#the derelict leviathan
catboyazem · 2 years
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the derelict leviathan —opulent chests in the royal pools
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brontios-helm · 2 years
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Destiny 2: Egregious Egregore
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paracawsal · 2 years
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Some photos I've taken in D2 :)
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vandyrix · 2 years
Me looking around for my mom at the grocery when i was 7:
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urzfanclub · 1 year
those radiation danger warnings will forever be linked w reapers & indoctrination & leviathans etc in my mind im afraid its just too cool
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aceofcaydes01 · 2 years
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Has anyone else had this happen on the derelict leviathan? It made me very uneasy. I didn’t have my Ghost out, but still. Don’t mess with my Ghost.
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comicaurora · 1 year
What other mythological creatures would be fun in space? If the answer is "most of them?", Then limit the scope of the question to what becomes *more* fun in space?
Still "most of them," unfortunately.
Deep in the bowels of a derelict, drifting hulk, so battered with cosmic rays and space debris all sign of its original function have eroded away, something that could have been human roams the labyrinthine halls. Who knows what terrible crime or tragedy spawned it? It is huge, and hungry, and terribly, terribly alone. All anyone knows is that the drifting hulk that screams to the void in a hundred looping distress calls is to be avoided at all costs, for the maze is deadly and its lone prisoner even deadlier.
An enchanting woman knocks on the porthole with a broad smile, hair flowing in beautiful curls and mouth moving soundlessly in the boiling vacuum. She seems unaware of the inch-thick tempered plasteel, or perhaps unaware of its necessity for the mortal and the fragile within. As she stares unblinking, whispers begin to crackle over the ship radio, half-parseable snatches in many voices - surnames, stardates, coordinates. The knowledge is so, so tempting.
The astronaut is standing just outside the airlock. The sun is starting to sink behind the lunar horizon, cutting razor-sharp shadows across the silvery dust. He's been standing, patiently, for over four hours. The crew in the lander are huddled as far away from the door as possible, unconacipusly avoiding the astronaut's cold and vacant bunk. They had buried him, after all, three rotations ago, the special kind of dead you only get after decompression-induced exsanguination. And yet here he stands, looking better than ever, a healthy blush in his cheeks clearly visible without that bulky reflective helmet in the way. His eyes catch the setting sun strangely, almost red.
Space is an ocean, they say; the analogy is imperfect, and yet persistent in its poetry. The seafarers of old coasted along the surface of a vast and unknowable deep and called it sailing, and the spacefarers of the new frontier do the same. They speed between the stars or cut through wormhole gates for the occasional shortcut, skimming the three-dimensional surface of the vast four-dimensional space that wormholes can only tentatively pierce, and they are satisfied. But there are strange shadows in the stars, twisting and slow - distortions that ripple out from the hyperdepth and mostly pass without incident, barring the sensitive instruments left screaming in their wake. Nobody has ever seen the four-dimensional leviathans that cast these three-dimensional shadows. At least, nobody who's come back.
They call it a dragon because it flies and it's the scariest thing they've ever seen. It doesn't do it justice. If anything, trying to give it a familiar name only highlights its horrible uncategorizability. It flies, yes - or at least it undulates through atmosphere, seemingly irrelevant to its own mass. It has a golden hoard and breathes poison and fire, or rather the nuclear furnace that boils in its sinuous belly vomits out great gouts of poison fire that leaves stone and flesh as glassy slag and metals fused into radioactive gold. The land all around its lair is blackened and sick, a vile caldera of strange-colored swampland and twisted, fungal trees. In the absolute terror and devastation of its wake, the colonists fall back on old, bad superstitions and offer it a girl…
The sorcerer took out his heart long ago, they say. This is true, but inadequate. His true body is shattered in closely guarded pieces to protect himself from a total death; the form he presents is only a projection of his will onto and through the nanite colony his machinations spawned, a body crafted by the immortal mind and will of one who sacrificed everything to be deathless. His heart is concealed in a small life support capsule in a long-forgotten laboratory in a satellite orbiting the moon of a quarantined colony world; his nervous system wires itself through the vast, organic computer that has taken the place of the planet's core. Backups of backups of backups, redundancies laced through every stolen system. He knows there was a purpose to this, once; a goal to all this sacrifice beyond a simple extension of life. He will never remember who he wanted this for. To be truly deathless, one cannot have a heart.
