#the ep was meh but at least they had cute scenes
penelopesbridgerton · 7 months
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salisburyliam · 2 months
My WORST to BEST ranking for Desert Rose's LIs
NOTE 1: I have yet to finish Saeed's route but I don't think my opinion will change much once I do tbh
NOTE 2: I've ONLY played Jack and Cindy's routes until getting their respective achievements in season 2, ep. 7 - and Adil's in ep. 10. I haven't played season 3 with either of them, maybe my list would be very different if I did, but I'm not a big fan of this book to begin with & I REFUSE to read it one more time lmao
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7. Saeed - If he didn't look like he was 15 maybe, maybe, he would be higher on the list. But honestly, I'm not quite sure why he's an LI. He's cute, but the "little brother vibe" kind of cute. Also, he has too few scenes for him to suddenly propose to Yasmin. As you can tell, not a fan. 3/10
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6. Jaffar - The story of the bodyguard and his protégé would have been very interesting... had it been better executed. The fact that Jaffar literally calls her his "little sister" 🤢 and that there is no romantic interaction of any kind until s3 doesn't actually help. He's more of a background character. Really hot, tho. 4/10
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5. Cindy - I'd have preferred Caroline as LI, I find her waaay more interesting & with a more distinct personality. Nothing against Cindy, I just get the feeling that the author never really knew what to do with her?? Their romance feels pretty meh imo 6/10
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4. Adil - I KNOW this is going to be an unpopular opinion... but I find Adil very boring. There, I said it 🤷 When I first started this book I chose him as my initial LI not only because he is unquestionably one of the hottest LIs (not just in the book but in the whole app) but because it was obvious from the beginning he was the rebel - it seemed like a promising dynamic. But he literally disappears in the second season and when he comes back a thousand years later Zain has already hooked you (that's what happened to me at least lmao). He is the most beautiful man tho, and has the biggest 🍆 in the whole RC - change my mind. 7/10
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3. Jack - I looove the flashbacks of when they were kids (the "woah" scene is so endearing) their friendship and how sweet & passionate he is with Yasmin. The dynamic between the two of them feels tender and warm throughout, and as a bonus I will say that they together have the most ADORABLE son ever. 7.5/10
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i mean..... look at this little angel!!!!
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2. Mustafa - I've talked about this before. If the dynamic + connection between Yasmin and him in s1 had been the same throughout the book, he would have been inarguably in the first place. But from season 2 onwards he literally is sidelined and when he returns he seems like a completely different character. Yet he remains an 8/10 for his sense of humor, love of watermelons and goats.
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1. Zain - You can tell it's the author's favorite route because of how well written and thought out it is. There's undeniable chemistry between the two characters, Zain's constant dilemma, Yasmin becoming more and more interested in him but not wanting to admit it out loud, THE TENSION... I didn't even look twice at him in the first season (to this day his sprite still looks like a Disney villain to me, lol) but the second season is undeniably his and I love that he's an official sugar daddy. 9/10
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jakowskis · 6 months
Day 4 - What’s your least favorite episode(s)?
oh g-d ok. so the way i said even the best torchwood eps are 70% good 30% bad? well my least favorite eps are like, 80% bad, 20% something that fucking rots my brain... and my resentment + frustration is increased by the fact that, like, im not able to dismiss the ep completely bc there's like two or three good things in all the mess. so then i have to revisit it, and every time i do im reminded how bad it is. jgkfgk. so it builds up my disdain more than usual
anyway. i hope i dont hurt anyones feelings w these opinions im just petty fhsdkjfsdhjk
ok i have a particular grudge against adam. it makes me viscerally angry. i have a tangible hatred for adam!owen like JGKFKGKGKF it's semi inexplicable but he makes me angryyyyy. i see ppl gush about him being cute in that ep - to me, he comes across as a pushy niceguy in it and it grosses me tf out, and i hateeee the towen implications there, bc usually it's switched, right? so if confident!tosh is like normal!owen, i dislike conflating stalkery niceguy!owen with normal!tosh, like?? bc if adam!owen's love for tosh mirrors normal!tosh's love for him, then the way adam!tosh feels about adam!owen (aka, legitimate disgust + disdain) is Not a good sign for how normal!owen feels about normal!tosh. she's cruel to him in that ep, just like he's usually cruel to her, and it's just... eugh. i continue to be #1 towen critic. baffles me that the show was tryna pass them off as cute - baffles me that ppl FIND them cute. more about that when i talk abt my notps ig 😭
(adam cont.) and then i hated the jack plot, but that's a me thing bc i hate the gray arc. i also hated adam taking advantage of tosh. ianto's plotline was underwhelming to me, like ig it's cool i just haven't ever thought of it since i first saw it fff. i like the concept of the ep, i just disliked the execution. that being said - the scene where they're all gathered around the conference table haunts me. one of my favs.
then we have dead man walking, my beloathed. i like the resurrection scene itself, and gwen & owen's hug... and that's it. the rest is so ridiculous n bad n corny n an insult to owen 😭 and they MAJORLY flubbed the jack & owen scenes like they had sm potential to explore shit there n they DIDNT. unforgivable. the jail cell should've been fantastic n it's just... meh. i hate that ep it's laughable. there's some good shit sprinkled in but it's not explored, like owen would've been horrified at something possessing him n invading him, esp bc he has control issues - but they dont dwell on it. he WAS pissed off w jack for bringing him back - but they don't dwell on it. martha's clearly dealing w survivor's guilt, the team are experiencing loss, and none of that's properly touched. it's just. ugh. ill talk about some of this stuff more when i talk abt scenes i wish i could fix
my other one i dislike, although my grudge is less personal, is adrift. it's alright on its own, i just hate it being at the end of s2, when we only have two episodes left with tosh and owen. i feel like it was a prime time to do a tosh episode, because she was majorly underutilized as a character, like the show never prioritizes her (+ all her eps are romantic plots which annoys me personally. shes a fucking cyberterrorist why didnt we get an ep about that). i also hate that owen was deemed irrelevant after his undead arc. grr. i for one love gwen adventure eps (+ andy's in that one!!!! and rhys like im fond of all of them so i like those eps) it just feels like a missed opportunity to highlight one of them one last time. esp tosh. owen got enough attention gkfkgk
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tau1tvec · 2 years
I’ve always been kinda aware it exists, but seeing it happening in something so seemingly anti-capitalist as The Sims cc and modding community, or any modding community is sooo… weird ??? Could be my age showing, I’ve been around since The Sims 2 LJ and Forum scene, where I very vividly remember everyone chastising a creator into exile for using ad-fly links, despite all they’d contributed to the community, which is wild considering how common they are now.
I remember ad-fly resurfacing some probably two or three years into The Sims 3, and although a lot of people were quite vocally against it, many of them being former The Sims 2 players, it didn’t quite have the same effect this time around. Some people would include non-ad-fly links and alternatives, and luckily ad-fly killers mostly worked, but it’d become pretty norm as the years went on, while in the background the way The Sims 3 itself was also rewriting how The Sims can be monetized, by introducing The Sims 3 Store.
Now I think The Sims 2 had one as well, but it was kinda meh… and so was The Sims 3 Store at the start, like the sets were cute, but people weren’t exactly rushing to buy cash cards to get them, esp since as, tale as old as time style, there were plenty of forums and pirate sites out there offering them for free. However as EA began, idk possibly seeing a decline in sales, they started pushing two expansions and one or two stuff packs out a year I think, and even more store sets. Big store sets, and it helped pick up steam, but it also began pushing The Sims further and further into this very, “content, content all the time, so much content, open you wallet now or you’ll miss out” mindset that I think we’ve only seen exacerbated with The Sims 4.
Yes we’re getting less big releases, with only one EP a year, but we’re getting plenty of others between gamepacks, kits, and constant updates, at least 2-3 of which are quite huge changes, that make them a bit difficult to ignore.
I think my point is, that gaming has obviously changed a lot over the years, the products we pay for aren’t quite as fulfilling as they used to be, but we get more of it more often ??? So yay, I guess ??? Still this doesn’t change the fact that we’re still paying for, if not paying more at times for less content ???
Either way I guess we shouldn’t be surprised it’s also affecting the cc/modding community, I think in the bigger picture as well, is we just live in truly different times economically than we did when The Sims 2 dropped, a lot of people trying to find other means or extra means to get money and pay for bills, rising food prices, and constantly bouncing gas prices has changed a lot of how monetization works as well, but at some point the bubble will burst. We can’t keep scamming each other like this, esp since all we’re doing is basically passing off our struggles to someone else when we do, and only for a little bit of relief… which will also likely be as brief and heavily monetized as the games we play to get that relief.
I’ve seen a lotta people become more and more comfortable sharing pirate links openly, even Twitter YouTube, and Instagram, former bastions of typically willing players and participants of paid content are openly sharing that paid content with others, and that behavioral change isn’t unfounded, we’re exhausted, exhausted with having too much and yet too little and still being expected to pay to get ahead of the line, exhausted with the cc community and the game itself, but we’re also exhausted with the world and society and it’s obvious decline in recent years, and so we’re just picking the slightly less exhausting route, lol.
tldr; The Sims cc/modding community will always be anti-capitalist, and complacency doesn’t equal willingness, pirate servers don’t exist without reason, and no, believe it or not, not everything should be monetized, if you’re wondering if everyone is judging you for posting a slightly longer version of an EA hair under early access, it’s bc we are… while we’re also looking to see if it’s on DHM.
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feuqueerfire · 7 months
Pit Babe Live Blogging
This show is finally ending, I've been stopping myself from starting it since like December I think when I saw Tiktoks from those early episodes (honestly younger, cute boytoy top Charlie who is so beautiful to me had a hand in that lol). The chatter also seems to really like the show, maybe unexpectedly for quite a few people (also I think at least a certain amount of it is for the side ship? Alan and Jeff or something? who I know nothing about because I only really know some plot points until like ep 4 or smth because I'd look up Tiktoks)
So I really hope I like it! I've only been like "meh, sure" for the 3 shows/movies I've watched so far this month, so I'd love it if this one lives up to my expectations.
Ep 1 (Feb 7)
girl what's going on? okay we're starting with fucking but he's gotta blow off steam bc his senses are too sensitive? Or what's going on?
alpha smell, i died
ohhh dubcon sexual coercion racer/fan hookup as payment <3333
charlie doesn’t have a smell (smth about an enigma in the tiktok comments?) and babe can’t stand alpha scent
fuck off iqiyi ad, right in the middle of the scene
i wonder if Charlie does have ulterior motives other than the car bc tiktok comments hinted at it but i stopped looking at them after a couple eps so didn’t find out
ohhh the objectification and using Charlie as a bet is a doozy
Charlie talking about not exploiting Babe is the funniest shit ever
random villain
I need to sleep almost 2am agh - 28m
back the next morning hehe
Why is this guy who seems to be around the same age as everybody else being called Uncle and referring to himself as old man lmfao is it like how Gumpa was maybe supposed to be older than he was in Not Me?
oh, i like these scenes actually, I usually have a 50-50 on whether I'll skip through these makeout/NC scenes but I'm watching these lmao
Babe being so irritable/standoffish after an orgasm is so funny like why lol
kalsdfjlk;asfjlk;asdfj talking about roleplaying as a maid/wearing maid costume/Charlie calling Babe master omg
Babe doesn't know how to appreciate maid Charlie, give him to me instead
the holes in the walls of Babe's house are so funny like what
Also how old are these people? I think I remember a Tiktok of Charlie going to uni (and Babe following him because he's suspicious lol) and I'm guessing Babe is a couple years older than that?
[Linguistics] Pom and Phi for Charlie while Gu and Mueng for Babe
Babe calling Charlie docile awooga
So was the villain whose face we kinda saw earlier the UAC Corp leader? Tony Chen?
"report about Babe"
okay I'm reading the on-air thread for this on r/boyslove and some people are like hmmm about their chemistry so far and are like why is the NC stuff so tame/vague but personally... I can watch the NC scenes when it's like this, so it's going well in my books lol rip, though I kinda assume it might get more heated in the later eps? Also hm idk about Charlie and Babe's chemistry, it seems fine but not magnetic/magical yet.
Also people in that thread seem to have little to no experience with omegaverse or have mostly read alpha/omega and also seem confused about what's allowed vs not allowed when in fact, there's no rigid rules with omegaverse because it's a literal fanfic concept and you can make it whatever you want. Personally, I haven't read any original book/manhua/etc. with omegaverse but am so well-versed in fanfic a/b/o lol a/a o/o a/o are all great, sometimes with a beta though beta/x do tend to be quite rare, even more than a/a and o/o I feel like?? Also have read OT3 a/b/o or a/a/o or a/o/o etc. Love all the different types of fics omegaverse has to offer: the 4k explicit fics and 20k romances and 60k of criticizing society/trying to break out of the rigid molds/mirroring real world issues/etc. Traditional, medium trad-nontrad, and nontraditional omegaverse can all also be interesting and good.
I'm expecting this one to just be like the 20k kinda non-traditional romances w/ a/a.
Ep 2 (Feb 7)
Oh Tony Chen investor is Babe's literal father?
The fiery flashback transitions lmao
Babe's adoptive father
What's Charlie planning?
the menopause comment is so interesting cuz wtf do you even mean but I'm pretty sure I'm also heard it in reference to men in other BLs maybe Thai ones? So it's probably a different word that refers to a similar thing but not exactly menopause
working for free, not suspicious at all lol
This new repairman kid tuning the car to have more horsepower or whatever is reminding me of a high school class where we were doing AutoCAD and stuff but then also had to ?? create a digital car but neither my partner nor I knew shit about cars so we were fr just trying out whatever and seeing the specs go up and down
[Linguistics] Alan addressing Jeff as Nuu lol
lol the germophobe so I don't touch anybody thing
I did think Jeff and Charlie were working together so this makes sense but I thought the guy who was scheming with Charlie was the same age as him but he calls Charlie Phi and is 20 years old (so Charlie's older than that)
Wait Alan just said Jeff and Charlie are the same age? But Jeff called Charlie Phi, so did Jeff age himself up by a year or two?
Did nobody notice how weird Jeff and Charlie were behaving toward each other?
Why'd they zoom in on Way like that when mentioning the UAC Corp
dang, what plan Jeff and Charlie got cooking up
What is this random physical fight that's Charlie's doing lol
Didn't like the camera work during that fight scene, keep it still
And also this one Red Racing member's an annoying character as he's meant to be but the acting itself annoys me
ahh, Charlie choosing the car he knows is Babe's favourite and Way being like Babe doesn't let anybody get in it but Babe letting Charlie borrow it
"I'm Pit Babe, I don't decide on the wrong people" is crazy omg I hate such expectations
Ouchhhh terrible driving lesson flashbacks when my instructor would yell at my stupidity from the passenger seat like this lmfao
Ouch lol Way being like haha what if I fell in love w you and Babe being like lmfaoooo if we were gonna have sparks, it would've happened long ago
Is Way not an Alpha? why did Babe say I'm good with just chewing alphas? Or did he mean he'd rather do that than fall in love with them?
