#the craving for adventure
seagull-scribbles · 1 year
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𝔄𝔱 𝔩𝔞𝔰𝔱, 𝔰𝔥𝔢Ⴆҽ ɱį̷̩̠̯͇̆͗͂̕n̸̥̩̬̈́̀̃͝ͅͅe - ̴̧͇̻̳͚͕͉̱͚͇͐̍͛̈́m̵̛͇̓̌̋͂͆̒̇í̴̫̠́̓͗̂͝n̴̛͕̺̳͕̼͙͖̓́̈͊̑͛͂͠e̴̢͚̙̹̝̪̾͌̃̑̔̔͆͝ ̶̬̐̔̃̈́͊͗̄̏̔͘f̵̢̟̻̰̼̲̄͋͗̇̚͝ǫ̴͇̙͚͓̦̭̳̰̘̅̔͋̉r̷͙̬͍̐͆̇͊̃̕͠͝ẽ̵̡͔̘̺̝͇̻͇̄̂̌̈́̕ͅv̵̡̺̭̟̠̳̯̤͈͚̋̇̋ḙ̴̣̟̱̣̼̿̿͋̒͒̕͘͝͠͠ͅͅͅr
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htub · 11 months
I really like that they made Jor-El speak Kryptonian and Clark unable to understand him. The whole "aliens speak English" thing that happens in every goddamn media has bothered me all my life. Ik sometimes Clark just gets zapped in the brain for insta-second language but that always felt like a cheap shortcut.
Jor-El had a lot on his mind when he set up that magic spaceship okay. The world was ending and he was trying to do as much as he could before time ran out so he could be there for his son. He was rushing. He likely didn't consider Kal would be raised with a whole different language and not know any Kryptonian nor have anyone to teach him.
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sammym332 · 9 months
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the dead one. yeah, i havent thought about her in a long time
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hoezier · 5 months
There's something at the tip of my tongue about the parallels between Jackie and Wilson and Who We Are
How the narrator of Jackie and Wilson wants to run away with a woman that he's carved out of his imagination based on a brief interaction. How they would try the world, but good god it wasn't for them. So they run away from it into a fantasy world where they live by their own rules.
And then comes the narrator of Who We Are, who dreamt his whole life of finding someone who would hold him like water or like a knife, only to find that running away from the world will only get them so far, since "the hardest part is who we are". And only to find out that the "phantom life" he's fantasized about is actually just that: a phantom. And its absence sharpens like a knife
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sabertoothwalrus · 10 months
How’s that vindication
and like. this was kind of already my headcanon. I was already believing all this. But something about the canon validation is ;; getting to me o(-<
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fictionadventurer · 27 days
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This AV Club comment is making me so desperate to write a romcom, you have no idea.
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utterlyyinfatuated · 1 year
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🎶Why can’t you want me like the other boys do?
They stare at me while I crave you. 🎶
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cathchicken · 7 months
Some concepts for more swap stuff
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Tonight, lights out. Tomorrow, your eyes out!!!!!!!!!!
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idcfriend · 22 days
Ok so as I've said previously i really...really...REALLY like misunderstanding tropes so...
I was thinking...what if I made a yandere fic about a reader who is transported into a fantasy world where as they continue they're journey they get midtsken for some powerful/ancient being of some sort (I'll think of something...probably...might make different versions of the reader _( :⁍ 」∠)_)
Slowly but surely they amass a sort of cult like following(it won't be anything as extreme as whole continents or realms/kingdoms) that based on how the reader acts...and some very VERY old text(definitely not planted there by the reader's system that just wants to do it's best to help their host ≥∇≤(they view the reader as sort of a parental figure)) (an: since you know technically the system would be a literal child mentally)
And while trying there best to fit in the more not human/normal they seem and the poor system while trying they're best isn't helping...
But anyways i plan on making a full worldbuilding fic with this...let's hope i don't forget/abandone this...
