#the cutest lil guy 🥺
minzbins · 3 months
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vulcanette · 10 months
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mjtheartist04 · 1 month
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And The best part about this official art (besides genya) that made me so much more happier, Is that tulips are my favorite flowers🥹🌷💕…
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mushtoons · 2 years
@mightourge a lad, a boy child 👉👈
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melancholicdavi · 1 month
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tsimvkas · 10 months
our life changing moment — mason mount.
A/N: hi!! it’s the first time i post a imagine here :) english is not my first language so forgive me for any mistakes. i’d like to thank Sid, the first one to read this and encourage me to post 🥺 hope you all enjoy it! and please feel free to share your thoughts about it with me xx
lil note: i know mason’s number seven is probably bc of beck but i used cristiano just so the teasing would makes sense
word count: 5.7k | masterlist
content: pregnancy, fluff, mild angst, mention of sexual act
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Your boyfriend stared at the pregnancy test, stroking your waist while the pair of you waited for the result. You were sitting on the bathroom sink and Mason was comfortable between your legs, your head resting at his shoulder.
You always watch these videos where the woman takes the test all by herself and then comes up with a surprise for the father. A box with baby clothes, a tiny shoe or even a cake with some written at the top. If the test shows that you are in fact pregnant, it would be nice telling Mase that way, but honestly? You were too scared to do it on your own.
“I’m probably ruining your chance to find this out in a cool way” you whispered, gulping.
“What do you mean babe? This is a nice way”
“I should surprise you with the tiniest sneaker in the world and a note. You shouldn’t be the one reading the result? It doesn’t feel right.
“You know Y/N, just because it isn't common in our society to see fathers participating that way it doesn’t mean that it’s wrong. If you’re pregnant then it’s our child. What doesn’t feel right to me is you thinking I should wait for you to tell me instead of us both discovering together. What about you? You take the test all by yourself and then proceeds to figure out nice ways to tell everyone? And who surprises you?”
“Why you always have to be this cute?” you looked up at him feeling your eyes watering.
He is definitely the sweetest boy you have ever met. You both started dating four years ago, being introduced by a friend in common, Sophia, his mate’s girlfriend and your best friend.
Soph presented you both at a club, a Chelsea reunion that she invited you to.
“That’s my bestie, Y/N” she said to Mason, and he grinned, staring at your eyes. “And this is the guy I told you about, bug”
You remember that you wished you could disappear, and the way he smiled at you suggestively just made everything worse.
“What exactly you told her about me, Soph?” he chuckled, finally greeting you with a quick hug, his hand shameless resting on your waist.
You weren't surprised when later that night, at the comfort of your house, you received a flirting text even though he never asked for your number.
Saying yes to a date with him was inevitable. You were so attracted to him. His beauty, the brown hair that was almost on his eyes, the big nose and red lips. The silly jokes, the way he was always smiling at you and the warmth of his hands at your lower back, guiding you.
A first date became two dates, and then he kissed you on the third one.
You never forgot how that kiss felt. The way he was holding you made everything burn and you’re not proud to say that you were totally turned on with just a kiss. Yes, you could’ve ridden him at that moment and he obviously noted.
Since then, you saw all of his sides. Cute Mason, cocky Mason, angry Mason. And you fell in love with every single one of them.
Falling in love with Mason was the funniest and cutest thing that ever happened to you. It was slowly, peaceful. He always made you feel like the most important person in the world, just like he was doing right now.
“Nooo babe, don’t cry” Mason tried not to laugh, knowing how crazy your hormones have been. For him, you didn’t even needed that test.
“Have you seen the result already?” you questioned, trying to keep yourself calm. You always wanted a baby, and that’s something you and Mount had agreed since the beginning of the relationship.
Of course you would love to see a mini version of your boyfriend waking up the pair of you, or a little girl for Mason to be protective about, but right now a pregnancy wasn’t something you were thinking about, which means it was totally unplanned.
“Look at me” Mason said with a soft tone, stroking your chin. You obeyed, staring at his perfect eyes. The way they’re sparkling you didn’t even need an answer. “We’ll be fine, sunshine”
You felt your heart skip a beat. All you could think about was that this couldn’t be happening right now. There’s so many things you wanted to do before being a mom.
A guilty feeling was spreading all over your body. At the same time that you didn’t wanted this to happen right now, it was your baby. You couldn’t think such things about it.
But… it will grow inside of you. And there will be nausea. A lot of pain and messed up hormones. Cries for no reason, weird food combinations. Your body will triple in size. And then, one day, it will have to get out of your belly somehow. And none of the options calms you down.
“Y/N? You need to breathe, babe. Uhum, take a deep breath with me” Mason tried to help you, his fingers tracing circles in your back.
You followed his instructions, and minutes after the initial shock you felt fear.
“I’m not sure I can do this” you whispered in his shoulder, not brave enough to look him in the eyes. When your crying intensified, Mason brought a hand to your head and scratched your scalp gently.
“I can’t tell you what you can or cannot face, love. It’s your body going to change, and it’s not up to me to dictate what you can handle with. What I can tell is that I’ll be there to help you. And that I do believe that you can do this, yeah. In my opinion, you can do anything”
“Can I- I’m sorry, can I have a moment? Alone?”
“Of course you can” his voice was lower and calm and your mind kept saying that you didn’t deserve him.
“I know I wasn’t supposed to react like that and we should be hugging and celebrating but instead you’re comforting me-“
“Y/N, stop using other people's experience as a parameter. We’re not them, ok? You’re allowed to feel the way you’re feeling. It’s a baby, inside of you. It’s a big thing. I’ll clean here and make dinner, just let me know when I can join you again”
You nodded, feeling guilty. It was obvious you weren’t doing this the right way. The father of your kid was right in front of you after discovering he’ll be a dad and all you say to him is that you wanna be alone for a little bit. Sounds selfish.
You walk to your shared bedroom and lay down comfortably under the mattress. You know you will love this baby and have a beautiful family but right now you just need to cry yourself out, mourning the old you. The one without responsibilities over a child.
Mason cleaned the sink and went down to make dinner. He wasn’t mad about your reaction, because he saw it happen at his family once. After Summer, Jaz wasn’t totally ready to be a mom of two, and although the world expects a woman to always feel happy about conceiving a baby, he understands that is not that simple.
He couldn’t lie though — he felt happy. To be a father was reason enough, but to be the father of your children? He couldn’t wait for it.
The pair of you have been in a healthy and strong relationship over the past four years, you saw the worst of him during his last season at Chelsea, moved in with him to Manchester and supported him through the whole transfer situation. He thought that there wasn’t any way he could fell even more for you, but this was proved wrong when he saw the positive test earlier.
Mason was always aware of his own privileges and that’s why he respected the way you felt about being pregnant. While your entire life is about to change, his could still be the same, only with a little addition.
But he is not that kind of man, and if your life is going to change then his life it’s going to change as well.
An hour later, you felt like you had already cried all the water in your body. Missing your man but without energy enough to scream for him, you texted Mase.
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When he got upstairs, Mason entered the bedroom slowly. He put the bowl with strawberries on the desk before laying down beside you, his arms reaching your waist.
“Daughter, uh? You’re feeling better?” his voice was soft and he peppered kisses on your shoulder, smiling when you melted against him.
“Yeah” you nodded, “I just needed a second. I’m sorry boo”
“Don’t be. You know that- if you don’t feel ready, you don’t have to go with it. I would never force you into this. Even tho I’m going to do everything I’m capable of, it’s clear that your life will change more than mine for obvious reasons. If you don’t want this for now, I can’t accept that” His voice crackled, and you knew he was doing his best to assure you that it was your decision.
He wanted that baby so much, but there he was, giving up on it if it means that would hurt his girl. Turning in his arms, you stared at him, the big brown eyes filled with unshed tears.
“You’re going to be such a great father. Our baby will be proud to call you dad, Mase. Just the way I’m proud to call you mine”
Finally spilling his own tears, Mason hugged you tightly.
“Sorry” he smiled, embarrassed. The tip of his nose instantly went red, which made you smile too.
“There’s nothing to apologize for. I cried, now it’s your turn. I’m happy, ‘right? You don’t need to feel guilty about wanting this. I want this too” you whispered, and Mason felt free from the biggest weight on earth.
“Yeah? You do?” his eyes lit up, sparkling. You nodded, smiling when Mase hid his face in your neck.
“I want everything life can give me if I can have it with you babe” you scratched his scalp, feeling his arms shivering against the skin of your waist.
“Oh” Mase left out a shaky breath, kissing your collarbone. “I want this so much”
“Well, now we’ll have it. You should prepare yourself for choosing a name” you gently pulled his hair so he would look at you.
“If it’s a boy then can we name him Peter Parker?” he grinned, biting his lower lip. You couldn’t help but laugh, this being such a Mason thing to ask.
“Fine, I’ll choose the name by myself” you giggled, feeling happy and lightweight.
“I want to do something special,” Mason told his friend, Ben. “Like, if I wasn’t there, she would do something to tell me about the pregnancy, right? I was thinking about something like this, but she obviously already knows that she’s pregnant.
The pair of them were at a coffee, talking about you. Ben and a few close friends already knew about your pregnancy, that you discovered two weeks ago, and Mason was counting with help to make his plan a reality.
Ben took a sip of his coffee, raising an eyebrow.
“So you’re trying to make a pregnancy announcement… to the woman who is pregnant?” Chilwell frowned, teasing his friend.
“I want to surprise her somehow. But not any kind of surprise, I wanted to be like, pregnancy related” he tried to explain what he’s been thinking off since both of you discovered about the pregnancy.
“You can make a cake. She loves when you cook and put effort into it. And then you can also make a box, like she would’ve made to tell you. A little United shirt with your number, maybe?”
“That’s a good idea. Yeah, I’ll do it” he smiled, picturing you and the baby at Old Trafford. “But I also wanted something to show her that I’m committed, you know? That I’ll do my role as a father properly, that my life is going to change with hers. That I’m not letting her live motherhood alone while I still live manhood.”
���There’s something, actually…” Benjamin smiled.
Hours later, Mason came back home feeling giddy and excited about the future, sliding in bed and holding his world in his arms.
After a couple of weeks, when you completed two months, you were totally comfortable with being pregnant. You made your peace with the fact that things are going to be different, your body will change and your routine will never be the same.
From now on, you have a person counting on you for everything, and after the shock you felt joy and happiness about this new chapter of your life with Mason.