Alan and Jeff barely exist so far beyond Jeff ignoring Alan and everybody laughing about it but I'm into it. The age difference + Nuu thing is also uh good
The Glances that Alan and Babe share whenever Way's talking and kinda sidelining Charlie makes me think that Babe must know that Way likes him, right?
Red Racing aka the team Tony Cheng (Babe's foster father) is investing in wants to poach Babe?
Saw through some reblog's novel spoiler tags that Jeff's an omega
Ep 3 (Feb 8)
Pouty, whiny, dramatic Charlie and Babe's smile peaking through at the act so cutee
Aw, our tough guy sad backstory
damn, tf he fostered a bunch of kids and did what with them
unexpected telekenesis - if I hadn't been spoiled through a post like 2 hours ago about how it just randomly appears in ep 3, I would've been shocked lmfao
and Babe breaks his no kissing rule
Jeff’s reaction after the sniff kiss from Alan akhdjaja threw him off fr
Alan’s hiding that Pete will take % of price money? or is that just understood?
tbh i dint rlly get the investment and returns cuz the show doesn’t explain it like why couldn’t they do smaller races before but now they can? cause of cost to join the race and fuel and whatever else needed for it without the guaranteed winning money to subsidize it? would it be so expensive to do that they couldn’t go to smaller races at all without investments? how were they doing it before this though like why does it matter if red racing is getting this investment, how does that mean x hunter can’t do the same stuff they’ve done so far?
Ah, I've seen tiktoks of the suspicion and Babe following Charlie
Can Babe tell that it's Jeff
damn girl, how are these thoughts even come into your mind as you drive such at high speed with high concentration
Winner is such annoying character I really cant
Ah, so the driving accident wasn't in this ep but ep 4 I guess
Lol caught a glimpse of the next ep preview and I remember seeing people discuss whether the Way and Babe talking about being boyfriends in the preview is in the past vs present (It looks like the past to me)
This show must actually be insane to watch on air, first the surprise omegaverse and now surprise telekenesis
I understand Way's suspicion of Charlie and he's right to be lol but the way he talks about how nobody cares about him and Babe and Babe shouldn't get too close to people is... I wonder if he really has power to hypnotize through touch bc I did see murmurs about that on the tiktok comments. And I didn't think about this, but Way should've waited a couple days to mention to Babe the results of stalking Charlie since it'll affect Babe's performance
Ep 4 (Feb 9)
Annoyed that I was too busy today to actually watch more than an episode yesterday and I think it'll be the same case today, maybe I'll try to squeeze in 1.5 eps.
Is Babe specifically not mentioning seeing him and Jeff together because he wants Charlie to come clean himself?
Damn, Way really is clutching Babe's arm as he tells him to be alone and not trust in love
Babe so mean for pulling that "shall I be your bf?" thing on Way aksdfj
also young Babe is sooo pretty omg
mopey sad Babe :(
How did Charlie get there?
Oh, Jeff watching but unable to outwardly show concern for Charlie in front of everybody
would Tony do this fr though? I thought it was fuckass Winner
Damn, Winner tryna bribe someone to cut the fluid line or smth in Babe's car idk what that means but sounds bad. stopped by Kim but Winner does say he didn't send those people to beat Babe up, so did Tony really do it? Did Charlie...?
Charlie's endless cooking for Babe ahh
Jeff and Alan hehe
Oh yeah lol Babe's upset at Jeff cuz he thinks Charlie went behind his back w Jeff
woah Jeff can see the future via touch?!?! No wonder he was averse to touching so cool
So does this mean that Charlie and Jeff were also in that house raised by Tony along with Babe? The kids were all separated from each other, so it'd make sense if Babe didn't know them. Interesting
The Tony and Co. have been looking for somebody with Beyond Group Pete's power for a long time? Archery? Hand-eye coordination?
Finally, the car crash. Not much happened this ep tbh since it's continuation of last ep's tensions but hopefully we'll move forward at a faster pace now, either in terms of relationship or plot. I also stopped checking the tiktoks at this point, so I don't know as much now and haven't really seen stuff after this except stuff I've already mentioned like Enigma Charlie? Omega Jeff?
omegaverse + racecar + xmen powers & evil father foistering said powers
Agh, fuck, people are writing novel spoilers obviously and accidentally saw it I think say "Charlie and [Babe I'm guessing] have the same evil foster dad" well the on-air thread people who guessed this like 2 eps ago were correct, gj
Ep 5 (Feb 9)
hmm is it indeed somebody on X Hunter who betrayed Babe? I refuse Charlie and Jeff, would Way do it? Would Tony?
Did Jeff go to that car at night in secret because he wanted to try to prevent the fire since he saw it in that vision?
I mean Alan’s not completely wrong, though Way and Dean came off real strong
exploiting Jeff’s sadness for an ad smh
the person avoided the cameras seeing his face as if he knows where they are…
Pete being like “I thought you guys had a mole and didn’t know”
oh i went to ep 4 on air discussion and ppl were discussing whether charlie can suppress powers/steal powers apparently shown in teaser for this ep and immediately as soon i start this again we get Babe being like why can’t i sense you
choosing Charlie (guy who barely just started training and has never done an actual race before) to take Babe’s place is crazy esp amongst others who may not be good but have actual experience before being thrown into the deep end
well at least they’re gonna test Charlie
wdym? Isn’t Babe too hurt to do a fucking competition?
getting v strong insider job vibes but idk if they’ll make it be Way (suspicious), Dean (suspicious just cuz he’s eager to side w Way), or the youtuber dudes (they seem useless and it’d be boring if it was them)
Ep 6 (Feb 10)
Well, at least they still made Babe win by a fair amount while rookie Charlie who has never competed won by a hair compared to junior Dean who doesn't really win
The directing was bad in this though i literally couldn't tell who was ahead because the cars look the fucking same
Charlie looks sooo good with the kinda mushroom hair here idk omg
What even is this argument? Dean is not acting well here and somehow neither is Alan even though Alan's been fine thus far, though he hadn't had to express too many outward emotions until now
Oof, Way watching Babe walk away from him down to Charlie and going with him
so does this cafe thing happen often or no? and in which countries? First Twinkling Watermelon also had some "story" about their table that the guy had submitted for Se Kyeong and now here Alan did a apology thing for Jeff
Ahh it's so cringe but I'm kinda into it, idk esp the way Jeff keeps trying to not smile
babe and charlie looking at stars scene so romantic
omg children
sorry this mama papa thing is killing me so bad
it’s also killing babe lol he keeps laughing during the roleplay
actually okay idk role playing as each other during the first meeting is kinda fun fr and them giggling through it hehe so cute
Pete watching Way drink at the bar?
Dean so annoying
What did Pete see in Babe's future?!
Ah, publicly saying they're bfs but rip Way
Babe doing that smoke thing was crazy cuz if I was Way, I'd be like damn is he boutta step out of his relationship with me rn
ouch ouch ouch ouch
Unrequited crush on a friend is so saddd even though Way's being annoying about it
broooo that spot when Babe and Way are sitting on the car, looking at the sky - is that the same spot Babe took Charlie?
man, ouch!
I seriously wish the subs were better man
but Babe and Charlie were so cute this ep hehe >.< and Babe was just sooo smiley
I want Charlie to get some more personality soon though because we don't know shit about him and I also can't tell what's genuine vs not with him since he's so secretive
Ep 7 (Feb 10)
Ah, so Babe indeed feels suffocated by how Way tells him to be alone and feels like he can't love anybody
I don't get it, I thought Jeff touching Babe would mean he sees Babe's future, so how can that guy lying in the car not be Babe?
Oof, Way and Pete
Also, I try to track when someone's putting on shoes for a romantic partner/candidate but taking off shoes is also so good and intimate, like now Pete taking Way's shoes off
Are Kim and Kenta supposed to ba thing? Can't remember but hope Kenta stops being Tony's laptop someday
As expected, it was Tony's doing
omggg so many things happening at once, exciting
Kim doing a little investigating to find that Tony sells his kids and Babe's the highest price
and also he called Babe to the place he knew that Charlie would be meeting Tony and Kenta omg
and Tony asking about Jeff
oh yeah lol Babe last ep being like since you're Charlie's nong/brother, you're my nong too :) at Jeff like girl first of all Charlie is also your adopted brother technically so let's not get too familial here lol
Tony seeing Charlie and Babe's interaction... Also, I wonder why Tony doesn't know that Jeff is a mechanic at X-Hunter c'mon
On that note, I also wish Charlie had somehow blurted out that Babe shouldn't tell anybody about Jeff being Tony's son also or tell anybody about Jeff's location
Aw, crying and regretful Babe and heartbroken too
Charlie just SAY it while following Babe around instead of being like P'Babe x10 and asking him to listen/being like let me explain. LIKE JUST EXPLAIN BRUH
Charlie doesn't have a power for real or it's just a power like stealing/suppressing powers that Tony's teachers couldn't sense? especially because Charlie specifically mentioned that Babe was just buying time by running away since they were still after his powers - so maybe Charlie thinks the solution is to suppress those powers and that's why Babe doesn't have them anymore
sorry what are we even talking about right now, they're suggesting that Tony intends to get an Enigma (different even more powerful sort of alpha - 1%) to impregnate Babe????? Because that child will be even more powerful? Like what are we doing right now klajsdflkasdjfk
But anyway, this means no hope of Omega Jeff? Since apparently only Alphas have powers.
Kenta doing these "mistakes" with being sloppy enough so that Kim can find evidence + letting Charlie live with Babe... is he on their side?
Oh, Charlie did indeed make Babe's sense disappear by absorbing/stealing it (and being able to do it so well because he's closer to Babe)
ow ow ow ow owowoowowowowowowoow owwwww Babe thinking back to the first night and how Charlie touched him
oh my goddd all their encounters T.T
tf Charlie can't return Babe's powers unless he dies? no way...
girl why is Charlie even thinking of reconciliation right now, you just told Babe all this stuff you hid from him including the way you stole his powers and can't give it back unless you die
stop, I'm really annoyed by this tone change, this is not the time for mama/papa, I want Babe to blow up on Charlie now to dare to make light of the situation and how much Babe's hurting
ah I can't even appreciate the making up T.T
Also, is the fact that Charlie's not mentioning Jeff gonna be considered a secret later on?
Way waiting for their dinner which he took as a date to the sentimental restaurant vs Babe riding Charlie in the car on the road with the roof down
okay sorry this is a whole lot, too much in fact um
Bro Way gotta escape cuz Babe is fr stringing him along for too long let's end this, make some bad decisions but in terms of drinking too much/fucking random people (Pete) but not hypnotizing Babe or anything. and then, let's move on
broooo why are Alan and Babe just discussing Tony and everything in the garage where there are other people
I thought Babe realized that Way liked him... does he not?
woah soooo much info
Wish there was actually more angst/longer drawn out period before reconciliation because Babe would need time to come to terms with everything. but oh well
The spoilers I found right now while going through gifs is that: Apparently Way is the Enigma that Tony's planning to use to impregnate Babe... I'd seen hints that Way is evil/does something against Babe and if we're going with the fact that he has hypnosis through touch powers, then he'd been with Tony but the fact that he's the enigma was new to me
Ep 8 (Feb 10)
Aw fuck, I keep watching this instead of doing my much-needed work D:
Kenta has to somehow not let Kim get killed and his organs harvested right
Aw, Jeff telling Alan his secret special power
Way talking about revenge and being a bad person and doing what he was originally supposed to do...
ahh Charlie not telling Babe about Jeff's vision is scary, even though Charlie consoling Jeff is nice
omg blood everywhere enough investigating let's leaveee
First time seeing Charlie use his powers and he uses it to be kinda stupid lol
Did Tony pick up on the fact that Babe lost his powers?
Ken? Do Pete and Kenta know each other?
Damn, Jeff's visions, he's getting them without touching anybody?
Also, how are you sneaking around in Tony's house lol cameras gotta be everywhere
ah, I wish I wasn't spoiled about Enigma way cuz I might've been like gasp but actually probably not since I already knew about Way being from the other side
Jeff no don't get caught
the fact that Charlie is still like -khap at the end of his sentences with Babe despite having fucked like 50 times and being boyfriends and also having held secrets from him is funny
they're doing doctor/patient roleplay while jeff's in trouble D:
ah, all the plans in front of Way
This must be a trap as well right, set up by Way? I'm afraid Andy's gonna get killed or smth? Or even if it's not a proper dangerous trap, like a trap t somehow save them to gain trust?
Why did they even get out of that room though lol
Winner's soooo annoying, like not even an intriguing semi-antagonist like Way, just irritating and bad at acting
North, Sonic don't both go into the cell cuz what if it's locked from outside
They left Kim again? man...
Jeff I believe in you
Ep 9 (Feb 10)
Charlie can't you at least once wonder where Jeff is? WHAT ABOUT YOUR BROTHER? Literally everybody at the garage is staying at Alan's except Jeff?
you know Tony's looking for Jeff and you're just chill about the fact that neither you nor Alan can contact him? Man, cmon Charlie wtf
girl not Babe finding out about Pete being an Enigma at this place where they're auctioning kids D: and then Immediately going to tell Way about it bruhhh
aw fuckkk not Way hypnotizing Babe when Babe's at the auction place alone with Way and has just found out about Way beingthe Enigma through Charlie. I hope Pete comes out and sees them
ahhhhh aklsdfjalks;fj ewewew I can't watch this like I watched 0.2 seconds of it in the reflection and no aghhh and Babe's sad face in that reflection T.T
Or I hope Charlie immediately goes to Way's apartment or smth after informing Alan of what happened
okay at least Charlie did come
This is so fucking sad, poor Babe D:
And every Babe and Way montage is so sad, first when Way was going through his heartbreak and now because Babe got sexually assaulted by Way agh
abusive father Tony fr but also what power or whatever does he have? He said Way's Enigma can't compete with me
man, this is so fucking sad, the way Babe's trust in me people is shattered and doesn't wanna be betrayed again
Anyway, Charlie learned than his brother Jeff was captured by Tony and crew but has called him and hasn't heard from or seen him since, he should be a little more concerned about him I think
Well, it's good that apparently Jeff is all good and safe
Alan and Jeff are sooo cute, espp because age gap but Alan and Jeff are both so skittish lol... Jeff asking if he can be Alan's boy is crazy though
what are Charlie and Jeff planning, yikes
Also, Charlie being like okay at least father doesn't know that my powers will go back to Babe if I die... so if he fakes his death, Babe still wouldn't have the powers back but the father wouldn't find it questionable?
Is Dean trustworthy?
Ah, this time Charlie getting overwhelmed with the senses and Babe helping me out with an orgasm... romance <3
why is the sex scene surrounded by the car race lmfaooo I kinda wanted to see it and choose to skip parts if it was too much for me, not have it spliced
Ah, they spoiled that Dean's a traitor/snake in the preview, that's dumb smh
oh omg, okay I remember seeing some stuff about main character death in Pit Babe just a few weeks ago (esp when Last Twilight was ending) but as I started this, I was like hm this doesn't seem to track, maybe that was about The Sign. But now I just glimpsed the words "The cross on Charlie's grave [...]" in a text post and seems like this really is for Pit Babe. Not to mention that Jeff and Charlie's plans seem to involve Charlie's death, though I'm assuming it's a faked death.
