#the damned gyutaros are everywhere
rasshu-benaio · 8 months
Tiny Gyutaro Stickers 🐾
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Yeah… I know there aint many people here who see my content but I totally forgor to put this here. I ordered tiny run stickers a bit ago and im ngl, these bitches are strong ass decals.
Check out mah etsy if you want some random KnY shiz, i still got mah cat shakers up there too bit akaza done sold.
💥Etsy limk💥
Heres the actual ad i made for these damn stickers too
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boa-h · 1 year
【Shabana Gyutaro】 January Snow
*i don’t think they had guns back then but let’s just pretend they do
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“I still firmly believe— that you’re out there somewhere in this world, waiting for me, as young as you were, as loving as you were.”
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Perhaps not many people would believe this, the fact that Shabana Gyutaro has also experienced love in his teenage years of life. A monster like him, a freak, how could he have possibly fallen in love? It’s ridiculous no matter how he thinks of it.
It was the first snow of the year when he met you. The color white dyed the entire town and the snow produced a satisfying crunching sound whenever he stepped on it with his bare feet, snowflakes fell from the sky and he had almost mistaken it for rain. Sudden footsteps appeared behind him and he spun around, sickle pointing at whoever dared to approach him, only to find a girl a head shorter standing there, panting, with a pink fur coat in her hands. He guessed that it was yours.
“Uhm...” You started, “I saw you walking by just now, I noticed that you didn’t have a coat, so please, take this.” You handed your coat to him, “You must be cold.”
Ignoring his dry skin that cracked and turned red due to the weather, and his fingers and legs that slowly turned stiff, “Don’t need it.” He scowled. Are you trying to pity him? You wealthy little girl who has multiple coats, each a different color.
Maybe you’ve never talked to anyone as ugly as him before, or maybe you’re just cold as well, your hands shook and tears swirled in your pretty eyes, “N-no, I insist, I can’t bear walking back home still with the coat I was supposed to give you. Take it, if it makes you feel better then return it when winter ends, you will not owe me anything.” You shoved the coat into his hands and ran as fast as you could back into your yard, tripped by the thick snow multiple times.
Gyutaro watched as you hurried back home, he looked back at the coat in his hands and he wanted to tear it apart and throw it on the ground and stomp it until it was nothing but pieces of dirty and useless cloth. But gosh, it’s so warm, to the point where he doesn’t even want to let go.
The second time he saw you, you were just passing by the street with your maid when he dragged one of his victims out of the brothel he was in. Gyutaro flung the man onto the hard earth and pointed his weapon at the victim’s throat. Murmurs were heard throughout the street yet they only made Gyutaro’s smile bigger.
“Now, pay up.” He taunted.
When the gold coins clinked in Gyutaro’s hands and when the man hurriedly scrambled away, he turned around, meeting your eyes. One of your hands covered your mouth and the other clung onto your maid’s sleeves, his surprised expression turned into a frown, and then his lips curved upwards again as he walked to you. Your maid tried to block him but one simple shove from him made her lose balance. You took a step back and he giggled. See, even you’re afraid of him, just like everyone else.
“Got something to say to me? Miss.” He was dangerously close to the point you can feel the heat radiating from his slim body. You looked everywhere but his eyes trying to think of something, would he be mad if you just simply shook your head?
Maggot, dimwit, idiot, good-for-nothing, useless, disgrace, freak, monster. He imagined everything you could call him, hitting him with dirt and rocks on the floor, tripping over your own feet, and then begging for mercy when he decides to kill you.
Too long.
You were taking too long.
“Come on, come on! Say something, man, you’re taking too damn long!” He raised his voice, scratching his neck in frustration.
“Um!” Startled, you blurted out the first thing in your mind, “You’re not wearing the coat I gave you, please wear it, it’s still very cold outside!” Immediately lowering your head, embarrassed of what just came out of your mouth. Gyutaro stared at you, wide-eyed, mouth agape.
“Don’t give me that crap…” He muttered.
“I said don’t give me that crap!!” He shouted, raising his sickle, accidentally slicing across your cheek, blood oozed out of the small yet deep cut instantly, “You say those things like you actually care! I hate people like you, I bet you think you’re the nicest person in this whole world, huh?! I bet it’s nice to have a nice house with maids to look after you, niiiice for you, mannn, niiice for youu… a person like you doesn't have to bring warmth to someone like me, and I don’t need your pity either. Go kill yourself.” His words were like fangs coated with venom, tears flowed down your cheeks and mixed in with the crimson blood that has yet to be stopped. Your hands pressed onto your wound, it hurts. It hurts.
