#the chitauri sceptre
abby118 · 1 month
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aaw I was scrolling through my gallery and found this little doodle I took a picture of the other day. I'm certain it's from around 2012-14ish. I've drawn that sceptre countless times since then lol. I don't really like posting my "art" and this couldn't have taken me more than a few minutes so pls treat it as such, but hey, any og post counts ig.
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lokisgoodgirl · 2 years
Rough Ride (Chitauri Chariot): Invade Me Chronicles [Loki x Fem.Reader] 18+
A Link to my Masterlist is HERE Part of the Invade Me Chronicles: A little project with some wonderful writers where Loki screws his way through Avengers 1 Summary: Invader Loki takes you for a ride. Literally. Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI. Merciless Smut. Danger sex. Dom Loki (consent) Questionable logistics. Language. Canon insert. (w/c 1.5k)
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“Sentiment.” you heard the figure mutter, his poised words dripping from his tongue like his brother’s blood from the blade in his hand.
You flinched as Thor kicked him into a sheet of glass, adrenaline pumping through your veins. You had been waiting for the right moment to help your blonde teammate. This was it.
A swift side-kick from your boot in those remarkable cheekbones would knock him out for a few seconds. Enough to grab the sceptre. Of that you were certain.
Loki's gaze flickered towards you with a wicked smile as Thor loomed above him. The meaning in his stare was lost on you until his hand curled around your leg as he rolled towards the ledge.
“Thor-” you gasped, before disappearing off the side of the building, falling towards the city below.
You hit something hard with a loud crunch, two strong arms wrapping around you as the wind whistled past your ears.
“And so we are finally alone…” Loki muttered, his warm breath ghosting your cheek before it was whisked away by the passing air.
Abandoned streets flew below you, every sharp turn of the open chitauri chariot making your flinch as you gripped the forearms on either side of your waist.
“I have you, little thing…” he murmured, “do you truly think I would let a prize like you splatter to the ground? Such a waste.”
His voice was clear. Perfectly tuned to your eardrum after days of watching him inside the cage aboard the helicarrier. Listening. Waiting. Your conversations had been brief, succinct and calculated. But his eyes had never left yours. Or yours his.
“Am I a hostage, now?” you yelled against the wind, a chariot whizzing to the side of yours making you flinch back against the god’s chest as he laughed.
“Perhaps” he murmured, his lips ghosting your neck, “would you like to enter negotiations for your...release?”
You shivered as strands of hair whipped against your face. You’d be lying if you said that he hadn’t inflamed the depths of your imagination the past several days. You might be sworn to protect the Earth, but you still had eyes.
His relentless pacing around the clear room of his cage, the tangible dark energy of his plotting mind penetrating the air, the dull rip of that leather as he moved. He was intoxicating. Mesmerising. You wanted him, desperately.
Your lustful mind had wandered to whether he was plotting another invasion; one of your senses, of your body. As his fingers toyed with the side of your tight combat trousers, you realised your instincts had been right.
“Is it safe?” you yelled, marvelling at the idiocy of your ill-considered words as skyscrapers flew past. Explosions thundered while alien beings crawling up endless buildings to your sides. He released a torturous laugh, shaking you against the handles as you gripped on for dear life.
“No.” he murmured in your ear, once he had regained his composure, “why ever would you think you would be safe with me?”
You groaned, cursing the velvet tones of the absolute sexual apocalypse grinding his hard cock against you. You could feel the thick pillar of flesh rubbing your ass through his leathers.
Christ, he was big. You knew he would be. Thoughtlessly your body pressed back into the source as Loki growled like an beast. It was so wrong. You should kill him. There was a knife in your boot. But on the other hand…
A large palm stained with blood pressed down on your skull, forcing you lower as a beam of blue light flashed dangerously over your head. You gasped, breathing heavily as he released you, turning your head to finally look at him.
He observed you from hooded eyes, the sharp lines of his jaw perfectly framed against his helmet. Those tantalising lips curled in the threat of a smile which didn’t reach his piercing stare...those deep blue irises radiating with war-soaked desire.
“It’s now or never” he said stoically, the words perfectly pronounced behind flawless teeth. You felt your pussy widen with desperation, begging you to do it, to have him; to submit.
“Invade me, Loki…” you whispered, the syllables tripping from your tongue not feeling like your own as they fluttered on the wind. Amazingly, he didn’t laugh.
His eyes narrowed, swerving the chariot with one hand as he gripped you tightly with the other. The strength of him was unbelievable, you realised, as he effortlessly kept you flush to his chest at incredible speed.
You manoeuvred skyward, ducking under a passing chariot which exploded across a nearby wall.
Loki pulled down the seat of your trousers, his long fingers dragging a trail through the wetness sliding between your thighs. “Mortal women” he chuckled effortlessly, ignoring the carnage “so easily impressed…”
Without another word, his concealed manhood filled you. You moaned against the searing wind, carrying your echoing cry far behind as New York blurred below.
One armoured hand slid around to rest on your stomach as you spread your arms across the front of the enemy vessel, the massive cock of their leader bottoming out inside your traitorous cunt.
“Fuuuck-” you cried, catching abruptly in your throat as the chariot tipped downwards, slamming Loki further inside you. He swerved dangerously to the side, avoiding a coming bridge; the ridges of his manhood twisting against your aching pussy.
You were absolutely going to die, so why did it feel so fucking incredible.
Loki’s eyes never left the scenes around him, eyes dancing with rampant lust at impending victory hanging with every scream of submission from below.
Nothing made him harder than submission. The mortals crying for their lives on the streets of the falling city...the realm's favourite heroine wrapped around his mighty girth, pleading for more. He owned them all.
He thrust into you, timing every rough breach of his manhood with a steer of the craft away from oncoming threat. With every flank of buffeting air, every twist of his control; you squirmed for more.
The pleasure in your muffled cries on the wind were second only to the fear seeping through your pores. You were incandescent with life, the delicious ecstasy of danger edging you to the brink of sanity under his touch. The smack of his leather against your thighs was the only feeling you knew aside from the sensation of that legendary cock splitting you in half.
You were going to die. And you were going to cum.
“God, fuckkk…” you screamed, breathlessly against the deafening sound of a city collapsing, the white-noise of your radio sizzling against your shoulder.
Loki growled, tipping the craft to the side as he sped up, zooming between the tall skyscrapers of 39th street. His hips bore down at the pressure as you slammed against the hood of the chariot, legs spread as he placed one hand on your lower back. The god's voice thundered in your ears as though he was inside your head, a lucid dream as you spiralled into a void of pure bliss.
“Say my name, Agent. Scream it for all your little friends as you pledge your allegiance to Midgard’s King. Show them what it means to truly yield.”
You obeyed, a strangled cry of his name thundering through the air as your walls clenched around his godly girth. You felt his grip tighten against your hip, a low rumble thundering from his throat as his thick seed filled you. You could feel it coming in waves, squeezing around the flesh that filled your core without mercy.
A tight swerve made his cock slip against the mess between your legs. It thrusted him again inside your dripping folds as your face pressed against the metal, a final flourish of your combined release.
Loki’s hand left your lower back, patting the back of your head like a well-ridden mare as he straightened, dragging the leather across your wet thighs.
“That was well done, Agent” he purred, “your people will be thankful for your service to their new-”
A thick wap stung the air as Loki’s hand flew upward, an arrow caught in his grip. His smug gaze swept to seek the source over the buildings whizzing past. He chuckled. “It seems your friends are more resistant to my rule than you, little one” he drawled, as you shook your head in alarm.
The arrow began to beep. It was one of Barton’s.
You turned your head, covering your face with your hands as an explosion filled the air. When you looked up, Loki was gone...and your ride was careening towards the Plaza.
“Fuck.” you muttered pulling up the ass of your trousers and positioning yourself at the helm. You pulled the chariot skyward, yanking it around before pressing the call button of the radio attached to your shoulder.
“Anyone got eyes on Loki?” Tony’s voice crackled.
“I have him.” you replied firmly, feeling the enemy’s seed sliding down your thigh.
More Invade Me Chronicles
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lady-rose-moon · 2 years
I have you || Chapter Nine ||
Hello to those who tuned in and welcome back to I have you! Posts are dropping down to one a day so I hope you like this!
The link to my main masterlist is ~~here~~
The link to my I have you masterlist and previous chapters is ~here~
Chapter Eight | Masterlist | Chapter Ten
Please comment and reblog, it means a lot!
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The journey back to Asgard was quick but for Loki, it felt like an eternity. His pride was shattered, his mind even more so and now he had lost the Tesseract. That wasn’t the height of his problems, though. you weren’t looking at him. You were looking at everything but him! Beside you, holding your hand nervously, was Sleipnir. His little boy was woken up by the Chitauri attack and had been screaming until you had comforted him and spelled him back to sleep until the battle was over.  
Now, though, Sleipnir wasn’t looking to Loki for comfort. He sought it out of his soulmate instead and it broke Loki’s heart. Thor pulled Loki by the arm down the whole Bifrost bridge and Loki stared down at the ocean below as he had the horrifying memories of Odin standing above him, not even attempting to save his disappointment son! Fear rushed through Loki as the edge seemed to get closer and closer and before he knew it, he was on his knees gasping for air as tears brimmed in his eyes.  
“Get up, Loki, we have no time for your deceptions,” Thor demanded, attempting to lift his weak brother but Loki would not budge.  
Thanos’s torture seeped back into Loki’s thoughts and he remembered the Titan ripping into his mind and making him see this over and over again with the Mind Stone. The pressure on his chest wouldn’t cease and Loki whined in pain as his breathing started to become erratic, his senses heightening so he could feel all those people watching him. Judging him. He wanted to escape. He had to run. He couldn’t face Odin after what happened with him last year.   
“Get away from him!” came the voice that he loved so much, the one he had lost because of Thanos’s influence over him. Warm hands cupped his cheek and lifted his head so that his emotionless eyes met the warm colour of your own, “I haven’t abandoned you, Loki. I’m right here with you…”   
Loki whined and pressed closer to his beloved, your seiðr calming him and helping him through his panic while you shushed him gently and held him close to your body, running your nails through his hair lovingly and Loki keened at the attention as he came back down to his senses.   
Seeing his brother watching him and judging made Loki feel insecure and so he curled up even more into your grip, “do I disgust you, Thor? Is this finally enough to make you stop seeing me as your brother?” Loki seethed and Thor sighed softly before shaking his head.   
