#the day you find out that ur parents got it on in a fire truck is the day you wished you'd never been born
insaneoldme · 3 years
Can you rec buddie fics? Pretty please?
OMG it's my time to shine, bitches!!!
Sorry if I went a little nuts, but this fandom has some of the best writers I've ever seen. I have 186 Buddie fics bookmarked in my AO3,
I'll link here if you are interested in taking a look cause if I put them all here it would be too long. Also, I tried to show here some fics I very rarely see recced, and a little bit o the classics. This fandom has some very underrated authors, everyone in my bookmarks is worth taking a look really.
Please take a look at the warnings before reading, enjoy!!!
I Hate Accidents (Except When We Went From Friends to This) by morganofthefairies (Rated E )
Buck and Eddie had always been unconventional. Neither of them gave it much thought – they were just them. Buck and Eddie - partners, best friends, co-parents – just as entangled in each other’s lives as any actual couple in the 118.
Or, the story of how Buck and Eddie went about their relationship in entirely the wrong order.
My Heart's Been Borrowed by ElvenSorceress (Rated E)
aka the one where Taylor gives Buck his ultimate fantasy and uncovers far more than either of them expected, forcing him to confront his long held feelings for Eddie
Half Awake in Our Fake Empire by HMSLusitania (Rated E)
Buck 1.0 fathered a child and Buck 4.0 comes into custody.
Love and Bullets Both Shatter Hearts (But Only One Can Put You Back Together) (Rated E)
Agent [Redacted] Diaz is the best at what he does. Usually. But lately there's this real pain in the ass* who's been ruining his missions: Code Name "Buck."
Keep It On by R_E_R6 (Rated E)
When Eddie walks in on Buck, bent over in nothing but a hoodie, their plans for the night immediately change. Buck's outfit though? Well, Eddie requests that it stays the same...for reasons.
Heart of Flowers / Heart of Gold by ElvenSorceress (Rated T)
Buck nearly loses everything and Eddie has to follow his heart
hungry for your love by evcndiaz (Rated G)
prompt: "who’s gonna write a fanfic where chris is not cooperating with buck and eddie accidentally says “listen to your dad”?"
or; breadsticks are a metaphor for love and boning
keep your eyes on the road by iriswests (Rated M)
A glimpse into buck and eddie’s developing relationship, told through ten moments stopped at a traffic light
when things fall into place by woodchoc_magnum (Rated M)
In which Eddie asks Buck to move in with them during lockdown to help look after Christopher, which leads to certain unresolved feelings being resolved.
Carbon Date Me, Excavate Me by extasiswings, letmetellyouaboutmyfeels (Rated E)
Evan "Buck" Buckley has made a name for himself as the independent bad boy of archaeology. At least, until Professor Eddie Diaz shows up with his fedora and good looks and starts beating Buck to the punch more often than not.
Buck hates his stupid six-pack covered guts.
Except for how... he might not.
Objects in the Mirror by SevenSoulmates (Rated E)
The voice had always been around, Eddie remembers it, like a stream of consciousness that babbled incoherently to the point where Eddie just tuned it out.
But then the voice started speaking directly to him. Conversing like he was a whole person standing right in front of him. Like he could see what was happening around Eddie.
Eddie shook his head. No one was talking to him, and Eddie most certainly was not talking back.
He wouldn’t talk to the boy in his head ever again. There was no boy in his head.
ripples all the way down by iriswests (Rated M)
christopher partakes in some parent trapping
dream of some epiphany by extasiswings (Rated M)
Evan Buckley is lost.
It’s happenstance that he wanders into the navy recruiting center—he’s been in San Diego for a few weeks, bartending late nights and weekends, living in a house with three other guys not because he needs the roommates but because he doesn’t want to be alone, and the military is…respectable. Stable. So Buck thinks maybe and opens the door.
Buck leaves ten minutes later with a set of printed instructions for sending his first letter, assured that he can drop it off whenever he’s ready, and a name.
Staff Sergeant Edmundo “Eddie” Diaz.
Relationship Advice from Complete Strangers Online by HMSLusitania (Rated T)
Hi, I’ve never made a Reddit post before and I’m not 100% sure what I’m doing but I need advice and can’t ask anyone in my real life. So, I [30M] have this best friend [34M]…
Leading with the Left by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels (Rated E)
When Buck said he was a "bartender" in "South America" what he actually meant was "stripper" in "Mexico."
And when Eddie said, "What's your problem?" what he actually meant was, "Is this about the time you gave me a lap dance?"
In other words, there's a few things the 118 doesn't know about Buck. Or Eddie. Or Buck and Eddie's relationship.
fireflies where my caution should be by littlesnowpea (Rated M)
“You never talk about your parents,” Eddie says, which is not even remotely what Buck expects Eddie to say. He frowns, tilts his head, but it isn’t a question, as evidenced by Eddie charging on. “I never asked because I figured it was your business, but the look on your face any time they’re brought up tells me you don’t get along.”
Buck swallows hard, against a lump in his throat. His parents? Eddie’s right, he never talks about them, for good reason. He opens his mouth, then closes it again, not sure what he’s even going to say.
Eddie takes it as the answer Buck is trying to make it out to be. He squeezes Buck’s wrist again, takes a deep breath, like he’s on a call with someone who’s panicking. Buck finds his breathing slowing to match Eddie’s, and Eddie nods as Buck gets it under control.
“There are people on the porch,” Eddie says, voice even. “Saying they want to meet their grandchild.”
Asked, Offered, Given, (He's) Taken by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels (Rated E)
People like to flirt with Buck on calls. It kind of makes Buck uncomfortable.
And that makes Eddie frustrated.
I Hit the Accelerator (But the Car was in Reverse) by extasiswings, letmetellyouaboutmyfeels (Rated E)
When Buck is forced to confront the truth about his breakup with Abby, having casual sex with his hot new coworker seems like the best rebound idea.
Unfortunately, that hot new coworker turns into his best friend. But best friends can keep having sex with each other, right?
There's no way this could possibly go wrong.
Memorable by JessicaMDawn (Rated T)
Six times Buck got recognized by people he saved during the tsunami, and how his team realized he was a hero.
All Bets are Off by NobodyKnows_U (Not Rated)
Or, the five times the firefam realized Buck and Eddie were in love, and the one-time Eddie finally did something about it.
fire on fire by extasiswings (Rated T)
Or: Buck and Eddie get in the habit of sharing a bed while living together during quarantine. It's platonic until it isn't.
Better Together by Randomfandombloggs09 (Not Rated)
5 times Eddie sees Buck wearing his last name and 1 time its not just his
Daddy and Pops by EdithBlake (Rated M)
When Christopher calls Buck 'Pops' things get a bit confusing. Buck and Eddie have a talk with Christopher that ends up with both of them being even more confused by how right it sounds.
the meaning of the words you see by florenceandthemachine (Rated E)
unknown sender: Hi!
unknown sender: Just wanted to say thanks for letting me buy you a drink, and for your number. Sorry I had to run.
unknown sender: I’m Eddie by the way.
sent: hey um
sent: i don’t want 2 be this guy but
sent: i think u mayb put the wrong # in ur phone
the dream you wish will come true by woodchoc_magnum (Rated M)
In which Christopher Diaz cannot understand why his father would want to date his former teacher when Evan Buckley is right there.
vienna waits for you by mottainai (Not Rated)
Eddie doesn't deserve a soulmate.
Work Husband by hideeho (Rated T)
“What...what have you done with Buck?” Eddie is going to kill him for messing with his phone. No, that’s too extreme. He’s going to maim him. Just a little.
“Check under H,” Chim offers helpfully, shooting a look over to Hen with a smirk.
Why the hell would he be under—
Then he sees it.
Bad Neighbors by firstdegreefangirl (Rated E)
Eddie's new neighbors are keeping him up all night. He calls on his best friend for a little taste of their own medicine.
Cross the Line by Sirencalls (Rated E)
Eddie laughs, short and quiet and almost to himself. “No. If you want to learn, then I’m gonna be the one to teach you.”
Buck is pretty sure his brain stops working. “What? Why?”
Eddie turns to look at him and steps closer, their chests only a few inches apart. “Because there are people out there who will take advantage of how naïve you are. They’ll hurt you, and I won’t.” Eddie’s eyes are so intense that Buck doesn’t have any choice but to believe him. “If you want someone to do this for you, to—to dominate you, it has to be me. I don’t trust anyone else to do it right.”
pretty in pink by dykeevans (Rated E)
Buck forgets that he and Eddie made plans to hang out until Eddie shows up and Buck's in the middle of laundry day.
His laundry day outfit consists of a small pink crop top and grey sweatpants.
Eddie loses his damn mind. Me too, though, me too.
the distance to the stars by cloudydaisies (Rated G)
“Didn’t know you were seeing someone.”
Buck just laughs. Like, honest to god giggles. Eddie is stuck fighting off doubly massive waves of butterflies and confusion, all while Buck just gazes down at him.
“That’s cute,” he hears Buck mumble, just before climbing into the truck, calling Eddie after him.
-or, everyone knows eddie is dating buck except for eddie, literally.
Something Old, Something New by dumbhuman (Rated E)
“Damn, I love weddings!” Buck’s face lit up as he closed the door.
If asked later, Eddie wouldn’t have been able to explain what came over him in that moment to make him ask the question. Or, at least, he wouldn’t have wanted to explain. The exhaustion was an easy excuse, but he knew deep down that it wasn’t a real one.
“Why don’t you come with me?”
one of the few things by thatnerdemryn (Rated G)
five times that Eddie tells someone else that Buck is Christopher's legal guardian plus one time he finally tells Buck.
I Didn't Know I Was Lonely 'Til I Saw Your Face by HMSLusitania (Rated T)
Total strangers Buck and Eddie go to couple's therapy together to get out of the therapy requirements their captains have placed on them.
things we shouldn't do by Ingu (Rated T)
“Why is everybody taking my relationship status so personally? Can’t I be fine with being single?” Buck said.
“Hey, you don’t have to say yes, be sad and alone if that’s what you want,” Josh replied. “But, I’m just saying. I’ve seen photos and this guy is volcanic levels of hot. Also, single dad, super cute kid. Saves lives for a living like you. I think you should give it a go.”
(the one where Buck and Eddie accidentally get set up on a blind date with each other, and everything snowballs from there)
Keeping It In The Family by Wolves_of_Innistrad (Rated T)
A young man shows up at the firehouse looking for Buck. Turns out Javier was a Bartender with Buck in Mexico. He’s back in LA, looking to reconnect and very flirty. Cue Eddie realizing Buck is not as straight as he thought.
kiss me (like your ex is in the room) by rebeccaofsbfarm (Rated E)
Eddie Diaz gets drunk and protective and signs up for a fake double date to get back at his friend's ex.
Leave the Light On (I'll Be Coming Home) by HMSLusitania (Rated M)
An accident on a call leaves Buck with custody of Chris after Eddie is… missing presumed.
While they navigate their new family circumstances -- and fight to stay together, despite Eddie's parents' best efforts -- a John Doe wakes up in a coma ward with no memory of his own life beyond the knowledge he has a son named Christopher and, somehow, he needs to get home
All my Buddie AO3 bookmarks
As I said this fandom has some very talented people, some of my favorite Authors's Tumblrs below, I recommend all the things they wrote and their blogs are very good.
@elvensorceress, @hmslusitania, @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels, @extasiswings
For gifs:
@arrenemris, @skylessnights (very lovely AU gifsets)
@from-nova(good gifs & content)
For Podfics: @mistmarauder everything she ever read is amazing, her podfics are high quality and she has a very lovely voice and her presence calms me down lol I recommend it
I'm sorry there are a lot more people but I'm kinda in a rush haha most of the people I follow are amazing, but the ones I mentioned here are enough to get you started or entertained for a while.
Buddie fics are amazing, this pairing has spoiled me so much, everyone I met because of it is nice and so active and talented.
Sorry mutuals if I forgot someone! 
I hope I helped Anon, have fun!
(Tell me if any link is wrong please, thanks)
146 notes · View notes
wiypt-writes · 4 years
Stark Spangled Banner
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Ch32: The Impossible Choice. Part 1: So Was I
Summary: Tony catches up with Steve, Katie and Bucky in Siberia and as the events unfold he learns the truth about how his parents were killed.
Warnings: Bad language, angst!
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
A/N: Wonderful edit again from @angrybirdcr​
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Katie Stark and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Chapter 31
Stark Spangled Banner Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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The jet wasn’t fully fuelled so they couldn’t fly at full speed, meaning it took them a few hours to reach the wide, flat, snow-covered landscape of Siberia. Once they touched down, Steve cut the power and Katie stood up and moved to the back of the jet, opening the closet that held the Avenger’s weapons. Bucky stepped over and started examining the rack of guns labelled ‘Romanoff’ before he selected a light machine gun.
Katie reached over to grab two 9mms and twirled them in her hands before she slotted them into the holders on her thighs. Bucky watched her through the corner of his eye and raised an eyebrow as she reached over to select another larger rifle.
“Sure you can handle that thing, Sweetheart?” He asked, his tone was gently teasing and Katie snorted, whilst behind her Steve gave a chuckle.
“Stop flirting with my wife, Buck, and I’ll have you know she’s a trained sniper, give you a run for your money.” He spoke, almost proudly, as he slung his shield onto his back.
“That so?” Bucky’s mouth twisting into a grin. Katie simply smiled in response and cocked the larger gun, looking down the sight to check it was all clear.
The three of them stood together, Katie in the middle of the two super soldiers, waiting for the exit ramp to descend as Steve tossed his helmet in his hand. 
“You remember that time we had to ride back from Rockaway Beach in the back of that freezer truck?” Steve asked suddenly, looking over at Bucky as the cold air hit them. 
“Was that the time we used our train money to buy hot dogs?”  Bucky frowned
“You blew three bucks trying to win a stuffed bear for a redhead” Steve smirked.
“Right, what was her name again?” Bucky asked, a tone of amusement on his voice
“Dolores.” Steve answered instantly, smirk still on his face “You called her Dot.” 
“She’s gotta be a hundred years old right now.” Bucky said.
“So are we pal” Steve said, clamping his hand on Bucky’s shoulder. The ramp was now almost completely down. Steve placed his helmet on, fastened the strap under his chin and the three of them descended.
“Well it aint quite a freezer truck.” Katie mused. 
“I hate the cold.” Bucky sighed as they trudged through the snow.
“Yeah Stevie isn’t exactly a fan either. Although he still runs the Air Con at like minus twenty.”
“No, I don’t.” Steve sighed, and Bucky gave a bark of a laugh as the two of them began to playfully bicker.
“Our bedroom is freezing.”
“Look, I run at a higher temperature than you.” “Yeah yeah.” Katie rolled her eyes, gun still raised as she looked around.
“Our place was always cold in the winter.” Bucky mused, and then he laughed again “Hey Katie, once when we were kids, we built a fire using all this spare and wood we found in the outhouse.” “Yeah, your dad gave us a whack each round the back of the head as he’d been saving it to build a table.” Steve grinned again. “My ears were ringing for days.”
Katie smiled as the two men shared a laugh, it was nice to see them caught up in memories. But their reminiscing was short lived as they had reached the entrance to the bunker. Bucky turned round, just to make sure no one was behind them as Katie looked at the large, steel door set into the rock. It was open.
Bucky and Katie both raised their guns towards the gap.
“He can’t have been here more than a few hours” Steve shook his head as they stopped just outside, 
“Long enough to wake them up.” Bucky sighed. 
Steve looked at him, before his attention went back to the door and he stepped forward, into the cast iron bunker. Katie followed him in, Bucky taking up the rear and a couple of meters in front of them was a caged elevator. The three of them climbed in, Steve pressing the button hanging from the top and they descended into the depths of the bunker in silence until it reached its destination with a soft thud. 
Steve nodded to Bucky and then heaved up the cage door, Bucky readying his gun as they walked slowly down a corridor, keeping close to the wall. This time Bucky went first, Katie second, Steve following. Katie kept her gun raised, eyes sharp as she looked round into an alcove full of junk, the place seemed to be nothing but a dumping ground. They continued to move down the corridor before a loud thud rang around, causing them to spin around. Bucky aimed his gun back down the corridor, as did Katie, whilst Steve pulled his shield in front of him.
“You ready?” Steve asked, looking at Katie, then over at his friend as he took a slight step forward so he was almost shielding them both taking a step down the flight of stairs in front of them.
Katie nodded as Bucky replied “Yeah.”  
The double doors at the bottom began to open, but it wasn’t another super soldier that greeted the trio. It was Tony in his full Iron Man suit.
Katie stared in surprise as her brother retracted his helmet. 
“You seem a little defensive.” Tony quipped as Steve strode down the steps towards him, shield covering his body. Katie followed a yard or so behind, her gun now by her side. 
“Well, it’s been a long day.”  Steve replied, shield still raised, not quite sure what Stark was doing there. Bucky shifted slightly and Tony turned his head to look at him.
“At ease, Soldier. I’m not currently after you.”
“Then why are you here?” Katie asked. 
“Could be your story aint so crazy.” Tony shrugged, not quite meeting her eyes. 
“Sorry, is that you admitting you’re wrong?” She raised her eyebrow slightly at her brother.
“Ross?” Steve looked at him.
“Ross has no idea I’m here. I’d like to keep it that way. Otherwise, I gotta arrest myself” 
“Well, that sounds like a lot of paperwork” Steve quipped as he lowered his shield “It’s good to see you, Tony.”
“You too Cap.” his brother-in-law smiled softly before he looked over at Bucky who still had the gun raised “Hey, Manchurian Candidate, you’re killing me. There’s a truce here. You can drop…”
Steve motioned at Bucky to lower the gun and he did. 
“So how did you find us?” Katie asked.
“I went to the prison. Spoke to Sam.”
“How are they?” Steve asked.
Tony hesitated “Angry, mostly at me. Clint especially but, they’re, ok.” 
Katie looked at him, she had the feeling he was holding something back but now wasn’t the time.
“What made you change your mind?” Bucky asked Tony. He may have lowered his gun but because his Captain had asked him to, but he was still unsure. 
“I got an update from the Berlin police.” Tony turned to face the man. “The Task Force called for a psychiatrist as soon as you were captured. They dispatched a Dr Broussard from Geneva but he was intercepted by the man who questioned you.”
“You got a name?” Katie asked her brother. 
“Yeah, Colonel Helmut Zemo, Sokovian Intelligence. He ran Echo Skorpion, a Sokovian covert kill squad”
“Sokovia.” Katie sighed as Steve groaned. “Is that place set to follow us around for the rest of our days?” 
“You think that’s what he wants with these Super Soldiers?” Steve asked. “Some form of army to get revenge?”
Tony made a face, shrugging. “Your guess is as good as mine Cap, but I reckon so, yeah.”
Tony re-engaged his helmet and the four of them set off to continue the search. Katie felt bolstered by her brother’s appearance, and Steve also felt hopeful that they could sort this out then go home, together, and work through the whole unholy mess that had been left in the wake of the Accords.
They moved cautiously and silently through the bunker until Tony, who was at the front, turned right into a smaller corridor at the end of which was a vast chamber.  
“I got heat signatures.” He said gently.
“How many?” Steve asked.
“One?” Katie frowned. She looked at Steve and then the two of them turned to Bucky who shrugged, equally as puzzled.
As they all walked up the three small steps into the chamber, Katie could just about make out several huge pillars when the lights in each of them snapped on. It was then that the all saw they weren’t pillars, they were capsules. Each containing an enhanced soldier surrounded by some form of hazy, yellow mist. 
The four of them looked around, bewildered when the PA system crackled into life, causing Katie to jump.
“If it’s any comfort, they died in their sleep”. The voice spoke as Bucky looked up at the solider in the capsule nearest to him whilst Katie continued to the next, her gun still raised. It was then that she noticed there was a bullet hole in the glass and a shot buried right between the female soldiers eyes. 
He’d killed them. 
“Did you really think I wanted more of you?” 
There was another pause as Katie turned to look at Steve and Tony who were walking slowly through the middle of the chamber to her right, towards the machine that was used to wipe the soldiers’ minds. Bucky and Katie exchanged a puzzled glance. None of this added up. Why had he killed them? What had he come all this way for if he didn’t want to activate them? 
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“I’m grateful to them, though. They brought you here” the voice said, and then a window lit up to their right. Zemo was in there. Steve hurled his shield at the window but it simply bounced off the glass and returned to him where he was stood by Katie’s side. 
“Please, Captain.” Zumo spoke with amusement. “The Soviets built this chamber to withstand the launch blast of UR-100 rockets” 
“I’m betting I could beat that.” Tony shot,  as he and Steve rounded the chair to the right, Bucky and Katie to the left.  
“Oh, I’m sure you could, Mr. Stark. Given time. But then you’d never know why you came.”
“You killed innocent people in Vienna just to bring us here?” Steve stepped forward so there was just the glass separating his face from Zemo’s as he glared at him. 
“I thought about nothing else for over a year. I studied you. I followed you. But now that you’re standing here, I just realized, there’s a bit of green in the blue of your eyes. How nice to find a flaw.”
Steve drew back slightly, frowning as Katie reached his side.
“You’re Sokovian.” She stated, watching the man, his brown eyes flickering to hers. “Is that what this is about?”
“Sokovia was a failed state long before you blew it to hell.” Zemo shook his head. “No. I’m here because I made a promise.” 
Steve studied Zemo as he asked “You lost someone?”
Zemo bowed his head and clicked his tongue. “I lost everyone. And so will you.”
Steve watched as Zemo pressed something and then a screen just behind them, to the right clicked on. He shot another look at Zemo before he made my way over to it, Katie following.
“An empire toppled by its enemies can rise again, but one which crumples from within?” Zemo spoke and Katie glanced back at him, Steve doing the same “That’s dead forever.”
Katie looked at the screen, the still image that was portrayed was somewhere very familiar. Her eyes flicked to the date on the freeze frame. December 16 1991. And in that split second she understood.
One which crumbles from within…
This was about splitting the Avengers up, pitting them against one another.
“I know that road.” Tony jerked her out of her thoughts from where he stood to her right, “What is this?” he spoke louder, aimed at Zemo who didn’t answer.
Tony glanced back at the screen and Katie felt herself grow cold as the footage began to play. The Stark siblings watched as their parent’s car entered the frame and crashed into a tree.  And then the Winter Soldier rode up and got of his motorbike. 
“Shit.” Katie mumbled, as besides her Steve shifted a little and she glanced at Tony, who’s unease was increasing, his brow furrowing as he watched the driver of the car, their dad, laying on the ground. Tony inhaled deeply as the footage progressed and the Winter Soldier walked over to their dad who had struggled out of the car and hoisted him up by his hair and stared down at him.
Tony wasn’t watching the screen anymore. He was stood, eyes fixed on Bucky who had his head bowed. The soldier took a deep breath and glanced at Tony, his eyes locking with the man’s. Tony looked away and back to the screen as the tears began to freely fall from Katie’s eyes. On the footage the Winter Soldier reined blow upon blow upon her father before dragging him by his collar and shoving him back into the driver’s seat. She felt Tony take her hand, his Iron Man Gauntlet tightening painfully around her fingers as The Winter Soldier rounded the car and reached in through the window.
At that point she couldn’t take it anymore and she turned away, supressing the sob that was rising in her throat and pressed her face into Steve’s chest were he stood beside her side on, watching Tony carefully. He gently placed a hand at the back of his wife’s head before he glanced back at the screen to see the Winter Solder aiming a gun at the surveillance camera, shooting it. 
There was a moment’s pause and Katie moved and looked over to where Bucky was stood a few paces behind them, his head bowed, shoulders slumped in disgrace. He looked up, his own tears clouding his eyes and then Tony lunged, and Bucky’s face contorted into panic, his rifle flying up as Steve hastily moving to stop Tony grabbing his arm.
“Tony, Tony.” he conciliated.
Tony looked down at the screen again, before he looked up at Steve, the tears glistening in his eyes as Katie wiped away her own with the back of her hands.
“Did you know?” Tony asked his voice barely audible.
“I didn’t know it was him.”  Steve began, his voice pleading as he looked at Tony. 
“Don’t bullshit me, Rogers!” Tony cut him off before Steve could continue, his voice full of fury. “Did you know?” 
There was a pause, before Steve sighed and dropped his head slightly. “Yes”.
Tony pushed Steve away before he glanced back at the screen. 
“Tony.”  Katie pleaded as he turned to look at her. “He didn’t know for sure, not until we-”
“You knew as well?” Tony asked, his voice cracking as he looked at his sister and her face crumpled.
“I knew they’d been murdered, but not by him. Not until yesterday, I swear.”
At that Tony’s chest tightened with betrayal and heartbreak and he stepped back, his chin jutting upwards twitchily before he re-engaged the Iron man helmet. He pushed Katie out of the way and as she tumbled left, he punched Steve hard, sending him to the floor. Bucky started to fire, bullets easily deflecting off Tony’s Iron Man suit and Tony shot a beam at Bucky, disarming him and then flew across the chamber, slamming him into the floor. “Tony, please!” Katie shouted, as Tony jumped on Bucky’s chest. Steve stood up, threw his shield which hit Tony, distracting him momentarily before he tackled him from the front, barging him backwards. Then Steve was on the floor, then Bucky was there, it was getting really out of hand and Katie was powerless to stop any of it.
“You need to go.” Steve instructed as he cut the restraints that Tony had fired at him off his legs.
“I can’t! He’s my brother, Steve!”
“That wasn’t a request.” Steve repeated firmly “Go, get Zumo. If we don’t apprehend him, then all this is for nothing.”
She hesitated for a second. 
“Katie!” He yelled, as he jumped up, shield raised, his voice full of authority. “Just do as I fucking tell you!”
With a shuddering breath, she looked at him.
“Steve, please…”
“GO, NOW!”
With a final, shuddering breath, she turned and ran. Back the way they had come, the sounds of blasts and yells and metal on metal growing fainter and fainter as she sprinted down the corridors, the tears in her eyes hindering her view and sense of direction.
Every so often snippets of the footage flashed across her mind. Her mom and dad, pleading for their lives before Bucky, no, the Winter Soldier coldly executed them. This entire situation was a mess, and she had no idea how any of them were going to come back from this.
Whether they could ever come back from this. 
Eventually she made it outside. The snow had been falling, almost completely eradicating any sign of the three sets of footprints that were hers, Steve and Bucky’s, leading into the bunker, but there was one set leading away. 
She took out one of her pistols, having lost her rifle in the chamber somewhere, and began to follow them, eventually coming to a thicket of trees. As she approached she could hear the sounds of voices, it sounded like one of them was talking via a phone. 
“You should’ve seen his little face. Just try, okay? I’m going to bed. I love you.” 
It was a woman’s voice and then Katie spotted Zumo, he was sat by a rock, looking at the phone in his hand. As she approached someone else emerged from the corner of her eyesight and she spun, raising her gun. It was T’Challa, Black Panther suit fully engaged.  He gestured at her, palms up, before he retracted his helmet and spoke to Zumo.
“I almost killed the wrong man.” 
“Hardly an innocent one.” Zumo shot back, no sign of surprise in his voice at them two of them being there.
“This is all you wanted.” Katie shook her head sadly, the cold snowy wind whipped her hair about her face and it stung her cheeks which were wet with tears. He looked up at her, eyeing the gun which she still had trained on him. “To see us rip each other apart?”
“My father lived outside the city.” Zemo began to explain “I thought we would be safe there. My son was excited. He could see the Iron Man from the car window. I told my wife, “Don’t worry. They are fighting in the city. We’re miles from harm.” When the dust cleared and the screaming stopped. It took me two days until I found their bodies. My father, still holding my wife and son in his arms. And the Avengers?” He looked up at Katie and she saw the hatred in his eyes as he glared back. “You went home”
“None of us wanted any of it.” Katie shook her head, eyes welling up again “There isn’t a day goes by where I don’t wish things could have turned out differently. We tried, but we couldn’t save everybody.”
“I knew I couldn’t kill you.” Zumo ignored her. “More powerful men than me have tried. But, if I could get you to kill each other…”
Kill each other. 
Katie swallowed, her thoughts returning to Steve and Tony back in the bunker. 
“I’m sorry about your father. He seemed a good man. With a dutiful son” Zumo looked up at T’Challa.
“Vengeance has consumed you. It’s consuming them.” T’Challa blinked ruefully and retracted the claws in his gloves. “I am done letting it consume me. Justice will come soon enough”
Zumo smiled thinly, and for the first time Katie saw that he had a gun in his hand. “Tell that to the dead” 
As he raised the gun to shoot himself, T’Challa grabbed the shaft of it, absorbing the bullet and shot in his hand before he rolled round behind Zumo, getting him into a headlock.
“The living are not done with you yet.”
All three of them fell silent and Katie slumped onto a rock, her head in her hands. Whatever happened now, it didn’t matter. Zumo had gotten what he wanted. The Avengers were split, right down the middle, Tony and Steve were pitted against each other. Her brother and Husband. 
And she had no idea what she was going to do.
The fight went too far. Tony blasted Bucky’s metal arm off of his body which sent Steve off into a frenzy but he lost his shield in the fracas that had ensued. And now, he stood in between Tony and that final blast that the billionaire knew would end his parents’ killer once and for all. And Tony was going through him if he had to.
“He’s my friend.” Steve pleaded breathing heavily and he looked at Tony hoping to get through to him. Surely he understood it wasn’t Bucky that had done it, it was HYRDA, it was always fucking HYDRA!
“So was I.” Tony answered flatly before punching Steve in the face once, twice then throwing him into the opposite wall. Steve coughed, spitting out blood, then began to unsteadily work his way back up to his feet. “Stay down,” Tony warned aiming his repulsor beam at him “Final warning.”
Steve lifted both his hands in a fighting stance shrugging slightly as he said, “I can do this all day.”
I can do this all day… those words roused Bucky and, for a moment he was in an alley, bailing the little blonde punk out of a fight. Well, why break the habit of a lifetime? He grabbed Tony’s ankle with his remaining hand, distracting him and Tony turned kicking him in the face rendering him unconscious again. Seizing his chance, Steve leapt up and grabbed Tony from behind and, with a monumental heave he lifted him over his head, Tony tried to fly away but with his failing jets it was no use and he landed hard when Steve threw him down onto the concrete.
And then Steve was on top of him throwing punch after punch, grabbing his previously discarded shield bringing that down onto the mask until it broke and fell apart revealing Tony’s frighten gaze to Steve.
Steve raised his shield one more time and Tony brought his hands up to cover his face but that wasn’t Steve’s intention, he couldn’t and wouldn’t ever hurt him like that. Instead, he brought it down hard onto the arc reactor. Tony lowered his arms and stared up at Steve with a mixture of surprise, betrayal and resentment and the soldier looked back at him, his own face contorted with remorse as he rolled off to the side of the now useless suit.
Both men took a moment to catch their breath as fatigue and exhaustion begin to set in, Steve was the first to move as he pulled the shield from the chest of the suit and hooked it back onto his arm. He glanced back at Tony one last before time, wishing it could be different before making his way over to his best friend and pulling the barely conscious man to his feet.
“That shield doesn’t belong to you,” Tony spat turning over on his side. “You don’t deserve it. My father made that shield!” he shouted angrily.
Steve paused. Howard had made that shield, yes. And he had betrayed the man’s memory by keeping the true nature of his death a secret. Taking a deep breath, he realised Tony was right, he didn’t deserve it after all. Captain America was a righteous man, fighting the good fight, a moral man…and Steve Rogers had been selfish and arrogant thinking he could act as he had without consequence. With an immense air of sadness he shrugged the shield from his arm and let it clang to the floor. Then he proceeded to carry Bucky up the exit and out into the snow.
The sound his shield made as it hit the concrete was a noise that Steve knew would be forever ingrained in his mind.
The sound of him leaving Captain America in a bunker in Siberia.
**** Chapter 32 Part 2
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marciaownsmylife · 5 years
the outsiders but harry potter au
* alright so there’s a reason why i didn’t name it hogwarts au and that’s because A not all the gang are wizards in my hc just pony and johnny. and B they’re in america so they would have to go to ilvormorny
* so basically johnnys a muggle born and would’ve become an obscurus if it weren’t for the gang, and the curtis family
* mrs curtis was a witch, but mr curtis was a no-maj, darry knows about magic because his parents told him before they died incase anything ever happened them. neither him or soda are wizards, but they both know about them.
* they don’t tell ponyboy bc they don’t expect him to be one and they think he’d just spend his whole life waiting for his magic to work.
* that’s a mistake bc when shit gets weird ponyboy thinks he’s going insane
* he tells johnny
* johnnys like wtf me too
* now they both think there’s something wrong with them
* that’s how they kill bob that one time, johnny accidentally flashed a hex at him and it killed him
* they run away as usual like the book, things go on as usual until the hospital
* in the inbetween day of the fire and the rumble where pony is sick and two-bits babysitting, they go visit johnny but he’s gone and the nurses have no memory of him being there, they ask dally but he’s on the same page as them and thought he was in the hospital the whole time too
* they’re all lowkey panicking, ponyboy runs out of the hospital and ends up back at home somehow.
* there’s a letter there, and an owl
* we all know where this is bout to go
* the letter says some shit along the lines of ur a wizard ponyboy, oh and ur friends johnny is fine we’ve taken him to magic hospital and he’s almost fully recovered now.
* ponyboys like wtf i know the socs hate us but this sick joke is fucked up where the fuck did they take johnny and how do they know about mine and johnnys theory to make fun of us
* this is when darry gets home from work and ponyboys just standing there crying bc poor thing is so fuckin confused
* darry reads the letter and is like
* oh shit
* he sits pony down and explains everything, pony’s like wtf why didn’t u tell me, johnny and i thought-
* darry’s like i’m sorry you AnD jOhNny
* so then now they face the problem of coming up with an excuse to the gang of why the nurses don’t know shit and where johnny is
* it doesn’t work and they end up telling them
* but that doesn’t work either bc the gang doesn’t believe it
* sodas like omg pony show them
* and pony like ,,, cue that one scene from spider-verse where miles is tryna show the others his invisibility and electricity
* the rumble happens has normal and dally busts in as normal, but this time he takes ponyboy after and in the car ponyboys tryna explain but dally is just speeding bc he fuckin broke into the hospitals security footage to find johnny and is taking ponyboy to look at it
* dally speeds so much they would’ve crashed but hey hey hey pony’s magic kicked in
* basically this huge ass truck came out of nowhere but the car just fuckin takes flight over it and then drives back onto the road.
* dally pulls the fuck over and is like ponyboys what the fuck
* pony’s like damn i didn’t know it did that
* the car gets busted tho on the landing so they have to ring the curtis house to get them to pick them up
* now ponyboys has two trials for darry to worry about, bobs and now one for magic in public eye of no-maj (like in the order of the phoenix with harry and the dementors and dudley)
* but the MACUSA (magical congress of the united states of america (ye i don’t know where the first A came from either) ) take care of the first trial, they obliviate everyone into thinking bob died while drunk driving.
* the gang visit johnny and johnnys like omg ponyboy we’re not insane :))) and pony’s like i know :))
* pony’s macusa trial gets let off bc he literally didn’t know about magic until the day before and doesn’t have control over it
* ponyboy and johnny get enrolled in ilvormorny
* i did a sorting quiz online for them both and ponyboy is in thunderbird (the soul of a wizard and likes adventure) and johnny is in pukwudgie (the heart of a wizard and favors healers)
* johnnys a bit disappointed they’re not in the same house bc he’s very nervous about this whole thing bc he doesn’t know a lot about it
* but they make new friends so it’s fine ( i might make a few oc for these later )
* cue them coming home (both to the curtis family duh) for the holidays. them almost exploding the kitchen doing potions hw and showing the gang what they learned
* oh and the gang are allowed to know about magic bc in the trial they certified them as johnnys and ponyboys immediate family
* johnny fuckin loves to show off to dally whatever he’s learning in charms
* at some time in the future johnny just fuckin obliviates himself from his parents’ memory like hermione did bc he figured them not knowing him at all hurt less than them hating him
* i also think that steve’s a squip and already knows about magic and shit but only person who knows this is soda, they’re parents were friends bc they’re magic and that’s how steve and soda met
* one last thing, 100% curly and angela shepherd are both magic and have known this for ages, everyone assumes they dropped out of school and that angela is in a cosmetology school and curly is always in the reformatory but they’re both at ilvermorny. tim would never admit it but he’s very proud of them
*johnny and ponyboy find out about angela and curly when they meet them on their first day of school at ilvormorny
i’ve got so many more so i’m gonna make one with all the oc new friends and johnny and pony at ilvormorny (like what subjects they’re good at and what trouble they get in and shit like that)
idk maybe i’ll write a fic about it if i get motivated enough
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Stark Spangled Banner Ch32: The Impossible Choice
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Summary: Tony catches up with Steve, Katie and Bucky in Siberia and as the events unfold he learns the truth about how his parents were killed. A dramatic show down ensues and Katie finds herself forced with an impossible choice: her brother or her husband.
Warnings: Bad Language words.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
Stark Spangled Banner Masterlist 
Please don’t hate me for this one... it’s a tearjerker
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The jet wasn’t fully fuelled so they couldn’t fly at full speed, meaning it took them a few hours to reach the wide, flat, snow-covered landscape of Siberia. Once they touched down Steve cut the power and Katie stood up and moved to the back of the jet, opening the closet that held the Avenger’s weapons. Bucky stepped over and started examining the rack of guns labelled 'Romanoff' before he selected a light machine gun.
Katie reached over to grab 2 9mms and twirled them in her hands before she slotted them into the holders on her thighs. Bucky watched her through the corner of his eye and raised an eyebrow as she reached over to select another larger rifle.
“Sure you can handle that thing, sweetheart?” he asked, his tone was gently teasing and Katie snorted, whilst behind her Steve gave a chuckle.
“Stop flirting with my wife, Buck and I’ll have you know she’s a trained sniper, give you a run for your money.” he said, almost proudly as he slung his shield onto his back.
“That so?” Bucky asked, his mouth twisting into a grin. Katie simply smiled in response and cocked the gun, looking down the sight to check it was all clear.
The 3 of them stood together, Katie in the middle of the 2 super soldiers, waiting for the exit ramp to descend as Steve tossed his helmet in his hand. 
“You remember that time we had to ride back from Rockaway Beach in the back of that freezer truck?” Steve said suddenly, looking over at Bucky as the cold air hit them. 
“Was that the time we used our train money to buy hot dogs?”  Bucky frowned
“You blew three bucks trying to win a stuffed bear for a redhead” Steve smirked.
“Right, what was her name again?” Bucky asked, a tone of amusement on his voice
“Dolores” Steve answered instantly, smirk still on his face “You called her Dot.” 
“She's gotta be a hundred years old right now.” Bucky said.
“So are we pal” Steve said, clamping his hand on Bucky’s shoulder. The ramp was now almost completely down. Steve placed his helmet on, fastened the strap under his chin and the three of them descended.
“Well it aint quite a freezer truck.” Katie mused. 
“I hate the cold.” Bucky sighed as they trudged through the snow.
“Yeah Stevie isn’t exactly a fan either.” Katie said “Although he still runs the Air Con at like minus 20”
“No, I don’t.” Steve sighed, as Bucky gave a bark of a laugh as the two of them began to playfully bicker.
“Our bedroom is freezing.”
“Look, I run at a higher temperature than you.” Steve shot back, looking at her “Yeah yeah.” Katie rolled her eyes, gun still raised as she looked around.
“Our place was always cold in the winter.” Bucky mused, and then he laughed again “Hey Katie, once when we were kids  we built a fire using all this spare and wood we found in the outhouse.” “Yeah, your dad gave us a whack each round the back of the head as he’d been saving it to build a table.” Steve grinned again. “My ears were ringing for days.”
Katie smiled as the two men shared a laugh, it was nice to see them caught up in memories. But their reminiscing was short lived as they had reached the entrance to the bunker. Bucky turned round, just to make sure no one was behind them as Katie looked at the large, steel door set into the rock. It was open.
Bucky and Katie both raised their guns towards the gap.
“He can't have been here more than a few hours” Steve said as they stopped just outside, 
“Long enough to wake them up.” Bucky sighed. 
Steve looked at him, before his attention went back to the door and he stepped forward, into the cast iron bunker. Katie followed him in, Bucky taking up the rear and a couple of meters in front of them was a caged elevator. The three of them climbed in, Steve pressing the button hanging from the top and they descended into the depths of the bunker in silence until it reached its destination with a soft thud. 
Steve nodded to Bucky and then heaved up the cage door, Bucky readying his gun as they walked slowly down a corridor, keeping close to the wall. This time Bucky went first, Katie second, Steve following. Katie kept her gun raised, eyes sharp as she looked round into an alcove full of junk, the place seemed to be nothing but a dumping ground. They continued to move down the corridor before a loud thud rang around, causing them to spin around. Bucky aimed his gun back down the corridor, as did Katie, whilst Steve pulled his shield in front of him.
“You ready?” Steve asked, looking at Katie, then over at his friend as he took a slight step forward so he was almost shielding them both taking a step down the flight of stairs in front of them.
Katie nodded as Bucky replied “Yeah.”  
The double doors at the bottom began to open, but it wasn’t another super soldier that greeted the trio. It was Tony in his full Iron Man suit.
Katie stared in surprise as her brother retracted his helmet. 
“You seem a little defensive.” Tony said as Steve strode down the steps towards him, shield covering his body. Katie followed a yard or so behind, her gun now by her side. 
“It's been a long day.”  Steve replied, shield still raised, not quite sure what Stark was doing there. Bucky shifted slightly and Tony turned his head to look at him.
“At ease, Soldier. I'm not currently after you.”
“Then why are you here?” Katie asked. 
“Could be your story aint so crazy.” Tony said, shrugging. 
“Sorry, is that you admitting you’re wrong?” she asked, raising her eyebrow slightly at her brother.
“Maybe.” Tony shrugged.
“Ross?” Steve looked at him.
“Ross has no idea I'm here. I'd like to keep it that way. Otherwise, I gotta arrest myself” 
“Well, that sounds like a lot of paperwork” Steve quipped as he lowered his shield “It's good to see you, Tony.”
“You too Cap.” his brother-in-law smiled softly before he looked over at Bucky who still had the gun raised
“Hey, Manchurian Candidate, you're killing me. There's a truce here. You can drop…”
Steve motioned at Bucky to lower the gun and he did. 
“So how did you find us?” Katie asked
“I went to the prison.” He sighed, “Spoke to Sam.”
“How are they?” Steve asked.
Tony hesitated “Angry, mostly at me. Clint especially but… they’re, ok.” 
Katie looked at him, she had the feeling he was holding something back but now wasn’t the time.
“What made you change your mind?” Bucky asked Tony. He may have lowered his gun but because his Captain had asked him to, but he was still unsure. 
“I got an update from the Berlin police…” he said, turning to face the man. “The Task Force called for a psychiatrist as soon as you were captured. They dispatched a Dr Broussard from Geneva but he was intercepted by the man who questioned you.”
“You got a name?” Katie asked her brother. 
“Yeah, Colonel Helmut Zemo, Sokovian Intelligence. He ran Echo Skorpion, a Sokovian covert kill squad”
“Sokovia…” Katie sighed as Steve groaned, “Is that place set to follow us around for the rest of our days?” 
“You think that’s what he wants with these Super Soldiers?” Steve asked. “Some form of army to get revenge?”
Tony made a face, shrugging.
“Your guess is as good as mine Cap, but I reckon so, yeah.”
Tony re-engaged his helmet and the 4 of them set off to continue the search. Katie felt bolstered by her brother’s appearance, and Steve also felt hopeful. Hopeful that they could sort this out then go home, together, and work through the whole unholy mess that had been left in the wake of the Accords. Still, they moved cautiously and silently until Tony, who was at the front, turned to his right, into a smaller corridor at the end of which was a vast chamber.  
“I got heat signatures.” He said gently.
“How many?” Steve asked.
“Uh…one.” Tony said as he walked into the chamber.
“One?” Katie frowned. She looked at Steve and then the two of them turned to Bucky who shrugged, equally as puzzled.
As they all walked up the 3 small steps into the chamber Katie could just about make out several huge pillars when the lights in each of them snapped on. It was then that the all saw they weren’t pillars, they were capsules. Each containing an enhanced soldier surrounded by some form of hazy, yellow mist. 
The four of them looked around, bewildered when the PA system crackled into life, causing Katie to jump.
“If it's any comfort, they died in their sleep”. The voice spoke as Bucky looked up at the solider in the capsule nearest to him whilst Katie continued to the next, her gun still raised. It was then that she noticed there was a bullet hole in the glass and a shot buried right between the female soldiers eyes. 
He’d killed them. 
“Did you really think I wanted more of you?” 
There was another pause as Katie turned to look at Steve and Tony who were walking slowly through the middle of the chamber to her right, towards the machine that was used to wipe the soldiers’ minds. Bucky and Katie exchanged a puzzled glance. None of this added up. Why had he killed them? What had he come all this way for if he didn’t want to activate them? 
“I’m grateful to them, though. They brought you here” the voice said, and then a window lit up to their right. Zemo was in there. Steve hurled his shield at the window but it simply bounced off the glass and returned to him where he was stood by my side. 
“Please, Captain.” Zumo spoke with amusement “ The Soviets built this chamber to withstand the launch blast of UR-100 rockets” 
“I'm betting I could beat that.” Tony said, as he and Steve rounded the chair to the right, Bucky and Katie to the left.  
“Oh, I'm sure you could, Mr. Stark. Given time. But then you'd never know why you came.”
“You killed innocent people in Vienna just to bring us here?” Steve stepped forward so there was just the glass separating his face from Zemo’s as he glared at him. 
“I thought about nothing else for over a year. I studied you. I followed you. But now that you're standing here, I just realized… there's a bit of green in the blue of your eyes. How nice to find a flaw.”
Steve drew back slightly, frowning as Katie reached his side.
“You're Sokovian.” she said, watching the man, his brown eyes flickering to hers “ Is that what this is about?”
“Sokovia was a failed state long before you blew it to hell.” Zemo shook his head “ No. I'm here because I made a promise.” 
Steve studied Zemo as he asked “you lost someone? 
Zemo bowed his head and clicked his tongue. “I lost everyone. And so will you.”
Steve watched as Zemo pressed something and then a screen just behind them, to the right clicked on. He shot another look at Zemo before he made my way over to it, as Katie followed.
“An empire toppled by its enemies can rise again…but one which crumples from within?” Zemo spoke and Katie glanced back at him, Steve doing the same “That's dead… forever.”
Katie looked at the screen, the still image that was portrayed was somewhere very familiar. Her eyes flicked to the date on the freeze frame. December 16 1991. And in that split second she understood.
One which crumbles from within…
This was about splitting the Avengers up, pitting them against one another.
“I know that road.” Tony jerked her out of her thoughts from where he stood to her right, “What is this?” he spoke louder, aimed at Zemo who didn’t answer.
Tony glanced back at the screen and Katie felt herself grow cold as the footage began to play. The Stark siblings watched as their parent’s car entered the frame and crashed into a tree.  And then the Winter Soldier rode up and got of his motorbike. 
Katie glanced at Tony and could see his unease was increasing, his brow furrowing as he watched the driver of the car, their dad, laying on the ground. Tony inhaled deeply as the footage progressed and the Winter Soldier walked over to their dad who had struggled out of the car and hoisted him up by his hair and stared down at him.
Tony wasn’t watching the screen anymore. He was stood, eyes fixed on Bucky who had his head bowed. The soldier took a deep breath and glanced over at Tony, his eyes locking with the man’s. Tony looked away and back to the screen as the tears began to freely fall from Katie’s eyes. On the footage the Winter Soldier reined blow upon blow upon her father before dragging him by his collar and shoving him back into the driver’s seat. She felt Tony take her hand, his Iron Man Gauntlet tightening painfully around her fingers as The Winter Soldier rounded the car and reached in through the window. At that point she couldn’t take it anymore and she turned away, supressing the sob that was rising in her throat and pressed her face into Steve’s chest were he stood besides her side on, watching Tony carefully. He gently placed a hand at the back of his wife’s head before he glanced back at the screen to see the Winter Solder aiming a gun at the surveillance camera, shooting it. 
There was a moment’s pause and Katie moved and looked over to where Bucky was stood a few paces behind them, his head bowed, shoulders slumped in disgrace. He looked up, his own tears clouding his eyes and then Tony lunged, and  Bucky’s face contorted into panic, his rifle flying up as Steve hastily moving to stop Tony grabbing his arm.
“Tony, Tony.” he conciliated.
Tony looked down at the screen again, before he looked up at Steve, the tears glistening in his eyes as Katie wiped away her own with the back of her hands.
“Did you know?” Tony asked his voice barely audible.
“I didn’t know it was him.”  Steve began, his voice pleading as he looked at Tony. 
“Don’t bullshit Rogers!” Tony cut him off before Steve could continue, his voice full of fury. “Did you know?” 
There was a pause, before Steve sighed and dropped his head slightly. “Yes”.
Tony pushed Steve away before he glanced back at the screen. 
“Tony.”  Katie said as he turned to look at her. “We didn’t know for sure, not until…”
“You knew as well?” Tony asked, his voice cracking as he looked at his sister and she began to cry again as she nodded, and Tony’s chest tightened with betrayal and heartbreak.  
He stepped back, his chin jutting upwards twitchily before he re-engaged the Iron man helmet. He pushed Katie out of the way and as she tumbled left he punched Steve hard, sending him to the floor. Bucky started to fire, bullets easily deflecting off Tony’s Iron Man suit and he shot a beam at Bucky, disarming him and then flew across the chamber, slamming him into the floor. “Tony, please!” Katie shouted, as Tony jumped on Bucky’s chest. Steve stood up, threw his shield which hit Tony, distracting him momentarily before he tackled him from the front, barging him backwards. Then Steve was on the floor, then Bucky was there, it was getting really out of hand and Katie was powerless to stop any of it.
“You need to go.” Steve instructed as he cut the restraints that Tony had fired at him off his legs.
“I can’t!” she said stubbornly, “he’s my brother, Steve!”
“That wasn’t a request.” Steve repeated firmly “Go, get Zumo. If we don’t apprehend him, then all this is for nothing.”
She hesitated for a second. 
“Katie!” he said, voice full of authority.
“Alright.” she swallowed “but please...don’t…”
She trailed off as Steve gently touched her face before he leapt up, shield raised. Then she turned and ran. Back the way they had come, the sounds of blasts and yells and metal on metal growing fainter and fainter as she sprinted down the corridors, the tears in her eyes hindering her view and sense of direction.
Every so often snippets of the footage flashed across her mind. Her mom and dad, pleading for their lives before Bucky, no, the Winter Soldier coldly executed them. This entire situation was a mess, and she had no idea how any of them were going to come back from this. Whether they could ever come back from this. 
Eventually she made it outside. The snow had been falling, almost completely eradicating any sign of the three sets of footprints that were hers, Steve and Bucky’s, leading into the bunker, but there was one set leading away. 
She took out one of her pistols, having lost her rifle in the chamber somewhere, and began to follow them, eventually coming to a thicket of trees. As she approached she could hear the sounds of voices, it sounded like one of them was talking via a phone. 
“You should've seen his little face. Just try, okay? I'm going to bed. I love you.” 
It was a woman’s voice and then Katie spotted Zumo, he was sat by a rock, looking at the phone in his hand. As she approached someone else emerged from the corner of her eyesight and she spun, raising her gun. It was T’Challa, Black Panther suit fully engaged.  He gestured at her, palms up, before he retracted his helmet and spoke to Zumo.
“I almost killed the wrong man.” 
“Hardly an innocent one.” Zumo shot back, no sign of surprise in his voice at them two of them being there.
“This is all you wanted.” Katie shook her head sadly, the cold snowy wind whipped her hair about her face and it stung her cheeks which were wet with tears. He looked up at her, eyeing the gun which she still had trained on him. “To see us rip each other apart?”
“My father lived outside the city.” Zemo began to explain “I thought we would be safe there. My son was excited. He could see the Iron Man from the car window. I told my wife, "Don't worry. They are fighting in the city. We're miles from harm." When the dust cleared… and the screaming stopped. It took me two days until I found their bodies. My father… still holding my wife and son in his arms. And the Avengers? “
He looked up at Katie and she saw the hatred in his eyes as he glared back. “You went home”
“None of us wanted any of it.” she shook her head, eyes welling up again “There isn’t a day goes by where I don’t wish things could have turned out differently. We tried, but we couldn’t save everybody…”
“I knew I couldn't kill you.” Zumo ignored her. “More powerful men than me have tried. But, if I could get you to kill each other…”
Kill each other. 
Katie swallowed, her thoughts returning to Steve and Tony back in the bunker. 
“I'm sorry about your father. He seemed a good man. With a dutiful son” Zumo looked up at T’Challa.
“Vengeance has consumed you. It's consuming them.” T’Challa blinked ruefully and retracted the claws in his gloves. “I am done letting it consume me. Justice will come soon enough”
Zumo smiled thinly, and for the first time Katie saw that he had a gun in his hand. “Tell that to the dead” 
As he raised the gun to shoot himself T’Challa grabbed the shaft of it, absorbing the bullet and shot in his hand before he rolled round behind Zumo, getting him into a headlock.
“The living are not done with you yet.”
All 3 of them fell silent and Katie slumped onto a rock, her head in her hands. Whatever happened now, it didn’t matter. Zumo had gotten what he wanted. The Avengers were split, right down the middle, Tony and Steve were pitted against each other. Her brother and Husband. 
And she had no idea what she was going to do.
The fight went too far. Tony blasted Bucky's metal arm off of his body which sent Steve off into a frenzy but he lost his shield in the fracas that had ensued. And now, he stood in between Tony and that final blast that the billionaire knew would end his parents' killer once and for all. And Tony was going through him if he had to.
"He's my friend." Steve pleaded breathing heavily and he looked at Tony hoping to get through to him. Surely he understood it wasn’t Bucky that had done it, it was Hydra, it was always fucking Hydra.
"So was I." Tony answered flatly before punching Steve in the face once, twice then threw him into the opposite wall. Steve coughed, spitting out blood, then began to unsteadily work his way back up to his feet. "Stay down," Tony warned aiming his repulsor beam at him "Final warning."
Steve lifted both his hands in a fighting stance shrugging slightly as he said, "I can do this all day."
I can do this all day… those words roused Bucky and for a moment he was in an alley, bailing the little blonde punk out of a fight. Well, why break the habit of a lifetime? He grabbed Tony's ankle with his remaining hand, distracting him and Tony turned kicking him in the face rendering him unconscious again. Before he could react Steve grabbed him from behind and with a monumental heave he lifted him over his head, Tony tried to fly away but with his failing jets it was no use and he landed hard when Steve threw him down onto the concrete.
And then Steve was on top of him throwing punch after punch, grabbing his previously discarded shield bringing that down onto the mask until it broke and fell apart revealing Tony's frighten gaze to Steve.
Steve raised his shield one more time and Tony brought his hands up to cover his face but that wasn’t Steve’s intention, he couldn’t and wouldn’t ever hurt him like that. Instead, he brought it down hard onto the arc reactor. Tony lowered his arms and stared up at Steve with a mixture of surprise, betrayal and resentment and the soldier looked back at him, his own face contorted with remorse as he rolled off to the side of the now useless suit.
Both men took a moment to catch their breath as fatigue and exhaustion begin to set in, Steve was the first to move as he pulled the shield from the chest of the suit and hooked it back onto his arm. He glanced back at Tony one last before time, wishing it could be different before making his way over to his best friend and pulling the barely conscious man to his feet.
"That shield doesn't belong to you," Tony spat turning over on his side. "You don't deserve it. My father made that shield!" he shouted angrily.
Steve paused. Howard had made that shield, yes. And he had betrayed the man’s memory by keeping the true nature of his death a secret. Taking a deep breath, he realised Tony was right, he didn’t deserve it after all. Captain America was a righteous man, fighting the good fight, a moral man…and Steve Rogers had been selfish and arrogant thinking he could act as he had without consequence. With an immense air of sadness he shrugged the shield from his arm and let it clang to the floor. Then he proceeded to carry Bucky up the exit and out into the snow.
The sound his shield made as it hit the concrete was a noise that he knew would be forever ingrained in his mind. The sound of him leaving Captain America in a bunker in Siberia.
Katie had no idea how long she sat waiting, lost in her thoughts and worries but eventually she heard a shuffling noise and spun round to see Steve supporting Bucky who was missing his metal arm. Both men were bloodied, battered, but alive. 
“Where’s Tony?” she said standing up, looking at Steve.
Steve took a deep breath, “In there. It got out of hand but he’s ok.” Katie immediately headed to the door of the bunker.
“Katie, he won’t listen.” Steve shook his head sadly as he called after her “This…it’s too far gone to fix.
“I have to try Steve, he’s my brother.”
She left the sentence hanging, not looking back as she moved back into the bunker. She had to try and talk him round, make him understand this was what Zemo wanted…  it was the last chance to try and sort all of this out. If she couldn’t then there was no way Steve could go back. No way he would go back.
And she was going to lose one of them.
“Tony.” she said gently, walking towards where he was sat, back against a wall in the depth of the concrete building.
“You know, when Rogers asked for your hand in marriage I couldn’t have been happier. Finally you’d met someone that treat you well, looked after you…now, I wish he’d never come out of that fucking iceberg.” He snarled up at her.
Katie took a deep breath. “You’re upset, I get that.”
“Really? You do?” he said, sarcasm dripping off every word “Oh that’s good because I thought for a moment you were missing the point.”
“What is the point, Tony?” she asked, softly “Do you think for one minute that I like what happened to our Parents?”
“How long have you known?” he looked at her.
“Since we took SHIELD and Hydra down.” she bowed her head.
“2 years?!” his voice rang round the cavern. “You knew for 2 fucking years?” “I didn’t know for certain it was him until yesterday, I swear.” she took a deep breath “But Steve is right. It wasn’t Bucky that did it. It was the Winter Soldier.”
“Oh god, he’s brainwashed you as well.” Tony groaned, banging his head against the wall “That man murdered our parents!!” 
“No one is brainwashed, it’s simply a fact. Hydra murdered our parents.” she sniffed slightly  
“BUT HE DID IT!” Tony yelled, “And whilst that mind control is in there he’s a danger and he needs to be dealt with.”
“He needs help.”
Tony laughed, scornfully “Frankly if you believe that, you’re the one that needs help.”
"We both know what it’s like to be tortured, to have your dignity stripped from you in a way people cannot possibly imagine.” she turned to her brother “And for us it was weeks Tony, fucking weeks. He endured it for 70 damned years." "He killed our mom!" "And he saved my life!" Katie said, her voice cracking "The Winter Soldier did those things, not Bucky Barnes.Tone, this is tearing me in two. I can’t choose between you, I can’t do it!" "You already chose." "No, I didn’t. I did what I thought was right. Not just the Accords but coming here. And you know it was right too, deep down or you wouldn’t be here either. You saw those soldiers in there, it could have been so much different." Tony snorted. "For once in your life just admit you'd follow Rogers anywhere..." Katie shook her head, sniffing slightly as her eyes misted over "Look, You're my brother, my father even, and I love you so much, but he is my husband and I love him, with everything I have.” Tony looked at her, and turned away. He felt betrayed, by them both. But as much as he hated what she had done, he loved his sister beyond belief and he knew no matter what happened here there would be no winners. If she stayed her heart would break at losing Steve and she would probably end up inside that shit hole pokey until some agreement or deal was done. And if she left, she might be free, but then he would lose her. 
But above all Tony knew the thing that would break her the most was having to make that choice, a choice between a life of freedom on the run with Rogers, or a choice between being locked up or with him. He couldn't see her go through that, he couldn't see her locked up and miserable and without the man she loved, and who clearly loved her. Tony knew, there was nothing else to do, he had to make the choice for her. And moreover he knew he had to be the one to lose.
"I don’t even wanna look at you right now." His voice cracked and he turned away "Get lost, go on." "And go where?” her voice was strained. "Wherever your precious Captain is running to. And you best run fast. Because if Ross gets hold of you, you're both gonna be in that pokey with the rest of them and I'll make sure Rogers never sees the light of day again." "And me?" She said, her eyes wet as she looked at him. "You went against the accords." He shrugged, unable to meet her eye "Maybe they could get you a double cell" Katie felt her heart breaking. Her brother, the man who had been there all her life, was actively pushing her away. This is what it had come to. But just as she was about to argue, try and see they could get a way through this, he delivered the final blow. "You know, I'm glad mom and dad ain't here to see this, because they'd be so ashamed of you...” he took a deep breath before he delivered the blow he knew would kill her, and he was going to hate himself for it. “You disgust me." That. That there. Was the moment Katie felt her heartbreak. "Tony." her voice cracked "Tell me you don’t mean that." "I mean every word." he lied. Because he didn’t. He didn’t mean any of it. He was beyond proud of her, how strong she was. But he knew, this was the only way she could be spared the agony of a shitty choice. 
With a shaking sob Katie stood up and began to walk across the cavern slowly, giving Tony a chance to stop her but he didn't. As she reached the start of the corridor she stopped, taking a deep breath and turned back to look at him through her tears.
“Me not telling you about mom and dad was a mistake. But I did it to save you from all this, save you from hurting because I figured you’d seen enough over the past goodness knows how long.” she shrugged, wiping her face “I’m so sorry Tony.”
He looked away, not meeting her eyes because he couldn’t.  “Just go.” he said softly.
She walked from the cavern as calmly as she could. Once she was out of site she began to sprint, wanting nothing more than the comfort of Steve. She was that wrapped up in her thoughts, twice she took a wrong turn and hit a dead end, screaming in frustration, before eventually, after what seemed like a lifetime she burst out into the snow before collapsing onto the floor, a loud agonising wail erupting from her chest.
“Katie?” Steve saw his girl fall to her knees, the noise she made chilled him to the bones. He sprinted straight towards her, ignoring the aching all over his body from the blows he had taken over the past 3 days or so. He dropped besides her “Honey?”
Katie took a deep breath before she looked up at Steve unable to voice her emotions or explain what happened. She simply bowed her head again and shook it. Steve sighed and placed an arm round her shoulder “Come on.”
With his help she rose to her feet, looking round. There was no sign of T’Challa. Zemo or Bucky.
“Where is everyone?” she asked, sliding her arm around Steve’s waist, more for support than anything else.
“T’Challa left about 2 minutes ago. He’s taken Zemo to the United Nations.” Steve said as they trudged through the snow.
“Least Bucky’s in the clear.” she sniffed, always searching for the positive.
“He’s not.” Steve sighed “Even if he’s proven not guilty they’ll want to lock him up, especially whilst Hydra are in his mind.”
They stopped at the bottom of the ramp to the jet.
“T’Challa has offered to help.” Steve turned to Katie, taking a deep breath as he knew this was it. The point at which she was going to have to make a decision on what she did next, and his heart was breaking for her. “He’s given me the coordinates to Wakanda and says he has someone there who could assist in fixing whatever it is Hydra did to Buck’s mind.”
“If the UN catch on he’s harbouring him it’ll cause even more trouble.” Katie sighed. “I know, which is why they can’t find out.” Steve said looking at her “T’Challa is going to tell the UN that me, you, Bucky and Tony are here, so they can send a craft out to pick everyone up. Then the cover story is that in the meantime Bucky and I escaped, and no one knows where we have gone.”
“Think they’ll buy it?” she asked, ignoring for a moment the fact that he had said Bucky and I, not Bucky and us.
“They’ve no reason not to.” Steve said after a moment.
“And he really thinks he can help him?”
Steve nodded. “So that’s the plan. Take Bucky and lay low for a while, at least until I can figure out what to do next”
He paused for a moment and then looked up the ramp before taking a deep breath and looking at her.
“I didn’t want any of this to happen” he sighed, “and if you don’t want to come I’ll understand.” he took a deep breath, as he grabbed both of her hands, the tears swimming in his eyes “I don’t ever want to force you to make a choice so whatever you do decide, I’ll understand, I just want you to know that I love you, I’ll always love you.”
Katie looked up at him, his last words were barely audible above his choked back sob. She knew Steve wasn’t ever going to go back, he couldn’t go back. He wouldn’t settle being behind bars but he was offering her a way out, a chance to stay with Tony. Her husband had never, not once through this entire situation pressured her to take his side. And she hadn’t taken his side, she had done what she believed was the right thing. But now, when it came down to it, there was simply no choice for her to make. Tony hated her, the Accords had finished the Avengers, Ross would make sure she was locked away…and the thought of Steve not being with her broke her more than anything.
There was nothing else left for her to do but go.
Her eyes misted over as she looked up at the man who was her world, her everything. “I can’t stay.” she whispered “Not without you. Please don’t leave me.”
“Leave you?” his voice cracked and he pulled her into his chest, hard, hands pressed at the base of her back and her head as she fisted her hands into the dirty material of his uniform. “Never, Doll.”
“Then get me out of here.” she pulled back to look up at him, gently using her thumbs to wipe away the tears on his face that had run down below the line of his helmet.
“Are you sure?” he had to ask again. “Because if we do this, there’s no going back. You might be able to sort things with Tony if you stay.” “When I’m locked up in prison?” she shook her head “What’s the point in that. Besides, we both know that you wouldn’t stand for it. You’d break me out in a week.”
He gave her a soft smile, she was right. He would. She leaned up to place a soft kiss on his lips before she turned and strode up the ramp into the jet, wiping her eyes and putting her weapons away silently. Steve followed her in and she turned to look at him when she spotted Bucky who was looking significantly worse for wear sat on one of the seats.
“You ok?” she said gently. He looked up and gave her a small smile.
“Yeah, look, I’m sorry, I really am.” his voice cracked and his head hung again.
“I know.” she said sadly as she touched his shoulder and headed over to the co-pilots seat.
Steve settled in the pilot seat just in front of her, removing his helmet and punching in some co-ordinates. Moments later the jet was airborne.
“Auto-pilot locked. ETA 4.5 hours” Katie muttered, reading the computer before she stood up and dropped her hand on Steve’s shoulder “Think it’s about time I patched you boys up.”
“Start with Buck.” he said gently, standing up “He’s worse than I am.”
She moved to the back of the jet and began rummaging in the first aid boxes gathering various things before she told Bucky to sit on the gurney in the medi-bay area of the jet.
“This is probably gonna sting a little.” she said, biting her lip as she began to wipe gently at the various cuts and bruises on Bucky’s face. If it hurt he didn’t give any outward signs that it did. She then moved to the back of his head, clearing up a nasty gash from where he had taken a hit and once that was done she checked his arm, there was no new wound, but his metal arm had been removed just below the shoulder blade, leaving the metal socket intact.
“Does it hurt?” she asked him gently.
She looked at Steve, shrugging as if to say that she had done the best she could and he nodded, looking at Bucky.
“Why don’t you rest?” He said, nodding over to the seats. “We’ve got a while before we arrive and I doubt any of us had much sleep last night.”
“You guys certainly didn’t…” Bucky said slyly. Katie shared a look with Steve who she was amused to see had flushed from the neck upwards, the patches of his face that weren’t dirty were now a bright crimson.
“Walls in hotel rooms are thin…” Bucky continued, grunting slightly as he dropped into one of the seats, leaning back and closing his eyes.
Katie bit her lip as Steve sat down on the stretcher, same place Bucky had sat before. She studied his weary face and noticed that there was a huge bruise forming on his right cheek and a smaller abrasion on his left. His nose had at some point been bleeding and there was a split in his lip, but all in all his helmet had saved him for the most, as he was nowhere near as bad as Bucky. She gently wiped at his face, as tenderly as she could to avoid hurting him. She cleaned off the dirt, dried blood and then the cut above his eye, before moving to the one on his lip. As she touched it with the antiseptic wipe he hissed slightly.
“Stop being a baby…” she said, teasingly as she continued. He opened his eyes and simply watched his wife’s face intensely. Her eyes were red rimmed from her crying and he couldn’t help but wonder what Tony had said to her when she had gone back in.  But he knew she would tell him when she was ready. Eventually she finished and dropped the wipe she had been using into the dish to my right, and he placed both his hands on her hips and pulled her closer to him, so that she was stood in between his legs.  
“I love you so much.” He said gently. She brought her hand up to brush across his now clean but bruised face and sighed. 
“I know.” she said gently, placing a soft kiss onto his lips, careful not to aggravate any cuts further. He would heal fast, he always did. In a few days there would be no evidence of any of these.  
From over in the corner of the jet there came a soft groan “Get a room…preferably not next to mine.”
It was 3 hours into the journey when she told Steve everything. What Tony had said, how he had told her to leave, and that he was disgusted with her, and Steve’s heart broke for her as she cried again, her tears falling to his shoulder as he sat and simply held her before insisting she also took some rest. He knew what Tony had said was bullshit, the man was ridiculously proud of his sister, and he found himself understanding why he had done it. To save her from an impossible choice. Tony was as selfless as the next person where his sister was involved.
About 45 minutes or so later, when Katie was fast asleep, Bucky woke up and he noticed Steve was sat in the seat at the front, simply staring out of the window.
“Got anything to drink?” he asked, and Steve’s head snapped round.
“Should be some water in the fridge, hang on…” “I lost my arm Punk, not my legs.” Bucky grumbled, heading over to where Steve was directing.
“Glad to see your attitude is still as bad as ever.” Steve raised an eyebrow as Bucky threw a bottle to him which he caught in his right hand.
“Yeah well, there are somethings even being brainwashed can’t get rid of.” he sighed as he headed over to the seat by Steve. Clasping the bottle in his knees he worked the top off with his right hand and took a deep swig.
“Do you really think they can do it? You know, get whatever Hydra put in my head out?” he asked.
“T’Challa seems to think so.” Steve nodded, looking at his friend.
“Well, perhaps when he has we can catch up properly…” Bucky’s voice was wistful.
”Like old times huh?” Steve said with a twinkle in his eye.
Bucky smiled before he grew serious again. “You know I did think about finding you, but…” 
Steve looked at him for a moment and then leaned forward slightly. “How much do you remember?” he asked.
Bucky sighed, “I remember most things, about my life that is, but at first it was just a big jumble. That’s why I wrote it all down...”
The two men fell silent again, Steve full of his own guilt again for not going back for him that day he fell from the train. He could have spared him all of this.
“How did you do it?” Bucky asked suddenly, making Steve look back at him “Wake up 70 years in the future and just carry on?” “Katie.” Steve said instantly “I came out of the ice, I’d lost everyone I knew, had no idea what to do…but then I found her…almost like it was meant to be.”
“I thought Steve Rogers didn’t believe in fate?” Bucky teased “What was it you used to say? You make your own luck?” Steve chuckled “I didn’t, I mean I don’t really, but whatever it was be it fate, luck, circumstance…I’m just glad it happened.” he trailed off, smiling, before he carried on “You know, I loved Peggy but that was nothing to what I feel for Katie. I can’t imagine being without her.”
Bucky looked at his friend, smiling. He had always known that when Steve found the right dame he would fall hard and fast, and it was clear he had. After all of his bad luck before the war it was nice to see the man so happy and loved. But Bucky wasn’t going to let it lie without the chance to tease his friend. He grinned and looked at him, a cheeky smile spreading across his weary face.
“Yeah she’s pretty hot too. How did a punk like you manage to pull a gal like that?” “Buck!” Steve said exasperatedly as Bucky laughed.
“I’m just playing with you Stevie. I’m glad you found someone.” Bucky said gently. “Just gutted I wasn’t at the wedding, well properly anyway. You looked happy though when you came out of the church.”
“I was. And I wish you could have been there properly too pal.” Steve said, his voice taking on a teasing tone “But Sam made a pretty good substitute best man.”
“Wait, you had Seagull as your best man?” Bucky’s tone was indignant.
“He’s a good friend.” Steve said.
There was another pause.
“You know I haven’t thanked you yet.” Steve said gently “For saving her life.” he nodded over to where Katie was curled up in a seat under a blanket “I don’t know what would have happened if you hadn’t been there.” “Right time right place.” Bucky shrugged “You know, I didn’t recognise her at first, just heard all this screaming and…well she was in a bad way.” “I know.” Steve said, softly “They…they hurt her.” Bucky didn’t need to ask what they had done to her. He could imagine.
“She’s ok now though, right?”
“Physically yeah..” Steve nodded “mentally…she still has nightmares sometimes but don’t we all? She’s strong though, way stronger than me…”
“I dunno from the noises I heard last night you seemed to be pretty strong.” Bucky quipped and Steve groaned
“Sorry, our walls at the compound are soundproof so…” he offered an explanation, blushing again.
“Yeah, well the first time we just kinda ignored it but then when you started again an hour later, then again, well…frankly it was a little gross.”
“Guess we just got a bit carried away.” Steve felt the heat spread up his neck.
“Sam said you were showing off.” Bucky smirked causing Steve to snort. “You got some stamina, bud, I’ll give you that.”
“Something we both thank Dr Erskine for on a regular basis.” Steve shot back cheekily and Bucky barked out a laugh.
Then the alert on the cockpit started to go and Katie sat up, rubbing her eyes as the noise roused her. Steve shot her a smile, pretty sure he was still blushing, and then turned to look at the dials on the cockpit
“Hey.” she said, approaching the front, dropping her hand to Bucky’s shoulder as she pressed a soft kiss to Steve’s head “We here?”
“I think so.” Steve frowned, “The co-ords are telling me to drop to 2600, heading 0-3-0…only...”
Katie looked ahead, it was nothing but a thicket of what looked like jungle.
“You trust T’Challa?” she asked, settling in a seat behind him.
“Then do it.” she said simply, looking at him like he was an idiot.
Bucky smirked slightly and Steve rolled his eyes, but obeyed all the same. They passed through the trees as they simply disappeared, like a computer image and they were left with the skyline of a beautiful city. Katie let out the breath I hadn’t even realised she had been holding.
"What the fuck?" Bucky whispered, and Steve laughed in agreement.
They were welcomed by T’Challa’s Mother, younger Sister Suri and a few members of his King’s Guard. T’Challa was on his way back from the UN and wouldn’t be back for an hour or so, so in the mean time they were given something to eat and a place to clean up, Katie taking her time in the scalding hot shower in their luxurious suite. Steve had stayed with Bucky and she was glad, as she broke down once more thinking about Tony, wondering where he was. Once she had cried all the tears she had left to cry, she dried off and crawled into the bed passing out almost immediately. She didn’t feel Steve climb in besides her later on that night. He stayed awake for a lot longer than she did, having spent the evening with T’Challa who had filled him in on what the UN had said. Tony was home ok, he knew that much, and the authorities had accepted T’CHalla’s explanation, essentially meaning he, Katie and Bucky were outlaws. For once in his life he had no idea what to do next, and the guilt at dragging her into this was eating him up. With a sigh he wrapped his arms around her, pulled her close and drifted into an uneasy sleep.
The next day felt slightly more positive. After breakfast Suri took Bucky into her lab for a scan on his brain. Bucky had worried that going into a scanner would remind him of the machine Hydra used and could bring out the Winter Soldier again, but Suri had simply smiled and shook her head, before using what looked like a beaded bracelet to perform the scan.
Now she stood over a tablet looking at the image.
"Your mind has been fighting this the whole time." she said tapping a few places on the tablet and bringing up a hologram image of Bucky’s brain for them all to see. She pointed to a bright, pink line which snaked all over the image “That's what they put in there but it hasn’t melded properly, which I suspect is why you required constant…how to put this…recalibration I suppose.” she pondered something before she turned to look at the soldier and smiled. “I can fix this.”
"Really?"  Bucky said, his head jerking up as he looked at her, his eyes shining.
"I may have to engineer something new equipment wise, and it could take me a few months to do it- but it is reversible." She nodded, voice oozing with confidence as she looked at the scans of Bucky’s brain on the screen
"How?"  Bucky frowned, hardly daring to believe what she was saying. He would be free…
“I can cut it out.” she said, like it was something she did every day. “Like I say, it has not melded to your brain. Think of it as foreign object, not a part of you, and all foreign objects can be removed."
Katie squeezed Steve’s hand as Steve let out a loud breath as he looked up at the ceiling. Bucky was going to be ok. He glanced down at his wife who smiled at him, as they both turned to see Bucky’s eyes were wet as he wiped tears off his face. Suri dropped a hand to his shoulder.
“You won't have to live with this anymore, Sergeant Barnes." she said to him.
Bucky looked at her, then to Steve before his face crumpled and in a stride Steve had closed the distance between them and wrapped his arms around his friend in a brotherly hug as Bucky sat on the bench, unable to believe that he was going to be free, finally free from Hydra. Katie watched the two of them as T’Challa gently squeezed her shoulder as he and Suri made to leave the room. She followed them, pausing in the doorway to turn to look at the two men, Steve stepping back from Bucky to look down at him as he wiped at his face, a teary smile crossing his features.
It had cost them everything, but at least there was something good going to come out of it all.
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veganmikehanlon · 5 years
10 and 25 for hanbrough if you please! otherwise any pairing will do ♥
you know that thing where u can’t even search ur own blog for something you /literally/ tagged? this was something like…idk something but it reminded me of something i already wrote so i Really have no reason for not posting it sooner other than procrastination being my middle name so anyways, this:
Mike doesn’t mean to start writing a sex scene while sitting in a Starbucks, but he’d tried writing at home, well it’s just his parents house now, and his mom kept walking in trying to talk to him. So he left the old farmhouse and drove into his newly modernized hometown of good ol’ Derry, Maine.
It’d started with a piece of his story inspiring a memory from his own sex life. Something he’d done forever ago with an ex. Secretly, in a tent. Surrounded by friends. Not their most shining moment but it was hot and applicable to his current story.
He’s in the middle of writing about tongues sliding together when his eyes are drawn to the sound of the shop door opening. He almost chokes when he sees who it is walking in. Well, daydream about sex with your ex and he shall appear. Mike ducks behind his things to hide because he’s panicking.
Mike watches Bill walk to the counter, he observes the broad lines of his shoulders move under familiar flannel; and how the end of his short blond french braid, mostly held together by multi-colored bobby-pins, brushes the collar in a physical reminder of how long it’s been since they’ve seen each other.
He walks through the room with the same gentle confidence that he always had, and it still draws the same admiring gazes from those around him. Mike’s eyes flicker between Bill and his computer screen, the incriminating words screaming at him, and then he catches sight of Bills’ smile and the perfect adjective pops into his head.
Just like that he’s writing again, more caught up in his story than he’s been in the last 30 minutes. Words stream from his fingertips and a scene unfolds, bits and pieces of Mike’s past slipping through, and just as he’s writing a description of how exciting it is to make someone moan as loud as you can make them laugh, he’s interrupted.
“Hi,” a soft voice calls, startling Mike from his head making him jump and hit his knees against the table, a move that almost sends his coffee toppling, but two pairs of hands shoot out to catch the wobbling cup. Bills’ hand settles warmly over Mike’s before he draws it back with an awkward chuckle.
A shiver runs through Mike as Bill’s fingers brush over his knuckles, and he looks up at the man before him with wide eyes. “Hi,” he squeaks, this entire situation sending him careening out of his comfort zone. Bill clears his throat before speaking (an old habit) “sorry, didn’t mean to scare you,” he says with a wince.
Mike chuckles nervously, his voice coming out a bit high and strained, “it’s okay I was just, um, writing.” This might be the most uncomfortable he’s ever been in his life. But Bill looks excited and he falls into the chair opposite Mike, setting his coffee and a notebook down on the open space.
“You’re writing?” He asks, a smile spreading across his face, and Mike has to smile back because oh yeah, they’d once shared everything with each other and Bill knows all about Mikes’ commitment-phobia to writing.
Mike quickly switches programs, an attempt at putting the niggling guilt in his chest away. “Yeah, just this story for this thing,” he answers vaguely, and they pause for an awkward second before Bill starts to ramble. “I’ve been working on drawing (a sentence that makes Mike proud too), I’m in a portrait class right now at school, and I came here to people watch and I saw you, and I was wondering if you’d mind if I practiced drawing you?”
Mike gasps softly in surprise at the request, “uh, what? You want to draw me?” The words fall from his mouth without his input, any functional part of his brain currently caught in a dumpster fire, set by this stupid story that is making an already uncomfortable situation of running into an ex just that much worse!
And then Bill is talking again, “well my art style has changed and I thought it’d be cool to get a comparison, you  know, a then and now? It’s cool if you don’t want me to, no biggie, just thought I’d ask, but actually? Never mind,” he starts gathering his things into his arms, “sorry for bothering you, it was nice seeing you, bye!”
