#the clash opposites yeet
gentlelass · 2 months
*yeets fanart*
This is technically a rough sketch but okay-
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The siamese guy in the left is Stephen Sable! His Wick's older twin and quite the opposite.
The reason why I did this because I feel like these two would either get along well or passive-aggressive bonding. (Even though Stephen hates Marigold and Lackadaisy lol.)
Stephen personality is stern and a refined gentleman, a man of law. But underneath is very thorny.
(Imagine their duo name is elegancethorns-)
Okay have a good day/Night!
AHHHH ok omg first of all THANK YOU for the unexpected fanart, I really like your style and to be frank what you call a “rough sketch” in my domain classifies as a masterwork already— seriously, it’s very neat and the ocs are so very well characterised already! Also to drop the earnest critique act and delve into my more natural hysterics MARGO LOOKS SOOO CUTEEE AHHHHHHHH. I can hear her, softly whistling an annoying melody while absolutely playing dumb and staring straight into the void while he looks sideways over her, trying to read and analyse her and wondering whether she’s just as much of a ditz as she’s making herself look or if she’s playing elaborate tricks on him (spoiler, it’s the latter).
I immediately went to your profile to stalk you about Stephen and LORD HOW WOULD THEY CLASH. Given that Stephen is a man of law enforcement and Marjorie a criminal she’d be cautious of him, mind you, but given also her anarchist mindset she would NOT respect him, his values and his profession at all and subtly mock and tease him at any given chance, with that sweet smile of hers that makes it impossible to retort without making oneself look awful in front of anyone else - how could a proper gentleman snap at such a delicate, lovely little thing? Margo would also be provoked to just make his life difficult also because with the whole ‘refined gentleman’ thing he has going on, he reminds her of the type of company she was used to orbit around during her time as a successful ballerina. The kind that just ignites her desperate need to prove she’s better than them at all costs.
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laceyamethyst · 11 months
just me furthering the 'feral lando defending oscar' agenda and - austin gp thoughts??? 👀 imagine if, since oscar dnf'd after making contact with ocon, the alpine engineers blame oscar, try to intimidate him, nasty words are thrown around, and oscar just shrugs it off 😐 it's nothing he hasn't heard before right? but then someone threatens him and it's only oscar's driver reflexes that save the moment because lando from out of nowhere just launches himself at the alphine engineer, ready to protect oscar, consequences be damned 💥, get out of the way, lewis, don't tell lando he can't wipe this 💩stain off the face of the earth
basically, lando is already a force of nature, but imagine lando concentrate, a storm in a bottle just waiting to be unleashed at anyone who even thinks they can hurt oscar
basically i have Feelings™️ about characters who focus all their manic pixie chaotic energy onto one target to protect their loved ones 🧡🧡🧡 also p.s. sorry if this is too much for like, our 3rd interaction 😅
Hating on Alpine is a guaranteed ticket to my heart because I loathe them for how they treated Oscar last year, so I love this scenario — and pleaseee never worry about over-interacting (is that a word??)
Ahh how could I forget that Oscar and Estie clashed in Austin? Now I have this image of Oscar doing a post-race interview and as usual he’s all 😐😕☺️ but then you just see the small chaos grenade known as Lando Norris in the background yeeting himself at the Alpine mechanics who he overheard insulting Oscar, with Max and Charles actively trying to hold him back. And obviously the interview goes viral (queue a shot of Charlotte banging her head on the wall and wishing for death). And Nicole Piastri would retweet it obvi because she’s iconic.
Feral Charles defending Max is also my weakness — I think it works particularly well when the object of affection gives off the opposite energy (like Max and Charles are unbothered unfazed shrug kings)
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omegaversebookshelf · 2 years
Stranger Things?
And the winner is...
Mike Wheeler!
Also sorry for the delay, Anon. Got hit with the Real Life Crazies (in a good way)
Mike is actually still undecided in my main verse, though I've narrowed it down to alpha or beta, though I've been leaning towards alpha because I think that lends a specific flavor to his clashes with Lucas in particular that works well with my overall plan.
I also think they both fit the general mold of "Mike's gender isn't really every something he's had to think about much or in depth," which in the context of my Stranger Things worldbuilding (that I talked about more on the post for Robin) leans a bit more beta actually.
You see my dilemma. XD
Mike is, at least at the beginning of the show, the leader of the party, as befits the DM. (Remember that the primary narrative structure of Stranger Things is D&D and that does have to be considered.) He tends to be the one to take charge and make decisions for the party as a whole, though whether or not the whole party agrees and goes along with it varies wildly.
In the context of the party as a pack, specifically a baby pack/puppy pack/First Pack/whatever terminology you go with, it does mean he is probably, as he gets older, a bit more aware of the emotional states of his packmates then in canon. It doesn't mean he knows any better what to do about said emotions (Pack Alpha or not he is still a teenager figuring his shit out with the rest of them) so the overall fallout is more or less still the same.
Alpha!Mike would mean that he also struggles a lot more in-between seasons 3 & 4 when the party is split up, especially with Will and El, his pack omega and girlfriend respectivly, outside his territory and away from him. He would have even more anxiety about it and, ironically, be more determined to hide that from both of them.
The Party as a whole has a slightly off-beat view of gender and gender roles, using the 80s repressed mindset as the norm, because of their immersion in the sci-fi and fantasy oriented sub-culture. (This does mean there are some grossly exaggerated misconceptions they do have, in opposition to the extreme minimization of a good portion of the distinct alpha/omega traits in particular. They'll figure it out eventually.)
It adds an extra layer of tension to Mike and Lucas' clashes, and also Mike and Max's. Little baby alpha's butting heads.
in the shipping context:
For El, who does not really understand gender as a concept and is still figuring all that out and how it relates to her, it honestly doesn't really effect them that much, except maybe reducing Mike's obliviousness just a smidge (though not doing anything about either of their awkwardness)
For Will, it would actually make that pairing a bit more socially acceptable. Not totally, but it would be less of a "likely to get hate-crimed" and more of a "people would dance around it in conversation and a lot of people would probably feminize Will because they are all about their manufactured dicotimies." So ultimeately it would come down to how Will felt about that last point probably.
(I don't put a whole lot of thought into shipping for The Party tbh. They're awkward baby teenagers figuring themselves out in-between trying not to die. I support them and hope to survive the continuing saga of second-hand embarassment.)
my askbox is open to having fandoms and/or characters yeeted at me
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thequietmanno1 · 1 year
Thelreads, MHA 277, Replies Part 1
1) “Oh right, BNHA. Last time midoriya and his sidekick king of explosionmurder jumped in the fray because they are shonen characters and thus have no sense of self-preservation nor love for their lives. So, let’s jump in, on Chapter 277: Who…?
The Doctor?”- Well, there’s only one doctor nearby, but he’s an asshole, so fuck him. That said, the kids will certainly be needing a doctor after this…
2) “Oh yeah, must be nice meeting each other after so long, right? So good for best friends to meet again… (: “- As intense as this clash is, AFO’s mental coaching and interference means that this still isn’t them truly facing each other as enemies – they’re fighting because both belong to opposite sides of an ongoing war, but the personal animosity that should exist between arch-foes like it did with All Might and AFO just isn’t really there, and can’t be as long as Tomura is targeting Izuku under AFO’s orders…though at least he seems to be trying to break free of his puppet strings of his own free will…
3) “Like said a few moments ago: No sense of self-preservation. Let’s see how many bones are obliterated tonight.”-Spoiler: more than Izuku will be able to afford.
4) “Actually the worst case is you fucking dying, but I’ll let it slide because if Aizawa goes everyone else will soon follow suit, so, same thing.”- Aizawa has been relegated to that anime position of the holy maiden whose presence is the only thing holding back the end of the world through constant prayer or something.
5)“Don’t you know he has two kids and a husband to go back to? He can’t die here, he’s so close to retiring, this is his last job before he’s done with it, etc etc tempt fate as much as you like, because I’m already not so sure Aizawa will live to see the fall of The End”- Aizawa’s super-determined to see the kids all live, which means he’ll put himself in danger as best he can to protect them. Tomura is super-determined to kill everything, which he can’t do as long as Aizawa’s around, and doesn’t give a flying fuck about whatever kind of damage is able to be inflicted upon him so long as he succeed in that goal. It’s not a good combination.
6) “Alright Bakugo, I agree wholeheartedly, but question: Why are you involved then?”- Bakugou is Izuku’s support and current common sense holder, and his massive  powerful explosions are also good for blinding Tomura, or briefly pushing him backwards from a mid-distance without getting close to him, which is still risky even with decay shut off.
7) “ Okay, even with his regeneration off he still isn’t worse for ear after that, and I doubt Bakugo held back on his shots
christ, this will definitely be a nightmare to fight against…”-The regeneration was already a cheat skill, but they went ahead and tried to make him damn near invulnerable on top of that. Thankfully, he can be damaged gradually, but a serious blow will be really hard to inflict unless Izuku goes 100% on him.
8) “Oh wow, what a burn that was when you stop to think about it
but unfortunately I can’t stop to think about it because Midoriya trying to rope Shigaraki just to be yoink’d like it was nothing was hilarious for some reason
oh my god kid”- Tomura’s long moved part the point where he was trying to unsuccessfully convince bakugou to be a villain. Now he’ll just do it himself. And that casual power difference is a great way to display that as much as Izuku is trying to combat him efficiently with his current “max” output, Tomura’s disregard of his own wellbeing has allowed him to reach greater levels of strength much quicker, to the point of casually dragging Izuku along almost without meaning to. Izuku can match him, but not with a safe level of %...
9) “So close to what Shigaraki? To the next yeet? Because certainly it isn’t to kill them, that much is still considerably away from coming to fruition.”- So close to destroying everything, or perhaps close to getting a hang on his new power’s capabilities and how best to fight with his new enhanced Strength. Or perhaps, it wasn’t actually Tomura saying it at that point, but AFO…
10) “Oh yeah Midoriya, unfortunately you haven’t witnessed the bullshit that he pulled so far, but trust them, it was the exact kind of absurdness that your dad would do on his prime.”- AFO wanted the Symbol of Fear to Be All Might’s Opposite and equal in every measure possible, and he spared no expense at achieving that goal.
11) “Yeah Aizawa but unfortunately there’s a shit-ton of super killing bio weapons running amok, I think that not blinking is gonna be a considerably tall order.”- That’s a problem for when they catch up to them. For now, they’ve gotta deal with the major super-killing bio weapon targeting them all directly.
12) “ …
Ooooookay… I’m starting to think that things are about to turn a little weird…
So, since we have a vestige of AfO inside of Shigaraki, the same way that we have them in OfA, can we assume that he can exert enough influence to take over Shigaraki?
Because I reaaaaally think that we’re gonna go down that path soon
We might not even need to get AfO out of tartarus, in a way, he’s already out”-As his mind starts to crack from the mental struggle within, so too does his body begin to break as a reflection of the strain it’s putting on him. We saw beforehand in facing shinso that the vestiges could exert physical control over Izuku’’s body when he himself couldn’t, but because they’re kind, upstanding heroic individuals, they refused to do so more than was necessary that one time. AFO is none of those things.  
In a fitting bastardisation of the Manga’s themes of “Inherited Will” being passed from one generation to the next, teacher to student, when he took on the role of a mentor himself to have Tomura serve his plans, he literally had him inherit his will, and now that will of AFO’s ambitions is running around in a body free of the crippling injuries All Might left on his original….