Thor knew that Loki wasn’t in the best headspace, Serenity had explained plenty what that stone in Loki’s sceptre really was and it disgusted Thor to think that someone would want to hurt his little brother in such a way but he was a Prince of Asgard and right now, he had to escort a prisoner to his trial against the King. Helping Loki to his feet, Thor took this moment to notice how malnourished Loki was and his heart shattered, “you are still my brother, Loki. We played together, fought together, enjoyed life together! But right now…”  
“I know. You must do your duty to Asgard and escort the treasonous son to his grave,” Loki hissed and his gaze softened when he saw Thor flinch but he didn’t allow himself to think that he might finally get to experience true death, “if he is setting me on the block, Thor, do not try to stop it.”  
Thor stared at him in shock before shaking his head, “I will not see my little brother executed following the bidding of a monster. Come, Odin will be getting impatient.”   
After being escorted into the palace of Asgard, Loki admired a new portrait that had been hung up in his memory, a portrait of when he first met the love of his life. He didn’t have Sleipnir, he noticed. Of course, Odin would wipe his son’s existence from any course of history to deny him the right to the throne of Asgard. You were painted to be the innocent woman that Aesir considered you to be alongside their stereotype of Serenity.   
Both of you were depicted in simple hairstyles and dresses, the gold cut to a minimum against Asgard's clear glamour. Loki silently fumed as he remembered just how regal you and Serenity truly looked the night that he met you.
Soon enough, Loki was escorted into the throne room and he was once again staring right at Hliðskjálf where Odin was now perched with Frigga next to a pillar to his left and Loki was pulled forward by the extra chains they added to his body, knowing that he was a powerful enemy when set loose. Stepping up to the stairs leading to the throne he sat on merely a year ago now, he glared up at Odin with the beginnings of a sly smirk on his face.  
“Loki,” came the comforting voice of his mother and he turned to her with a smile.  
“Hello, mother. Have I made you proud?” Loki raised his brow and watched as his mother started with her nervous tick of playing with her fingers as he does from time to time. He got that from her. He loved Frigga. I will keep you alive, mother.  
Frigga frowned at her son and continued fiddling with her hands, “Please don’t make this worse…”  
Loki’s brow furrowed and guilt formed in his gut as he spat out the words, “define worse.”  
“ENOUGH! I shall speak to the prisoner alone,” came Odin’s commanding voice.   
Loki walked forward and purposefully clanked his chains around his waist before he started to laugh, “I really don’t see what all the fuss is about!” He did, he truly did. He ransacked his best friend’s home, he wanted power. He didn’t. He was afraid… Thanos will be coming for him now, he had to hide his family!   
“Do you not truly feel the gravity of your crimes? Wherever you go, there is war, ruin, and death.” Odin sneered at him and Loki glared right back, that power he held once he was King for two months now pouring back into his very being.  
“I went down to Midgard to rule the people of Earth as a benevolent God,” Loki replied smoothy, shaking his head and keeping eye contact with Odin, “just like you.”  
Odin held his gaze, his eyes unfeeling as he looked down at the man Loki had become. Every time he looked at his adopted son, all he saw was Laufey, his wretched enemy, “we are not Gods. We are born, we live, we die. Just like humans do.”  
Loki looked away from Odin then to mock his claim by shaking his head in thoughts before replying sarcastically, “give or take five thousand years.”   
“All this because Loki desires a throne,” Odin hissed.  
Loki lost it; he was a Prince! Not of Asgard anymore! He was Loki, prince of Jötunheim and he would be treated with respect, “it is my birth right!”  
“YOUR BIRTH RIGHT WAS TO DIE! As a child. Cast out onto a frozen rock,” that shook Loki into silence as Odin continued, “If I had not taken you in, you would not be here now to hate me.”  
“If I am for the axe then for mercy’s sake just swing it! ” Loki breathed, watching his adopted father desperately, wanting any way of release from this torture. He hadn’t been abandoned but he knew he wasn’t wanted on Asgard. “It’s not that I don’t love our little talks. It’s just… I don’t love them.”  
“Frigga is the only reason you are still alive, and you will never see her again, you will spend the rest of your long life in the dungeons,” Odin said calmly, and Loki’s heart broke even more.   
“I refuse to let that happen,” came a new voice and when Loki turned, he saw that it was you and beside you was Serenity. You looked powerful together and he knew that at this moment, he was safe, and he wasn’t going to be alone. You stood beside Loki, glaring straight at Odin, “how dare you try to lock Loki away while leaving me out? The moment you disowned him from the Odinson family, I named him Crown Prince of Midgard’s Moon! Deciding his fate without me present is treason.”  
Serenity then stepped forward, looking as serene and regal as her title spoke, she was, “and I have adopted him into my family also as an ambassador from Asgard to help us grow crops that we used to trade with you. I shall not be continuing trade until Thor is on Hliðskjálf and you are gone. Trust me, I am not happy with your treatment of my best friend. But since you have withheld the information from Loki on your decision on what to do with his children during his imprisonment, tell him.”  
Odin glared right at Serenity but her stone-cold glare told tales that she would not step down in her protection of the Jötun runt standing beside her, “I had planned to charge Fenris, Jörmungandr and Sleipnir Lokison with the charge of conspiring with a criminal. Their punishment would’ve been death.”  
Loki’s head snapped up and he glared right up at Odin, “you will do no such thing, Odin Allfather. You lay one single weapon or finger near my sons, and you will not breathe a millisecond more, do you understand!? Y/N, darling, I know you hate me but…”  
“They’re safe,” you kissed his head and rubbed his back reassuringly, “and I do not hate you, Loki, I could never hate you.”  
“Why should I free Loki from his punishment, Serenity? You do not see such a punishment as fitting for the one that attacked your home?” Odin smirked.   
“Oh, I will decide his fate, King Odin, you shall not. Loki is my ward, I shall decide the punishment,” Serenity turned to Loki and sighed as she hugged him tightly and kissed his head, “you will stay here on Asgard in your chambers until I decide you have learnt your lesson and then I shall allow you to leave. Your children shall not be harmed through this agreement. Also, Queen Frigga, myself, Y/N and Thor are allowed to visit you whenever you want us to or whenever we want.”  
Loki watched Serenity in surprise before nodding, “I accept your terms, my Queen."  
“He is my son; how dare you take action for him in any way without consulting me!” Odin shouted and his voice echoed around the room but yet again, Serenity nor you faltered in the intense game of dominance.   
Loki stood taller this time and held onto Serenity and your hands as he glared up at the Allfather, his fear forgotten with the added strength of the two that he trusted with his soul. Loki hadn’t forgotten that Thanos had twisted his brain to think that you had killed his children but now that he was standing here with you, he knew that you would never do such a thing, “I am not your son, Odin Allfather. I am Loki Laufeyson. Rightful King of Jötunheim after my father, Laufey.”   
Odin bristled and glared down at the young God, “this is my son I see before me. My skin, my magic hiding the monster beneath. Yet once again, you deny who you are. You are my son, Thor’s brother.”  
“I may wear this disguise that you gave me, Odin, and I might hate my other skin, but I am not your son. I am Thor’s brother, yes. I am Frigga’s son, also yes. But I am not your son. I will never be your son again, I will never want you as my father,” Loki snarled and Serenity rubbed his back soothingly and Loki leaned into the touch with a soft smile, “thank you, sister.”  
You then turned to Loki and kissed his forehead, whispering healing spells against the soft skin below his hairline, your magic instantly breaking through the blocks on Loki’s natural magic and releasing the block that had been placed on him that prevented him from shifting into a female, one last stab Odin provided to Loki before letting him fall from the Bifrost.   
“You’re not allowed any contact with Loki through this punishment, Odin. If we find out in any way that you have seen Loki, then Earth will declare war for the torment of an ambassador and rightful king of Midgard’s moon. Good day, your majesty,” you hissed and guided Loki out of the throne room with Serenity beside them.   
Loki thought back to his time as King a year ago and shuddered as he remembered the state that Asgard was in behind closed doors, it was in ruins. Odin didn’t care for the outer city; he only paid the guards and the training of his Einherjar. Under Loki’s rule, he had settled things out into a peaceful regime. The outer villages were getting proper payments from trade in the centre city and there were even little children who were found to possess seiðr and were brought to study in the castle! Now, those little children were no longer exploring the castle or walking around with their friends through the halls. No, this was silence. No children learning, the explosive chatter that was heard through the halls was now deathly silent as the two Queens and Prince ventured towards the family halls of the castle.  
“What did Odin do? Where are all of the students I invited? Darling, what happened? Serenity?” Loki looked weakly at them and it was Serenity that knew more so he kept eye contact with her as their walk came to a stop.  
Serenity quickly relented and tears brimmed in her eyes as she explained, “we were discussing a trade between Midgard and Asgard after your fall. I had to keep up business but then there was this bang outside, one child’s seiðr had gotten out of control and he had released a huge firework right outside of the throne room so Odin stalked away from me and threw the doors home, demanding the little children to return to their villages and never return to the castle again. He banned the practice of seiðr for anyone below the middle class. Oh, Loki, it was terrible!”   
Loki was stumped, tears brimmed in his eyes as he remembered one little girl, the one who had opened his eyes to the possibility that seiðr was possible to even those of the working classes: the little Estrid. His eyes met Serenity and instantly, the words slipped out of his lips, “and what of little Estrid?”   
“Odin was stood up to by a little girl. She screamed at him that he wasn’t her true king and, well, Odin locked her away for it. I’m so sorry, Loki,” Serenity watched Loki’s reactions closely and when he backed out of her grip, she sighed and looked over to you before nodding, “We can’t let her stay in that place. It’s full of monsters and villains. She’s an innocent child with innocence so unique…”   
Loki took off into a sprint, startling Sleipnir from where he was hidden behind your skirts. He had a one-track mind right now and that was to free the little girl who cared so much about him. Once he had arrived in the prisons, he cast a spell over himself to prevent anyone from seeing or hearing him and he took off past some cells before he arrived in front of one specific cell that seemed empty but he noticed the small child curled up in the far corner and his heart shattered.   
Loki had always known the prisons codes, he supposed Odin would’ve changed them if he had been sent down here to rot for the rest of his life as a precaution to make sure that he did not escape the confines of the torturous labyrinth that was the Asgardian prisons.   
Seeing the little girl in that cell enraged Loki. The child had done no wrong but defend her King, the King she saw as hers and not what everyone else expected. She supported Loki’s rule, as did all Asgardians (though they managed to keep that loyalty completely to their homes and away from Hugin and Muninn). Sweet, little Estrid who was so skilled with her work and her smiles that lit up the room now laid on the floor in the corner of her cell, a broken sob escaping her chapped lips.   
Loki punched the codes into the monitor and walked into the cell before walking over to the little girl and kneeling beside her head, his seiðr reaching out to wrap around hers comfortingly. The little girl roused at the feeling of warmth and she lifted her head to look at him, “my King? You’re back! You came to me…”   
“I did, sweet Estrid… I’ll get you out of here now, I promise,” Loki whispered, and the little girl nodded as Loki guided her away from her corner and out of the cell. On his way back to his room, Loki made sure that the young girl was constantly wrapped in his magic so that the guards were not alerted to her presence and so that she wouldn’t be sent back to that cell.  
