#the character name is June i drew this in july LOL
felt-texture · 9 months
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June sketch from cohost ^_^
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remimibanana · 1 year
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I posted 92 times in 2022
That's 92 more posts than 2021!
56 posts created (61%)
36 posts reblogged (39%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 54 of my posts in 2022
Only 41% of my posts had no tags
#youtube - 13 posts
#pokemon - 10 posts
#hololive - 9 posts
#doodle - 8 posts
#splatoon - 7 posts
#pokemon scarlet and violet - 5 posts
#hololive en - 5 posts
#splatoon2 - 5 posts
#korone - 5 posts
#goldenglow - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 99 characters
My Top Posts in 2022:
VShojo Japan is here!
We have two new members joining the brand new VShojo Japan branch! This was announced at Anime Expo at the VShojo Next Panel with an video featuring:
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Kson the tough Yakuza and new angel in town, Amemiya Nazuna!!!
Welcome to VShojo you two! They will be debuting on July 17th, so please look forward to it! (why do I sound like I'm the one who's VShojo promoting them XD)
I actually woke up and saw that Kson had VShojo in her name and I was like....wait. She's a part of Vshojo?!!!! WHEN?!
And then I went through her tweets and understood what happened lol
I also saw a video of when she walked onto the panel in person saying her iconic catchphrase: GOOD MORNING MOTHERFUCKERS!!!!
See the full post
27 notes - Posted July 3, 2022
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Yeah can you tell I like Bridget a lot lol
30 notes - Posted September 20, 2022
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Booster Pack Wave 2!
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That's right everyone, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Wave 2 is FINALLY here! I'm so happy with the courses!
Some of my favorites are:
Waluigi's Pinball (Absolutely love this stage to bits, played it a lot in Mario Kart DS and 7 and just AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA)
Mushroom Gorge (Wii, played this mostly in 7 who doesn't love this stage! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA)
Kalimari Desert (My brother loves this stage, I had a strong dislike as a kid lol but AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA)
Sky-High Sundae (The totally brand new track! It looks amazing! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA)
44 notes - Posted July 28, 2022
Sana is graduating......
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At the end of the month, July 31st, Sana will be graduating from Hololive. I woke up seeing people wishing her well and I had no idea why people were doing that...until I read she was graduating. It really hurt since I really loved Sana.
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She was also the first person I drew in my sketchbook so I'm so happy I did. I'll really miss her, and I wish all the best for her in her future endeavors!
48 notes - Posted July 12, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Look at Korone!!! She's a SEGA Ambassador now!
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I was watching the Sonic Station live with my limited Japanese while not doing my work to see this surprise! I always watch the Sonic Stations when Korone is there (*´▽`*)
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She has a new Sonic outfit with green eyes and blue hair! She is also holding a cute Knuckles plush. I was so surprised to see it you know, I didn't think she would have a whole new outfit! It looks so good on her, would wear it 100% in real life.
She's truly going places~
See the full post
105 notes - Posted June 23, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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seahdalune · 6 months
Seana’s 2020 art highlights (a thread)
(Note: this is a reupload of a thread i did on twitter a few years back. so these are really old.)
January: i didn’t draw anything complete that month.... closest thing i could find to finished is this art i made of my OC, Angelord. man. remember when i drew my OCs? [2023 note: it's..... funny you say that. you would try to start up an original comic for the entirety of next year.... not that it ever came to fruition.]
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February: i finished Link’s Awakening that month. i drew Marin bc i thought she was cute. i wish i could get motivated to draw fanart of recent video games i finished more... this is probably the last proper traditional art i made this year... after this, it’s mostly digital.
