#the dennis theory
chirpsythismorning · 1 year
I read earlier about how Mike used the Dennis method and I keep busting out laughing appalled every hour or so upon remembering.
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ch4rliew0rk · 2 months
Dennis Reynolds is not a serial killer. in fact, he has never killed a single person. all of his fantasies of kiling are his way of mentally reclaiming power from someone who he feels has taken it from him, and he says incriminating things to make people think that he is unfeeling and dangerous and convince them not to cross him. (edit: or help him.)
as he says, Maureen is the only woman who can break his "shell", his protection. he feels like he was weak around her, so he needs to make everyone think he killed her as a way to reestablish his power over her in their minds, and to override their memory of him when he was in a relationship with her.
ha fantasizes about killing the news reporter because she is the only woman who makes him nervous (powerless), and once her boobs are ruined (the part that had value to him) he realizes what she's 'done' to him and needs to take his power back.
he wants people to think that he's capable of murder, just to scare them into submission. he acts like he wanted to actually kill the waitress in Mac is a serial killer because he needs Dee to keep following his orders. he says he likes being considered a serial killer when he asks charlie if he's "methodical" because he's trying to get charlie to follow his obviously flawed 'say yes' advice. he tells Dee to 'think of the smell' because he is in an argument with her where he needs to feel superior. love is a head in a freezer because then they can't leave, they cant hurt him, he is in control.
but in the end, he doesn't have the strength to kill pop pop.
I know that it sounds like I'm overlooking hard evidence of things that the character himself has said, but Dennis is a liar. he hates himself, so he starves himself and hurts people to prove that he's a golden god. all he wants is a loving relationship, which he has, so he acts like he doesn't need Mac (or anyone else for that matter). he tells mac that he has no feelings, only to reveal seasons later that he has big feelings, but he can't be seen as loving, caring, (weak). so he presents the anthrax, when it was always just sugar.
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allthecryingdragons · 3 months
Mac and Dennis passing the Orange peel theory-
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send-me-a-puffalope · 3 months
The latest MatPat theory being focused around Vanessa 👁️👁️ Me when I get the giddy hyperfixation tingles whenever anyone brings up my blorbo.
While I don’t think the actual movie version of Vanessa will be revealed to be a robot (solely cause I feel like that’d be too controversial and require too much suspension of disbelief of a choice for the film franchise to make, since it is trying to appeal to a more general audience), I can see that being a possible route that allows the movies to do both Vanessa and Vanny without feeling like doing a 180 of Vanessa’s established character. This version of Vanessa doesn’t listen -> replace her with a new version of Vanessa (Vanny) who will, yknow?
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stagefoureddiediaz · 1 year
Costume Meta 6x13
Was that real - did that episode actually happen or was it all a collective fever dream?!! I”m still sat here with my jaw on the floor trying to process all of the epic goodies we got in that episode, and the costumes were no exception!!!
I’ve spent far too long trying to figure out how to assemble my meta this week, but I’ve just gone with the flow and seen where it take me! Also this beast did not want to be wrangled and my ADHD decided side quests were far more fun and so getting this written has been a real struggle (I came out victorious though which is all that matters) and why its a bit later than normal (we’re not going to talk about my laptop deciding to crash and rebooting to a document that was missing half of what I had written - I couldn’t get it back so sad times!)!!
its under the cut - because as always - its a loooonnnnggggg post!!
We’re starting with the Wilson family (and Chimneys first costume!) because they actually sit separately from the rest of the characters from a costuming perspective this week!
There are a couple of things to note for the opening Wilson family scene which are kind of overarching things. Firstly the fact that Chim and Denny are both dressed in black and grey - a really clever choice when you consider their topic of conversation - fathers and things that have happened that cannot be undone - the grey acts as a form of fade out - kind of like a greyed out button on a computer screen - preventing you from clicking on it. Both Chimneys semi resolved arc (the decision to make his peace with his father and he reality of the situation) and Denny’s current arc echo each other up to this point in time - Chim’s father came back into his life and he made peace with it, Denny’s father is currently (and unknown to everyone) back in his life. 
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Both Chim and Denny are also wearing chack pattern - chims more hidden and Denny’s down the side - but Hen is also wearing a very loud and bright check pattern - she is the nly one in colour and the test card patterning of her jumper says so mcuh about both check theory and the fact that at this moment in time, she is not active in the plot - not in the conversation Denny and Chim have just had, and not in the Nathaniel of it all either. We know Denny is in danger later on so his check is also foreshadowing that, Hen is also in danger (emotional danger is just as vaild as physical danger) and Chimneys danger is more low key - its closer to his chest - his home being ‘invaded’.
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However when Hen does come into play, we get a much more muted tones and we get these, whites, dusty pinks, lilacs and dusty purples, along with teal green trousers. Karen is in a black silk blouse with lilacs in a lilac colour on - this pairs her and Hen up in their respective styles and shows us they are on the same page. Lilacs are an interesting choice of floral and colour - it symbolises youth and innocence as well as love and purity. However Lilacs also mean old love and were often given to and worn by widows in the victorian era as a symbol of lost love and lost innocence! so the black paired with the prolifferation of lilacs (both colour and flowers) are telling that Hen and Karen are no longer ‘innocent’ (by which I mean they have gained knowledge) and they are also mourning the loss of the stable family life they thought they had created.
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the choice to have Denny in army green continues a theme we’ve seen with him so far this season - the use of camouflage and army colour-ways to show him as sneaking around going undetected, and now the full on army green reads as an act of aggression - to the family life Hen and Karen have created, as well as to the agreement they had put into place with Nathaniel back in season 2.
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I found the choice to have Karen in black with some yellow in her trousers and Hen in very bright emerald green (also with some yellow in her trousers) very interesting. Karens black is carrying on that theme of mourning, but its also a power colour - so its Karen still angry and grieving, but its also her pushing forward. the yellow is her communicating (on a low level) her anger and upset over what has happened.
Hen meanwhile is going full out into jealousy mode - we are seeing a Hen who is feeling threatened by Nathaniel and is jealous of the relationship her son has secretly been building with his bio father. THis is the culmination of all those little hints about the role Hen fills in Denny’s life - that she has been the one supporting and encouraging his sporting interests - thats why we saw Eddie and her throwing a baseball - so she could continue to share a sporting connection and interest wit her son. Hen feels threatened and jealous of Nathaniel’s stepping into that area she previously filled.
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The wardrobe department just keep knocking it out of the park with the kids clothes this season. Denny’s mushroom shirt is amazing. Mushrooms are about duality - they represent both decay and deterioration, but also transformation and growth in the darkness. so Denny wearing this shirt here is perfect - he is going through puberty - a time of transformation and his acting out in his sneaking around etc is a symbol of that transformative time. His relationship with his mothers has deteriorated and decayed - they no longer feel like they can trust him, but his conversation with Toni brings him hope and the opportunity for all to grow through this dark time. its a really clever piece of costuming and I love it so much.
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Karens dark teal green is interesting - there was actually quite a bit of teal at play in this episode. teal is a colour of clarity  the darkness of it here suggests that clarity is coming but not fully in place yet - that Karen is more aware, but not yet fully accepting of the new reality she lives in. 
Hens black and beige jumper is a wonderful choice as well - the beige representing neutrality and its being a soothing colour is important - accompanied by the black spots it has the affect of suggesting that the initial anger is passing and giving way to a more open time - one where calmness and the ability to see things more clearly come into play. the fact that this jumper has runs and frayed edges still maintains that idea that this has damaged Hen - that she is scared from this turn of events, even if she is more open to moving forward and accepting of Denny’s desire to have a relationship with his father. 
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Here we have a Denny in navy blue shirt and a yellow and green palm frond pattern - I thought originally they were bird of paradise flowers when I was watching live, but they are more obvious in the stills! palm fronds are an iinteresting and perfect choice - they are a symbol of peace and triumph - exactly what Denny is experiencing here - triumph in being allowed to see and build a relationship with his father and the resulting peace in his family dynamic that will come as a result.
