#this might fix my art motivation
mjtheartist04 · 5 months
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And The best part about this official art (besides genya) that made me so much more happier, Is that tulips are my favorite flowers🥹🌷💕…
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bruhainrot · 20 days
Path of Serenity
"Is there truly hope for our world? A life brimming with hope and new beginnings, a world filled with joy and free from sorrow. How wonderful that would be.."
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So proud of the outcome! This artwork is based on my favorite cdrama intro. If you’re curious about the lyrics, it’s basically a sweet little duet where two people set in a forest, sharing their hopes and dreams and also expressing their affection for each other. Rad song go listen !! 🎧 👹🫵
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sanshinexx · 2 years
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Here's part two of drawing my family pictures as the Bad Batch because I can and you can't stop me
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muselexum · 28 days
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mothram · 6 months
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Hi guys I made RE4 art <3
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kitsquared · 1 year
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A drawing of the wraith of the Port mafia
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acanthemp3 · 10 months
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ozymoron · 1 year
literally why am i a perfectionist i actually really dont give a shit
#⚠️#personal#''this drawing sucks everyones going to notice the eye isnt in the exact right spot'' both you and i know we dont fucking care#vent#rant#genuinely cant put into words how much this shit frustrates me#like everytime i draw i just have this stupid little critic in the back of my mind thats like ''this looks like shit you should just quit''#and it drives me crazy#like genuinely shut up#i think all those years on art youtube has just ruined my motivation#like all those art roast videos all those ''DONT DO THIS YOU ARE KILLING YOUR ART'' videos#i think i should just go frolic in a field i think that would fix me#like some of the guys making these kinds of videos are professional artists which just makes it worse for me#cause like i wanna be a professional someday and like having that fear in my mind that they might all look at my art and tear it to shreds#for not being perfect or something just feels so demotivating#like ik its irrational like 100% they would not do that but idk im tired of how harsh art spaces online are#maybe its just the spaces ive been in but from the ones ive been in theyre just so harsh and for what#i genuinely dont get the motivation behind it#what is saying ''dont do this its killing your art'' or ''roasting'' other peoples art doing for anyone#who is that helping#god i have to be up at 9 and its nearly 3 am but like god i need to rant about this just to get it out of my system#ik the whole ''DO NOT DO THIS'' thing probably gets you a lot more views than being like ''how to draw facial expressions'' or whatever#but like still who is that helping#idk maybe its all my years of being told not to do things without a reason why that makes me feel this way but it bothers me#i just worry for younger artists who are growing up on art youtube or are on art tiktok#idk if any of this made sense i cant be bothered reading back through it but i just have a lot of built up frustration towards the more i#guess ''mainstream'' (idk if thats the right word) parts of the art community#honestly idk why im so worried about professional artists who title their videos like ''DONT FUCKING DO THIS OR YOU WILL DIE''#judging my art#i hit the tag limit yippee. if i have more that i think to say ill just add them in a reblog
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inga-don-studio · 1 year
Thinking about starting a new hobby at 1:30am is the Devil talking and they’re so right
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dingdawny · 1 year
My laptop might've just broke :( please I have so many unfinished drawings on there at LEAST let me turn the computer on just once so I can send them to myself or smth pleaseee
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cowboy-the-kraken · 2 months
hey i'm gonna be posting on here again :3
but uhh the mouse i was using probably died yesterday so drawings probably gonna be put on hold.
i might just post progress on the development of my website in the meantime
maybe writing too since that's another one of my hobbies i'm working on
like oc lore posts and stuff so ppl can ask more about them
but idk, im not that confident with my writing yet lol
along with other shenanigans
and see if i can dig up some old stuff to post on here, i dunno
but expect more fanart or something once i find a solution :)
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cheeseplants · 4 months
STORYTIME. I am fairly new to fanfic and I committed the cardinal sin of deleting a WIP fic I was having a hard time finishing. At the time I persuaded myself noone really cared.
I got caught up thinking: it wasn't getting a lot of kudos or comments, I had rushed it, the grammar wasn't good, the story wasn't working, people didn't like my characterisation, it wasn't beta-ed etc etc etc.
I was embarrassed it sat there without me being able to finish it, because I listened to the mind gremlins that told me it wasn't good enough.
Then I deleted it.