13) “I have a feeling he is not aiming at just being a whisper and a sigh on the back of your mind
I have a feeling we won’t be seeing you anymore soon enough Shigaraki”- That will depend upon if the will of the next generation is storng enough to overcome the old one. Symbol of Fear vs Symbol of Evil, only one may sit upon the throne. We’ve seen how stubbornly determined Tomura can be before in facing the MLA, and that same willpower is now being tested on a battle on two fronts, mental and physical.
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suvarnarekha · 3 years
grandest crossover. munawar faruqui and kangana ranaut. gosh I'm totally here for it.
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miutonium · 2 years
//cracks finger
Its 4am this is my mental illness I can talk about whatever I want but i want to talk about him hhh I think what really irks me the most about Reboot Utonium is the fact that he wasn't able to be stern and firm to his kids and actually I kinda see like he's afraid of them?
I probably talked about this before but I noticed and have a feeling that Reboot Prof probably feared his kids. Listen, I have no doubt that both version loves his kids very much, and I'm just judging this by unfortunately watching a few reboot episodes, and I just have a feeling that he feared his kids will realise that they have powers over him and they can simply yeet him so he starts to be soft in terms of ruling them around and such. I do not see him being firm and stern yet rational to them, he gave in into whatever they want at times even though they shouldn't be.
OG Prof also never raised his voice to his kids unless it's necessary and he never even dare to touch them because he knows well aggression is not the right way to solve things but seeing Reboot Prof tugging and pulling the girls (ex: in one ep about the evil pillow where Buttercup said he's overreacting and he just tug buttercup and yelled at her face? That's not something OG Prof would do he is still very soft to his kids) lowkey makes me mad at how the reboot bartadized his character.
Honestly Im looking forward for the new reboot with Craig. I just hope they get his character right. As usual, I am biased because he is my fav, I know he is kind of considered to be a supporting character but he's just as important as the girls. and people might think his personality and overall design is simple and basic (black and white palette, square, typical 50s dad personality) but what people don't realize is his own design actually contrasts the girls a lot yet it matches them perfectly. Round kids, Rectangle dad. Colorful clothes, monochrome wardrobe. Curve lines, straight lines, I just love how both designs just clashes but it just makes sense. This is just mwa mwa poetic cinema
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As for personality wise, like I said his personality is basic typical 50s dad but i just feel that his character is kinda special in a way because I grew up watching cartoons and from what I can say he is a lot special than other dad characters during the late 90s-early 00s cartoon era because most of the dad characters during that era are either stupid or if they're happen to be geniuses, neglectful and he matches none of it. He is smart yet humble, stern yet kind and he loves and supports his kids very much.
I think that's why I personally don't like his reboot version at all, they turned him into the opposite person of the man I loved.
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stellocchia · 3 years
So, I once made a post about c!Tommy and c!Dream’s relationship throughout season 1 (which you can find here), but today I was thinking, why not do the same for the Exile Arc?
There are some people that still don’t seem to have a comprehensive idea of what actually went down during that time (either because they joined the fandom afterwards or haven’t watched it at the time) so I’ll try to do that here. I’ll cover the first 2 streams here, and then continue in the next part because this is gonna be way too damn long otherwise...
As always I’ll be talking only about the characters and the roleplay from here on out and also I’ll be touching on some very heavy topics under the cut (such as gaslighting and abuse). Also this is gonna be another one of my Overly Long Analysis, so... you know... be warned of that.
I’ll be going through this vod by vod, so It will be so long... God why do I always do this to myself?
Let’s start with TommyInnit Is Exiled From The Dream SMP... which is the vod when Tommy actually get’s exiled.
So, the exile scene per se has been covered a 100 times over, but, right after Tubbo asking Dream to “please detain and excort Tommy out of my country” Dream yeets Tommy off the walls and then he immediately establishes the general idea of how it’ll be in exile: “I don’t think you wanna die Tommy. You need to- to listen to me”.
Also it is to be noted that in this “exile” time and time again Dream establishes arbitrary rules that were most certanly not meant in the initial sentence (which is why it’s much more of a kidnapping then an actual exile). Starting from before they even leave L’Manburg completely. In fact when they are still in the vc with the others and still just down from the obsidian walls, Tommy and Dream have this exchange:
“Do I have any time to speak words? What can...” “NO. NO. NO. NO!” “what the...” 
And then right after (just after leaving the vc):
“Do you have food?” “Yeah...” “Good, we’ll be going a long while still” “Am I not allowed- well surely- surely I’m only exiled from L’Manburg-” “Oh, no no no. You’re exiled from everywhere that’s been touched”
The sentence was only for him to be exiled from L’Manburg. Dream theoretically only had authority over the Greater Dream smp in any case, so how come immediately Tommy’s “sentence” becomes being exiled from “everywhere that has been touched”? What authority did Dream have to exile him from the Badlands? Or the Holy Grounds (considering those are widely considered neutral)?
This is from right after Ghostbur joins them:
“Well, I don’t- I don’t have to come with you” “Well, I mean, I’ll kill you” (...) "I don’t have to follow you! I don’t-” “Tommy! Then I’ll just kill you. What happens if I kill you?” “I die...”
Again, technically Tubbo only asked Dream to escort Tommy out of his country, not all the way to his place of exile. Tommy here is right, he is exiled, he is not supposed to have a jailor going with him, he is not supposed to be imprisoned. All he supposedly had to do was get off the lands he wasn’t allowed into and then he’d be good. Of course Dream’s plans were different there.
Also the trend of constantly undermining anything Tommy is feeling at any given moment sure doesn’t stop with the Exile Arc! 
“No, no! I don’t want to head anywhere! I wanna to go back! I wanna go back!” “Fine fine, we’ll head this way then. It’s fine, this is fine” “I don’t wanna go!” “Tommy come on...”
Honorable mention to Dream talking about the first time he exiled Tommy:
“Do you remember- this is actually funny! Do you remember the first time you ever joined the server? And uhm... you got exiled? By me?” “Yeah?” “It’s kinda like that, except now if you don’t listen you die”
And the conditioning begins all the way here, with Dream trying to decide Tommy’s emotions for him:
“Oh... I hate you” “*laughs* Okay Tommy, you don’t hate me” “No, no I definitely do” “Noooo, you don’t hate me”
Cue Dream just blowing up Tommy’s second Summer Home after he explained that it was supposed to be a safe haven for him and Tubbo. Also note that Dream is already getting rid of any mob attacking Tommy even if at this point he still had armour and weapons to defend himself. I talked about this before, but Dream does seem to want Tommy to be as dependent on him as he is on Tommy, which is why during exile he made him dependent on him for protection/safety and company and in prison for food. Also Ghostbur going: “I don’t think this man is very nice...”, thank you Ghostbur, I wish you could remember that, but you’re trying your best and I appreciate it...
“How long is- how long am I exiled for? When can I just go back?” “You can’t (...) if you go back you die”
Again, not Dream’s decision to make. Tubbo was the one exiling Tommy meaning that, if Tubbo actually had the decision power in that istance, Tubbo was the one who should have decided when he could come back. Also, again reiterating the point from before:
“I thought I was only banished from L’Manburg, that was the deal, not the entirety of the smp-” “Oh no. No you’re banished far enough where they don’t see you”
Also, a little look into Tommy’s mentality here:
“Tubbo said he wasn’t thinking with emotion, but with reason, but: what the fuck is the point if there isn’t any- any emotion?!”
This is honestly why he is Dream’s exact opposite and probably why he finds him fun, while Tubbo is irrelevant to him. Tommy thinks emotions should always be taken into account when making decisions and he values sentimentality over everything. Dream is the opposite, to him emotions are irrelevant and sentimentality is a weakness. Tubbo is a bit of both, which makes his clash of ideologies with Dream a lot less evident. 
Anyway, they get to the island and Dream builds Tommy a dirt shack for him to set his spawn into. And then there is the first istance of Dream taking all of Tommy’s stuff (building blocks and food included) and blowing it up. Which, again, is in no way an actual exile condition. Tommy is in jail basically. He got kidnapped and now he is in jail. Also right after that Dream gives them food and obsidian (of course acting like he is doing them a big favour, when he actually just created that need), which Tommy bromptly refuses, later burning the obsidian.
Also Dream’s parting words here are: “I’ll see you never”. Which couldn’t be less true! There is quite a bit more after that, of Tommy and Ghostbur settling in, finding a ruined portal with some armour and the village nearby and Techno visiting, but this is about c!Dream and c!Tommy and it’s already incredibly long as is, so maybe I’ll talk about everything else another time...
Onto the next one: Tommy Is Alone in Exile with Dream...
This stream starts off with Bad visiting Tommy to give him a few presents (which consist of Chirp, 2 diamonds, an enderchest, and almost dead diamond pick with silk touch, some coocked chicken some bones and a few stacks of oak wood logs). Also Tommy sees Logsteshire for the first time. Then Dream arrives and he is not happy about the present (something something, having other people giving Tommy useful stuff would make him less reliant on Dream). Also Bad seems to be slightly scared of Dream since he immediately tells Tommy that he should not say that any of the stuff he gave him was from him. Anyway, Dream destroys everything, but Tommy, with Bad’s help, manages to save Chirp. Here’s their exchange in this scene of course:
“Tommy?” “Yes! Yes?!” “Do you have uh... something you wanna put on the floor here?” “Yes *throws in 3 red concrete blocks*” “Anything else Tommy?” “No! You’re evil by the way, you’re an evil man-” “Come on... I know there is something else you wanna drop down here...” “No there-... *gives disk to Bad* I don’t reckon there is!” “Okay are you sure...?” “Yes!” “Alright... how about uh- how about your armour Tommy?” “No this is- I actually earned this myself” “I know you did! Just drop it in the hole Tommy” “No, no! You can’t just come and demand things from me! I’ve been exiled, I’ve done your shit! What- what do you mean-” “Tommy~” “What?” *Dream hits Tommy with an enchanted netherite axe* “Drop them down~” “Hooooo okay okay okay!”
So, in case anyone was wondering, physical abuse is there as well. And this is fully depicted as physical abuse. Like, normally, with this being Minecraft, it is implied that violence is generally inconsequential, here though c!Tommy reacts to it clearly in pain and shock. There is no doubt there. 
Sapnap arrives at this point as well. After that Dream makes it a point that Tommy cannot have the enderchast that Bad gave him because you can never have enough random arbitrary rules when kidnapping someone apparently! 
“Why are you here? Why are you here? What- what could you- what could you possibly want more from me? You’ve tortured me-” “I’m just! I’m just... keeping an eye on you Tommy” 
I’ve highlighted this because, considering the last time Dream was there he said he would never see Tommy again, Tommy’s confusion here is more then understandable. But of course Dream acts like it’s obvious that he would be there and that it’s necessary to make sure that Tommy is not “up to no good”. Also, another extremely important exchange: 
“You’ve exiled me you stupid manipulative green bastard!” “Yeah I know! I know! And you know why I did that” “Yes? Yes?” “No, you know why” “Why?” “Because you don’t listen to me ever. You’re the only person who doesn’t ever listen to me (...) listen, you are like a little annoying bug in my room and it pisses me off so I take you and I put you outside and that’s what I did. And now I’m just making sure that you stay outside”
So... the bullshit about this being about George’s house is out of the window by the first proper exile stream. Also Dream goes in the ever increasing list of villains who, if annoyed enough, will reveal all their evil plans to the protagonist. Like Tommy screaches enough and Dream will immediately go in evil monologuing mode...