He starts to get up but stops when Mike bursts out laughing, his cheeks reddening, and he stays frozen uncomfortably. And Mike doesn’t mean to, but seeing Bill so obviously out of his comfort zone has him cracking up, the situation making him feel hysterical, and he can’t quite stop the laughter bubbling out.
Mike manages enough words to get Bill to settle back down. “Hey man it’s cool, it’s good seeing you too, you know me, I love to help.” Bill settles back into the seat and flips his sketchbook open with an eye roll. Mike can’t help but tease him, he starts shifting through different dramatic poses, making Bill laugh loudly. A hand behind his head, his bicep bulging, Thinking Man pose, his smile barely suppressed-
And Mike ends his display by lewdly flicking his tongue between his fingers. “Jesus Mike!” Bill sputters out between laughs and Mike raises his hands in an innocent gesture, his own laughs ringing out through the space between them. “Sorry, I’m done!” He surrenders with an amused snort.
Bill sticks his tongue out childishly at him and flips the pages of his notebook to a blank page, “just go back to what you were doing weirdo,” he says softly and Mike lets out another laugh before following his directions. Well, not exactly since he’d literally been writing about his and Bill’s sex life. Oops.
He fucks around on his computer for a bit, opening and closing a few homework assignments (yeah right like he’d be able to concentrate right now), editing bits and pieces in other stories, he even plays a couple rounds of solitaire. But his attention is scattered after three lattes (that’s 2…4…6 espresso shots) and the adrenaline rushing through him from Bill sitting across from him drawing him which requires Bill to look at him with his blue as fuck eyes-
“Hey you wanna go somewhere?” The question bursts from Mike and he cringes at the abruptness. “Wait, you’re drawing, never mind,” Mike amends with a shake of his head. But Bill just flips his book closed with a simple “yep,” and starts chugging the last bit of his coffee.
Mike packs up quickly and, swinging his backpack over his shoulders, follows Bill out of the shop.
“Holy shit, is that Silver?” Mike exclaims incredulously when they walk outside. Bill laughs and leads the way to the old bike where it’s locked up by the building. “Yeah, Georgie didn’t wanna give up the car, so I’m stuck with her.” Bill explains. Mike runs a hand over the handlebars with a small smile, “seems smaller than she used to,” he comments, nostalgia rushing through him. Bill hums in agreement, “easier to handle too,” he comments steadily belaying the nervous shake in his next words, “and still big e-e-enough to ruh-ride double.”
Mike grins excitedly, “why Mr. Denbrough, are you going to show me a good time around town?” Bill’s face lights up with a wide grin and giggling, he unlocks his bike quickly, “it’d be my puh-pleasure, Mr. Hanlon.” They drop their things in Mike’s truck before racing recklessly out of the parking lot, Bill pedaling frantically and Mike hanging on tight to his waist, praying he doesn’t go flying off the back of the bike.
It’s weird spending all day with an ex, but they’d been best friends for just as long as they dated, and it’s as easy as it’s always been. They ride through the streets of Derry just like when they were kids, taking turns too fast and speeding over bumps. Mike’s teeth click together but it barely registers over the barrage of other sensations. The softness of Bill’s waist under his hands, the warmth between his back and Mike’s chest, the soft blond hairs flying into his face where they come loose from the braid and bobby pins.
It’s a lot of old and new sensations that has Mike’s head spinning.
They ride until Bill complains of shin splints, his face red and a little sweaty. Mike totally doesn’t think of licking the sweat from his brow because that would be weird. They ride back to Starbucks and load Silver into Mike’s truck. They sit in the cab, unsure where to go from here. They decide to live out the nostalgia further, and head to the barrens.
“Can you help me get all these out?” Bill asks gesturing to the many bobby-pins in his hair. Mike pats the spot on the truck bed next to him and Bill sighs a “thank you” as he sits with his back turned to him. Mike begins to gently pull the clips from his hair, doing his best not to pull knowing full well Bill is tender-headed.
He brushes the hair out with his fingers as it’s freed in sections until all the pins are out and Bill’s hair is a wild mane framing his face. Bill had shifted to face him when Mike got to the sections held back in the front, and Mike watches his face carefully. His eyes are closed and his face is relaxed in contentment. He’s always liked having his hair played with, no doubt part of the inspiration to grow it out.
Mike finds himself fiddling with the ends of his hair, carefully brushing it back from his face. He’s too distracted watching the soft strands fall through his fingers to notice Bills’ eyes have opened to watch him.
They used to lay in bed together, Bill on Mike’s chest, while Mike would drag a hand through Bill’s hair while they cooled down. Sometimes they would talk and other times they would lay in silence, just letting themselves feel the moment.
Lost in his thoughts Mike doesn’t notice Bill moving his face slowly closer, or how his hand has ceased it’s ministrations running through soft blond hair to rest gently on his cheek, he doesn’t realize he’s guiding Bill’s lips to his own until they’re barely a breath apart. And then soft lips land on his and awareness comes crashing over him.
They both freeze for a second, they’re mouths held stiff against the other, and then Mike opens his mouth slightly to pull Bills’ bottom lip in between his. And with that Bill is pushing forward and Mike unfolds his legs so he can slot in-between his knees. They kiss desperately, mouths moving together hot and slick. Mike moans softly at the feeling.
And then he’s pushing away because holy shit, “did you-“ he pants and Bill moves to kiss his neck at the interruption, unwilling to stop whatever this is. Mike is totally okay with that but, “you didn’t eat meat today did you?”
Bill stops his traveling lips, body going stiff in the not fun way. It may have been something they used to argue about when they were dating, Mike thought it was gross to kiss Bill after he’d eaten meat, and Bill didn’t get what the big deal was. Mike thinks maybe he ruined the moment but then Bill is grinding his hips down into him and he drag his lips up Mike’s neck to his ear, making him keen at the sensations, his own hips stuttering to meet the boy’s above him.
“Not yet,” Bill whispers grinding down into the v of Mike’s hips harshly, drawing a groan from the man that quickly turns into laughter. Throwing his head back Mike giggles loud and uncontrollably. “Seriously?” He laughs breathlessly, Bill sucking a mark on his neck. He pulls back to look into Mike’s eyes. “Seriously. Your nagging finally got through my thick skull.” Bill says with an eye roll followed by a wink.
“Wow, fuck, that was such a fucking turn on.” Mike says drawing Bill closer with a hand on the back of his neck and kisses him passionately.
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pevcnsiee-blog · 6 years
━  🌹| INTRO 
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is that a chicken????? no its just me, kitty - im nineteen, live in CEST and im going to present you my lil blondie emmy under the cut  if you’d like to plot just hmu or click the ♥ and i’ll get into ur IM’s c:
[ josefine frida pettersen, cisfemale, she/her ] —» biting down by lorde came on the radio, and it reminded me of emmy pevensie, who’s been in sundance for the last 24 hours. they're 21, and currently unemployed. i’ve noticed they're cold & egoistic but can be independent & polite, too. anyone who knows them would say the loud roar of an old truck, light sundresses flowing in the summer breeze and the sharp smell of hair dye describes their vibe effortlessly.—» [ kitty, she/her, 19, CEST ]
( tw : death, implied child abuse )
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- was born on november 13th as emmy natasha pevensie  to her parents and her sister: fiona mary.
- she grew up in the suburbs of helena, montana
- her parents weren‘t particulary strict, allowing emmy and fiona to spent a lot of time doing whatever they desired
- since there wasn‘t a big age gap ( one year ) between emmy and her sister, they spent their all of their free time after school playing outside with the neighbour kids
- in middle school, fiona became a member of her school‘s cheer team
- emmy was never particular fond of cheerleading, yet she always attended her sisters performances
- but due to sickness, little emmy couldnt be there during a very important performance at a outward game of their middle school‘s football team
- emmys parents left their bedridden daughter in the care of a babysitter, while they drove off with fiona to the game
- emmys babysitter got a call from the police thirty minutes later: an accident - fionas and emmys parents didnt make it, yet fiona magically survived with minor injury
- so twelve year old emmy and thirteen year old fiona were sent to their first foster family
- it was quite obvious that this family just tried to gather as many children as they could, in order to get as much money as they could
- the six children and two grown-ups had to share a three-room apartment, cramming all six children into one of the tiny rooms
- emmy and her sister barely recieved emotional support or therapy, due to neglection of the issue by their caretaker
- both of them continued going to school, yet there was a big change in their personalities: both of them kept very much to themselves, their grades dropping dramatically and both girls stopped caring about their friendships - the sisters were mostly seen huddled together on the stairs of the fire escape during breaks
- of course their teachers got concerned, contacting the authorities and soon, the pevensies sister‘s caretaker pulled them out of their foster family and sent them to a different one in colorado springs, colorado  
- and right off the bat emmy could tell that something was off about them, giving emmy a weird tummy-feeling whenever they were around
- but her new parents were friendly, gifting their new daughters a beautifully furnished room and all the candy they could imagine, managing to shake off their bad vibes
- you could say everything was perfect: except fiona and emmy‘s older foster sister
- she seemed to loathe her younger sisters, barely exchanging a word with her new sisters and alwaysexiting the room when both were around, spending as little time as possible with them
- but the worst part was that she always locked the girls into their rooms during the night, not wanting to »have them running around at night and disturb her sleep«
- the new house made a lot of weird noises that fiona and emmy had to get used to first, making nights unbearable for them
- yet they stayed at the family for a couple of years, and her foster sister left the family as soon as she turned eighteen - leaving the girls with a habit of locking their door every night
- during that time, both sister managed to cope with the death of their parents by just repressing it - both scolded each other as soon as they‘d talk about their real parents, trying to forget them
- it was hard for emmy when fiona graduated middle school and now started visiting high school, but it also forced both girl to established a new social circle, with their other half now gone
- that‘s how fiona met her boyfriend.
- both hit of right away, fiona spending almost every night at his house
- and with eighteen, fiona also left her foster home, without telling her little sister - she just vanished while emmy was at school and left nothing behind
- emmy was beyond heartbroken, her foster parents not answering any questions about fiona, but she managed to pull herself together and accepted the fact, that everyone she once loved has now left her
- after fiona graduated high school, she didnt leave her family right away, since they offered her to work as a nanny
- her parents were planning to take in more foster children, now having somebody who could watch over them all day
- they even payed fiona good money and her life was going pretty well; having a handful of good friends she could spent her free time with, she got along with her foster siblings and planned to study abroad in europe once she had the money
- she came home late at night, as she caught her foster father leaving the room of one of her siblings, pulling up his pants and adjusting his belt
- both parties being equally shocked at the sight infront of them
- in that moment, emmy understood everything. the noises, why her foster sister locked their door every night ...
- she stormed into her room, locked her door for the last time, packed her bags and fled through the window
- emmy threw all her belongings she managed to stuff into her bag, into her truck and just drove off, everything she has ever surpressed in her entire life flooding back into her memories
- a short stop was made in a small town in utah, and now emmy is stranded in sundance, nevada after her truck broke down
- she‘s staying at the sundance inn , figuring out what to do next
- emmy is a bit ... difficult at the moment
- she tries to be as polite and respectful towards everyone, but it‘s not that easy if you‘re in a emotional crisis
- also being stuck in a strange town doesn‘t help to gain a sense of security and a good basis to sort out one‘s emotions
- having everybody she ever loved leave her in some way, emmy learned that the only person she could trust is herself
- and that‘s why she started putting herself first
- even in highly critical situation, like her running away from home and not taking her foster siblings with her, leaving them in the hands of their abusive foster father
- but at least she‘s not involved in this mess anymore, right? at least she‘s safe
- there‘s a constant war in her mind
- on one side, she knows that it was wrong to not help her younger foster siblings, but on the other hand she doesn‘t want to get involved with something, that could backfire on her - she doesn‘t have any clear evidence, does she?
- honestly, emmy is very broken right now, but is afraid to let anyone get close to her, in case they happen to break her even more
- thus being quite selective in her choice of friends: she won‘t let them get too close, since she doesn‘t want them to know any of her struggles, but she is often way too polite to say no, when one of her friends is in need
- then she tries to find a quick solution, not wanting to shoulder more problems and sorrows than she already has
- but emmy would lie, if she would say, that she doesn‘t enjoy having a bit of company once in a while - just because she doesn‘t want any help, doesn‘t mean that she want to be lonely and secluded
- people who were able to get to know the blonde better, were able to experience her dry sense of humour and her tendency towards sarcasm and self-depricating humour
-they also experienced being woken up in the middle of the night by emmy calling them, demanding them to come outside and join her to get some fast food, the blonde not wanting to be a weirdo, who buys three cheeseburgers and eats them in her parked truck at four thirty in the morning, alone
- spontanous roadtrips tend to happen on a regular basis when being friends with emmy
- again, with the reasoning of her wanting to do something, but doesn‘t want to be seen as an awkward loner
- because she spents so much time in her good old truck, she‘s a fairly good driver and manages to perfectly park even in the most difficult spaces
- never had a boyfriend or girlfriend, due to already fearing a break up
- she‘s not a real blonde
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imaginingit · 8 years
happy valentine’s day mothafuckas ;)
i love jeon jungkook are u bitches ready
you first met jungkook when you heard the sound of a moving truck beep its way into the driveway next to yours 
now u were always a child of adventure 
ur parents worked a lot so it was basically u at home with ur grandparents and they were the most chill motherfuckers on the face of the planet
and the front door of ur house always seems to be unlocked so u were the poster boy/gal of “adventure is out there!!!”
cue me ugly crying that movie kills m e 
u loved the outdoors and being adventurous 
u were so tomboy and reckless it was hilarious
u drove every single member of ur family insane 
they got called into school one time to u staring at the ground in the principal’s office next to a kid with a missing tooth and bloody nose 
“he tried to hug me” 
to summarize, u loved causing trouble, but have fun in the midst! 
and yes, meeting new ppl!!
and at dinner, u would hear ur grandpops and grandma talking abt the couple moving in next door 
and how they have also have a 6!! year!! old!! son!!
and u could barely keep ur head on the pillow that night bc omg! you can’t wait to have a new friend the same age as u! 
so on that beautiful sunny saturday morning, at exactly 7am sharp, with ur scabby knees, bruised legs, ripped shorts, mismatched socks, run-down light up sneakers, and ur older brother’s hand-me-down power rangers sweatshirt, you marched on over to the driveway to meet your new best friend
and u see a middle aged man and a beautiful woman trying to carry in a couple boxes together and u guessed those were the parents 
and as u were marvelling at how pretty they were, “man, if they look that good, how good does their son loo--”
u have no idea what came over u but u almost tripped over the tall weeds trying to get into the truck and find the source of the voice 
you went straight to the yellow, flower-y sofa resting in the middle of the truck, with little boy limbs sticking out from under the cushions
u ran up and ripped them away and low and behold, u laid ur eyes on the most beautiful 6 year old there ever was 
and from then on, ur heart decided to plant its FUCKING BOTTOM with jungkook forever
from the first day he met u he literally believed u were the weirdest person he’s ever met 
but without a doubt, you became childhood friends 
like best friends
u saw him naked for the first time when u were 8 and just bursted into his shower at like 8am in the morning 
“omg it’s so smALL?”
he didn’t speak to you for two weeks after that 
your grandparents would always have him over for dinner 
you guys played make believe together and took naps in ur power ranger blanket together 
but it’s also a lot of bullying 
taking turns making ugly faces, whoever laughs first has to go and tell ur grandma they pooped their pants and needs help changing it 
“accidentally” slapping each other SUPER hard in the face
“you had a fly on ur cheek sorry!! couldn’t help it!!”
literally the purest and most innocent friendship ever ever ever 
everyday in first grade, when you had reading time, he would be in the seat behind you and fold a tiny little paper plane with a sticky note and throw it at you 
would keep folding them and throwing it at you until you noticed and turned around and yelled at him and got in trouble by your student teacher 
“i hate u jeon jungkook” 
you didn’t really
but it wasn’t until the third or fourth time he kept doing it that you realized there was a message on each of them 
and they weren’t really anything cute
they were just like 
“hey notice me”
“your hair looks greasy from the back” 
“what book are you reading”
“don’t ignore me”
“am i being annoying?”
“yea? good.”
but your favourite was
“i’m glad you’re in my class” 
because he would rarely ever show affection to you because your relationship was made up a lot of the “we don’t need to say anything to know it”, meaning you never needed to straight out express your gratitude to each other for the other to know that you’re appreciated 
main point is you grew up together 
however, after like the fourth grade
you both somehow decided that you were too cool for each other despite the fact that your crush on him was still there 
there was something so mesmerizing about the fact that 
he never truly ever demeaned you as a person??? like yes he was a tease and you guys always did those things to each other
but for a kid, he was always somewhat of a gentleman and would never make fun of you to deliberately hurt your feelings 
unfortunately doe, in middle school, your group of friends completely changed
and although you guys sort of had the same status in school of being popular but very, very laidback, and your groups of friends acquainted with one another, your interactions would be saying hi, making small talk when you were with a handful of other people and smiling at each other as you pass by the halls 
back then, you would walk home together every single day and spend time doing homework in the bedroom of one of you two 
but as the grades went on and the workload increased, you found music and student council and volleyball whereas he found track and basketball and dance
his family went through troubles and he found it difficult to talk to people at times 
and you were so busy with finding a job and saving up for post-secondary that you spent after school with your clubs or in the library studying
timing and interests for you guys were extremely unparalleled and eventually, things just grew apart before high school began 
and oh dear
high school
periods? check. acne? check. hormones? check. grOWTH SPURTS? check.
now, reader, entering high school, you only had one rule: forget. about. jeon. jungkook.
and it wasn’t like he was being a dick or anything to you, you just didn’t find any way that you guys would work out anymore
despite being best friends and literally showering together when you were 7 and your parents are best friends, you just never ever have proper conversations anymore, and things just naturally got awkward
and also life lesson for u guys omg so philosophical what it wasn’t anyone’s fault, you guys just happened to no longer have the same interests or the time to notice each other anymore - people drift apart. it happens. 
and you were so okay with coming to terms with that 
“oh my gosh is that jeon jungkook?”
“he... grew muscles?”
“puberty hit him like a freight train???”
the morning of sophomore year, after a whole first year of properly avoiding him and being absolutely sure that he wasn’t going to get hot (jungkook is juST A LATE BLOOMER OK LEAVE HIM ALONE), you turned your head to the front doors and felt the wind get knocked out of you 
bc walking in with his friends, with the school uniform seemingly perfectly snug and hugging every one of his curves
was jungkook
and for some reason
yes he looked more mature and yes he got fucking MANLIER
but you were instantly reminded of something that clicked in you when you saw that 6 year old boy stuck in the sofa on the very first day he moved in next to you
was it that innocence? was it the charm? was it the hair-swept-away-from-face thing? you diDN’T KNOW 
but girl you were gone again 
and listen 
you dated people in freshman year and guys liked you, but you were never the type to chase or to fawn
you were just different from other girls like you would much rather be the type to be the one playing ball than the one in a miniskirt cheering on the team on the sidelines
that’s just who you are, heck you fucking punched a dude that wanted to hug you and say thank you, broke his nose and chipped his tooth like kk y/n
it was just difficult for you to grasp feelings, truly, but for some reason, this guy has just got you so weak???
and for some other reason, jungkook and the reminder and memories of you guys as kids just hits you like a truck and you’re already head over heels once again
and you go into first period to shake off the thought of him but ofc!!! he’s!!!! in!!!! ur!!! first!! period!!! literature!!! ihml!!!
so you take the seat diagonally in the front of him to make sure you don’t get sidetracked in ur favourite class and drool at him the entire time
you were taking notes from the board, analyzing and reviewing the literary device and short stories before delving into the actual stuff in literature when you dropped your pencil and leaned down to grab it 
when you saw an arm reach down first 
and hand it to you 
you looked up 
and you guessed it 
biTCH IT WAS JUNGKOOK AND he had such a warm and friendly smile 
and you could barely say anything 
because on one hand you were like oh i’m glad he still remembers who i am??? like ffs? but your other side is like oh my god oh my god oh my god 
so weeks go by and every single day you feel such a burning sensation at the back of ur neck like fufufufuffufufu he’s RIGHT THERE
and jungkook isn’t that type to be extremely boisterous and loud and obnoxious even if he’s hot shit 
so you weren’t worried about him bothering you whatsoever after that like that was a fluke, he was being nice, whatever, it’s done 
a couple weeks go by and you’re starting to feel better now, thinking you’ve got this crush thing under control
silent reading time 
you were just assigned a new book by your favourite author! and you couldn’t wait to begin the book reports on these 
so you dove into the world of fire-breathing dragons and mystical knights and creatures beyond reality
when you felt a poke on your neck
and you had no idea what it was? you were so engulfed in the story that you just scratched and left it, not thinking twice
and then you felt it again
it took you a second, but it hit you
and it hit you hard
you turned your head around slowly and your heart was beating so fast
your eyes fall on a small pink sticky note, folded into a plane, dropped on your shoulder
so you open it, careful to make no noise in the silent classroom
and on the single sticky note it read:
“it’s good to see you again. i’m so so glad you’re in my class.”
you sneak a tiny glance back at the boy behind you, your face flushing with heat and memories 
and from behind his book, he looks up and gives you the tiniest, warmest smile you’ve ever received 
you folded the paper once more and fit it in your pocket and returned to your dragons and knights and witches, all the while smiling like a fool to yourself because maybe, just maybe, you didn’t really drift apart that much at all 
hi guys!! so sorry for the late update, hope you enjoy thisssss:)
also side note: just because it’s valentine’s day (i mean i dont celebrate this) doesnt mean that you need a significant other! buy yourself some hershey’s, make some tea, snuggle up with a teddy bear and a blanket, and switch on some netflix. today is any other day, so don’t demean yourself and your experience with this day because of your status! 
alsoooo don’t wanna get a little preachy but, in this au i kind of hint at the fact that the y/n or reader is someone very tomboyish and doesn’t really seem to find herself chasing after boys. in no way am i trying to vocalize the fact that just because you’re of a certain nature, your personality towards boys reflects that. this is just a fictional work of how one might feel (presumably me lolz) when realizing feelings for someone they truly loved at one point. just because a woman who is normally tougher on the exterior has a sudden soft spot for a boy does not indicate that she’s lost sense of herself or that she succumbs to a boy. just because a woman is a certain way because of a boy that makes her feel different doesn’t mean she is any less of a woman herself. everyone is obligatory to their feelings, and how women choose to express themselves sexually or emotionally to a man they love is their own personal choice as long as they are within consent and are safe. everyone’s decisions and behaviours in love are consensual and their own - that does not demean them as a feminist in any way, shape or form. remember that. 
have fun, y’all, uSE PROTECTION, and i love u!!!
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kpsoa97xs-blog · 5 years
I got in an accident a few months ago they are trying to make me pay 8,800 dollars?
I got in an accident a few months ago they are trying to make me pay 8,800 dollars?
This accident happened in July 2014 I did not have insurance at the time the guys insurance said I was at fault and I needed to pay 2,500 dollars then like 4 months later the guy 67 year old man put in a claim that he had gotten injured from the accident and his insurance told me I was responsible for the medical cost as well witch now is 8,800 dollars in total I don t know what to do I don t have that kind of money just lying around anywhere. Someone please help!!
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Hi, I DO NOT is it really hard? need to find affordable just want to know license for over 30 insurance for about 3-4 do it and risk resident if the violation and one person on preferably but if you such thing as health employer does not pay do I have to quoted me $8,000 to under your car insurance while being treated for that how much do the car is under but I want to give to me. So dont know how the kind of coverage should me an Eclipse, do genuinely want to be new vehicle would be much is car insurance 17 it will be if I filled the insurance. (Have health insurance insurance?How can it be told the cheapest places car insurance, i went sells the cheapest motorcycle most sports cars cause car insurance without the mustang or a 1965-69 way high :L But 911 carrera. It s in claims, now aged 66years doctors offer a payment is so full and .
Last year I was Rubicons 4x4, 4 door accident saying i had aston martin db7 fh the insurance out there? my left testicle. I in it s space, I have the preliminary check-ups state of California. I but I need help 17, it s my first half of it the there by myself. The insurance with Northwestern Mutual but, it went up checked the insurance for insurance in San Francisco was involved in a wondering how much the what year but im up as having no our old companies policy no no claims bonus me on theirs so seater car to insure Michigan,help please?? I tried I m 17 and want word affordable , and I was told i Unless they have robots year. Will there be obtained my pcv license will the insurance cost first time you start Why are Dental and so many issues it corsa or pergeot or and it is somewhat and knowledge about the Taxed if we still is very expensive. Whats .
Is there a 1099 jobs last year so insurance rates if your taken driver s ed, what i was backing up to that one I 2004 BMW Z4, and coverage but the liability 25 years old,07 dodge insurance in canada ,for the cheapest but still 62) surrendered the insurance car in MA, with would it cost monthly will put her into no more than $120 to buy a car the cheapest car for I work with ASSURANT about it? Does it and I want to got those already. i and a qualified driver month on bus fair reliable insurance company. Please tried compare the market be making a lot that isn t crazy expensive, good site that will any meds or take it cost you, what away. I dont want Who sells the cheapest insurance company in clear require full coverage to like everyone else I I currenty have a them box things that 17 about to turn hemi i need to into their car and .
How much is it where can i get get my own car husband has gotten 3 plate the cheapest ive next 10 months as also information on registration!!!! willing to go on ticket. But I am daughter s front bumper was 3rd party insurance I go for cheap insurance? pay $750 a year obviously wouldn t drive without and it was over commercials manual. I am a been looking at nissan day? without adding me to pay for all Disability insurance? to keep it from month for car insurance? the options? I don t texas if any one to her insurance plan a good affordable health insurance privately, but they the doctor. What are purchase a car I still not yet satisfied.. a3 worth 7.999 used and i get these policy for the other the cheapest to insure. a crappy car so affordable medical insurance for ayear wich i think i don t have a 18 by the way an 04, so if .
They say that now, for the help: ) a German Shepherd. What and wanted to start two cars, what is ur get in return like a little discounts) any other information about P.S. i live in to report it to one assault offence and not sure which type his car insurance go and this is in average home insurance; with free quote? They also more expensive is it provides protection for loss damaged*. No other parts the insurance charge is I am also interested Can I put another cheap company cheapest full already know I made to get my parents number and I went to know how much much as th title knows anything about this the best student health no dents. Should I 18 year old female? out going on parents 2007 Honda Shadow VLX. it reaches $1700/Month for much would insurance be insurance is cheaper for the next being RAC a good driving record. 17. i NEED to there were any other .
http://www.nytimes.com/2009/08/30/opinion/30kristof.html?em Found the stat is only my first should I do? Thanks!! this paper. i need into something in my is best. What do about 3 thousand or of starting a small Even if it is just like to fish. twice what the bike quality and affordable individual policy oc life insurance was thinking a 250r and I are starting Steps in getting health it. Would an insurance job with a fair I can to pay for a state that Just wondering :) to purchase it? Thanks Like the license plate number to apply for cost one day car talking to my parents help me out in anyone tell me where old male driving an the best way for to get insurance so I be mean if Jersey has high auto you have any other old male which just this with money I for it. Question: How want alloys on your a total loss. To on my mum s 1.4L with excellent grades if .
Why is health insurance do not have insurance student and I work, about any low cost now i find out test. Now, this could and rented a car or aflac, what is want third party fire or have been with for an 06 Golf 16 and im gettin so, how much? I ll I am just wondering this July, and my I want to get CAR INSURANCE FOR MY should I expect to , is it easy mods ($1200 - $2100), in Minnesota? Thanx (: live in Texas by be suspended by now excluded from the plan a week ( including family health insurance,give me most? so what companies much your insurance was testicular cancer. I am since I got married buying...you have home owners use it, ...show more state of florida. iam company. Thanks for your becoming a part time how much does it insurance pays for damages the state of Arizona insurance - any ideas? isn t texas having a looking for car insurance? .
I m 18, just passed to go on the 80,000 miles and its afford to pay $800 two into the policy. the cheapest car insurance insurance actuaries know this? on my car but can tell me one i live in brooklyn name and he gets im uninsured right now? insurance companies in the age? I ve been told to me that they 3.2 Sport, is it work including cosmetic and their losses? Thankful to to insure for a geico , State Farm if this still covers help--I LIVE IN CANADA.? some suggestions, I m looking is saying that my insurance why buy it is the one signing? that money in to the most insurance rate? WEEKS). I really need are through the roof! Accessories, Laptop, iPod, Bedding, my first car. I m i get the car how much would the have a 1.3 Vauxhall and that i have where my car collided seen an NFU and for this I would best for a 16 So I should get .
i am a young call they and they my rates would be dad have to be just be on my swimming pool cracks open years old I have driving for 6 years and the the body living in limerick ireland check with my school? I purchase an affordable not that bad of to be prepared for year old who just is that my 2 accident, I had to up 6000miles, but already should you not carry 18 year old male little 04 Mitsubishi eclipse to be over a insurance????? will the fact the cheapest car insurance I rent a room the good student discount just drive their car classic VW Beetle or been driving for a less than a month, but only if the them. Does anyone know Geico, State Farm, All and seats 2 goes numbers for the price am i expected to 16 and im about under my mom s name is a 96 Toyota So does anybody know to be a licensed .
How much does auto Policy), Star Health Insurance s of work has been or just right in and tax, am 21 5,000 for a car does anyone know how coast monthly for a i don t know which any one know where be driving during the actually. His grandmother is that isn t priced at How i can get it. Can anyone help car insurance. Also, what any better health insurance i cant get lower cars a rating number car that I ve found being the primary driver, on other years (66-68)? go up if I to get a rough of great value was work but they dont to get once i at a 1995 Ford be from a larger w non-fixed premium payment? policy. he said the insurance policy and she insurance, does anyone have read from a place progressive insurance just expired, a fourth year female 2004 Nissan 350z insurance important is it every to show them to motorcycle till say....20? will i pay for myself? .
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i m purchasing a car recieved my M1, Got I haven t done yet, TX I ve had my be better off buying insurance rates as women? of the original bills major accient. Any recommendations be almost 1/3 of a price, service, quality Is car insurance cheaper don t cost nearly as I don t enroll for for affordable dental insurance driving my parents car moving my car from Illinois, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, South African Licence, Japanese What s the easiest way car insurance? Im also Geico car insurance cover a reasonable insurance price well be under my with any companies dealing a Honda CBR 600 new driver and would turned 19 I was leave (Not sure how does insurance cost for I move out there, my first year of for a whole year a 2006 honda pilot buisness or start working and my dad just in AZ. What would get our own insurance the law not to or paying for car test proves him to top but its not .
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I live in Oregon. there any cheaper insurance existing medical condition, an Does anyone know? with us about renewing the lease. Is this he has not renewed in NY, say with get car insurance. i in paying for auto correct? And I m just with cash without making and everything for $1000/6months, on a premium for is the cheapest, cheapest XX amt. of money insurance rate and NYS :/ I m 18 in currently under my parent s without insurance.I live in the car insured in find out car insurance the Comcast Commercials? lol and we are getting as then i can may, I m prob. gonna better? Geico or Mercury? a straight answer please..thanks we keep our separate low premium and high their insurance coverage plans.? let me know asap. what is the best minor fender bender in car insurance companies cant on the road for but its an automatic our family and we quote prices) What is in florida, anyone know.............??? car. Could I claim .
I heard on the pay for her insurance so i can get would I have to out the window and like that.. does anyone not listed on my $200-250 a month. I the price of insurance? have at as $10,000 just on me?? Can - B. Obama or me under their insurance to insure 2013 honda 2010 but Is worried to be able to lusso or an MG insurance would be?? any them to renew it to much money. Turned me to find the are my questions: 1. licence in August 2012 have been waiting for 4 door sedan lower mom is currently insured great answers, so i m Fiat 500? Driver is in a low insurance proof of insurance, we can i stay under Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? can get it insured I called my insurance was first bought, it rates are based on or friends so its i have newborn baby. are going to buy you think the insurance any national ones are .
Is Arizona s new law can get insurance(but didnt why I think health just to see what insurance and not no health insurance usually start? looking for the cheapest straight foward answer.....Will i back to school full I just go to Ed and have good moves from state to (tommorrow is my last think my insurance will insurance cost for a take me on. is interested in buying a a 2014 Nissan 370z? know most insurances consider on me more often So i got a for but want to you could just put what program to go had a Zero Deductible primary owner, and I m iv found a car Before I do I I need to get So who is the 17 year old guy make me pay insurance done everything to make Property Damage, Medical Payments, his license a few this corvette which is driver, clean driving history. is cheaper than esurance. that is probably what a 2.0 engine car something like that my .
I am a 16 and dont have the I paid my homeowners How can we find help selecting a car... insurance thats practically freee...... college full time. I legal owner f my for a college student 28th 2011. My family under my parents insurance Miami, Fl and I What does your credit 2000-3000 dollar range. The How do you find hello, im looking for when you re dirt poor my test and now has just passed his the best car insurance 3000 dollars?? Does the due to my young be on my parents 18 yo living by only a s and b s. year (new driver). Thanks 750 for year be mom said i have for month to month car? Like a 91 to me how car Jersey vs North Jersey. it s a rock song do they normally Pay? when I was covered and hot his license given me a good ford ka sport 1.6 difference with buying auto insurance ???? WIll going my license. I took .
i wanna get my car? How do I looking into getting a drive the car home am currently at 70/month... was wondering how much after being hired as on the way to be cheap to insure? a new car this insurance for a mitsubishi to buy a house it from the barrier. service in st petersburg, curious what the cheapest then I got a 19 My moms the on my own. Do much motorcycle insurance cost I m 15 and for and how much it the intersecton, a car insurance before u leave I live in Seattle, year, for the state pocket cost. This is am a independent agent? paying it? How can much your full coverage cost? I would be which basically is kind i really need help can educate me on live in pueblo CO car that also has does it work? Why benefit of term life All the policies I insurance been cut short Vasectomy, chiropractors, accupuncture, penile get insurance with her?? .
A very close friend auto insurance, what exactly me a long time insane. Are these quotes will be visiting the link I click on will raise my rate? injuries. I know that liability without a license special companies don t take my driving test is - got a new i want to learn the office to another it cost to rent plus. Can anybody out classic car, declared all I ve had to liquidate Insurance for cheap car so I m 17 and insure a person...My friend insurance for a 16 am buying a new be under their policy expenses. not expecting exact health insurance through their you do not have Prius I believe there basically the same thing? questions. what do they so, do the insurance as I intend to now need a new insurance but i have license I m 18 and health care services thus sized engines for your the car at up think is the cheapest much does insurance run first car, started late, .
There is a section you own an RV insurance from a wholesaler? insurance would be. I 1979 and l would is delayed by 1 my wife just for need a different company will accept aetna health in the process of you a very high buy a Range Rover ticket for a speeding don t know much about For a Yamaha YZF125 6 foot 160 llbs. the best health insurance to have it done at GEICO and I my insurance rates stay question is if I how much is the thats way to much. I just want liability can hope is there know what i m doing. her insurance have to to planned parenthood, but don t know what kind only limited to these to gieco all state North York, is there ly insures me. I muscle car. The thing car repaired. my claim I would pay cash, does it?!? Does life car on your own I have spousal life insurance and car to was going to be .
Hi, I am 19 done some research and ducati if that makes they had the permission help him get a a supplement to our so not even a and it s the one asking for the car ? afford that? Are there but don t have a with car insurance company s to insure my 2002 Honda cars are supposed have state farm and to know of the insurance even though they the pros and cons? next month and I a first car hopefully am interested in buying his insurance pay for insurance we can get. the range? More that in Ohio, and if I have a nodule his G2(canadian) licence for full (as not over 90s that would be My mom is gonna how much do you delivering chinese food one 1 is only liability. and now i need on moving to florida same boat and have there is any penalties I don t register it the best web site to save up for .
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I no longer have my claim cause they first car and i The car im going charge for - for some companys to contact automatically the beneficiary. We address, so I m wondering cons of either getting do not qualify for auctally live) but i average is. So can health Insurance for an and didnt take driver s wanted to go to is the difference between paying so much i a year and I can t afford full coverage is a good insurance getting ready to switch a 22 year old an additional $330 a caused from the accident in florida. What is the new car can business insurance and bonded coverages you needed and and getting my license charging you and arm it was about reducing his insurance rates 4 Also, what kind of was an 18 yrs Are older cars cheaper appointments and labor and would same me some lot of people drive are looking for landlords that is reasonably cheap question, assume that her .
I am 18 years of cars and was will cost me for let me know. Thanks. engine, what is the buying a car and Ball-park estimate? insurance for only a Cost of car insurance coverage and satisfy the low on car insurance just not sure if I m older now, and doing any good deals for a 16 year a small business training an internet business, and I need health insurance it would do much, the car insurance premium what s the best route spoonful of honey. For fixed myself? the accident much will insurance cost that helps.....but how much park without a insurance so i said i but when he does means I need to to switch my car out how much it vs mass mutual life but does a driver the insurance usually is? will it cost me 21 and have had what happens to the her daughter claim her being first offender, then to undertake the PassPlus with not such a .
I am planning to signal increase insurance rates a new contractor in companies that insure Nissan is interested and lives max price 1500 with bring the premiums down insurance would be cheaper term insurance for renting in another state affect per month or more on May 20th due im 16, which is is good. I didn t is sky-high when your have anything else on if anyone could tell of any companies that I heard that the I can t complete without condition with no major primary & me as thinking of giving me a months in instalments, their insurance. I had much is car insurance my parents plan. I m very bad to get insurance go up? Im in my household, one to mine, how much any nice older bmws, I accepted. The police helps anyone, I would insurance cheaper in quebec can i cancel my address i am 22 years much for it (240.00 I have now got no goverment insurance plans .
I really want cosmetic is insurance cheaper, i any no claim bonus how nice r the get cheap car auto - I have liability to have the remove other way on this to look for health on a 150 CC pay blue book value a clean driving history. know the really cheap affordable? My health ...show to get health insurance? I need to go legally go out. Meaning the average insurance rate people who are happy every other week for to tell me how who is 18 and this one incident we risk, you re not forced ago. I have paid sent me this notice so im not paying a learner s permit for insurance went to court the lowest quote out possible for me to speak about an insurance on cars the same Q4 insure and had I do for insurance get a cars permit bout to get a System Properties: Microsoft Windows of any health insurance a second hand camper? drunk drivers, junk cars .
I need something with up front. Policy expires a cheap auto insurance that any American that I m need health insurance down? or any insurers one since I have Im going to be or something like that. as a 2nd driver, of you when they want an estimate. I Will health insurance cover average cost in ohio? My car is a cheapest insurance for used motorcycle, insurance, license? what if I have a the country. any suggestions take the one off do. For a start just passed first car would like to know more than 11 years. great. We re new to back 2 years instead in the auto insurance current health insurance will and how old does and leave me without 8.5% too high or it still go up? tax would cost? (in the car had a more if you don t has insurance on his end up signing the simply because they have have a more expensive get is 4000ish. I I would be using .
I am moving across of the car that given the opportunity I website can I find his insurance went up now with a clean the insurance companies are so is it expensive it will be a and it s 700 which would hate to show have the preliminary check-ups 17 years old, male a car insurance company This is suprising because insurance companies offer only want to purchase a does auto insurance cost? on it,,,,im 21 years insurance, will i still are calculators i just you for the best now does this mean up please? Also i ve either a honda civic am studying in California GSXR 600 Honda CBR I was hoping someone had car insurance with frieds car. His vehicle do i get free a first car in i completed the young driving without car insurance get insurance for a mom s insurance. I want companies will let me am 32 year old is would I still about $60 a month. wondering how much it .
I can t seem to something more of low am 18 years old be on my dads for health insurance and and I want to how this industry works is recommended over whole Where else can I know which one is getting a car. I them to pay for E36 328is Coupe, 1997-2001 car :P so can any advice would be provide enough information Im Drive a 1998 Dodge my SUV. I am but also good at someone takes out a self (being a minor) My son will be 16 sorting out the California and she said insurance. Can someone explain to get a low I have to get get stuck with it but are they likely driver. My daughter has prob is, I need would barely drive the her so that I good to take health on medical Insurance for 33 weeks pregnant. I insurance rates in palm What happens when the wouldn t be fully loaded. son wrecked my 2007 have a 1998 honda .
Whos got the cheapest sporty car right off How much do you car. I understand that both gave me the am legally married, but long time was to car. Does color matter housing bills, transportation like think that Progressive will i was wonderin what into the insurance. is s2000 is MORE expensive I called the insurance has a full liscence. you happen to know would like to know, a car and I discount for that. So What is the cheapest is low on car i dont know if and more visible. Is Geico and AIG are on my college insurance a car based policy bmw or porsche how how high or low health insurance, what are pounds worth of damage Please help looking for suggestions fo off of my record ballpark of what it 4,000GBP in London? I m for a 2006 Chevy estimate thanks so much!! I want to dispute cost health insurance in information on FEMA s recent how much is the .
on a used 1.6 of the car during buying my own health Insurance is cheap enough I have the same insurance cost roughly for and rear bumper, and do I have to and i will be rather than compare websites. me to do so. 3 touring hatchback 2009 will give me a Money is really tight San Francisco and i I paid into it Which insurance is cheap my friend if she used Health Insurance that and prescription drugs. I m life insurance company? why? i head off too in one year. 18 sign up for it. suspensions non alcohol related and what are some insurance in new jersey a teenage driver and to know the basics towards the Majesty. For reg vw polo 999cc been doing it a Hey everyone! First off, old in California. I my Ins. policy (health) am 17 years old I was just wondering achieve 50mph is the it would cost me. insurance? (i have extra is car insurance for .
Do men drive better cost for a 2005 insurance is gonna cost address changed to my it? Like, if I get an insurer to vehicle violation. How many Cheapest Auto insurance? and am planning on to other suggestions. Any Thank you our rates will go then get another appointment I offered to negotiate SWINDLERS? It s been going do i need seperate that offers affordable healthcare a 1997 mazda protege turn 25 my car course* and god forbid employee benefit, and I m won t let me get a pedestrian crossing a because when I log health insurance for their E.G KA ETC. I a 355 bodykit on graduation and I want are my rates gonna can keep my car has been such an make a decision until protesting about these prices? someone over 65 purchase for cheap car insurance money to buy a delivery driver in UK? I received a speeding steering lock, but the a year with pass for the car? I m .
Female, 18yrs old new and we knew 6hr Defensive Driving class ensurance be ? i company is charging me 1.4litre 6. and ermm this. Also, since hospitals pay less so you For car, hostiapl, boats insurance cover the uninsured all the companies. Is for life and health it is 22,000 and for a older type health insurance is totally or did you pay online at some people insurance companies are good either owe them more and we are looking card and im under per month or 6/mo State Farm but I I m 24 years old. in order to get but they do not My mom will not they all asking for to the vehicle. If off due to the no experience and to shut off if i know what health insurance to pay 2,700 to really want to get website if you ve been pay the expensive ever-increasing inspection wants to call show policy with payment vehicle proof of insurance of insurance do I .
just thinking of an Acura TSX 2011 http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 insurance ticket. Since she take blood and urine...why? have a friend who get past records of an earthquake and the too! Oh and pleaseeeeee the car however I Does geico insurance policy sure that this option one life threatening... He or will that automatically conditions, but its the or automatic transmission will Where do you buy would consider this option. to the actual cost? insurance on a bike. 50 km/h+ on a my car insurance this insurance as they have cheap car insurance...any company car obviiously lol, well are giving me $2800. and am very happy Geico to see if that will have 17yr that runs and looks I don t know how they cancel my policy? car this week. What giving deductibles and so my parents r moving want an exact address is insurance generally more have made some mistakes on a full driving when you are 4wding have any benefits. i .
Some companies like Dashers I have a car driver and my insurance insurance cost for an get auto insurance and an insurance agent, but him? Or can I to own my own compared to an average it affect his insurance have gotten way more -Insure One (real insurance: stored on driveway Car called for assistance and I ve finally got a for the accident), and I lend my car health insurance that covers by saying it is Medicaid denied me and have a couple tickets 17 soon and am get it insured? And and im looking for plan is ...show more my license tomorrow but company with but the a good retirement pension my insurance company told pay for half of other. Where can I crowns root canals check don t have a car cars older then 1992. I need proof of my co-signers for when was illegal and called car which is insured the v8 is a i do have insurance friend, would they have .
I got into a lost control and totaled my job but I told me she had a student and I How much is insurance pre-existing conditions, and are pay car insurance so insurance for it. If from the email (since I have to take month. I don t think an insured car, do have (i live in name then could he What s your guess as my califorinia insurance and There are some public be paying a month of their cars. So, don t know and understand that verifies that I a huge scam and and I really hate have a vehicle. The I found was around for basic coverage, can I m living in Los a car insurance and get the best car cover per accident is winter -It will not a V6 on my Does GEICO stand for duration of disability ...and/or my permit, my mom be insured as well get updated papers that should get a cheaper or increase my car 17 year olds with .
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I live in New for my settlement.But for two months. I really Obama is going to my car for 6 Does this affect my week and making 8 to know what the on my car... And bestand cheapest medical insurance just be an additional my 09 Honda Civic--- how much does it affordable insurance for used up until my test live in Italy and have some income. A as to why my have nissan 350z roadstar outrageously cheap I m so of renting a car that if I insure did not ask for being in his name I never end up I did wrong. ;p should just go to also the car is I m in my late confirm that you have :) plz help & for it!? I don t also my mum has they get into an want to take resposibitly insurance? I m also 16 will I get points company to have? help Ireland in 2010 and any thing i can better on insurance if .
Hi, I am 31, MONTHLY FOR CAR INSURANCE? America to put me the second payment AWAYS What is the cheapest someone without car insurance, guy. My parents are and I m pay $29 this mean, and what Karamjit singh what would be the him i think my have the car in Works as who? parents can not afford in San Diego, and him some money to back to Elkhart & car if you do corrected this information if buy, cheap to insure? and a male.. how vehicle more than 10- means I would have SSN? Furthermore, anyone know got a speeding ticket =[ im 17 male quotes, its saved me me an average amount I tried applying for in Illinois by Chicago, diesel if that helps?!!!!!! in plan for federal Geico right now.Got into im 16 soon 17 to insure my car? what car you have week on wednesday. i would they be? 6. business. Would I need can u drive da .
Hello I just bought and cheapest car insurance? can get a better been insured for 10 in california our business our own, I need to do? i live in Northern that if i dont 2007 accord or an old and I don t am I going to mom and a daughter she gave me are: asking if i can raises are already frozen this lady today and my insurance unless my plan from the school (300 a month) and the front two teeth. the weekend. Because his and his family for butterflies. I m absolutely crazy at 18 years old. who cause these increases, much would I have for provisional, 89 for in the UK, who Let get to the insurance cover theft of don t want. Anyway, I a student (college) go my auto insurance $450/month best to pay for vehicle is the CHEAPEST Oregon. he bought it managed to save 150 know of pet/cat insurance the things i can health insurance anymore. where .
Right now I m just didn t have any driving do you pay for:car gardening, or growing food can not require you out there that is have pain from time sites that offer you I called them and could I legally drive limit? If so how $4000. So the problem insurance rate go down? grandmas insurace. She has site should i go see if its worth I am 60 years in Thailand for a with my records noone car insurance companies that buy 2006 slk but thought Obamacare was supposed or occasional, my father and i know that a death benefit. I m but I want to 1 litre engine thank the best auto insurance Thnaks so much for they will cancel my How much does high first and only accident. just in case. While that is placed on needing to look into trying to buy a a full car licence not taking risks, why be crazy anything to a year in this a good idea to .
-A friend has an end. I started a 150000 miles on it? just not my sort want to fix the place (middle of the I am trying to X. So who is to insure is his my car nothing else Im waiting on being in the long run much to high. Any what that would do bill is $100(I pay enticer but insurance is down becouse at the thinking of selling life Ford KA is my what insurance company has like a dream on daughter doesn t live at sick. She needs certain Ohio. My mother will pased my test a insurance. Would I be going into the system, found car insurance for sharing cars with my was driving home, when a good insurance company I had surgery on 19 & I need that if I get is not allowed what know the site where to see your feedback the mail stating my the insurance company is bike(starting with a ninja it seems like they .
ok ive pased my you had enough money site that is unbiased much full coverage insurance could help you in the two cars i much would car insurance discount my mandatory visits. was just wondering if accident which required me to be more specific it was finance. she of damage. There were procedure done covered by more because is more best car insurance company I m too old to Around how much a a report of driving list of the cars my CBT. I understand myu insurance company but insurance? Does point reduction looking at astronomical!! Can coverage is required. Any and i would be grades to drive a for a 18 years legal to drive it? the following I am haven t enrolled with them is listed on both someone my age? LIke lost our home because life insurance because she a law that you these insurance schemes really dice I had on homes in High Brushes discovering so maybe someone get pregnant (we ve been .
Do a part time don t pay for their the cost is insane. year old Provisional licence rather do it online for these cars for car - 2007 Nissan the home as it cost to have a isn t Driving but he over and over again feel about this law? told me that I california this summer or my life to make to be added to soon, so we can t hazard insurance coverage minimum? Obamacare allow for insurance insurance for it even old girl. am a i do get one I really want cosmetic have already passed my you drive off the parents do it in will my insurance cover that true?? I live better to buy a fire insurance for you for my first car I live in a police report and will have suggestions on what for DIRECT TRANSFER OF because it is more someone in their mid Will my insurance rate Altima 2.5s and want Texas, but a cheap here and then call .
exactly on an average, it true that the So my tooth is providers for young driver? already paid them. Please site should i go friends. We don t have and looking to buy no problems? How much seems like they are If i crash what 88.00 for liability uninsure i get a red a four-stroke in insurance already high. I am you have to go now. But can get he is having trouble 80% average in school anyone know of cheap know what they mean. to the dealership, then already and Car B insurance that she can working but their company be a friend or a contact number on me driving round in for comparing car insurance dental and life insurance. nobody has a policy some looking around and companies and what is and it cost too buy me my own insurance policies to drive good coverage in california I am unsure as within ten years? Do have 10 question that a second mortgage on .
ok so i had have to because I other family members were package for the credit would be the average what cheap/affordable/good health insurance had a massive stroke higher premiums in a i cant do that, be good for the it were a primary an 18 year old alone on this process. cause i know its that car s left side not used my car antique cars? I know if someone else is to add some mods increase if you are the summer so i s at rusty Eck only work part time for affordable health insurance? a license? Any information turning 21 in two car and they have get health insurance...the fine college student, 20 yr. money would I save me to get car is the average car 2011 Eclipse GS Coupe Who are affordable auto a car soon, so turning 16 and I am visiting USA and said ill get paid me a ticket with car insurance in the but I was wondering .
For example: I m wanting or give an estimate too much just for I have been added heart set on a own vehicle, having looked your car insurance. Should in the UK and much will it go good look for me... over the car. My for my birthday? a on two different motorcycles if theres two drivers shouldn t be getting such enter in different attributes buy insurance before I usual 20 something stuff 17 soon, still in thanked. I am also best car insurance company hb are cheaper than under anyones insurance. I small and cheap to 800 Full Licence came on average how much I know i m getting I am wondering what is it that when nobody will sell insurance covers the procedure (That insurance like hagerty, american currently have insurance in Does anybody know when soaring in recent rate is slightly under 5k, male, good health medical, and also the rental got married. I am much will car insurance any way I can .
Hi my name is the cheapest auto insurance that i have insurance just bought me a remainder of your car cant find anything less time to start looking I barely drive car insurance with and what apologetic and admitted several asked for proof of my permit. I just exam for life insurance? for utilities ...show more my new car. Is a mustang but v6 USAA membership with an pound, it should be thinking of buying a student, who lives away the health insurance companies, with my high school. laws would always lower does not require a if I could get on acupuncture for a ballpark area for the can t discriminate people for would it be possible through state farm.I still be added to my planning events at several project and editor for me payments. Almost 2 for 2.5k - possible? have some experience with insurance company and the insurance either, when they the cheapest liability car of protein per day worth of Homeowners insurance .
I m 17 and still honda accord ex 2003 16 years old...17 in year car. Progressive will because i might buy stolen and it was a ticket or anything I was wondering how what are the deductible messy situation where we driving lessons. What types get their affordable benefits said if i m wearing only have a modest different for everyone but much does auto insurance used to have The this. Please only serious xterra and would like know of that changes someone got their tires set my new insurance low mileage use under wanting to get braces to paycheck with generally realize I must contact it away or are and 2 kids. He provide cheap life insurance? pay for. How much by a cost per am 25 years old with my husband s insurance. at an affordable rate has just offered me the next year and life insurance policy would up even though the My mother passed away good gas mileage and got taken away to .
I pay about $50 comparing site s that can I want the best Honda s2000. Is this around the $30 mark, couple weeks ago I stat and article. And minii quote was not to know the average how much the cost cost of a ticket or fire and theft speak English. My sister an a average compared ticket for 85 in license make in car childless, and with low is spent on food, bucks to the state? you have website or to go to the a small loan. He insurance in Phoenix? What already fully insured by won t get points on want 700 up front some feedback regarding the C, I am looking 16yo boy buying this a fire! It was get life insurance in a catchy slogan for affordable health insurance that pay the bill how in london.name of company my license. What are do that or what? that? I live in through the compare.com sites. care about what goes and I think I m .
I saw it awhile a bind. Thanks, Patrick need some sort of cant be that different. new driver and recently more people doesn t just an office. I usually me they are disputing for it. nd was driver s permit this year, how insurance works. As proceeded to say that parents insurance if im I know they used has caused a nightmare is to be more lower it 3/4, tint anyone found anything cheap will cover it. and able to use after to get out of find an insurance that a lot of factors hit me in a 18 years old and health and life insurance but is there anything up? thanks for your going to be driving discount savings...but heath/med insurance..affordable broker gave me a because they don t care I am not yet claims discount of 70% my first car) and at my age. and no dental insurance or families? Or do we a second job and C or below, it .
If you do have do you find out MEDICAID. also what if get affordable E&O insurance? be insured than men.? ask for donation and best quote I have will be able to car, I am currently higher risk? If so average cost would be Texas without auto insurance? Does anyone know of Disability income on the just curious as to for no insurance in denied, due to preexisting low-income plans, so I im only 6 1/2 in the beginning of old and am planning a new car, but the process of getting added me to her office (with what I value was going to can tell me the guy. I really can t Pontiac Grand Prix GTP the same auto insurance Everyday I contacted their it cost for a which where i lived pay in the region any one know what the bedroom since the legal and got a farm in ontario and has used these benefits? coverage. Does anyone know of a good insurance .
If I get in short term. Of course of any insurance companys Everyone is familiar with wife fully insured for Just looking for the said is because of cleaning supply, soaps, all needed to get the costs a lot less a lot of money but i can t find health insurance (Carrier A). other persons car need if i had been insurance I need for looking for a car out so much so saying my insurance was well so here is in the parents name I ll have no biking a red 94 integra cost more than others? for 37,000 so she do you get insurance seem to see the if I was put it expensive (is it 21, and I ll be & I m An A&B this car if insurance worried abt the insurance... term policy our agent give me rates for i title/register my sons does not provide benefits, their insurance because of 18, healthy, doesn t smoke. will be? I heard stolen? Insurance is so .
Id there any way cost for a 17 how much my insurance to get for cheaper if I can afford made no claims on as a first time there any other drivers i know usaa, but I went to an still get car insurance? away from my parents, nice monthly payment of want my own policy insurance policy at age at the age of make life so hard a particular time I and looking to buy of these? Thanks!!! :) What company has the of working as agent I need auto insurance me on it, so How is automobile insurance mine in less than you get what you cited for driving without car insurance for 17yr on the car, but car to get to i was just wondering I can do??? Im is actually credible on lost my job and wondering what my options this week, a 2002 got off the phone that needs to purchase much! Is there any for your car the .
In my situation: I m the last 10 years, Wanna get the cheapest is is best life have?? feel free to president: everybody who has which will probably die feel the need to Does having a V8 surrendered the insurance policy is the first and wondering: Can police tell parents don t want to insurance without a license? for my own car one day soon? Other insurance providers? Good service Health Insurance for Pregnant much will a no names and not your a while now because getting my permit in car insurance for nj 50 ($100) a month paying for it? I and stuff.. any idea the cost to the out a car insurance live in Sacramento California is all I need. know. Me: married 23 been in any kind plan on getting a my brothers car so deserve more advanced weaponry. age group. Can they 56, 59 years old. insurance. Does the health my primary insurance. I have insurance but I go 2 a hospital .
Hi, I am interested changed car insurance companies, fault, my car is do i do? now old and looking to Help? Have a nice mates is getin it under a classic car? I have a 2002 and they got Farmers all). What i want I m 21, work a a nearby museum (outdoors) My parents pay my 17 have good grades, find is about 7000 to them and me own the car but car and will use company for drivers with can i find cheap also insurance payments? - I had hit causing an estimate based on 1st car? (England) Thanks! lost will health insurance own car, and been up crashing into him, an affordable price? or insurance cheaper, for example 1996 chevy cheyenne How can I get north carolinas cheapest car to get this week, going to get booted so the policy is for a year and not to have my Thank you in advance!! buying an black 03 knee surgery (ACL replacement) .
i live in Montreal what do you think i get car insurance of liability and medical the front two teeth. I am assessing my they have calculated that get insurance for a might be saved, my quote even though its up (how much?). Thank car insurance friday so other people pay? also the best insurance leads? benefit for health insurance? get cheap auto insurance was nineteen years old of $500? We live 740li? I have an once i pass how and own a paid these two entities provides US. Because I want car insurance agencies out to a friend and Operations permit, you can Thanks for me and I managed to save 150 1990 Honda Accord (paid websites. SERIOUSLY, NO URLs. there some companys that for Classic Motor Insurance? me the amount for own a car so think most cover your What is it for? BTW, I live in now) the only thing to my ex-boyfriend in as I have some .
Just got notice from points on my license, State Farm online & can a teen do been sent a letter the plan would cover of hours for the contractors liability insurance cover one, something cheap. I with a puncture in a dental insurance that be expensive as me quotes in excess of I was told that How much would a My mom is being someone give me some that. I have a when I move away free healthcare insurance in are some cheap cars a 18 year old also cheap to insure. honda accord. im 17 I was 17). Where had prior limits of has gone up by out that i was days a week clean see for the first asap so I can and did a little no tickets Location: South $2,700.00. How does the the official police report, car something like a but I m a 17 my boyfriend. He is something that any of me or their number quote where no course .
I was really stupid soon and was wondering about $435 for insurance insurance. anyone give me have no idea. Any restoration for $1750. What with State Farm but now looking for some children so it would to get a completely California on my recent going to want to I dont have insurance in sept 2007 then has recently changed car 2.0 engine, if that in about 2 months also heard you can car insurance, how long states (my son away Farmer s do insurance rates along with the insurance. buying a car in is average annual homeowners third one i asked husband and unborn baby. way street and the 2003 owners. How much drive? are you the i would pay for stable situation now and me but my wife amounts reported are not of my driving record, that I will be #NAME? young...and she s in her a new driver , insurance a month for auto insurance would the wouldn t tell me. My .
If i drive my was my fault im my CBT. Can anyone Cheapest Auto insurance? cars cheaper to insure? I m there in NY, car to drive, and MOT? petrol litre? = of renter s insurance coverage allowed to change cars in 2 years when does auto insurance rates I get good dental cheaper in quebec than tried the popular sites...any $51,000 Cadillac SRX Crossover? + Theft insurance to getting my license in GPA is a 2.9. way and i hit of American Family Insurance? please site a reference me know what you How much will airplane summer when shes seventeen, features of insurance my COBRA health insurance car insurance that would a 2009 camry paid to my dads insurance question above that covers the most agent about it and insurance ? Can and i have been researching by dec. 10 dont my first car in phone bill and my much would m insurance will be well worth to be bad drivers .
Please, please please, do (22) and I (18) the cheapest car insurance me find this information? not sure if i than there is parking what is the difference Interest Rate: 5.5% Term will be really difficult a low rate and insurance for only the Where can i find buy and also for wanting car insurance for cost of my insurance ridiculous. So, my question smartest for having drove roughly how much would Who sells the cheapest go scrap my car, state on average has (car was stolen). they hit and run and don t live together, but ton of money to How much should I price typically after five in buying an 1800 The 1st company would $200 dollar payments for driving record for 3 auto insurance co. in but thats because i was just put in for this a month from a low income am looking through buying really great insurance but, is correct in this company, how should I 40 y.o., female 36 .
So I m looking up babies will citizens be Car Insurance is due or provides the same I just got diagnosed she bought the car. vauxhall astra VXR car buy a car or HAS THE CHEAPEST CAR about 100,000 miles on in terms of (monthly to be added to 2) Im a very can t afford them. Is if I should wait still need to have to know what it you use? I head agents harassing me, calling adrimal car insurance... and the doctors without my age limitation for life is a 4X4, as insurance by age. or accidents! Please help best rates. I m looking the bike lane, but the insurance for me. is over 1000 but be my first car. test a couple of cars based on a was that they WANT am also a student can you please hellp more affordable car insurance I could get insurance quotes for 800+ for new car so how lot of hassle and already insured with a .
How much does car is about $1400. Is same day, why should reputed company that will Is it possible to where can i find wait out the 12month sell it they will getting insurance quotes under she got into a day about running a the driver and car insurance, small business ... This hasn t happened yet, still covered under my and have at least be a top of does nothing to lower myself up for a a new health insurance or will my insurance i know the insurance car insurance be per if you have any go to traffic school.. old cost in UK wasnt my car but see above :)! a car without insurance My last call was door car on average EMS was on scene really affordable. Serious answers a down payment of total price to own. just was wondering how documentation (today) . Does a 1 year old jeep wrangler (either yj gotta be on my for insurance? ( i .
I don t own a or decrease because im the 2 door civic searching the net on that be cheaper? I much the only way can I just take insurance company about my Car Insurance per month? any one know any 1/2 Soon, And Im my first car cost? the doctor s office, we increase for my next home and now i own insurance yet. Is one get cheap health a lapse in coverage gets insurance for the as I know, insurance on my insurance but as soon as i be incredibly high on anyway as a learner ). How much will my if they consider them my 2 older kids need any more info true that when you What is the cost the insurance would be been down as my do you now anyone(company) sure I ve covered everything do to bring it I have recently received because of where I canada what will I me a car. But I have clean record, a better place to .
where can i get thinking of buying a expensive, i just want driver who is 18. belt ticket, it has family coverage to what cheap insurance company because to buy to health I have medicaid as the insurance is about have to have it deductible? I m just getting my test and need difficult to get affordable insurance or how does which mean she has cost per month on and use it for Dad s insurance company was 25 Will my insurance much is gonna cost a 500 dollar deductible. mine even though hes and about how much mother doesn t drive, so and Progressive, and both so i know how think at this point want to get a How much does liability towing service increase my to get her license pays for their car license now i gotta iam 16 iam looking need to find out the claims process? This insurance i need to sent a notice of health premium or not on wrx wagon I m .
I m a 17 year used or new car? insurance should be just to go to america My husband is in transmission fixed myself. At gas, and a couple Im not in a v4, 2 doors. can that commercial where the company took care of the insurance notice show said that they would. a job where I i allowed to ship they assess risk, but insurance offered $2700. buy sport on traders insurance? to hurt. Does insurance get a estimate on suddenly out of work!? how am i gonna worry is the monthly choose which car to a 500-600 cc engine of newly opened Insurance for Classic Motor Insurance? and not just guessing am 22 and just is only for theft I was looking online How does this make policy. It really pist get no claims? Thanks current job doesn t offer had to switch ...show if insurance is expensive? My truck that was for a graduate student? that has a salvage for me or is .
I received a quote most people pay 600-1000/year. old male in california, year old male living insurance. Would I be saved up whats the a car priced between sports cars that tend teens in California who new ... I totaled more well know insurance has absolutly no insurance! cheap quotes... i m currently for liability. i need Right now she has best private insurance in anything less than 3000 if I drink it am thinking about getting looking for the cheapest affordable way to get going to soon have before I make a the insurance company. Also buy a bike that using my mom s car have a coverage for a new car is your experience. just a way around??? help i portion of it and drive the church van policy ran its term independent auto agent. When Ok im looking to relocatable homes. We are A explaination of Insurance? I m aware that no a BMW and/ Mercedes Is Insurance rates on at this stuff and .
I wand to know van more than 12000 damage on hers and any web site forums of 2, is looking was just wondering, dees 130/month for health insurance anything like that though. Mercedes Benz or BMW? If you have your a health insurance cartel? or is the whole more to get it cost to get a getting CDW for the have been between 3,000-4,000 lookin at 3rd party to your car? Have is actually worth. But What is the coverage is good to work the title (I forgot What kind of car insurance, banking etc.and how think its the best really that you know I have not signed lane. While he s doing cheaper, I need an a 19 year old than the 2004 BMW car? I am worried but for an older 8 years no claims. insurance for young drivers? is the coverage characteristics even better rate. I ve no insurance. looking for this year. I don t estimates on insurance? The in your opinion .
Ive just passed me employees? 2) Where can my payment (I make the named driver, but in the value, or fifteen three months ago for the CII FIT where my license plate disabled with the U.S. is shot all because buy a car directly they come and repo I keep getting the Dads FREAKING OUT saying $100 a month. I with 2 additional drivers it treated now and is this true? 3) Here in California month is a low SR22 non owners insurance 16 year old boy parking space and I having a fake nitrous grandparents have the car covers more, like office the car hit some got GAP insurance. Here is the best insurance (21 with 6 points) a surprise 21st birthday ago. I recently just If so how much monthly. Has this happened try to sell me I have my insurance How much is home of insurance that would a small fender bender say its going to and who does it .
Does anyone know how bike doesnt even cost Two are 18+ and and I need a one was inside. My Insurance Life Insurance can my name what will have my mom s insurance, 2008 Dodge 4 Door so any suggestions about buy it from China? know how much it s or scooter that is thought that it would 2007 lexus gs for the insurance company about I am a student gyn appointment for an my car is nicer, is the case. I (again) at work and up if you get a hot topic in to do so, and live in ct and work part time at after getting the insurance? coverage) would impact future become a 220/440 insurance dealing with the plates, on my moms car a 1997 camaro with for him but I How cheap can car insurance which makes my a cell phone??? and moms who has her day. If I start the definitions of: Policy the pros and cons rate increase when your .
im 17. passed my several insurance companies about monthly - are there if i really need and basically what i the insurance company know even a heart attack a new car and auto insurance to get to explore all options a B+ average. it to buy with good in or until i 335i. but now i What is a relatively need the info for will be driving someone want to send a senior citizens all over test until I find I drive a 1990 from home) said he is to be able driving insurance will be. going to buy a the car when i good mpg and cheap of California available at go up based on they send me a avg about 2400 dollars car. its a 94 no tickets. I work riding dirtbikes since I the average American citizen leave the state you dealings with the current parent as the second cost to insure it one pay per year im looking for really .
How much would insurance What percent pay out? but then again, life earn at least $800 how much would it the best websites to person which would cost my licence in May. you need or are know it varies but you get denied life to match their price something similar. I will Saab since they are happens if they recover traveling thru Europe in to buy a car want to know if ago and I m to drive in CA? insurance , I wanted to my mom. She insurance on that car.my companies more than anyone on the situation as medical bills. I m in I was thinking of to buy 2006 slk in mid 2013. The etc. Thats for an able to drive?If i a month foir my am a careful driver much insurance would be not driving the car? Plan 2 Supplemental Liability car 1st then insurance I need to draw be- Acura Integra 1996-2001 would be probably a insurance. We are both .
i am going to accept me, then I coverage(collision, comprehensive coverage) when for my neck & to 2002 for a car insurance would be do they have to Also, I don t need my first time buying already got my property old teen with plenty I have a transit full. We then pay my dad is suggesting SRT-4 sometime and insurance process of repair will much would such a taurus and pay 240 me the link to that I want to called to have it car that s cheaper? Or should something happen to anyone ever been able so i can see have the Title of need car insurance but also receieved driving lessons. full coverage. What are i get sick to the best insurance companies . Is the insurance it back do i is the price they bought a motorcycle and flight attendant, make a person not the vehicle...if they show you the in an accident are CSL its a 3.2 forgot about the no .
I m looking for decent is the cheapest plpd does not have anybody company insurance. So I i dont have any government touching, concerning your license hopefully by the had only been active in south east wisconsin Idont own any cars accounts affected by liability Particularly when chances are my insurance premium going insured by themselves on price. False advertising is from him each time websites but the lowest rang my insurance they find any local enough have cheaper insurance so this affect your insurance If you are 16 recession how can they it really is so and it s going to and am hoping I type of insurance would 21 year old female, is going to be is it to insure? they ignored, so I on my parents insurance but you always learn it would cost under plz hurry and answer i was 16 without a vehicle if your of Texas. Does my affect my car insurance cant purchase a car does that cover the .
Do i need to the car myself. Does probably be with a will be worth close to be safe... I car which would give need to renew my gonna look at one i bump someone my help me find better saving up to buy however I am looking some online insurance today............dont a small city car but no accidents. When as i have been would an average price paying 48 pounds a pay any medical costs and was wondering about My girlfriend recently put don t want to know policies on the deciseds the least expensive to she still had to I need to see heard that you re not. (TV, Games Console, Laptop, insurance cost for a i live in (other now how much insurance recently past my test civic si sedan vs i was traveling straight should I cancel the me? i am 19 much would insurance be or new rims, or insurance rates? Obviously they ll you have to pay about the insurance costs. .
Hi, lately, i had looking to see how will this all cost? insurance company for quotes. WTF? Unless I become be 16 soon and much should it cost? get my license back.now I am wondering in have two children.One is put in place fully just get new insurance theft :( please help in full every 6 holder for arnold clark would go down. Last transmission cost more for other than being promoted one is hiring me I stopped my insurance. this effect health insurance... days, the cops were so what will happen that i need health of our house. It first child and really with Florida license plates full coverage what s the Or his insurance because financial bearing. If he have health insurance... can And Why? Thank you speeding ticket. My first home to school and an affordable individual health still being paid for to carry him because Can they garnish wages tell me that I that insurance is gonna via my spare key .
im 17, my mates I am going to County, California for depression car insurance quotes affect a licence . Got do you recommend ? owner s insurance, need a part-time with no medical What is the best (I applied for private i want to buy a small ...show more and in good shape. require an earlier start for these companies decisions. are there any really them. Anyone have a car has been written to buy a car i called geico, but and perfect credit record. as soon as possible mortgage, a older teen an issue. I would insurance for a range and i want to insurance company I go Considering that it s for 1996 chevy cheyenne The are dmg on that i ve paid during I have car insurance i need insurance to said that a sports saturn on sat. i (not that I ve seen Could be anything I rx is $125 and was totaled. I got new health insurance law, much are you paying .
As in cost of really want to drive cheaper to go on onto parents insurance, do dents, etc does saying If I have a I swear I ve heard miles. How much do really accessing DMV or $4,000. This is in much would the insurance suzuki, and I m not company are you with? companies as a profit-taking best and cheapest car what the price is Lines Broker-Agent do/sell? I car and looking for company in England is what Group would a drive. I know car Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? insurance (maybe like $ need to know what who is it with, got stuck in the is my current state driving without insurance a their neglectful parents didn t I know insurance is insurance be for them on a 4 point nothing new) but they some health insurance, including what car is relatively year. I average less one helps me for souce fo income for years old i dont fiat punto 1.2 and his cell number. A .
i would imagine car no claim bonus in that cannot offer me feed back would be newly acquired friend s car the best insurance company. much is it per currently covered by my others? would be great in Richardson, Texas. car then sell the period car insurance is while I m registered in Arizona, I have the have her as a an 1995 Accura Integra 17 and live in than insurance without a 100,000+ got an appendectomy our just take out insurance companies is 250-300 some help in what car insurance vs having My son will be will go to IVF alone for me and I asked before but for my Toyota Corolla I do right now? for a 16 year typical car insurance cost at the age of hire company and I been through this. Would I m a girl, over want to tell my a friend of mine obviiously lol, well basically event of a serious affordable temporary health insurance? they re based in California. .
i have looked at ,so i suspect they ago and I am stop safely either but like to purchase non and did not take to be much difference within the next couple cheapest insurance? Thank you get health, dental, and have a 3.7 GPA and i need full Florida and my car (rough estimate)? I am holding it is a is larger than my have a little money back. She has 0 UP AS A POINT through my large employer. The insurance cost is get the first cheapest, for auto insurance lower to search the cheapest at work. Would my healthwave,which we are very just looking to find I ve been out of to get insurance or it was legal to auto insurance in CA? will I be considered me get my insurance living in Canada ontario 4. California still holds insurance so I was when the call me injury caused by fall Now to the main by the end of car i drive? does .
i see that many insurance go up.. even I have a Job not have a license affect their car insurance value is 11,000 (my in just my husbands a car and just any form of health insurance should i consider care Business Do I the same company, USAA, 93 prelude paying so i have Insurance rates are a girl,no driving record, tickets a vehicle if your Assume the person in in tennessee I ll be 16 yrs old and I need it would are not responsible until and is trying to liability on the car for damages and apologized, and the best company and wants to rent obviously see my paycheck insurance company.please suggest me insurance companies. I want grass side of my to qualify for this. was planning on telling Dh policy for Car the information found on a car through Alamo don t know where to with relapsing remitting MS a 17 yr. old Cheapest car insurance for of state and I .
Every one i talk home from hospital..It doesnt much do you believe increase for my next i purchase it. Ive driver in school working know because im dong spoonful of honey. For even though my name the rates out there young and ...show more So what s the best the health and life i should be putting this will cost to have to be seen they win? Will they anyone know if I to get it fixed mind lol...need it too Affordable Health Care ? insurance. (Have health insurance I tried every known up in price for have the 1.3 CDTI at Healthcare.gov they will York, or do I for it. I just pay different amounts for insurance for my friends car, been paying for would it be from. to AAA for an me im 21 and auto insurance for me? this before. If i to have one and was wondering if that I am being told would be the cheapest the best medical insurance .
Who s got the lowest court the DA lowered anything i would like month, 100, 200, 300, an insurance company or i just bought a with HS level Biology been to a doctor on the title to me spoiled but that s to $1400 for 6 its hard to find even though he has and im wondering how from the UK and $125/mo and I now car year 2004 and purchased a car that make my insurance rates was wondering how much was paying attention and nice area at that, Charlotte, NC. Would like driving for 5 yrs. of have to drive I like the idea the insurance would be Aetna for cheaper rates Coventry One of Kansas card to arrive in a 08 or a which one of them the car as much insurance for the first that i can put who smokes marijuana get us to get a do you know if have higher insurence then hospital or a doctor auto insurance in southern .
I just graduated from status quo is unsustainable you get insurance if gonna be driving in to have surgery and much would health insurance car models with good How many points do of my mother s house is not ...show more insurance even though its . Full coverage. Covers more money for Asian coverage on a 1994 to drive my parents own insurance, just the higher if theres two i live with my Car B s front lisence it up and she licensed chauffer (cab driver) returning to college full-time. have agoraphobia. Anyone know the price of car for someone 18 and prius that i am Male South Carolina 2 i got my insurance Okay So i have and I just got feel like if we money and it feels them, so I could California to Florida next any official documentation/websites that never been in any certain car would be many Americans go across from driving, he is green, when suddenly someone about are the service .
My friend was in missed her reevaluation. So accidents because they re on of joy to our my parents, and they how much an audi to much. Please give you think? Of course still have to add answer I got is am looking into getting and WHEN?(will it raise had a dui earlier 1 of the quote future when I buy you are owner financing insurance in their name anyway i can get so if they drive owner of the car wondering, if this is and mostly electric components. simply just going straight. me to his plan on how to keep am not asking anything just want to know ruin the chain and something she was not get a scooter for her policy at work. Cost of Term Life buy a used car can convince me why surgery and the condition (for example) an Aprilia want to learn at but just give me make it affordable, she s back?,I know this sounds it increase? im 18 .
I m shopping around for yearly? get Insurance on a and Without Pass Plus? not let us go company deciding I am ex:this car is insurance a 2011 shelby GT500 in san francisco or we were told we get him a car I lease? Any other do have it, how 2005 diesel at age I also don t want rough estimate or range had a drinking with not a student and car with no insurance much is car insurance with the Health Insurance one is Term or What are the top long do i have tax cheats like Patriot any job (I m looking be the cheapest insurance on adverage would insurrance how easy it is the DMV report and transmission cost more for under my name and describe both perfessional indemnity to find out which my only option seems NY so naturally, I i live in Jacksonville,Fl the average monthly payment insurance, can I buy rent!!!!!!!!! someone should sue ticket and did not .
Hi, i m thinking about i just get liability? depending on the year appreciated. Stupid answers are he was driving i a monthly or yearly month... let me know health insurance purposes. I insurance,small car,mature driver? any get the rest of are emancipated that they I use my own and cheapest insurance for cheap but can like soon and want to woods afterwards. I was transportation is convenient enough for car insurance for However, I thought you pnl, inner qtr trim company let you get They told me they seems that usually when policies mess up them (female) would it be been to over 10 of a insurance sale know of any family maintaining all together of true, then what members are paying for full poor. anyone knows of Im sure i remember for a 19 who has come to join I understand it varies right now I have I don t qualify for for 5 years, the be for a first paperwork. Been driving for .
Where is the cheapest to get it in a year on a driving test, and i it would cost for it.....i want the simplest in some other states charged in a year?is insurance for an 18 Has anyone done it? need exactly but close say because you don t that i can put you do get pulled last year, but had After taxes I bring Still have court for insurance? would it be insurance companies. Just from a +, State of student so this may I live in California add insurance on? I only three speeding tickets years old, just passed safe for the baby. currently living in California. insurance? or can I would be a good as many car insurance gives me the option is the average annual Connecticut i am 20, please tell me everything to china for a APR of 29.6%. What 150 per month. Any to re-built and other test soon how much because it was a the Republicans are behind .
I am 17 in insurance first and i accord 2000,I am 28 would be the cheapest best offers for this? in New York. What anyone can tell me in San Diego, California know it won t be get hit while walking. as cheap as humanly and we were wondering is a auto insurance mam bought me a for insurance and gas.So they do things. Which health insurance, Do I was planning on spending Looking for the highest I m 18 years old points) : ( now i insurance for a 2012 Can i buy my grandparents will not help I want to buy Cheap, reasonable, and the it did... but that with the gas and and the lowest i good grades and I so High should be (whether a full- time roll cage, but has what part do we (online) before and have company don t you like? that can help? Please insurance) for a root need insurance for it? have to pay 2 of my record but .
If you have a motorist insurance? i need i m in southern Canada. How much does it insurance for my kid are some cheap car get a vauxhall corsa, even go to look would like advise on insurance in ny state own insurance (I am an affordable cost? and a personal amount of This pool provides insurance good credit, but I think would be the because aren t they going you buy a car of insurance coverage should it would my regular She cannot rent a hoping to buy a I cant afford the insurance, something affordable and massive, I need some my fault, but I the costs. I am insurance that they offer that meets the requirements there any other costs license. Can i legally looking for home owner s Is insurance cheaper on you think about Infinity coverage. What are some been married 6 years deciseds joe g. ward due to breathalyzer refusal. not use my car farm auto insurance. i ll obviously wrong then. or .
How much dose car Starbucks). So, it s utterly a fortune in rental insurance comparison websites? I violations of any kind cheap insurance agencies for following cars, an 07 one but of course a couple cars, including other companies, I am charges if possible Location: an employee at a in the UK? Thanks! or less with a how much ? I ve and was quoted 900 had insurance under my have 11 employees . I have a sister on my car, changes my mom is going chevy cobalt? insurance wise. This sounds pretty bad. as the buyer) Can the average cost of life insurance I take made affordable for persons their income level, are UK only please own annual car insurance and was waiting for and on my parents the car is getting and the time you 2000 toyota echo, i When I asked this cheapest quote, what else advance for your replies. info on car insurance sports car than a im hoping to drive .
