#the flop is making me physically cringe lmao like
kaownah · 1 year
finally finished kinnporshe, and tbh im sad bc i wanted so badly to absolutely love it but i have so many mixed feelings
just some thoughts:
bad stuff first
1. i really did like the show up until around ep 6-7, then things just slowly (then very quickly) started falling apart tbh
2. lots of pacing issues, some plot holes, predictability
3. was i supposed to care about kim/chay at all? like? chay’s obsession with kim was so goofy and their chemistry was nonexistent like what a horrendously pointless plotline tbh they should’ve just cut the couple all together it literally added nothing (give jeff something with substance please i beg)
4. speaking of chay... barcode’s acting.... um. chile anyways so
5. i loved kinnporsche’s dynamic but then after they got together they totally fell flat and were like every other mediocre 2d couple i’ve seen in less hyped bl’s like... where did that fun dynamic go
6. why was everyone so stupid for most of the second half? where was the common sense? tankhun of all people was really the one with the most common sense tbh he said “why are you all suddenly becoming stupid” and he meant that
7. there so much hype for vegaspete, i was SO excited for them going into this and? all we were given was torture, a sort of stockholm syndrome, then pete left. i have some qualms about bible’s acting too (it took him a while to find his footing but he wasn’t bad later on, i’d say the tail end of pete’s captivity onward he got substantially better). with the relationship, not enough happened to justify pete’s feelings for vegas. i can kind of see why vegas feels how he does for pete, although it feels very shallow and like he is far too dependent on pete, considering literally the only reason he didn’t shoot himself was bc pete came back. as for pete... i just don’t buy the whole starting to love vegas while being held captive/tortured, just bc he felt bad for him regarding his dad? idk
8. by the end watching it felt like a chore... idk i just wish the energy and spirit and quality of the first maybe 5-ish episodes stuck around bc everything after that was just. boring. flat. predictable. kinda cringe-y at a lot of points
9. character development was really there at first and then it’s like it was too much work for them bc they just seemed to drop it at a certain point and personalities just started completely being drained out of everyone
10. this is a small random thing but it kept bothering me... people would have their guns out and trained on someone, and then gave that person enough time to slowly, VERY visibly get their guns out so there could be a showdown? like what’s the point of having your gun trained on someone if you’re gonna allow them to point one back??? shit made no sense lmao
11. unrealistic fights... tbh this isn’t just kinnporsche, it’s a big theme in action genre in general, but like.. wym everyone has guns and aren’t shy in shooting until the mains get close, then suddenly they’re given enough time to take out massive groups one by one bc the enemies just... let them. plenty of instances of characters taking down a baddie and then just standing there before the next guy comes up, which would’ve been ample time to get shot, but the baddies are just like nah let’s fist fight :) i understand plot armor but at least make it make sense
honorable mention: i know subtitles aren’t production’s fault so i’m not going to fault them for this but. holy shit. who was subtitling this, they were absolutely godawful ie. changing curses into ‘fudge’, ‘frick’, etc (are we six? why can we see murder and violence but curse words are where lines are drawn), and grammar being butchered
okay i know i listed all these negative points, i will say that the show wasn’t a COMPLETE flop. some positives...