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March: look. i’m attempting anatomy... and i failed lol. i remember being like “how do you draw woman” after drawing this... i mean. i still wanna know how to draw woman, so i guess i haven’t changed lol. [2023 note: I STILL DONT KNOW HOW TO DRAW WOMEN]
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April: wait NVM here’s another traditional piece i made this year. he was an adoptable i made... but nobody was interested in them so he’s with me for now. i’ll try and redesign them, either to sell them or to keep him. [2023 note: i never sold this guy.... i was lazy and nobody values points these days. probs for the best because scamming children with virtual coins is probably not a good idea lmao. at the same time, i wish there was an easy way to buy and sell designs+commissions without having to get a credit card or paypal or something.]
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May: another month where i didn’t draw anything. buuut i did some plush sketches to reference so das dat. [2023 note: you'll probably be able to name most charas here, but who's the guy i drew the most? that's Matteo, he's a little pink vampire and i made him through Gatcha Life.]
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June: ah. the month where i started digital art. this was fanart for my friend’s OC. i didn’t know a lot of features of digital art so it looks like shit LOL not the first digital art i made ever, but it might as well be. [2023 note: i actually received my tablet around 2018, but i never had time to draw on it because i had 1 hour of screentime every day. this restriction was finally lifted in 2020 (because online classes) and i finally had time to venture out into the world of digital art...]
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July: i made a lot of stuff this month, but to shorten the list... i finished the plush of my OC, Matteo. i wanna make another plushie... maybe with Suitcase.
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this was also the month i joined the OSC... oh hell. it’s been 6 months?? [2023 note: 2 YEARS BITCH. ITS GONNA BE YOUR 3RD ANNIVERSARY if i didn't get so tired and started to hate the community so much.]
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August: ...ergh. lets get over with this month quickly... Object OCs this. Object OCs that.
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occasional Algebians.
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i do not like the art here... it really shows that i’ve improved. ok let’s get outta here. [2023 note: i fucking despise the person who asked me why "they were old" to my humanizations of the Dangos. this is why i refuse to join another public server ever again and might have contributed to the delay of my human drawing skills.]
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September: lots of Taco II. i seriously liked her a lot. still do, but the love is a bit more spread out between characters.
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oh. and i watched ONE that month. cool.
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October: i finally found a style that i could weld. hooyah.
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don’t ask why i drew my friend as a cat maid... i thought it was funny ok.
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September: the month of gift art. nothing else to say, but i like the thin lines. yes, ‘thin’. ...god i need to think of better things to say. [i would then realize i said the wrong month, and unlike tumblr, i cannot edit tweets once published, so my only option was to delete the whole thing and start over. or just say this:] did i just say September... oh for fucks- no i am not fixing this i’m already tired of this just imagine i said November ok
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December: best art of this year so far (doh) nothing to say. just... happy that i improved. can’t wait to improve even more.
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[hey look! i was in the 2020 JnJ christmas video! thats me! me!!]
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aaand, that’s all for this year! man, i thought i was done with improvement. i can’t believe i proved myself wrong. usually other people do that for me lol. lets see if i can disprove myself again in 2021.
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real-oddity · 1 year
Happy New Year!
hello, welcome to my little new year post!!
i have never done one of these before but i thought its about time :D all my art below the cut :]
January 2022
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this is some art of one of my dreamcore ocs! this was one of my first "serious" drawing, with all the detail on the shading and also my first piece messing with lineweight (it.. didnt go too well lol)
February 2022
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Heres my baby boy baby, January (who i drew in February, yes haha :])
my teacher wanted me to try drawing everyday for a month, and this was day 2, i think it was casual clothes?
i got to like day 5 before i stopped lol
March 2022
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March-June was a dry spell for me art wise, all i could salvage for March was these drawings of a species me and my bestfriend have for our personal use :0
April 2022
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this was a redesign of an old oc, namely this guy
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it was maybe a 1.5 year difference, how the times change :']
May 2022
nothin D:
June 2022
still nothin T-T
July 2022
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artfight was in July, and i actually got a ton done, including this piece for my bestfriend! his ocs are amazing, dont tell him i said this but i really look up to his skill :]
August 2022
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i tried a different style, got more experimental! angular colored lines that actually wasnt lineart, just one big silhouette that i colored over! first time using a color palette in this manner, too!