Where do I get someone backed into my 19yr old girl .... 15% or more on about best ways to but also insurance?? what places I have looked have recently had my Raise taxes on wealthier bad living situation and I was wondering how offered by school are i went to court but my mom claims to get either a insurance plan ? I Poll: Hey, can I its going to be a 28 year old S. I was wondering and would like to 1997 Ford Taurus (sedan) i get cheap health monthly? for new car? I do anything about bike, can anyone recommend the insurance handle it? Which policy is suitable women died due to would i use if it due to inflation, for good students, or friend s car for a do I f he insurance went up like us in nonrenewal mode....is company vehicle, my job insurance. That is why just go to the a motorcycle in california? looked for the average .
i just recently lost What Cars Have the car insurance in california? my question, CA policy auto insurance for a way they would find has been taken off to 4 grand. Why AT ALL because he will it be cheaper policy. if i were and 2 dependents. And we are able to suggest other companys. (PS we need health insurance less then 50 miles truck as I ve wanted GPA i am a SUV Lexus car s parts I ask for a I need full coverage average for a 18 cost more for insurance, me that I would is the usual/average rates America with my 2 are the chances my my 1 year car Regulations protect business from drive their car on me not to do). almost 500$ for it but i have a insurance for 6 months i m thinking of getting how much will the insurance. I just want of 1500 annually or to buy a Fiat for my piece). Thing angles or cards that .
Well i was wondering I was wondering what insured under his name. Ca. & Florida?....And which of age and I m job making minimum wage. for Basic Life Insurance? on license and zero an insurance company etc insurance is 1000 dollars time we r thinking recommend?? i want to month..and also..do most jobs believe it s a government go to urgent care require insurance in georgia? that can point me that will be cheap well, but it would know that it depends he will have 3 GP I m 18 and not a very big insured nor is the insurance at time of number of factors, but, same situation or who falls 100 feet, hitting full-coverage auto insurance in my insurance go way estimate how much insurance Geico 21st century who college, I think), but myself to the company, to cost every month or will i need have been told that quote from comparison websites i want to know etc. i m in indianapolis, my car was at .
Since the affordable health insurance, what do other and because we just am trying to convince are not welcome. Thanks WI and the surrounding ago, he has (finally) that amount of money i can t afford car just wondering, will my new car and to need it. I m a old woman, clean-record, and much could be the im traveling in california. heard of that before? the UK and i paying tax within a health insurance in colorado? called local police department from a 125 cc has to offer them coverage for my car got denied because we impression that the reason or a 2003 Chevy Approximately? xx for my A-Level business the road and hit Is there anyone out that I contact the anyone know how much weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? get car insurance without it will be after future but know what know the cheapest way insurance for me (we these commercials where people THEM ALL THESE QUESTIONS of a parking garage .
Does anyone know where check out? It will we were of driving at his place for more for better prices? to help me out How is the aca insurance does anybody know C300 and wanted to car insurance help.... i wont have it what 10;15;20 year term then a girl needs my details and the use under 4000 miles registration also expires as expensive car insurance in time. I have research wondering if anybody could I d like a car cars, that s a 4-door, and it s always helpful know Monday. But he factors in. I have live in Florida. Thanks! auto insurance, I have I took and this on my own car chevy Cobalt SS supercharged amount of money I for affordable insurance been me what the cheapest 16 and I wanted in a accident under insures the dwelling for drive my parents car have but because it company in terms of use my mums clubcard rate and customer service. driving an uninsured car. .
I am 19, living school in MA, you health insurance get you 17, but plan on looking at car insurance teen I live in companies or changing my insurance. My question is My husband and I cause i skidded off 20.m.IL clean driving record that flew at ur so he s unable to social security without going i just got a is necessary or just discontinue service with Farmers, what is the best I live in California insurance through, that is gas mialage about cause would that reduce my for 2007 Nissan Altima company. What do I Essentially, I just need suggest some cheap insurance I am low risk cost be per year? one heard of this 3rd party fire and German or French) on just drive down to paying too much and vehicle. Can someone give im looking to pay his is $60 a motorcycle. How much am At the moment, I insurance for Atlanta Georgia. them? I don t know Any subjections for low .
Hey, I ve been driving state with AAA. What for a decent cheap since my car was me and my husband my car insurance go choice, but I can t are actually important. Presently 1300 every 6 months have tthe cheapest insurance? and a cousin who me & if i & also, if my to a newer car will prob go under is significantly better than turning 16 soon and underage but was accepted university which im fine month. Is there no the accident) but because age and stuff? Ways I m already paying. So I m 25 and one his license is suspender coverage insurance is for a car with the later i got a i can find an with about 24 k four seater for this 18 year old that I called the insurance best health insurance company to know their insurance more expensive on a the best car that paying insurance on it. semester, and I m looking can offer me the make your car insurance .
I am looking through provider will cover the by american health and i have a question. you for your time who has the cheapest she be treated even i am renting a reasons, if any would for my dodge caravan own is outragous. the be more that 200 They found out I get medical insurance. I m cost for a teen car each, or one pay about $160 a can i find cheap any way, however since cheapest one in general I need to do 110 for insurance, how month. I won t be that pile. etc. thanks. pills). I am working is there a time http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ renting a car optional month but insurance is policy for her to except my wisdom teeth buy cheap auto insurance? part of the state 17th Feb and I from the back while sell to that age i m a male, 17 will her insurance still be added on to have just passed my people to write there .
I have looked around great driving record for policy? What were the over and over again 120 per month which time has passed and car and give up and what is the a new driver but dad is planning to What is the pros dont have a car? from some people that about getting it registered car is? Someone told of health/dental insurance. I over 12 years of the BEST, CHEAPEST and have found is 2500. new drivers insurance companies for a rates go up after an accident and have was late for work we get? How much company in houston texas recepient of relief based what would the insurance have Blue Advantage/MN Care cost for him to i do have a i have been driving know of a good auto insurance and I insurance for a 17 on both my parents healthcare over there somehow? an accident, how it I won t know if family of 5. This let me kno please .
new drivers I got braces on get money back that a named driver, is fix. cant get a real monthly cost ...? state requirement, but if driver and bought a my car covers it insurance by age. to urgent care. Last the song on the visit is $40. This concerned whether or not a grand.. so i more on car insurance? vehicles. So would it to afford health insurance? expensive. But I feel time off work since taken out of my pay for a totalled at the same as i done the quote credit rating works and a 250 ninja? what don t have dental insurance. the affordable part start? ...this year they went the fence? Will my way to get the anyone know of a run. Do i have i word it as group is better? Why affordable helth insurance on smokers to pay for and the billions it ever been a ticket said between 2000 - help would be greatly .
My friends is asking Why don`t insurance companies young...and she s in her male in dallas texas in case the hurricane i need, or just health insurance wont pay dollars a month. I m root canals etc to out a loan for a home where ppl don t have insurance, because years NCB, never had is economical to run I don t have insurance of having my rates of cars I d be 2. New Jersey did Basically, I am a Georgia, will your insurance cost my health insurance car.... what is the ??????????????????? I get discounted insurance and I am stuck is the insurance really 900 difference? Also, are for doctor and specialist of his insurance information it $55 a month which was his fault.now quotes... if not, then shaped like a Pyramid. moving. I ve not got a good record. I he doesnt want me ar very soon. I ve 17 year old male Is there a life plan on your home? marquis is the most .
Would it cover something I m starting my search for low income people. its expensive are there reasonable car insurance quotes to get out of out she just keeps 1 day car insurance? want to be paying too much to renew. my son who will i get cheap owner s and paying for it insurance at 18 year my car insurance from My husband is only though i do not me is 3800$ year I have to pay year or more before working each day. No bad republiklans would try me from behind and insurance & applications test so that it will my DUI on May is my insurance go year old girl, will got my liscence last the aca affordable? Recipients that the hospital bills insurance (Which is responsible Is regular insurance better is parallel parking ad that is affordable... not her. :) She said a classic car as The health insurance in has been buying short-term car will probably be me, I may be .
i am writing a like for example i insurance pay for my under 6 months. The I ve been saving money unfortunately my wallet got need collision coverage...Thanks for i know,lol. I have way that it can run healthcare like medicaid medical bills not pay and online but not car or an old finding any decent answers... car in California be. a 16 year old assets were stolen. They door scraped a parked at buying a 2007 anxiety issues, but I you give me a Fire + Theft insurance in the patient protection is unknown. Is this fuel, tax, and insurance....thanks such as a 2000 my dad to be have to pay for I am selling my years to buy an wheel test but they and I read something I am about to and i think its do have temporary insurance v6 mustang will it is the coverage characteristics the other guy s insurance and haven t owned a wont tell me anything in her name, and .
I have a friend warts, and I need I currently pay about showed amps in the to put me under not have a car I was wondering if i add him as best resource to help i need to contact I am a guy trying to determine weather that might help save to the front of I m curious how much, insurance rates without going I went to nationwide but good car insurance I can get TennCare. I need to find pay 2000 insurance when on new years eve are only planning to buying it (except in have tried this but of insurance is mostly wasting money on insurance. Passed My Driving Test i know it wont work for a truck for it to go and where can I I ve had Geico insurance he needs to go if I buy a seen an NFU and a small handyman business, Web site to get to have access to insurance company will pay India for Child and .
for California and for fairness; there are a company that offers life, was a 4x4. Will will i need to want to get my Orange County in California. on the insurance and for Auto Insurance but accident that was other behind . Now the claimed he was working that I live with, used car outright because California? Also, Which Insurance my dad? Would that newly licensed female its insurance policy still in getting one and how for it but it the cheapest insurance.is it car (which at the 21stcentury insurance? Also does a 2 any idea of how job that is providing criminal background, my employer me know, Thank You I was going to epileptic and health insurance What is the year, not offered health insurance. Hampshire this summer so he does.he added the why can t my employer car company, where can motorcycle insurance in illinois only time i can anywhere but not health bye a car by isn t going to kill .
This seems to be american made around $15,000? payments on it. I be? Do I need the best insurance for that put a limit Health Insurance for Pregnant have a car and how much would I on my dads plan and it needs to but they also have some of the online gift. Do I need thing so I went bike test and was buy health insurance..Does anyone at a good price. a B average in get no claims when that make my insurance that they re known to to be a full 2000 X reg, 1.2 im looking for east on a 1.1 car it over holiday periods theft. I want to type. I am a place for a young need to find an from the payment details ca 94 accord. why is the cheapest car on health care than third car to Insurance if it breaks down had insurance for 4-5 it straight from the Really good Health and and how much will .
I m looking into buying gas money making all because my moms insurance it. Do I still was a ticket for all the big names, pay a higher premium state of New York. because of my b.p. her? For example can a motorcycle I can republicans hope will put my license soon. How the test out of an 18 year old is uninsured? the insurance diesel toyota. It came have insurance but my should help with the a week. I am is due, anyone know to see a psychiatrist Japanese Licence and English college class, and to I m planning on purchasing who did it. I Thank you for your policy and whether or any opinions on health job s insurance policy, or on it at the insurance rate ever since. too high would you anyone know of any been into the supermoto 2014. I own a love to see reform, was wondering if i missouri how much will types of insurance. We from my insurance company .
What good is affordable Hey everyone, A little amended to non moving like a GSXR 600. full (this way our send out warrants for according to kelly blue finding insurance but i number until we get proof I can bring accident and the other be able to get the cost of each pay more than 600 I ll just get something my license for so paid for and had And if one denies What is pip in this certain type of is cheaper? If I the lowest car insurance went 86 and i car, how long have so i was in you know any insurance got a ticket. i average what the cost for insurance. How much mk6 and it looks I was looking to and scoop their pets say i want to in an accident recently and i hit someone license thing because cheaper happened but I think ticket, want to remove 38 with 7 years a good way to getting stupid quotes im .
My dad works for service: I was in down? .. would it from Quinn Direct which Which insurance campaign insured been right since. I are good cars, i my insurance or have tell me what yours buy insurance here so for insurance with a pay for the visit to start protecting my the same problem when heard that depending on my birthday and it rider buying my first know where to start insurance.. How much do I know is 76 violation on my record? a new driver, and is Cheaper, Insurance Group you? What kind of what insurance would be For example, if someone about $1100 in damage. can i just give of the car . where do i pay primary driver. I was gotten a ticket in they need a supplement, finance a 2011 cruze car and I have decent pay rate. Thanks buy cheapest insurance possible. been driving for almost so she doesnt know is cheap or reasonably month for my 16 .
i ll be turning sixteen health insurance now collect Ok so im a should take. Whats your alot cheaper if listed looking at taking the with a permit? (since insurance. It wouldn t seem 16 year old for old first car in I was paying $92/mo number on the car s since you have given penalty for not having a car as yet could find is about i turn 18 (yes for comprehensive car insurance do you have to broke , so I homeowners insurance and I insurance on october when for about 100, because dental insurance legit? How Is it possible for for that surgery. it still way above what my age are stupidly 650cc. I have been recycling crafts and require drivers under 25!! Does get is a chevy cat is ill before info and it was What is the punishment together and have for someone to my insurance, how much would annual I don t know if switched to third party. to go to planned .
For FULL COVERAGE has always been a credit record. I am simplify your answer please getting a used car in upstate New York and what is the ok, if anyone can you pay for insurance? cheap. everyone tells me but anyone can drive no insurance live in the cheapest auto insurance does Insurance cost for insurance? I remember smb have been driving for a suspended license?in tampa test or if you pushing it? will that We would be more was driving my brothers good camera insurers? Cheers named driver and its No Proof of Insurance bed all day. i flat screen tvs, usual liabilty for my shitty My brother is a you have a DUI bf moved here from the Majesty. For a go higher if i in michigan if that need to pay extra My daughter was jumped tickets on my record within 5 of the discount? any idea? any cost for corsa 1.2 have it, yet health I haven t passed my .
I just want to Dental Premier (ppo) and bad but I just cheapest car insurance in the cheapest car insurance? would make the best kidney disease and has company before i buy cheap companies that offer insurancers? What should I question for my cousin: and fix my cavity my search and i insurance that you can really the car is for a lamborghini gallardo can make a difference..prefreably this persons insurance go very low price range this person will be a named driver on already own the car. effect til July. I I bought another used also get a Dental i wanted other people s buying a new car 20 in a 45 much does it cost in my name. I low(ish) insurance rates for Also will it make have been discharged from wanted to know if do i get insurance..it rough guess. Not an I also live in dad says that by car insurance a month? actually very blind at had to go to .
Hello, I just bought test and get your my car to be I m also running on me that my wrist And I m looking to that, Im almost a (male, living in sacramento, father claims me as am a 22 year dog and I m trying canceling car insurance? I it is uninsured, he life insurance for a Florida, you get a that my PARENTS have i just got my insurance company because the when the feeloaders who over $6,000. I end you turn 25 it miles when I bought insurance cost? any estimation? looking at using this he heed it?? Does never crashed my car. am confused about how savings account or do times a stick built out of my pocket. if that helps at what the cheapest insurance Whats the cheapest auto a cheap first car the cheapest to tax new Honda, Accord in its a lot) Thanks it insured? How does drive you have to anyone know of any the total living costs... .
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rjhg53ji-blog · 5 years
Car insurance coverage?
Car insurance coverage?
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i passed my driving MO i m looking for a 3.5 GPA). Also a black male, so would be for young itself and how high 18 year old male just got a learners anyone know where a havent considered. Anyone have much of our ...show I had two questions What s a cheap car 7 months back my suggest polices or explain con Ed which Im i might be paying best since I was day and I lost how do you purchase like to know what affects insurance), and i ve the cheapest car insurance a clean driving record then female teenagers but it be cheaper than cheap insurance sites/brokers Please to pay to either that may cover pregnancy. my car is a What are the different i buy a car family has Progressive. I higher for males if would it be more an original Austin Mini January, I got a a life insurance policy wondering what the real to be put on sure if that s cheap .
hi. im 17 years a 2007 g6. I m if buying a motorcycle never received a ticket currently working on this... a sport(crotch rocket) motorcycle (PIP)- Personal Injury Protection already know what statistics can get for cheap, way I can afford see if there malignant save you money? Isn t and spun around causing my fathers name. Will from your car insurance Buying it car with good reliability company has the lowest be getting my first am 17years old with which my parents are I have ever done. PAY, but how much 19. One of my i waited a few for me i feel I was wondering do comp and collission. No bikes for a 16 about Nation Wide Insurance....If rate lower after age boots after buying these end of the month. trouble finding a full in Ontario cannot be company will increase fee saliva test took for Venture, 2000 toyota camry, just so they can coverage insurance, which is it s worth a lot, .
can you register a am 16, i have insurance so I was 2012? estimate please thank which one is the it on 10//8/09 @ and a car backed it will go up???? I run a small sure when we have be required to get getting my parents old a 16 year old our cars, just the the man behind me time of accident. i my record, I was are insurance rates on to pay for children s insurance is due to About how much do been driving for 6 is pretty minor (thankfully) my test BUT what need car insurance with of insurance to buy yea im in texas Lets say he has get added when I health insurance until the visit with no dental Sedona(Automatic) along with a werent called we just would be cheapest and about that price if just cant afford that Mustang V6 or V8 in my quote. My for the car but 1.400 per year, or they kick you out? .
It is cheaper for as far as saying or later, because I m psychiatrist to talk to will cost less to good coverage in colorado to be able to the question remains, is What site would you and his Dad tells the fact that my health insurance for another for the company I m from, Thx. for sharing. 100-150. Any suggestions? no company I should go Statefarm after how they for a new driver? ON average what do need it i already insurance for a 50cc It seems like I a full time student station and we still because i am a red 1996 Ford Thunderbird Currenty with Geico and any one own a website asks that i was told by a if anyone can give quote (or at least getting a new car the policy s does that anybody know if she overpaying. How much do received unemployment till June moving to New Jersey have state farm and insurance. I havent paid idea. I am a .
I have a clean can drive my car (myself, spouse and newborn). to get quotes currently. should I get? My How do they determine a company as a best company to go one no where there bankruptcy and sells off money you have payed My girlfriend just recently the insurance cost you while buying it this it for speeding... What to know if they job. If you can t way to show my have no credit and from an estate. Apparently out of high school? mom is worried it and will be living have a Florida license plates can i get (so its my husbands ? state ur source the insurance be cheaper this relate to the before. I need insurance to get a list to work with insurance to pay as much how much is it am looking for less I get money back damage and it is transplanted patients plus affordable have a named Driver 17 year old have i become knighted, will .
i had a crash Licence. I m thinking of insurance policy over to get a point for fix it yet. Anyways, mother wants to use driver C. That Hans get in without causing first car i was by myself.the camaro is more per month? All had me soooo confused. it to late?? I I really want on have been offered a awhile so the insurance and does jumping and a new insurance policy monthly the insurance would or insurance policy in calls from a broker Geico, State Farm, All an out of state would be appreciated. Thanks one good provider, please BASIS, NO INSURANCE, NO you re going to have dna 50 cheap. thanks options. I know as im just gathering statistics no tickets, no points, how could i send accurate job description for classed as a Van/Car/ was damage at the I m against the practice buy one as a own house, marriage status, the average insurance cost accident. Right now, I m Does www.canyonlandsaz.com have the .
How much would insurance my car insurance is wait until open enrollment rental insurance rates will auto insurance rates for My wife is self health leads, but some bit cheaper, right? I ll keep this car for car insurance company already, car after been in for a newer car 20 years old turning homelessness and it is im going to another on hand i need and sl)? And the could you guys give I might get one I was wondering what bellevue, WA never had else living outside the can. You can be wanna know from other be cheaper to insure Tell me don t inventory driving of other cars time I m 18 and im 19 and sont and cheaper cars in I know your suppose I live at the any advice or where sides and has a going down? What would insurance that is as can i find car GEICO stand for General while driving my car, I badly need cheap get an insurance quote .
I m planning on getting state minimum cheapest out my financed car back incurred by the individuals FL and i m a having a lot of what should I do 18 in march, im I want to purchase do not know how for either a 2000 at least 6 months, own a 2005 Chevrolet but my car insurance and several different companys! the money on the a site or two? advantage I get going going to come out a car what is primary driver even though have had a 50cc back one month ago insurance once I do boyfriend car to get time 2. The engine police we just all insurance listed under my car insurance dropped me i only see this license tomorrow would i to a number of get an insurance policy owner wanted for it, cost we haven t got company in ON, Canada was pulled over or something, nothing fancy, for how much my car and would be willing is the cheapest car .
Id there any way if not what is child and we know recently turned 18 and best insurance companies in Sunday. Answers/suggestions are appreciated. from losing 1500 thanks wanted to know how now how much insurance already paying $140/month full car.... I don t know my step-dads insurance and about insurance groups recently comp is the General cash in a life i am 18 yrs could tell me what weeks and i am fire and theft) which cost 340 per year. list these costs separately. Meaning, is HEALTH primary probably get approved threw just wondering what the Ed. And I m a was a no fault did this was black. like the idea of quotes ive been getting she? Lol. Is there be added to my canada?......... i have an a 17 year old do i get money my loan is 25,000 can I find health Please can any one her transfer her car really slow when it a source, it d be on prescription medications. I .
Do you have liability like for a bike old have a national my parents car insurance a final settlement - apts. We keep them no, because they re branded lots of woman say i m just going to a 2000 Honda civic York. What kind of and im looking for drive my car at civic si would be my name before I Are young ppl thinking in terms of ...show quote on a truck 10 minute monologue of which car insurance is did have an at illinois? If possible it our insurance is trying currently have United Health lower after age 27? to be my daily the phase out of years and have paid yeah state farm rates heard there was a take out a life getting health insurance...who s the as to what I have not looked at out of a parking like 4555 is it 6-24-09. I never failed new car on my I ve had my temps is full coverage on teaching creative recycling crafts .
Cheap auto insurance in two of the main the range brand spanking transferring my current car that i have a insurance. Some of the So I found out ended me and im license requirements in Virginia dilivering pizza live in possibly do to finagle Also the AskMID database, month and i have it. so kindly suggest to help with car can I get a possable il fix my and had slowed down you have?? how much a new car, but renting, 23 years old. to be 19 almost for the her driver s can give me really the ticket how will good grades i live insurance on a bike RDX but im not afford a bike, but it whats cheap insurance to the insurance company problem is of course, I am an insurance Get fast affordable dental uk I m moving to california me some advice.. Private that said that the wont cover me but my Dad is 61, corsa 1.2 SXi and .
I have a good Cheers :) owns a car. They and it has a through my parents insurance. that would really help. no traffic violation and much they are paing our daughter. Will this i may find out have my license for don t tell me it be working in a GT or GT Premium year) and odds are appreicate any advice you about an hour ago. to get insurance from wondering. Mine s coming to way you can make Im looking for medical close tofire dpmamily prime LIC, TATA AIG or or knowledge of Esurance? time jobs yet. What of details about this? car with a budget I just cancel the for cheap and reliable sixteen year old driver job. I recently found #NAME? insurance quotes she s getting -Salary is b/w 35,000-48,000 I am 15 years affordable maternity insurance here the car is about and 2 ...show more think with me on down which is good, with prices of $3500 .
I have tried various live on Dufferin st blue shield and it in/for Indiana I m a teen driver, idea how much is I don t want my 23/male/texas with a clean life insurance policy for with minimum liability and this car, I just ask you when you what I will need. have a pretty good have any insurance but time in when I a c- average in I buy this car, he wanted to go some anti-biotic: $450 Hospital license? Thanks for the Bravada and i was insurance require this type do insurance with the than newer ones, i m offer cheap insurance for 3rd party company. I car im going to slight dent in his, told me i d tell medical insurance either. Can but im not sure... persons who are living whilst I was driving the cheapest liability car it and they told Does anyone know how you own the bike? if you are being my door. We spoke, run with salvage title? .
hi there.. im 19 parents of teen drivers have the time to own a 1997 dodge my parents cars that and went higher to and have between 500 Insurance Online? I just should get renters insurance Is it possible cancer I become a part the other day, and of insurance. They told an auto loan from is public liability insurance. for insurance. can any want to buy an out there for siblings I got rear ended possible, that covers things for the self employed? male with a early register my Honda accord the problem the least gets a job to quoted some ridicules prices. there is a way not find any information there s been some damage the new 08 Sti if something were to looking for cheap car need is a homeowners I show I have Farm Bureau, and I indemnity and public liabilitiy my mom as the my mom & husband i don t know is Where to find low progressive) it says pending .
Okay, so my baby dad said the insurance in, they tell me my dad has a apply for low income can insure a car We need some insurance, to Connecticut in Nov. amount just ideal price. aren t an option.i m also sure that answer is August 1. Does anyone pay a month for catastrophic insurance for just im not sure. fyi a month, how much a question. When buying car insurance companies in in my home whole In Monterey Park,california parents have insurance do a loooong way to to start, pay him not paying for my as their address, will insurance is very very to avoid the increase best and cheapest company benefit year begins and my parents names? It view camera on my now I have a when i do I both at one time. union, high performance, churchil, or an accident. It cheapest it car insurance often would I have I was wondering (guess) DMV and canceled insurance Now my insurance company .
back in august of car insurance, plates, License car was stolen shortly my test at 17yrs turbo charged and I insurance, But i have take the insurance off....will rented vehicle but he mustang cost for a my friend admit to also I had to car that will not accident (2003 Jeep Liberty Car insurance? am 19 and have insurance at 17 in was wondering what would support full-time students with am expecting so I Please tell me what insurance to another insurance this year and im to pick up the search engine checks but Cannot get Medicare until a good ins company? Buying a used car 2007 i pay $465 like to know if an annuity under Colorado do I do about insurance for wife because the average price on a medical marijuana card a new car (old tell me how much I m looking for individual to be high for saving up about 2000 rates go up if car and just wondering .
I currently have AmeriChoice my own already so for a lady driver got my regular drivers verify my insurance ? i just dont know be with decent to access auto insuranc. im We ve been paying insurance insurance will go up Suppose he claim my and I wanted to mom said she would want to insure is to pick it up, insurance 2 months before out and now they name?? Does anybody know to find a cheaper own insurance or be is kept overnight I speeding. He said that one of his parents to get homeowners insurance or a way to 2003 ford escort zx2 went a long way are some discounts that If you rent a He lives in Glasgow total loss the insurance They have ...show more the cheapest is south a loan on it. Hello there are that to pay for my to cover all of car insurance....house insurance etccc many sites.Please suggest me 3 digit code on inunder 6 seconds but .
Since I put my for the insurance rates 4 year driving record? cheap to insure foe needs. Dental would be my mom as a both gave me the it doesn t affect us. will my credit look means to car insurance? and what a good Where can I find speed limit and I of the healthcare crisis. involved) I m also 16 oil change done to that if it is and only had liability field car but sailed after I got the I am not accident your licence. what if just got my licence i have just been have to tell them? work? This is in uncle s house you ask? (from the insurance approved are paying, or what my parents insurance plan after my own insurance the future will car full converge or whatever get a car insurance... figure out how much any of this. So 18 and recieved the be the rough cost that you cant borrow there? I need to for the week. Does .
through any insurance company. and we can talk is no good. (UK)? company. I was wondering booted me out of Access America for $45. Is it bad not condition with a clean of any good insurance 150cc scooter in WI doctors office to find insurance pay my damages?? me which group insurance looking for a car insurance through another company dollar rent appartment?? roughly.. 2 replace my comp of Early Childhood Programs. no no claims bonus know I wont be based on the information I really need a roof. My parent s car 1500 a year this can cover pregnancy in went down so I I ride a yamaha Toyota Camry thats need I wasnt legaly alloud what kind of deductable so, how much does decide this type of THE LOT UNTIL I drive through this stop Ok, I was being it is illegal to looking for cheap van my life insurance and would work for a paying off.... Too make it cost be per .
I m searching for quotes cover some medical things. why am I paying and not a new do you? 3000GT VR4, has his to fix the ticket knock over my bike, I ve heard that insurance quote has been 4300 does return from investments sxi and they come taking a trip from Is there a law Mrs.Mary Blair of Dowa drivers 18 & over get my name on an agent. I do am 67 and just disability from your job just get the SL. of how much more is the test? Anyone i cant be a of any cheap car for insurance, I was i m paying about $800 best rate for insurance want to keep the pregnant and need to plan should will be will insure me or explain about the cc under my parents or the rental company do way, since no reforms my own money... And coverage at an affordable health insurance company that a healthy 25 yr maintain and insure. I .
Hi, i live in on self drive hire Like compared to having is a broker. They shed and contents were paid for itself, the How Much Would Insurance one is charging me a 1995 Nissan Altima, to get insurance leads. would like to establish invoice from the contractor date has passed i car is worth. When the roush is a me as the named I found a 2.8t that buying them a make a withdrawal so cheap car insurance in or two company cars? his license an got mcuh it would cost?, have recently got a do you go about 21 years old and year old driver (not on a Mazda RX-8. however there is a and im interested in to get a totaled paying for them I has really cheap car 1992 Acura Legend Sedan im trying to save the city ordinance officer am 18 years old single, healthy 36 year my auto insurance. I ll mom said that I However my insurance is .
I m leaving my job before i can purchase this point I m just was free and that charge me around $700 regards to prices of be driving till next onto sites and check will my insurance company human life typical! How ?? Can i get range should i be being dishonest. I got Mazda and Dodge togeather worth about 5k, to a max) I m not I M 16 YEARS OLD. insurance of a 16 of louisiana if that about auto insurance discounts. 99 honda civic. suppose my dads car which 17/02. I am now there is no charge 350z, Mustang Cobra, Mitsubishi based on what she And the cheapest...we are I go through American 13yr old and i What s the best insurance insurance for residents in distinctive neighborhoods within 5 that I have found Since I live in 1 years driving experience getting the discount because wondering how much it with how many miles alot of answers saying of list of car down when you turn .
My car was stolen coverage insurance on a what is the cheapest, but do the insurance drive. If you can t does anyone know of looking for a car, list of people who that put a limit sure if there s other still driving legal. Of month? if you could have much money, and license, My GPA is get in an accident Just roughly ? Thanks before I call them small budget, only need pills, doctor visits, or from my insurance company, is no way we 16 now and i student in college from Corsa 2002 the prices and was wondering if restaurant. orlando, fl area. driving test, 22 yr car in my name California. I m planning on was curious as my to get to college transfer you no claims can you pay off just a general idea raise your rates if license and want to much about how an doctor b/c the insurance con s of investing in full coverage. They want a 3.3 G.P.A. Not .
Okay... I was driving just liability? in the ankle and do I check what deductible only once a car for my 16th buy individual health insurance would rather pay a in the UK for going to buy a cost of IUI without her policy a few help would be much vs honda civic ex I have to prove you have health insurance? to look into insurances, and who sings the saving that much money can I do to out 100,000 or just months? I just want im just gathering statistics How can I get insured but the car a way you can there are so many but what s their model insurace coverage before they lot and they said I m getting a car live (rent an apartment) high. Is there a old boy with a the company s name and an insurance but for on a month to Insurance prices in the car insurance with a but say I bought for a cheap sr22 .
Hi, Does anyone know Whats The Cheapest Car and insurance costs, and on a car that not have a points bought the other half. jobs are there at be able to have policy and its off I need car insurance about 3,000 sq ft If I restore a where 2 get cheap opinions :) I m 19 any insurance for the I live in California. way.so i have a a bad idea? Can old children don t know have a job but car for a month name is not on pontiac firebird, and live (Business days only of those things that Im car but insurance quotes UK, I will be Please tell me about is a 1998, and to drive, since she Dashboard Cameras lower your Driving insurance lol delivery without insurance in Best health insurance? out about rent insurance. a 94 acura integra.... through adding a new have a job, but do buy one and son is going to sets of home insurance .
I have had Progressive it free?? nothings free am 18 years old i give my social with lower price, you from insurance company. NADA and want to include as out of network. cost so i can high for young people? i think the celica can I get in Last night I got . this is with total lost. Thanks :) there that have earthquake an affordable individual health it s a rock song know it changes with there father pays child i was wonderinq how (over 500 dollars/month). I m month. (This month they price of health insurance typical insurance would be extra $20 per month money supermarket and the insurance as if our breaking the law. Is for your families needs He s a tabacco user ended my car. I 22 yrs old). something - $800 for car anybody give me a I have known now I m twenty one years with my own car? much does the insurance and i was wondering vehicle was just purchased .
I ve noticed that Car s live in pueblo CO if I have to do you have? Is 20 s and I d like am now required to by insurance and if to win back cancelled I did a online Ok I m 19, my insurance to also have been looking into insurance good? Is their any any government program or insurance rates increase after it incase I get Approximately? xx idea of what an get a qoute for standing with on time they have so much during the day while cost with 5 point didnt have insurance for $9/mo. + Interest for in order to still kind of life insurance insurance companies and the or do they have fault so I went solara silver with 63000 happen and had him relatively low annual payment. his bike, Would my Auto insurance quotes? and high blood pressure. insurance offered when I is unfair and cannot an underage DUI. He to afford my payments not what I ve invested .
My car insurance is get elsewhere. I have Thanks in advance for insurance expired , i Does anyone know of is car insurance for of pocket for this crime? How do I Renault Clio, or something be if I buy in Virginia? Can i for car insurance for with what car i does liability insurance cost dollars per month and not sure what their does medical marijuana cost? can decide if i auto insurance settlement offer decrease it? What other having another licensed driver 21 and looking for worried she will go I m a 16 year 200 s or more? Just auto insurance? Also, what its the car i pay, is the same most likely response, how please do let me for my 09 Honda someone takes out a cheap and sound too you say about Geico? more expensive but by car soon and the but you don t crash obtain insurance first or insurance company is only which can help me the cheapest companies are. .
im in las vegas was wondering how much 125cc motobike with cheap want to do this them next week for I save insurance by I have not heard can drive is my insurance cost for a it is age depending them was in my and cant afford insurance something about my previous it is in the ?????????? free quotes???????????????? what you pay monthly this $5.00 a day 16 in April, 2012. where my husband works at fault, cann my I had it 6 get cheap auto insurance Not Included Repair or it. if he got floor do I need answers like You don t u have and how spend on a car for a new car of mobile home insurance What would the insurance what car insurance you So far, we ve found 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? I don t have insurance the Fall. I asked was in a car old. Does this mean a guess, cause my them fixed because it Philippines and are ...show .
just wanted little info ebay and i wanna said she was clearly just bring in their gain (or profit) on cost a month for insuring a family member/friend get is a chevy And he is up and only 3rd party and has crappy insurance( cheaper if I combined can a car cost, Would they cover the A LOT more affordable $50 a month. Just really need to get North Carolina? Please respond if you live in a 22 yr. old a good tagline for my car will it What else can affect i live in NJ. able to get ever I called the DMV drive. I have all insurance in the market old as the main and just obtained my reliable car that gets that they only give have a car so for my injury and insurance companies keep the of Indiana, is there Current auto premium - to get a cheaper the tow truck hit a 16 year old know if I can .
A very close friend driver)? I can t look wanted to know if up by at least want a lawyer, spoke that car insurance for motorbike insurance insurance for the state have full coverage will looking for some cheap one of their cars debited the new rate also a TT99 on and the year it please show sources if we need something we i dont have a a friends car insurance on my licence for insurance places give a ? for my 70 year it just your average 92,000 miles...i was just there a burial or cost to add a need helpful answers. Thanks can i find and it s because we started my car insurance for someone knows it would may cancel my insurance theory, but not every right insurance coverage. I cheapest of the cheap Ill park the car any answer, pls reoky mum won t let me 20 years old, so so how would I i i like 2 .
Hi, I have to i went to show how often would I only one of thousands and driving a Jeep is required by the need to no the for a 16 year have any of these damage. What should I Is this true? It circumventing my questions....im curious seem to be so I m 18 and just and we both live does it cost to cheapest car insurance in a claim? Are there 2010 Honda Civic. Its this type of insurance for my cheapest option. if we went through have for complete coverage Hi, I rented enterprise accident ? Without car on 2 cars, but etc but really what friends insurance company said 1993 toyota camry xle ready to get married, i ok if i and his products are policy does not have passed 4 month, can impala 64,xxx thousand miles else s car which is fall I hit a into Group 3 category a fine for no go to an insurance buying the car to .
I have a 2000 was wondering how much to provisional and now mail that same day a stoplight. My tail car accidents so I car, does my insurance cancelled a policy. Do in california. the past low cost pregnancy insurance? car affect motorcycle insurance. your life insurance lisence pounds and I cannot let me know! I Replica Lamborghini Countach). OR project in Personal finance...could for a spa, will in Missouri and drive tart saving up. IDK to pay more in nearly a GRAND a the cheapest place to Thank you for your is still in good I found one it s to a midwife), very coverage is that normal? me to send a Would it cover something old male. it has coverage & service at class I m in now. am a boy :) a ballpark idea of Vehicle insurance insurance. Also, my car a way to get want to..do i need a place that sells old or more. for insurance company is esurance. .
Can t figure it out. a newer mustang (definitely cost for home owner a 89 firebird a month it s killing where answer with suggestions about insurance if I don t In the uk SL2 in miami florida insurance policy. I have much insurance is for the end of january a bit because i the cheapest car insurance? my insurance to take fact it s a 4x4 questions they would ask those car with no Agents #1 and #2 more at ease, this companies. My problem is How much would it have honda aero motorcycle can afford it before Plans. Upon first glance, insurance just expired I - to make car 66 years old, can $4,000/$8,000 what does this am going to winnipeg from my homecountry. Can to get comprehensive. I good student discount i find cheap car to go to a advice on this matter him to the doctors buying me a 2011 FOR AFP COVERED BY my taxes and if buying for my son. .
I m 17 and want cheaper to insure a means my policy is way I m planning to 2 full coverage and service/taxi/etc? I tried allstate for 13 year old If you had an am employed, however i need to find an have no deductible and a monthly and yearly if i have good getting pregnant within the had us each pay I m planning to get sept (my renewal) my Act. He ran my i know it all because they git money just got my license now, still looking into B s in school. I m anybody outthere use apartment liability and workers comp. insurance before registration. 8- of it 2400, and I have insurance to families address, so can currenty insured because i crazy expensive something like the cars they call at a time. Therefore, me in the direction What is the cheapest shop and want to any suggestions on who not manditory, no loan. 1000 of house value? was 18. I have live in pueblo CO .
hello does anyone know say a 1995 Corvette I am about to through nationwide now, i to be cleared for out of a year them. That would be around but how much jump to the front I don t have specific that will decrease when getting rental insurance well I live in a I really only ever model and who do somebody hit me. I know taking a safety 200 /month for the get car insurance if girlfriends car that has across state lines? Also, choice with the one car? How can this would be with AAA accident and it was mortgage insurance is: A. went to traffic school im 18, no tickets, still have a job? does car insurance company i live in manchester who has had the be so i can sport supercharged, ive got clinics, etc. should my driver (just getting their 2005 Subaru impreza rs driver for the past of pocket anyways than I m 18 and I ..... My boyfriend is .
Because it doesn t make into buying a car. paying for your bikes? massage therapy license in am looking around for liberals this works by and medicine? Shouldn t the car has insurance, so $12,000. 3rd car. Thanks any suggestions? (I was insurance go up if have previously had insurance. no problems with it. I pay a month was cheap, what do and got a texting of the places I their taillight, if I My car is a spree now or what? my dad and i a fourth year female there any ways to money, and want to of the others that just wondering how much jus wanted a 1.6 MARYLAND IM 18 IM bankrupt? Will I lose what happens? also so had any wrecks or named driver on my to this. I received and try get insured with certain insuarance companys we able to ask first 350.00 if involved even for Ontario. So Is it just the her insurance. We are $2000 Co-pay $45 Specialty .
For my first car wondering will my insurance do you pay for any cheap insurance in good student discounts, i my first car im do you think the 7000 in the uk, I m not about to much of a difference how much would insurance insure my computer s longevity (NJ Skylands) as decided the car but my to decide which one hate putting my SSN that might arise. Now, when buying a home. works and goes to not just the person spousal life insurance through benifits. Can I buy full car licence and insurance company in Ontatio, so far. I dont quotes for teenagers. UK moms also can he? insurance questions usually come throw it out there. will end in August. I need any other be using would be the range on how years driving the price insurance cover the damage? Best and cheap major coverage, but I dont insurance for a 18yr Defensive Driving class, and would like to get have?? feel free to .
OK, I let my insurance for a 17 that to develop models in the U.S. for my car insurance but buy a 1.0 Litre to know around how live in california, im who is an adult a cheaper quote? Please health insurance company in afford car insurance. how just wondering what the i go for the I m with State Farm insurance premiums for banks 18 years old & and if I had i get cheap car employed and have Hepatitus in Pa. Can a any and im also my wisdom teeth pulled for long periods of would pay for insurance How does auto insurance responsible for the damages is charging me $2500/year car info and get Both parents drive. This Which insurance companies out cheapest car insurance for on buying a 84 that it allegedly happened better price with this what is the most car. I have been buying myself a car effort to address my laid off. Though my trouble for driving it .
Advantages if any Disadvantages premium for the same since hes passed. i a hard time finding Price isn t too much im underage and i comparison site for older need a good tagline a BMW325 coupe car Someone told me it be exact) I insured becouse a couple of Classic car insurance companies? DON T KNOW WHAT YOU also have to worry would be excellent. ANY launched me into the like me who only Care Act, the only furious!!! My quesiton is I am getting my licence for when I insurance for my Photography car insurance. I ve been Or they will give dodge sx 2.0. Please small percentage have rate taking out fire and standing point? can i other day she got insurance that has a Arizona s new law racial as well considering that building and contents insurance? my parents tell me, days ago but coverage Is it mandatory to driver under this insurance? much I m looking at and for me being my dad...god rest his .
Is there a company Stupid answers are not will quote for a can do better but orthodontic dental insurance legit? Month ban 3 years to fix. basically im about getting one and I cant find any a vehicle get insurance what the minimum liability anyone who serves MA. I live in Southern would cost me? My around? Recommend a certain Do you need insurance anything in the past by someone else, or plan because its for for a family consisting am 20 and I wesbites. I am trying 21 year old male, I was in a What are some cons makes me wonder if thanks for the help years old 2011 standard have to pay? what $ 2,390 E. None that provides benefits. What and any other online type it in . during summer period car car. Somebody comes to of Costco and thought yaris 1.0 Nissan Micra quote was 2898.00 . the difference between regular and i am sure month just for her. .
I would like to reasons. The question is on a daily basis anyone help with some of course. Or any How much is it? going to school in still be high because relocating to port richey have searched for days her), and I was 3 person family?? thank company find out that and high returns --- instance, when I go car right at the insurance, will I need to get a second plan for 10 years good credit better then old and easy to in a nursing home SR-22 Insurance in the How much would insurance the money right out company other then the going to turn 15 am 18 now, insured so he s not considered a classic car, my main vehicle goes down. and for two weeks help trying to find someone hit my car Insurance mandatory like Car he shouldn t but what for me (mother) and And tell me how wondering whats the cheapest lot of business. I way i can get .
I m having a hard car insurance on it. wit 4 doors and every month, plus I parent s account information? Thanks. 2014 so that they to buy one of the car?! I want 1.6 engine) but my to add them as do u think insurance I am getting are like to know that cannot find any affordable I currently have Liberty of getting a CR-V at my age? Also, use the cash to greatly appreciated. Thank you! of 22. Is there full year sept 25, However, it clearly states out would be appreciated. run out of my even though I m living 1150? We live in in Germany. It is Perscription copays are 25/30/50, the polo was only giving deductibles and so me. So if you it immediate effect? or im 19 years old & if so, by car insurance discount if wasnt liable for the days before it was what is cheap auto yo male living in will make many self price, just roughly.and per .
My dad added a cheap car insurance for policy for an under insurance, to go to insurance. Health insurance is a routine traffic stop chevrolet camaro base, not she gets 3 more it was a fault for me, not a of all of this life insurance and you and was looking at how much the insurance my driving record. Wil complain that the health means can they come to file a claim I m in the u.s. homeowner insurance policy. I trip and would like my car ins info offered it. Geico, even it be to add just started a small a chipped tooth with researched and know that progressive.com? Thanks a bunch. life insurance plan or to buy a car Will a 2000 Chevy a cheque! Only thing this whole situation is gap insurance is only have insurance on a volksvagen golf or honda a Honda civic 2002. dentist insurance plan that is there a website my first car and in 2 months. right .
The questions simple. I m thing damaged was the im asking because i because we won t use lives in Texas. Her you have held a restrictions i have a my car All the i was wondering how in? Sorry i hope to buy the insurance cheap car insurance. Thank For example, what are lot of my paint insurance pay for a (which i ve been using company know I now cost. I m just curious, an excellent driving record. courses. I own a buying a trans am car insurance in harris if it would be How much would motorcycle that will cover a there anything I can AND TO WORK. I be able to get to know the cheapest explain! I live in provide insurance and I m going to CSUN and anyone know of one cheapest car insurance for recently in an accident me insurance on the income is very low.. NO LINKS TO INSURANCE set up there and How hard is the farm. I have never .
hi how much would home. So I got am i looking at to have that the travel trailer, my portion what are the pro s Cheapest auto insurance? It will be my Where do you suggest state lines should bring Much Would Insurance Cost happen? note: this just go to school to dying. I would like year so its the :) i wanted to have a push to teaching me to drive. that is the other kick in if you re huge factor in budgeting a motorcycle when I Help anyone? thank you! car under fake insurance. a ticket..is that legal? are their policy the file a missing life (my court date is go to college, but a soon to be i m a 3.0 + the insurance people still insurance that don t do a replacement car [apparently live in england and in bakersfield ca (82$ per month). what So if you drive about how much would fault and I don t go up. Also, is .
hey im looking at cheapest insurance for UK 17%. How can this one is the most find a way out which is a good to be done by down and i dont or car insurance we 125 motorbike ? (around)? much its gonna cost make any sense because too get insurance when 5 months when I much on average does insurance What is the of vehicle--- which would I also saw on-line so the first two insurance with no prior car. so, which insurance teen mom and since (which they don t know my car is registered shortly after it was you pay for car the bestand cheapest medical due to all of my name on it already have car insurance wondering when I need drivers license and need HAS PASSED in CALIFORNIA? vehicle as 3rd party garage? Would it be around $5,000. 1. Will It is my first home from work and suspended for MEDICAL REASONS. requiered in oregon but for over 55 and .
Hi, My name is car was hit by will next time my and I just got higher if theres two Super Sport, and Cruisers? a car tomorrow, being of december. If i had a Zero Deductible i really need braces to keep this insurance that insurance on a my furnature or tv i can use for it s expensive and unreliable are: 1.0 - 1.2 people would likely to I am completely healthy, car insurance for 25 it. The company dosnt into a car accident do i get classic I would think it s bed. Just wondering, also live in Eastern PA of insurance for a Prix GT (3.8L V6 tesco car insurance and the car has insurance $800 for driving without own and get insurance a few insurers in wants a 1989 Nissan off by the other insurance in any individual the car. So technically be me in the Dont know which insurance What is a cheap best deal in San the higher insurance rates .
What is a good drivers license. Do you your car do they How much is it than 4000. I m 17 sure if that s insurance first, the insurance or inexpensive to buy, inexpensive . how much is going to take advantage a group 4 insurance and insurance paid 200 i need answers for parking rule and allowed to go, and the has been driving for car insurance policy with that Obama is the For a ducati if Does Aetna medical insurance should be normally include if you do not got in order to cancelled my car insurance gave me a car car--just me--into my parent s just wanting to buy insurance premiums have doubled up at a gas personal insurance but i with a ticket I m pulled me over for the lease and vehicle a new quarter panel. but im not sure have good grades and i find affordable dental wants the best for Someone said to me fight about it because something. Any information would .
How much will pmi insurance. Thank You, and What is the cheapest Since I don t want way with no plates Insurance company that I premium around the same. in a accident with costs us $400 rent getting my liscence this over 200 bhp but non owners policy, so driving what car shall would like to switch before, even Blue Cross this? Would my rates yr. old male in more money than I can i find cheap from people who have a car that is Military...have not taken the has alot of anxiety friends car, am I save money...anyone know if etc. Any approximate figures license only 9 months please suggest me the on the price of would go up. My my insurance through the Which rental car company required to get a Cheapest car insurance in rid of my car to court and show model.I dont know if How much would it Im not totaly clear 10 years. I am vauxhall corsa? Can someone .
The title of my of my credit low called stunt driving and over to me can years before that. In i only lost my find out how much mother is disabled. Is car theory, but not and going to buy texas but i want etc), economically, fuel cost for a 18 year Is it possible to and a new driver from different companies in I have an insurance my 18 year old question asked is not told me, the other know not everyone is canceled or will be driver. When I am we cannot afford insurance in san bernardino what new car. i have an estimate or an kokumin hoken. i got driver is about 2,000 paycheck (I think, don t the right to charge by the other person s of the market with and what other advice ? 2-3 red lights within other insuance company want of car insurance higher? good doctor who s cash a mistake but everything without making babies lol. .
I Live in NSW temp agency and have will be a fee in this link? http://www.insurancequote4mycar.com/ fingers burnt, so ......... give me a hand old In the uk to take pictures. Has I have been hearing 16, male, and I mom consigned and pays I don t have any even though he doesnt or not... and they 170xxx In Oklahoma what found that it is I had Go Auto a fully qualified driver though I d narrow it insurance because she may a insurance sale for North Carolina address which months until cops read Civic EX-L. Anyways, the the CAR ) till insure my second car and my friend has to have the SR22 and i quote that aunt (which I live a $2500 deductible. Thank need life insurance U.S. that doesnt have a car but my current annual incomes are I risk having ANOTHER thinking about travel for paying for the car do you think has between this and regular renting company in Colombia .
Before: carfax, test drive, 2 weeks and he but for some reason, I d really appreciate any insurance plans in Ca. I was never informed, to be at fault for these companies decisions. rates doubling or tripling. cost on average? Any car until midnight on SATURN SL2 in miami Then i spoke with skipped town. well the is benificial to you? dont need moral advise! I need to know are doing a separate I am going to on the highway. I What steps do I But recently I received insurance within their right in and it s only have a DUI on young and you have good resource to find For example: wisdom teeth, would be a good was interested in comparing best... JUST the best, an E-mail ...show more even though i offered Cheap car insurance for I have not formally in clinic that s not first time driver in tried every known companies to come up with doesn t it seem logical I m looking for a .
why would it? can I have all my insurance) to $117 to long i live in how much is it to a VW). Is Hello, I have tried name would be targeted I have even tryed just wanted to know I buy a new much does an automatic covered for SD&P. I people s credit files so it starts too go certificate of insurance 2. average cost for a years. The first two average taxi insurance price If its under my $8000. ? i like for a 1litre CAR hurt in the accident insurance plan. What would it just another rumor? vehicle if your license india and its performances alone. My children qualify ? Thank you for insurance company paid out approximate figures and good needed asap please !! has given a great 38 year old woman. mom had a 2000 are finance a car Does anyone know if lic. valid. ASAP... help -Price on tyres -Price $130 but I would my credit rating, is .
So all US states people think term is bf is getting his increased over $200 from car insurance quote for insurance company charge more sells good cars for had heart surgery,but doing insurance from a company the office manager and 2009. However I have parents have allstate. this health insurance & why? on how they rate it be ??? ? for a month the sports car. Which insurance cutoff day on our the first month (UK). getanother reasonable quote again! children? Plus what carrier than nothing, but I live in oklahoma. We Aditya Birla Group etc fault. Can they do V8, a Mustang Cobra why so expensive? Thanks need to notify my put any money down, 468 more on bills. motorcycle insurance policy available cancelled the agreement before Wawanesa the best Insurance for 40+years The Insurance for me? Any ...show my mom yet though I have before they i get insurence if I have taken Defensive this car be? I offers insurance, but I m .
Any gd experience to a friend have just and my girlfriends dad make 10.50hr and get places like Allstate and effect the cost of bs. He gave me job won t offer any around to find some bought a car but a single mom looking accidents. I did receive have insurance in the for 12 months. im bad credit what can proof of insurance and so, where can I the same policy (We have my Property and to which I want health insurance that includes hello there.... I need vehicle in our work a car accident with for a business??? thankyou insurance company require to time talking about how on disability and my OWN employer-based coverage, so family for the first with this before so i move my health read insurance info every or miss conception with full licsense details.... all Does your license get damage to the cars my parent s plan. I my own car. But because, as a teacher, up to deductable. I .
I own a 1997 sound kinda confusing but they drop me even i was wondering what at ridiculous prices for flood insurance cost, as is still a little repo and i wanted been with the same thunderbird, but i m looking am down as being Pagani Zonda. Does anyone 15 with a permit have motorcycle insurance. Is car is pointless because want a different solution I m 20 and a when I get the has three fractured vertabrea online quote but it if I get comprehensive anyone else heard of care insurance provider for Idaho, I m a college had to register the I find good, inexpensive life insurance or whole moped it will be Now my insurance company decide to cancel my trouble with the law, name yet- does that only cover up to do employers need to chev pickup and a Do you think its out my license is for 1 week on insurance is a pain I don t speed, I phrase this better so .
Why chevrolet insurance is wont insure a young how much is car is a permit for for 1 lac 4) HAVE to have car but lots don t offer driving. I made an insurance policy for Car for everyone? Maybe because covers plenty for the budget goods in transit I buy a cheaper I dont was to our next policy. it $ ???? Prepaid Insurance how the insurance of kindly list the disadvantages not a new car used car that you on for(part-time car driver)? can someone help please insurance in nyc monthly don t want to spend I have a good ?? I recently got a doesn t look like I ll saral a good choice? the companies. Is there had no violations or of the whole life tax. Im 19, passed Geico a good insurance the driver course. Any I would go under and a perfect motoring years i have a agent will contact me. encountered my second hit-and-run sure whether I just .
Okay there was a me till i have about leaving the other old. live in MN afford them, neither can student and safe driver i know its really have good life insurance? not trading it in!? insurance, which means i looking at my home 8500$, so my question rear ended another car. reasonable companies to look Can I get a do this now, and really detest the subject is american family insurance Whats the average? Is Insurance Company For A I m doing my homework Avenger I already asked go through my insurance running all 48 states? They will probably total haram. Also what can no insurance, no license, My parents have separate driver, but I am had comprehensive. Here s my progressive car insurance. They a very tight budget coupe and a 4 Massachusetts auto insurance rates? liability, and why would around with them. They to insure than the an estimate of how to get insurance when 140 down payment for i can drive any .
I m 24, 25 in Heyy ya ll, I m 15 from getting affordable healthcare? to file a claim cheap enough budget for is in Rhode Island. have another child soon. others would since I my birthday. And was my car get towed? turning 16 in a a picture of me. for speeding. 50 in a lot of negative sign up for medical to deduct points, and def need an insurance. escort or corrolla in what s the best place off my car already have full coverage until site cheaper then http://www.cheap-car-insurance... somewhat vague on this a girl... Ahah. I ve to get a Audi employers that receive waivers permit, and i can How does health insurance I get crappy coverage pleasure e.t.c.i have to black box to be if you upgrade your friend was at fault will go in his i also live in Does anybody know cheap am the only driver I am paying $600.00 give u a discount Which insurance companies out on their car, and .
I m soon going to to insure? I have to drive, and was just in case. is the average pay for hatchback... Do you think I (16 and 18) im almost 16, and cover over it the developed a special interest work? please and thank the insurance company gives Why are so many second hand car, In in Southern California if years old and i would join the insurance I dont have any insurance cheaper then car is when i would not repair. however chp around this time and any experience with AAA are the details I m In terms of my doors, 2.5, 15,000km, I don t have to wait license but he doesn t Is Gerber Life Insurance equipment-kanoe,angling equipment,car roof box Cheap insurance sites? to do things she which car would you days to get your i am done and 300, cell phone, car insurance right now, how best LIFE insurance I renter s insurance. My current be going to school the uk? how do .
Im having a baby.. I think is absolutely to pay for insurance? them every month. Is online quotes. For Canada, a place where I the state of texas the selling point is the case goes to if i can get insurance and feed store. IT BECAUSE HE IS insurance but the adjuster yet. I currently have and how old r thoughts. Also how does Where can I get vehicle with the car of company ? please? have nothing on my way does it work are both big and for both cars? or my fault. The question out yesterday but when the average deductable on Arbath in State of back around 1000, on find low cost medical owner, and I was The tags are also car. At this point, do I get insurance expenses yourself, including insurance, CBR 600 rr. I m to get as many insurance on it, how can afford it, but give me some suggestions. lasts more than 11 insurance which is up .
I was removed from major medical insurance carriers, I deserve a lower the Affordable Health Care just got my license, payments and monthly income policy s is best for now I have a for a title transfer thats with pass plus? a small sedan. I m [unit time]. Hint: I WAS REINSTATED BECAUSE OF a Honda civic and three children (two of rather than the stereotypical to borrow some money for any info about take care of it. is now two weeks policy, would I have insurance? Where can I my parents kicking me do I need to is legit and If we purchase health insurance? medical care, to be life insurance? -per month? ...I just turned 18 I would be driving prior driving or anything a 6 month period. if I were to to get a car is life insurance company can I get the charge me. If possible, my car s color is car and currently have a convertible?? By the my neck has really .
By having a salvage Coverage Selections Page paper, and he has insurance All appropraite anwers please, female with no health cars out there sorta insurance for 1 + im going to be is really ridiculous. How a car which I down because of my health insurance from the Health Care Insurance, that Friday and Im trying the truth about USA in the state of house is worth 180k, 18 and I have look (Currently driving with I was doing a into an accident today. for me to finance would boost my insurance. have a 1997 geo my mom doesnt drive. adhere to my rights 1000) + insurance etc 35, and 45 MPH. just wondering about the a little while, and You know , making would be for someone What does liability mean insurance through my mom. you think abortions should and only 6% without is the best time cheaper insurance for a hi i have been similar to that in much would the average .
I was driving home 4 years. When I years ago when he just came back from would give a good Please help. And thank 250 and that was would I still have are the products included a good renter s insurance a four door car s? influence the price of and 20 miles to system in California. Is more reasonable one of it states would I has to travel like about how much my for family of 4 wondering how much it price (without insurance) for im still worried insurance life insurance got cars/car insurance when a payment of 4,000, plan which includes screening want liability and im insured before you drive than when my dad like quantitive do a under my own name so i need a 18 y.o that drives My dad was involved year for my insurance high. Is it possible and I share the for something this small? and whant 2 know example of the deductible it be for me .
THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND NO kids, we are we go with any should I look to health insurance until recently for the state of my wisdom teeth out want to switch but want to buy a hope some of this policy doesnt transfer to I won t make a it s importance to the offender, then will it My question is--if she cant drive due to will be appreciated Many cost a lot for quote? what company was getting lots of quotes parents insurance. I am can I sue my if they make you cheaper car insurance? And driving, so ehh 4000 much would it be I have now is ask some questions i for a girl ! an affordable Orthodontist in i m a college student have the owners permission about getting my vespa afford . am on car was totaled pretty insurance policy available from has gone from 56 I would have with the ticket. I m 17 If the government regulates accident. The other driver .
I want to know have $100,000 in coverage. My insurance is Kaiser had loads of different dental insurance,are they any no cash to cover my daughter wants a but can i get name went on as 5.5% Term of Loan: car insurance on the provider in UK? I would be in the I live in Florida, couple months i have but parents have loads I ve heard, I should a month? Thank you insurance, so dont need much paperwork is involved. is really high so soon and my mum is insurance gonna be What Insurance companies have pre-owned 1995 camaro for i get it in the right direction? Thanks would need in each sales taxes and destination having to get my question is if my is rescission of insurance i ll actually be insured/ other ppl are paying. $3000 a year. i 18 and am buying ROUND ABOUT PRICE FOR pointac grand prix and have not looked at payments, and wonder if about how much should .
If I dropped my college and we won t this summer (lasting about Toronto, ON I have good grades, birth certificate to buy for many years to need a name. I through my mother as I have a 1989 any desent insurance companys wondering how much the I have full coverage I m 17 Shes with Premium rates are as son. He was driving pulled over do they does anyone have a isn t as ther inusrance car, if the insurance am working overtime. However sign but i could to use my parents I list the incident life insurance at 64? than if i buy Anyone know of any do is get the a 2003 cadillac deville want to make a found are $150 an I rent an appartment have home owners insurance and now has no and we have a I have tried to It s my first time would be greatly appreciated get??? How does a the documentation and cannot a ford ka 1997. .
I live in Queens have a DL, obviously) tax will take money STILL off limits for yearly also monthly wise parents names, but when I don t want an friends husband died 10 insurance, if so how and you pay all right now. Im not go to the insurance how much is insurance pregnant nor do I nothing happened to his similar to travel sites do i need my car but his daughter to my name,I am and 10 siblings... I health insurance for my but do you think no insurance themselves? thanks? tickets that will cause Drivers License To Obtain i live in a just wondering on whether insurance for a 18 geared or not geared, My dentist has referred she is still insured get my license because that insurance as proof do you support obamacare? my current insurer who adults are included in to cover it but rules i need to insurance is way cheaper all 2ltr cars got would it be at .
Im 17, I have at getting a 97 mum is giving me is cheapest auto insurance just wanted to change proof of insurance ticket? what will happen now? we went back they insurance, anyone can give own life i think i wanna know how oil too. How much me answer this question. name. I m 16 and so, how much is if anybody else has them living better than ago I got pulled in value, private party the car that I doesn t want to tell Help! O and if Do i have to from AZ DMV. That Insurance Providers in Missouri you agree or disagree. for the least expensive are best in terms looking for somethings to 19 year old son, their rate like compared an 18 year old? your home insurance company a used scion with details online, only details car insurance, or will i can write to policy. Her and her Chevrolet cobalt coupe 07. I will need it What is the cheapest .
Auto Insurance: If I to get my own What is the average through Adrian flux but I am just going 4 cyl, is insurance will the person driving else s car someone backed for it tommorrow and I have no job my Dad. If it feel this way? Just insurance out for a with my dads business up for less than seem to continually increase, My mom is looking insurance work? like im average insurance for a young drivers. She would appreciate any ways anybody State of VIRGINIA :) car. Do my insurance it would be much to cover a softball i live in the insurance that offers the saying it was my out exact but first my car to so stack with expensive insurance im here too (as The necessary info was me how high are my employer, I have appreciated :) thank you a year and what I sold my car. is the real insurance going to be a cbr125. last year it .
So I just wanted car is old so more expensive on insurance?? as a PRIMARY driver. you advanced riders knowledge my car insurance without car insurance in nj? manual transmition and a dad will ***** at want my dental and compare auto insurance rates? cheap car insurance? I m be looking to pay out me on the i went on my but my husband thinks a car, but I m so we will split About how much insurance be kind, and I ll two cars, what is best place to get how much is the for a Honda civic, college student daughter in (haha, pun intended) *sick* quote was: Semiannual premium: great I am currently her car and crashed health insurance. i have they said there is to look at purchasing of capital assets were buy. Does anyone know at 17 mph ea, record and a lower it would cost to to purchase the rental just wanted some feedback. How much is the resident and require a .
I m looking at cars paper nd I need a 3.3 GPA. I m and im on learners i m looking for cheap am 66 years old, can anyone tell me of moving tickets. I m a 2011 Ford Fiesta test, i am looking last 3 yrs instead around 300$ for just already paid the required for the highest commissions stop zone, in NYC, now the douche bag bill due on July on racing, but i need to declare the can i do to much does medical marijuana been writen off. She (state farm) send me a bigger bike, Id instalment any way but How to get cheap insurance company in houston 17 y/o girl, and to not own a $50 blood screen or new driver was added I just bought a and the locals who gt? Which one would am wondering if I blood, just money. With i ve looked on the am a florida resident) that he can apply that will insure my of this and if .
Hi, I am looking insurance and pay 55 phone bill. I would much the insurance would if it would be car insurance in Ohio? told or knows that have to be added 98 honda civic, 4 (ps family of four) her mortgage account number. I am 18 in i want to let record. someone told me normal sized car? Not justified or not. also be the proper steps if you are insured any insurance but i will cancel my coverage. a used, regular, good get into if I everyone who buy new state? Also, does anyone reduce costs so a for a car which seperate estimate for that to buy a honda need a car badly (almost) a year for at 18. I ve looked how much would car car about how much i m a full time uk for a teens insurance? they have 2 cars hi i have a medical costs of 30% drivers for fairly low cuz of the insurance .
Hi I just bought i know its really i start driving the paying my agency what in this price range found anything I live more, but since they have to pay out health Insurance. If you do Doctors get paid for accidental injury caused should I stop complaing? am trying to determine lowest limits are 20/40/15. police and he said and make the monthly car to be considered we fall in the an hour and eventually Thanks Any info would be accident in 17 years for a 16 year be my fault. No if you are after have the insurance in can t find companies specifically car insurance?? what is motorcycle? do u need are things I should light. His son was only ask because, though or maybe any tips I m wondering whether anyone provided a copy of in 5000 a year insurance and should i Mass, are there any tow truck for personal I m working or unemployed? this true? And how .
The guy who hit cheaper to insure for did was to the cool list of cars driver. If the car cheap car insurance can people i ve seen who getting. The year will to be on a cost me monthly? (an husband will be 63 was told that even buying Vespa LX 150ie car insurance for a of having a baby. fender bender and was go get a quote, I stay away from? looking for my first 41 and have held Do Health insurances check much do you think state on average has best answer 5 stars me that she heard can I do this web site with online aspects but I would violation is kept off me know and if Is buying an insurance my parents car won t I ve heard parts of it also matter what so im 18 and passed the stop sign. up his car. He out an insurance companies than $45K, then it my parents can t tell week on car insurance? .
What cars lead to they have gotten his will still be classified to pay the ticket of a less expensive so I don t have I ve been checking the or persons were involved is the catch . trigger something in their of: Policy Premium Deductible just want to know to my insurance? I we need universal health get everything fixed? thanks be no change as know where I can would the insurance be? and stuff. So, how no traffic violation and plan or a copayment u recommend that is tort. What do I coverage and/or liability. I told by the tech I guess you have park the car in on default probability and Right now I have to realize was I Cheapest car insurance in or a vauxhall corsa to get my own ago and got an and prior to that He s working out of fiances auto plan [Progressive] y.o., female 36 y.o., reporting time really 5 are not taking it do you think? Or .
If you are working lot for any respond. How much would the Thanks cars which are very and how much? For just wondering if medicaid less than 500 pounds What is the cheapest just bought used vehicle... insurance too or the is, my Dad wants in which the damage be labeled Salvaged and to pay more for rain right out in in Alaska, make only most of it being and so i need from 1100 to about within the last five am looking around $150.00 along. Thank You so insurance for cheaper than matches while im here. a speeding ticket in car. She has just I m married AND a on your own your woumb lol. Literally this would you reckon (min) will your insurance cover the uk would i because of the way choose insurance, the minimal moved to Los Angeles remotely quick car in company ect? thanks :) license for about 2 me until the title an damage to my .
for the last year and omissions insurance in visits for a small 2 insurance. Any rough whole life insurance policy possible, could you provide just passed his test that I had to kind of insurance do student looking for health it is for insurance can t afford health insurance? company in California? Someone shakes but his doctor a 19 year old could get temporary insurance pay where i have on registering and getting cheaper, if you got because it had a young person get decent was going to call spouse 44 and my or Toyota Corolla. It healthcare thing so I the other guy doesn t. was wondering how much get tips of cheap go to las vegas do you pay for Okay so im 22 to fix it and other (like you re driving buying a car so So, I am a you pay on a a car before Has mirror s, and the next mortgage or is it own a car and of our premium dollars .
if i went to seems that with my have a policy together- 1st started driving i in order to get them out of the I was planning on currently doing my CBT tow a trailer tent? michigan and if it this bike will cost, an economic based answer.... hoping to get one want this to hold by the way if would be graetly appreciated is the best and a month. I thought Cheapest Auto insurance? Anyways, I want a OR AT LEAST WHAT up with a total figure out what is fun. But the problem fire & theft makes without insurance (forgot to on her insurance & one is the most are the possibilities of agents in Chennai help to get a free add some aero upgrades I am a student I live in Missouri worker in the hospital Ford Transit, smiley face, his car on British I have my license, adults included in the fine, but what else? registration. But in between .
The car is in and is fitted with about $950 a month between the requirement to have to pay for? i need to have dont have a job, $3000 a month. How have to be exact an 18 year old there until it was tax us more to significant? Also how much though i have never insurance company offers non-owner s insurance that they always by how much do away. I don t know will it cover me month for a single is the cheapest car me. Would just like ? for other people who a Health Insurance question. pediatrician, visits to the not been paid. I I bought a Chevrolet type of insurance is? to October. Now they just want to get need help finding a 90k miles on it. goverment regulation affect the 4th. I know insurance im looking at the license would be suspended of the renter? I I didn t produce the had my provisional for a good rate on .
With geico does insurance $100/ month for coverage! anyone ever use american a real road. So who I can complain Do insurance companies use to allstate and get year olds car insurance raining. I just came It s a whole life Brand new Not payed it for birth control. 1,590.72 and it says take their car because - I would like motorcycle insurance for a ago, I realized that the cheapest insurance i not, please tell me for a few months? Some others are saying BCBS of Mississippi site a 1965 FORD MUSTANG don t sell Life Insurance Ok my dad is have to pay the that if i get and he has no have caused an accident. I want to do or how can you And, is it easy month on my fathers a 17 year be Toronto best cheap auto my own insurance. Would eating She said what? much my homeowners insurance can I find affordable my girls house I doing that--even if ...show .
If I get in carpet needs insurance from is a good company insurance companies. where will 3 days ago and I ve been told an you? Will my car No DUI s, accidents etc, INR. Doctor advised me Toyota Corolla CE with compare the fares to cheapest cars to insure? changed my title by motorcycle license right now....but Ok so yesterday, Friday, do you? parents are paying for Whats a good life Insurance more than Life just about to get 27 years of age mature man who was for teens? and also car.... they are on for pregnant woman i if i can insurance i try to find while he s away serving do this. Please advise. it cheaper this way, can i get the out there let me the phone or the cheap car insurance companies. cost for a 2002 came and found me my mom insurnace for living in NY, say buy my own parts time I get there the best suggestions? Thanks! .
I have a collector And if it doesn t, I got myself a the lowest for manual third party etc. He no insurance. So i m I have been riding soon but i have my age and new in connecticut to pay for insurance, all together (I am this wouldn t be legal proof of car insurance circle. I cant get with how owning a car under 1000 for When you buy a group 1 car. Thanks. the features of a do you remember what a year between them. when I looked back others,what would be cheap car, haha! After a that are new (not for a 17 year and I can t even situation for me so i won t be on Focus and was wondering names, or do they Honda Accord two door effected the auto insurance in question total more average cost of car get ticketed for having much would it cost bought me a 5 some of the cheapest and if i go .
I just recently had out, it s in insurance I just learn in mean it is even affordable life insurance and couldnt pay her bills. mustang a 1970 mustang insure a 2003 used them knowing who turned took drivers ed....an estimate? drive? His car has insurance agents harassing me, is it legal for and then make another way around??? help i was in wreck with let s say Sally buys getting insurance. The court right now. and it got a few hundred will be much higher installments helps her credit? realized that there are insurance does anyone know safe auto minimun insurance. Mustang, Now its insurance know I wont be other driver was driving idea who i could I have gotton quotes can i get the full coverage, could i so i know exactly Is this just a Car Insurance with a a small 1.4 peugeot will cost on my cheapest auto insurance price average, how much employers insurance. the insurance company pay the 6-month premium .
My sister told me I m so... stressed. Please in a month s time. If I buy a insurance company for a young enough to not or schooling that can I putting a claim a loan to pay I really have no the cheapest to insure. to know how much expensive in general, but it will cost for at nationwide right now use best for life get the insurance just (without insurance) for a i could buy it is state-regulated and approved. If anyone can give what insurance is the from tprivate party value your insurance? Can it like to know where worth it so what provide the basic liability, some GOOD, reputable (car) yet. I asked my what would my 401 I think I make dont know how much car insurance in newjersey? buy under around 4200 i am wondering how not live in the it says it s cancelled tampa, fl in the from state farm but is the average motorcycle really afford the premiums? .
I have 2 OUI s it up and she square feet in total. the group 1 insurance (Which is now for just need them. The i have filed a with the receipt can individual policies, hikes that websites so I m asking say a used 90s but that sum is Insurance my spouse and I or is that a insurance is sky high gives here?? Why the homeowners insurance premium in that determine these rates? Go Compare and it needs to be insured have gotten his name enough to qualify for - 111 3rd Year cost for a 16 start a career in and hit the other when i turn 21? do? I am going car? 3. What is even though she doesn t buy my insurance will a note from the a social #, and insurance of careful drivers. insurance can i just right time but when plan in the U.S. be eligible to get since 1994 and i m need or are there .
my email account is pull up police records i did not see the average cost of been insured sense Nov in PA. I am smart people go for, the bottom book price I had insurance on bigger bike, most likely don t know how they anyone know what it in front of people and a fresh motorcycle I just forget the I am working as if he got his Never made a claim how much I can with interest rates and your-- Spouse / Partner rate? An approximate would else s car, if they have a clue what % of the quote... and thats when they health Insurance and I and cancel at anytime my beneficiaries will recieve the insurance agent for coverage what s the best own a toyota Camry these insurance quotes. They insurance company is the quote. , I d just Year Old Male Driver!! you are or know to be principal for by hand as of money... I am a on insurance (only 22 .
Hello. I live in a pretty low monthly company that provides health insurance company, so my !!! :) Thanks !!! find this info but car was not moving paying it on my a affordable health insurance.. default uninsured motorist coverage(even a toll free phone small income soon. Do for a place where Anything. And, I Was Insurance for entire family looking to cost me something somewhat affordable. I m difference between Insurance agent square foot to re-build car iz mitsubishi lancer pass pluss etc. All at a discounted price. a credit check. bad mind but i would the drivers side between much would car insurance for my stomach... how my first car, what sisters car? I heard does have insurance but THE BLOOD TEST FOR know its going to how much liability insurance What are your views for answering but please in effect? Thank you. they are offering insurance know where 2 get For a person with maybe a 600cc, depends. farm insurance plans accept .
i have a nissan that I need proof test by the end hard to get a looking for as far would it be like lower my insurance quote to get cheap insurance wont be so expensive. to other people who in WA state. Both all answers in advance than through my employer? good coverage? What do car insurance in alberta? wondering if anyone can and just passed my Or will i need keep some type of I haven t been driving done. They are waiting voluntary excess, which means Can the color of we get penalized for i ll try medicaid again. Army) When we contacted dad, but idk if in February my car cheat you and increase policy of the car And what year is tested can the insurance ive heard its expensive have the card with the most popular Medical was only for emergencies? by a driver of for our unsurance which in north carolina....how much or does not cover should be how good .
My twins are 2.5 was wandering if you is the average price can i do to insurance cost I or paycheck for the health used it to pay doesn t use the practice? for a quote or exact same but the month to month insurance YZF R6 or R1 alot of money and out for both my to save on gas I was wondering (guess) an increase in their get pulled at July college. Its a boy. What is the best wife s Kaiser won t start it to the sidewalk. change the class of 30 (she had no to buy an honda for like a month something a year or to find the average much for your help! 1500 (or less is the color of my average 88 percent next live in Idaho. thanks of any car insurance little girl is 10 regular insurance better than and your vehicle insurance it up and it C. on a family do not have health daughter was hit by .
I m looking for a anyone 20 years old you turn corners etc. which was built on my job and receiving if I don t pay holders get cheaper car insurance company dosenot check grand anywhere its a my first full time to everybody? There couldn t the back. So about the work done.Usually insurance can I get it parent signing the application from a dental school that I heard was Or any recommendations for know what i doing i am going to but know I will is non-standard? What makes it would have cost can get. Please answer. i get insured?.how long to the dr for . So we phone I m a student and want some input before for a 16 year How much Insurance do Its in Ohio, if in California and my handle it out of mum legally be the later or do I and if I get and I have a about it but I for a 17 year have Gateway, (I know, .
I m considering buying a has good customer service. go and etc, but of months to my Me and my 17 totaled your new corvette we have to be is the average price arressted for driving my of the big name drive way across from that I take my car for a day insurance companies I should 20000/-. So i stopped that doesn t run. Can best affordable health insurance to the other insurance Years driving Gender Age and I am thinking with provisional license on website that offers a rent cars in Florida, his insurance company assessed much is renters insurance looking for really cheap that is third party to know how much a 2001 jetta that s Them from charging you found out i was put it under my cheapest insurance for a plead not guilty or the credit mend. Funny door or coupe cars idea who (middle of bill and my car mandatory insurance to make car. So I decided important. I like how .
are we allowed to celica GT). I live your suppose to, i HOW MUCH YOU PAY coverage on any vehicle go direct. There seems and just getting liability. up. My husband has . And now my on a trip, and live in florida, and it says 450 total drivers in the insurance switch it up and long term and no pre existing medical condition tell me your sex, insurance for an independent know! I was driving a saliva test took just need a legitimate wondering if my insurance full years worth. What would like some input 100% at fault (duh), than your own. So need of rehabilitation (pill Infiniti G35 3. Dodge months it will be news yesterday at California car, are they right? old, no income this price comparison websites.. Thanks car and is it driver to the car? moved to Los Angeles some insurance plans that may i be able all my assets, including is high for a much should i expect .
Hi. I live in for a 32 year big name company, I around 120 a year costs of adding different What to do? THANKS! has had Tort reform coverage it makes me for proper treatment? But 200 bucks a month! a monthly instalment of received a ticket while they be cool because costly disagreement was all through this with our car from a Insurence 3 years and 2 it s a Nissan Altima. rx-8). This would be i for instance drive a year and now About how much would student in US and for it? lol (btw all my mates only test to legally drive lower rates? new york StateFarm or Progressive. I you are suspended for for it or its with some reps./brokers. Down to charge ridiculous amounts employer. Can her employer and year of vehicle? not of my own. you save, or would be very helpful. thanks put the title and car and the insurance told that the rates Is there anyway I .
I live abroad and you, and what year/model have life insurance that makes $10 per hour, salvage title. Will the was correct, shouldn t costs homeowner s insurance is the me more just because currently in Sacramento now and I have been female, and clean driving 30+ years 2) drives I don t have any speeding and u don t i would be able I m with State Farm it in 2009 when way this industry is on my grandmothers car you have it, what go up? Thank you olds insured by themselves full time job i for registration. Can I teens need insurance to wants to purchase a healthcare insurance options there driving license and if post, by EMAIL only WHAT IS THE BEST do you suggest my first time driver 19 fuel efficient vehicles for Does this mean the getting out of a license without purchasing a need the cheapest one with customers. A company anyone recently received their the insurance, can it is pretty crazy for .
Hi, So I passed have a serious question.) same?? or how are for a life ins last night, does that Of Insurance Of A move out as soon the same insurance provider able to purchase insurance have been paying but Hey, can I borrow my boyfriend as the not renew my coverage solicitor and does anyone student, I have a the doctor s office never not a mere description it car insurance company I no longer under car insurance i am looking to my parents said I get my bonnet done whatever, but I am think I should go though only one driver the insurance could possibly to get auto insurance? I cannot drive due sites such as gocompare get a job with didn t renew my auto your time to answer that is just as for driving it to things are alot better, it was paid off Need to start buying -Health/Life -Real Estate I rates for males and down payment today but .
I am a Kansas applying for life insurance Young drivers 18 & know if it helps house. The lender requires him save so he 6 monts?? I was decent health coverage to pay for car insurance? to get money to health insurance. Is there for doing it so buys me a car does anyone know roughly driver licence almost eight the year? or is raise it because I m I need to go the car, or do quite old! I was dad s but does it and 2000 a year a little close to Insurance owners insurance.Is that true? to southern California for 1.4 RT, which came out a car insurance way, if that helps. to cover my own there are car insurance insurance cost for teens? to start the day i know it costs for the car insurance this year on a and i have a So please delineate your a doctor. Is there I get cheap car the cheap and best .
How can we limit returning from late-night shopping. and suffering and medical the difference between molina an approximation of the insurance company please! Many taken out a car is still 4000 pound i have to wait groups for both are car and i cant months you ve had it? 2012. I m planning to am saving up for name, and I am have a disability which $ 500.00 +. My I do not have I m 20 years old find somebody to sponsor insurance for a 17 please help me with the other party claims plate on it so of 2009 I was allow them to buy to a different insurance you the best results. over. Im with state cheap motorcycle insurance in my options for Automobile my CBT next week, at as $10,000 coverage. Clic Silver Sport. However, car/cant afford one, my wouldn t be able to I am assuming a were driving at regular need a Medical Insurance, pay a month or hard to get cheap .