It's retroviral, they think. No other form of infection could've rewired her cells this fundamentally. It's irreversible without gene therapy, but at least she isn't deteriorating, they say. At least she's holding together while they look for a treatment. She can feel it, though, no matter what the medic says; sub-cellular or not, she can feel it boiling under her skin, sharpening her teeth, burning out from the site of the bite on her arm. And she can feel, with absolute certainty, the planet's two satellites slowly shifting into opposition with the sun, right through the windowless walls of the quarantine pod. She doesn't know what she'll become when the moons are full, but she doesn't speak her suspicions. A part of her - perhaps even a part that's always been there - is very, very eager to find out.
A colony was here once, a long, long time ago. Terraformed and everything, but those were the early days, before they realized you needed a magnetosphere to keep all that air and water from being wicked away by the solar wind. The loss was so gradual it didn't make sense until over a century later, and there wasn't anything they could do for them long-term - wrong kind of core for a polarization op. They did evac, of course, but the priority was low - and it was centuries deep into social development. Everybody on that world had been born there, and some of them didn't want to leave. Way I hear it, some of them insisted on staying - strongly and violently - and the folks in charge eventually got tired of losing troops in a dessicating backwater that was gonna solve itself in less than a century, so they just fudged the paperwork and washed their hands of the whole thing. It's near airless now - stopped being a viable colony world nigh on thirty years back when the last of the ice vanished. But that's not why we steer clear. We don't land there because the locals didn't have the decency to die right, and it can be damn unsettling to catch their shadows sneaking across the sand. They're drawn to ships, you know? Poor bastards still think they can leave.
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oldschoolfrp · 11 months
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Blacklight, a very old radiant dragon, lairs in a derelict leviathan adrift near the Lich's Tear, a mysterious black orb that devours everything that approaches. (Jennell Jaquays, cover of Dungeon 36, July/August 1992, featuring a scene from Steve Kurtz's Spelljammer adventure "The Sea of Sorrow") Look closely in the upper left -- the debris above the Tear spells "92 JAQUAYS".
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devildomwriter · 7 months
Dance Invitations Vol 2
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Asmodeus: “Ooh! Hey, I just thought of something! There’s going to be a dance as part of the school festival celebrations, right?”
Satan: “Assuming nothing has changed this year, yes.”
Asmodeus: “So, who do you think MC is going to dance with?”
“…Um, listen. There’s going to be a dance as part of the school festival, and… I was wondering if maybe you’d go with me…?”
— 27-15
“There’s going to be a dance on the evening of the school festival. And I was wondering if you’d be interested in going with me?”
— 27-16
“MC, did you know that there will be a dance on the day of the school festival? So, how about we go together? You’d like that, right? I mean, with me as your partner, you’re guaranteed to be the center of attention! The whole school will be talking about you, you know?”
— 27-19
“When I’m with you, MC, I’m a little less aware of how hungry I am. …At least, that’s how it seems to me. …Oh, I’ve been meaning to ask you something. There’s going to be a dance on the evening of the school festival. And I was wondering if you’d go as my partner?”
— 28-1
“…Um, hey. MC… Uh, about the, um…dance party. You know, on the night of the school festival… Would you be interested in maybe going with me…?”
— 28-5
“Anyway, changin’ the subject… MC, I know there’s somethin’ you wanna say to me. Go on! …You don’t know what I’m talkin’ about? Really?! Really really?! You seriously don’t know?! Come on, I’m talkin’ about the thing! The thing happenin’ after the school festival!”