September 2022
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this is when i started looking at a ton of my old ocs, lol
this is like a 6 year old oc that was an undertale au character, but is now just kind of a dude who sorta sometimes exists. this was actually an art project!
October 2022
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haha, you could tell i was getting back into my furry roots lol
i was mostly trying to animate this month, so not much to show other than stuff like this
November 2022
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oh hey look my first tumblr post!!
The Owl House Season 2 finale hit me HARD, it gave me enough steam to get this made when S3E1 came out
December 2022
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and hey look at that! a piece i finished a few days ago! honestly my art from the past few weeks have been so shockingly beautiful, and im so proud <:']
hoping to keep up this kind of work through the new year. thank you all for the love :]
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kazeharuhime · 5 years
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(This kinda feels like double posting, but I wanted to post this as well. XD; )
January: Ron's earlier design (I've since revamped him to more closely resemble my friend CC (offsite)’s original description of him; he's now dark haired with tanner skin, but for a while, the name Ron just evoked this image of a blonde and pale boy for me, so here I drew what I felt like was my interpretation of Ron. XD; ) February: My interpretation of Marissa (CC said she looked too mean but friend she is mean. XD I got inspired by all these quotes floating around pinterest about somebody named Effy from some show or another. Looks risque but Effy reminded me of Marissa, so I wanted to draw her with that expression. XD; That mood as it were... March: Am'sahami, or Amsa for short. A character from Tsuname's story. April: Nola and Princess Sketch, an expression study I did of Nola and another character. Mostly Nola. XD May: Owl Mer. A weird experiment I did for Mermay this year. XD June: Water Faerie. A little thing I did for Junefae this year. July: Emaré. A draw this in your style drawing for a contest held by @paigecofferillustration earlier this year on tumblr and instagram. August: Fairy. Another draw this in your style picture featuring Fairy, @thefairygodmonster‘s OC. September: Dangerous Green. A make [color] look [adjective] tumblr request from @misscrazyfangirl321 October: Angri Turnaround WIP. A frustrating end to a frustrating class. Work really clashed with my ability to finish this assignment, but I still like where I got with it. ^^; November: TA Character Height Comparison. A.k.a. The blood, sweat and tears of CTN. In the end, they weren't iconic enough. :| But oh well. December: Breath of Air. I originally had this picture up for December instead. Almost still went with it, but I think this picture topped it. XD; Better than the cheesecake derp I almost went with, lol.
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Chapter titles! | June Writing Update
Hey People of Earth!
It’s JULY which means we’re due for a June writing update! I honestly didn’t do very much writing in June (was June even a month? did it happen??), so like with May, this update will be pretty short!
I’m kind of at an eh with this book, honestly! This month consisted of stressing over a scene I couldn’t get quite right, until @sarahkelsiwrites gave me some awesome advice while I was mid *sarah help me*. She said “Just end it where you’ve written up to and come back to it later” which is so insanely simple, but helpful. Because I take long breaks between writing scenes sometimes, I tend to lose sight of a lot of details/initial excitement for scenes, which is basically what happened with this scene! So coming back to it later is actually a lot more helpful than trying to piece together words I meant to write weeks prior, if that makes sense. This was actually something I tried to actively avoid, but it seems to be working way better now!
Sarah is my #1 supporter and I dunno man this book wouldn’t have made it past literally the first chapter header if it weren’t for her lol, so bless her patient soul. 
Also, me when I’m writing:
my kayak is sinkingggggg
I did do a thing I REALLY LOVE for this book this month and that’s chapter titles!
A few months ago, I wrote a chapter that I just *knew* needed a chapter title (Table Manners). After writing it, I tried naming the rest of the chapters in this book, and it wasn’t actually as fun as I thought it would be lol. I couldn’t come up with anything I liked, so I dropped the endeavor.
