#the door radar
coachtfd · 7 months
Ask me about my love for Darwin Nunez. I wanted him at United for a reason. 😁 The league really doesn’t want him to start converting more of his chances; be careful what you wish for. 😉
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barblaz-arts · 9 months
Not a question. Just wanted to say I love the profile pic and cover photo. Wednesday is like “stop being so fucking cute! You rainbow, glitter, sunshine, beast! And you’re so squishy!”
Then there’s Enid like “My face! Have mercy!!! I can’t help it!”
Thanks! It seems like such a possible thing to happen in canon doesnt it? Id love for a silly Wenclair moment like that. It's super cute yet not too much that execs would get scared that it's too gay at least lmao Emma might not appreciate having her cheeks pinched(when i was in highschool a few people used to do it to me and it can get old lmao) but Im sure Jenna would have a blast.
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thisbluespirit · 3 months
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Films watched (1990s): THE WINSLOW BOY (1999); dir. & screenplay David Mamet (adapted from the play by Terence Rattigan). Starring Nigel Hawthorne, Jeremy Northam, Rebecca Pidgeon & Gemma Jones.
"No, not justice. Right. Easy to do justice. Very hard to do right."
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corvidscreams · 8 months
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Days 13 + 14: Attend + Nurse
Rick is about to find out some startling facts about his repair pal this day. (And you all get to look at a crackship I share with a grand total of 2 other people. Look at them.)
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quordleona03 · 2 years
A Priest in Korea is Moving to the AO3
Many years ago, I was friends with Scarlatti on Livejournal, and I found she had written a whole lot of M*A*S*H fanfiction (twenty stories! That was a whole lot back then!) using the name Iolanthe.
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I read all her stories - mostly Hawkeye/Mulcahy: as far as I know, she was the very first person ever to write Hawkeye/Mulcahy slash stories - and I loved them and I started seeing Hawkcahy in the series and one of her stories gave me the idea for the story that eventually grew into Sins and Virtues.
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She read the final part of S&V only in first draft - I started sending her sections as soon as I had finished them - because Susan had cancer, and she died, four months before she would have turned 40. Her website, A Priest In Korea (William Christopher's description of M*A*S*H was "Oh, it's about a priest in Korea") fell into the Wayback machine, and last year, thinking of her stories again and looking for them, I found a complete snapshot of her website, and I thought "I could transfer this over to AO3 and let everyone read them: I bet they have a process for that".
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They do. Julie was my Virgil as I walked through the Open Doors and now a priest in Korea has moved to AO3: A priest in Korea03. The longest story on site isn't even a Hawkeye/Mulcahy story: it's a Francis Mulcahy & Margaret Houlihan story, Polarity, which uses "a creaky old sci-fi plot device" to put Francis into Margaret's body and Margaret into Francis's -
He grew even more uneasy under the appreciative once-over with which Dickinson now favored him, and a blush warmed his face. When he caught sight of Houlihan's sidelong glare, he wondered how she -- or any other woman, for that matter -- would normally handle that kind of attention.
"Well now, Major, I can see you're a take-charge kind of gal," Dickinson drawled. "Meaning no disrespect. But your C.O. would have my head on a platter if I sent you off without an armed escort. Ain't that how you got into this mess in the first place?"
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And the next-longest is also not precisely Hawkeye/Mulcahy, Playing the Game: The night air was pleasant and warm, and I was enjoying the mind-fuzzing effects of several beers, so my pace was unhurried. I'd almost made it to my tent when a man stepped out of the shadows behind the nurses' tent and latched onto my upper arm. "Hold it right there, Mister Vatican," he hissed.
I knew who it was without needing to see his face. No one but Colonel Sam Flagg, alleged CIA operative and all-around loose cannon, had ever addressed me in that fashion. I froze obediently, though my heart was racing and every instinct was telling me to flee for the hills at the earliest opportunity.
"Got a few questions for you," Flagg went on.
(sadly, now and forever unfinished, but rather in the sense of "there should have been more" than "ends on a cliffhanger")
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She wrote what is still (as far as I can tell) the only Henry Blake/Trapper story, one of the few Radar/Hawkeye stories, and also Trapper/Mulcahy.
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But mostly, she wrote about Francis Mulcahy falling in love with Hawkeye, and Hawkeye's gentle reciprocation.
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Between us, we somehow managed to get the tent door open and cross the threshold. At that point, I expected Mulcahy to say goodnight and go pass out in his bunk, which is what I would've done, but instead he had a surprise for me.
As soon as the door closed behind us, he turned in my grasp until we were face to face. Before I had time to fully register what was going on, he'd looped his arms around my neck and was pulling me forward into a kiss.