“So what do you actually want from me then?” “Well nothing, I’m just here to talk to you. Tommy, we’re still friends ok? Just because I exiled you doesn’t mean we’re not friends-” “Just because I killed your friends and family doesn’t mean we can’t be bros...” “Well, it’s true!”
Ok so, it’s confirmed that Dream would still go on with this “friendship” facade even if he killed Tubbo or Wilbur then. Also:
*Tommy sees a creeper* then in the most monotone tone ever: “Help me” Dream sprinting from the other side of the cave: “TOMMY!”. I love this scene and I love this two dumbasses (and I mean the cc’s here). Also, to go back to the serious stuff: once again Dream is the one killing every single mob around Tommy because he blew up all his means for defence. Also Bad and Sapnap are still there as well, but Dream is always the on interveening (mostly because he is the one following Tommy around more closely). I’ll have a few of the more interesting quotes here afterwards until the next interesting scene:
“If I had 8 legs I would fuck you all up” “Oooh, no you wouldn’t” (Dream de-valuing Tommy’s anger once again)
“Stop following me” “NO” “Well okay then...” (honestly this was just funny...)
“Can I call you Wilbur? Or is it Ghostbur...?” “You can call me whatever you like” (for those saying that Ghostbur not correcting Tommy was weird)
“Alright Wilbur, what do you need an enderchest for? I might make an exception but-” “We- we need it so that we can access our stuff from the old world, the old world” “But not to go back” “How would we be able to go back with an enderchest?” “Well I don’t know maybe there is stuff in there that’s... better” “Tommy do you have anything that could get you to go back? In the enderchest?” “A boat? What’d you mean?” “Yeah to be honest we just need wood to get back, it’s not really-” 
Here we have Ghostbur poking holes in one of the new rules that Dream added that day. As a matter of fact, why would an enderchest be dangerous? Tommy mostly keeps sentimental stuff in there and a bit of iron. Still that’s the whole point: Dream is trying to get Tommy under his control so he needs to bring him to a point where he’ll listen to his orders even when they don’t make any actual sense. Also, btw, Dream doesn’t actually give them an enderchest after this exchange.
“Do you want to come with me Tommy? Do you want to come with me and visit the old library?” “No no no” “Yes! Yes please!” “No he wants to stay here with me” “I don’t. I definitely don’t” “He does! He’s just trying to be nice to you Wilbur. He’s trying to be nice to you” “I’m not Wilbur, I want to come with you” (way to gaslight an amnesiac ghost...)
“So how long is Tommy supposed to be here?” “Like a week?” “Oh, a week is not bad!” “*laughing* No he’s here forever” (Like goddamn, imagine if every minor griefing was punished with permanent exile!)
“M-maybe like- does Tommy gets like visitations? Like once every month he get’s to go to L’Manburg-” “No! No no no” “No visitation, huh?” “No visitation” (well, let’s thank Sapnap for trying...)
So, after this Tommy gets his plan to go through the Nether and find a quick way to and from L’Manburg to, perhaps, sneak in unnoticed at some points. Dream “allows” him here to go to the Nether (even though technically there is no reason why the exile would extend to there as well), so they get to work on fixing a ruined portal. “Did you know, I apparently blew up a nation and killed everyone” (thank God we have Ghostbur, he makes everything better). One thing I want to note though: at this point Tommy still kills the mobs attacking him when Dream is not stalking him and doing it for him, which is kind of nice. We are still at the first exile stream though...
“Can I go back for like an hour and see all my friends?” “No, they can come here though. I-I mean Tommy, I think- I think that someone could come here and visit you, but you can’t ever go back. Like I-I don’t have anything against people coming here and visiting you if they want to. They don’t HAVE to, but they can if they really want to” “Tommy think of it this way: whenever you’re in prison you can’t just go and visit your friends, but they can come and visit you” “They can come and visit you, yeah, that’s actually a very- that’s a perfect analogy”
I wonder why the best analogy for Tommy’s situation is not a f*cking exile analogy, but actual prison. Maybe because he is confined to one place, not allowed to keep any personal items and never allowed to go back? Also they actually get to Nether hub at this point and there is the famous scene with Tommy looking at the lava: 
A curious thing about this scene (aside from being a clear indication of the beginning of Tommy’s depressive spiral) is both that Dream didn’t seem to particularly care about Tommy dying up until now (and in the future as well) as long as he is the one to kill him. Meaning that he seemed fine with it as long as he had control over it. And yet at the end there he agrees with Tommy’s statement of “it’s never my time to die” which kinda makes me think that Dream by this point was already entirely set on his idea of Tommy needing to be alive for Dream to control the whole server. Tommy and Dream head back to Logstedshire after this scene.
*Tommy looks at the lava while standing very close to the edge* “I’ll go back through just to... check and see” *Dream hits Tommy away from the edge* “Come on” *Tommy goes back to the edge and Dream pushes him away again, this time covering the hole* “It’s not your time to die yet Tommy” “It’s never my time to die” “That’s true” 
“Home sweet home...” “Home sweet home. I think it’ll be good! People might visit you all the time, I mean, I can visit you! It’s- it’s actually fun to come here! It’s a little bit- it’s a change of scenery, you know?” “It’s not fun to be stuck here” “Well... you’re not ’stuck’ it’s your vacation home!” “Can I go back? I’m ready...” “No but you can leave this area, you can go somewhere else. This is just- like, I took you far away, you can go further if you want”
So, if anyone is wondering, this is not, in fact, Dream giving Tommy more freedom. Especially considering that when Tommy does leave Logstedshire later on Dream literally hunts him down, so no, that was never an option. What Dream is doing here is make himself sound benevolent by comparison by telling Tommy that the only other options he has are worse since they are even further away.
“I’m here for a good time, not for a long time” (more hints towards Tommy’s depressive spiral)
“Guys how do you know when it’s too much?” (and again)
“Can I go and see the tree?” “Tommy, you can’t go and see the tree” “Dream why don’t you let him just- it’s not in L’Manburg! Why don’t you let him just see the tree and then escort him back?” 
Ghostbur my beloved, pointing out holes in Dream’s rules all the time. Something tells me that’s the reason why Dream tried to kill him later on...
Anyway! This concludes this first post because it’s... Oh fuck this is REALLY long.... welp! I’ll make the others in the next few days! 
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TUMHDT reactions (oops i see what you did with the title???!!!or is that sooo)
okay first of all love the opening by lady blossomwright,,,,u set up the mood perfectly with this. also ive been analyzing the name to see if it relate to any character and still have no clue lol
If it were upto Alec himself, he would've absconded a long, long time ago, and declared himself married to his estate.
the equivalent of being married to your job. relatable alec but this so sad actually
Poor Isabelle must be at her wit's end, Alec thought amusedly.
 "Poor Isabelle must be at her wit's end," Jace remarked from where he sat at the opposite end of the carriage.
i need a fic when jace and alec refuse to communicate via words and they just telepathically yeet their thought and reactions via parabatai bond
“What I need is what I have-“ Alec turned his gaze onto Jace, his scowl having now settled into a tiny crease between his eyebrows. “-and that is a list.”
ofc alec would have a list lolll
“Tolerable, dutiful, a strong constitution, and at least half a brain.” 
why does i feel like whats he looking for in a match is someone like him?? tolerable? dutiful? strong constitution? working braincells?? alec thats literally you babe
“Pardon me brother,” Max said, just as the carriage rolled to a stop in the Royal Palace’s courtyard. “But I do not think you will ever find a wife.”
Alec’s jaw dropped, but before he could utter a word, Max pushed open the carriage door and leapt out. Across from him, Jace burst out in laughter.
pardon but this is actually the most dramatic shit, its true now all lightwoods are drama queen and must get the last words or they die
Alec opened his mouth to protest, but Jace cut in, “I worry because I don’t want you to do something without thinking it through. I am the reckless man of this house. We cannot have two men who make stupid decisions under the same room.”
brother bonding >>>>>> also jace will soon realize yes there are two dumbasses in their house alec just borrow the braincells on more occasion
Isabelle would always be a diamond to Maryse - but she wished the rest of the world could see her as she did, and not simply the wild child of the Lightwoods.
me eating up this maryse being a good mother content
"I do not think she's very good."
"I believe she can hear you," Jace said, an amused smirk on his face.
sibling? sibling!
“I ride, I paint,” she said, listing out her attributes as if she were introducing herself to her class the first day of etiquette school and not talking to a prospective match at a luncheon. “I sing, I dance. I can divide and multiply, and-“ she beamed, “I can even construct my own hats!”
sorry but lady Ashdown is adorable she can tell me about hat constructing anytime
He turned, and pulled back his hood. And at that very moment, the first rays of the sun hit the Earth.
-and we about to witness the born of alec-lovesick-lightwood. glorious sight, 10/10 would recommend
incredible first chapter!! looking forward to more dumbass enemies to lovers energy!!!
What did I do w the title? 👀
It does relate to a tsc character and there are clues to their identity in the name Blossomwright 😇 hint hint: it’s NOT a tmi character
“Relatable Alec but this is so sad actually” my life story 😔✌️
Viscount Alec is my lil meow meow with his lil lists and interviews and all pure of heart dumb of ass horny hoe energy I’m love him
YES and that’s the thing he does need someone similar to him and when he meets Magnus- sure they clash at first, but ultimately it’s their similarities that bring them together and. Yeah I’ll stop rambling now sksjks
Lightwoods are drama queens yes 😎
Oh it’s not just Jace sksjsjs every other Lightwood in the house is going to realise that very soon 😂
Good mother Maryse is superior Maryse 😌
YESSSSSS. Alec is going to be most embarrassingly lovesick man in all of the ton from now on and I can’t wait to write about it sjsjjss
Thank you sooooo much for the liveblog I love you 🥺🥺❤️❤️❤️
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makerofmadness · 3 years
hello! i noticed u said you were confused abt the opposites angle when it comes to mirror worlder characterization and i wanted to explain my pov as someone who does ascribe to that (with all respect, it’s cool if you disagree! i just wanted to clarify my point of view if it’s np - also, you don’t have to answer this ask if you don’t want to, i’m just rambling lol)
- I’d take TV Tropes pages for Kirby w/ a grain of salt (& i say this as someone who tends to frequent them a lot) bc they tend to have a lot of inaccuracies, confusing hcs/fan theories with canon and the like
- The thing about Mirror Worlders being born from the darkness of the originals is that it’s p much only stated in non-canon spinoffs (Clash, KF2, etc.) so it’s kinda dubious. Burade’s pause screen is a tad ambiguous so I wouldn’t say it necessarily it means he’s inherently Dedede’s worse side - esp since he’s heavily implied to be possessed during the fight, much like Dedede was in the past (stomach mouth, blank eyes, his connections with a certain eyeball who makes a hobby out of bodysnatching, etc)
- HiAD’s Parallel counterparts (the canon ones, created via the Jamba Heart) already serve the purpose of being the characters’ inner demons, given that they represent their negative traits magnified tenfold, so I prefer the Mirror Worlders as opposites bc they otherwise seem kinda redundant lol
- Dark Meta Knight liking being called cute would be really, really funny.
Ramble away! I do that too. (and I respect your headcanons. I just like my own more because bias XD)
-Yeah I know that, I've read through the pages before and seen stuff. I only quoted it because I find the pages fun to look at (and sometimes they make me realize things I didn't notice before) and I saw that one paragraph on Shadow Dedede and was like "hey, this basically sums up what I already wanted to say about him but couldn't think of the right words for because I suck at wording!"