Despite the nausea that started really early, you love to be woken up by your boyfriend’s kisses at your not so visible bump but this Saturday was different, and his side of the bed was already empty when you woke up.
You know his game is tomorrow, and you were certainly going, so today he was supposed to have the day off after training yesterday.
You texted him, asking where he went, and got up to start the day. You did your skincare routine before doing your belly routine — something your best friend Lauren advised you about.
Mase showed up when you were moisturizing your belly, sticking his head into the bathroom.
“Oh no, I almost missed my favourite part” he pouted, getting closer to you and kissing your cheek. “Good morning boo, how you feeling today?”
“I’m good” you smiled when his hands replaced yours, massaging your belly. “Craving a chocolate cake with a lot of chocolate, actually”
“You’re always craving a chocolate cake, babe” he shrugged, smirking. “Good for you I brought one today”
“Really?” your eyes lit up.
“But if you want to eat it then you’ll have to do me a favour” he pouted again. “Rashy needs to distract his new girlfriend, that is not a proper girlfriend yet, and I don’t know how to do this”
“Is that girl we met last game? I could ask her to go shopping with me, see baby stuff. We changed numbers already so I don’t think will be weird”
“Could you do that? I wanna help him so he can feel more confidence in our friendship, you know?” he pouted once more and your heart melted at how cute he is.
“Of course I can”
“Thank you boo, I love you” he hugged you tightly, sniffing your perfume.
“I love you more”
“No you don’t, but I’ll let you think you do because they say it’s a bad thing arguing with beauty pregnant ladies”
“No one says that, Mase” you giggled, turning to stare at him. “Why did I woke up alone, uh?
“Groceries shopping” was his short answer before peppering kisses at your jaw.
When you ended your morning routine, Mase was waiting for you downstairs with your favourite breakfast, avocado toast and orange juice.
The pair of you ate together, talking about some of Mase’s new friends, how things were going so far at the new club and what he expected for the next game.
Then, while he washed the dishes, you texted Marcus’ new girlfriend. She is a sweet girl and knows that you don't have actual friends in Manchester yet, so she quickly accepted going to the mall with you.
When she popped up hours later to pick you, Mase helped you put on his jacket, your favourite one to wear, and kissed your temple.
“I‘ll see if Rashy needs help with his plan, text me when you girls decide to come back home?”
“Yes sir, I’ll let you know” you giggled, kissing him.
“Thank you” Mase murmured, sliding his credit card into your jeans pocket, making you roll your eyes.
Shopping with Anne was really, really nice. She talked about Marcus, you talked about Mase, the pair of you had dinner together and she helped you a lot with baby clothes and colour palette for the room.
After a huge pistachio ice cream, you yawned so loud that Anne chuckled.
“Ugh, sorry” you smiled, reaching for your phone to check what time is it. “We kinda have a bedtime routine, and I’m late”
“Mason is probably cursing me right now” she smiled back. “C’mon, I’ll drop you home”
Anne drove to your house whilst both of you screamed Taylor Swift’s lyrics. The feeling of finding a new friend it’s warm and nice, and you are really happy. It was a great day.
When she parked in front of your house, you frowned wondering why the lights were off. Mason saw your message half an hour ago, and you thought that maybe he forgot to let one of the lights on so you wouldn’t stumble.
Saying goodbye to Anne, you jumped out of her car and walked to your door. Everything was silent, and you walked in cautiously.
“Babe?” you entered your house, looking for the light switch. “Mase, are you home?”
A few steps later you finally found it, turning the living room light on.
“Surprise!” Mason shouted, almost making your heart stop. He was standing in the middle of the living room with balloons and a red cake, smiling the most beautiful smile you’ve ever seen.
“What’s going on? I forgot my birthday?” you waited for more people to come out, but it was just your boy with his oversized hoodie and a proud smile.
“No, silly. It’s a pregnancy surprise!” he said proudly. You frowned, but your smile couldn’t be held.
“But I don’t know I’m pregnant already?” you teased him, getting closer. Mason left the cake on the coffee table, waiting for you with open arms. When you were close enough, he hugged you, stroking your back.
“Well yes, but I wanted to do something nice for you” he smirked. There’s no way this man could be better to you.
“That’s cute Mase, thank you”
“Anything for my girls” he kissed your forehead, pulling away just to catch a black box at the table. “And here, a present”
Your heart skipped a beat. For some reason, you both seem to be sure it’s a girl. You would love to see the love of your life being a girl’s dad, even though the idea of a mini him lot you up as well.
“Babe! You didn’t had to!” you gave him a kiss before taking the box to the sofa with you. Mason followed you, sitting behind you and settling you between his legs.
“I know but I think it’s so cute” he kissed your neck and your body shivered.
When you opened the box, a note on the top said “to my favourite girl on earth. you’re going to be the best mom england has ever seen. i can’t wait to be with you both for the rest of my life”
Feeling your eyes watering already, you blamed your hormones and took the present out of the box. You couldn’t hold back the tears when you realized that you were staring at a mini United shirt, with “Baby Mount” written behind, above your man’s number.
“She’ll be our lucky charm” he whispered, tightening his touch on your waist whilst the pair of you stared at the shirt.
“This is adorable, Mase” you pouted, your heart aching in adoration.
“You really liked it?” he asked shyly and almost insecure. You turned around to face him, finding the vulnerability kind of adorable.
“Of course I did. She’ll be very proud to flaunt your last name, babe” you stroked his chin, kissing the tip of his nose.
“Yeah? And would you?” he raised his eyebrows, biting his lower lip. “Would you be very proud to boast about my last name?”
“I mean, it’s a beautiful name” you smiled softly, not even preparing yourself for what was coming next.
Mason laid his head on your shoulder, kissing your neck.
“Take it then” he whispered, smiling against your skin when he heard you gasping. “Marry me, babe”
“God, Mase” you started to cry all over again. “Are you sure?”
“Why wouldn’t I? You’re it for me. We already live together, we kinda do act like a married couple. And, we’re having a baby. I know we had that conversation once and that you think marriage is just signing papers and a couple can survive without ever being married-“
You interrupted him, cupping his face and handing out kisses everywhere your lips could reach.
“Yeah I used to think like that, but not about marrying you. We’re not going to just sign a paper, are we?” you smiled at him. “We’re going to promise our souls to each other. Of course I already promised mine to yours, but I guess a ceremony would be nice. I want your last name so bad”
“I want you to be my wife so bad” he murmured, bringing you to his lap. “I wish I could’ve prepared a better proposal… how do you wanna do this? Now, or with a bigger bump? Or when the baby is born?”
“It was perfect this way, yeah? And we can think about the details tomorrow” you kissed his forehead, adjusting yourself on top of him. “Can we go upstairs?”
“You’re feeling well?” he stared at your face, looking for any signals that something may be wrong.
“I’m feeling like you could show me how much you want to be my husband” you grinned mischievously, sinking your fingers into his hair.
“Oh, Mrs. Mount, you have no idea what you just asked for” he kissed you with pure love and devotion. “But first”
Reaching into his hoodie pocket, Mason picked up a tiny box and opened up between your bodies, showing you the most beautiful engagement ring to ever exist.
“Boo…” you gasped, in shock.
Your fiancé took the ring and asked for your hand, slipping it through your finger, kissing your hand before taking his to your bum, pulling you closer.
“Now I can give you what you want” he got up with you in his arms, not being able to keep his mouth out of you and kissing your shoulder.
You felt overwhelmed by the thought of making love with Mase while using the ring he brought to you when he wasn’t even sure you would say yes, both of you having a conversation about your unwillingness to marry a while ago.
“You’ll take care of me?” you pouted dramatically, already knowing he always does.
“Mmhmm, how you want it?” he asked gently, entering your shared bedroom.
“I think I’m feeling emotionally sensitive” you kept your pout, stroking his scalp.
“Slow then” he laid you in bed, kissing your lips whilst you tried to hold a smile.
Mason took care of you, indeed, and you’re sure you’ll never get used to the way he touches you, like you were everything he needs to stay breathing.
Whether on wild nights or the ones like tonight, calm and gentle, he would always be able to make you feel good.
Your wedding was the most perfect day you ever lived. It was Mason’s priority to keep it private and intimate, with your closest friends and family only.
The ceremony was at an isolated beach, surrounded by rocks that made it difficult to see what was happening there. It was pretty quick as well, and the pair of you said your vows with a beautiful and pinky sunset.
Different than what your mother who traveled from Spain to participate thought, your 4-months-old bump wasn’t a problem. You were in fact a little bit worried since your baby was growing so slowly, but this made it possible for you to wear the dress of your dreams and still look good on it.
During the preparation month Mason was always telling you that you would’ve been perfect even if your bump was higher, but you knew it wouldn’t be the same to you. You wanted to live this as the old you, not the mother yet.
You also had plenty of conversations about it with your therapist, and she validated your feelings. “It doesn’t have to be two separated persons, even though I understand you, but maybe it could be easier for you if you think about it just like two different phases for the same person”. You’ve been trying, really.
You were nervous at the ceremony, but Sophia was there as your bridesmaid and made sure everything went really perfect. Mase’s best man was a hard choice for him, but at the end of the day his heart would always choose Declan. Kai wasn’t mad about it, even helping Dec when he needed it.
Your man’s vows were beautiful, and you cried the whole time. Yours were pretty good as well, but nothing like what you’ve heard from him. His words, his choked tone of voice and his stubborn tears even though he was smiling big made the moment absurdly magical.
The wedding party was also intimate, but Mason invited the rest of Chelsea’s and United’s players that weren’t close enough to make it to the ceremony, besides some of his friends from another’s club or league.
And it was pretty insane — you didn’t drink anything, for obvious reasons, but enjoyed the party a lot. The pair of you had your first dance to ‘daylight’, by Taylor Swift, and you couldn’t be happier once you had dedicated all of her love songs to him at some point of your relationship.
Mason was incredibly goofy after a few drinks, dancing to every song and climbing on his friends back. You couldn’t hold your laugh every time he looked at you and tried to wink, but closing both eyes instead without realizing.
After a lot of songs, drinks and pictures, you were really tired but accomplished.
“Wanna go home, wifey?” Mason whispered in your ear, worried about your tiredness.
“You’re done already?”
“Ben is too drunk to dance and Rashy is almost proposing after so many vodka shots” he laughed, holding your waist tightly.