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I know I talk a lot about yellow being a colour of communication - and that still holds - but it is also a colour of anxiety and that very much matches up wit the look on Hens face. Her patchwork camouflage trousers hint at her uncertainty about the situation - she is trying to mask her nervousness and misgivings. These trousers are the same ones she was wearing at her leaving the 118 party - a time when she was also feeling nervous and had misgivings about becoming a doctor. Karen being in a navy jumpsuit with a variety of headdresses on is, again, an interesting choice - headdresses like those depicted are ceremonial (for the most part) and are a symbol of leadership, strength and bravery - perfect for Karen in this moment (and in general).
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Just a quick aside before we move onto the ret of the mains! I don’t normally focus on the side and guest characters, but the guy whose wife got a vibrator lodged inside her is wearing the shirt Buck was wearing in his coma dream and that has me both cackling and wide eyed! 
The scene in Bucks coma dream where he is wearing this shirt is one of mostly confusion and uncertainty for him - loosely speaking - its when he’s really trying to understand what exactly is going on in this world his mind has built for him - one where after that initial confusion we see him essentially embrace this new reality where he has what he thinks he wants - but what actually turns out to be something else - something that he doesn’t want/need. And here in this scene we have a guy going through the sexual version of the same thing - thinking that this different version of his sex life with his wife will be better - make things better and make her happy, when the reality is that if he’d had an actual conversation with her about it things would more than likely turned out differently. So major props to the wardrobe team for this little gem of a costume reuse!
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Maddie rocking the layers here in Black, grey and red - very telling for this scene. layering is generally about protection - in an attempt to deflect something that is making you uncertain or causing anxiety. This is very much what is going on with Maddie here. the red top being the one closest to her skin - the bottom layer, shows that she is happy, in love and in a good place - the red of romance and passion, but it can also be a sign of danger and I think its is a combination of these two meanings here - the danger element coming from the fact that this new neighbour has got Maddie’s spidey senses tingling. The grey hoodie is a little bit of foreshadowing for her later silver top - the grey transforms into silver and becomes reflective (more on that in a moment). Then there is the black blazer - power and mystery. the mystery element is connected to who this woman is/ actually is while the power element is connected to Maddie having the power to control her own destiny in this moment - her returning the muffin tray is about her attempting to assert some authority over the situation. it is worth mentioning that aside from the Black blazer, they have Rhonda dressed in slightly darker versions of the the same colours when she gets caught - red high neck top with a darker grey jacket than Maddie’s hoodie!  
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Maddie in silver and being reflective is actually kind of a jarring outfit for her -and thats rather the point. Its not a colour we see her in and she wears greys infrequently as well - she tends towards a warmer and brighter palette with the accompanying blacks, so this is out of place for her - it highlights her discomfort and actually there is something in the reflecting of that discomfort towards Athena - the one person who knows exactly what Maddie means about not feeling safe or comfortable in ones own home. The metallic top is also reminiscent of plate armour and suggests Maddie is arming her self - getting ready to protect herself iff needed. Its a top that represents her trauma response bubbling beneath the surface ready to reassert itself if needed.
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Buck in yet another grey jumper! honestly I’m beginning to wonder how many more grey jumpers they can find for him to wear!! This one is a much lighter grey than we saw him wear in season 5, and its also lighter than any we’ve seen him in so far in season 6. It follows on nicely from the one we saw him in in 6x12 when he was sleeping on Eddies couch and having meaningful conversations in the kitchen late at night! but it is also tv static grey - it has that fuzzy appearance, which in Buck terms means uncertainty and confusion. This is such an interesting choice for this scene and its vitally important for it as well. 
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This is Buck outright parenting Chris - completely on his own with no Eddie to be seen. The only other times we’ve seen this happen are during the shooting arc and in 4x08 when Chris runs to Buck after Eddie reveals to Chris he has a girlfriend. Before you all shout at me about the tsunami it doesn’t count because Eddie actively sets up that Buck and Chris time on screen, so his influence remains a part of the scene even if he isn’t present (It is also a trauma event and that means it sits separately). The shooting arc sits separately from this new scene and the 4x08 one by virtue of it being a trauma event - like the tsunami. We also know that Buck looking after Chris like this is a common thing from the canon text, however this is one of the few times we’ve seen it on screen and the first time we see it where Eddie is not even remotely present - making it a step up from the 4x08 scene where he is present via the tail end of a phone conversation. 
The grey fuzzy jacket Buck wears in the 4x08 scene is darker and the fact the cookie scene has lighter grey is telling about the level of uncertainty Buck is feeling. this scene is one fraught with potential danger for Buck - his choices could anger or alienate Eddie and erode their relationship if he gets it wrong - he could get accused of stepping in where he doesn’t belong. It could also land a critical blow to his relationship with Chris - what he says could upset him or make Chris feel like Buck isn’t supportive etc, it is a fine line Buck has to tread and he does it masterfully here - giving him the confidence going forward. WE see the results of that in the cookie kitchen scene - Buck bantering with Chris and successfully parenting him - and not being good cop! So here we have costume highlighting the development of Buck and Christophers father son relationship!
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The Poker Game!!!!
This gets its own little section because there is a lot going on! to start with I’m going to link to this meta about Bucks costume and this one about Eddies costume, because they still, for the most part, ring true. getting the full scene hasn’t really altered my opinions on their costumes per-say. I’ll add a bit more to them once you get to the stills of them!
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We have Chief Miranda Williams in a black sequin and slightly sheer waterfall front top with gold jewellery, and Captain Jeshan Mehta in all black with this dark plum striped tie. A very deliberate choice to have the both of them in full black (except the tie). All of the characters wear black in this scene (Julie only has black shoes so kind of doesn’t count and I’ll explain why when we get to her) Both Buck and Eddie are wearing black shirts/turtlenecks and they are the ones with the power in the game (thanks to Bucks new found math skills) while Chief W and Captain M both have seniority in the real world and therefore power of a different kind. I’d even argue that Chief W has the ultimate power because she wises up and allows the boys to have their fun and thus the power remains with her regardless! the use of a waterfall front top is just another subtle reference to the water theme. the purple tie is also a deliberate choice - purple is the combination of the two jackets Buck and Eddie are wearing - red and blue! Purple is a colour of mystery (much like the black they’re all wearing is) but it’s also a colour of enlightenment and understanding our inner most thoughts and feelings. It being worn by Mehta connects this concept to the shooting and Buck and Eddie finally coming to terms with the realities of it and what it means going forward - them acknowledging their feelings etc and what it means for them, both individually and together.
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Julie Rosen in a dark teal asymmetric dress with a high front slit and silver jewellery. Ok so things to focus on with this costume are the asymmetry and the colour teal. Asymmetry represents unbalance (for obvious reasons) and there are a couple of ways to interpret that in this scene - obviously things are unbalanced because Buck has an advantage with his math skills. there is also the fact that Julie is in on the hustle (her comment about Buck being bad at math is deliberate and pointed!) which pits the 3 members of the 118 against Chief Williams and Captain Mehta so its 3v2. 
Then there is the teal - a colour of clarity, objectivity, support, earnestness and of being true to oneself. the other thing about teal is that it is a combination of blue and green - a combination of Buck and Eddie’s colours! As a side character and one who is in on the hustle, her costume is supposed to give us more information about our main characters and her dress is really doing that!
So here we have a scene centred on them where we have a connected character wearing a colour that is a combination of their individual colours and one which means clarity etc, the return of Captain Mehta whose name literally means crystal clear and Chief Williams - whose first name is Miranda - which means to be wondered at - can they make it any louder that Buddie is happening if they tried???
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Well yes actually they can - because I seem to be doing nearly all of the non main characters tonight, lets talk about the croupier as well! Firstly we need to note her location at the table in relation to Buck and Eddie - she sits opposite them and directly in between them. She is wearing a black shirt with a rusty orangey brown rope pattern woven across it. 
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I know its not red, but this is yet another example of the show making use of what it can to keep the red string of fate metaphor active. Here we have the rope/string twisted and looped, suggesting things are being tied together and because of her location and the implication is that this poker game is ting Buck and Eddie even more closely together (it really is a date even if neither of them actually realise it!!)
 We’ve had so many game, cards and fate metaphors thrown at us across the series, but especially this season, now we’re getting to the business end of things. We have all of the metaphors at play in this one scene - the universe screaming at you (as represented by Mehtas presence), the idea of playing a game to win - when you can’t lose, making the most of the hand you’ve been dealt, the gaining of knowledge and it all being tied up together by the red string of fate - represented by the croupier - who is, like I said, sat in front of and between Buck and Eddie - in front of being the operative point (the future)!