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hella1975 · 2 years
tolkien was so clever when he called the shire that bc like that’s the most shire shire I’ve ever seen you’ve got annoying relatives you’ve got gossipy neighbours you’ve got farms and fields and pure countryside you’ve got alcoholism you’ve got some weird donny setting off fireworks. that’s a shire alright
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mercymaker · 16 days
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i'm weeping she is literally a baby here 🥺😭
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redrobin-detective · 6 months
the first language
Touch comes before sight, before speech. It is the first language and the last, and it always tells the truth. ~ Margaret Atwood
"Simon! Simon!" Finn shouted excitedly as he and Jake burst into Simon's house. Well it had technically been Marcy's first but though it's only been a few months since Simon became human again, it felt like it had always been their place. "Wait until you hear about this crazy wild monster we foug-"
"Stop," Simon commanded, peeking around from around the kitchen wall to give them a light glare, his lips pressed together in a line. He and Jake froze midstep. Finn was a bold teenage adventurer who took orders from no monster, king or extraterrestrial entity. Until Simon, only PB could boss them around and even that wasn't a sure thing. The older human flicked his eyes over them with an unimpressed stare that made Finn want to shrink into himself. Even without powers or magic, Simon was way more intimidating than Ice King. 
"You boys are filthy and I just cleaned up the place." Simon sighed and rubbed at his eyes underneath his glasses. "There's a hose outside, wash off the worst of the dirt and other various stains. I'll leave towels on the porch and for god's sake take off your shoes before you come in."
"Yeah okay, sorry Simon," Finn said, trudging outside and turning on the hose to spray down his arms and legs. Now that he looked, they were pretty gnarly covered in mud and monster guts.
"Simon's kinda like a mom, dontcha think?" Jake added as Finn sprayed him down with the hose. He laughed as Jake guzzled some of the water and spat it back at him. 
"I mean I guess," Finn shrugged, pointing the hose up so they both were getting rained on. "It's kinda nice you know, to be fussed over. It's different."
"I fuss over you," Jake frowned.
"I know man and I appreciate it," Finn said, showing his appreciation by spraying Jake in the face. "I can't explain it but it's different with Simon, kind of like how you and Lady have your own thing going on that's special but separate from what you and I have."
"Yeah okay," Jake responded. "Is that why you insist on stopping by to see him anytime we're in the area?" Finn didn't answer, instead impressing Jake but wiggling the hose to make it look like a snake. They continued to laugh and splash each other with the water until Simon stepped outside and hung some towels on the porch.
"When you're done playing, I have hot chocolate waiting for you. Then you can tell me all about your latest adventure," Simon smiled before stepping back inside. Finn whooped and rushed over to turn off the hose. Hopefully Marcy wouldn't be back before all the water on her porch and front lawn dried. 
They toweled off and Finn did remember to take off his shoes before entering the house. The place looked different from when it was just Marcy living there. The small loveseat had been exchanged for a bigger couch along with some mismatched armchairs. A keyboard was propped in the corner next to Marcy's bass. The house was cleaner, more organized with Simon around. It really felt like a home.
Simon was at the stove, stirring something in a pot as they took their seats at the kitchen table. Their assigned mugs were set out for them and snacks were on a large plate in the middle. He and Jake dug in. Simon came up behind them and poured the hot chocolate into their mugs from the pot and sat down, pouring his own cup.
"Finn, your hat still has blood on it," Simon noted, taking a sip. "How do you usually clean it?" 
"Oh uh you know, I usually just rinse it off and if it gets too grody or it comes to life, I go skin another bear," Finn said awkwardly. Simon nodded as if he expected such an answer and excused himself to go get something.
"Ohhhh Finn's in trouble with Mommmm," Jake sang under his breath and Finn kicked him under the table. Simon returned with a box of something before it could escalate into a full out foot war.
"Animal skin usually requires special care, it's doubtful those products exist anymore so we can also use shampoo to get some of those stains out. May I?" Simon asked, holding his hand out.
"Oh yeah, thanks, Simon," Finn said pulling off his hat which caused his long hair to flop against his shirt with a wet plop. Jake snickered, it was probably getting time to cut it again. Like his hat, it was getting dirty and tangled, easier to just shave it all off. Simon turned on the sink and began gently washing the hat. 
"I've talked a bit to your mother and some of the other Islanders and the history of humanity and the animals hats post-apocalypse really is interesting," Simon lectured. "The hats originally were intended to keep people warm in the elements but evolved to protect humans from vampiric attack, covering their vulnerable neck area. Even when vampires went extinct, humans continued to wear the skins as a form of cultural identity."