Gyutaro stared at the direction you ran off to, all he could hear was your muffled sobbing and it made him want to tear his ears off. He hates the way you cry, it makes him frustrated and when he’s frustrated he can’t stop scratching himself, until his skin gets stuck under his dirty fingernails, until the tip of his fingers are dyed red.
And then he never saw you again until spring came. Gyutaro always walks back to that place he called home and then pass by your house, and everytime he tries to look through the windows he sees nothing. Not you, not your maids, not your parents, no one. When winter ended, he stood on your front porch, holding your poorly washed pink furry coat in his hands that were red and numb from being in the cold water stream for too long. His hand was raised, ready to knock on the door any second, yet he paused, hesitating like a teenage boy who had just fallen in love. He stayed in his position for at least 15 minutes, his forearm cold like a corpse as his blood struggled to flow in his raised arm. Until the door opened.
You stood there as beautiful as you were a few months ago, the cut he accidentally gave you remained as a scar on your skin. You looked up at him, surprised by his presence, yet remained quiet, waiting patiently for him to say something.
“I… I came back to give back your coat.” He said, dryly, handing over your coat.
“... Thank you for returning it.” You bowed your head as thanks.
Gyutaro watched as your delicate hands reached for the coat that looks like it’s been used everyday for years, and then suddenly he no longer wants to give back your coat. Someone like you touching something that has been used by him seems terrifying, like a drop of ink in a glass of milk. It was a sin— a sin greater than anything else.
He clung onto the coat until he realized that he was clutching onto it, hesitantly, he released his grip. He watched as you passed the coat to your maid, who then took it inside the house.
Gyutaro awkwardly stood in front of you, staring at your peaceful smiling face in silence. Awkwardness took over the air, for him at least.
“Come in and have some tea.” You broke the silence, offering a cup of tea in gratitude for him giving back the coat.
Gyutaro froze in place. Go inside and have tea? What kind of sick joke… You can’t have someone like him dirting your floors, especially after giving you that nasty cut, or what he thought was a nasty cut, on a pretty face like yours. “No- no, I’m good, man. My sister’s waiting for me to go back home. Maybe some other day.” He says.
“Okay.” You said, smiling calmly as always, and Gyutaro’s hand rose up to his nape, scratching it in a kind of frustration he can’t even find.
And there he unintentionally created another chance to see you again. Until the long summer days finally came to an end, and winter passed halfway.
“Hey, Gyutaro-kun! Let’s go to the New Years Festival today! Bring Ume-chan with you, please?” You called his name like you always did, asking him to accompany you wherever you go.
“Sure.” He grumbled, different from when you first knew him, different from denial and rejection.
Colorful fireworks exploded into the night sky, creating a beautiful contrast. It was truly the happiest moment of your life, welcoming the new year with good friends, not worrying about a thing in this world, about your parents who never come back home.
But happiness doesn't last. A sound that sounded like fireworks came from the crowd, a person dropped down onto the floor, a crimson red pooled beneath him, and the people around him screamed.
“Someone’s dead!”
“Who did that!?What’s happening!?”
And then everything else was a blur. People were running in all directions as more gunshots went off, and fires started to spread from all the knocked over food stalls. More and more people ended up dead on the floor, and people stepped over anything and everything to escape.
“We have to go!” Gyutaro called your name while holding onto Ume. As he finally got a grasp on your wrist, someone collapsed onto the hem of your kimono.
No way… Why now!?
You panicked and tried to yank out your kimono but your feet already took their steps. Tripping over, someone stepped directly onto your back, knocking the air out of you, before the wooden support post of a nearby food stall collapsed right on top of your lower body. You cried in pain.
“Hurry! Get up!” Gyutaro screamed, yanking you with his hands before trying to lift up the support post.
“I… I can’t…!” Tears pooled in your eyes, “Don’t worry about me, just go. Go back with Ume. I’ll be okay, someone will come soon, to help, I’ll be fine.” You shoved on his hand, “Come back later when you get Ume home, I’ll be fine.”
Gyutaro opened his mouth as if to protest, but watching all the chaos going on, and your pleading eyes. “Okay, wait for me, I’ll be back soon.” Slowly, he let go of your hand, and that was the last time he ever touched your warm hands.
You muffled your sobs with your kimono sleeves as you watched him disappear into the chaos with Ume.
No, don’t leave. It hurts. Don’t leave me alone. Help me. Don’t leave me.
White snow started falling from the sky and the fires died down. Tears dried on your face and your vision started to blur. The snow fell on your body like a white blanket as if the sky was mourning for you.
When Gyutaro returned, all he could find was your already cold and stiff body, his hands shook with fear as they reached for yours. Your empty eyes that were still opened stared into his, cut and bruises littered over your body yet you were still as beautiful as always. His hand gently covered your eyes and brought your eyelids down.
“Didn’t you say you were going to be alright?”