— 28-8/28-11
“And so I ask you, as the one I love…would you dance with me tonight? I can’t hope to marry you and live out our days together. It would be a selfish dereliction off duty, and I can’t abandon my people like that. So I ask you, could I have this one night…one night to remember forever?”
– 28-15
“Wait…you mean to say you don’t have a date to the dance? Well, I was planning on going alone, too. Why don’t we lonely singles go together?”
- 28-19
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ashes-in-a-jar · 3 months
In my head, you’re a Magnus Archives blog. I mean, I know you obviously listen to other things, but In my mind it’s things like Welcome to Nightvale, Malevolent, Hello from the Hallowoods, The Sheridan Tapes, things like that, horror and supernatural.
So I had to do a double-take when I saw a Dungeons and Daddies post from you, I really didn’t know you listened to it. Then I see you reblog a Fawx and Stallion post, and now I’m just wondering how many podcasts you’ve listened to that I’ve also listened to.
Hahaha yes this blog has been mainly for tma stuff for years now, I still feel like I'm new to the fandom but honestly I've been here through a lot of it since the beginning of season 5
Buuuuut in the past few months I've stopped going into the tma tag regularly and been feeling a little detached from it, at least as opposed to before. My listen to tmagp has been way less interactive and I hardly reblog content anymore (which is something I like doing but because of various bad experiences on the internet recently I have yet to recover from I feel safer posting my own original posts rather than reblogging)
And that freed up a space in my mind to realize I've actually been listening to a lot of podcasts besides tma and it's honestly a shame not to talk about them more with others
I do listen to a lot of horror fantasy supernatural and science fiction podcasts! I also love a lot of dnd and ttrpg podcasts, I also love everything dropout and wish I could get into critical role but it's so big I don't think I'll manage it
I put under the cut a (quite long) list of the podcasts I have listened to and/or have notifications turned on
Anyone following me, you're welcome to send me an ask about one of them if you like them as well or want to hear about them!
I also put a list of podcasts on my to listen to list. Feel free to drop a recommendation for which them to listen to first!
Podcasts I'm caught up on (the lists are long so it's alphabetical without "the")
Ongoing podcasts
The Amelia project
Ask your father
A voice from darkness
Black box
Brimstone valley mall
The cellar letters
Death by dying
Eeler's choice
Ethics town
Fawx and stallion
Hello from the Hallowoods
The hundred handed
Lost terminal
The Magnus protocol
Midnight burger
The mistholme museum of mystery morbidity and mortality
Neon inkwell
New years day
Not quite dead
Old gods of Appalachia
The penumbra podcast
The program
Red valley
The Sheridan Tapes
The silt verses
The sound museum
Super suits
Tell no tales
Tiny terrors
Traveling light
The vesta clinic
The white vault
Completed podcasts
Absolutely no adventures
Archive 81
The bright sessions
Camp here and there
Give me away
I am in eskew
Monstrous agonies
Parkdale haunt
The Magnus archives
Re: dracula
The secret of st kilda
Spirit box radio
Steal the stars
We know none
Wolf 359
Wooden overcoats
The adventure zone
Campaign skyjacks
Chapter and multiverse
Dark dice
Dice shame
Dimension 20 (not a podcast but I listen to it like one)
Dungeons and daddies
Not another d&d podcast
Rusty Quill gaming
Worlds beyond number
Podcast on my listen next list:
The Alexandria archives
Alice isn't dead
Ars paradoxica
The Black tapes
The box
The bridge
The cryptid keeper
Darkest night
The darkroom
The dark tome
The deca tapes
The deep vault
Dreamboy (this one is nsfw so it makes me nervous lol)
Duggan Hill
The earth collective
The far meridian
The fountain road files
The glass canon
Jar of rebuke
Kings fall am (I started but heard not great things about it)
Knifepoint horror
Kollok 1991
Less is morgue
The leviathan chronicles
The lost cat
Mockery manor
Next stop
The no sleep podcast
The orphans
The Orpheus protocol
Out of place
The phone booth
Point mystic
The right left game
Shadows at the door
Stellar firma
The storage papers
Stories from among the stars
Super ordinary
Vast horizon
Victoria's lift
Video palace
Welcome to night Vale (I listen to this one very sporadically lol)
We're alive
Within the wires
Woe begone (I started but got stuck on episode 20ish but want to continue)
Wrong station
Critical role (it's sooo long tho)
Dames and dragons
Dragon friends
Join the party
The lucky die
Queens of adventure
Realms of pearl and glory
Rude tales of magic
Skyjacks courier call
Three black halflings
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y’know, with the alliances we’ve been building up getting ready for final shape, I’m gonna be a little disappointed if our forces combined doesn’t result in a cabal frigate infused with sacred splicer tech to allow a guardian to thundercrash the whole thing straight into a pyramid with a cargo hold full of SIVA that Rasputin set to “~KICK ASS/CHEW GUM/RUN OUT OF GUM~” mode
Any crash mission whose purpose is to get Rasputin into the middle of the Pyramid fleet to raise hell is A+ Certified Good Stuff by me. Really just any situation that allows him to absolutely personally Start Some Shit. Everyone keeps breaking into his places! I want him to break into theirs.