“And you’re ok, boo?” you asked gently, cupping his face. His eyes lighted up looking at you and he nodded, peppering kisses to your face.
“You know I’d never get too drunk to take care of my babies” he murmured. “Let’s go home please? Our day was perfect but I’m so tired, I want to wear cute pyjamas and cuddle my wife all night”
You nodded, kissing his lips and saying goodbye to those still at the party before looking for Mason’s Rover at the parking lot.
Thanks to your bridesmaid, you were using a comfortable pair of Nike shoes since the party started, and given your husband’s level of alcohol you were the one driving the mini truck that he used to call his car.
Once you got home, Mase was almost sober again. He helped you out of the car and upstairs, unzipping your beautiful dress and putting you in a warm pyjama before changing his own clothes.
The pair of you went to the bathroom, brushing your teeth together. Putting you in bed, your husband went downstairs to make you both a cup of tea that you drank together.
Collecting the empty cups and taking them both to the kitchen, Mason came running back to you — and his comfortable bed. He snuggled in your arms, sighing in contentment.
You both already discussed your honeymoon, and you both decided to travel on his vacation, in a few months, since you’re only marrying now due to your pregnancy, forced to do it during the week. He didn’t said to where, and you spent half an hour trying to extract the information from him. Unsuccessfully.
After a few hours chatting about the day and how happy the pair of you were, Mase yawned loudly, leaning closer to your body.
“You need to rest, baby. We were kinda irresponsible…”
“I wouldn’t change a thing. I’m so happy your last name is finally Mount” he whimpered like a child. “Even tho I’ll be a zombie at training this week”
“Shut up” you laughed, scratching his scalp. “What about your international friends?”
“Uhm some of them paid a small fine for missing training” he chuckled.
You know they have money, a lot of money, but you were still impressed that so many of them could make it to your wedding despite the hard conditions.
“Oh my God” you bursted into laughs. “We were irresponsible. A lot”
“And it was worthy” he nuzzled your neck with his nose, and you could feel his body getting heavier as weariness took over him.
You felt your heart flip-flop and your cheeks went red, just like you were fifteen and flirting with your crush. “Yeah?”
“Yeah” he whispered, tucking his head into your neck. “I couldn’t wait any longer to be your husband”
“Impatient” you teased. Everything Mason has said that night had you feeling like you could explode.
“I know we have eternity together but c‘mon , I have anxiety issues” he grunted. “Can’t wait to make you the happiest wife to ever exist”
“You already do that, Mase” you continued to scratch his scalp, your eyes watering at his words.
You could feel his sleepy smile against the skin of your neck, and Mason yawned lazily.
Leaning closer against your body, your husband murmured how much he loves you before falling asleep.
You closed your eyes, smiling. This was everything you ever prayed for.
“You’re doing what?” you gasped. The pair of you were on the couch, you in his lap with one leg on each side of his body.
It wasn’t the most comfortable position, since you’re about seven months now, but you were showing their little kicks to Mason when he said he was staying at home for a bit after you gave birth.
“Ben had the idea months ago and I just loved it” Mason said calmly, scratching your belly. “And the baby will love it too, right bubba?”
“Of course he had the idea Mase, this means you’ll be off the pitch for weeks and since you’re better than him he won’t need to worry about you beating his ass at Old Trafford since you’re going to miss the game against Chelsea” you said in just one breath.
“Uhmmm I didn’t think about it but never mind, I’m doing it” he scoffed the hair out of your face. “Paternity leave existes for a reason. I need time to adapt to my new routine just like you. The couple first months are pretty hard and you’ll need me to do my part. I would say you’ll need help but I’m not just a help, I’m your husband. And the father.”
“Alright. Guess if my life is going to change then yours are too?”
“Exactly. If you need time to take care of our baby, recover and adjust your routine, so do I. In fact, you need me to take time to take care of our baby so you can recover. Yep, no discussing it.” he tickled your waist, stealing a kiss when you smiled bigger.
“Fine. But hear me: Ben is scared as fuck about facing you at your new home”
Mason giggled, your words always giving him more confidence about how he’s doing at Manny.
“Benji is as good as me, boo. You know that. He’s the vice captain for a reason” he defended his best mate. They would always do that, defend each other, and you think it’s really cute. Even though you know Mason is better, you love Ben. Is not like he is shitty or something.
“Yeah yeah, if you say so” you smiled, cupping his face. “Have you thought about where you want bubba to be born? Manchester? London?”
“I was thinking about it yeah and- I mean, you don’t have to want this but I was just you know, thinking and…” he smiled shyly. “It wouldn’t be nice if the baby was born in your city?”
“Masey” you whimpered, your heart skipping a beat. “You’re being serious?”
“Totally“ Mase kissed the tip of your nose, shrugging. “We already live here, you are surrounded by my culture, friends and family and I think it would be meaningful to you. It’s a beautiful place, with a nice weather and culture as well and since they’re being born here, the nationality will connect them with your country”
“Yeah? And you’ll let them cheer for Barça?” you teased him.
“No. Absolutely not. But they can like Messi.” he smirked, peppering soft kisses on your neck.
“I’ll tell this to the owner of the seven on your back” you giggled, cupping his face so he was looking at you again.
“I’m the owner now” Mason closed his eyes, relaxing with your touch before opening them and staring at your soul. “Wait- if it’s a boy we can call him Cristiano Ronaldo!”
“No. Absolutely not” you rolled your eyes, giggling when your man squeezed your body against his. “If it’s a girl we could call her Winter and she would match Summ”
“Yeah yeah, sure. I’ll love to spend some time making Autumn and Spring with you” Mason dipped his head, capturing your lips in a soft kiss, holding you even tighter when you both needed air. “I love you, boo. Both of you.”
Words he had said a thousand times before, but you would never get used to it. The new addition only giving your heart more reasons to stop completely.
“We love you more, Mase.” you smiled, gasping when your little baby kicked. “See? They agree.”
Mason smiled, massaging your belly and talking with the baby. The pair of you passed the next few hours like this, in your own bubble, and you couldn’t be happier.
You have your own family now. It’s yours, and it's beautiful.
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princessbrunette · 4 months
shy!reader who study medicine and spider!jj always goes there when he's hurt for care 🥺
˚ ༘ 🕷️⋆🩷。˚
answering the door at 4am, there’s only one person it could be. the blonde listens to you unlatching your door before you’re revealed in all your sleepy glory, rubbing at one eye in the cutest little pyjamas.
he’s pretty banged up this time — a busted lip and his suit is ripped at his rib cage, nothing he couldn’t fix but the gash beneath it was definitely something you were going to have to stitch up. your brows knit together, eyeing him over.
“you should see the other guy, cupcake.” he jokes, despite being in clear pain. you huff out your nose, tugging him inside.
“why are you using the front door? did anyone see you?” you stress, leading him by the hand to your quaint little living room. it wasn’t much, rather shabby if anything — but living in the city wasn’t cheap and it was the best you could do.
“ah, i used the fire escape. this asshole spared me some brain cells when he was kicking my shit in. you really think i’d just walk up in here?” he scoffs, dropping down comfortably on the couch as you frantically make space on the coffee table, spreading out your first aid kit.
“you’re gonna give me a heart attack one of these days, jayj.” you pout, beginning to dig for the antiseptic.
“oh but then who will patch me up everytime i get my ass beat?” he tilts his head and his messy blonde hair flops with it, grinning lopsidedly in the dim light of the room, the cut on his lip glistening with it. you hate how your stomach stirs with butterflies for your best friend. your face gets all hot, averting your eyes and you feel him grinning harder — he always did love how bashful you got.
things get quiet when you start to wipe up his rib injury, aside from his dramatic winces and curse words tumbling from his mouth.
“you’re going to wake my neighbours.” you giggle, after a particularly loud ‘fuck’ from him.
“hey, maybe they’ll think you’re gettin’ some.” he teases, wiggling his eyebrows. as you reach for another cotton pad, your mouth moves on autopilot.
“i wish.” you remark, straying from your usual shy ways. his brows instantly jump up with intrigue, and you avoid his eyes, pressing your lips together as you busy yourself. you’d always been shy, since he’d met you — that’s why he’d taken you under his wing. he was dorky where it counted sure, but also boyish and confident in a way a lot of guys your age lacked. it made sense that he was spiderman, the unexpected amounts of unbridled swagger mixed with the scrappy awkwardness you’d expect from your best friend. he was drawn to your shyness because of how different you were, and because he knew deep down there was a freak just waiting for him to break it free.
“you know, if you ever wanna set up a — uh, lil payment plan, if you will — i could show you a real good time, mama.” he lays it on thick, too thick — incase you reject him, and then he can play it off as a joke. the problem is his tone is so teasing, you don’t know if he’s joking. your eyes flicker up to him from your knelt position, all doe-like and sweet in the way that makes him wish his spider suit wasn’t so tight as to not reveal his excitement.
“nah nothing. unless…you really get desperate. can totally step in and help you out. y’know in the…sex department.” he shrugs, tonguing at his lip cut and internally cussing himself out for being such a weirdo.
you blink a couple times, shifting to sit on your feet.
“are you concussed?” you speak after the pause.
“am i conc— no, okay it was a — an offer. but i feel like i kinda made it weird so that’s my bad let’s just pretend that didn’t happen and we can—”
“i wouldn’t mind.” you suddenly but quietly break through his ramble. he blinks a couple of times, lips parted in surprise.
“you wouldn’t mind — like… pretending this didn’t happen? or… the other thing?”
“the other thing.” you’re reduced down to a whisper now, eyes locked. he sits up slowly, leaning forward on the seat with his elbows on his knees so that your faces were close. in the low light, your pupils are all blown out, searching his eyes.
“you mean that?” he smirks, almost like he doesn’t believe you. you swallow and nod, not trusting your voice. something about it being 4am made you braver, and you’d completely forgotten about tending to his injuries. “well alright then. how ‘bout when i’m not bleeding out on your couch? gotta be in top condition when i put the moves on you.”
just like that, you’re brought back to reality — this time with the whisper of a promise that the two of you could be something more. you could be more than a late night emergency patch up.