Gyutaro gritted his teeth and his eyes were bloodshot with anger and sadness. His sickle that he brought with him cut down the wooden support post, and he carried your body out and slowly brought you back home. He watched helplessly as your maids cried over your body, and suddenly he wanted to cry too.
He wasn’t there at your funeral. He was scared, afraid. Afraid of those hollow eyes that stared into his, as if your death was all on him, as if you were blaming him for everything that happened.
“She wouldn’t do that.” Ume immediately opposed his thoughts. “She’s the nicest person I’ve ever met! If she didn’t die, she would’ve married you. If you think she hates you, then you’re just speaking ill of her.” Tears pooled in her eyes as she cried to defend you with everything she’s got.
Gyutaro looked down at the tattered and molded tatami he’s sitting on. “I wish I married her.” He simply stated.
Even after becoming a demon and losing all his memories, he always knew that there were once someone in this world who loved him. Even when his head got cut off, he still firmly believes, that you’re still out there somewhere in this world, waiting for him, as young as you were, as loving as you were.
And the next time he opened his eyes, you were right there.
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thebottomfromhell · 11 months
hello!! I enjoy your stuff!! I was wondering if request are open could you headcanons of the upper moons having a goth s/o ?
like imagine their partner having platforms, chokers, black lipstick, the dark clothing and tattoos uwu
I would really love to see how they would react to them 🫰
Requests open, don't worry. It's a lovely ask, I hope you like it. I am writting considering the context, most are demons in the XX century that have lived at least 100 years, all of them from JAPAN. If it wasn't because most of this guys are freaks, none of them would approve.
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How does the Uppermoons feel about your asthetic? Goth GN Reader.
Warnings: Kokushibou being a grampa 😂, Referenced sexual content, Sekido being emotional again, and Akaza has his implied angst (why almost everything in him has at least some hidden angst?).
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Gyutaro loves your asthetic, it's almost the opposite of the traditional japanese beauty standards and he's all for it. He thinks it suits you a lot and he is not bothered when you want to show off a inked skin or too much skin. (He specially loves tattoos, thinks it's genial that marks on the body can be artistic, he is always nervious to touch them but you can see he wants to).
If you want to share a t-shirt, lend him some jewelry, put a choker in his neck, paint his nails or make him a fake tattoo (his regeneration would ruin a real one), then he is reasy for you to dress him up. (Even the lipstick, he is all for messy kisses and the more the merrier) With you as a partner he would start to incorporate some of this things to his everyday style (and Daki would loath you for it.)
Gyokko is conflicted, he likes the gothic style, adores it even. The themes, the dark colors, the uniqueness, it's a great asthetic. But it's not his asthetic. He likes colors, soft patterns, brightness. And of course Gyokko can't have it if it's not about himself, not that he minds. "Some things must be loved from afar. It's like art, you are not supposed to interact or be part of it if you are not the artist. You are just supposed to appreciate it."
He fully supports the way you look, the way you dress, and he might try to wear dark make up every once in a while with you doing it as a bonding experience, if you have something really nice then jewelry is a must, specially the choker (he feels sexy with it)... but besides that, he would barely touch it. Also, you better keep your mouth away with that lipstick.
It suits you, he doesn't have any strong opinion about it besides that. If that is what you want to wear, please do. But he got to admit there are things he is rather intimidated by in your style, the dark colors everywhere and memento mori themes are one of those.
He would not let you near with any of your things, not even the nail painting. Still, he would be plainty supportive of you expressing yourself. He is ok with the lipstick, though, it causes no harm.
Sekido is ok with it, it's the way you express yourself and dress is none of his business. He doesn't really like it but still thinks it's much better than dressing like Karaku or Urogi. He doesn't mind anything you do tl yourself as long as you like it.
And if you ever think of lending him something... don't, at best he will not use it, at worst he will give it to Urogi or Karaku and you will never see that piece of clothing/jewelry again. And try to put any make up on him he will literally have you shocked untill you pass out. Also, please clean the lipstick off if you want a kiss, he doesn't like them that messy.
Karaku thinks it's beautiful and sexy, he loves it a lot and is unafraid to say it. The second he saw you he said "Damn, you're looking good, hot-stuff. Suits you so much I'm almost envy it." He falls in love with you again evertime you expose a tattoo (he will trail the drawing with his index as he whispers how much he loves it in yoour skin by your ear) or wear tight and black clothes.
Don't mind him matching your style every once in a while, when he gets the mood to fix himself. But now that you gave him the idea he is forever using a choker, best thing ever. Also, he loves the black lipstick, he is enamored with kissing you with both having some and creating a mess, also he likes it since is extremely visible in his unlike bitemarks (they heal), so he is all for you kissing anywhere you like with it.