-I think I remember something about a manual for Amazing Mirror stating it?? And I couldve sworn it was stated somewhere else that Shadow Kirby was good because Kirby is good good, like in a game, though I can't find it in Amazing Mirror's transcript. Maybe I'm misremembering it, I should probably go looking for it when I get the chance. however, I DO have Burade's Japanese pause description, which ends with, from my understanding:
"The opponent the king must overcome...
It was the shadow of the king's own heart"
And this comes right after it says that Burade has appeared, so I feel like Ans personally I think the stuff about him looking possessed has to do with the whole "embodies what the king used to be" thing since Dedede getting possessed is the Princess Peach getting kidnapped of the Kirby franchise and I could see an argument that Kirby 64 was the real point where Dedede's redededemption began (or at least his friendship with Kirby since that's the first time the really WORK TOGETHER work together rather than just "Dedede yeets Kirby at a smelly wizard") but that's just my take. I guess I just feel like if he was being possessed it would've been a bit more... apparent. like it would've shown us what was possessing him. 'Cus otherwise it just kinda... amounts to nothing. I think?
Again, just my dumb perspective.
I also just feel like it makes sense and is cool. Like I made that entire post because if you interpret Shadow Dedede that way it adds some extra coolness points to the fight for being a high point in a character arc. Interpret the lore however you wish, I just always feel the stupid need to explain my perspective in excessive length.
yeah speaking of I should probably stop-
-and yeah I guess the Jamba Heart dudes are also like that in a way though I feel like there's a bit of a difference? Kinda?? i don't know how to describe it. I hate understanding something on my own sometimes because then it becomes a pain in the neck to explain and I could just be understanding nothing in the end without even realizing it XD
-110% valid reason and I completely understand and respect it. I like funny.
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The "Marinette is in charge of a class trip and has to suffer at her classmates whims, finally snapping and getting her cruel, well-deserved revenge on everyone" plotline can die now. I see it and I just want to yeet Saltinette out of the story so she can stop warping the world around her and everyone else can get a nice field trip arranged by the teachers and the school, as is canon, and Saltinette doesn't get to abuse her authority to make people suffer.
@flightfoot So! . . . My brain took this as a challenge apparently.
"Alright class! Settle down." Mme. Bustier clapped her hands to get everyone's attention. "Now, the school field trip to, uh, the beach?"
"Yeah, mine says beach too." Alya held up the script and nodded for the teacher to continue.
"Right! Remember to-"
"Juleka, that's not in the script." Mme. Bustier waved her copy for emphasis.
"Sorry, Mme. Bustier!" Rose supplied while comforting her girlfriend. "It's just- AHHHHHH!"
"That is it! What!? What is with the screaming!?" Chloe demanded.
Rose pulled one of her hands that covered her face and pointed at the script that had fallen open. "S-S-Saltinette's in the script!"
Pandemonium erupted as the class protested.
"Quick Markov! Run away before she reprogrammes you again!" Max yelled, holding the window open for his friend.
"Ugh! Why her?" Chloe pulled out her phone to post about how unfair it all was online. "She's even more intolerable than Dupain-Cheng! Always saying we're friends and telling me to agree with everything she says and-" she shuddered, "expecting me to be nice!"
Alya was shaking her head and making an ex with her arms. "Uh-uh, no way. This is not in my contract!" . . . Seeing Nino wavering in his seat Alya brought the trashcan over.
Nino emptied his breakfast into it as his girlfriend rubbed circles on his back. He lifted his head just long enough to say: "God, I hate her." And then buried his face back down.
Adrien stared off into space, eyes blank as his inner voices argued.
The one that looked suspiciously like a supervillain was grinning. "Aren't you tired of being nice? Don't you just want to Murder?"
The Chat Noir-ish one tapped his chin before pointing at the supervillain. "You know? He's got a point."
"Guys, guys!" Glasses Adrien protested, wrapping an arm around their shoulders. "We've been through this. Of course we're going to murder!"
"-Adrien? Dude!"
Adrien snapped out of his thoughts as he realized that the bane of their existence had entered the classroom. He turned toward Nino. "So we all agree that it's only murder if it's a person, right? Anthropomorphic embodiments of selfishness and revenge fantasies don't count?"
Saltinette draped herself dramatically onto Mme. Bustier's desk. "Oh! See how cruel and mean spirited my former crush is!"
Adrien rolled his eyes. "Get over yourself."
"Is this- Wait, hang on." Saltinette leaned her head back and held up an eyedropper. "Ah, there. That's better. Is this any way to treat your class representative?" Saltinette wailed with tears in her eyes.
"After I slaved away at fixing that old junkyard bus and raised enough money to pay the driver, 'cause he only accepts payment in quarters, by having a sale at the bakery and coordinated everyone's schedule so we could all go together!?"
Mme. Bustier flipped through the script. "It doesn't say that."
"Oh! How Lila has shone your true colors!"
Alix turned her head from left to right. "Dude, she's not even here!"
"Even Alix has turned her back on me!" Saltinette continued, holding the back of her hand to her forehead. "An unforgivable crime unless she gets on her knees and begs me for forgiveness and helps me ruin everyone else's lives and then maybe, possibly, eventually I will deign to give her the Bunny M-"
"Marinette SMASH!!!"
In the blink of an eye Saltinette went sailing through the window and disappeared into the sky with a twinkle of light.
Marinette brought her smoking fist, which she had just used to uppercut Saltinette out of the story, to her lips and blew on it.
"Sorry, I'm late!" Marinette stumbled before righting herself with a grin. "I needed a running start."
The classroom erupted into cheers.
Adrien smiled proudly at her. "Go out with me, My Lady?"
"Absldbsbdj! Adrien! That, um, isn't in the script!" Marinette protested despite having sent the "main character" into the stratosphere, cheeks tinting.
"Sure it is!" Adrien smugly flourished his copy of the script to the page they were on. He'd attached a sticky note to it that said, 'Adrien asks out his future wife'.
"Eeeeeeeee-" Marinette's face became even redder as her grin widened.
"Nice going, sunshine," Alya teased. "You broke her!"
"What a paws-itively un-fur-tunate occurrence."
Marinette blinked as a terrible realization dawned. "Oh, no."
Adrien grinned as he pulled her into his side. "Oh, yes!"
Mme. Bustier smiled at the new couple while throwing whole pages of the script into her new shredder. Right then. Taking out her red pen she began to make corrections for what remained.
"Ha! Ready to give up, handsome?" Marinette sent the volleyball back over the net.
"You wish, beautiful!" Adrien slid on the sand and managed to keep the ball in play.
"Heads up, babe!" Nino called as he shot it back to the other side.
"For me? You shouldn't have!" Alya jumped for the ball and sent it spinning onto the sand, to the groans of the boys.
"Aw, look at them!" Rose cooed from her spot next to Juleka. The bright pink towel and umbrella clashing with Juleka's black beach hat and swimsuit. "They're adorable even on opposite teams!"
"I know. Horrible isn't it?"
Rose giggled. Juleka sometimes liked to pretend romance was icky 'for the aesthetic'. Personally, Rose thought the matching necklaces her girlfriend had bought them were plenty romantic. But who was she to ruin Juleka's fun?
Her attention wandered to the water where Max and Markov were enabling helping Kim with something.
"You sure you're up for this little guy?" Kim asked.
"I appreciate your concern but I assure you my waterproofing will keep me quite safe!" Markov replied.
Max nodded, adjusting his prescription goggles. "Markov will time your swim and measure how well you've improved."
"Then what're we waiting for?" Kim plunged underwater with a splash. Markov following after him.
Ivan gave a warning glare in their general direction before turning back to Mylene. Who was floating happily in a tube float.
Sabrina gazed wistfully from where she held Chloe's tanning mirror. Chloe herself could be heard snoring.
"Psst! Sabrina!"
Looking around, she spotted Alix behind some large rocks. Blinking, Sabrina pointed at herself.
Alix rolled her eyes. "You see any other Sabrinas around here? C'mon!"
Sabrina stood, paused, opened up the Queen Bee themed umbrella so Chloe wouldn't sunburn and hurried to catch up.
Nathaniel chuckled from his perch on the rocks as he continued sketching.
"Okay, I have a plan." Adrien announced.
"Is it an actual plan or is it one of your regular plans?" Nino asked.
Adrien summoned as much indignation as he could- "Rude," -and turned back to the game without telling Nino the plan.
"Wait, bro, c'mon!"
"Too late!"
The volleyball flew back and forth as both teams went all out. Marinette saw her chance, reached for it and-
"Hey, Marinette."
Adrien's hair glistened in the sunlight, eyes smoldering as he gazed into her soul. His soft lips curling into a playful smirk and-
Marinette felt sand burst all over her hair as she fell.
Instantly she was back on her feet. "Cheater! I call cheating!"
Rose laughed good-naturedly, knowing that Adrien had just invited a reckoning onto himself. "Poor Nino."
Kim burst to the surface. "Ahhhhhh! What is it? Get it off!"
"Please hold still so I may assist you!" Markov zoomed around Kim, trying to use his arm to pull some brown thing off of him.
"Kim, it's just seaweed!" Max yelled.
The corners of Juleka's lips twitched. "Tragic." She clicked her pen and wrote something down in her notebook.
Rose smiled and offered a lick of their icecream.
Ivan narrowed his eyes at the commotion but just snorted and went back to making sure Mylene didn't drift off.
Sabrina straightened from where she leaned over a tide pool. "What was that?"
"Just Kim being dumb again," Alix replied dismissively. "Ooh! There's a good one!"
"Making Marinette angry is a terrible plan!" Nino panted.
Adrien just grinned. "How can she be angry when her boyfriend looks like this?" He struck a dynamic pose.
Marinette missed her swing. Again. Glaring at her smug cat of a boyfriend she rose to her feet. "That's it." Marinette pulled out her pigtails, letting her hair fall. "The gloves are off."
Adrien stared openmouthed as the next volley sailed centimeters past his face. A gleam entered his eye. "Game of cat and mouse?"
"We'll see whose the cat this time!"
"Uh, we're still here y'know," Alya reminded them.
Blushing sheepishly all four resumed their game.
Taking a sip of her non-alcoholic cocktail Mme. Bustier put the finishing touches on the script. That done she tossed it aside and smiled at her students enjoying themselves. All was as it should be.