They made it back to Loki’s chambers and Loki locked the door behind the both of them. The girl looked around the apartment-like room and hugged her arms close to her as she imagined how Loki must have felt growing up in this room, so free and yet so not at the same time, “you have a wonderful room, your majesty.”  
“My chambers are peaceful, yes, but there are so many unwanted memories here. But do not ask what they are, they are not for little girl’s ears,” Loki smiled, and ruffled Estrid’s hair and she giggled in delight under the attention, “we’ll need to get you home to your mother soon. I bet she’s worried sick about you.”  
Estrid’s face fell at the reality that she had been the only child from her village that had not returned home when Odin banned their practice of seiðr. She knew her mama would be exceptionally unhappy with her being away and with her for siding with Loki and not falsifying her respect for Odin as many Asgardians had started doing since Loki’s fall and his abdication of Hliðskjálf. Many still loved Loki and demanded he return to the throne, but Loki knew that to return to such a place would break his mind and inhibit his freedom to be who he is.   
“I do want to go home, my King, but if I must defend you then I shall stay! I wanna help you,” Estrid smiled up at him and Loki frowned as he saw her hands spark with power.  
Loki knew that this little girl looked up to him but after what just happened on Midgard, he couldn’t accept that he had ever been anything other than a puppet to be passed on to one person after another. He wanted to be two years younger so that none of this mattered, so he could still have that burning hate for Odin for taking his children but never acted on it. He wanted his old life back and all of his brain was telling him that no matter what, he could no longer go back to who he used to be. So, Loki turned to look at the little girl and shook his head, “you need not worry about me, liten stjerne glimt(little star twinkle), you’ll do great on your journey practising seiðr. You cannot protect me just yet but when you’re big, you’ll be my best student!”  
With that, he opened a portal to her home and Estrid stood in front of it with brimming tears, seeing the children running across the square and her favourite thatched houses. She turned to Loki with her lip trembling and muttered, “but how will I be able to see you again, my King?”   
Loki stared at her for a moment before grabbing a stuffed toy from one of his hidden shelves and he knelt before her with a smile, offering her the toy, “you can keep this, it shall be a token of memory of your time with me as your King. I am not that man anymore, Estrid, I am your Prince once more. You will need to pretend to follow Odin if he does question you, do you understand? It won’t hurt me, I promise.”  
The little girl took in his words before cuddling the toy to her chest and she smiled brightly up at him, “thank you, your majesty, we are truly honoured to have had someone like you on the throne for so long! Have a good night, my King!” With that, the child ran through the portal and it snapped shut.  
Loki stayed kneeling that way for a few minutes before he heard the sound of crying coming from Sleipnir’s room and he quickly got to his feet and walked into the room, smiling upon seeing his darling son curled up into a ball in your sleeping arms. Gently, so as to not wake up his beloved, Loki lifted Sleipnir from your arms and carried him away, shushing him when he whimpered and cried.  
“Sweet son, what is the matter?” Loki asked gently and Sleipnir whimpered, nuzzling closer to his mummy and Loki had a feeling he knew what was wrong with his darling Sleipnir and he cuddled him close, kissing his ebony black hair gently, “shhh… we’re all safe now, the monsters are gone… mummy is safe, see? I’m here just like I said I’d be…”  
“You lied, mummy!” Sleipnir sobbed, his tiny hands gripping onto his mummy’s leathers, his cries growing louder as Loki moved further away from Sleipnir’s room, “You lied and said you’d come for me, but Y/N came instead! You lied!”  
Loki’s heart broke at that and he knew that Sleipnir was right, he had intended to go grab Sleipnir and escape with the Time Stone but then he had thought about the vision he had seen through his war between seiðr and the Mind Stone.  
“where is the Aether?” Asked a monster that Odin had continuously told everyone was dead. He was in front of mother and he was threatening her. A Kurse holding her in a chokehold and not letting go.  
“I’ll never tell you.” Was his mother’s response before a sword was plunged into her spine and she winced as she fell to the floor, dead. Thor coming in moments later and throwing Mjolnir at the one who killed their mother, but he merely hit his face before the Kurse, and the monster disappeared.   
He knew he had to do something to save his mama or she would be dead and there would be no way to save her from her horrid fate. He would save her. He probably already had.   
“I see you’re pondering scenarios that might not happen again, Loki,” came the gentle voice of his mother from behind him and he smiled as he turned to face her. Frigga’s eyes dropped to his son and she hesitantly reached out her arms to him, “please may I hold my grandson?”  
Loki flinched but gave up quickly before handing Sleipnir to Frigga and instantly, his cries died down and silence reigned for moments before Loki spoke up, “I thought you wouldn’t want to see him, mother. Odin never wanted to see him in this form. It was dangerous to even bring Sleipnir home.”  
“But you had to come home, and your son would never go anywhere without his mother, where do you think he gets that?” Frigga asked good-naturedly and Loki broke out into a nervous smile, “your son takes after you so much, I’m so proud of you, Loki.”   
Loki stared at his mother in disbelief and he huffed out a laugh before seeing his mother’s face, “you’re serious? You’re proud? Mother! When I asked you if I had made you proud…” Loki trailed off once Frigga began to speak again.  
“I did not mean that I am proud of that, Loki, not in a million years! What you did to Midgard was unacceptable and totally out of character for my son. I am proud of the father that you have become. I am proud of the King you were. You do not see it yourself, but you are an amazing son, a wonderful father and you will be a great king,” Frigga rested her hand on Loki’s cheek and he leaned into the touch gratefully with a soft smile on his lips.  
Since breaking away from Thanos’s hold on him, Loki’s mind had been silent. He had been working on fixing memories that he knew were broken and for the first time, he was able to think for himself. He kissed his mother’s cheek and watched as Sleipnir’s eyes slipped closed, “honestly, mother, I don’t know if I deserve to be a father or a mother. Look what became of all of my children. Fenrir? Taken. Jörmungandr? Taken. Hel? Banished to Niflheim. Sleipnir? Became Odin’s war horse for centuries! My newest child? Dead before leaving the womb.”  
“None of those are your fault, Loki,” Frigga sighed sadly, and Loki snarled at her before walking away to his bookshelf to find a book that might block out his mother’s voice, “you doubt your mother? There once was a time where you trusted me.”  
Loki froze and tears rose to his eyes as he once again saw her dead body, serene and frozen in time but still dead. He wanted to kill whoever had murdered his mother or who would try. So, Loki turned to his mother, “this family was built on lies, Frigga. Between you and Odin. You have a full horror house of lies. I wasn’t left to die, I was stolen by your husband,” seeing the surprise on her face wasn’t all that concerning, “He lied to you too? How sick is that! Laufey thought me dead, he left me in that temple to keep me safe. He told me that I would’ve been loved even if I was the runt of the litter. My name would’ve been Loptr Laufeyson. Why do you think my name is Loki?”  
“I named you Loki,” Frigga mumbled and held out a shuddering hand to her beloved son and Loki instantly grabbed onto it with a sad smile, “you have always been my little Loki, ever since I first held you in my arms. You are fit to be a father and a mother because I am your mother and you are my son. You learnt so much from me and I know you will learn so much more from teaching your own sons and daughter. I’m sorry you cannot see them yet but…”  
Loki nodded his acceptance and then took Sleipnir back from her and kissed his head gently, “I will try to be the parent you were to me for my children, you are amazing, mother.”  
The months seemed to blend together after that. Common visits from Frigga were the only indication that the day might be slightly different than the last. Loki found himself losing time until he saw Thor race down the Bifrost with Mjolnir and disappear through it’s rainbow beam before it activated again and now Thor was back with his beloved Jane.   
You stood from where you were settled between Loki’s legs and you watched out of the window as Thor guided Jane through the streets of Asgard and towards the golden castle. You turned to Loki and sighed as you shook your head, “I’ll be back, my darling.”   
Appearing beside Thor and his human, you crossed your arms with an eyebrow raised high, “and why is she here? I thought the Bifrost was still closed to all?”   
Thor looked away from Jane towards Loki’s beloved and he sighed sadly, “she’s sick. She has an illness and it will attack any who try to go near her that she finds threatening. Please, Y/N, I wouldn’t leave her on Midgard right now.”  
With a sigh, you nodded and led Jane and Thor into the healing wing of the castle, and you guided Jane over to the table where Eir gathered with her other healers to take a look at poor Jane Foster.   
Jane stared in wonder at the soul forge, reaching out and studying it as the Healers assessed her. You remembered when you were once charmed by Asgard’s beauty and especially charmed with their royalty. You understood Jane but you also understood that her people’s lives were fleeting, and you knew that any time passed on Earth away from Thor, Jane would show signs of ageing and Thor wouldn’t. Serenity was preparing a widespread life longevity spell, but it would take another fifty years for it to happen and you knew that Jane’s beauty would not last that long. Jane would look more like Thor’s grandmother rather than his girlfriend if that were to be the case. She knew the upcoming breakup would hurt but it would be better for Thor in the long run.  
Odin came into the room and you stood in the shadows as he and Thor argued over Jane until Odin demanded that Jane be sent home. Only after that did someone reach for her and the red magic that was blasted out of her sent everyone backwards, even you. Slowly rising to your feet, you walked over to Thor and Odin and gasped in shock when Odin revealed what was going on below Jane’s skin.   
“It’s an Infinity Stone, Odin,” you mumbled in horror, not understanding how a mortal could possibly host such a thing in their body, “it’s killing her. Slowly.”   
Jane looked horrified at that fact and sat up to look at Thor but before she could ask if you were overreacting, Thor answered quickly, “Y/N is one of the best here. She knows of Midgard and she knows you. If she says that you are dying then loathe as I am to admit it, you are so.”   
“I’m sorry I could not sugar coat such a thing, this is a serious situation. One that I’m sure Odin can handle on his own. He assured the people that the Dark Elves were gone but that was King Bor’s lie. I’ll leave the explaining up to the King. I have a Loki that needs me. Good day,” you wiggled your fingers as a goodbye and disappeared.  
Loki flinched when you appeared back in his room before sighing and rolling his eyes, “we have discussed doing this, Y/N, darling. Must you always sneak up on me? Hang on, are you okay?” He asked gently, seeing his beloved’s scared face.  
“Your brother has brought the Aether to Asgard. Your vision is coming true, Loki. We have to save Frigga.”  
“We will. Don’t worry,” Loki assured you, pulling you into his arms, “I have you, don’t worry.”  