Urogi adores it, he thinks it's unique. Really, he gets all over you and asks you things like "What is that?" "How did you get it?" "Is it uncomfortable?" He also comments how it looks good in you. This includes the tattos, he loves then, even licks them at times lnly to see if it rubs off and is always amazed when it doesn't, even if he ever licked that same spot a million times.
After a while you realize he started to steal your stuff, specially the jewelry. He doesn't even wears them, he just likes them a lot so he keeps them. You can't get him to wear anything at all, he will run away at the sight of you wanting to dress him up (like a dog realizing it's bath-day, maybe he does think you will force him into a shower cuz he stinks a bit and you would not want to wear a shirt that he just used).
Aizetsu likes it, he thinks you look nice in it, you look like yourself. Dark clothes fit anyone, he thinks, and damn him if he isn't attracted to the themes, specially the memento mori. The thing he loves the most are the tattoos, the fact that they are part of you. He asks about their meaning, of why did you choose certain design, of the experience, he uses them as a way to know you.
Now, he wouldn't actually wear that. While he also likes dark clothes, he uses only things that are comfortable for his skin and to do the katas with his spear. But... a little bullying and he will be willing to match with you for a while. Oh, and he looks adorable after a messy kiss with the lipstick. He loves it and hates it at the same time, since it's awful but he likes that you can leave a mark that won't heal so he doesm't want to clean it off.
Nakime is in love with your style, she doesn't understand it as much as she feels she should, since he also wears black. She likes the themes, adores the tattoos (even if she would die before letting a needle basically embroider ink into her skin), dies for the make up and jewelry, also the fact she literally fell in love with you when she saw you like that... she still hasn't managed to integrate herself fully into it. She adores it, yearns it, but it's not hers.
Still, Nakime does like when you lend her something, and she would use them from time to time as long as you guide her through the style. And she likes a lot to kiss if you are both wearing lipstick, even if she doesn't like to deal with the mess it leaves in the skin.
Akaza doesn't share the taste, but he is very supportive. He likes to see you dress up the way it makes you comfortable and happy, and he is not above gifting you a gothic piece of jewelry or cloth if that will make you happy. His biggest issue are the tattoos, for some reason they make him feel on edge (you are used to him being paranoid of you being hurt, but fearing it out of a tattoo?)
He would not wear none of those, never. Akaza loves you, but he is not comfortable with the idea of so much black in him. It's actually funny because he wears white and pink, so you give the Jade (you) and Kat (him) vibe from Victorious at first glance. Also, he is not going to stop you from kissing hin if you wear lipstick, but he is cleaning his mouth the second your lips leave his.
Douma literally doesn't care. You could both dress in the most expensive suit or a trash bag and the same reaction. "You look lovely in that!" But he says it mostly because it's the correct thing to say, since he doesn't have feelings on the matter. The only think he is curious about are the tattoos, but once he made some questions like "Did it hurt?" "Why this drawing?" "What if one day you don't like it anymore?" He starts losing interest.
He also doesn't care lf you put anything on him, you could give him a tattoo if you ever wanted. He doesn't care if the kisses might get messy with the lipstick or even if you want to put make up in him, at best he will think having his face "painted" is funny and at worst he will clean it off. Douma just doesn't care.
Kokushibou hates it, if he wasn't a demon he would have died from a heart attack everytime he saw you using a choker with black lipstick, visible tattoos, clothes too tight in your skin and/or too revealing (he thinks too revealing is showing your shoulders, thighs, any tiny bit of chest, waist, back and so) and way too many accesories for his liking. And don't get him starting with the memento mori themes (he's terrified by it).
This is a japanese traditional man, and what your style is almost the exact opposite of it. Still, he barely comments on it, he's a very quiet man, and he's so horrified he doesn't know how to approach because... you really like to be like that??? [Go to sleep gramps 😂] If you ever put anything gothic on him, no matter what, even if it's just the figure of your lips with the black lipstick, forget the canon timeline, he will die then and there. [Poor grampa, your youth is too much for him 🤣]
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muzansfangs · 1 year
If you are a baker.
Starring: Akaza x f!reader;
Warnings: modern au, fluff!
Format: head canons
Plot: Akaza, your boyfriend, always stops by the bakery where you work at, before heading to his office, to taste your lips and your delicious bread and pastries.
• “Would you like to try this custard pie? It’s my new creation and, since you are a new costumer, I would like to hear your opinion on it!” you had cheerfully said, blessing his day with such a bright smile he could had not helped himself, but let his feet lead him to your bakery everyday. He returned with equal enthusiasm, always. You, the famous baker of his neighborhood, had got his heart from the day you first met. You were so beautiful, so kind and so talented, he found himself stopping at your shop every morning before heading to work.