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jerichomere · 3 years
weak. I hate to say it but I could feel it in my heart from the start. It had good moments but this episode just didn’t bring it home. I’m going to break this up into my usual notes and then some general evaluation. Notes: What is the deal with curtain and food? He has so many weird scenes with meals.. there’s probably some hidden meaning here but I don’t know what it is And they didn’t get to chuck-root the school :((((( Constance? Wants to pour acid on curtain’s feet Haha I liked Kate’s little “Nyoope” when the recruiters found her Martina redemption and the fighting tetherball team, sure Jackson and Jillson get even more unhinged. they terrify me We got Kate yeeting Constance up the tower, but her bucket had a built in rope motor somehow WE GOT KATIE-KAT but we didn’t get Sorry it took me so long And Milligan’s still moody instead of joyous Go Constance, break the thing, yay Number Two and Rhonda had some real shippy energy in this episode and PLEASE they are SISTERS Two more close profile shots of curtain in this episode, one where he is physically shorter than Milligan but dominating the interaction, and one where he’s physically looking down at Reynie but Reynie’s getting to him. Reynie has a heart to heart and curtain passes out. That’s different. Sticky even said, “it’s anger” and he was like “no, it’s vulnerability” oooooookay then. The whisperer is not an intercom/loudspeaker. sheesh. So the kiddos leave and the twins talk, resolving nothing, then curtain escapes REYNIE AND MISS PERUMAL NO COMPLAINTS HERE *sobs* Kate and Madge at the end <3 Constance refuses adoption!?!?!?!??! And no age reveal obviously rip Sticky’s family redemption he’s going to the totally not made up Boatwright Academy now Mr Benedict is like, I love you all, no snowball fight, the end. SIKE Curtain, SQ, and a totally real engineer lady are on a BOAT. You know, I felt bad for the engineer this whole series, as she is portrayed as kind of doing the technical work hoping it’ll be used for good, while curtain abuses its practical application, but her mood really shifted in that last scene. She was like heheh hey guy that I know is definitely is evil, howabout this mysterious blueprint... are they really trying to set up the sequel. Some tree branches will have to get pretttty bent.
Evaluation: keep reading! (sorry it gets long)
To recap what I’ve said from the start, I think the casting is fantastic but the tone is wrong. The darker, more saturated filter, the isolating camera shots, and very understated music make things colder and stilted. This is a constant throughout the whole series. The book was warm, messy, and full of charm, which I didn’t feel watching the show.
characters were.. compromised? Mr B starts off with a LIE about test winners going to Boatwright Academy. That undermines EVERYTHING he does from then on. “Regrettable but necessary” DOESN’T cut it. He’s also just so anxious and jittery instead of his gentile, kind, strong book self. Just from the show, they didn’t frame his genius very well. He seems more like a fool. Not really confidence-inspiring. In the same way, Being directed to cheat is one thing, but Reynie should NOT have lied to SQ to manipulate him into seeing the forest or whatever. Yeah reynie felt bad about it and SQ called him on it, but this is like the core values of our protagonist team, the strong love for truth. Also, I feel like in the show Reynie’s leadership isn’t highlighted. Like, everyone else has their thing but you almost wonder why he’s framed as the main character. The girls got bonding and the boys got bonding but there was hardly opportunity for him to really bring the team together into a cohesive unit Also, as much as I love Number Two’s life of crime (because it’s funny), she too should have that love of truth, but instead regularly does unlawful things. AND they never explained her eating, and even stopped having yellow clothes :( Additionally, the side story of her and Rhonda’s friction (entertaining I suppose) also really changed the character dynamic. In the book, the adult team was unwavering and wise, a sturdy basis for the perilous missions of the children. But their internal strife, while adding drama, makes them seem unreliable and less absolutely good and trustworthy. And I think trust and integrity are key parts of the book’s solid narrative. Constance’s refusal of the adoption felt wrong too. She was like, “Respectfully decline, but. I’ll stick around here.” I think they were trying to keep going with her contrariness, but it just comes across as foolish pride? Constance is a LITTLE GIRL. She DESERVES a FAMILY. SHE DESERVES A LOVING PARENT (and two wonderful sisters). Yeah family doesn’t have to be by blood OR lawful paperwork, but her actions in this scene really just. cuts off the feels at the knees. We KNOW she’s strong and independent but that doesn’t mean she HAS TO BE or even necessarily WANTS to be all the time. Over the course of the series we see her warming up to people, a kind word here, a little smile there, but this adoption refusal is.. harsh. Then we’ve got Sticky. Yes, he struggles with the comfort of the whisperer. And he overcomes it. BUT in one of the earlier episodes, they had him fighting with the team, defending the whisperer, dismissing his friends... and I count this as betrayal. It may be extreme on my part, but I think he went too far. The Society is the Society. In the book he bested his fears for them and with their support. Yeah he desperately wanted to just give in but he had PRINCIPLES and knew why he couldn’t. His honor, his responsibility to stop curtain, and his loyalty to his friends got him though. But in the show he just dumped them. And then was like, oh oops jk I’m back. (I knowwwwww the book has the privilege of being able to explain characters’ thought processes and emotional states, while shows have to work with more tangible actions and words but stilll I did not Like That) And finally, curtain wasn’t smart. He had hired people doing all the work. He just used it to his ends. Less evil genius and more manipulating creep. But this? I’m more ok with. As an villain, he got the job done. But this makes him less of a foil for Mr Benedict and more of an antagonist, if that makes sense. In the book they never knew each other, but were both alone in the world and greatly smart, and they chose verrry different paths. Whereas in the show he and B were always kind of opposites, warring in motivation and method from the start.
Let’s talk about the boss battle (such as it was). I said it was weak and I meant it. The book is heart pounding. There is so much going on, and so many people in play, the narration jumping all over the place in real time, all culminating in that clash at the top of the tower. Now, the show... the highs weren’t the highs. It felt more like checking off story points. Kate and constance outside - check. Resist the whisperer to stall for time - check. Milligan reveal - check. Reynie starting to figure out narcolepsy triggers - check. Constance shouting then you are the greatest fool of all - um, no, that didn’t happen. Constance defeating the whisperer - check. Curtain escapes - check. We got zero action. No good fights. I know Emmy Deoliveira is a kid and I’m not mad at her for not being able to do action sequences or run with Constance piggyback. But there was almost no physical conflict on-screen, and that’s Kate’s real time to shine. Also they had Number two and Rhonda in the tower ready to fight and then they just didn’t. All this build up for nothing. Furthermore, and I think this is the biggest problem, there was no momentum. Yeah they cut from scene to scene, but the music and tone cut scene-to-scene too. So there was like, dramatic music, Kate’s ready to fight! Get hyped! and then cut to absolutely silent, mr curtain staring at someone. feel mildly disturbed. and then cut to Rhonda and Number two being friends and ready to fight! Aww! And yay! Get hyped! And then cut back to Sticky sitting in a chair, dead silent. It goes on like this. The music, the urgency, should have carried throughout, building in intensity and desperation as the kids come together and curtain unravels more and more and then BAM! curtain down and OH NO! the whisperer and finally Constance’s “I... DON”T.... CARE!!!” and then the madcap escape from the island. Watching, I just couldn’t get swept away. Storywise, they tied it all up and logically it made sense but the emotional culmination just wasn’t there. It was over and done too quick. It fell flat. I didn’t feel the struggle, the suspense. And then they gave us a fabricated Mr B and Curtain conversation that didn’t really help anything. And then the falling action had some nice moments but as I mentioned, the things with constance and sticky kind of made it feel less relieving, joyful, and sweet. I know a snowball fight is elaborate to set and film but I would have loved to see it.
Final thoughts I can’t help but love the kids. I’ll say it again, I sure liked this casting. And for all the changes they had to make, the original central plot was there, and most of the characters were recognizable even with all the alterations. So I did have problems with some of that underlying integrity, as well as the overall tone and execution, but I also laughed at the little funny things, jammed to the title theme, and was excited to see this, my favorite book in the world, get more recognition. I can’t imagine how hard it would be to adapt a work of prose into an audiovisual medium, and considering how outlandish the book sometimes got, they gave it their best shot. I didn’t love it but I can recognize the accomplishment. In terms of faithful and well-made adaptations, on a scale of Percy Jackson to Harry Potter, I’d give The Mysterious Benedict Society a 6.5/10.
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thedarkstrangeson · 5 years
When you put one(1) Gay Panic in a laser tag arena
Read on ao3
Pairing: Roceit
In which: Roman, Logan, Patton, and Virgil have met up for laser tag. Roman spots a cute guy. Gayness ensues.
Warnings: Its laser tag so theres lots of fake guns, kissing, remus mention, let me know if there’s anything else I should put in.
Word Count: 1955
Simply put, it was a Friday. One of the best Fridays to date, in Roman’s not-so-humble opinion. This particular Friday was the last one of the month, which meant the big get-together with his friends! They hung out at other times, of course but tried to plan something a bit more exciting every so often. Last month’s was go-kart racing, in which Logan absolutely destroyed all of them, including the other walk-in players. Something about “racing lines”, was his explanation. Roman wasn’t quite sure, but he could respect Logan’s skill nonetheless. 
This time around, they were going out for Laser-Tag. Roman was under the impression that he was good with a laser gun (a weapon wielded in the name of good would always bring him fortune), but that would soon be put to the test. Logan would be there to pick him up in only half an hour, and his makeup wasn’t even started yet. Never mind that laser-tag was in the dark, a prince has got to slay! He ended up playing around with his new white eyeliner, hoping the blacklights of the arena would make it pop. Too soon, the doorbell rang and they were on their way.
After picking up Patton, then Virgil, Logan pulled into the parking lot not a moment too soon. Roman was just about to burst from the excitement. 
“Ready to defeat whatever foul foes may oppose us?”
“Ooh! Let’s make sure we are all on the same team!”
“Let’s try to get purple. I’ve never lost a game while playing on purple team.”
“Virgil, superstitions like that won’t help us win, it will be stealth and true aim that will lead us to victory. Those laser-blasters...”
Roman rolled his eyes affectionately as Logan continued to explain the best way to hold a blaster and use the mirrors situated throughout the course. This one was sci-fi themed, with everything lit up in neon greens, pinks and purples. As they walked into the lobby, the others still bickering about the pros and cons of various hiding techniques, Roman scanned the room to size up their opponents… and his gaze locked right onto another’s across the room.
He was tall, sandy blond hair just barely obscuring sharp green eyes. He leaned casually on the check-in counter, a friend beside him purchasing tickets. Twirling a quarter across his knuckles, he kept eye contact with Roman for a long moment before offering a sly wink and turning back around.
Roman finally realized he’d been staring, and blushed deeply at having been caught. So much for keeping his cool. 
“Roman! Hey, you’d stopped responding whats-” Patton stopped, as Roman had now turned around, face still flushed, “-Oh!” Patton giggled. “Bit of a gay panic there, my friend?”
“-No,” he said, “He’s just. Attractive, is all. Its fine. I'm fine. Its fine.” Patton smiled indulgently at that, but Logan interrupted any further comments.
“We’ve got tickets for the 3:30 game,” he said, “Until then, you’ve each got 10 quarters.” Any laser-tag arena worth its salt had some arcade games to entertain guests before and after. This one had better games than most, so they had to play. Logan quickly passed out everyone’s quarter allotment, and then left to try the claw game. Logically, it was rigged and he wouldn’t win anything. But that made it the most challenging, so it would be fun to try.
Patton nudged Roman in the direction of the handsome stranger from earlier, now starting up one of the classic hunting style games. “Go get ‘em, tiger.”
“Hey!” Roman tried to object, but Patton had already slipped off with Virgil to the opposite end of the arcade, leaving him with seemingly no choice but to try to strike up a conversation. He took a deep breath, trying to even out his frayed nerves before striding quickly over to the man.
“Mind if I join in?”
“Of course, you’re welcome to try to beat me,” his voice was silky smooth, the teasing leaving him just as flustered as before.
“You’re on.”
They were interrupted about 5 minutes later with a call for the next game. Roman’s opponent hissed in frustration. Leaving the game like this would waste valuable quarters, but a better game was calling.
“Well done, for an amateur. What’s your name, sweetheart?”
Roman faltered at the compliment. He had been beaten soundly, ending several thousand points behind. But eventually, words started to form again. “Uhh, Roman. And you are?”
“Ethan. Pleased to make your acquaintance. I trust I’ll see more of you inside?”
