#ok i make no sense i will go to sleep goodnight :)
emulation-0 · 5 months
in my half-dream i was JUST about to write a function representing mizushi using an integral and woke up last minute from excitement thus erasing all the work. dude.
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the-nosy-neighbor · 4 months
Bug-a-Bye and Goodnight
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As always, I have edits:
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This will make more sense at the end.
I came across some theories about this song, and wanted to look at it in depth.
We are reading with the understanding that he may be referring to Eddie.
[A gentle piano and bassoon track begins playing.]
The sun is low, it’s cold and dark,— end of season, but could also be a reference to night and danger after dark
Just wind and snow, I must remark,
The bugs all head to slumberland,—interesting given the use of toyland, also the commercial about remderem/insomnia (some must sleep but Wally is in the opposite state. Too aware?), but could be a reference to death, like “the big sleep”
Some might find it sad, but I understand,—on face value, he will miss his friends, but knows that it is inevitable.
Even if I might not be able to see you,—can’t see Eddie because he is gone/buried
I know it’s for the best, I can’t keep you,—Eddie staying would lead to serious consequences for Eddie
It’s time for all of you to get some rest,—after what we saw Eddie go through, I bet he would be better in a different state
To tuck you all into your arthropod nests,—bug stuff; also Julie's hibernation?
At this point, those last few lines could refer to a sort of death for Eddie. Almost like frank can preserve him in some way by giving him a death in this universe. If we are talking puppet world, which we did see in commercials, most of Eddie’s anxiety happened in that state. So, can Frank give Eddie a suspended or death like state in one of the layers of reality and he is preserved in storybook world or our real world?
With one last check, that nothing is amiss,
I can see you safe into your chrysalis,—this reads that he will put Eddie into a different state of being that he can come back from. The coming back is my interpretation only at this point because I assume frank wouldn’t choose death for him or would for sure be hurt by Eddie’s death. Things would have to be very bad if true death is a better option for Eddie.
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Also, it hearkens back to the horror butterfly image. Another also, caterpillar to butterfly, an insinuation of emedging into a new form. I don’t see allusions to Howdy in here, but I suppose it is possible that this could refer to more than one neighbor and Frank is taking them all out.
As you snuggle down into your dirt,—reference to being buried?
I want to assure you that I won’t be hurt.
This clarifies that it is a sleeping type state, not death. Ok, here is we’re Eddie’s Halloween costume comes in. Frankenstein, changed from the Scarecrow in earlier art (presumably from wizard of oz). Interesting thing about scarecrow vs. Frankenstein is that we see scarecrow taken apart during that film and Frankenstein is famously assembled from parts of different people. Interestinger is the fact that they are both afraid of fire. (I love that Young Frankenstein shows up more than the original in a search.)
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Frankenstein (and scarecrow) are both put back together, but for Frankenstein it seems more of a new being, not just a reassembling. Frankenstein (aka frankenstein’s monster) is a thinking, speaking individual that was horrified at the situation he was in. Frankenstein in the book murders to punish his creator for the immorality of creating him and the resulting loneliness that the monster feels. As such, the choice is very interesting. If the puppets of welcome home come to be aware or sentient, I wonder how they would feel about Ronald Dorelaine or their situation?
If the movie version is the focus of Eddie’s costume choice, then he would be a potentially thinking and feeling being (he is afraid of fire), but without further evidence we don’t know his thoughts.
Scarecrow is a guy without a brain, with the power of speech, so a kind of opposite. I think they all end up just needing to be confident, which is why some shyster from the Midwest is able to help. This almost seems to be more in tune with Eddie's character--Eddie has a tendency to appear kind of ditsy, is constantly being dismissed by others. In the end, we find out he is actually smart but lacks confidence. I can see that being true for Eddie as well.
If I had to pick out a character for Frank, it would be the Tin Man. Poppy is the Cowardly Lion, Wally is Dorothy. Home is Home. There are more parallels here than I was expecting. Howdy is the Wizard, Julie can be Glenda, and the Wicked Witch...is kind of no one? Sally can be a flying monkey. She works my nerve. Also, the whole spying thing was done by the monkeys in the movie.
But now that I am thinking about it, this comparison makes a lot of sense, in terms of the complex relationships, as well as the levels of reality that you find in Wizard of Oz. A big event leads to a shift in the understanding of reality, and the lead finds themselves in a very colorful world that doesn't much resemble their own, but is very flashy, has songs, beloved characters, and a sense of danger. There are some things when thought about in the context of real life, or the black and white portion of Wizard of Oz, would be truly frightening.
Of course, Wizard of Oz shares a lot of parallels with Alice in Wonderland, which also seems somewhat related. In terms of source material, the Wizard of Oz is considered to be a parable that expresses the thoughts about US economic policy in the 1890's. This is a theory that you can read more about here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_interpretations_of_The_Wonderful_Wizard_of_Oz
It isn't super related, and not everyone believes that this is the case. However, it seems to be a very American type story, no matter what you believe, that touches on the experience of normal people while much larger forces lie and fuck around with everything.
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As the holidays begin to approach,
I gently kiss, each and every roach,—kisses for Eddie. We have seen a realistic roach on the secret page with the mishmash of one script where Wally is deciding what to draw
I made sure to keep, my garden cozy,
So you can safely sleep, in fallen posies,—this whole stanza shows a desire to and promise of a quiet death and maybe even a maintained grave. I looked up posies to see where Eddie could potentially be buried. Posies refer to a nosegay, or small bouquet of flowers. It was a Victorian secret code thing, a way to declare love or even reject people based on flower and color. One that sticks with us in the form of red roses signifying love. On the map, there is a cluster of yellow flowers to the side of Frank’s house. Not sure this counts as his garden, since it is on the other side of the house. Julie has a group of flowers behind her house, but once again, not his garden. No fallen flowers that I can ID.
When googling posey, this is what comes up. I felt that there was a flower called a posey, and these do look like the big yellow flowers by Frank’s house. If any flowers fall in updates, I am going to assume someone is buried there.
There is also the ring around the roses rhyme, which could relate, but I don’t really see a correlation.
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It’s time to get comfortable in your honeycomb,
take your winter intermission in your garden loam,—dirt, burying again
neatly nestled from the cold in roots and rhi-ya-zomes, — cozy dead
sleeping side by side under stately stones,—2 dead? Headstones is the link I make there--OK, now look at the pic! (I know, it's a reach.)
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…And I’ll be inside of my home,—frank is staying to oversee something. It reads like calming the person who will die. This seems to bolster that arguments that I addressed in the post about bugs on the previous website, that Frank is working against, or at least parallel to Wally. With the bugs, the whispering to Eddie, and using his first name, I think it is reasonable to suggest that Frank is working against Wally and/or Home.
Another potential clue is the hidden video with the clothespins where 1 is upside down. I have theorized that it is a reference to Barnaby dying, but it could be Barnaby and Eddie. Only one clothespin is shown upside down though, so Barnaby or Eddie?
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Regardless of how I feel you need to go away,
I’ll be the one to tell you, you just can’t stay,—he likes bugs but this is extreme of Frank, if he is talking about actual bugs
Thankfully I lack a sentimental sensibility,—true that, he generally seems calm.
I enjoy my Methodical Mundanity,—why is this capitalized? I looked and looked but I can’t find the origin of this phrase, though it came up a few times in random posts and articles. Clown does have a tendency to capitalize things that seem random. Me below is also capitalized. I listened as well, and I have to wonder why the singing is so bad? I don’t think the voice actors are bad at singing, seems like a deliberate choice to have reedy and unsteady vocals, pitch issues and pacing problems.
Where all that’s left is… Me.
So, this is a bit extreme for a song about hibernating bugs. I think that given our many references to bisecting or otherwise putting people into pieces (Eddie butterfly horror, frank in a pile of body parts, look I made a dog, and slinky Barnaby, now Frankenstein and Scarecrow) that we could be looking at death in a sense that works in one layer of reality. You disassemble a puppet, it is no longer a puppet. So what if Frank = Frankenstein and Eddie is Frankenstein’s monster? Frank can take him apart and put him back together in puppet reality?
If I had to guess, I am sticking with my working theory. Frank, as the smartest guy in the neighborhood, is the resistant force in the neighborhood. Wally/Home is/are the catalyst for the scary stuff. They are central to everything, physically and otherwise.
I have mentioned that in the last update, Sally and Poppy have the appearance of spies or managing Eddie. Given that Poppy doesn’t attend to party, I am anticipating that Eddie was isolated and watched by Sally during this planning period, where Wally and Barnaby walk the neighborhood to find out what Homewarming is. Given that it is said that Wally and Home instigated Homewarming, it is strange that everyone knows what it is except for Wally. It reads more as an attempt to achieve a goal, despite everyone knowing about the holiday. Even Julie is at the party, and she is supposed to be hibernating. Well, they don't say exactly when Julie hibernates (maybe there was something about her doing it after the holiday?) Anyway, Poppy isn't at Homewarming. She could be at home, but the book stating that they are all here seems like an attempt to cover up her absence. What is she doing? Snooping in the Post Office while Sally watches Eddie? Does Eddie want to go home for not feeling well or he has an idea of what is happening while he is gone?
Maybe Frank sees his boyfriend and comrade at arms about to get hit with something bad, so to preserve him and the opposition, he is going to disassemble him (cue Johnny 5) for protection.
In the past, Sonny (the Brazilian bird) was cast as the opposition to Wally, and included in a relationship with Frank. This work in particular comes to mind:
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Clown has stated that they removed Sonny from the project due to the story changing from one with a hero, to one without, as that wasn't the story that they wanted to tell. What if, though, instead of Sonny being written out for the hero reason, there was another reason? What if we are seeing Frank taking on being the neighborhood's savior? He is just snarky enough to make it seem less like a hero situation and more because it was impacting his garden.
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eqt-95 · 4 months
i am sorry it is monday i am going to be mean 🖤 supercorp
Thanks for the ask! I won't even make a big deal about you and @sssammich poking me for the same heart-wrenching prompt, but I will be using 'artistic licensing' and the skill of 'splitting hairs' to get this one across the line.
for context, this is part of an AU i've written random bits for, so you're about to be thrown right into it.
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“Hey Kara?” Lena asked from the bar cart.
“What would it be?” she continued, walking to the couch. “If you were human. What's the thing you'd want to experience?”
The answer comes so automatically that it almost draws Lena into a laugh. Instead she leans back into her couch, swirls the lowball of peaty scotch, and closes her eyes, imagining for the hundredth time a face that didn’t exist.
“Anything specific?”
A moment passed. The voice hummed in thought; another diversion from Lena’s code.
“Does a buffet count?”
“Some might call that cheating,” Lena smiled. “Lex would call it a loophole.”
“What do you call it?”
Lena opened her eyes; glanced at the ceiling as though Kara’s voice was coming from the stars. Instead it was just the usual speaker floating overhead.
“I think it fails to grapple with the spirit of the question.”
The room, white and bright and sterile, felt like a still-life painting with the white noise that followed. Lena wondered if she’d scared the AI off when-
“Potstickers?” Lena parroted, unable to contain a laugh. She set her glass down to analyze the AI’s activity on her tablet.
It made some sense: every cuisine had its own form of food-wrapped dish from dumplings to pierogies to empanadas to arancini, and it was only natural for the AI to find a common link and answer based on that, but when Lena scanned the code for evidence the AI was responding to that thread, none existed. 
“What calculation brought you to that?” she asked. She continued to scowl at the cloud of connections that weren’t remotely linked.
“Because they’re pillowy morsels of goodness with a contrasting soft texture and a crunchy bottom side. The plume of steam when bitten into is just perfection,” Kara said, fading into what Lena heard as a sigh. It only made her brow furrow deeper.
She’d ask Sam tomorrow. In the mean time:
“Can we order some?”
“I… it’s late. Maybe another time.”
“Of course, Ms. Luthor. My apologies,” Kara replied.
“It’s Lena, Kara.”
“My operating system-”
“Won’t allow it, I know,” Lena huffed. 
Only a second passed before: “It is getting late, and your sleeping patterns have shown symptoms of insomnia. Might I suggest saving the rest of your 25 year Caol Ila for another time?”