Ep 10 (Feb 10)
I'm dreading the scene from last ep's teaser where Charlie is against Babe driving and Babe's like you don't have any faith in me? I'm so disappointed in you
ouchhh "you don't believe in my skills" because of the lack of sense? ah it's true like charlie can't control babe just because he wishes babe well but I'm nervous that Charlie planned something terrible what with their plans and Charlie dying/disappearing
ah yep, Charlie's plan is to flip the car over, so scary but Jeff knows at least.
dang, did Babe not finish his lap and just came off in the middle of his last lap? Makes sense, I didn't expect the car to be right there
Jeff's pretending that he did that to Charlie's car to kill him in order to get Tony to do something on his end? Or does Tony also know Charlie's not dead?
Bro what the fuck what do you even mean that Babe got his senses back
This is actually devastating for real
How has Kenta not turned his back to Tony yet fr
Also, so I guess Jeff was telling Tony that he'd crash Charlie's car + with Kenta's help but Jeff was really planning on it killing Charlie
Babe's "I don't want my senses back, I don't want anything back. I just want charlie back" askldfjaskdlfjsadf owwwwwww
This montage is so fucked up
Oh, can you walk over the grave just like that to give the flowers omg? I'd be like D: there's somebody's corpse right underneath my feet and I'm stepping on them...
fuckkk this grave scene is also so devastating
Jeff really and truly is the only person getting anything done, so he got Kim in exchange for the Charlie thing?
girl, not the Jeff and Alan flirting in the midst of devastation. cute thought :( jeff being so done with Alan's inability to flirt that he has to do it himself here too
aklsdfja;sdlkf ow Jeff so cute, coming back to give him a little kiss on the side of the mouth and then running away
The fuck, Dean hit Babe with a HAMMER?!?!?! to the head
So was it Jeff (or Kenta w/ Jeff) who punctured the oil rigg while Dean did something else (gas smth?). or was it that Dean and Kenta together cut the gas line to crash the car but Jeff punctured the oil rig to kill Charlie?
Oh man, the fucking devastation. How did people who watch weekly go through this fr? I wonder... if I could get away with just looking at Pit Babe archive tags or if I'm gonna be spoiled with ep 11/book spoilers... ig I'll try to be very careful? agh idk
Also, I wonder how they're pulling off this fake death if Babe got his senses back? And we saw the dead body? Though ofc Jeff "took care of everything" on his own afterwards so we didn't see him be buried or anything but yknow
Ep 11 (Feb 11)
Good morning, time to watch the show and hopefully finish it toda
Man, I would've rooted more for Way/Pete if Way wasn't gonna rape Babe when he got the chance... makes me a hypocrite since I'm a Vegas/Pete enjoyed but yknow
Oh my bad, seems like Dean did stuff to the gas lines but Jeff had done stuff to the brakes
Ooh, okay, we get to see Charlie already
ugh so did Kenta tell Dean to do stuff to the break lines? I thought Dean did gas
who is this Uncle Reval and what's his backstory? Anything to do with Babe? He's not his father or something right?
lol a secret drug that fake-kills you and gives Babe his powers back
so what's the plan after this? How we catching Tony guys?
Ah, I love Alan and Jeff :( And Jeff telling Alan to think a lot because he knows he's the one who made Charlie's car crash like that + is hiding Charlie from them all
They sometimes treat Jeff like he's a mourning brother and other times they don't lol
Oh that bracelet with the A is crazy like oh Alan you're marking him laksfj oh and he's got one with J, very presumptuous to wear it first before letting Jeff know but loll I guess he's finally stepping up in the flirting department and not leaving it all to Jeff
I can't believe we're not getting proper Omega Jeff though, so he's just Alpha :(
Why did Jeff say I like no love you and Alan's like I got it already and didn't say it back
Jeff's actor is 28 and Alan's is 30, I wish at least Jeff's one was like 20 (That's Charlie's actor's age) so that we could at least feel the difference in age when they're talking as if there's a big age gap cmon
omg sorry the "Nuu, cooperate" "How?" was so good in terms of experience gap
okay Enough, this is going on forever actually lol
ah, Kenta and Pete were playmates and brothers while growing up in that house, thus the Ken and familiarity before when Ken had his knife to Pete's throat
Does Pete not a special power other than just being an Enigma?
oh ngl I thought they were finally doing a pair of Tony's kids who actually saw each other as siblings and not as lovers lmfao but seems like Kenta liked Pete
God why did they leave this dynamic for the end, Kenta crying (or is it just intense sweat?) while trying to harm/maim/kill Pete and thinking of their times together, it's the perfect dynamic - ToddBlack & VegasPete vibes
Wild turn from last week (Babe's still devasted though, I knew I could trust him) and it's like glad AlanJeff is finally happening but it's really happening a few days after Jeff's brother died lol
Also okay idk how to feel about Alan and Jeff sex scene cuz it's like... Alan is very subtly pressuring Jeff just a little? Like when Jeff was like shouldn't we get to know each other a little? but Alan's like that's for later bc he's so intent on fucking Jeff tonight. + the "Nuu, cooperate" when I guess he thought Jeff didn't want to let him take off his pants. the thing issss I could be so into age gap slightly dubcon, slightly immoral relationships but that's not how it's presented here + Jeff's supposed to be in mourning, so idk how I'm supposed to take this
Ep 12 (Feb 11)
Please please please please please Kenta and Pete scenarios and scenes and moments please please please idec if it's a happy or sad ending
agh no i don't want peteway anymore i want petekenta
oh Pete can read minds, woah
Aw shucks, they're kidnapping Jeff
Is the sense going back to Charlie and disappearing from Babe?
girl every 3 hours? that's all it takes before Charlie's senses start coming back from Babe?
okay I'm sorry but literally why are you bringing Way to meet Babe randomly like that fucker would've raped Babe and gotten him pregnant to forcibly make him have kids like we as the audience could be like oh tortured angsty Way but why is Pete randomly bringing Way to meet Pete. Anyway, Kenta now also knows Way's on Pete's side so it's not necessarily like Way can infiltrate the other side either unless Kenta keeps his lips sealed
ah I wonder who is "working for" Tony now...
Pete, Babe, Kenta, and Way lmao for sure there are not gonna be any betrayals and this team isn't gonna go up in flames. It'd be hilarious if Kenta does manage to finally join the other side but Way or something betrays them
Sorry that I was thinking of kicking Kenta (in a fun sexual way) while he was kneeling down like that and then Tony actually did it (in a mean abusive way but I was unfortunately into it)
oh my god okay sorry this is actually so devastating that Kenta is learning how the man who he's ready to give his life for doesn't see him as a son but as a dog but I'm actually losing my mind at his kneeling and crying and begging and getting kicked and giving his hand like a dog gives its paw
Did they also leave the bag this time? Girl, they're so bad at rescuing Kim and not retrieving the bag
I like don't even want Way and Babe reconciliation for real, so I'm glad we're not getting that already at least
ah, as expected he's Babe's father
All these people know that they're buying the kids right? Is it gonna be like Gifted when they're like making a disruption to let the world know what's really going on but they all already know?
Alan trying to drag Jeff away while Jeff wants to protect the kids, this uncle man is annoying me lately
Charlie just zooming in at the end lmfao
The lack of Charlie and Babe was so interesting. Like yeah, makes sense that the two wouldn't be together in Ep 11 and 12 but we got so much airtime for side characters in these 2 eps but it didn't make me feel like no, go back to the mains, because there are so many characters and threads here. And even gave me Kenta and PeteKenta brain rot in these 2 eps.
Ep 13 (Feb 11)
Last episode, like 50 mins long and I don't know what I'm hoping for. like at first, the show was mostly about Babe and Charlie and I want a good closure for them too, esp after like 3 episodes without them together. But I'm randomly so invested in like Kenta now and I don't know what I want from that end. I don't care that much about Alan and Jeff anymore, unfortunately but I'm guessing we'll get some time with them too. Also want to see how the huge and elaborate child trafficking ring is dealt with.
Bro stop explaining everything right now and escape, even though I get Babe's conflicting emotions of "am I dreaming?" unbelievable amounts of happiness and confusion at why Charlie fakes his death
Kenta okayyy
damn, the reaction to the socmed vids seem dumb from Tony's part but who knows
loll Sonic dgaf about pushing away Winner's gun
What happened to all the other patrons and guards?
ah, you did it Kenta even though you cried, you still killed your father. stabbed him in the back, poetry
oof, rip Way
Man, these scenes of Way dying and everybody mourning him at his grave are objectively sad (esp the Way and Babe compilation again) but I don't care as much about him as I did in the earlier eps when he was going through his unrequited crush but before he attacked Babe
The part with Babe and his dad is so sad man but I hope this is heading toward a better future
Charlie and Babe will never stop having public sex and they shouldn't
negl for a second I got scared that they were implying Babe's pregnant or smth like what
Y'know I realize that Charlie and the other drivers a bit of a public figure, does nobody in their audience wonder why Charlie's not dead suddenly? Or was that not public knowledge, just that Charlie crashed real bad
public-ass kiss frr
Where is Kenta? my beloved
This show had everything: non-traditional alpha/alpha relationship (w concepts I wasn't aware of like Enigmas but somehow no Omegas lol), racecar competitions, x-men like superpowers (heightened senses, stealing powers, hypnosis, mind reading, telling the future), child trafficking, pseudo-incest if you think about it (from Kenta's side at least) and more. And it didn't have a super strong script, there were nonsensical elements and plot holes that didn't get addressed and things that happened to just move the plot along, but it was a fun watch nonetheless, both for the novelty and the entertainment factor.
The most important aspect of the show was definitely the characters and relationships despite there being like a wrong human trafficking ring and everything involved; it well went back to how it affected the people and their relationships. Babe was a very compelling character with his past and how he behaves in the present and his relationships with Tony/Way/people in general. Also helped that Pavel did a really good job with him and acted his ass off, there were quite a few emotional moments in there.
I agree with some people's comments that I wish Charlie's actor Pooh as a better actor. And his character wasn't as developed or with depth as the other ones either, like in terms of emotions I guess. I could never quite tell how much in love with Babe he really was at a given time because he didn't quite... look it, it looked more like a little puppy fanboy who may or may not be playing it up to conceal his true intentions. Alan and Jeff were cuter in my head before they got together tbh. North and Sonic are dating to me, they're so cute.
Although I really liked Charlie/Babe, my true ship winners might be Pete/Kenta in a Not Me ToddBlack fashion, to be honest, with Kenta as maybe my favourite character (2nd is Babe). They gave us like 2 tiny hints that they might know each other and waited until literally last 10 mins of episode 11 out of 13 to lay out their history and baggage and relationship and Kenta's crush, all the while showing them in a fight where Kenta's trying to hurt Pete (but Pete knowing Kenta can't kill him). They have an interesting friends (-> brothers/crush) -> enemies -> allies again at the very end dynamic where I think that they could become lovers post-canon. And I love how pathetic and desperate for love Kenta is and how he was willing to do despicable things for Tony's approval before finally, finally knifing him. Really had me writing a fic idea in my notes app after my few months of no drive to write, I wonder if I'll actually finish it or not because it's kinda... more explicit and intense than the fics I usually write but it was really good in my brain.
Once again, I'm shallow, so here are the people I find most beautiful: Charlie specifically when he has his glasses on and is being a cute puppy, Sonic omg pretty girl for real, Babe is so attractive - esp the younger version of him without the gelled hair but even in the present day when he smiles and is happy he's so beautiful. Jeff sometimes but I think I'm more into his vibes than specifically his face. Way is gorgeous omg, also aside but that actor has mentioned dating men before including a 7 year relationship.
Rating: 6/10 [May 12, 2024 Update: Decreased by 0.5 stars when rerating shows I’ve watched in 2024: 6.5 -> 6]
Several of the most liked Pit Babe edits from Ep 1 - 2 because that's when I first saw it and went through the tag
Charlie (song: Honey, I Hate You - XIS)
Ep 3: When Babe stops Charlie from kissing him before the race
Ep 4: Babe telling Charlie they're done
^ Those ones I added before I watched the show and these ones I added now:
Kenta with Tony (Song: Mama's Boy)
Ep 11 Kenta and Pete history (Song: Take Me Back to the Night We Met)
PeteKenta interactions
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fanfic-inator795 · 11 months
Big City Greens s4 ranking (so far...)
Overall, with its first 10 episode segments now aired, I'd say BCG s4 is off to a pretty solid start! A couple meh episodes here and there, but also some really GREAT episodes too! Going through them all:
Handshaken: Without a doubt my favorite BCG ep of this season so far. If you know me, you know how much I absolutely LOVE Bill, so it was great seeing him get to be a bit of a handshake badass in addition to his usual humble and sweet self ^v^ Seeing him teach Cricket a lesson was great, and the ep itself just had a ton of funny jokes and some great boarding. Remy trying to be 'country' was also cute and endearing.
Jingled: Honestly, it was a toss-up between this and Truck Stopped (it truly was an incredibly strong season premiere). Ultimately though I rank Jingled just a teeeeeenny bit higher since I really loved Tilly's jingles. As a creative myself, I definitely related to her whole arc. I also loved Cricket keeping an eye on his sis and encouraging her to take care of herself, even while taking advantage of a big company, haha. The stuff with Bill and Alice at the veggie stand was also really cute.
Truck Stopped: Another ep that's relatable, funny and has a great lesson. Truck stops and gas stations are a really fun setting, and for as much as they were bickering in this ep, it was also a great showcase for why these two make for such a great sibling team.
Chipped Off: This episode manages to be both hilarious and fascinating when it comes to showing what Chip has been up to since his defeat and exploring his mental state and the core flaws of who he is that led him to this point. Several jokes from this ep truly got me, and that whole scene with ‘Norm’ and the Mirror Chip was just SO well boarded and great to watch. Truly fantastic ep and a great way to reintroduce Chip (although I’ve gotta say, for as much as I usually like characters with glasses, Norm!Chip looks fucking cursed)
Stand-Up Bill: A very silly ep but also one I enjoyed, even if it was very much a farce. To probably no one's surprise, I enjoyed Bill's arc a lot, and seeing him form a genuine connection with Fred was super sweet. The stuff with Tilly and Cricket with the roast comedian was pretty fun too, and while their revenge on her was maaaaybe just a bit uncalled for (given that Cricket literally asked to be roasted) at least they didn't humiliate her in front of a whole crowd or anything like that. Just a bit of harmless slapstick.
Iced: I’m really glad this ep wasn’t JUST Alice and Nick fighting. Like Alice says, the whole Green family is kiiiinda a mess, so Nick truly does fit in in that sense. All the little subplots are both entertaining enough and are just the right amount of silly. These eps where each Green has their own little subplot are always pretty fun. Sorta standard ep, but enjoyable enough!