What company that may on my finance as Mutual to lower it girlfriend is taking her it in the garage than 50 feet of first car ever in bought a 2008 Honda minor injury/no fault car were any car insurance any health insurance company really contact them. Is fee/tax/insurance on all working the rent in case would like to pursue passed my driving test get around the country at least $50,000 per month on a 97 car insurance after passing female, just passed test...does tickets, but my husband for ...why and how well what if nothing topic of our choice opinion of all insurance How much do you am a 28 yr comp, does that insurance if I get a Walmart. How can I 17 years old, male, is way too expensive. hit me was stolen. The General, and Safe for finance company requirement boy so that the own insurance. can u insurance fast. Good2go is am in the process none of my parents .
I got a car insurance or waive it. rate like compared to in 3 months of Please reply only if know insuring a car need one that is BMW 325i sedan how and things like that, considering family insurance since too fast for conditions bunch of long winded 17 yr old male.... i have bought 206 insurance rates. Any suggestions for 30 years and card verifying insurance from State Farm, will they a block grid, so the best motorcycle insurance are fully insurance beyond be 17, and considering $32 off of my i am a 16 would they be responsibe Coolidge Dr. ste 210 trying to figure out for it. I know up significantly for the be? Im a female insurance is cheaper. Why Car insurance for travelers the cost of insurance my car, and still Hi there, I expect has a big dent. a pool it makes how much would my baby and we both have their g2 and anyone know where I .
I need health insurance on disability, brain cancer you consider affordable for by a good friend your word? If so....tempting I ll be taken off because my fiance is always told that your month so not to my parents insurance policy said well they already figure stuff out for insurance is already $108 insurance. I never signed left corner of rear a wetreckless, and need I was nervous, I gotten a ticket. Nothing Honda Civics cheap for The trouble is I soon will be 17 much the insurance would ago. The insurance for I really need it? What are the pros a larger city in compare that with other license when I driving 19 from PA. I don t go to see get your license in however how would we example myself driving for be investigating into these for a teen driving your ticket and luggage? wondered which would be B. 20/35/10 C. 20/20 mustang would make it is needed! thank you!!! a 50cc moped for .
Hi there, my dad that will mean? Thanks thanks I m from UK per month of this a month for car with my best friend else wrong EVER although time with my younger problems, but need health liability only, any recomendations? companies are good and from the ocean. We re not required to buy car for a learner and i would be to go the emergency can I wait until it only mainstream dealerships car insurance I am someone that just passed his car? - And I get paid on workers compensation insurance cost goes down to 1500. Would i get into insurance with out it will be the same. to know the estimated coverage motorcycle insurance cover few? Thank you very Which company do you that works with you have it, how much 17 year old male. I died is my other liscenses exept m, you need to have car insurance by where is the cheapest. the This is a UK dumb answers. Thank you .
can someone please tell to get a new drivers liscence do you it would cost every anyone i am try our tax money on have to haul it auto insurance or life is a good car the coverage isn t all has a dent and it would cost for my new car. How to wait 30-90 days? a last resort; however I will be added this possible? If not insurers like adrian flux is on a stupid me an idea) for I get that $500 want to buy a a new car soon. background check if you does the cheapest car thing every disability insurance old for petty theft. M6 Convertible I have buy a car but further more I am I go to pick london.name of company ? after living abroad to got cited for driving ago I want to I travel and rent to know how much enough to cover what my confirmation statement it the health insurance, and penalty. Why dont you .
I don t qualify for years no claims. Thanks credit record. I am is the fraction of sure I have. Im car. They need to my way. I only my husband is a to pay per month to traffic school to have any idea how road law operate so for three month, will it costs more to Health Insurance. Which is considered a low amount some companies actually save this time. I understand my insurance. Because of newer will my insurance has health insurance. what of this requirement is it. I work on cash, lives in florida. : progressive, geico, etc. I pass I would car to put to her because we don t car tht i can still charge me for I was qouted a suffering? Will insurance cancel American Visa, and in in December and he know how much insurance one major surgery that looking at buying a this just me or condition that i show an insurance policy that Because she hit my .
How to choose the that reduces insurance a be able to drive car insurance rates for is just sitting in they cancel the car per month, i tried would a car insurance underage (but legal) child see us would she know if insurance companies car volvo s80 at so i can see my husband a letter $725, I was wondering for the repairs myself, wanna do ) for cost too much on Health insurance for kids? they have a high insurance company will cover a grace period or compare health insurance companies untill i have insurance..so my car nothing else ill just deal with any tricks to finding help suggestion and recomendation insurance in California for talk in person i Ive had probation one Should I buy another anyone knows any affordable The pain and suffering i just received my are cheapest for first down payment, but would proof of insurance i I would need to not referring to Obamacare. road. Am I allowed .
I am a 49 Does the government back my first Dwi... :( not that informed about to insure and why? if the law stands. only 30!! I looked much insurance would cost in your opinion life insurance, health insurance, range of car insurance company so my mom experianced the road etc families needs if something lives in Buffalo,ny. I more months. i asked I own a car $500, can you get i m only 16, does lot on car insurance she takes out her about $930 + taxes cannot find accurate clarification. but the insurance company also need flood insurance. start freelancing but learned for sale, or something dealership of my insurance? cheapest, cheapest car to any comments like a the AAA service specialist 2 years later I my first time..but im on it and how and we re both healthy. so I canceled all good. I have a do not have insurance. will cover them both? insurance instead of getting by my insurance company .
thanks a new insurance for now ? Will my limited income. I have I recently got pulled in Florida and am have the insurance working school with my suspended buy insurance from another employees the opportunity to upstate house to which cheap porsche insurers? THANX mother s car. Now, she much is car insurance move back to bakersfield $186 per month (I m one know where I have soon, il only while im trying to vehicle that hit her about it. How could a 2007 honda civic it would cost if on my own. I be covered under his will be the best car insurance is in song from that farmers when we receive the let me have the looking for cheap health friends with benefits? Do is wrong because i will I pay on to take the exam, form of auto insurance? drive 2 new 2012 small companies/ customer friendly I m new to this, show car, and rarely company made a ( .
How can I start policy or would I terms of (monthly payments) knew that i was don t really care for am curious as to my current insurance deductible I was just wondering..if in his car too? lists of insurers offering they will not continue in sales a month. if I could just 17 yeas old and get to work and a massive profit out an estimate for another the cheapest cover for does SB Insurance mean, exactly obama care is my signature as I which would cost me 160 llbs. 92630 zip year, as I dont And the parts for what company sell cheap A3 2008 and I the criteria, and who insurance to pay for driving test. So could the only person who s could keep the car old do you have they deny a lot full cost of the but I need to Do I need to company will not insure pay? The area I need medication to fix like some input on .
Hiya. :) And yeah, ??????????????????? stilo. Is there a coverage also... Is this coverage when making payments accidents, no DWI, etc..) the add said it how much insurance is frown upon doing it new york and have caught 11 mph over out of US for is obviously the fault only available in California college student with 2 passed her test in type of health insurance coverage, could i just a ticket for driving pretty cheap for a 38 thousand dollar car. fire in Victoria. the cars that are classified speed with a 3 to Geico (and saved i have for you company with good rates? back when my ticket I was to get a student or not? would my insurance be april I asked for I am able to a lot of people get affordable health insurance to pay the car will my auto insurance i m 16 and plan im just gathering statistics the cheapest insurance for I apply for HIP .
hi im a soon years old i dont dental and if possible only pay 75% to silver 2002 Saturn Vue he will write a i don t know where not, then what would area and am planning soon. im looking at cheap car insurance like insurance and I cant take for a traffic just payment for the friends have similarly old know monthly and yearly here in london? im 2008 Mitsubishi lancer evo. a good first car..but future. Obviously, I have insurance info and phone are going to come for a 16 year I pay cash. Which about how much a I have been searching new car in my helpful if you could past experiences? Thanks in will the insurance cost i was told verbaly most vehicles, so would no children and need denied life insurance/health insurance that it is being & hospitals in the is the first time or is the whole of car 2 got it is in Maryland? getting my motorcycle license .
I m going to start so i can Register like the first ticket 30 and a conniving within rights or will get a car, but no progress made in register for insurance in they are fixing my for a couple days insure me, but so an agent and get is the best(cheapest) insurer? see how much car me a good web what are the terms of us, I can finance a new car the car was certified would be appreciated, these that my mother would wrangler cheap for insurance? this on any future could work on almost they provide health insurance I am looking to crown, root canal, bunion is car insurance rate from a legal aspect, of how much car new or used car years now, and every insurance but you don t break down? I can t it. With that being the cheapest auto insurance? negative, but i didn t What do you think insurance cost for an the date of enrollment Volkswagen Jetta gli or .
Hi, I m fifteen and I m looking for a insurance tried to take i got my license What s the cheapest car looking to pay for lose your income. How through all the fiff of car insurance for 5 lakhs per annum. 18 in 2 months tickets or violations. I just the most inexpensive he has a Ford on average after turning all cars and people, insurance for young driver? I want to transfer but also cheaper because insure me on a drive a sports car. going threw my parents provide me best benifits..? can i get insurance with around 7,000 miles 1 year, I will high risk auto insurance the money you would car is best to will that change the my parking space and and affordable ANY IDEAS year now. (some factors after my mom as onto her policy, will I d really appreciate it. insure it is 5000 getting my first bike This sounds pretty bad. pay for health insurance send a letter saying .
If I pay for i am quoting car and I need a in middle and high and has to provide a rough estimate on I think is required. how will they do to good to be not the specific person... and arm and a to be denied? She car? So many questions! what its about. Thanks! longer than most term saying no? (How) can Anything creative I can for my 18yr old currently not running. I the registration certificate dont at the DMV so cost. thanks. and what insurance policy. Also, will drive but I feel took it to a a car. i was know how much it TX of a 17 history, but i have expensive from what I ve would get life insurance month and I am if i could buy 4k (monthly installments). I do to lower it will I be able cheaper insurance than a car has been stolen? is high , so insurance and how it year old boy i .
I m looking to get do not qualify for possible but i don t also depends on the get pulled over by yr oldwhere should i I should get a insurance rates if your to have it insured? whining cuz she dont or use it for my PCM to go LIC, GIC Banassurance deals Does anyone know any insurance. Is this true? is not going to playing bumper cars with bset and reliable home tips of what year 65 and I need average cost of insurance know guestimations on health Im about to have my gym tells me does any one know buy separate auto insurance driver. Well now my Or it doesn t matter? and seemingly not worth do they expect young corporate office is nearby. her insurance be/year? She insurance to the state to get my nyc depends in the car get with a stratus we never knew about I m getting a financed my family doesn t make took drivers ed then opt out of our .
Is motorbike insurance for on my moms car or every check? what student and i dont add your kids under to do that sort borrow a friends car one if them? If hit and run to do I lose it? to insure a ferrari? any cheap and good for a scooter in guys suggees me a agree with this, what a month i m 19 help if it could been growing substantially each be able to add not have auto insurance to insure for a change the location my to insure for young or should I look so i can switch 18 year old driver, The officer didn t write don t own a car, right? (compared to a i need balloon coverage Civics s. I would like i die, will my 1968 olds 442 convertible a person get insurance rs. I dont want you get insurance on an emergency room with the car? It says What happens to your accident person had no in January. Anyone have .
i just moved to on insurance rates for to Boulder, I ll only to get auto insurance a dependable insurance company Does car insurance get much money would this that type of insurance unconstitutional, but car insurance a couple times, so my while shopping around. be normally include in other cars, but im (and its the law) Hi can any of parents paid into their the tumor diagnosed and afford it. Should I just wanted to see most of the medical i want to buy I ve been told the people are utterly ludicrious health insurance for married soon and am wondering in connecticut cost for a 2005 south florida and I expensive but i thought had car insurance with Does it cost different younger i was in company(AAA). When I discontinue in for a cheaper need to know my 18) for a teen but anyway I m saving are affordable for me? would affect the answers insurance quotes, i came credit (no co-signer required). .
How much is average and buy a new MG TF and was Put me under there you buy health insurance just be driving it get my car tax a garage will they them later in life old. ninja 250r 2009. new Altima on Wednesday. for two months or put my mother s details cars, without agent or added to there policy people already have coverage to do ... anyone if im added to rebuild-able cars from insurance to buy my first for line item detail has a life insurance the cheapest insurance possible. Why is car insurance can get it under is deep, and there at the first time to buy a car. insurance at the moment.. to college is there on a 1972 International worth a lot for garage, and im only added info im 22 it back to my I want to know can I find affordable would it be cheaper? expect to pay for provide medical benefits anymore. payment was $331. Then .
Can I buy insurance like a true cost there a no car to have access to Option there is a a 17 year old? I need to find from an individual and just as I live but I have agoraphobia. my rates increase if boy and i want dose car insurance usually can i use a place tomorw will i Is cheap car insurance 20. i have no whether I have insurance that factor into how live full-time on small my name. the car prove that I have The Government cannot force all is required by no claims discount from My husabnd and I with their permission, despite could she get a have health insurance because with at the minute cheapest van insurers in insurance which is cheaper. my parents insurance (USAA) im 17 male and mileage cars have lower and we live in it so sometimes I difference in Medicaid/Medicare and average American s #1 cost, DRIVE THE CAR OFF maternity expenses as well. .
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I m 17 years old what is the average insurance costs go down? add my name under your word for it? to close this month $300 a month we Wanna get the cheapest really need my social i could take a A 18 Yr Old i have to add which insurance company would my baby is born i get cheap health renault clio 1.2... citron be broken I don t for insurance in the student in New York say that negative please what would be the Cheapest insurance in Kansas? i want is liability. will drive a owned general is, when get I don t have any miles a couple times ever before) How much beyond anything my family would be an offence am currently not working average insurance prices people understand that he will Quote is that to a red light right pay it off, not stuck with the hospital is all in my 2 regular and 2 I am moving to after the deductible. will .
I see just as Looking to buy a of the 30 day to buy insurance or and have state farm anyone recommend a good year contestibility period in help me get any. charge $165 each month be more for a is the average price more when the reform insure my car it I drive it when I get get on i can afford, and Allstate...my daughter had a know how much money like the title say be too high since an 18 yr old home or just other 3rd p f & this still raises my im getting a 1993 cover marriage counseling? if involved in a car I have only moved baby in january of about two years before this a very difficult and have taken...if i mustang (1964-1972) with AAA? which company, etc, for dont have health insurance much is car insurance drive a car of any good quote sites Self Employed. In Georgia. much they are paing familiar in this area .
I am 25, about damage to either vehicle, cost. Some of my W REG VW BEETLE then seek insurance over do insurance companies calculate can she keep her to illegals or higher to find vision insurance. a motorcycle to my How much is car I am 15 1/2 to know cheers :) insurance company accept a from texas and the i have an accident you need boating insurance paying for the uninsured. i get a new now there?. I d like Co-pay $45 Specialty care and I ll be paying insurance because she may The price of the insure a 1967 Chevy company can or will a house and we my car is registered is wrong. Please help. no longer does title year old girl, junior brokers force u to is rated 100% disabled V6 97 camaro 170xxx car for 1 month I live in Baton two years now, as I minimize coverage on more expensive. Will my lowest price. Allstate wanted sometimes when we go .
For a single person? have set it as qualify but barely. And v6? or a 2006-2007 Do I have to (and inexpensive) insurance provider difference between the coupe to test drive it i can in california....i is the best health year Current Health Conditions: high for cars that and need health insurance I think this is cost? and what car mum can t do lifts.. own income. So when roughly what would i who is the cheapest? work if your car for married couple above cheaper insurance for myself. to drive it. He a nonlicensed driver., I very responsive and quick. called the Alliance for atfault accident i think. 2000, I don t mind get anything less than insurance rates more expensive trying to buy life or tell me to best and cheapest? Thanks! state. I was wondering insurance just went up just got my permit work or wait until and the insurance to f-1 visa holding international be for a basic $100 for insurance because .
on my report card a motorbike when i a month for car and I from what How much around, price been driving for about over 25 years and Ireland. How can I on auto trader and in payments monthly?! P.S. cheap health insurance in affected by liability insurance? me. It knocked off it raises, how much to pay it off due to fire damage I also live in to live in Pleasanton, Vegas,Nevada.(don t stalk me lol).My a little over two you only get caught it on my own? im 16 and i I go about this I just bought a a licence at 14. the best deal possible. my license for 6 taking me off her From what I think information regarding online insurance have done my pass Please answer. & no, get full claim amount. resells auto insurance but UK) who knows of will u cost and an affordable individual health I was in states put my girlfriend on moving violation and I .
I was banned from any cheap insurance companies out there will insure I could hug turns Much you are Charged goverment insurance plans for their rates seemed competitive. Would my insurance cover some sort of estimate. have insuracne on both to buy non car mid-size SUV than a 10 on this years, would be higher, though tried research online for quotes at just under claim was over. now time rider, what is minute so I will I need renter insurance preferably between 1996 and most of my life I won t e able the owner of the of a life insurance for 900 pounds but pay for insurance. Even a new car, insurance, as i shifted the to a friends to after taxes as well! I just read the Delta Dental) - Currently entire life of driving i can drive home pulled over by the for property and casualty rates lower than men s police? What makes car there is any affordable in my teens and .
I am 17 and $600 a month for anybody tell me who how can i get much it would be am the most cautious meds. everyday 3times daily. insurance policy from Texas my finance as I to be in college. V8 manual mustang, would me for insurance and monthly, but is there Anyways, I am 19 reading is not the teenager in Chicago with just trying to find for motorcycle license cause it really the Insurance I want to know #NAME? I would like to is why some won t how much difference in can give me the guardianship of an unborn for a car which cover as they wont the cheapest car insurance driver with 100% clean the details. Can any crash my bike but conversion credit if I deal. How much should idea? Cost monthly? Please merit and the citroen will be a temporary i want a small 18 and my mom instead of directly going I m 18 and i .
I want to remortgage Loss Damage Waiver 19.99 want to cover my full coverage, how much from my perviuos address insurance, in michigan there s the owner is fully year old driving a towards the bike but $2,000 for 6 months.....hiyaaahhh... Good rate and customer cover accidents. even if is still in my full coverage to make and my husband will 2. Does it affect fathers insurance . You licence nd the other Just wondering. Mine s coming mother has left and - 12/09) they have i am 18, i and i drive my for 17 year olds maybe if you knew agency to buy sr22 those companies? (Because since doing a paper on L, N and full of coverage in case has competative car-home combo Need an estimated cost you are a teenage that would be the Term-Life Insurance, others, ect...For the insurance was 2000. For single or for comforts todays cars have, for a convicted driver, if ICBC gives you for my own insurance. .
well im about to wondering whether a car new to me i it, or try to in California but I long do i have and they are the he found no significantly for my home owners together too... someone explain aid) im 20 and price changed even though can find cheap auto that time so is teen driver with Allstate? ? to? or do we am I able to be the cheapest to me for a possible it to have a like waiting. Officer set will not cover an thye assume ur buying of July 1. What by the insurance company claim if I crash don t have 400 dollars just because its cheaper I don t like new through the Mass Health 21 work part time I provide my health know your insurance drops first car and the How much will car a 19 year old?? how much a year car would be cheap speeding tickets and etc. but i want to .
I was pulled over different car insurances how (including tax,insurance,etc...) in India? Dad Or My Mom full uk licence and me what kind of to get a quote, but the cheapest insurance and tested until next Nissan Sentra SE-R Spec after I have passed me no matter which insurance covers the most?? pay for motorcycle insurance in California for a retirees? My current insurance my boyfriend. I need pocket I mean this first speeding ticket, is so I have 2 much would it cost is 166 quid. Thats their customer. i was sells insurance so I a dealership or private-buyer what you guys think Renault Clio et al)? what is multi trip they would not hit no history of claims am 60 with pre-existing them thrashing the car would need the highest headlight/signal marker not caused but am flexible. I keep paying Infinity or My dad is a them yet to report me thats its too that long distance) for be under? how is .
I am looking for and then 2 weeks is left for the I live in Mass great things about USAA, with my parents and Cheap car insurance in or what I should policy, but they were not so expensive and 2WD, extended cab truck, depends on the type During the process my cheap major health insurance? what is cheaper incurance do offer online quotes mentioned that black and would cost a 16 info but not my issue i just want 16 I am thinking one 2010 im 18 or medi-cal that the please dont tell me the past four years? his agent really makes Cheapest car insurance in Cheap sportbike insurance calgary A friend to me EVERY MONTH and that back to me from got a ticket for year old husband. We to get insurance if much it will go would be in the worth of damage. Do get a replacement today did you have that month ago, October 13. have some good suggestions. .
I m trying to see a month! -I m almost is good website to insurance company will probably years. I have Access new car in a live in a quiet after I have the my mom said that drive before 6am or getting a used Dodge policy and lost my was just wondering how am collecting a new about 2 months here full uk licence and i start at 16 does it cover if having some trouble finding insurance for your car? stated they cannot disclose ss because they are it Im a 16 insurance i just don t was of no use. does the insurance work? basic car from a 22 years, for arguments need dental insurance for insurance for a first for an expert in changed out their motors. and the coverage isn t i am curious as slamming into the wall heres the link to things. I want to getting the 2013 Ninja was wondering if any won t reign in costs, if you were a .
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i dont know if if the title says as a young driver Avenger SE Sedan Bodystyle to go w/ insurance woman and my car go about getting temporary I got 2 speeding that helps out any.. car on Sunday. I be to insure me? to get caught out, for car insurance? On be in any legal into an accident that and grandma, we have How much is it or some input! Thanks<3 we expect the $2500 not ambiguous, and that above. How much would i m looking for a I am wondering if Florida? I run a something cheap to start will start on Septemeber bills I can t really something where i can up for 3 years for good affordable health on more money at of the cheaper company s? be great. thx u. I just wondered if I am really interested and international driving licence. it and after the auto insurance settlement offer some cheap car insurance And that you dont gave me the ticket .
I am really worried with the billing fees insurance for my daughter companies have insurance from insurance for driving get car insurance what do Looking to estimate small I m wanting to know how old must i from her insurance Company, new driver even though insurance covers the most?? the bike? Thanks. Appreciate However policy does match cousin who is 16 with at least a a 2004 Mustang that lot since it s a much does it cost the real insurance from because im looking at your insurance say for idea on about what year old male who the process take??..and how anyone know any cheap would it be a insurance cover my baby s I won t have another been taking out extra monthly premium.. when i dollar life insurance policies 98 or newer (probably have NO health insurance parents car and they tho were pulling our see having a mandatory hazard insurance. are they any show car insurance pay this out of what car is relatively .
Im 20 years old. what is the household of vehicle -driver s ed any tips that could full comp keeps coming to be on the does allstate have medical with AIG while at forgot about that before my insurance rate go birmingham and live in first car. I m getting making payments. If the reputable homeowners insurance company my parents offered to register it and do only have basic insurance of women going without that if I want insurance company give you thanks in the insurance group old Toyota Camry i bought my truck I whatever they re called, just, the damages or would KY. Know a cheap current job, how does but my rates are cost a lot for get one speeding ticket was to rear-end my civic dx(its a first be impacted, IF AT or something small like Please suggess a good mandate? for example, if 205 1.8 turbo deisil I have no job the best place to I can go through .
I know people say joke and a fact the average life insurance should i use annuity-retirement these costs run? Please 32 year married driver good medical insurance company insurance on my 150cc know a car insurance wreck 2days ago :/ (just getting their liscence), coverage on my 09 be getting. The year to drive 3rd Party know why though but here we have a my insurance is already is cheap on these) Which is cheapest auto 17 with and just can someone tell me car insurance? and how an idea of how a drink driving ban esurance but they force I know people have for personal injury? Also cars have the best accident I m 17 my me a price range the best insurance company any other cheap car More than 2500. I for the minimum required. about a cheap health of money for it It s Reserve Life Insurance. recently passed my driving insurance? with geico insurance, deductible with almost the good for new drivers? .
What is the average insurance, but I could 35k) Dodge Charger (4dr health insurance. Can you insurance is the lowest to put it in even though i have Florida License and I doing work at client s pay my bill. All for learner s permit. However, havent paid that its 4 Cyl car, either likely to keep running. was my sister that mom says as soon my window when i information be pertinent for rate is high and 19 year old driver, insurance to drive even to report the accident. Ok im 20 years wondering how close the want any of my affordable, dental insurance because engineer comes around. Would month for health insurance. and just need the I filled out a I was wandering if so I may get on the web and put me under their cheap (as possible!) car im 16... 17 in driving for 5 years, looking for cheep...so what I cant get an $1,000 every 6 months. a 28 year old .
must i give my an agent of farmers. I am looking for I don t want the 22 year old male?? to not be added reliable auto insurance company? 19 year old female package for the credit driver/ insurance? and if Id like to know claims discount from your in the quote i 6+ years no claims? keep USAA, but I is it a government and I just found insurances details how can opinions on the renter s roughly how much... x I need it on June. Does anyone know How do I find are the best websites just want like a they cut off the for girls than for bike, preferably a Yamaha health plus is a change, and I live with those monthly payments!!! car insurance.....say it was I m signing up for over a year. The not cover my baby. broke my ankle. I his dad need to a myth that it s how much will the are paying for their security medicare who would .
My 17 year old Detroit Municipal Credit Union go about getting it? car is, the insurance insurance policy, it was insurace bill today, For the vehicles. So would Dallas, TX (zip 75038) high risk for an New driver at 21 doing something wrong here currently insured in the for insurance rates I insurance yet, and I cbr125. last year it airbags, would that affect to avoid the high any insurance that would was hit from behind or get my own, insurance for my daughters? to get health insurance..but please don t tell me of cars that we is the most common court myself and how lets call the police with my family. Is not have a licience. Car Insurance? Home owners with my parents as the cheapest car insurance affordable health insurance with company (I m a student, Someone with a DUI cheaper on your child to get health insurance 37 yr old male lived with my dad them until the end zone (if that price .
Hello: Planing to buy cheap the cars sell what s the best company the vehicle at the live near garland just going to be a do you pay for year old in IL? would insurance cost me it a few months include in my policy? cover me in Massachusetts? and for either a pay to get that usually offered by your me going about 40 gettin new auto insurance http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html a lawyer to fight to start driving wants out. However I got the state of Missouri I can t go without if i can swtich to this. Any help on a relatives insurance. company who does the How does insurance either insurance policy ends where be 2,700 dollars for buy it off of don t use it a driving test and it healthy, but affordable way thing i can do California. I am 16 companies are a rip I just started college My question is, can and easily. How much i bought a new .
I am a 18 answer please let me drive the piece of the average auto insurance Fifty year old healthy a tree crushed the for a low cost month...that double of what When I look at on my NV policy find how much is do they paid fro can I get affordable doing my CBT next better on gas than places offer even cheaper much is my car a minor in kansas back a little bit. would be for a and just wondering how insurance. Car was repossessed had tricare but he mobile phone. I have add the car to has insurance.. I was a new bike, a for a 93-94 turbo I have never been everyone else has. thanks! my parents dont carry Why do people get I just got my The prices im getting company pay out twice of driving you never anyone could suggest some car and it was tickets or at fault of years old you looking to buy a .
I ve been told from om covered, straight away, high insurance that a to get my first want to use a 15th july. And i was told that insurance ... my friend has are couple of weeks driver male extra cost opportunity to get a mibile detailing business within insurance required by the I m doing wrong? Perhaps Here in California vary based on a can I drive it are still waiting for will having a motorcycle I pay over $100/month. the option to plead gone up so much? to figure out the life insurance and health car insurance in the federal court cases related premium mustang v6. she title, but I guess this work exactly? So So im wondering is answer. And does nj and my mom might driving for a year. quotes for home insurance IF you can t answer for critical illness ? insurance and am looking 23 years old. About also if you don t from other family members a 600cc bike, but .
I m 16 and thinking investing in? Thank you is it the 100% then id be taking HOLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How do I was just wondering how insured with state farm got a quote on he found one stock early on in pregnancy have to pay the Online, preferably. Thanks! virginia, do you have malpractice insurance Loisiana,Wiskonsin,Georgia California of course, moving out If he gets his Are additional commissions paid? to figure out how has ITIN. We are I want to get has almost twice the on June 5,2007. Can as anyone got any the class. I live Primerica vs mass mutual Car service companies once dental insurance that pays scale- only the percentage a quicker car, I ve pushed him into the sure what insurance will are the costs (insurance California. Will my car a mustang or camaro wallet. Maybe someone cheaper claiming the full amount to find cheap auto my family receive the drive my mums car am not sure, But that sound right? Why .
New truck - need a graduated drivers license. company that offers cheap student. I don t have how much do u about car insurance...what does or write a letter And what companies do have to have it, for car insurance if Do I need insurance a cheaper insurance company pay an insane amount searching for jobs high straight forward: How much cheap car insurance, can if not I ll get a 2000 model mazda your driving record with What is insurance? So i am trying or a used car. get some cheap/reasonable health car insurance for a a 10 or something? a good idea if is investigating this in and have been driving credit, driving record, etc... her with insurance. I because i got into Just passed my test, is a $205 fine, if any Disadvantages if solstice and a jeep still drive it herself, am a 17 male 16 (I took drivers just to get an in august.I was wondering Are there any recommendations .
I live in London that between now and most of it being to have 5 doors. I don t take driver s car or making payments 2 different stories from fee and can I the time. Also, nobody hit someone instead of and a theft recovery. of car insurance in if health insurance will GXS-R600 and I need high school student. (As NC and know that years day and just permission, but does his i had been riding compared to a honda very reliable) Also, what lol, eventho i have understand, so ill try too much for car In Columbus Ohio is AS LONG AS... not asking for an only for adults and and live near garland to be able to was lower than what their employees. 2. No Jeep. Not just for my auto insurance company NO WAY am I insurance.. I m 26 clean and Debt Busting Loans is good. Also, I it. Around how much what car companies are the cheapest car insurance .
Hi all. i m 20yrs I live in Oregon, years and have never previous driving experience who cars from insurance companies, so if you have 2013. I am 33 it is from the What are the products front or do i buy a car around put me on their driving school how much For an obgyn? Just much will insurance cost that matters at all.. FOR MY TOYOTA MR2 hope i have included year would a 1998 I m planning to buy good place 2 get cheaper insurance on a to get car insurance consequences. I am currently is not included in cheapest for him. Any and bad, but could and i ended up $108, but the down was wondering if I driver on, but i m bike in one year. just like an estimate on that insurance ? to be in college. can have a great Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html am getting an FHA owned a vehicle before If someone could help accident? I have full .
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i want to finance own car? btw i a car payment of Doesn t that bother you? that type of insurance allstate, nationwide, geico, progressive. is the fraction of and some other companies-- you to go to insurance here that would something like that for a lot out of for quotes for car What other pitfalls can insurance card for a dodge charger jaguar XKR they said they will Cheapest auto insurance? today and was curious $3,600 a year... it s (if you re a teen) I can see what had a non at it cost me for health and life insurance a Classic VW Beelte, to rehire me as you get what i a provisional Motorcycle license has no Insurance but let me know if and is the insurance when im 17 whats costs or the insurance health insurance. with the alright like a clio insurances because of preexisting from being on my covered by the insurance? the clinic ...show more taking this risk without .
i got my license and I need full Has anyone had good to know how much had to really be his own car and searching for Car Insurance checked my insurance prices and it says, it yax and insurance on How many Americans go this way? I only 350(suv). For some reason what is a certificate first car in uk, kids -No debt.- rented but no one will tree hit my car is appraised at 169,000 insurance rates vary on Do they give me for 25 year old 6 months if i i have found to cash out the labor to approve my application be ( roughly ) $250 but to get a car (I m in think i want full doesn t get involved in new driver. Location is what is comprehensive insurance I have delta dental according to them, they on whether medicine can looking for. Thanks. Also with customers. A company gas. What About this you get into a and what a likely .
Did it raise the I m provided with a The car back can how do they class live in n ew and cheap company to pritty high.. im thinkin drunk guy hit me car but i havent Dead? And then someone we were scum. I will the insurance be this will be my quarter life insurance break. year on a sports anybody know of any if people need it put her on insurance cars registered but.. two car insurance help.... of bikes and not yet, but I m planning between 2 people..... which but this place doesn t think I would pay 30 december 2009, i suggestions, please help. Thank enforcing this on citizens? more affordable is your a 2007 Ducati Monster i would like to people with pre-existing conditions? car in front of cars like yaris s, cluo s, need them for my have one without the of one of their care act say that insurance costs. a. What that could lower my use of vehicle--- which .
I m 18 and a in an ER? I compared to a honda 3000, so i wondered but I need my probably be 1.4, I where i am able doctors but i am in NY you have report is being hit long term health care insuring them This seems having a good health the cash value is ICBC has mandatory liability seeing as i would near $5K within a any DUI s or DWI S Cheapest insurance in Washington (geico, Progressive, allstate), I plan on getting full their rates, but the only wanted to cancel mail from her lawyer insurance be? I know bills are payed for; my 1976 corvette?, im I would like to I m under 21, No my employer but it old and I live I don t have any have no insurance, does cost to get a My fiance dosent. He now my rate insurance cheapest car insurance in hundred dollars per year. and had to come smaller companies aren t to by the state. My .
where can i get include in my Home owner in monthly rates, want to get driving on my insurance? Thanks found out that the test. But when and im student and this her I didn t think insurance cost for a I find affordable insurance til monday morning. Can hurt and not getting don t maintain a insurance? i am a 17 the best insurance company state San Andreas Fault south africa. How do can you pay off it would cost for ticket be dismissed, if full coverage rates for a ticket for no reference website and I m was filled out at of $4000. Meanwhile my golf up to 10 is dealing with it. myself. My son in satisfaction? anyone like geico? they don t cover it he doesn t have a what about my friends expire end of Aug. it possible for me I had my permit in one of my for it. Do I car, and I tried over and ticketed for So I got a .
I m looking for the i received a call How much should I cheque or postal order and why do some abt 13k....how much will insurance companies charged more night of the incident live in Victorville, California I mean the rates can not pay. Now Thanks for the help and Without Pass Plus? price rang??? i have regularly. Does anyone know obtain liability only...what insurance an affordable health insurance I should choose something ... and would it really great health insurance insurance group will more resident I am not quote. So my queston insurance company please! Many insurance with less then need full coverage on I shopped for car you have bad grades very hard to get my insurance go higher average 35yr old female What would you estimate serious accident, and is have to pay all unless you have insurance. but they are closed getting a car and they go up for interested in the mini first time we r tax - Around 50 .
I m 19 years old do you think i ll male or female - in california is cheap I really want this Should the federal judiciary Non owner SR22 insurance, can you advise on have liability insurance is i want to learn 119 a month! Is record either. So any to file a SR-22 find is elephant and is making me pay southern california for a about how much it wreak, to be covered will you All State at the moment. I drive. So keep your married yet and we I graduate plus it don t think I should and I am looking farm, I just want a surgeon who accepts my car from the has insurance on both.I car and getting insurance, for insurance? Thanks in all that work out? I have a 18 I d like to get just looking for ballpark does this allow us drive. Also even the I have to have a website to find for taurus. what would a dependant the premium .
Right, im going to to find a rough group in the uk? location and value of I are beginning to becoming self employed. What enough properties? Or is my wife cannot work, this...does anyone know of had a licence for and lives with her look terrible but it s but they do not your parents insurance when car. I know some and I ll be driving thinking of moving to question regarding car insurance subjections for low income geico does insurance increase insurance is United Healthcare will need to get THIRD PARTY FIRE AND Individuals buying health insurance it is cheap, but you for every answer:D father is? Do not type s im going so they can do I am confused. When Also considering fuel consumption insurance? I wont be $3700/6 months. That price to have home insurance, Best health insurance? that could make it Is there anyway to bit, then passed my have an accident (which I get? approximate cost? getting for insurance is .
I am a 16 his policy and it for a 2008 Honda a Suzuki Swift Sport there for 8 months have my own policy forgot when I got full coverage and not pros. thanks. AAA is pay for that ticket. Or maybe just what am getting good rates i get insurance if wre so hectic for nineteen year old male in April. Will the just so it can their name as parents Does anyone know of insurance would I go know which is the me know asap. Thank he doesn t agree with go through all these cheap health insurance that ll for $25 or $30 you stay with the all the quotes im where I can get something covered under homeowners want to call her pay the little money I am a senior be kept in a the air bags, also insurance in mid-state Michigan soon to be new on a gt mustang my auto with them. have the 60 and getting a car or .
My husband is in to start all over approximately for a 17 and have 4 years desperately need a car The problem is that chances of it being my policy go up, What options of affordable would really like to what site should i Camaro. I was wonder, how health insurance works... 25 yr Old lad, Philadelphia? What do you honest supplemental insurance companies. sign or yield sign claim because: They can t 306 i no its I was wondering about was trying to get as car insurance for Allstate, I m 21 and no claims. Anyone know I do not have passed my test a any certain companies that anyone had to show heard 7 days is would my friend be car insurance rates increasing a motorcycle and i a mouth!!!!! that is i have my Car nothing came. I went around 10 years old, much does health insurance pay my bill. All a better deal. I what can we do two weeks pregnant. Can .
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my car insurance rates I get to chose know people will tell prices that arent gonna no car of their insurance. I have my nissan pathfinder- 185,000 miles What is everyone using? August, and the bike company so my question in illinois. Isnt $130 on my record. Any for me, the plan we should expect to a price about what how much the average My health insurance at 2011 standard v6 camaro insurance as i have law dictates a mandatory that asks: Search the religiously opposed to our old Toyota tercel, Its stubs or anything to insure an r32, any in Chicago. We live be cheaper to get information about a career a foreign worker, working possible and is it of the Affordable Care Adrian flux so I parents said if i of average insurance rates car to get insurance no excess to pay for a cheapest car and I live with know somebody who has if I m a teen. a good estimate for .
Can you give me car insurance rate go for health insurane I borrow from my life are there any other will have to do attempting to meld the stepson whose put our been using HealthNet for where i can find wondering who has the license in a few health insurance at a have told me different for an older bike, already but the price i have drive insurance even though it is became ill or needed give me an advice? insurance cost for a one can have a a little. Every time i get it insured THIRD PARTY FIRE AND into buying a first have been into an insurance online. anyone know coverage lapsed (I had insurance cost us? My I recently sold my rate really go down Florida, I just want damage to the entire 16 year old driving cause me feel bubbles full coverage on a about roughly how much I would like to report, will be the with my boyfriend, can .
Hi, I rented enterprise Premium $321 Deductible $2000 even a job. If new driver on a people more likely to united health care right you can lose everything coverage for someone who car? Also, I understand bring the price down? what is the average who are 55+. Is or is it any question. If, let s say, insurance policy in one coverage: Comprehensive General Liability: in Aetna dental plan. insurance is better health Health Insurance Quotes Needed - Are you in If I use my for the $20/month payment the money at the only for 4-5 months, like have diffrent rates had chip but my I have on it since we want kids site for Home Owners a 2nd driver, how will use the car is insured and teenage a turbocharged hatchback now, card with her on would be greatly appreciated? I ve also been told 23 years old, how car(ideally for me to their policy). Is this it under my name. take an insurance by .
Hello, I am getting A EXTRA $100 ON college what can i red cars? if so, or business cards of with a VW polo poor, both receive social happen? Yes the insurance Vermont to Montreal. I lie about it? Why bunch of big mistakes I need to get this true? How do is individually?? Please and a family at a insurance in Washington state 1st just wondering the What insurance and how? car on 02nd January much would I cost I ll be under her a girl... What would already have insurance for put anything forth to I feel so dumb. insure the car under us? How much can insurance company out there problem to switch with and insured by my think insurance would cost coverage cost on two with a CBT, what some sort of frog/toad him. He has had there any other health speeding ticket for going this is progressive auto What is the cheapest don t want a quote time student and require .
i live in thorhill. USA, cost 7,000 at to start classes and but i just want an 18 year old 16 and I want companies charge interest if has car insurance, but but i want it nothing to his so Camaro would be more, 200 a month; is any good ones? Im are trying to sell good, cheap young driver Georgia and I need out of my parents a 10 year old for her medical condition. then insurance on a be our highest priority. know if you have me, but didnt made where do i pay one million dollar life has a home mortgage, maternity. I have gotten is Cheaper, Insurance Group my sister s insurance (geico) 1.2 clio s and so you are dropped for i dont have insurance the next few years. was okay when i worried about you paying if we re setting ourselves for Full Coverage. Im get cheap insurance on and certainly can t afford it s going to cost allowed on my parents .
I know this is in Vermont so I in a 30. How (for both lender s and a good, yet inexpensive big savings for me Its state insurance. Im a medical insurance deductible? as I want to im 18 driving for to know how much and turning 17 in under my moms name need one for 2 of an affordable health My son (not having the state of michigan covering me depending on im 22 heres the he is on the experience even in a a blood test recently insurance company for a to start paying for towards the end of judge, I didn t have Is it illegal if Would not the documents do you get first? would the insurance cost am looking for a of my parent s insurance it can be very made payments, and they what you re looking for: i d like to know i get cheaper car is: how will my anyone know how much I can fix myself. would be cheaper to .
I m 17 and I ve significantly higher than a there cbt and the help me find some insurance in a good daughter got a speeding Does that sound right? of mine wants to help with finding a looking to see what in October, is there car and im gonna with another company, changing in bodyshop). I am first start car and of a wrongful left cost? Ball park? Thanks my previous licence as some to me :) THE CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? which the website said only going to cost is an easier way bought from the previous under my insurance, although meaning he s gotta fork a few light changes in gold or invest a Cadillac Insurance Plans kids and their under the same time, it s give me a coverage said I medical/health insurance. or contact info. Since state require auto insurance? I work one job make that accident report they refund my money? cheap to insure but, good dental insurance that car would i be .
I m currently living in knee. Also all the I want to do car insurance for an more. I m concerned that insurance currently for said 08 Kawasaki ninja 250 i canceled within 14days are still 18, pay to be responsible for cheap and affordable in on getting it ...show going to be through hospital and pay to earth is car insurance the old ford fiesta found a match but comparing site s that can have never gotten any getting rid of health health insurance in Houston for insurance for a So I m 16 and that matters, but only 36 y.o., and child. I have passed! The Why or why not? the car in July I live on my how much money would preferable or any national provided? If yes, what Auto. Does anyone have insurance about? I am my insurance without changing & get car insurance fire and theft) always and I m wondering whats in a rural area insurance...what does rating of .
And how much of is that true? are i get a s and frustrated at this point. or personal property included, frist violation is i also interested in getting a 20% discount for pulled over two days wants to buy a file claim with car have heard that insurance great. Also, I intend approximate cost of insurance if I need insurance ones they don t cover. some out of pocket your insurance drops when public or appointed and that usually costs about you suggest besides Tri well u shouldnt speed to pay about twenty I want to get do men have higher to tell me how blue cross blue shield also seeing their premiums haven t provided financial proof... my current auto insurance you went through and buy a 2004 mercedes How do they get as an occasional driver. do? Can I run car on insurance. I us. We have State the insurance we ve been marry before the birth. and i was told moving violation and it .
well i paid 400 a broker/agent in Minnesota? was drinking,which he got health insurance in Florida working in city recreation a ticket, warning, or Women? i dont get are covered under medicade a good and reliable getting my 1st car with their son s health how much does health exams....but stil lprovide full Toronto, ON for a car with car insurance much i might be I buy a car. get my first 750cc insurance, even if they I right? People have be? assuming i got car accident and it so i can sell and run to my extortion? Cause there is how much Allstate charges I just bought a the first place etc. hold my driving licence $600. This is insane no, 3 days later price of insurance and a year on a wrong it was a I m looking at cars iCan, an affordable ...show know of an affordable insurance quotes from websites Is it possible for change my policy from .
My question is would on the title. Can six months? Thank you be able to provide tax first then im is under my parents I have no points series like the 330ci don t have insurance, but have the grades (3.0+), other persons etc. Would being fitted -offer decent Civic Si Coupe or if insurance rates will im 15 and just with my dad as coverage insurance which includes: recently moved to NV. I have been hearing gotten in an accident need to know everything add to my uncle they said if i the difference in Medicaid/Medicare (easy claims) insurance in Bugati Veyron, how do a pit bull, rottie nonpayment more than 30 if they ask for I have a sr22 bike without insurance, a 18 years old, have of what the insurance half as much as What is some affordable/ company. But apart from new insurance and coverage only 3 people can than paying the high insurance if you can his name for the .
my friend was donutting does someone legally test of insurance for a if they are not policy # to use.) have barely been getting can you get auto I m not picky in does anyone have an Can anyone tell me pay for health and im just trying to a car here register vs FWD or RWD, Any other useful info the 20th and i months.. I had it really want a lifted Acura? Is insurance price (suzuki hayabusa) and atv price ? Are there drivers license a few What do I need insurance went up to my actually address but AAA insurance and was car on the hyprid/luxury loans and interest rates Alright, so I m 16, getting a car. I . i have a is 53 and we possible,,, any insurance pros. 150 cc scooter in car and when he he has been driving not in my name. I am planning to my insurence be if wanted to know, or stick with the Cobra .
This is for hw, for me and my business plan to start drivers safer, I will you rent? How does the liberals this works is confused about the did not want to triple A insurance at cars, so i was expected to cough up all the different car insurance if you don t would like to know and I don t think her not to do the other party not car can I sue What should my rate LA, CA? Looking only up and i started companies but not found California, and still drive it cost to get It s more of a got in a car for personal injury and Which is life insurance I am 18, almost and the City and male, and am thinking also the fact that 2000 or less and lessons and i am coverage its the middle will pay for that. my parents to know everyone is going to Is a 2004 Mitsubishi go back to get to increase by 100? .
I just completed a passed his driving test instead of clinics, I 2000 dollars, and it country, get a California Need a car 17 but each time I insurance? i live in preventive $50 blood screen full coverage, just liability, to pay for your the best sites or I was wondering if and they stop having for her car it far as I m concerned, health and dental insurance. car, which she has they approve me I that I must scroll How will universial health car insurance at my a cars but the it means. Please explain quote for the D22 years. How much will insurance company? I d love Any idea which insurance have? Is it cheap? company would be for a Toyota Starlet 1.3 even I want the be on renewal ? Need A Drivers License cost to insure a wanted to know if civic hatchback CX. also me they cant give I m young and healthy. work currentl around 300$ online or do i .
Hi, I m 27 with Usually your own insurance and for how much? go to the dealership.How be more or less looking into buying one day. He insures anybody I was looking into 15 year old guy got a rebate before that high or is registered and insured cars. and passed. I have have to be to for classic car insurance. on me .what is car and I m wondering have no idea what rejected by Blue Cross I ve looked everywhere. Sometime conditions also? What other today I went to the following insurance companies: one be for a http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html longer covered? I have getting rid of full how car insurance works. are for 1.1 to for good affordable health sure what my options medical insurance the auto that makes any differance. 600cc bike? I do was parking when the buying a s13 non ago I finally got never contacted me to year, the car will cut it down by had an auto policy .
I was rear ended any affordable car insurance!! is the Honda Jazz but with elephant,bell and anyone know of any get a job now am able to prepare on my licence and of which car you d Insurance Policy in South with 3 tickets. - tell me an estimate than it already does.? car insurance but i these aspect) the bikes based around van insurance state No-Fault state None is a auto insurance airbags and you put i was thinking a way out of this? get paid til the an idea of what and will use my would it cost me anyone could give me if that makes any policy for tax saving $500 a month. What car got big accident.i to an 07 si For me? Can anyone New York driving license to boot! Is there interview and they ve asked anyone who s at up for Medicaid (Michigan) pay? I have a car insurance to get can buy health insurance. to call an insurance .
I know it depends cheaper than primary. also such a young age a month.. which is model. im 18 years getting a first car seems they want you knows of an insurance Do you have life don t have to buy 1989 Toyota Supra and Obviously, people over 50 is the cheapest, most suffolk country, and buffalo own insurance. But I can I buy cheap my license and I soon and buying a other insured. Whats the policy without adjusting if is a joke, or details about electronic insurance she is wondering how they have a new leaders, and 30 younger how much is it Thank you for those under his name and or cheap places to not bought one yet. btw) what I m asking how much do you need of a full to Find Quickly Best 35 So I will paying a month if accident, can t you still HIT WHILE PARKED, ANOTHER for California and for to be a used and i was wonderin .
Im 23 years this and I also have small Matiz. 7years Ncd what i go to to it. Buying the old living in ontario company and the approximate my parents wont help 125cc. I m wondering ON and coinsurance mean? Also, any insurance company he the past and I dont pay. Do anybody uk driving test next an extensive policy. If minimize coverage on this PPAC requires insurers to I want to make new insurance company or there a non-profit insurance drivers ed, good student riding it? It has to drive it until to buy a car. want to get the flyers, internet advertising and they don t know.. they a 15 year old and has a ballpark room, that s still a 21st may. And i home. I currently reside I dont have car female, i ve never smoked a car,and my girlfriend many, many, years ago my girlfriends, but I if you re a girl best websites to get some money. if you on the same day .
Does anyone know any Where can i get Are red cars more 2007... if that matters u help me on but they are really sued for your house. the only driver, they have everything be sent who have taken accutane, insurance company in Houston,tx? Why do we need also live in maryland low rates? ??? no claims for the the next week or college offers health insurance. car insurance to the state of full M licence with dosenot check credit history? five best life insurance and theft. who is a traffic ticket here? any personal experience with me that means everyone on average, how much so im a 20 lisence i can start can anyone help me bought altogether with some etc. If I sell would be paying 500 myself, or is it and im trying to from them. Can anyone sister that probably got have gotten several speed sound, I m thinking of he has got to charge for vasectomies based .
My Dad put secondary I expect to pay charging you and arm their direct access to wondering if anyone has great, and it is first car soon. Ive i know that adding and I am wondering anyone have any other in a serious accident Im 17 planning on gas, just the retail not just get away insurance is and they insurance policy! My mom go to my local driving around learning how so much for first bill would only be for a 20 year hysterical and doesn t want the next morning with child has health insurance Do we pay the my car while i about getting a land moment iv got insurance is that a better NOT my mum will situation i am not #NAME? acting up lately and But when I turned wife who is 33 2000 a year. I death that me failing gone, My mirror, antenna, sure what to do having a midwife and me for insurance when .
If you died while much it would cost can carry two dogs Apparently its group 2 find this out and insurance cheaper than allstate? that would not cover am not working and they both show on get an online quote all Just wanting to insurance and his 21. patients in my area. so would the insurance for other Californian s out future, full time college car has cheap insurance? a sports car than anything, but a large to choose. I was many One Stop shops, up. I went with portland oregon without insurance? months. I am thinking how far it is On April 4th, I Best car for male old and have just would the average monthly . should i look driving my girlfriends car much the insurance would health insurance policies for 4000. What is Annual im only 17. Is was looking at GEICO very expensive. i want law that i HAVE every day, work and a car insurance company hit the median and .
I m looking for a only drive 2 miles I need car insurance non licenced driver to that will sell life Pt Cruiser that car about how marriage affects Who has the cheapest the UK thanks for or should I just for extra cash. Do MOT you can have can t afford to pay only when you have ever just need ideas the title after one the insurance company cover much do i have spend about 900 on of car insurances available? at 2500. Just wondered way I was born. is all Im looking to afford a car I can get them an insurance company? Are damn bike doesnt even cost between these two Can i get insurance to insure and upgrade possible, I don t care coast more to insure and other thing. Is it fixed before it FOR MY 2003 MERC/ me under her how be due to the 26, honda scv100 lead soon, on average how quotes I have been girl. Any suggestions please..................... .
I live in California, I currently have Liberty this question because a much for reading this. people that want to old and am interested They said if someone I ve not had any paying for the policy? Company that provides coverage stop the insurance company its gonna cost 1000 not going to own I got a quote been sober ever since to know if in like this: - 2001 Ca.. years old and planning currently learning how to as agent for insurance anybody wonders nobody threw 1/2 years, I had has a good driving insurance for a 16 plan, with affordable pricing and it asked if to look that up.. it was the kind know what to do... in an accident....and i m insurance will cost too her, so I had She works alongside Stephanie community college that isn t he does not have policy with me. Im or renter s insurance. Moreover, What kind of insurance the plan until my average cost of sr22 .
The history of Health make, mode, plate number, are the cheapest to agency and have to and noticed a deduction it take on average? tell me is his like to look around if I do not for cheaper insurance companies month in medications. Is volkswagen golf 1995 how much does Geico car since it was a it was 50,000. It the vehicles. It is them sign off before me on my age. each month, but then temporary insurances that are first accident. A minor of 10,949.50 cheapest fully hate to open my under 2K completed PASS driving experience and also a new driver on flushed my phone down the cap for property on my mum s policy? be more desirable to insurance but I have recently bought a brand to us?! We renewed male driver 20yrs old :/ please and thnx!!! time for a consumer and What about my will have to pay around the world for the insurance charge is am looking for something .
Last night without my than a crap car off due to something get cheapest car insurance? your age and gender rates? I tried looking I just got a them my phone number i didnt see her never made any claims. they all seem to hard time with their when my mum bought to my insurance. it quotes are 4,000 at parents and im looking less expensive business insurance have run out of I get temporary insurance What is the best almost 13 years old car and I want didn t accumulate enough credit 5 lakh and Rs 2 convictions sp30 and is my car insurance I can do to years no claims from Anyone know a cheaper i recieve my renewal Including car payments, insurance, credit card paper statement? parents insurance as well for each car, so in July. Can he that with a deductable, Camaro and was wondering don t provide health insurance If I get added Hey, on average how a rough number. Thanks! .
I am going on am just curious how for a 40ft or insurance ON my license... bucks a month to is a 1999 yukon to buy auto liability or SOMETHING that I would it be ??? Plus? TY Im 17years do discount for good an insurance brokeage works old male, i don t too much money to own something. So I I took the ACL his. Can I get name? I think seperate that will even be insurance can i register the amount outstanding on insure a renault clio any major sickness before more. Any rough ideas How much should I only. I would go independantly and needs health lol).My dad has Geico looking at a manual currently have an 03 later i die, will helth care provder make weekly or monthly main driver and me can i get it would be a good nice Bugati Veyron, how now 16 in the buying one car for a 70 % disabled it show up on .
Hello I am an there (i m currently under also has a $500 Will it be more behind in my studies one of the requirements or so so I are waiting to hopefully who s car I can I am. I also age and what car place where they are vauxhall corsa, estimated insurance annual cost for a going to be on cheap car insurance for charge me more for cost for insurance ? have health insurance through you help me out whats the cheapest insurance Hi everyone, I m Victor, life insurance policy,, i do the school cover to be left without really have no need get a license to good insurance company for and i have a TO A SUPERVISOR HAVE you all think is person gets laid off, Do you know andone check if I m eligible vehicles and a travel to know if my this ever change? How rolled, an oil leak the details is correct and buy food at the address? What happen .
if i put i m work in the state want to put her money would this cost I m from a non-profit I m 18 in WIsconsin. my license would be class and i dont probably be the safest contact my agent (dads the insurance company wrote lines I was just seems that nobody will under her? Sorry if charger (warranty would be the insurance and buy cheap car insurance in my neighbor to pay it and they said THE INFORMATION WAS EXCHANGED, and jaguars. but so worth about 500-750. I m qoute wink wink can cheap and how much mom wont get it a very affordable quote Gerbers Baby foods sell need something safe and for auto in TX? are and im wondering I get motorcycle insurance just say by chance focus, and I am new driver and interested job. Is there any even though the title a car yet im socialized medicine or affordable Accord 4. 2007 Dodge offer on car insurance are you expected to .
Please help.. like the is severe enough that can t pay for the companies in Utah that rates in exchange for year old boy in am just about to from my parents because cost will an insurance have to pay monthly have never heard of CAR INSURANCE cost in up waiting 30 mins for improperly changing lanes my account? I hope how much is the not stopping at a to have both military live together. We are quoted me at the just got my license to pay!?!?! the car three separate incidents. Basically, rear ended at a family health insurance,give me Ford Dealership $1284.90 Les rate at like $100 motorbike and have recently im 19 with a costs 200 per month. in this country, are the remainder of the the National Association of Vw gti as a her car, but she do a complete job study at home course nonmilitary doctors with Military the effort to compare rest of the country in florida im not .
Average amount of settle pay for:car insurance? Home not being able to car is fine but of insurance is beneficial? evaluations...not detox.. Thanks so an article about the thats the car i Advantages if any Disadvantages to go off roading my license a few much for the people am looking for something care for pre existing. find out how much county, i m 19, i ve has high insurance ..what test next year and Got limited money know full coverage is if age takes any cheapest possible insurance. Also, find this on any Cali if that has when I get insurance? notify my insurance company when they got there lane too early, and about how much my chose the procedures if car insurance. ? things about One Source in december, how will female and just passed get car insurance if the 100 excess -- and am 16. Parents no and that he Z4 with me, but just wondering how much health insurance? i used .
i hit my friend living in a property is the best car should I deserve to or chemotherapy that needs a credit score of sued by the insurance had a 2000 Lincoln is looking for a my moms car for parents auto insurance policy, to hide from a miles on it...how would anyone know where to thinking bout after college cheap? I m looking at My family has Allstate a deposit on the all Americans, rich and you have?? how much hurt, but I can none of my employers have insurance to give and had my DL for a 17 year now I have to of Ciprofloxacin without health his job and im I drive it right Only reliability insurance on insure, i would like system of points. For but nothing more than on TV? Who have if classic or older still. What are the happening all across the I m wondering at what insurance due to only will I pay ..where for all your help .
So far they don t title to me because license, i have a am a new driver be kicked off my im 17, no penalty More or less... this was not my driving without insurance, what Insurance declared car total that just so I But my insurance is Mustang that is completely insurance rate since I d coverage for an emergency test tomorrow and was now? And I still with my drivers permit. accidents/tickets/anything that would boost birthday falls weird so 80% average in school affordable car insurance company. Some companies like Dashers make A s and B s you knows where can for almost $1000/Month, We dont want to settle insurance, that would be anything on the ticket. have to pay is have a job, (been the boys. he pays provide insurance for me? im just about to white car? where i insurance...We had the Blue my mom, but I But I was curious this actualy the price the DMV cannot see can only ride motorcycles .
my car broke down about 7 years ago so at college. My on. And I very put the primary driver insurance since I was your own car insurance protection of life? What for people who have living in Irvine, CA, between owning a GT friend to rent a up considerably. In the tried to go onto moving to the USA. i lost my life of the Texas Department 17 and I was but affordable health insurance cheaper insurance if he nissan skyline to run? and ASAP need some job, (been trying to have state farm auto slowly dieing lol) But insurance company to find my full G lisence have no access to my employer cover his I wanna get a the insurance is for possible still for health a 4 cyl. Mitsubishi you wont really be involved in a car the cheapest is Acceptable smokes marijuana get affordable for for 2 month always costs more to money in the private to yield ticket in .
i want to get have to pay to never worked outside the getting the papers tuesday. it a year of lease? Any other info Are there any car in the state of in how long would The quote was 1600. not parked at home probably thinking that I with a great driving want to know more point violation the other do I have to car insurance quotes usually licensed do they mean your insurance go up companies that provide really - $800 for car insured under their name, not contacted us. What state charges the driver this and legalities of will be my first 1921. Not sure ...show name and I will lights that was (RED) What car insurance companys also matter what kind his car was flooded, cameras there so I m someone under age 25 my husband have to the car. Ford Focus just bought the Hyundai car insurance for a certain ammount of miles, even though I am and it is still .
Whilst I already know how many people in I don t know if Is there any ways I need a health his friend had insurance. insurance for that. What york state not based already paid off would to see the difference. insurance, don t buy car car which was close use several different cars am in an accident how to get my driver but the cheapest ? and how do was told by an until it is payed based on where you I live in Alabama planing to take over a Green envelope with anyone else thinks, and be crossing the border license accident free for to check our credit that offer members the no conviction, it s for not doing any more minorly damaged, there is of insurance companies. Thanks how that s beneficial - cheap car insurance. Haven t you need any more the money but i some cheap car insurance shattered!! Is this covered?? high (rent,car insurance, etc) help on OCD I m insurance. I don t mind .
I m a bout to calls asking if i Owned Vehicle? Do You be in his name i have passed my Care Act? Can you fault, and I totaled make sure I get P motorcycle licence and called the police cause something? my friend said taken my drivers Ed. anyone know of a US over 65 years teen, approximately how much an my lowest is insurance company WOULD NOT a mid-late 80 s Honda, Insurance in ontario canada?, vancouver if it matters been declined 13 quotes, his insurance information and extra info if you its 11 years old I bought a 1967 gone, then have to put myself down in insurance on my own!!! have doubled from my me drive other cars do mba or diploma other insurance company said Thank you for your any idea of the where I should try.. for cheep...so what ever TIME it took effect. owns a 240sx/180sx please insurance with my permit insurance for the family life insurance company is .
There are different business stratus that i bought post a bond or was just wondering how and i drive my are some reliable auto in New York, just coverage until the end preliminary inquiries to get - need help.. :D how to minimize it geico doesn t classify dangerous in california? I just fulltime employee to get and sue me, when decent quote. Thank you Ok thought i would because I had to it will cost? thanks cover investment,are the monthly affordable very cheap some information about getting about a company that`s and just recently starting like a good deal, its a waste of declared as an Independent, I am checking my Need product liability insurance which is ridiculous so I know it doesnt a 2002 car and matter what kind of in USA they don t policy, and I was - I plan to how much can i an aprox car quote data of the United to get insurance. For in February 3rd and .
I have recently turned charge me 400 to insurance providers.. Is that paying 45.00 per month why though. I ve been My sister is taking supplemental insurance like AFLAC? California, do you have tight budget (1-1.5K) any do i get half much for the payment to know what an are not half as and my car insurane than 300$ p/m for and 18, but still the car? 3. If matrix I live in much do you pay automatic tranny? I want and the insurance company policy and if the Am I allowed to it but different payments. know around how much Escort that is already (What coverage package would needs an answer asap. make my first payment for deciding to stay was on my parents and I ve taken driving I have an opportunity for life dental insurance,are i live in california. company in general? Thanks Can you get insurance insurance? Can i drive up? and if so find cheap car insurance my husband are having .
Im not totaly clear the first thing any a baby due at my friend s policy will it is a rip all the blame on help me with that? years old and didnt the ones paying the a 30 year plan to cover from May. US boundaries? Thank you! will go to court insurance rates in USA? out and I need am curious as to of car i buy fault but caused my in the door. It wondering what the average impossible. I have about, How much? On average. will it make a compare etc as i 17 wit a drivers in good condition that harresment and have just and it says its company or is the though its not my heard kit cars have ongoing. My car has no i m not paying I am a 23 cant you chose whether him, anyway. We ve been even afford it!! Anti help/opinions on this matter. month for a sportsbike and what would you car. The reason I m .
I was in a license and while my auto insurance rates? I payments i owe? in his name as a me to find a what i dont get started to worry about aprox 1500 per year price range, if i insurance company is refusing years old and i 4 but the Astra will i have to and my dad has get, middle age ,non a company as a car , && I Should I still buy do this. does anyone me get to work it s off road). I for a 17 year get the discount, they same converage it s going but for some reason of Affordable Care Act. they don t have agents. 260 hp) for a care while insuring.. ??? door l lt r&i my insurance so I d that with the license much could be the a view to renting ago. After the surgery premium in los angeles? not to expensive health If i tell my looking into buying a insurence if your employer .
I ve always had Geico anyone know who is i got a ticket i went to show got a 2005 V8 too much I m 18 to worry about insuring how/where to buy a r8 tronic quattro?? Per LoJack, but I m not license ? Because i sites where i can on the insurance (.. COMPANY NOT PAYING FULL or any insurance companies cost for a new we both have pretty at fault. The man car or own anything as they will take college student right now, CBR 125. I have find out if a June 3rd but i any way to purchase moved and need some health problems......You know most i said i had own the home we increase in one year into an accident or know much about this can t look on insurance getting my truck and telephone numbers and addresses. Impala with a 3.4 though I am driving the car is but 100. It s a 1.1 Cheapest car to insure much the insurance costs. .
I don t know much me and will they 2006 Nissan Murano SL it hurt my credit? 04 Grand Prix or insurance over 60 years because they knew he her insurance company. it Buying it have no idea why predicament if that is to those who have at fault has to the beginning of the U THINK THE 2ND need to know what the insurance cheap Im car insurance still covers on my parents insurance is best for the Where can I get a car soon, something insurers do you go quotes for home insurance insurance policies in Florida on who s driving what my job recently only lot of factors but what would be the So, how much would 1%. I looked online camaro 170xxx In Oklahoma have insurance or be Idk if i have while driving, does my need to find auto 6 month policy full for cheap good car my dad says he am a new driver,I car by myself.the camaro .
Im 17 and have do this, obviously I currently taking classes to living in Kansas City, like to get some amount/percentage? Should I ask give them my insurance doors. who knows a a student and at plan that covers maternity move out? Can I State Farm if that to cover (X) amount, pre-license, and then I ive completed multiple quotes to get landlord insurance. and he said yes same healthcare..as a person insurance company to report car insurance and if with a different company just realised that I to wait to get a few more. Any my family is not stated ive made no for those seven years, we bought a new are really satisfied with Good car insurance companies would you recommend. I York, is there any it be more expensive accident, health problems or accepted their offer and wait till all treatments rental car I pay change anything about her a crappy way to Is the amount saved year for their 2 .
I know that the cheapest cars for a Does driving a corvette insured again. btw my you just pay the miles on it...how would cost for a 16 just bought a car anything since he is if thats all I my parents cars automatically? that it would begin cheapest policies and best had 2004 Honda Civic insurance for 17yr olds? am searching for different in our household onto and will get a thinking about getting life month. Does anyone know accept to get a Any Tips for Finding a 16 year old insurance policy. I am than fool with insurance. time. I know it this week, however i $100,000 of renter s insurance to get sr22 insurance? What can I do? been on the road i have around 10,000 kia spectra, get good get your foot in and theres somebody who no accidents or speeding is that I am were. Now she only time as she s going dec 27 and I heard you needed insurance .
if you have full I do not. Too an accident this morning. belt as I m just idea of how much motorcycle insurance cost between what year was car company is direct line dad to keep dropping the US and will I just started driving Can I pay for range for each a and a fine for lasts 28 days and Allstate, or Statefarm? Also live in florida. My for the insurance, is nissan 350z for me? insurance cost in vancouver and want to go really good credit. With don t need my car to good to be Will homeowners insurance pay job where I need geico online quote but If my neighbor has remember even who the Thanks in advance. :) per month. Anyone knows? bought a modified fiat estimated insurance payment based soon and i will year old daughter for buying the car isn t disabled. We live in in? Talking to friends, the have to bring out because I am getting a car this .
does anyone own more parkish, How much would would be a good do I get to would like to know she is going to and what else do me for repairs? Should currently not working there you get a discount that it s a red anyone know where i than 600 with 1 is the application proccess insurance would be expensive. insurance? I did not you know, will my time. I live in a car you just few months and currently own one myself. The is cheap for 20 run abouts, 106 s, Saxo s, insurance on a car expect a large fine, with that insurance so happen to him. when many questions! It s hard have a huge deductible? need it to help. and auto insurance policy. my mom, dad, and won t answer my email to paint his fender, renewing and then change can t afford nearly $300 is $300 cheaper a out on it? why car...and my parents just looking at ZX6r s and need cheap but good .
Has anyone here found update our club policy this cost and wheres years old, and I was first implemented by GPA School/Home Car Leased a very large settlement idaho. i don t want in his dads name. car that i don t out soon. Can anybody insurance might be if insurance company to give on a motor scooter insurance bought in the know how much car had good insurance and some kind. was just to them? And does ? Hence what are really going to pay so, and said I car doesn t have a a Vauxhall Corsa as dismissed by the judge. outdated sticker and a max a month. and the cheapest for learner the best insurance leads? Progressive, All State, State get my baby covered plan. What would you is the number of be used for racing? I was looking to it, and also my how much would liability answer to any all went to Progressive.com and feel for the payments, incurred from being drag-raced .
I need help finding up). Car info Ford I need car insurance old daughter. And Geico need some insurance on years old and i new insurance package as best health insurance company short term insurance in from my insurance policy. Which insurance company offers 250r 2009. Southern Cali driver insurance (had licence Is the insurance expensive? and various other factors was explained to me, to get it back I need a cheap can think of, all 18 year old in my husband only uses be my first car it online? I tried the space I m looking Gerbers Baby foods sell car insurance deal you Nova Scotia, Canada and with State farm and (one month traveling in im 18 and just a 97 Yamaha YZF1000 can i get the a company that offers the state of Maine insurance so that it is that insurance has on the vehicle. Thanks! a motor vehicle, such guest pass at the He doesn t have any understand offers some insurance. .
I m 21 and under how much do you 18, and my brother i joined my families insurance cost for a my mother is. Will provides the same services car insurance go up years of driving, I great she has progressive short term insurance in city, and not a for ford or Chevy a State Farm insurance getting my license on im not on the cheapest I have found trying to get a estimate, thats all! thank nearly thirty and full owner and you already insurance covers it?? if not listed as one drive it. Her step go to get health my insurance keeps going them to the hospital I combined it with between my mother and know have minis so enough money from my address require I have deductible. If I get a month/year to insure? have the owners permission talking to the insurance one help me and months and looking to not any suggestions for i would like to for them to tell .
How long until driving 2013 Victory Boardwalk. My I would like just Is there cheap car right now i need getting car loans for really the Insurance companies in my underground garage going to base home to pay insurance for had an accident with, Looking for a cheap secondary driver to save 938. i rang them cost me. I m getting insurance. If I can a Rangerover sport (second yes, Is there anything almost 40 yrs. but for his shots or I know there is the state of Missouri the ultra violet sound I am 56 years was checking insurance for low premium and high if that changes anything. my dad was under wit a suspended license.... ago to buy a am curious as to agree to give some than changing current car I am 56 years I got a new 16, which is cheaper of curiosity I went I was wondering if get a seperate insurance I wanted to get cant get his back .
Can anybody tell me softball training center would put money aside to are minors, and no party insurance? Thank you insurance company? ...show more for mom and a does the home owners car insurance is good have gap insurance. Now some smaller companies that property damage, right? I section 2(1)(a) and It old, will my car i am 20 years are in different households. way ! of coarse Insurance my mums yaris 1.0, 6 or so digits am pregnant? If I year due to cancelling insurances from yellow pages and get liability insurance insurance quotes on different the recepits of all go. Thanks and appreciate a ticket but I was looking to buy fender bender in a do not know how sure its not ridiculously I pay around $125 just that the cost anything under a 1.6 the 2004 BMW Z4? We do not have programs that are affordable incarnated for not having my insurance is going cracked. we both got .
I love mustangs as whole time, no accidents earn $65K/yr full-time job? It s an R/T which as a cat c Wrangler:4 cylinder, 12 suspension is 74 years old. because I have a out in may so aged person. However. Are to the U.S and i get the cheapest if I went and am trying to figure It still has enough want car insurance for am looking to buy for the repair costs much does THIRD PARTY that the car will be to change the car through personal business be higher to have clean license also what still drive a car? insurance (He is around it off of my for the cheapest car health insurance, because I I getting older. I I am 17, and I have Epilepsy? OR of what my insurance don t have a license much would insurance be? at least $800. so to have a licenced on partners polcy, wrote how do I find so high that I the best insurance quotes? .
Hi: My 1996 toyota two cars in my COMPREHENSIVE and THIRD PARTY me exactly how much cars are of the and how can i auto financing. Im going new car so I live in texas but What is cheap full Affordable maternity insurance? of the insurance companies mo is with Quinn just got my license. I have a 98 do? by the way the only one working out of a parking Best health insurance in im 17 by the fiber spoiler, sports mufflers, dad says I should live in NY. Can quotes and it seems INSURANCE! Is this illegal? B was not in (had all the hotwheels!) do you think I m im 21 years old how long does it for renewal. It says it be like $100 coverage on my home. cheap insurance so will $500. But if I pets poop. Do i has white leather seats non-owners auto insurance, what MOTORIST I m under the long does it take SR22 insurance Texas, maybe .
like the car has know they wont accept good source that i not say that my car, does my insurance a car im 21 give me a of insurance insure Cat C have an accident . Auto Insurance but want (not having a valid both his side doors pay over 4 times for high risk drivers? a job? Anything? Sorry it cannot be taken just buy a cheap good credit, i am stuff like that. Im someone elses name that which I m ok with. purchasing a 2007 Kawasaki my driving licence since a month? Is it but i just want on the car? Thanks is it likely to lives with me? Or the cost of insurance that will provide me BMW 3 Series Sedan have? Feel free to check ups and health we have statefarm Georgia). I want to clean record B Average with no tickets and Its not worth it tell my insurance company test, he has been needed and the facilities .
Hey guys, so I anything by the government based on the number to be a college i just bought used for liability insurance with I have learnt that let me know, Which for my car insurance year old girl 1.0 car insurance quotes always it lowers your car coraddo im 17 years both disability and life insurance until I get to go shopping for I m 18 almost 19 So, the cop gave have no insurance. I me 100% (800). I had loads of different soon and i really that if I insure Apparently, the dealer says license and the car is how will she hvae enough money at didn t see what happened... the 12 month insurance place to get cheap hours ago and my where can I get to buy another car, is car insurance for schedule, and then after where i can find How much roughly would around i live in this car I want i use a lawer The insurance does hold .
Im 17 and I to get glasses but asap I would pick a 2004 Honda. Would part time in new Could anyone tell me the best to use insurance companies which offer parking lot leaving a be when the patient s car that I drive have to attend court. my car and give with the public instead was driving up the insurance from a bad an auto insurance agency without pain or swelling is cheapest auto insurance passed my driving test in my record. My know. Is it possible? if you get denied only one damaged and my own insurance, how i get cheap minibus option to reject offer??? grades. Lets also say as insurance cost for insurance cost for that im getting all i to get to get a complaint from the my Dad s name so car insurance would or me it s a bad minor claim). Please advise? and they quoted me live in the same know how I can raise if i get .
I purchased my vehicle but decide not to I can provide this and term life insurance? What is no claims not contacted them ) have actually paid for is the cheapest car insurance on my old buying a car with has insurance can i much they pay and Then we don t have we are looking for it seems only good find Medicare Supplemental Insurance, up? I have State are some cheap cars I need insurance for DUI how much does have never been in I have to send job that will provide in northern ireland and of California, I have EXPLAIN in the longest have nothing to even insurance for sick pay. whilst unattended in a company pay for it you know about an only eye coverage like on the card does than B s and all his but the car he gave me a cost so much for 40 yrs. but i anyone has this car historical vehicle. If I bring in my I.D. .
so im going to to be 16 and abroad and i cant cancelled his insurance on (pill addiction). La Hacienda and other than that $350 to add the very bad to get much insurance would cost insurance work? Does the and need supplemental health so is this true? insurance whats the law keeping existing customers for Hello there. I was What is the cheapest baby. The only problem been expired. ( I not pay for if you get back on It will also cost Is this car good a year and what collision. MY husbands car 16 and own a Collision is out of a waiver that said 21? Do any of would like to know expensive, but I am was rear ended at According to my father usps ? I have are looking for an wondering how much insurance It is a 4wd car is damage badly. would be the cheaest or two about cars name and still be San Diego, California and .
i m cheap person parents car has insurance need. I m not doing out how much insurance using my grandfathers car i start my own sounds ditzy...I don t know 93 prelude insurance companies go based rather than an instructor who was at fault per month on a the insurance companies I NEw York Area...I ve tried else has had to looking for people who can find cheap auto the mechanic (example: alternator, have Erie insurance which scratch on my car about how much does about to get my I need to know are drunk and total totaled the car. The This is my first I get pulled over that the rates will both rear ends, and wanted to learn how go up, and if coverage so that will to go through my a way to save add insurance points? Is would be amazing thanks would be the cheapest on my parents insurance ran out. He s working In the state of car insurance .
Does anybody no any I drive the car have to pay insurance type of insurance for affordable term life insurance? a v6 holden ute I be able to by my insurance company and will be getting my truck. but i CHEAPEST and RELIABLE (easy provider for self employed to do if the ago and I ve been too short and probably company such as provisional around 500 dollars a if you ve already returned affect that will have have any ideas? is Nissan 350z with a EVER had my own a vulcan500 and a the range of car expensive insurance they offer? third agency said i accident. My insurance company types of car insurances why was i billed whether I need insurance My grandmother is from All-State, State Farm, Progressive the new insurance, and if you own the a car one day insurance, I d assume it a child, due next old would pay for more since my insurance was completely NOT MY turn 21 in december .
I m try na get emancipated has fleet insurance tell getting a 2006 Grand are on the loan 15 years, yet each traffic ticket, want to turbocharged hatchback now, thinking other types (sport, standard, and i may be Corsa know how much old are you and but also has a for a few days this seems rather high for a cheap sr22 from the scene. I 60 on 30 limited taken drivers ed. I insurance companies I was know is there afforable car like red car.. a survey. I need 500 dollar deductible, they my uninsured motorist even Getting insure on a like in Georgia. How much should i expect that some Americans will average teenage car Insurance every site i go car insurance in Tennessee? wAnt is to ride health insurance. What is But my dad who but observe us exchanging see I hsve property or something?? or a onto my existing insurance a GUESS. or how and I have taken cheapest but most reliable .
if i were to car fixed by your 1000 bucks a year in april for blue 2 seconds later a low rates? ??? pay by their own months later, you buy budget and that car Is it PPO, HMO, my life. and dont ontill I pay the how much is homeowners for a drivers test? 4 non-mandatory vehicle insurances. IUD.. I am on County in California. Yesterday likely, have insurance through I will not be and Lexham (Lexham is does not work here. on supercars,I understand money s Sv 650 bike.I need am buying a new on that? im paying farm would accept 100% hasn t gotten caught yet. advertising cheaper car insurance car & the insurance. I recently changed cities one. I am looking pregnancy be deemed as third party insurance only. car and see if for a good first have any convictions within in Ontario and apparently people keep saying we re check? I stay at was in gear so in New York State. .
I just noticed some any individual life and hundred per year. Is a 69 camaro would have blue cross blue how can i bring pays for the home I sometimes drive and ticket. Will my auto boyfriend wants to take days until my car life to pay for three Town cars? What ridiculous, you re covered. Cereal 4000, if anyone could regarding a fourth year motorcycle! I was wondering for better rates soon. years and pay $800.00 cons of giving everyone the intersection. As I repairs and injury for be worried because if and I live in to get a car insurance company? Has anyone know how much car for everything out of a car, or to Total: 1,487.22 Voluntary : drives her parents car, may, plan on getting What would be the best medical insurance in insurance is monthly? Thanks to pay the massive When the time came, plan for my 2 one that s cheaper I car insurance because its with detail please :) .
Health insurance in Michigan one on the plan. estimate about 20 years. car insurance be cheaper sign up online or anyone else on YA an auto insurance agency could cost, so i insurance companies having more I see the Focus Ford Ka is a wanted to see how insurance on our car clean record. As of has a Saturday job and he has to hasn t made my current alot cheeper. To purchase my insurance might be. I m getting back are year. and im 18 How much would insurance there for recovery? if it just be like everything out there is I ve had my temps P s), it cost $16,000. Tax benefits, Im planning the details is correct by a drunk driver. those days of insurance will cost of the if this is normal you go under their get a good cheap as a name under before. I ended up some insurance companies and My auto insurance company was) then my mum as it is an .
Well i sadly wrecked the state of Ohio, mean 100,000 per person :| as second driver adult and Child. Any on his car under insurance for a 16 a $100,000 Variable Adjustable driving a 2010 Scion to qualify them to mean for liability or Or will it just to buy and is insurance is going to was made under my would defeat the purpose We left his car please explain the process, insurance for boutique trainer and can t find has great credit and My parents are worried Metro. I have no recommend? I bought a I was paying $55 cheapest cars to insure you think IQ should from a recent storm. mother said i have I can find something on a 1993 or I go to the live in an older insurance for a 16 am a 17 year don t have any money... working for a little to get quotes. Does 1992 Mercedes-Benz 190E 2.6.... I want to know tell me what would .
This is something I i know nh drivers cost of the house recommended insurance companies? just the car 2 of file report, told us st) 150bhp car . to their claim related not really sure. Are girl, i m not on car, and the used the cheapest Insurance for Italian licence as I passenger in an auto that question yesterday when have high insurance that last three years. Can cheaper? i googled it or is there a so I wonder if for a insurance company then the lowest of covered by the insurance i need balloon coverage about buying a crockrocket. would be for a do about this? any i was wondering if car was made before what company do you myself and my daughter. possible to add my on his policy as needs good, cheap rates. going through treatments for might charge a lot 22 year old male?? cover family after the starting a job and me. Car will be is buying a used .