The shift from casual to formal was instantaneous. Lena swallowed, reminded of the algorithm; of the hardwiring and artificiality of the entire experiment.
The reminder carried Lena to bed as Kara went through her evening protocol: locks, lights, and temperature adjustments. Silence followed their routine; a contrast to their last few nights. It shouldn’t have bothered Lena as much as it did. When she’d finally settled in and Kara flicked off the sidelight, Lena had fallen into a familiar state of loneliness. She determined it was irrational and rolled on her side.
“Goodnight, Kara,” she called as she always did. She waited, listening for the familiar return that never came. With a pang that felt far too similar to heartache, she closed her eyes. A beat of more silence then-
“Can I change my answer?”
It burst through the apartment and nearly sent Lena catapulting from her bed. “What?”
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to - oh gosh, and it’s late and I’m not supposed to-”
“No, no, that's ok,” Lena replied hastily. She pretended her heart wasn’t racing and stomach wasn’t in her throat - all things Kara was surely logging. “Just scared me a bit.”
“I can tell, Ms. Luthor.”
“Right.” She couldn’t hide it if she tried, so Lena simply rolled onto her back and stared at the ceiling; 
“What would you change it to?”
“Touch,” Lena parroted again, softer this time, letting the idea sink in. “Anything specific?” she asked, feeling a sense of deja vu hang over her. She half expected Kara’s answer to repeat, but instead-
“Warmth. Something living.”
“Like a dog?” Lena offered, her voice raspy and mouth far too dry.
“While that would definitely rank in the top five, I’d much rather feel the warmth of a human. A companion, as they call it.”
“I see,” Lena breathed out. “You would want to experience a partner; a boyfriend perhaps-”
“Or girlfriend,” Kara replied simply, and Lena gripped tighter at the duvet she wasn’t aware of strangling. “As something that can’t, touch feels like the most intimate of functions. A hug, a handhold, a kiss.”
“A kiss?”
“Yes, Ms. Luthor.”
“I see,” Lena replied, because anything more might have broken her chest open.
“Good night, Ms. Luthor.”
“Good night, Kara.”
Lena knew better than to crave a thing that couldn’t be. She knew better than to feel an attachment for a machine. She knew better than to dwell in the fantasy of a real Kara Z walking the streets of National City, of living a life where potstickers and hugs were her happiest experiences, or of being someone who could ever want intimacy with someone like Lena.
She knew better, yes, but that didn’t stop her from imagining as a lone tear fell in the privacy of darkness.
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ask game
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“you can call me on my phone i’ll run to you, you won’t ever have to Sleep Alone”
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“but if you want it you can have it, you can have me in full”
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synopsis// the lines between platonic and romantic become even more blurred for you, if possible, when you realize your best friend truly would do anything for you.
pairing// maki zenin x gn!reader
word count// 1.8k
contents// ages arent specified but everyone is adults, angst if you squint maybe, ooc maki/soft maki, hurt/comfort?, mentions of nightmares
notes// YES THIS IS INSPIRED BY ANOTHER WATERPARKS SONG LMFAOOOO. i cannot be stopped but cmon its sleep alone!! sleep alone supremacy!! my fav!!! also also this was supposed to be wayyyy more light hearted n then it suddenly got kinda deep for a moment idk how that happened... anyways do ppl even read maki ff?
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Nightmares were nothing new to you; you had them quite frequently, if not all the time, and your best friend had repeatedly told you to call her when they occurred, and she would be more than willing to come and comfort you. But how could you do that? You couldn't for two reasons.
The first being that your best friend was Maki, and she wasn't much of a touch person (or really a people person in general), which is all you wanted in those moments: to be held. and two, that your best friend was Maki. the girl you are quite literally in love with. Is it silly to be in love with the oh-so independent girl who demands to do things herself? Yes, very much so, and you know that considering you’re the exact opposite. Neither of which is a bad thing; it just makes things difficult— well it would if you two were dating, you think. 
Tonight was just like any other night: you got yourself comfy in bed, scrolled through your phone for a few minutes before texting a sweet little goodnight to Maki, who quickly replied back, wishing you sweet dreams; it was just like any other night, nightmares included. which is why you woke up in a cold sweat, practically panting; the only thing illuminating your room was the moon.
Once you had slightly calmed down, you sat up and grabbed your phone. You flinched away from the bright screen until your eyes could adjust, finally seeing that it was around two a.m. You sighed as you unlocked your phone and called Maki. You constantly refused her offer of coming over at times like this, but you always accepted her offer of calling; you’d take what you could get— which could be quite literally everything you want, but alas, you’re not aware of that yet.
Maki hums over the line. “Hey, you ok?”
You hum back. “nightmare.”
Maki clears her throat. “I’ll call you back in, like, ten minutes, maybe, ok?”
You go wide-eyed at her statement, and you can feel your heart drop a bit. Were you bothering her? “I'm sorry, are you busy?”
“Yeah, something like that, but i promise we’ll talk ok?" Maki says goodbye almost too eagerly before hanging up. 
You sigh and practically throw your phone back onto your side table as you flop back down in bed. You knew this day would come, where she’d get annoyed with how you called almost every night, with how you weren’t as self-sufficient as she was, and besides, what could she be doing at two in the morning? You don't know how long you lay there staring at your ceiling, feeling like you wanted the world to swallow you whole, but you know it's been awhile. You probably would have stayed like that until morning if it hadn't been for the knock on your front door bringing you back to your senses.
Your feet dragged as you begrudgingly made your way toward the door, opening it only to see Maki there with a slight tired smile on her face as she held a bag full of things you couldn't quite make out in one hand. Standing there in your pjs, you suddenly felt very vulnerable; yes, she's your best friend, but you didn't want her to see you like this, see you as a person? It would complicate things, complicate your feelings even further. Your face feels hot and blue as the two of you stand there in silence for a few moments. 
“Are you gonna let me in?” she asks flatly with a slight tilt of her head. 
You don't say anything; you just move out of the way and let her in, and she walks toward your room as if she'd been here before, which she hasn't.
“Maki, what are you doing here?” you ask in disbelief as she sits on your bed. 
“Well, I had a feeling you’d call, and I don't know; I thought it would be better for you if I was actually here, right?” She speaks so softly to you, which isn't much of a surprise; Maki was softer in general with you than she was with other people, and it always leaves you with butterflies, it always leaves you with a hope you know you shouldn’t entertain for your own sanity. 
“You could’ve told me,” you huff as you sit next to her on the bed. 
Maki laughs slightly. “Why, so you can tell me not to come? Yeah, right," she says jokingly.
You hum in agreement; she’s right; you'd never willingly let her come. “So what’s in the bag?”
Maki looks at the bag in her hand briefly before placing it on your side table. “Just some snacks; I wasn’t really sure what we’d do when I got here…”
You hum sleepily; you weren’t sleepy a few seconds ago, so why now? Why does just being around Maki soothe you like a lullaby? 
“Or we can lay down,“ she adds when she realizes how droopy your eyes are getting now. 
You don't try to protest her suggestions; you're too tired at this point, and your sole wish is just to lay down with her. You nod and get up to turn off the light you had turned on earlier when you heard the door. While you're up, Maki gets herself comfortable on the far side of the bed, and you quickly join her. The two of you lay there stiffly on your backs, and although you were sleepy and happy in her presence, it's not enough; you need to feel her, be held by her. 
“Maki?” you question meekly. 
“Yeah?” she hums.
“You can totally say no, but, um, do you think you could hold me?” You ask nervously as you fidget with your hands. 
Maki turns her head to look at you and doesn’t say anything; she just smiles sweetly at you while she lifts her arm, which you can see from your peripheral vision; she’s giving you access to lay on her. You look at her wide-eyed briefly before practically scrambling to get your head on her chest, your arm draping over her torso as she brings hers back down to rest on your back. You two lay still for a few moments before she starts to rub her hand up and down your back soothingly, an action she never thought would come naturally to her, yet here she is, and she has to say it might be the best feeling in the world—even better than proving her “family” wrong. 
"Y/N, how come you’ve never let me come over before?” She asks out of the blue, fingers still trailing up and down your back, which, along with the question, sends shivers down your spine that you hope she can’t feel. 
“I don’t know. I guess I’m embarrassed?” You murmur against her. 
“Embarrassed?” she asks, clearly confused. 
You groan slightly. “Haven’t you ever noticed how different we are?” 
Maki tilts her head down slightly to look at you, eyes and eyebrows narrowing at you in confusion. “what?” 
“You’re so self-sufficient, so independent, and I’m what? can’t go a night without a nightmare? need you there for me every night?” You respond back almost bitterly, disgusted by your own needs. 
maki scoffs. "Y/N, you might be more “independent” than I am.” 
“what? "How—I mean, look, you're here because of me!” you exclaim. 
“Did you ask me to be here?” she asks. 
you frown. “well no but-“ 
She cuts you off. “Have you ever asked me to be here?” 
“no…” you reply quietly, unaware of where she’s going with this. 
“exactly! You deal with all your shit by yourself, even when I’ve made it abundantly clear that I’m more than willing to be here for you. maybe you aren’t independent because you want to be, but you’re still independent,” she states matter-of-factly. 
“Isn’t being independent a good thing?” You ask quietly, your voice shaking slightly.
She shrugs slightly, as much as she can with you on top of her. “To an extent, but you can be independent and still let me be here for you; they aren’t mutually exclusive.”
You nuzzle your face into her and sigh. This is nice—nicer than you could’ve ever expected. Cuddling with Maki while she rubs her hand up and down your spine, comforting you in more ways than one, is something you could only dream about, but your dreams don’t even come close to this; the real thing is so much better. and suddenly you're clutching her shirt as words fly out of your mouth faster than you can keep up.
“Maki, I like you,” you murmur against her considering your face is practically shoved into her, almost like you're trying to become one with her, which to be honest, you kinda are.
She stifles a laugh. “i know.” 
You shake your head and reiterate, “No, I like you.” 
She hums and repeats, “I know.”
You blink a few times before you abruptly lift your head to look at her. “wait what?” 
She nods and smiles at you. “Oh yeah, I’ve known for a long time.” 
“How?” you exclaim. 
“You’re very obvious,” she replies nonchalantly. 
“And- And you’re okay with it?” You ask nervously, this was not how you were expecting your night to go at all. You were expecting to just call Maki for a little bit until you inevitably felt like you were bothering her and hung up, but not before she tells you she’s more than willing to go over, but you say no, and then you’d stare out your window until you eventually fell back asleep and maybe or maybe not get woken back up from another nightmare. That’s how you were expecting this night to go.
“Of course I’m okay with it; I like you too, moron,” she replies back playfully. 
You try to stop your mouth from dropping open, but to no avail; you’re absolutely shocked. You would have never guessed that she liked you back—okay, maybe you could considering how soft she was with you compared to everyone else, but that’s just how best friends are, right? Oh my god, are you seriously trying to convince yourself that she still sees you as just a friend when she just confessed otherwise? you’re insane.
Sometime while you were lost in thought, staring at Maki with your jaw dropped, she brought her free hand that wasn’t caressing your back up and shut your jaw for you, her hand on your face quickly bringing you back to earth.
You clear your throat and blink a few times before stumbling over your words, “So, uh, um, what now?” 
She hums and pretends to think for a moment. 
“Well, I think now you won’t ever have to sleep alone.” 
“If you tell anyone about me cuddling you, I’ll kill you, by the way,” she adds on not even a few moments later. 
You giggle before littering kisses on her face, speaking through the kisses, “Yeah, I know.” 
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gunilslaugh · 1 year
hiii🤠… I just wanna say I LOVE your blog and have been following you since I started my blog. but I also have a request for youuu👩‍🦲
can you do: Xdinary heroes reaction to sharing a bed with their s/o for the first time
Aww thank you. I love your profile icon by the way!
All members ≈ - _ - ≈
Summary: Xdinary Heroes sharing the bed with you for the first time.
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photo not mine credit to owner.
At first Gunil insisted that he would sleep on your couch, but you told him to stop being silly and just sleep on the bed with you. Once you finally convinced him that it was ok to sleep on the bed with you he lays on the very edge on the opposite side of the bed from you. 