Coffee Mates: Pretty good ep! It was simple and perhaps a bit on the predictable side, but Cricket was in great showing here, being not only funny but also showing his responsible side as well as encouraging Gloria to be better and find her work/life balance. You feel a bit bad for all he goes through, but there's a light enough tone to it that it never feels like the kid's being tortured, and his strike afterwards was pretty funny. The ep also has a good moral, and it was nice to see everything work out.
Junk Junkie: Ehhhhh... A couple bits were funny, and I can certainly understand WHY Bill went to such extremes (I'm pretty sure the man has some sort of financial PTSD considering how many times he's nearly lost his home/gone bankrupt) the execution of the plot itself was pretty standard and didn't do much to really grab me. Not bad by any means, just okay.
Bad Dad: As the official re-introduction to Nancy's dad, I thought it was just okay. As I said in the post I made following the ep's premiere, I am glad that they redeemed Nick somewhat by making him respectful of Nancy's rules and having him actually work in exchange for living there. I also appreciated the ep for not totally villainizing Nancy's refusal to forgive her dad and not trying to force a 'fixed' bond between them - they make it clear that she's only tolerating him for the sake of her kids, but at the same time she isn't going to excuse or overlook any shenanigans either. It's not perfect by any means - I certain understand those who feel Nick still got off too easily or who see him as too bad of an influence to be kept around - but considering the type of ep it is, it could have been a LOT worse.
Green Trial: Okay so... Personal bias on the table, I can't watch this ep without thinking of the Ghost and Molly McGee ep "Innocent Until Proven Ghostly". They're just too similar (Sunnyland Productions actually did a good comparison vid about it) and TGAMM definitely had funnier jokes and a much more interesting presentation with the whole crime documentary format imo. But even without the comparison, I just felt like this ep was pretty meh in general, not being all that funny save for maybe one or two lines and just being very predictable. It just sorta seemed like an excuse plot to lead into Nick's reintroduction. Also, while I get why they'd be so sensitive (Nancy cause the cake meant a lot to her personally and Bill because, well, he just loves sweets), I felt like Nancy and Bill were just a bit too mean in this ep. Overall, this ep just wasn't very fun, and that's the most important thing I look for in BCG
So yeah, as I said, a good overall start! ^v^ My only real critique is that a couple eps could've been a bit funnier or more interesting and that we need more Remy and Vasquez (hopefully we get a couple eps focused on them later in the season). Other than that, I'm pretty satisfied and looking forward to more!
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allhailbrokeloose · 2 years
so uh.. ive watched a couple of series recently (actually not that recently but whatevs) which im most likely not gonna be obsessed with, but still i feel the urge to post my very important opinion somewhere. ⚠️its mostly not complimentary, so if you are a fan, dont read⚠️ ⚠️barely readable bc typing is fun, but editing is an actual job⚠️ ⚠️i violate italics⚠️ ⚠️not spoiler free ofc bc what do you think this is⚠️ ⚠️i bring up kp for no reason an unhealthy amount⚠️ and even skam one time. yeah i kno, im surprised too
the shows are big dragon, wednesday, and lita
there are three good things abt big dragon: 1) ost (heeey jeeeffff) 2) that one boob grab (you know the one) 3) isbanky (very cute and sings well). the rest imo is not good at all, but ig its ok for a bl (bc i have to say ive seen worse). ig im gonna need to read some fics bc i need 1) it to actually be hot and kinky 2) someone to explain me why would yai ever choose mangkorn aside from yin yang, red strings of fate, turtles and all the other animals. it also seems to me that lead actors have more chemistry outside of the series than in it, at least from what ive seen of them in the wild. afair there was sorta cliffhanger promising s02.. am i gonna watch it? you'll be surprised, but yes, isbanky is very much up my alley, im willing to suffer a little bit for a cute boy lol. but they seriously need to cut on the time freezing thing 🙄
wednesday.. oh where do i start.. my most prevailing thought was but.. but thats not.. thats not what being an outcast feels like.. i mean come on they gave her an unconditional punchbag of a best friend who is putting up with all her quirks no questions asked and willing to die for her, two (??!!! (and actually even more if you squint)) love interests, a high fashion dress (im like.. 🤦🏼‍♀️ i cant) and everyone else just generally look at her with admiration like she hanged the moon completely out of nowhere. i mean what is this? a mary sue fanfic? anyways i have to say that i really liked the first ep and i was very excited abt this series, but the more i watched the less i liked it.. the cast.. well i like original wednesday better and when i say original i mean 1991 movie (but not 1993 lol) and i mean christina ricci ofc.. catherine zeta jones is cool, but once again original morticia was better. i have no issues with gomez casting, but the best gomez was in the 60s b&w series. thing is rocking, zero complaints here. fester is almost there even tho its impossible to top christopher lloyd. and where is itt? did they gatekeep him for future seasons? the plot.. uh the plot is meh.. i only wanna say that i hate it when protagonists ancestor looks exactly like them bc its totally plausible and it just highlights how ruthless and pointless life really is lol. oh yeah oslo i had to pause and scream a long and loud NOOOOO during the kiss scene. its like idk so uncalled for do you guys have nothing sacred at all lol. otherwise i liked the music ofc Except dua lipa, i mean dgmw i listened to future nostalgia on repeat as much as the next girl, but its just not the song for this series im sorry.. they could have found a more suitable song with the same exact message.. anyways am i gonna watch next seasons? yes, but only out of respect for tim burton and the original franchise. i mean it wasnt terrible, it just wasnt what i wanted..
omg you guys the second cp in lita is like soooo gooood, so much better than the first one lol (i wonder if they do cp rivalry like we do in kp). which came as a surprise to me bc i started watching this series for the vegaspete bastard love child and unfortunately i was sorta disappointed.. dgmw hes very attractive and has unique facial features, but he cant pull off the ao3 alpha he was supposed to act out even next to one brain celled oblivious partner (no offence lol). idk maybe hes too young. or im just too old. ig its the latter bc i watched all four of them like they are an omega camp on roaming, ig im just not the target audience of this show 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️. anyways imo the first cp was boring and i really didnt expect anything out of the series, but then second cp plot started and i literally lit up. they really do have chemistry inside and outside of the show, the acting is somewhat better, the only but for me is that the plot was unnecessarily too dark, especially after the mawkishness of the first half. i have to mention that i paralleled them with norhelm at some point which is so hilarious to me. in short i stan this cp but just in case they do individual stanning like we do in kp (meaning hating eo guts) then my bias is peat <333 one thing really squicked me - the author (was it a novel?) obv has a kink for infantilization and helplessness and sadly they put it in both plots and not as a prediscussed kink (which is ok), but as real life situations. its a huge yikes and a big no-no for me, but to each their own ig, im not gonna undust my moral compass for a bl. what else.. oh they should really stop with reusing footage bc im still seeing this fucking truck driving in my nightmares. and i didnt like the opening ost so much i had to skip it every time. well ig not everyone can afford an ost by slot machine or jeff satur 😏😏😏. oh yeah and the whole weather referencing was cute uwu
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ultrahpfan5blog · 3 years
Brooklyn Nine-Nine: Season 5 Retrospective
Finished season 5 rewatch a few days ago. Season 5 was an eventful year for the show, on and off the screen. Off screen the show got cancelled on Fox, had a huge public outcry over the cancellation which included several celebrities, and then got picked up by NBC all in 48 hours. It was an exhilarating time as a B99 fan. Lot of stuff happened on screen as well, Jake and Rosa were in prison, team got them out, Jake and Amy got engaged, Rosa came out as bisexual to the precinct and her parents, Holt was in the running to be NYPD Commissioner, Amy became a Sergeant, and then Jake and Amy got married. Eventful season to say the least. Its also my favorite season of the show.
Honestly, this season is about as close to perfection I felt with a season. In other seasons there are at least an episode or two which I felt were meh or problematic. Season 5 is near flawless. I think Return to Skyfire is the weakest of the episodes but its still pretty fun. There are several episodes of season 5 that all rank in the top 10 B99 episodes in my opinion. The show also takes some risks with a couple of experimental episodes. There are episodes with a lot of heart, there are episodes that absolutely hilarious, there are ensemble episodes, there are two hander episode. some excellent new guest stars, and many great recurring stars.
I think the two prison episodes are pretty interesting. Tim Meadows as Caleb is absolutely amazing. He is so likable and low key hilarious that the fact that he's a cannibal who eats children always feels like a dark surprise. He and Andy Samberg make for a fun duo. The first of the two episodes is particularly fun. The show doesn't hesitate to show the danger of Jake being in the prison, especially the situation he finds himself by the end of the premiere. The show does connect one story to the next pretty seamlessly with the end of the Melanie Hawkins story connecting the the Seamus Murphy story which then connected to the Holt commissioner story. There are also a couple of really good experiments in experiments and story with The Box and Show Me Going. The Box is B99 at its most confident. Apart from Gina very briefly at the beginning and Boyle very briefly at the end, the entire episode really hinges on only three characters. Jake, Holt, and Sterling K. Brown's Dr. Davidson. Its a brilliant showcase for all three actors and all three characters. I believe Brown got a Guest Actor Emmy nomination for his performance and he's brilliant as the smarmy Dentist who really is in control for majority of the episode. Braugher and Samberg were old pros with their dynamic at this point and this is fantastic Jake and Holt episode because you completely get why Jake wants so badly to prove that he's right in front of Holt why being cast as the screw up and the idiot in the interrogation frustrates him so much because we know how much Holt's approval means to him. We also see why Terry call Jake his best detective back in season 1 because of how he riles up Davidson to get the confession at the end and getting the approval of Holt that he wanted. Its an incredibly satisfying episode and one of the show's best imo. Then there is also 'Show me Going' which is a surprisingly tense episode in which nothing tense actually happens on screen. The episode does a great job working with the fact that the only knowledge the squad has is that Rosa is on the scene of an active shooter situation. Basically we are in the same situation as the characters. Since all the characters are on edge, so are we. The show does a nice job balancing humor and recognize the danger of the situation.
The season has probably my favorite B99 episode and definitely by fav B99 Halloween episode with HalloVeen. Whereas the last three Halloween episodes were predictable or spoiled from the promos, this one actually threw a genuine surprise. I knew Jake and Amy would get engaged some point in the season, but I expected it to be on the much hyped 99th episode. Instead it can much earlier with HallowVeen and its a delight from start to finish. Its great to rewatch the episode because you pick up little signs that Jake was a bit more desperate to win than usual. First when he says that planning for the heist is what got him through prison time, and then when he says to Boyle that he has to win this time and this heist is way too important. On first watch, these details just slip by as regular overzealous Jake but they have additional poignancy on repeat. The actual proposal moment is handled beautifully in a very peraltiago way where it is both funny and romantic, with Charles' reaction being the cherry on top. There are quite a few strong related episodes that follow. The Venue being a fun return with the Vulture, Two Turkeys being a TWW reunion with Smits and Whitford returning as Amy and Jake's fathers. Its a better Thanksgiving episode than the previous season Smits appearance. Bachelor/ette party is another glorious episode with wild, fun shenanigans with Reginald VelJohnson appearing as himself. Jake & Amy is a very typical wedding episode where everything goes wrong but its perfect in all the right ways. Its heartwarming and sweet. You get more examples of how Jake and Amy are perfect for each other with Jake knowing the inside and outs of how Amy stresses out, and then ending on a wonderful B99 wedding with Fred Armisen returning to make a cameo appearance as Mlep(clay)nos. The episode was designed to work as a series finale since the potential for cancellation was there and while it leaves the season on a cliffhanger about Holt's job, its the sort of cliffhanger that we could have interpreted positively if the show hadn't gotten picked up by NBC.
The 99th and 100th episode of the show were also memorable. The creators chose to acknowledge the 99th episode in a way that most shows acknowledge the 100th episode, in true 99 style. Its a full ensemble episode barring the absence of Chelsea who would return on the 100th episode. Its a typical road trip episode which kickstarts the Holt commissioner storyline. It also is the episode where Rosa comes out as Bi to Charles. This was obviously a big story for Stephanie since she is bi as well and she championed this story. It gets explored in further depth next episode, but Stephanie Beatriz gets to do some of her best work in these two episodes, showing her vulnerability without losing her toughness. Game Night honestly feels very true to not just coming out as Bi to your parents but true to any child who has to confess something that would be against their conservatives parents' values. I think Game Night is a fantastically bittersweet episode and Danny Trejo is brilliantly cast as Rosa's father. The episode positions him as the parent whose reaction Rosa is most worried about and I love how they show that while its difficult for him to grasp the concept bisexuality, he comes around to accepting it and accepting Rosa. But the episode is still bittersweet with Rosa's mom not having come to terms with it. Its also an excellent Rosa and Jake episode where we see Jake endure incredibly uncomfortable situations to help Rosa. Its a characteristic that helps make Jake so endearing that he's willing to cross all limits for his friends.
There are lots of fun and hilarious episodes in between. Craig Robinson shows up as Doug Judy in The Negotiations which is another fun ep. Kevin and Jake get a great episode dealing with their dynamic in Safe House. Rosa and Amy have some fun in White Whale as the Sleuth Sisters. Pimento returns in Gray Star Mutual for some more crazy shenanigans. Gray Star Mutual also has my favorite cold open of all time with Jake leading a suspect lineup in a rendition of 'I got it that way', totally forgetting the crime that he's got the lineup for. Its pitch perfect and I've lost count of how many times I've seen that cold open on youtube. It basically has its own fanbase and introduced so many people to B99. We also get to see Naseem Pedrad as Jake's sister Katie and the end up having a cute dynamic. David Fumero shows up in The Puzzle Master. There are also pretty funny episodes dealing with some serious subject matter such Jake dealing with his own doubts in his ability to do his job after Prison in Kicks and Holt dealing with gambling addiction in Bad Beat. All handled very sensitively.
All in all, this was a fantastic season for the show. I had a blast rewatching it and it ended the Fox era in spectacular note. A 9.5/10. Now on to season 6.
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mittensmorgul · 4 years
Hi Mittens! Happy holidays! I love your meta and I had a question: I've seen you make a couple posts about Miracle lately, and while I'm definitely angry at canon replacing Cas with a dog, I was kind of taken aback at some of your comments about Dean and dogs (specifically how much you seem to hate that combination; I've never felt strongly about it one way or the other). Do you have a tag or post about your feelings on Dean and dogs? Or could you explain in a little more detail, please?
Hi hi!
Dean... has never been associated positively with dogs on this show-- up to and including that scene in Scoobynatural where he does the SCOOBYDOOBYDOOOOO! and Cas rolls his eyes and tells him flat out he’s not a talking dog. I mean, even in one of Sam’s heaven memories, he’s effectively replaced Dean with a dog... so while Dean was being implied-harshly-punished by John for “losing” Sam, Sam had been having the time of his life with a dog instead... Sorry, I’ve got a lot of resentment for dog symbolism in the show...
