOU’RE A PROFESSOR ?!?! YOU’RE NOT SUPPOSE TO BE SEEN AT THOSE MAKING OUT WITH SOMEONE !!!!” I close my eyes at the surprise attack but can’t help myself from laughing.
“I guess I didn’t think.” I stick my tongue out and giggle.
“Oh my god! You did so many illegal things tonight on the campus…”
“Hey hey it’s fine~” We stay in silence for a second, looking at each other. However a question has been burning my tongue. “Do you love me?”
“Y/N.. I think.” He pauses for a second which scares me a little but.. “I think I never stopped loving you to begin with. Tonight just reminded my why the fuck I was so hung up on you after all these years.” He laughs lightly.
“Well, I think it’s the same for me.”
“Good. Now let’s go somewhere before we catch a cold.”
“My place !” I pull him down the boulevard to my little studio apartment. Once we get to the building, we take the little elevator to the top floor where there is only three doors to three different apartment.
“It’s cute here.”
“It’s what I could afford on my professor salary. Which seems really different from yours. What do you do?” I jingle my keys to the last door.
“I work at a ba—“ He stops mid-sentence as he enters my place. He starts smiling and laughing a bit. “What kind of professor are you?”
“Engineering and architecture.”
“You were always smarter than you made it look like. How did you do that?” He points up to my hanging bed.
“My apartment was small, and I still wanted a double bed. Plus I need space for my architect desk.” I point to my L shaped desk that too up a good amount of space. “I wanted to find a system to make it foldable but I need it open all the time. Plus it’s too much of a mess for me to be able to fold it. So I was like, what else takes a lot of space. Boom ! My bed ! So I made this wrought iron basket mounted to the ceiling to hang it right under this huge ass window.” I point to the huge square window that was exactly the size of the bed. “You’re probably wondering, ‘How do you get natural light in now that the bed is under it.’  Well, I left enough space for it to still get natural light. Plus I still have enough windows on the other wall over there.” I point to the opposite wall of the apartment and turn to Seonghwa who’s looking at me with huge eyes. “What?”
“You just.. feel like a complete different person when you speak about that kind of stuff.” He smiles at me.
“Ah.. Well.. Whatever, let’s get changed.” I walk towards my closest and choose some clothes for myself. Which is really just an oversize shirt. I turn to Seonghwa and throw him a pair of old sports shorts.
“Those.. Wait those are mine!!”
“Well aren’t you glad I have them right now.” I smile at him.
“I told you multiple times to give me those back though !”
“Well I didn’t !” I walk to my bathroom to take my clothes off. “I’m gonna shower ! You can either stay there like an idiot or..” I stick my head out of the door frame to throw him a smirk. “You can join me.” He walks towards me at a fast pace and I giggle going back into the bathroom. “Wet clothes go on the balcony!” ‘
Once he joins me in the shower, I realize it’s only the second time that we see each other naked. He snakes his arms around my waist, pressing my back against his torso, and I can’t help myself but to smile, when something comes back to mind.
“Hwa.. Shouldn’t you call your..” Fiance didn’t want to come out of my mouth but he understands what I meant. “It’s way past midnight, technically the date is over.”
“She hasn’t called me, and she’s with her ex so.”
“Didn’t you fall in the lake with your phone?”
“I did but surprisingly it was still working when we got out.”
“Oh really, well in that case. Too bad for her, I’m keeping you for myself, and there’s no going back.”
“Ok~” He coos deeply in my ear making me blush. The hot water hitting my lower stomach and his hands rubbing my sides once again tonight. He lips go up to my ear and he starts to kiss the edge lightly. He slowly goes down, until he reaches behind my ear, then soon my neck and shoulder. I instinctively move my hip and feel his length against my thigh. I shudder at the unfamiliar contact and I’m directly filled with excitement. This felt like one of my many wet dreams, except it was very real this time.