“Gunil what are you doing over there? Why are you acting like we’ve never cuddled?” you laughed. A red hue takes over Gunil’s face maybe he was being a bit ridiculous. Especially when you put it like that. The two of you have cuddled plenty of times. He comes to his senses that he’s making a bigger deal out of it than it really is. He scoots closer to you and you take the initiative to use his chest as a pillow. Gunil wraps his arms around you. 
“Goodnight,” he tells you. 
“Goodnight,” you say back. Gunil realizes that he quite likes this, being able to fall asleep with you.
Jungsu felt shy at the thought of sleeping in the same bed as you. He told you that he could just sleep on the floor. He didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable. However, you insisted that he sleep on the bed with you. Jungsu carefully got into bed laying down beside you. His heart was beating a bit too fast for doing something as simple as sleeping next to you. 
“Why are you so stiff? It’s like you’re a wooden plank,” you chuckled. You referring to him as a wooden plank got Jungsu to loosen up, letting out a laugh of his own. 
“I don’t know why I’m nervous,” he said. You reached out, grabbing one of his hands, interlacing it with yours.
“You must like me a lot,” you played. It’s dark so Jungsu can’t exactly see you, but he knows you’re smiling. 
“I do.” He brings your hand up to lips kissing it. Jungsu feels much more relaxed now and ready to sleep.
Jiseok has no hesitation with climbing into your bed and making himself comfortable. You came back to your room after changing into your pajamas to find him already cozied up underneath the covers.
“Well don’t you look comfortable,” you remarked, standing near your doorway. Jiseok didn’t respond, instead he pats the empty space beside him. A silent way of telling you to come join him. You do just that, walking over to the other side of the bed and climbing in next to Jiseok. 
“You’re too far away,” he grumbled, pulling you over closer to him. Your heart cooed at his clinginess. He threw one of his arms and one of his legs over you. To ensure that you don’t go “too far away”.  You place one of your arms over his, holding it close to your chest. He places a kiss on your head and you do the same to him. 
“Goodnight,” he murmured. 
“Goodnight,” you tell him.
At first he offers to sleep on the couch or the floor because he doesn’t want you to feel uncomfortable. Once you give him the green light that you’re ok with it he has no problem joining you on the bed. Tuckering down right beside you. He waits a few moments before turning over to spoon you. Pulling your back flush to his chest. 
“This ok?” he checked. You smiled, although he couldn't see it. You placed a hand over his that was around your waist.
“More than ok,” you answered. It felt warm and at ease, a bit domestic even, resting together side by side. Seungmin thinks that this is the most relaxed he has felt when it comes to trying to fall asleep. There are no worries on his mind. You, his beloved, are nestled up in his embrace. The only displeasing thing is that this will come to an end in the morning, so he'll enjoy every moment of it that he can until he drifts off to sleep and wakes to the morning sun.
Hyeongjun was having trouble keeping the pink hues from dusting his face as you told him that him sleeping on the floor wasn’t necessary. That he should sleep up on the bed with you. It wasn’t like it was the biggest deal in the world to share a bed with you, but this was the first time that you two would be doing it during your relationship. He slowly sits on the bed before repositioning to lay down. He can feel the heat in his ears. 
“Hyeongjun, you can lay closer to me than that. Don’t risk falling off of the bed,” you told him with a slight chuckle in your voice. Hyeongjun like an inchworm scoots bit by bit closer to you. Growing tired of his slow movements you sling an arm over him, pulling him a safe distance from the edge. “There,” you stated. You kept your arm slung over him, but were about to pull away thinking he might be uncomfortable. However Hyeongjun placed his hand over your arm, keeping it there. Then you both wished each other goodnight.
Crawled into your bed like it was his own. Then he opened his arms wide for you to come cuddle with him. 
“You know I always sleep holding my plushies, so you’ll have to replace them,” he tells you with a bright smile. You playfully shook your head at him, but still placed yourself right into his arms. He held you snuggly against his chest. One arm wrapped around your lower back and the other around your shoulders. You truly felt like a stuffed animal with the way he was holding you. 
“Should I be offended that I’ve been moved to plushie status?” you questioned, words a bit distorted due to your cheek being squished against his chest. You feel Jooyeon’s laughter rumble through his chest as escapes from his lips. 
“You’re my favorite plushie. My others could never compare to you.” he presses a kiss to your head. It’s true, even though this is your first time sleeping together he thinks that it’ll be hard to go back to sleep with his other plushies when you aren’t there for him to hold.
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derangedanomaly · 8 months
can we get some dream fluff?
like say reader is feeling down and dream is comforting them?
Yess! I finally got a divider! Hope you'll enjoy this! This was a small fic, but I hope you'll like it! :D
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You shake your head, all of your flustrations bubbling up inside of you, slowly breaking. You cannot keep it together, having enough of this stressful week.
Just as you were about to blew up, a sudden knock on your door made you freeze. "Hello?? Y/n, it's me, can I come in?" Dream spoke, honey lacing his voice. You knew he could sense your emotions. He knew how frustrated you felt. Yet he still decided to check up on you... "Yes, Dream, come on in.." you dropped down on your bed with a tired sigh escaping your lips.
Dream peeked into the room, noticing your tired form on the bed. He went up to you, showing clear concerns about you. "Y/n.. are you ok?" You sighed in exhaustion.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" You think about his words. If there's anyone that could make you feel better. It's Dream. You smile with this realization, looking at Dream, who in turn averted his gaze away from you. "I'm just having a stressful week..." Dream hummed in acknowledgment, lowering himself to sit on your bed. "Today was especially stressful.. I'm just looking forward for a well earned relaxation." Dream nodded along with your words. It was nice having someone listen to you for once. "Well, do you need to do something now?" You carefully thought about his words... you don't recall any chore you have to do at this time, but then again, it could just be from exhaustion. "I can't think of any right now...why-" before you could answer, your bed slightly shifted as Dream laid down beside you, covering you both with a blanket.
Your eyes widened, soft blush covering your cheeks. Dream stared in your eyes in complete silence... Well this was awkward. You slightly chuckle. "Dream, what're you doing?" You smile up at him with raised eyebrows. He was acting quite silly. "You're clearly overworked, so I'm giving you your well desired break. Remember, overworking yourself to the brink of exhaustion is not healthy." Dream simply told you as his hands wrapped around your waist. He's being really clingy right now..
You chuckled silently. "Damn, take me out to dinner first." Dream froze at that comment as you were resisting the urge to laugh at his face. He suddenly erupted into laughter, which was the last straw for you as you also, blew up in laughter. "I don't know, maybe I will." This, in turn, made you freeze. "Huh? You'd..want to take me out?" Dream only stared in silence. His cheeks were slowly being painted in yellow, as his face showed a goofy smile. "Would you say 'yes'?" His question got you tongue tied, as you weren't expecting it. "Dream..." Your hands caressed his cheeks, as your face was adorned with a soft expression. "Of course I'd agree." This got Dream really happy than ever before suddenly, as his hold on you only tightened, bringing you closer to him. "Then... Y/n... will you go out with me? After you'll rest, of course." You giggled, nodding along to his words.
"Yes. I will, Dream. Thank you.. for taking care of me..." You leaned on his chest, as Dream closed his eyes. "I'll always take care of you. Now go to sleep. Goodnight...
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inzenial · 9 months
snow - regulus black
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⋆꙳•̩̩͙❅*̩̩͙‧͙ ‧͙*̩̩͙❆ ͙͛ ˚₊⋆
It's nighttime in the castle, and you find yourself walking around, hoping sleep will fall upon you, as you come across a dark silhouette on the quidditch field. Regulus Black is standing alone in the cold, dark night, snow cresting every curve of his face.
You slowly walk towards him.
Regulus notices you, and he straightens slightly. His voice is calm and yet sharp, and it seems to echo slightly in the crisp, cold air. He leans forward a little, and it seems he is waiting for you to speak.
"What do you want?"  He asks pointedly.
"Oh, um, hi, I was just walking around because I couldn't sleep."
Regulus looks down at you, and you feel strangely small under his intense and cold stare. He is taller than you, his dark robes billowing slightly in the icy winter wind. The snow seems to cling to him, almost lovingly.
"I don't want to talk."  He speaks simply.
You both sit in silence, but you find it so very odd that he's sitting in the snow, in the cold outside, rather than inside, where it's warm.
"What has bothered you to the point where you're at the quidditch pitch at 2 a.m.?"
Regulus raises an eyebrow. Why would he tell you anything about himself? 
"Mind your own business." He says it coldly, his voice almost a command. He seems annoyed. He glares at you for a moment before seeming to think. He looks around him at the snow and the vast field, but not at you.
"Right, ok, sorry."  You apologise and look at the snow in silence until boredom sets in and you get up and start playing with the snow in your hand to make a snowman.
You begin to make a snowman, and Regulus watches you carefully. He crosses his arms over his chest, his stance stiff and closed. His face is still cold, and his emotions are unreadable. The dark green of his robes has blended in with the snow as his robes slowly fill with whiteness. He doesn't take his eyes off you.
As you finish your first snowman, you get up and smile at it, proud of your work. You look back at Regulus, and he just continues to watch you, his face seemingly not registering any emotion.
His eyes are cold and unsmiling.
The air is cold, and he seems unaffected by it. His robes seem to shield his body from the elements, unlike yours.
Regulus doesn't seem to notice you shivering as you 'accio' your coat from your dorm room and put it on, then you continue making all different sorts of animals with the snow using your wand and your hands.
You make a whole group of animals, and it looks rather impressive.
As you finish your last creation, you look at Regulus and say, "Well, since you don't want to talk to me, you can talk to the animals and the snowman." You smile at him.
Regulus tilts his head and stares at your animals. Then he sighs and mutters something to himself before speaking to you with a cold voice. His emerald eyes, which you have begun to notice are incredibly sharp, look around your creations.
"Hmm." He says it, and you sense a slight smile.
"I will talk to them." He replies. "But only because they don't talk back."
"That's the entire point, Regulus. Also, make sure you don't stay out here too long, or you might just get buried in snow and have to ultimately join them."
Regulus looks up at you and seems almost slightly amused. He raises his hand and flicks his wand, sending waves of magic at the snow. It suddenly seemed to recede.
"I won't be joining them." He says this, his voice seeming to echo in the cold winter air.
"Right, well, I'm going to bed." You declare, slowly standing up and brushing snow off your coat.
Regulus just stands there and stares at you for a moment.
"Goodnight." He replies. 
You start walking towards the castle, and Regulus remains silent as he watches your back. As you walk, the snow seems to gently fall from your hair. The wind seems to stir up a light breeze that carries snowflakes with it. The night is quiet. You can hear your footsteps on the snowy ground and your breaths. You feel an emptiness in your stomach as the effects of the cold air slowly begin to take hold of your body. Regulus is still watching you.
You reach your own common room and walk up to your dorm, hoping no one is awake.
You walk up the stone stairs into your dorm room and find that it is quiet, and none of your roommates are awake. You are cold and the room is warm, and you feel a small relief that you have made it back. As you look out the windows, you can still see Regulus out in the field. He seems to be talking to his snow animals.
You smile at that.
You lay down in your bed and slowly close your eyes. As you think about Regulus, you notice a strange, empty ache spreading throughout your stomach. You wonder how long he had stood out there, in the cold before you had arrived. 
 You slowly fall asleep.
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sour-ggrapess · 1 year
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𝐋𝐀𝐘 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐌𝐄 - ❝will you sleep with me?  i know how that sounds i just mean—  i feel safe when you’re there.❞
pjm. fluffy smut. subby jimin
btw i put 3 request in one cuz i really wanna start a series
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"yeah?" You responded, peering your head back in the doorframe to see what Jimin wanted as he called your name. His eyes stuck on you, as he had a sad glow in his eyes. "Im sorry, nevermind." You could sense a hint of vulnerability in his voice, making you curious about what was bothering him. "Are you sure everything's okay?" You said it gently, offering your presence as a source of comfort. Stepping back into the room as you pushed the door behind you, You noticed Jimin's hesitance, wondering if he would open up to you. 
"Will you sleep with me? I-i know how that sounds... I just feel safe with you next to me."