Cas has also been associated with dogs in a lot of... let’s go with derogatory comments, and since this dog in the finale was SPECIFICALLY a replacement for Cas in Dean’s life... I find it particularly insulting, you know?
5.14: We get dog comments about Cas and Dean both in this ep. Famine refers to Cas as Dean’s dog... “You sicced your dog on me, I threw him a steak.” And we see Cas crouched on the ground eating meat. Earlier in this ep, Sam teased Dean about his lack of any “appetite” for anything with the comment, “when a dog doesn't eat-- That's when you know something's really wrong.“
7.21: after being banished, he reappears at a dog track, where the dogs were unhappy. so... Cas was basically just another unhappy dog in this part of the story.
10.22: Rowena compares Cas to a “dog who thinks he’s people” for being an angel who rejected heaven and chose his family with the Winchesters.
10.23-11.03: Cas is literally under a spell referred to as “Attack Dog,” which he fights against but is slowly turning him into a killing machine. He seeks help from Heaven, but they only want to use him, to torture information out of him and then kill him once they get what they want. It’s implied he even kills a dog in 11.01.
11.06: when Cas is in the bunker still suffering from trauma related to the attack dog spell, lying in bed and watching tv, he changes the channel to a news story about a dog riding a skateboard, and the newscaster uses Rowena’s line from 10.22: “Aw, that dog thinks it’s people!”
12.19: Lucifer refers to Cas as the Winchesters’ “purse dog,” and s12 is littered with dog references, especially between Lucifer and Crowley (which started back in s11 when Lucifer was using Cas’s vessel and treating Crowley like a dog... there’s a lot of negative baggage attached to dogs on this show)
13.16: Scooby is obviously the one dog Dean’s okay with, having positive childhood associations with him. But when comparing themselves to the scooby gang, Sam says they don’t have a talking dog, and Dean replies that Cas is sort of like a talking dog... which is interesting because at the end of the episode Cas tells Dean he’s NOT a talking dog. And this, in a scene that was directly foreshadowing Dean becoming Michael’s suit...again, more negative baggage for both of them.
The Dean vs Dogs imagery really kicks in when Dean’s soul is destined for Hell in s3, though.
3.10: In his rant to his dream self, Dream!Dean accuses Dean of being as “mindless and obedient as an attack dog,” just a few lines before he gives the “daddy’s blunt little instrument” line that Cas reminded us of in 15.18. So I do think this is something that the writers couldn’t possibly have been unaware of in invoking that specific line and the specific baggage attached to it.
3.11, one of the MANY deaths Dean suffers is from a seemingly nice dog he tries to pet in a friendly manner. The nice golden retriever mauls him to death, like the hellhounds are due to do to him in just a few short episodes... 
3.16: literally torn apart by hellhounds... don’t know how else to make it clear that Dean Is Not A Fan of this.
4.06: suffering from Ghost Sickness, and being magically forced to experience heightened levels of fear, he runs from a lil Yorkie with a bow in its hair, pausing only long enough to warn another person on the street to run before it kills them. We are invited to see how his biggest fear-- of Lilith, of being tortured in Hell, and having been dragged there by hellhounds-- is literally tied to his feelings toward actual dogs, including nonthreatening little lap dogs.
6.01: When Dean falls under the djinn’s spell, he hallucinates an unseen monster, presumably something akin to a hellhound, but when he thinks he’s caught the monster, it’s the neighbor’s Yorkie. Just like in 4.05, Dogs, Hellhounds, and Things Dean Fears In His Soul are all tangled up together.
6.08: aka that one episode I forget exists until it comes back around on the loop (actually I don’t forget it exists anymore, I’ve seen the show too many times at this point, but meh...). But it does plant this fear, that any dog anywhere might not really be a dog. The “sleeper cell” skinwalker packs in cities all over the world? Yeah, not a happy thought for someone who really doesn’t like dogs. Or at the very least has a low-key fear of them.
7.15: I would qualify this one as just “symbolism,” but since this episode is full of anvils, it feels legit to mention that the spell Jeffrey uses to summon his demon back to him involves using Dean’s blood and a dog’s heart. Not really a dean/fear thing, but Dean AS a dog-- and a sacrificed dog at that.
8.01: When Dean gets back from Purgatory, he gets in the Impala and smells dog. Bringing on the famous rule that he’s quite angry about Sam having clearly violated even when he wasn’t on the same plane of existence at the time-- No dogs in the car. He’s still clearly not a fan. Early s8 becomes a long string of “Sam hit a dog” comments, too.
8.15: for all this episode’s grossness, it does remind us over and over again that Dean really does not like dogs. Even flat out having Dean say he likes dogs, and the woman who literally is a dog familiar tells him that no, he doesn’t.
9.05: Dean... is basically a dog. He bonds with the Colonel a bit, even identifies with the dog while he’s under the spell, but all that good will that built up between them effectively shatters again with the ominous last words he gets before the spell wears off and the knowledge that dogs were not created to be man’s best friend, but had some other-- and in this context seemingly sinister-- purpose.
And then we have every other ep that deals with Hellhounds, Dean’s failure to kill one leading to Sam taking on the trials instead of him, tied up in their mutual discussion of what they see as their respective futures-- Sam wants to live, and he wants Dean to live, too, instead of Dean constantly running toward death and self-sacrifice. So like, these themes are all tied up together, and makes all the dog stuff incredibly not fun when it comes to Dean specifically.
So when Dean does lose Cas-- and everyone else on the planet-- the dog being the ONE living being they’ve found, Dean picking her up and putting her in “Cas’s place” in the car, only to have Chuck snap her away like she was a manipulative trick the entire time? Not even really real, just one more thing to give Dean a tiny bit of hope only to maliciously snatch it away again?
And then for the SINGLE thing Dean asked for from Chuck being to bring Cas back?
And then he doesn’t get Cas back, but apparently kidnaps this random dog instead?
It’s just... indescribably weird to me, and so entirely out of character and insulting to Cas on top of it all. Like this was the only happiness Dean was allowed after saving the universe. No found extended family, no life outside of Sam and hunting, no dream of retiring and finding a beach to sink his toes in the sand for a little while. He just gets a dog, which he canonically doesn’t like and has a lot of issues with for entirely understandable reasons. So like.. .how is this cute or happy or nice?
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its-chelisey-stuff · 4 years
My 2020 in dramaland pt 1/4
I’m doing this at the start of december but I’m scheduling it to be posted on Christmas Eve, because that way I can say to everyone Happy holidays! Anyway, these are the Korean dramas I watched this year (listed in the order I saw them, NOT including my favorite dramas, those will have its own post!)
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Love Alarm (2019): I don’t think I need to say what this was about lol if you haven’t seen it, chances are, you’ve heard of it. This is like all those Netflix shows I binge in one day, hate them but still can’t help but want to know what happens next and immediately need a season 2. Btw, this drama has the type of love triangle that I tolerate the most: the men who like the girl are also BFFs and never actually turn against each other, or at least suffer because they don’t really want to hurt the other. Bros before hoes! Kinda.
OTP: Jojo&SunOh. Hate that I love them tbh. But it’s mostly all thanks to him. To me, KimSoHyun’s chemistry with SongKang is the best chemistry she’s ever had with any of her co-stars. Well, maybe it’s a tie with Jisoo. Sorry Jang DongYoon. 
Thing I enjoyed the most: Knowing there’s a second season coming. I NEED CLOSURE! Dramas should never have seasons, it’s cruel.
Do I recommend it? Uhm... Yes. But beware of old tropes like Noble Idiocy super idiotic, a FL that never speaks her mind and a whole lot of nonsense angst and pining. Hey, your average kdrama basically.
Crash Landing on You: You know she actually did crash land on him. Twice. I loved that they were so doomed, it was awesome. A forbidden and beautiful romance, they were all in for each other. He was handsome and cute I mean is HyunBin! but she was my favorite: brave, sassy, bold and a CEO. I hated when they shoot her. A pity they can only be happy in Switzerland, but I liked that about their ending. (I made a sort of review of the finale here)
OTP: Awesome chemistry, have you heard about all those dating rumors? But my favorite couple was actually the second lol. I will never forgive this drama for NOT giving them a happy ending. WTF? And that’s why it’s not in my fave’s list.
Thing I enjoyed the most: Apart from the love stories? North Korean soldiers from Captain Ri’s team. Bless them.
Do I recommend it? Oh, is there someone who hasn’t seen it? For real, go watch it. It’s a romcom for the ages. Lots of nonsense and cliches. Loved it, just *one* little flaw. ALBERTOOOO!
Witch’s Court (2018): A law drama. I never watch these types of dramas. Only did it because I had a crush on Yoon HyunMin at the time, my sister made me watch it (she also had a crush on him) and I thought there was going to be way more romance. Heavy subjects, a great mom’s love and a lot of prosecutor bs.
OTP: They were cute. Wish I’d seen more of them though.
Thing I enjoyed the most:  Yoon HyunMin. But the FL was awesome in her own right.
Do I recommend it? If you like law/criminal dramas and barely a hint of romance, this one is great. And justice is served at the end.
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Hospital Playlist: It was an adorable, peaceful and relaxing watch, not what you’d expect from a hospital themed drama. Very healing (no pun intended lol). And I loved the songs they played! The weird thing is that I kept forgetting about it, and that’s why it took me so long to finish it. 
OTP: I do have one, but not the one everyone ships: Dr Yang SeokHyung and his resident played by one awesome Ahn EunJin. She confessed, he turned her down gently, Buuu!!!. Waiting patiently for S2 and HOPE their love story develops more. Dramas shouldn’t have second seasons!
Thing I enjoyed the most: The friendship of the five besties duh
Do I recommend it? Awww but of course! if you liked the Reply Series and slice of life dramas, you will like this one. Only 12 eps but they were as long as a movie lol
WHY (minidrama) 2019: Two good friends trying to cheer up their bff who just got dumped (without any explanation hence driving him slowly into a mental breakdown and an identity crisis) by going on a Jeju vacation. In the guesthouse they’re staying, they encounter two awesome, chill and fun noonas. What you’ll see here: a moving story about heartbreak and letting go, bromance and noona romance.
OTP: While most of the time the lead was in deep heartbreak thanks to his awful ex, there was a subtle romance developing while he was healing. At the end, there’s a time jump and he’s totally in the right state of mind to completely be with her and give love another try. Lovely ending.
Thing I enjoyed the most: Jung GunJoo! AKA Dohwa from Extraordinary You!!!
Do I recommend it? Of course! It’s an adorable watch. And it only takes like 2 hours of your time, maybe less, I don’t recall. Here, you can watch it on YouTube. Also, not really a fan don’t hate me lol but there’s Hwang In Yeob as the bff of the lead. And he has a very meaningful role.
Where Your Eyes Linger (minidrama): First Korean BL drama I’ve ever watched and I’m so glad that it was a wonderful first. Given the amount of time and resources I was expecting a lot less from this but they all did a very good job. Beyond my expectations, really. Wonderful acting and such an angsty friends to lovers romance that was delightfully done. I don’t usually give out scores to dramas but omg 10/10!
Thing I enjoyed the most: Oh, everything!
Do I recommend it? Like BL dramas and want to see more of them in kdramaland? Then YES YES YES. A thousand times YES! The reason why it’s not on my favorites’ list is because I wish it was longer.
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It’s Okay to not be Okay: It had been so long since I’ve seen a KSH drama. Since his alien days lol Plus, my sister is a huge fan. Horniest kdrama of the year, for sure. Which is hilarious since the message of the whole thing was more about family. From the first episode I was waiting for the OTP to have a steamy makeout and have sex HAHAHA You know, they actually delivered, so I was happy. My review about the ending HERE
OTP: Queen MoonYoung and her horny but super restrained caretaker, KangTae. Love them.
Thing I enjoyed the most: All hail Queen Ko MoonYoung! And the best hyung, SangTae.
Do I recommend it? Yeah. Let’s be serious for a moment lmao it was a healing drama and the ending was beautiful. A few things here and there didn’t make sense though. The mom’s comeback was crazy, but meh, what are dramas without crazy? lol I guess this is not on my favorite’s list because I wasn’t as obsessed as I wish I’d been.
Was it Love?: Mamma mia, here we go again, my my, I should have resist ya! it was ALL right there but the writer didn’t have the guts to do the story right. It COULD’VE BEEN Mamma Mia, but all the potential went to waste. THE POTENTIAL!! You want to know who the dad of her daughter is? The only dude she ever slept with, her only ex! Big surprise. The writer! There, saved you the trouble. My rant on the ending here
OTP: Well, it wasn’t the leads, that’s for sure. It’s the second leads (or was he the third lead and she the second?)who ended up together, or at least it was hinted at. The female lead had way more chemistry with the one dude she was never romantically linked to, which is hilarious to me. Ugh so much wasted potential...
Thing I enjoyed the most: Gangster dude and his son! Bless them.
Do I recommend it? Jesus, NO. DON’T. Watch Mamma Mia with Meryl Streep, instead. That’s gold and it’s what they wanted to try to do for a moment here. Still wondering how I managed to finish this...
Record of Youth: Another drama I can’t believe I actually finished. A handsome model transitioning into an actor and becoming the main provider for the family that never fully supported him and had to pay for the debt of the dad that always belittled his dreams. Underdeveloped characters, a female lead that was outshined by CAMEOS of other women(in her 1 minute scene, KimHyeYoon had more chemistry with PBG), plots that went nowhere and a terrible pairing that had very little chemistry. A ranting about the finale and my wasted time, HERE
OTP: who? Ah, yeah, I guess there sort of was one... The photographer friend and the sister of the jealous friend. Their ending was ambiguous.
Thing I enjoyed the most: PBG, he carried this mess on his back.
Do I recommend it? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA No. Please, don’t watch it.
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Private Lives: An orphan who was recluted to become a spy and works for a conglomerate that holds the power to decide the next president of Korea AND a con woman who wants revenge because her dad got sent to jail. They meet and fall in love and it’s the cutest thing ever but on their wedding day he misteriously disappears and... that’s it. Everything that happens after that makes zero sense. By the end I was more interested in the second leads.
OTP: TWO (but mostly the second couple) and the reason why I finished this drama at all.
Thing I enjoyed the most: Second leads. BokGi and Eduardo (yeah, I know that wasn’t his real name). I’d watch a drama of those two. Even if it was by the same writer.
Do I recommend it? Well... not really. LOL If you’re interested to know more about it, read my “recaps” of each episode HERE or read about the last ep here. You’ll understand about the same as if you were to actually watch it, but you will not waste your time. I hope? LOL
Start Up: A grandma with good intentions, a FL that lost it all as a kid, letters that weren’t really that genuine, a rich, cocky and petty jerk who wasn’t the ML (I mean by definition he had everything to be the male lead lol) and the actual ML (a genius who suffers from the biggest case of Impostor Syndrome I’ve ever seen). No one except for the FL mostly is honest. A time jump that was there just for the sake of angst and not quite done right. Also, making a business with your friends involves a whole lot of nonsense and drama. And a “love triangle” that drove the fandom to madness. And wait, the sister was the second female lead? She was more secondary than the secondary characters. This drama is seriously not what it seems at first lol
OTP: DalMi&DoSan. Adorable. The oly reason I finished this. From the moment they announced the cast and learned who the leads were, I knew I was gonna ship them. And that’s how I never get SLS lol
Thing I enjoyed the most: The answer to that question is HERE
Do I recommend it? Honestly, yeah. Just turn off your brain and never discuss it on social media. Binge it and move on with life. Not the best drama, but tbh not the worst. Well it is the worst by the writer lol Wow it sounds like I hated it, but it’s just that the fanwars really got to me haha and it’s all so recent, but I actually did love the love story and the grandma was a treasure.