The other day someone messaged me on another one my fics asking where that fic had gone! They were looking for it, and it had disappeared. They quoted a line back to me from that fic I deleted months ago. That they REMEMBERED.
It made me realise my mind gremlins were talking BS. Even if you have only a few subscribers or kudos or whatever, your fic could be someone's FIC. It could be one they search for, it could be one they remember lines from. They could be devastated it's not there anymore.
It's easy to get so all consumed by stats, and think that others are doing better or that your thing isn't working. But what if even with your small following, you are making someone's day!
I have learned a lot since I wrote that fic, and I have it in a Drive, and now feel motivated to go back, and fix the things that got me stuck.
Somewhere out there a lovely internet stranger could love what you made and that is special. ❤️
Thank you for making your art! Good job.
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lunaa007 · 2 years
Astrology observations #1
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Welcome to my first astrology observations!
I’m in no way a professional astrologer, this is purely for fun. Take only what resonates with you! I'm happy to discuss these points further in the comments :)
♦️ Leo mars live for the praise. They love words of affirmation, especially in bed 😏 They call the attention effortlessly when exercising, dancing or other mars-related activities. But they might not always like this.
♦️ Chiron 1st house can be very insecure about their appearance if they don’t work to heal this. I know someone with this placement that hates mirrors as they never liked what they saw. But it gives great potential to heal and help others regarding these issues.
♦️ Sagittarius mars people could regularly need new experiences in their sexual life. They might be open to try everything once “just to see”, and they might lean less toward monogamy than other mars placements.
♦️ Moon in the 6th house might be more sensitive to anxiety as their emotions lie in the house of daily life and routine. So they might have to deal with their emotions on a daily basis. They might need regular physical movement and consistent routines to feel regulated and content.
♦️ Pluto conjunct MC might hate posting on social media as they could feel exposed and vulnerable if they do. They might have an intense need to keep their life private.
♦️Mercury conjunct/square/opposite Pluto might swear a lot, or at least more than what they were taught was okay. If their education was very strict they might swear only when surprised, like if they get hurt or forget something.
♦️Venus in 10th house or conjunct MC can work in the fashion or makeup industry and be known for their beauty and sense of aesthetics.
♦️Saturn in Aquarius could have interest or talents in Uranian fields such as astrology or technology. They might be motivated to work towards social causes. They also could have an emotionally distant outlook on life.
♦️Lilith conjunct Ascendant create strong reactions everywhere they go. They are provocative without trying. People can get easily obsessed with them as they exude tremendous sex appeal. But they can also get very aggressive and negative reactions towards them without any reason.
♦️Mars square pluto absolutely need to channel their energy and anger into exercise and breath work. Martial arts is the best for them. If they don't control this energy it can get dangerous for themselves and even for others in extreme cases. But if they learn to control this tremendous force, they can achieve incredible things.
♦️Venus square Saturn can have a lot of difficulties with their self-worth, which affects their relationships. If you have a low self-esteem you will settle for less than you deserve. Once they have sufficiently worked on themselves and on their self esteem, they can find great love. This doesn't mean it can't come early but it might be more challenging. However, Saturn delays but never denies. They are not doomed and will find love (this depends also on other placements and aspects).
♦️Moon in Taurus can have a very calming and healing aura. People feel at peace when with these natives, especially when hugging. They are very grounded and stable, which is felt by others and is very reassuring. However, they can be stubborn at times as Taurus is a fixed sign.
♦️Mars in the 12th house could be passive aggressive sometimes as they do not recognise their own anger and never really learn how to control it. They might have sudden outbursts which can take the people around them by surprise.
♦️Sun opposite Moon can have a difficult relationship with their mother. They can feel that their mother's personality is the complete opposite of them and that they are not understood by her. Other aspects to the moon can come accentuate this or make it easier.
♦️Pisces Mars often have a talent for dancing. One of my best friends has this placement and she is a professional contemporary dancer. Her movements are so graceful, it really looks like water moving. Mars at a pisces degree (12°, 24°) can have a gift for dancing also to a lesser extent.
♦️Pluto in the 9th house can bring transformations and soul evolutions when traveling overseas, studying a higher education or moving abroad.