1. apo was great. i loved the little mannerisms he gave porsche, the physicality of him, just overall i really enjoyed his acting
2. build was also consistently good. for most of the series, he wasn’t given as much to do, but he really was a standout particularly at the end of the series (that tub scene was a shining light in a show that otherwise had dulled by this point) and pete’s journey was actually interesting but imo we just weren’t given enough time with it
3. i know vegaspete was a negative but i will say that there could be some positives there. they could have a very interesting dynamic if were given enough time with them and really got to the root of their motives with each other. i MIGHT be interested in having a story about them, but i’d be really wary about the story going in the same direction as kinnporsche (initially interesting before turning into something kinda boring)
4. the theme song. THE THEME SONG. A BOP. it’s such an earworm omg it’ll be stuck in my head for months
finally.. the final ep. this one really can’t go into the negatives or positives. on one hand, this episode finally marked a massive uptick in quality after so many boring eps. not only was it unpredictable as hell, but we finally got our characters finding their personalities again, common sense made a return, and we ACTUALLY got some mafia activity. i signed up for a show with gang/mob plotline, and it felt like we had lost virtually all of that for the second half of the series. why couldn’t we have had quality like this in pervious eps? i’m not saying there had to be a shootout in every episode, but something with psychological meat. with that being said, i think they kind of overdid the plot twists in the finale. it was one after another after another of shit going down and pasts being revealed and characters kind of going batshit, that it really started to get ridiculous by the time porsche’s mom and korn were revealed to still be alive. korn’s reasoning for everything that happened was so silly that it really made me pause the ep entirely just to be like... are you fr? really? goofy stuff. also, throwing in the casual mention of sexual violence against one of the show’s only women as a reason for angst for the male characters was so beyond lame and unnecessary. idk how i felt about the whole porsche being head of the minor family, it was fine ig. overall, the final ep really gave me whiplash
idk i’m just so sad bc at this point 99% of the super super hyped thai shows i go into at this point i wind up being disappointed in?? and i want so badly to bc the ones that hit REALLY hit. but they’re just so rare. idk like japan has completely taken over in terms of quality imo, i really don’t trust thai bls anymore atp which is sad bc even the ones that are finally taking a step away from the insanely overused tropes wind up boring or poorly written in the end 
anyway just my opinion let me wallow!!
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devolawrites · 1 year
I originally posted this on Twitter, and tbh I'll probably get the worst cringe in a day and delete the thread and this as well but I need people who have commissioned fics from me or at least know my writing to know what the actual mcfuck has been going on with me lately.
Re: status of my fic comms right now.
It's not that I haven't been honest with people, I have been, but probably not as honest bc I haven't been too honest with myself either? I am working on them. They will be finished. I guarantee that. But... I have very high expectations for myself. Ones that are, most likely, unrealistic. I am genuinely running on fucking empty right now and have been for the better part of six months now. Not that I was much better beforehand but it's been the worst in the past 6 months.
I'm very open and honest about being physically ill with fibromyalgia and endometriosis. Chronic migraines. Asthma. Spinal issues and the like. I also have bipolar disorder, ADHD, OCD, C-PTSD and, while not diagnosed, am likely touched by the tism as well. As such, I take (or I should say am supposed to take) a lot of meds daily. I haven't been able to take them bc I've been getting violently ill immediately after taking them and no one can figure out why! I also work full time and have been attempting to finish my masters.
That, right there, is baseline 'what the fuck mary take some time to yourself' but, lol. lmao, even. Then my life fell apart in March. How so?
In the span of one week: someone I considered a family member passed away. I finally allowed myself to be open to someone about how I felt after two horribly abusive situations only to get the kindest, gentlest thing ever said to me while also being turned down INTENSELY. And then found out not even 10 minutes after said FAMILY-ZONED (not even friend zoned FAMILY ZONED do you know how weird it is to tell someone you have feelings for them only to get told 'oh i see you like a sister i've never had' and just wanna die) that your best friend died.
Via fucking Facebook message.
And then that week also be the one year anniversary of my Nana's death which I'm sure still was malpractice but we'll never know for sure and I'm still bitter about it. Needless to say, I spiraled. Very badly.
I was already stressed from paying for fixing my car and finding myself needing the extra money from comms more and more and piling on more work on myself bc lmao bills and making my back log even worse and now I felt horrifically alone and vulnerable and embarrassed. And, to be sure, I still did put work out. But I also struggled with a lot of comms that I genuinely had been excited to take on only to find myself just... unable to do them. For one reason or another. Writers block? Feeling like it wasn't meeting expectations?
I'd ask other writers for help. For suggestions. For feedback. For other angles to approach shit. And I got fantastic advice. And still, nothing budged. I literally had burnt myself out and was still trying to run on empty. On fucking fumes. And I still am. And, I'll be honest, it also did sorta sting when I'd finally get work posted and then I'd just... idk. Feel like it flopped. Either with the person who comm'd it or with people in general and that's bc of how Twitter's algorithm hates creators but it's hard to not internalize.