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queens-hoes · 4 years
so...the MLQC anime
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It's the elephant in the room rn. We gotta talk about it!
First of all, shoutout to MAPPA for even giving us an anime of our boys, regardless of the end product, it's amazing that they did it in the first place, and shoutout to the animators and VAs that put a lot of time and effort into the show.
Now. We can all agree that this wasn't a perfect adaptation. Don't get me wrong, it was good, but it could've been much better!
A lot happened, a lot didn't happen, so first I'm gonna focus on the biggest issue.
I. The trailer
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Naturally, it was the trailer that got us all hyped for the anime, like "omg that scene is gonna be animated, it looks so good!!! I'm so excited!!"
And then they just. weren't in the anime.
Y'all know what scenes I'm talking about too (and if not, @daily-mlqc made a great post showing the scenes that never appeared). Like, it's one thing to not include certain scenes/change them, but it's another thing to show said scene in the trailer and not include it at all. It's basically false advertising!
The infamous Chapter 10 Victor shot, Lucien's Midnight Date shot, the shot from Gavin's Slightly Drunken Date....all of them unused....all of them holding so much potential
II. The boys
Obviously, you've only got so much time. You've only got so many episodes. But when the story is propelled by "Bonds" and important relationships, not growing those bonds sticks out a lot.
The boys were done pretty dirty and we all know it.
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Kiro was introduced, then pretty much ignored until the Hacker episode. I get that he doesn't make many appearances early on, but it would've been nice to build that relationship a bit more so we can really feel sad when he sacrifices himself to save MC on the rooftop. But I will say that his transformation into Helios was pretty good (but where was that phone call foreshadowing the transformation tho)
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Lucien was done fairly well. His episodes were executed pretty faithfully (especially the Ares reveal), but towards the end he kinda just....disappeared? Which is a shame bc the scenes between him and the MC after she finds out he's Ares are so damn good. It was the worst in the last ep, bc she didn't even interact with him at all and he kinda just disappears?? He got slight redemption, but not to the extent as in the game
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Gavin was done the best, undoubtedly, bc you can really feel the bond between him and the MC (that "wait for me" scene? Chills.) but it's bc of that that he feels so off in the last ep? Like I get that he's a changed person after everything, but brushing her off felt really weird to me.
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Victor. I could write a whole essay on how dirty they did him (he's my fave, after all). I've already gone in depth on the episode 7 debacle (it still makes my blood boil), so I won't repeat myself here, but TL;DR they did his character development so dirty. Like it looked like they were really trying to sell us on Victor/MC in the last few eps, but it felt kinda off to me bc all the development just isn't there (honestly, I blame Victor's weak "overemotional" response to her almost dying. That scene is what drives their relationship forward, so him not being as desperate and emotional in the game...grrr)
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MC is the real MVP of this anime, like she had a fully developed personality and cute/funny scenes that made her likeable and adorable (just think about it this way— she could’ve been like Yui from Diabolik Lovers. No one wants that.)
III. Missing Scenes
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(Slight spoilers for chapters 15-18)
We've all got our fave scenes from the main story. It's inevitable. So not seeing a lot of them animated is sad, not just bc we like them but bc they expand the bond she has with each guy!
I would've loved to see Gavin's ferris wheel scene (Chapter 15), MC reuniting with Kiro through Helios, only for him to erase her memory (Chapter 17), Lucien's sexually tense press conference (Chapter 16), all the angsty scenes with Victor from Chapter 18, etc.
Heck, some dates could have been good to add too, especially some of Lucien's (Midnight Date, Crisis Date, etc. that foreshadow the Ares reveal)
And again, you can't have everything animated, but to completely cut out everything from these chapters?
IV. The Ending
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Obviously MAPPA had to wrap things up quickly, but what the fuck was that ending? Not only did it feel kinda anticlimactic, but seeing MC turn into Sailor Moon and defeat Hades was pretty....weird, to say the least. I liked that it was her bonds with everyone that unlocked the power, but I thought the overall conclusion was pretty meh.
(Spoilers for Chapter 18)
They could've used the ending where MC decides to sacrifice herself to save humanity. Sure, it would've been sad, but it would've been such a way to go out, especially if she wakes up in the Eternal Winter world. They were hinting at a season 2 (that'll probably never come) anyway, so why not do it like this?
To be fair, I guess that would be unsatisfying to anime-onlys but bloody hell, I just wanted something stronger
V. The Black Queen
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She was teased in the opening every damn episode, only to briefly appear in the last one. Well, parts of her anyway. Why include her at all if she's barely going to be incorporated? I was hyping her up to my friend the entire show, only for her to just. not really do anything.
In conclusion
I think adding a few more episodes would've made a huge difference in terms of story, pace, characterizations, etc. The ending felt way too rushed, the "bonds" felt somewhat flat, a bunch of scenes were missing even though they showed up in the trailer......like, I'm overjoyed that it got animated at all, but dammit I just wanted more bc I love this game
So what are your thoughts on the anime?
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petekaos · 4 years
What did you think about the last episode!!
hi hi! so uhhh... this is going to get long and i’ve combined like 10 other asks i want to address, so your ask may be answered here! if you want Rahul’s Take On The 2gether Finale, then brace yourself.
...I didn't really like the last episode, I feel like it could've been a lot better/more emotional
I dunno if it's because I didn't like the last 2 episodes but even though the show literally finished I'm not emotional? The last episode I felt actually really happy watching was ep 9 but now I'm just 'ok, that show finished.' I'm sad bc I thought I would have a stronger reaction to the ending and them getting back together but I'm just meh :/
Really don't want to sound like those annoying people but damn really no kiss scene
I liked the ending, it was okay I guess but gmmtv better prepare for a shitstorm bc so many people didn't lololol
Honestly the best and well written episodes were ones where they still weren't a couple, like 8 and 9 were amazing
Although the finale was good, I feel llke in the future when I want to rewatch my favorite moments from this series, I will go for the first 10 or so episodes more often than not. It kinda feels like 2gether peaked around episodes 7-10, which is perfectly fine!! It was all in all a great series that did what it wanted to do and I’ll always cherish it but, I probably won’t rewatch much of the last two episodes
They made pam even worse!! Before she had her talk with tine anyway!!
My thoughts on the finale: could've been a lot better, could've been a lot worse
2Gether really felt like a giant inflatable castle that was carefully blown up for the past 12 weeks only to let it rapidly and poorly deflate in the end
The ending was fine and was expected but for me it's underwhelming in the sense that the past episodes, especially 4, 8 and 9 were really written in comparison so the finale is kinda meh bc I knew there was gonna be a happy ending. But still the YouTube comments and what some people on tumblr are saying is ridiculous, I don't want to even think about Twitter but imo I don't think any of gmmtvs other shows can top dbks ending like that ending was perfect,
i honestly love that 2gether focused so much on the story and the emotion and became so successful without all the usual fan service. i hope the whole industry takes something away from that! but i still felt like the finale was a little emotionally stunted when it came to tine/sarawat. i just wanted a big YES, I CHOOSE YOU moment, and tine's reappearance and the bracelet scene just didn't do it for me. you know what would have, though? a kiss. or a hug, or holding hands, or something sweet
okay, my friends! here is my opinion on the 2gether finale first, and then i’m gonna address what i personally hold of the more negative response the fandom has shown. i generally thought the finale had... a solid ending. i went into it with absolutely no expectations apart from sarawat’s song and a happy ending, because i knew it would be messy and not as good as ep 4 or 9 etc, considering the sheer amount of open storylines that were left to be resolved in one episode. i knew it would polarise the fandom--but i personally thought the ending was fine! a bit cliche, a bit rushed, but it was okay and it was a good enough ending for me to put 2gether behind me, the first season at least. the bracelet scenes and shots were amazing, the song was incredible (although i wish they would have had sarawat sing a bit more), the conversation pam and tine had was solid as well! there were a lot of things i liked about the finale and bright and win killed their solo acting as always. however, there are some things i wanna get into more detail about that i feel could have been done better, not only as a finale but as a show itself.
time allocated for the storylines. or: plotlines in general. this has been my bone to pick ever since episode 10. not gonna lie, this wasn’t good, especially from ep 10 onwards. there were so many storylines and plotlines that were dragged out further than necessary, and so many plotlines that should have started earlier. best example for this is mil and phukong, the mil redemption storyline should have started in ep 10 and should have had him be sincere for once, and the mil/phukong storyline should have actually made sense from the beginning and started in ep 11 at the latest. the mantype storyline should have also started a bit earlier than that and given us an explanation as to why type was crying at the retreat. however, mantype did pull it off!
writing! this ties in with the first point. the writing felt a bit inconsistent in the last two episodes and it’s a pity, really, that this is one of the downfalls :/ all the actors in this series, from the mains (bright, win, mike, toptap, frank, drake) to the side characters (gunsmile, love, gigie, film, etc.) are such good actors and it’s unfortunate that the last three episodes were a bit :// in terms of writing and plotlines. they all did the best they could with what was written and that... yeah.
conflict. this has to do with the first two points. the finale felt rushed. that’s something that i don’t think anyone really can argue? and i expected that, so i wasn’t too disappointed by it or anything. obviously it would have felt rushed considering the fact that they had to wrap up 3 or 4 episodes’ worth of storylines in one episode, which was a blunder on the writers’ part. the conflict fell flat, then. if they had had pam come in earlier and had tine and sarawat spend more time away from each other, we would have gotten an explosive reaction. i really do think that after they got together for real, the writers struggled to find conflict to keep the story going, jumping from tine’s insecurities to mil to pam for no reason whatever. i think it would have been much better done if we had mil as an antagonist wrapped up and on the road to redemption in ep 10 and had pam come in there, with tine’s insecurities as a b plot. i feel that would have been a bit more gripping. but, hey, guess that’s just me!
order of filming. this has to do with people saying that brightwin’s chemistry was off in the finale. i don’t think it was off, per se, but it was definitely lacking when we compare it to their chemistry in ep 4 or 9 or 10, y’know? that’s because i believe the finale was filmed earlier, when bright and win were still getting to know each other and figuring out how well they could improv. and they can improv, from what we’ve seen! so there really is nothing i can say apart from the fact that it’s a bit disappointing that they decided to film such a pivotal scene at the beginning. if it had been filmed in the end, it would have definitely been better!
flashbacks. the finale needed all the time it was gonna get, and i am disappointed by the amount of flashbacks they used, honestly. i would have cut down on the number of sarawatine flashbacks and used them sparingly when they reunited, because that just... makes sense and evokes emotion in the viewer, you know? the only flashbacks that served well were type’s view of everything and phukong and mil, because they were new. it just... felt a bit inauthentic.
pam. or: the girls in general. there is nothing i can do here but SCREAM. pam should have come in way earlier and replaced mil as the centre point of conflict for ep 11 and 12 to have been as good as the rest of the show, or ep 4 and 9 at least. her character fell so flat and the conflict she brought with her fell so flat as well, honestly. the girls should have been done better--more of earn and sarawat! more of pear! they could have tied into the plot effortlessly!
mil and phukong x mil. yeah this is a... whole ass bulletpoint, unfortunately. call me a clown all you want for expecting him to have at least a half assed redemption arc in the finale but goddamn was that... not good. really bitter over the fact phukong was straight up okay with being a “replacement” for tine even though... that doesn’t even make sense. i just... yeah, this wasn’t good. i feel super bad for frank and drake because they deserve a well written show or at the very least a well written storyline for all of their chemistry and work they put in, considering the fact that they are so so young. i could go on about a good mil arc for ages but i just... yeah i’m writing a fic, so y’all will see.
the reunion. this stems from the flat conflict and the rushed-ness of it all, but yeah. it wasn’t particularly hard-hitting, but i still enjoyed it because it’s sarawat and tine. this has to do with when they filmed as well, and just... because the angst didn’t start early enough for it to hit home. and i really do wish we’d had a scene after that with the both of them, alone. a lot of their things happen with a lot of people around them... and nah.
one year later. bro. bro. bro. the music club thing was cute! but i would have just... loved to see them alone, y’know? a scene of them being alone and intimate, just sitting next to each other on the couch or at a football game or sarawat continuing bringing the cheerleaders snacks, even a year later. them going to another concert. anything where they were just... alone. i wanted to see them together! we got that with mantype and we even got that fucking... scene on the roof where mil and phukong were just fuckin around? yeah? i would have loved to see that with sarawat and tine so much. (also btw pretty sure the rooftop scenes with mil and phukong is also where drake and frank took this photo and it made me so happy dhsndh like... the shot where mil took his hand off phukong’s eyes? i called it immediately and my partner was like ???)
intimacy. chemistry. the biggest thing everyone is talking about. now comes the part that y’all all wanted to know if you’ve been reading this far lmfao, my take on the fact that was no kiss in the finale! and my take is... i expected there to be no kiss in the finale somewhere deep within, and honestly i’m fine with not having a kiss. my only problems with all of this are first of all, that we didn’t get a proper kiss in the entire series and had sarawat kissing tine one-sidedly. secondly, i would have loved verbal intimacy as well! an i love you, or y’know, some hand holding, anything! this is also due to the fact that i believe the series was filmed relatively early on. i just wish... again, that they would have been alone one year later and we could have just seen them being domestic, as we have already seen them!
so those are some of my thoughts on the finale. considering the fandom’s response... i can see why people are upset or disappointed but i don’t think it’s, like, that justified to throw the whole show away as well. yeah, the ending wasn’t perfect, but if you’ve enjoyed the show as a whole... maybe it’s okay, y’know? like, personally, i don’t think i’m ever going to rewatch the finale. but i do love the earlier episodes and i am gonna watch them back at some point, probably! it’s all well and good and valid to criticise the lack of intimacy and kissing in the finale i guess, but if you’re a straight girl then maybe... watch your words. 2gether has portrayed a wonderful love story between two men and to see straight people throw it away as “bromance” or say it’s the “straightest bl of all time” or whatever because of the lack of kisses is kind of hurtful. i am completely open to discussing this with lgbt people, mlm specifically, and you can come talk to me about your thoughts if you’re a straight woman as well. all i’m asking for is that you maybe show a little bit of empathy and respect, y’know? i also do think 2gether peaked around episode 9/10 and i’m fine with that! it gave me so much more than characters and relationships--it gave me the fandom and everyone here and words cannot express how grateful i am for all of you. maybe the last few episodes were poorly written and the finale wasn’t everything y’all hoped for... but i did and do love this show. i cannot wait to see where brightwin go next.