Welllll I came back to it a few days ago and well I have a whole list now:
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honestly this book suck but deez titles doeeeeee
I’ve been writing this book for 9 months and this is like the only happiness it has brought me.
For those who can’t read my handwriting lol:
Breathing Room
Double Jointed
Paper Negative
Earl Grey
Table Manners
Fort Tilden
The Garden
I love them !!!!
they are my babies!!!
their content suck but I love them !!!! beautiful !!
Which chapter title is your favourite? I’m rather fond of how the list meshes as a whole because the atmos thooooo but I *love* Catherine, 1997, Girl, and Fluoxetine!
I thought it’d be cool to do a quick run down of why I chose these titles because there was a lot of thought??
main character
stressed and tragic
love interest ?? kind ? of ??? tofu boi???
he’s hardly in any of these chapters so just imagine him making lentil soup instead??
problematic brother of MC
has picked a fight with Harrison for *no* reason, currently in his first month of being salty (TM)
feisty af but has a big heart
is tired of being walked on by Lonan
hurt af but using that salty energy to help people aw
the only morally correct character
doesn’t realize what he’s gotten into
evasive, acts as a manic pixie dream girl figure throughout the novel, is unfortunately romanticized a lot even though she’s very much just a normal girl
1. Breathing Room
Ch. 1 is set in a very ‘claustrophobic’ time for every character
Gang is very divided after *various conflicts, but somehow manages to be suffocated by each other’s problems?
Both Harrison + Foster need some ‘breathing room’ from Reeve lol me too
how do you take a vacation from your first person narrator
2. Catherine
Reeve tries 2 be Darren’s new friend
Helps him set up his library
Title inspired by Catherine Earnshaw (Wuthering Heights)
Foreshadowing for where Reeve’s character ends up (particularly in her relationship w/ Darren)
Since they’re making a library, Wuthering Heights was *relevant*
3. 1997
“My mom met my dad on a Tuesday morning in 1997.”
that’s basically it
I dont know why this sentence just isn’t my parents met on a Tuesday morning etc etc but ok
lmaooo what is writing
4. Max
The name of Reeve’s father (who has died)
She heads out on a ‘de-stress’ vacay with Darren who is her new father figure ?? yonks
Lots of father references, mostly named Max because of Darren’s paternal-ness
5. Double Jointed
@sarahkelsiwrites gave me this idea lol
let’s just say our girl breaks someone’s fingers ??
and a relationship ??
6. Paper Negative
Reeve is looking thru family photos
Lonan shows up and starts being a brat
he’s the negative haaha
7. Earl Grey
Reeve makes Lonan tea and some is subsequently spilled
8. Table Manners
Harrison fights w/ Lonan and Reeve has the audacity to tell him he needs to find some manners lol
9. Girl
Reeve glorifies Emily as being this eccentric but perfect person when in reality she’s just a girl
At the same time, degrades her as a ‘lolita’ figure
Lots of toxic femininity
Highkey not stolen from John Lennon
a giiiiiiiiirl
This excerpt kind of explains the whole unhealthy a) glorification of her and b) judgements Reeve makes (tis long and unedited as a heads up):
She’s perched on the armchair next to him. Her feet, unsocked and half-baked laze atop the teakwood desk. She’s at a beach, maybe. Lost her sandals in the tide, mind in the boardwalk. Her hair is shorter, cut to curl at her chin. Red, as always, like the carmine lacquer chipped off her toenails. Shoulders are thin, her waist edges toward gaunt. But I’m sure he doesn’t tell her that. She’s beautiful to him. Starving herself, or taking turns fondling the new Marlboros he sticks between his lips, she’s still beautiful. A puff from him, trade-off, pivoted elbow, kiss from her. Her ribs stick out beneath her tank top, but he loves her. Size zero, tape measure a noose. With all her flaws, he makes love to her through rings of smoke.   