Do you want me to go on with all the subtext in this scene?!! 
Then we get to Buck and Eddie - Buck sticking to type and rolling up his long sleeves - taking off his jacket and dressing himself down (a nice touch to add to the mini dressing down he gets from Chief Williams!) but him removing the red jacket is symbolic of him stepping back into himself and his normal role - cracking dumb jokes, being a golden retriever and also reasserts his uncertainty about his future - his desire to become a captain - the theme that has been bubbling along all season. 
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I will make a more full meta post specifically about Buck and Eddies watches, but for now - we get a better still to scream over! The watch that had been more or less hidden under Bucks sleeves for the duration of the poker game, is now revealed to us once Buck has won his steaks. black leather strap and a white face. black and white - things are black and white - time is black and white - its telling us that Buck is no longer in the dark (all his watches have been fully black up to now) and also that there are no grey areas!
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Also they just look epically good so why wouldn’t I add in extra pictures of them for us all to appreciate!!
Everything I said about the choice to have Eddie in a turtleneck holds true - thanks to Joaquin Sedillio telling us that they were inspired by George Clooneys look in oceans 11 - a look that was inspired by golden age Hollywood.  
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I do want to mention the use of texture in the poker scene and this connects into Bucks burgundy velvet jacket. the scene uses texture very deliberately, only Buck and Chief Williams are wearing anything textured - her texture is rough, while Bucks is soft and smooth (as long as you brush it the right way!) they also contrast each other in terms of look - velvet is a very flat texture - its matt and absorbs light, unlike the sequins which bounce light around and sparkle, drawing the eye and reflecting light. it is the absorbing/ reflection aspect that is the mist interesting because it lays into the idea of showy versus understated - and that is actually giving us hints of Bucks growth - before he was all about being showy - bright and bold and going through the whole fake it till you make it thing and seemingly lacking substance. Now though we see a Buck who is more considered - his brush with death has made him less flashy and more internalised. (I also love that this absorbing concept plays on the fact that he ‘absorbed’ a lightning bolt and lived to tell the tale!!). the other thing about the velvet being absorbing is that it places the focus onto Buck - this scene is all about him and he is absorbing the attention (and revealing in it!)
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I’ve put the photo above where I have because of the Athena and Buck connection. Athena wearing a reverse of Bucks poker suit - burgundy top black jacket. The Burgundy has the same meaning that we get with Bucks jacket - the deep love and passion and romance - it is telling us that Bathena are very happy and very in love - that its a deep love. The black leather jacket contrasts with Buck as well - it has a more reflective surface - this scene isn’t about Athena, its about Madney. 
So we have a reverse parallel going on between Buck and Athena - something we’ve seen at play many times throughout the seasons combined with Bobby wearing a very Eddie shade of green - that khaki shirt is straight out of the Eddie Diaz playbook and isn’t a shade we see Bobby in that often - he’s often dressed in similarly muted shades to Eddie, but they are never that much of an army colour like this one is. In an episode that shows us Bobby and Athena being in love and happy and finding new things out about each other without any children being a part of the narrative. the show is being pretty on the nose about asking us to draw the parallel - especially when we’ve seen Christopher seeking his own independence.
The blue and green of it all 
Honestly the amount of blue and green paralleling going on in this episode was insane! I spent a long time uhming and ahhing about how to present this - to put all the green together followed by the blue, or to keep the coupes together! I’m going to keep this fairly brief as this post is already reaching epic proportions (I write in a very scattered manner so thats how its already super long!!)
First thing to note is that the greens get darker as the episode goes on - we start with Eddie in his khaki olive green, only this one is a much lighter shade and tonally has a lot more yellow going on which actually helps connect him to the first dining table scene and his yellow shirt. Its also important to note that he has his blue face watch on - which I’ve started calling his Christopher watch
This henley is the same one we see him wearing when he is at the Grant Nash house talking to Athena about his Abeula and her being taken advantage of - such a choice by the wardrobe team - foreshadowing the poker game hustle as well as playing on the theme of being taken advantage of and of cards (tarot cards!) they really are going to town with very deliberate repeat costumes since 5b! 
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We should remember that Hen is also sporting green in this episode - a very bright emerald green as well as Denny in army green and Karen in teal green at various points - they all darken within their own separate arc as well as fitting into the wider arc of the episode (see the Wilson family section at the beginning if you want a reminder).
Chimney wearing army green is showing us that he is ready to fight for his family - for Maddie - so that she can feel safe in her home. 
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And Bobby rounds out the green in a bottle green tee and jacket combo which is verdant and shows that his relationship with Athena is in full bloom.
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This use of green getting increasingly darker is something we’ve been seeing at play throughout the season - we’ve had it with Buck, particularly in relation to the sperm donor storyline, but also in connection with Hen as well as its abundance in the coma dream. Like I’ve said a million times  green is generally symbolic of growth and what we’re getting with its use in this episode and more widely this season is a deliberate choice to make that growth even more explicit - whatever story arc its connected to - Buck adn the sperm Donor, Hen and her attempts to connect with Denny so she can be a good parent to him and be supportive, or Bobby and his relationship with Athena and how he is getting a better understanding of her and how that is growing his love for her even more.
The blue doesn’t follow the same linear trajectory as the green - the colour starts dark, lightens up and then heads dark again in the most general sense, but it also brightens as the episode progresses, .
Athena is in both light blue and dark blue here 
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while in the same scene Bobby is also in dark blue - they are matching and complimenting each other. Dressing them both in blue at the same time is an indicator of shared trust and loyalty.
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Chimney has on a blue jumper here,
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which he is wearing over this blue check shirt that we see him in later on, so again dark heading slightly lighter. Check theory was working over time with Chimney in this episode - the only time we see him without check is when he’s in green. That is interesting to me - its making me think that the check is telling us that Chimneys home life is stable and happy, but that his work life might be less so - the blue and the fact that we’ve seen him in check in connection with various members of the firefam in the last couple of episodes - Buck post coma, Hen in this episode, and now Bobby when He and Athena come over for dinner.
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Bobby is wearing this dusty blue polo after Rhonda has been caught. 
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I should point out here that Maddie is wearing a dark khaki green tee underneath her bright blue shirt which is a clever hint at the fact that this playdate she has set up is a trap - Maddie is waging war - fighting for her home and the ability to live in it without fear. The bright cobalt blue indicates ingenuity and enlightenment - playing into the trap that has been set for Rhonda. It is also a happy shade of blue - bright and cheerful it ties into the idea of comfort and contentment and indicates Maddie being able to return to feeling happy and secure in her home.
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And finally we have Athena in this cobalt blue running tee and gilet - its a brighter blue than the cobalt of Maddie’s shirt, almost royal blue - it still shares the meaning though - enlightenment and happiness. Its telling us that Athena is finding joy in discovering both her enjoyment of running and her enjoyment of haring an activity with her husband. The otehr thing to note is a contniation of Buck and Athena being paralleled - here we have her in a blue gilet when she flirts and insitgates shower sexy times shortly after we’ve seen Buck attend the sex gone wrong call - wearing a gilet - with him then checking in on his previous relationships and hook ups to see if they were satisfied sexually with him - the loudness is getting louder! 
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Blue is a colour that has been slowly increasing in frequency for Buck and I have a theory about it - bear with me here because we need to look at when he wears the colour - I’m not going to include them all or I’d be her all day - the ones i’ve excluded are either denim shirts/jackets or where blue is one of the colours rather than the only colour of a top!!