@lokisgoodgirl @lokisninerealms @evelyn-kingsley @slpnbty2001 @jennyggggrrr @hahaha12123445 @ozymdias @holdmytesseract @itsybitchylittlewitchy @lovingchoices14 @xorpsbane @huntress-artemiss @muddyorbs @nerdy-fangirl-65 @lonadane @silverfire475 @chantsdemarins @iamsherlocked1479 @kittiowolf210
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celerieth · 10 months
Goose's impact on the MCU (or how much was changed by one blue cube that was hacked up like a furball by a Flerken)
Does anyone think about what would have happened differently or just not happened at all if Goose hadn't hacked up the Tesseract like a furball? Well, I do. And these are my conclusions.
Most of Phase 1, which means Iron Man 1 & 2, Hulk and Thor 1 + Captain America; The First Avenger, would have been the same, but the post credits of Thor 1 wouldn't have happened at all, and the post credits of CA;TFA wouldn't have happened the same, because said post credits scene was basically an ad for Avengers 1, which leads me to...
S.H.I.E.L.D wouldn't have been experimenting on the Tesseract because they wouldn't technically have it. So no portal, which means no Loki, which means no Mind Stone/Chitauri Sceptre, which means Barton and Selveig wouldn't have been enslaved, which means the Avengers wouldn't have banded together, and there would be no Battle of New York. Basically, the entire film wouldn't have happened.
Iron Man 3 would have been pretty much the same, minus Tony's PTSD from throwing a nuke into the portal. Thor; The Dark World... well, Jane probably would have still been on that date and wound up with the Aether/Reality Stone inside of her, can't see how that might change. Whether that's something that could have been solved without Loki (since he'd still be missing, because Thor wouldn't have taken him back to Asgard because Avengers 1 didn't happen), is up for debate, but the Dark Elves would still be an issue. I can't see how they could be defeated, but for the sake of argument, let's say they're vanquished. Captain America; The Winter Soldier... I can't see it happening the same, because I can't think of how Natasha and Steve met without Avengers 1 happening. Guardians of the Galaxy... that'd probably be exactly the same, as well as Ant-Man.
Age of Ultron. Well, no Sceptre and no CA;TWS (the latter is just for the sake of argument, okay?) means no raids on Hydra bases to find the Sceptre, and no Sceptre means no Mind Stone which means Wanda would be an ordinary witch (according to WandaVision) and Pietro wouldn't have super speed. Also, they wouldn't have been experimented on with the Mind Stone, so they likely wouldn't be at the base anyway. And if they, the Sceptre and the Avengers weren't at the base, then Tony probably wouldn't have had that waking nightmare/trance thing (thank you, Wanda Maximoff) which would lead to him coming up with the terrible idea to 'build a suit of armour around the world', which means no Ultron. That and the lack of the Mind Stone means no Vision. And Sokovia wouldn't have been destroyed, which leads to...
No Sokovia Accords, which means the chain of events leading to the death of T'Chaka didn't happen, which means T'Challa doesn't become Black Panther. I'm not saying Killmonger doesn't show up, but T'Challa probably wouldn't be having to deal with it entirely on his own. Away from Wakandan politics, Civil War wouldn't have happened because a) no Avengers in the first place and b) no Accords for them to fight at a German airport about. Which means Ant-Man and the Wasp wouldn't have happened the same because Scott wouldn't have taken Hank's suit to Germany to be arrested in, which means he wouldn't be limited to his home by the law. Ava Starr probably would still be out there, but she'd likely be dealt with differently. Janet might have still been rescued from the Quantum Realm, but I'm not sure. Thor; Ragnarok wouldn't have happened because Thor wouldn't have had that vision in AoU, which meant he wouldn't be scouring the 9 Realms for other Infinity Stones. Also, Loki wouldn't have been there to cast that spell on Odin, so he might have lived a bit longer and decided to give Thor a heads-up about Hela. I stress the word 'might' here because he's a terrible father. Also, Dr. Strange and GotG Vol. 2 would have probably happened the same. I mean, I can't see why they wouldn't.
Due to Ragnarok not happening, the Asgardians wouldn't have been an endangered species of refugees when Thanos found them, assuming he even comes after them at all in this altered reality. Because without the Tesseract and Loki, why should he care about Asgardians, unless they were dumb enough to keep the Reality Stone on Asgard in this timeline? Not that likely. So, yeah. The attacks on Earth by the Black Order to try and get the Time Stone... might have still happened, but probably not in the same way, I'd imagine. Ebony Maw and Cull Obsidian would probably still have attacked the New York Sanctum Sanctorum (or the streets near it, whichever), but they might have been joined by the other two, since Proxima and Corvus wouldn't be seeking the Mind Stone in... wherever it was Wanda and Vision were hiding (I think it was Edinburgh, but I probably heard wrong). Which means they might have gotten to the Time Stone early, even with Tony and Peter helping Strange (oh, forgot to mention it earlier, but Spiderman; Homecoming probably wouldn't have been exactly the same, since the fight in the airport didn't happen, so Tony wouldn't have had that reason to seek out Peter, so probably wouldn't have given him the upgraded suit or taken it away). The Guardians of the Galaxy wouldn't have recieved Thor's distress signal, so wouldn't have been roped into this whole mess as soon, if at all. Several other events wouldn't have happened, which would mean no battle in Wakanda. That combined with Goose presumably still having the Tesseract inside themself would mean no completed Infinity Gauntlet, which would mean no Snap. So no Endgame or Phase 4-5 either.
So this got long. Sorry for everyone having to read it, but this literally just occured to me because I was rewatching the Marvels trailer and thinking about Goose. So... yeah.
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thewidowsghost · 1 year
Fox - Chapter 82
Series Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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Previously on Fox:
“We gotta stop him,” Natasha turns to face the archer again.
“Yeah? Who’s ‘we’?” Clint asks, taking a sip of his water.
“I don’t know,” Natasha admits. “Whoever’s left.”
Clint nods, “Well, if I put an arrow through Loki’s eye socket, I’d sleep better, I suppose.”
A smile creeps it’s way onto Natasha’s face at the comment. She sits back down beside Clint. “Now you sound like you.”
“But you don’t,” Clint replies. “You’re a spy, not a soldier. Now you want to wade into a war. Why?”
“He killed Phil,” Natasha replies. “And (Y/n)’s planning on going after Loki. I go where she goes.”
“That’s a pretty good answer,” Clint replies.
. . .
“It’s time to go,” Steve Rogers steps into Clint’s med room.
“Go where?” Natasha asks the super-soldier.
“I’ll tell you on the way. Can you fly one of those jets?”
“I can,” Clint replies, looking up from the pitcher of water.
“Then suit up,” Steve replies.
3rd Person POV
“Earth’s Mightiest Heroes type thing,” Tony Stark says, pouring himself some scotch.
“Yes,” Loki says, turning from his view of the Chitauri shooting holes into the buildings of New York, “I’ve met them.”
“Yeah,” Tony chuckles. “It takes us a while to get any traction, on that one. But let’s do a head count, here. Your brother, the demigod, a super soldier, a living legend,” Tony reaches under his counter to grab two metal bracelets, “who kind of lives up to the legend. A man with breathtaking anger-management issues, a couple of master assassins, and probably the most powerful person you’ve probably ever met, and you, big fella, you’ve managed to piss off every single one of them.”
“That was the plan,” Loki replies.
“Well, clearly you didn’t think it through,” (Y/n) twists her vibranium sword between her fingers, walking up from behind Tony.
Tony takes a sip of his scotch. “Not a great plan,” he agrees with (Y/n). “When they come,” Tony rounds the counter, “and they will, they’ll come for you.”
“I have an army,” Loki replies.
“We have a Hulk,” Tony replies.
“I thought the beast had wandered off,” Loki replies.
“You’re missing the point,” (Y/n) says, allowing her sword to retract into her suit. “There is no throne. There is no version of this where you come out on top.”
“How will your friends have time for me when they are so busy fighting you?” Loki steps up to Tony, who is standing just closer to Loki than (Y/n). Loki presses the tip of his sceptre to Tony’s chest.
“This usually works,” Loki says and (Y/n)’s lips twitch slightly.
“Well, performance issues, it’s not uncommon,” Tony comments casually. “One out of five -”
Loki lifts Tony by the throat and throws him out the window.
After a moment, Ironman rises.
“And there’s one other person you pissed off,” (Y/n) says, her hands tightening into fists. “His name was Phil.”
Tony blasts Loki with his blasters, and (Y/n) throws Loki into a wall. She dives out of the window and she lands on the top of the Quinjet.
“Stark, we’re on your three, headed northeast,” Natasha says into the COMMs.
“What?” Tony asks. “Did you stop for drive-through?” he snarks.
“Watch it,” (Y/n) replies.
“Swing up Park. I’m gonna lay ‘em out for you,” Tony replies.
. . .
There is a knock at a young girl’s door.
The door opens, and a man, the girl’s daughter, is framed in the doorway. “Kate?” the man prompts. The man’s gaze falls on his daughter, lying on her bed, pretending to be asleep. “Coming in,” the man steps into his daughter’s room. “You shouldn’t eavesdrop.”
“Then how would I know what you’re saying when I’m not there?” Kate asks, her eyes still closed.
Her father chuckles. “I don’t know how to argue with that.” Kate’s father, Derek, walks over to his daughter’s bed. “How much did you hear?” Derek asks.
Kate opens her eyes, rolling over to face her father. “I don’t want to move,” Kate says, sitting up.
“That much, huh?” Derek asks, walking over to sit at the foot of his daughter’s bed. “We don’t have to.”
“How do you know,” Kate asks, fiddling with the sleeves of her flower printed shirt. “Mommy said things don’t just fall from the sky.”
“Well, yeah, but there’s always gonna be weather,” Derek replies. “Some people forget the one thing they can control, the choices they make in the face of it.”
Kate smiles before she pauses. Then she asks, “What would you do in a hurricane?”
“I would do what I always do. Protect you,” Derek says, rubbing his daughter’s shoulder. “Now, why don’t you go have some lunch with your mom?” He gets to his feet. “Think fast,” he tosses Kate her favorite stuffed animal. “I’ll be downstairs in my office.”
. . .
A shadow passes through Kate’s room, and she looks out the window.
There is a soft thud and then an explosion rocks the building.
“Mommy!” Kate cries, panting slightly and clinging to the wall. “Mommy! Mommy!” she staggers out of her room, swaying as the building continues to rock. “What’s happening?”
The girl runs to her parents’ bedroom, before she turns, looking up and sees a giant Chitauri fly over her skylight.
“Dad?” Kate runs down the stairs of the penthouse. “Dad. Daddy, where are you?” Kare turns into the formal dining room and she stops to stare out the window. She lets out a yelp as more, smaller Chitauris fly by. The girl runs towards her father’s office, and she screams when something crashes into the building.