It was, I think, the softest, sweetest, most tender kiss I've ever received...and one of the most inexplicably erotic.
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What can I say? I loved her stories. She inspired me to write Hawkcahy long before that shipname was invented. I never got to meet her. I'd like you all to read her stories, and thanks to Open Doors/AO3, there they are.
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They told me, Heraclitus, they told me you were dead, They brought me bitter news to hear and bitter tears to shed. I wept, as I remembered, how often you and I Had tired the sun with talking and sent him down the sky. And now that thou art lying, my dear old Carian guest, A handful of grey ashes, long long ago at rest, Still are thy pleasant voices, thy nightingales, awake; For Death, he taketh all away, but them he cannot take.
This is sort of a sad post, but it shouldn't be: Susan was hilarious, and it's been a pleasure and an honour being her archivist.
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Thanks, Susan.
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adam-trademark · 10 hours
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The Final Cut
(May 21, 2019)
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grackle-draws · 9 months
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pastrygeckos · 11 months
Saki has never been allowed a single lick of a cheez doodle once in her life... Especially not the one she's got on the floor right now 😔 Tragic
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just-a-mod · 1 year
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I'm glad he remembers the drill
I am most certainly not here for kisses though 8)
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hairtusk · 11 months
i love disabled access spaces where it's blindingly obvious NO disabled people were consulted in the design
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perseidipity · 11 months
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Hello I am alive. I haven't really drawn much since August due to BG3 brainrot (and this month I've been learning how to mod the game) but this morning my brain decided I wasn't allowed to look at computer screens so I did a little sketch of Shel. She was originally supposed to be like a miniboss for a friend's campaign but it never happened so I ended up making her in BG3.
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lakemichigans · 7 months
if you ever get the chance to apologize to your sibling for something you did as kids, take it. i can almost guarantee you won't regret it
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sir-yeehaw-paws · 2 years
We live here now. Lest we get ambushed and turned into Swiss cheese.
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jakemyboy · 2 years
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He's such a good boy and will always sit for a photo but clearly he's thinking about something else. 🐀
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corvidscreams · 7 months
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“Focus on me.” A companion piece for @voidcat-senket's fic in which Kylo gets a shave and Rick gets a panic attack. Made for a total audience of like. Us.
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quietwingsinthesky · 2 years
Hate the Winchesters not because it’s bad but because every time I watch an episode I wake up at 3 AM to my brain trying to construct a better version of the show out of scraps
#thinking rn about what if they went more early season spn and leaned into American urban legends#specifically thinking about. headless horseman episode.#headless horseman killing people who try to leave Lawrence#it’s going to go after Mary at some point obv. She’s trying to keep people from leaving town#but in doing so she accidentally gets on the ghost’s radar#imagining her like. wrecking her car into someone else’s. just to keep them from leaving#she’s saving their life! they don’t know it but she is! but then as she’s getting out of her car to go make sure they’re okay#turns around and oh shit. headless horseman. run#meanwhile Carlos and Latika have figured out the whole ‘can’t cross bridge with running water’ thing that I think is part of the mythos?#anyway the point is that Mary’s running. and then Carlos pulls up after having driven here like a madman. blew right past the horseman.#van back doors open for Mary to jump in#and then they fucking book it#shit is falling out of the van all over the road#and latika was in the back to help Mary climb in so they’re holding hands (this is because they r gay. also. important detail.)#they get rid of the ghost. maybe there’s a reason for the bridge thing. maybe he got his head chopped and his body thrown in the river#scare the ghost to not existing like the guy from the fear illness episode#but the three of them make it over the bridge. and the thing is. they’re free. nothing is chasing them. Carlos could keep driving.#he’s not going to though. because the thing that keeps everyone in Lawrence. the thing that’s got them trapped. it’s not a ghost.#I think there could be something to that. you know how the thesis of spn’s pilot was ‘you can never go home’#what if the thesis of the Winchesters was ‘you can never leave home’#a v different kind of horror story#mary is going to die in this town. she’s never going to escape. and the thing is that Carlos and Latika love her. they do.#which is a terrible thing in the spn universe. gets you as tangled up and trapped as the person you love.#presumably they’re going to end up like Mary’s other old friends that are referenced as having suspicious deaths in s3 of spn#and we know that. they don’t.#anyway you may have noticed John wasnt in this at all#that’s because I would just. write him out. of the hunting parts.#he’s the love interest guys. he’s not here to contribute to the plot. he’s here to make heart eyes at mary.#(and ultimately damn her because she loves him and saving his life will be what jumpstarts the whole mess.)#also no weird aliens in this version. samuel’s just kidnapped by a run of the mill demon. which is actually a threat.
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