With a quick nod in response, Ethan swept away towards the beckoning attendant.
I’m screwed.
Roman rejoined his friends for the safety presentation, finding that Logan had miraculously won himself a unicorn plushie from the claw machine. He seemed absolutely overjoyed at it, even as he tried to contain his excitement. Virgil quickly proclaimed it to be the team’s good luck charm and mascot, and Logan did not even try to object. They all sat as patiently as they could through the presentation, anxious to get into the arena. There was the explanation of the arena layout, the three different goals, power-ups, the colors on the vests, how to fire the laser how to put on the vest how to walk around and not run so you don’t trip… all that useless good stuff.
Roman found it all tremendously boring, and instead opted to sneak glances at the man- Ethan - across the room. He was determined to get the better of Ethan in-game. Call it revenge for being beaten in the Arcade or just really aggressive flirting, either way he was definitely intent on defeating his new sworn enemy.
The attendant led them into the prep room, the walls lined with glowing vests sorted by their color. Virgil made a beeline for the purple rack, waving them all over. Next came one of the arguably most important parts of the game: choosing your nickname. This particular establishment had all of the vests named after various superheroes. So, the best strategy was to check every gun for the best names and go from there. Logan didn’t bother with this irrational ritual, he just went for the first vest he picked up, Doctor Strange (He secretly found this to be absolutely perfect). Virgil ended up on Raven, because everyone needs to be an emo half-demon occasionally. Patton, very much out of the loop on superhero lore, found Mr. Fantastic to be his nickname of choice. Roman chose Captain America, because Superman was already taken and who doesn’t want to have America’s ass. 
Across the room, Ethan was doing up the straps on his friend’s vest. The guy was practically vibrating with excitement, saying something about “shooting people’s heads off”, as though that was possible. Ethan just laughed, grabbing another vest from the green rack and buckling it in place on himself.
“Everyone ready? Let’s make a game-plan,” said Logan, always the strategist of the group. 
“Spreading out is our best bet, so that not everyone can get tagged at once,” said Roman.
“Yes, but we get a 30 second grace period in the beginning, so I think we should dash to the green base first to take it all together,” said Virgil.
“Sounds good. We can spread out from there to cover the most area,” said Logan.
“How about we do pairs so we can watch each others backs at least?”
“Agreed. Is everyone in accordance with that?”
When everyone had nodded, Patton put his hand in the middle. “We’ve gotta have a team cheer!”
“Umm. Alright. Laser Tag on three?” Logan said.
‘Why not! One, two, three!”
A very much not-in-time chorus of “Laser Tag” rang out, leaving everyone involved vaguely confused but overall enthusiastic about the effort.
“LASERS!” A cry came very belatedly, from the green team’s side of the room.
“Remus, what the heck,” said Ethan, “You can’t just copy the opponents!”
Before the green team could get their act together to create a real team cheer, it was time for the match to begin. The attendants opened the door and 12 screaming adults flooded into the battlefield.
Purple team split off as one, taking a left towards the orange base. Logan took point, leading them purposefully into enemy territory. 
They split to opposite sides of the path, concealing themselves behind walls and checking out the area for any other players. The timer on the grace period counted down the last 5 seconds.
“5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Now!” 
“Yeet,” said Virgil quietly, as he stepped out and dashed towards the base, firing continuously. The orange team was lying in wait though, so Virgil went down quickly. He stepped back to let his vest come back online, and his teammates went on the offensive. Trading shots, the purple team soon took over the base. 3 seconds of capturing later, the base went down to Patton’s blaster.
“Yes!” Patton pumped his fist in the air, before exchanging high fives with his teammates. “Time to split up.”
“Virgil, with me?” asked Logan.
“You’re on. See you at the end of the war, you guys!”
They departed quickly, leaving Patton and Roman to head off in the opposite direction. From then on it was a desperate clash of missed shot and curses, hits and cheers, everyone battling for the top. After one particularly hectic exchange, Roman found himself sheltered behind a wall for a moment to catch his breath, Patton nowhere to be found. Then, footsteps approached and Roman readied his blaster. A figure rounded the corner, but they had on purple lights. He lowered his gun, even as the figure solidified into an urgently moving Ethan.
“Wait I thought you were-”
“Shhh, there are people coming.” Ethan silenced him, and crouched close to get in behind the wall. Roman could feel him pressed close to his side, breathing heavily from all the running, and it took him a moment to get back focused on the game.
Some orange team players rounded the bend, but they hadn’t exposed Ethan’s and Roman’s hiding spot yet. The walked past, laughing, until Ethan stepped out behind them and cleanly shot them both in the back.
“Let’s go!” Ethan grabbed him and pulled him to his feet, running off away from the now incapacitated orange players. Roman soon found himself dragged into another hiding spot, Ethan standing in front of him.
“Nice makeup. Doesn’t exactly help you hide though, does it?”
“I’d say it helps me slay the opposition.” Roman was quite proud of himself for that one, considering how hard it was to form coherent sentences right this moment.
“Oh, now does it?” Ethan chuckled, “Well, you certainly slay me.”
He leaned in, and Roman felt his breath catch.
“May I?” It was whispered, low enough for only him to hear.
“Oh. Sure.” That’s what he went with? Sure? You just said sure, Roman? Of all the idiotic-
His thoughts didn’t last long, because at that point he was pushed up against the wall and Ethan’s mouth was on his, hot and insistent. In just one moment, he was left breathless, what a surprise and starstruck, before Ethan was already pulling away. 
The lights on Ethan’s vest changed, blinking green as his spy power-up timed out.
“Oh-” Roman came to the realization that he was, most definitely, screwed.
In one smooth movement, Ethan stepped back, raised his blaster and shot him, aiming right over his heart. He winked, barely visible in the dark, before turning on his heel and disappearing around the corner.
“I am so fucked.”
Back in the lobby, a new line appeared on the scoreboard.
“Captain America was shot by The Winter Soldier, 25 points.”
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I just realized that Gerry hasn't met Georgie yet in Illicio. While I'd love for them to get along as much as the next guy, the fact that Georgie's under the impression that Jon is fully to blame for his situation and also seems to believe that there is any action he can take to fix said situation means probably not...
Oof, it's gonna be an interesting meeting (and relationship) for sure, and you hit the nail right on the head with the why.
Georgie's doing what's right and healthy for her, yes, and that's good. But she's also objectively wrong in thinking this is something Jon chose to get entangled in, or something he can quit whenever, with a bit of effort.
Enter Gerry, who's on the exact opposite side of this; Gerry who knows how these things work, who's heard Jon's story about how he got turned into the Archivist without his knowledge or consent. Who is head over heels for this man and who met Jon only after his growth of season 3, when Jon is trying his hardest to save everyone.
Compare it to the Martin/Georgie meeting, and consider Martin has seen Jon at his worst, while so far the most disenchanting thing Gerry's had to deal with regarding Jon is the fact that he lied to him to yeet himself into the coffin.
So yeah, it's gonna be an interesting clash, and I mean clash, because Jon has a type and that type is apparently "ready to throw down", if we look at the three of them haha
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azenta · 4 years
is being distressed by conflict even if you're not involved in it a 9 thing or do functions also play a role? by conflict where you're not involved i mean sth like being part of a chat where some people are fighting and you're not involved in it but you still feel kinda distressed reading it
Most phobic types, and mostly feeler, could feel this distress, but Soc 9 core or fixes are the most prone to this.
So, first off, yeah functions play a role in this, it's the judging functions, and having high feeling functions especially for the distress aspect. This is because conflicts usually demand to take position and determine what is "good, right, wrong, accurate, true, logical, coherent, pertinent, ethical, rational" etc. which is judging functions job. And high feelings mean caring more about the "rightness/ethical" impact of what's going on than the logicality/coherency/accuracy/efficiency of what is happening and being told, which means the latter bring more detachment and the former more concerned and disturbance if you have some phobic core and fixes (aka, "I want to avoid shit" types).
2s (2w1 = 2w3) could be distressed by conflict if their image is threatened and reacting (or not reacting) would affect it negatively, but their disintegration kinda push them to be momentary monsters aggressive, assertive and reactive. So they would probably end up jumping in and make a weird STOP FIGHTING I AM MAD NOW >:(( reply, unironically. So, yes 2s could feel this distress since reacting or not reacting could threaten their image of being an helpful person, so standing by while doing nothing could make them feel like they are not being the helpful person they should, especially soc 2 in that case.
5s (5w6 > 5w4) could also be distressed, because 5s seek certainty through knowing and mastering (/controlling), and will thus seek to know what is accurate within a conflict. But conflict means opposite sides, different opinions and values. Therefore, it means a mix of right and wrong, of accuracies and inaccuracies, of irreconcilable and conciable views. They could get insecure only by pondering the arguments and not knowing what would be accurate or true, or whatever they feel they "should" be able to know. If it involves their IVs bond, the distress would get bigger because they might believe they have to intervene (to control) and they don't because of that uncertainty. However, usually they'll detach to cut off the distress and pretend it doesn't affect them, in fact to not be confronted to their uncertainty and lack of actual knowledge and expertise on what's happening. Or they'll over rationalize what happened and not see the point of it anymore, which helps them justify their non involvement, and so avoid their core fear. So, they are less likely to sense, feel or be bothered for long by conflicts, especially if not theirs, and thus less likely to be as you described. Still, a 5 could be distressed by witnessing a conflict in chat depending of the MBTI type (High F), IVs (Soc) and other fixes (other phobic type).
Phobic 6s (6w5 = 6w7) are the second type most likely to feel this much distressed in those circumstances. More so if Soc (dom>aux), again, because they seek security through those bonds and conflict could actually break those relations. Doubts would harass them about what to do or not to do, what to think about this, and what should be done, and they might end up reacting by either disappearing into the void or by jumping in and just. Panick attack, but like in "I'll word-punch until it ceases". In the end, it will cause them lot of uncertainty, and 6s dont handle that feeling very well.
7s (7w6 > 7w8) are similar to 5s, they sure hate conflicts too, more so if it involves any of their IVs bonds, but not just because of those bonds, since the simple presence of the conflict could make them feel trapped. They'd get stuck between different stands and any pressure would eventually make them yeet. But, like 5s, they are gonna head core this shit and either rationalize it to better detach or even humor the shit out of the chat in a desperate attempt to make it stop. Or just flee, always their ultimate best option. So, again less likely to actually bother for long and more into "fuck this shit I'm out". 7w8 might go 8 asserting shit mode tho, and rather fight before avoiding everything, but 7 still win over w8, and any entrapment can lead them to distress and eventually avoidance, or retreat. A cp6 wing can also cause an unexpected Fight Response in the chat to try restore their sense of being free of any bothersome situation, especially if it's a chat they usually interact in.
And 9s (9w1 > 9w8), the classical "conflict avoidant" type, the obvious reason they'd get distressed, more so if Soc in this case, is because conflict involves a clash of ideals, opinions or/and values, and so means picking a side. 9s, especially Soc 9s, really dont want to choose one connection over the other. It's going outright against the concept of peace or even void they seek. It actually pushes them into instability and then, insecurity (-> 6). It pushes them away from their body and force them into their mind, which now becomes chaotic and they just want to avoid this shit.
I insist on Soc because Soc cares about connections overall and the belonging they get from groups in general, even if they still barely know it yet (they are actually trying to bond, conflict = connection killer), so it would threaten directly one of their primary need and so, attack any core fear automatically too.