Dust rains down on the girl’s head, and she stumbles the rest of the way to her father’s office.
The entire office is destroyed, and Kate starest out at the war taking place in front of her eyes.
One of the Chitauri rises from the wreckage of the office. It catches sight of the girl and begins walking towards her.
All of a sudden, the Chitauri topples forward.
Kate stares at the figure, now standing in the wreckage of her father’s office.
The woman glances over at the girl. “You okay?” her (E/c) eyes gleam with concern.
The Chitauri moves and the woman drags it by the leg and throws it out the massive hole in the office.
The woman kneels down in front of the young girl. “I’m (Y/n),” (Y/n) says. “What’s your name?”
“Kate,” the girl says softly.
“Kate, are you okay?” (Y/n) asks.
Kate nods, though she looks terrified.
“Where are your parents?” (Y/n) asks.
Kate looks around. “I - I don’t know,” Kate replies.
“(Y/n), are you okay?” Natasha’s voice comes from (Y/n)’s COMM.
(Y/n) places a hand to her ear, “I’m fine. I need to help this little girl find her parents.”
“Be careful,” Natasha replies.
“Come in, kiddo,” (Y/n) holds a hand out for the girl, and Kate takes her hand.
“Mom!” Kate cries as the two make their way through the messy, dust filled house.
“Kate!” a voice screams in return.
(Y/n) catches sight of the woman first, and keeps Kate from walking into the room. “Stay here,” (Y/n) tells the girl and (Y/n) hurries to the woman’s side, taking stock of the situation.
“Where’s Kate?” the woman asks, her arm pinned under one of the beams of the house.
“If my daughter saw me like this, she’d be traumatized,” (Y/n) replies, bracing herself to lift the beam. “She’s outside.”
“Thank you,” the woman replies.
“It’s no problem. I’m (Y/n).” (Y/n) says.
“Eleanor,” the woman replies. “How are you gonna -” she falters when (Y/n) heaves, lifting the beam off her arm.
Eleanor slips herself out from under the beam.
“Mom!” Kate runs into the room after a moment.
Eleanor hugs her daughter with her non-broken arm.
“Let me see,” (Y/n) says, gesturing to Eleanor’s arm. Both Kate and Eleanor watch, their eyes wide as the broken arm mends under (Y/n)’s touch. “Might want to put it in a sling for a week, just to make sure it sets properly,” (Y/n) advises.
“We need your help out here, (Y/n),” Steve Rogers says.
“I gotta run,” (Y/n) says. She rises to her feet; she begins to walk away. Then she turns back. “I’m really sorry about your house,” she looks so genuinely upset and sorry that Eleanor almost thinks that it’s the woman’s fault, but it wasn’t. Clearly it was the fault of the man standing atop Stark Tower with gold antlers and a green suit.
. . .
(Y/n), Natasha, Steve, and Clint all gather outside the subway station.
“Stark, are you seeing this?” Steve asks Tony.
“Seeing. Still working on believing. Where’s Banner? Has he shown up yet?” Tony asks.
“Banner?” Steve questions.
“Just keep me posted.” Tony replies. “JARVIS, find me a soft spot.”
(Y/n) scans the side of the giant flying Chitauri.
Steve crouches behind a taxi with Natahsa and Clint, and (Y/n) vaults over it to join them.
“We’ve got civilians still trapped up here,” The four can hear Tony say through their comms.
“Loki,” Steve mutters as the emerald-clad Asguardian zips by on a Chitari plane-looking thing.
Citizens scream in terror, running out of falling buildings and crouching behind cars.
“They’re fish in a barrel down there,” Steve mutters, staring down at a bridge, which is burning.
Natasha stands up, using her pistols to shoot at the Chitauri, and Clint creeps away, using his arrows. Natasha crouches down again, looking over at Steve, “We got this.”
“We’re good,” (Y/n) adds. “Go.”
“Do you think you can hold them off?” Steve asks.
(Y/n)’s sword materialized from the sleeve of her suit, and the blade erupts into flames. “Can I light random ass swords on fire?” (Y/n) asks with a grin, pivoting on her back foot to cut a Chitauri in half.
The three friends shoot and hack at the enemy and (Y/n) laughs at Natasha’s next comment, “Just like Budapest all over again.”
“You and I remember Budapest very differently,” (Y/n) and Clint reply in unison.
(Y/n) sees explosions on the bridge nearby and sprints towards a line of NYPD officers shooting at Chitauri warriors flying overhead.
(Y/n) lands on top of a bus, dropping onto one knee to talk to the officers below her. “You need men in these buildings,” (Y/n) gestures to some of the tallest buildings around them. “There are people inside and they’re going to run right into the line of fire. You take them to the basements or through the subway. You keep them off the streets. I need a perimeter as back as 39th.”
“Why the hell should I take orders from you?” the chief asks.
An explosion rocks overhead, and four Chitauri warriors climb onto the bus. (Y/n) turns, her sword materializing again and she hacks them down with her sword.
At (Y/n)’s quick takedown of the warriors, the chief turns to his men, “I need men in those buildings. Lead people down and away from the streets. We’re going to set up a perimeter as far back as 39th.”
(Y/n)’s sword bursts back into flames and she summons a jet of wind, propelling her through the air and cutting Chitauri hovercrafts out of the air.
“I need more men in those buildings,” the sheriff tells his officers. “Lead people away from the streets. And we need a perimeter as far back as 39th street.”
(Y/n) advances towards both Clint and Natasha, knocking out Chitauri soldiers as she goes.
Clint stabs a Chitari with an arrow and instinctively ducks as (Y/n) slashes a Chitauri in half above Clint’s head.
A Chitauri tackles (Y/n) to the ground, and she hits the pavement with a grunt. “Nat!” she instinctively calls out.
Natasha, who’s about ten feet away, levels her Chitauri sceptre, which she’d stolen, and shoots the Chitauri off (Y/n). Natasha jogs over, offering (Y/n) a hand.
“You came,” (Y/n) murmurs.
“You called,” Natasha replies, resting her forehead against (Y/n)’s for a moment.
“This is not the time,” Clint grunts, shooting down a few of the aliens with his arrows.
“Sorry, Bird Brain,” (Y/n) replies, summoning her sword again. She tries to set her sword ablaze, but exhaustion drags at her and the flames, instead of their normal bright yellow, are now a dull red color.
Natasha glances worriedly at (Y/n), but she shrugs it off, letting the flames extinguish, deciding to wield the sword without flames now.
Steve lands beside (Y/n) and Natasha, knocking over a few Chitauri, and arcs of lightning blast a few more to dust. Thor lands beside Natasha, Clint, Steve, and (Y/n).
“What’s the story upstairs?” Steve asks Thor.
“The power surrounding the Cube is impenetrable,” Thor rumbles.
“Thor’s right. We got to deal with those guys,” Tony replies into the comms.
“How do we do this?” Natasha asks.
“As a team,” Steve replies.
“I have unfinished business with Loki,” Thor says.
“Yeah, get in line,” Clint replies.
“Loki’s going to keep this fight focused on us,” Steve turns to address (Y/n), Natasha, and Clint, “and that’s what we need.”
“Without him, these things could run wild,” (Y/n) says.
“We got Stark up top. He’s going to need us to . . .” Steve goes on, but the rumbling of a motorcycle stops him.
The others step forward, meeting Bruce Banner as he dismounts from his borrowed motorcycle.
“So, this all seems horrible,” Bruce says in way of greeting, gesturing around to the flaming cars and rubble
“I’ve seen worse,” Natasha replies, and (Y/n) casts a worried gaze on her wife. They’d been married for almost five years now, and (Y/n) still didn’t know all of Natasha’s past - and if she was being honest, she didn’t want to know.
“Sorry,” Bruce replies.
“No,” Natasha interjects, “we could use a little worse.”
Bruce nods, and when Natasha looks away, (Y/n) catches the scientist's eyes still on her wife. (Y/n) smirks slightly - Banner never had a chance.
“Stark,” Steve says into the COMMs, “we’ve got him.”
“Banner?” Tony asks.
“Just like you said,” Steve says.
“Then tell him to suit up,” Tony replies. “I’m bringing the party to you.”
“Holy shit,” (Y/n) turns, and the others turn, following the direction that she was looking. (Y/n)’s sword unconsciously returns to her hand, and she grips the hilt.
Word Count: 2443 words
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bitterspoons · 7 months
Metal bones and Magnets
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Tinker-Belle Series Masterlist
Pairing: Pietro Maximoff x Fem! OC (eventually)
Summary: In which we meet our OC Belle and Pietro is both an enemy and a hero.
Word Count: 1.6k
this is the first part /// next part
“Hello lovely people!” Belle waved to her recording iphone as she buckled her heels on. “Ladies in Gentlemen and everybody in between— I am currently on the Quinjet because you guessed it, we found another HYDRA base!”
She grabbed her camera and posed with her best friend, Tony. “Tony! How do you feel about my new fighting shoes?”
Tony looked down at Belle’s new platform heels with little pom-poms. “Very gimmick-y Belle. Be careful— you’re gonna be more iconic than Spangles over there.”
“I’m always more iconic than Capsicle.” Belle rolled her eyes, flipping her hair. “I’m obviously the better blonde.”
“No, no— That’s where you’re wrong, Lady Belle.” Belle pointed the camera at Thor. “I am clearly the superior blonde.”
“Okay folks— we’re approaching the base. Tink— start stretching.” Bruce warned as they could feel the jet start lowering.
Belle stretched her wings out and let them pop through the golden armor that Tony had built. Her fairy wings fluttered around— letting her float into the air to avoid turbulence.
“You forgot your intro again!” Clint reminded the girl who was doing flips in the air to get warmed up.
“Right! Hello! If you don’t already know me— My name is Belle but you probably know me as Tinkerbelle. I’m the result of illegal human experimentation and Tony Stark found me a few months ago.” She looked at the camera and smiled— doing her rehearsed introduction. “He gave me new and improved metal bones and healed my broken wings.”
“I helped out at the Attack on New York— using my acrobatic skills, swordplay and flying to defeat the Chitauri. Ever since, I’ve been an Avenger and have been keeping a video diary. We’re about to land so I’ll see you when we’re on the ground!”
Clicking off her camera— she made sure her green mini dress wasn’t wrinkled and fluttered her way near the exit. “I’ll scope out the area with Stark!”
Iron man and Tinkerbelle flew out of the Quinjet— and began to make their way closer and closer to the building. Belle touched her intercom. “The place is surrounded— we’re going to regroup and attack in numbers. We haven’t been seen yet.”