“Fuck..” I whisper not believing that it was happening. His right hand starts to go down, ghosting my skin making me shiver under his almost non-existent touch, and after what felt forever, I feel the palm of his hand against my warm core. I sigh at the pent up relief and I can hear him smile. He inserts one digit as his thumb starts to slowly rub my bud. My right hand goes up to grab his wrist and my other hand comes up to the back of his neck.
“Mhh” I manage to get out without moaning.
“Last time, when we had sex, you had your back at me the whole time. Let me see you this time please.” He says in a deep voice filled with lust. He almost sounded out of breath when I still hadn’t touch him. “Can you ride me?” I try to hide my smile, but how can I? I turn around, his hands going to my waist, and my hands on his chest.
“Get down~” He does so, his back resting on the grey glass tiles, he winces lightly at the cold they produced. But his attention is quick to go somewhere else when I start straddling him. He looks up at me with hopeful eyes and just right there and then I want to jump his bones but control myself. “Hwa~”
“Mhh?” He raises his head to try and catch my lips but I back up a little.
“I love you.” His open mouth transforms into a cute smile.
“I love you too.” He pulls me by my waist to put his nose against mine before kissing my lips gently. I reach down to the base of his length and stroke him a few times before placing his tip to my dripping entrance. I slide myself over him a few times before I let myself sink in slowly. I feel him stretch my walls and I clench my teeth at the feeling. “Ah fuck..” I hear him whisper in a deep voice under me. Once he’s fully inside of me, his hands pin my hips down to not let me move. “Just one second please.. I’ve been horny since that dumb frat party, give me one second.. I wanna savor this moment properly.” He looks up at me to flash me a smile and I lean down to catch his lips with mine. However the more I stayed on him the more my walls would clench instinctively making it worst for him.
“Yeah..” He says in a moan in my neck. I start to go up his length feeling him completely against my walls, then back down deep again. I start slowly mainly because the feeling made me incredibly weak, but soon I’m able to go at a faster pace, but still slow enough to feel him properly and deeply. “Fuck Y/N~” He closes his eyes and his eyebrows pinch together, his mouth slightly agape, the view was just gorgeous. I didn’t want to see that from anyone else, and I didn’t want anyone else to see it.
His hands start to get a stronger grip on my waist and he starts to assist me in going up and down his member. He starts to let out more consistent low grunts and I cannot hide my moans anymore. Soon enough, I start to feel a tingling on my bud and a warm feeling bundle up in my lower stomach. I am getting closer and closer.
“Hwa~ I’m super close..” I whine in between moans. I bring up my hands to his shoulders to try to stay stable but my movements were obviously getting more sloppy. He realizes that and starts to meet my movements with his thrusts making me almost yelp at the sudden slap of skin. My head falls on one of his shoulder and I bite down on it as his thrusts become more powerful, deep and keeps hitting that one right spot that makes me see stars in colors I didn’t even know existed.
“Right there.. Fuck.. Y/N—“ He grunts and as I’m about to come I snap my head backwards, my back arching due to the intensity of the orgasm he just gave me, my nails digging in his shoulders. My eyes clench shut and in a matter of second, I feel him coming deep inside, filling me up properly. I let out a huge sigh of relief and he pants almost uncontrollably trying to get his breath back.
--- The ‘shower’ done, and our clothes on, we go up the little stairs that lead to my bed. He looks at it suspiciously and I just laugh.
“I’ve been sleeping in it for a while, it’s perfectly safe.”
“Have you ever had somebody else in there with you?” He asks more talking about the weight.
“I have.” He cocks an eyebrow.
“But it doesn’t matter anymore does it~” I laugh and he just sighs before joining me carefully. “See it doesn’t even swing. It’s completely attached and it’s safe.”
“Mhm..” He says still not entirely sure. I poke his sides as he makes himself comfortable and takes me in his arms. “What?”
“Look up.” He does as I say, and realizes the advantage of having the bed right under the window. The sky was perfectly clear and tonight it was filled with stars.
“Wow.. you see that every night?”
“I mean when the sky is clear yes.”
“That’s beautiful..” I wrap my arm around his stomach and properly rest my head on his chest still looking up. I feel his hand come up to hold my hand and at this moment I’ve never been happier.
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