Sx variants might find it less distressing because Sx is a picky hoe and will side with whoever feeds their Sx. Sp variant would mostly be unbothered since its main objective is to keep the self safe, but it could also feel distressed if picking side could threaten the preservation of certain of their relationships. So, [phobic Feeler] Soc variants (dom>aux) are the most prone to be anxious and feel distressed in that kind of conflicts.
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taetaesbaebaepsae · 5 years
Astrology Compatibility
This is for Kino from Pentagon and @blue-little-bird
This is a hella compatible chart, and this one was interesting because I didn’t know anything about Kino before I started this chart. His chart suggests he is a shy baby offstage and probably a big demon onstage, but what do I know? Also Tumblr deleted this draft twice I almost yeeted my computer out the window so I'm trying on my phone
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Your Gemini sun and his Aquarius sun are very verbally and intellectually compatible - I can see this starting as a long distance relationship, lots of sexting and late night phone calls...this pairing is very compatible on paper, but it might have some issues in actual practice due to your moon signs!
His Capricorn is one to be actually shy in practice, whereas his Aquarius is anything but on the phone or through communication, and your Cancer is also one that is a little hesitant in person. So you two might go from sexting and dirty phone calls to being sweet awkward babies in person, at least until you get comfortable with each other.
Your moon signs might clash just a little, with his Capricorn being maybe too grounded for your Cancer, because Cancers need reassurance and lots of emotion, which Capricorn can have a hard time giving. In fact, both his sun and moon signs have trouble expressing themselves in love, so you might be the one to confess first, with your communication signs.
Mercury in Gemini means that you'll want to be open about your feelings, whereas his Mercury in capricorn again, will make him want to hold back. This could be a slow start relationship, with you confessing and him being the one to hold back, but given your venus and lilith signs, it'll come together quite nicely.
Your Venus in Taurus and his in Capricorn couldn't be more compatible, both of you looking for one lover who can ground you and you both crave a stable, loving relationship, so when you come together, it will be serious.
Your Lilith in Gemini (your dark moon and undercurrent of sexuality) and his in Virgo are opposing signs that actually have an "opposites attract" feel. Gemini Lilith is open, and adventerous in sex and love, and Libra is also adventerous and eager to please, so you'll end up taking the reins on occasion, although his Capricorn venus will make him want to give soft orders and have a bit of control. Sometimes Gemini can get bored easily, but his Libra will want to know exactly what excites you and work hard to please you. You might be the aggressor but he'd be an endless tease in bed, effortlessly seductive and absolutely thrilled by how much you want him.
Overall this is a good match that's absolute fire in bed, though slow to start due to the shyness of your moon signs....but your Gemini sun and Lilith won't allow you to let him get away! 😏
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slothcritic · 5 years
Dragon Ball Z Abridged - Episode 10 Review
A satisfying conclusion with plenty of jabs, jibs and a ghost whatnow?
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While The Punchline has been split up into three parts, I will be reviewing and judging all three parts as a single episode within a single review. I will be giving out scores for each part just for posterity however, but only the overall score will be considered this episode’s actual rating.
In the cold open, Vegeta is absolutely thrilled over snapping Nappa out of existence, and Goku asks Krillin and Gohan to retreat while he deals with Vegeta. Krillin is already gone, screaming and crying. Gohan and Goku have a brief conversation about putting dinner on, because he's hungry. There might be some reference I'm not getting here, or if it's really just a face-value scene, but I think it would've been funnier if the title sequence had begun just after Krillin is shown running (flying) away to safety.
[Title Sequence, Part 1]
Goku and Vegeta opt to find a new battlefield, as the one where Nappa decimated the Z Fighters is a little "corpsey." King Kai starts taking bets on which of them is going to win, and even the Narrator tries to get in on that, despite already knowing the outcome.
The delivery on Vegeta's lines early on is not promising. I'm not sure if it's poor audio quality caused by a crappy microphone or if Lanipator was struggling with some kind of throat infection while recording these lines, but it's noticeable as there's a long extended conversation with a voice that sounds like sandpaper to the ears. I actually went back to check on the previous episodes to see if I was taking crazy pills, and no, Vegeta sounded just fine before. I have no idea what the reason or cause of this change might be, whether it was a deliberately different delivery or if they were rushing to put this episode out, but Vegeta sounds consistently more raspy in this episode than the gravelly deadpan to which I've become accustomed. For all I know, yelling as Vegeta might just by taxing on his vocal chords.
Putting the voice issue aside, Goku's oblivious lack of understanding for the word "elite" and the back and forth between the two of them works on the whole as a great scene.
"I'm going to start beating you now. I don't know when I'll stop."
I can't remember whether or not that's a reference, but I love the delivery on it. Vegeta has just finished dealing with Nappa and now has absolutely zero patience for someone just as braindead.
Sure enough, after being taunted about a cave full of gumdrops and ice cream, Vegeta drops the "That's it! EVERYONE DIES!" which might be one of my favorite things said in this episode, but it’s followed closely by:
"Say goodbye to your planet, Kakarot." "Well that's not very nice." "OF COURSE NOT! I'M FUCKING EVIL!"
The dynamic here works astoundingly well. It's very different from Vegeta and Nappa's duo, but works on similar foundations. With Vegeta and Nappa, Nappa was the ridiculous one and Vegeta served as his anchor. With Vegeta and Goku, the roles are flipped and Vegeta is now the ridiculous one, screaming his head off in frustration and writhing around in the death throes of his pride, while Goku's complete obliviousness and innocence keeping him grounded as the anchor. Nappa was purposefully annoying because he was a bratty, childish mook, while Goku is just annoying by happenstance and being very, very hard to put down. It doesn't help that Vegeta actually wants to kill Goku, and unlike Nappa, he's having less than success with this one.
The overall production of the climatic beam struggle is surprisingly well executed, and is perhaps the best moment in this entire episode from a technical perspective. Goku speaking as he charges up the Kamehameha doesn't sound cheesy, canned or forced, and neither does Vegeta's delivery. The sound effects and music are also on point here. This is an important moment in the series and I'm glad they got it just right. I have no objections with anything here.
If anything, at about five and a half minutes in, the viewer has had enough time to adjust to Vegeta's new raspier voice and it no longer seems out of place. If he had been speaking "normally" up until this point, I probably would have criticized the delivery on these lines, but it almost feels like it fits on the whole now that this has been established as the "new normal" for the last five minutes. The main point I'm attempting and probably failing at making is that my original complaint was that the new voice took me out of the episode, but in this moment with the beam struggle, Vegeta's voice flows naturally and I honestly wouldn't have noticed it if I hadn't just (as of now) dedicated two whole paragraphs of this review to JUST talking about how Vegeta sounds slightly different now.
Alright, now it's time to back up a tad, which isn't something I like to do a lot. Twice in this episode, Goku has used the Kaio-Ken and then the Kaio-Ken times three. The first time he used it, he seemed to at least match Vegeta. The second time he used it, he jobbed Vegeta straight into a rocky wall. But it's only good for a few seconds, so it has no sustain. It's essentially one really strong punch or a really quick beat down, but leaves Goku winded and struggling at the end of it.
The reason I didn't bring these up as they happened was because frankly the scenes didn't do enough for me to write about it. I write about what I feel is significant to my review to give context or explanation to my thought process, not to give a play by play. Simply put, they were funny, but nothing notable happened because of it. It was a quick skit, okay, move on. But it's now important to draw attention to those two moments, because while they did very little for me the first two times... Well, during this beam struggle, just as Vegeta feels like he’s gaining the upper hand, the dramatic music quiets to nothing but the sounds of the beams clashing, and all we hear is...
"Kaio-Ken..." Vegeta look on in horror.  "...No..." "Times..." "No no no..." "FOUR!"
Vegeta is sent skyward with a loud FFFFUUUUUU- and then twinkles like Team Rocket just blasted off again. Goku is the victor... of this fight at least.
Then there's an odd cutaway back to Roshi's island that's slow to start, but eventually got me to smile. It's all the characters from Dragon Ball reminiscing of times where they used to be relevant to the story. Guest appearance by Baba who almost doesn't appear in Z at all!
It initially felt like a bit of tone whiplash but it warmed up to me. And "Whatever happened to Launch?" actually got a laugh out of me. Seems like Toriyama isn't the only person who forgot about her.
I'm not sure what the point of this scene was, but I agree with the decision that after that climax, a break or calming down period in the tension it had built up was definitely necessary, even if the transition felt a little jarring at first.
"Meanwhile, back at the plot", which is an amazing segue, Vegeta gets off Mr Goku's Wild Ride and the beam continues on without him into the pink sky.
I don't think -UUUUUUCK! counts as an F-Bomb so it doesn't get censored. Booyah!
Vegeta then undergoes a post ass-kicking identity crisis. After devising a plan to turn into the mighty Ozaru, he then undergoes a where's-the-damned-moon crisis.
Good thing Blutz Waves are a thing. He yeets the artificial moon into the sky and boom, King Kong. The other King K attempts to coach Goku through dealing with this beast (that is canonically stronger than Captain Ginyu at this point) and advises Goku to find a safe, secluded location to charge up the Spirit Bomb.
Goku however decides to do it right out in the open. Just as Ape Vegeta's massive fist obliterates Goku, King Kai's crystal ball turns to static and gets the operator disconnected message. I think a dial tone would've been slightly funnier, but this has the same energy so I'll take it with no complaints. An excellent way to end the first part of this episode!
[Part 2]
This part begins with Goku hitting a rock so hard he thinks he's in Dragonball Evolution for a moment. After blinding Vegeta with a solar flare, which I'm still not entirely sure how that works or why people don't use it more often to get cheap surprise shots on blinded targets, Goku finds a quiet spot that he can use to charge the Spirit Bomb. He ends up borrowing so much energy from the planet that he may or may not have drained all the life from an old father deer. Dark, but morbidly hilarious.
Goku tries to fling the Spirit Bomb at Vegeta, but surprise: He's got a mouth laser! Knocks the Spirit Bomb right out of him and sends him tumbling against a rock.
"Hey Kakarot, what's the opposite of Christopher Walken?" "Huh?" "Christopher Reeves!"
CRUNCH! The giant monkey stomps down right on Goku's legs, crushing and immobilizing him.
This is such a bad, good joke. I still think about this one from time to time. And honestly, considering how I started binge-watching these in high school (where I more or less developed into an entirely different person), this joke here might very well be the genesis of my love for black humor. I'm fully willing to admit I'm biased on this, but I think this is one of the funniest dark jokes in DBZA, full stop. If not the whole series, then at least within Season 1. Don't care, evil.
Just as he's about to be crushed for good, Goku shoots a quick energy blast into Vegeta's eye, causing him to stagger backwards. This is where Goku makes his cunning escape, dodging, weaving and doing aerial acrobatics around the massive monkey man, accompanied by victorious fanfare. Or not. Goku's legs are still broken. But it's nice to just imagine how cool that would’ve looked, y’know?
Vegeta then decides he's just going to squeeze the life out of Goku, and his screams can be heard well into the distance, all the way to Krillin and Gohan.
The giant monkey keeps squeezing Goku until he squeaks like a rubber ducky, or a chew toy. He does it again, and another squeak.
"Oh my god, that's hilarious."
In the middle of squeaking Goku relentlessly, Gohan decides to make a stand, having blown back to fight Ape Vegeta. He gives a verbose speech that culminates in "The bigger they are, the harder they fall." and then strikes a fighting pose like his five year old ass is going to do anything against a fifty foot behemoth. Battle gong and everything playing in the background.