And it made wanting to write and wanting to work on things so much harder because it became less and less about wanting to do something I genuinely enjoy and wanting to smush yalls Barbies around and felt like an obligation with no reward. And that's not yalls fault, truly. But I internalize that shit really hard and take it as a 'you're not doing this right, no wonder people would prefer others write shit and not you, you can't keep up the schedule you made for yourself.' Which is why my timeline even changed in March.
I tried to make a more realistic turnaround time, with the same disclaimers. I even mentioned to people that they'd be on a WAITLIST. And I still feel like I'm not working fast enough. Not because of any pressure from those who have paid. But my own brain. And it sucks.
Because it's making me spiral and making it even worse and it's a snake eating its own tail because if I can just get out of this fucking cycle of doubting myself and feeling like it's not gonna be worth it, I can conquer this shit. I owe so many people so much and I just... I feel horrible. I know that I should refund like, most if not all of you at this point. I just haven't had the funds to be able to do that, tbfh. I only just was able to get caught up on bills these past 2-3 checks. And if you want a refund, please, tell me! I'll do it!
But I think once this batch I have currently listed on Trello is completed, I'm closing comms for a good fucking long while. And learning how to actually enjoy my writing again. Because right now, I don't. I don't enjoy sharing my work and getting no boosts. No comments. Kudos are nice, don't get me wrong, and I love every single kudos that I get, when I get them. But it's hard to not let the self doubt and self critique fester. And again, this is not any of yalls fault. It's my own. And I don't know how to fix it, tbh.
So, once these comms are up, it's gonna just. Stop. I'll probably work on my own stuff, but I didn't even do any of the ship week content that I wanted to do (wolchefant, wolcred, wolmeric OR wolstinien) because I didn't want to upset those who I owed work to.
So, that's the state of me as a fic writer right now. It's more theory than practice, at this point, and I'm just... I'm trying, I really am. I have so many drafts in my google docs right now and I hate everything I've written so much that I'm starting from scratch every time.
Which is why the Trello has, for the most part, stood still. I'm not blowing you guys off. I just genuinely have nothing to show. And I'm sorry.
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pepprs · 2 years
ok update i just finished making my card and i said / drew (lol) basically everything i wanted to say in it (except for the things i definitely can’t say now that this is happening lol). so i think maybe i might be ok with not saying what i want to say directly to her. but then when i say that im not ok with it at all LOLLLL so i think i need to sleep on it and maybe see what tomorrow brings
#purrs#sobbed hysterically writing the message and that was like 4 hrs ago (yeah.) and im still like dizzy and puffy eyed from it. i am not having#a good time lol. and it’s only going to get more intense this whole week and i don’t know if i can handle it. ive been overstimulated /#sleep deprived for like 2 straight days bc yesterday i was doing everything in my power to avoid thinking abt it and today i was doing#everything in mt power TO think abt it including being subjected to things that were hard and ofc the walk being a flop kinda lol. but omg.#mutuals i know it’s so deeply cringe but i have been vagueposting abt my work life since before i even got the fucking job. i know i look#mentally ill about it and i definitely am but my colleagues past and present are my best friends and my number 1 reason to be alive#actually. so this is just. idk. this feels very……. especially when this is someone who was never supposed to leave this suddenly. who i thou#thought i had years and years left with. and it’s just over like that and we have to say goodbye and i know it’s not even that big of a move#but it’s actually killing me. like physically. that this is happening rn. i don’t know what the fuck im going to do. and we aren’t even f#gonna be able to grieve openly at all but we are grieving and she doesn’t even.. like idk. maybe it just hasn’t occurred to her that we are.#but we literally are and its soooooooo bad. it’s so bad. i feel like im having a bad dream every day. i already felt like nothing was real#anymore and this helped abt -50000% with that sensation. like wtf is going on rn. she’s LEAVING. ON FRIDAY. FOREVER. FUCK!