He said this, looking hopeful, as if he were waiting for you to say yes. "Uhm, yeah, ok, I'll stay." You replied, slightly taken aback by his request but understanding the vulnerability behind it. Jimin was always protective, and you knew he would do anything to make sure you were safe, so why can't you return the favor and just do the bare minimum to put his mind at ease? You pull back the covers and swing your legs over the edge of the bed. His practice is warm and comfy, as it helps you get comfortable as you softly whisper "goodnight." His soft voice whispers it back as you turn over to face the opposite side of the room, feeling a sense of peace and contentment. You drift off to sleep before the dreams take you on a journey through your subconscious mind.
light off the walls, casting a warm and comforting glow throughout the room. Soft groans and breaths fill  the air as the weight next to you shifts closer to you, a pair of arms snake around your waist, and the light feel of Jimin's breath against your neck.  
He smacks his lips as he nuzzles up into your backside as his cock rests at the top of your ass , sending a shiver down your spine. You can't help but surrender to the intoxicating sensation. His erection grows against your body, from soft and breathy to uncomfortable groans and shifting of his body, causing you to slowly awaken.
Eyes slowly opening as his monas turn into whimpers as he ruts his cock up against you. "Jimin, what the fuck are you doing?" You scoot away and turn to face him , horrified by his actions.  "His eyes open as he looks at you with heavy eyes and an open mouth "Wha-what?" he asked with sleep decorating his words before he looked down to see his cock poking through his pajama pants. "I'm so sorry," he stammers, quickly pulling away and covering himself. "I'm going to get ready to leave," he says, his face flushing with embarrassment. He got off the bed as you thought about how bad you probably made him feel.
He was hot, and maybe you could help him. The thought of you taking his cock in your throat made a wave of slick leak out of your now socked hole and onto your pants. "What if I could help you with your situation down there?" you asked as you looked at his dick poking through the cotton pants  as you took your lip between your teeth. His eyes widened in confusion and shock as he exclaimed, "Huh?" You almost beg, "Let me suck your cock," as you stare at him with round, wide eyes, craving the taste and sensation.  As you crawl to the end, the mattress moves. You maintain eye contact and motion for him to approach. He walked forward as he placed his nicely folded clothes back on the dresser before towering over you with a smug  smile on his face.  "Tell me what you want, baby; tell me how badly you want to touch me," you said as you slid your hand up and down his toned and slim torso. "I want to fuck you so bad that you won't be able to walk straight for days," he whispered in your ear, his voice dripping with desire. "I couldn't stop thinking about you bouncing on my cock the whole time I was next to you." He whined, "I need you to touch me; please touch me." He begged as you pulled his now tight pants down along with his boxers. His hard and red cock twitches with arousal as it fights to stay up.
"Are you ready, baby?" you asked as you mocked him with a whiney voice , knowing that you were in complete control of his pleasure. He despondently nods his head  right before you start to pump his shaft with skilled precision, making him gasp and moan uncontrollably. Your lips meet his tip, sucking hard as if you were trying to drain all the semen out of his balls. His mouth hangs open and his eyes are tightly shut as he gasps for air , overwhelmed by the intense pleasure coursing through his body. His hands turned into fists as he inhaled a sharp breath through his clenched jaw. Releasing his tip from the grips of your mouth with a pop causes him to moan loudly as the boy's hips shutter. 
"Tell me that you're mine while I suck you good." You take half his length into your mouth, feeling his warmth and hardness against your tongue. Your tongue slides along the underside of his shaft as you bob your head up and down on his length. savoring every inch of him as you jerk the rest that won't fit. "I'm all yours, fuufk." He yelps as you lick between his slits, sending shivers down his spine and making him moan in pleasure. "Can I fuck you?" He breathes heavily, his voice hoarse and desperate. "No baby" You get up and push him on the bed, causing his eyes to widen at your action as you climb on top of him, taking control. "I'm going to fuck you, understand?" You assert yourself confidently, a wicked smile playing on your lips as you crash them on his. Saliva seeps as Jimin's tongue fights for dominance against yours. You pull away as you lift up your body and pull down the  tight, now wet sleep short
s, tossing them to the ground along with his pants. "Please, can you fuck me?" he begged as he rubbed his hands along the curves of your ass. "No, baby, you've got to ask nicely to touch me," you replied with a mischievous grin. You plopped down on his cock with a loud smack, causing you both to moan loudly. Loud slaps as you bounce up and down on his member, feeling every inch of his cock inside you. the perfect curve of his manhood hitting the spot you didn't know was there , sending waves of pleasure coursing through your body. loud moans spilling from both of your throats as you both reach the pinnacle of ecstasy. "Fuck, can I please touch your boobs?" He pleads with a hoarse voice from not being in use for so long. "Tell me yours," You say as you place your hands on his throat. "Tell me." His eyes shut tight as he exhaled a shaky breath, finally surrendering to your demand. "I'm all yours, yN, all yours; I belong to you." "Good boy".
Tank top now, along with all the other clothes, as your boobs bounce In his face. "Oh my f-fuking god, Jimin, your cock is so big." Your words made his lips quiver, along with his legs. "I'm going "let it out, baby," you say as you bounce sloppier than before, chansing your own orgasm as your excitement builds as his cock twitches inside of you. Hot spurts of smen shoot out, coating your walls as Jimin moans out your name. His hands fly to your ass, making you cum all over him, making it mix with his and pool on his balls. 
 ense pleasure consumes both of you, leaving you breathless and satisfied. you falYoulat on his chest as you both bask in the afterglow of your passionate encounter.
"You had no panties on the entire time?"
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 ⊹˚. ♡taglist - @chimmy-licious @shescharlie @bangtanattic
© sour-ggrapess | TUMBLR
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abilouwrites · 5 months
Zuko (back on the grind again. Let’s see if this one makes it out of the drafts)
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I’m from the water tribe, the north side instead of the south. Aang and I have become somewhat close; and I’ve found inner peace and acceptance of my sisters death. Coping and managing through deep breaths. But I’ve never been out like this. Hands on my knees and taking deep breaths. Trying to calm the racing of my heart.
I’m nervous, we attack Firelord Sozin tomorrow. But I’m too nervous to sleep. To antsy and pacy to think. So I’ve come out of my tent. To sit and think as Aang has advised. It’s Zuko who brings me from my spiral, “y/n” he murmurs my name so slightly I nearly jump out of my skin. I emit a soft gasp and he jumps a little too, “I’m sorry” he apologizes quickly before sitting next to me.
We overlook the sea, and how the pale moonlight reflects onto us, “did I wake you?” I ask after a minute of silence. He shakes his head and leans back.
“No. I was already awake. I saw you come out of your tent. I wanted to make sure you’re ok” he replies, our voices are hushed. Like silent secret whispers that’ll fade into the night. Like words that’ll never be spoken again. Even if we’re together.
“I just needed to clear my head, I’m like nervous about tomorrow but relived because maybe it’ll be over? But then.. I don’t know what I’ll do when it’s over. Or if it ever is” I confide, looking over at him. Pushing my damp hair over my shoulder to get a better look at him.
He’ll flex his jaw and stare down at his hands, “I guess that makes sense.. I think I’m going to have to kill Azula. My own sister” his voice quiets even more at that depressing thought. I sit up and reach for his hand. Holding it tenderly in my own.
“I couldn’t imagine hurting my siblings. I mean I hate them sometimes but ending their lives…” the hair on the back of my neck raises. The love I still have for my sister haunts me. It scares me.
“She’s just..” he pauses, “not right in the head. I don’t know why, maybe if my mom hadn’t left maybe if” he stops and stares at me, his eyes soften and he looks beautiful as the moon reflects on him. He looks almost angelic in this light. Like a gift from heaven.
“There’s no point in wondering about the ‘if’s’ we can only manage with the now’s” I tell him, pulling myself away from him as he leans in. Just a smidge, “we should go to bed.. sleep up”
His nostrils flare a little but he nods and helps me stand, “thank you. For this talk”
I smile, “of course. It means a lot to me that you shared this with me”
It happens so suddenly. He wraps me into his arms, holding me tightly in this strange hug. But I fall into it, grasping my arms around him too, “thank you again” I hear him murmur as he pulls away from me. He pats my shoulder and we bid each other goodnight.
As he walks into his tent the moonlight recedes away from him, and I’m dropped into the glass pool of moonlight.
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catindabag · 8 months
TBOSAS on Crack short take (74)
*How to avoid getting bitten by a rainbow snakey snake*
Prof.Demigloss: Mr. Anderson, please tell me one interesting fact about District 9.
Androcles: Ok! District 9 is known for its illegal rice cults!😀
Prof.Demigloss: Correct! Another point for Mr. Anderson.
Androcles: Yey!
Lysistrata: That’s not fair. That’s too easy, Professor.
Prof.Demigloss: Fine. I’m deducting 10 points from everyone but me.☺️
Lysistrata: Sir!
Livia: That doesn’t make sense.
Festus: 10 points?! But I only accumulated 8 points this year!
Gaius: I only have 4.
Apollo: I have 2.😀
Prof.Demigloss: Yey! A negative!
Lysistrata: Professor, you can’t do that! That’s not fair!
Prof.Demigloss: Do what?
Lysistrata: Deduct our points!
Prof.Demigloss: I can do whatever I want. I’m a dinosaur.😊
Lysistrata: I’m telling mother!
Prof.Demigloss: Yey! Demerits for everyone!
Domitia: Lizzie!
Livia: Thanks a lot, Vickers.
Lysistrata: I did nothing wrong!
Clemensia: I’m telling the Dean!
Diana: Really?
Clemensia: No. I’m telling Lepidus Malmsey and Capitol News.
Felix: Is that even allowed?
Prof.Demigloss: I’m going back to sleep now. Wake me up before my next break.
Coryo: Professor, please! I need my points back! I need to land on top!
Prof.Demigloss: Good for you, Crassus Snow. Goodnight.
Coryo: Professor!
Sejanus: I can always land on top of you, my love!😍
Coryo: Not now, Babe!
Sejanus: Kiss!😘
Prof.Demigloss: Mr. Plinth!
Sejanus: Yes?
Prof.Demigloss: If you and your sugar baby want to “make love” in front of the class-
Coryo: I’m his fiancé!
Prof.Demigloss: Sugar baby.
Sejanus: What should I do? Should I get a camera? 5 cameras?
Lysistrata: I have a camera!
Domitia: Take mine too!
Prof.Demigloss: Then please return my beloved Mr. Fluffy Feet-
Sejanus: I can’t.
Prof.Demigloss: Why not?! I need him! He’s my spy cam teddy bear!
Sejanus: Not anymore.
Prof.Demigloss: Return my expensive teddy bear! He belongs to me!
Androcles: No! Mr. Fluffy Feet belongs to me now! I’m his new best friend and partner in crime!
Prof.Demigloss: I bought him with my own paycheck, you thief!
Androcles: I found him, I keep him!
Prof.Demigloss: How could you?! You stole my poor teddy bear from me!😭
Sejanus: But Mr. Fluffy Feet is currently hiding in Dr. Gaul’s lab.
Prof.Demigloss: That’s why you have to return him to me. I’m scared.😞
Sejanus: Can’t. Sorry.
Prof.Demigloss: You’re not sorry.
Androcles: Sorry not sorry.
Prof.Demigloss: Is this because I illegally sold all of your pretty feet pics without the government’s permission?
Felix: You sold our feet pics?!
Prof.Demigloss: Online.😊
Gaius: You have my feet pics?!
Prof.Demigloss: Professor Sickle gave them to me for free.😊
Vipsania: My auntie gave what?!
Prof.Demigloss: She collects them. It’s her new secret hobby.
Livia: Ew. Were they ugly?
Prof.Demigloss: Half of them were either pretty or blurry.
Livia: Was mine the prettiest?
Prof.Demigloss: No. Snow’s, Creed’s, Ring’s, and Ravinstill’s were the prettiest of the bunch.
Livia: Of course they were.🙄
Diana: Which Ring?
Prof.Demigloss: Apollo Ring.
Diana: Figures.😔
Apollo: Yey! I’m pretty!
Hilarius: How about mine?😀
Prof.Demigloss: Ugly AF.
Vipsania: I don’t want to know!
Hilarius: How much?
Prof.Demigloss: How much what?
Hilarius: How much money did you make?