Season 1 - Buck and Abby go on a date - the only time we see Buck wear blue in season 1 and its his blue suit (with a white shirt) Season 2 - Buck wears blue 7 times in season 2 but the two key moments we need to look at come early on in the season 2x01 - the blue henley he’s wearing when he finds Maddie in his apartment - its the first non uniform outfit we see him post Abby leaving and comes after Eddie has been introduced (coincidentally this is the same henley we know we’re going to see Eddie wearing later in the season!). the second one comes in 2x04, when Buck talks to Maddie about Eddie struggling with paperwork to get Chris the help and support he needs (its the boy crush conversation!) Season 3 - Buck also wears blue 7 times in season 3. The 3 we need to focus on are; 3x04 Bucky talks to Chase Mackey and sues the city, 3x06 Bucks return to the 118 post lawsuit and 3x16 - Buck goes to a bar and meets Red. Season 4 - the number of blue shirts goes up dramatically to 10 (especially as its a short season) and we’re interested in 6 of them. 4x03 - games night at he Diaz house when Eddie is dismantling technology and Buck has to do some parenting. 4x05 we have 2 - Peru Buck and the blue jacket he wears when Maddie gives him the postcards he sent her over the years. 4x07 Buck tries dating Veronica. 4x12 Buck, Eddie and Taylor discuss the treasure hunt at Bucks loft (petty Eddie drinking beer scene). 4x14 Buck sleeps on Eddies couch and parents Chris after the shooting. Season 5 Buck wears blue 9 times in season 5 and we’re looking at 5 of them, 5x09 Buck washing up in the loft while Taylor is being distant (pink marigolds scene). 5x11 Buck and Taylor have dinner at the Diaz house - Buck and Eddie argue. 5x13 Maddie’s return from Boston and also Buck breaks down Eddies door and was in the room! 5x18 the blue suit he wears to HenRen’s vow renewal. Season 6, we’re just over half way through and are already up to 19 blue buck outfits!! the key ones are 6x01 - the lasagne kitchen scene. 6x02 post convention locker room talk with Hen, 6x04 Madney apartment Buck tells Maddie about the year of yes, a second one is the navy top he wears when getting drunk with Hen and then the blue striped shirt when he tells C&K he’ll be their donor. 6x07 there are 3 blue shirts when he fails to donate sperm, 6x09 when he tells the firefam that his sperm has helped C&K get pregnant. 6x11 when he comes home from the hospital post lightning strike. 6x12 while he’s trying to recover at his loft and then a second one when he has is appointment with Dr Salazar. 6x13 the superpowers scene.
Eddie also wears Blue at some key moments
Season 3 - 3x03 post tsunami ‘theres no one in the world I trust more with my son than you’ scene. 3x4 - chris wakes from a nightmare. 3x09 therapy with frank. 3x12 Chris has his skateboarding accident and Eddie shouts at Ana.  Season 4 - 4x08 Eddie introduces Ana to Chris as his girlfriend. 4x14 - the will reveal. Season 5 - 5x10 Chris has a nightmare. 5x14 dream Eddie in the kitchen serving Chris breakfast. 5x17 talks to Buck about his family - while in Christophers bedroom. 5x18 the suit he wears to HenRen’s vow renewal. Season 6 - 6x08 dressing Chris for his school dance. 6x09, sleeping on the sofa. 6x13 poker night.
Why have I written all of this out you ask - well because I want to show you how all of these scenes (and the ones I’ve not included in the list also fit the theme) are water finding its level related. They are all very key moments when either Buck or Eddie are finding a new level or at turning points - not only in their relationship with each other, but also with Christopher. 
All of Eddies wearing of blue connects to Christopher, until the one from this episode - the first time we see Eddie wearing blue while doing something not related to Christopher. I included the dream sequence Eddie in the list because he literally starts coughing up water. 
As for Buck - again most of the scenes (even the ones with Maddie) are connected to Eddie and Chris in some way, even if indirectly (lawsuit I’m looking at you) There are a few exceptions - such as Maddies return from Boston, the vow renewal suit, Buck washing up or the sperm donor ones and obviously the one from season 1! I included the Abby date one because Buck chokes on water in that scene and the Taylor washing up scene - Buck literally has his hands in water. The vow renewal is Buck breaking freed of his bad relationship. As for the sperm donor arc, while not directly connected to Eddie or Chris, the parenting connection is a key one - after all much of Bucks journey to finding his level is connected to the idea of parenthood and dad not donor v donor not dad.
As for the lighter blue specifically - which is a post Taylor exclusive colour for Buck and ties into the theme of deepening ones understanding of self and the growth that comes from that - the idea of choosing to be happy. Buck choosing to break free of his depressing relationship was him choosing himself, choosing to be happy. The post Lev dying conversation Buck has with hen in the locker room is about Bucks search for happiness - about him wanting to be happy for himself. The phone call where he reveals that C&K are pregnant - that is him being happy for his friends, but also him feeling the glow of happiness from being able to help them achieve that pregnancy. The blue top we had him wearing in MacArthur park in last weeks episode is showing him choosing to move on from his brush with death - accepting it for what it is and choosing to be happy (whether that s just happy to be alive - something he was clearly grappling with, or a more generalised happiness remains to be seen) that is why we see him looking contemplative - he is choosing to put that life changing event away and accept it for what it is and the chance it has given him to be happy going forward. This theming holds true for other characters too - Athena in light blue is about her happiness - getting her parents sorted in the aftermath of her fathers stroke is making her happy.
So this new light blue top we have Buck wearing (which is the most reminiscent of the one Lev is wearing) is very much about him being happy - we see the joy he feels at being good at something, the happiness he gets from being with his Diaz boys and sharing in happy banter with them and basking in the glow of being part of a family.
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I’ve saved Christopher for last this week because he also plays into the Blue and green theming - in fact he straddles across the two colours and that makes him interesting. 
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Firstly we have this seafoam green tee with a pineapple on the pocket. Not only do we have a pineapple though - no we have a pineapple with a sunset scene in the fruit section. Yes you read that right - it is an actual sunset!!! So here we have a physical embodiment of the sunset theme that has been in play since season 4 - a theme that Christopher has always been connected to indirectly - construction on sunset or Bucks heart drawing with sunset colouring and misunderstanding the assignment - both times when Buck has been babysitting and both in some way connected to Christophers homework -  Ana teaching Eddie Math in connection to the first one - making the whole Ana being construction on the way to Buck metaphor even more obvious, especially now in light of this new homework scene with a sunset incorporated in it!
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The pineapple itself is also interesting - there are a couple of meaning we can attach to its use here. Historically, pineapples were status symbols - they were a show of wealth due to the difficulty in growing them. those who could afford them would display them prominently at dinner parties and the like to show their wealth. Here Christopher is the wealth - he is the thing both Buck and Eddie place most highly. and the scene we see this top in proves that - Christopher being an active part of their conversation about Bucks newfound superpowers - his opinions and comments are a valuable pat of the conversation to both Eddie and Buck. Christophers inclusion, comfort and confidence in this dynamic is being highlighted here - showing the difference to how he was treated in the dynamic between Eddie Chris and Ana. 
The modern pineapple meaning is as an emoji - where it is an indicator of relationship status - meaning ‘its complicated’ Need I say more!!!!
Then we have the blue tee from the kitchen cookie scene. A tee with little surfing skeletons on! I’ve said it many times before and I’ll say it again. This show is just so so good at using the kids costumes to tell us things. first up the blue - Bucks colour and its important that Chris is wearing it in this scene where he is alone with Buck. I talked about the buck in grey in both the two scenes where he is parenting with out Eddie, well the same rings true for Chris here - he is in blue for both of the scenes (a pale blue long sleeve tee with the dinosaur wearing sunglasses which show space ships in their reflection). then there is the fact that we have surfboards reappearing on Christophers clothing - the surfing thing has always been connected to Buck in some way - both overtly and covertly. Chris was wearing a shirt with surfers on at Bucks recertification party and the last time he wore something surf related (for definite) was in 4x13 - when Carla returned to the Diaz’s and told Eddie to make sure he was following his heart and not Christophers. The other thing to note is that both of those incidents proceeded a major event - the Tsunami and the shooting. this one has skeletons on and thats making me both nervous and excited. We’ve been saying all season that Chris is due some sort of trauma or incident and I’m now very much expecting it to happen in the next two episodes and for it to be something that pushes Buddie even closer together. those Skeletons are (to me at least) suggesting that the current set up of Bucks relationship with Christopher is about to change - that it will become the old version - a dead version and that post event they will have a new and different form of relationship (as in the father-son thing will become more concrete in the same way that Buck and Bobbys has this season) because all of the surfing theming has been used at moments that have really pushed Buck and Christophers dynamic forward and increased the parent-child bond! 