• From the first time he tasted your bread, he thought the other bakers were incompetent pricks.
• Soon enough, though, he stopped only eating your pastries and following a basic morning routine. It was you he wanted to see, it was you his favorite creation of the menu. Therefore, he woke up earlier every morning to be able to spend more time in your company.
• Also, he might have heard some people praising your beauty along with your skills and that, of course, was enough to fuel his determination in winning your heart.
• It took him almost three months for him to ask you out. He did not want to rush things and, possibly, scare you away. He simply respected you enough to let you collect the hints he dropped with every visit at your shop. He left a note for you one morning, trying to act as he usually did, even though his heart thrummed against his ribcage with such a force he thought he was going to die on the spot.
• You, on the other hand, noted that something was cooking. Therefore, once the crowd of hungry costumers had finally dispersed, you read the note with starry eyes and took the rest of the day off to wait for him outside his office. You had always listened to him talking about his life and work. Naturally, he had also mentioned the address of his office and you did not waste your chance to surprise him with a cake.
• Your first kiss was unexpected. You had allowed him to help you in the kitchen and, unfortunately, flour was now everywhere. Your clothes were a mess, the table was unrecognizable. Your cheeks and the tip of your nose were not an exception, but you were used to it. Akaza, on the other hand, had never seen you like that. It felt unrealistic and domestic at the same time. You looked so lovely and he could not help himself, but grabbed a tissue and gently turned your head towards him. His kind eyes stared into your half-lidded ones and, before you could even realize it, he had slowly leant down to plant a peck on your lips.
• Kissing in the kitchen became a sweet habit of yours. His excuse to do it was naturally the “Love, let me help you! You got some flour on your chin”. You knew it was a lie, or something he had come up with just to kiss you, but you let him do it anyway.
• Akaza is such a simp for you that he glares at the men and women staring at you in awe for too long. How dare them thirst after his cupcake? Yes, you read it correct. Your nickname is cupcake.
• He always comes to pick you up after long and exhausting shifts. Pizza, sushi, or whatever you yearn for is settled on the table of your now shared home, when you come back.
• On a few occasions, he had thought that bringing some pastries of yours to the office would have helped you to increase your clients. He was so damn right. Daki, Gyutaro and that crazy friend of him, Douma, are now always in the first line to buy your creations. Muzan is too proud to hop down his car and enter himself. Whenever he wants something to eat, he asks Kokushibo to buy it for him.
• Be ready for a lot of “My cupcake is the best baker of the world!” and “If you don’t like her bread, you have no use to this world”.
• He must have thought about the chance to drop out of his office to help you at your bakery. However, you respect Kokushibo too much for having to see him drag your boyfriend back at the office because Muzan is too snob to come in person. Yet, when things like this happen, you make sure to send Akaza back to work with a lot of pastries and cakes.
Author note.
@6uppermoonsupremacy200 hi, sweetie! Not me posting at improbable hours, lol. I know I am so late but I have finally found the right inspiration to fulfill your lovely request! I sincerely hope you are going to enjoy this! We deserve some fluff on this account, lmao❤️
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cherry-queens-blog · 5 months
A story I wrote since I've been really depressed lately and haven't been okay at all for awhile so I put it into this story. It is short yes but i did put my own feelings and situation into this.
Dealing with depression, stress, self hatred. Gyutaro who had taken such a liking to you comforts you when he hears you crying in the bathroom.
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It had been an entire year now since you allowed Gyutaro to stay with you in your home, growing used to him dragging people in to feast on them, hearing them scream as he cut them open with his sickle, pulling out their insides, ripping off their limbs from their bodies and devouring them from inside your basement. It took a good while to get used to it despite it still making your blood run cold through your entire body, knowing that, that could be you one day if he decides to turn on you besides the fact that you two get along quite well and him offering you protection for letting him use your home to hide from the sunlight. Gyutaro is usually always gone during the night so you had some peace before he brought home another victim of his for dinner. Lately these last 6 months had been really hard on you after you had lost your job, applying everywhere that was hiring only to keep getting constantly denied, which sent you into a dark spot. Now drowning in depression and stress and having no one to help you through this time or no one to even talk to since you had no friends at all, and family can't help you either and also doesn't speak to you unless they want something from you which made it worse. You felt so damn alone and so low while struggling to do everything you can just to pay off bills, get food to eat, even going to the extent to sell yourself out to men just to get the money to survive. One night the burden was to much, the hurt really setting in as it was almost time for Gyutaro to come back from his hunt. You went into the bathroom to hide yourself so you could cry it out without him seeing. You really didn't want him seeing you in such a vulnerable, crying state at all since he is a demon and you know he is gonna say a bunch of hurtful stuff right? like how your being pathetic, weak, so on. As you enter inside the bathroom you couldn't help it, you broke down instantly after shutting the door and curling up in front of the bathtub, laying your head into your knees as your tears fell from your eyes. Unfortunately when he got back, walking past the bathroom he could hear your faint sobbing from inside and out of curiosity he opened the door, seeing you sitting in front of the tub. A faint sigh is heard from him as he walks over, sitting down beside you, putting his arm around you, pulling you into a tight embrace.