- - - - - - - - - - -
With that— The Avengers drove in. Each on fighting HYDRA agents and making their way to victory.
Belle and Stark began quickly bolting towards the main building.
“SHIT!” Stark exclaimed— bumping into an invisible force field.
“Jarvis? What’s the view from upstairs?” Belle asked, banging her fist across the force field before getting shot at.
“The building seems to be surrounded by a type of energy shield…It’s more advanced than any other HYDRA base we’ve taken.”
“Loki’s sceptre must be here.” Thor informed. “There’s no way Stricker could power this defense without it. At long last…”
Belle floated down to the ground where she began to fight all the soldiers on outside of the base.
“Long last is lasting pretty long boys…” Natasha commented.
Belle shot up to the sky— wings flapping quickly as she sped towards the forrest. “Clint— there’s a weak spot on the bunker that’s shooting at you. Just shoot forwards.”
“Thanks.” Clint said after hearing an explosion. “I think we’ve lost the element of surprise.”
Belle let out a shriek as a blast went whizzing last her head. “The absolute nerve!” Belle hurled a grenade at the bunker that tried it.
“I’m sorry— nobody else is going to deal with the fact that Cap just said language?”
“I know,” Steve hurled his shield, knocking a few people to the ground. “Just slipped out.”
“Stark, have you gotten the force field taken care of yet?”
“Closing in, JARVIS— am I closing in?”
Something caught Belle’s eyes as she flew closer to the base. “Guys— I just saw something dart out of the base. I’d watch out.”
Clint who just got knocked to the floor— wished he got a warning earlier.
“We’ve got an enhanced on the field. Belle— your move.” Steve announced.
“On it.” Belle zipped to the forrest.
“Clint’s been hit! Somebody want to deal with that bunker?" A loud crash. "Thank you!”
Belle flew around the forrest as fast as she could— scanning the area around her from the skies until she saw something blue flash below her.
Flittering— her wings jolted her to the ground in an instant. Her eyes darted between the trees until she felt a breeze behind her.
She grabbed their hand and backed them into a tree, grabbing their shirt by the collar before finally looking at them. She took her sword and swiped it across his cheek.
“Nice catch” He winked before throwing her to the ground.
Winded, Belle groaned before touching her intercom. “I’ve met the enhanced. He’s speedy, cute and has frosted tips?”
“What the the 80’s?” Stark commented— letting them know the force field was down.
“Clint’s hit pretty bad guys— I think we’re gonna need Evac.” Natasha reported.
“I can get Barton. You guys find the sceptre.” Thor instructed before flying off.
“And for gosh sake— watch your language!” Belle mocked— flying up again and breezing through the front doors of the building.
Tony had found a secret room in the building— Belle was clearing out the building; her silent wings were very useful for sneaking around and disarming people.
Sneaking into rooms— she would silently disarm and knock people out until soon everyone is the room was harmless.
“We’re locked in out here.” Natasha reported.
“Get to Banner.” Steve suggested. “Time for a lullaby.”
Belle walked through one of the doors— completely disregarding the warning sign on the door.
And in her defense, there were warning signs everywhere.
Now in a place like this— boobytraps are expected. But after walking through the place for a while and not seeing anything, Belle was breezing through the places.
And in her defense— this wasn’t a boobytrap.
Instead— Belle walked into a room and she felt her intercom being tugged off her.
Belle turned around to see where it went when she saw a giant disposal.
A magnet was held above a conveyor belt as it picked up metals from the trash. Belle saw her intercom stuck to the giant magnet.
And in her defense— Belle is an idiot.
Walking over to the disposal, Belle suddenly felt a pull towards the disposal— so like the idiot she is, she went closer.
Watching the metals from soda cans being pulled up into the magnet and slowly turning flat and into melted metal— it was mesmerising.
It wasn’t until she was walking along on the conveyer belt when she realised she was in trouble.
Her elbow smacked into the magnet.
Soon enough it was her whole arm.
And soon she remembered that her metal bones stick to magnets.
Now very panicked— she began to tug at her arm, silently begging for the magnet to be weaker than it was proving to be.
Seeing her intercom on the other side— she made an attempt to reach for it but when her other elbow got stuck to the magnet— slamming her back onto the magnet too she stopped trying.
She could see the emergency power off but for some reason it was across the room and there was no chance of her reaching it.
Belle tried thinking of all the ways to get out of this less than ideal situation when she folded her wings.
“Schieße!” A german curse flew out of Belle’s mouth as a searing white hot pain rang throughout her body.
She watched as her intercom melted and began freaking out.
So like any other prepared avenger— she began to shout for help.
After a long while with no reply and her voice very worn out and tired— she hung from the magnet, very disappointed that this is how she died.
She had barely accomplished anything— she hadn’t taken down hydra like she wanted to or published her video diary as a documentary. She hadn’t even fallen in love yet or met Clint’s family like he promised.
When finally— something flashed in her teary vision.
Something alive and blue.
She heard machines turn off and she could feel her body falling from the stupid burning hot ceiling magnet when something caught her.
Belle curled into a small ball as her saviour carefully hugged her. “Thank you…” she whispered, opening her watery eyes and admiring his face.
“No problem.” He said back, wrapping her in a blanket and picking her up.
“I’m sorry… I cut your pretty face…” Belle traced the spot where a red cut lie on his cheek.
Before she knew it— Belle was in front of an empty Iron Man suit and now alone.
Belle carefully got up— tears streaming as her back and arms ached in pain as she climbed into the suit.
“JARVIS—turn on intercom.”
“Intercom— on. Several burns detected. ”
“Guys? I lost my intercom and i’m badly injured. Bruce can fix burns right?”
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
“Oh— they’re flatlining! Call it!” Tony walked it holding two smoothies.
Clint and Belle laid down next to each other. Belle was on her stomach as her burns were being healed by creating new skin tissue.
“No, no, no. I’m gonna live forever!” Clint smiled. “I’ll be made of plastic.”
“You’ll be made of you, Barton.”
Belle looked up from her iphone. “You interrupted my duolingo. And one of those smoothies better be mine.” She pointed at Tony’s drinks.
“Right, because we need you learning 50 new languages. Remind me which ones you speak?” Tony gave her a smoothie.
“English, German, French, Mandarin, Cantonese, Spanish and if you let me continue my duolingo— Sokovian.” Belle took a sip of her drink. “Strawberry Banana? You know me so well.”
Natasha shot her a look after Belle said Sokovian, eyebrows raised. Belle blew a raspberry at her.
“Helen, I expect to see you at the party this afternoon?”
Helen gave a polite smile. “Unlike you— I don’t have time for parties.” She coughed and asked not-so-discreetly
“Will… Thor be there?”
end of part 1
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worstloki · 3 years
ok ngl watching Wanda and Stephen get their magic hyped up constantly while Loki gets physically kicked to defeat by Nat really is sending a message
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lifada · 3 years
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Loki’s/Chitauri Scepter and The Mind Stone💙💛
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abby118 · 1 month
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foedhrass · 6 years
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“I am Loki of Asgard, and I am burdened with glorious purpose.”
(1st photo by Naralessa Cosplay, the 2nd and 3rd by Stefan Lehrmann)
You’ll find more photos of my cosplays (including Loki) on my Facebook or Instagram page.
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frostbitten-written · 3 years
Loki in Marvel’s What If...? had me hooked until the end. Here’s why:
I actually completely disagree with the ending, when Loki supposedly took over the world in one day. I only say this because he already had his throne in this timeline.
In Thor 1 and Avengers, he came down to rule Midgard because he was promised a throne (from Odin, his birthright, however, he was adopted) that he did not receive. After letting go on the Bifrost, Thanos and the Chitauri gave him some form of “hope” to fulfill that supposed destiny. In addition to being under the influence of mind control from the sceptre, he was promise an army, a throne, and some kind of authoritative role, as long as he successfully took Midgard. This was his attempt at redirecting his desires for what he was promised through another source. Again his only reason for this entire show of power was because he didn’t have that throne in the first place. 
In Marvel’s What If...? timeline, however, with both the Allfather in the all-sleep and Thor dead in this episode... Loki would have been king either way. It was a nice touch, him coming down to Midgard to avenge his brother’s death, but either way he would have been king of Asgard… There would have been no need to “take over Midgard” when he’s already got Asgard. His ambition had no reason to grow because he already had what he was promised. I only think his ambition grew in the Loki Series because, again, he didn’t have that throne in this timeline. (i.e. “Loki, King of Space,” Mobius says, before adding, “Why does someone with so much range just wanna rule?”.)
I honestly think Loki taking over was a lame attempt from Marvel to pin him as the bad guy again, despite the fact that his motive theoretically doesn’t add up anymore. This isn’t Loki negativity, by the way; I loved the episode, but I simply didn’t agree with one of their plot points, because I think it was a bit flawed. 
I did genuinely think the show was brilliant. It was witty, funny, courageous, daring, and a mystery in many ways. The build up was phenomenal, as were the callbacks and the team-ups. Each unexpected turn had me on the edge of my seat. I certainly enjoyed most of Loki’s lines too, that is up until the end. I do think they could have done better, but I will accept the episode for what it is, nevertheless. 
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But also, side note? Marvel’s What If...? Loki would have absolutely tormented TVA Loki. Just a thought. 
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I don’t know why I make myself draw the complicated monstrosity that is the Chitauri sceptre but apparently I like to suffer. It’ll look right in the end 😂
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silvers-hero-vault · 3 years
It’s theory time because I’m back on my bullshit.
The monitor in Renslayer’s office shows multiple branches that were caused when the timeline was ‘bombed’, with additional information about the date and place it happened (here’s a post that lists most of them):
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Based on what was shown in the trailers/clips I think that Loki will visit some of these branches.
02.16.2004, Asgard: This could be related to the shot from the trailer were we see Loki as king of Asgard. I assume (based on the date) that something went vitally different in this branch compared to the mcu.
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08.13.1984, Sakaar: I think this could be related to my theory that the president Loki we see in the trailers is on Sakaar based on the background and clothing of the other people around him. Also you can actually spot two Loki in this location in the trailers so there’s definitely tva!loki and president!loki in the same room here. (I posted a theory about that some time ago if anyone’s interested)
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09.21.1947, New York: There are a few options I can think of here. Option one would of course be that Endgame!Steve travelled to this date and then stayed, it would match with the storyline in endgame.
But I think there could be something else too, because there’s a scene in the trailers were we see Loki standing in front of a destroyed city that could be New York (could be any other big city too, I know). So what if in this branch, the war didn’t end shortly after Steve dumped the plane into the ocean, resulting in the destruction of New York? Or maybe Steve couldn’t stop the plan and New York was bombed like Red Skull had planned? (I’m really just speculating here)
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Based on the trailer alone and ignoring the dates and places from the monitor (there have to be more than the ones we saw anyways), this could also be New York from 2012 (or at least in the time span most mcu movies took place in). I say this because the tower in the background reminds me of Stark/Avengers tower.