Smoking kills you. I want to tell her. That smoke goes straight for your throat. You’ll be forty at twenty. What about your beauty regime? Butted out like he’ll do to your heart, to that cigarette you do unspeakable things to. Aren’t you afraid of being ugly?            
I won’t, though. She’s doing nothing wrong. Sat in shorts with her bra leering from under her tank-top, toes flexing, shoulders meager. Guilty, no, garish, yes. I’ve never noticed the gold she wears in her ears until now.            
Somehow, she’s managed to remain on his side. With her body like dust, and temperament like mercury, he sits at his desk with her, lets her look at the findings on his laptop screen. I should get them rings for their left hands, an extra diamond for her. A mantle and a spellbook, a white dress and a bouquet. A four-post bed complete with a chiffon canopy for when he canopies her. Rose petals, and champagne. Congratulations. I’m so happy for you. I’ll save the date. 
She is a girl, like me, but with his attention. A girl who hasn’t asked for the speculation I impale her with. A girl who doesn’t deserve it. I should be ashamed of myself. That’s what my mom would tell me if she heard the vile thoughts I choke Emily with. You should apologize and be friends with her, Reeve. That’s two weeks grounded, until you learn it’s not ladylike to ridicule her because you aren’t her. It’s not ladylike, Reeve, not ladylike. Where are your manners, young lady? 
who doesn't have manners now ???
10. Fort Tilden
A memory about a family reunion at this particular place
11. Fluoxetine
Reeve recounts her mother’s use of antidepressants
Lots of gaslighting in this chapter
12. Mother
The saddest of the titles, recounts a betrayal of a mother figure
Kind of very sad when reflected with the contents of the chapter
13. The Garden
Recounts an experience in a garden with a boy
The setting for the death of a relationship where things are kind of in constant growth? backwards growth?? decay ??
So yes! I rather love these, lol, they bring me very much happiness. 
Onto some book stats:
STUFF I’VE BEEN LISTENING TO: Ohhh, I mentioned a few of these in my goals update post, but definitely additions to my shippy playlist: Some Kind of Love by The Killers, Happier (Acoustic) by Ed Sheeran, And I Love Her by The Beatles, Can’t Say No by Conor Maynard (my *personal* favourite)
Sarah drew this GORGEOUS duo portrait of Ris and Reeve:
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(yessss Harrison’s nose is so satisfyinggggg) 
I also made a header for Paper Negative w/ this family photo I found in the licensed for reuse w/ modification section on Google:
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I edited this into the chapter of doom, and you know, I just re-read it and I’m not mad?? I think there are like *adjectives for dayzzzz*, but I think it’s almost where I want it??
His room is warm. Smells of old coffee and cigarette smoke. Emily isn’t here with him. But she’s left her things, yes, her books, and her spells, charms, and crystals. A circle of stones on her dresser, the clamshell rosary looped around the mirror. Set with candles, and beading, a dish of mildewed water. He’s dashed his cigarettes over her incense, and from the look he shoots me when he catches me looking, I figure he’s left them there without her permission. She occupies half of his room, her space bent in a diagonal path from half the door, to the right of the night table. Where she is, her space still breathes, ribbonned and decorated, pinned with dried flowers, and flutes of perfumes. Where he is, his space jitters.
It’s no surprise the left half of the room beams with just his energy. Lighters, and chewed pen caps, posters and pictures and drawings tacked to every breathable inch of the walls, even leaking onto the ceiling. The map, hanging next to his bed, ripped and sewn together again by bits of cellotape. Two opposites under one roof.
And what would I be, then, if I inhabited this room? Not a roommate, or partner, but possibly a lampshade, or chest of drawers. Unimportant enough to not notice every day. Only missed when unavailable. Perhaps I would be of no particular use, too, like Emily’s hanging terrarium, or Harrison’s tossed out marker drawings.