He hugs you tightly as you break down, tears running down your cheeks, whimpers leaving your lips, sniffles from your nose. He doesn't know what's going on or what it is about you but seeing you like this made him feel more protective of you, he actually wanted to care for you. The sense of absolute hurt and overbearing pain was so apparent and radiating from your body that even gyutaro could feel it. The way you cried so hard you could barely breath, choking on the air you could get into your lungs only for it to feel so difficult to exhale sometimes. Gyutaro ends up pulling you onto his lap and started to pet your head, stroking your hair so gently while looking at you. He could tell you were really hurting by the way you were crying and how heavy your breathing was. He looked at you with pure love in his eyes when he speaks up. "Aww what's wrong my little blossom?, you know whatever is bothering you, you can tell me." He says softly with his croaky, rough voice. "Everything is just so hard, I'm wearing myself out trying so hard gyutaro, I have no one in my life that can help or even wants to speak with me, i can't even get another job and I just hate myself so fucking much right now, and I just don't understand why you bother with me when I'm just nothing but pathetic, useless, and just not enough for anyone else, I also don't belong anywhere either. You should've just killed me when we met" You cried, whimpering, voice cracking as you spoke. Gyutaro couldn't believe what you just said as his facial expression is now one of complete shocked. Did you really just say he should've killed you? He thought to himself, shaking his head before holding you a little tighter now against his rough body.
"Look at me" He said sternly, putting his fingers under your chin and making you look at him, your lips in a frown as your bottom lip quivered a bit from the crying. "stop saying such pathetic things like that, I won't tolerate it understand" He spoke with a serious voice now. You felt speechless, all you could do was just look at him after hearing him say that. Gyutaro sighed and started caressing your cheek with his thumb, rubbing it in circles on your damp skin. "I'm not sure how many times i must repeat myself but i am here for you, alright?" He says as he looks at you in the eyes meaning every word he said to you but it still felt a little hard to believe him but you will trust it you suppose as you put your arms around his neck, burying your face into the side of his neck, wetting his skin with your tears as they dropped onto him like warm rain that was plastered in agony. Gyutaro could feel your tears crash against his skin wetting it as he held you close, petting your head again with his hand, putting his other arm over your waist and rubbing your back trying to ease the hurt and discomfort your feeling that is drowning you so deeply right now. After awhile your crying starts to die down, exhaustion taking hold of you as all the crying had worn you out completely and you end up falling asleep peacefully in Gyutaros arms. Gyutaro gets up still holding you in his arms as he exits the bathroom, walking to the bedroom. He enters the room and lays you down in bed, covering you with a blanket. Gyutaro watches you for a good moment when he gets an idea, a good one too that could help you out drastically. The sun starts to rise in the dark sky giving the que that Gyutaro had to leave alone in the room while you slept. He rushes out and heads down into the dark basement letting you rest and relax after what just happened. He really does love you and he will help you in anyway he can.
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salemxxxmoon · 8 months
Modern!Gyutaro hcs<3
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~ Hes def alternative in some way. style? Maybe. music? definitley,
~ he probably works as a cashier. (sorry not sorry) also, has a part time job as a scare actor.
~ he has an iphone (stolen), and its cracked to hell and back. like, its almost impossible to see the screen, but he somehow uses it easily.
~ He has pretty damn bad grades in all of his classes (besides PE, but thats just a B.)
~ most of his clothes are old / have some sorts of holes and rips in them. That part is mostly because he doesnt see a need to get new stuff.
~ he wears headphones in public spaces even if hes not listening to music, purely because he doesnt wanna talk to anyone. (if he is listening to music, its cranked to the point it kinda hurts.)
~ Deffo has piercings. Septum, snake bites, tongue, helix, industrial, orbital, conch, angel bites, prince albert.... and much more.
~ he gets sunburnt easily :( So, he doesnt really go out unless its night, or not very sunny. (also bc he likes night better anyways)
~ his fav band is either ICP or Slipknot.(fight me on this one.)
~ he sleeps a lot. on days he has nothing to do, hes either woken up by needing to do something, or his sister forcibly shaking him awake. Hes also a deep sleeper.
~ He rarely wears any style of clothing : he usually goes for baggy pants and a comfy hoodie.