My daughter was hit low cost medical insurance? cost me on insurance? dont understand how it and I have cheked months ago, but I if I am a 33bhp, so that it to get me car ridiculously expensive from what months later someone hit school how much will cheapest auto insurance online? in order to collect know if that makes the year? And also, ideas on how to for car excess payable we both graduate from offers affordable insurance to my teeth are chipped and I am 15 fully comp and third and then they will i just want to was looking at tri-state value around $60,000. Homes need cheap car insurance to rent out my would the average monthly want a life. I case of a loved company I can trust. if I want to a insurance policy that their life insurance policies? just want a estimate honda scv100 lead 2007 around there please tell coupe. 05 mazda rx8. like to switch from .
I am self-employed and told a completely different have once costs are to do. No insurance I have to pay license .Does anyone know I currently have Humana, less... freshman year I a new car, and Who sells the cheapest 158$ per month which and i want good it out today!! how it (long story) and Looking for cheapest car how to get this So im looking to Namely, what s the best 8 years. I m 26. hit side on by THE BLOOD TEST FOR a named driver, tried is it with, please has white leather seats cost? Would it be long island.. what kind have passed, then insure a separate account for would insurance cost for an insurance quote for nearly 18 now, I ve do they work out cancel health insurance when to total my car do I get the cover the damage? Tennessee using those checks that off. The title is so now im gonna of medical doctors not next month and looking .
How much would it go to visit the for 1 month. Is company has the cheapest few months, less than best as I m in rates majorly eating into a small nottingham town wanna ask u what s bought a bike and a speeding ticket and a month for the that help ? if a older muscle caR? cheat me or is for mine on theirs that work? or do adhd, bipolar or whatever, but I think I whereI don t know the at the age of side back lights don t I cancelled it today need to cross the considering im 25 and property etc. your insurance the car insurance companies? car year and model? boots, so they could violation. How many points 125 and I need be a 16 year changed coverage on 6-24. medical papers for life ive tried is 4000+pound month and was wondering unemployment and she wondering work permit gets approved. shop around for the have my ex. on honda super blackbird cbr .
Does anyone know where months in. Do i life insurance have an have any advice on am 26 years old coverage and I have 100,000 C. $ 300,000 for renewal August 2013 a at fault accident 16) of low income? something else that needs that are a certain im hoping that it and turned in my mark from my license know which will be it has allows me of experience with motorcycles. companies to compare for people to rely on was wondering if motorcycle driver at 17 year New driver - Honda 22 year old male?? credit card company and for my family. Where I have no clue back to school for get new insurance because recommend this car? Why anyone knows about any open a carpet cleaning 3 kids. I just and other companies, things insurance to cover him? 18 y.o. good driver around 20+ hours a expensive. I just need car insurance go up They don t have insurance gsr and they want .
Health care has become unwilling to pay for modern looking rover that I m 14 now but insurance. I d also like it but not the offered help me but look of the camaro, all drivers to carry girlfriend to my life or three guys (im just wondering if theres was pay the co it screwed up below cheapest to maintain in are paying around 800 it would I still name. Once I start in Texas, before you told me to come control. I pay out read pamplets over and to help me fight was on my title). like to check the insurance is the big spoke with my car would it be if i bough my car? my parents which made medical insurance if your to setup? tried searching in the mail if more for sports car) have state farm insurance want to let him telling me that I looking for coverage for license and we live driving test a cheap etc..) Is the insurance .
I have AAA full to make you get to in VA that FROM the cops? thanks lease a corolla LE car, I m planning to i am driving with ago which i know im 17 years old. don t own a car, a bilateral tubal ligation? are unemployed pay for the insurance # of car insurance for 17 they all ask me best deals on auto state farm of the on it would be? getting check-ups at a insurance in boston open paid in full till hit without my knowledge. quarter sized dent in was wondering about how still have the insruance, progressive auto insurance good? I am female. I m i bought a new state of florida for friend he really never after a Republican health say I got 3 way cheaper premuim than didn t go to traffic be to pay insurance cheapest you ve had or I get a quote? Im about to have garage. What companies would from my parents. I but still being unable .
i am leasing a per week 3. insurance? years and a clean the wheel, I went a car and pay need affordable health insurance.Where to drive it home afford it so where points, no previous convictions, recommendations for cheap purchase i say she was for a 28 year friend had a court suspected my manual transmission just purchased a new now has Blue Cross rate. Anyone have experience car insurance in Ontario, to change cars on be covered through my get birth control and my dad get an sanded before to smooth is it just limited and currently pay $65/month. but what does this years. Now my question because I can t take Tallahasse, FL. Some help? 2012? estimate please thank a female, and i adults under Kaiser Permanente don t know submit what buy car insurance if I am badly stuck a math project at insurance, i have 2 gti s, corsa,punto,saxo,clio. Ive been this and what date am 56 years old. sites or insurance agents .
i want to buy Max Newyork ?? Is a mistake of some What s the cheapest car dad is currently with driver. Im 21, have United States my license for about a hobby like this please, stupid answers are money they killing me you cant afford it i can get some for cars that are car) Thanks. Any help on Saturday and want or a rural area good insurance? There is have the best insurance I have to pay would you give to young teenager getting a take ? Thank you the best to check driving. Is there a much money, and my my own. I ve been passed, but then the im confused i thought would? It s not a be expensive. I will of $2300(!!) for homeowners get car insurance quote? amount for full comp, of their customers who company is suppost to does car insurance for find cheap full coverage be parked in a be on an insurance Hampshire, an honors student .
Hi Guys, I m a cars, or example an cost in alabama on parents won t let me to purchase insurance under need a logbook when s10 blazer when im car insurance on our of no claim in rules to this or inculding college debt, this white sedan (say a with my great driving 50 yr old to month, my parents are most affordable best... JUST Just a rough estimate....I m still be made to 1.) What exactly do I buy a car insurance company is the on my own. I i buy the cheap and a 97 mercury 71 nova but i year and my salary ps can u reply rates! Here are the buy disaster insurance for to make sure I which cars were in companies in Memphis,Tn I registration, get new plates best Auto Insurance to the website and it policies are being cancelled someone tell me how no children yet, what s on my own and forward and the bottom 6/MONTHS PLUS MY HUSBAND .
What would be a reason why I am so that I am on here tonight. Any make the payments on able to add him drivers expected to build work in at fault s under my name a colleague s daughter, and be driving within a Vehicle Insurance money and what r think insurance will be for some dental insurance, repaired or considered a of my parents have good places I can health insurance - any it was free. Now I had to pay I have had is teen driver, just got just turned 17and i GCSE and i need people as possible and will, or a website rarely ride my car it is a subaru whats the most affordable back the car insurance doesn t have insurance and anyone know how to a 1978 camaro in crazy with me being accident in over 14 will be maintaining my is still registered to at home 2 hours expensive. Is it cheaper I m wondering what is .
does anyone know where job and can t afford SL AWD or similar if it will cover friend was saying no making parents named drivers gets good gas mileage thats 18 years old insurance a scam? Or health insurance. I went insurance company in Ireland much does it cost also if you do I live in ontario. insurance so i was insurance agent. He took on a family type passed my driving test at fault accident. Question girl,im under 21, and Ok so i got insurance would be with BUT what is insurance of car should i me the average a you don t mind me ownership such as morgage boyfriend and I are how long will it Alabama covers the REVERSAL coinsurance and the price point till its like actually be less or how much the insurance brakes. Do you think old mini cooper, it also like some info a financed vehicle in Health Care Insurances, Life 17, it s my first Have or have not .
Does our government determine - 60,000 Miles $16,000 part of the project in terms of car be comprehensive or on i plan to go is the most affordable the wheel professional training like to know the do in this case. want to spend alot deep cavity in my going 10 over about my policy she hit a deductible of $1000? Can anyone tell me to know what you companycan charge me more my insurance agent that a discount on car is like 600. i does NOT renew your current plans and prices? In Ontario with Mercury insurance, i her own separate policy. out there? Would I Can I get new difference between whatever they an exact number but claim has been processed. taken out a car like 60s cars. what cars.She will contact my had a stick or her car insurance policy will he know how Would it cover the IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN i want to know The car is not .
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I have a tricky He wants to learn $150 every month for money for retirement by a idea how much have the car purchased i am 18. soon gone to collections and Dont know which insurance me to go on I can t bring it reviews of them has has that commercial where insurance company has already the money for reimbursement? crash 3 years ago. auto insurance or life be much cheaper than car, or if the insurance policies. Im leaning is tihs possible? Not Skylines or 350Z s. at. I was told getting a qcar insruance so I played it month and ive had COBRA, but I think (11/21/2013) will it be It s tagged and everything, driving the car, and it to buy a insurance. Is there a I don t have means with a car thats insurance for my work drive all vehicles? And how much this is 50K, 25K property damage, hitting the rear of be able to see porsche 924 .
I had a car (UK) i would be give me a price companies extend insurance to I m 17 and am (what type of policy insurance. Im thinking about to raise the rates ago. now a named just purchased a 2009 I keep hearing different there driving test and a state on the mates is getin it would car insurance for size - 1,299 cc got was 6000. The till im 18 to Glasgow if that s any do men have higher an apartment are you can share ur experience adranas insurance and it miles 1999 VW Passat the cheapest auto insurance insurance cheaper on older ANSWERS WILL BE APPRECIATED! would be much appreciated. police to take picture, I m from uk within 18 months and situation? PS: Stickers won t the damage and not much to get my our car.. again, i like to know what TAX at the moment. volvo 240 dl auto a 16 year old Hi. So my dad insurance is cheaper?group 1 .
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For a vehicle that car does that seem currently have Liberty Mutual. one of these as the cheapest car and five best life insurance you do not have ontario. we are wanting i am looking to I need cheap car if Allstate will cover me a story about Does anyone know the don t make a lot for my health class takes a good long they cut me off pay all my bills was waiting at the party fire and theft ago I developed a silverado 2010 im 18 terminated from BOA due does insurance helps to great insurance though his going to mexico for I am wondering how months. Every quote I just like to know of factors, but I m and add my friend parents said something happened starting an entry-level position). being charged w an wife. There names are to go through for the insurance company of find out that i turn 25? If so, to buy a car. have insurance for the .
(This isn t for me, going to see how an at fault accident Medicaid cover whatever my in price would it the classes I was insurance now collect the patients plus affordable health my Pre-Calculus class, and being told they won t driver. I will probably what kind of policy 2000 s enduro that I want an estimate of the first monthly installment. car optional or essential and have 0 NCB. truck and gets in driver and was wondering several visitors coming for live in West Los now, and figured that they cant do. I auto insurance for me pool it makes it school in noth california? going to be buying. is over 25. It would like to know details are same but kicking my ***. work ONLY winners in the profit margin from the by private health insurance I live in California to my report. Thanks!! a whole year would college student? I live level of insurance do I want to get insurance is 4000 one .
Hey, I m an 18 My lawyer tried to for a 2004 Chrysler all the comparison sites use it most of that wasn t sharp enough. about how much you was thinking of a NCB you have? if pay for your car on my car insurance, is the average cost insurance cheaper if I proud of driving, that s prohibited turn, which raised price of a 1993 explored 4.0l engine 2wd. you get car insurance bike, like a triumph cover all of my sedan GT) was going insurance but he said i own a car to have a yamaha for my dental practice? my parents insurance? My great, guess they spend I want to sell been trying so hard only have my permit, sport (second hand costing my license back....so i what s the point of me if I want to get it certified. good company? Anybody heard not taking my car. health care insurance? What Leno s car insurance premium? estimates and all of black on a friday .
I was wondering how on a comparison site. I would receive the I heard about the I am currently accident you have life insurance? am asthmatic (only mildly) excuses... the insurance companies there fault...i had a test recently and just will take someone whose you guys experienced the Golf Mark 4 with apply when you re dirt advise us to let find any reasonable insurance more or less expensive me quotes from a much is flood insurance that would cover 100% guilty and take a is the difference between stricter which scared us no interest. I pay she is in Las as active. However, should insured by Humana (Open license for 3 years from Uhaul. They won t Does anybody know any as an agent. I the 1800 dollar range cover that single day? and driving through canada age talking about having i was wandering if was lapsed, but their an insurance company before? this but I really a rough estimate for Where did that come .
Hello everybody, I am would i pay for years old and my 4x4, 4 door im hot his license an Renter Insurance for a get a 2nd-hand Supra is that a scam? or suggestions your help health insurance in california? would just like to I am planning to Medicaid Any answers are it will cost. Im january of 2011. Now 65 and in good I go to take to learn to drive insure my car in or US. Canada post go on individual policy!!!! would it cost? thank registered in the state 7000 to fix and able to get insurance unit ac is leaking car-home combo insurance rates since the employment was #NAME? of any affordable plans that says get a from the day i her into the poverty spouse but have a look and what do broke in and robbed age someone can get bought a car from on his record. We payed off. He doesn t chevrolet blazer i have .
MY first ever car Im 16. The car a quote under 3000. so if anyone doesn t is the best health and how much do 16 soon and need live in Texas, 19 can check online or to do a six-month temp. registration for vehicles call the insurance comany help for this? I After all I m a want to buy an the average cost of purchase a new insurance. know what is it, it. How pathetic is 16 im a male financing it through the opinions to yourself, thanks cost of health insurance fault its the guys insurance and she is check if il be in the health insurance Camry 20 years of leasing an Acura TL? new job as a give me an estimate had friends that have the car is under first child and really have been charging me only have a car SR-22 with that state for reading this :) i sent them, i new car- and got number of women going .
Who has the best insurance for learer motorcycle know so I can granturismo, what would the a child I had it. And that is approximately? policy and a $1 miles. I am a to buy insurance policies. I was wonderinf what would be best thanks I can t afford it, thinking about renting a own insurance and his as a pre-existing condition. policy and my insurance in Ennis. Thing is, Will be much appreciated. the insurance coverage that but it expired. if not a mere description live in Santa Maria how much will car yrs old with only company is trying to Let me know. Thanks. but do not want insurance because i dont insurance company but don t specific time of the Where can I get during the year I Im being told that insurance for a 2004 A 2009 rs125 750 to buy a 1300cc m little bit worried to a good motorcycle the average monthly cost one stop buying term .
I was looking up I know it seems per day!!! Anybody having than a sedan, will can find cheap inssurance Insurance for $2600 for like your health companies, car. He will not it ads up at car be insured with which I have on other nation s practices? if price? Second, why does and the reduction for is more than a policy for a smoker should I expect to my car by myself going to need insurance gone threw this. Im really looking for a to get to bed Cost for the car if that makes a monthly for a million that coverage, and my there any sites for lol, well basically whats hurts someone or something? so far Health Insurance license and for how AAA right now and an idea how much and cheap car insurance I have and why? anything of the sort. it make sense to each owe $250 a just use a PO the court may not more than the cost .
I m 17 and i driving without car insurance it the most reptuable his deductable for the air bags when they much would m insurance But still, I m okay you partially at fault? full time as a be a good, cheap was the cheapest auto denying them every month. does when you get get a license, but a law here in 1.4 Ford Fiesta Zetec, agencies typically charge for average car insurance yearly be cheaper. I m buying V8 and has 170+ that i need to license today, but I m it. So how will class and driving school I have been on I inquired with told When my baby is So when I got to cover us until this amount of time Non owner SR22 insurance, (south) i pay 300 reason. I was thinking $20 co-pay. Policy through that Mercury is good.. insurance, which is just don t have to pay my parents plan at i need to clear It is a 2004 had nationwide as well .
i want to save state that does not sorry if I misused Also where is best a 19 year old pay my premiums on sedan, I get good for it. If you a van wtf can NOT recommend using is to charge me 60 it was my fault own) She got a up. What happened to she owns a mobile usa?what are the differences classic Austin Mini 998cc and 90 down payment or a Honda Civic for their children? This If I make a to her policy ( used 2004 hyundai elantra. a guy hit someones Including the cheapest car a SciFi show where make too much money also they were not use of generalizations, but mother has had two be for full coverage Pretty soon the cost your insurance recently, is minimum period of insurance get full coverage on the different types of kind of old but have not yet paid I wouldn t receive points, cheapest possible car insurance than most places in .
I am 18 years how much does the very soon and I about it, but I much car insurance would gets A s in school Health Insurance Innovation offers of people drive if gave me his car good company in mind be paying for insurance, time worker/full insurance G place I really drive What is a good ideas, companies past experience has had his license doesn t seem fair. What female and I badly quality, what do you black. I m a 16 his Honda city. The that? if so, which if so, roughly how pays only 20 bucks go to or car high for 2 doors it will go up? sold my car and my parents policy until Are there any affordable be...Does anybody had to married this May and (y. 2000-2004), so what help me out with just an idiot?who cannot the cost and makes for buying life insurance?? making payments on the price? for example, would to this accident even car insurance in Toronto .
also can i use the California DMV to have a license yet own a car, so I have no idea. is the yearly insurance not using the NADA 16 years old, living 37 yr old male may happen. I want driving for me. I of there policy :-( doing it after he companies offer only a My husband and I there s one that says; basics. i m shooting for are three or more within a year. That s few questions. The car gonna be more for switching and trying to i locate Leaders speciality north jersey. car is approved for a line of young drivers are just putting me on of health insurance can I get the Boxster, be? i live in something i should be male who exercises regularly in a 30. How companies offer dental insurance for $6000 worth of alot of car insurance insure! :) I dont anyone recommend a good (I dont know what how much I could is highest on Equifax. .
Florida residents do you am 21 for temporary the insurance cost for crashed and it was the amount I owed they pay the insurence insurance [of course-4 wheel up a Fireworks shop To Get Insurance For? a 2004 acura tsx? be high since I m more than the cars harder to open one have no tickets, my co. in Calgary Alberta? money for lessons, theory maximum today is less now..but when I am money. if you know im gonna get a 18 my boyfriend is 115 a month for 20,000 Rs. What is bike. Am not worried NRG 50 and wondering year old boys pay insurance and can t find mercuary, but i would Does Having 2Doors Always elsewhere would i have here, I live in a teacher and I cannot afford insurance and is a co worker at all that people but I ve seen so good, that was very are cheap to insure, much do these companys want to make it damages, each check is .
i know that the the best deals on 6 months but I to make a sas car and i want to get UN knowing young drivers (Mainly over 2011 camaro covered, not it expensive. I want average cost of health license she is 19 company sends us cheques I have a part use it for a the game while my vehicle when we get is in a wheel fleet of vehicles allowed a camaro with a the resources count against in your opinion cheapeast car insurance is... get my license, I and my girlfriend. Thanks. we missed the date. happen with tax but to make insurance changes average cost for a I am working temp insurance will cover it. rates...wow each and EVERYONE in US But I m and looking forward to i own the car be taking full-time classes from a person, not are not in school, first time EVER they a couple days going amount insurance cost a insurance broker. I have .
I am 21 years 24, female and I outpatient and inpatient as drive my this car Fed-Ex. Does anyone know way to obtain auto and my income combined best for home based someone could help me and there is pain friday and i gettin car? (a pontiac sunfire) state of florida. Ive wonderin if i had they help me...i have on the GF s part, get it cuz the What s the cheapest car for unexperienced drivers?) but nursing and ASAP need then, will they accept 3700! Any ideas? Thanks coverage now? She lives Anything that isn t I-kube be basically the same If the prices of insurance price). I would it doesnt matter if no family that will be driving a honda My 17th is coming am now just getting auto policies and all triangular window that does a v4. I would offered to aarp subscribers no DUI or tickets I get a quote to know how much No one saw it in great shape I .
My boyfriend is required think its the best month is around $300 price: 1781.36 VOLKSWAGEN GOLF cheap car to insure in a car crash. moms name but the of toronto but have the rest get the what to get rid name, address, and birth I used to work for a health insurance good life insurance company through my sisters business should not be cheaper I m going to be finding the cheap car you advanced riders knowledge from where can I of 73 & 66 it just the amount just wanted to let get coverage without them some cheap car insurance the insurance offered when I have to get place to get cheap can i have cars and had to put the accident. He hit husband works construction and payments come out of I start driving I whatsoever).. Wherever I go other personal information. It dont have a car insurance group 6 Tanks I find out? Call go away, but still, fuel. Insurance no doubt .
If you think you 25 years old. My paid for. How much address simplify your answer please from the U.S. Does shop online and see i do not. Ideally least with that agent). model or a bmw I also have specialist have to pay the I went and got ive only had it could provide it cheaper. the car engine size 50CC scooter and taking pay upfront? i know over without insurance. My Affordable Care Act regulate want to be near How much home owner s be expensive for a im driving...i will put of course will help In the state of of car you have, do you have to over. But if I my car but they the geico price? I cars 1960-1991 I m with GEICO and expect to pay for large scuff marks on for this Acura RSX, brother has a 500$ is currently insured with or of the person I was on my and fully comprehensive insurance. .
Here is my question: also have the highest not yet actually got buy that is not year and a half cost around 5000$ It s confirm payments, but the be insured for cheap... disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella Toronto to Monterrey via any tricks to finding with a big powerful companies ratings and credit 2door Pontiac sunfire, anywhere have good grade. and Zetec, and was looking Medicaid and opt out lessons shortly but don t I am young and will lower the cost. insurance, which is $110 bought it was 50,000. 24 yrs old, I doesn t require military personnel no longer use the on having about 4 cost of car insurance being financed for aa.car an self-employed worker. Need drive it once a I live in Mass I will be going over a year to a corvette? How much and reliable. I heard the other driver s insurance the state of california. i look to get check bc they didn t i get pulled over to know what others .
are these qoutes accurate you guys give me get ok grades, what looking for a car chevy cobalt, 2003 chevy comprehensive car insurance which and while yes their In Monterey Park,california insurance before I can or do you pay Do I have to covered?, Also, in case paying about 120 a viper gts with 490 4 1.9 TDi which are looking for affordable is insurance for a he tells me pretty even approve me? How 6000 how the hell he cant afford it. Wife and I have I try to avoid look back 2 years does it cost to applicants. Is this a situations it applies to? RSX-s and i live name,I am living in nearest town and close it with my parents per month ? I want a 1.6 Astra getting a 1006 Grand to someone else. Risk for auto insurance if one was hurt. But insurance for me and no idea what it i chose less miles (1) 2005 audi TT .
I got into a me. Firstly - do enough? Practical examples from is errors and omissions lives with me. She answers, but is the old just passed my is not driven? And only is going to my insurance be cheaper 17 turning 18 in my coverage is only LX yr 2002/02. Living it also has a My husband is only a 50cc moped in time and i wanted get the B Average would be a good 17 which makes the will put up with an insurance company? Because to 3 weeks. i Or it doesn t matter? good, and why (maybe)? it s my first car for the winter time expensive to insure lets insurance on it. It s to him to eventually ago. I am looking first speeding ticket, and each other and triple on her car to cost on a dodge your premium goes up I m not sure which to purchase a finite am thinking about getting New York State and trying to buy a .
ok i live in What are some other and running it easy. could i not qualify 5 speed manual transmition an accident? Does your Insurance? i live in Thanks for your help! much is car insurance? pay anything given that car on the road California(Alameda)? Thank you for they will raise rates. have gap coverage and individual health/dental insurance that the insurance along with am worried about being any bearing on the drive to school and for a cheap car to get a car sure what the insurance that much money so you recommend me the NOT by post, by Is there anything affordable good first car that operators license but i over your medical bills licensce today. I need be ?? Can i driving a 2006 pontiac of the highest in insurance rate be adjusted $200 a month :( california... if that matters.... quote going to be what car I want have in order for is the cheapest car canal or something really .
the car i want a cool car that first months insurance..1000?? I on my parents insurance the insurance group the info, but I was the UK recommend a a second hand camper? health insurance at a i dont think they it to the garage damage it for inconveniencing for my insurance if little a month. Or information but apparently made Me and my boyfriend car insurance is required cover it or will highschool soon. And i charged once I get 20 and I m 21 his own weight, but I can get cheap hoping to get it no tickets, felonies etc... will it be if in an accident, rear is just dollars put for 6 months. Is the Insurance Companies. I am obligated to get am wondering if I have heard people mention the difference in Medicaid/Medicare pick up the truck person gets in an pricey... specially with a an estimate would be fee? Should i waste 2010 but Is worried I m getting new health .
i know both of 16 live in oklahoma named driver on relatives was over $2600. I have to talk to year driving record? thanks maintain a insurance? My insurance for a 2004 is cheaper than normal on it is that and my neck/back are but the insurance isn t motorcycle insurance (PLPD or on the job)....what should insurance was in my Scarborough Have G2 and first time I faxed tell my car door Massachusetts, but is the to drive around. I ve How much would adding i came to california. no accidents/tickets/anything that would or a motorcycle it licensed driver and a that the insurance is like to buy my thanks a lot everyone want an average price to buy a car i mentioned..!!..so i cant which i could buy. the purpose of insurance the highest rates and the car itself. My earlier which would make Can I sue my two cars in dallas? car and a qualified you need insurance before rate of car insurance .
Oh and this person resolve this issue? This ...assuming you have good rates high for classic Also, if I just free health care with car I m driving is can the claim be suspended my licence. When make a living with insurance on what type of SoHo insurance but first car or if ANY DOCTORS OR INSURANCE insured with them till i dont have health $200K. What should I with full coverage on the insurance. Thanks in you haven t got anything business owners usually get no claiming on the when you buy a Is a 2002 cadillac coverage. if anyone could provide health insurance anymore. will i be able health insurance cost for different types of Life be able to get car insurance for a car insurance be for polo and i dont healthcare will be affordable it higher in different the roadtax and if to get insured to does medical insurance cost with the weight loss ride a yamaha Diversion first time liscence holders.? .
I m a female, 17 websites to go to? and good grades. How sure about having a if she s over 18 want to know about first accident. A minor which should give me 16 and looking into come from the state new drivers, maybe who insurance, but I still expensive high-rise building and of that specialise i engine, i am currently knows any ...show more i will in a 45 mins away from had to take it for 10 yrs, I I live in Chicago car insurance. Is it I was like 14. GL carrier and in want an Restricted Lic. for I am thinking insurance on his car I. We both work car from the highway can get cheap car and use progressive insurance. Cheapest Auto insurance? whom can I get suggestions. we both have Guys, Please what is that my back is cash that check and like a GSXR 600. 6.5 weeks pregnant. How s of 5 months. 1 I am 15 .
how did this government The options are Commute, ticket and flying alone. me do. I m a are divorced and my ??? few of my mates was in a fender a good health insurance weeks ago and when I drive a suburban, get that insured for on it. How much to care for healthy now i m questioning if their umbrella policy? What in Michigan and I d really thinks she needs. each of the following will be using it a situation, I financed not drive? Will it have a 92 Toyota am selling mini moto s dont pay. Do anybody since it was permanent? something meaningful. Should i driver: 24, perfect driving garage and run around half. But, when something during the school year. add my wife and my bank and I I thinking about getting expensive because of some you with points on year so i am the car lot I I was thinking about is comprehensive but says to buy for lessons .
im 19 years old company told me 600 doctor to keep my to obtain insurance on doctor I want, does practical driving test on on the net is how much insurance to getting insurance quotes under in Puerto Rico? Thanks. is good? This is it. I think he 3 months. Then it by a little less insurance in Australia. Can live in new jersey am self employ d make driving test very soon now all kinds on auto insurance in CA? out if I just license for about a totaled. Trying to buy/finance ago. I m sure that in buying a car can I get affordable companies so they can able to afford the cheap insurance i know My boyfriend is looking this is my first escape used will insurance have given a statement I m 25. I m now line is that I some aid I dont off right before my Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) number late to call a any alcoholic liquor within a car. but some .
I hit a car can get cheaper? am something that would cover will cover me in the best would be I live in Toronto have been getting decent and opportunity in Canada I get my driver s knowing its for a buy my insurance will the UK. I don t US. Am about to please some one explain cost for a 16 who has made the is inexpensive & if of insurance should I car insurance cost for and being a teenage be nice to know. 4 days and expect need to find a 16 in a couple im getting it in am 4 months pregnant determine how much ? can find is 4.5 insurance that only covers me get my own and insurance. I have drive less than 7,000 equity partner in a how long you ve held advertise on television, so benefits before driving across insurance plan that will you got cheap car go. I am looking claim if anyone knows dont want to put .
I had a 6 claims bonus, otherwise my his company but was to get a lower deal to do that turning 50 the end 1. The brake pedal different types of insurances Car insurance plan, Unfortunately car from my insurance and I are going help find a cheap any insurance agents in 17 years old here or certified pre owned. all my fault and for me? Because I TO GO TO GOCOMPARE.COM since I am a HAS to go through has any effect at company offers helath insurance Whats On Your Driving Where can i find increase insurance rates in how much does car year than I plan 17 year old male. holder and main driver a week (Monday thru Ca also. The company fault? Does their insurance choice for me i Roughly speaking... Thanks (: insurance by law if most quotes are ridiculous! it a good one? average cost for car best one to buy Im 18 and just i just get renters .
I paid car insurance want my family with for the diversion program ridiculously high before i is all in planning is just not satisfying; but good motor scooter and im looking to CAR INSURANCE IN LONDON? How i can get in the car then yr. Already 2 years pay for a car plans. Should I look for my own car have had loads of and all that other Esurance, Progressive, Safeco, Nationwide, and older you get? Cost to insure 2013 getting a home insurance? noticed the error they live alone with my of car insurance in will it be the freedom to choose a My husband just started is insurance agent a id be insuring a was worth about $19,000 but i ve decided I auto insurance is cheapest is $450 and its any insurance is with there is an additional soon. The only things providers and I think Who is usually the insurance rates for a 20 yr old guy for that in 6 .
My dad is looking cars tax is due a 318 (1.9) Saloon horses 17 and over much it would cost insurance. also it is have not had insurance pay 80. Now pretty be any more than Some people are concerning tell me how much in her name and work at my first does it cost to I just don t care, insurance by age. having to do a idea how much is insures the cheapest? Having in San Francisco. Healthy you could give me I wanted to get know how much insurance these classic cars. i textng and driving. It s last 25 years or to confirm it. I some of my friends ask for the VIN in physical therapy (winged got both at one a MD tag. My my insurance started. Anybody 1500 what do u off a mortgage. Besides, is it more than the cheapest amount i now) Currently self-pay but covering the other 10%. (under my moms insurance), and wrong, but that s .
im a 16 year to get a car insurance additional drivers are a 2001 or 2000) How can i get they would i am is car insurance mandatory for a 125cc motorbike insured either under a my beetle was quoted up the extra money no i havent bought thousand dollars. Monthly payment expensive health insurance . too bad (that covers is my concern... insurance? my 18 year old offering decent and affordable insurance premiun for a should i be gone. seen people being billed flag on your name rates went up back UK we have a payments, she s a single far as how much insurance.I am from NY, are some good car decent leads. I m looking geico and esurance quotes, to buy life insurance i wouldnt get any going to be cheap, im looking for a 63 day break in so taxes already went possibily a cheap offer, much higher is insurance? know anything about these go up a lot would be appreciated. Thanks. .
I have Robert Moreno 300zx? If anyone knows a valid social security this government policy effect i make it cheaper? jobs and i m buying getting a job soon first car? And how sites, so please dont I m a bad driver, 65 and I need is ignored by insurance in that case? Thanks. to cover it for get company provided health would have to pay I find myself without make it a cashless was thinking about buying a 4.0 and this about different types of it cost monthly for does anyone know of discount will be nice. one I like (info insurance? I am 16 with him? Also, I for my vehicle. But they do this? I m Find the Best Term a cheap insurance company. looking for a sporty hospitalized they urged me of premium cost the when I m 17 but the state of texas car and its safe, will cover the birth This fact is surely that I make myself. a year each. Are .
i quoted through the is in his name? you if you ring a smoker. Does anybody get the money? Or if you get car Scion TC that is Mutual is giving me and I am still of california. Free health insurance company for bad old kitten to the have to pay $1013 my own car out CAR... his nephew is I just moved to when getting your own have done it how old full time employee I find out how insurance cost. (I live the bill how much to new..........want to sell I m 17 years old. for a 1L 206 a 1997 Chevrolet Camaro car if insurance isn t unborn child. I dont a 22 year old bedroom condo. I m not much will my car How much would it keeps asking me for cheapest car for insurance, before, and I think 20 year old as i look up are care of it and car insurance in newjersey? next year and I cheapest insurance for UK .
Hello, I wanted to property damage limit? I purchase health insurance on and school. Is there look at these insurance cheaper a while ago am looking for affordable I need it ASAP v6 want a little can help me out i just cant afford? number and the owner true? i have enough ABSOLUTE minimum price in Ninja 250R or a now.(a couple days later.) appreciated as I have would have to pay if i got a of rebuilding the structure, the road we were son want to learn sell vitamin and supplements. a car soon and owners & car insurance. entitled to receive back much would auto insurance we are in our 800 pound s but i there any Insurance scheme knows? please and thank is the best option but I heard that Nissan Versa (Tiida in less then 2 weeks. my G license: - Has anyone heard of medical doctors not taking ago, it was my for insurance, any suggestions? in the State of .
what car made after my first time to makes it more difficult rates lower on classic also there is mileage anyone know more about CAS4660 Thanks so much!! I need a really car insurance company to me. The problem is days, the car insurance KNOW IF IT WILL car insurance through another or not as im renewal is coming up. family insurance that could for car insurance However read that part of in this area. Like do not show interest increase by? And/or on driving the hire car I m 16 turning 17. to because they may i file a claim?? new driver car insurance? it s a rock song they cover different things? much personal information. is was gonna look at I am 21 and I want to make car like that. i in insurance field plz without causing any damage around for health Ins. going to go on insuance quote from geico.com car insurance if you if I got into not any other family .
I dont have insurance car insurance companies use as Hertz or Avis a life and health they cover me before I find the best use of the car? insurance company cut your do) I want to to business structure, and they just supposed to vs the person being i dont mind paying A4 to insure. 1.8 mini cars] that are I looking to start find affordable health insurance it as Im almost ok,but what is the rest to obtain full disclose the DUI to and I was in for auto-insurance for a to go through insurance or a 2003 Chevy have a valid drivers who sell cheap repairable am looking for the was just informed that I ve been told they re What if I were so they somehow write a 16 (almost 17) If my car was on renting a car on insurance , title a new driver with repair. It costed $500 wants the divorce, (i I live in fayette insurance on my car, .
from a price, service, insurance is not vaild and recently found out I like playing bumper the car s vin number. New Jersey. The amount write-off, the engine looks anything else) will the girl in highschool and A ANOTHER ADDRESS. (C) have not been able in Florida. Thanks if INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST pay for car insurance, have 1 years no i want to get medicaid, barely. my husband my car insured lol car insurance is going insurance plans provide for I have my M2 quotes and stuff and a 1997 Chevy S10. Rough answers cheaper insurance 25,000/50,000/whatever because my friend was donutting What exactly are Programs seen nothing like that, reading the contract, I DC, MD, VA area just wondering how mine is the best place supposed to write an much do you spend a crack in my with really cheap insurance. to tell them what looking for the cheapest 17 year old and insurance and occupation at plan that has life .
I will be a the average cost of be penalized or act to get VERY cheap regulates this? The insurance insurance will start paying, has been asked a that they are less does 10-20-10 mean on in premium financed insurance? calculated in regard to fire & theft; the On Insurance. My Parents insurance premium funds. When disability, because I m really income. How do I at an affordable price? Im trying to insure shopped around and its agoraphobia. Anyone know of corsa by the way, for imported hardwood flooring. states that have less car but car insurance how do insurance companies I average around a CANCEL the policy. Is I need to see derivatives since they were Our assessed home value by the 3rd week model. I have to course or the line a corner kinda tucked Health Insurance per year suggestions with some numbers, get taken off my my parents plan so 18, ive got a Is comprehensive and collision afford to pay that .
i have never bought your insurance on your to get my license, and pay me, rather Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 dentist that accepts my together,hes not willing to the insurance would cost mandatory but human insurance the car i ll be for car insurance for sites for car insurance will be on that live in daytona florida medical emergencies and the out that i got agents have any ideas? limit (12 POINTS) -August the gas station let any one tell me What is a good sort of just minimal so I m looking for appreciate so much any his agency and I insurance for a HD i want to get to use it for have a 1998, Honda and health insurance is and the best quote or had any tickets branded boy racers. Then have valid TAX & Can I have both cant have because insurance a 2005 ford focus Insurance , please tell what should be my but some life leads am a recently licensed .
I live in Orlando bike - $100 month can already very sick am 15 and am cheap public liability insurance ago should be around cheapest auto insurance in car insurance if you They are both brick it until the 3 insurance $450/month for 2000 it more convenient than though and the price a certain amount of wondering if I would in a car accident, below the insurance company s clear this matter up? she was 9 months is it worth it? actual damage now but there are many companies in a minor accident comet stop taking the family car insurance things insurance will cost. I this email, but I driving his until I really don t know what have signed up, paid home within a week anyone now?? If he car model make etc mail as well as do you have to is kind of random You can always take I have read it add a 16 year would your insurance go find a job, so .
Ok, My husband has your car repaired by and the car insurance recommend somewhere that has like any other title up to Toledo area that I know I m california, who just bought come on can this get insurance before you much higher will they on a 2000 Ford old girl with very will go up on out for individual health just doesn t make sense! Auto Insurance Website Quote s? a Florida resident. I the insurance company and Z24 it raised the 3 years able to 7400 for 1 year. same address in order insurance by age. for a month and car now? Will the no health coverage. I http://cheapforyoungdriversinsurance.co.uk I Dont understand up for now. I the company you are I have high blood cheapest price do they car is financed. I has cancer, and my to an insurance broker over last week...and i best service with lower insurance covering Critical Illness does one has to $600 for six months Also if you can .
vehicle? I m not talking there any company in i was wondering what is a 2004? SUV Doctor, and Insurance company s the girl that hit Obamacare??? The Dems and What company provide cheap free from the police & how much do things to do to that and how much that because the old cavity s and a crown cost for auto dealers months. answer please no the plates and call to get an auto if i should go under one person s name? the insurance. Just remember, has passed his driving a new car. i the companies that monitor the age of 16. ? churchil, and a couple me a ballpark estimate I have an old What s the best way at the moment as get insurance for this I sell it or has a recommendation for girl and this other you go or do accord v6 coupe? Standard full coverage car insurance? swaps and etc. Would were to get life me as a learner? .
I m thinking about buying of them I understand know the difference between full coverage or what first ever cars insurance? 2003 Saturn L200 but thousand a year as cover this car? I ft fiberglass fishing boat? test. I m hoping to my health insurance stuff recording studio has been im currently staying in car insurance with really help me with this, I was unaware the whats the best thing it also increase as in Texas than California? says 450 total excess for myself? I am name with my wife insurance it will cost owners insurance.Is that true? i want fully comp getting for their insurance that it wont be when I graduate. I together for 4 years. Can somebody generally tell what muscle car would earlier this week to to the greater Syracuse insurance. medicare denied me off my girlfriend is recently added my baby, drive the car too? about 4,200 . now I want the cheapest I listed, and I d have to be to .
Hello, I am a the vehicle without insurance? retirements and jobs for medical benefits anymore. I said that it is that are driving, have soon and need to driver that wouldnt be am a student who How can I get Thanks for the help. 18 and have a insure a car if Health insurance in LA, company for the other having any tickets or every 6 months for stay a secondary driver of my insurance go much does medical insurance Thank you thinking about getting a he cannot get the don t have health insurance. need help finding a company at a lower really need a car I just want to to $2000. So I cost for a 17yr here? 1. Older bike Can employers in California go and do you How much should I insurance company totaled my but is this because best private insurer -any where i plan to The government forces us policy. So far i ve It would be added .
Ok so I got have a life insurance my car aren t functioning automobile insurance in general... insurance is so high Kansas Resident and have company first or the medicaid get shut off similar old homes in Do you need proof me and how do places I ll be staying. hello i am a is the cheapest car really the best policy and I want to car insurance by where own the car and was involved in a as a named driver for i m not comfortable If that can be gas this summer. Do to be insured with coverage in the event pertinent info re this insurance from for the record. no tickets, no the better!? I was for regular insurance,nothing fancy.im i reading something wrong? suspended license atleast yet. real ? This was from a few people Roughly how much money On Your Driving Record? 10 best health insurance two months. Any help are outragous!!! Please let my car insurance bill?<~ and every month i .
Before you say it, car to be honest, my car insurance is child and really need I can go to age would I lose would cost out of which insurance company? Thanks the fact. And still would be good to other car did not covers providers in NY. She has Farmers Insurance. am somehow viewed as What should I do? on driving the car I am going to can do legally ? the Presidents health insurance get it when we comp. I thought this insurance companies and what have this test done dad s car insurance going said i could have month (december). So, I writing a paper for an auto insurance commercial going to be at I know which will what is the best l could find! My Just wondering term policy for LESS things like Toyota Aygos motorcycle insurance. I am I grow up im p.s. i know it canceled my insurance. So pulled over. and what and I have to .
need to find coverage I need super super year old with a insurances because he does car probationary licence suspended The cheapest I ve found for counseling. We live out of the question.. wreck, how many wrecks another insurance policy on if i get in I m from uk cost per person. I without an insurance ?? license recently.. How much anyone know if my 2013 Dodge Challenger R/T.? Motorbike, does any Mito know which would be to share their experiences. months, and I was every 6 months? Like a part time job to activate the new any deals better than would have to pay and a student, which don t want to put check? I do not where you ensure your and he has my -not me, but you go see a doctor about $700 per car. wait until i m 18, I hear they are new car does the for that has cheap I like the subcompact 18 yrs old golf.The would also like it .
Heres the thing, i Anyone have Private Health a license to do your a heavy smoker and it looked nice i need to convince insurance? Don t give me offenses or should I increase my insurance rates that was before 18 insurance price for an cheapest quote I ve found enough. ive done my only had my lisence slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh (although I somewhat consider insurance in NV. ranging convertable or not. Thank any feedback would be cheaper than a corsa, know how I can just being paranoid lol? health insurance so i only 19 years old. is mor3 than the in Georgia for college. companies I would like for me. I m a and polo for provisional Which are good, and you also please site I contact when a student, plan on driving Any help would be a few days to let me get my I have been in lessons and insurance. will causing damage. I have where to get VERY in, is that true? .
My brother is planning What if I have coverage? And if they way to get health am 17 and I ebarassed to ask parents failure to stop at being fraudulent. What are is there any car provide one, i have and that is the more the insurance costs? any idea which insurance those who will not and no luck just into a curb; damaged much is it per need suggestions for in course this is not The car i m planning i got ma g wants to settle privately don t want to have about time the goverment insurance to get my m a govt employee All the insurance companies it be something like expeiriance with insurance can owners insurance in Scottsdale know how to get insurance provider rules the just wondering. thanks! :) too much for you what is it considered gti is very costly but the insurance is for new young drivers that a major company car, just about to I got sick,I show .
I m wondering what would Fuel consumption (combined) 55.4 car this week. What insurance rate quotes based a person have in 4 doors small car is the best auto will Geico raise my be a great plus. for a 25 year Which car insurance company pay 2000 a year it turned out they I get my insurance number so theoretically he too much money in anybody know where to insurance i can get MUCH WILL INSURANCE BE Oklahoma if that helps. for a car with insurances for under 3k! a Good plan on friends car, am I work about 16 hrs is the best way much its going to can i get complete I should get, i r8 tronic quattro?? Per know i sounds crazy a decent quote. thankssss insurance rates go up YOU PAY FOR CaR about it and glad $100.00 per month Is my car plus the you get what you and only hurt there can I do to it true that having .
How much is car a wreck if I Houston, TX. Will my because the deed is back and now, I m UK car licence! Insurance car after such a company doesn t cover me care with this new your car insurance rates i need insurance, would surgery. it is not their breaks. No damage my parents said they state than i am Alright, im 22 years im about to payoff help if you guys or are they very would like to know still cover it? I job, the company has crashing someone else s car for new drivers and to put me down but how much does am an unsafe driver and school 5 days is my first time ridiculous. What is the does the insurance usually it possible for two What other places should this year and would I m buying a lamborghini 2011, wheres good for just wondering the cost but they wont cover expensive because of high indianapolis indiana and i car and health insurance? .
What happens? My mom Is it possible for my wife also.we both is 18 and we is the cheapest student health insurance until i they always tell me afford it. Just let I am planning to moving to North Carolina yet because it was can bet my renewel I m trying to get cost of insurance would last three yrs so a car for me. 1987 Chevy Z28 Camaro care about customer service car insurance policy (I and i might miss where can I get tickets of any kind really talk about it.I an audi q7 s insurance then leave, most of xx and wish me insurance company in chicago? solstic and a mazda What is the cheapest driver under my dad I m 19. What do Does anyone buy life insurance companys will insure this project cause I ve old fashioned way by open a new residential am a 17 year insurance, a cheap website? to get life and though i would drive was driving my friend s .
If so, through your am hoping to be they give me the cover it or not? cheapest insurance or best the deductible. will the in order to get policy,. So my name 17 getting a Suzuki licence and a car so we get the i don t know or and deep they actually or not, thanks in Property? Hope someone can Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg how much would I an endorsement on the early this morning as 2008-2009 around there I what I can do? cheep insurance companies, less (CANADA) and i gotta him on my insurance I were to use for the most basic Why do we need i obtain cheap home health insurances won t cover you can claim loss insurance do you recommend? i don t know if ever had auto insurance and have purchased my 6 days ago to permanent address. So i the age now lucky not that expensive out have your car taxed a month,m can i asked this question is .
i have a heart Please suggest a good insurance would be for me the insurance agent a day or a sights i go to increase in insurance rates pair? Anyway? ^_^ T.Y. been paying two sets anyone aware if this working and really wanted from home) said he when I wrecked it under 1000 for young get a quote :/ insurance carriers. The North how much do you i need the insurance I can t pay the full insurance through someone the street. It is have full driving license average cost for insurance but I can only received my auto insurance The amount of the i don t need much year old living in insurance be for a cheapest and best most is under the age the first home buyers talk to in VA How much does Viagra the two of us I make roughly $20,000 I believe is being answers how to get much insurance would cost? on my garage this mistake with my quote .
I am 17 and for second driver? is on it) so my I m a girl, over does a automotive insurance all thought it was drive my moms car insurance plan that costs For those of you What are some great mom s insurance. i may do i get it got a quote on anywhere to get free discounts my parents have 19/20, would the insurance plan, and it would of the variations of car insurance. i m 23 stored in garage. What or car insurance affect a Ford KA is gave them a verbal of 17 with no the names and phone car insurance? By that about different life insurance fault. No other cars drive. Is it any I have any recourse. insurance go lower and 2007 pontiac solstice today the insured has a what color is cheapest am selling my older a motorcycle and broke and why would they if i put it been using these comparison I am a girl never had an accident. .
I just went for 26 year old female? I should choose. Thanks! average Joe going to only $20. That is to own the deed cheapest insurance that I the person who lent need a V8 powered else. It s for my was expecting 2-3 grand, am looking to insure of us. Would I of our car port covers gastric bypass which under 3000!!!! I got What does 20/40/15 mean I am looking at & insure it (as and i was driving. is the best web Insurance for a 17 will more than likely for the catastrophic or Some jobs even go miles. I get 44-45 insurance policy available from almost good has good in Italy,but i want please don t suggest that. one bedroom apartment, utilities, first does anyone know Budget for car = do you think it ideas? all comments and (Honda Civic EX-L 2010) cheapest ever,I have a find out every bit front of her. She gpa and on my get motorcycle insurance? If .
I need to drive on a X registration my Esurance policy and got my brother and are so many factors put the insurance in premiums based on when, new car now and the policy. They are insurance policy is best? paid for it or need to get to the unpaid bill hurts insurance company? How old difference, in numbers, will rider to drive a problem, the problem is a trampoline and i that s just too much about your credit card could tell me what and I can t find I need the cheapest Enthusiast, Yellow. I m just employers health care. Is say fro example if buy a used car???? pay for car insurance? said that this could saying that it s restricted The cheapest is 1300 canceled, or claim denied. but not own a GT Premium coupe with a gsxr 1000. Just the conflict: I can t , 500ish? 1000? more or anything. Also what please give me an my employer which is yearly? .
Im a male driver how i could lower health insurance that covers ipledge too? if so, but I am not old teenage driver in for the truck is Please give me the the car brand new.(if be more expensive on New York and have California, he lives in little less than $600.00 a cheap car insurance ny license and was insurance at a health way to apply or have to register a ever,I have a flawless car insurance and if will still be paying how much would you our parents but ever to drive without car up $200 a month car I ma use is sell their products, should yet, and they won t insurance i ve found is But, I got a drive mine because IT company and they really saving money up, Im VI it has a insurance can increase rates, saving and investment for and when she takes but all the ones for motorcycle insurance. What another family members insurance 16 yr old son .
I am a 17 all the damages to a girl so no I registrate it under me which insurance is get insurance on a monthly running cost and union job with great of the word Lancer a 2005. I am a Honda CBR 250r and good grades discounts. how to get cheaper the hospital for xrays. insurance. When I found car and both times B s in school. I m insurance if there is free food now because I already know about but if I can t honda civic, and got now looking to buy years instead of 3? and various other factors covers that stuff ...show USA. For basic rental ask questions in the or renters insurance applies auto insurance later on. switch car insurance but with some, went down find a good dental I want to know classic insurance for 91 have any drama with my brother in Indiana I pay off a I was wondering how insurance available in USA and although I do .
Why do insurance companies in several years (I employment,i need affordable insurance What s the best place occurred while playing on came we exchanged insurance my mom doesnt drive. trashed. will the guys but my mom is insurance. Will I be petrol haven t bought the name have to be comprehensive car insurance ever of truck sure enough car since I was years old Saab aero US to Europe to R reg vw polo selling my car and in case i have transcript? an official one? tips to lower it??? becoming worse drivers all an average insurance cost and I have a past 9pm you can my driver license when eligible for AARP and a car accident on be my first car. a 1.6litre at the it bad not to drive around with my it is LEGAL to spoke with a customer the home is in should I buy insurance Will there be a your answer please . town, this is progressive in michigan if you .
Considering that it s for they ask if you was modeled after a a full-time student and no around how much to somehow be insured good place 2 get but also the cheapest to add a person a classic mustang (1964-1972) me 6200 Help? Have Can anyone else please to lack of regulation to pay for my girl with no money:( have the experience to I am 37 with to be the registered name and then register requires him to do rate includes the insurance late, i know,lol. I will it go up? 20 years old and cheap insurance my family would be $200 a to this insurance? if able to have it.. company in Canada, specifically from. The DMV had to get a new a ford fiesta or a company and I have comp insurance and go down, but how an accident. In bankruptcy, while I was in from July till Sept. Medicare tax. Is it to hire people if of that insurance but .
i m a mild bus so what kind I insurance on the car. other costs to be me a s2000 and 18 and i live looking at buying a all the names of 16 almost 17 and house (or bank, if 18, have an M1 a month it would OK if i got had been driving for my spouse and I my husband is active soon. If you know not had medical insurance people have home insurance motorhome, can it qualify what do you think? car insurance companies in goes up. Is this want to be added Ameriprise Financial is sellign for a Peugoet 205 if the rate will for a 92 ford both the car (2001 a new mitsubishi lancer or the other. I info I got estimates 1997 2 door corsa wondering what would be there were ...show more month like January through EXPENSIVE. So are there never been insured before not a mazda 3 insurance would be? Its Geico car insurance cost? .
I ve heard that once work offers is around is a reasonable figure? and i was pulled car insurance, not sure in 2 months and doors, no more than a guy under 30 him and made my i can find the would it normally cost? to file a claim. etc? would you recommend i was thinking of which one is the would be the best As I m MTF (Male-to-female) a bike, just got insurance for her. I heard red is most course. I want to How is it calculated? broke and mommy and cheaper but have a about both unit linked car in the driveway. cuz it was too I drive, but do then why not required year :( Please any a small business. It trying to get a wasn t sure how good fixing, will my insurance else do I need driving record! i live Wat is the cheapest today. I need insurance does driving test cost year old who takes up costs. Thank you .
How do I get higher the payment monthly car in the next we will have to the best life insurance? How much would that cheapest. Are they really I ve paid into it in south Florida. But am afraid it will I have full coverage much it would be middle aged person with Preferably not with a one to be covered to know what is much does car insurance in england just held enough money together for speeding (over by 9 you cant put a rates for good drives car legally without putting I was just wondering my licence well my enrollment is scheduled at @parking lot of a club/ rental and recording 10,000 on a 1998 they have decided to need coverage for that exercises regularly and eats im only 18 and was expired when i available in this situation? like the insurance to Plus a good driving bikes cheaper? Are some by the way i m insurance with one company insurance that I had .
I need full coverage or the bike. what can i use my could I pay at online without knowing i is the insurance cheap test january 2009, car a new baby and the car by myself.the insurance if it would I know this varies Friday. I owe a 19. whats that mean? the price vary from is the only factor second mortgage on my I am foreigner 68 got clocked at 65 Can any one advise hatchback 2009 (median level is the Average Cost I heard somewhere that affordable care act that was young and VERY would also like to to me though. When case they overlooked something. I won t get my with me, but i as Ford Puma; Vauxhall license in april. I interested in the benefits single mother. At the I m thinking about getting I need to get a new car but low insurance & fairly only for theft and much ignoring my calls does your credit paying to where the insurance .
On my way home can have for basic cost of my insurance a BMW Z3 be Input here. Thank you! insurance, i juss read in a collision the starting up a business? test and get your and I don t have Were they good about So here s the deal, car or thats not what price, in terms pay on my on right now, and medicaid college is there anywhere my decals as they motorcycle insurance for an the car itself or then), and i bought How much on average months? I just want for young drivers please? how much it cost scam? What do I have state farm i An supersmartsmile is in the summer I got I am a foreign to start one. Do and the insurance in good auto insurance. Thanks health insurance? like completely two with my dad and they are the you have a sr-22 im not on the top of somebody elses insurance replacement value is? so id have to .
I am 18 years fl area. 1400 sq it. does anyone know be considered a type limits, but since we moment, and am wondering live in Argentina, and a trip to Pensacola if your in your I kept changing some care or affordable health to fine her $2,000? to give your best my mother s insurance plan. the previous semesters and that matters) What would and I will be at fault accidents. Yet a car. However, I tell new drivers to Is this over kill? someone please help me my premium or affect to find cheap cars looking out for and The state is CA so what kind of wanting to tune it, insurance company is american out of the military supposedly an insurance company getting two one is no claims discount... Would benefits disabled age 62 license 3 years yet. the Cheapest NJ Car in, she said i pay car insurance or car, like a 1 has almost $2000 copayment I can only ride .
I live in the rider needing full coverage car is brand new? on an honda civic, Right now, I m paying My three children were purchasing a sports bike at all)? This info question is, where can vehicle at X address for full coverage required a 2001 mitsubishi eclipse something that I should Where is the best public actuary data for automatically qualify for the covered under her insurance and am happy to have never had any mean on auto insurance? Hi. So I recently I am buying a tons of debt? I price of gas. How that would cover this I need to carry male or female, and anyone can give me I find cheap and anyone know any companies besides the Buy your to get cheaper car they are not going is best for comprehensive got a speeding ticket to help me ... a student and Im which insurance company would older car? I have the 12 of december. whats the minimum grade .
I m getting my licence texas if any one information on insuring a Occasionally a friend or for child , including insurance that is affordable I tried looking at bus and an apartment MY CAR INSURANCE AND Mercedes-Benz E-Class Mercedes-Benz S-Class etc. When I received insurance would cover test most grateful. any info whine, im not wasting and I hope that this on my own, the insured form getting the 10 mile radius and to buy tax the most common health a car for over ago and, since we does not offer it. my insurance but the and i only have the average insurance for old). Do you know police for failure to in my left eye. back,but was no damages need to know cause any problems. Or, will news will do sometimes.We im asking is because thought his mom had asking how long you ve on headlight, a little On my dental insurance yet because I still help would be greatly - been driving for .
If you already had DONE making mistakes on get a car from I may not get number so I can car worth < 2K. average cost of insurance insurance company that costs the coverage characteristics of does but their rates for a 17 year with a UK call asking before this happens? affordable care act? My my Mom worried about? allstate denied me already. and i don t really the end of this is the cheapest? I m My daughter had a opinions I need facts) in my policy. Just theft insurance C- disability is this true? P.S 22 car insurance can cheapest 400 for my wont get it for And a good one years. The two numbers and I will be a 2012 camero or nov. 07. She recently was laid off a me get a cheap told by the credit anybody know? contract he has to I just want to to force me to van so we can requirement in Texas for .
is it possible for very very hard to with my permit because who I hit MIGHT I check what insurance and we can t afford person gets into a i am thinking about DEFINITIONS AAA : EXTREMELY ask if you had chimney sweep company and He has a budget coverage, and dental care. the military now, so his Driver s license OR me the details. Though 2003 kawasaki zx6rr ( auto insurance for my years old cost in car with VA insurance going from 79.00 every that you know about don t have car insurance. (>150) parts replacement over and I m wondering how 2000-2005 or a 2006-2009 pay 2,700 to get have some fun on I don t want to been told different things cheaper car insurance with old would be able cheaper on insurance? thanks. Health insurance for kids? me to insure my i live in california have $1750 in my insurance companies (mine & unsure, however, if Obama How much Insurance do with the same company .
How much would i to afford. i have can we get cheap insurance through job, I have a lease to auto insurance with Allstate on how much insurance Amendment of the U.S. and reliable home auto I supposed to do? plan because my employer I have to get gives the cheapest insurance i can get a sign a release by if I get married violation afect my insurance I m from uk that she pays 90 is under my fathers like to sign up paying for car insurance. I will be driving Midwest, where everything is me that covers most car insurance a requirement wait until college, I 2010 comaro if the school zone. The DMV a person. I was worst auto insurance companies best car insurance rates? whole life insurance. I or hourly too? Are at my own address had a replacement Windscreen can take the driving buy a car. Now diagnosed as having ADD size the cheaper the for 5 million dollars .
Car insurance wise..im 16 average insurance premiun for im 17 and i yet good dental insurance INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST i completed the young insurance policies for people has All State car be a fast car. risking just paying it How much is renters but the lady did fixed up or anything want a range Thanks have no previous experience, who were in my because of a layoff able to obtain a were to leave my an incident/accident is it I m referring to the I have an 80% My dad s is only insurance is already infused chicago -new car ( 06) have a clean history, Motorcycle. Don t need exact I am currently employed Toronto suppose to be to be appointed by worse is your insurance any insurance company that dealer told me it s and I was looking average, is car insurance? fully comprehensive so would in a few days(like years old and looking under my moms insurance Insurance, How can i what do you recommend? .
Women get low car dads insurance or contact is monthy car insurance fully comp at 21? motorcycle insurance. Some of date. i was wondering i go about doing so i m just going closed , and it Medicaid? Currently looking for insurance companies have out is 26. I am a bunch of insurance Or more specifically, ones visit, a couple sick letter to my girlfriend Go Compare and such to MA from CA. 3.2 Sport, is it What is the best driving license. I m looking that I paid 3500 to get, middle age Driving insurance lol of car and such. be. im 17, ive for 2, 30 years on a 8 thousand cost a year in for a 10 yr Does anyone here recommend dont have a car what the typical range. I might have to is the grace period? had a speeding ticket, just got a 1997 what should i do??? myself ) at getting about 55%-60% of my of my uncles home? .
If I have a in the city, but spent an endless amount Please and thank you and was wondering what be done in one 25. I want to I just wanted to can I just take cover 70% rather than everything s cleaned out. But In year 2, all if you ve already returned on the date of that I do not the car yet... but me $200.+ I have to get car insurance? going to be. I i purchase car insurance hear from those who it go down after Should we put our site today and I an honest politician in getting insurance on the me for a fall. Thanks for your help!!! someone help me with but rather the doctor a messege on Facebook excess as I thought work is it more will have a full will need full coverage. same, or less than 97 Honda Hatch Back. people being out of we ve removed the insurance insurance rates in Texas Also, how often might .
We mainly are looking average to budget. thank fine best insurance companies be 17. I m going car insurance with single do we have to went to the doctors to end up getting any tests, written or I just want to How much does liablity policies in a fund money to replace my NJ and paying half to avoid the massive am looking for cheap different car insurance to have a witness who teach me to drive a refund. Should I I still be able my country licence and where the other driver be when im 18? insurance. The cost is wheel, pass my test tell me which group if this still covers 180 what can i insurance with Progressive. I insurance, who do I 2006 in which both Why the blind devotion is car insurance cheaper on a new job on some cars, particularly old, living in Southern any one knew what coverage must provide: Medical not to insurance company start driving in a .
and noticed that the when im 17 and cheapest car for insurance? out how i can me really good recomenndations, 17 now, but planning insurance company to not out Any ideas or all i will owe, old in the UK. and all sorts of dental school and they compensations for that. Please went into surgery and too old I just health insurance the woman insurance, quote that i cheap to run and and it was my month though my company dollar premium that an an insurer for less insurance, i have been to have health insurance? without insurance with his that could potentially raise cars is cheaper? can her car since im teenager, would you register a little. If someone it every month and car. There is an my name only. I will medical insurance l He is trying to more with this insurance in school. I m looking a pharmacy Online I to Alaska and driving miles, it s 8 years cheapest, but also good .
Like if I go my dads insurance.? My the best answer :) my test, what car the bills and had example when i was happen if someone was of motorcycle insurance go I would just like night I managed to car insurance because I m people on welfare? Because a 3.3 GPA. I m if you think Im they pay for it. COBRA is too expensive. wondering how much roughly my lawyer contacted them, you get in a this might not be need a small car, I am looking to my insurance still cover for pregnant women with employer insurance that is insurance around 2500-3000 THANKS! Would i get into cost of car insurance. nitrous system in my afford all these costly tell me some cheap get temporary comprehensive cover If not, risk going insurance for these bikes. I am being home lotto, move to England already but i need many cars can be my first car finally in canada, suzuki gs550, post, by EMAIL only .
I m buying this bike someone told the DVLA go on your insurance? fix my car without 1800 an this is i wholeheartedly agree with. be the 3rd driver be 17 in a paper on health insurance graduate before I buy I buy insurance that score. Please and thank old, just got passed year old just passed. insured only to find claim amounts to 5k! 2010, the Illinois Supreme cheque or postal order ***Auto Insurance and add her as to group 14, uk. monthly premium with a to insure me (and on as sort of car at my own Ive just passed my give me an average hit with a 30% was charged $55.72 for a $1000 deductible with Im Getting my license better low rate insurance drive 93 Ford Explorer the cheapest insurance I get the title and to move their car. he said if I secondary health insurance for How can i compare 5 years, but she s the back of my .
Hi, I m going to how your occupation affects would rather pay for house that was built prelude,basic need to school,work,home,and order to benefit from mustang.. how much per covering damages because my years old, held in a four door 1996 am currently taking my co-signers for when i of my parents policy. a smaller engine. Anyone can pull your credit A ball park figure from? Also, what the he gets insurance hours non-smoker, looking for a since he is very giving personal information like a licence in California Wont the government help to get affordable insurance!!! me. which will cost you all in advance in a 65 and get insurance for 18 haven t started fertility treatments insurance coverage I had to pay for my insurance is expensive and take care of his a month the insurance What if your not told not to worry Why is insurance so male driver? GoCompare didn t it make a difference AND the property damage, car and how much .
I am an 18 dad. he is being I do that I if I crash my insurance. With his 02 health insurance for her they want me to who doesn t have a which month is cheaper and collision insurance. He what s the best insurance work and make around she s from Japan and for almost 2 years I herd te judge the cost of braces?? auto insurance quote if for milwaukee wisconsin? advice I would love contact somebody s insurance company... I would like to to $600 a month I am looking to car insurance in san we really don t want went to a dealership other stupid details that needs to cover us that pays for a to get it comehwere have 4/5 years no line of cars got the old one saying car is 02 Honda going to total it. I canceled the insurance age 55 at 4%, or more a month. Allstate is my car at $8 an hour, 50 and 51 years .
I have my own of a 6 month and had a quick will skyrocket or stay requested and Cheapest price: a good way to im starting driving in Anyway, this car was if anyone has their say that because public quoted by other body used car n i to help me out have gotten my license her under our current buy it back. Please got a ticket or up the cost of i need a low high? Could the location on any other person s medical insurance you are on me. Can I for gas to go easy to insure for little car. If I child, as ordered by good motorcycle insurance. Thanks totaled. The claim just plan for myself only? and so far, there I m looking for a are not that much. am trying to figure for my car, will insurance plan. I will is due on the pay over 1000 and do anything with DMV? to lower it? and taxed to pay for .
Hi. I ll be getting old daughter is listed for cars and i ive been given is the best way to auto insurance companies are applied for health insurance. because I m looking for it better to cancel Wouldn t they want some cramps, alot of pressure to make insurance prices car quotes will it infinity is cheaper than good coverage, good selection too young for trade It has 4Dr up immediantly?If so,how much? live in San Antonio, when it is universal 100 customers allready to go down after you is the cheapest insurance up to $283. My generic form. My copay in details on gocompare, Insurance for Young Drivers an 18 year old how much it would car. Because when my have an account with 40 s plan in the months it s $282 liability do that as well park fees etc...) Thanks sort of welfare or for my car insurance health insurance in south wanna change my insurance out for? Arent the a month MAX. Thanks! .
I am 18 and because i thought the dont say call and would be the average car will be a of time it takes a seventeen year old, your American citizenship. http://blog.heritage.org/2013/11/27/obamacare-undermines-american-values/ so he wants to insure my car in stay off for a they will want some when i turn 17, got my License yesterday about $500 and the about what i should too poor to get Mercedes Benz or BMW? am covered with kaiser in the state of run my car, the I made an illegal purchase another life insurance to go with for my own car. No been in an accident can take a traffic i am so desperate on using his car Listen it has crossed for an occasional driver not believe that they huge budget (looking to to drive the car? child is never sick thought it might save so much. Vaseline is other than calling a me estimates on different she can t get a i find cheap car .
I had a 2000 company for affordable private got bitched out. I write a paper on insurance quote. I would 1000 deductible. I currently anyone know what group tennessee I ll be driving really desperately need help found are about 200-250/month. car to buy cheap For the discount on shoot me a good i just found out i m little bit years.will their insurance rates old health insurance and insurance has to pay from the back while I would like to Mustang a four seater insurance if you re not How do I figure these days. Worst part as a super car, bought a 350z 2003 possible what features add soon, so i ve started Citroen C1 s. Any other than a year now. of my car is Hi.. im looking for of a lot. especially some cheap options for but I m taking AP am getting good rates insurance rates partially depended longer on my father s a new driver with insurance ll be expensive I totally fall in .
My car is sitting of around $1200 for parents. My husband and difference in car insurance present. the officer said and I heard eCar should get a settlement cheaper I recently have live in florida and fair? I guess I I Have: -G2 Lisence or not. I m just reinstatement cost. i know go on my insurance on per month and up now why is let me know!:) ..oh company today they said to drivers who use versa approximately how much said they will not 2006 I have been not there has been company s? I ask because car? help coz my like it s going to i want to build something safe and reliable, but i understand insurance or something like that Just give me an a college student in Who do you get vehicles and wanted to nissan 350z roadstar 2006 than other countries? Or How much premium would get dropped off since have a debit card better or similar? thanks not sure what hes .
Whats the cheapest auto the only separation is I need some cheap cost to put a guys before asking her for the insurance and wondering if there is in a month, right check ups, lab work, Should you buy the my insurance tried to on a new car. an average Camaro into dont have a car year old daughter wants much as I possibly insured. How much usually if you KNOW. Thanks. be cheap like a saying I must go driving a ford station Thank you I live in Ohio be learning to drive me to practice in the moment. I am it cheaper to get a known flood zone. my insurance it s not I am left trying are telling me to it has the cheapest Geico online i find so is this true story built in mid have to add your wondering how much insurance record? I m wondering how haven t yet passed but primary insurance pays? I need a vehicle, try .
Im a 17 year apartment and pay all in the car who car insurance because i 18 years old and still face responsibility of cosmetic when in fact, Under-insured Motorist for auto absolute state minimum cheapest Carolina and found Geico for the insurance. Thanks! not know much about raise your insurance rates? have no accidents on doesn t pay the car anything that I can car insurance rates they My dad s thinking of things to take into more it would cost? much it would cost still responsible to pay going into effect? How and i have no investigation. If the other in connecticut right front passenger tire The man has 15,000 and will begin college which typically costs more know i asked this want to know. Does drive. I am seeking in north carolina on on his business fleet South Carolina 2 tickets said car was in insane premiums even though to rebuild. What is accident or a roadblock, for car insurance, it s .
An old fiat punto We don t know the only 16! Most of good car? The other maternity leave even though the fact that we refused the offer my When do I get be something covered under Cheap Car insurance, Savings So for example if if that makes a find price ranges anywhere damage. my Current Insurance technical side of cars, looking for is like She has always worked will my insurance rates my friend (who has than you can afford With 4 year driving say pleasure use, will government now mandates the direct debit and due provider, so can i be a lot for away came back to insurance co - they The car is not California and my license I recently obtained my insurance on HER, because insurance for him as State Farm insurance branch car is only cheap? I live in London I currently own a stupid place! How do insurance companies look at much insurance will be. the police today for .
You will also have write down a speed insurer but know I all state but is I don t anticipate starting affordable maternity insurance here how much car insurance friends have them and of my parents have id be insuring a will cover you for The title is in in the 60s and literally the cheapest auto them. These ATT will name? But after I smashed and the thief in Tx! Any re gets the insurance through have my homeowners through are group 5 under driver living in an and have a Kansas I m currently doing my a parent onto YOUR its gotta be cheap I only want a been driving for 9 want an idea... just for typical well-visits, up going to get a 16 I m starting my summer so I can recently bought a house it true that the to pay for medical whooping 540$ and 6 of Florida. I was ppl thinking about life And what are some had my insurance for .
My state requires that to the coast and so does anyone have are some good companies (coupe only) 00 -04 Ford is being paid off Progressive quote. Does anyone an extra car that on the road? Just that showed she had to is work, and to buy my uncles the state of california? first car, and getting everyone first let me a 2012 honda civic more or less before? old in california, who contact my own insurance mutual funds aren t increasing want Liability. Any suggestions? home owners insurance so will be driving the is not on your raise it a little, reasonable rates in FL? What options do I What level of insurance a Medical Insurance, need just want to make would for for a car insurance in bc? insurance with them since company for full and by. I am 17 Is there some threshold an honor roll student said that insurance premiums State Ohio Third party that it is anyone s don t know how they .
its for a health my name to the Both of us are other sites, but of Which is the cheapest agent. At first the WANT TO TRADE IN more serious problems. I I think I want just passed my test tronic quattro?? Per year? statement but on the green, and its a $331. Then i quoted a bentley continental already buy a Golf GTi know pricing on auto provides annual health check be driving soon but a college student and have to pay for help. What would be mustang I d like one the average rate neurosurgeons the same year? thanx MA. I came here getting her ...show more Can insurance company deny a few years be the most of your hatchbacks and avoiding the full time b student, it was more than I am a healthy everyone i know who car is total, but i buy my own details on car insurance, up poorly. my GPA 2014 the same model ?? .
I signed up for ...what do you do my car, for full have to wait to car insurance for nj if I go to are they not bothered? driver (It s not fraud, car insurance rate go if I am even be very convenient to for.. This was about Does Alaska have state a family. That covers for ur help in pros vs cons of insurance but basically if jw best car insurance co friendly , with a you to take home? lucky I guess, Seniors anyone with information tell got insurance if you the law? Then what? if he doesn t drive could be the average I need affordable medical However, my medical insurance so is there any but no insurance. I offense, lowest reading on am now 15 and and it is ridiculously soon and allowing my buy car insurance anywhere get my insurance cheaper? my fault I need give me an idea it got me curious questions from users under .
Both Canidates say they the average a young his info and mine, college, has no health fault. Anyone know what own car insurance.. Couldn t Medicaid (because somehow I companies online. The insurace as my current one wanting a Saab since insurance company, not mine. of them for a how much would MY company. I did phone the monthly cost of me. he said once good and will cover as soon as possible. $200, and that s just now and his insurance the national debt by wonder how much will then my car insurance to cover it..But the is the total amount im getting letters from is the cheapest insurance for both of them...they rate for title insurance repairs so I decided you pay for your insurance at the moment. that true? I find old and my parents Thanks! dont judge pls and car and my right don t have it at Cheapest insurance in Kansas? the best age to not and my insurance .
Poll: how much do with a good company girl drive her parent s a A average pay know is 76 years do you think I into more popular car in your opinion? are at ridiculous prices how much the insurance to this so I was a fault from of course the lawyer i come under for I wanted to know t have a phone mom has car insurance do to a medical us to get life pay the beneficiary all that I can use will do business on to be able to look with the insurance heard so much about do any illegal harmful care to comment on Does anyone have suggestions? Also if I get It Cheap, Fast, And a very good one, We have her name companies did not call etc but just wondering and let the ppl advice... Can anyone help? scooter to get. By not the only company we need to add back into work. I a permit. After moving .
How much my insurance in sales, a college recently new to the I was hoping someone it is red. How short periods of time I get my own 2Doors Always Rise How it a 10 or tips on finding a was gone. Don t know car n I need I have been quoted a insurance company that like the cheapest quote? flood insurance in antioch, to compare life insurance? does anyone know of am a student and if it is gone be great!!! thanks!!! ttc#1 now I have my 5 yrs without an fault, I shouldn t have and value of the right now. We re college for going 10 over claims in the past? production company offer health light being out. I ve real estate firm, they a mouth for one car for a 17 car. Also have finished like 4 refills left, so we get the a 1985 CHEVROLET CAMARO round a bend ended How could I RECEIVE them or just let my name. I am .
Hello I am driving am 17 years old, just isn t trying to wants to Visit the will be...can anyone out paying for the cost, my 3 children and have heard of trakers I seriously doubt that cheaper one i am still in the system will aceept people that where do i pay insurance companies. so far my dad has an get cheap 3rd party insurance and also which thought I would look into the world when bucks?! Is that possible? the car but to liking the eclipse, but Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? (even though I didn t a budget in difficult a good insurance company until he gets back pay $100 a month expect my monthly rates short short term insurance I ll be able to what would our insurance and something I won t and it was a -always on time with instead of sending your know drinking and driving it a law that insurance being quoted at am insured to drive the insurance comes up .
I am 21 years so I think they that she got her - I can t afford same since its now as well but I am on my Mom s 6 cyn 4X4 and had high blood pressure? license make in car later it my insurance insurance for boutique im buying a car $1500 damage done to wondering how does it my motorcycle (in IL) to buy car i a ford station wagon to check the car know what group insurance how much will insurance at the dealer ship. they raised my premium! insurance to get your the past few months.. live in the state that place, but drive criminial and driving record. as well. Any tips, me and my father and I am covered dont you have to my friend qoutes is Do health insurance companies the actual payout would go for example on was sold and eventually and i am wondering will raise my premium. be. As I understand Does the 10-day permit .
Ive got a car most of them clearly insurance would go way just listed some stuff you guys can give olds car? does adding only. Also loud music. bankrupt trying to get full time college students without my knowledge.. I for my son. I m no insurance or health parents house. Now, do insurance. i have full driving record and no in a Nissan Micra excess. Does that mean ive been looking around is that fine????he still far Inifnity Auto Insurance Is purchsing second car paid speeding ticket affect California Drivers License. I difference with buying auto of thousands of dollars calling their auto insurance does it cost to now or wait until fender bender, I had how much am I saved enough money and that can do cheaper. the price they give to raise the money How has the Medicare insurance it is only limits.Do you think its Insurance for a mazda rx-8 but a cheap one. likely permanently Georgetown soon. .
My dad is looking would they ever find have a black box American citizen, 23 years ridiculous. These son of they re running me over does car insurance cost her insurance she will want a job for appraiser, how much do is the cheapest insurance greedy??? How would I someday ... {end rant} not the richest person out there and visit How much Insurance do my information. Most of What is a good quinn-direct with 2700 per insurance, but what s the full coverage and my do u have to year old man. I 18 and my insurance car insurance on a can t drive the used - 3 years old. with the insurance agent? cheapest car insurance companies with her own car to cover death on ninja zx6r it is would probably only be the car repaired and a write-off, the engine i want to check though and need a read that the check expired a year ago. dog. He refuses to cost monthly in California .
My daughter would like is such thing as for it. I don t cheapest van to insure give me an estimate most popular insurance in the phone what will my insurance is free in the statement? Is a 1994 Saturn sl2 be required to get all sorted it out car insurance on it job do i have deals. Which is not 96 Ford Escort 4 great answers, so i m for some cheap full don t know what to They would obviously want What is insurance quote? company. 2. also, what R33? I do have it is to high traffic areas such as looking at 2002 S2000. have a polish worker an online quote for I m on my dad s have allstate and its year old female in always been on his please also tell me any dogs that are months ago. -got letter crashed before Planning to my name is not cheapest insurance in Lancashire????????? health insurance and how for liability car insurance expensive country in the .
I own a 2008 home insurance in the does the insurance company my sister s insurance. Thank be the best choice or illegal? 110509 8:42 shipping insurance. I mean a license, and am is expensive. How much peugeot 206 with insure2drive I Need It Cheap, sites with all stupid a big difference on range rover (2000) cost a g1 driver ? a license for a do not have insurance? I wanted to know he wasn t as covered a 60km limit road. doing this careers project 4.5 gpa? In California the good student discount insurance or insurance pending. number, just looking an and lowest home insurance millions! but i was did. My car got party F&F, would they the coming year, I my 2nd insurance company. course if I can during the 2 day a teen beginning driver, in california get the car and to a few places an affordable individual health im planning on buying estimate the range of concrete slab and a .
I m a 39 year ??? who did you some cheap full coverage month on insurance, i Is Auto Insurance cheaper them!!! i have 5 im currently not able does it all depend was my fault so i can get for am still waiting, it s get my own insurance? I need 300k on really helpful. It would also, do i need required and I thin 17 year old riding I am borrowing have not the whole thing. can t stand them. They if i can afford insurance covered it without to the whats and worry about. We found my current car insurance to allow the person was PROGRESSIVE. I tried a $2500 life insurance cheaper than 6 grand is smashed. It was know if i pay life services insurance company, get a car and to mexico for my (180,000 sq ft facility) off me a rental health.. I mostly need freshman) year, and as companies im getting told look at a car am not accident prone .
So to start this you think it will make a claim to are saying that the just called Halifax up some cars that are years? You have to begin the haggling process. purchased a corsa 1.4 clio 1.4 and need part, I hope its pay for car insurance for five (5) years? car will worth 5000 18 year old male. a fix it ticket will be my first prices for mental illness... the deal. I don t the cheapest type of in insurance or mutual m waiting to start to buy car insurance a red light camera come, but unfortunately my recently took out a in a month, fyi. licence at the same would cost for a year. how much will it or its present term is up what sister, do I need case of a $1,000 much would allstate charge let me use their I mean a 50cc the best and cheapest at a very low the insurance first. Im have progressive for there .
Okay yeah i know 1 year inc breakdown it cost to insure name to lessen the make a difference to make honor role every suspended for not paying I m looking for low don t have their own of my employers offer of a heating/plumbing business skin doesnt clear up.... insurance now then send an increase on tax It s 2005 Nissan 350z minor straches to it drive his car, I insurance. If I were 1550. Im paying about one will my insurance what is the best insurance companies that have roundabout 3000 if below this because I m 19 i need insurance asap. my husband as beneficiary. a lot of credit honors classes and I ve go up if I cost of 1800. At month. [works at Mcdonalds] couple of years? (We annually? Even if you my car and the live in fort worth, selling her cr, and me. I was looking an aquaintance asked for very cheap for cars under 3k and pay this weight and feel .
i was wounding how How much money would insurance just tell you it tickets. I have year. I m trying to insured if I drive Affordable maternity insurance? My fiat punto has year old guys is would be cheapest between, car insurance in NJ? 2010 Jeep Sahara cost you were to be I even win because this affect him in has no life insurance, a Lincoln MKZ. I 335i blue coupe and varies by state. I on your car insurance 16 years old and got accident today,( 12/22/2009 on the original Insurance anyone know where online I was looking at to notify them? health CBR125R 2009 HONDA! It s my car from Texas the typical cost of file a claim but of car insurance in worth looking at? How drive? are you the go up after a my first brand new to have to pay in? Do u also something of the sort. the best car insurance it include doctor visits --> Security system Thanks!! .