So that’s all for this update, y’all. Hoping July brings back a spark, lol. If not, you can bet I’ll be thoroughly looking for it in the meantime. ;) Thanks for reading!
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coralsgrimes · 3 years
Tbh I never thought the fairy 🧚🏼‍♀️💗carrying a heart hidden in the sun was for her for two reasons. Not because he isn’t lame enough to do it, he absolutely is, but because after people started connecting it to her on DL, she went back and changed one of her captions into it. They went to her FB and the original caption was still there and it had no bulianne emojis.
Second, the first time he used the 💗 was actually for some Darklina post in the beginning of July, a few weeks before all the emoji stuff imploded. He reposted a post of them in front of a fountain, added some soundtrack to it and the 💗. I don’t think anyone’s mentioned it anywhere not even on DL probably bc no one was looking for emojis then and they seem to think he hates darklina shipping stuff which he very clearly doesn’t lol. But I never said anything bc the 🦁🧚🏼‍♀️ shit is funny to me lmao. Our lion and fairy couple 💗 if anyone has the time to scour his fan pages for the story and the gazillion threads on DL, they can verify this for themselves.
Also, I get that it’s annoying that people leap to conclusions based off of what they want to see- which seems to be Bulianne living, laughing, loving in London, but I think the reason why so many people go crazy and do mental gymnastics about their location and her pregnancy because he’s just so boring. It’s nonsensical but other than Bulianne what’s even interesting about him anymore. I will say it’s kind of odd to see people get so upset over stuff they make up about them in their minds. If it truly affects you that much, maybe take a step back. Following this shit show should be entertaining but it shouldn’t make you as angry as it seems to be making some. Just my opinion- hope everyone has a good weekend! 💗💗💗
Not because he isn’t lame enough to do it, he absolutely is… I WANT THIS AS NEW BENNY TAGLINE! Next time something comes up - this!
Sooo I tried to make the emojis timeline but the start seems blurred at best? Like when people started to notice it in the current stories, they went out to revise the old ones and found some more... It’s all questionable per usual. Here's what I have so far, incomplete and messy af but I have no energy to ever finish it xd
The emojis started in mid June with the biggest one or the most well documented one and the ‘official’ beginning was 30 June when fairy queen posted a lion head in her stories. Then we have the sunset lover stories two?? days later. Couple days later Jules is in Italy and livin her best life. Then the Drew character posts the pic of her. On the 17th July Jack unfollowed her on ig and then the next day we have the stories with heart on Bennys sleeve (x.x yesss) and the fairy in the corner. It was from the set of Rise Up. Then on the 20th he posted another pic from the Rise Up set, this time with the ‘Here comes the sun, little darling’ and the 33. It was Jules' birthday. She posts the sunflowers and Here Comes The Sun.
The last time there was a hidden emoji from Ben was 16 August. He posted the following my dreams pic and then posted it to the stories as well but in the stories he added the teeny weeny black heart on his sleeve. Jules went all out four days later on his birthday and prepared a whole ass art installation in his name and the 40 in the snoot. Then she posted the locket fish lips stories with lion and heart emojis on the 17th/18th and my blog came to life! Oh and the it's time around the same time he posted the pic with watch on 11:11??
Annnd just to be clear. I had no idea she changed the caption to include fairy!! This is new xd but what I know is that she used the lion and fairy emojis (over the summer she actually used the mermaid one more) as far back as early 2019. She used the fairy for Montana trip captions. Could not go through her feed further lol. And likkkke why would he put them stupid emojis in there anyways? That's what baffled me for the longest time. Cuz it makes no sense that he would when his go to before were the normal heart emojis, black and white ones mostly and those were clearly noticeable in his stories. So why make them so teensy weensy in their stories? Yeee my shitty opinion is that they were doing it for whatever fucking reason and people were bored and finally someone noticed? And then it went the fuck out of control, and they kinda went onto a break again? Cuz I count the weird shit in March as their first break up lol...