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feuqueerfire · 1 year
Bed Friend Live Blogging
agh, I should've started this earlier or later, not 2 days before the end of the month because now it's gonna spill over to next month >:( but I think I'm just in the mood for it, so fine
Ep 1 (Apr 29)
chaotic beginning before the intro
chaotic beginning after the intro too we found out about the cheating + Uea's abusive mother flashback oh goodness
persistent King oof but tbh he's so attractive I can't form any objective opinions about his character
why is the kissing/pre-NC scene so funnily edited lmao
I wonder if there was discourse about this being a drunken hookup + Uea surely wouldn't have slept with King if he was sober
okay-good first ep
Ep 2 (Apr 29)
ah both of them dazed at work thinking about the other smh
this mother is so
omg if somebody paid like that for me, I'd have to immediately go to the ATM and pay them back
plsssss King yelling through his car window
STD testing oh interesting + King trying to lessen Uea's nervousness and shame about it. I didn't know you just did a blood test for those
heh Uea's smile when King isn't looking
bro i don't get why you'd say you made a mistake at work for someone else but okay
pls not the dick patting over jeans I looked away cuz I didn't wanna see it but they said something so I had to rewind to read the sub but they didn't even sub that line lmao
almost expected some shirt sniffing ngl a la Bad Buddy and The Eclipse
Ep 3 (Apr 29)
why are the breathing and kissing noises So Much I keep going ew like tone it down a bit pls
but I do love body kissing though so thanks Uea for getting King to kiss up his leg
a monogamous friends-with-benefits relationship lol
them bargaining how many times to have sex a week so funny
i hate the editing for these NC scenes ngl like the show in general has meh to bad editing but it's so :/ during these scenes
pls King always trying for touchy moments with Uea. also that moment when Kind's tryna feed chocolate via mouth and he grabs Uea's arm when he tries to push away? Yeah it's attractive
agh Uea really has so many alone moments in the bathroom that feel uncomfortable
Uea secretly staring at King smoking on the balcony ah
agh why do I love King wrapping his legs around Uea to get to dry Uea's hair and Uea kinda resisting only for 1 second before going still
oh no D: poor Uea
I'm gonna throw up why are they showing this scene with the uncle with the kid and everything I hate it so bad I don't wanna see a child be sexually harassed
dumbass King why would you not only get jealous over Uea helping some kid get dust out of his eye cuz the kid thinks P'Uea's cute but also actually drag Uea away because of it?
oh yeah the gifs of King laying over Uea's body is brain melting and the breathing? I'll actually let it pass this time. This scene is so much esp with King being like "Can I be a good thing in your life?"
pls horror music when King pins Uea's hand down T.T
wtf is this is ex-bf agh I knew this happened from spoilers but agh
at least Jade brought security, good job
why did they make these random female coworkers sooooo cringy and supposed to be funny but not
wtf man ex-bf Pock come back again and this time with thoughts of sexual assault agh
I'm actually still stuck on the stepfather being a creep weirdo freak and I hate that they showed it, I hate that a child had to film it (even if it's not as intense or involved as what adult Uea is going through with Pock)
Ep 4 (Apr 29)
Had a confusing and stressful day, so here's a fun episode time
ah fuck, not very fun, we're starting with attempted sexual assault
why would you ask for sex with somebody who you just had to help stop being attacked like be serious. I think I have a hard time going from The Horrors and trauma and Uea being attacked and attempted sexual assault to like yay fun sexy times
I'm a sucker for King bruising Uea and applying whatever medicine on it because Uea said he doesn't want marks though, that's good brain melty
does Uea live with King or no? since Jade came for his birthday
(Linguistics) Uea using kha with his nong sao
this fucking stepfather dieeeeee
ew ew ew ew ew not this flashback I'm gonna kill this man ew ew ew fast forwarding i can't
oh Uea has a knife good good I wish he'd kill him
this mother kill her too I'm gonna die die die
agh agh agh agh I can't fucking do this
I wish Uea would just take his sister out to lunch or something :< away from this house because I can't imagine she's living a good life here either and he can spend time with her
this sad ass "happy birthday to you" montage
I love peck kisses T.T Uea being hard on King but doesn't move away when King moves his hand up his thigh and even pursues his lips during the little peck the first time so cute
how do I feel about King dragging Uea away from a guy
lol ofc they'll fall on each other
but it's beautiful silhouettes, reminds me of Blueming ah I miss that show
Ep 5 (Apr 29)
"I was a good boy last night. can i get a reward?" "it's supposed to be like that; not taking advantage of me" so true Uea. bare minimum not committing sexual assault isn't something to be praised, it's an expectation
lmfao overreactions during very minor finger injury gets me every time like whyyy are you acting like it's the end of the world lol parents don't even act like this toward toddlers who hurt themselves more
agh "I have too much money. I wanna spend" I need someone like this when I go out to eat
ahhhh Uea's voice turning slightly watery when King said his mother arranged a match for him and trying to change the subject
damn not them slightly touching on whether Uea likes rough sex? or what was that convo?
nepotism and this time the hire isn't just a useless nepo man but rather a creepy nepo man? bc what is this type of interaction he's having with Uea
King too jealous my guy agh don't be mean to Uea >:(
okay that turned into a more lighthearted smiley discussion ig
liar liar pants on fire Uea saying he doesn't have a crush
this King and Krit dick-measuring contest and fighting over Uea, leave the guy alone c'mon
so true Uea just shut down King's questioning about liking Krit
King so annoying why does he wanna show off at the office so much T.T and this stupid pretend phone convo at the office
lol barking in front of the office is in Jade's fate I suppose
sometimes I can't tell how conversations or scenes are flowing, I won't lie. Is that the fault of editing or scriptwriting or both? oh well
Ep 6 (May 1)
this is the cat episode? anyway i'm watching this from my home but during worktime...
Did one of them say "mai" and one say "shai" about whether King and Uea are dating in secret?
lol the way Uea's sucking at King's hand?
ahhhhh cat Uea hi~~~~~ pretty~~~~
Uea giving King a forehead kiss
lakjdsflk;ajdfs Uea asking King if he wants to his slave okayyy dom kitty
(Linguistics) okayyy King leveraging his few extra months of age to be like can you call yourself Uea and me P'King I'm dead
omg Uea sideways stepping on King's chest okay fun
too much licking going on though, I'm not really into that but I'll forgive since I'm getting so much other fun stuff
oh Uea really is with the foot along King's body
so true I literally would not know how to act the next day but they're so cute and smiley
noooooooooo Uea smiling and excited about this vacation but King has to go on an arranged match agh
also usually Uea's straight-faced with King but goes :] when walking away but this time he had to be :) while speaking with King and then :( when walking away
I'm soooo tired of Krit agh
:< Uea pushing King away
Uea resignation letter?
aghh saw one second of preview and already have the creeps
Ep 7 (May 1)
I'm so tired even though technically I did nothing hard at work
aw Uea regrets being harsh toward King but doesn't know how to proceed
also am I in the wrong episode? Where's the resignation stuff?
naurrr King and Uea making eye contact but King walking away first and Uea's little :< face as he stands there
ahhh King napping beside Uea as he works overtime T.T but Krit saw the evil fucker
King going to arranged date with same person again
Krit locking the door for what reason I'm gonna kill him fr fr fr fr fr
I hate this so much I'm skipping through fuck this
I knew there was apparently some part where King makes really accusatory comments toward Uea and I was really hoping it wouldn't be about Uea being assaulted but alas... I have to fucking watch this. Uea gets fucking assaulted by his boss and narrowly escapes and gets these words from King? kill them all fr
I hope Uea does resign
what the fuckkkkkkkk Krit came to Uea's mom's place???? wtf fr fr
I wonder how the nong feels about this? like is her dad weird to her too? does she believe Uea was molested by him?
who are those people outside the gates
fuck every single person fr
except Jade
Uea apologized first? agh kick King
Some comments on the reddit on-air thread helped with understanding King's actions more. that "he feels like he was a moron for sitting next to Uea all night during all the days he worked OT, when maybe Uea was actually over King and wanted him out of the way." and "King is the son of a rich family and is used to speaking up (because as a second-gen rich kid he can speak his mind freely most of the time)." and "I think there’s an income/wealth gap between him and Uea even if they work at the same place. He doesn’t understand why Uea is compelled to somehow be neutral/nice to Krit as an employee. Or what the consequences/what’s on the line for Uea if he becomes aggressive/forceful w rejection as King wants." doesn't mean I don't wanna strangle him a bit but yknow
Ep 8 (May 1)
Probably should do some chores (ah preparing for going to work tomorrow is so agh) but I'm going straight into this next episode instead rip
aww Uea came to his auntie T.T okay at least she loves him T.T I wish I knew whether she was his maternal or paternal aunt I think ป้า (bpâa) is for both side's older sister
oh i see the maternal side
cute. they're "seeing each other"
I feel like they should've gotten Uea's permission to share that clip with everyone
but at least they got Krit outta the company. wish he was brutally murdered though tbh
I like Uea being like "I'm sitting here because I'm beautiful" and then giving his hand to King like ah cute
this much tension and denial, they're gonna straight up ascend to another dimension the next time they have sex
oh kill the stepdad kill him kill him agh he's a serial sexual assaulter
Ep 9 (May 1)
Did my chores for tomorrow morning, so time to reward myself with another episode I suppose
so we don't know who called the cops on Uea's stepdad?
ah this bathroom stall scene I love whining the way King is + I love pecks
mm I love siblings :>
Tonkao looks a bit like Blackpink Lisa
It's cute so far with Uea turning down Boom by saying he has a faen and King overhearing but from the ep 8 on-air, the preview for this ep was probably much more dramatic? so i wonder if we'll get more drama rip
ah Uea saying twisty words to say they're boyfriends
how the heck did we go from becoming boyfriends to introductions with King's parents wtf
damn, Uea thinking a bit much about the mother saying what if it goes bad
okay Uea with the umbrella
ah fuck Uea's gonna pick up King's phone agh
oh that wasn't bad. she panicked but told Uea to take care of King, so is Uea gonna be the one who overthinks instead of being threatened by Kin's mother or smth
oh nvm she shoos away Uea to say she'll take care of King
spoiled whiny King with his mother lol
agh mother supporting King okay
bro I can never tell if the mother's supposed to come in and threaten Uea or not like why did they have such ominous music and her squaring her shoulders just to go be nice to Uea lol
Ep 10 (May 2)
Had my first day at work and I feel so squished and tired, time to watch this
King feeding Uea from his glass yeah
I forgot to watch the hottub scene kinda because I was just playing Solitaire and realized later that I didn't watch it
aksldfj King dying and squeezing things and curling up into a ball at getting a sniff cheek kss from Uea so cute
Jade's like written to appear endearing and sometimes he is (like when he was cute in the blanket and supporting Uea) but often he's just annoying?
lol who buys an engagement ring just like that
dumb proposal like did they even talk about getting married first before a proposal after 1 year of dating? and to do it at workplace... be serious
bruhhh everyone's here what if Uea said no lmfao
not like they got actually married, it's a proposal what's happening
oh yeah here comes Tutor's character. people were annoyed that he wasn't here for the whole show the way he was supposed to be in the novel
I waana know the song that's appeared in a few eps but in this ep at 17:40
It was good and cute but still somewhat nonsensical and I don't know how to feel about the mountains of trauma. Beautiful Net and James, the acting's not bad, the editing is bad though. They were cute, which is the most important thing I guess.
I was tired when watching eps 6-10 so like I don't have too many thoughts honestly. Just focused on watching and having fun.
Rating: 6.5/10
[Ep 9] King briefly acts like a cat
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liveblogging some Cyberverse episodes here instead of on twitter bc twitter’s everything is pathetic. :D I haven’t done this in years haha
skipped the first 2 eps bc i bounced hard off them a couple years ago skhfdgk. bee and windblade were never exactly my Faves lol.
episode opens with a goddamn cool ship!! ugh i love the forward wings! Also bee being a super distracted driver is hilarious omfg. I dont believe that man has a drivers license lmfao
ummmmmm the allspark is talking??? yeah id be creeped out too be lmfao
starscream’s alt mode lowkey looks like a moth??? from a certain angle at least. thats actually cool.
this op’s va is definitely trying to sound like peter cullen (actually succeeding pretty well!) and imo it wouldn’t be bad at all if his lines actually sounded like speech and less like proclamations. actually that’s an issue with a few of the other characters too, he’s just the most obvious.
im definitely spoiled by tfp’s fight scenes, this one had hardly any weight to it XD
holy shit i love wheeljack lmfao
omfg Optimus is a) SUCH a dad, and b) SUCH A DAD. ugh i love him praising the Autobots, and him gently redirecting Wheeljack after the explosion was such a joy skhdfkgjhd
Those critters are kinda cute! I sort of understand OP’s hesitance at using the energon, especially if the deposit was only very small - does it really make ethical sense to take the perhaps only energy source of a population of creatures for a potential gain of, what, maybe days? (At least this is the interpretation I’m going with lol)
Bee’s waking up on a snowy mountain with a goat. Where are u bee?
Oh, the Himalayas. XD Ok thats fair lol, mountain wildernesses are good for hiding shit.
holy shit bee getting distracted watching infomercials and game shows is a mood skfjhkj
ohmygod windblade u have wings, just fuckin fly away
“What was your name again” WINDBLADE OMFG
ok the choreography of the fights is rly off, someone is always making stupid mistakes or not taking opportunities and the overall effect is just meh, manufactured suspense.
holy shit im skipping a bit i just cringed into oblivion
[headdesks] ok OP wtf? “I do not intend to start a fight” promptly does so anyway. 
ok I love TFP starscream’s voice but this one is good too! XD he sounds so smug and judgey in every single line skhfkdhj
Ok, again, children’s show, but there was no depth in that exchange. Megatron’s got the Villain Stick and he’s hanging firmly to it, OP has no nuance and his writing is hanging just as firmly to the Hero Stick. 
also I’m having trouble taking Megatron seriously because his goddamn head looks like its squeezing out of his tiny braincase and every single time he looks straight at the camera I L A U G H. He’s got a good voice tho! Hasn’t got the bombacity and charisn’tma of TFP, but it’s nice and threatening nevertheless.
im skipping ahead a bit bc i saw a pic of maccadam on tfwiki and oops he’s hot lol. 
ahhhh the landscapes are so pretty, or at least that one was <333
fuck i cant deal w that Ratchet’s voice lmao
I enjoy this interpretation of Grimlock more than I thought I would XD. I love the meathead Grimmies A Lot but nerdjock Grim is cool too!
god soundwave dancing is amazing but then his BACKUP DANCERS fuckin kill me omfg skdhjfjh
hmmm ppl have been selling me on the megop in this but so far i aint feeling it lol. gimme a few more episodes and lets see XD
wheeljack/shockwave science buddies?? YES.