~ anytime he goes shopping, he 100% steals things. hes got that five finger discount everywhere. (to be fair, he doesnt like shopping, he tags along whenever ume forces him to come, and steals things he likes.)
~ probably knows how to skate. not very well, but he only hits the ground occassionally. (god forbid he tries to impress someone and ends up falling over)
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epickiya722 · 2 months
Hello, can I ask from this ask game :
For anime/manga : Sk8, Demon Slayer, BNHA, and Jujutsu Kaisen.
Thanks 🌻
I guess so, Anon! 😆
Favorite Character: Reki, hands down it's Reki. He's just such a great character to me, honestly a little bit of relatable (both as someone who isn't sure of themselves and having siblings).
Favorite Arc/Episode/Scene: The beach episode is definitely my favorite episode. But I gotta say the epilogue scene he has with his family is one of my favorite scenes because it's so damn cute!
Favorite Ship/Pairing: Reki/Langa is my favorite! They're just so cute!
Character I Think is Underrated: Oka is one, Sketchy is another. But a really underrated character? Miki. She's the green haired woman seen in the first episode. Made a post about how she should be a more major SK8 character. I like her design very much and I just think she should be a bigger part of the cast as a skater.
Character I Think is Overrated: Ooh, it's like most of the main cast... Reki is definitely one, Langa is one, too... Shadow is more underrated though... but it's definitely Joe and Cherry!
Something I Love About the Show/Movie: What mostly drawn me in to the show was the vibrant colors. I love colors and the aesthetic of the show is a bonus to me. Also, I love that Reki isn't like some big shot protagonist where he can outskate everyone and anybody. Really like it took an opposite approach, and hone in that he was the more creative type.
Favorite Character: Tanjiro! He is just so precious, kind and badass! (And it will always gets me how he got that hard ass forehead he got from his mom.)
Favorite Arc/Episode/Scene: Just any time he interacts with Nezuko will always touch my heart. One scene I adore a lot is from the Swordsmith Village arc when Tanjiro braids her hair to mimic Mitsuri's style. It was just too cute. Ooh, but overall my favorite arc so far has to be the Entertainment District arc. Gyutaro and Daki actually became my favorite antagonists because of that arc. And the opening for that arc in the anime is one of my favorite songs.
Favorite Ship/Pairing: I actually had to stop and think for this one. "Do I have a favorite ship here?" Okay, I gotta admit Tengen with his wives are cute. (Watching the anime in dub though becomes something else when you also watch JJK in dub and realize Sukuna and Uraume are married here.)
Character I Think is Underrated: Hmm... I wanna say Mitsuri for this one. Every since the Swordsmith Village arc came out, everywhere I turn there's some video on how Muichiro put in work in his fight scenes, and he did. I applaud that precious little misty guy. But I don't see a lot or even a little praise for Mitsuri and she was whipping that sword!! If anything, that is very impressive that she has a sword like that!!
Character I Think is Overrated: Ah... I gotta say it's tie between Uzui and Rengoku. But before anyone gets on my ass, I do adore both characters very much. (Remember seeing a post that had the absolute nerve to put Rengoku on the list of "frauds".)
Something I Love About the Show/Movie: That anime definitely deserved the animation award. But for me, it's definitely the character designs. The art style makes those designs pop and a lot of the way the characters look pleases me. Like the demons? They don't look like your average demons. One of the reasons why Tanjiro is my favorite is because of his character design.
Favorite Character: If you have been following since forever, you already know I'm going to say my favorite two are Miruko and Midoriya. They're both my #1s.
Favorite Arc/Episode/Scene: The first half of Miruko's episode. I'll be honest... while I do like Kaminari, every time I rewatch that episode I just watch the Miruko parts. Another episode I really like is the dorm episode because it's mostly like a feel-good episode for me.
Favorite Ship/Pairing: It's Burnin/Miruko for me. "They haven't inter---" Ah! I am allowed to ship characters who haven't interacted and I adore them. Right now, they are my top ship.
Character I Think is Underrated: A lot of them. 😭 First person that comes to mind is Rock Lock. I would question, too, why kids are at a meeting about a dangerous situation. He's a husband and a dad and he loves his family! Of course, he would ask that!
Character I Think is Overrated: In-Universe, Hawks. I'm sorry, but every time there is a scene that showcases how he has many fans I just make this face 😐. He's like that famous gut almost everyone and their mama loves but you are just like "... what's so great about him". I mean, I get it, I do and I like Hawks. But... Also by the fandom, other than Hawks, Dabi and Bakugou. I feel like I don't have to explain here. Again, characters I like, but they are overrated. "But, Kiya, you like Midoriya!" I do! And I don't know if there is another popularity poll coming up, but if he doesn't get #1 on that I will scream. Come on, 9th poll? He is the 9th OFA user?