And Beyyn is so boring. Jules brings the entertainment, like without their Hallmark story we would die of boredom. There would be no music without her too!
I will say it’s kind of odd to see people get so upset over stuff they make up about them in their minds - I mean they get upset cuz it’s not as perfect or juicy as they expected? I wish my made up Benny Boy would clean up the spills in my fridge, yet he is jogging in LA instead ;c
Following this shit show should be entertaining but it shouldn’t make you as angry as it seems to be making some - yee and I don't know who is angrier, the Benny Boy antis or his fans who dislike Jules anyways, but must protect his pRIvaCy….
And have a good weekend too muffin! Keep yourself warm this Hallows Eve <3
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hot-gothics · 6 years
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I am almost an entire month late in doing this, lol, but here it finally is! It's pretty fun to put this all together and see what my focus was for each month~ Thank you all for sticking with me throughout the year and thanks to all the newcomers who've joined me in my journey of art <3 Here's to another great year of art! \o/ I have a lot planned and I'm probably too ambitious, but here we gooooooooOOOOOOOOOOO!! I'm gonna give little blurbs about each month's piece or what I remember going through each month haha, so feel free to read over my ramblings and such >w>
January - 
I chose this piece because of the lighting and the expression. I really liked how the torn down wall turned out behind him and overall this is one of the best completed works of that month. It was a hard choice between this one and one with a sunset behind a female crocodile woman, but I ended up choosing this one for the color in the hair and that it was furry while the other one was a human with crocodile features. (both were not my commissions)
February -
This is probably one of the best pictures I've ever done to be honest haha. I still love the idea of it, the layout, the lighting, ALL of it. I even entered it into a scholarship contest and WON. But the best part of that contest was that it was for my university and this is KIRBY FANART xD that still kills me! haha
March -
Every time that I hang out with my friend :userVibrantEchoes: I end up drawing either Kirby or Pokemon stuff and this piece came from one of my sketches I did while hanging out with her. It was really just something I pulled out of files to work on after completing commissions in a stream but I experimented with lighting and I remember switching between two versions of my preferred art program (because a new update was released that changed nearly everything about the main tools I use) in order to get used to how the new version worked. This was a complete experimentation for all kinds of things but it turned out to be the best piece of the month (in my opinion anyway lol)
April -
Apparently April was when I started to get REALLY into Overwatch, haha. All the work I had available to choose from was Overwatch related and most of those were sketches or colored sketch style comics that I had done at the time. So I went with one of my FAVORITE colored sketch pieces where I had included a big ol' essay about Hanzo and how I adored that character and for what reasons, applying all I'd learned in my psychology classes as well as my own personal experience with depression and loss of family and difficulties with siblings to my claims. Then I tied in how McCree works really well as either a good friend or a lover for him based on their pasts. People seemed to LOVE it too! Though I honestly was expecting some sort of hate for that analysis of him but lots of people commented (this feedback is mostly on tumblr, btw) and messaged me about the analysis or left tags on their reblogs about how they were thinking similar things or that I did really well with it. I love getting feedback on anything, but the sheer amount of it for THIS post... it was amazing and totally worth it.
May -
I shipped a few different pairings from Overwatch >w> Pharmercy is also one of them~ This piece was a pun on how Mercy's line in the game says "healing stream engaged" and I put a ring on her finger and titled it "Healing stream (and healer!) engaged!" ...unfortunately no one commented on that :'c
June -
This is around the time that I started switching from drawing BnF artwork to drawing furry art almost exclusively. I had been MAJORLY involved with the BnF roleplay community there for a while and did a lot of work for people on that site between doing my own roleplays. This was done for a dear friend of mine from that site of one of his new characters. Tagging on from the Pharmercy piece in May - I had become really drawn to doing a glow effect for some reason and wanted to do some sort of magic piece. So this one came about. The character himself was a mimic octopus, hence the designs on his skin and the almost tentacle texture to his hair. 
