#the fallen hero
For requests: how do you think the boys would react to a fem!dom reader asking to peg them?
Ooooo good question! I'm adding First and Fierce as a Treat lol
You're probably the first to ask him
He's a literal god
But he also loves you and is willing to try things with you
So of course he agrees to try it
He's not nervous but a little confused when you guys start out mostly because you haven't done this with him before
He likes it, though!
Fierce ends up loving pegging
He'll ask you himself if you go too long without filling him
Turns as red as possible and sputters
He probably needs reassurance first.
Tell him you love him no matter what
But he will absolutely try it he's just worried he'll do bad, and you'll hate him (he's wrong, of course)
He adjusts after a minute or two and decides he really likes pegging
He won't brag about it, but if he were the bragging type... well.
He definitely wants to do it again
He dosen’t feel particularly strong either way until you ask him.
The idea of YOU pegging him? Sign him the fuck up.
IF applicable He'll look into getting you a custom harness to peg him more comfortably
He adores being pegged.
He definitely asks you about incorporating this more often
He gets blushy and also probably has to ask for clarification on what pegging is
He's a little hesitant, mostly because he doesn't want to disappoint you.
But once you try it, he's Hooked. Capital H and all.
Definitely gets whiney for you
He's a brat and I love him
He agrees and teases you. "What, you need more control?"
Don't let him fool you, he's VERY on board
All it takes is one thrust to break his bratty attitude. It just flips him into full on subspace.
He'll probably ask you for more than one round too
He just smiles as he agrees
He went to Knight Academy, he definitely has a good knowledge of sex, kinks, and positions. Locker room talk took its toll.
He takes to pegging like a champ, but he gets squirmy because he just can't stay still
Sky 100% asks for this to happen again and again
IF you're okay with him bragging about you he tells people how good you are to him.
He was probably trying to figure out how to ask you to be honest
He agrees readily and is ready to try it as soon as possible.
He's so good for you, tell him he's pretty and takes you so well
He'll happily bottom for you anytime
He goes red but asks what you expect of him when you do peg him
He just wants to please
He doesn't think he'll enjoy it too much
Twilight likes it more than he expected and even tells you so
He was probably going to ask you
He just wants to be taken care of
He agrees happily and asks if you'd be willing to do this more often
He's so pretty for you
He hadn't considered it really but he'll try most things once
He's anxious but most because he hasn't been pegged before
Wild likes it, though, and definitely wants to add it to the rotation
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comparativeoracle · 2 years
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The Fallen Hero. Art by Eric Maille, from The Endless Oracle Deck.
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alexanderwesker · 2 years
i just thought i'd give you some character analysis stuff i did (mainly for tHAW, but i did use some stuff from aToL too)
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i wrote this at like 2 AM so it might not be very coherent but :p
alt text in case people can't read my handwriting: (plus some more notes that i didn't write on there)
Quackity- Magician archetype. He has the ability to bedazzle many with his charismatic words and actions. However, sometimes he uses this charisma for his own personal gain, tricking people.
(i didn't think of this part when i wrote this, but the shadow type of the magician is the detached manipulator. and while i don't think he's a Perfect example of this one, it does kinda fit, with his hesitancy to make or show Any attachments.)
Soot- Addicted lover. Lovers are people filled with passion for many things. In Soot's case, it was L'manberg. However, this passion for L'manberg was not channeled in a healthy way, especially during Pogtopia. Because of this, he fell into the shadow archetype of addict. He's restless, constantly seeking things that make him feel alive. But nothing really seems to quell the feeling for long. So when he does find something that helps, he clings onto it, becoming completely obsessed, so much so that it hurts relationships, and he can think of nothing else. And he's similar even Post-Revival.
also, let me add that while ghostbur hasn't yet been featured in the Realistic!Verse, i think that he would probably have been a full lover, as he saw a much brighter side of the world, and thought the best of people, even if in a more naïve way than grown lovers typically are. he feels things incredibly deeply, whether joy or betrayal (though he forgets the latter), and always loves seeing things as a new adventure.
alsoo, the other shadow archetype of the lover is the impotent lover. this is the lover who instead of seeing the vibrancy in life, only sees gray. nothing ever brings them joy anymore, and they have a tendency to feel dead inside and fall into deep depressions. this usually stems from them holding themselves back too much from something that they need, but eventually the dam breaks, and the impotent lover becomes the addicted lover. instead of having too much self-restraint and structure, they don't have enough. and i think that this could be what happened to soot in pogtopia. he tried to hold himself back from caring about people, but he eventually cracked and decided to focus all of his care into tommy instead, and he became the addicted lover that we know now.