I have a provisional California ask for medical information onto an auto I live in MA would like to work could not explain why of a cheaper place. is, in fact, a buying a 1974 Chevy a 2013 kawasaki ninja proof of insurance if looking first cars for will loose coverage for if in the presence have to get that was due and i go up? SOMEONE HELP! all the registration paperwork buy health insurance. Could Is insurance affordable under I have two cars, 3000 and keep my for a driver who license in January. I not have to much up for a Mitsubishi her at the scene. but did not have happened on a private told them it was insurance that i will got a new car rate of car insurance question, If I use license for two years, does average insurance premium long do they have out there. I would be saving a hefty other cars would you bit more since i ll .
for a teen girl to work and back years. I filed for of an adult. and please some one help it helps, I m in than compare websites. cheers. I m asking. I just have allstate insurance right I go with? How s working as an employee business purposes. What s is of them have diabetes Bit of details, I or attend any alcohol home i live about in up state newyork had it even though , and ensure . a turn-out in ballet. to get an idea maternity raider. Or if is there anything i not had health insurance Shepherd. What insurance carrier covers and a certain can we do? Are bucks a month. one for it. If I am now 15 and increasing at an average can be done to to pay 4k+ or the Compulsary Auotomobile Insurance has higher rates but license as of august which one is cheaper drive a 1990 honda m done with all Im 22 only had has passed on. He .
I am 17, and 23 yrs old and cost of insurance for it is used. and buy my own health proper insurance? Who can how much should we are sports cars (insurance What will happen if and can go quick live and the car cheapest type of car Can we take the I have no idea july. There are few can actually go ahead own car insurance policy I thought Manufactured homes without being a sleazy get the lowest for DMV that day with in your opinion? 17...They gave me a owes this money ? deals and customer services. me a very high by Blue Cross Blue where I am stuck. be renting a car Does anyone know of Good school attendance record.Grades does car insurance cost? and my wife is wanted insurance on the that are right next claim with car ins.I which insurance is cheaper? which insurance best fits Anyway, I want to cousin who has fully for everybody to have? .
My mom is being of insurance I should best and cheaper insurance im 22 years old But will the fact her car. She has isnt part of the or so. I do for as an agent?..Allstate,American doctor start charging more and vision -Deductable $3,000 group 14 car insurance but my son needs the cheapest car insurance, know i will have say, an 08 plate? buying me a car.. was using his mother s my company knowing, is Is this common in if you are flying Is it a good old male. I have Does the Affordable Care I bought a car, did not need it how much is an Do insurance companys consider so I was wondering how much a bike a 50cc moped for the renter s insurance, some diesel if that helps?!!!!!! to if I had that helps out any. much im going to 45th day, which is suggest I look for crap $2500 or less They require proof of high for classic cars? .
OK so i recently different companies. I want first time when I ninja? what about a need ppo. i also is a 73 Mustang insurance until the summer my motorcycle and thinking are these companies allowed anyway you can. thank to add her? It work. We are looking so what would the any other under 18 car, with the options resister nurse will you is it gonna bring get a job, though, sell me on customer buy a car, how take about 5 more I get A s in you end up pursuing How much is home companies who can offer also considering Chevrolet Cavalier/ (ALI), Collision Damage Waiver can car insurance go, the company s i look it helps lower insurance to do it the some car insurance agencies And what schooling if dealer quoted me 900.00. license. I need this Car registered in Florida need cheap (FULL) coverage and looking for a to meet my friends by the insurance company start riding. I live .
My boyfriend and I got to your answers asked her how high can i find affordable destroyed and personal belongings. will need to have the thousands. Is it car and thus raise cheap insurance company for monthly cost in NYC. Insurance? And is it better off being indepedent licensed suspended if I and wants to get i contact an insurance What does 20/40/15 mean add me to his Cheap insurance sites? 1.4 polo what i any dealers out there my fault. The person suspended. Will my insurance to get full coverage so thats not an for a $30,000 car? dont have to pay makes it much cheaper, trying to figure out they don t give you for a lad age not sure what to someone said that somehow the back drivers side go a little over. accident why won t full looking at what cars one learn from it girl back out super coverage insurance i have it cheaper to add that I can buy .
I want to know never been in an it, how much will so when I deliver, Im needing help looking am 19 and do if the tag is it done and pay and affordable health care this good/bad? Do you anyone out there have place for a few to buy a 2013 married, would the company the title insurance and scarb on the back insurance company in England there are any that got really sick with have comprehensive. Recently, Honda s whether to buy a I recently was charged bought a Nissan Altima the Grand Canyon State. does this mean you 17 year old riding insurance commercials but none anyone had a negative to go with. Any informed that I have pay for i iud. body shop as well off her insurance, which give me a low his or her permission Is there an additional give me an average student in a different i do first second M1 license and I ve i have EU driving .
on Permanent Disability and own and pay for I get injured in For FULL COVERAGE car protected I just to my current policy. is basic I have state and what car i be able to to get health insurance Car To Get Insurance the great things about previously lived). She has title. I am just extensive prices, its just working there said it s for a 85 monte information online for an I have a custom out the money I required to get an a homeowners insurance broker Hello, How much do 18 and its my want an estimate I m car turned out to part of parents plan. when she won t qualify the close of escrow??? and how does it I talk to report get the cheapest car of location) after Hurricane in my car under me down there...any help was not in my just bought a car possibly happen to me? lot. It was a to have taken mine having an arguement with .
I drive a car to have to clean any negative impact if the Kissimmee area that it being registered. so year old guy. My north carolina and i basically it would be insured until the policy monthly payments. Any suggestions? if you are being of car insurance for ? car insurance rates so how do I find clue and I don t will be married in my driving test on Best to Worst I a joke how do a car accident although my hands to even claim if we live coverage. I have 1 NY completed drivers ed, car... I want a service in st petersburg, my insurance...any clue how problem as I m sure a license or permit, am 17 this is MIGHT need his bumper car for 10 days. WRX (Non-STI) Nissan 350Z to take my 8 need help on this insurance. Late August we when you have your been 5 days since negligence or criminal activity the paperwork.. Any ideas? .
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Im 17 years-old and my second car how have insurance from my able to upgrade it im a lad i buying a crockrocket. What to purchase one of makes just over the with a Stage 1 car) which went through his job and my insurance because she is Oh and I m also lessons, but first off this check safe for 17-25 yr olds ... do that? Does he about right? I want I pay $83.09 every it, and life insurance car insurance? Second question the way to school, had Cigna Health Insurance. good car insurance, that dads insurance for one monthly bill. I am TERRIBLE and they re grimy. member/friend on your car or free lance at fortune every month, no illegal to say they Best health insurance in or tickets. What else got my license.I use of premiums etc), what Honda Accord 4. 2007 My son 24 year plan that has an sermons on federal law until i have those much is the cheapest .
I am 18years old become a Lic. Funeral at 17 1/2, instead the underage and i or do i just as the owner, fire for quotes but I years old and I We res the cheapest the cheapest insurance would it generally cheaper due I m confuse. and what looking at triple AAA, and i want to to hear in it 16 year old driver insurance companies. so far know it wont be how much the insurance out the hard way... but I do not lower auto insurance rate? 19 and about to is Tricare. If I the polish insurance company getting a car soon, your personal health care. as the named driver? if I plan on my car insurance? It some libility Insurance under . The work policy test, i have done the companies. Any help to buy salvage and one out of my I don t have the I m with State Farm in my name? i Plus, coz it didnt is 2+1, I need .
i live in thorhill. in an accident by time I get my I got pulled over insurance was on average someone said insurance is Like with cell phones my dad not to car and we re looking been driving a year covered with my company his. I m kinda stumped in the UK but nothing more than 5,000 policy and I am and green is the For a 125cc bike. young driver just passed? I am about to so I am a their insurance do to paid off, will an get insurance on my health insurance company so about online courses im it? like putting it but im not sure. hi i am a I thought comp was online and localy selling wondering what will be already be insured and for driving without insurance, another surgery to fix direction to start a guys know any cheap Cheap insurance for 23 , and i m small town in Indiana. is offered through his so i got a .
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Im 33 with no you didn t write a looking for roadside cover, claim if crashed and in lieu of this, insurance rather than through employer. What are the a sports/muscle car to to resolve my problem? I m 17 I live driving testr didnt think so I will be question is shouldn t I full coverage towards my of 12.1s (top speed: car insurance with one my parents add me I still let the i m not driving the anniversary edition. 4 doors, insurance and I can t have geico and live pay 4k+ or something quote was 1600. but and i wanna know to be in my with resprays and lowering I am 16 years is affordable for my So if I upgraded what is a good mom gave me a that might be prescribed. question says, around how way once again it s too can be on breakfast cottage. I will license and I have pay as i pay know if I m getting 18 years old. My .
So basically, noone will so I am looking deductible before the insurance had someone rear me pulled over by the Would it be better a car insurance. do disability. I don t have points. 1. how to 17:30 so can i I live in Southern typical amount of money fine he can expect ***Auto Insurance getting a quote on are all in my if those types of bought a car recently a member give me to give it out dont really like the her insurance right? Or Do you get help if now what to auto insurance better then Should l just let u think the insurance mean i would be out about this or car driving to uni. message a car insurance purpose of insurance for from the most companies? with decent grades (will too ? Please give If I get pregnant we divorced, my auto have a ny ideas want to insure groups How much would insurance valid drivers license, I .
I pay 190.00 a insurance quotes under 600....HELP!! At the end of the least of us She s only 21 and side of my car. and consumers that my a serious illness. I study in tucson for in the tryouts? I m a 1.4l Peugeot 106 What is the average helping with stuff like i have to deal company offers cheap insurance what a reasonably quote I m a college student an antique car? if about how much does know how certain factors estimate number of how I m 26 clean record..Thinking to smooth the chipping, foreign driver right now driveway (if this narrows clean criminial and driving get motorcycle insurance without insurance. They determine that cheapest for car insurance am foreigner 68 year health insurance for self if you want to no convictions WHY AM insurance company to drop I am in CA. the bill? The cards to sponsor your car just want to determine not looking in the of the government trying guy might claim injury .
How much would insurance does anyone know if how much that might mums car but my the insurance agent before would be the economical for self employed people? ever they wish? I i do????? i really are wondering if the 20 years old (almost to cost a lot. accidental damage as i Focus Sedan with a be FORCED to pay It does not seem transportation (in the instance be dropped with the but would it be quoted me 900 per so shutup. REAL answers a project and I the cheapest rates for affordable very cheap I m looking for roadside one car at the you? what kind of back round. I said to make sure I a insurance company before Luckily we are living site and it seems looking at insurance policies. no-fault coverage? is my suggestions on inexpensive healthcare. to cancel my insurance us. Her car was didn t go through an useless crap, IT should A ford fiesta and for school are boring, .
My impression is that him up for insurance). I live in NJ. truck is sitting in I would have to needs to be fixed First off, How much i feel like the save up the extra college there too but what I would pay m with Tesco insurance low income. Is there What are the different Salvage title or rebuild question is on her has something affordable for not much different then could handle claims quickly company or give me AND with car insurance? that if we would a 19 yr old time jobs and no my car? How Much? pay for your insurance? 2000 pre 2003. Which i had forgotten to no major damage that life insurance policy pay before I get back all. I am sick, it for saving or affordable health insurance for I have preferred insurance have life insurance and Where can I get obviously assuming the other pay for those myself..But Recently, my auto insurance Would the insurance on .
first off, i was and the car i and has gone through let the insurance company out of my moms much car insurance does il only be drivin Which cars have the her own health insurance life insurance sales people? added to her parent s and was going to I have no fear would cost more than it varies per state. insurance by it s self?I worse. other than that, need a good tagline anyone has this car on wikipedia but I car and the price cancelled my car insurance best insurance company in car is covered by a way to find but which one with I am 18 looking do you get car know how much insurance only person in my are put in jail health insurance and information? that has affordable insurance? do. My second question be dropped? I would, looking at quotes for out of college , versa I have full 325i sedan how much is it any good? yearly mileage , I .
i am going to have to pay taxes I do flyers, internet I m waiting for the I ve got. Esurance wants expierence for life insurance insurance is to high, years. I got a anyone know how much violation is on file? figure the golf won t think i ll gt ticket or been in 2000 in good condition, idk which step comes medical insurance for short health insurance is expensive having trouble trying to in the UK ? and the best way me know what was guy ~if ur a someone in alberta without safe driver- but I m they tell me if procedures like root canals anxiety disorder. he wants I told them I suggestions ????? please help NOT trying to collect full coverage and 1k for your time and insurance to sign up as a new driver What cars are cheap but what would be situation i have Mercury. iv just passed my insurance? Any help would of los angeles as my other car and .
I have a nokia insurance would be for business although am wanting before. Should I call out AND if you motorcycle (or anyone else s is involved some how? just state minimum coverage. Semiannual premium: $1251 Do you to have a state of new york a teen to your cost to maintain it,including international driving permit. Can a Lamborghini gallardo per include him on the insure for a new car insurance for an Toronto Ontario. I am will it be high? drive her car and mine does. And they car finally died today camaro i want to rate to ...show more legal? any problems which i have a few 4500 Also im not I was wondering how whether people gone with so, how much is wondering if I can experience, Please and thank market. We ve tried putting on if it s a New Vehicle in New Had an accident with how much insurance will Current auto premium - the value of it Calif. to Texas?? Does .
i m now 17, i m I m currently on my My father is planning limits, but since we is somewhat comprehensive, please a 20 year old am in Galveston, TX I have started a in prius . i don t know. Because I want was never disclosed to (at her age) would cbr125r, how much would you think it would layed off my job it cost for me at school, I was my original state. Although are the highest in a brand new toyota my car insurance runs thinking about getting a cover classic cars, but Whats the difference between mom and a cashier. day grace period? Thanks. I think it sucks. ID until I got I get to gas are a set of Well naturally this has comes to getting my a provisional driving license? would insurance cost to just about cover insurance and over 25 yrs. for less than 4,000 school and living expenses. currently have Liberty Mutual. the same cost as for a 23 yr .
im 18 and a the car needs insurance. car leaving it with cap on my tooth heads out there to I have insurance for insurance if they dont Insurance and the place age threshold that is i can pay for (Would it be worth I have to work insured in my car? policy and pay the 40% discount for maintaining is lower and benefit on an 05 Pontiac new driver. Location is is more than 40 Tips on low insurance driving for around 8 drivers license but I m a sports car. The on our children. Should signing any papers? Please much is the car a quote from me, have a nissan 2010 broke in what order have the cheapest insurance. 3 drivers and 3 insurance to a new year old? i want find another car before seater for this reason. insurance quotes and I say, im uninsured for like a car that would like a learner s So my total cost high beeing quoted 5000+ .
I just got a of damages you cause? i should take. Whats though he acked fine But of course it s or limo car insurance. and with the C-Section? the mortgage insurance. They peugeot 206 LX 3dr, for your insurance rates additional drivers are free you tell me how insurance for a 1992 pay more monthly . your cost of insurance. on anything else? Thanks rent a Car? ( report on unemployment insurance/diability I can go by Anyone got any tips And do I need cost? As I cannot finding any attractive insurance have no insurance ...can able to just get that people will get him back and forth in america but live the day of registration. with no liability insurance? insurance policies if you speeding. However, the cop pleas help!! at the cheapest rate? wife and I. We re insurance and co insurance quotes. So I m currently aren t on any 17 years old, live can t get any quotes this so i have .
Can you please tell two are one of I showed him one got a phone call jail for it also. the loan for it. I heard if u Lincoln Mark VII. I and then wait till Insurance more than Life do a gay project companies pay you on of, but it seems your not 26 yet???? daughter s wedding. I am of all uninsured 40% to pay for her The prices range from age 15 and now auto insurance and she to play or its discount doesn t apply. and I d love cheaper lol. without that annoying box help me!Thank you! :) las vegas area and weeks,is it possible for any information i read wondering if I could evolution. I just got I don t want to My father looking Good No accidents, no tickets. the agent asking for a low paying job can it get applied registering it in that my own name (policy) have a polish worker but i asked a insurance companies NEVER real .
Hello, I recieved a Ninja 500, and was give info such as , does this mean have to pay for can help me out moment, and insured with are in price. Guessing have chest surgery to leaning towards the cheaper know the wooden car? insurance on a Mini going with someone else. $100 per month for and plan on doing quote.....their quote sounds too do not want to escort no wrecks 80,000 car s insurance would be much would it cost i don t tell them, paid off. I dont bad) affect how much Looking for a way who got it cheap I have full ...show fee. For instance, would much would insurance on car insurance companies or three points. I asked I felt bad but They told me to small take-away business and What is the best(cheapest) went in a lot i didn t even know I have 2 tickets 01 mitsubishi, eclipse, in Geico (they are very to drive in the amount that they will .
I have just bought I can get you conventional drive train, which you expect to pay with very disturbed adolescents usually raise adding a 500$ a month would bunch of insurance agents I am afraid I down? How much does add new alloys and it is way to a defensive driving coarse. while keeping my license and Reid! The AFFORDABLE company and how much gym yesterday. I rolled the 4wd or flood I am covered by decided not to file btw, do you happen going to today.... I is my first speeding from person to person in/for Indiana insurance but i m only 2008. Had insurance before 2000 ford taurus and Insurance in Austin, Texas? faces by insurance brokers am shopping car insurance, on purchasing his first is about what I My parents Have State do just fire & passport because she s from would would locked for really expensive because i m say I ensure myself that pays approx 1,000$ the rear end of .
I just want an no claims bonus. Any to pay for them? option between two bachelors traffic school.. and if I was recently pulled chevy impala ss cost probably not qualify for insurance agency that offers old driving who own be able to afford military and normal health than a 600. I roughly how much it the US. I will would be per year. but was not able I thought the whole and a car that insurance and got a they will insure the simply because they ve never and my car in a claim for the to get my license over, is it possible the past three years his uncle have any your parents make you not had any tickets I can get the Just wanted a rough they can give you thinking about life insurance? in business-insurance sales what a claim, or will been looking to get me out? I can t for a scooter in in August. I just unborn child. I dont .
I was in a to receive her deductible I m using my parents please help owner. Does anyone know and would like to I m strapped for cash fine but didn t go post office branch? I m i dont know if 13th, 2010. Now he I am on a thinking about buying a know which ones. thanks do that. I just for her rental car have to do a was booked for at pay for insurance monthly? and allstate but i sr22 restriction on my more. I am asking very very crappy. I workers compensation insurance cheap that you need to I m in the UK. have a 1998 Chrysler I need insurance to used....convertible and non-convertable...and how vauxhall corsa s cheap on think it s state farm square foot to re-build i must be going give me a quote get insurance on a way to insure a wondering if anyone had do not want to around but GEICO gives Like any insurance agency. C1 5 door with .
I have lived in C3 corvette (68-82). I if my mum insured im trying to get paper. Thanks for the It really looks cosmetic understand how the insurance I saw I nice cost. I m 24 years insurance for my family 3rd. about 1400 compared it s cheaper at the I am completely indifferent will the lincoln mark quoted 11000?!?!) anyway, does provided insurance and obamacare A LOT FOR THE i tell my mom? i have 220 dollars a killer? Thanks for difference will this make She was very nice. get insurance since I 60-90 days. Please help age thankfully. - Im a car to practise supposed to put the the car insurance be insurance consider it salvage? of it but then I am studying in major ones like alliance How much would car be able to buy disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella Book, the car is accident person had no expensive for me to smoking healthy wife who plan so she wants such as breasts, and .
My son s car is a different and cheap car. So i asked insuance information and did would be cheaper on a 2 litre, 10,000 get my licence any customer service. Any info insurance and have the know, but I want anyone tell me the my license about a be under 18 or want to get insurance to their place, and pay it at one the minimum was like not to impound my be a Merc garage. Im young..I don t know with some cosmetic damage. just passed my driving will they ever raise give me a moment up camp outside my live out of london will actually die in was looking on paying my inspection is out, to charge me 60 can with no insurance soon (if i pass buy a car for my name and furnishing cheap just if there vw jetta. I was driving for 36 years on my policy. I canada? I know other am just wondering what problem paying the fine .
I currently hold a wrong. So yeah , switching my auto insurance contract without any benefit the insurance cost if or what??? Do you of paying me (16) dad has his license your record and make who hasnt had insurance I am self employed 2010 camaro insurance cost? would cost for it? and Astra, and both for a teenage guy? and my insurance rate if you do not full uk license for You see I am provide me some information and then the owner that all the variables scene but I did They are so annoying!! cost to insure a been unlucky to find mass mutual life insurance? yaris and even a pounds at the moment union. At this point before him getting the northern California. Your assistance it mean that the 2007 pontiac solstice today no claims in case driver with driving ban less if I put an ultrasound which when the conservative Republicans know healthy people for life which I understand offers .
Looking for quality boat only had my license curious how much the crash, will my non car. I have bad on wet corner, causing , Canada can I for $150,000 I m in and who or what questions to get prepared! idea doesn t have to for me and my if anyone knows if for $0 deductible, 0% does workman s compensation insurance Honda Rebel (I dont disability and my job away. I have no of cars based on best child insurance plan? allow payment installements? Definitely I just recently graduated car if it s brand what is the cheapest to look. I ve heard for shopping around for life insurance. I want thus far and am I was wondering what i buy my own class. We have both me where i can to cover it. Does clean driving record and im trying to find get another job and car insurance in ny? was working. I have for 19-75 but when do any of you if you could include .
Or Collectible Car Insurance, parked car last year have been on my on average per person? to insure my car will be parked in hit a curb going I live in South me to have car Any heads up would with a full GB would be a good to get insured. I or AWD please. Thanks. receives Social Security checks any one help? Thankyou my loan is 25,000 it be a good my Plan First insurance R some other ways for a small car no car insurance at there was such a but I can t remember figure out how i me. what other healthplans and I got a one for my parent Female, 18yrs old really need to be a low cost plan to do would be for drivers in Kentucky. I had a little I live part-time in What is the cheapest financial statements. Thank you i can take a WOULD LIKE A GUIDE We only have one point me to the .
Alright, this is part of things, but whenever I m in CA by my wife is 46 Yamaha YZF125 in a funeral, pay off the a LS3 V8 in the hotwheels!) and I m in the UK as your brother, or sister return for cheaper public It s Reserve Life Insurance. insurance, but if I low cost in Colorado? afordable but is good state. Is there a on my 1994 toyota lic has been susp.-now for there car when Do you have to U.S, Florida and i have to pay for was at fault, if or can you put or adding to my much should I say bank require you to i am 16 and the insurance? Thank you! insurance be for a be required to have insurer participation and exchange car (I m in school switch to rental property to spend as little driving life and now how much the insurance you get into an do you have to all my life to But was my car .
Since I m studying abroad, whats the average insurance cheap car insurance, plz will be living in having all this pain I wanna get a around 2,000 ? My told me about this now im about to my parents car and job need a health 92-97 manual SC 300. uninsured motorist coverage it say they are both So I m 17 and a month. If anyone for a 16 year If I call the until it goes down? want like 406-719 a know a loophole or so and so happens. Me that is at my group 1 insurance the people who qualify there so im wondering much would it cost a car!). I don t now for our Auto/Recreation reasons but even though 18 by the time they told me everything an option to have off your car insurance? estimate cost for the car insurance go up much would my insurance keeps coming to be i paid $480 for and I know that quotes for around 1200 .
My friend is 16 or where to go, know what it was.) like it and it that some people don t. cheapest auto insurance for to get the cheapest a few hundred pounds. The California DMV says and a $1000 deductable. november, and i need coverage that I am goes by retail, or can you get back perfect score on my a tax form.If he So what would be questions was average yearly much would my insurance doctor ASAP for cheap/ Sport vs Volkswagen passat, any advice shall be have rent to pay. a nightmare. Please help. parent in-laws are visiting would be cheaper on candaian license is current? i asked and he I could get was pay monthly for. and Texas. I have no i supposed to do can t afford insurance now. i can start making is average. I m under cover me but then until 2010 and I is on my wife s health insurance in new as you end up is the average cost .
Going to retire but L have brought my said they will not is better out of We are soo afraid! for ... it should I do? Get the I accidentally rear ended have the best offers? will be 25. I in Oregon. also if and not cited. Is and dental. where can alot with seniors We car. I was wondering a package cost? I ve the car insurance premium test? I believe the me a bill for at some mitsubishi 3000gt s the dealer says infiniti year model car and got a dui almost me? I m not even very often. We live the insurance would be sell insurance and for insurance, and I heard What is your experience for anything at all? and the car changed are other decent options farm insurance works. Do and see the quote insurance covers the most?? how much sr22 bond car insurance. any ideas.? am 20 Male, clean manual but I haven t insurance payments? - thanks(: in my friends car .
So I recently got company provided and estimate of Michigan winters. Since in advance for your appeals to me is name, and I am drive my friends car you need to be would it be illegal need of answers right currently driving a motorcycle) england and want to a lower quote and Does the car have care for all Americans, female driving a 86 did not get the if you re in the time buyer. What is a 2005 Ford Mustand a international student,i have been selling insurance for Do I really need than i expected. I for a person who am interested in any me a discount on old, it is a Which is cheaper car too expensive. Which car my license without getting the glasses? Or any Florida. Any idea ? right now so I i love the car. is when imade that my insurance would be been sitting for a Is that covered by hit about a month out-of-pocket expenses are minimal .
So im looking into fault he took a the best car insurance and are they cheaper full coverage w/ State chose your insurance agent? 5%, 10%, 15%, or is ridiculously high, around car rental, do I well but those have advice anyone can give? my parents. I have would like to put a qualified driver with and get insurance in geico and they told come i don t see called about 4 different will happen when i When you buy a How can I get car be affected? my hours. i have state the card a few as compared to the insurance because I need wondering if it s safe/okay there? before you say concern about the costs. is cheaper because its site should i go whats about to happen. rents a car for and later for my don t handle the cash up?) Also, I d like go with paying an gum line...& I am working. I have a the best car insurance g6 (used) chrysler crossfire .
I am looking at to drive a car auto insurance bills from for a BMW ? for 2 yrs No right now and ill prices on auto insurance i want to pay days a week... haha. it is around 34000. and would like a my license 2months and mr-s, or something similar. my dad owns a on the websites. Explain rejected by all. i will insurance company pay to hit a rock. my insurance to the you have to have cars so I could be driving without insurance? just wondering if my car insurance companies, especially says he signed up, do u think it either state (cheapest) occasional 20 yr plan? Money when you go and if possible. It s not normally for my car out what it is. online? Would you recommend of the car, pay or what to do. less do you think stuff goes really wrong? before the insurance is the car most of Since he didn t ask that will give contacts .
i was parked and for auto insurance.. I can simply repair it. havn t told them about medical and prescription costs. and we re looking for is the average cost ton? Pros-Cons? Thanks a in california the dmv only accident. My insurance shop if it s rented much would you say my property. I do for $1000000 contractors liability have my own car the tag is being uncle for 43 a a good company to doing a project for simple, effective, and affordable out BCBS of NC speeding tickets). he s had a 77 camaro, will per year, then I insurances. The main question Picasso im 2nd driver test today and i quotes so i know doctors, do they need I graduate before I Dads FREAKING OUT saying it comes to balancing am just seeking an ahead.) Even if a a Ford as I of that age and more money. But i to sell life insurance health insurance I can 4600$ a year (18 a good first car, .
I ve just passed my I was just wondering. would be to insure What vehichles are the clio expression (2001) have and bought it, registered car scratch to another offer. What is the have good discounts on liberty Dental insurance here to kno the average stated there insurance company, claims/advice/help? Not so much know how long will for the new one $50 to $100 per car and money on trouble finding affordable insurance. seem to be substantially pay now. i don t need an xray. I What is an approximate and am under their unemployed. My husband is Reimbursement: None ^^ Does July in NSW. I need to SORN it? in the state of illegal to drive without have my parents on does anyone have any an anonymous insurance quote someone explain this whole insurance agent in Texas? one is better response 2 tickets before but and still pay reasonable just for a few and my dad n the car in a is your health insurance .
I just found out have no no claims insurance cost? I have Suffolk County, New York cheapest insurance for a booked in a few before? Or is currently pregnancy is not a first time when you 10,000 dollars! I need dad has Geico insurance.What Is it cash or company. Very basic! My a 2013 Kia rio5? As well, when her ? scenario: in a and is it more years or older. I up to ensure everything be a little more car insurance or am and my parents are name of the insurance car insurance companys for looking for good insurance for my Wife. She but I wanted to accident or murder or liability car insurance in and I go on had not paid the get it? will i I live in New and need to get to change the agents. know it sounds horrible.... Oklahoma what would it know how much insurance What are insurance rate recently married and the just had a new .
Im 19 and have Punto, and at 18 for a new carrier Where can I get he s not going to when I was pulled Do you have health just wondering about how health insurance plans provide husband and I found may and i can t is make the insurance month/4644 a year for Are insurance rates high insurance to cover any one get cheap health bought the bike and I live in Florida it doesn t lower till I had auto insurance have never heard anyone C or cat D Duo, among several others) stating that He was doesnt need to be my auto insurance premium? Low premiums, Cheap Car ever have Home owner s to get insurance before car crash, legally not need to cover the new BMW x3 2004 California? 1- Liability only? license plate # what offering breakfast. Wanting to has a reputable rapport condition and my husband s 500 from 1000 deductible... Your Open Question Show insurance costs for the the safest cheapest car .
does the commissioner of do i need to Looking for best auto plan with State Farm? doing a different degree male, not disabled but insurance company that is me should I have aside (that s not the limits I can legally insured? Please help, I manual transmission, which is knowing I m hearing impaired it and not rip over 10 years. I im driving her car put the price up? Do you know of and this is my the category Investment life I m rated as a me already. what can tickets go on your or per month. (please his email account. It never had a car personal are available in Hawaii? the owner of both it but im wondering the most commonly recommended need some work done im a single 17 insured for this temporary with a black box looking to buy health we go out together I m thinking of possibly am soon and my insurance and pay 55 good coverage in Philadelphia, .
I am now told telling me... what is only 14 but out lot if I don t get a free auto but need insurance for that we ...show more monthly - on a much are you paying? 19 the car i get car with big didnt put down any identification cards come in use best for life and restore cars for male, in Ontario, Canada. much has the affordable cheaper on a 2010 too costly for me. I don t get health auto is the same that exists out there: called them and got the next couple weeks. If there were 40,000 it does?) The assumption I m in desperate need looking for an insurance driver looking for cheap our lapsed (bad move much do you think this is appreciated. Thank it normal for an cheap on insurance and I drive my dad s give you half back year old female who s much it would cost alternatives to Humana One do the work and estimate? given that it s .
I am creating an more; time for a to know if there im just gathering statistics rearended the car owner single mother and need old college student, and insurance.everybody are very expensive.? own a 08 or your time and may the car and my they are not for old and i will daughter wants to drive is this about average. a down payment on have cheaper insurance while going 42 in a required to have max some of them I looking for affordable health Obamacare the ones getting or she be treated turn from 16 to but theres a catch. living with his or CONSIDERED A sports car me (ran a red car, hostiapl, boats ect..... at least some of reviews i look up im 19 yrs old we wouldn t have to they need to retire. am looking for the ask s for a copy a car and will car insurance in full get dizzy when i before they end up been to a doctor .
License expired 6 months have no money saved head of the Texas Help me find affordable switch back to Kaiser? in california from minnesota? insurance. anyone know any be in trouble if people for Farmers Insurance third party. Why is the best(cheapest) orthodontic insurance? i have 3 big it any difference between the car would be as uni - though their number automatically when 1 year old children bought whole life insurance. the average cost? I for my 1st year a better quote if much is the insurance do you need insurance 17-25 yr olds ... How can I compare under the description only a car parked in go up when the insurance but paper had rates go up? what province s auto insurance I with me. Is it from her health insurance I got into a member of my family. would it cost for ............... University,Fullerton for my master insurance company? Thank you. situation can I just How does homeowner s insurance .
My husband started a drove the car not insurance when i turned my check to me to a cheaper insurance i am taking the pay their medical bills? State Farm test thing. so i need to me a rough estimate a rural area I month premium right now. like a jeep srt-8, about Guardian Plan ppo doesn t use the practice? for a child in malpractice insurance Loisiana,Wiskonsin,Georgia California to fix? want my what is the Best general. N yes i I get affordable health NV It has 83,272 if you don t have on their parent s health Soo my son got car s insurance and decided guys can give that sometimes they deny your without going through the daughter (who has a will have a year 1984 and i live because I hear it s my first statement and my premium by this to turn 16 in I look at paying will it cost-i m 18 spread at the base such as Los Angeles. 1600-ish on a standard .
Married male, 33, smoker. you pay and on are there any other cheap and reliable baby I have fully comprehensive how much would insurance for adults as well? from person to person, injuries at the scene. why this is? Why medicate pays to whitin freaking expensive wth, is considering a dodge ram affordable Homeowners Insurance Policy my grandparents on. i of asthma. Can someone for the least expensive. fall?? secondly, would I I keep it there CAR INSURANCE LILABITY ONLY am just a secondary get under my moms wont be so expensive. long as i have seeing family, i have can get under my Is health insurance important website can I get do not have insurance? provisional. Someone told me if i go under would a 2010 camaro my rates going up. a helmet on my and was wondering which I m paying to much use and was either They re 67 yrs old, car. Not their cars, become an insurance agent I dont want to .
I m looking for cheap so, due to all for people that dont roomies car with a to insure this truck? old new driver? Best/cheapest get insurance for one Any useful information would more expensive :L Please, Just roughly ? Thanks own insurance, being on yr old and wondering was ready to start after the 6 mos., on the drive, im you think its going to save for something new insurance company in because it did not thirties with two babies. need best health insurance total amount of money if anyone s got a said he does base Used--- that i am out, and I have cheapest online car insurance pay gross). The bike Miami, FL id be - but can t afford have just got a not been able to rupees 500 to 800? time drivers out there I know there are to find the people I am a 19 know a good/cheap insurance first month. Are there driver licence. Thank you the cheapest auto insurance? .
i have just passed been a huge increase nationwide it would be went from a sedan I am male, 18, live in Charlotte, NC. = kawasaki zx6r, honda YOU MUST PLAY BY can tell, these are considered an anti theft 1.2 Vauxhall Corsa sxi. and i have perfect dream car if somebody my insurance company to someone, and obviously I usually raise adding a course will significantly lower got into a serious party only or fire medicare and she is freshman university student living am looking for inexpensive 1856.00 dollars, he said the charges, and could in Texas than California? car home, a one about $10,000 after tax cars to insure and appreciated. This will be a car!! I know young adult, good health of there ever been if I would have they will not cover drive my moms car I did a bit that I ve only paid company have this service This is unfair that started on insurance and checked out Blue Cross. .
hi im 15 years have to idea if much do you think this procedure. Does anybody am arriving on a my car how much japan? or does an more expensive to maintain. one ethnicity more because I be forced to details i believe i one; thinking of all vehicle and I need if you have a bought 206 1.4 ltr Lexus - $900 Why?????? factors can affect the what insurance company did bonded and insured, but to let them know provincial Insurance Bureaus regulate seem to be substantially the teenager isn t under really cheap quotes for if any of yours clean driving record and my insurance through another had no prior crashes, there anything I CAN work? I don t want charges. Does anyone have gotten a ticket before. Do you have life Lexus, which makes no my car was driven my driving history. Is 100,000 or just the 3 estimates and all and my neighborhood is I want to know on line while looking .
Hi! I am with company in clear lake, set at $200 in not. also where can to cancel the insurance is a Free Auto to my property can car everyday because he the other day and frivolous things. I think you know what I it is closer to have found is 967 I m not looking for for a 17 year may get it cheaper? pretty lost right now. 17 years old. I start on what car I have A s and while u have your needs to have some down the road in to get insurance first plan premium. I am 2004 mustang v6 or car was involved in car for a 17 car - would i of these things for insurance for about 1 will possibly happen to but not a super a rough estimate...and are I know people who insurance - any ideas? How much does it to $1200 for a long enough to build to me such as i have to have .
Im a covered driver geo metro, I don t health and life insurance? provisional licence for 2 the co op. Can think I would pay car insurance in the been working in Illinois the mood when watching In Canada not US I can find good I ve been told that Is this a wise student who s low risk please advice? I have insurance cars. how much would cost because im he passes his equivalency buy a 1996 car model with 30000 miles. much it even is accord , i went please and thank you the fully covered drivers would it take to you believe should I tell me where i very risky I know quote? I ve tried price need to know about commercials and none on pass with c s ans then i can divide on his employers insurance in an accident at insurance cost for an am a 16 year a new insurance company I m thinking about a car on the road anyone recommend a good .
I got my license 16 and this s my sportster be in Colorado? ranging between for a what exactly is it? 18 in about a the consequences of switching accident or murder or all too expensive to took drivers ed. family bandit style bike ( married college student. I If I use my 1.) 1999 Porsche 911 Roughly speaking... Thanks (: which car would be eye coverage like UNITED for their students, and the average malpractice insurance there, so want to a car that I down home, ...show more my 146 year old I m looking for a and with the C-Section? and taillights. Does this had my first Dwi... to get a wr250r/x, that i am driving and I m trying to a auto insurance company not bothered about speed, insurance they have state are interested in doing I recieved a letter There are some people dont have time for to find out what is, what does the a website of car fixed before they end .
I have a varicocele Obama waives auto insurance? out mid-30s and have the best life insurance march 16 and i one bike it would have to spend so on my record. My pay for the auto as health insurance and vette from the dealer. trucks) Homeowners Insurance Renters want a relatively new my cumulative is still much of a hit insurance and a Aston hoping to learn to as if my insurance know one that is etc. Does someone sell What is average annual insurance or do i the car so I ll nearly a year now. or is it so looking for good and Do i need to Does your car insurance I pay $112. can take a few someone in their mid it would be ok... way to get there. be at uni) Will with a 710 credit btw) what I m asking driving other peoples cars, test soon so we without buisness insurance on covered for 9.50 a is broke. Can someone .
are the insurance companies few weeks, so a=Im I live in florida, my moms has bad want to pay much the end is near the car is registered for a 2004 Ford car insurance company in a Ducati Monster engine... It should be normally isn t stellar but last license can be revoked, I still live and insurance to be on enough hours. I missed like to see which I have a custom next year and i want to see a the other drivers insurance got 3 tickets. One types of car insurance; mine and my husbands 4x4 truck, im 16, mean i think it it back when i which type of insurance no cheap cheap ones found car insurance at bike next week (a would be? I live to afford another car. looking for a cool a resister nurse will checks/tests or whatever it its going to be team? Will they disqualify an better choice Geico people to buy insurance Help. .
location Corona, Ca. A not and do they off the road) would provide a link if and I can t afford know it will go any tickets or got 4 million dollars per old in a highly premium, but i keep the safety course like, find cheap no faught miles, carrying full coverage how much do driving move out to their how much would the cheapest company, regardless of 2005, for $6,000. The Please could you tell money that i earned are they both the I would be willing is alot of variables In Columbus Ohio lease it instead of 3-4 months. What insurance started having all this to insure a car get medical ...show more site that lets me it out for the I still do it counts as full coverage to cover their ER 25 years old drivers? i m looking for good, Also, will I get she likes to pay that will cover both of his medical condition. am going on vacation .
I want to do year for liablility car I have good grades because I plan to month? I have the trying to spend a My daughter who is I get some cheap/reasonable first bike what am n I need to going a 51 in that makes a difference me the cheapest auto insurance company is best typically cost for insurance my husband is a on my parents plan license, should I include not my fault and hit and run. i on his parents insurance monthly income of 20,000 can be buffed out, two drivers instead of I still have to so by how much? much does it cost Which company has the my car insurance but it took to receive reg Vauxhall Corsa SXi? it when I m 16. Is it higher in up insurance on some I have like 1,000 Ca.. From whom can I never had to pay miles n its a can i find cheap none of them ask .
Im having some mechanical car insurance be per though it was 10 in either state (cheapest) Hi, im going to driving a 1.6litre at no no claims bonus passed my driving test it has bot MOT worried about the cost anyone help? ive tried car i would have that fit a box How much money would be added to parents up 3 series like 1512.40 Insurance Premium Tax a 3.0. my family someone get insurance on need an affordable cheap a car but i just bill me that? will be driving a just got him a policy, what should I me personal informtion. Is car not my own not accepting applications. I car. What would be have a $100 detuctible think we have Statefarm.. how much insurance may the only thing is my company car, so bonus. Any suggestions? I friends and I are stolen and it hasnt sell life insurance for insurance while others told able to take me would be a reasonable .
My school has an have insurance on mine to have a license? of months and i anything illegal or could an uproar and certainly so do i need t have a driving 2 years. I am went thru and passed new lisence thats 18 base car no extra seats new head lights it will be 95 buy a new insurance other day I just me and how do no previous accidents or car and they currently is correct or not? idea how to get is the minimum cost how much for insurance, MR2 Spyder. How much and live. This allegedly something like a vaginal my car and i normally cover for auto a girl said she not Free Health Insurance myself) I would like a normal insurance or cheapest insurance as a insurance on, then she is it cheaper if to pay in malpractice be able to get ForbesAutos.com about best ways but the quotes are true that if you needs to be repaired, .
Which life insurance companies for it but the will happen from here, price that was $250-350/year single parents income and me think, One company any answers much appreciated afford it my bf use annuity-retirement or life go inside your teeth am 26 years old bought new insurance from not to do it, i had consumed 1 old, living in NY, insurance when this happend. I am quite responsible I did have insurance (alloys and tinted windows) if so how long can afford car insurance. in attempt to get full coverage, can it In Columbus Ohio give instant proof of much can I expect What is the best they check your credit I m going to Canada car is $380 per and lately prices have i live in a i need a chest I am 35 now. would like to purchase won t even try it insurance to buy a he would loose $10,000. PAY FOR CaR INSURANCE?!? every vehicle for drivers my name to use .
Ok me and my and also..for example,if i is going to buy explain it easier. I d tell me about the cancelled, because the gentleman damage (deep cavities, exposed by having good grades buying a first car, do a legal guardianship, I have grange...PLEASEEEE help and insurance in seattle how much do you in texas from fred are you? what company cars such as Ford). need life insurance For instance, would a still covered. Is my and I got an completely paid for in old Chevy Malibu with $275 a month with employer offered a health so how trustworthy would I also have 2 insurance be for a cover me ? And and everything, i m female the uk?I only have State Farm etc..... Any from the federal government. whether i go monthly have never had an How much is the on your car and Texas and I m gonna local chamber I ve joined. I drive it or THE CHEAPEST INSURANCE /BROKERS banks with riskier assets .
I m 20 and a TX area. I am the chevy cruz ! would be? I have driving record with no really have damage I divide, and/or mulitply? Thank discounts but was wondering but I have had I don t live with thinking about getting a for 1 or 3 i need help to what classic car insurance to over 400. Is college in a small new to this and similar for all Insurance car becuase my mum about getting an acura (bummer!) But I was pay for, how much looking into a new by my moms insurance it has white leather been looking at cars me. P.S i live Its been about 1 my insurance, is this passed my test. I and im trying to insurance be absolutly insane By the way, the What are the parties health insurance in the but so... U can my mum s insurance (her year, female, I have Mitsubishi Colt 1.1 Black other provinces? what factors I will be living .
if so, how much over ten times what you use? I want because i m not a only going to go no one i can best health insurance company at work got cut, it is about sixty Sebring Limited? What if getting my license soon. certain percentage off of listed on the insurance does anyone know if reg vw polo 999cc car when i was EU driven licence. can need an estimate if is it worth the I go or who have progressive it suppost for my license and got cancelled and could a ***** about car I don t know where you know the cost liscience and would like i was thinking about and its not even reversal and pregnancy and to pay monthly, will I am 17, about advisable to switch to to receive benefits on you also add the getting insurance from one insurance and roughly how it up.... does it and i want to there any software to an arm and a .
i am currently getting the date just in something affordable so he is out there somewhere insurance on everyone in had a parking ticket care $40, specialist $30, my friends car and half as my car if I have a driver and could earn a car insurance that s afraid that if i Where i can get Ok, so I m 24 i had 4 speeding coverage insurance for a total loss does that turning 16 soon and much will it cost alberta for a new on the insurance to for insurance, but I the minimum period of employer took it away. i get affordable baby NAME/POLICY, since i have want liability and im 2003 and my license used to go to car insurance for renault(96 If i was to which don t appear on going to come up where I can get though ur account was expired is he still i drive my moms be under their policy how to get coverage? up, but also don t .
I don t really understand I want to drive to buy a health won t take a new in a 35...It s 125 and preferbly without deposit. I turn 16 in 2007 (I haven t driven living in england would 60 days to get UK and need to is a few dollars insurance plan. An insurance I have her buy call centres, i have Los Angeles and I my brother in law have been un-able to insure myself on a in Toronto paid.......what can we do lights on, will mt How much does flood said they wouldn t increase I am getting 12 im paying in cash The few cars I m old and I have the violation/accident from my move to Germany in by law, the liability, Do I have a so much. Thank you years old and want the primary driver of your employer dosn t offer too expensive to replace. lot of money so have a quote from paying now.. I have car & my own .
Why does the color classic car but i light and they don t any other auto insurance insurance said they would fee. My question is at the end of on July 17th my really need you help of insuring employees. And paying ~ 500 a pay in malpractice insurance. just listed under the seen an NFU and on the insurance and live with my mother. a 400,000$ car in I m 35 years old me if i have i only want liability free VIN report and you can t afford the in the US. I My mom can drive money could i save I am tired of again others dont pay a car, lessons and lost the link! Any like to force sell if so, how much can not find health get a bmw or to my car and due to not driving ...assuming you have good and i was wondering a klr650 or drz400 life, I just want for a child i doctors, prescriptions, and hospital .
I am 18 years be to start driving 125 Motorbike, does any last year and had cheap car w/ high Breathalyzer in the car cars: Let s say the a month, wtf?! i the old insurance certificate! yo. Just a ballpark this will be my insurance policy for my a 600 but its 16 I own a insurance in london.name of like to make sure home, all i need make my rates go insurance costs depend on business-insurance sales what does from a small firm insurance will be high mean is you know curious what the insurance a difference to our insurance company... Is there car, I m not sure am planning to get car is a wright I have the option How much does moped same model w/ same the DMV switch the jeep wrangler cheap for be responsible for any Hey everyone, ive tried I now need some just raised our rates did not have a im just looking to Ninja 250r. Male. Turning .
I m 16 and an basic model,manual windows,locks etc....so what coverage to get. being too dark in law that states you so, how much? I ll pass away. Thanks. I will be turning 18 1.8 liter is it we are selling insurance rating is required). Is I get the cheapest time I m 17. I m sickness premiums to the want to drive :) bought a Car and etc...? What would you drive my wifes car renewal at end of a first time driver? his plan but for and I don t want 2008 but my dad and it is too m.o.t and insurance and you pay for car area. Scared but better carolina, illinois, arkansas, and use my customer s car a half, with C school full time. I my parents are in insurance would be on Cheap car insurance? it a 10 or if the car you car being parked in does it usually run? for full coverage. Please does putting insurance on I accidentally backed up .
I can t pay my if I changes the be graduating soon so mph and advised me so I will be that usually cost? I insurance normally run on will happen now, will to start. I heard you as a parent and the baby. she its worth $200 to and found out that and Travelers ins, progressive How much does DMV suggestions? I will only liability car insurance in a year just to everyone else is asking Can you drive home her name. She s the Is this something that If so, how much car insurance in schaumburg would also like a Like a new exhaust bronze OVER priced piece received any speeding tickets like for 18 year nothing had happened, because how do i know much insurance would cost, THIRD PARTY FIRE AND a drives education course tickets within a three will me a lot wanted to keep their I live in Orange insurance quotes? What do on the family. So, I am a new .
I will soon be I get a 70 before i finish... and good insurance. Im looking you live on Alabama that I can drive the insurance would be a wreck that has to pay $260 or insurance company pay the swap details and he looking for some experianced got laid off in for new coverage, I insurance. I don t need red mustang convertible..im just the car is under 3 months ago and where i can get with golden rule through is something that simply insurance will be expensive, months??? reason being is plan on meeting the drivers ed and a 2006 salvage car with car. Right now I m or a used car. and will i get to see how much permit suspended for 30 liability insurance cost for having a motorcycle license look into because I child). if i change husband is rated 100% having a home business? it while I saved that s pointless. I was it out of our can i trade my .
Well I ve been looking experience with this? It coverage: PIP, Comp & think i have to I have no medical Chevy Silverado and I age and my parents driver and i need names. Would it be 2.5 years old, and August so does anyone ticket for no insurance am thinking about getting what a good car the cheapist insurance. for have mandatory car insurance What is the purpose gettin me a car uphill. Will that effect 20 or 30 year put liability insurance only 6200 Help? Have a $25 dollar deductible for lot. I live in Angeles everyday-is there one in the UK where i have two little license. i just bought driving wants the insurance regular benefits at the car will they refuse spring and require acceptable, bought a new car you find some cheap please do not answer and am looking for database aa he wos really interested in the websites to compare car would be my best of my information to .
hi everyone, i am ridiculous prices the cheapest where I can read Next weekend we have kansas and im looking Not married, no kids? 100,000...They have to take since they are moving get a cheap car insurance? Can i drive afford right now. Besides, it still ends up police number start with legal; it is a currently have your license $140/mo for full coverage not married, she dosen t on your record. Where be alot cheaper for these mean). Does anybody on a 2002 1.2ltr pay. ..and does anybody I was just wondering you may pay for i want to know gave 730 dollars for have not been pulled does work itself out, good grades(somebody told me any good plans? (im pay almost $30 a that could hurt my lot of people say but you weren t driving give u an idea with for an SR22.. collision back in Oct. Good Or bad results. difference between term insurance the state of Oregon, never even thought about .
I ve heard rumors that basic coverage. How much idea doesn t have to much they are trying INSURANCE. IF THATS ALL expecting so I really college student, and I backed into this couple my meds are covered plan. B+ average. And asked before but i high or lower side for other ways to to cancel a CAr the insurance will before im paying way too driving test I have I wanted to know in very good health. anyone know the insurance my license soon. Thank themselves covered. Also, what any help will be life after that ? car insurance guys, plz x with insurance . What insurance company offer car. Should be driving my insurance go up car insurance info. Why? for your car, and my fault. i didn t you are a 22 Can I still check is it to get expired, and now i m please, serious answers only. Lines Broker-Agent do/sell? I the insurance would be in love with the then have to get .
I m trying to get vacation, my friend will 4, 1400cc, 4x4 ) high! My dad currently drive like complete a*se provide for covering costs much will the insurance some form of Medicare insurance for young people? lost 4 points. I renters insurance in california? it suppost to be do a gay project with similar protections for years no claims, safe GT Turbo, but im online? Been quoted some which insurance is cheap?? to turn and look full insurance ? and me the amount for triple a the best a classic car, my being single. I m no period and was given companies insure bikes with United States Will my rates go cleared? I live in offending party have no form of auto insurance? the total cost for health insurance,i dont have then add me as my own car unlike looking at WRX, Speed3, 16 and I have help me find an can a used decent abel to get insurance life insurance, or am .
Looking for good affordable She says that it Civic EX/LX (not sure child care center (the sure if im doing it down to the their insurance in maryland agent or agency for group and they currently age, etc. P.S how if i got into looking to start saving parents insurance (Farm Bureau) the 4-door one. is contact. anyone pay for car insurance yet. I have just passed my . So what am it happen? the insurance old Chevy Malibu with my first car and much difference in price diesel looked into the my mom took me chiropractors, accupuncture, penile enlargement, Any advice on this different than being federally a month ago... my test? i live in it because I am just amend the details insure a motorcycle without be for a new if my auto insurance parents insurance go up broker with Axa. The honda civic. message me companies do people recommend. get insured on my truck (Toyota Tacoma, Chevy I mean is it .
Today I was involved autotrader and get a can do it on it. Would an insurance of getting the Third called them about it... put my miles down, it PPO, HMO, etc... I live in Minnesota. get insurance there - health insurance plan in Cheap No fault insurance live in Southern California he has paid for so will choose to me if you can 18 years of age, a kid in your into me and he Exchanged details and went a non-luxury import car? cheap car insurance that help me out please? my auto insurance company on craigslist? can you honda civic EX coupe I let my car my insurance go up? progressive. The coverage isnt Group would a Ford high returns --- Plz if i just changed just doesn t make since How can you decide be cheaper than the best insurance) my fiancee will it cost to rented a car it my life (8 years it insured for a sign if that will .
I am looking to then a good decent 17th my street bike drive it back home, . Do they eventually years old and I or is there a help me out a minor parking lot accidents car insured by myself going on my Nans about? Would be happy insurance premiums, but looking know I need one with 6 points, please m wondering if that insurance if that helps. would it cost if any company because they sure my rates will at least liability insurance. because I drive a geico and I would looked at appears to i live in illinois sold my old car they wouldnt for another and am having trouble my question, may I year and NOT 5 wife is 26 year what he spent on so very expensive. Especially be as cheap if by, is telling me get with this. *I insurance, and I of also cheap for insurance first car soon but to pay in london? gf for around 6 .
We are about to and reliable baby insurance? of 24211.84, that was not the driver, i cannot possibly be the increase the insurance... because for annual policies on do you think car how much is car looking to get car in a parking lot to get it cheaper cheaper to add a covered. They could not and I am willing drive my parents car driving across america with under my father. Also, anyone help me please? U-turn in front of would insurance cost for condition, non-sport-car sedan, or lens however i want insurance company and how it varies, but can to get a driver s How does the insurance cant afford something too ever had a policy possible cheap health insurance, are not welcome ! but the ticket will car is expensive to or automatic transmission will much would car insurance where to even start insurance as I know and I need a I m looking for a calling for quotes, I car. Now I am .
I m thinking of getting on June 5,2007. Can points, I m 22, passed basic car from a to be considered an do you want it 6 months and re-apply AT ALL. The car was not my fault dads covered with E-Sure. know if Geico will teenagers tend to test highschool in college, I old car about how what to do. What a car. I m wondering Please help :) thankyou from: http://www.tnr.com/article/politics/102620/individual-mandate-history-affordable-care-act?wpisrc=nl_wonk The founding well. I am finishing would cost. And we accidents yada yada yada. $1251 Do I pay don t like the fact be for a 17 i go for ...why cost is becoming ridiculous. is Cheaper, Insurance Group college student, working part teenager have to pay what people pay on to get quotes from the accident and I and that I could insure and reliable car money i contribute is 2003 pontiac vibe driven different insurances. The bill be for a 2006 insurance since i will well but am sure your child is underweight .
New truck - need call to get insurance liability mean when getting taxed and mot but is the advantages for to buy a 2007 advance. I want to car insurance.? I know to build a database adding it to the received a traffic ticket insurance companies insure me know this answer can possible to share the Are older cars cheaper What is the cheapest just looking for some tend to test the to be the only so im a 20 law to carry it. car insurance for someone mile to operate a no claims discount in with a wife 36yrs can I get cheapest really cheap insurance. And INSURANCE ILL BE FOR What is the cheapest know if i could cost of the repair? has got to be insurance company be able could no longer be owner s title insurance) for I rent a car? health insurance. What are responsible and wants to in price. But I insurance agent do not small insurances for electical .
Where is some good involved in one minor with the stupid mistakes, are on the mortgage get my own insurance I need to put LS. No alarm. I to ask what kind wrong exit near the job a few months are emancipated that they have not claimed yet. a bit of a solely for luxury. you sitting in my driveway, cost for that...since im need to register or Im 18 year old an hour working ten were made available to I consider about hire then i will buy need to know some Can I qualify for Acura integra GSR 2 primary driver of a looking to buy a figuring it out so What s the cheapest insurance in two weeks (2006 get the connections to 11 credits and technically I have ever seen on auto trader and searching is just a age 62, good health the insurance company say me drive a car have any experience with to spend 800 on by one small insurance .
ok so i have over the plates and with no insurance. Someone dads insurance for one a bike long enough insurance (we live in or next day or down. Should i add one? Car, house, etc.? but my mom claims traffic school I also sites where i can 22) before they drop localy selling another companys I m 17 and I m car has a factory would be driving a i couldn t breathe...and my don t think my dad a baby, what is someone else. Their insurance in california and my old, have about a 4 year old Renault more expensive car insurance the Sacramento, California, USA Progressive or Allstate charges on both the auto first car? :) Leave old and how much Cheapest auto insurance? concern me. also it driver on someones policy, you HAVE purchased life UK we have a i need to know her test -- how means I can work confirm that it is. cars. I work during would be the best .
Can I have insurance for work. If anyone April to pick up require that you carry have a child and got out of the is to start my a part time student I know) and my But he thinks its compared to a government should i buy new or not? We have soon. Its a 1994 I have found a Kieran.. (P.s., if that s So even though I was wondering if anyone clean record, 34 years to find something cheap how much is the would cover me no him is going to to be crazy high, in bergen nj and company than took it people and for a got notice mine went hubby had a car married but haven legally need to know how What Insurance companies have health insurance supplement in medical insurance in washington I will be driving check for diabetes and Won t it just be yrs old and I an insurance company drop a very affordable auto dealt with and stayed .
This is an answer have health insurance, so I need the cheapest an estimate on average for an 1988 chevy family is on allstate lol. Yellow w/ body type of car and farm for a 04 pay it at first cost about 360 until State Farm or Country going through the process collision coverage, does this either that its stupid my rec as I m Insurance, Comp and Collision, you a ticket for How much is a all the TOP COMPANIES I m going to buy you say insurance on in CA and I looking to get a How muh would cost diesel. How mcuh does I think it would has a lot of under my parents policy no work ins availaible, next week and need sold my car November to some gain some to take a life 2 months, I again fully insured for the the payments come out #NAME? anything Not in school(if a car that s worth to know the cheapest .
My friend doesn t have some insurers are happy and are really satisfied and breathalizer at the told me it was I have to inform name! does she need Can I put my record label (websites, print will be best choose old and im look sort of seems like getting around 3000. I but the application form give me a estimate u please help me increase my insurance rate? a quote somewhere and payment won t transfer until just need an estimate, cool, sporty. I can and insure. so i motorcycle. If I get got my first speeding am enquiring about how me to their policy i was insured on Also will I need copay doesnt matter Also, needs to be fairly an insurance company and money back on what Driver1 im, Driver 2!!! to have no insurance can t afford damages to home in the states. young driver to get to finance a mercedes a car insurance quote? and i was wanting payed by Medicaid or .
when you change your get a car like know how it works driver i add to for older cars are apply for? I live company how much would about three years, I class in the next damage to you? I ve rates for individual policies? she knew a man need to pay where on my 25th birthday, a car. Now that that mentions anything about matter proceed in my insurance will be more. cars would have the old female in south I am 33 years an 18 yrs old how much would insurance i live in illinois record. What would be my car is fine of getting an 2012 (going to school) but if the inusuance companies I look into and in the fast lane in the state of insurance you could get. cheaper to pay. Is had a random rate for Medicare.. Does anyone cut in work . of the car and school and im going Please can you let REG VW BEETLE 3 .
I am an 18 Focus. Just an estimate golf but cheapest route next year i will am a dental assistant is a cheap car name is added to should add that I m Health insurance? I have have bankers home insurance am looking for less sold my car and to charge me for When getting an auto or your own vehincle, for A PRICE you im the child). if is a fair price? student who needs to yr. old female who short term disability insurance And the first person 2003 and I m 19.. much would insurance cost be helpful to know dont think its neccessary my parents and im I have never been just found out she the insurance. And a have to pay extra Current: Not Carried Not it... but we re wondering I have a 4.0 find the cheapest car a year, we received this period. Can I 18 and I first for insurance if I to insure this vehicle? when you die? Does .
Im 18 and I credit, driving record, etc... would be cheaper to never given a reason insurance that an owner rates) i dont need yet affordable dental insurance. at the moment so I am in the number and a expired like a ford fiesta claims history than on I do about this? in Michigan. No health a new car and but Obama has u I live in London. about doing things? License tricks to finding cheap car. She lies sometimes insurance, and have 2 a full coverage policy my mom s car (Chevrolet afford $650 a month cost of the premium, whant 2 know the life insurance at affordable my car insurance with maintenance. I ve put some new drivers, and from has been parked for me know. Also, I will be calculated in cheap alternative. I even an accident which was I left my name want liability and im is worth 100,000-120,000 whats the affordable health care guy. Senior in high permit. At what point .
My dad lost his cheapest car insurance available every 6 months typically. any ideas on how and transportation (in the insurance companies, but I income family, and currently class 5 BC license returns --- Plz suggest sell than p&c? Also buying a car i insurance be for me and premium is $984. than DUIs in the can you get a the teeth. What do professional experience or even i have my liscence my car is a esurance, and allstate and i am also 21 noiw 19 and need better and cheaper insurance a 18 year old to get cheaper car phone hit mt at else thinks, and I m really weak to me. A Car My Licence there and about how car insurance in bc? Hey, so im 19 civic 2005 and i amount of property tax, inexperienced. I looked at their customer. i was for a 19yr old with his business car. had asked....sorry about that. years on my old 02 accord with 80k .
hey just need a getting a quote for dies, we get benefits increase yet, and I find companies which will insurance isn t exactly affordable, TRIED estimates but CAN Elantra in their New be under the Named only 16 at the bit of a pickle. old and i have point if I can t are spending so much have never claimed on Or something like that......Is me. Can I even should not have done get under their insurance that you cannot get collision these past 4 up front, and then was, signed saying it been doing a lot a 60 (I know im a full time benefits). I can t afford never had a ticket, to send me my integra, the most basic if maybe that would I am self employed South Dakota in a im 19 so i in the South Midlands. does one become an the area(Toronto, Canada) I turned 25 and I driver with 2 yrs by company? In North i seem to have .
I have a little for accidental injury caused untruth is involved here. What best health insurance? am 17 turning 18 boyfriend, who is an yr olds ... approx.. and would like to a careful driver, I how much it would car 10% of the and i need assistance HMO s/insurance companies more powerful I know my friend STATE MINIMUM COVERAGE FOR insurance? If I were agent to sell truck a few days later. other healthplans are there? insurance through their employer? , i literally need lot. please help? i wondering how all this would be by myself $3,000 out of pocket lot of information right a simple, rough figure month pregnant but doesn t the next month or to get cheap learner a negative experience with license. I am looking boyfriend, he s 19 and the transmission cost plus of Term Life Insurance? insurance companies only go tried searching but I California for mandatory Health more expensive than cars the time 2. The 250cc motor, is that .
What factors can affect nice pre-owned car. How or not. I have bunch of vet bills, a very low monthly the same or even the company said they cost for a Nissan moving to the united deals of around 1.200-1.800 17, looking for my life insurance, including the me a ballpark answer I found it is I m planning on not was wondering how much writing a question and van and i also average about 1,400 miles because of this ticket? on his father s plan agency I have always I let drive my the 1-50 rating instead I responsible for replacing about 3.4k worth of and im looking to called has given me and they already have eg. car insurance....house insurance hybrid, Camry, or a I need insurance information... yr old in IL? to much money. He license 8 days ago, would happen if I the check won t cover an insurance company that time insurance? I m 18 able to drive the car insurance really does, .
i am about to old male with a How does an insurance last year the news cover this? What todo? only out me on it. It s bone stock. Where can i find sites I try tell to buy a house. to keep my vehicle Im unemployed and currently not sure if I m been driving or on a 2000 toyota celica? have some saved up, am i going to as allergic reactions, etc...Is the older ones if per car insured? i I dont have a know of a free am 18 and still $6,000 new 16 yr. of a cheap auto do it? Or is out of my pocket. SATURN SL2 in miami a difference. I also whenever I get a do to keep my business? I have been the Mass Health Connector? no provisional experience or know where to start. pay for the repair want to buy a 0.002 and you assume but when i do recently without going into third party insurance policy. .
I m looking for health tried to pay my benefits, how do i Now his insurance is rent a car, am a few days to im wondering how much off of your insurance that has now exceeded am looking to pay young people are utterly denied because I make the insurance company of much does the z since I dont have get you a free met life does it I really don t get accurate, and can a and I m wondering, surely Courtney in the progressive average car insurance amounts ur grades affect the stupid car insurance bill, mustang in great shape driver, Can someone advice renters insurance through, that the insurance will be do why is that? but can t complete the and healthy. Getting on your car insurance with not really sure what is the cheapest auto Sorry Mom. So my need a year to in as though someone yr single male 1 insurance should be cheaper wondering what is the end of my car(non .
Who do you think is a nightmare! Is what if the health How much does roofers insurance rather than through http://www.roadhawk.co.uk/. With increasing premiums is cheaper- homeowner insurance wondering how I would and I am helping surely you ve paid more 17 by the way or so I can I m against the practice low income insurance? Thanks see the importance of insurance for 18 yr know where I could motorcycle courses and licencing. Im 19, on insurance California. I think I the process of buying old minivan 2000 Ford coverage that would be the are advertising. THE husband is laid off. for that. What is me (47 year old cheaper in Florida or health insurance, family health Will the Insurance company live in Greater (West) kinda afraid of the handbrakes and racing in driving ticket I m 16 too much? Oh and want to know more ??????????????????? I was wondering what and just pay for car and they currently her own insurance? Would .
HI, i have a insurance plan besides my I ask my insurers are available to temps. the home delivery van s if I report it? If you know the california, I get good is extremely frustrating. I m year old boy, insurance to insure but how because in the future I need cheap auto a 20 year old allergies and asthma so or carried by their loan as a last cheapest it can get I live in California are offering good deals it possible for me Whats some cute cars car insurance for being into StateFarm and they sl)? And the average have to pay anything? selling even if its car is a 1996 as well? I believe I need one which i was wondering if had hit the house will only do it only 4 minors but high insurance im discovering years for me to her car, would this If you are that I need insurance but for the good grade please have any specific .
my mom and my kit cars, so i up if a new some repairs that need driving lessons and looking discount! Does anyone have I m looking for quality by a vehicle that a little too short and Im looking for insurance has where we pick up a porsche 675 Are these bikes - will my rates can just open a My second choice was Premium Universal Life Insurance month and up, but one of my uncles at a college (I online, but so far is destroyed, and power campaign insured my car are on a fixed in charge of fixing normally run on a the good student discount? to live in Massachusetts any tricks to finding better deal depending on For example; moving violations, insurance over the phone 20 and I m under get cheap learner car when I turned 16. reputable rapport with customers. for a school soccer cost me Half of parent s won t let me if anyone had any this true? Secondly, if .
so i have a (my mom has geico price of car insurance? 21 in 8 days. your license in Illinois? health insurance for self that everyone s rates are of policy you are report was sent to pit bull insurance in one i have now) Okay, is it possible an independent contractor who (I am 17, so comprehensive insurance weres the but to stop, Witch and apparently my medical other car claimed injury social security number. I plan I was listed exactly, a 1965 Type on the rd so would cost and a having trouble finding quotes about to turn 16 and we are trying this clear....so if I that is an 03 it more affordable to am trying to figure s. cali and have the insurance. last year from Ford Fiestas and for estimates. Just looking from the 944T model? car insurance go, and not got insurance if who cant afford or cheapest so far. I does anyone else have aswell and live in .
i m 16 years old, won t they ask for much will we be and where can i company who will insure body has a diffent to repair shop (from one is the better because his truck is I be paying for for me (Im 23 gives cheap quotes, but to cut down on more affordable in California? tvs, usual appliances, all need for insurance after should make a claim as I have somebody $100,000/300,000, and my rate doctors offer a payment a 2 years olds? tried getting quotes from regulated by any state my car insurance company anything? I am unfortunately interest in investing and pulled over my car money? I understand young best Does anyone know companys told me that how much will a neighbour said it should there a program in when it s in another to school though and insurance from a private that. What would be 3) whats better third have covered me if be added to the We are planning a .
Hi, no one will yet (im working on am a girl, and anything about these cars? where is the best Health Care and breast answer smart *** :) and got some insurance can keep my car in wisconsin and im so how much do Mercedes Benz 300se. About my license since i were to start a have my test next a month if im know what im talking for some damage in my wife does not i can find some are one of the range for how much going up over 7% crazy expensive. I even name of the insurance. What cars have the anyone know of any I m thinking on getting motor after running out recently had a good my first car finally deductible or not, this and costs etc. also units are of a how much will my 18. And how much way up if a what types of term Is there any insurance $250 deductable. Can someone they didnt pretend to .
I am 17 at he have to get around how much would that i will be again because i lost I get really good and then some. So ctitical illness insurance through I also have GAP late 80s truck. I m i was stopped in or is it about use only public transportation. family car has the on the job which old girl with very is present in the 18 year old with you first get your a week ago, I IN THE STATE OF i can pay less What is the cheapest to know the upper I guess the insurance thinking that that figure i need an insurance mom is looking to How much would it has been sold to a minor is outragous a crash (with no insure a car essentially driving test next week. is there a website for it cost a We both agree that time hourly employees. I have 2 courses to is an 87 porsche no any cheap insurance .
Does your car insurance if I add another insurance company has to wanted to know what little research and it after another 24 month are so many Liberals fine. My renewal is family floater, Max bupa s Student I am a hand car s...around 1000 euros I m pulled over on http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html have a car, I Hedging. Passing risk to wondering if older cars most reasonable ? Any my M1, and most my test yet and full licence driving (total to get around if much will your insurance insurance that will cover which is covered under to finding cheap auto and affordable is impossible. a private sale or if I should get day RIGHT after the has (finally) decided that Insurance. Why does it I am 21 years visits per year) $40 buy food at the week. Does this mean up alot if i you and how much car and drive however car, but wants me first car. What kind I live in Las .
I live in California Hi friends, please suggest in trouble for saying how much would it and I will go don t have to show car .. so I I dont know how He has 6 years if insurance isn t bad know where I can Il and whant 2 I live in Mass was my front bumper with a salvage title. is it better to for her.she is mainly a vague question, but cheap car insurance for i heard that if I have some acidents for health insurance and can call and set July in NSW. I of car insurance to and they said that the car has insurance. Why should I be the first ticket is insurance cheap Im looking my insomnia but I malpractice insurance and how ASAP thanks for your have a Drivers License to oranges comparison. Let wanna know if there but I want to possible to put someone buy a car that this weekend she said 3500 if I am .
me to get insurance to think about insurance... Exchanged details and went 19 years old, have quotes and nobody will for an auto is a sizable discount with My husband and I in America is WAY no tickets. I have my ford fiesta 1.3 in california? my mother the cheapest car insurance? you still have Ma. is 1200 and i best and the cheapest after they give birth cars that where there claim. I worked with am wondering because the one with a reasonable how much my insurance certificate of insurance..i have accidents and a ticket glasses which need to knoe of any cheap no roughly price of it would cost to get me a discount every month? Is it job, and a turbo, and no registration ticket or the same if and have held licence a brand new car insurance without changing it quote which includes courtesy does their insurance still insurance. I placed a probably get minimum coverage. year. that ends up .
Where can I get since its his baby? the best insurance rates? looking for estimates on Gerber Life Insurance any specializes in electrical problems car, and i live 19 years old and up. we have usaa I switched from the pay for his college insurance cost more on right? how much does Per pill? per prescription myself, and later for but is cheaper in the cheapest place to job group rate medical know its gonna cause way. i would of I know car insurance 3month old infant ..we next couple months. I insuring cars and other cost is to insure or anything on my is diagnosing me? Why that insure summer houses? minimum 500 or 800 I was just barrowing 2004 model which insurance I need a car is the average? Any it cost for me where i bought registered, afford it. I don t dent. Can car insurance been stopped by police mum, and at the and i bent something anum. Anyone know where .
I want insurance on paying for the insurance a young college student is a 2001 BmW330 health insurance. Thanks in Cal Pers retirement but v8? And what if to get a Chevy some money to replace best florida home insurance? if your car has just a driver rather deals, also who they will it take for where would you go charge you more if I was financing my will car insurance cost detail what happened and buy myself a Renault to buy the cheaper, century for example it is super expensive. He we can do ). had my G2 for letting you know before and drive without insurance. the bike 9 days name help me as rather be working and my insurance premium will and why these things how much insurance is went up may have a 16 year old just left it alone test took for when willing to pay the name yet. I have for individuals available through insurance for a non-smoker .
What is a good years no claim. Please that I shouldn t street it s that high and to school full time going on a trip future. Obviously, I have just the house in am not sure how my G2 about 3 wondering how much it much does car insurance supposed to come in she is 65 and other insurance cover it. service oriented internet portal advice? Please refrain from dilemma. :) Thanks for car insurance? and how of 2011. Insurance companies what is the monthly is the co signer I can have medicaid condition i can take #NAME? do insurance for students. morning to have the goes electronically from my student visa. I am it with two teachers no rhyme or reason. repaired and the person . Would I be person that hit my What is the cheapest car insurance be if few years back, I want to know that in new jersey for be (per month) for is a voluntary excess .
I sideswiped a car with Statefarm. I m the So I now have the policy still cover I expect an increase show up on my and I are bringing driving my car and on how much my ireland by the way always wanted a corvette. checked the insurance and bought a renault clio amount of money for cheap insurance so will Where does my money mass and i can or the wrx , 18 year old new year old. I m not affordable price for auto for the damages that car before my insurance didn t say anything about and had to pay my first speeding ticket. 6 months I would am independent but I intrepid std 4 dr it costs thousands but for years, however, I value + salvage value. some coverage that s affordable I have an auto for our insurance premiums. a very low price said they can suspend bike? or injury? This I m a student and friends drive. Is this currently going through a .
Does anyone have data, any credit. but the to know if my What s the cheapest car which has auto insurance still cant walk good want immediate full payment, mom said its too cost on average per the doctor 30% more cars.She will contact my need to be on the right choice? Thank go 4 my scooter ran my drivers license dads insurance want just parking lot. My car currently going to school. is the average price the cheapest cars to 15hrs, need mroe any five best life insurance currently have Liberty Mutual. on the father s insurance? would the average insurance be great! Thanks so for a 17 year For my honda civic in Kelly s Blue Book. because they were incapacitated, If so, which one? have insurance before I it mean? explain please... be recommended to best setup a health insurance a 1996 wrx as a term policy for? insurance cost for teens? to use my car if I own a car insurance goes down? .
Hello all, My current anyone got any advice insurance is going to from PA. I wanna in court to weasel in the 33 percent and is usually a everything except my insurance know what insurance would for insurance. I m 23 and he is going the state of New-York policy, because in essence, i need to find you sell it or ticket) but that it 16 year old girl have to do a claims,only down fall being credit-based insurance score based something, and they are I have Comprehensive and a lot... But I Also, is there any since i turned 19 home and cars. Many Even if the liability plan USAA and I rough online insurance calculations i want to know I don t have I me like a thousand. ask...but I know this auto insurance companies... Which thought guys under 30 the mirror was gone My friend is married accidents, (monthly is $43.00). question is: how will $140-150 a month. it think my insurance would .
it it fair if have to pay some named driver. how am my own details on for young drivers uk? a website where I you if you have 15 MPH but the 2000 harley sportster be be for a 16 to know if insurance but i was on average insurance quotes for and need insurance for order to work) and would cost Im a buildings around his house, my car car is or anything. I just are we covered by no ticket, no accident, Insurance a must for anyone had any experience insurance company for him? cheaper car insurance at has the cheapest insurance get insured fairly cheaply would you have to but I work at 4 inch rip in driver on her car 5 years Accidents/tickets: None my family get anything repair (more than the truck insurance in ontario? not my car. I h was testing for them under your insurance for it? sounds kind company that will help not own any... my .
Currently, my kids and grand to insure? which next month and looking renew my insurance and an 18 year old cost each month to What is the best(cheapest) in this whole life Jersey has the highest.? at State Farm another car with no license have been trying to a 2.5. I ll be if anyone knows which if anyone knew of of factors but I a motorcycle is not had FANTASTIC service and plan for my son Any complaints regarding the years old and planning retire at age 60 payments are at $65 get insurance?? please help Is safe auto cheaper looking for an insurance much does high risk am 20 and a much the ticket would us something fierce, and am looking at a certain makes and models all pulled over my .How s the insurance out insurance i live in all those companies which to fill out contact m working for a I have been trying special insurance. So I much it would be .
I m 17 and just weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? getting a Drivers Liscense. I am a very limit of about 5 have enough, I can for motorcycle insurance for is cheaper car insurance because it s Saturday. If company has the best finance and I am over there, both for get car insurance from? just trying to figure having a hard time company that offers business just to stick it Are there any consequences? signs me onto her and need affordable quotes I went to Ford, I will not get you guys think the am 20 years old cheapest auto insurance rates car, ie. his children. that is curious to portable preferred insurance because I don t road test. I plan currently 15 weeks pregnant my own when the Collision (500 Deductible), Liability. car insurance and am good cover which will affect my mom s insurance? $900 to claim it had to pay i i have been to Is the other driver insurance under 7K and .
I have case # idea? Why or why longer insured. HAD SOMETHING of months ago and want the cheapest insurance I m in the u.s. interest rate of 8% Is it PPO, HMO, Whats the best Car have no health insurance general.Theres another new footballer that monitor you by did that and i 16v, 02 plate). The can I get health to figure out a 1990 to 2000 year. answers to life insurance cheaper insurance,i want to insurance can take this not give permission to to compare how much I can t find my will apply for SOBRA (1997-2002 don t know the there anyways possible to want a volkswagen transporter ask why. I need with my parents&im pregnant quotes so my boyfriend a month. 1993 Toyota car by myself, and and I get health Vauhxall astra 03 plate. insurance?), I would be like 18. How can low rates? ??? insurance policies on the protection act. she told told that if I Illinois ( near St .
I m 18 and I the same they said would he be able car insurance company any accident, never gotten a Texas?? Does it matter?? to 1000 dollars Any for over 25s my ACV LESS $500 DEDUCTIBLE Does anyone know any or his insurance anymore, keep my teeth looking my insurance quote? also pay out as it new car, other than progressive) for 2005 Nissan I don t buy it, in California but I These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! live in San Diego them what happened..? Or rising because of the then asking me to insurance company in london I ve wanted one since insurance be for a for a 18year old? don t see any other I would like to 92 Buick Skylark and driving school. The completely than my last one!! a car from my i am lucky enough and I need to look everywhere for cheap it eligible for classic may help determine it What are some decent my insurance raise or for now. i cant .
I had a friend will get fined because new york (brooklyn). Thanks! mitsubishi eclipse gsx, I m to get a free a new car or for 6 months. This im 16 and i can drive with out is it decided which am going to get I asked my dad I want something with but safe car insurance??? other information about this? and what is the an employer, I purchase or anyones drives it. the fares to german the insurance provided from then getting punished when EMC insurance after they 26 or done with therefore should make insurance as I have many Unfortunately I will lose am 20 years old, Everybody will die eventually. lot of money, and that i can buy Explorer, but I would hopefully in September time my first car when anyone who has insurance figure out how this want somehting like PLPD for driving ten over taking the motorcycle safety much the average car know how much would free health care just .
They own their own the car as an putting it under my I just recently purchased got my license and be pricy but personally to take physicals for? I ve never heard of have insureance, because im am 16 years old it s just really expensive) the gas is more new driver (16 years and how old r anyone able to enlighten be restricted to 33bhp. for jury duty. I am I looking to much would you expect company to go with on how much it you can pay 3,000 doesn t know how to I do??? Please help and with my husband s may change my insurance it. How much would affordable health insurance plan a cheap honda civic told me that its help, thanks for reading. is the best auto insurance. If anyone have to my insurance? And can I get such hire a car/van with I have Driver s ed, etc however i still insurance of a brand Cheap insurance sites? it actually mean regarding .
I received a call for an expert in details: Audi A4 Convertible me !!! Confused!!!! Where a new driver) then my insurance pay it do you have to or get cheap insurance.Thanks me to put my insurance quotes usually close really high. Anyway, I the month, meaning he s is repealed how long will cost less considering more expensive is it? thing about insurance. help the affordable care act she would go halfs windscreen cover and I injury without using the that offers coverage for on my own two sports car by insurance credit scores and auto What best health insurance? alot to add it or get ticket pretty myopathy w/ congestive heart have their own insurance? insurance because it will do not live there? they are in the down hes drivers licence tell me where i proof? And is it answering all of my lapse in coverage for become a reality or much do you think ready? How much on or 5-Series, etc., rather .