˚ ༘ 🕷️⋆🩷。˚
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hearts-4-vicky · 5 months
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hi my loves 😛 back with wony this time!!!🫶🏼
warnings: g!p reader, dom reader, 7th member of ive reader, established relationship, pet names, sub wony, sensitive wony, unnie kink, unprotected sex, squirting, nipple sucking, creampie, masturbation, praise🤫🧏, yujin comes outta no where😭
🙏 not proofread so😝
i feel like wony would DEFINITELY masturbate to her gfs fancams when you’re gone cuz babygirl so needy🥺 but she’d be so loud??? like sweetheart, lets calm it down a bit🥺🙏
While your ‘LOVE DIVE’ fancam was playing in the background, wony had two of her long fingers in her cunt, trying to mimic your rough thrusts but nothing could ever compare to you😔 Before she could add a third, her door opened “Wony? Princess, I’m bac- Oh!” there stood the woman plaguing her mind, you. “You jerking off to me baby? miss me that much huh?“ you smirked, slamming her door shut and walkin toward her, stripping with every step you took, “unnie…. help your princess? please?” wony whined, looking at you with her big, innocent eyes🥺 how could you say no to your babygirl when she was looking at you like that? Not wanting to waste a second, you get between her spread legs and get your cock out of your boxers, resting your tip on her folds. gripping her hips for balance, you look at her flushed face, waiting for approval😘 “tell me what you want baby” she didn’t realize you were even speaking, so focused on your features🥺 like a siren luring a sailor into her trap with her song, you had wonyoung memorized. from your head to your feet, wony loved every bit of it, every bit of you🥺🙏🙏🙏🙏 (me when ME WHEN)
“Baby? you listening?” giving a hip a lil tap, “huh? oh! sorry unnie, you’re just… really pretty” wonyoung whispers with the cutest smile🥺🥺🥺🥺 (i want her) “but, please hurry and fuck me” 😛 leaning forward to whisper in her ear “anything for you, wonyoung.” you hear wony’s breath hitch once you push your hips forward to be deep inside her. grunting at her tightness, you start to move, causing wonyoung to moan with occasional whimpers of pleasure. “takin unnie so good my gorgeous girl, doing so well” you groan into her neck, placing kisses on her every part 🥺with every thrust, you went deeper into wonyoung’s cunt. you move her legs to rest on your shoulders and to be deeper in her. with this new position wonyoungs moans turned into squeals and cries of your name!!!🥺🥺🥺🥺
"a-ah! keep going unnie! stretching me s-soo good!!” her hands found the back of your head, pulling you down to her chest ❤️ circling her hard nipple with your tongue and rubbing the other, never slowing down your pace❤️❤️❤️ it seemed too much for wonys sensitive body as she felt a familiar knot in her stomach🥺🥺🥺🥺
“gah— unnie! s’too much…! s’too m-much for wony!” “c’mon baby, give- ugh, unnie one more? sound so fucking pretty, my girl”
resuming your pounding, wonyoung’s moans get louder, anticipating her release for a second time “unnie! FUCK!” wony had never came that hard ever in her life, tightening with every second passing by “shit, wony! gonna cum in you baby, fill you up with unnie’s cum, doll” with one last slam into wonyoung’s cunt, your cock exploded in her, fucking your load deeper and deeper into her warmth🤫🧏 wonyoungs vision started to get blurry, nearly passing out with every thrust into her sensitive pussy “s’too m-much unnie… s’too much…” she sobbed out, nails digging into your back, drifting off to sleep as your thrust came to a stop🥺 “My gorgeous girl, I love you with all my heart” (ME WHEN ME WHENNNNN) placing soft kisses on her face🥺🥺🥺🥺 pulling her into your arms, you turned so wonyoung was laying on you
“Yo, can I bor- WHAT THE FUCK.” Ive’s leader had walked into quite the sight, a naked, sleeping wonyoung and your cock still in her. “hi yujinnie! what’d you nee— why are you naked-“ “me next right”
hehe silly! me after texting my ex!!! whoops!!!! hahaha😂😂😂😂 (i miss you sm come back pls)
love you guys, stay safe, and dont text ur ex💋
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spideysbruh · 5 months
announcement of all announcements
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liked by y/n, ayoedebiri and 3,166,928 others
tchalamet my angel girl🩷
view all 102,172 comments
rachelzegler im gonna cry yall are too cute
liked by tchalamet and y/n
timmyswonka my favorite married couple
coolgirlyn I'm gonna kms he loves her so much🥺🫶🫶
y/n i love you my beautiful boy
tchalamet liked
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liked by tchalamet, florencepugh, rachelzegler and 872,288 others
y/n my perfect boy 🫶
view all 87,267 comments
ynsdelicate they've been in that honeymoon phase for so long all the haters are maddd !!!
sabxyn no fr like they've been married for what, three years now ?? and they still act the same, if anything they're even more in love !!!!
tchalamet I love you my beautiful wife
y/n liked
ynsheadphones they're so classic (but modern) old hollywood celebs I swear
timmyxyn what ? 😭
modernyn I love how even their comments on each other's posts match LOL
@popcrave just tweeted- BREAKING: a source close to the couple have revealed that Timothée Chalamet and Y/n L/n are expecting a baby that will be due in several months! Sounds like congratulations are in order for the happy couple!!
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@ynscurtains replied- sooo happy for them if true but damn you're just revealing all this against their will...
@timolaurie replied- yk there's a lil thing called privacy, right?
@timmyxyn replied- I hope they sue yall im so fr
tchalamet just posted a story!
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caption- ✨️
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liked by tchalamet, sabrinacarpenter and 3,726,277 others
y/n Golden Globes ✨️🩷📸
view all 132,827 comments
tsgf brooo she's def pregnant lmaooo
lacyyn why can't any of these comments mind their business I swearrr
ynslipgloss the way timothée was like always right by her the whole night 🥺🫶🫶🫶
timotheepaul BROOO I NOTICED THAT TOO he seemed so protective tonight
lacyyn well he's gotta protect her and their child LMAO
ryanszest the dress... so obvious that she's pregnant now fr
florencepugh so beautiful !!
y/n liked
lavenderyn timmys hands were always on her waist or holding hers im gonna cry
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liked by y/n, zendaya and 3,754,544 others
tchalamet the sun rises and sets with you
view all 98,544 comments
zestyyn BRO 😭😭😭
spideyyn that's fr the mother of his child
amoebayn the 'heat' reference 🥺😔
lauriesvest what does it mean I'm slow
amoebayn basically that she's like the center of his world, she means everything to him
goodgirlyn CRYING
y/n what did I do to deserve you 🥺
tchalamet just being your perfect beautiful self
glistenyn the way all the recent photos are hiding her front side 💀
polaroidtim tbh the second pic DEF looks like they could be hiding a lil belly 😳
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liked by tchalamet, florencepugh, rachelzegler and 4,817,277 others
y/n yall are so nosy istg 🙄 (very happy can't wait to meet our baby girl in two months🩷)
view all 231,816 comments
legendaryyn BROOOOO OMG A GIRLLL 🥺🥺
tchalamet you are going to be the best mom ever
y/n liked
y/n and tchalamet liked
tsgf ungrateful ass omg
ynscurtains stay mad !!!
noodleytim this is going to be the cutest baby ever I swear
sabrinacarpenter so excited for you guys!! I'm literally gonna be an aunt 🙄
y/n liked
timmytimstan she baby trapped him omg
ynsdune huh ??? yall are so weird omg they're literally married
tchalamet just posted a story!
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caption- my girls 💕
@y/n just tweeted- my weirdest craving so far has been the hot fritos paired with oreo ice cream... it's yummy i swear 😔
@realchalamet replied- it lowkey kind of is...
@y/n liked
@snowyyn replied- man what the hell
@medallionyn replied- she's so weird I love her
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liked by y/n, tomholland2013 and 8,976,577 others
tchalamet any day now 😳 I wouldn't want to do this with anyone else.
comments on this post are limited
zendaya yall are gonna be the best parents I swear
y/n 😳😳🤭🩷🩷🩷😘
tchalamet liked
y/n just posted a story!
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caption- the progress pics 😭😭💔 can't believe im almost done.
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liked by tchalamet, hallebailey, florencepugh and 6,682,828 others
y/n our daughter arrived a few days ago early in the morning. she's perfect. thank you to everyone who wished us well!
comments on this post have been limited
zendaya !!!! so happy for you two 😭🫶💕 imma spoil her soooo much
liked by y/n
hallebailey congratulations my girl !! 🥰
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liked by y/n, florencepugh and 11,176,871 others
tchalamet my wife is a superhero. thank you y/n for giving us our little girl and making me a dad. I know it wasn't easy, but you did it with such grace and beauty. I love you and our little family. you can squeeze my hand as hard as you need to forever and ever.
view all 231,188 comments
dunesarrakis WHATS HER NAMEEEE
goldenyn CRYINGGG
tomholland2013 congratulations mates !!
rachelzegler so happy for yall 🫶🫶
y/n when is auntie rachel gonna meet her niece
tchalamet just posted a story!
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winxanity-ii · 6 months
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╚»★«╝ 𝐄𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐡-𝟒𝟐/𝟏𝟔𝟏𝟎!𝐌𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐬 x 𝐅𝐞𝐦!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 ╚»★«╝
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ɢᴇɴʀᴇ: fluff x 3
‌🇷‌🇦‌🇹‌🇮‌🇳‌🇬‌: non-explicit
🇵‌🇴‌🇻‌: 2nd person; You/Your
🇩‌🇪‌🇸‌🇨‌🇷‌🇮‌🇵‌🇹‌🇮‌🇴‌🇳‌: in which, you come across the cutest tiktok confession.
🇼‌🇴‌🇷‌🇩‌ 🇨‌🇴‌🇺‌🇳‌🇹‌: 5.6k
🇦‌/🇳‌‌: Once again, sorry for the lack of updates, college life is no joke...don't do it y'all, jkjk 👀 but fr, just had a cute lil thought i wanted to indulge in 🥹❤️
★·.·´🇲‌🇦‌🇷‌🇻‌🇪‌🇱‌/ 🇲‌🇦‌🇷‌🇻‌🇪‌🇱‌ 🇨‌🇮‌🇳‌🇪‌🇲‌🇦‌🇹‌🇮‌🇨‌ 🇺‌🇳‌🇮‌🇻‌🇪‌🇷‌🇸‌🇪‌ 🇲‌🇦‌🇸‌🇹‌🇪‌🇷‌🇱‌🇮‌🇸‌🇹‌`·.·★
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You're lounging in your dorm room, your phone in hand as you lazily scroll through TikTok. It's just another typical evening, filled with catchy tunes and viral dances, until you stumble upon a video that captures your attention.