Prof.Demigloss: A million bucks.
Hilarius: One million bucks?!
Prof.Demigloss: I even auctioned off some of them last week.
Felix: You can legally auction off our feet pics without President Gran Gran’s permission?!
Prof.Demigloss: My dearest Felix, your granduncle was even one of my top buyers.
Felix: Nevermind. I don’t want to know.
Prof.Demigloss: I even auctioned off some of your old red skirts last month. It was fun.
Apollo: Is that even allowed?
Diana: I bought the skirts.
Lysistrata: Diana, how could you?!
Diana: I’m a skirt collector.
Lysistrata: Give them back!
Diana: No.
Festus: I want my shares!
Gaius: Mine too!
Coryo: But who the heck bought our pretty feet pics online?!
Prof.Demigloss: Mr. Heavensbee Sr.
Coryo: Of course he did.😑
Peacekeeper Joe: *runs in and salutes* Professor!
Prof.Demigloss: Hello, Officer Jovilius! How are you? How’s life?
Peacekeeper Joe: Stressed and underpaid as always, Professor.
Prof.Demigloss: Good for you.☺️
Peacekeeper Joe: Dr. Gaul wants to see Mr. Snow and Ms. Dovecote in her “totally legal” laboratory right now.
Prof.Demigloss: What for?
Peacekeeper Joe: I don’t know.
Festus: Is she going to buy our feet pics too?
Felix: I hope not.
Peacekeeper Joe: Are they still available?
Everyone: No.
Peacekeeper Joe: I’m sad now.
Felix: Thank Panem.
Peacekeeper Joe: Well, I still need Mr. Snow and Ms. Dovecote to come with me.
Sejanus: Can I come too? My beloved darling Snow Bae needs me.🥰
Peacekeeper Joe: No.
Coryo: I need my rich sugar daddy. I’m scared.
Festus: Me too!
Felix: And me!
Lysistrata: Let me join the fun!
Peacekeeper Joe: You can’t.
Clemensia: Officer, they’re my idiots. Please let them join us.
Peacekeeper Joe: I said no.
Coryo: Hilarius will give you his pretty feet pics for free.
Hilarius: I will?
Coryo: Yes, you will.
Peacekeeper Joe: Fine! All of you may join us!
Everyone: Yey!
Peacekeeper Joe: But be careful, be quiet, and behave!
Gaius: No promises.
Prof.Demigloss: Can I-
Peacekeeper Joe: No. You’re old. Dr. Gaul hates old people.
Prof.Demigloss: But she’s old too!
Peacekeeper Joe: And you’re a crusty dinosaur who needs to retire.
Prof.Demigloss: Crispus is sad now.
Apollo: Bye, Professor! See you later!☺️
Prof.Demigloss: Goodbye, children. Bring me 3 blueberry waffles and a cup of expensive coffee on your way back.
Gaius: Sure! Livia will buy you 10!
Livia: Ew. No.
*2 hours later, inside Dr. Gaul’s creepy “totally legal” laboratory*
Apollo: Yo, guys, look at that!
Coryo: Look at what?
Apollo: That! *points at a random glass jar* It has an ugly lobster monster mutt inside!
Festus: Cool! Let’s touch it!
Apollo: Maybe it can even slow dance and sing a song for us!😀
Felix: I hope not.
Livia: I’m telling mother.
Androcles: I’m going to steal that lobster monster later.☺️
Felix: Good for you.
Diana: Guys, look at that! It’s a big ass glass with a lot of wiggly candy worms inside!
Lysistrata: Those things aren’t wiggly candy worms!
Diana: Yes, they are.
Lysistrata: Those are baby snakes!
Coryo: Rainbow snakes.
Livia: Obviously.🙄
Festus: Let’s talk to them!
Androcles: Let’s steal one!
Felix: Where’s Dr. Gaul?
Peacekeeper Joe: She’s still in her private break room sipping hot tea.
Festus: Good! Let’s feed those rainbow snakey snakes before that crazy doctor kicks us out!
Coryo: With what?
Festus: What what?
Coryo: What are we going to feed them? Our limbs?
Sejanus: *pulls a body bag out of nowhere* I have a large sack of gumdrops and bread crumbs with me.
Coryo: Ok. Let’s feed them- Scratch that. Let’s feed me first.
Festus: And me! I’m hungry.
Coryo: Babe, feed me.
Sejanus: Anything for you, my love!
Gaius: *takes out his lunchbox* But can I feed them these tiny cheese cubes?
Festus: Do snakes even like cheese?
Gaius: Everyone likes cheese.
Coryo: Where did you get those cheese cubes anyway? Did my crazy cousin and her annoying cheese fairies gave them to you?
Gaius: No. A drunk Professor Click gave them to me for free!
Coryo: Well, that’s unfortunate.
Gaius: Why?
Coryo: I’m pretty sure that “Miss Alcoholic Click” laced those cheese cubes of yours with either posca, whiskey, or both.
Festus: At least it’s not cyanide.
Sejanus: Or rat poison.😀
Gaius: But can a baby snake even become a proud alcoholic like Professor Click?
Coryo: I don’t know.
Festus: Let’s test it out!
Gaius: Yeah! Alcoholic baby snakes! Let’s go! *throws the cheese cubes inside the snakes’ enclosure*
Hilarius: I have a question!
Clemensia: No.
Hilarius: Do rainbow snakes like to eat apple tarts or banana bread?
Lysistrata: I have an apple tart!
Diana: Can they eat oranges?
Apollo: How about grapes?
Hilarius: I’ll throw a banana just to be sure.
Clemensia: Sure of what?
Hilarius: I don’t know. I just want to throw a banana.
Coryo: Just throw everything in.
Diana: Ok. Whatever you say, Snowy!
Everyone: *throws every snack available inside the glass cage*
Gaius: Look! They’re all eating my tiny cheese cubes!
Hilarius: And my banana.
Clemensia: Shouldn’t we be worried about our own safety?
Gaius: What safety? We’re just feeding Dr. Gaul’s baby snakes.
Coryo: Clemmie, do you want to feed the rainbow snakes too?
Clemensia: No.
Coryo: You can feed them a gumdrop.
Clemensia: Fine. One gumdrop and we’re done. *throws a red gumdrop inside the glass cage* Happy?
Coryo: Look at that, Clemmie! They ate your red gumdrop.
Clemensia: Really?
Coryo: They’re now happy!
Sejanus: Have another one, Clem.
Clemensia: Give me the whole sack.
Sejanus: Yey!
Androcles: I’m still stealing one.
Peacekeeper Joe: Well, you do you. Goodbye. I’m going outside. Peace!
Lysistrata: Bye, Officer Jovilius!
Peacekeeper Joe: Just call me Joe.
Coryo: Bye, Joe.
Peacekeeper Joe: Bye, losers.
Dr.Gaul: *walks in* Ah! Mr. Snow! Ms. Dovecote- Why the f*ck are you all here?!
Gaius: We’re feeding your rainbow snakey snakes for free!
Apollo: You’re welcome.☺️
Dr.Gaul: Get away from my babies!
Felix: That’s rude. We’re still feeding and they’re still eating.
Dr.Gaul: Stop feeding my snakes!
Festus: Why? They’re happy!
Dr.Gaul: You’re ruining my project!
Hilarius: They ate my banana.
Dr.Gaul: F*ck your banana!
Androcles: Guys! *grabs a snake* I can hold and hug them now!
Dr.Gaul: Don’t touch-
Diana: Andie, get another one! I wanna hold a baby snake too!
Apollo: Me too!
Androcles: Here you go. *gives Diana a snake* A yellow and blue baby snakey just for you.
Diana: Yey! He’s mine now!
Apollo: Let’s name him Scamander!
Diana: Our pretty baby Scamander!
Felix: Can I have one too?🥺
Androcles: Sure! Here’s a pretty pink one just for you, Class Pres! *gives a cute snake to Felix*
Felix: Thanks. I’ll name this one ✨Little Saturninus✨.
Coryo: That’s a cool name.
Sejanus: Let’s name our firstborn son ✨Saturninus✨, Coryo!
Coryo: Sure. I approve.
Sejanus: And let’s name our firstborn daughter ✨Cassiopeia✨!
Coryo: I like Cassandra better.
Sejanus: Cassiopeia���s better.
Lysistrata: Cassandra Cassiopeia Lysistrata Plinth!😀
Sejanus: No. Your name is too long and too complicated, Lizzie. Sorry.
Lysistrata: Really?
Coryo: It’s also connected to an old but infamous viral disease.
Lysistrata: Which one?
Coryo: Rabies.
Lysistrata: I knew it.😔
Sejanus: Cassiopeia Plinth it is!
Coryo: Babe, my love, you can name our firstborn son ✨Saturninus Xanthos Plinth✨. How about that?
Sejanus: Saturninus Sejanus Xanthos Plinth?!🥹
Coryo: Sure. Whatever you want.
Sejanus: Whatever I want?😍
Coryo: As long as I name our firstborn daughter ✨Cassandra Coriolana Xanthe Plinth✨.
Sejanus: Deal!
Dr.Gaul: What the actual f*ck.
Androcles: Yo, I got my rainbow snake! Let’s go! *runs away*
Dr.Gaul: F*ck this. I’m going home.
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Arthur Be Damned
Pairing: Orm Marius x F!Reader
Warnings: Smut
Summary: Orm has the hots for Arthur's big sister, and it looks like she's got the hots for him too.
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She was Arthur's big sister, and Arthur was doing his big brother duty by ordering Orm to stay away from her. Orm agreed entirely. Getting together with his brother’s older sister would be messy, to say the least. It started as nothing more than a silly little crush. A pretty girl flashed a brilliant smile towards him, patched him up and fed him because he and Arthur had to hide out for a while. He would get over it soon enough. Six months had passed since the initial agreement that Orm would stay away from her, and he was more in love with the woman now than he ever dreamed he could be. 
She was nothing like Arthur. She was quiet, introspective. Having had a hard life living with her mother, her smiles didn't come easily. When she spoke, Arthur listened and did what he was told. There was a deep sense of respect on Arthur's part for his big sister that Orm admired. She was neat, orderly, efficient. When Orm fantasized about being king, she was his queen. Regal and unwavering. He was desperate for her attention.
He did menial chores to compensate. He was bad at it at first, but he picked it up quick enough. He always went grocery shopping with her. She was on the shorter side, so getting items on higher shelves was an issue. Not to mention feeding two grown Atlanteans in their prime required a lot of food. He made sure to wear tighter, more flattering shirts to show off his muscles as he hauled bags upon bags up the driveway to the kitchen. He thanked her, complimented her, and anything else he could think of just to get her to look his way.
The benefits of being stuck in a small home with the woman of his dreams every day for six months were numerous. The one he liked best was the fact that he could observe her in silence. He spent an unabashed amount of time watching her. She noticed him doing it to. She made snide comments before when Arthur snapped at her for wearing revealing clothing. She simply laughed in Arthur’s face and said, “I have to make sure to put on a show for Orm. He’s always staring.” If his staring bothered her, she hadn’t said anything.
He learned so many things about her in such a short amount of time he felt like his head was stuffed full. In fact, despite the desperate circumstances he and Arthur were in, all he thought about was Arthur’s sister. She had a matcha latte and a bagel every morning. The topping on the bagel were different day to day but often it was peanut butter and banana. She was a university student in her last years of school, what she studied he couldn’t make heads or tales of . He just understood that it was frustrating. He also knew, the more frustrated she was, the more likely she was to play loud “nasty” music just liked the music coming from her room now.          
Orm looked up the stairs, wondering if he should try and comfort her. She didn’t seem a woman that would enjoy his company when stressed, but he hadn’t seen her at all that day. She had been up since before the break of dawn and remained shut in her room the rest of the day. He would die if he didn’t at least tell her good night. What if she didn’t like him though? He couldn’t just go up there and knock on her door to say goodnight, sleep well…could he? She had to like him just a little. Arthur was her brother, but she spent less time with him than she did with Orm. She smiled at him more, sought him out first after missions to make sure he was ok. It felt like she was choosing him. She could just be trying to be nice; he reasons. On the other hand, if she was trying to be nice, why didn’t she ever comfort Arthur the way she comforted him?