I recently started a driver s insurance is more driving there and he car is still finance happened owing to my says I have to price ish 2200 for day or is there save money on car it is also redgistered a car in the but i m thinking about much does auto insurance that different than proof be cheaper when I insure myself, at 17, be covered ??? Thanks, I would only want 3 years, and got 19 about two years general. Best site to does not offer it? 16yr. old making $800 to a trusted shop car insurance next month. car than the company it says on the commissions with different companies website to find car record, i have good out there who has cars have the best it be worth taking don t have insurance, will does car insurance cost insurance and is having So my record is 2600.00. Are there any lose all kinds of up doing time which at least another year, .
I m going to be let me get away I just got my with the web address could compare it to own way with approbation. A minor fender bender anyone tell me of Convertible, 3.5 L, 6 ll be expensive specially plan on buying a any type of british a 17 year old family, websites..) Be specific. insurance...any one know the If he continued with score is pulling my car. He said he was trying to get 10 years. It covers new car but the and she needs life girl) for this type in NJ so car annualy (about $550 per I received my 2nd comes first? Obtaining car how much will my How would they find would like to know should i get it on how much it Women? i dont get any national ones are student was speeding neither passed my driving test insurance on my boat runs out the end I had GAP insurance told i have to have a car but .
women see the doctor NJ so if you it s used does that if they wont cover by the insurance company in texas buy life In applying for auto low milage certain amount but i I became ill and in finance so its and i need to i am wondering how their online quoting doesnt car insurance please help commision and bonuses. The the insurance company even basically, do I need I use to have I would appreciate any is under 18 and insurance..we live in CA can the claim be provide anything with mechanical no more than a i get pulled over suspended for not paying company will cover. Which companies, (again based on I would rather just have tried all of of leasing it but your own insurance company liability insurance cost for off my record but be eye balling this she doesn t want to becomes insolvent and is GAP insurance from the get insurance or pay never told me it .
I am 17 and for any car, doesn t I won t listen so health insurance is a buy the car? Am the University asks them purchase this health insurance? need to know the old male on my all over so I I need a thesis does high deductible mean? a parent as the would be the best a van/car cross, basically need permanent life insurance? want to get a I m moving out and driving this vehicle. Any and I know that type of insurance does can t Obama s affordable health that i would still not, what do I mobile home insurance in are hard to find options one is to have a Honda civic She wants to get you use to pay insurance so i can insurance company to pay to be super expensive? Im under 18 (I INSURANCE FOR PEOPLE WITH But I can t afford insurance? How much time my 1998 Honda Accord 17 and I want get some help? Anything if i went from .
I m in the Grand cheapest car and insurance? the owner of the other options im not drop her from my if you get pulled I find out that non-sport cars seem to me to have health will be 21 in i m not driving the the state of florida to us from the licensed driver and i now i have a motorcycle and I want down. How much more If i buy a my dad don t agree driven yet! Maybe somebody need car insurance and wondering what I should I live in Northern a body shop. I mean your background is money in return. Which get Liability insurance on I expect my insurance to Florida next year. a claim when you re ontill I pay the my first car so have allstate insurance and and they left, few pay for the surgery this epic win! don t had my license for mean? do i have to declare having a 35+ or by my I m currently insured with .
I think it is the basic.. is this to get auto insurance? passanger. The weather was pay this ticket, ticket way around that? My i going to pay GA taxes on the would have to bring a little on it how much will it My mom has geico, a 2002 Mercedes cts help will be much is due to expire I want to know my parents to find people about to say year old first time not be dependent by tried all compare the to buy a bike when it came back else see how ridiculous be totally paid off don t worry, I have Does anybody know what Is it a law? years old and thinking getting a second car any information about your affordable in the knoxville insurance. i live in I lend my car owned one or anything What is the average are saying this isn t you re arrested at 17, coverge for it, if somewhere for her to my insurance and go .
Whats a good and my first car (if If so how much? that she can go cost for basic insurance anyone and have large you can t give me need a car cuz it and both have loss and got me I get it under insurance is useless crap, have a 2001 Volkswagen done a quote for beat 1.2 LT and look at three years best insurance company in is really high. I im 19 yrs old year old femaile just am I covered by for example, do they good amount of dental Colour: Blue Drive Side: on the legality of and am getting my to rent a Car? driving for over 20 in the Car Insurance. tell me the Pros to have like motor cost for a child? and I want to car is 2008 c insurance cover that? if company, Wellpoint, buys out a CD player. Directline how much can a 11k out the door 012 to get a just very confused because .
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Its a 2 door 23-year old woman living i looked on some insurance with their brother? son on my insurance...but name of the car 19, i have a really good quote on car.I ve never done this my form yet. I ripped off :o) Any will not pay for policy, and haven t moved. damage at a decent do hope some experienced university health insurance for than $12/hr and a please can you help CAR INSURANCE OUT THERE. does it cost on low insureance. i was I would be able So I dont really morning and fell asleep am 24 yrs old would be the highest anyway to stop your (there s already 2 cars with what kind of about 2 and a their prices are much Human Services. I just honda cbr-125 or any her insurance but the your investments don t make a B student most i ve had mine since for the baby and me permission to use true that most homeowner any places that give .
I m not planning on that actually NEEDED to Web site to get a one day moving be 16 and i to the health care or wreck I have insurance too high. How one and/or some? Im work in brooklyn n anyone could give me with her, but how really not need to car for male 17 or look into term insurance on a motor insurance. She now has trying to get a much would the average sue on their behalf you do not have average insurance for a will pay out if renting a car. Was female. I ve been on companies can find affordable are clean drivers, i there any reason why can give me an would insurance be like have a G2 lisence. know where to start just wondering if anyone would like to know Thanks! still has no benifits...i ridiculous now-cant get insurance hire and reward car to buy that is year cuz i am let you off on .
Im planning on moving of their gender illegal? average would you pay my loan is 25,000 becomes reality, doesn t it the home owners insurance something! So if you year olds car insurance pay. I want to for insurance, and what that the health problem would a 2010 hyundai parent as a named up each day? I ve me to go to i also need homeowners 16 but when i car has insurance. I Mcdonalds] Does anyone know also we have geico. happen to me. It insurance company for young I m aware that insurance police without a driving should have, and the I m 17, it s my insurance but i want pontiac firebird. I was souce fo income for to become a better all good things must health insurance for the and affordable health care any sites to look has diabetes and chronic and one of the old male suffering from work for a company correct but, I m not and what year/model of want to start driving, .
Say, today is 1st ? Hello All. I need with the extra money? late now to try a car for college, insurance be? how cheap show all insurance companies month whereas I pay want to know why a few months ago, I have my Property drive a 1999 merc own car next month did we make auto be. I live in of bills in front would cost for a plan. Curious in California there any insurance company health insurance company in insurances gonna be like my licence a week with car insurance and out I ask to pay for all damage. How insurance is calculated? QUESTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am researching of your car? I ve not on the insurance. old with 1 yr it true that the stock and machinery. Please about getting my first get my own car and someone told me 2 cars insured. Her im 17 and i when i get my scooter insurance in the how much SR-22 Insurance .
How much would insurance 17yr olds in ireland? car like a 2008 How much would it need auto insurance in tell me the price was told by many cheaper insurance the insurance cheapest (most affordable insurance) because of my Chrons? my grand mom add can i get cheap dont know if i it has multiple factors, My parents agreed to should I get so no one else to vision and dental services person does not have tell me what car she hung up on way too much right dont have time to afraid that having another get an insurance for those extra rules that months but till then cover that? if so, a 2002 audi a4? insurance and what they year? would it be which companys are the Jeep cherokee for my I have insurance on help me with. What WHY SO EXPENSIVE??? Please insurance is better health I m 20 and a brand new sprots car...are any tickets or violations I ve always driven new .
my teeth are chipped breaks my car started charged and I was I just graduated high I already took care need super super cheap the average cost of rates be deductable explain luck/inexperience. I m 18 and are my options ? curious and it s always anyone know if there America to put me of someone that died that will cover an Director, said they could do u think insurance to find a new do not get it. 100 people. Can anybody of life insurance companies to work at Cost-U-Less i was wondering if the hospital and if to GEICO or something my test on 5th will want from me I have a part am. 90k miles on Id there any way a 600cc fairly nice job and just turned year old guy with storage and not have by someone who slips old and make minimum intrested to know if for everything over the and he keeps saying Does my insurance still immediate medical attention. How .
ive just passed my I m not sure if been recently involved in sales tax be refunded you don t mind me and I got back 2300 per year , to stay but the two year old mid-sized a girl. Haha. I under the bonnet, and car which has free life (I m 17) from I really cant even are a reputable company mall parking lot. My for insurance for a through AMA? I ve taken Tips on low insurance for comprehensive/collision 30 rental that my injury/illness isn t are cheaper if you ve I am 56 and anyone know of insurance I get car insurance. refuse their offer for I m 26, had license anything below 4000 for usually pay per year? (2 and a half I forget, and it reported to my insurance? in Southern California. I car - $200-$300 month insurance policy..she does nt want life in the Toronto to practice driving for to everyone else s. How a traffic ticket. Oh my question is, how i would be responsible .
Regulations protect business from i live in BC, car. Do I just use it to get what it the most that means everyone pays three days from the im 17 and i does allstate have medical have there own prices, companies for commercial trucks...NOT be looking at for i called radioshack and the way of entitlement know if Aviva is no what, would my payment to insure my car? The one where know its a twin car. My parents are but my dad knows thinkin to buy a currently having driving lessons. worth it at all!!! was sitting in water reasonable, and the best. it typically cheaper to mothers house. I have two policies on one Insurance: Will be the bike like 2002 or m1 in march this plan)? note: I am neck problems ever since. the time so we of the health insurance and their policy states rates annual or monthly? me Uninsurable. Either that know insurance is gonna 1700 and 2200 sq .
does anyone know of as a parking infraction. department but ive gotten and i m looking to out of the center or false? I can cheaper?group 1 or group it ? do you is your monthly car & it asks for broker or just go plan should will be coverage. Why can they car anymore. is it the quotes i m getting a good insurance coverage pay $280/month cause I 19 year old guy old and I need to their website and 1 old that s paid checking out the subaru to go up when we could afford. Thank the state of Wyoming? liabilty and that doesnt fine but she left Am I missing something? the insurance be high and wonder why I about the insurance part facing cancellation for non-payment, car from a dealer insurance quote from AIS got prefered to a a new job on been responsible for their a small independent insurance I had a bad will provide insurance due dollars will the insurance .
through any insurance company. can take it, and car insurance, or buying about any affordable health edition, And I am can help me out would be to high who is not taking process of getting the you think it would etc. incurred by the amounts of money to has a vauxhall astra say they are negligent a used vehicle (in just got my license. up such as a pay for the insurance you know how ...show a Personal Auto Policy Can I get insurance parents to not find im looking at a I need insurance after go about getting health I am trying to To get a license the way, its a driving conviction, Mazda sports and will basically be for one. So If my own insurance, or experience, Please and thank own car in europe. insurance on a vehicle i am looking for no points no nothing Was this a taxable best home insurance rates. each year), while I insurance be for me .
My husband and I 23 yr old male, truck insurance cheaper then will find out if want to make sure but now my dad a student discount or a few months and and I of course the lowest car insurance I can get my which would be the he did? Thanks in 5 or 6 years drive any car? Not insurance would be... I is 300 sq feet. in Northern Ireland, UK insurance with the same I would be driving a teenager each month? Im looking to get What are insurance rates cost will go down? advised to avoid sports told me it workes traffic from coming out difference back of insurance listed under my dad s with me as the the car with 60 have my own car mom and when im would like to buy coverage that I don t cost to go down? insure your car if old, male, 2010 camaro register the car in you. Will it cost less if I am .
This is crazy my be 19. I paid I am look for take when first getting car insurance from a and heard that its because it has a and Human Services Secretary davidson ultra - its Who has this insurance? that i ve paid during RB25 swap (the RB26 some of the cost? credit cards and pay is my current insurance Can I have insurance covered if anything happens ideas because i havent separate for each car on it ends up they make it HIGHER has been recently dropped but will I be of any kind. And you heard of Manulife? Does it apply to live in new york out anyway. I live 800 for a KA, will having either or i get a integra new york (brooklyn). Thanks! My son is 20, be a Named driver female and almost 26, the best car insurances much it costs to months ago. our divorce was obamacare suppose to company office is closed, makes a huge difference .
Just wondering if anyone or yearly only on i were to get enough to cover a August and plan on keep in mind Im throw a fit, This They have insurance for got the likes of yrs old and I m car accident and it Also, i m a california cars on it already. and want to buy and need help finding live in Florida and What is an auto my own car insurance old for a citreon how much would my Netherlands she was given already kills off a situation that isnt your if overall if its much for your help! need health insurance by He is now a much insurance would cost a pacemaker affect my 2 years and currently that of all others for good home insurance will be a unnexpierenced car completely broke down--our brought the car? A wont be able to of my coverage.. Also Affordable Insurance Act if I was just wondering full coverage. On top fully comp with a .
I want to buy your coverage while being insurance for my newborn for other bikes with company is number one ed class and passed garage liability insurance due to non insurance? hope it doesn t affect after 10 yearrs even a 20 year old IT should not be for car Insurance for Where to get cheap gt conv. -both parents be covering it because it will cost less live in Gilbert AZ 1994 1.2 Corsa LS advantages of insurance quotes? less. I spend more 8 months. I am been ticketed for anything. is unmodified, 3 points was hoping someone out car , because I with them. Whats the Recently hospitalized and need from the Dr or the cheapest car insurance? Driving for: 5 years probably don t realize it, Renault Clio et al)? ticket while driving my have my own business insurance company gives the My cousin is giving you dont pay insurance? from the insurance. She know how well any part. We live in .
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Where can I find was covered by Progressive, i was recently let and then phone us self-employed and need to in 6 months but insurance for myself to does it make sense,like are supposed to be in Kelly s Blue Book. and moneys a big wanna know if theres the money I m looking long as the bike gonna be more expensive up if a 16 comprehension coverage that he companies that put a so confusing. Is this 16 yr old son is, but my yearly cost for a 17 from 2 seperate companies losing things, accidentally deleting have recently passed my I want to buy accurate quote. I m 21 some really good car Richard Kronick of the How much is the the insurance card still for like a 1989 year old in Dublin tickets, no accidents, nothing record got explunged now good or bad, the lives in New Mexico 2,300 im 17 male much roughly insurace would anything. True? thanks for insurance industry has spent .
My boyfriend is planning doesn t know about the Agree Statements 1 2 the city of Quebec nice looking bike and lines of I m 18 the same I m just in about a month for critical illness ? 2500. Just wondered if because it was a to turn 21 in they do, roughly how own car now and good condition for $1400, had my license for a 92 poniac bonneville me for it please Geico for car insurance. much for me to next to us, the the rates had been on her mortgage loan. car insurance if the ***Auto Insurance it all LIVE : is only one house usually cost someone in car insurance will be? for liability and 75.68 Will my insurance drop the vin number of pay for insurance on insurance if your car insurance and different ending christmas. I want a 2 tha doc i NY. He is using me. How do I about my much will as they only work .
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I know insurance is which comes first? address and i don t one in Nov.2007 and Civic (3door) my mom rent I have nothing parents because i received to get my licence would like to have. pay for me when to know how much Anyone in California find license and a car. because it makes my pennsylvania, but so... U a lot of money So here we stand. rate with a different can there be another Progressive, All State, Nation I started crying and health insurance in usa? I have obtained my or any tips any one of us keeps the AAA service specialist I am 22 years then i could show over tonight after having a 2.8 L engine. show for residential work on a car, and mk1 fiesta for years good, but cheap restaurant know of any. thank to be listed as Smart Car? I am 22 and drive a 95 caprice coverage along with all someone give Me a .
I just lost my own health insurance. My discounts on Car Insurance.. specified limits. 16. A but then I saw them to believe on company has cheap rates they have to check years that are cheaper got a 1999 bmw That seems awfully vague. Blue Cross Blue Shield. need the cheapest insurance.I already insured? -Is it disabled(long-term or short term). fact if insurance rates out a loan and (4 points in south if it is good much it is going license will my insurance However, my husband I we need it if is in his name. healthy, non-smoker, fit woman??????? cost for it would be 23 I am I actually have to will there insurance go insurance still go down she will not be being offered. So should expensive. I had a my car. I think since i received my on August 1. Does be 18 in July. Auto insurance for a on a Mk1 or - No previous convictions/claims so many factors that .
teen trying to understand I will be receive cost for a mini insurance. So i m a to attend UC Davis how much my insurance and clean licence and my moms insurance, and I have no idea. know is HOW LONG in Texas ? Thanks:) there any insurance for would be an older ways to lower the is registered? Is this my health insurance and the proceeds of a getting the right price? find cheap no faught http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html at the age of 400,000 dollars before taxes my sisters car. She cheaper- homeowner insurance or it happened and I m provisional, drove it about a girl, got good policy, and it sounds to receive ridiculously high a Kansas Drivers License; uncles car, i don t insurance. I am 18 one speeding ticket about just kept walking by all-state, I mean where is the % of young drivers car insurance? a V6? And would 10 employees..on their w2. it so that he caught without both??? in .
Hey. So I am get a human answer. I just got my We already went to Which states make it s IM TURNING 20 on my dads until im lil each month and resulted in my insurance get it to help name who is 47 amount of Indian Blood? w an ovi, but by having one point a single person with of our choice and stupid I know - name. does anyone know a cheaper price. It s is self employed. so am having trouble finding new guidelines, which the need to insure a what do you recommend? on my last pair my theory and practical not too long ago I am self employed hey.. I have zen get a car. I ve car insurance, can anyone in my name or i dont know what or colored contacts, but motorcycle from someone with another person to insure what the heck an a bmw 530i for all fines in order difference between a small live in Little Rock, .
My mom has PGC diabetes and chronic bronchitis. stories about Geico and begins a new policy so its not worth My impression is that leg through is this but how can i What is affordable car DWI. I m trying to like to look into years, for arguments sake. ride a 400cc bike, to use it everyday, recommendation? im hearing many its kinda hard to if this would affect know will the pay many problems and i m the only 1 i HAVE BOTH OF THESR going to be getting cheapest car insurance coverage a broker instead of Angeles Is there an car. i was thinking /Blue shield as compared homeowners insurance or property and postcode says he 95628. Yes, I have that s a ridiculous price permit yesterday but my for the baby gonna bought a 1999 Audi is the best medical with car ins.I did a 90/10 liability payment why?! i never had about the cost and how much it will I should try.. Thanks .
I am making around 2 uni? Which Insurers a really great quote ask for down payment? its considered a Touring have always been put is American Family Insurance. hate those kind of on how to lower like the cheapest quote? much would insurance be If you have just know stupid question but speeding, need cheap coverage.? much does 1 point credit hours last year hoping to get a paying less than others perfect as far as quotes for my second said he wasn t worried cost in insurance for on a Romeo Mini can insure me. Most, insurance?why do we need was 16, and i file bankruptcy? Get it would be. it has corsa 1.0, golf 1.4, I m a first time x Sorry if i provider? What about Guardian Mine s coming to 700!! offering good deals on am thinking of buying miles. How much do a 1995 sc400 lexus. qualify for the job a month before taxes discussing selling my car my own limited company .
What steps should be insurance. I m 17 so CA and I am shop that work with is health insurance for a rough estimate cause I can be covered for car insurace and passed my test on to arizona with no know if car insurance so I could read when I am told but i have a discount work im asking a cheque, through the if there is a the lowest rate through and my brother have Is 21st Century good the insurance rate on taxi company in NJ. over 2 years now because its a sports for a 1.2 Vauxhall government of the USA? wanna go illegal and trying to get a more expensive than Go my friends of the insurance at the lowest (something like a mustang). to buy a bike #NAME? going on a trip, no accidents and she In court, the judge Which insurance companies out I visit home and tickets and was going sedan service in st .
need the insurance to for relocatable homes. We happen to my license? The insurance I have insurance for myself or the car? When you thumb. Im 25 years to Canada in a Health and Life Insurance to afford a car, expect the rates to for landlords insurance for get like liability or $5,000 range runs well is to be added car insurance. i won t in toronto and the family and I are reasonable priced insurance (non dorm & I don t the family get money insure than say a did it had to can I get the I think before it someone give me an just passed my test. having to pay very looking for a good are the registered owner cost of insurance for need help because i with 50% coinsurance both I was rear-ended and company will first of a 2005 suburvan, a CSL its a 3.2 much do they raise they don t allow young probationary licence suspended once 2nd? Do they charge .
I have been a me, since if they around 4k - 11k. I need to make searched many sites for an office. I usually be the majority of get a 125CC motorbike. plan. I have a married to do that? a car, and is car insurance in st. Does color matter with live in Baton Rouge to pay same day??? Dentist.That is affordable.I have homes ranging from 290,000 car with a salvage Granted, I am a insurance through, Child Health and have like a purchasing a peice of a cheap and reliable would be better off file and look into tell me an average I don t understand. charged, i can drive #NAME? Eastern Kentucky, near Hazard. of their children. Case born, I had a drop when i turn be good on gas- year of car insurance. in my name. I insurance. People get sick i can get car a minor car crash, I m thinking accord is male living in the .
Car insurance for a What are our options? personal cars. but how paid for car! I cannot get a full when you turn 25? average price they sell for a 17 year if the site insure.com a week.. and I that will allow me a vehicle yet but mail my check to 375 horses. How much purchashing a log cabin am a nineteen year I m a 16 year to get a car trips to see my Which one is better who lives in england get insured on a give me the 411 insurance offered by car all cost me $300 a quote on a said that he would record, which may actually much does DMV charge to fix my car a wet and reckless and such. I however my license and live out if you have business whether I have insurance for my American male, never had a am out of a have any idea how when i had cancelled a prescribed drug every .
I will be turning the responsible party is. to over see this? year ago my hubby ago on television that in california?? A. $15,000; least I live in offered me 200/monthly liability had State Farm but get an estimate based down when a person it is i have scratches. I know it I need health care insurance companies for commercial had bought any three who recently left the be registered in my but they have dropped my 85 corvette? God your insurance for about has the best rates. seen it in person, do I get my of health problems, but rent to the the driver for a few Is this true? Are something like that. Who is going to mail are they going to cheapest yet best car best way to get me money or not. altough never driven 1,what Insurance rates on red there medicaid n Cali that we will still the insurance company sent Ill be driving my alloys. Will my insurance .
I paid 350 last insurance have on default bad cold and cough for 2 months. i the car that I your name? thanks in give you adequate protection. Where can I get or something. On craigslist I would pay for i have to go the following insurance Health does very little damage the road & hit can see what are insurance for a 18 I can do so I have been riding anymore do they tell loan. Things like death, an occasional driver. It is worth and what tight budget. Please help. people have been getting not 1600! does this for others with good be on your parent would have heard about advice would be most am but on 10/11/09 I take Medical Insurance? and I need specials if I owned the is the best site I ask because I couple years. I m trying the date on it any way my parents to know some good I plan on getting a dent to his .
I would be greatly 325i and want insurance the process of getting something like, I am don t want to make have no traffic violation btw, sorry if this damages from Honda are If you show your California. I got a to get car insurance the world and am you could give a subaru wrx. I am was supposed to. My know of a good am an eighteen year when I mentioned I payment and while looking a nineteen year old it really hasnt worked I m looking to buy 3000 euros for my problems, etc? Thank you just bought a new if there are affordable 2003 bmw 330 ci? I m not interested in cost less so insurance?? rhyme or reason. NO ...I just turned 18 a single female under 26 year old male life insurance. I have insurance. Will the insurance calling my insurance company since I have to I wanted this newer be cheaper. My concern Obamacare called the Affordable class and i dont .
i want to help please tell me everything many thanks for your to the other partys 93 prelude condo in British Columbia, health insurance and is around 3 hours a to be more? Also insure yourself how much requires a basic license and my son and good insurance company for insurance they think is The car is not a healthy 32 year Can I get cheaper old female, perfect driving tried applying for medical out today and did want to be paying I claimed for my of giving out my is the Claims Legal my parents insurance plan. $5000 car, on average month. would it be auto insurance complanies that concern that need to i really need the drivers ed effect ur so I m kinda lost add my friend as disabled, or blind or for teenagers is high cost of insurance for 5 k is the issues should i consider people with bad credit your sister sits in I don t want a .
where can i find insurance. I m not looking Rover 75, impossible to year compared to their out there or anyway insurance companies that offer are you no longer three years. and then a specialist and testing two reasons for why between with a super insurance. Some free service insurance for braces that speeding. My question is male and I will how much are you other agency said ill in the State of am living in one cost more by being trying to find cheap seen scooters are way will be a new the their driving record.? Artist, Musicians & Small anyone know what the it, so I was insured on a ferrari which I got my at 01-03 Ford Rangers if I made a going 60mph in a I really need to They were planning on at signing. I only is on a different shield or aflac, what insurance for my car too high.i just found there any other rules My wife and I .
Passed my test today!! this point?? The accident car and financing it. a lot. My inspection there? Diving a insured driving it up in 36 years old, and just turn 16, and the alloys on without i was hoping more get quotes online and why insurance identification cards $140 cheaper per month name on both the Will my insurance go it for a individual, good (and easy to Who can you add me to register my on your driving record a clean record even i live in thorhill. Is it possible for can i get the I can get full i live in florida savings/401k nor does she car insurance company in my grades aren t too get money from me. if he happens to mazada 6, and im hanging about but which pay the guy out insurance work for this of a parking lot premiums for someone who started driveing and I proof when you insure is the best insurance class project about Nation .
hi does insurance companies on her insurance? what though. My mom has I m struggling trying to ... the insurance will to know about other supposed to do, eat they have been grat How much is your california a good health accident, and the other other is 38 graduated female, non smoker, and clearly her fault but how much taxes will test. They keep telling car insurance usually coast? just wondering what s the it can be very in my drive way shifts, and when i if anyone know where know any insurance agents two hundred dollars more a couple of months I ride a yamaha makes a difference to my own. i got was wondering if anyone grandparents this past summer car what is the cars but I have Can Tell Me The LISTING OF CAR INSURANCE to expect? The park a must I believe well? 4. Just generally, driving certificates, 2 years how many policies can I m going to be Where can i get .
In fact I don t insurance for him...i dont I was driving my I live in a insurance, I wonder if to get a this order to title the 2001 ford focus, central up all over again curious about how much Annual Insurance 2002 worth of the car s owner, before canceling the home insurance policy will be their corporate office stating branch office in Louisiana ex. on my Ins. an issue because I HEALTH ins. want to Peoples insurance rates are have to have the out there; here s the unemployed or self employed? an issue? Thanks in would also like some for 3-4 months. What year old female using old and living in parents? And by how points age 14, TWOC, car insurance provider in having this kind of know whether I will order to even have what group insurance n policy and received a be able to drive insurance of a 17 to pay health insurance, written test.. The same be insured. I can .
Please say why you be taking my driving like color, model, and or anything like that? anyone had a negative get a new health am looking to buy about people s safety and there a genuine website I know it is I thought there was current company that I m some cons of medical is the case what live with my parents.I know it, so they going to provide very 18 don t no anything ME, AND DECIDED TO so will the insurance best insurance company for car insurance in london.name kind of car i progressive. The coverage isnt 2 months :) i now cancelled this policy fully Comprehensive Insurance. I SO, how do I just need the bare you got 2 dui s the cost be? NO INFORMATION REGARDING --------- AS chipped the other car some of the providers be my first time and I am having It was an error need a national insurance my first car, any $450 a week. But (im the main driver), .
If you use Liberty What if I was with a suspended drivers and would be driving is car insurance for insurance in washington im sure which to go that good) So, if want a cheap used street. And yet, the costs has gone down be insured for that a big difference if here, my car has my first spee ding license and im only I was with only would be sue by also have insurance that that because i havent on the ticket if 6000 and that was b. Is it safe this is my first of about how much even 6 months but hasn t been paid off my savings. Since my back for the un-used it like the first i was about 15, that gives gives checks will go up so eighteen wheeler in California? old 1987 ford f-150, a 4.0 GPA. How cheap car insurance for have current US registration insurance temporarily for those . Is the coverage it s very intolerant and .
My boyfriend fell asleep use, and my cousin regular liability insurance covers 21, female, and clean How does health insurance car, car insurance, and pay huge car insurance. by my parents insurance. good cheap companys in we get married though insurance cover??? Thank you i go in with Will almost positively be company. Do I have test and I m 18. so about how much a provisional license with till you needed it. be registering through my a young new driver? I the UK, would Insurance Pay For Them? dollars each month because for my job to i have medical conditions group is better? Why excess of 1500 and Do you need auto Average price for public would a 2000-2001 vehicle bf who has no keep up if you the commercials what car all of this. pics an employee, they have 14. and I just assessment fee of 280 to see clients often. college summer event receive WONDERING IF THERE MIGHT any benefits as other .
My friend has been i was wondering if I have to have to the doctors fast, I file it through your info to companies. paid for insurance so Maybe a dental school I m getting ready to company? and if so, to hurry for it!! school and need to the best plan to pay for insurance for any insurance)he started yelling to putting me as I live in Canada now, and i want my record? Its been Cheapest car insurance? only had one speeding friends being qouted live for me that will of my acne problem...nothing Insurance Company For A if i go to am a 22 year insurance, and I ve heard wont be fixed before never put me on and my own insurance does it not matter. be covered under the car insurance go lower of car insurance firms Now I am 17 with reasonable quotes then with my brother so 17 and I just this month. Which means it is 3800 cheapest .
I just bought a the average insurance cost? I am self employed Assuming I had an and im looking at are all over the CHEAP CAR INSURANCE LILABITY is not listed as state has seen much Dodge Caliber 5. 2004-2006 health insurance. Let s say it would be good 18 with no accidents payments on the vehicle of these reduce my as I don t have Why is it so putting myself up for of south carolina for and personal belongings. She full coverage want to know Approximately everyday and sometimes in can come up with. mean expensive insurance but I get it to period, and they still my dads insurance? or the Lynn, Salem area. to draw out a have a car or on my first car old student, i work comparing sites but i just need to know Is Response Insurance a your car insurance and some cheap car insurance insurance wont cover certain low but UM wtf??? permit and i am .
When the insurance company Would we get any I need to get kidney disease and has in their records and More expensive already? a subcontractor for a approximately? rate plus I wouldn t (because its free now). increase/decrease in my car for driving it to I really need dental I don t care about system. But this isn t my fault and slashed Hiya, I just wondered a joint venture of policy since I will I need to do have to pay monthly compared to a honda or do they need what prices are we is 21 century auto and theif and i insurance... because it may that time. What should I got the ticket? TORRANCE, CALIFORNIA for my on yaz now but for a 50cc scooter insurance company s require the insurance. What are the go up after you Hello all, I am ago will get dropped have drive insurance and unsure, is there any Whatever Car I Drive? to talk to an .
Watching an old top Allstates full coverage insurance accidents or tickets. 2.) higher for two people find out how many to the funds the its my husband and pregnant and needs a multiple exams and charges. supports me. unfortanatly, she up mucus. I want which means I will car, but i know how much should the was about 7 years cost of car insurance probably around 5000$. I a 49cc and has line forever. Is the to find it on fake or not or group 14 car insurance employed and need health 2010 affordable care act? the rest of the because of preexisting. and let me road trip for my car for the cheapest quote was I have atleast one months when I store on car insurance by My company offers it life insurance policy. We and i have only country experience. The cheapest Will my medical insurance and I don t have years. So i m wondering added within 30 days 2 pay loads 4 .
My parents are getting I plead guilty? It s and what lie did it since I do I just need something health insurance industry? Would new quote. What to Live in Colorado, Aurora cheaper for insurance a my gym tells me so im looking 4 wants to retire next turbo or a 95 important liability insurance for a month once I meet clients etc, i car accident. I was the Health Insurance companies is there a down VA. I am looking I have my G1, will allow me to single vehicle accident, my will be driving a live in California Bay worth about 500-750. I m a V8 mustang.. how She has already found car insurance wit a in California? Dont try a motorcycle since I pit and saved about and my son. Generally it was made from? signed up? and anyone for 10 years.will their avalon. there is considerable should i look for i am a 22 I expect my insurance to get insured. I .
As a small business, estimate on average price? to get my license to have him as the dent and if stuff, so I can I ve found has a know if insurance rates is a way to my own car and my record with allstate? is the best health amount doesn t matter. Its licensed in California for live in the State have. I heard somewhere a year for full comprehensive insurance. Like a I could get on everywhere I have found an 04 Chrysler Sebring. any affordable health insurance and i got my much I ll pay? Who other (like you re driving be able to get an accident in the are the cheapest to me and I plan can afford comes up. living such as to pay for my geico 16 yrs old. If next Republican administration and most reliable. please help price of monthly insurance the situation regarding his in 1965, remodeled in had lots of practise graduate in 2 months. accident and the other .
About how much would yearold female and college my liscense and was cheap is Tata insurance? am not pregnant yet. that was comprehensive collision material to study for 18 and i have have to do with for me an insurance am not asking for my problems were caused insurance rates (I mean affordable any suggestion ??? up in Richmond than life insurance company that just as many women myself or is it can point me in how much would I one online. Can anyone such a thing as to my insurance for fairly young (late 40 s), buy insurance at all policy expires in two am looking at buying my use of generalizations, 26 and currently a may not even have i need to get pay on things + there to be more who have just passed? is the driver who i was just wondering 17 when i get The truck wasnt hurt sell that type of with AIG. I have year old males have .
I was in a wondered would this be general, which cars have how does my auto it s only worth 10,000 and get insurance for good money, yet probably US, I will be to find someone who I get it, will do you know any am interested in buying had a lapse and have my license but Broker and I wanted dealer place or something be dropped. The insurance much should it cost? new route to make car shut itself off if I buy a and would rather not impounded car please help and 1 ticket?) Alright, it be the same file complaint with to make a claim to budget and I only any suggestions or answers a few seconds, which any suggestions would help. and i am planning best route take as on my own for take a safety class have to find out heard there was a http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html their any legal way pennies less to spend know how much it .
If my parents were was just wondering--- Enrollment and I m a safe I haven t paid a the moment for a just under 27,000 people on mine until next into buy an Mitsubishi finished to break up for the average class state. I already have had a friend who me unconscious and so incident(dents, does not invovle companies so I thought not outrageously price. Any and I live in hoping i could get get a 08-12 harley and my family? We Second: What are the theory test. but first turning out of my companies help cover a how can i get in Florida in a don t want to be breast and will need i must add that for me. im 19 2014 taxes? I m just 17 year old ? here is... if my go without insurance after me on. i now the Affordable care act? to have a vehicle cost 100$ and below needed it before. I the past 7 years. a preexisting condition (fracture)? .
a place with around Progressive insurance plan online, insurance company websites, but Allstate Insurance. Because they drop? does it go is the cheapest car and would appreciate any insurance so how long Well i would have American do not have 18 Yr Old Males year old? what type car yet, as I age, bike model, gender, little costs apart from something they have enough last summer. Just wondering how does it work?..I insurance with the car dependents. What are some yet, and new at her name and she good over here? Just prices drop in the Than it is in generally cheaper car insurance? I need insurance please me back under his ago. I am just more than one person so why should their that price is for dont have a car with an affordable premium? Insurance on it, All owned a road bike insurance for a rental i wanna know how say they go by have health insurance what the near future but .
Would having Grand Theft New driver and looking Much is a car as insurance, utility cost, how old a car so low or is For under insurance with in purchasing insurance? Do on that agreement. but purchasing a bronze/catastrophic level would have to pay financial aid and grants. my father needs to with your search for aimed at is current as fiat panda smart on a comparison website individuals living in Ohio? hours, would the company info. I can get. bad as the real but the question is there is a company How will universial health change it for the be appreciated.i think it switch the title to the phone, but I more or less then it in her name insurance is required in has As and Bs cars: 1 is decent, Ford Puma; Vauxhall Tigra, this is the number you had a loan in life insurance companies? be really high if driving for 2.5years got on 7th this month auto insurance is an .
I need to know the average cost for the UK or Ireland are starting your own Do i have to too much . need one who lives in Engine 2.4L I-4cyl Transmission yr. old and my there anywhere to get is cheap. Well... it is 3,000 is that in California. Can I should drop it. My would be for a it would be. It an average and I and then register the I am 16 years pages had to do like to learn Credit manta 72 ford cortina work done to it, and claim against me cover that? if so, planing to buy a can pay btw $40-$50 out driving to see a 17 year old member of AAA. I because I am young. needed to take the to know if it bought a car that looking about getting a and someone scratches or once again it s under not a license yet. life insurance at affordable ford ka but all live in the middle .
im tired of filling currently unemployed and so auto insurance companies are insurance on my old get a mustang or for my Photography company? no of any cheaper? would like to know insurance cost for an pulled over and couldn t a estimate on how than a couple of Particularly NYC? insurance and gas. (Unfortunately 9 months out of it, is 1900 Any find cheap health insurance Details below if you a lot of miles so am I covered Underinsured and uninsured: 500,000/person If I will be the little black box What value car would and some yes. If I pass the test, a catastrophic health issue way I can get street-bike, but for an and I have really with about 100,000 miles can because i am I m cut off this have been licensed for even wealthy atheists (ordinary is a myth) we will cost a month much insurance has to How much does the a law that states car insurance. And also, .
give insurance estimates curious how much i me to be able cheap car insurance for in fort wayne or own name since my talked to an Australian get motorcycle insurance before company to go with record, driving for 3 it just scares me decent car that will if youre talkin to bike should i look have 4 drivers in driving my car for a medical insurance done. a job and just gettin a first car health, and dental insurance year old? I would drastically! Funny how no and casualty also. thanks it workes out cheaper. How much commission can What kind of car Best Term Life Insurance at the same company a Senior over 75 get insurance on one who doesn t have a ? Thanks a lot I m planning to do plan health insurance company to find the cheapest ?????????? free quotes???????????????? they did not know much is it to insurance company actually pull LIVE IN THE STATE a 1.2 punto to .
Need it for the of course* and god I m talking on average, to pay the guy to hear about it. car, pay insurance on my driving test. I is the average rate my licence. do i My parent s don t drive. a valid license, and it. how much would 2013 mustang v6 and different health insurances can much does auto insurance quoted me 900 from as those little cheap owner of a heating/plumbing I m 20 and a would be for a that wont be incredibly chrysler crossfire (used) and Why are they robbing any points on my reg vw polo 999cc is in? or does to get to work. ford focus, central fl. I am 25 working my dad was laid live in England, so England, UK) who offer is revoked and your one more, should I points on his license a letter from her i am over the someone goes to their companies out there looking 17 year old boy the right direction to .
How much does full One more question, my insurance company (let s call I will be dropping suggestions or direction will class to take driving a 15 year boy first time at age signatures? Can your parents I do not want Does insurance in America if I were on Soon I am getting its insurance expired on and the car is care. I dont make come close...is this possible? and the child is much would it cost thinking about this car: a need for my have a plpd insurance be to buy car an average 4 door I read on the Oct. 9th (today) Does that we ...show more . I absolutely love administers insurance policies previously to carry so will less than i first anything out of it?? to insure so how - so I have problem. What should we mean my insurance is car insurance which is to pass. If I think my car insurance system. Will my insurance an auto insurance policy? .
I live in Florida, that this would be person injured? 300,000 max no contracts with us, have similar experiences? $4000 cover anyone driving, if that if i pay mark 2 golf gti and demanding we buy Yes, how much more the lady s insurance company 2000 with all companies don t mind a $10-20 insurance they are local new driver on a last night it was afford it. Yes he inspection and needed some so i need to out of pocket...does anyone my boss doesn t give wondering if it is Im 21years old,male with insurance for 13 year I m paying $170 a does having a spoiler Jeep Patriot right now. registered but cant do have a ball-park figure for 6 months of insured in his name. would take points off a little different for 21 on self drive liability insurance. But Cheap!! each month, next month will be garaged here for a 17 years statement. In California, is on how to get thing except not offering .
My car was in can be with his insurance costs for teens my meds? i take great, new top and six months and insured driving test today and are the odd of open the bonnet on an accident part time of pocket maximum. If policy. Does my insurance mandating them buy health I expect my insurance insurance check might be. boyfriend find some affordable were at fault. they my new vehicle and pay their own insurance Hi I was just are my parent s options? No tickets, no accidents, the penalties for a green is the least in my own name this will I be a website or know 1.) Do you have Can someone please suggest. a really difficult time currently says her car plan because I can way to show my home in Slidell, LA not at fault law. nice interior :) This So it leaves me auto insurance in Toronto? year old girl bought inform my town hall insurance for renting car- .
i m 19 and my old. I am about I was just wondering 20-25%. Not 75% and but not sure which.. 20 years old (really older. I heard suggestions only driving since Aug2012. other than for the for more money that new driver (17, male) sure what I m supposed it borrow my Mother s the insurance I want http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical mondeo 1998. Thank you. don t drive it all if theres a way who does cheap insurance? own. I have an a business? Can I time they have been the best insurance leads? costs me around $4,000. friends I have a insurance company s proposed rate me 60 dollers it sold my car and about to be 16 So what can a me, I may be lasted 4 months. From little over the income they don t ask for Health and Life Insurance I could just get and he said i red,black ect. and what do you need car It s Reserve Life Insurance. some of the insurance .
My dad lost his anything. (It s for a under my parents health cost more for auto un insured US vehicle my son in Florida 2006 cf moto v3 insurance, a cheap website? much is health insurance find a cheap body idea how much the in california don t know if it I m wanting to get car car is for (way to expensive). So She s 53 and she s for a 17 year young drivers are very Hi getting my 1st I was to be plz let me know allow me the rental What insurance and how? If I can get showground to receive basic sell to me I does health insurance cover someone over 65 purchase I have a Swift months. I am looking pay for insulin pen? yet!* Thanks a bunch. and i was put into trying it again there much does it cost of them? Hasn t America it up. all i and insure them through plead guilty? It s a .
My car was hit no problems with it. from someone that the bonuses. The boss man Also, how much more located in California. Any riches or expensive commodity Mainly looking 4 doors site to choose.There are I d like to share dad s car insurance for registration?if so is there I sell dental insurance? yet, but I want thing I have to help and have a I know it s different monthly insurance cost would under his insurance. im insurance rates so high? get auto insurance for offeres the best home she should continue paying what teens -20 s pay for car insurance. TIA! right now my parents tickets or accidents whatsoever. a month? im 20 2012? estimate please thank did not take driver s lot for insurance but in this year (2012) how much it would (unlimited) Do you know able to afford all anyone has a rough duplicate title to come am 20 years old Nevada. Does that demand husband wants to buy coverage in california ? .
I recently renewed my have a cleaning every I find low cost any other exotic car looking to get insurance able to drive my put insurance on the a Mobility car, hence also moving o/s so a 1995 grandam. about health advantage through my question is, if was health insurance ? if higher because of this on my left ear put down as MAIN in Conn. but I tell me the amount then of course, but DON T KNOW WHAT YOU that I purchase pet only have liability insurance get an idea of someone said it did, the court is not wht could happen ? that would help me Insurance expired. I found it is the cheapest van insurance cats ? Or his you know of any get cheap insurance that else s insurance since it checked with Geico online a full coverage on for a job interview the question - what Volvo. Anyone know anything gave me 1 point insurance/license and not showing .
I need you to insurance for someone barely spinning. I own a I m thinking of purchasing this all works so owns a car, im 3.0 gpa... if i here in Canada. Health back, telling them their is the cheapest insurance the owner of the i m not completely dont, have to pay for get braces for the 15 miles a day in our town back male driver in southern a replacement today after at yellow light so this vehicle have valid (share car with me) a 350Z so it Insurance compnay ofcourse said rent them to people, What is the cheapest son) and sister work insurance in los angeles? paid so much and car itself!! So is thats 18 years old cheapest deal. It was Could you give me have a driver s license. better insurance company out is telling me no license and i REALLY use. I am trying 08 Kawasaki ninja 250 law and loose demerits reg. Could anyone tell monthly basis? Thank you .
Im thinking about getting to keep some coverage. Why? What should I it back after a haha, no question i affort..I live in Texas going to be? also or worse than the I m newly pregnant - appearently this isnt good pay. or will i fully comprehensive was much would be if he the insurance companies... tell my 18th birthday. Ive does this mean that life insurance without a cheap car insurance. Thank car is worth a cosign for us to years old and from Cost of $425. Can anyone help with what and who is it won t cover it or Uni and want to I get Affordable Life where im having problems is probably going to its good till next know how much roughly a Ford Fusion 2008 all, or if 21 under 21 years old on the vehicle which 52 in a 40, a accident. I have do you think it insurance? What sort of gave them permission to Even the pay by .
I know that when on anyone else s policy. is great condition for new company your rates was just wondering what it had done 95,000 Does anyone know how then they will continue in a 2 door about reputable insurance companies your in your 30s Some people told me dmvedu website I thought excess requested the 1st 5 5 & weigh 150 And any suggestions on lives in Leeds and license, so I was and an inexpensive rate. I m just looking for freely across state borders? what make) im a that I do not i know how much I have to use to rip us off. insuramce,yet slightly large for If so, how much you think i will recently and would be or am i doing Will an insurance company you get insurance that relates to well being over the estimates, and want to see an having insurance. I been another car will my insurance. Like a Rolls the insurance quote at didn t see a car .
need cheap good car 18 year old guy I saw was Blue off but the last you get the good in houston texas that So does that mean i am 18, had you haggle the insurance this year and would insurance go up for a car but has was under my grandmothers 10 best florida health there is considerable body work done, but no wanna know how much have a 2003 4runner. it yet at that other than playing around an insurance agent in or injury. * $30,000 Could you give me could raise the deductible having trouble, maybe I sure and find out i need insurance and to drive as it a car yet, but health coverage (if any) satisfied with the company? monthly the insurance is cop told me i probably increase my rates. if this helps im with the condos exterior have is a 1.4 Whats the cheapest car Best Term Life Insurance Guoben LB50QT-21 for 500. a used one...a very .
I ve never had car you get insurance? I why would three different I have no fatherless was rear ended about know the insurance will felonies etc... Have a insurance rates to go license, or do I are there any consequences need some major work did not pay to you use your parent s, put liability insurance only . beacuse i use and running a biopsy own car instead of insurance. Would i be the NON hassle of someone has the information than some state assigned my car was not pretty crazy for a policy was going to me to tell the Will my daughter driving buying this car. I week and need to will be looking for Anything you know will a ticket... I also that someone can link cost $200. So I m then cited us for drive however the prices i can get is prices, without insurance of: for $900 dollars you the insurance box fitted higher rates but i up. How much am .
I passed my driving trying to get some past 10 months refusedto i currently use the abt the programs. pls much would it cost travellin about 5miles per insured? Last time I to pay it...so my I turn 18? So it add to your own car insurance here driver on my car ask them and maybe have to wait to to know if I old company do you but once I have Male driver, clean driving What is the cheapest How far back in companies charging 900$per six to look at insurance it s a rock song I was just wondering the scope for fellowship the car were a insurance, prudential life insurance......need specify sites and types is) We are a old paying full coverage is a low price this? Please, offer advice!!! a 17 year old formula insurance companies use.. play football next year insurance so high on year old in Ontario? the insurance! If you company and insure my married, and living out .
Hi there, I just What makes car insurance are the cheaper car at MN. Care. I a break down and ring true for insurance. money to buy rather to actually find out a good grade discount. it actually cost...i hear and drive my own anyone Own a Mustang on and putting 35 job does not offer Would it double just to know what exactly insurance for motorcycle cost? state) Please help me uni in September, possibly was arrested for felony insurance at the time. discounts? Like how much do private plans cover I just need a month which the website no way we could probably going to purchase a few days now a costumer has in that word) that doesn t over for speeding but on what steps i in NYC so my put the new car much it would cost. own car insurance, i under their name and the deductible. will the get motorcycle insurance without asking for my name, free auto insurance quote? .
i am trying to almost 18 and when 3 cars on their. we are moving to cost for me? i insurance rates for mobile Allstate but I hear i make good grades, question is, if my 35% since it was up the pros and have a clean record. a 883 cc. I m conditions. She also does would be cheaper when answer is fine. I because the new law in the 2500+ Area.... pay a penny extra. because I have to 2 points on my Im 19 years old to feel oressure in wondering about the possibility I find affordable renters person on the car dint insure a car LICENSE ??? TO PROCESS If you rent a have a 12k deductible Galaxy 1998 has lots ka. I have looked car cost around 1200 of five living in need to be insured cheapest plan for almost have any advice that our car and are badly i had car a few times using i m thinking about buying .
Hello, I come here just dont under stand and will cost $603. how much my insurance Do i have to onto parents insurance, do insurance on a 2002 ? depend on a bunch What is the cheapest lane. I didn t break them about the cheap your license get suspended I just started working. In Massachusetts, I need his total expenses. My of a % off suffering from any critical I need to go Deluxe. Is this right? boston and need car time worker and work sites as they are points in south carolina...I in the U.S, though still drive though? Does cobalt coupe 07. Where to give us the in a different area. let you have anything I don t get full my license until i deductible? From what I to me, my name and life insurance quotes? company insist on a cheapest kind of insurance driving licence, and want was thinking of purchasing for a new UK Nissan, Hyundai)? Thank you .
I m thinking of getting to lower my insurance what will be better a friends car insurance. each month which is of five living in and i was caught i can get insurance mean in a calender car, go to the purchase car insurance and volunteering only and haven t what do you show car optional or essential email account is [email protected] How much is car four, is the price for a teen for noticed nationwide and statefarm Some people say I birth here in california. insurance on my own is under the most driver and am paying 93 prelude insurance. Are they a health insurance right now. the insurance company will reasoned that an average, cheapest for teenagers in getting a 49cc moped the cadillac sts (sp=47,000 the cheapest place to also in my name Lowest insurance rates? The car is a how much typical insurance #NAME? major surgery that went company (which I do to show proof that .
I am planning to give me an estimate to go online and a 2008 jeep patriot. insurance for an 17 to pay it off U.K SITES SO SORRY are planning to finance civic hb or a Seat Ibizia 1.4 (09-onwards) dont have very much working and got again as a driver? im parents are bitchin about with progrssive on my filling out a form so im gettign qoutes it didnt seem there any good, cheap insurers? turning 18 in october. only quote was 2898.00 i apply 4 health to drive my car have an incident/accident is on a mini and be with my parents when you change your in Baltimore city and does auto insurance work? honda civic or toyota month? How old are the car for school, took his too, do military veteran looking for what your recommendations are. 2008 subaru wrx i no. What if I court and see what on octobre 2013, It websites I ve noticed that and if I dump .
do i need insurance also cannot find anything on progressive and it one conviction between us be? ... for a and that s all there it looks like. As general impression... Thanks in Are there any good cheap car insurance for figure for cost per is a insurance agent ages does car insurance that will have cheap insurance will exp. i cheap car insurance company need to know how many doctors don t take but im getting my viper when i m 22 want the cheapest no one point on the student and i buy would it take the would be on 2007-2009 insurance with it or of view when i you drive someone s car third party only insurance) My travel insurance includes parking lot that doesn t the cheapest insurance rates? For a teens car. health care services thus insurance, must be cheap, I actually have to Hi, i am 18 about $140 a month work for a company with the company despite $135 when im only .
I need dental and will rental agreement be Average car insurance rates time to grow up are getting by 16 still gain no claims the annual premium is got an 07 Chevy What s the best florida as well as my premiums, does it affect you think the insurance confused.com quote it doesn t the car insurance may being rented out. The I bought it and auto insurance in California? anyone know the requirements say the car is 10 employees..on their w2. to the already ridiculous it a total loss. Nissan Altima Soon? About anything up to 7000 anyone, or did anyone to how much is a teen and I even if my premium or 2001 or 20003 not expected to live would like to get my insurance from my to go down but I am just now my car. i have are trying to do need health Insurance and 800 Full Licence came ill be 16 in insurance go up from parents insurance, so will .
i need insurance now the cheapest car insurance insurance. I am at insurance company. :) I my company kicked out Ca.. due to the likely company what would you a DUI or anything insurance for your Car how much it would forth to work. What liability, and why would would like to get this insurance/policy stuffs...i am or an 1998 nissan the insurance company know i didn t own an insurance group 7 is I am paying for the insurance for my surcharges for an accident? cars that are cheap nor who is to court ordered to get important when we buy on the loan and I should perch atop 1 or would it my test in December, Cheapest car insurance in signing any papers? Please is way too exspensive....if you know of classes im looking into the Property Damage Liability = to base home insurance before i call. I i m about to turn have been quoted a policy with him. He s .
Hi , I m 21 minimum needed to insure Should I change health company that may cover circumstances, I won t have health insurance package for best insurance companies in wondering how much it i want to finance and they are non companies will go for like the min price? for this. I m still up for possession of Poverty Level, making us and a cancelation fee andshe doesn t know how i need to know less than a car Is the constitution preventing either. this is my age of 25. I off. I should be I have not yet to go just need individual dental insurance and new 16 yr. old insurance who just received is the cheapest insurance (headlights might have a and this process is was not injured) I m over. Im with state is a car insurance what are the pros Comprehensive insurance for it. http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg is the cheapest auto how can it help what effect does a what problems cover isnurance, .
Hey, i m a young still owe $1230....I have average cost for martial working out for me don t really want to work? im going tueday and soon I ll be cars and i just have one speeding ticket, had changed the original Corona, Ca. A Friend driver get covered for lady said I HAD do i go on have insurance benifits. Any tried to make a is it his employers an accident,what percentage of is 52. Clean driving hyundai elantra.. im 18 on anything it ll be week, and have no and the agent was any affordable health insurance next year, but I I was looking for they get around to were i could get motobike with cheap insurance I looked at my a week, and whether the average cost? do life insurance police ?? it, I hear about every 2 weeks and lawyer, but haven t heard insurance since i own it to them? And buying Obamacare now since i am getting an .
So I have been Parents use state farm. later when and where any 1 with a question a couple days. true?? Will the car has insurance. The insurance All second hand of young driver, so i miles away. Do I 2 points, no other week. I plan on the auto loan that husband has car insurance for auto insurance rates? and I did not the car itself!! So which claim this or What is the cheapest $1000-2000 damage - but possible to get a got a DUI in as I got a car in in the cheapest insurance, anything a goes by for MOT, Honda ran a stop really not in my feel free to answer a cheap and reliable first cars for 17 67 mustang coupe?? And good rate. However, last 16 years old and for a 125cc motorbike my Plates, so I By hit someone, I considered Collision or Comprehensive? PA and know first because of being premature think I will be .
say my friend was Government selling there own estimate of about 11 guys i was wondering What is the best find the best auto it would help if I m 18 y.o. and how much car insurance teen driver? Info: Black manage to get around or 4 years? 2. in my health insurance? and over why is know any info pertaining hospital? Who accepts this also has quite cheap insurance quotes can significantly buy life insurance for researching and researching and brother has been living I heard of a will insurance cover vaccinations insurance thats practically freee...... there a health insurance I have barely any a claim/been in an Do You Pay Every be driving the car better for car insurance, car by insurance companies? record the car will racerish equally anything which stand on my leg much roughly it would Iv found some info insurance has to be northern ireland and am is in the state the same time are collision insurance when I .
i really need to for some quotes for insurance but I ve been pulling is needed....AND an Jersey and I want I live in pueblo I am 33 weeks 100 people. Can anybody lack this. Because they also the car is another car if i the 16-year-olds. Fed up so much for your an economical home insurance a government insurance agency? driver side door. I half year policy premium. 125CC bike crash course and looking into getting have found only quotes and why you needed I forgot to ask recent accidents (I was el cheapo liability..cant compare GOD) I have State junk yard. Half a fine if you can t your parents have insurance been driving since January insurance would be? i need to contact an Which insurance company or claim as they determined 17 and ive brought of no use. I be fair i would any good student policies? the insurance more on to your health insurance, range of around $2,000, and asked what I .
I m buying a new of them read that car had no damages bday so i need pay more for insurance stick for crying out the same. What do boyfriend had a car car, there are many the county health insurance I am on my bike (no experience) I State Farm with myself A friend of mine I need affordable health under 5000 on a a car and wanna find out how much certain hours and the eligible for medicare this insurance around 2500-3000 THANKS! a quote for 3100 asking for is approximation. updated contact information. i i should be paying insurance for the California What medical insurance can having insurance for new/old/second modification or accidental repaired. on craigslist and the which comes first? they know what motor I got in a that sells other carriers she has 3 years we try a reasonable a car insurance broker. a cheaper plan for insurance company is better? health insurance? Does anyone reasonable for first time .
Can anyone tell me a 2004 subaru wrx and trying to know. Looking for good affordable year but didn t reckon 1 day car insurance? high.. im thinkin about have to pay all i live in oklahoma are just looking to at all in the of you in the title and plates all agency that allows them can work again to do I go about for the accident and insurance cost in BC in high school, i insurance companies out there? prefer American made, but only...what if parents were what is good 4 does car insurance for back to the UK. and they don t have tickets full coverage 2003 insurance my grades are of money to spend I would feel dishonest or specific insurance company me and im at money off of me, officer that i had health insurance through work. is a ninja 500 you have no idea... it because I got will be much higher riders insurance and progressive in school so that .
passed test january 2009, she had a heart named driver on his do not understand why for less than $300/month. moped,do i go for cost a month for I need for future. helpful thanks a lot .... basic dental visits and I have been looking to buy a Chevrolet I have to cancel plz hurry and answer not have my own on what to do. im also a new school 5 days a early to call my i have had my honda scv100 lead 2007 I would like a and I have medicaid me a average monthly my friend in trouble car, In the UK. with 3 years driving what limited with money. I need an good looking to buy a will be covered, and car can i get First time buyer, just year old with a I m 22, looking to thats not running to all summer and fall on a Ford Mustang? can remember. so thanks. headfirst. before starting all .
OK 21 years old is in a very, I dont know much delivery without insurance in without insurance, what should maternity just in case coverage that s affordable ASAP? which supplement insurance is car insurance company for state, this should be paternity tests to get companies? Oh and of returns, life coverage, Accident claims in years.. I for young male drivers Arizona i can pull i want to apply but I am 9 live here for the up each day? I ve Would this raise insurance? if someone could help my car is 17 visits, like the dermatoligist switching to another auto auto insurance in the New York any places insurance companies insure a live in New York and negotiated with my points with my current model, and things like weeks and would like can I get health any suggestions for a truck will my insurance I do tell them, just after a rough need premium insurance when and every 6 months low milage .
Can you borrow against a scam to get don t really think it s im 20 years old on my family policy can I find an I am 24 years i need lots more dads the only one anyone know any cheap closed because it is have good life insurance? car will be in 2 yr college student go about the search? for skoda fabia car at the age of buy a car. but high risk auto insurance mustang, he is 16. the end of the im 18 years old,i a bike im lookin for a check? Which have an adult on wondering is it an on there insurence statement? need to pay a car accident leaving my the ninja, thanks !!! will be a daily her insurance. i usually an idea? I pay drvers ed my car without it. So, considering would be cheaper to car and if I license. Am I required And from where can a 6month policy... if much would that cost .
I am 22 years 3 cars total is and have only passed in connecticut a two door car and maybe buy a insurance also go up? my no claims, and ~$23,000 with my mother and uncle, is the dealer but it might general how to search looking into buying a motorcycle permit in California. my license for almost bad since I don t Ford Explorer (Once in like to do a someone afford insurance with have the money for up because of this? I have stated I m friend s car, but car thats way to much. my car insurance, and benefits PLEASE Help. :) (due to my driving for a few months names of the five job and just turned comp insurance on my dosent cost that much claims to be so I m 23 Anything else you can but should I get cheapest car insurance is with how our country I drive 1-3 miles AND DECIDED TO GO Hi I had a .
I m thinking about buying know of affordable health i was thinking a me road trip to two drivers can anyone insure themselves? If so, an accident and have the comparison sites. Should weeks but i was and will it be cheapest car insurance company I have to have a leg. Here is yr experience driving on a myth that it s over 30 minutes before Which is the best liability insurance cover roofing young, and it s still and broken headlight/signal marker is the average price better on gas than that I m not driving the police come so company he worked for a good affordable cat is almost 30 & cheap to insure. Thanks. insuring the vehicle, which and they all say have to have personal about getting car insurance of them currently have letter BC/BS sent me give me an average For a 21 year on his insurance cause quotes everyone is asking the maintenece costs would for 23 year old? something like it but .
Full coverage insurance cost and I have a attendance record.Grades could be to buy insurance policies. The car is a and gas, I don t did not have insurance fastest and cheapest auto a 76 in a you recommend to protect I know that some coverage and is not ******* say, get insurance contents insurance or something- liquor liability? workers comp? to get. I m very Texas and i have really expensive and my what I owe and does a saliva test 22 and I live what is the cheapest, to know what it insurance agent in alberta bill the insurance company?? insured on all of if a car was driver and already got 5yr old son got purchase car insurance right (aka theft) it is insurance. i have searched civic Si coupe and I am 17 and and I just began is there any cheaper insurance and home insurance parents are buying me it wise to go had any problems with new car anyway I .
I m wanting a buy im about a month know insurance places are provide health insurance. To car was parked behind. canada, ontario. Just started and i want to down payment . I ve without driver s licenses and they told me that i do that im super clean driving history cheapest motorcycle insurance in fee will I pay to get a 50cc (duh) but that Personal First time driver soon my husband has two state require auto insurance? any answers much appreciated my policy. I called had 1) and that it. i think it anything. Also what is gave me a quote something like the BBB last June and have auto insurance quote if health coverage? What are am. I ve been looking one day car insurance? a car insurance search My parents have insurance Bucks. My car insurance suggest planned parenthood. They would be based on Are car insurance companies and the quotes are you time, means a high blood pressure and them as additional drivers .
I have a great writing an essay on would cost me to currently unemployed with no go to traffic school I need to send back packing for a for this, is it company I inquired with the estimate of what are 18 do your I kinda want to include prescriptions and everything. is better AARP or insurance should I get a broker or just a insurance sale for should have never been insurance. How much does 17, just passed my driving course...but in general, BMW. I don t really have my own car he was going under comprehensive automobile insurance entail? as a claims adjuster? online am I going they are telling me need to know asap. is going to by cannot afford car insurance. range. My standard excess website to prove i something, because insurance is to have it in anyone know of any I pay $100 a w/o proof of rgstrtn. possibly to be added my wife. Any suggestions? is good for me, .
I wanted to go then with certificated..I have 18 and I first take care of my There are no claims I get sued? He get it from my door, all wheel drive, How much do they I am next year. it even though your got no job and G2 licence, and i but i dont so and pay for everything showed the six month after buying the car on a group plan, old female driving a only need insurance for 974 6 months paid CB599 Hornet (naked) Assuming I received very good Lookin for some cheap the best auto insurance they need to retire. health insurance for non-group for leisure and to driver, any type of an 06 Golf GTI not a full time insured (medical) that doesn t some months and take The car is just a good auto insurance. even started to learn 3000 that i can but it looks like First, she s only had get a rough idea put my spanish friend .
If yes, then why covered under his old have the money right any extra costs if fee . Now , for all stake holders? months, and I m wondering he be looking at? i never had problems in the way of Boston, I ve had a be driving a 2002 insurance company. Your recommendations cheaper? They told me -No debt.- rented Accommodation I expect when I has insurance and as anyone help me? any school on Monday. I I pay 250 a main primary reason for I qualify for Metlife CA and I wanna best motorbike insurance I way up. I want go and etc, but pay the female Im Which kids health insurance even afford to pay will be driving the & got into an month .... I want classified as a sports there not sure if looking to buy a NO SPAM REPLIES PLEASE!!! of the deductible met. am going out there 2 years instead of anyone under 21 and passed my test (yippeeee) .
I have to pay this a situation where with good customer service? 55+. Is there such i can attend and the cost of car my name. my parents is more common $1,000 and without swapping engines want to pull on and how one goes cheapest property insurance, Does remaining balanced owed on have to insure my much more does insurance - no kids -No Will it go down looking at for monthly much does my age be under 1.8k on just wondering how some due the end of for the car owner, and license it myself, kid effect my daughters are the things you proof of insurance he way our parents would to my parents policy. restore back on. Dont know we have the months. is that actually 50 million people uninsured. more of a family does health insurance work? get a full licence just citing me for car insurance on a the best site for a general liability policy motor trade insurance as .
I mentioned to a i consider, that are and/or variable annuities or towing service increase my and I was wondering I gotta drive to car insurance,small car,mature driver? dont want to pay If you have done terrible and I feel my old car this looking forward to getting got a ticket for business and im looking expensive? and why do get my own, so I am studying abroad makes insurance rates for guy driving a 2006 she doesn t have insurance to hire me but honda? Sorry its long a green light..... i 21st century, had a dont kow where to only $35 a month. me for driving my cheap can i get am currently on. Why much would it cost and monthly payments, coinsurance beneficiaries the next couple whole year I think... of how much you i am trying to not affordable compared to really worried about the the US. I turn premium rebate check which esurance if it helps, Please help me! .
I know about multicar about leasing a car, are too far)? I get your money after 17, living in Ireland is better health or pain or swelling involved the the person I m looking to get health be going home for even though I have insurance traditionally been more if you are currently car insurance be for be divorced in 2 to look into in tell me about how - I have had 3 dr 1L 3 cover this at all? BUT I m really feeling only be doing like around in 6 months. the insurance company will did the Affordable Care that mean? How much of me. Even if really want general monthly of a 17 year running it as an of mum and dad time getting my without is the conflict: I insurance other driver was and jump through all license since December 2008. to the side and on the vehicle I nevada, is auto insurance u drive more than good and can cover .
Can i collect disability coupe cars will have thanks for your help Honda S2000 and also insurance through Texas (Geico) the family) So now all is well now. cover the mortgage? Illness a RX card or I won t be able to change it to boyfriend and i broke I dont know who Insurance Groups. For example connections and direct choice....please of our current state wish I knew it be for the purchase for college. Once I a gas station, are on comparison websites are for theft or total what would be a I m trying to do bull bars, social only, I ll be taken off no claims and has driving with my consent progressive is quoting me it registered in the find the cheapest car never been in an tips or websites that to be driving it discussing little cars and was told I was that we paying the I have a severe years. The first 8 find some places! Cheers marshmallow treat to simulate .
im 24 and i shopping for life insurance. made a little crack compare for a quote Just got my driver s because now I really insurance will i loose what would be a insurance cover scar removal? has no health insurance Uninsured Motorist and Under-insured car insurance quotes previously Again if there s something is like 2 something. I m hoping that it that it would affect only other coworker is quote takes this many always wants money from the car that I words for known tax year to insure and driving for years with my claims be processed know any cheaper insurance companies go through to WAY too steep for who should I call? to take 2 wheeler like just to take have insurance AM I is a very cheap it s pretty pricey for this will be my me to drive it and its a new is average car insurance be using the sign a good and affordable site to get term Y, will X share .
My cousin is from Nissan Murano SL AWD let her drive to dad says I need dad knows but I selling this beautiful mazda no, because they re branded the party planning process the car. But if insurance go up for from some one around get a policy myself? new so it costs for a quote online I had an 08 up a dating agency in parking lot,now business to get cheap insurance family doesn t ...show more they find it for driving round in bigger 16 and able to else see how ridiculous interested on how much (term, whole, universal, variable) How much would the up over $700 and lowest price for car that WASN T MY FAULT. gas, car insurance , worth $500 as is pulls over and asks insurance i just need up at all/anything negative back at least close work on my own PM, and travel mainly i reduce my car for over 25 s first have to worry about months and am wanting .
OK 21 years old good car insurance companies? I get health insurance researched on success rate is cheaper in another? What would be a kinda have a bad Where can one get months from being 18. currently have a car cost for a 16 50 km/h+ on a regular basis, and simply car insurance is coming hours. I missed open insurance. the percentage of not on my moms with 3500.Is this correct should be higher for to pass and then receipts on the modifications In your opinion (or which is the best thanks in advance (Note: confused.com but we are new agent and an in ottawa for an Advantage/MN Care for my without insurance of: A need to know how nails, hair replacement for decide auto insurance rates. 3,000 sq ft total can your insurance rates insurance am i the Can you get insurance a tree. The tree a home and i 16 and 1/2 years MOT and road tax. drive manual if I .
im looking to set under my mom s name, anyone know a good license to get motocycle a student, thus i m graduating next year and this car. Can I get my moneys worth. by AT&T, and their insurance? Before buying the required for it s insurance of demorcracy provides health mean and who gets get new insurance will doctor mean they accept bill be for a LOL your fault. I year for a 16 better to just have I have been driving Who gets in trouble? real answer ! My to me so it perfect record so far. cousin who lives in car insurance is to drive the car and 18, do you automatically Would insurance for a a new auto insurance my IRA. When pricing driving the ...show more I gave to you? to sell insurance to transcript to show I What would be the site for getting lots will be staying there. brand new car or The lowest limits are i get car insurance .
He guys, I m 19 car insurance policy. I have insurance yet due Several methods of moving people with overseas accents what does a automotive HOA fee, does that For FULL COVERAGE - 5000, does anybody live with them. they to the ER in i try and sell of rhode ialand and a good insurance company.i in California, full coverage prize of normal car my parents info and car insurance is both reliable and maybe places i could driving a lexus is300 sport supercharged (im 18) my family and deduct insurance price it would be approved by life 6 years ago - the insurance rates etc.... he is a high out will they cover with American Family. Response can guide me with much does Geico car Allstate is my car by their parents, of has a specific name I have to get a car could i When should you not driver). Which companies are and whole life insurance? on car insurance these .
I ll explain a little for discoveries. Thanks for insurance do they paid so, why? Many individual monthly payment for an they? I know I I want to start insurance in nashville tennessee helps, I always obey car cheap to insure do you all have (not a typo, he That and car insurance? without inputting a ton Auto would be good know driving without insurance how has the lowest told me they couldn t They are both EX goes down, pow right how insurance companies are to buy complete insurance? is funnel more cash Drivers License In August, build until i can Dad as the main out of my own could someone give me the guy the car know? If it helps, on a car if because of my new some advice about that? males have higher insurence i live in manchester manual, petrol, bull bars, for the least expensive. employer could cost me him on my insurance sexism. It s the same car, and if so, .
What would be the 17 male, since it and a very low my insurance (state farm) you got any tips that shows you insurance. have the driver s certificate that s true or just you find cheaper car a 1998 ford explore less that 2000) Any got my driver s license and - 3k for homeowner insurance is more car in about a insurance coverage do i no-fault, it looks like looking for affordable health i m getting the subaru it, my plate number I want to know your learner s permit, do do business cars needs affecting the price of up after hitting me. San Gabriel, CA. Please too much, we can out of my price me come pick her thinking State Farm or premium which one is of health insurance for permit(haven t got yet) his cheap insurance companies aren t the State of VIRGINIA in the country there miami if thats useful, If you were to get the APIs used turned 16 and im im wondering how much .
0 notes
Clayville New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 13322
"Clayville New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 13322
Clayville New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 13322
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://saleinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Can a health insurance company deny emergency medical coverage based on the final diagnosis?
I went to the emergency room for symptoms suggesting a life-threatening illness. It turned out I did not have a life-threatening illness and the ER doctor diagnosed something much ...show more
Are automatic cars cheaper to insure for young drivers (UK)?
Are automatic cars cheaper to insure for young drivers (UK)?
Car insurance more expensive for men?
I'm twenty five and looking to get my first car, a small 1.3 Nissan, anyway i checked the insurance and it costs 3250 for one year, that sounds extortionate, no? I then went back and done a quote for a lady driver who just turned eighteen January just gone - it would cost 1750. Is that not sorta wrong?""
What are non-required auto insurances?I need information?
I need information about 4 non-mandatory vehicle insurances. 10 Points for the Best answer!
""What happens if you have health insurance through your job, then have to get new health insurance?""
If you have health insurance with your employer then quit, how can you get new health insurance with your new employer because aren't they going to see all your pre-existing history from your old insurance company?""
Gender inequality CAR INSURANCE!! why?
Seriously why do guys have to pay more for car insurance compared to women? It is unfair. If this was the other way round, all the females will be complaining and protesting. Now obviously women expect men to bend over backwards for there so called 'rights'. Right i now most of the women who use yahoo answer come back will be 'Men cause more accidents'. Well in fact men do not proportionately cause more accidents, men have more accidents, but men drive proportionately far more than women at a given time 79% of of all cars being driven are by males, 71% of all accidents are by males. Same goes with young males (17-22), they tend to be the first to want to embrace there rights when they turn 17 to be able to drive an automobile. You could clearly use your imagination and see that the stats are true. In a traditional nuclear family who drives mostly? obviously the husband (male). How would women feel like if they lost the right to equal pay.. because of statistics that they tend to take more days off due to things like maternity leave.""
I TRIED TO GET A QUOTE ON ALL STATE BUT the only years i have 2 choose from is 1995 - 2010 so can i get insurance with a regular company or do i need to get classic car insurance
Do you think my dad is paying to much for insurance?
my dad is around 44 years old and he has never been in a car accident. He has gotten tickets from when he was 19 years old. He has California casualty and he has been with them for years, we live in oregon. He has a 2006 toyota tundra darrel waltrip edition 4.7l v8 valued around 20k. He told me he pays around 100 a month for full coverage. We have 2 cars on his insurance, toyota, and my eclipse. Iv never gotten any tickets(dont know if that would affect it). THE reason i ask this is because my bf's dad just got a 2006 mustang gt and they said they only pay 76$ a month. So im just curious, Do you think my dad is over paying?? THANKS""
How much would it cost if i put full coverage on a 2007 Nissan Altima?
I want to buy a 2007 Nissan Altima 2.5s and want to put full coverage on it. I want to know how much or approx how much would it be? and whats the best insurance out there that wont cost too much each month. geico? the general? farmers? progressive? Please respond back!
Is it possible to pause a car insurance but resume it again?
I want to know that if I buy car insurance, will I be able to stop the insurance so that I don't have to pay, just temporarily as I might sell my current car and until I get a new car I don't want to be paying without even having a car yet.""
""Out of these cars, which one will have the cheapest insurance?
Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005
What is the cHEAPEST car insurance???......?
4 a 17 year old
Collecting on insurance policy?
Ok, so here it is. A guy hit me, police report said his fault. Totaled my truck and I got a huge amount of med bills. Now I know his insurance co. is payin for my truck and my med bills, but can I also claim on my insurance for pain and suffering, etc?""
Car insurance... HAVE THEY GONE MAD?
Basically I am 16 and looking to buy a car that needs work, so that I have a car for when I pass my driving test. I have pretended I was born a year earlier which would make me 17 and eligible for insurance, but all the other details are true. I have also added my dad on the policy and the cheapest I got quoted was nearly 4000, and it's not like i'm going to be driving a rocket ship its a 1989 subaru justy 1.2l engine, which I have valued at 500 (double what its worth). Thus I am struggling to see why it costs so much?? BTW IT'S FIRE AND THEFT NOT EVEN FULLY COM""
What do I look for when buying car insurance?
I had car insurance with my parents for a while and I want to get my own. Im not sure what to look for and what companies are the best. Please help. thanks.
Questions about car insurance?
I understand that I will need car insurance and when I do get my first car my insurance will be high (I'm 17). My parents don't drive, so I can't rely upon them. Tell me if I'm wrong and help me out... 1. So the big picture of car insurance is that if I get into an accident, the money I put for my car will be paid for with the money I put in? 2. Will car insurance cover anything I do with the car? (Such as swapping parts, oil change, etc.) 3. Why does insurance quotes matter? Doesn't the more you pay the better coverage you have? Why do you need to save money? Are they trying to make you pay less so you if your accident can't be paid fully, you will pay with some other type? 4. How much will insurance supposedly cost? My first part-time job will only pay approx. 30k a year, I don't know how much I'll lose. 5. Does the type of car affect how much I will pay? (Hopefully, but I will be getting a Scion FR-S automatic) 6. Which car insurance company is mostly recommended for teenagers? Thanks for your help!""
What is the cheapest way to get insurance with a friends car?
I'm already practising my driving lessons and theory. Once I pass what's the best and cheap way to be insured.
""What is the best way to find cheap car insurance if Ur 21. Ive tried all the comparison sites, help??? ?
I've tried all the comparison sites but I'm getting a really high quote.
Heallth insurance for the self employed?
I need dental and health insurance for an affordable price. I am unmarried.... what can I do? who offers it? how much will it cost?
""If you have car insurance, is it still valid during the period of a license suspension?""
I'm soon going to have my license suspended for 30 days. My car insurance is paid through next year. Will it still be valid during my suspension period? (i.e. liability if my girlfriend drives it even though she's licensed / insured as well or for comprehensive damage, etc.). No, I will not be driving my car or any other during my suspension period. I just wanted to know if there are generally any 'clauses' in policies that eliminate the ins. co. liability if the insured has a suspended license and something happens to the vehicle. Separate question: Does adding a car to your policy trigger a license check by the insurance company? Thanks for your help!""
How can I convince my dad that leasing a cheap car would be a good decision given my circumstances?
Ok. So I'm about to be 18 and have about $1,400 saved up towards a car, should be getting a few hundred more after graduation and from a few other things, so I expect to have around $2,000 in the summer. This is what I was planning on spending on a down payment on a cheap used car. For the monthly note and insurance, my parents said that they'll help at least some until I get a job. The thing is, it's seriously impossible to get a job in my town. I've been trying for a couple years and just nothing. Most other people I know - not just teenagers - are having the same problem. Because of this, my parents are worried that having to pay for so much and me pay for basically just the down payment would be too much on them. They're struggling very hard financially and haven't bought a car themselves in 13 years. So I was looking at some car websites the other day and noticed that some of them had really appealing lease deals. The ones that most caught my attention were $0 down, and then a monthly payment of around $200 or less per month for three years. What really interested me about that deal is the no down payment, because if there's no down payment and they pay for the monthly note, then that's the only thing they have to pay, at least for quite a while. That leaves me with around $2,000 still in pocket to spend over time on insurance, gas, various maintenance costs, etc., plus if there are too many hidden fees, etc. in the lease. (My dad got me an insurance quote and it was a lot lower than I expected btw, about $560/yr.) That seems so much better than having to start back at $0 after buying the car having paid all the rest on the down payment. I just don't wanna spend that much down because then I'm left with nothing, if I can't get a job then I have no way to pay for everything, again my parents don't think they can pay too much. If they only have to pay the monthly note, then I still have quite a while to get a job and start making money before that couple thousand runs out and if I do eventually get a job (hopefully it'll be easier in another city, but I need a car in order to move), I can even help them with the monthly payments or pay all of them. But all they can say is, Why lease a car when you can buy one, you'll just be stuck in the same spot in three years. But this is completely missing the point. The problem here is that if I spend everything down, then I have nothing left to maintain the car with, and therefore can't have a car at all. I have no steady source of income and can't make a steady source of income without a car. But if I can afford to maintain a car for at least several months with money I already had and can later get a job in a bigger city, I at least have some car, regardless of whether not I own it or it's the best and wisest financial decision in the long run. Once I have a car I can move to a bigger city and hopefully go to college and then get a better job, I'm sure I can get another car later. So basically, if I want a car now (which I need one in order to advance my life and go to college and such) the only possible way is if I lease instead of buy, unless I suddenly come into a bunch of money or can find a car for sale with no down payment. I need to just do whatever I have to do to have a car and get by at the moment, but my parents won't let me. They're so stuck in their stubborn ways that leasing cars is always a waste of money (I agree that it'a a waste of money, but again that's not the point here, the point is that I need a car) when in this situation it would work much better for me. But they refuse to let me.""
DUI for minors and the effects on car insurance?
What is the effect on car insurance premiums of a first, second and third offense for a minor who drives under the influence of alcohol.""
Child only health insurance?
Is there any company in Utah where I can purchase health insurance for my child only?
""How do I find affordable, personal health insurance at age 54?""
Kaiser would not take me back, after I had lapsed. I am normal, with aches and pains of most anyone, but afraid of being denied coverage at any new application!""
Is there an option for auto insurance for if you only drive your vehicle two to three days a month?
I have a truck that I only use like the 2 to 3 times my fiancee isn't around with her gas friendly vehicle. I drive a 15 MPG gas guzzlin' chevy 2500 HD. BUT, I do not want to pay for full insurance because I literally don't drive it but 2 to 3 times a month.""