It's a boy, seemingly around your age, his screen filled with the genuine warmth of someone who wears his heart on his sleeve. His profile name reads milesmorales, with the caption , "Falling without saying a word... 🥺💕," compelling enough to make you stop and watch.
The boy—Miles—in the video is undeniably cute; he's got a head of tight curls, skin a rich shade of brown, and hazel eyes that sparkle with a kind of bashful enthusiasm. But it's his smile, accompanied by the appearance of dimples, that really gets you.
He's awkwardly adorable, his words tumbling out with a mix of shyness and awe. "There's this person in my lecture hall..." he starts, his voice tinged with a nervous excitement. The apple of cheeks are a soft pink, and you find his bashfulness endearing. He talks about them as though they're the sun—bright, warm, and utterly captivating. "They're just... amazing, you know? There's something about them. I can't stop thinking about them," he stutters, looking down with a shy smile playing on his lips.
As the video progresses, Miles' cheeks turn a deeper shade of red as well as the tips of his ears. He's visibly struggling to express his feelings, yet he perseveres, driven by the strength of his emotions. "I think I might... I might be in love," he confesses, his voice barely more than a whisper. It's a bold statement, especially for someone who admits, with a flustered grin, that he hasn't even spoken to them yet. "I've just seen them from across the room," he says, laughing nervously, his hand coming up to shield his eyes as if to hide from his own confession.
The video ends with him looking down for a moment before meeting the camera again. "I don't even know if they know I exist, but I just had to share this."
As the video loops back to the beginning, you're struck by the sincerity and sweetness of his confession.
"Aww," You find yourself smiling at your phone, touched by his raw, unpolished honesty. He's not playing it cool or trying to be something he's not. He's just a guy, overwhelmed by his feelings for someone he's never even talked to.
You find yourself replaying the video, drawn to his earnestness. There's something about his demeanor that's incredibly relatable and real. It's like watching a scene from a movie, except there's no script here—just a boy, a phone, and a crush that's taken him completely by surprise.
You can't help but wonder about the person he's talking about—is they aware of the lovestruck boy who adores them from afar? The thought lingers in your mind as you continue scrolling, the Miles' shy smile imprinted in your memory.
Curiosity piqued, you notice a comment pointing to another video. It's a follow-up, just as viral as the first. You click, and there he is again—with earnest eyes, now a familiar presence on your screen. Miles voice, soft and almost reverent, draws you into his world once more.
He's trying to articulate his feelings better this time, speaking of the person he's never directly spoken to, yet feels so deeply for. As he talks, his eyes shimmer with an unspoken joy. "It's weird, right? How you can feel so much for someone you've never talked to? But every time I see them, it's like my day gets a little brighter."
Miles' voice takes on a softer tone, almost reverent, as he describes them. He recounts small details—how quiet they are and how they seem isolated at first but are actually incredibly kind, always ready to help others. You find yourself drawn into his narrative, seeing this person through his eyes.
"They have this quiet strength about them," he says softly, his eyes lighting up. "It's like, they don't need to be loud to be noticed. Their kindness... it just speaks volumes."
He shifts slightly, pausing as if gathering his thoughts. "And the way they have this way of being there for people, even when they keep to themselves. It's like they don't even realize how sweet they are. It's just... part of who they are. It's amazing to watch. I admire that, I really do."
The video concludes with a moment of vulnerability, his gaze shifting off-camera, a wistful tone in his voice. "I just wish I could tell them all this, ya know? Just walk up to them and say it. Maybe someday," he murmurs, more to himself than to his audience.
You find yourself scrolling through the comments, where viewers have poured out their hearts in response to his vulnerability:
starlightdreamer This is the cutest thing ever 😭 You HAVE to talk to them! funnyguy87: Dude, if you don't tell them, I'm stealing your lines for my crush 😂 hopelessfalleesr23: Manifesting a guy like this for myself 😍💕 mysterygirl123: If it doesn't work out with them, I'm right here! comediequeenie: Plot twist: This is marketing for a netflix rom-com. jkjk can't wait for the next update 😂 sinceritiesqueaks: This is so pure. It's rare to see someone so genuine. Don't lose that spark! They're lucky ❤️
"Saammmee," You can't help but giggle softly at the comments, finding the whole situation endearingly sweet.
Curiosity leads you to Miles' TikTok profile, to devour his other videos. There were only four more since the viral one—each one a treasure in its own right. The most recent one catches your attention immediately. In it, Miles addresses the growing curiosity about his crush's identity. "So, my account's blown up way more than I expected," he starts, a mix of surprise and caution in his tone. "And to answer the question everyone's asking: no, I won't be showing what they looks like. The reasons? I don't want someone sweeping in before I get my chance to express my feelings, and I definitely don't want them getting hate from people being delusional. That's it. I hope that clears things up. Now, please stop asking."
You can't help but vocalize your admiration, "We stan an intellectual king," admiring his consideration and respect for his crush's privacy.
The second video is a delicate blend of candor and restraint, hinting at what led to his latest update. Miles appears hesitant, weighing each word as if he's trying to maintain boundaries amidst his sudden online fame. "I get that you're all curious, and I appreciate the love, but please stop flooding my DMs for updates. It's not about what they look like, it's about who they are, the person I've come to admire from a distance. I'll share more about them, sure, but I'm going to keep it vague from now on. Some things... they need to stay just between us, even in this digital world."
Each word he speaks feels like a secret shared just with you, despite the thousands of other viewers. You're drawn deeper into the story of this boy and his unseen crush; his words painting a picture of an affection that's pure and profound, leaving you eagerly anticipating the next chapter in this digital love story.
In the third video, he responds to a comment about his appearance.
budsinlighter: Why are you so afraid to confess/talk when you're this good-looking?
As you watch, you find yourself nodding agreeing—Miles really is handsome. His face, a beautiful blend of African-Latino heritage, is marked by a rich brown skin tone that glows under the camera light. His hazel eyes, fringed with curly eyelashes, are deeply expressive, radiating a mix of vulnerability and warmth.
But it's his smile that captures your heart—a boyish, charming smile that brings out small dimples at the corners of his full, two-toned lips. There's a hesitant yet genuine quality to it, like he's still getting used to being seen and appreciated.
Miles' hair adds to his distinctive look—3B curls in a stylish brown undercut, the sides neatly trimmed, making the curls on top stand out even more. His skin appears smooth, almost poreless, adding to his youthful appearance. His high cheekbones are accentuated every time he smiles or laughs, adding to the boyish charm that makes him so endearing.
Miles answers with a shy laugh, "I guess I don't really see myself like that. I mean, on campus, I try to dress nice sometimes, but mostly, it's just a big hoodie, sweats, and a beanie for me." He fiddles with the sleeve of his shirt, looking more like a boy trying to find comfort in his own skin than the confident image he's portrayed.
He continues, his voice dropping a bit as he shares something deeply personal. "Growing up, I was... different. I was lanky, had acne, pretty short. Got a lot of flak for it, from family and at school." He shrugs, his eyes drift away from the camera, as if revisiting those memories isn't easy. "So now, even when people call me attractive, it's hard to believe. I still feel like that kid sometimes, you know? It's weird getting compliments when you've spent so long seeing yourself in a completely different way."
As he speaks, there's an honesty that resonates with you. His struggles, his transformation, the dissonance between how the world sees him and how he sees himself – it all paints a picture of someone who's grown, yet still carries the scars of his past.
"Poor baby," You sigh, feeling yourself relate to him even more.
As you tap on the last video, you see that it's a six-minute Q&A of Miles answering the most liked questions from his viral video's comments. You lean in, intrigued.
The intimate setting of his dorm room, with posters adorning the walls and a soft light casting a cozy glow, makes it feel like a personal chat.
kirano-indemguts: How old are you?
Miles responds with an easy smile, "I'm 19, born in August. Makes me a Leo, if anyone's into astrology."
gimmiegimmeamaniepedi: Height?
He looks momentarily puzzled, as if the question hadn't crossed his mind before. "Oh, uh, I'm not sure how tall they are, but I don't really care, tall, short. But if you mean me, I think I'm around 6'2," he says, giving a small, almost shy laugh. He gestures to his frame, as if to offer a visual confirmation of his height.
kiranoeiw: Are u a top or bottom 😛
Miles' expression shifts to one of mild confusion and embarrassment. His voice drops to a near whisper, and he looks down, a blush coloring his cheeks. "I, um, I don't really know what that means..." He coughs slightly, regaining his composure. "Let's go to the next question."
hhhobies: your video make my whole day💗💖✴🌺 but can you make my hole weak?💞💞✌🏻
He reads it out loud, his voice tinged with amusement.
For a moment, Miles blinks, his expression one of confusion. Then, as the meaning of the words sinks in, his eyes widen slightly, a blush creeping up his cheeks. He stutters, momentarily lost for words. "You guys really just go for it, huh?" he finally manages to say, his laughter breaking through the initial shock.
Shaking his head in disbelief but still smiling, Miles quickly moves on to the next question, his laughter still echoing in the room.
samiyasosa: Have you ever been in a relationship before?
Miles hums thoughtfully, his fingers absentmindedly tousling the top of his hair. "No, I haven't," he admits with a hint of vulnerability. "I was kind of just... there, ya know? Watching everyone else navigate dating and relationships while I never really jumped in."
You find yourself nodding in agreement, his words mirroring your own experiences. Like Miles, you had always thought it smarter to wait until after high school to explore dating, a decision advised by adults around you. Now, in college, you find yourself inexperienced in the dating scene.
Your attention returns to the video as Miles falls into a moment of quiet reflection, his sigh soft and contemplative. He looks away, his gaze distant. "If they're not interested or I get rejected, it's okay," he speaks, his tone imbued with a sense of bittersweet acceptance. "I can't force anyone to like me. Everyone's their own person, right? Sure, it'll hurt, but... that's life."
You didn't need to see the question to know what was asked because his response was more then enough; his ability to accept and maturity to prepare for any potential outcomes of his crush situation earn your silent applause.
The video ends with him mustering a smile, shrugging off the sadness. "I'll keep you guys updated. Bye for now, and thanks for all the support."
As the screen goes dark, you let out a sigh, echoing his sentiment. "Same, Miles. Same," you mutter, feeling a connection to his candidness and honesty. Your thoughts briefly wander, pondering the complexities of unrequited feelings and the bravery it takes to express them.