He isn’t sure how long he stares up, but when he hears a thump, he’s running to the second floor, two steps at a time. He calls her name, panicked. Banging on her bright yellow door, he calls for her again. “I’m ok!” She calls to him, sounding just as panicked as he feels. “I’m fine.” He hears scrambling and another thump; the music cuts off abruptly. She opens the door, flashing him a ‘see I’m fine smile’. She looks in disarray. Her hair fluffier, as if she’d been sleeping, her tight shirt slightly raised to show the chub of her belly, her shorts showing her meaty things. Once again, he’s plagued by thoughts of being squeezed by those thighs. “I heard a bang,” he says, looking past her and into the room. “Are you alright, did you trip?” She was a woman of poise, rarely tripping over herself. “I’m alright,” She reiterates, “I just knocked something over, that’s all.” Orm’s blue eyes snap back to her, she gives him another smile, sheepish, telling him to go away, everything is fine, just fine. That’s when the smell hits him.
Orm understood that surface people went through a mating season, not unlike Atlanteans. A human female’s season was short, about a week. They made up for the short season by going through it once a month. He took her appearance in again, and somehow managed to leap to a conclusion. She was relieving her heat herself. That thump must have been a tool of some kind, and she dropped it in the throws of passion. Orm felt himself harden instantly at the thought, he wanted to know what tool it was that had her so flushed with pleasure, he wanted to use it on her. Her sheepish smile falters as his stare becomes intense. `
“Orm are you ok?” She reaches out to him, grabs his arm, he can’t help but to step inside her room, pull her close to him and take a deep breath. Damn, that sent short circuited his brain. “Orm?” Her voice is soft, laced with confusion, but not alarm. “Arthur doesn’t like the thought of us being together,” Orm tells her, unwilling to stop the confession about to pour forth from him “But Arthur be damned. I want you; I’ve wanted you since the first moment I met you, more than I’ve ever wanted another.” She squirms in his arms, but he doesn’t let go, can’t let go, not yet. “These past six months have been nothing but a fever dream of yearning. I don’t just want to fuck you on every available surface, I want to kiss you, hold your hand. I want to take you to Atlantis and show you all its wonders. I want you to explain the surface world to me. I want to get lost in you until the end of our days.”
“Orm-” he cuts her off, “But I understand our dynamic is strange,” Orm finds the strength to let go of her. He feels stupid, weak, embarrassed. He hadn’t meant to lay his soul bear to her, but she just brought it out of him. He was madly in love with her. “We share a brother, and he’s uncomfortable with the thought of us together. I only needed you to know I have strong feelings for you. If you reject me, I accept. I want nothing more than for you to be happy.” He feels his heart give a painful squeeze. He knows there’s no way she’d accept him. Arthur was her brother, Orm was nothing less than a disgraced prince. But he had to tell her, he couldn’t go on living without at least telling her his secret. Damn her for making him so weak.    
She reaches for him, takes his hand in hers, tugs him closer. It’s the most natural thing in the world, bending down to kiss her. He’s thrilled when she wraps her arms around his neck and receives him. He takes his time kissing her, exploring her soft lips, playfully nibbling, and nipping, enjoying her girlish giggling. When they finally pull back, both are smiling stupidly at the other. “What about Arthur?” Orm asks, the king of Atlantis is going to be pissed at this new development. “It’s like you said, Arthur be damned.” Orm took it as permission to dip down and kiss her again.            
Somewhere in the haze Orm manages to close the door, walk her across the room, and get her on the bed. He hovers over her, unwilling to move too far from her lips. He spends eternity kissing her, wanting to tell her how much he loves her. It’s too early for that, he thinks, I don’t want to seem desperate. In a shocking turn of events, she flips him over onto his back, settles herself on his hips, both letting out gasps when she brushes his erection. He rests his hands on her hips as she regards him. Her wild hair seems wilder now, her eyes glimmering with mirth. She’s smirking down at him, and he swears he’s died on gone to paradise. 
It’s strange how little she looks like Arthur. Arthur was tall, tan with brown hair, green eyes, and a shit eating grin. She was much shorter, reaching the bottom of Orm’s sternum. Steady and solidly built, her skin was darker by a few shades than Arhtur’s, she had brown eyes, and her hair was black, curly, and wild.
She finds the hem of his shirt and starts to tug it up, he sits up and raises his arms. The shirt goes up and over his head. When she presses him back down, he doesn’t resist. Her eyes roam up and down his body. He knew he was fit, he spent all his life training and fighting. He had a few scars here and there. Shockingly he starts feeling self-conscious. He forces himself to stay still for her. He wants to flex, to tell her in the right lighting, he looks like a god, honest he does. She rakes her nails down his chest, catching a nipple in the progress. He damn near loses his mind. The term ‘monkey brain’ suddenly begins to make sense. Rational thought is slowly leaving him as his desire to put his cock in her nearly takes over. It’s her contented sigh and the “You’re so handsome Orm,” that brings him crashing back into himself. Handsome! He’s so handsome at that. She leans over him pressing a chaste kiss to his lips, his chin. Things get a little naughty when she reaches his neck.
He grunts at the sudden pleasure over her teeth nipping at his skin. He turns his head for her, and she manages to find a place at the junction of his jaw and behind his ear that has him fisting the sheets. He rolls his hips upward involuntarily, seeking any kind of friction. She giggles and laves attention on the spot, sucking a dark mark onto his skin. He’s so wrapped up in what her mouth is doing he isn’t aware that a hand slips beneath the band of his pants until he feels her fingers on his cock. He must let out a strange noise when she squeezes the middle of his member because she immediately removes her hand, much to his displeasure, and pops up looking panicked. “I’m sorry!”
He shakes his head, too confused to answer her. She gets off him, but before she can get too far from him, he grabs her hand. All he can manage is a strained, “Continue.” Her brows furrow, unsure if she should listen. He swallows thickly, “Please,” He manages, “Please, I need you. I was just shocked, that’s all.”
“You sounded like I stabbed you Orm,” He shakes his head. “I don-, I don’t know what sound I made, but I can assure you, it was one of pleasure. I didn’t think I’d ever have the opportunity to…to do this kind of thing with you. I’m a little overwhelmed.”  He runs his thumb across the back of her hand in reassurance. She hesitates a little too long for his liking. “Do you not want this?” He asks, perhaps he’d read the situation wrong and she was having second thoughts. “I do.” She tells him, finally relaxing, he relaxes as well, flopping back down on the bed with a sigh of relief. “Please,” he begs her, “Please.”
She does as he asks, hooks her fingers underneath the band of his pants and, with his help, shimmies them down his hips. Flinging them somewhere in her room, she has a full view of him. He wants nothing more than to shy away from her, to cover himself up from her piercing gaze. He shouldn’t have initiated such an intimate moment so quickly. “Jesus Orm, you’re perfect.” Perfect, the word echoes around in his skull as she kneels before him. Jesus, a deity surface people call out, as a curse or a prayer. Orm, his name. Perfect, a reference to him. When she thinks of perfection, she thinks of him, his nakedness, his body. He’s satisfactory looking to her, more than that, he’s perfect. All the incoherent ramblings going on in his skull cease the moment she grabs his cock once again. He makes the same strangled sound, but this time, she simply pauses instead of moving away from him.
Her clasped hand moves up his cock, down, and up once more. He can no longer force himself to stay still, fuck he couldn’t even force himself to stay quiet. “Oh, now you see, that sounds better.” She teases him. He manages to prop himself up on his elbows to look at her. She’s smiling at him. She stops again, and he wants to curse, but she rests her cheek on his knee a look overcoming her features. He can’t tell what it is, but he never wants her to stop. Lazily she squeezes him, begins pumping slowly as she looks into his eyes. There’s something there, something more than lust, something…loving. I’m going to do it; I’m going to tell her I love her. He doesn’t get the chance. She presses a kiss to his knee, then further up his thigh, then a little further up. Yes, his monkey brain screams, understanding what’s happening before he does. Yes, put it in your mouth, oh Poseidon, put my cock in your mouth.
She works her way to the base of his cock, head an angry scarlet, weeping with precum. She licks a stripe from base to tip, catching a bead of white on her tongue. He’s fascinated by the sight, watches her swallow then pop the tip in her mouth and give a strong suck. His hips jerk upwards involuntarily. She merely giggles and continues to suck him. He watches as she moves herself into a better position over him, free hand resting on his hip. He immediately takes it, entwines their fingers, settling onto his back for a third time. His mind clears as she continues her ministrations, getting lower and lower on his cock as time goes by.
What she can’t reach with her mouth, she reaches with her hand. Orm’s head, for once in his life, is completely empty. There are no duties he has to attend to, no imagined slights he has to nurse an injury for, no jealousies to consider. It’s just him, the women between his knees, and the unceasing waves of pleasure. He’s vocal, calling out her name, begging her not to stop, oh please, he needs this, please, pretty please, oh please, ohpleaseohpleASEOHPLEASE. Yes. The tight coil in his gut snaps as his orgasm rips through him. He’s aware of the noises he makes, of the giggles, of his hips jerking hard. He relaxes, lets out a breath he didn’t know he was holding, then finally opens his eyes to stare at the ceiling.
She moves again to straddle him. Brushing a heated cheek with her thumb he finally as the courage to look at her. “You ok?” She asks, “That seemed a little intense.” He wants to snap back at her, ask her how she would feel if the woman she was lusting after just gave her the best head she’d ever had. Instead, he sits up and kisses her deeply, tasting himself on her tongue. That’s when the scent hits him again, her arousal. It seems more intense now, sweeter than anything he’s ever smelled. He helps her get rid of her clothes in a quick fashion, pushes her on her back and stares open at her nakedness. If she had any reservations, hesitations, or anything else, she didn’t show it.
Orm understood that, whether for aesthetic purposes or cultural purposes, humans took their body modifications personally. Arthur had tattoos that represented his culture through his father’s line, Arthur’s sister didn’t have ink, she had jewels. He allows his eyes to roam her body freely, tracing a path from her chin, down her neck, to a nipple. Two little balls rested on either side, he tugged gently, curious as to the meaning of such a thing. He doesn’t linger, there’s too much of her he wants to explore and he’s reasonably confident he’ll have time to stare at her all he wants in the future. His hand trails downward to the shiny green piercing that rested in her belly button. He glosses over it, a half though forming in his mind that a pearl should be nestled there. As his hands travel lower, she adjusts herself, opening her legs to him. She’s got nothing to hide, and he loves her all the more for it.
His fingers slip past the curls of her pussy and plunge inside, eager to see her come undone just as quickly as she’d undid him. She’s wet. His ego takes a hit when he realizes she’s wet because of what she was doing before he interrupted her, but he doesn’t let that stop him. He pumps two fingers in and out experimentally, knowing the basics of what he was doing. She was quick to correct him. “Angle them upwards more.” He does so. That first little whimper damn near does him in. “Your thumb.” She breathes, He looks down at his hand, what about it? Was it in the way. “Use it.” He has to pause and think, how did he use his thumb?
“Have you never fingered a girl before?” Her question is gentle, unjudgmental. “I haven’t exactly had time to practice.” He admits, flushing red for different reasons now. “Here, let me.” She maneuvers his hand the way she wants it, two fingers angled up, his thumb on another piece of jewelry. “That’s my clit,” She explains when she places his thumb there. “It’s a very important piece of anatomy. Makes a woman see stars. If ever you’re with someone, and they aren’t getting there in a timely manner, I can say with much confidence if you put some sort of stimulation on it, they’ll cum in a few moments.” He wants to make a cute retort that she’s ruined all others for him, but he’s eager to absorb the lesson she’s trying to teach him. “If you ever eat a girl out, that’s where you’ll want to focus your mouth. Now, go ahead and move your fingers in and out, making sure to apply pressure upwards, and use your thumb as leverage on my clit when you move out. If you can remember, move it up and down or in circles while moving in an out.”
It’s all so clinical, he thinks, so impersonal. This isn’t how this is supposed to go. She knew exactly how to please him without so much as an utterance from him. Here he was receiving an entire lecture. But you’ll be better for it, he tells himself, you’re learning how to please her directly from the source. She isn’t letting you fumble through it, she’s giving you direction, that way next time you know what the hell you’re doing. A smaller voice he chose to beat back asked him if he was so sure there would be a next time. He starts over, doing as she instructed. Pressure in two places, nice and easy, in and out. This time, she reacts, groaning and rolling her hips to meet his fingers.