Thank you for reading ❤️
© lunaa007
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siesh-pilmeni · 2 months
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A series of works, part one
Good evening, everyone. I'll start with the fact that I had ideas for a long time to make a story series of works on the history of Dyson, it always seemed to me that in the story with his scar, the easy was not finished. Therefore, my version is that Clu did not just fix Dyson's scar, Clu changed him (corrected the code, etc.), thereby making a convenient "doll" for himself. I think if someone else had fixed his scar, then the story might have turned out differently.
All this was retold in the style of "before" and on behalf of the Tron. I want to start a new series of works soon, but in the style of "after" and on behalf of Dyson. I don't think I'm going to tell the plot, although the moment is also shown where hatred and anger at his "old friend" were generated by the Tron, which will greatly affect it in the future.
Even if in this series everything was scattered out of order of the art, then in the next one I will try not to do so and do everything in order. It seems like everything.
I am also grateful for each of your compliments, I really appreciate it and for me it serves as motivation to continue making art.🫶
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genericpuff · 4 months
(You can delete this ask if it makes you uncomfortable) Do you think I should give up on my dream of being a webcomic artist? It's been what I'd been wanting to for years yet from what I'm hearing, it's hard to get money and an audience and that the mainstream webcomic hosting platforms don't treat their creators well. It doesn't help that while my art is decent, I don't really know how to create webcomics beyond like really short 4-5 panel comics even though I'd been drawing for many years. There's also the issue of my ADHD making it difficult to commit to stuff but then again at least that can be hopefully fixed once I get medicated. So, now the career of a webcomic artist sounds like a pipe dream at best. Is it worth pursuing, even if I don't make much money with it?
"Do you think I should give up on my dream of being a webcomic artist?"
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And this isn't just for you, anon, this is for everyone who follows my nonsense here.
Yes, it's hard to build an audience.
It's even harder to make money.
You should still make webcomics if you really want to do it.
The only practical piece of advice I can give you from the perspective of someone who's been doing this for years is to manage your expectations. Because that's the biggest mistake a lot of webcomic artists make (and I too, made this mistake) they go into it setting the bar that it HAS to result in them making a living off it, getting famous off it, etc. when that's unfortunately only the reality for the 1% who get lucky or have an advantage that the other 99% don't have. And then, of course, failing to meet those ridiculously high expectations makes the fall hurt that much harder if you fail, especially with odds like that stacked against you. That's not to say you shouldn't set a bar for yourself, but you have to set it in a place that's reasonable. Especially if you're an artist with ADHD (same, mood), we have a REAL bad habit of setting the bar unreasonably high for ourselves when we're still learning and getting our feet wet (it's why we're always taking on new hobbies after getting inspired by musicians or crafters and then getting immediately discouraged when we're not suddenly able to do the thing with that same amount of skill).
Set the bar in a reasonable place with reasonable expectations, and then when you MEET that bar, you'll have even more motivation and confidence to aim higher. What won't give you confidence is setting the bar alongside the pros who have been at this for years, because not only will it take way too long to hit that for you to see results, you might give up before you even come close because of how far away the bar is.
A career as a webcomic artist is about as guaranteed as making a career out of Youtube. But being a webcomic artist, period? You can do it. Anyone can do it. I'm still doing it in spite of everything. Like, I cannot even fully express to you just how much of what I do here is the culmination of a long list of failures. My art, my writing, the stuff I do here is built on the corpses of my failures. But those failures were still important, they had to happen to make me into the person and artist I am today. That person is STILL making mistakes, and that artist is STILL not rich LOL Failure is scary, but fear of failure is the true killer of joy and growth.
Do not tie the merit of being a webcomic artist to how much money you can (or can't) make out of it. Just like with starting a Youtube channel, you shouldn't go into it expecting money and fame right out the gate, but there are equal amounts of joy and experience you can gain by doing it. There's a reason people say you have to do it out of love and passion first because ultimately that's all you'll have to keep carrying you through if and when you fail to meet your goals. You don't have to be sure if you'll still want to do it a year from now or five years from now, none of that matters. If you want to do it now, then do it.
Make your 4-5 panel comics if that's what you enjoy doing. Make whatever tickles your fancy. Acknowledge your fears and doubts, thank them for their opinion, and do it anyways. "What if it ends up being a waste of time?" The time will pass anyways. Worst case, at least you'll be able to say you did it. That's better than never trying and regretting it in the end.
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