The shrill sound of your alarm abruptly pulls you back to reality, signaling the end of your brief escape into Miles' world. With a groan and an exaggerated eye roll, you shut off the alarm and sit up, preparing to switch gears. "From crushing on a TikTok confession to deciphering ancient myths," you quip with a touch of sarcasm, reaching for your mythology textbook. "Because clearly, my academic life is as thrilling as my non-existent love life."
As you gather your study materials, a final glance at your phone screen shows Miles' TikTok account still open. Finding his entire situation and candidness on his account endearing, you can't help but press 'Follow', a smile tugging at the corners of your mouth. There's something about him—his vulnerability, his honesty—that resonates with you. Eager to see how his story unfolds, you make a mental note to keep up with his updates.
With a newfound sense of connection, albeit to a stranger on the internet, you turn your attention to your homework, the mythological tales waiting to be unraveled. Yet, somewhere in the back of your mind, the thought of Miles and his unspoken love story lingers, a sweet distraction from the mundane routine of college life.
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A weary groan escapes your lips as you trudge into your dorm room. Glancing to the left, you notice your roommate's side still empty, a stark reminder of her absence since Fall Break. Now, with Winter Break fast approaching and the weight of semester final exams bearing down, her continued absence feels more pronounced.
You shuffle to your side of the room, dropping your backpack with a thud onto the desk. Exhaustion overwhelms you as you collapse facedown onto your bed, letting out a muffled scream into your pillow. Your brain feels like it's been put through a blender after completing your final mythology exam.
Apsu, Hercules, Persphone, Gilgamesh,Antigone,Tiamat,Aphrodi—AHHH! So much to recall!
You're so grateful for your professor's open-notes policy. Though the only downside was that you were only allowed three-notecards to put said notes on. An award should be given for the way you managed to cram an entire semesters' of lessons onto those three cards.
Your hand lazily reached into your pocket to fetch the notecards and see if they reflected anything you recall from the exam, but it came up empty. Your face scrunched up into confusion only to relax as the memory of giving them away comes back. You can still picture the sea of stressed faces in the exam hall, the clock ticking down, TAs patrolling the room. Luckily, with your trusty cards, you managed to finish with 45-minutes to spare; you must have given it away in such a generous mood.
"Oh well, I did my good deed for the day," you muse with a resigned sigh, kicking off your shoes and burrowing into the comfort of your blankets. Your phone in hand, you prepare for a well-deserved TikTok binge session.
A few weeks have passed since you first discovered Miles' account. Today, your scrolling comes to a halt as his face appears in a new update. He's outdoors, away from the familiar confines of his dorm room, his cheeks tinted with excitement and a hint of nervousness.
As Miles begins to speak, the world around him fades into insignificance. He's sharing a story about his crush, each word pulling you deeper into the narrative. You lean in, captivated, as he recounts the events, oblivious to everything else but his story unfolding on your screen.
He describes the moment with a sense of wonder in his voice. "They were one of the first to finish the exam," he says, his eyes lighting up at the memory. "As they walked up the lecture hall, they made eye contact with me. Just for a second, they slowed down..."
You can almost see it happening—the quiet of the exam hall, the tension in the air, Miles sitting there, lost and overwhelmed. Then they appear in his story, a momentary savior with a simple question that changes everything.
Miles' voice softens, a smile creeping into his tone. "They mouthed, 'Do you need notes?' I just nodded, too stunned to speak. And then, they did the most amazing thing." He pauses, as if reliving the kindness in his mind. "They dropped the notecard near my foot, pretending to pick it up for me. Like it was mine all along."
You picture the scene: their quick thinking, the subtle exchange of the notecard, the careful glance to ensure they weren't caught. It's a scene straight out of a movie, and you're captivated by every detail.
"Their smile..." Miles continues, a dreamy quality in his voice. "It was so genuine, so kind. For a moment, my heart just... stopped. And when it started again, it was like a drum in my chest."
You can feel his confusion, his awe, the rush of emotions that must have coursed through him. The way he describes it, you're right there in that lecture hall, watching the scene unfold, feeling his heart skip and restart.
As he recounts the moment, an unexpected memory flashes through your mind. You see yourself back in the mythology exam room, finishing early. Your attention is drawn to a figure hunched over in the corner. A boy, unmistakably overwhelmed, with his hoodie drawn over his head and his leg tapping out a nervous rhythm against the floor. The scene is crystal clear in your mind—the palpable sense of his distress pulls at your heartstrings.
You recall every detail...his slouched posture, the way his hoodie shadowed his face, his leg nervously bouncing as he stared down at an exam paper, still on the first page. Your footsteps slowed as you approached, noticing his pencil tapping against the small foldable desk in a frantic tempo. When he sensed your presence, he looked up, his eyes meeting yours in a moment of silent communication.
In a hushed tone, barely above a whisper, you asked, "Do you need notes?" His nod was all the confirmation you needed. You quickly devised a plan, crouching beside him and pretending to pick up the notecard you had secretly folded in your hand. You were acutely aware of the TA's watchful eyes pausing their patrol, scrutinizing your interaction for any signs of cheating. You flashed an innocent smile to the TA, then turned back to the boy, saying softly, "Here, your notecard fell under your seat." Placing the cards gently in his hands, you offered him a reassuring smile before gathering your belongings to leave.
Snapped back to the present by Miles' voice on your phone, the pieces suddenly click together. As the realization dawns on you, the video becomes a distant drone in the background. That boy was Miles.
You were the one who helped him. He was the boy you helped.
Your heart races as everything clicks into place. The crush Miles has been talking about all this time... it's you.
In a daze, you drop your phone, the reality of the situation crashing over you like a wave. He likes you. Miles, the earnest, kind-hearted boy from TikTok, likes you.
"Hold up... HE LIKES ME!?!" The thought sends you rolling onto your stomach, screeching into your pillow in disbelief. "That hot piece of a man likes me!?"
After a moment of wild disbelief, you slowly sit up, a whirlwind of thoughts swirling in your head. What should you do? Should you reach out to him? The thought of initiating contact with Miles, knowing he has feelings for you, sends a thrill of excitement mixed with nervousness through you.
As you contemplate your next move, a sense of anticipation builds within you. This isn't just a story unfolding on your phone screen anymore; it's happening to you. And somehow, that makes it all the more exhilarating.
Gathering up courage that you didn't know you had, you decide to take a leap of faith. With a mix of nervousness and excitement, you type out a message to Miles on TikTok, your fingers hesitating slightly over the send button.
@butt-Y/N-nna Did the notecards help?
The question feels both monumental and incredibly simple.
You glance at your own TikTok profile—less than two followers, a single grainy video, a username that now seems embarrassingly childish, and an anime icon. The vulnerability of reaching out to someone like Miles, who seems so put together, suddenly hits you.
Almost an hour ticks by with no response, the silence stretching out uncomfortably. Each minute feels longer than the last, filling you with doubt.
Finally, Miles' reply comes through:
milesmorales Yeah, it did. Statistics is a tough course.
Confusion furrows your brow. You type back, trying to keep your tone light despite the mix-up:
@butt-Y/N-nna Stat? The only notes I gave out were for mythology. So, if you used it for that, sorry to say, but you failed, bud.
You hit send, and then there's nothing but silence. Miles' profile goes inactive. A heavy sigh escapes you as you berate yourself for possibly jumping to conclusions. It's a huge college, and you weren't the only one helping others during finals. Laughing at yourself for even entertaining the thought, you swipe off the app and impulsively delete it, your heart sinking just a bit.
But just before the app disappears, a new text notification from Miles appears, lost amidst your hasty decision. You don't see it, consumed by your self-doubt and the decision to move on, leaving the possibility of what might have been with Miles unanswered.
The following week, as you return to your mythology class to discuss a possible makeup exam with your professor, a hooded figure sitting near the door catches your attention. You take the empty seat next to them, unaware of their sudden tenseness and subtle shift in posture.
Lost in your own world, you mindlessly scroll through your phone, diving into the latest #fnafxreader stories. Your AirPods are in, blaring Keane's "Frog Prince." The lyrics resonate with you in the moment—"Your prince's crown...Cracks and falls down...Your castle hollow and cold."
Meanwhile, the figure next to you is engrossed in their own phone. Out of the corner of your eye, you notice a text popping up on your phone from the dorm floor group chat. It's about Miles going live. For a brief second, you consider redownloading TikTok to join in, but the gripping Michael Afton x reader fanfic you're reading—as well as lingering embarrassment—holds your attention too tightly. You make a mental note to ask your dorm-floor friends for a recap later—they're just as obsessed with this cute TikTok love story as you are, and you've spent many evenings in the lounge room discussing it. So, with a swipe, you dismiss the notification and dive back into your story, the intriguing plotline drawing you in once more.
Your heart pounds in your chest, each beat echoing the terror that courses through your veins. Blood trickles from the cuts scattered across your body, the result of your desperate attempts to escape. Gasping for breath, you glance at your watch: 5:25 AM. 'Just 35 minutes to go,' you tell yourself, your mind clinging to the hope of surviving until dawn. You push forward, your feet pounding against the cold, hard floor of the empty corridor. The eerie silence is punctuated only by your labored breathing and the distant, ominous hum of the pizzeria. You can almost feel the malevolent gaze of the animatronics lurking in the shadows. As you turn a corner, a chilling sound freezes you in your tracks – the unmistakable metallic thunks of someone, or something, pursuing you. Panic surges through you. 'Shit, shit, shit,' you curse under your breath, your eyes desperately searching for a haven. Spotting a room nearby, you lunge towards it, slamming the door shut behind you. From beyond the door, a hauntingly familiar voice sings out. "Y/N~" Michael's voice is taunting, playful yet sinister. "It's not nice to run away during a playdate~" Your eyes narrow, and your lips press into a thin line as his words seep into your ears, sending shivers down your spine. Memories flood back to the day you saw Michael's true nature – the day he and your brother cruelly played with little Evan, placing his head inside the mechanical Fazbear head. That moment should have been a warning sign of the madness lurking within Michael, but you never anticipated how his obsession would turn towards you. Now, trapped in your role as a security officer at the pizzeria, you find yourself not only evading the demonic animatronics but also Michael, whose fixation has morphed into a deadly game of cat and mouse. The room you've taken refuge in feels claustrophobic, the air thick with tension. You press your back against the door, listening intently to the sounds outside. Every creak and whisper heightens your fear, and you brace yourself for what might come next. This pizzeria, once a place of joy and laughter, has become a labyrinthine nightmare, and escaping unscathed feels more impossible with each passing second. BAM—the door...