I also want Rasputin to use a SIVA swarm to repair/modify the Dreadnaught just enough to take it into a fight with Leviathan.
finally get to see SIVA do what it's supposed to do
SIVA/Warmind tech plated onto a Hive infrastructure would look amazing
Red finally gets to use everything he learned from fighting Xol
the parallels of the Dreadnaught being Oryx's throne and the King is not coming home but perhaps for now a Tyrant will do
(I am fascinated by the parallels between Rasputin and Oryx)
how do you fight a giant haunted derelict alien warship? with another giant haunted derelict alien warship! which is not a lot but it's weird that we have two.
because you know Rasputin wouldn’t tell anyone his plan in advance. They’d ask and he’d just be like "you won’t like it.”
and then their faces when the fucking DREADNAUGHT warps into the fight
their FACES!
Calus was not expecting that
neither was Zavala
I need it.
absolutely none. Season 20 confirmed.
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catboyazem · 2 years
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the derelict leviathan   —opulent chests in the pleasure gardens
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brontios-helm · 1 year
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Destiny 2: Reflection
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666writingcafe · 9 months
With Me
Warning: a character decides to end their own life in Act V.
A Play Written By Christopher Peugeot
Lucifer: The Prince
MC: The Attendant
Belphegor: The King of the Land of Sloth
Beel: The King of the Land of Gluttony
Leviathan: The King of the Land of Envy
Satan: The Fairy of the Wood
Simeon: The Narrator
Barbatos: Head Crew Member
Mammon: Set Designer
Leviathan: Costume Designer
Asmo: Hair and Makeup
Solomon: Composer
Narrator: Once upon a time, long, long ago, in a small and remote land, there lived a prince. This prince was a man who could be quite sadistic at times, but for the most part he was a caring man. He had many servants, but his favorite by far was his personal attendant.
Narrator: The prince's personal attendant had a terrible secret: they were cursed. From a young age, they watched everyone they ever cared about die in increasingly tragic ways. The only way that the curse could be broken is if they find their true love.
Narrator: One day, the prince received a letter from his betrothed, explaining that the time has come for them to finally wed. Not wanting to delay the ceremony any longer than necessary, the prince quickly packs his things and orders his personal attendant to accompany him on the journey to his betrothed's kingdom.
Narrator: In order to get there, however, they had to venture through various lands ruled by ruthless kings.
The King of the Land of Sloth tries to force the prince and his attendant into an eternal slumber.
The King of the Land of Gluttony tries to eat the prince and his attendant.
The King of the Land of Envy nearly executes the prince and his attendant due to becoming jealous of their bond.
Narrator: At long last, the pair reach the kingdom of the prince's betrothed. Instead of being relieved, however, the personal attendant feels their stomach sink.