#but uh yeah the point is i do want to talk to her and if it was anyone else i would. but when it comes to emotional stuff and being honest#w each other abt how one makes the other feel… we are incompatible im afraid. she doesn’t want to talk abt it and all i want to do is talk b#but im shy and weak so i cave and just do everything in my power to give her what she needs and then i feel shattered for the rest of the#day / week / whatever. it fucking sucks and im not like that w anyone else in my little irl world (except my p*rents ofc LMAO) but it’s like#onmgggggg. can we please just talk abt how it is so painful you are doing this and comfort each other in it somehow. LOL! like i am in so mu#much pain i can’t even speak and she didn’t even look at me when i flicked my eyes over to her during the silences. CRINGE! girl she doesn’t#care about you 😭😭😭😭 except she does. idk. it’s just sooooo. idk. my brain is not right it hasn’t been since i got the news. i think im dying#delete later#OMG ALSO it is now the wee hours of july 26 which means that 3 yrs ago right abt now i did something so very stupid that made me have my#first very bad breakdown ever and it led to me realizing i needed counseling again. so maybe in the spirit of this anniversary i will do#this stupid thing (of asking to talk and then saying what i want to say even though i wrote it out) and then have a very bad breakdown and t#then go to counseling 🥳✌️
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sondepoch · 4 years
HC: MC is more flexible than them!
Perfection is certain. Perfection is solid. Perfection is the body of a demon or an angel, where there is no room (or need) for bones to crack and muscles to stretch. You and Solomon, though? You’re human. Not so “perfect” when compared to the other inhabitants of at RAD—but that just makes it all the more interesting when they finally see the way the human body can crack and bend
Word Count: 5.5k
SFW + mild descriptions of cracking body parts
Characters: All brothers + All Undateables + Luke
Instant panic mode
Man just learned that it’s possible for humans to break bones, so when he hears you casually crack your knuckles, he instantly assumes that all your fingers are broken
Finds it even more terrifying when you lean your head back and crack your neck 
Honestly, the look of sheer horror on his face would be terrifying if you didn’t find it so funny
Is actually super confused when he realizes that you’re 100% fine but will not lower himself to actually asking you about it. That is not the Lucifer way, and so this man instead decides to secretly binge Satan’s collection of human anatomy instead
But uh, he gets scarily into it
Seriously, you’re starting to get concerned when it’s been nearly two full weeks of Lucifer ignoring you to bury his nose in a book, eyebrows furrowing every goddamn time he finishes one, and still has no clue what that cracking sound is 
It’s only when you casually do it at the dinner table and Asmo cringes, complaining about how weird it is that humans get pockets of gas inside certain joints and they actually have to crack it out, to which all his brothers nod their head and cringe when you do it again, that he understands what it is
Has never been more relieved
He isn’t as disturbed by the sound as he was before, so it’s not as fun to tease him with it - but you can count on the fact that if you ever crack anything in his presence, he will pause whatever he’s doing to study you for a moment and make sure your face isn’t contorted in pain or anything
After all, he needs to be completely certain that you haven’t broken a bone
But someone help this man when he realizes how much more flexible humans are compared to demons
The first time you do a backbend in front of him, he actually flinches
Man can’t help but imagine himself in those poses - and no matter how sexy you look when you’re winking at him and stretching your body like it’s glue, his bones would have to be shattered to bits for him to do the same
Quietly asks you not to stretch yourself into such positions in his presence
On the bright side, you can shut him up in the middle of any lecture by “casually” stretching your arms back until the demon is so disturbed that he stops in the middle of his sentence and asks you to leave as soon as possible
All in all, not a big fan - but he can tolerate your antics (if only to save face)
But if you ever show him videos (or even pictures) of a contortionist, he may actually be scarred for the rest of his almost-eternal life
Man really needs to learn how to knock
He barges into your room without warning, as usual, only to see you all but straddling the ground, legs spread wide apart as you lean to one side and touch your right toe
It’s the most basic human stretch there is - but it’s terrifying to Mammon
You don’t even get the chance to say hi to him before he’s lifted you onto your feet, pulling you up from under your arms, desperately asking why you weren’t screaming for help 