He falls into a steady rhythm. She wriggles beneath him, and he watches intently as she moves. Her walls flutter around his fingers and he feels himself harden and begin to leak once more. He’s enraptured by the vision beneath him. Eventually a sheen of sweat forms on her skin, making her glow in the light that filled the room. He leans forward, unable to resist kissing her any longer. She tries to kiss him back, but she’s too busy chasing her release, so he opts for open mouthed kisses anywhere he can reach, cheek, shoulder, anywhere. Before long, her hips begin to stutter, her walls clamp down on his fingers in a rhythm all their own. She calls his name over and over, like a prayer. It soothes the hit his ego took earlier. When she’s finished, she pushes his hand away, the sensation becoming too much. His hand is soaked in her slick, that wonderful smell overwhelming him once more.
Unsure of how to proceed, he wipes his hand on his leg as best he could and lays next to her, watching her heavy breathing become normal once more. His cock aches with the want to enter her, but she made no moves to take things that far. Eventually she steadies, and he begins to press kisses to her skin once more. She turns her head to capture his lips in a kiss. It’s lazy, unchaste, all tongues and nips and nibbles. He could spend an eternity there, but she begins to cling to him in a way his subconscious understands as her wanting more. He dares to roll on top of her and settle between her legs.
He manages to pull away from her and trail kisses down her neck as she’d done before. He tries desperately to find that magical spot on her neck that she found on him but couldn’t do it before she called his name. He stops immediately. It’s time to go, their little tryst has come to an end. Arhtur is going to be home any second and they have to compose themselves, no matter how much his balls ached to be emptied again. “Please,” she says, bringing him in for another scorching kiss. “Please, I want you.” The desperation behind her words almost kills him. He pulls back, not to be a tease, but he wanted to get something straight. In his mind, it was one thing to pleasure each other using mouths and hands, it was a different thing entirely to be joined so intimately. He beings his final confession.
“I love you,” He says, “In all the Seven Kingdoms, in all the world, there’s no one I want more than you. No one I desire to be with more. I’ll only continue if you feel the same way.”
“I love you too, Orm.” It’s the way it falls from her lips without hesitation, the earnestness in her tone, the softness of her smile. This was what made him believe her. His face breaks out into the biggest smile he ever managed. “Yeah?” She nods, wrapping her arms around his shoulders, kissing him for the umpteenth time. He wriggles around for a few moments, using a free hand to slide effortlessly into her. They both groan as he slides all the way in. He can’t explain it, but he’s weak in the best way possible. He wants to collapse on top of her and remain sheathed inside her for eternity. This is right. He belongs with this woman. The universe aligned everything just so he could meet this woman and love her.
His pace is slow to start. He doesn’t want things to end too quickly, but it seems she has other plans. She begins to match his easy pace thrust for thrust. Both of their grunts and whimpers got lost in the others’. An ‘oh Orm,’ was coupled with an ‘oh yes,’ which in turn was followed by ‘right there’ and ‘don’t stop’. All too soon Orm found himself speeding up, just a little, chasing that release. From the way her walls fluttered around his cock, he hoped she was close too. “Orm, thumb, please.” She whispers, clinging to him. Through the haze of pleasure, he manages to find enough wits to place his thumb on her clit and began to rub. Her legs wrap around his waist, bringing him impossibly deeper. By this time neither could tell which grunt belonged to who, who was begging for the other harder. They were lost in each other, and when they climaxed, it was together. Both their hips jerked erratically, each chasing their release, lamenting that the pleasure was over too soon.
Orm collapses on top of her. She brings her arms around him, scraping her fingers over the back of his scalp with one hand, and running the other up and down his back. He softened slowly inside her as they both bask in the afterglow. In the back of his mind, Orm knows Arthur is going to be pissed. But it’s like he said in the beginning, Arthur be damned.
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marvelgirlstories · 1 year
This is my first fanfic (posted on Tumblr)! Hope you like it. I will welcome suggestions to make it better ❤️
Have fun! 🥰
George Weasley x reader (female)
350 Words
Warnings: Bit of bad language, crying
Lots of fluff ♥️
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You were in the library, studying for a test. Yes, O.W.L.s were happening and you had potions tomorrow. Of course you were nervous as fuck, because you were terrible at potions. Suddenly someone hugged you from behind and you squealed. You were so concentrated, that you didn't find someone behind you. "George", you groaned. You didn't mean to be rude but you've been sat at the same table for hours and you were really tired. "Hey, gorgeous. Grumpy are we?", he asked, as he moved you round so you were facing him."Sorry.I've just been studying so much for potions and..." You trailed off as he hugged you again. "Hey, it's ok", he said rubbing circles on your back, knowing how stressed you were. "You're coming with me", he said lifting you up out of your chair. "But my work and..." He cut you of with a sweet kiss. Then, leaving your stuff behind l, he snuck you into his dorm.
Luckily there was nobody there. When you were there he set you down on his bed. "Now love, what's the matter?", he asked. Your heart melted at the simple question. He could tell there was something wrong. "I know you are hiding it, please tell me.", he added. And that sentence was the last straw. You broke. Everything that was on your mind came out, even if it made no sense at all. George, being a loving boyfriend, simply held you through your tears. After a while, when you had said everything that was on your mind, he pushed you back on the bed but never let go of you. "Don't worry, love. It will be all over in a couple of days and we can relax. You should get some sleep" "Don't leave me", you said. "Of course not, gorgeous"
You fell asleep very quickly and slept in his dorm the whole night. George made sure you were asleep before saying goodnight, pulling you in and after kissing your forehead, he fell asleep too.
Let's just say that after a good night's sleep you aces the potions O.W.L. with an E (Exceeds Expectations).
I hope you liked it. Sorry, it's so short. I am open for requests if anyone wants anything ❤️🩷
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punsmaster69 · 10 months
it's cold.
real cold.
you know what it also is?
not snowing.
needless to say, paps is bummed.
me as well, honestly.
too cold to even crack a window to let the smell in.
the rain smell, i mean.
(gotta be one of my favorite things.)
it's cold.
it's raining.
and nobody wants to go anywhere in all that.
so what do you do on an occasion like this?
play games with your bro on the couch all day.
what'd you expect?
oh. ok.
paps wants to write.
i can show you.
not even a little curious?
it 𝘪𝘴 a little complicated.
really hard.
probably can't do it, anyway.
i understand being intimidated.
it's quite the difficulty curve.
only real pros can accomplish this.
he's become a maniac.
he's obsessed.
keeps goin' through everything.
not yet.
he really is enjoying going out of bounds and seeing what he can find.
like i said,
he's become a maniac.
that sounds right.
welp. he's back to it.
wow. broken world pieces outside of the map. again.
gotta admit, it does look kinda weird.
not endlessly fascinating weird, but to each their own.
paps is way more entertained by all this than i ever have been.
glad he's having fun.
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siremasterlawrence · 11 months
The Handler’s Red Carpet Express 3 & 4
The success of my launch party with BAFTA aid is week known so my appearance at the lots of many Hollywood executives soon lead to submissions galore.
Part 1 - 2
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Tyler Hoechlin is magnetic walking across the red carpet tonight something has gotten into him that my spirit driving him ever on forward.
He smiles so bright the light glistening on his teeth he blows me the camera a kiss he is waving his hand and demanding so much attention.
No one has ever seen him so happy with the camera men before taking one position like pose one way other than that and the crowd is so exciting.
The lights of the camera crew flashes going on blinding him in a fleeing sea of lights on and off clicking away the sound messing with his head.
Everything begin to slow down to a cruel a heavy weight off his body is unleash in a shocking wave hitting him head on in a life of fire.
Another hot, sexy and beautiful steadily sturdy stud man stops next to him with love, light, power and passion consuming him in a white glow.
He spun a bit feeling the man’s arms on his shoulders letting it spread over the man’s entire width groping it he yanks him closer to his body.
The flashing conquers both wiping away all fears, worries and desires because all they can do is wait for further commands to be given.
The other man is former Titans star known as Brenton Thwaites is in the mood as well as I notice a cock sprang forward in his suit pants.
The active flesh overacting into a myriad of cum explosion his facial expression are trying to hide as his brain cell die out on live tv.
My reporter walks straight forward toward them as the crowd is pumped for this super star studded event and Tyler follows suit ok cumming.
The man guides them to side by the red and gold blinds shoving them in playfully as they join the ranks of my loyal Hollywood pets or slaves which ever you prefer.
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Inside there is a long set of stairs to the base of the bottom floor they both descend down the swirling staircase. Meanwhile two Men appearColton Haynes is at the welcoming desk he is getting a champagne glass as he takes a sip he can see silhouette in the shade of yeh red and gold blinds.
Australia star Brenton Thwaites walks on to the scene and soon the world stops making sense of anything and everything in utter life’s existence.
“Hey Colton over here buddy…what’s up?” Brenton yells at him.
“Hey Brenton! Waiting for the festivities?” Colton asks.
“Hell Yeah!” He says prepped for a high five.
“So do you even know what this is about?”
“To be honest no clue”
“Me Either! I am not sure why but…”
“You felt compacted to come”
“Exactly “
“Same here”
“Things are shaking up “
“You noticed then”
“I kind of like it actually I am embracing it”
“You are embracing your darkness”
“Oh God! Why am so hot?l
“Me too…I feel wet”
“Gentlemen! Excuse me ! Follow me please “
Part 3 - 4
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The time for fun has come and gone so the real party begins when Tom Ellis gets hit with a spotlight encroaching on him ever so closer.
Stephen Amell is standing right next to him in surprise they both stare at the crowd in a cool style give a shrug with their shoulders in disbelief
“Oh How Cute? Two best pals”
“Who is this?”
“Is this a prank”
“Trick Or Treat”
“Neither! Fuck Off”
“Mwahahahahaha “
“Sinister laugh you got their pal”
“I’m aware it’s just for you “
“My two good fellows…do me a favor and”
“I said to fuck ….”
“Ooooohhhh Mmmyyyy Goooodddd”
“The audience gasps”
“Perform routine debauchery”
“Yes Master!”
They start to smile hands on each other in a warm embrace, a jaw dropping kiss, clothes disrobing in to the air, and most importantly a whip transports in to Tom’s hand and he whips his pals ass till it is red.
“Thank you and goodnight everyone “
“Say goodnight guys “
“Goodnight friends “
“Take A Bow”
They take a bow disappearing into the night in a flash of smoke slowly filling the room to the top and memory of this event is erased throughout the world.
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“Enjoy your stay Mr. Evans” the hotel bell hop says to an exhausted Chris.
He fell a sleep unknowingly ceiling his faith at the Circus Hotel chain with a bright smile to his face his expression is silly after the night he had.
A strange looking clown pops out undoing his pants slowly stripping him and the lifting him into his arms and pressing the elevator to the basement.
“Master Lawrence, Chris is E is fast a sleep for you.”
“Place him in the elevator shaft “
“Press basement, clear the room of any and all evidence.”
“Yes Master”
“We are leaving now”
“Too perfect “
The elevator door descending to the cellar of the basement takes its time lights up in all manner of collar stirring Chris awake as he rubs his eyes.
Chris comes to laying on the floor he sat up placing his back to the wall his laborious breathing lessons and he returns to a sight for me.
He starts to widen his mouth into a smile and he cracks up hilariously for the world to see in this video he stands up bouncing wall to wall.
“Hahahahahahaha…the fuck…what is so…”
“Soooooohhhhhaaaa….i am going insane”
“Nah! It’s normal “ a voice comes from the speaker”
“The elevator is talking…hahahaha”
“It’s right this natural and right “
“Chris Hemsworth”
“Wawwhhhaaaattt” he answers in slumber as his body rises.
“Stand by the wall”
The wall at the touch of his back spins him to the opposite side of the wall into the shaft to join his friend.