Something I Love About the Show/Movie: Definitely the range of quirks here. Some quirks, Horikoshi definitely got creative with. Also, say what you want, I like how some of the common tropes are here, but not exactly. Weird thing to be happy about, but I was happy I had to guess who the protagonist was because Midoriya didn't look like the typical one. (I didn't watch the first season first.)
Favorite Character: Yuji Itadori! He is my sunshine! Also a little feral and will take your kneecaps. Like Midoriya, I find he's not really the typical protagonist. He has some traits, but others you don't see too often in protagonists.
Favorite Arc/Episode/Scene: I do like the Shibuya Incident and Culling Game Arcs. Personally, for me, and yes I'm a little bias, my favorite scenes are those with Yuji. My favorite fight scene is his fight against Choso. Now, for the Culling Game Arc, I really enjoyed the fight between Uro, Ryu and Yuta. Mostly because Uro was the best character for me there. But fight scenes aside, I gotta say that other scenes I enjoy are those scenes Yuji has with Megumi and Nobara.
Favorite Ship/Pairing: ItaFushi is the first ship I got into! It's just... it makes me want to cry. Also, NobaMaki! Oh my gosh, that scene they have after the small confrontation with Mai? Love that scene!!
Character I Think is Underrated: The Kyoto students as a whole. My favorite out the bunch is Kasumi Miwa. She's just so silly, kind and come on. I know she says she's frightened at times, but she's also really brave to still fight. I admire that.
Character I Think is Overrated: Once season 2 came, I swear Toji has been a favorite almost overnight! Don't blame the fans, of course. And, no surprise, Gojo and Sukuna.
Something I Love About the Show/Movie: If I need a story to break my heart, I know I can just look to JJK! And I mean not in a dramatic way, I mean like "I'm watching a horror movie and the character I hot attached to too fast dies". Okay, for real though, one of the strongest points for me is the characters. I find a lot of the characters entertaining and intriguing. Even if it's a character I don't practically like. When it comes to the characters, I actually don't get bored of them. There's probably a couple I don't really care for. Also, unpopular opinion, I do like Akutami's art style from the beginning and to end. The style before has this charm to it I just like and it's the same for the style now.
Anime Ask Game
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threads-makomo · 2 years
Describing demon slayer characters as songs
Characters: Tengen Uzui, Giyuu Tomioka, Gyutaro Shabana, Kyojuro Rengoku, Shinobou Kocho
Warnings: angst, manga/anime spoilers, some fluff but mainly angst, a headcanon of mine included in Gyutaro's part
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Tengen Uzui: The Family Jewels by Marina and Dollhouse by Melanie Martinez
Obviously I'd choose these songs for him, I mean he went through harsh training to be a shinobi along with his other siblings, and only him and his brother survived, The Family Jewels and Dollhouse both just fit him so damn well.
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Giyuu Tomioka: Nobody by Mitski
Giyuu has lost So many people, he lost his family and his best friend, and none of the hashira seem to really like him to much anyway, so now he's alone, I know this guy acts cold and comes off as emotionless, but I know he's gotta be lonely.
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Gyutaro Shabana: Better Than Me by The Brobecks
Everywhere this dude looks everyone is better than him at something, he's considered to be ugly by everyone { probably except for his sister } so dudes probably jealous of everyone, possibly even his own sister just a tiny bit 🤏, I also headcanon that he's probably tried to pick the spots off of his body so.
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Kyojuro Rengoku: As It Was by Harry Styles
The song itself literally sounds like something he'd listen to, he's a very positive person and the line " you know it's not the same as it was " comes off to me as him comparing before his mother died and now, after his mother passed his father resorted to drinking and he kind of just stopped training Kyojuro, so he carefully read over something flame breathing related { I'm ngl I really don't remember what's it was called } and resorted to that to improve his sword skills and his flame breathing skills.
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Shinobou Kocho: Are You Satisfied? By Marina
This song just screams her, the line " it's my problem, it's my problem, that I never am happy " can easily correlate to how she's always keeping a smile on her face even when she's pissed, and the line " they say I'm a control freak, driven by a greed to succeed " reminds me of when she was fighting against Douma { upper moon 2 }, she was mainly blinded by rage and so focused on trying to avenge her dead sister { Kanae }, basically the same thing with Kyojuro, the song sounds like something that she would probably listen to overall.
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This is my first post so I'm sorry it's shit, I started this like three days ago and I'm just now wrapping it up and 4 in the morning 😭, I mainly wrote this because I've been having Tengen Uzui brain rot and I've been obsessed with The Family Jewels lately and then those two collided and my Tengen brain rot got even worse, anyway thank you for reading! Have a good day / night!
- Makomo ☆
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