The intensity of the fanfic is cut short by your notification bar going off incessantly. There are so many messages coming in from the group chat that you can hardly read a thing. With a huff, you click off the fanfic to see what all the fuss is about. "It better not be another fire drill because someone was smoking," you bitterly think, recalling the last time you all had to stand out in the cold at 3 in the morning because someone smoked in the dorms.
As you open the group chat, you're bombarded with messages, all talking about Miles' current live session. The excitement in the chat is palpable, but you can't help feeling a bit detached, still nursing the sting of your recent embarrassment. Just as the flurry of texts seems to slow down, you finally have a moment to catch up on a few messages before another wave hits.
Toni No because Miles is freaking out on live because he sees his crush and doesn't know what to do!!
Kiko Didn't he post earlier that he think he might have gotten in contact with them recently???
The chat erupts again before you can process this.
Your curiosity piques, but before you can delve deeper, a deluge of new messages floods the chat, making it nearly impossible to keep up.
You start to type a message, asking for more details, but you're interrupted by a throat-clearing sound. You look up, wide-eyed, half-expecting to see your professor giving you a disapproving look. It wouldn't be the first time you've been caught off-guard while reading. Instead, the source of the interruption isn't your professor at all. It's the figure seated to your left.
Turning your head, your lips are pulled into a slight pout, a mixture of frustration from the incessant chatter in the chat and the unexpected disturbance. As your gaze settles on the person next to you, your brain takes a moment to register who it is.
It's Miles.
The realization hits you like a ton of bricks. There, in the flesh, is Miles, the same guy you've been reading about, discussing with friends, and watching from afar on TikTok. He's right beside you, the subject of the flurry of messages on your phone. Your heart skips a beat, and for a moment, you're speechless, the line between the virtual world and reality blurring strikingly.
Miles' eyes roam over your face, as if he can't quite believe you're real. He clears his throat again, looking away briefly as his ears and the apples of his cheeks flush a light pink. "I-..." He pauses, collecting his thoughts, then meets your eyes again, his expression morphing into a half-cute, boyish smile. "Thanks for the notecards. I still don't get why our professor thought it was realistic to remember the birthplace of Odysseus's fake alias, Quintus Metellus, from 'The Odyssey.' I mean, who actually remembers he claimed to be from Crete?" he jokes.
You return his smile, feeling a sense of ease. "Heh, I try. As you could see from those cards, I really didn't want to fail."
Miles chuckles, sitting up straighter, a newfound confidence in his voice. "Hey, I don't blame you. Honestly, if it wasn't for you, I would've had to repeat this class, no joke."
Rolling your eyes playfully, you wave off his compliment. "Please," you giggle, "I've heard about you from my doormmates; you're practically a genius in chemistry. Acing exams, breezing through lectures, even correcting the professor once or twice."
At your words, Miles looks bashfully at you, his lips curling into a sweet smile, his head tilting slightly as he gazes at you, almost as if he's seeing you for the first time. His eyes wander over your features—from your eyes to your nose, then your lips—as if trying to memorize every detail. In his look, there's a sense of yearning and awe, reminiscent of how Hippolytus might have gazed upon the goddess Artemis in his final moments, a look filled with admiration for something pure and unattainable, his expression tinged with the bittersweet understanding of beauty admired under the shadow of an unjust fate. This gaze, filled with a mix of reverence and a hint of sadness, seems to say you are his Artemis, a figure of innocent wonderment amidst the complexities of his world.
"What?" you ask teasingly, raising an eyebrow to mask your growing fluster.
"It's just… you're really cool," His voice carries a soft tone, mixed with endermeant.
You smile and shrug lightly, a playful tone in your voice. "What can I say? I'm awesome."
A soft smile spreads across Miles' face, his eyes softening in a way that leaves you momentarily breathless. The usual intensity that lingers in his gaze transforms into something tender, a warmth that seems to reach out and touch you. "Yeah... you are," he says, his voice low and filled with a gentle observation that seems to see not just you, but into you.
The way he says it, with such earnestness and a hint of awe, makes your heart flutter in a way you hadn't anticipated. It's as if his words carry more than just a simple affirmation; they are laced with an unspoken admiration.
It's your turn to clear your throat and look away to try and compose yourself. Your thoughts are interrupted as the professor's office door swings open, and out walks a blonde-haired girl.
"Now Gwen, I want this to be the last year you retake my course—" Professor Osborn starts, but Gwen cuts him off with an exasperated sigh.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah," she says dismissively. "But be real, Mr. Osborn. I wouldn't have to retake your course for the third time if the other subjects in your department were competent to teach their subjects."
"Yes, but focusing solely on mythological romances isn't going to get you very far, Gwen. You need to balance it out with another course," the professor retorts.
Gwen sighs and waves a hand dismissively as she walks away. "Yeah, got it," she mumbles, her gaze briefly landing on you and Miles. There's a momentary linger in her eyes, especially on Miles, before she continues on her way.
Professor Osborn clears his throat, calling up Miles and apologizing for the delay. "No problem, sir," Miles reassures him, getting up to follow. He slows his steps as he reaches you, leaning in slightly. "I'll wait for you after your appointment, yeah?"
You can only muster a nod, still finding everything surreal. As Miles walks into the professor's office, you're left alone with your thoughts, the weight of the moment settling around you. You realize that this isn't just a fleeting encounter; it feels like the beginning of something new, something real.
As you wait for your turn with the professor, your mind races with possibilities. The unexpected twist of fate that brought you and Miles together in this academic setting, away from the screens and chats, feels like something out of a story. Yet, here you are, living it.
When your appointment with the professor ends, you step out, finding Miles waiting as promised. His smile is warm, inviting, and for the first time, you feel a sense of excitement about what lies ahead. "Wanna grab lunch in the U-Center?" he asks, and you can't help but smile back, nodding in agreement.
As you walk alongside Miles, chatting about mythology, classes, and everything in between, you realize that sometimes, life has a way of bringing stories off the screen and into reality. And perhaps, just maybe, this is the start of your own real-life story.
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ahahaahah. not me indulging in college romance. y'all im just out here being delusional and need and outlet 💀💀
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ssahotchnerr · 7 months
carving pumpkins with the boys <3 making a HUGE mess and getting it all over your clothes and aaron is just like sighing with the cutest lil smile bc be loves you guys sm but he's like "damn, should have bought aprons 😟" LMAO
aaron being a lil weary over carving pumpkins 😭 like he absolutely LOVES the activity and thinks it a must-do every year, but he hates the smell, the mess, scooping all the pumpkin guts out, and the seeds and all make his hands superrrr itchy 😭 SO you just buy him a pair of gloves to wear, and promise you'll light candles as soon as you're all done to get rid of the smell :D but aaron just ends up being mainly on supervising/taking pictures/cleaning as you go duty LOL
you cover the dining room table with newspapers to make the mess pick-up somewhat easier, but it's inevitable 😭 pumpkins guts are going to get everywhereeeee - like jack attempts to scrape the guts out with a little too much force (it's not his fault >:( the pumpkin strings are stubborn, sweet jack's not the strongest just yet 😭 and you offer to help but he mainly wants to do it 🥺 you just fine tune towards the end) so when it does come off - seeds just FLING into the air and shoot right back at the three of you, or land on the floor rather than the table 😭 jack thinks it's hilarious, especially at his father's reaction 😭 heheh aaron's just all :| this is fine, and you're laughing along with jack, but OF COURSE aaron can't even pretend he's not having a good time 🥹 hehe his softie smile just continuously appears on his face and he just feels so content and he just loves the sound of his two favorite people happily laughing 🥰
with the guts gone - aaron sketches face onto the pumpkin, with jack glued right at his side instructing him on what to do, with you offering suggestions - hehe jack wanted a scary face >:) but it's about as scary as it can be for a six year old LOL. and he started to go REALLY into detail on the face - you have to talk him down to a simpler design for aaron's sake/in awareness of his pumpkin carving capabilities 😭 and then aaron himself also carves the face out due to the sharper tool too - no one's getting injured on his watch 🫵🏻
and the end result 🥹 a perfect not-so-scary pumpkin <33333 (and a mess 🥰 SO that's when aaron says 'next year, we're getting aprons' LOL) and of course he has to take a picture of you and jackers grinning right next to it 🥰 it ends up being his november lockscreen <333
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bratzforchris · 10 months
Life on Tour
Summary: A social media blurb about your and Luke's life on tour with 5 Seconds of Summer
FC: Sabrina Carpenter
A/N: I love doing these cute lil blurbs :) I haven't had a ton of time to write since I just started back to college, but I did want to get something out for you all since you've been so supportive lately! If you have any other blurb ideas, send them in my ask box!
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Liked by lukehemmings, crystalleigh and 51,876 others
yourinstagram post show ice cream hits different
View all 5,320 comments
lukehemmings Pretty girl 😍
yourinstagram idk man ask him
michaels.bad.omens she's so pretty it's unfair 😭
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Liked by lukehemmings, mmataband and 47,675 others
yourinstagram luke is such a tourist guys 💓
View all 4,346 comments
calumhood where's my photo credit
yourinstagram sorry cal<3
penguinluke96 i literally love them so much 🥺
sunshine.ash MOM AND DAD
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Liked by lashtonspenguin, 5s0supdates and 1,987 others
lrhupdates It looks like Ashton went sightseeing in Colombia with Luke and Y/N today!
View all 345 comments
y/n_updates ashton is the best photographer 🥺
5secondsofmuke omg were mikey and cal there???
ashsgreyhound imagine walking the streets and just bumping into these three omg
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Liked by yourinstagram, 5sos and 97,834 others
lukehemmings Y/N said it best...we sold out MSG. Thank you a million times, I couldn't be more grateful ❤️
View all 11,934 comments
michaelclifford that was my cookie
yourinstagram dude you ate like 5
5sos Our best promoter ❤️❤️
lover.of.y/n SHE'S AN ICON WTF
yourinstagram thank u babe🥺
lover.of.y/n I GOT A Y/N REPLY OH MY GOD
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Liked by yourbestfriend, lukehemmings and 31,456 others
yourinstagram swipe to see my favorite 5sos member
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niallhoran twins
yourinstagram love ya niall<3
ashtonirwin Why isn't it me?