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The thing with these to colours is that this season especially, we’ve seen Chris wearing shirts that contain both colours a couple of times - both in and out of dream sequences and both connected to parenting. 
We have Chris breaking his punishment and Eddie being an amazing dad. This one is especially close in terms of colours to the two shades from this episode and now I have more context for it, the smashing and merging of the two colours would appear to be foreshadowing the merging of Buck and Eddie as coparents.
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And coma Chris - who Buck has to chose to ignore/ leave behind. leaving him feeling guilty, but actually showing that he is a good parent to Chris because he recognises that he can only get back to the real one if he abandons this Chris (a chris who is a representation of Bucks own childhood abandonment issues - and therefore it is showing us Buck breaking the cycle)
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In summation - the use of costume and colour was so much more out there in terms of helping with the storytelling and ensuring the Buck and Eddie as a couple message was made loud and clear - more than we’ve ever seen before - its been slowly ramping up and now they’ve taken the breaks off!!
Thank you as always for reading  - it really does mean the world to me that you're interested in the costuming of our wee woo show!! I’ll shut up now and let you have your lives back. If you’ve made it through the whole thing then you are my MVP and you get this trophy! 🏆 I’m off to rock in the corner now I’ve finished this epic. 
I would tag below but it won’t let me (maybe i wrote too many words 😂 so I’ll be reblogging with the tag list!
Until the next episode! 💜💜💜
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thespookybean14 · 1 month
I think about Alien a lot, especially recently. This evening I’m specifically thinking about how in the Alien Isolation novel (and maybe other Alien novels) it mentions how Ripley would send video messages to Amanda before the freighter ship would lose contact, and how one of those times a message was from Dallas.
It made me think about the crew a lot. Like, did Amanda ever ask about them? Did any of them sometimes stop by while Ripley was talking to Amanda on the video message just to check in and say hi as another parental/family friend figure? Did Ripley ever tell the crew about her daughter? Did any of the other Nostromo Crew have kids?
Would Amanda have met the other crew member’s kids at some point in her childhood or teenage years and have no clue they were related to people who her mom worked with? If she did know them, would they have become a close friend group just trying to figure out what happened to their parents? Did the others try to stay optimistic that maybe their parents were okay? Did they give up on them after a few years?
I don’t know, but I think it’s interesting to ponder.
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pollencoveredwoman · 10 months
Let’s just * say * for arguments sake that they are bangin — I’m fine if we don’t find out until the very last scene of S18, especially if their dynamic continues to be playful and light (much like their signature drink Caribbean Paradise)
…because I think we all assumed (Dennis included) that if they ever did get together Mac would not be capable of keeping his shit together. He was always gonna be needy and desperate and non-consensually kissing Dennis.
Buuuuuut if it IS revealed later on that they’ve been banging this whole time (or at least since Frank v Russia), I’m fine if we never actually see a kiss or embrace, because watching seasons 16-18 all over again with that knowledge will feel the same as re-watching seasons 1-11 knowing that Mac’s canonically gay. Or 1-15 knowing Dennis is canonically bi. It just ✨ hits different ✨
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alexc1ting · 1 year
Mr. Jian
Despite being very disappointed by the fact that Jian Yi’s father doesn’t look like Denny De Vito at all, as I had mistakenly imagined for all this time, I had a sudden enlightenment about the fact that the infamous “Mr. Jian”, the one He Cheng talks all the time on the phone to, is not Jian Yi’s father, it’s his grandfather. 
So what happened to Jian Yi’s father? Is he dead? Is he in jail? Maybe the story Mrs. Jian is going to tell Jian Yi will reveal more about it.
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uwmspeccoll · 10 months
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James Trissel's Color for Letterpress
After being away from UWM Special Collections for the first part of the Summer, I was delighted to spend some time looking through some of the gorgeous work we recently acquired from the estate of Dennis Bayuzick. I was particularly taken by Color for Letterpress, published in an edition of seventy-five by The Press at Colorado College in 1978. The book was designed and printed by founder of the press, Jim Trissel. Over two decades, Trissel raised the press to a level of excellence attained by only a handful of academic letterpresses in the United States.
Jim's son Ben, who worked beside him at the press, reflected on his father's exacting standards in a memorial essay shortly after his death in 1999: "I remember once abandoning the initial layout of the Color for Letterpress book because the registration was off by a 1/32 of an inch. He stopped the press run, reconfigured the book's enture structure, and printed it right."
Color for Letterpress was printed on a Vandercook Universal Power 3 press. Trissel used mostly lithographic inks on BFK Rives paper from Arches, which he describes in the introduction as "very white," and "dimensionally stable." The book consists of an introductory text and three sections of plates housed in a white acrylic case. The plates of the first section, The Quartered Spectrum, utilize single hues with variations in density and temperature. Families of Analogous Color, the second section, "contrasts hues by temperature but prints individual hues in closely related groups or families." The last grouping is called Six Complementary Pairs and shows contrasts in both hue and temperature. "The book is accordion-bound," writes Trissel, "to permit an easy display of the plates."
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Check out more from the Collection of Dennis Bayuzick here.
Find more Decorative Sunday posts here.
-Olivia Hickner, Special Collections Graduate intern
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kopfkino-o · 1 year
Could the next book be Elriel? YES! Could the next book be Elucien? I don’t lean towards this theory, but I will not deny the reasons why people might think otherwise.
Will the next book be Gwynriel? No. 
There’s not going to be a Gwynriel book. There never was. The Gwynriel book makes no sense within the narrative, deviates heavily from the clear structure of the ACOTAR series, and has no real ties to the main plot. Gwyn and Az going to the Autumn Court because Rhys, who has never met Gwyn and has no reason to trust her as Nesta’s friend given the fact he hardly trusts Nesta herself, is a stretch. The Autumn Court is a subplot clearly intended for Eris or Lucien to handle. 
Reforming Illyria? That’s for Emorie. And no, I will not take any other opinions on this. She is the ONLY character suited for this plot. And if SJM decides to write otherwise... well, I won’t be reading that. 
The next book is very clearly going to either be Elucuien or Elriel. Period.
SJM isn’t GRRM. And ACOTAR isn’t a complex story filled with subversions. It’s a romantasy. The romantic pairing isn’t meant to surprise us or subvert our expectations. It’s literally, as the author said, meant to be obvious. 
And it is. 
Elain will be choosing her fate, her love interest, her path forward. If she chooses Azriel then we will get Lucien’s story afterwards. If Elain chooses Lucien? Then we get Vassa’s story with her love interest for the last book. The decision and choice lies within the women. SJM has never pitted two women against one another for a man and I do not expect her to do so now.  
“Oh, but TOD!” 
Yes, Tower of Dawn is from Chaol’s POV... but it’s also from Nesryn’s and Yrene’s and Sartaq’s POVs. Does SJM write male POVs? Yes! Is that formula the same for ACOTAR? No. It’s one couple per book, and an entirely different series besides. The men get a POV, but only as a secondary character.  
Does this mean Gwyn and Az wont get together? 
No, not necessarily. Gwyn and Az could totally get together but, due to their limited connection to Koschei and the 4th dread trove, it’d be a relationship that happens off stage. In the background of another couple. With no Az or Gwyn POV.
Gywn is a lovely, amazing, and strong character who had a very fulfilling arc in ACOSF. Does she have a few unanswered plot points? Sure! But her heritage is not connected to Koschei. Her (potential) powers are not connected to Koschei. She does not know the members of the IC outside of Nesta. She has no established relationship with Feysand. She has not (yet) left the Library. And, outside of the theories generated by members of this fandom based on their own literary interpretation of the Bonus Chapter, doesn’t have a formally established connection to Azriel (yet.)
Could she? Of course. 
But I trust SJM enough to think she’d never write Gwyn’s story leaving the Library solely for a man. If Gwyn leaves the Library, it should be for herself. No one else. Never for anyone else. Gwyn is powerful within her own right and I want to see her make the decision to leave the Library FOR HERSELF. 
Could SJM decide to go this route? Sure! I’m not the author and it’s her story at the end of the day. 
But if she does choose to pursue this route.... is this not exact same plot we just had in ACOSF?