"Mom uh Jake and I's Mom said I was wearing a hat like that when they found me. It used to be the only clue I had about where I came from so I kept making similar hats in case someone was looking for me." Finn took a long sip from his cocoa to avoid the look Jake was giving him. He wasn't usually one for sentiment but hanging out with Simon usually made those deep inside feelings spill out.
"Okay, we'll just let that soak and- Finn," Simon said before turning around and sighing. "Finn, your hair is a mess. I keep telling you it's not healthy to jam your hair in that hat 24/7. Your scalp needs to breathe, especially with all the running around you do. Here," he grabbed the towel from earlier and wrapped it around Finn's shoulders. "Let me wash it for you and try to work out the worst of mess."
"Oh uh you don't have to it's fine, I'll take care of it when I'm home," Finn stumbled, embarrassed. Ice King had been a mess but Simon always looked so put together. It made Finn a bit self conscious but then again, until recently, he didn't have any other humans to compare himself to. Simon gently guided Finn back to the chair, tilting his head back. 
"I want to," Simon smiled from his upside gaze. "I used to do this all the time for Marcy. Besides, we humans have to take care of each other after all." Simon poured some shampoo in his hands and went to work on Finn's hair. The feel of fingers scrubbing at his roots, running through the length of his hair and massaging those sensitive, untouched areas of his head made him go boneless. Finn groaned, worried that his bones had become soup and he'd slide right out of the chair and into a puddle on the floor. He can't remember ever feeling so relaxed in his life.
"Oh my glob Finn, are you alright? What did you do to him?" Jake demanded but Finn barely noticed. He felt like he was in the 47th Dead World or something where everything was good and nothing hurt.  
"Head massages are relaxing to humans," Simon paused in his scrubbing and Finn moaned in disappointment. "Has he never had one of these before?"
"Mom and Dad used to pet us and I do it to Finn sometimes when he's upset," Jake defended.
"He's not a dog," Simon said, some unnameable emotion in his voice. "I'm sorry, I suppose I'm taking for granted what it was like to live in a society designed by and for humans. Finn, I'm going to rinse out your hair and start working on these knots. You really should work on maintaining your hair if you're going to keep it long. It's such a lovely color and texture."
"Hmm don't really know what to do with it, no one really had hair like mine," Finn mumbled as Simon rinsed the shampoo out.
"I suppose so and Marcy's is much thicker and textured requiring different styling," Simon mused out loud as he massaged some thick goop and gently, so gently, began working out the knots. Finn could die here happily. Jake hummed and stretched himself so he could see what Simon was doing.
"What's that stuff?"
"Conditioner or my best homemade equivalent with honey, olive oil and milk. It softens and moisturizes the hair and scalp. It will help prevent the hair from tangling so easily and overall keep it healthier, especially if he's going to continue to wear his signature hat," Simon explained. They chatted easily about human grooming methods while Finn's eyelids fluttered in relaxation, drifting in and out of the conversation as the comb made long, easy swipes through his hair before rinsing it out again. He loved his Mom and Dad, knew they did his best with him but he knows he missed out on something being raised by dogs. If he could recapture even a little bit of that missing piece with Simon...
"Finn? You still with us? Ground Control to Major Tom?" Simon teased, gently tapping at Finn's forehead. Finn blinked up at him. "What do you want me to do with it? I can braid it, put it in a ponytail, leave it flat." Finn wasn't ready to stop being touched.
"Braid please," he said quietly, sighing in contentment as Simon began combing and separating the strands.
"I'll write some notes on how to best care for it. Maybe next time you talk to your mother, you can get some ideas on what they've have been doing since I was last around." He paused in his braiding. "There's so much to being human, Finn, both past and present. Maybe it's selfish of me but I want you to proud of who you are. You may not be the last human anymore but that just means you're not alone. And we're done, not bad considering it's been about a millennia since I did my last braid."
With great reluctance, Finn raised himself up from the back of the chair. His braided hair was still wet but it felt cleaner and lighter than it had in a long time. Moreover, tension Finn didn't even realize had been in his neck, head and shoulders was gone. Jake suddenly popped into his vision.
"Bro, you look so pretty also like you just had the best rest of your life," he smiled awkwardly. "So is this like human equivalent of getting scratched in that itchy spot behind your ears? I guess that didn't really do anything for you, huh?" Finn smiled and reached up to scratch Jake's ears, smiling wider when Jake's tongue lolled out in satisfaction when Finn got to the right spot. 