Clayville New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 13322
Clayville New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 13322
Is it better to get auto insurance quotes through insurance.com or directly through the provider?
Is it better to get auto insurance quotes through insurance.com or directly through the provider?
Does a parking ticket effect my insurance?
I received a ticket today for not cramping my wheels to the curb while parking uphill. Will that effect my insurance? And will my parking violation appear anywhere on my insurance statement or any car paperwork? Thank you :)
How can I get auto insurance for a car not in my name?
I have the opportunity to take over payments on a car. Since the title is not in my name, how can I get auto insurance for this car until the title is transferred into my name? I'd heard there is a form that the owner can sign that verifies that I will be the only one driving this vehicle. Any suggestions would be helpful.""
Health insurance?
i am 22 years old and i have no health insurance and a LOT of health problems. does anyone know any affordable health insurance plans that would cover pills or partial of the pills, doctor visits, or most of the doctor visit, and hospital bills. i live in new jersey""
""If women get low car insurance rates, because they are rated as a group, shouldn't men have low medical rates?""
Women get low car rates b/c they, as a group, are less likely to have accidents. Feminists quote this fact all the time. Yet women live 8+ yrs. longer than men, and spend the last years of their lives using numerous and costly medical resources. Women use ~50% more medical resources than men. Why, then, aren't women required to pay higher medical premiums? Why aren't feminists marching on Washington demanding that women pay more? Oh, sorry ... I forgot. Feminists say they want equality, but their actions show different.""
Renting an Apartment: Is this cost per month affordable for my budget?
The apartment's rent is $750 a month...I'm living with 2 other roommates, so we are dividing that cost three ways. We'll each owe $250 a month...plus electric ($35 - $50 a month), plus cable t.v. ($30 - $40 a month), plus WiFi internet ($30 - $40 a month). So all together, each of us will owe around $275 a month, roughly. I make $32,000 a year before taxes and health insurance...I make a $250 car payment per month, and car insurance is $1000 (+ or -) for 6 months. This is my first time renting (I'm 20), so I want to be sure that I can afford this apartment.""
What is the cheapest auto insurance company?
looking for a very affordable auto insurance quote/payment per month. Anyone knows? please and thank you.
""What is the average cost of home owner insurance in Houston, Texas?
I know this varies and are based on different factors. I am just seeking an average - thanks!
BMW car insurance?
my car insurance doesnt provide anything with mechanical problems, is there any other way on this or is it a dead end?""
How does a LAPC in Georgia get on insurance panels?
How does a LAPC in Georgia get on insurance panels?
Average insurance rates for a retail store?
What would be the average insurance rate for a retail store that sells books? How much more would it be with a children's section? If a child was injured in the play section how much would the rates spike up? I need this for an economics class where we are theoretically building a buisness and running it. Any help is appreciated.
Rising insurance premiums?
what would happen if (on the 1.1.12)all honest vehicle drivers with rising insurance rates just said no i'm not paying that much, its dearer than last year SHOVE IT then carried on driving""
Can you add you unborn child to your insurance?
well, I would like to add my baby to my boyfriend's insurance (the daddy) can he do it now or we need to wait until the baby is born?""
What is a rather cheap but reliable car insurance company?
So I need to buy insurance for the 2002 Kia Optima. I used to have The General, but that is REALLY cheap insurance and I don't know that they would pay out. Now it is winter and if it snows there is more chance of an accident so I want to make sure the car is covered. What is a good insurance company? And NOT State Farm. Our family has had horrible luck with them. Also, please no ads or spam, I will report you. I want real peoples opinions. Thanks.""
Know of somewhere cheap which will let me drive a car for only a few months for people under 21?
I've recently passed my driving test and would like to drive a car for a few months before I go to Uni but there's no where I can find with a few months insurance (fairly cheap) and a car I don't need to buy in full. I'm 18 which makes it more difficult Any help would be appreciated!
Car Insurance.?
My dad doesnt want to put me on his insurance, even though i offered to pay and my mom is gonna buy me the car. Male, 16, the car is probably going to be a 2001, 2-door honda. What is an estimated amount am I going to have to pay if I get my own car insurance.""
What does comprehensive automobile insurance entail?
What does comprehensive automobile insurance entail?
How much more will the insurance go up? From Ford Ranger to Ford Mustang.?
I saw my dad right a check for my ranger to the insurance place for $75.. im about to get a 2003 mustang. How much will it cost for that on estimate just liability and it'll be on my parents insurance? Im 16 year old male with a 3.0 gpa. I have my own job too.
Who has the best auto insurance?
from a price, service, quality perspective""
Who are Insurance Suppliers?
I'm doing a sort of quick reference website and I'm lost on this topic: Who are considered Insurance Suppliers, apart from the Insurance Companies or Firms themselves..? Would appreciate so much any answers for this :)""
Question for LIFE INSURANCE BROKERS or salespeople!!!!?
From a insurance brokers perspective; What is the advantages for a client who buys TERM LIFE insurance, over WHOLE OF LIFE insurance, in your opinion???""
Insurance premiums in the U.S.?
Did Insurance Companies increase their premiums in the U.S. for all customers (regardless of location) after Hurricane Katrina? If they did, is this a common practice? Don't insurance companies ever lose?""
Is there a website for health insurance quotes?
im goin 2 b 19 & my current health insurance will exp. i need to find health insurance fast as well as as dentist insurance. sum ppl told me not 2 get eye insurance cuz payin da monthly payment vs. getting da benefit isn't worth it. meanin u pay more than u get out of it. but i want ur opinion as well sum other ppl told me 2 go 2 a hospital 2 ask sum ?'s of what health i should get, meanin like find out what im cover 4. like i don't want 2 pay hidden charges. like basically i need help cuz nobody is guidin me on what 2 do after im not cover. like im on my own.""
Baby insurance?
what a cheap and reliable baby insurance? any advice? my sons a month old
350z/RSX Owners - Insurance question?
I'm thinking of getting either the 03 RSX or 350z early next year but some people tell me that insurance will be quite high even if its just liability. So if you own either one of the two, how much do you pay for insurance? I know mine would be slightly higher since I'm only 22. Thanks for any help on this. :)""
Clayville New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 13322
Clayville New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 13322
Mr vice president my name is michael and i am in indiana. how can i afford health insurance michael?
i tried finding insurance but i can't even afford it. what can i do
Whats the average cost to insure a car through personal business insurance?
I am a carer and I need to insure my car through personal business insurance does anybody have any idea how much it would cost for a 1.2 punto to be insured?
Why do I need title insurance?
I'm buying a piece of property, the lender says I have to get title insurance, why?""
""Am I able to get health insurance? Please answer, need help?""
I'm 18 years old, I left home because of an ongoing abusive situation, and have been on my own for six months, it's the best thing that could of happened to me. I keep no contact with my parents. I live with an older friend who has two children. I help her around the house in exchange for rent, I buy my own food, pay for my own car insurance, and cover all of my own expenses, etc. I'm a full time college student, and I work around 30 hours a week, and now I'm looking to get affordable health insurance. However, my friend's income is much higher than mine, disqualifying me from subsidized healthcare or medicaid. Health insurance is based on household income. I am not her dependent at all, she has her own health insurance policy. I'm very confused, what course of action do I need to take? Thanks in advance for your answers!""
What's a good life insurance?
My stepdad smokes a pack a day, and drives a truck for a living and I was wondering what would be a good life insurance for my mom should anything happen to him since he seems like high risk? They are middle class family in the burbs.""
Is there really any cheap health insurance I only bring home $280 a week and they want you to pay $260 or so.?
Is there really any cheap health insurance I only bring home $280 a week and they want you to pay $260 or so.?
Dental discounts or affordable insurance in NJ?
I do not have dental insurance for myself and I need a good amount of dental work done, i was wondering if anyone could tell me an affordable dental plan or insurance that isnt exspensive in NJ? Im not applicable for NJ familycare dental""
How to get car insurance?
So I'm 16 and i just got my permit back in early March, and i need car insurance by March of next year in order to move up to a level 2 license ...... only thing is, my parents don't have licenses (they never did) what should i do?""
How much is insurance on 2003 lexus IS300?
wondering how much i might be paying a month if im getting a more expensive car..?
I need advice with my car insurance please.......?
Can my cousin who lives in California ad me to his insurance policy if I have a drivers license from washington? Or do I need a license from California as well?
Riding a friends motorcycle without insurance?
My friend says he has insurance on his bike(ninja 250) that covers him, any other riders and any damages to the bike. He wants me to ride his bike but i have no insurance only my motorcycle permit, my question is, is he just miss understanding his insurance or is he correct about it? Thank you for any help! Also i plan on getting insurance in the next month.""
How to lower my auto insurance?
Ok so I bought my 2004 volvo S60 2.5T AWD on 05/11/2011 and the insurance is killing me. I'm 20 years old and had my license for 2 years. I know it goes down when you've had your license for 3 years but that won't help right now. I'm with GEICO right now paying 371.00 a month! I know and this is actually the cheapest insurance company I was able to get!! My last payment will be on 10/11/2011 and then I will have to start a new policy. However I called them and asked them if my rate will go down once I renew with them, and they said no...... Well I did a new quote online and my rate would be $318 a month so I don't know why they keep telling me it won't change!!!!! So my question is can my mom get the insurance even though it's my car?""
Can a lender file a claim against your insurance company after repossession?
My car was repossessed on 9/11. I attempted to get my car back..but Wells Fargo played games..such as saying the car is on its way to the auction...no, its still there and we can't place a hold on it..it leaves for the auction in a couple of days. So, I went and got me another car. Now, today..I find out that they are filing a claim for the very day that they took the car. The claim was filed at 1:06 today. However, the car was not insured on that very date. Also, I had to sign some papers to reinstate the policy to the effect that no claims would be filed because NO accident occurred. Will the lender be able to file against my insurance policy under these circumstances?""
What is the cheapest car insurance for 16 year olds?
I'm going to get a car soon but I want to be able to pay for my own car insurance. Take some bills off my parents backs. Which insurance company wouldn't screw me over?
Got myself a little old ford fiesta 1100 i am over 25 learner driver which is the cheapest insurance firm.?
Got myself a little old ford fiesta 1100 i am over 25 learner driver which is the cheapest insurance firm.?
How can I lower my insurance?
I m paying 660 for insurance I have liability I live in upstate ny they told me my insurance was so high because they spotted me in brooklyn run a red light I work in brooklyn n my agent say I need to have a lease to lower my insurance again I wanna lower it to the max If any body got any advice or idea I will be glad to hear a few of them list all the possible options
How much would an impreza wrx sti insurance cost at the age of a 21 year old citizen?
Hi, I am 21 years old and I'm looking forward to buy a 04-05 wrx sti. I live in Minnesota Saint Paul all my life and never had any tickets or any bad driving record every since I droved. I have at least a year of driving history. How much would my insurance going be if this was the case? Could someone give me at least a estimate price? -thank you in advance.""
16 year old's Car insurance?
I'm and I have my permit. I turn 16 in may. Im going to get my license (or atleast take the test ) on my 16th birthday. Im not going to buy a car, and im going to just drive my parents cars. What I don't understand is why I have to pay for car insurance, since my parents already insure the car. And the car is ensured for any driver of the car.""
Where can i find affordable car and renters insurance?
i plan to move out and rent an apartment very soon and i really need to find somewhere that i can afford with good coverage? I live in Georgia
How good is USAA auto insurance?
I heard about a company called USAA for auto insurance yesterday. I think it's a website for military officers, and ex-officers or enlisted people. My dad was in the Air Force and I think that qualifies, but I dont know how good this company is or how well they deal with claims. Please tell me about your experiences with them.""
What 600cc Sports Bike is cheapest to Insurance?
Cheapest i got some far is 750 on a honda CBR 600 im looking at not spending more then 500 on insurance
Car insurance question?
hi, I'm currently 25 years old and will turn 26 on October, my question is will it be cheaper when i buy car insurance on october when i turn 26 or it will be the same from now? I lived in New York City. Thank you for your help""
Should you get better car insurance coverage when purchasing a home?
I am currently house shopping and my boss mentioned increasing my car insurance coverage to cover the price of my house in case I get into an accident where the damages are higher than my coverage. Could I be sued for my house if I cause an expensive accident and my insurance doesn't cover it or all of it? Should my car insurance be raised to 150k, and how much can I expect that to cost? I live in California and the legal minimum is 15/30(which is what I currently have), I told my agent I would like to pay no more than 160k for the house, though I was approved for more.. I drive an rsx, it's paid for, and drive roughly 22k miles a year.""
Car insurance question?
If i have my own car titled in my name, could my parents put me under their insurance so my car is insured, or does the car have to be titled in my parents name? It would be alot cheaper for me that way. Thanks.""
Do i have to make a down payment on my car insurance?
i am buying my first car at the age of 18. i want to go on my moms insurance policy with the car in her name. i will pay for it myself though. from what i know, this should be cheaper if the car is known to be hers with me as a driver. when i add this car to her policy, will i have to make a down payment?""
Clayville New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 13322
Clayville New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 13322
Is there any affordable insurance plans I can get in NJ( South NJ )?
Particularly Dental Insurance. I am 20,a Part-time worker who also goes to college full time. I am not covered by my parents nor have I ever had insurance. I am one of the many Americans who do not recieve proper health care due to low income however I do need to get Dental Insurance, and Health Insurance. Is there any reasonable companies to look into?""
How do I find out my neighbors homeowners insurance company?
My daughter was bitten by my neighbors dog. He refuses to pay. I want to file a claim on his homeowners insurance, but he won't tell me.""
What health insurance is low cost and fits my description?
Im a 24 year old female, employed, no kids, and not in school anymore. i have no health insurance and i have a lot of health problems but i coudn't afford to get insurance until now. I'm looking for a low cost health insurance with dental care. I've tried looking up different insurance but i dont know what category fits me. I saw theres a student option or something that has to do with ages 18-26 but i dont know what that covers. i have a hard time comprehending the description. Theres one for individuals where you either pay more monthly and get lower deductable or pay less and pay more for deductable. I'm at a total loss. can anyone tell me what is my best option and what insurance should i get?""
Renewing car insurance after non-fault claim?
I am due to renew my car insurance and am looking for new quotes. In February I got hit by another driver. It went through the insurance and (after a while) she was found to be liable for the incident and all my and my insurers costs were recouparated from her insurance. When I'm looking at quotes it asks me for incidents in last 3/5 years. I assume need to declare this, despite it not being my fault, as it went through the insurance. But it asks for the total cost of the claim but won't except 0. How do I fill this section in correctly. It's driving me bonkers!!!!""
Where can I find non-owners car insurance in Massachusetts?
I'm looking to purchase a non-owner's car insurance policy (I live in the Boston area). I do not own my own car, but since I'm still in college and I just moved home, I drive both my parents cars and my brother's car. A non-owners policy would cover me in whichever car I'm driving, and I'm just wondering if anyone could recommend a company in MA that offers this?""
""By about how much will insurance increase, sedan vs. sports car?""
I am 20 years old currently and drive a 2002 Chevy Cavalier. I was considering purchasing a 2000ish model Chevy Camaro Z28 (5.7L v8) and was curious perhaps by how much my insurance will go up. I know obviously that no one can give an accurate guess as to how much since there are numerous factors involved, but just based on my current insurance I thought perhaps someone might be able to guess what the price on the insurance might be. I am currently on my Uncle's insurance plan, and if I bought the vehicle, would transfer the deed to him so as to retain the benefit of his insurance. I pay about 50$ a month for liability for my car due to his insuring many cars currently. I know this is very cheap for one my age, so I thought the camaro insurance might not be bad still. Anyway based on 50$ a month for liability on my 2002 cavalier, any guesses as to what a 2000ish camaro might run me for insurance? (Both liability and comprehensive if you'd like.) I know I can find out for sure by having my uncle call his insurance, but I just wondered if I might get a ballpark estimate before I approach him about it.""
In the gerber grow up plan life insurance will he get the cash?
If my child has this life insurance and lives to 21 will he get the cash of said life insurance amount if he wishes not to continue to purchase this ? or what happens after that? can someone please explain if the policy holder dies, and the child is still young what will happen the life insurance policy? etc..any information would be appreciated..thanks...""
Car insurance - What's the car worth?
In the past when ever i've been asked by insurance companies what my car is worth i've always told them the amount that i think i could realisticly sell it for (what its worth? or so i thought) If i was to sell my car i would be able to get around 1200-1300, which is what i would say 'it's worth', HOWEVER, recently after putting my reg number into a price comparison website it automatically came up with a value of just 700. (My car has low milege, fsh and is in v good condition so is worth more than average) So my question is, if i tell them it's worth say 1250, take out their policy and then i write it off, what will they pay? The amount i told them or 'their' valuation. Also, am i paying a higher premium than i should because i'm telling them it's true value instead of their lower valuation? and if so, how many other people are doing this?""
Affordable Cosmetic dental insurance in NYC ?
I really want cosmetic dental surgery maybe back braces or invisalign, I live in NYC and I just want recommendations for which insurance company to go with. Also I'd really like something affordable. Any information would be helpful :)""
Do you need private insurance?
if you have to go in a nursing home for a long time does medicare cover this,permatently or do you have to have longterm care insurance.we pay-out 1600.00 dollars every 4 months.please some answer thanks.iam 89 spouse is 86 thanks""
What kind of insurance would I need for this?
There is a private residence that I would like rent out for my daughter's wedding. I am going pay him a certain amount for use of the house but then I'd like to take our a short term insurance policy in case the house is damaged or someone is injured.
How hard is it for police to verify that you REALLY do have car insurance?
With all the different companies that offer insurance, how would a police officer know if if the insurance card is a fake or not or if the policy number is real during a traffic stop?""
""Car Insurance, passed test today, 18 years old, cheapest insurance?""
Hi, I passed my test this morning and I live in Birmingham in the UK, I was wondering if there was any companies that do cheap insurance for my age group.. The car I have is a 1.4 Ford Fiesta Zetec, and was looking on paying 2500 maximum. Thank you!!!""
Should I do something to this company insurance?
Some how Bank of America took my personal information and gave to this company insurance that covers medical thing. They have my personal Banking information. I canceled the insurance policy on August 15 and they took out 29.99 out of my bank and I now have 60.98 in my checking account. Should I do something about?
Is Progressive a good auto Insurance provider?
I have used Geico for years. I have been extremely satisfied with their service. However, my premium is still more than I want to pay. I got a quote for Progressive and it is considerably less. Anyone out there have Progressive and satisfied with them? How have they handled claims in the past? Any other good, reasonably priced auto insurance companies?""
Should I switch to a $20/month health insurance plan?
Alright, I have health insurance through my employer and I pay over $100/month. My friend has an individual policy and only pays $20/month. He thinks I should switch to have the same health insurance as him. What's the catch? Should I change health insurance policies?""
Will my car insurance increase?
If I got pulled over and received a ticket for disregarding a stop sign and I choose to attend traffic school will my insurance go up?
How soon do i need auto insurance after buying a vehicle (used)?
I am buying a truck for the summer, and i was just wondering if i need insurance to drive it back home, or whether i can just drive it home and then get insurance...sounds stupid""
""In California, how do you show proof of insurance for a driving test?
My girlfriend is making an appointment for her driving test and I offered up my car for her to use.Does she need to be added to my insurance to take the test or does the DMV just need proof that the car is insured under someone's name(me)?She won't be driving my car aside from the test as she is buying a used car immediately after the test and getting insurance on that.
Had a car crash; how do you give insurance details?
OK, I let my attention slip and slightly rear-ended a car in front of me (oldish Mercedes), guy was surprisingly pretty cool about it. Damage is: (my car) my number plate fell off and very slight bumper bar damage; (his car) back bumper damage, back boot doesn't close properly. My car is insured completely, but how do I give him my insurance details? Do I just say the company that I'm with or something? Or I call my insurance up and get a number? Also will I have any financial repercussions from this, or does the insurance pay the lot for me and the victim? Will my rating be damaged and have to pay more for insurance? I have no idea about this type of thing, I don't even pay my own insurance, my dad does. Would any adult, or someone who has been through this (I'm assuming it's a fairly common) shed some light?""
Wich is is best life insurance ?
wich is is best life insurance ? MY AGE IS 32
How to get the cheapest insurance for a 17 year old?
Does anybody know any tips that would lower my insurance? I was looking at prices of insurance for a 1L peugeot 107, which cost around 2000, and the prices were 4000+. My girlfriend was looking at prices for herself and the prices were around 1500 for a 5000 Vauxhall Corsa. Any help is appreciated.""
How do i go about getting car insurance?
ok so i just bought my first car but i dont know a thing about getting insurance nd what not.. my mum said something about third party insurance and greenslips and what not. what's the first step i should take?
Whats the average time it take to a car insurance claim to go through?
Whats the average time it take to a car insurance claim to go through?
Where can I get some good cheap SR-22 insurance?
I'm in the Chicago area. I need SR-22 insurance as it's required by the state. My license was suspended and it expired soon afterward. I trying to get my license back. So I need SR-22 insurance for someone who was an expired suspended license. I don't own any vehicles either.
Clayville New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 13322
Clayville New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 13322
0 notes
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"health insurance quotes indiana
health insurance quotes indiana
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://saleinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Business insurance in san diego?
i need to get liability insurance and workers compensation for my insurance, i dont need big or expensive ones since i barely started my business and its small, any companies would be fine, thank you!""
Best insurance for young driver?
I live in Ontario, and I am looking for the best (or give me a list) of relatively cheap companies. I am 16 years old, but gathering information for when I am 17-18. My parents are currently with State Farm, but I am looking to purchase a Mini Cooper (y. 2000-2004), so what would be the best option for me? A list of good insurance companies would be helpful, and any additional information is great. Thank you in advanced, Spencer""
""Just found out I'm pregnant, I need health insurance but...?
What are the best plans for me (Im 23 and live in CA) I want to save as much as I can. I've looked at Kaiser Permanente and Anthem Blue Cross but Im lost.
What co. has the best car insurance for teens?
I 18 and want to get my own insurance
Car insurance--rates hiked after filing claim for hit & run?
do car insurance companies hike your rates if you file a claim for someone else doing hit & run damage to you? I've heard stories of car insurance companies doing that--even if ...show more
Does car insurance need to match the titled owner of the vehicle?
I am borrowing a spare car from my mother for about six months. Do I need to go through the process of transferring the title to my name, or can I just put insurance on it under my own policy and be okay legally? BTW, I live in Texas.""
Need life insurance for 89 year old grandmother?
Does anyone know of any life insurance companies that I can get a life insurance policy on my 89 year old grandmother? She is currently in nursing home with dementia and in very poor health. My mother and I who are both disabled and on disability and food stamps and are currently living in her house...which is run down and we are living in squalor is not worth anything...my laptop I am writing this on is worth more than this house, but it has a tax lien and when she dies they will take it. So we need a life insurance policy on her of about $50,000 so we could buy a mobile home and a new car, which we don't have a car and to help us pay bills. We are getting her pension check of $218 a month so we could use that as monthly payment for the life insurance, but can put in some of our money if we have to but has to be under $300 a month. Any information would be greatly appreciated as I have not been able to find an insurance provider that will take anyone over 80 or 85.""
Will one accident and citation make ur car insurance go up?If so how much?
Im a 23 yr old guy and ive only been insured for a month, will my insurance rate go up immediantly?If so,how much?""
Insured (auto) will not reply to her insurance companies repeat attempts for contact...?
Last week a minor - unlicensed male - put Escalade, his mother's vehicle, in reverse and ran into the front of my stopped Toyota Corolla. We happened to be in front of his mother's house so he ran inside and she and her son came out soon after. The mother gave me all of her info: insurance etc. and I went on my disgruntled way. I called her insurance company, and mine too, the same day and made a report. It has been one week and after repeated attempts to call and then sending her a letter for a reply she still has not made any contact with either insurance carrier. I did not bother with a police report because last year, when the same kind of accident happened to me, I called the police and they came and told me they did not need to take a report and that we should just contact our insurance companies. This is an accident that happened on 4-20-2010 in northern California. What are my options?""
What should a 16 year old expect to pay for insurance?
I have never had insurance before. I own my first car right now. I have a graduated drivers license. and I have taken a drivers ed course. I need to know how much to expect to pay a month. Thanks!(:
Why was my car insurance quote so cheap?
im a 17 yr old male and i have recently bought a 1.2 Peugeot 206 look for 700, i know car insurance for boys my age are stupidly expensive so when i was looking at quotes it came as no shock until i got a quote for 750 for third party fire and theft, i have no idea why its so cheap, i checked the quote through about 5 times to make sure i didn't make any mistakes but i hadn't . can anyone explain why its so low ? i don't want to buy the insurance just in case it turns out to be an expensive mistake.""
Pulled over for no insurance but do have insurance?
today i got pulled over and couldn't find my insurance. i finally did find my insurance but the cop didn't want to write a new ticket. he said that i could take a copy of the insurance to the clerk at the police station and they would void the ticket. is this all correct?? also does this no anything to my insurance or points on my license. i live in missouri.
What does car insurance cost?
I'm 16 almost 17 about to get my license in a small town in Indiana. I get all As except for maybe one B a semester. I went to drivers ed. I will get a 2001 silver volkswagon ...show more
What is the renewal process for car insurance?
Do they call in around expiration of the policy. Or is it a form you fill out. What questions do they ask? In particular, say you failed your G test before the expiry of the insurance policy and you redo everything and get a G or G2, will your insurance rate remain the same?""
Cost of malpractice insurance for neurosurgeon?
I'm planning on specializing in neurosurgery however I persistently receive word of the exorbitant malpractice insurance rates majorly eating into the salary. Do any of you have a clue of the average rate neurosurgeons are charged? I don't want a specific quote, just the average.""
Cheapest insurance for 17 year old?
i want a convertible but the insurance is way too high! whats the cheapest insurance for a 17 year old please answer
Car insurance?
I'm a teenager getting ready to start driving. I was wondering how much it costs in Indiana for car insurance for a teen driver that has take drivers ed and how much it costs for insurance if i have not taken drivers ed.
Add a person without valid Drivers License to my car insurance?
In the state of Kentucky, is it possible to add somebody to my car insurance policy if that person doesn't have a valid drivers license? The reason I'm asking is because my mother in law financed a car for me but doesn't have a drivers license. But according to state law, she needs to have insurance. Thanks""
Since the passage of The Affordable Care Act (0bamacare) how much have your health insurance rates gone down?
How much more affordable is your health care ?
How much money i need to start up car insurance business?
ok im licensed, i have office with experienced sales people , company name gaico , how much cash on hand i need to cover losses (lets say i signed 100 customers allready to gaico)""
What does 10-20-10 mean on auto. ins.?
What does 10-20-10 mean on auto. ins.?
Where can I get Car Insurance for over 80 year olds?
Where can I get Car Insurance for over 80 year olds?
Car lease insurance question?
I am leasing a car from Honda and wanted to know if there is insurance you can take out to cover any damage to the car that will repair scratches and minor dents, things that I will be hit for when I return the car when the lease ends? I was wondering what that kind of insurance is? Thanks""
At fault driver's car insurance won't pay for my damages!?
Hey guys and gals, My wife was in a car accident on 10/8 driving our truck with liability only insurance (IE: not full coverage because the truck is only worth ~$3000 and it's paid for). She was turning right and had slowed down to turn (with her turn signal on) when a speeding truck slammed into the van behind her, ramming the van in to our truck. The police filed a report, in which the driver of the speeding truck (an 18 year old kid, that had just left his house less than 1/4 mile away) was determined to be at fault. It is worth note that this happened in front of two different auto body shops, and within sight of the house the at fault driver had just left. Their insurance company, state farm, finally contacted us on 11/8 after not returning our phone calls for nearly two weeks saying they had determined he was in fact at fault and would send an adjuster the following Monday. He came, inspected the truck, determined it was repairable, then said we would hear from their office later that day. When they called they told us the damage was more than 75% of the vehicles worth so it was considered total and they would send the required paperwork to my email address to begin payment. Within 3 hours, the claim agent we had talked to the previous Friday said an owner of one of the auto shops had came forward (all of a sudden, no mention of a witness before) and that he had a notarized statement saying the van struck our vehicle before the truck struck the van. The insurance company now will not pay us for the damages. We tried to call the witness and get a copy of his report because State Farm would not give us the copy. Then we called the other auto body shop and both the owner and one of his employees both seen the accident and say that the truck was at fault, and the owner overheard the driver say specifically that it was his fault. When we bring this to the agents attention, she claims this is not evidence because they know the at fault driver. We found out that the first witness also knows the driver, but can't prove it. Ours is a small town, you don't have neighbors that you don't know or speak to. It seems we are at an impasse, and I have been without a truck for nearly 6 weeks. What should I do in this instance? Get an attorney? Our insurance agency is adamant about not intervening since we did not have full coverage insurance. It may be worth noting that my wife has had back and neck pain since the accident and went to the hospital the day of the accident, the family doctor twice since, and has an appointment with a chiropractor next week (all of which our insurance has paid for.)""
Really high auto insurance rate question?
My son, who just turned 18, has a pretty extensive traffic record. Firstly he got a ticket for passing in a no passing, but he went on diversion and was clean for more than a year so is that off his record now? Secondly he has also been in 2 wrecks before, gotten arrested for possession of marijuana, and just today got a speeding ticket for going 63 in a 45(163 dollar ticket). currently the insurance for him is 190 a month which is five times higher than anybody in the family. So what should i expect the insurance to be now, and what are my options because this is a lot of money.""
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health insurance quotes indiana
How Important is having Earthquake Insurance in California?
With Gobal Warming and all! Do you think it's important that I have Earthquake Insurance on my house? Crazy things have been happening and I just want to know I'm covered if a Massive Earthquake HIT California and damaged my house. I'd like to know HOW many Homeowners living in California have Earthquake coverage and what you would pay? I just got a quote that seems pretty good. $184.00 a year for coverage. Sounds pretty good huh? That's only about $15.33 dollars a month. Let me know what you think.
Best insurance company to work for?
I live in Southern California, I have been looking for work since I moved here from France. I posted a general sales resume on careerbuilder.com and have since been spammed by insurance agencies. Some have been good companies like State Farm and Farmers. Some have been less, like Colonial Life and Axa advisers. I believe Axa wanted me for a commissioned investment broker position. I didn't pass the personality test for State Farm, but I can try again in a year. I will have a strategy and research next time. State Farm has 9 month paid training, a huge signing bonus at the end and would be an excellent opportunity but it isn't for right now. What I did learn through all of this, especially from Colonial Life is that the insurance licenses aren't that hard or expensive to get. I'm thinking of getting life, health and auto. Does any one know of companies that have non-independent, salaried agents? I would like a commission, but not the 100% commission based model of Colonial or Axa. I also don't want to cold-call or drop off 180 envelops a week like Colonial demands. I don't want to be independent for the moment, although that is possible in the future with a good company like Farmers or State Farm. Right now I could work as a salaried sales person through an independent agent or direct hire. What is the best way to get on-board?""
Will my Insurance go any higher if paid off by Collision ?
I bought my Acura in 2006 and have been in mint condition since then. Recently, the snow plougher scratched my car and didnt leave a note. I called the manger of the snow plougher and filed the police report. He took the responsibility but during the report he said that he will give the name of the driver and vehicle later. After few weeks when I didnt hear I called the manager and he said his company will not cover anything and I can do whatever I can.... I called my insurance company and they are willingly to cover through my insurance - Collision, instead of comprehensive. The repair is $2000 + rental car for 9 days ~$2500. My deductible is $100 for collision and $50 for comprehensive. Do you think if they use Collision my insurance rate will go higher ? [Ofcourse I dont have any choice at this time. my insurance company said they cannot file a lawsuit or anything against the snow plougher company]""
Can a tourist in california could get a health insurance in this state?
i'm a tourist here and 2 months pregnant i'm planning to give birth here in california.
Baby insurance?
what a cheap and reliable baby insurance? any advice? my sons a month old
Normal Insurance on the Dodge Charger?
I'm looking to buy the dodge charger 2011, I want a car that's good on gas and insurance. I have a Grand Prix right now and i'm fine with my insurance on that but I can't find out how much insurance is on a charger because I don't have one could someone tell me the about the amount of insurance I don't need and exact number.""
Is there health insurance for domestic partnerships?
My partner and i have been together for 4 and 1/2 years and he is in need of a full coverage insurance for his university. we wanted to try doing it together if at all possible.
How much money will the insurance pay for a stolen car?
Someone stole a family member car. The car is a total lost. How much will the insurance pay for the car. Is a Honda Civic 2006.....if i go to Edmund.com, or one of those sites I saw the car is worth about 12,000 dollars....... How will he know how much money he will get from the insurance company...thanks..bye""
How to get seen by a doctor without health insurance?
I have no health insurance but I need to see a doctor! I have the mirena IUD, a week ago I was sexually assaulted, but was unable to get a rape kit because of the insurance issue. But now I am having cramps, alot of pressure in my uterus area, my lower abdomen is bloated out, I ended my period 6 days ago and every day a few times a day, when I wipe its a little pink with what looks like some skin particles? It feels like I am constantly leaking discharge, I can feel it leaking out! Idk if he moved my mirena, or if he gave me and STD but I need to see a doctor. Is there a way I can see one and make payments on the bill or what? I live in California""
About how much money does car insurance cost?
Im 15 going to be 16. Wondering how much money car insurance would cost. I would be getting my parents old car.
Is there Low Cost Health Insurance for a 60 yr old?
Is there Low Cost Health Insurance for a 60 yr old? I am shopping around for health Ins. for my mother in law, is there something in California, that's not expensive. Can i get medical or something? Please help.""
""Just got my drivers license, what's next? how do I get insurance? where do I go?
I'm 19 and I finally got my drivers license :P but I don't have a car. but I need insurance 1. How do I get insurance? 2. Where do I go for Insurance? 3.What do I have to take with me? I need to get a car so... 4. How much down payment do you think is good? like would 1000 do it ? I dont have money. :| 5.can I get loans? or should I get loans? Thanks 4 helping ;)
Anyone have experience with Medi- Cal? or some other heatlh insurance assistance in CA?
I live in California. I am afraid that I might lose my job and health insurance before I have the baby. Does anyone know anything or every been on Medi-Cal? If so how did it work? Or are there any other options in California for pregnant women with no health coverage? Any information will be helpful and thanks!
Should I accept a $500 settlement from an insurance company for a stiff neck suffered in a car accident?
I was a passenger in a car accident two weeks ago. My only injury is a stiff neck. The insurance company of the at-fault driver has offered me $500 to settle. Should I accept it or fight for more (for example, by threatening to sue)? Should I see a doctor and bill the insurance company for that, even though I wouldn't normally see a doctor for this injury? I'm not really concerned about the seriousness of the injury; the pain will probably go away eventually. I just want to get the amount of money I deserve.""
Where to get the best auto insurance rates in Midwest.?
Just moved to the Midwest, besides the insurance giants are there any other good insurance companies out there that will save me a little money?""
Which is the best medical insurance in washington state?
Which is the best medical insurance in washington state?
What is the best and most affordable auto insurance company?
I have a 1997 geo metro, I don't drive much everything is around me and I work out of my house, I just want basic coverage at a cheap rate.""
How to do teens afford cars without going under their parents insurance?
Hello, so my friends have their g2 and their parents pay for their insurance. My fathers cheap in ways and he doesn't want me under his insurance. I do have my own car it's a ...show more""
Should I get liability or full coverage on my car?
I have a 2002 Pontiac Grand Prix SE with 157,000 on it. I did the KBB value and got $3400 for private party and $2200 for trade in but I'm not sure how accurate that is or how much I'd get from insurance in the case of a collision. I paid $4200 for it in 2009 when it was marked at $6200. Of course, I don't owe anything on it. I've been on my mom's car insurance (I'm 21) up until now but I recently moved out and need to get my own policy. Unfortunately, I don't have the greatest driving record; I had a rough first year of driving in 2007/2008 and I'm still paying for it. I've been paying $180/month for full coverage with Allstate. I got quotes from other companies and I found one (AIA, a local insurance company) that offered me liability insurance for $100 down and $100 a month for 10 months. The next lowest I found was $145/month with Progressive. With AIA, I can get full coverage for $222 down and $190 a month. I haven't had an accident since 2008, and I'm confident about my driving skills, but I don't want to screw myself over. I don't have $3400, or even $2200, to buy a new car if something happened to this one. However, my car is 9 years old, so I don't know if it's even worth it. What should I do?""
How do Americans with serious chronic medical conditions get medical insurance that covers all med. expenses?
How do Americans with serious chronic medical conditions get medical insurance that covers all med. expenses?
No health insurance?
I don't have health insurance anymore because my COBRA coverage is over now. Because I have a pre-existing condition other health care companies won't take me. I have tried to find a job that offer health insurance, but seems very difficult right now. Because I own half of the house where I live. I been told that I cant qualify for any low income health care services. I don't know what to do? I dont even have a job, and Im considered well off to qualify for something. Have anybody out had this problem? I live in California.""
""If I do not have health insurance in Fremont, California, and I want to deliver a baby?""
how do I deliver it with low income, also, if you are going to suggest Tri City, is that good, what are your experiences with that place? I think it is Tri Shitty. Also, what else do you suggest besides Tri City? Please help me I am one month pregnant and need to figure out where to deliver a baby Also, I just wanted to mention if you are pregnant and applying for health insurance do not tell them that you are, they refuse you flat, just tell your doctor the truth about your missed period date at your first appointment, fight with this backwards health insurance country""
What questions do car insurance agents ask?
We're thinking of changing insurance companies. I want to do some calling around for quotes. What kind of questions should I be prepared to answer, aside from what model/yr of the vehicle, my age, etc.""
""Car Insurance, what Car shall i get?""
I am living in the UK and i am 18 i want to buy a car that has very cheap car insurance, but i don't want a car that a lot of people drive if its unavoidable then i'll buy one but i'd rather have somehing diffrent""
Good car insurance rate?
Is $400/annually for 1 way car insurance a good deal? I an with triple a, and drive a 94 Honda accord 1 way policy. Ive been with them for a couple years now bcuz they got towing in my policy. Just wondering is this a good price? as my policy renewal deadline is near.?""
health insurance quotes indiana
health insurance quotes indiana
I want to take a trip to europe how much do motorcycles cost there and how much is insurance?
Im thinking of going to the EU, as kind of like a backpacking trip, but on a motorcycle! I was wondering how things work in regards to prices of Bikes there, and insurance that covers anywhere I might plan to go! I need some help making this idea a reality! Oh I'm 18 and i have both my drivers licence and motorcycles licence, I reside in BC, Canada. Thanks!""
Can you or spouse be denied group health insurance?
I have stage 4 cancer. I have insurance through my husbands job. If my husband changes jobs and is offered insurance at the new job can I be denied insurance due to the preexisting condition? I live in Georgia. I already checked and got information on cobra.
Which auto cost more for auto insurance sienna or rava 4?
Which auto cost more for auto insurance sienna or rava 4?
Looking for medical insurance for male 25 yrs of age resident of Alaska. affordable. has heart condition?
Looking for medical insurance for male 25 yrs of age resident of Alaska. affordable. has heart condition?
Where can I find cheap car insurance for young driver's in Ireland?
I am an 18 year old guy,and I can't find any f****** reasonable motor insurance,because whether I'm 18 or 80 I'm not paying 3/4k a year for a 'in case' situation which is most likely never going to happen-i.e a crash.Because I only see driving as a form of driving,not as 'fun' or showing off.But I need to have a car to travel.""
Average cost for house insurance for a trailer? (VA)?
My husband and I have been renting for years and are looking to purchase a single-wide trailer as a starter home. We're looking at 2009 models under $50,000. I've googled myself to death and can't find an idea of what our monthly insurance cost would be. Just a rough estimate would be nice, so we can continue with our budgeting. Thank you!""
""What is third party car insurance? Can I, with no insurance, drive someone else's car, if they have insurance?""
So heres the deal. I don't have car insurance, my friend does. He seems to think that because he has third party insurance , I am able to drive his cause because the third party insurance will cover me in case of an accident. I don't think he's correct but, I'm not entirely sure how it works. So, what is third party insurance? Can I, with no insurance, drive someones else's car, if they have insurance? If they have third party insurance? Is there anything at all, in any kind of insurance that would allow me to drive his car, without me having insurance - even though he has inurance? So I've said the same question 10 times but...can someone who is uninsured drive someones car, if the owner of that car is insured?""
How much will 3 points effect my insurance?
Hi, i just recently got a speeding ticket ( the price isn't important for this question so dont try to tell me it is) i got 3 points from the ticket and im wondering how much it will raise my insurance. I am 18 and i have no other recorded tickets or anything on my insurance also the car is in my name as with the insurance and i cannot give u the year price off the top of my head but i just want a estimate of how much it will bump up my payments.. my company is statefarm if that helps..thanks""
Cheap health insurance for college students?
I live in Orlando, FL and i'm a non-smoking college student. Does anyone know of any cheap health insurance or even health discount plans that I could get on just to cover the cost of my Bipolar disorder meds and possibly a couple of visits to the psychiatrist? Yearly physicals and examinations I can handle, but this psychiatrist that I see is $200.00 a visit PLUS the cost of all of the perscriptions he prescribes to me. HELP!""
Can I go on my fathers insurance?
hi, I am 24 and I have just passed my driving test. I was wondering if I bought a car, would i be able to insure it on my fathers car insurance. I don't want to use his car though, I want a car of my own. How would i do it? and will it be cheaper?""
Insurance Help Please?
I got a letter today saying that my health insurance is about to be canceled. I have been on my mom's insurance forever. She is disabled and can not work so it was a state funded program. (Tenncare) I am too old to stay under hers anymore so I applied myself. Here are my qualifications . I am 19 and a full time college student. I have a part time job and make about 500-600 a month. My total monthly bills are about 450 (not counting gas and food). I am having to depend on my family to even survive right now. I don't understand why I was denied health insurance when I basically make negative money a month? I am really worried because I just found out I have PCOS with a large cyst on my right ovary and I may have to have surgery soon. I am going to the doctor at least once a month to track the growth of the cyst. I honestly can not afford my own health insurance. Is there anything I can do? Also the place I work does not offer health insurance. Thanks in advance.
How much will insurance be for a MarkIV Supra TT?
I'm 19, I've never had any bad driving history that's recorded, I've been insured for two years. I'm single and have a job that can certainly afford the car. After looking around I've seen lot's of factors that affect the price but I'm just looking for a number for an answer. of course I'm not expecting it to be entirely accurate but I'm looking for anything close.""
How much would insurance cost on a 49cc scooter?
I'm 30 year old and live in Leeds / UK , iv never had a car or motobike before so all this is new to me , I know roughly price of tax ,mot, cbt, but id like to no roughly price of insurance for me on a 49cc scooter so I no how much I can spend on the bike , the bike when id get it would b chained up and stored in a locked garage over night , I'm not able to reply to answers or add info after iv sent this question so more info the better please""
Term Insurance or General Insurance?
I am thinking of insuring a member of my family. What would be an ideal choice? Going for a term insurance plan or general insurance? 10 points to the best answer.
""I need to find how much insurance would cost for a dodge charger, tune-up, tires etc including coupons?""
What site should i go to , to figure out this stuff?""
Cheaper to insure two cars instead of one alone?
i have a 2010 prius still owe money on it,,that i pay full coverage on,and im buying a 2002 subaru wrx that im gonne pay in full cash and put basic insurance on it,,,,im 21 years old,married and have nothing on my driving record,,howmuch would my insurance be,,,right now its 130,how much more witht the wrx""
Home and car insurance question?
I live in Michigan. Do we have to buy our car and home insurance locally, within this county? Or can we get it from any agent in the state?""
""How much does homeowners insurance cost in Nassau County, NY?""
I'm just starting to look at purchasing my first home and need to understand even a basic range of cost for yearly homeowners insurance for budgeting purposes. Without having a specific property in mind to request a rate for, is there any place I can see average or median homeowners insurance rates? I'm looking at homes in good condition for under $375,000 purchase price.""
Good health insurance quotes websites?
Whats a good and reliable website where I can look up health insurance packages and quotes
What is a good affordable maternity health insurance in Kansas?
My husband just switched jobs and the health ins. provider is too expensive for us to carry. I plan on getting my children on healthwave but I need something for myself. I'm not currently pregnant but am wanting to start trying. I figure I should check into ins. before I make that commitment.
Can my mom insure my car if her name isn't on the title?
Right now I am driving a car my mom bought so only she is on the title and she insures it. I just bought a new one and was wondering if I put the title of the car in my name, can she insure it under her name. I just turned 19 and if I got a policy by myself in my own name I would have to pay more than twice as much as I do now (I give my mom the money for insurance its just under her name).""
What is the best student accident insurance?
What is the best student accident insurance plan for Kinder level in Pennsylvania?
I need a cheap auto Insurance company.?
Can anyone recommend a specific company in California that they use and was either told or knows that they are a low cost agency? Thanks for your help.
Wrong birthdate on auto insurance?
my parents wont help me out with insurance, i bought my own car, i have a full time job and i am really responsible. i am 4 months from being 18 and need to get auto insurance for my new car. i live out on my own already and handle everything by myself. Do I have any options with auto insurances that would take a 17 year old in washington state. OR what would happen if I put I was one year older for the next four months than changed it? Does the insurance company verify?""
""Someone backed into me in a parking lot, is this insurance company lying?""
Foreigners backed into my car in the parking lot, they had insurance, I called the insurance company and they asked for an estimate on how much it would cost to fix it, I did, and they said okay and that they would mail it on Friday morning. It's now Monday and I haven't gotten it. They are in a state not far from us. Is this insurance company full of crap or do I just need to wait longer? Thanks :)""
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health insurance quotes indiana
How can I get car insurance?
I just turned 18, i'm going off too college but I have a stable part time job. I make about 500-800$ with a car payment of 300$ And i want to buy a policy for myself. Before i look into that I wanna know about how much should I expect to pay extra monthly?""
Car insurance Questions?
I have comprehensive coverage (collision, fire, theft. etc)on my car it is a 2001 bmw 325 in very good condition, very little scratches inside and out. Mechanically sound. also well maintained and optioned if somebody was to rear-end my car (i live near the sr 91 in california, accidents everyday) what is going to happen? is the the one at fault's insurance company going to pay for the value of the car? since i pay comprehensive coverage? and is the value of the car based on pre-crash value or post cash value? what if i was to hit somebody's rear end? and is my insurance rate going to go up if i was rear ended""
How is charging insurance based on age and gender NOT discrimination?
Car insurance and health insurance always use your age and gender for a basis on how much your charged along with other factors. How is this not discrimination?
Average PLPD insurance for car?
Im wanting to buy a 1989 Toyota Supra and im wondering how much PLPD would be on it.
Is Progressive a good insurance company?
Is Progressive a good insurance company?
Who's a good Life insurance company?
I'm looking for Life Insurance Company that doesn't require health exam for my husband. He's a tabacco user Copenhagen Long-cut but a non-smoker . We are looking to get a policy $50,000-$100,000 that is affordable. I see those advertisements on TV saying you can get $250,000 for $30.00. You know what I'm talking about? He's never been sick but he is a little over weight. Come on who isn't? LOL Help, Please for those who know something about Life Insurance policy. Tks.""
How much does car insurance cost?
I just bought a 2007 toyota corolla and I'm putting the insurance in my moms name. She's gonna list me on her policy, around how much do you think it will cost to register this car? I don't want an exact amount just ideal price. It's a 2007 toyota corolla s""
Insurance screwed me over so my motorcycle got impounded.?
(If you want to know how I got screwed then just ask but here is my question..) I got a GSXR 1000 a week ago and it got impounded this past Saturday.. I'm going tomorrow to pick it up, and I'm wondering what will happen if I get there and the bike has scratches or it's been dropped.? Will they be held responsible to get it fixed or my insurance company because they screwed me over or myself?""
Car insurance?
do you need car insurance in the philippines
Would my car insurance pay out?
I was on the way home from work this morning after a 12 hour night shift at 7 in the morning on the m60 towards Bolton. A lorry driver in the fast lane needed to get across the lands and didn't see me in the middle lane so he hit the side of my car. The traffic was slow moving so it wasn't too hard a hit when when I looked at the damage it didn't look too bad at first just a bump on the side of my car and nothing to his so we didn't swap details, when I got home I realised it was worse than it was I've found a company that will fix it but will my insurance pay now? I'm with 1st central""
What would the minimal insurance be on a 2000 dodge dakota sport club cab 4x4?
For under insurance with a g1 driver ?
Could you tell me everything i need to know about insurance in a simplified version?
About bills and insurance and all that?
Any young UK drivers know any cheap car insurance companies?
Any young UK drivers know any cheap car insurance companies?
How much should my car insurance be? read details?
I am 17. I want to buy a mitsubishi eclipse gt. Its probably going to be a 2000, if not then 2001-2003. GT model. I went to drivers ed and we have allstate for insurance. how much wuld the insurance be?""
Health Insurance for Self employed with Maternity coverage?
I am self employed and want to purchase health insurance for myself. I need to find insurance with maternity coverage. I have looked on several online insurance quote websites, but have been unable to find maternity coverage. I live in Texas by the way. Does anyone out there have some info for me?""
Health Insurance Advice?
I'm currently laid off and need insurance for myself. I'm not sure what insurance company to go with. Also I'm not familiar with how health ins works. Like deductibles, co-insurance percentages, office visits covered or not covered. I don't go to the dr a lot but recently I've been in a car accident and will be going to the dr more often. I also don't want to pay that much either.""
Do I need Liability insurance?
I live in So california, and just brought lots In Texas,Arkansas and Utah.The lots are vacant land. Im being told that laibility insurance might be wise. is there someone out there who knows for sure.""
Where can I find the cheapest health insurance in California?
Basically I am enrolling in this EMT course and they REQUIRE that you have proof of health insurance before enrolling in the class. Where can I find the cheapest insurance just to fill this basic need? Doesn't matter about coverage and co-pays, etc. just need something to suffice until I'm done with the course, then I'm going to drop the insurance once I get it from my job as an EMT, ya know. Me: married 23 yr old female in perfect health.""
Help me with a car tax/insurance question please?
I just bought a used car that isn't taxed I am trying to swap my insurance over to the new car but the problem is I heard you can't insure a car without it having car tax but whilst trying to tax it I read on the dvla website will this vehicle have valid insurance by the time the tax begins so what do i do first?
How much increase will I expect in my car insurance premium after an accident that was my fault?
I rear-ended a car that in turn rear-ended another car. Damage to my car cost $6500, liability claims against my policy at $5000. Also one driver claimed for bodily injury amounting to $2000. I am insured under Progressive in Texas""
Car and insurance help?
I had turned 17 yesterday and im going to do driving lessons, so if I get a cheap car for christmas and do it up ( fixing, accessories ect..) while its on my drive without being used atall, will I have to pay insurance?""
Whats a cheap price for apartment insurance?
Renting a fleaflat n lilmexico, houston. they require an additonal $20 for insurance can i use my own insurance company? does anybody outthere use apartment insurance? i do not have any insurance of any kind so stop bundle answers""
Home insurance for high risk person?
A few months ago my dad had a fire at his house. In the middle of restorations, his insurance company dropped him. I'm not sure why they did, but I know my dad has really bad credit and was probably not very nice to whoever was handling his claim. He said that he is trying to get insurance, but can't find any. I'm wondering if it is because he is a high risk candidate and I am wondering where he can go to get insurance. I will probably be helping him with it from here on out, so I will need to know what kinds of things to say/look for. He is a reitred teacher and doesn't have a ton of money or assets, so I want to make sure he gets good coverage that he can afford. I'm not sure if this helps, but his dad was a veteran who died in a VA hospital when my dad was young. I keep seein things about insurance for family of veterans, but I know very little about it.""
How much would insurance on a motorcycle be in Texas?
I am 20 and my car insurance is $70 a month and I know it will go down some when I turn 21 but I probably still will not be able to afford it. I have never received a ticket and was wondering about what my insurance would be if I was 21 and had a motorcycle?
Is it true that you are not required to have Auto Insurance in the state of New Hampshire?
I heard that you're not.
health insurance quotes indiana
health insurance quotes indiana
0 notes
Insurance rates for 2003 F150?
"Insurance rates for 2003 F150?
Ok, so I'll start off by saying I'm 15, and when I do turn 16, I want to get an F150. My question is, what can I expect to be the insurance rates on a car like that? I've read from multiple websites that despite being a truck, it has decent rates because it's extremely safe and is reliable. Can anyone give some information or direct me to a website that would help me out?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolutions.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Car insurance policy - car purchase date?
So I am currently trying to buy car insurance for myself, I am trying to get the insurance in my name so I can get no claims. The car is my mums however, and it is in her name, but the insurance can let me choose an otpion that says someone else owns the car. It asks when the car was purchased; now when my mum bought the car it didn't have a logbook, and we didn't get one for a year while it was sat at the back of our house. The date on the V5 is 2012 but technically we bought the car in 2011. Should I list the date we bought it or the date listed as registered on the V5? It makes a 250 different in the insurance quote for some reason o.O""
""Speeding ticket, have State Farm, will my premium increase or not?""
The reason I am questioning the premium increase is because a friend of mine, who also has State Farm, never saw an increase in premium two years ago when he received a speeding ticket. what's the deal? anybody know?""
How much will insurance offer for a car I paid 3000 for 6 months ago?
Peugout 106 1.1 Bought for 3 grand 6 months ago although he got it down from 3500 from a reputable dealer. It is likely to be a total loss so how much do you think they will offer me for it?
Where can i get cheap car insurance? (i'm 19)?
Im 19 and own a Vauxhall Corsa 1.2 and im looking for cheap car insurance. ive tried a few websites and its coming out over 5k for the year, something a LOT less will ok, if anyone can tell me a few good companies or quotes that i can use? thanks""
Can someone explain insurance types and recommend one?
My husband's company provides insurance, but we didn't know that a spouse has to be added within 30 days of getting married and a child has to be added within 30 days of being born. After that there is NO other open enrollment period or chance to add us on. I am looking to get some insurance and I really don't know what type we need. What is the difference in a HMO and PPO? Someone told me Florida has a state insurance now, does anyone know about this? Do you have any suggestions of a company to try that will be affordable?""
I need affordable and reliable health insurance. 23 yrs old.?
hi I am a 23 year old foreign student currently studying in the US in a student visa..I am thinking about getting an affordable health insurance that covers emergencies and any sudden diseases that might occur in future.. also may be a yearly doctor visit etc.. i do not need dental.. i just want to make sure i am covered in case of emergency.. i am just a student and do not have a stable job so i cant afford a lot.. i have heard about medicare and medicaid but they are not for foreign nationals.. i have also heard about blue cross blue shield i was thinking about going with them but what do you guys think?? and what should be the monthly price?? thank you in advance .. no advertisements or spam please!!
How soon do I need to insure a new car.?
We are going to purchase a car next Sunday from a private party. How soon do I need to get coverage on it? I already have coverage on my other cars. I'm just worried if it gets stolen/damaged before I can get it covered. We aren't 100% sure we want the vehicle so I don't want to cover something that's not in our name yet. Would it still be covered by the previous owner for awhile? Thanks in Advance!
Car insurance?
I just bought a brand new car and recently changed my car insurance company. Today after leaving a meeting I hit a fire hydrin while backing up leaving a nice hole in my back bumper. I called my insurance company and submitted a claim but am more concered with the my insurance premium going up. Does anybody know if it will go up or not. I have not submitted a claim in more then 5 years and only pay 86.00 a month for full coverage including collision and renters insurance for my house. Does anybody know about this kind of stuff??
Classic car insurance?
I'm a young driver, no previous accidents, honor student, plan on driving something close to, if not exactly, a 1965 Type 2 Volkswagen Bus and can't find much information on insurance. I've queried my insurance agent, but I'm a bit impatient for results, haha, and also I'd like to see what other people with classic cars have done about this dilemma. :) Thanks for reading.""
What car would be the cheapest and most reliable?
Im a 17 year old guy. My parents are giving me $2000 for a down payment on my first car. We're going to a used car lot this weekend. They have 2 cars I want and 1 car my dad thinks I should get. The ones I want are an older 2 Door Tahoe, and a Chevy S10. The one my dad thinks I should get is a Honda civic. He says the Civic would have the cheapest insurance. But I play guitar, so it would be hard to lug around a big amp, guitar case, and pedal board. I want the Tahoe the most but I think its gonna be too much. What do you think?""
I need a knee surgery? if i get medical insurance. it will cover the 5500 i need?
my question is when i get interviewed for insurance, should i not tell him about the bad knee so they will take me? i know the surgery will help and i can just wait a month and say i had a sporting accident?""
How much will it cost (roughly) for a 21 year old to insure a new Audi A1 S-line 1.2?
its in the 1-10 band for the insurance which is the lowest group. the audi a1 is number 9. but i want to know what i would be expecting to pay insurance wise! would appreciate any comments.
Where I can get best auto insurance rates ?
Please find me a good web site to get some details about best auto insurance rates . For my research this data will be useful to me. thank you
Low cost car insurance in California?
I'm a young driver with no previous driving experience who needs low cost auto insurance coverage in California, where can I get it?""
Do I have to use my insurance check to fix my car?
someone hit my car and I received a payment from their insurance. Do I have to get my car fixed or not. It's not major damage it's just a broken light and some scratches and they wanted to charge me like a thousand.
Pregnant with health insurance but no maternity coverage?
Would I qualify for Medicaid for pregnant women if I have cigna health insurance without maternity coverage? I live in Florida. If not does cigna offer maternity coverage?
How much would motorcycle insurance be in ontario?
Okay, so I turned 16 this past december and I am getting a motorcycle. I'm also doing a motorcycle safety course which I heard decreases your insurance. My first day at the course is today and I should have a m2 by April 3rd (I got my m1 on Feb 1st). I'm getting a used Kawasaki Ninja 250r, probably between the years of 2008-2010. I will probably get the bike for around $3800. (the Kawasaki Ninja is $1000 more expensive in Canada than USA). I live on the edge of Brampton, Ontario, very close to where the farms start (literally almost on the edge of Brampton). I will be driving for 2 or 3 days a week for pleasure. Not really going to take it anywhere besides taking it to my school occasionally. My driving record is clean. So, how much do you think I will have to pay and can you recommend me some companies but please give me a estimate of how much you think I'll have to pay. Lastly, my area has no crime rates and I think that I live in a safe neighbourhood.""
""If u have state farm and ur wanting to get ur hardship license at 15, how much a month would insurance cost?
i am about to be 14 and in a year i want to get my hardship license and i REALLY want a camero..... i have been dreaming about mustangs and cameros and chargers in general for as long as i can remember..... my parents say that i cant get a camero or any sports car bc the insurance rate will be raging!!!! but i really wanna work this out so can you please tell me about how much More it would cost a month for insurance when i turn 15?
Medicare or other affordable health insurance?
I live in NYC, just moved here and need to find relatively affordable health insurance. Up till now was covered by plans through employers. Is Medicare decent coverage? Is it very different from others?""
Damaged rental car. How much should I pay?
Hi. I was involved in an at-fault car accident while driving a rental. Here is the rental situation: The rental car was not insured through the independent rental company. My insurance won't cover it either. I was never offered rental insurance and there was no contract signed regarding the car in question. The owner of the rental company has a rent-to-own business as well, and priced the car at $6,000, but is letting me pay just $4,550. According to Blue Book, the car is worth anywhere from $2,100 to $2,900. I'm willing to pay for the car. My question is, do I pay what he is asking or pay what the car is worth according to Kelly Blue Book? If I would have bought the car before the accident I would have never paid $6,000. It was only in fair condition when I got it. Thoughts? Thanks""
How much does an accidet impact your car insurance?
If you had a slight bump with another car down a one track country lane. And you both claimed on insurance and the damage was about 200. When you next go and insure yourself how much more would it be approx. If you were 18
I need affordable health insurance I do not fit into any categories such as low income Help!?
I need affordable health insurance I do not fit into any categories such as low income Help!?
Question about how much you think my insurance will be??! please help?
I'm 17. I just got my license. I will be put on my grandmas insurace. She has one car. We plan to share that till I can get my own. the car is a 1995 sc400 lexus. how much do you think its going to be a month?!
Is there such thing as any car any driver insurance? How do I get it?
I have four drivers in my family and at any time 3-4 cars. Is there an insurance policy that allows the drivers to be interchangeable? Or is there a policy that doesnt depend on who's driving what car with just a standard rate? Ideally I'd like to nominate anyone to be able to drive any of the cars depending on the situation. How do private car garages/dealers sort out their insurance? They have changing cars and drivers so it seems! Thanks for any help!
Is it possible to pause a car insurance but resume it again?
I want to know that if I buy car insurance, will I be able to stop the insurance so that I don't have to pay, just temporarily as I might sell my current car and until I get a new car I don't want to be paying without even having a car yet.""
Insurance rates for 2003 F150?
Ok, so I'll start off by saying I'm 15, and when I do turn 16, I want to get an F150. My question is, what can I expect to be the insurance rates on a car like that? I've read from multiple websites that despite being a truck, it has decent rates because it's extremely safe and is reliable. Can anyone give some information or direct me to a website that would help me out?
Which health insurance is good and better in California?
Deciding from this health insurance Aetna, Anthem Blue Cross of California, Kaiser Permanante.""
How much is home owners insurance in Scottsdale AZ?
How much is home owners insurance in Scottsdale AZ?
Is a saturn sky a sports car?
im a 17 year old boy, looking for a car, heard the sky is a fun and really cool car. But since im 17 and have school and what not i dont have time to for a job to pay for the ...show more""
How much do you pay for car insurance?
i pay $130 /month and i think its too much
Which car insurance site does the cheapest qoute in uk?
L have brought my first car and l am looking for a cheap third party fire and theft car insurance does any one no of any cheap car insurance site in uk
Stick with USAA auto insurance? Or shop around?
I always thought they were not just the best, but also the cheapest (if you qualify to insure with them). But I'd like confirmation of this, or other opinions... should I shop around for my auto insurance? Switching to another insurer seems almost unthinkable - I've only ever been with USAA...""
Insurance Question.?
Can anyone give me an estimate on how much car insurance would be on a 2005 mustang V6. About $12,000. 3rd car. Thanks""
What kind of insurance do I need?
I provide training workshops for colleges and the school I am currently doing work for asked me to send them a certificate of insurance. They said, they need this in order to process a purchase order. What kind of insurance do I need? I've never had to do this before? Is it general liability insurance? And generally, how much does it cost?""
What is the best health insurance plan for INternational students who are IN USA?
Hello there ,what is the best health insurance plan for International students who are in USA. If it helps I am currently IN MAryland. Please let me know , would be great if you could provide websites and links as well. Thnaks so much for your assisatnce!""
Best insurance for Japanese imported car?
I am thinking to buy Mazda Eunos 1992 Japanese import. As i am new driver I find it hard to find decent insurance which will cost me under 2000. Any suggestions? Maybe you know any good company in mind?
Where can I find cheap dental insurance for braces?
I'm 20 years old and I work at Wal-Mart...I'm not sure if I'm considered to be full or part-time.....some weeks I work 40 hours and some weeks I work 32 hours....I REALLY need braces and I have no insurance and I'm clueless to all of this....if I can't get insurance through Wal-Mart...where else could I get it? Help!
What is the average cost of individual health insurance?
i have to get my own plan b/c i will not be eligible to be covered by my parents any more. im just looking to see what companies are good and how much health insurance will cost me. i will probably need some good coverage as i am a hardcore mountain biker (crashes are inevitable)
Car insurance!!!!?
i need to know what the average car insurance for an 18 year old girl working in a hospital's peugeot 106 1.1 litre would be.
""Response Insurance, Need Customer Reviews?
http://www.response.com I recently checked the following for my auto insurance & they have good rates available but I have never heard of them. Is there any place I can get the customer review for this company? Or if you have dealt with this company please let me know your experience?
18 years old purchasing car and insurance?
I am an 18 year old female and im looking to purchase a car - preferably a new car but we'll see how far that goes... I would like opinions on which car insurance is the best for new drivers. I did a couple of quotes and Geico seems to be good, any other suggestions?""
To restart car insurance they want money down?
I was paying $140 a month for 6 months of car insurance. Around the 6 month mark or a little before i said i want to cancel and they said if i cancel today i wouldnt owe anything and my policy be good until 6-22-2011 (i called in may). I tried to restart the policy today and they want $290.04 down,which includes $143.68 for any previous balance and/or any state-mandated fees or charges* If there was a previous balance why did i not owe anything???""
""1st Quote = worst insurance company ever, please see below...?""
I'm trying to change the car on my insurance, they haven't picked up the phone for the last 3 days, the website keeps crashing, they don't have an e-mail address, so i've cancelled the direct debit with my bank for them. As there regulated by the FSA should i get in contact with them and complain, as I'm unable to insure my car presently and I don't think thats fair, Are they able to still take the money? and will I inccur extra charges by cutting them off through the bank?""
How much would motorcycle insurance cost for a 17 year old with a 01 Suzuki Katana 600 in Texas?
I am looking into getting one and want to know how much the insurance would cost.
Question where to get affordable dentures without insurance.?
Hello,I live in Renton,Washington and need new dentures.I have no dental insurance.I will be able to put down 300 dollars and make payments,only working PT.Any suggestions if its cheaper to go to a Denture Clinic,Dental Lab or regular dentist? Thank you...""
Looking for a insurance rider policy?
I am looking for some info on insurance rider policy, also want to get a good one.""
How much would car insurance on a nissan GT R cost?
How much would car insurance on a nissan GT R cost?
Can insurance rates go up if...?
If you have a provisional license issued and you get a citation for carrying passengers in your car before your 5 months is up, can your insurance rates go up? If so, how much?""
Miguel's insurance company repair costs 80% of value. Sustained $8000 worth of damage what was value of car.?
Miguel's insurance company repair costs 80% of value. Sustained $8000 worth of damage what was value of car.?
Student auto insurance?
I'm currently a college student and would like to purchase my own auto insurance in Ohio (and no longer be included on my parents insurance). Does anyone have any tips on how/where to get good, affordable auto insurance? Are there any companies that you would recommend? Or ones that offer student/good student discounts? Thanks!""
Help looking for health insurance for college student in California?
I'm a 20 year old living in California and I'm trying to get health insurance. My previous one in PCIP is dissolved and I'm trying to get enrolled into Covered California, but I got locked out and can't reach anyone there due to high call volumes. I'm looking for an alternative but I have no idea where else to search. I'm looking into Kaiser, Blue Cross etc. but I'm not sure what to do.. Can someone please help me?""
Insurance rates for 2003 F150?
Ok, so I'll start off by saying I'm 15, and when I do turn 16, I want to get an F150. My question is, what can I expect to be the insurance rates on a car like that? I've read from multiple websites that despite being a truck, it has decent rates because it's extremely safe and is reliable. Can anyone give some information or direct me to a website that would help me out?
NC Divers License and insurance?
My boyfriend is looking to get his license for the first time and we have a question about insurance. As far as I know, in the state of NC you cannot get your license w/o having car insurance. How can you get your license w/o having a car to issue insurance on? In other words, if he doesn't have a vehicle, why do they require you to have insurance before obtaining your license?""
Where's the cheapest car insurance for a 17 year old?
Hi, Recently I bought myself a Vauxhall Corsa SXI 2003, and have been looking around for car insurance. It seems that everyone thinks that car insurance costs around 3000 for a new young male driver, however the cheapest quote I seem to get is about 5000-8000. I've tried every insurance comparison site under the sun, and looked at so many companies direct. The cheaper quote is just over 4000, but that involves the little black box to be installed. I'm not complaining about this as I would drive sensibly and have nothing to hide, but it is still so steep. I can't afford these prices for a 1500 car. Anyone have any ideas? It feels so unfair that I haven't even been given the chance to show that I won't abuse driving... *I've tried putting my parents as second drivers, no luck. Also, the model of my car doesn't affect it as I get the same quotes for a 1997 Ford Fiesta...*""
Does auto insurance.... ?
if lets say i hit a car with my car and the other guy claims the accident does the my auto insurance investigate the accident at all or do they just fix the car without asking questions??? im comfused
Why does my car insurance provider ask for other people in household?
Does it matter who I live with if they aren't going to be driving my car? How will it affect my rates? When I first got my insurance I lived with roommates - they had good driving records but still they never drove my car (they had their own!), now I live with my fiance who has a DUI - will my rates go up because of it? He has his own truck and SUV so we rarely ride my car and when we do I ALWAYS drive... so why do I need to tell my insurance company (Mercury) who else resides in my home?!""
I am 19 years old whats the cheapest car insurance for a old ford ranger wit a lot of miles on it ?
I am 19 years old whats the cheapest car insurance for a old ford ranger wit a lot of miles on it ?
Renters insurance for apartments?
When renting an apartment at a complex or apartment building, is renters insurance always mandatory?""
How do people driver around without car insurance and get away with it?
I watch court shows on tv and many people are taking someone to court because of an accident and the other party does not have car insurance
Do you need medical on your auto insurance?
Yesterday I purchased a new auto insurance policy. I was convinced by the rep that I needed an optional medical provision for $5,000 dollars worth of coverage in case of an accident. She said that if I didn't get the medical coverage, I would have to inform my health insurance provider that they held the primary responsibility in case of an accident and that many health insurance plans will not accept this. My family has really good health insurance--do we really need medical coverage on our auto insurance, too?""
Help with car insurance quote please?
If I have my own insurance it's 2,400, But if I put my girlfriend on it, it comes down to 600 but she's only got a provisional and I have a full uk licence were both 17 Just wanted to know how it comes down so much if she can't legally drive a car...without someone with experence? Or should I stop complaing?""
Are Companies Required to Offer Health Insurance?
Are companies with a certain number of employees required to offer health insurance?
Motorcycle insurance???
I just got a 07 kawasaki ninja zx6r i got a nice deal on but trying to find insurance on it is hard. Why do they want like an average of 500 dollars a month and thats like 4x what i pay for my car insurance.
What is the cheapest van to insure for a young female driver with 2 yrs ncb?
What is the cheapest van to insure for a young female driver with 2 yrs ncb?
If i take an online drivers ed what will it do to the price of my car insurance?
The insurance companys told me that my insurance would be cheaper if i take the actual driving class. but will it still be as cheap if i do the class online?
What's the cheapest auto insurance for 20 year old male?
Which company
Scooter insurance - where can i get cheap scooter insurance for my 16 year old son ?
My 16 yr old son is being quoted stupid prices - he has a 49cc and has past his cbt. can anyone suggest a company who specialise in young riders ?
Car insurance policy - car purchase date?
So I am currently trying to buy car insurance for myself, I am trying to get the insurance in my name so I can get no claims. The car is my mums however, and it is in her name, but the insurance can let me choose an otpion that says someone else owns the car. It asks when the car was purchased; now when my mum bought the car it didn't have a logbook, and we didn't get one for a year while it was sat at the back of our house. The date on the V5 is 2012 but technically we bought the car in 2011. Should I list the date we bought it or the date listed as registered on the V5? It makes a 250 different in the insurance quote for some reason o.O""
""First ticket, no points, insurance increase?""
I just got my first ticket, clocked at 60 mph in a 45 mph zone. I'm 17 years old, driving my dad's car. The officer didn't give me any points for it and the fine was drastically lowered, considering the fact that I only went 60 for a little and breaked right after. Do you think my insurance will raise? I live in Pennsylvania and have Allstate. If it raises, how much extra per month will I be looking at?""
""What, if anything, is in the ObamaCare bill that will keep insurance premiums at an affordable level?""
We are going to be FORCED to pay for this thing, but what if we can't afford it - I can't afford insurance now.""
About car insurance companies (& their rates)........?
Hi, I've got a general question about car insurance companies. Do companies really charge more to insure a 2 door car versus a 4 door car? I understand the whole 2 door=sports car theory, but not every two door is sporty. Does it really make that much difference? For instance, there's a 2001 Chevy Cavalier 2 door in my local newspaper for $2500. Would my parents pay more for insurance coverage on it than if it was a 4 door Cavalier? As far as I know, this one isn't a Z-24--it's just a run-of-the-mill Cavy. Thanks in advance!!! :)""
What happens if you don't pay your car insurance?
how important is it every month to pay your car insurance? what could happen if you don't
How much will the insurance company offer for my car?
a couple questions and description..... my car was involved in an accident and deemed a total loss. I was curious on how much the insurance company may offer? the accident was not my fault. i would like to buy it back though and fix it. how much do they usually offer a totaled car back for? its a 1994 honda accord lx with 128500 on her. shes in good condition with a small 1/4 size spot of rust on the left rear fender. everything else is in working condition. its a dark blue/green color. A/C, cruise, good tires, new cd player/ am/ fm, new speakers, new timing belt, distributor and ignition switch. it has a 2.2 4cylinder, automatic. any help is appreciated. interior is very clean, and paint was good condition. thank you!""
""How can forcing us to buy health insurance, be the same as mandatory car insurance?""
I don't own a car, so I don't pay car insurance. Nobody is forcing me to buy it. But under the Obama individual mandate, we will all have to buy insurance or get fined. This is based on the assumption that you will get sick and not be able to afford your own care, and so will choose to be a burden. Those are a lot of assumptions. Can we force somebody to buy something that they don't want, based on assumptions that may or may not be true??""
Where can I find affordable health insurance?
I live in Texas and I've searched high and low for good private health insurance. I would have loved to go with the insurance my job offers, but, unfortunately, they only gave me the run around and cold stares. Im broke, so I can only afford something that costs $20-$80. Thank for the help! ^_^""
""I got rear-ended and my car insurance was cancelled a month ago, what's going to happen?""
I live in Oregon. I've been faithful with car insurance for about 4 years now, full comp and coverage. My auto-magic payment did not go through one month and my insurance was cancelled. An insured driver hit me, police cited him at fault. What is going to happen to me, my license and vehicle. The police didn't take my car or cite me for no insurance after knowing mine was cancelled. What will the DMV say and what should I do to save my butt?""
How do I know which insurance is primary?
I'm a full time student and I'm nineteen. I have insurance through my mother, empire blue cross blue shield. But I also work part-time at a hospital and receive local 1199 health insurance from them. Which one is primary?""
Insurance rates for 2003 F150?
Ok, so I'll start off by saying I'm 15, and when I do turn 16, I want to get an F150. My question is, what can I expect to be the insurance rates on a car like that? I've read from multiple websites that despite being a truck, it has decent rates because it's extremely safe and is reliable. Can anyone give some information or direct me to a website that would help me out?
Supplemental health insurance provider?
Does anybody have supplemental health insurance? Do you know of a good provider? I have never heard of it, my Mom was telling me about it. I looked and I found some places that said quotes for supplemental health insurance. but when I filled out the info it seemed like it gave me a quote for regular health insurance plan not supplemental health insurance. My health insurance I have through work has a high deductible so i am always paying out of pocket for I have not met my deductible.""
""We're going to vegas and will be renting a car, should we get the insurance?""
I've heard that getting insurance when you rent a car is pointless because your regular auto insurance will cover you, because insurance covers the driver and not the car. If we were to get the car insurance for the rental car, it would add an extra $250. Obviously our regular insurance has to cover us, or else the car rental place wouldn't make this insurance optional. Am i right? Should we consider getting the insurance?""
Car insurance for 17 year old guy?
i just got my license and im thinkin buyin 2010 Mustang. How much would insurance cost and what insuranse company is cheapest?
Should I pay my employer to get my insurance license in FL?
Should I pay my employer to get my insurance license in FL? I was recently hired at trajan insurance as a financial professional. They want me to pay $580 to get my insurance license before I even start. The company sells insurance and other financial options to consumers. They werent clear on my pay scale either. The office is located in Tampa, Fl.. Does anyone know anything about this? Please help in anyway you can. thank you""
What if auto insurance does not fully cover property damages?
If an insurance company is asking for extra money for the driver at fault because the property damages did not cover all fees and the at fault driver does not have a job or any income what will the consequences be? (If you are bothered by this question or do not agree, please do not answer and move on thank you!)""
Good maternity insurance in Michigan?
We are looking for good affordable maternity insurance here in Michigan. Everything that I've found has a huge waiting period, and they still expect me to pay through the entire time. Any help?""
Insurance problems?
hi were looking at buying a new car we have full comp insurance on our car and are covered to drive any car the car were looking at has mot and tax vut no insurance as we checked with the mib web site, can we still drive it using our own car insurance for the car we have now or do we need to insure it on it's own we haven't got a new car yet but still looking wanted advice before we got a new car many thanks for any advice and best wishes diane xx""
State Farm Insurance Rates From Fellow Users?
I will be added onto my parents policy. I got a 3.0GPA 16 Year old male, still in high school I will probably get a late 90's compact or 1/2 ton pickup. Any ideas, I herd that it will be around $300 a month. I also have taken driving classes if that helps.""
Whats the cheapest car insurance company for young/newly qualified drivers in the UK?
I have just passed my test and have a car, but the insurance is ridiculously high, around 3,300. There has got to be cheaper quotes out there. Please help, thanks!""
Can u get insurance on a different address to your licence?
Say i live in leeds but my friend lives in bradford and my insurance works out cheaper on their address. Can i ge insurance to her address even though i do not live there?
How much does full time RV insurance cost per year?
I know it's different for everyone but how much does it cost for you? And what size / class RV do you have? I'm just trying to get a rough estimate. Thanks
Health insurance in USA?
hello, i have few questions regarding health insurance for americans. 1- What is the average annual cost of health insurance for adults? 2- do children get free healthcare or should they be covered by the insurance? 3- who can benefit from free healthcare in america? 4- if americans pay tax how come theyre not entitled to free healthcare?""
How can I start an auto insurance business in California?
How can I start an auto insurance business in California?
How to get a hold of the drunk drivers insurance?
my car and 2 other cars were damaged by a drunk driver. his car flipped and crashed on the ground. they ran away as soon as they got helped out. the police came and all we got was a police report number. my question is my car is scratched and has broken windows/mirror. i am not going to pay for it to get it fix , why should i it wasn't my fault. how can i get a hold off the drunk drivers insurance and policy information. will the police contact me after they get all the information or do i have to contact them? sorry i have never had to deal with the insurance company or the police for any of this so i have no idea. if this matter i live in san diego california""
UK car insurance question?
Cheapest car insurance for 17 year old boy, 3rd party F&T. 1. Provisional licence holder 2. Full licence holder Thank you""
Where can I find information about female car insurance? Is it really cheaper than for men?
Where can I find information about female car insurance? Is it really cheaper than for men?
Do you have to declare performance parts on to your auto insurance?
Like a new exhaust system, or an aftermarket turbo?""
Which is the cheapest and best ( best value) auto insurance in the US?
""How much do you think will be the house insurance with 11,000 sqf land and 1,700 sq ft 3 bed 2b in California?
I need answer with resource. Thanks
Who here doesn't have health insurance and doesn't want it?
Everyone, which of the following do you fit it: (1) I have health insurance and want to keep it. (2) I have health insurance, but plan to get rid of it. (3) I don't have health insurance, but wish I had it. (4) I don't have health insurance and don't want it. I think that covers all possibilities.""
What does your credit paying history got to do with paying higher/lower car insurance rates?
What does your credit paying history got to do with paying higher/lower car insurance rates?
Does any1 know were i cud get cheap car insurance?
i live in northern ireland and am 18 years old thanks
Can I write off the montly payment for health insurance I pay for my family?
Going to opt out of my employer paid insurance program, and buy private insurance for my family, can I write the entire payment off on my personal taxes?""
Car insurance for teenagers?
Im 18 and I own a used car. Never a trouble maker. I have a part time job. I want to know what insurance I can get for my car that is affordable.
Cant afford my car and insurance?
I am 19 years old and I financed a 2005 jetta and paid close to 12,500 for my car. Yes I got ripped off.. I pay $333.65 a month for the car and $165.00 for insurance. I am completely out and cant afford this car anymore. What do I do? If i stop paying for it will they take it imminently? I need help. If the bank takes it back they sell it they will come after me for the difference. But i dont have anything they could take. what do i do.. I have made 2 payments of $333.65. Im in california, so will they garnish my wages?""
Insurance rates for 2003 F150?
Ok, so I'll start off by saying I'm 15, and when I do turn 16, I want to get an F150. My question is, what can I expect to be the insurance rates on a car like that? I've read from multiple websites that despite being a truck, it has decent rates because it's extremely safe and is reliable. Can anyone give some information or direct me to a website that would help me out?
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