Narrator: Over the course of their journey, the attendant realizes that the prince might just be their true love, making it possible for their curse to finally be broken. However, the attendant knows that the union of the prince and his betrothed would bring political stability to the two kingdoms, so they decide to keep this revelation to themselves.
Narrator: What the attendant doesn't know is that the prince is having second thoughts about the wedding.
Prince: I feel as though all these years, I've been living a lie, refusing to acknowledge the truth. To think that my true love has been right beside me all along...I don't know if I can go through with this.
Prince: *sighs* But I have to. I can't hope to marry them and live out our days together. It would be a selfish dereliction of duty, and I cannot abandon my people for their sake. *sighs again*
Prince: Just the thought of taking their hand and gazing into their eyes makes my heart pound with anticipation. I never knew I could feel this way. I never knew I had such passion inside me.
Narrator: Believing that the prince is completely smitten with his betrothed, the attendant rushes out of the castle. They don't know where they're going, but they know that they have to get away before they risk ruining the prince's happiness.
Narrator: The attendant ends up lost deep within a forest and catches the attention of the fairy of the wood.
Fairy: What is the matter?
Attendant: *cries silently*
Fairy: *places a hand on the attendant's shoulder* There's no keeping secrets from the fairy of the wood. I know what's in your heart. You've in love with a prince, aren't you?
Attendant: *sniffles and wipes their eyes* Yes. He is due to wed soon.
Fairy: I see. You know that only royalty is fit to marry a prince, yet you can't stop yourself from loving him.
Attendant: What do I do?
Fairy: *pulls out a dagger* Take this. Use it to kill his betrothed. That will grant you status and prestige...enough to marry your prince, I'd say. *pauses* But know that this is no ordinary dagger. Once you take it from me, you must use it to kill someone.
Narrator: The attendant takes the dagger and leaves the fairy of the wood behind. Instead of returning to the castle, they end up in a secluded meadow.
Attendant: I still remember the day I first met you, almost like it was yesterday. The way you fixed your eyes on me, that noble yet sincere gaze...
Attendant: The moment I beheld it, I was transfixed. And that was it. There was no going back. I fell for you completely, body and soul. I knew that if we were to become friends--and only friends--I'd be able to stay by your side forever. So I buried my feelings for you deep inside. Forever. At least, that's what I thought.
Attendant: *takes a deep breath* Is there any way that I might take their place? That you might feel for me what you've felt for them? I beg you, open your heart to me instead, to me and me alone.
Attendant: Who am I kidding? You could never love someone like me. *plunges the dagger into their chest*
Prince: NO! *runs over to the attendant and catches them before they hit the ground* MC...! My dear MC!
Prince: *notices the dagger* Oh no...this is the cursed blade said to belong to the fairy of the wood. The curse required you to take a life, but you couldn't bring yourself to kill someone else, could you?
Attendant: *whispers* You love them. *dies*
Prince: No, my darling, I love you. *notices that the attendant is dead* I wish you could have killed my betrothed, but instead you've...
Prince: *nearly chokes on his tears* You've left me in a world without you. Is that really what you wanted? To condemn me to suffer through life without you?
Prince: *starts shouting* I loathe my royal blood, and I loathe a world without you in it! A curse on all of it, everything!
Narrator: Never did the two imagine that such a destiny awaited them at the end of their long, long journey. The prince's true love was dead, leaving him to suffer through life alone. Overcome with sorrow at having lost the person he loved, the prince became consumed by hatred, cursing the world and those in it. Transforming into a demon, he dedicated himself to bringing sadness and misfortune to people everywhere for all eternity.
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destiny02 · 1 year
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Derelict Leviathan, Season of The Haunted
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urzfanclub · 2 years
love the constant dialogue w the past u have in mass effect…beacons + the klendagon rift and its shot aimed at a now-derelict but still undead reaper + the reapers themselves + the collectors + the justicars + the leviathan + javik waking up + the murals on tuchanka…! & these r all tip of the iceberg
light travelling hundreds of centuries away so we can still see dead stars… I think its a cool lens for the story i like when they lean into it
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