Tommy- King archetype. Kings are centered and protect what they care about. Tommy demonstrated this when he dueled Dream and very nearly died for it, all for his country and brother. Tommy always steps up whenever a problem arises, and he helps keep everyone safe at the same time. Kings are known to leave legacies, be it physically, or in the hearts of others, and Tommy left a profound impact on those around him, for better or for worse.
i'd also like to add that kings often are seasoned with experience, and they use it to help guide others. which seems a lot like what tommy did for thes when he told him to leave soot.
Thank you for sharing your character analysis with us! (Sorry it took me so long to see it ^^", my tumblr ask box is a bit wonky at times) Oh, I see. To be fair in Quackity's mind, he's always out to get what he needs from people using his charisma(whether he's actually or not it's another matter), for he has been for so long trying to always be on everybody's good side, that now he's trying to instead get all he wants. (Oh, fair, that is very fair. Though one has to admit that with his ability to manouver conversations and twisting them for has long as he needs to convince people they thought of what he wants them to think, he is better at manipulating people than he'd like to be, though since it comes to his advantage it's debatable he regrets it) I had never heard of this archetype, so it was interesting to read about it and why it fits Soot(or Revivedbur) so well, I have to say I agree with all that is said there so I've not much to add. It's a wonderful analysis on his characther in a few sentences ^^ Ohh, I see. I agree completely. Tommy always put all of himself into fighting for what he believes for, and for who he cares about. And has more power, if anything because of his unrelenting determination, than he realizes. (I mean there is a reason Dream tried to break it out of him) Thank you again for sharing your analysis!!! <3/p
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aphel1on · 7 months
i have such a love for characters who descend into madness or villainy out of deep, deep empathy. characters who fundamentally cannot cope with the cruel realities they find themselves in and blow up about it in spectacular fashion. fallen angel type characters with tears of outrage in their eyes. characters who break before they bend, and break so badly they splatter blood all over their noble ideals. every variation on it gets me so good
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godshaper · 5 months
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sidestep reborn. the suit might be new, but the name was always hers.
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Prompt 177
Now Dan is no coward. He’s not. 
But this stupid child body does have an effect on his reactions to things and honestly it’s a horrible thing that’s too small and too weak for him to use all his abilities. He could barely manage a fireball if he concentrated, yet everything caught fire with a mere outburst! His control was utterly gone, and a tantrum resulted in having to wear a stupid child leash backpack. 
It wasn’t like he was really a child, and it wasn’t like he’d get lost or some stupid shit that Danny would insist. Ugh, this isn’t even fair, technically he was older than him yet was stuck in a smaller body that he kept tripping over! 
Urgh, he’s even insisting on rewarding ‘good behavior’ and shit- must have talked to Jazz or something- because… Oh. No he wants the constellation bear, give! His star bear now, no takes back and, urgh, stupid baby body! 
Well, on the other hand, it’s utterly hilarious how much Danny sputters whenever he calls him Mom, not to mention strangers’ utter befuddlement. He ignores how Danny seems to be trying his best to live up ro the title. 
But! As he was saying, he’s no coward! He’s also not an idiot though, and having no control over his powers isn’t exactly a good thing. It’s really not a good thing when there’s a murderous-looking hero that he thinks he might have maimed in the future- which they apparently remember- staring down at him. So, he has to call in the big guns to fix this. 
“Mom, there’s a creepy fruitloop staring at me!” “There’s WHAT?!” Hah. Take that hero he doesn’t remember the name of.
(Behold the Grumpiest of Babies)
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quiddling · 3 months
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very kissable
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oldsoul--newmachine · 7 months
Fallen Hero Retribution: The Complete, Unabridged Guide
9½ months. 650 pages. 75,000+ words. Pages of notes, countless sleepless nights, and one Revelations demo later- Finally, here it is. Our answer key to all things Retribution. Enjoy.
So, You Want To Be A Villain?
As of posting this has not been play-tested. If you notice an issue, feel free to let me know.
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truejekart · 4 months
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Hope will never last!