Cannot process the fact that you were actually in that position willingly, much less the notion that it felt remotely good
Of course, you respond to his obvious aversion by showing him all the other ways your body can bend, flopping onto your bed and bending your body into a perfect bridge position
Mammon’s screeches when he sees the arch your back makes
It lowkey gives him nightmares the next night
Also becomes very touchy after he sees you move your body around so comfortably
In his eyes, you’re now the equivalent of a giant teddy bear - and really, what are the differences, now? He uses you for cuddles and hugs, can seemingly bend your body in any way and you’ll bounce back, and your skin is so soft compared to the hardness of his own body
Man actually grows used to your body after a while, holding a strange fascination for the way you can move
Begins to think that it’s cool when you show him how you can crack your knuckles and such
Absolutely makes use of the fact that some of his other brothers hate the sound, casually walking up to them with you by his side and asking them (while you crack your knuckles) to forgive his debts
Works 90% of the time
The 10% when it doesn’t work, though, he gets into trouble
In his free time, though, he actually likes lying with you and trying to figure what other body parts you can crack
Courtesy of Mammon, you learn that you can crack your hip if you stretch at a certain angle
(Bonus:) He one day tries to stretch his body the way you stretch yours and does a basic hamstring stretch on the ground, trying to touch his toes, but the exertion is too much for his inflexible body and he sort of locks a joint, so he’s left on the floor for nearly half an hour until you find him in his room and help him out of it
(Bonus bonus:) After his trauma from the above incident, he immediately goes back to assuming that you’re in great pain every time he sees you do a particularly difficult stretch and instantly lifts your body out of the position, no matter how you protest and say that you’re fine
"What a normie”
That’s the only reaction you get when you crack your knuckles in front of him, eager to see what he’ll do after realizing how much it disturbs his other brothers
Needless to say, you’re disappointed by his utter nonchalance
But that’s only because you have no clue what happens to Levi when he runs to his room and closes his door, jumping into his bathtub with a shook expression on his face
“Oh my god!” He squeals. “iT wAs LiKE iN tHe aNImES”
Nah, fr tho
Man has seen more than enough human-world shows which feature characters cracking their knuckles before getting down to work, so he’s pretty familiar with the concept
Like many things in anime, he was only 60% sure that it was real
But you actually did it
And it was in real life
Man is practically fanboying over a perfectly normal phenomenon
While you’re sitting in the living room, thinking that he was utterly unfazed by it :(
But when the two of you have a whole year to spend together under the same roof, it’s honestly inevitable that the truth comes out
“You like it?” You ask, pure confusion settling over your faces. After all, he’s the first of the brothers to not be utterly horrified by your little habit
“N-no!” Levi shouts, hiding his face. “I mean, maybe...just a little...sort of...but not in the normie way!”
Boi is too cute for his own good
Of course, you humor him and proceed to crack every single joint you can think of, sending a wink Levi’s way 
It would be so easy to tease him, wouldn’t it? To mess with him and call him strange, to compare to his brothers and remind him that you’re not an anime character - and that anime is, in fact, based on humans, so it shouldn’t have come as a surprise that humans could crack their knuckles the way he’s seen online
But, he’s too precious. And too cute. And he’s too adorable, staring at you with that utterly captivated expression, so you can’t help but humor him again, asking if he wants to see some of the other differences between humans and demons
And when you show him how you can bend your body, man is shook all over again
He 100% thought that the absurd stretches (like a split? how preposterous) were merely fabrications of animation - flourishes added in by animators to make the visuals more interesting
But seeing you move like that? And when you show him the other stuff?
Congratulations. Boi is officially convinced that humans are more interesting that anime can ever be.
One of the few demons who was already familiar with the fact that humans are ridiculously flexible and can crack nearly everything in their body 
He was actually the one to approach you about it
“Stretch for me, human.”