"So I'm still waiting to hear about this monster you two got so dirty defeating," Simon added, cleaning up his supplies. Finn and Jake regaled Simon with the story of the evil monster they'd fought which had been terrorizing the Goblin Kingdom. Finn had felt tired initially but was reinvigorated, animatedly reenacting the epic battle. They finished their cocoa as Simon discussed his own research into the history of Ooo. They decided to head out soon after as BMO was probably getting lonely back at the house. Simon handed Finn his now cleaned hat and a container of the hair products he'd used.
"The animal skin needs to dry fully before you put it back on but it should be good by tomorrow. You should wash your hair when it's dirty or at minimum every few days. Shampoo first, rinse then a small amount of conditioner before rinsing that out too. And do try to keep your head uncovered every now and again," Simon said, before patting Finn's shoulder. "You can call or stop by anytime if you have questions about anything."
Finn had searched his whole life for answers, for comfort, for someone like him. His dad had been a massive wad and his mom was nice but disconnected. But the former sad wizard he used to beat up had shown him the best way to wash his hair. Life was funny like that. He couldn't wait to see what it was going to throw at him next.
"You're gonna regret saying that because I have about a bajillion questions."
"I'll do my best to answer them, after all, we've got all the time in the world." 
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whumpshaped · 1 year
i love. all powerful whumpers. i know i talk about this a lot but i just really absolutely love when a whumper controls every aspect of whumpee's life. not even as a human, but more as a god. a being so far above whumpee that they genuinely have no chance of fighting back.
maybe whumper literally created whumpee, and is now playing with them like a puppet. and whumpee is forced to bump into the invisible walls of their confined world over and over again, realising again and again that they can only ever go as far as whumper allows.
and maybe... sometimes... whumpee thinks they have outwitted whumper. they find a little loophole, a glitch in the matrix, a tear in the fabric of their artificial reality. they take the opportunity immediately, thinking they're about to be free... only to end up as a pawn in whumper's game yet again. the opening was put there on purpose, specifically for whumpee to find. and where it led was entirely controlled. and whumper enjoyed every second of this delightful little show of whumpee feeling some hope, only for it to be violently ripped away.
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arctic-hands · 9 months
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fictionadventurer · 5 months
Potential January Reading:
A Bell for Adano by John Hersey
The Foxhole Victory Tour by Amy Lynn Green
The Long Winter by Laura Ingalls Wilder
Something by Pope Benedict XVI/Joseph Ratzinger
A classic (new-to-me or reread)
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idcfriend · 10 months
Ok so I've been thinking about a someone from our world getting sent to another attracting various yanderes for like a week now so hear it is
What if you were get transported to another world where for whatever reason people just keep misunderstanding you?
Now i personally think it can go in quite a few directions but the ones i like the most are the following!:
1. You get mistaken for a villain but there's a catch people think you've had a tragic past (partly because of how you explain things and how you act but what would you expect? you're from a different world literally! Of course there's gonna be some things lost in translation!) and are getting your revenge on the world! Some try to help you "heal" so that you no longer do bad while others whole heartedly encourage you to "take revenge"
2. you're seen as something "abnormal" in that world wether that means your simply not human or your actions cause a major culture clash depends on how you're perceived
- for a non human protag i personally like where your transported as a spirit do to you dying in our world, this causes major misunderstandings with those that come across you. For some reason they believe you to be a powerful spirit with knowledge of the unknown (mostly do to how much time you spent at your local library or deep diving into the internet because for some reason all the myths and stories you read are useful to them? But seriously you discovered some scarring things while deep diving *shudder* never again)
- as for it being more because of culture difference i'm gonna pull the "they can't understand you because of the difference in language" trope like for real you could be talking about how some people place beads and stuff in their hair or showing them your tattoos and they mistake it as some sort of tradition or right of passage your people do (extra points if for some reason your wearing some type of native or traditional clothing) or you're telling- or more miming about how your dog was almost run over and they think it's you telling them about one of your myths or beliefs of your culture (like they think your people believe in some sort of beast god or something) stuff like that
So yeah there's my current hyperfiction! But anyways comment if that's something you'd want to see more of!
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