...mmmmmm friendship ended with alpha trion, i simp for maccadam now
aaand i still cant take Megs weird pinched head seriously lmfao, he looks like a sausage w half the stuffing squeezed out kjdhfkjh
“Find the king of the dinosaurs!” “Uhh, what’s a dinosaur?” I love that so much skdfhj
ok gonna stop there bc i zoned out and missed all of ep 12 lmfao. will do some more tomorrow, unless my brain comes back and I get to write skjhfjd
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angelhummel · 4 years
More random general thoughts on episodes I’ve watched in the last few days, just for me
Glease - Yeah idk I really like this one. All the numbers are fun and good. There’s some good angst. The Marley bulimia thing is absolutely bonkers but uh. Idk man. I enjoy the ep for the most part
Thanksgiving - Yeah I really like this one too. I love all the music tbh. I don’t even have that big a problem with Gangnam Style, so sue me. Quinn and Santana both trying to look out for Marley was good until it turned into rehashed irrelevant high school drama between them. And I like how they did the scene with Marley passing out, that was neat
Swan Song - This episode is maybe a little musty but I don’t hate it. Obviously I love Kurt’s song. And tho I’ll admit I think he’s a bit ooc at times, at least it means Rachel can step in and be a good friend? That’s rare so I’ll take what I can get. Honestly I wish ND had lost and that was that. Found something new to do. The next two competitions were boring and I’d be fine if we didn’t have them at all tbh
Naked - All its glaring faults aside this one is pretty entertaining. The calendar stuff is funny, it’s a really good episode for Sam, the Jarley stuff is cute. Also most of the music is pretty great, so I like this episode over all
Guilty Pleasures - Great music, fun for the whole family. Sam and Blaine should’ve just taken over glee club ages ago. Lock the doors when Mr. Schuester tries to come back. This one is just a great fun time and all the music is perfect so I love it
Previously Unaired Christmas - Not that I live for controversy but I kind of like this ep don’t kill me lol. Yes it’s insane and pointless and there’s plenty of questionable moments but who cares. I love all the Kitty stuff, Love Child was hilarious, this ep also has Tina in a leotard so... On the NY side there’s tons of juicy Pezberry, Kurtana, and Kurtcheltana and I gobble that shit up. And yes the Chipmunk Song was insane but it was funny and cute, idc
Frenemies - It was better than I had in my head, but not by much lmao. The Pezberry feud is ridiculous and I wasn’t a fan of much of the Artina fighting either. The Kelliott stuff was cute, I liked most of the music, it had some funny moments. Oh also I just hate Sue in these eps cause even Jane sounds tired and she’s literally just like “everyone is stupid” in the most bored voice like this isn’t funny lol
Trio - Still don’t like the Pezberry fighting but this episode is pretty cute and funny. Good music, love the Blamtina lock in and all their cute moments. Also Kurt and his band performing, yay! The Happening is honest to god one of my fave numbers in the whole show, I adore it. Love Demi and Adam, can’t get enough of them so I’ll take what I’m given
City Of Angels - Not a fan. Like yes the Finn tribute is sweet but all the blind Finn worship is just overkill. Finn didn’t pick Sam out to join the club bc he wanted someone to follow his footsteps ?? he wasn’t the uniter of cliques, he was blackmailed into joining the club, and he was one of many kids to be in the glee club and also be a “popular kid”. Also he couldn’t actually pick glee over football/his reputation until like half way thru s2. Please chill. Also I’m not crazy about the songs or just competition eps in general for the most part. There were some good moments but meh
100 - Sorry not sorry, not a fan. Too much Brittana, too much Quinn. The Unholy Trinity number was hot but that’s it. Most of these songs were terrible compared to the original cover so why bother doing them again but worse (except Defying Gravity, that was great). All the dumb shit with Rachel, Mercedes, and Santana especially. Like stop being stupid little high school babies, we’ve all moved on. It’s just annoying
New Directions - Same as above. But this time with new songs that are also bad. Don’t care about Quinn and Puck getting back together. Hate Santana fucking off from NY to disappear with Brittany. Who is also a math genius now, thanks for that. Also the video they made for Will. You honestly expect me to believe that Kurt, Santana, Blaine, Mercedes, Quinn, Tina, ANYONE except Rachel had a genuinely kind word to say about him? Don’t make me laugh. Anyway I like this one more than 100 bc idk it’s one more closer to New New York and that’s what I’m really here for
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ranma-rewatch · 4 years
Episode 23: Enter Mousse! The Fist of the White Swan
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*yawn* Wow, I finally got some good sleep. Back to the Ranma Rewatch, then. Hey there, long time no see, going to try and get back on track. This week we’re still in the middle of the season 2’s opening story arc, and another main character shall be introduced to us. Will I like him better than I did ten years ago? Only way to find out is to look at the next paragraph, from when I’ve watched the episode.
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This episode raised my hopes and then gently lowered them a little, but on the whole I’m happier than I thought I would have been.
The story starts with Akane taking Ranma to see Dr. Tofu, under the assumption that as someone with lots of experience with Chinese medicine, he’d be able to fix what Cologne did to Ranma. Sadly, the technique used is something only a master could do, far outside of his wheelhouse. However, there is one thing he could do.
To counteract the Full Body Cat Tongue, Tofu hits a different pressure point in Ranma, one named after old men from Tokyo. Why? Because apparently they’re well known for being able to stand even the most scalding heat in their baths, and this technique gives the user that same ability. Sure enough, it let’s Ranma return to his uncursed state, but there’s a catch. Kasumi calls, turning Dr. Tofu into a bumbler before he can give the warning, so Ranma and Akane just head to school.
After class, Akane harangues Ranma into taking her out for food, which their classmates immediately notice has a lot of romantic energy to it. Then Shampoo and Cologne appear, amazed that Ranma somehow found a way around the elderly amazon’s strategy, but Cologne seems sure anyway that this won’t be an issue.
But wait! Out of nowhere, someone new appears. His name is Mousse, and he’s a man from the amazon village who has been in love with Shampoo since they were kids. He has terrible eyesight, so bad that he frequently mistakes people for the love of his life, and after a series of confusions he learns that Shampoo is dead set on marrying Ranma.
Mousse attacks Ranma, and challenges him to a manly duel for Shampoo. But she refuses that, so instead makes the duel over Akane for seemingly no reason, which Ranma agrees to. Oh, and he’s known for using ‘dark magic’ which is in practice more sleight of hand and weapon-based techniques.
That evening, Akane is doing what she frequently does when pissed off, namely training in the dojo. Ranma shows up, clearly aware he really stepped in it and wanting to make amends by making it clear there’s no way he’s going to lose to Mousse.
But Akane makes it clear that isn’t why she’s mad. The reason she’s upset is that she doesn’t belong to Ranma, and she won’t belong to Mousse. She’s her own person, and this duel doesn’t respect that. Hell, if he loses that’s fine with her, she’ll just beat up Mousse herself. The entire family shows up, interpreting this as kind of a romantic confession to Ranma.
The next morning, it Dr. Tofu calls and gives the warning he’d meant to tell them earlier: the technique he used is a one-use, so if Ranma gets splashed, he’s stuck again. Akane only finds this out after Ranma takes a dip in the pond while sparring with his dad, and they all freak out over what he’s going to do. Why none of them think to just tell Mousse that Ranma has a Jusenkyo curse, I have no clue.
Someone, Cologne probably, turned the match into a huge spectacle, with food carts and seating around the arena and everything, there’s a huge crowd. Ranma’s late, but that’s only because he made a disguise to hide his cursed body. He clowns around a little at first, having prepared a bunch of lame magic tricks, but then ‘does a trick’ by ‘turning into a girl’, giving him an excuse for how he looks.
Mousse buys it, but he’s angry that Ranma’s not taking it seriously. He takes of his...robe? Tunic? Whatever, either way he’s buff as hell under there, and an attack from his barbed footwear ruins the front of Ranma’s stage assistant outfit, bearing his boobies to everyone. This causes a bunch of men in the audience to storm the fighting area so they can sexually assault Ranma and then I paused Hulu and stared at my computer screen for three full minutes before continuing the episode.
*sigh* Anyway, the Kuno siblings show up, interfere with the fight, Mousse gets deadly series, then Akane reminds Ranma he can use his new technique in battle, which he does to win. Then a bunch of his admirers crowd Ranma, and Akane is annoyed. Done.
Let me get into the stuff I found really interesting with this episode, to start with.
The first half was honestly just really enjoyable. Akane and Ranma had a really good chemistry going on, it reminded me a lot of the episode where Shampoo first showed up. There was a casual closeness to them, still tempered with occasional arguments, that was just cute.
I also liked that they thought to try asking Dr. Tofu for help, since his expertise has helped so often in the past. Making it clear this was a problem he could only barely help out with, and only one time, sold how Cologne and what she’s done to Ranma isn’t something that’s going to be solved easily.
What was a bit odd in that scene was we actually got to see the curse take effect, as Ranma’s torso changed, something I’m fairly sure we’ve never gotten that much detail on. It’s usually either off-screen or a cutaway. But I like we saw it with the curse turning him back to his uncursed form, since it emphasized this was Ranma regaining the body that felt right to him.
I’ve talked about this before, but I also couldn’t help noticing throughout this episode the weird dichotomy in who uses Ranma’s preferred pronouns and who doesn’t. Akane, Shampoo, and Cologne all call Ranma ‘he’ even when he’s in a feminine form, but Akane’s siblings call him ‘she’ instead.
The dojo scene was also a treat for me. I just kind of love how it put the focus on how this whole arrangement devalues Akane. Both the engagement from their parents and the terms of this duel take away her say in what she does with her life, and she isn’t having it. It almost sounded like she was comforting Ranma, taking a burden off his shoulders, when she told him he didn’t have to stress over the fight because she’d be fine either way. I am here for Akane stressing her independence and making it clear that no matter what happens in the fight, she is her own person.
That was a lot of nice stuff, but sadly the second half of the episode didn’t really carry it through. It wasn’t terrible, but the fight wasn’t really anything special, and the whole bit with the guys storming Ranma...yeah. Didn’t care for that. But hey! It’s finally time to do another Character Spotlight!
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Unlike Cologne, who I am still holding off on doing a Spotlight for since I don’t feel like we’ve gotten to really see enough of her yet, this one episode basically gave us most of what we need to know about Mousse, so let’s just do it.
In terms of voice acting, his English performer is Brad Swaile. He’s done quite a few things, but he’s most well known for being the voice of Light in Death Note, which is quite a funny comparison. Both characters have huge egos, that’s to be sure, but Light is usually taken seriously, while at least in the dub Mousse is basically just a joke the entire time. Swaile plays him very comedically, which does fit the generally goofy tone of his character.
It is in contrast, however, to his original Japanese voice actor, Toshihiko Seki. Like a lot of the seiyuu, he has done a million things, but of particular note are his roles as Legato Bluesummers from Trigun, another anime I love quite a bit, and as the Japanese Dub actor for the Tenth Doctor in Doctor Who. Honestly, finding out the Japanese dub castings is a treat every time I do a Spotlight. But anyway, Seki largely plays Mousse more seriously, as a confident warrior, only going for comedy with how over-the-top some of his attacks get, considering how silly they are. I’m going to tentatively say this is another performance I think works than the dub, which is fairly rare for me as far as anime go.
So, who exactly is Mousse? Well, like I said before, Mousse is Shampoo’s childhood friend, and the first member of their tribe we’ve met who is a guy. His character motivation is literally just that he wants to be with Shampoo, and will beat up/kill Ranma to get her. Pretty simple.
What makes him silly is the combination of his terrible eyesight, a fairly common trope that now that I think about it is kinda ableist, and how he fights. He’s a master of hidden weapons, but more often than not the items he’s fighting with are silly things, like a toilet or a yoyo. Combined with his high self-confidence, and Mousse is fairly Kuno-like, only quite a bit sillier.
Only enough though, he’s more similar to Kodachi than to Tatewaki. Why? Well, because he’s deadly. Of all of Ranma’s primary rivals/reoccurring antagonists, Mousse is easily the one most ready to kill, not unlike Shampoo. When he gets serious, he trades in the silly weapons for genuinely dangerous weapons. He started choking Ranma with his bare hands in their first encounter, then tried doing it again with rope not long afterwards. Ryoga might talk a lot about killing Ranma, but Mousse has done a lot more to actually attempt that.
All of that said, I’m pretty ambivalent on Mousse. I don’t hate him, but of all of Ranma’s primary rivals, he’s easily the most boring. He doesn’t have the je ne sais quoi of Ryoga or the pompous elitism of Kuno, he’s just a deadly joke character who’s obsessed with Shampoo. Maybe my opinions will change over the course of the rewatch, but for right now I’m still pretty meh on him.
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But you know what I’m not meh on? This episode! Even with the weaker second half, the first ten minutes or so were good enough that I’m overall pretty sunny on it. Listen, I’m an easy mark, give me some Ranma/Akane fuel and some decent drama, and I’m happy. I’ll put this in the top half of episodes so far between the ending of the fight between Ranma and Kodachi and the climax to Shampoo’s introductory arc.
Episode 7: Enter Ryoga, the Eternal ‘Lost Boy’  
Episode 12: A Woman's Love is War! The Martial Arts Rhythmic Gymnastics Challenge!
Episode 15: Enter Shampoo, the Gung-Ho Girl! I Put My Life in Your Hands
Episode 9: True Confessions! A Girl's Hair is Her Life!
Episode 2: School is No Place for Horsing Around
Episode 19: Clash of the Delivery Girls! The Martial Arts Takeout Race
Episode 6: Akane's Lost Love... These Things Happen, You Know
Episode 13: A Tear in a Girl-Delinquent's Eye? The End of the Martial Arts Rhythmic Gymnastics Challenge!
Episode 23: Enter Mousse! The Fist of the White Swan
Episode 17: I Love You, Ranma! Please Don’t Say Goodbye
Episode 20: You Really Do Hate Cats!
Episode 16: Shampoo's Revenge! The Shiatsu Technique That Steals Heart and Soul
Episode 8: School is a Battlefield! Ranma vs. Ryoga
Episode 11: Ranma Meets Love Head-On! Enter the Delinquent Juvenile Gymnast!
Episode 4: Ranma and...Ranma? If It’s Not One Thing, It’s Another
Episode 5: Love Me to the Bone! The Compound Fracture of Akane's Heart
Episode 1: Here’s Ranma
Episode 22: Behold! The 'Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire' Technique
Episode 3: A Sudden Storm of Love
Episode 21: This Ol' Gal's the Leader of the Amazon Tribe!
Episode 10: P-P-P-Chan! He's Good For Nothin'
Episode 14: Pelvic Fortune-Telling? Ranma is the No. One Bride in Japan
Episode 18: I Am a Man! Ranma's Going Back to China!?
But once again, this arc still! Isn’t! Done! No, the end of the Phoenix Pill Arc, if you want to call it that, comes next week with “Cool Runnings! The Race of the Snowmen". Most of my memories of this episode come from a YouTuber I used to follow hating on it, but I’m ready to give it a fair shot. See you then!
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