Or well, the same thing but in less blunt words
Actually invites you to have tea with him where he first broaches the subject, confirming that you'll be fully comfortable with everything he wants to study
Lmao man really arranges to have a safe word in case he pushes you too far
Once you’ve agreed to letting him study how the human body can bend and crack, the two of you set a time and meet up in his room (and yes, he does clear his books out of the way to make room for you)
And so the stretching begins
It actually feels quite awkward at first with Satan showing you pictures from human world yoga books and asking you to mimic them, taking notes in a book on everything 
Gets really excited when he realizes that your flexibility is a function of how often you stretch, and once he realizes that you’re able to go a little farther each day, he becomes lowkey obsessed with finding out whether there's a limit or not
Boi may or may not secretly try to stretch in his own room in case demons are just naturally less flexible and need to stretch regularly to become like humans
Also almost breaks his arm attempting that, so he never tries it again
The whole ordeal fits itself into your routine after long enough: after school, you go to Satan’s room and do yoga while he jots down notes on how your body moves, and after everything is done the two of you have tea
Satan never touches you while you’re stretching for fear that he’ll physically push you into something uncomfortable, but when you explain that certain positions are easier to hold if someone helps, he’ll definitely try to be a helping hand
He starts out really tentatively, hesitant that he’ll be too strong and will push you to the floor or something, but he’s pleasantly surprised to find that humans are more resilient than he’d initially thought
After his notebook is filled with notes and he’s suitably convinced that all his questions are sated, he’ll express his gratitude and tell you that you don’t need to continue 
But if you tell him that you’ve been enjoying your time together, man will 100% clear that space in his room permanently, so that you can spend time there together while Satan asks you calming questions about your day and you stretch the tension of the day out of your muscles
Jelly boi
Nah but fr
Man couldn’t care less about your ability to crack your knuckles and neck - if anything, he finds the habit to be irritating
But boi is jealous when he sees how easily you can bend your body and stretch into positions that even he can’t
Obviously, his mind is in the gutter when he’s thinking about the way your body can bend - but he’s equally furious of the fact that human skin is so much softer than demon skin
Like, yes. Most demons have near-perfect skin because of its taut texture - and yes, that gives them the illusion of perfection
But human skin, blemished as it is, is like a teddy bear next to a rock when compared to demon skin
And obviously Asmo’s skin is softer than everyone else’s (this man is NOT skimping out when it comes to his skincare routine), but it infuriates him that his skin isn’t as soft as yours 
Of course, man bounces back quicker than anyone else (as expected)
He grows content with the texture of his own skin the moment he realizes how easily penetrable human skin is - namely when he’s doing homework with you and he sees your skin get sliced open by paper, of all things (man nearly chokes when he learns that this is a regular occurrence for humans)
But he never quite loses his fixation for the human body
It’s highkey the reason why he likes touching you so much - your skin is softer than some Devildom blankets! If he could fall asleep with your arms wrapped around him every night, he absolutely would
But he won’t genuinely request that of you unless you explicitly offer, so he’ll settle for simply hugging you at every opportunity
Ofc, the moment he grows content with the texture of his skin, he’s jealous of your flexibility all over again, so it’s kind of nuts
You eventually have to sit him down and tell him all the downfalls of being able to bend yourself into awkward positions (ex: getting stuck in said position or causing a cramp) for him to finally be content with his own body once more
The moment he’s back to normal, all the usual flirtatious jokes come back and he’s offering to let you show him the ways your body can bend
You deny instantly
But if he ever takes you to a club and has the opportunity to dance with you, do a body roll
Man will get on his knees if that’s what it takes to have you do it again
And then he’ll whisk you off to his room, stubbornly ignoring his brother’s protests, declaring that he needs to “reeducate” himself in the art of dance, and that you’re going to be his teacher
And hey - give him a private show while you’re at it ;)
The first time you crack your knuckles in front of him, he’s eating
Man doesn’t really register it, just assumes that he bit something crunchy 
The second time you do it, it’s in his and Belphie’s room - and Belphie is taking a nap
Man gets a little suspicious, because the sound definitely came from your end, but he dismisses it and decides that the sound must have been a hitch in Belphie’s breathing
But the third time, the two of you are alone
And Beel’s protective instincts come rushing to the surface when he realizes that you really are the one making that sound
“Are you dying?”