Fallen Lucina
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It’s nothing it’s just Annabeth having to watch Jason fall in love with Piper, even as he’s gaining back his memories, knowing that her Percy is alone somewhere with no clue who she is and could very well be doing the same
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evostrashbin · 1 month
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new forging bonds opened my eyes to this
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honeyglas · 2 months
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Home — a stretch of land nestled in the crook of his arms.
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No thoughts.
Just thinking about how Reyna kept her distance from Jason because of Venus, fearing heartbreak, but ended up getting heartbroken anyway.
Just thinking about how Jason felt guilty about Reyna's feelings for him, thinking that he led her on, and felt truly sorry that he didn't love her back.
Just thinking about how bitter Reyna sounded when she said that Jason was no longer fully roman anymore.
Just thinking about how, upon seeing Thalia's eyes, the only thing Reyna can think of is Jason's startling blue stare.
Just thinking about how Jason could tell that Reyna was tired simply by noting how her shoulders move.
Just thinking about how Reyna rarely compliments anyone, but fondly calls Jason an "all American boy".
Just thinking about how Jason would never bet against Reyna under any circumstances, and knows if anyone is capable of completing dangerous missions, it's Reyna.
Just thinking about how Reyna daydreamt of her and Jason holding hands, walking in the garden.
Just thinking about how Reyna and Jason would geek over their shared interest of roman history.
Just thinking about how Jason HATES unkept promises, yet the only unkept promise he'd unintentionally made was that if he and Reyna would go visit Diocletian's sceptre, it would only be them visiting TOGETHER. Not seperately. The fates ruined his chance of keeping that promise.
Just thinking about how Reyna would've felt upon hearing that her once best friend, died tragically saving a god, and that she would never see him again.
Just thinking about how Jason dies with the guilt of not properly reconciling with his old friend.
Just thinking about how Reyna lives with the guilt of keeping her distance from him because of that wretched warning Venus gave her. Maybe if she had not, would they have been together? Would they have atleast remained best friends? Would they have not grown apart?
Just thinking about how Reyna looked like she'd been crying for hours during Jason's funeral.
Just thinking about how they both knew their friendship would never be the same again but refused to confront that bitter reality, so they ran away from it.
Just thinking about how they never even shared one last hug together.
Just thinking about how in the end, both of them most likely only had bittersweet memories of eachother, and that neither of them got to say their final goodbyes.
No thoughts, just the tragic end of Jason Grace and Reyna Avila Ramirez's friendship
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calnexin · 2 months
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Rangers x no context House MD
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ghooostea · 4 months
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sneaky corn
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milkybishop · 5 months
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"- but with whom can you sit in water?"
and who can hop in the bath with you to make a show of not caring about your tattoos, and how can you not find it hard to hide your disdain at the attempt.
because either this is a trap you have blindly walked into again . . . or he really does love you and could have loved you all this time. and despite all that-
you cannot turn from the path that you are on.
#fallen hero#fhr#fallen hero: retribution#fallen hero: revelations#ricardo ortega#sidestep#chargestep#dion bishop#my art#ok i did not realise the revelations demo was out so teehee i haven't played it yet#i have such a clear image of elena’s farm. refurbed a bit and lots of colour. ortega put in the bars himself hence the new plaster#and dion having an en suite and like struggling so much with being unable to just run away. and that people(especially ortega) have seen hi#pre-reveal dion is cagey but he’s definitely softer with ortega cause there was that barrier and almost dream-like curtain that#dion could go ‘i can have this much#cause anything real will never happen’. and then everything is too real. and dion is just trying to have a bath and he’s trying not to#be repulsed by his own body and markings. and the fact he can’t just escape if he needs to.#and then ortega is barging in and kinda making a show of how not-bothered he is by dion’s markings which manages to annoy dion more#i think dion is more..caustic(?) during this time. at first. because he kinda can’t accept the reality that ortega is fine with it#and it’s very self-sabotagey. that curtain is gone and so that softness is too.#but of course ortega persists and starts getting to dion proper#^these are tags are from when i posted the very first sketch of this in like september skjdghdjk#AND ALSO so sos so so happy with how this came out#shouout to my friend anonbea who gave me sooooo many helpful tips with this piece#it's very ambitious for me and i got overwhelmed once or twice but IM JUST REALLY HAPPY#hope to keep this momentum up and do more interactive + bg pieces
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