FMC feeling unworthy and dealing with trauma, MMC dealing with potential rejection and an undressed connection, training with sword and shield to overcome self doubt, proving oneself in battle and realizing they’re worthy of love, handling changes in one’s life and finding one’s place? 
ACOSF was great and I LOVED Nesta’s story. But does that mean I want to read the same thing again? No. Elriel and Elucien offer a different story from what we just read. It’s either a enemies to lovers/hesitant pairing to lovers. Or a forbidden love story. And that’s what I want. Something new. I’m tired of training. I’m tried of HoW. I’m tired of Koschei, this apparent death god, being sidelined. I want the impending war. I want the political fallout. I want inner-court drama. I want unrest in Prythian.
NOTE: Obviously everyone is entitled to their opinion, and this post by no means strives to discount or dissuade individuals with other opinions but is more or less a rambling of my own ideas. Civilized discourse with those of differing opinion is always welcomed. Literature is art and art is subjective. 
idk do with this what you will. 
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yueyuw · 11 months
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Contradicting to popular belief, Dennis is a very selfless person. Although when you first start the series, where he is depicted to be a very shallow person, only joining because he likes Makima and wants girls to fall for him (or some sort it's been a while since I've read the front).
As you read on you will realise the compassion he has. Despite being not even close to human since the start, and having to deal with the burden of killing his father, the death of his mother and living in the slumps, only longing for a normal life, he is one of the kindest people in the story (perhaps because he doesn't have a human heart anyways).
For example, he has kept Makima's dogs even though they are part of a past I would believe he doesn't want to remember. He kept them for Nayuta's sake AND for the dogs because he considers them a part of Nayuta's past + if he left the dogs behind they might go to someone abusive. From this example, we can see that he is kind because even though he could abandon the dogs (and meowy but he wouldn't do that because it serves as a memory of power whom he misses very much) which would help with his financial position, he didn't.
Example two, Nayuta. In the aquarium date chapter, Asa asks why Denji is so obsessed with selling things and making money. He answers that he wants to save money so that Nayuta can go to college because he believes that she has the potential and he wants her to have a normal life which he did not have. This shows he truly does care about Nayuta and that he brought her up well. The way that Nayuta acts is a product of it. Denji has created a space for her where she can express her emotions freely and grow up as a free being (maybe I'll do an analysis of her eventually and also he learnt all this from aki definitely I'm gonna cry)
In the recent chapter (chapter 133), it is shown that Denji chose to not transform into Chainsawman even though it is something he loves to do, something that brought him happiness because he is worried about Nayuta's life he wouldn't know what to do if he lost another person. He was willing to do degrading things (ie: yoshida scene btw i hate him now he was pretty at the start but now he's so annoying) for her and I really really admire that from him.
As said by Dennis himself, he does not fight for anyone, he has died again and again but he's never stopped and he was named my the people themselves in time of need. I think he is heartbroken they would take out a fake Chainsawman who stands for things he doesn't stand for, (because, again, denji doesn't have a human heart and I don't believe he has morals...) and I think he deserves better :)
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angrymac · 1 year
what if glenn plays johnny…
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missgalindaaa · 2 years
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“Dennis is asshole. Why Charlie hate?”  “Because Dennis is a bastard-man!”
SOME THINGS I LOVE: [4/10] Friendships  Charlie Kelly and Dennis Reynolds, It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia (2005-)
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stagefoureddiediaz · 1 year
Costume meta 6x14
Its like one extreme to the other with costumes from week to week on this show!! Last week I had so many to talk about and somehow managed to sneak 42 pictures into my meta. This week however, everyone was mostly hanging out in uniform so I have far fewer costume to talk about (but probably just as many words to say knowing me!!!)
So theres no Buck or Bobby this week as we don’t see either of them out of uniform, but I am going to talk about some background characters because they’re relevant in relation to costumes being worn by out mains!
As always the reest is under the cut to save your dash!
The Buckley-Han’s
Starting with Jee in her light teal top with a rainbow on. Like i’ve said a million times before the imagery they use on the kids clothing is very intentional and always says something about the scene/arc. The rainbow on Jee’s top is telling us that the Buckley-Han’s are in harmony (and not just with the singing) - that rainbows come after the rain - its signalling they are in a good place and are connected. they are a sign of new beginnings and hope. But it also takes both rain and sun to make a rainbow, so its a reminder that the rough times are a part ofwhat got them to the good times they’re now in. 
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Maddie is wearing a black top
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and so is Chimney.
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I’m pretty sure this is the first time we’ve seen them wearing the same colour at the same time. its showing us they’re in balance - that they are strong (black is a colour of strength), it is also a colour of security and protection - after last week, we see that they (and Jee by virtue of being in-between them) are feeling secure and protected in their family. I do also think there is a bit of foreshadowing going on here as well - for Death and taxes - Black can be a colour of mourning and I think that we might be about to mourn the loss of this innocent time. How that plays out remains to be seen, but this moment captures the moment before things change for Madney. 
The Wilsons & Athena
Here we have Hen in an acid yellow top with orange and blue sections that also have some purple in them. Blue and orange are complementary colours, as are yellow and purple. complementary colours create the strongest contrast - making each other appear more intense, but they also cancel each other out if mixed together - creating black or white. This gives us a hint of where Hen is mentally - especially in relation to Nathaniel. They sit at opposite sides of the parenting spectrum - established and legal and unestablished and technically with no legal rights. the fact that we have hen in a black tee underneath and later see Denny in black establishes the idea of the complementary colours mixing together and creating black - it is suggesting that the issues will be ironed out and that Denny will remain at the centre of any decisions Hen (and Karen) make. Its just an indicatior of good parenting by them and I love that
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Athena in red - the colour of passion and intensity. interestingly she also sits in the colour wheel with Hen - just without the opposition of a complementary colour. So Hen is the yellow and blue aspects of the colour wheel while Athena is red - thats all three primary colours in one scene and with the green behind her in the glass (red’s complementary colour) making all three of the secondary colours present as well. This is all about creating harmony - that goes for Hen and her family as well as Athena and hers. 
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Denny in black...
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with Hen in this blue and green shirt.
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remind you of another parent child combination at all????
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yeah - they are gong hard with the parallels - very very hard. The choices here place Hen in a similar situation to Chris and Denny in the same place as Eddie and the two scenes have similar over arching themes. Themes of children seeking some independence from parents, but also the establishment of new boundaries and it is about the loss and reforming of trust. We see Chris continuing to keep doing the sneaky things he’s been doing - making it clear that he want’s to do things his way and  that (to a certain extent) Eddie is going to have to be the one to fall into line here - That it was Eddie who was being too rigid in his behaviour/ way of parenting Chris. Hen is similar to Chris - in that she is going to do things her way when it comes to Nathaniel - she isn’t going to pander to him and she is going ensure that both Nathaniel and Denny fall into line. This is about her setting a clear boundary - especially in light of Nathaniels behaviour (as the adult who should’ve known better) with both of them. 
We see Eddie come round to Christophers way of thinking - understanding that Chris wasn’t acting out of character because he’s going to become a troublesome kid/teen, but it was out of a genuine desire to want to start to have some independence. Denny is in a similar situation - realising that his expectations are un reasonable - that Hens (and Karens) boundaries are reasonable (like Chris’s were with Eddie) and therefore he will have to adjust to them.
The Diaz’s (and co!)
Okay so I don’t normally comment on the decor in the houses in costume metas, but I actually think the choices made in the decoration of Tia Pepa’s house was very important and intentional so we’re gonna have a little look at it.
There is just so so much blue going on! In a season where the blue and green theming has been very noticeable and especially in connection with Eddie and Buck. To choose to have so much blue present in a scene with Eddie wearing green - when Eddie is being set up - is very literally meant to ensure we’re subconsciously making connections with Buck - the choice to have him in so much blue, especially paler blues this season has always been deliberate and now we’re seeing pay off for it beyond just what the blue can tell us as a colour - its so loud I’ve gone deaf!!
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Tia Pepa’s family portrait on the wall - looming behind her right shoulder is also very loud - its presence - the presence of extended family, it as important as Pepa and Eddie in this scene. Pictures/ portraits etc are not something i tend to focus on, but all burgundy and black of their outfits is telling a very loud story - especially in combination with Eddies and Pepa’s later outfits. Its also worth pointing out the olive tree in the background - the symbol of peace and friendship! The family in burgundy is sowing us unity - Eddies later date outfit being the same colour way also envelops him in the family fold. 