Maybe Loki won in this variation and the Chitauri army trashed the city? Or the city got destroyed in another way without Loki being involved in it? (Or maybe Ultron decided that he would destroy New York instead of Sokovia?)
Anyways, my point is that Loki will most likely go back to New York to the invasion at some point because there was also a scene in the trailers were we saw Loki in the penthouse of Stark tower with the Avengers 1 armour and sceptre, talking to someone off screen (that could be tva!loki?)
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Does anyone have any other ideas? Maybe about other dates/places or the ones I already talked about here? I’d love to hear some other ideas and theories!
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ancientwastedlores · 3 years
Undone by “Darling”
REQUEST (from @november-solarstorms​): Celebrating another year of this earth being braced by Tom Hiddleston's presence! Lol. Might I make a prompt request? I feel as though it would be interesting to read from Loki's POV to explore the dynamics between him and a human female who is just as intelligent as he. She has a sharp wit and even sharper tongue. Her sarcastic and clever nature enable her to out-banter Tony Stark, the king of snark himself (may he rest in peace). But she is also just as flirtatious and salacious. She never blushes, never falters, and is incredibly clever. You can decide the nature of their encounter. Really im just in it for a good game of cat and mouse.
A/N: Okay, I had SO MUCH FUN writing this!! And yeah, this will run a bit longer than my usual fics lol. Also, there IS a Loki POV, just keep reading thaaanks <3
WARNINGS: none. 
Undone by “Darling” 
17 hours and 6 white chocolate mochas later, it was finally ready - an upgraded version of Corvus Glaive’s glaive, this one spec-ed out to your fancies and requirements. It was a beast, and definitely not something Nick Fury would ever let you play around with, even if you made it. 
Satisfied with your work, you remove your safety goggles and grin at Stark, who is working on his own weapon he scavenged from the Black Order. 
‘I’m done!’ you say triumphantly, causing him to look up and groan.  ‘How did you finish before me!?’ he lowers his glasses and looks at your weapon.  ‘I’m smarter’ you say.   ‘I went to MIT’  ‘And I didn’t, yet here we are, both in the same lab’. 
He shakes his head, not unlike a petulant child, causing you to laugh. 
‘How far along are you?’ you ask.  ‘Still running diagnostics’.  ‘Still!?’  ‘Have you seen the size of his hammer?’ he gestures to Cull Obsidian’s chain hammer on his work table, but the innuendo doesn’t escape you and you grin at him. He facepalms. ‘Y/n, for god’s sake...’  ‘You’re just tired, or you’d appreciate the joke too’. 
You stretch your weary body and let out a deep breath. You’d test the weapon out tomorrow, but for now, you need a nap. 
‘Take a load off, Stark. Hammer’ll be there tomorrow’.  ‘Oh, you’d like that wouldn’t you...’ he puts his goggles back on and get to work. 
Loki’s POV: 
Humans are surprising, but I always knew that. I never thought them boring, even if my brother says I do. Humans are of so little power but such incredible resilience that it’s frankly astonishing. I am inclined to believe that sometimes resilience is just stupidity... in most cases, I am right. But that’s not to say I haven’t come across some truly brave people. 
Take the Avengers Tower, for example. 
Just in here, you have Y/n, a brave soldier with the mind of an intergalactic scavenger, and I do mean that as a compliment. She’s awfully clever, she can build better than Stark, and has a track record of finishing every mission to perfection and before time. And then you have the Super Soldier Steve Rogers, a big muscled, big hearted idiot who often mistakes challenging our enemies for bravery and morality. 
The two couldn’t be more different, but they get along like siblings. Not siblings like Thor and I... better adjusted, perhaps. 
They sit in front of me, talking about some mission while they play Chess. Her moves are quick but calculated, his take more time because he’s more interested in telling his story than playing the game. 
‘...so there I am, no weapons, no shield, bang in the middle of the Serpent Citadel...’ 
He’s a good storyteller, I’ll give him that. But not as good as Y/n. She paints quite a picture, full of delicious gory details and horribly dark jokes. 
‘Steve, you have to pay attention, you’re losing’ she says.  ‘Yeah, I don’t actually know how to play chess, I just wanted you to listen to my story’. 
She looks up at him, almost offended. ‘STEVE...’  ‘Cool, I’m gonna go wrap Stark into a game of Battleships and tell him about my fight with Copperhead’. 
She laughs as he leaves the room, and she puts the chess pieces away. 
‘We could play?’ I ask her.  ‘Is the God in a mood to lose?’  ‘Over confidence isn’t attractive in anybody’. ‘Oh darling, neither is telling someone what is and isn’t attractive’. 
She’s never called me that before, and in the context it should seem cutting, but it isn’t. ‘Darling?’  ‘Problem?’  ‘It’s quite a term of endearment to set someone straight’. 
She says nothing. 
‘Cat got your tongue?’ I tease her. She only smiles and continues putting the pieces away neatly. Stark’s chess set is gold and black, all individually carved pieces. The pawns are all Iron Man suits, but that’s to be expected. She handles them with the care Stark would. 
‘I mean...’ I continue, ‘honestly, if someone heard, they’d never let you live it down’. 
And she carries on, unbothered. 
‘Y/n!’  ‘Oh dear, look at you come completely undone with just one term of endearment’ she comments, shutting the chess set. ‘Whatever would happen if I held your hand?’ 
The very thought of it seemed to drain my brain of blood. I unwillingly glanced at her hands, working the lock mechanism of the box, her blue veins prominent. 
‘Cat got your tongue?’ she asked. 
I stood up, the human emotion of embarrassment becoming too familiar for me. ‘I’ll have to see you at lunch’.  ‘Sure, darling’. 
Oh, I hate how she’s enjoying this. 
The next day, Y/n booked a training room to test out the Glaive, and Stark had a rusty but working chain hammer. Steve insists on trying it out anyway, and now our breakfast is being spent on discouraging him from doing that. 
‘Guys... if nothing else, I’ll still have my shield. Let me test it out!’  ‘Y/n’s glaive cuts through Vibranium, you know that, right?’ Stark says.  ‘Y/n wouldn’t do that’. ‘Oh yes she would’ Y/n says nonchalantly as she sinks her teeth into a bacon and egg sandwich. 
As she does, the yolk runs down her fingers. She makes a sound at the inconvenience and sets the sandwich down, then grabs a napkin. I’m hardly ever crude, but the energy it took not to take her hand and lick off the yolk myself could burn every star in the galaxy. 
Captain America scrunches his nose at her remark, severely offended. 
‘In any case, that shield barely covers your giant body. It will force Stark to make you a new one’.  ‘What do you care about his giant body’ Stark says.  ‘It’s America’s ass, Tony’ she takes a sip of her iced coffee. Steve blushes, and Tony rolls his eyes. 
The training facility is magic, of course, somewhere between a mirror dimension and Wanda’s reality powers creating a safe cocoon inside the building so no one can be harmed. Y/n hardly trusted anybody to fight with her except Thor, but given the nature of Corvus’ Glaive, she knew magic would be required. 
And so she called me. 
After getting into my battle armour, I stepped into the facility, equipped with my sceptre and the teachings of the witches of Asgard. 
She whistles as I walk in. ‘Trying to distract me from killing you?’  ‘Are you?’ I ask. She’s dressed in a black bodysuit, details of purple in her belt and weapon harnesses.  ‘Why yes, I am. Glad you noticed’. 
The glaive is on the floor, and she stomps her foot on one part of it so it swivels up and neatly places itself in her hand. She smiles. 
‘Try to keep up. I’m not just looking for eye candy in a training partner, darling’ she says, getting into battle stance. 
With nothing left to say for the second time this week, I aim the sceptre at her and the stone at the end glows. 
She charges and I shoot at her, but she spins the glaive and creates a shield which absorbs the energy. 
She continues to charge at me. I shoot again, and again the glaive takes the hit. Not a scratch on her. 
Once she comes closer, she simply places the flat end of the weapon against my chest, sending me hurtling back into a wall. 
She spins the glaive and laughs. 
‘Compliments of Wakanda. It absorbs any hits and charges up with kinetic energy’. 
I get up on my feet. This is far from over. I create multiple illusions to surround her, all of them brandishing knives, Chitauri tech, and sceptres. 
‘Damn, suddenly my whole evening has opened up’ she says, looking around.
Even my clones look around at each other puzzled. 
‘Come on then, who’s up?’ she spins the glaive around. ‘One at a time or all at once, baby’. 
They charge at her, and I expected her to fight them off at once... instead she plants the staff on the ground and ducks, and a semi-circle shell grows from the top of the staff, down to the floor... like a mini fortress, completely impenetrable. It could, no doubt, continue to take hits and build up kinetic energy, so I call off the clones. 
She gets up and retracts the shell. ‘Nanotech’ she grins at me. ‘The whole shell sits in a disk. It can withstand bombs and even a moon’.  ‘Is there any tech you haven’t adopted?’  ‘I’m an intergalactic scavenger, aren’t I?’ 
I stare at her, horrified. Can she read minds? 
‘Maybe I can. Or maybe I heard you tell Stark when he was complaining about me finishing my weapon first’. 
‘Also, darling, you’re awfully predictable in your fighting’. 
She picks up every trick and tech she sees, so beating her is less about weapons and more about cunning. 
No problem. Cunning is my specialty. 
‘Ready now?’ she asks.  ‘Mhm’. 
She takes a deep breath to ready herself, her eyes shutting slightly. Once they open back up, she stares in shock. 
In my Jotun form, I give her my most menacing smile.
She cocks her head to the side, studying my icy blue skin. 
The illusion I cast of myself approaches behind her, dagger in hand. Once it’s close enough and I can almost taste my victory, she raises the glaive and in one swift motion, sticks it into its abdomen. 
The illusion disappears into green light. 
‘Cute’ she remarks. She points the glaive at me. ‘What else you got for me?’  I shift back to my Asgardian form and sigh. ‘You win’. 
Y/n laughs and lowers her weapon. ‘Oh darling, I won the second you walked in wearing all that leather’. She winks at me, then walks out of the facility. I feel a blush creep to my face, much against my will. 
‘Maybe you should stick to your guns, Tony’ Y/n says, ‘Fancy suits is it for you, chain hammers may be overshooting it’.  ‘Is that what they taught you in the back alley you learnt ironmongery from?’  ‘Yes! Do you want their number, I’m sure they’ll have a spot on the waiting list for you’. 