In July I spent a LOT of time sketching and doodling furry stuff so I didn't really have any "fully finished" things to choose from for this month. After attending Texas Furry Fiesta in March I wanted to get more involved with the furry community but I didn't know how. I downloaded Telegram and tried talking with the artists/friends I had met at the convention but nothing was really sticking with me because I barely knew anyone local. But July was when I found out about the local Texas chats and started attending furmeets and events, made friends, etc. I started making LOTS of stickers for myself of my brand new fursona design to use in the chats (after years of having two separate sonas I combined the species into one that feels like ME rather than characters). Overall it's been a fantastic experience and I've made SO MANY new friends in the local furry community, it's great. BUT! Splatoon 2 had also come out and I discovered Marina because of one of my new furry friends who was/is obsessed with Splatoon and fell in love with her design >w> so I did a little bit of fanart for her during this month~
August -
The last month before school starting up was also the last time that I drew the kemono design of Dimitri with his BnF boyfriend Onnen the elk. At this point I had fully decided that I was moving on from BnF to get more involved with the furry community and I had mostly stopped drawing Overwatch fanart all the time too. I believe my computer was broken at some point and the game had to be deleted, the drive wiped and such. I lost a lot of files that I had been working on... but I didn't re-install the game and ended up not playing anymore because school started up at the end of the month and it was my last semester so I had some pretty big classes that needed my attention more. 
September -
I'm really amazed that I had next to NOTHING for this month to choose from. All I had done in September was school work, some Telegram stickers, and maybe some sketches here and there. So what I chose for this month is an example of one of my favorite stickers that I had completed during the month (for Siber) and one of my projects during that month was to use Adobe Illustrator and design a sign or logo then use the laser cutters at the school to both do etching and cutting. And I redesigned my logo from about a year before and included elements that are super important to me (bunny and dragon, since I'm a dragunny, and the star since my last name is Starr). I also created my own font for the actual letters in my username too, which got me big points in my critique in class. It totally went to my head when everyone in there was just blown away with my design of it x3 I was struttin' the rest of the day~
October - 
This piece is super emotional for me. As some of you may be aware; I lost my dad a few years ago. For some reason the thought came to mind that when/if I get married I'm not going to have my dad around to dance with me during the traditional father-daughter dance and then I tried to remember if he and I had EVER done that together and I'm pretty sure we never did. Maybe when I was very very young, but I don't remember ever going to anything like a "father-daughter dance". So... this is a drawing of a moment that will never happen. Also - my dad's fursona is a lion with a "chipped" afro, by the way. He loved the character I designed for him too x3 It's just kind of hard to see that in this drawing since it's cropped and he's mostly behind my sona's head
November - 
I didn't have much to choose from for this month as I was still super busy with school, but this is when I started getting back into traditional art and began making badges for people~ One of my first commissioned traditional badges was for a local fur and I really like how it came out :3c so that's the one I chose to represent this month! \o/
December - 
Another piece with Siber here, haha. But this one had a bunch of elements in it that I really enjoyed doing. There's the "magic" effect with the music around him, the color scheme is super wintery, there's foreground and background elements that I think really make the picture work well, and I really just like this picture haha. I think it's a strong representation of my styles mixed together since all I'd drawn of him up until this point was stickers so I was pretty set into a certain way of drawing this character. But this turned out really well and I just really like it haha
Boy that was a lot of blurbing >-> lolol Thanks for reading if you did! I'd love to read your comments on what month is your favorite or if you had a piece from last year that is definitely one of YOUR favorites that I didn't include (I'm super interested in that actually, please let me know lol) Do you think I chose good work for this? :3c Do you think I over-explained my own reasons behind choosing these? lol Lemme know what you think in the tags or comments or through my inbox! \o/  I DO definitely read all of that ~ ❤❤❤ And thank you again for following me ❤❤❤
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