Vegeta just stares at Gohan, and then after a pause, squeaks Goku again. This has delightfully petty energy to it, especially coming from Vegeta.
While Gohan has caught Vegeta monologuing, Krillin attempts a sneak attack on Vegeta, but he effortlessly humiliates him and thwarts his efforts by simply hopping over the Kienzan that was coming from behind.
However, he couldn't anticipate two sneak attacks. That or Yajirobe was simply that unlikely of a hero, but here he comes sword and all to save literally everyone's lives as he slices Vegeta's tail clean off his rump.
With no more tail, Vegeta regresses to his original Saiyan form. He's no less dangerous, however, and just as Krillin tries to bring the hype, he gets immediately pinballed into the nearest rocky structure and the owned count strikes 9.
The writing on Vegeta's speech following this is actually quite good. "I thought I'd be angrier" is not a take I expected from someone who's had such major meltdowns and cataclysmic conniptions thus far. It does a good job of illustrating how far down the rabbit hole we've gone, to the point where he has become so angry that he's encountered a stack overflow.
Goku and Gohan have a touching moment, both broken, beaten and bloody, but as they share a heart to heart, and their hands extend towards one another's like a Michelangelo painting, Vegeta comes in like a good fiend and gives Goku a killer knee-shot to the ribs. You have to wait for the right moment!
They immediately cut away to an intermission, which they never do in any other episode, but honestly it fits here. The alternative would be to end the episode here and we've still got another three minutes and some change to go. It's an arbitrary production joke but it's necessary and well done for the scene as a whole so it gets a pass and then some from me.
When we resume, Vegeta and Gohan duke it out, which provides a convenient distraction for Goku to hand off part of the Spirit Bomb to Krillin. It turns out he'd been saving some of the earth juices from when he got the snot knocked out of him earlier, but only a little bit of it. Krillin is confused as to why Goku would trust him of all people with it, and Goku concedes that his back is kind of against the wall on this one.
With a yipee-kay-yay and a booyah motherfucker, Krillin lobs the Spirit Bomb Lite at Vegeta, who simply jumps Krillin’s attack for the second time. Maybe aim a little higher next time, or better yet don’t loudly announce your attacks. Not that anyone in this series would understand that concept anyways.
Now the Spirit Bomb is heading straight for Gohan. But it's okay because Gohan is a main character, so he just Uno Reverse Card’s the Spirit Bomb off his hands and it sproings upwards towards Vegeta once more.
Side note, I don't think it's ever explained, either in the abridged or the original series, how Goku is able to communicate telepathically with Gohan. Yes, Master Roshi says in Dragon Ball that "any highly skilled martial artist can read minds" but does that just mean reading minds or actually communicating between them? And if that's the case, why doesn't Goku use this more often? I could probably find at least one plot point that could've been avoided by this, but the answer is probably extremely simple. Goku is a moron. It's very easy to explain away forgetfulness or inconsistent writing when you can just default to saying that your main character is an idiot who forgot he could do those techniques that you forgot existed as a writer. Don't think about it too much I guess.
"What smells like deer?"
I’ve actually missed this joke every single time I've watched this episode so far, except for just now, when I watched it to write this review. The old father deer from before! That is such a cool and unexpected callback.
Anyways, Vegeta gets punked by the Diet Spirit Bomb and goes sailing into the sky. The Z Fighters - which is now just Goku, Gohan and Krillin - are ecstatic in celebration.
"It's been tough, but now, we'll never have to see that rotten Saiyan ever again."
Cue Vegeta's lifeless body ragdolling to the ground with a meaty thwap. Krillin tempts fate by approaching the body, and that goes as expected. Vegeta opens one eye and screams. Then the others all start screaming.
Very weird production mis-step or weird decision with the source footage here. Vegeta's face at least moves, but because all the others have panning shots, they freeze in weird, awkward positions. The action lines don't move, some characters aren't fully in frame, and it's very obviously a still image instead of  something like a loop. Maybe this is just what they had to work with. Still, very immersion breaking. Though honestly, I'm almost glad that if something like this had to happen in this part, it was at least in the last ten seconds.
Goku is confused because he can't move. I mean, they won right? Why is everyone screaming.
[Part 3]
This part begins immediately with Krillin getting bitch slapped, earning a 10/10 on the owned counter. Vegeta then decides he has had exactly enough of everyone and everything, and goes for the nuclear option.
Fortunately for our heroes, Vegeta has been so worn down, battered, sent through the ringer, and has suffered so much damage to that one eye in particular, that he doesn't have enough energy left to kill everyone all at once. Instead, he opts to get his hands dirty and cut them each of them down one at a time. Speaking of cut, here comes Yajirobe with his sword. It can pierce through Vegeta's armor, which is wonderful news but ultimately pointless. However, it serves as an excellent distraction.
Remember that fake moon? Remember how Vegeta only returned to normal form because his tail was amputated? Remember earlier how Piccolo had to destroy the Earth's actual moon because Gohan was a rampaging Donkey Kong lunatic? Well guess who just woke up staring right at that fake moon in the sky.
Lacking any barrels in the vicinity, Ape Gohan decides to throw around some rocks.
Goku, again, reaches to him telepathically and reminds him not to go on a rampage killing everyone.
"Remember Icarus? He did it."
Now, purely within this episode, this isn’t an issue. It’s a funny haha moment. However, this scene gets a little more irritating or perplexing once you’ve seen some of the DBZA movies. This knowledge did hamper my enjoyment of this scene on rewatch. However, that ultimately isn’t fair to this episode as a stand alone product, and my gut instinct of “My knowledge of episodes that came out well after this one retroactively makes this episode worse!” is also something I try tooth and nail to avoid. So I’m going to talk about this for a bit and get it out of my system so I can approach it fairly.
Simply put, Icarus is a headache. He's Gohan's friend and pet dragon of sorts, for like three random movies, some episodes of Z and then never gets mentioned again. Goku implies that Vegeta is responsible for Icarus' death, despite the fact that Icarus is still alive at some point after Goku defeats Freeza. I would normally take up the stance of “okay, let’s ignore the official canon / non-canon and just stick to DBZA” but he ALSO features in the DBZA movie Cooler’s Revenge, so this is multiple layers of crazy. 
I understand that DBZA exists primarily as a form of parody and thus prioritizes humor and “working with what you’ve got” over some things a harsh anal-retentive person might deflagrate them for (cough cough) and are not afraid to contradict themselves on points of little significance for the sake of humor. I also don’t think they had any long-standing plans to incorporate Icarus into Z at the time this episode was made - They may have simply wanted to make a joke about the DBZ equivalent of Poochie the Dog from Itchy & Scratchy.
Like I said, Icarus is headache. However, simply in this moment and nothing else, I do feel it works. It’s shows a cute dragon geting exploded. Who couldn’t feel bad for this poor random dragon that I totally haven’t ever seen before? It also works within the story itself -  Gohan gets sufficiently angry, and Vegeta starts treading the tightrope of desperation. 
Gohan's Ozaru form isn't long lived however, as Vegeta suddenly learns the Kienzan and slices his tail off with it. Small problem though, Gohan was airborne, and the regression back to a normal Saiyan form is not instantaneous. His massive body looms over him, and with a Big NO, Vegeta go splat.
He's down but not out. He at least has enough energy to call for his Space Uber to come and pick him up. As he's crawling hands and knees into his escape pod, Krillin suddenly decides he wants to be important, and appears with Yajirobe's sword, poised to strike. 
Vegeta is understandably terrified, because after the day Krillin's had, he's gone full ride or die mode and isn't about to wait on an invitation to go full Thanksgiving turkey on this maniac.
However, Goku wants the pacifist ending and gives a very simplified version of the original speech to Krillin. If he's sorry, we have to let him leave. Because that's what being a good boy is all about. It's noteworthy that one of my all-time favorite Vegeta quotes happens right here in the original dub.
"When I come back to this planet, you're all going to suffer. And when you beg me for mercy, I'll stare into your eyes as I crush the life out of you."
However in this version, we're treated to "Yes, I'm very very sorry. Sorry that you're all still alive, suckers!"
And honestly, both versions are fitting for their respective interpretations of Vegeta.
As we pan out, the narrator waxes on the victory of the heroes and how he made bank from his bet with King Kai. Next time, don't make bets with the narrator you stupid idiot. Big dumb idiot god. 
I'm writing this at close to 4am if you couldn't tell. Scheduled uploads!
"Has anyone really not seen this show already? Find out in the next season of Dragon Ball Z Abridged!"
And that's it folks! Well, almost. We have one final scene to go through first.
Vegeta is hurdling through space in his Saiyan pod, lamenting his laundry list of losses and failures, but at least concedes that his situation cannot get worse. But we all know what happens to people who tempt fate.
"Vegeta... VEGEEEEEETA..." "Wh-What?" *DING* "I'm haunting you."
And thus, we've reached the end of Season 1! The Ghost Nappa song plays and the outro credits roll.
First off, definitely a longer review than I'm used to writing. Secondly, this was a great three-parter. I wasn't sure if the format would hold up like it does for single segment episodes, but it does. Now I'm sure there are bad episodes to come in the future, but for now I'm happy that the last three or four episodes have all scored relatively high. TFS is going into Season 2 with some great foundations built upon their older, more crude material, and they still have a lot of room yet to improve. I should consider being more critical with this next season as the expectations will be higher!
There’s one noteworthy gripe I have with each of these three parts, but only one worth writing about. -Vegeta suddenly sounding different, as if I didn't talk about that enough. I swear I'm not taking crazy pills. -Weird freeze frames at the end of Part 2. -Icarus, simply because he messes with me on a personal level. This fucking dragon doesn't make any god damned sense.
Other than that, I liked it. I don't know if I'd say "I loved it" but for the series as a whole, we're getting there at breakneck speed.
The first part had some great back and forth interactions with Goku and Vegeta, both the dialogues and the beam struggle, while the second part had more stand-out moments with just Vegeta, from the squeaking Goku, to the "I thought I'd be angrier" speech, his perfectly timed knee to ribs, and the famous last words "What smells like deer?"
The last part... didn't actually have much of this. I didn't find the talk about Vegeta’s father to be terribly funny and nothing else he said was extremely stand-out like in the previous two parts. This part didn't so much have humor as it was the "let's wrap things up" segment. Most of the noteworthy moments happen close to the tail end. I will admit, even ten years later, I still got a little sentimental hearing that outro from LK, and let's not sleep on Ghost Nappa. They may have done you dirty in Kai 3 but we still love you!
Overall, I'm happy that this was as good as I remembered it. I found jokes I didn't pick up the first few times, flaws that I didn't know existed, and a new appreciation for some subtle details that may have glossed over me while I was busy laughing about Christopher Reeves.
Part 1: 75 Part 2: 78 Part 3: 72
Score: 75
Passing Thoughts
"Kaio-Ken!" "Kaio-What?"
Small error on my part - Piccolo blows up the moon in Episode 4, and in my review of that episode, I mistakenly attribute a scene from this episode to DBZ Kai Abridged.
"I'm going to enjoy this far more than I should." - And like that, Vegeta has suddenly become relatable.
"Thank God, I thought he meant penis!"
"Time to crush you like an Arlian." "A what?" "Exactly."
"I haven't killed a damned thing since I got to this god-forsaken planet! Not for lack of trying mind you."
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