Ah. Y/n’s relationship with Stark seemed more like mine with Thor. While they banter, Steve and Natasha tear up from laughing. I wouldn’t go so far as to call this domestic, but it certainly is comfortable. 
‘Come on, the glaive can’t be that good, right Loki?’ Stark asks. 
The company looks at me expectantly. ‘To say her weapon isn’t good enough means to insult your own tech, Stark. Everything about it is founded on your theories’. 
‘So technically, it’s my brain that made the glaive so cool’ he tells Y/n.  ‘Yeah, you could say that. The glaive comes from the same mind that manufactured Captain America’s dinner plate’. 
Steve doesn’t find that one funny, but Natasha does, sending her into peals of laughter. 
‘Oh whatever’ Tony huffs. ‘I’m going back to the lab’. 
He stands up and Y/n grabs his arm. ‘Aww Tony, I’m just kidding!’ she pats his hand, ‘Look, you’re a brilliant inventor, we all have our slow days’. 
He sighs and nods, and holds her hand. ‘Thanks... I guess I’m just not in my element, you know?’  ‘Yeah...’ she keeps patting his hand. 
And the feeling of domesticity creeps in. We really are all a family. Y/n smiles encouragingly at Tony, and Tony seems more relaxed. 
‘So, you want me to get you the number of that ironmongery, or...?’  ‘OH FOR...’ he snatches his arm away and storms out of the room, with Steve and Nat losing it all over again. 
Ah this was so fun!!!!!!!! I hope you guys liked it <3 
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Sixth Sense - Chapter 1
Summary: Ever since you were young, you had a special power - a sixth sense. S.H.I.E.L.D somehow knew that you would be an asset in the future. So after Loki attacks New York. Will you be able to understand his reasoning? Or will he stay your enemy forever?
Paring: Loki x Female!Reader
Word Count: 1,629
Warnings: None
Posted: 27/12/2020
A/N: This chapter is based during The Avengers, the dialogue isn't the exact same as in the movies but I tried to get it as accurate as I could.
Also thank you @lovermrjokerr for proofreading and giving me the courage to post this.
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You didn't think this ability would get you anywhere, but S.H.I.E.L.D had found you. They said it's a unique ability that they could use to their advantage. You didn't like the thought of being a tool in their game but the arrangements they had settled for you were too good to decline.
A full-floor in Stark tower to yourself. The floor right beneath the penthouse. But right now wasn't good. You weren't skilled enough to be in battle. But you were a tactician. You helped from the sidelines. Helping them find their next move. Of course, it was only Tony in the past. Now it's The Avengers. Six people. Tactics for one was easy but six? You didn't think you'd be able to do it. But you had to try.
You knew there was a war going on. Tony told you to keep out of it. But you couldn't. You saw Loki on the balcony that connected to the penthouse. You had stayed hidden but got your equipment. Loki had jumped off the building onto an alien vehicle. You went to the window that looked out to the balcony, where Tony had set up his computers, his holograms. There were three of them. Two for cameras and news, and the one in the middle for your work. A way to piece together the battle quickly and efficiently before making your next move.
You placed your earpiece in your ear. Tony hadn't asked for help but you knew when to butt in. He was stubborn and always tried to do everything alone. Even now after you've helped him twice already. You knew it was dangerous being out in the open. Loki could come back at any moment and kill you. But his sceptre was on your balcony. You grabbed it and took it back inside.
"JARVIS. Show me what Tony can see." The left computer showed Tony's point of view. While the one on the right had street cams to show the rest of the Avengers. Tony had used mark 7? It wasn't ready, was it? You looked out the window and saw the aliens flood in through the portal.
"Tony, what's the status?" Your hands moved across the screen getting as much information as you could.
"Loki opened the portal now chitauri are flooding in." You saw the portal. It was above you. That meant you could close it if they found a way to.
"I have Loki's sceptre. He left it behind trying to get away from Thor." You looked at all the cameras you could. Bruce wasn't there yet.
"That's good kid. Keep it away from him. And stay out of sight you got it"
"Cap, we'll need Bruce for this one. He can take out the big guys. I'm sure it's the only way to make sure you guys don't get overwhelmed. You can handle the little guys when Bruce gets here, tell him."
"How are you sure he'll even turn up." You looked at the camera seeing Bruce on a bike making his way to them.
"Trust me. He's coming." You smirked seeing him drive up in front of them. Looking at Tony’s camera you noticed that you ran out of time.
“I hope you’re angry Bruce, Tony’s bringing the party to you.”
“I wouldn’t call that a party-” Nat commented as Tony turned the corner heading their direction. After Bruce became Hulk, all hands were on deck.
“Okay, Clint we need you on high ground, hit as many as you can, Tony fly around and attack any chitauri you find, and make sure to lure the big guys to bruce, Cap, Nat you guys stay on the ground and try to save any remaining civilians in the streets. Hulk, smash.” Since Bruce didn't have an earpiece Steve told Hulk to smash for me. The strategy was in place, now it was time to act upon it. Loki was the least of our worries now, there was a whole alien army trying to kill anyone and anything in their path.
“Guys use the new camera tech I had Tony made, let me see what you do” Everyone’s earpieces had some nanotech abilities. It created a small camera that came over their cheek to just under their eye so you were able to see everyone's point of view instead of using the street cams. You placed all of their cameras on the side screens but saw Loki on Clint’s. He shot an arrow towards him and he caught it without even looking. But luckily it was one of his bomb arrows, but unlucky for you he fell back onto the top balcony, he was above you now.
“Loki’s in the penthouse again we need-” You stopped after seeing Hulk fly above me to where Loki was. You used the penthouse cameras to see what was going on but by the time you got it up, Hulk manhandled Loki and smashed him into the ground multiple times.
“We need Loki’s sceptre to close the portal!” Nat was up there, you had the sceptre. You had to take it up to her, but that also meant you had to go near Loki.
“I have it, I’ll bring it up to you, is the professor alright?” You saw him breathing heavily on her camera, no longer under the God's control. You left your station grabbing the sceptre and heading to the balcony and climbing up towards the portal. Handing the sceptre to Natasha you looked inside seeing Loki paralyzed from Hulks attacks.
“Cap we can close the portal”
“Do it” Cap instructed.
“Wait-” Cap interrupted Tony knowing we didn't have much time.
“But we have so many more coming in”
“Well I have another coming in and it’s joining us in two minutes”
“Tony- that’s a one-way trip, are you sure?” Concern filled your voice.
“I’ve done worse.” He knew he could die from this. He flew to the Nuke holding it on his back and guiding it to the portal, he almost hit the tower before disappearing into the blue vortex in the sky.
“Guys I can’t hold this for long.” Nat’s voice trembled from the strain in her body from holding the sceptre into the portal device.
“Hold on just a little longer.” Cap's voice was gentle, almost hopeful. But we knew we had to close it.
“Close it.” That wasn't a question that was a command. Nat placed the sceptre in the middle and the portal began to close. Looked up at the sky you were hoping that Tony made it. The portal closed and everyone saw him falling.
“He made it through!” You couldn't hide the joy and excitement in your voice. But that soon died down when you realised he was unconscious.
“JARVIS! How stable is Tony?”
“Scanning vital signs-” Thor’s voice boomed through my earpiece silencing JARVIS. That damn voice override.
“He’s not slowing down” Thor got ready to fly up to him but Hulk caught him first making his way down so he could place Tony down safely.
“Cap! How is he?” It was silent before Hulk yelled and I heard Tony’s voice.
“What happened? No one kissed me did they?” I giggled at his remark. He almost died yet his humour didn't. Everyone came up to the penthouse to confront Loki. You stayed behind them, watching Loki from afar. He got up seeing them -The Avengers- in front of him as he surrendered. You looked at his form, seeing a mixed aura- which was very rare. You’ve only seen this once before. And that was on Thor, you expected it was because he was also Asgardian but Thor had mentioned that he was adopted, so it wasn’t that. But this aura. There was hidden darkness mixed in with his normal aura- a darkness that wasn’t his own. You studied his figure, trying to understand how his aura was mixed as it was. Then Loki made eye contact. He looked confused, which was expected since he didn’t see you during the battle. But he was trying to read you, trying to find out why you were even there. As you walked closer they apprehended him.
“Thor- will you take him back to Asgard?” You questioned avoiding Loki’s glare.
“Yes- My father will decide what to do with him. Thank you for all of your help during the battle.”
“Help? She wasn’t even there!” Loki’s glare didn’t leave your form.
“I’m the help they get from behind the scenes Loki” His name left your mouth in a soft tone. His aura made you believe that he was not responsible for his actions. He was about to speak again before Thor shut him up with a mouthguard. Loki looked at him in disgust.
“Stay silent brother- do not make things worse”
“Thor. Don’t be too harsh with him.” Loki’s eyes returned to you, confusion imminent. Why would a Midgardian vouch for a monster like him?
“The evil surrounding him- it’s not his own. These were not his actions. It's as if- he was forced to do this. You know of my ability Thor if you'd just let me read him”
“That is not an option, little one. He’s dangerous-”
“He’s not- I can see it. He’s kind, intelligent, chaotic, but not evil. His heritage is not the same as yours either. But please don't be too harsh. He’s had enough pain to last a lifetime” Your eyes returned to Loki’s hope-filled eyes, mixed with guilt and understanding. You got it right. He was forced to do this. Were you his hope of redemption? Or his hope of trusting again after so many people had wronged him? You didn’t know. But you knew that you had to find out.
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worstloki · 3 years
honestly i have so many issues with the loki show but i think about the informal dialogue every day. the tva using earth slang i can excuse? cause blah blah they might've been there, might've been vocab from when they were a variant, might've picked it up from another tva agent who got it from earth whatever (awful and inexcusable that we don't see weird fun slang from other planets and cultures though) but like. the mcu going to all this trouble to have asgard be So Fucking Fancy and then loki says "yeah" and "god", exasperatedly, like an abridged "oh my god"... he spent like what. 2 weeks on earth? and you're telling me he picked up colloquialisms (including ones that reference the christian god??) and abandoned his speech patterns entirely? Words Come From Places dear god. reading the transcripts as reference to rewrite the show has me with my head in my hands sometimes
Mobius exclaims it the most but Sylvie and Loki doing it too is so sajhgydvshas didn't Mobius believe in the 'sacred' timeline? Where are the custom TVA swears?? I want to know what they are???
And even we decide Sylvie's picked up Earth slang bc she's spent time there in apocalypses and Mobius and the other agents just like Earth colloquialisms because Kang? I suppose?? idk dude the TVA is awfully Earth-centric to begin with considering what we're shown :/
But even if we put aside everyone else's dialogue Loki's has immediately changed even though he was already an established character... from the first few scenes too, so arguing that he's code-switching and 'got comfortable' enough in the TVA to express himself falls flat.
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