5sos because
yourinstagram i love you too ash 💗
5sosupdates The cutest couple there is 🥺❤️
calumsbassguitar i'm so in love with y/n omg
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Liked by ashtonirwin, yourinstagram and 87,978 others
lukehemmings Even on tour Y/N figures out how to make the best meals 🥰
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yourinstagram <3
lukescatch22 MOMMY AND DADDY
lukehemmings Not anytime soon
glittereyesluke LUKE?? OMG??
snapbackmike95 Can you fight tho?
wastedheartslashton Pretty boy 💗
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Liked by lukehemmings, 5s0s_updates and 54,845 others
yourinstagram missing this girl lots today 💕 p.s. daddy says hi tuney<3
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luke_is_a_penguin_96 DADDY?
y/ndaily There's no way we're already calling Luke daddy 😅
➜ taglist: @lukesbolts @thatmarvelgirly
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princekeerys · 3 months
Can we get some real gentle Carl x reader for the soul? 🥺
I need me some shy pda with real lovey dovey shit in private. Like he'll hold your hand and give you the occasional forehead kiss in public when thinks there aren't too many people watching, then after a long day and yall get home, just before you go to bed you get a real slow gentle makeout sesh with gentle touches like hand on the cheek or neck, holding your waist and pulling you onto his lap and into his chest because he just can't get you close enough and aaarrrghhh 😭❤❤❤❤
And then when yall decide it's time to get some sleep, he gives you the sweetest kisses on the forehead and cheeks, and then holds you close to fall asleep (don't mind me being utterly in love with this boy)
this was a request that i posted earlier but then deleted cuz i felt sad and. Yeah
please this is the cutest thing i’ve ever read ))):
beings as it’s the apocalypse and he’s never really had any experience in the romance department, i picture he’d be incredibly shy about pda but he’d also be clingy. perhaps he’s too nervous to give you kisses of any sort, but he’ll hold your hand!!!! wrap is arm around your waist!!!! the odd time he’ll even put his arm around your shoulders and bring you a lil closer to him (hip-to-hip pfft) because in his mind your wayyyy too far from him and he misses you.
but when you guys finally get alone time away from helping out in alexandria, homeboy is all over you and it feels. So Nice. he’s peppering your face in tiny kisses, giving you the compliments he’s too shy to say in front of anyone else, holding you comfortingly in his arms
in my mind carl grimes is just the apocalyptic version of peter parker 🍓🦋💗💗🧚‍♀️💐
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cosyie · 3 months
Abby anderson x chubby! Reader
Abby w big butt reader
Abby honestly would jus be so touchy and grabby with your butt like ..
When you bend down to pick up your weapon or get something from your backpack she'll stare at your butt and then come behind you n pretend she's fuckin' you, and then she'll let out the cutest laughs and giggles when you glare at her and rolled your eyes (secretly you looovvveee ittt) but you smiled it off as well. Also if you have backpockets she'll put her hands in there to keep them warm..annddd whenever she leans to kiss you she grabs your back gently and kisses you. ♡
Abby w big bust reader
O m g I personally think she's a boob girl bc her boobs small and she just wants loves how boobs feel in general and she's like always squishing them with her hands when you guys have to share a bedroom when on patrol and lev is in the other room and kinda hearing yalls conversations and he's like " 😰 ",
Also she uses your breasts as stress relievers like a stress ball and she just like jiggles them and squeezed them gently every second, causing you to giggle as she kissed your cheeks and she's just looking at you like you're a literally goddess as you let out your cute lil giggles.
Abby fell inlove with you as soon as she saw your chubby body and cute face, rescuing her and lev from wlf/scars/anyone who's hunting them.
When you bought her to your hideout where your family and friends lives and you had to clean her bloody noise and stuff she jus admired your face as you were close up and then you smiled awkwardly and asked "there's something on my face?" And Abby shook her head slightly and shook her head 'no' as she said so and she was blushing🤭. (You didn't notice bc of her injuries on her face) She then asked you her name and then you guys became partners about 8months later because Abby was literally questioning her sexuality else it would have been 2 months 😪.
She loves your stomach sm she lays her head down on it as she reads the books she got from you.
Also she loves your chubby cheeks sm (if you have) she'll literally pinch them and nibble on them lightly as she and you giggled.
Lev is literally like your child now, lev loves you sm and I think he'll be very comfortable around you to tell you any of his problems, also he loves when he hugs you bc your like so soft and gentle and he just..melts into your touch. (I love him sm 🥺)
Also abby is really overprotective over you, if a man was staring at you with any hint of lust she's ready to square up with him (because most men never saw your body type or anyone with it due to the virus and most women are skinny/slightly musclar and you're just so gorgeous and curvy.)
Abby loves you so so much, you think you're too heavy? She picks you up quite easily on patrols causing you to gasp as she laughed and she's like "see baby? You're not heavy🙄" and you squirmed a bit and blushed as you asked her to put you down, thinking you'll break her, but she handles you just fine, and she'll like "ok babe😪", she then puts you down as she pulls you by the waist and kisses you and then Lev walks in and says "uhmm..you guys ready to go..?😐" and you both look at him and abby hands left your waist as you she held your hand and then you guys walked up, meeting lev and abby ruffles his hair and you giggled softly as Lev looks at abby like this " >:(" and then he smiles as you guys laughed and talked about what yall gonna have for dinner. (strawberries and lobster) <3
Hi this was my first time writing on Tumblr or in general so idk what the fuck is going on so pls forgive me.😭
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writingforstraykids · 5 months
My beloved cutie mooties🥺🖤
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(edited 12.05.24)
Niki, my beautiful sunshine, I'm so grateful to have you through thick and thin. I'm still convinced you're cute and idc whether you accept that or not. I love talking to you and you're one of the kindest people I know (unless you yell at me you meanie...joking obviously, chill guys😂🖤) I'll always be there for you...also pls stop spending so much money on me cutie😭 Keep shining sunny bunny...love you, pretty girl🖤
my beloved (not so silent anymore) bestie, i love our shared European confusion and confusing the others together in return. you're such a cute little kitty and we all know u love being called cute so...you're very cute, deal with it🤭I love our shared stupidity whenever we talk about the boys and seriously, every time you send me your part for the rambles I'd drop to my knees and pay for it bc holy shit. I'll always be there if you need me, keep fighting lovey. love you unnie🖤
azzy, I'm so proud of slowly pulling you a little from the shadows you were hiding in😂 also...idk how I managed to do so, but I'm still laughing about achieving most of your tumblr milestones😭 i love sharing requests with you, working out ideas or simply do as you said and write what my brain couldn't figure out. thank you for always being there for me and sharing your brilliant brain with me, co-writer🤭 also it's such a bummer we live so far away bc after what we talked about so far I know you'd be the best cuddle buddy🥺 love you azzy my cutest little thing🖤
🖤@jinnie-ret 🖤
jinnie my dear, even though we haven't talked that much so far, I always love it when we get the chance🤭 can't wait to get to know you better as well and I'm already so excited for that fic👀looveeee your writing sm🖤
you're my newest mootie and I love you so much already it's ridiculous (niki can confirm that🥹) you're always so sweet and you literally outshine every fic with your loving reblogs and comments (I'm just too speechless to answer properly, I really love them🥺) so yeah, that's why you got the tag "the cutest" 🤭🖤
Ash. my dear, we don't have that much time to talk usually because you're either working or I'm asleep (a rarity but still). Nevertheless, you have a special place in my heart by now and I'm thankful for your presence in my life. I know who to text if I need someone to kick ass. Your reblogs make me smile like some idiot every time, thank you so much for appreciating my lil dummy ideas so much. love you mama wolf🖤
Miu, babyy, I've made you cry way too often with stuff like this—my bad. I know it's not always easy, but you're one of the kindest people I know, and I love that I have someone with whom I can talk in my native language for once. You're a sweetheart and thank you for always being there for me. I still plan to meet you one day hehe. Long story short, you're amazing, don't let anyone else try to make you believe anything less than that. Bin immer für dich da🖤
heyy mimi, we haven't talked much so far...sometimes accidentally when you mistook my icon for niki's I hope that's easier now😂😉 you seem like such a kind soul and I hope we'll get closer over time (no rush dear!) I'm happy over each of your reblogs, especially after you told us you're too shy to do so sometimes. I really appreciate it, you cutie🖤
I always loved seeing you pop up in my notifications with your sweet comments. I already think you're a sweetheart, I know we haven't talked that much yet. Still, I loved prereading your fics and getting a glimpse into your genius brain. Don't give up writing as long as you have fun with it, because you're truly amazing at it🖤
You've been around on my prior blog already and still my stupid brain didn't realize you've changed usernames for so long😭😂 I always look forward to your excited comments and reblogs, they're truly a boost of motiviation ngl. Hope to have you around for a long time🤭🖤
Your excitement for that Minchan series made me think about writing bonus chapters for the first time in months. I really love seeing how you get so invested in some of the stories, which makes me want to do better hehe. Also...omg...I'm still thinking about that one fic you wrote a while ago🫠 I'm excited to see what's next and hope we'll get the chance to maybe talk some more🖤
Without giving away too much, your brain is amazing. I love your requests so much and you're always so kind when I get back to you to make sure I get everything right. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to write about certain topics and stuff I haven't so far🖤
love, love, loveee your blog (for obvious inspirational reasons😉) you seemed like a very sweet soul whenever we talked before and I'll always be there if you need someone to talk, even about the most random bullshit😂🖤
You're such a lovely person, I can't even put it into words properly. Your writing is beautiful and I'm still in love with that stargazing fic with Channie😭 always love talking to you and seeing your comments🖤
I've told you so before, I wanna kiss your brain so bad sometimes. The stuff you come up with for me to write is brilliant. I can't wait to finish more of your requests and share ideas as soon as possible! Love you hehe🖤
Heyy sweetie, I love seeing you in my notes and I swear I'll get that Minchan x Hyunjin thing done for you!! Thank you for all the love, dear🖤
The amount of times I made you choke back tears at work is...concerning and I'm so sorry, I don't do it on purpose, I swear😭😂 your reblogs are always so genuine and make me feel like I did exactly what I wanted to with the fic in question. I appreciate your words so much, thank you!
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woetoy · 6 months
Far too many(all) of your ocs look like they'd be the cutest little beasts in the world while heavily pregnant and chest so full to bursting even the slightest jiggle has them leaking milk
I got sidetracked there, I meant to say "your art fucking Rules"
you're so right YOU'RE SO RIGHT!!!!
wish I had all the time in the world to boob+preggy all of my lil guys up... 🥺
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