Pepa’s own outfit, includes burgundy, but also the yellow of communication and the calmness of beige. its about establishing her as both the voice of reason and the communicator of important information!
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Sorry Eddies face in the above pic gets me every time I see it 😂 
Eddie himself is wearing his trademark black and army green. his wearing it here is a symbol of his being ambushed and signifies him feeling at war - with himself and with his family wants. We’ve actually been seeing Eddie in less khaki green this season than previously, so its use now is more impactful - Eddie has been feeling less and less at war - with himself, with life etc. Now we’re seeing the use of this green in moments that appear to be playing a part in his moments of panic or repression. The brighter more sagey green from last episode is a clear contrast to this - more yellowy its a warmer colour while this one is more aggressive. I wrote in more detail about Eddies khaki jackets here 6x04 
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Vanessa’s introduction is a pretty loud and telling one - it combines nicely with all the blue in Pepa’s home and only serves to remind us of a certain firefighter who is wearing A LOT of blue this season. In an episode where we don’t see Buck out of uniform this choice is even louder - it puts Vanessa directly into the shoes of Buck - so that the green and blue theme continues its presence and continues as a connection between them specifically - I talk about it later on, but there are some very intentional thngs being done with costumes as a way of connecting Buck to Eddiee - 6a was about establishing a theme and 6b is about using that establishment to further the agenda. we are very much meant to recognise the link to Buck and therefore recognise his absence - in the same way Eddie was absent from the coma dream - they are very much playing on the absence of things being louder than their presence and the presence of other things in the same colour being a reminder of that absence.
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Vanessas not date night outfit is super interesting now I’ve managed to get a good look at it! The bouquet of flowers on the front of the dress (not her impressive cleavage but feel free to look if you want 😂) has me feeling a lot of feelings about the insanity of the costume department and the lengths they go to to tell a story! So the bouquet is made up of wild flowers and grasses. They are cow parsley, poppies, daisies and the grass itself. 
Grass in bouquets is symbolic of growth, health and abundance, the fact we have grass heads - with seeds on is also relevant - its about germination and new beginnings. 
Daisies are a symbol of new beginnings and innocence (but even that connection with innocence stems from death - Celtic legend has it that when a child died, God would sprinkle daisies over the grave as a way of bringing comfort to the family. Medicinally they are used in the soothing of coughs, colds and breathing difficulties. 
Poppies are very heavily associated with sleep and death - it is why they have become a symbol of armistice and peace after war. All of this is relevant to Eddie as a character - a man who has fought a war in the literal sense, but also one who has been fighting a war internally - repression is an active form of fighting agains ones self - against ones truth - it is also connected to sleep - repressing something is suggestive of it lying dormant or asleep - waiting to be woken up. this types in with the Hollywood meaning of the poppy - forever connected with the wizard of Oz - a story very literally about a coma dream (and one the show has referenced before with the lady in the earthquake hotel - with her red shoes and paisley the dog!
The cow parsley is very interesting - there are two meanings at play with it - firstly cow parsley is said to represent sanctuary and refuge - due to the fact it was commonly grown in monastery herb gardens - and its use was for the treatment of breathing difficulties (panic attack reference anyone?!!). then there is the greek myth connection, it is associated with Archemorus - the herald of death - the translation literally means the beginning of doom and that feels like a sign regarding Eddies future relationships with women. At this point Vanessa is the manifestation of Eddie dating women - past, present and possibly future is going and the dress is just helping the story along. Eddie is growing and learning and figuring out that women are not his future - that path only leads to doom!
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Eddies not date outfit is doing some heavy lifting - it’s emphasising the tie into family - linking his tias family with his own, Eddie being dressed in the same colour ways as the family portrait tells us that he is here on this ‘date’ as a ‘duty’ to family, he’s not here from his own free will. Of course there is also the connection to Buck from last episode - at the poker game. I’m truly fascinated by this choice because there is the obvious parallel of Buck thinking he was on a date only to find out that he wasn’t in the same way that Eddie here thinks he’s on a date (even if he intends to let her down) only to find that he isn’t isn’t. But there is also another interesting theme at play here, I’ve already said how Eddies suit matching Pepa and her family’s portrait outfits is symbolic of family ties, well that theme therefore also applies to Buck -  that he is family, because if it only referred to one of the two themes then it would’ve been easy to make use of a different colour for one o the themes so that only the one connection was made - if it was only about dates not being dates then you change the colour choices for Pepa and her family, or if its about family then you change the colour of Bucks suit. What this does is strengthen the idea that Buck is family, but not just to Eddie (and Chris), but also to Tia Pepa and her family, its perhaps a hint at the familial connection going deeper that we’ve been presented in canon thus far. 
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Tia Pepa’s last outfit only further strengthens the arguement about both metaphors/themes being at play. the entire conversation centres around her previous failed relationship and getting back out there, we get a link to work colleagues as well. but Tia Pepa is happily married to her second husband Tio Paco - who is dressed in the same colour way in the portrait - making the suggestion that the answer for Eddie is in someone we’ve seen wearing the same colour way as him *cough* Buck *cough* 
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Ok last costume - Eddies dark grey denim shirt. So Eddie wears denim shirts at key moments with family - 2x04 visiting Abuela in hospital, 2x07 when he reconnects with Shannon so he can get Chris into Durrand, 3x03 dropping Chris off with Buck post tsunami, 3x15 in flashback when he decided to move to LA with Chris, 4x08 when he introduces Ana to Chris as his girlfriend 6x11 when they visit Buck in hospital and now this one. This one is a bit different to all of his other ones though as its not a western style shirt, but that in and of itself tells its own story. All the shirts are  connected to family - but that comes with the proviso of it being about whichever member of family is also involved in the scene and not for Eddie himself- usually Christopher! So Eddie reconnecting with Shannon is about Chris, introducing Ana (and the conversation with Carla about following his heart not Christophers)  - about Chris, dropping Chris of at Bucks post tsunami - about Chris and Buck (its bringing him into the fold of family) etc etc. This new shirt - the non western one, is Eddie recognising and accepting something for himself - this is not about Chris or any other member of his family, this is solely about Eddie himself and that ties in very nicely with the journey we’ve seen Eddie on since his breakdown in 5b. For me it is a marker of Eddie actually starting to focus on his own feelings rather than Christopher (or anyone else’s).
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Thank you as always for reading  - it really does mean the world to me that you're interested in the costuming of our wee woo show and I love reading your thoughts in the tags and notes!!! I’ll shut up now and let you have your lives back. 
As always, tag list below! Until the next episode! 💜💜💜
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csm part 2 is my favorite romcom
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Andrew Doyle: So the Gay Men's Network official response to the Cass review is now live, it is subtitled "Towards a Vision of Post-Gender Gay Rights," and it describes the Cass review as a devastating account of an unprecedented homophobic medical scandal in the NHS and private health sphere. And here to discuss it, I'm joined by Dennis Kavanagh, the lawyer and director of the Gay Men's Network. Welcome Dennis.
So, let's start with your report from the Gay Men's Network. What is your response, in a nutshell, to the Cass review?
Dennis Kavanagh: Our response is basically this. That this is a sad day for the gay rights movement. Cass is a reality check and it's shown us that for decades now, homosexuality has in effect been medicalized at the NHS. You and I've spoken before about the fact that 90% of the kids at the Tavistock were same sex attracted.
Doyle: Which has been confirmed by the Cass review.
Kavanagh: Precisely that. So, we say this. We say this is a shocking indictment of gay politics and of the gay rights movement generally. Particularly in view of the fact that the very people who should have been protecting gay youth, principally Stonewall, weren't just abandoned, didn't just abandon their post, they joined the opposition forces, when they should have been standing up for these kids.
Doyle: And what do you think their response will be now? I know Stonewell put out a kind of unclear statement, sort of saying we accept the findings of the Cass review. But it wasn't that clear, was it?
Kavanagh: They've had two statements. They put out a tweet saying that they accepted the Cass review. Their own supporters then turned on them fairly viciously to express their displeasure with it. They've now released a longer statement in which they're scrabbling around in the Cass review for crumbs of hope, saying, well it's not a blanket ban on puberty blockers because there're still a possibility of a clinical trial, for example.