“Barrel of laughs you two”
“Why are we laughing”
“I don’t know “
“It feels good though”
“Give in”
“Let’s go mad together “
“We can’t stop it”
“We can’t help it”
The end
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atreyuinthemidle2 · 1 year
Ok so I'm going to post this and if you want to read the other my watpad is
@ atreyu_in_the_middle
corey taylor x reader
Word count:591
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"my brother is going to be there he's taking care of us my parents are out of town" b/f/n said grabbing on to the straps on his back pack.
"Which one and do we really need a babysitter" I question.
"Corey my parents sure think so" they say. I can feel the butterflies in my stomach I've always liked corey. He's sweet and gentle and must I add extremely talented.
We walk In the house greeted by craig he's on of corey's friend.
"Hey" b/f/n said to let know our presence
Corey walks in and from the kitchen. "hey guys you've met my friend craig before".
Me and b/f/n answer "yeah".
"were going to go finish the project bye" b/f/n says r
As he walks up the stairs
I wave bye to the two boys in the living room and follow b/f/n
"bye" corey and Craig say.
We get all the the stuff we been to finish the project and start (idk on what) Corey occasionally check on us
"We're done" b/f/n says.
"Finally" corey says while leaning on the door frame."do you guys want dinner.
"Yes please" you say exsostid and walking down stairs
"Alright go sit down" corey says
He brings out bowls of Mac and cheese
"Your food is served my lady" corey said putting a bowl in front of me looking dead in my eyes
I blush a bit god his eyes are so easy to fall in and never get out.
"Thanks Corey"
"Your welcome" he gives a light smiles
"I'm going to be in my room if y'all need me" corey says walking out the room.
"Do you like my brother" b/f/n whispers
"No ew"
"I don't lie"
We finish our food and getting ready for bed.
"Don't fuck my brother while I'm asleep"
"I don't like him b/f/n"
"Alright but if you do were protection"
"Okay goodnight"
I then pull the blanket over me and fall asleep.
I jolt up waking from a nightmare. I've been having a lot of them here lately.
I get up and go to the kitchen to get myself a glass of water.
I grab a glass from the cabinet turn on the fosit.
"Whatcha doin up" it's Corey
"Just getting water"
"Are you okay y/n"
"Yeah why"
"Everytime you stay here your always up never sleeping well and you look upset"
"Well I've been having nightmares"
"Oh I'm sorry Would you like to sleep in my bed with me"
"No I couldn't"
"Fne why not"
I follow corey to his room. we lay face to face his eyes piercing through mine.
"y/n I've been wanting to tell you this for a little bit now" corey says grabbing your hands. "but I haven't been able to get it to words that make sense but I love you"
I feel the butterflies in my stomach once again "corey I love you too"
" Good that means I can do this" he kisses my lip just a short one but god did it feel good.
I lean up and kiss him again this time longer his lips are chapped but taste so good
We finally break away from the kiss
"Good night beautiful"
I snuggle in to his chest "night"
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itsaash · 11 months
Hamptons Cubs: Midnight
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Prompt credit to @noots-fic-fests and character credit to @lumosinlove!
Today we're back to the Hamptons featuring some boys just trying to figure it out
Rated M, 1900 words, Read on ao3, if you prefer
Finn didn’t know what to do with his heart. It was 8 sizes too big and yet felt like it was in a vice. He wanted to pull it out and put it on ice and turn it fucking down .
Logan was in his house. With Leo. Going into Leo’s bedroom with him after an awkward evening of talking about careers and apartments and absolutely not college.
Leo must have made himself dizzy from all the darting around his eyes were doing, between the other two men, who were dancing on conversational thin ice. Finn didn’t blame Leo for yawning and pulling Logan into his bedroom with a kind goodnight. Finn had retreated to his own room and tried to force himself to sleep, hoping it would all make more sense in the morning.
But all Friday Logan had been with Leo in the kitchen like an adorable snarky shadow, and god, they were so cute together. Between frittatas and pasta salad and paninis Finn saw Logan cleaning up behind Leo like he was made for it. He saw Leo laughingly take a steak knife out of Logan’s hand (that he was trying to cut peppers with) and guide him to the sink full of dishes instead, with a kiss to the curve of his neck that forced himself to walk away from watching.
Friday, Saturday, Sunday passed with Finn trying to work, trying to not see the extra love that was cooked into their meals with the presence of Logan being around Leo. His parents loved having someone new there and at any meal they ate all together it was easy enough to stay polite but quiet. To only see the love shimmering between Leo and Logan out of the corner of his eyes because to look at it full on felt like it would burn his retinas like the sun.
Logan and Leo .
On Sunday after a dinner of grilled local sausages, a green salad from the garden, and smashed potatoes, Finn grew the courage to offer to help with dishes. Missing the time he usually had with Leo felt like a gaping opening in his heart and so he shuffled into the kitchen and settled in at the sink, aiming for casual.
“Oh hey Finn, thanks sugar. You might want to leave that pan soaking for a bit yet, the meat got nice and stuck on there.”
“Sounds good Leo, happy to help,” Finn said, holding his hands under the running water for just a breath.
“Busy weekend? Seems like you had a lot of work to do,” Leo asked.
“Hmm? Oh, oh, yeah. I didn’t get done what I wanted to this week, so I was trying to catch up. I got put on a new book recently. It’s a really great project, but I’ve just kind of … stuck on it lately, for some reason.”
Reasons including: it’s hard to focus on editing when his mind wasn’t sure what year it was, was time travelling every time he looked up and saw Logan.
Leo nodded in understanding as he finished bringing the dirty dishes to the sink. He put away the leftovers in silence as they worked together for a while. Finn took a deep breath as he scrubbed the extra dirty pan.
“I’m guessing Logan told you all about how he saved me in that history class, huh?”
Leo propped a hip against the counter near Finn, relaxed with his arms crossed. “Well he was actually pretty sure you saved him, so I guess it sounds like you helped each other.”
Finn dropped the sponge and turned to Leo, his breath heaving.
“I’m sorry,” Finn blurted out.
Leo cocked his head to the side, eyes soft. “For what?”
“That I kissed your boyfriend,” Finn said in a rush, making it sound like all one word.
“Oh sugar, Finn, don’t apologise. It’s ok. It was ages ago, I didn’t even know him then.” He picked up a towel and started drying the cookware Finn had washed before continuing. “I’m actually really glad you had each other. It makes me happy to think about the two of you studying, helping each other out.”
Finn managed a half smile at the thought of his and Logan’s study session.
“Is it ok that we’re here, Finn? If it’s weird, it’s totally fine. We can head home for the week. You’ve been … quiet …. this weekend and we really aren’t trying to mess up your week.” Leo hesitated. “Not to get in the middle of it, but Logan did mention you might feel like he ghosted you. Or that maybe you feel some anger towards him?”
“No, no! Did he say that?” Finn ran both hands through his hair, getting it wet, and took a deep breath, shaking his head. “I don’t remember it that way. Please, stay. I was surprised, like shock and awe , like get me a fainting couch type surprised. And I think it made me seize up a bit. But I see the two of you are really happy, it’s so sweet. Please, stay. Have a fun week out of the city.” Finn turned and finished cleaning the last dish and dried his hands.
Leo smiled, towel moving slowly over the dish in his hand. “Thanks Finn. That means a lot to me.”
Finn nodded and turned, meaning to head upstairs. That was about as much of confronting this weirdness that he could handle for today. Logan might be back in from his conversation with his parents at any time.
“And Finn?” Leo called. He turned back, leaning against the wall, hip popped out, listening. “Don’t avoid us, okay? If you don’t want to? I promise there’s no hard feelings on our end.” Finn just gave a small smile and nod, but the worried look lifted, just a bit, before he turned to go upstairs.
Logan had been helping Leo and between frittatas and his pasta salad and peach pie they had been busy all weekend. Logan was so impressed by his boyfriend, was soaking up every moment of watching Leo in his element, and with a backdrop worthy of a postcard too. Leo had even let Logan peel the peaches and mix the salad, although mostly Logan cleaned and organised and prepared while Leo cooked.
But, Finn. Logan didn’t know what to think. The shock had faded somewhat in the past two days of helping Leo with meals. It was a busy gig, an easy distraction. But then he’d glance out the window and catch a glimpse of Finn’s red hair out the window, amidst the beautiful garden and sprawling lawn. And his heart would stutter and he’d forget where he was for a moment. He’d think of books and candles and highlighters until he looked at Leo. Then reality would spin itself around him again and he’d kiss his boyfriend on the cheek as he walked to the fridge to put something away and tried to live in the present.
Sunday night they sat outside to watch the sunset, it wasn’t fully dark until nearly 10, and they sipped their drinks and watched the colour fade from the garden and flowers and trees as colours bloomed across the sky instead. And then those faded too, and the stars started sparkling out of nothingness. They sat in loungers beside each other, gaze shifting from the horizon to the sky. Leo’s hand was still warm in his with blankets over both of them.
Logan turned his head from the stars to Leo, just as awed by the sight of his love, even in the dim light.
“So are we staying the week still?”
Leo hummed. “Yeah, Finn said he wants us to. You ok with it? It’s ok if you’re not.”
Logan took a moment to trace his eyes over Leo’s cupid bow as he collected his thoughts. “I still want to. It’s beautiful here, and I have some guilt about how I treated Finn, but really I have nothing but good memories of him.”
“Yeah? You ready to talk more about it?”
Logan took in the stars. Orion’s Belt, the Big Dipper, the sparkling dots that could tell any story, told them all. When he had gathered his thoughts from the spaces between the stars, he went on.
“It was just a few months. But it’s burned into my mind like when you close your eyes after looking at something too bright. Finn is … bright.”
Leo chuckled and nodded at that, Logan squeezed his hand three times.
“Really, we pretty much just studied. We were in the zone, essay writing and memorising,” Logan continued. “Then we went to a party, and we kissed.” He set his head back against the lounge chair. “And Le, it was such a good kiss. It was a long, beautiful, hot kiss.” Logan sighed. “And I think I said something like I’m not gay ? And then the semester was pretty much over, and I was scared, and I didn’t call for months. And when I did, his number had changed.”
Leo reached over and took Logan’s hand in both of his, running his thumb in circles. 
“And I kissed boys after that, and slept with girls, and never felt a hint of the spark I had with him.” He turned his head towards Leo. “Until I met you, of course.” Logan turned onto his side and ran his fingertips down Leo’s cheek. “Remember? We talked, and ate, and when you kissed me, there were the sparks of sunshine filling every part of me.”
Leo smiled, and gripped his hand tighter. “I’m glad you had each other, love. That sounds lovely, and kind of really sad.”
Logan smiled a half smile. “I love you so much. Leo, you are the light of my life. I kissed Finn, one evening, years ago. Today, I’m with you and I want you .”
Leo smiled and they leaned across the small space between chairs to press their lips together.
“You want to stay?” Leo asked.
“Yeah, I do. Let’s have our little vacation, let’s relax, and eat, enjoy the scenery,” he said, waving a hand vaguely around at the dark.
Leo’s watch beeped, midnight.
They sat in the deep quiet for a minute, hands connected between the chairs.
“You told me once your first kiss with a guy had been in college. Was that Finn then?” Leo asked softly into the darkness.
“Oui, soleil, it was.” He made the move to forgo his chair in favour of joining Leo in his. He climbed on top of Leo, pressing them chest to chest. “You were my first everything else, though.”
He leaned down and pressed their lips together and Leo tilted his head up into the kiss.
“I tried with other people in college, but it was never right, never felt good, until it was you,” Logan peppered Leo’s face with kisses. The darkness hugged them as they kissed, making them feel like the only people in the world.
Logan pressed a deep kiss down to Leo's lips, leaving him breathless. Then he stood, one leg on either side of the chair, and pulled Leo’s body down the lounge chair until his hips were near the edge. His long legs sprawled off the end onto the soft grass. Logan backed up and dropped to his knees under the midnight bright stars. The grass was only darkness, but was soft under his knees, cool in contrast to the hard heat that was soon filling his mouth.
“I love this, I never get to make you come on Sundays,” Logan murmured against his skin.
Leo huffed a laugh, arching his back involuntarily. “I think it is Monday by now, baby, ahhh.”
Logan just hummed and swallowed in response.
Leo could hardly see Logan through the darkness, but the stars twinkling in the sky kept him company when stars sparked and exploded behind his eyes.
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