But Stonewall need to get real on this. This is over now. Dr. Cass has called time on this homophobic medical scandal. The sitting Secretary of State, the shadow Secretary of State for Health have accepted Cass. It's time for Stonewall to do the same, actually show some leadership and some concern for gay youth.
I would make this point if I may, Andrew. That statement from Stonewall, it didn't have the word gay or lesbian in it once. That's a powerful indication there.
Doyle: Okay, well it might be worth just reading out what Stonewall said they said, "Dr. Cass has not called for adolescents to have their right to their Identity or autonomy removed. Nor did Dr. Cass recommend the blanket ban on social transitioning for children of any age. Most significantly, Dr. Cass did not support unilateral 'outing' of trans young people by schools. There are clear gaps between recommendations and practical policy, and we're already hearing early reports of Dr Cass's analysis of - and recommendations about - social transitioning being used to challenge trans people's right to Identity."
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But it's interesting as you say, Dennis, they don't mention the key issue here, which is their failure to stand up for gay and lesbian youth.
Kavanagh: Yeah, and what a gloss on the Cass report that is. If you look at what the Cass report actually says that social transitioning, says where this occurs, there should be reference to a clinician almost immediately because it's not a neutral act. You won't find that in the Stonewall response, because Stonewall don't seem to care about concretizing cross-sex ideation, predominantly among homosexual young population.
Doyle: But they have bought into this idea that everyone is born with a gender identity and that that might be misaligned to the body. So, this is a belief system that is now so embedded in Stonewall, isn't it time that Stonewall was just no longer taken seriously?
Kavanagh: I entirely agree. In 2015, Stonewall added the T to the LGB under the leadership of Ruth Hunt, who promised everyone she wasn't going to do that but performed a vault fast. Which is why she's now facing, in the wake of this medical scandal, she's now facing a petition started by the author Simon Edge, which is coming up on, I think, 16,000-odd signatures, a petition to remove her from the House of Lords.
Doyle: I know you say that it's time's up now thanks to Cass, but isn't it going to be tough? And the reason I say that is there are still so many prominent gay and lesbian celebrities and groups and politicians, who are saying that they're standing up for Stonewall, who are standing up for the idea that kids may have a misaligned soul and body. And actually, given the prominence of those people, maybe voices like yours are the minority here.
Kavanagh: Well, that may or may not be the case, but what matters here is not the weight of numbers. What matters here is who is right about safeguarding these children. And if I'm one voice in 100, I don't care, if I'm right. I do think Stonewall are losing purchase in the public sphere, though. I do think politicians are beginning to realize that something has gone very, very seriously wrong here. It is heartening to see a cross-party consensus of serious politicians from the main, the larger parties embracing Cass and saying that a post-Cass NHS should effectively entirely rid itself of this poisonous ideology.
Doyle: And will it be taken up by the politicians? I mean, I know Alicia Kearns was adding an amendment to the criminal justice bill to try and ban what she calls "trans conversion therapy," but actually Cass specifically refers to this, saying that actually, this should not be mistaken, this should not be confused in the way that she's doing. She doesn't name Alicia Kearns, but she says that it is a common confusion.
Kavanagh: Yeah, and we've drawn this to Alicia Kearns's attention. We actually produced a briefing notes at Gay Men's Network on that amendment to the criminal justice bill. We've drawn Dr. Cass's comments to her attention. So far, we've heard absolutely nothing. Miss Kearns seems to think it's fine to speak over and speak for gay men, when gay men are telling her, look there's a problem with this piece of legislation and it has the capacity to harm gay boys.
Doyle: What I don't understand is so many of these people, they all agree that Section 28 was this terrible thing and the idea of the so-called promotion of homosexuality in schools, it should never have happened. And here they are presiding over something which is arguably even worse.
Kavanagh: Yeah, I agree it is an absurd situation and it is Orwellian, frankly, for them to be introducing such homophobic legislation and then telling us that it's a gay conversion ban. As we've discussed before, that is precisely the opposite of what it is. What it is, is state sanctioned conversion by gender and criminal penalties for doctors that don't go along with it. We call upon Alicia Kearns to withdraw this silly homophobic amendment, and we call on the Scottish government to scrap their proposed piece of legislation, which is even worse than the Kearns amendment.
Doyle: Is it time to divide LGB and T?
Kavanagh: Yes. Our interests have been demonstrated now to be entirely contrary to each other. And look, we are different protected characteristics, right. The those who have the gender reassignment characteristic under the Equality Act, good luck to them, and they of course should have rights in law. No one's opposed to that. But this force-teaming, this marriage cannot work, and it's become an abusive relationship.
Doyle: I don't understand because I saw Jeremy Corbyn speak this week, saying that there is no LGB without the T. How can it be the case that gay people who want to organize in their own interests should be connected automatically to the belief in a gender identity, which is a completely separate thing to sexual orientation? Does he not, has he not even talked to people about this, or attempted to understand?
Kavanagh: It's just another straight man telling us how to organize. How dare? How dare he stand up and say, you gays, you can't organize unless you force-team with a bunch of other people that I, a straight man, have chosen for you? Jeremy Corbyn has no right to say that to us. He doesn't understand this issue. He doesn't understand that our interests are sometimes contradictory, as is demonstrated by this global homophobic medical scandal.
Doyle: Now I wanted to ask you about an open letter that has been put together by James Esses, who's a campaigner, and this is a letter which has a number of signatories including yourself, and I should say for complete transparency, including myself. And this is calling on the government to have a full investigation into the impact of gender identity ideology in all aspects of public life. Can you tell us a bit more about that?
Kavanagh: Sure, I can tell you I'm one of the three directors of Gay Men's Network, all three of us have signed this and we support James's efforts here. We also call for a public inquiry in our consultation response. We invite ministers to consider their powers under Section One of the 2005 Inquiries Act, which is established to deal with areas of public concern. Well, what more could be of public concern than a medical scandal where the harm is disproportionately visited on defenceless children? If that's not a matter of public concern, I don't know what is. We need to get gender ideology out of the public sphere. We've got an NHS calling, insulting women by calling them uterus-havers. We've got the BBC teaching kids there's 100 genders. We've got the CPS introducing-- or proposing, two-tier prosecution standards in the case of sex by deception, which we've discussed in the past. We got Kemi Badenoch saying, across the floor of the Commons, I was told by my officials, her civil servants, that I shouldn't meet with Keira Bell, and we know that that meeting had a fundamental effect on that minister.
Doyle: That's a detransitioner.
Kavanagh: That's right. Keira Bell, who heroically and courageously brought the case of Bell and Tavistock a judicial review. So, we support James's call for there to be a public inquiry. This ideology has run riot. None of us voted for it. None of us got a say in this. And yet, it seems to have infested all areas of public life. We're sick of it because, as we can see with Cass, this is not an academic debate, right. It's not the Judith Butlers and the gendercrats and, you know, the Stonewall's CEOs at their black-tie dinners who pay the price for this. Who pays the price? Vulnerable kids. Autistic kids. Kids that are looked after. This is not okay. We need to deal with this.
Doyle: And you make the point about it not being democratic. It is in both parties. You know, this is the-- we can't vote this out. There's no way. So, is it likely that a public consultation or investigation will happen?
Kavanagh: Well, we shall see. We're making the case for it, that's all we can do for the time being. James has amassed a very impressive list of signatories from all sides of the House. We've got to get real about this. This is a medical scandal without equal. This was gay conversion 2.0 at the Tavistock. Lives have been ruined by this. Evidence from the Mayo Clinic in America just last week suggests that boys given puberty blockers have testicular atrophy, so the tissue in the testicles is degrading, and an increased cancer risk. That's where "gender" has led us to. There's going to-- heaven forbid, but it does seem likely that we're going to end up with some boy walking around now, probably in America going to end up with cancer in his testicles because of these clowns and what they unleashed on defenceless children.
Doyle: Finally, Dennis, could you tell us where we can read your full response to the Cass review?
Kavanagh: Sure. The full response is available at www.gaymensnetwork.com under Letters and Resources.
Doyle: Dennis Kavanagh, thanks ever so much for joining me.
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