First question, no matter what. Man has heard of medical conditions that cause bones to become brittle and crumbly, so he needs to know
Then again, he won’t really believe you when you tell him the truth
“You can...crack stuff at will?”
You have to show him methodically, portion by portion, which of your body parts you can crack
He isn’t disturbed by the sound (he’s eaten things which sound much worse, he can assure you) but man is intrigued
(”But how?” He’ll inevitably ask, struggling to yank his own knuckles off in an attempt to crack them and get that feeling of satisfaction you kept talking about)
All in all,he has a decent reaction - probably one of the only people who won’t overreact about the information
But then the fateful day comes
And he cracks your back
It happens while he’s giving you a big bear hug, proud of you after you came running to tell him about a good grade you got in Devildom Literature - and he places his palm on your back in just the right area, pressing down as he hugs you
And pop
Man is so mortified, he almost drops you
You, on the other hand, cannot be more pleased with this development
“Again! Again!” You shout, trying to get him to repeat the action - but while Beel loves hugging you, cracking your back is something he’s not willing to risk
“It’s okay when you do it, because you know how much your back can take” is his biggest argument. "But I don't."
And unfortunately, calling him a chicken won’t work when you try to convince him otherwise :(
What will work, however, is convincing Beel that this can be a sort of strength training - because he needs to have full control of his body to do it right
He’ll agree to do it once (mainly because you’ve been begging for so long)
But, obviously, “once” means as many times as you want, from there on out ;)
It’s one of the few times where Belphie isn’t in tune with his brother
And he hates it
He doesn’t understand how Beel isn't disturbed by the sound - every time you crack your knuckles, it sends a shudder straight down Belphie’s spine
And it’s not the ick factor taking place. It’s just that Belphie can’t help that his mind wanders to darker places whenever you do something like that, the sound abruptly reminding him of his time in the Celestial War and all the awful things he heard there
Like others, the sound reminds him of how weak you really are
And so, if you ever crack your knuckles around him, expect him to leave instantly
He’s the one brother who will never learn to tolerate it - not when he can remove himself from the situation so easily
And honestly, it’s kind of amazing how sharp his ears are
Is he taking a nap on your lap? If you think you can subtly crack anything without his eyes shooting open, you’re wrong
Is he preparing dinner with you in the kitchen? Nope, the sound of boiling water will not cover the sound of your body stretching too far, and Belphie will shoot you a glare before swiftly exiting the room
Is he simply doing homework with you in the RAD library? You’d think that the sound of chatter from the table next to you would hide the noise you make when you subtly lean back to crack your back, but Belphie is gathering his things mere seconds later, huffing and muttering under his breath
So yeah
Not a fan
On the other hand, he loves how accommodating your body is in terms of how flexibly you are
It brings him great joy, honestly, to just watch you flop your arms around aimlessly because humans’ movements are so fluid, so smooth, so unhindered by the rigid joints of demons
And, obviously, your flexibility makes for better naps
He likes to sleep next to you with his arms wrapped around your waist while you latch onto him in whatever position you deem comfortable
Without a doubt, the position you find is something that would be wholly impossible for a demon (how are you bending your legs that much?!) and it sometimes scares him to realize the full extents of your flexibility (can all humans twist their arms like that, or is it just you?) but he loves that you use your body’s oddities to pull him closer
And he’ll never deny you a comfortable nap if you’re willing to cuddle so readily
Unless you crack your knuckles, that is
Life is war and cracking body parts is your only weapon
Aka nonstop competitions between you and our resident wizard boy, both of you cracking body parts back and forth until one of you either fails or runs out of things to crack
Knuckles? Come on, are you even trying? Give him something less basic
Back? Oh yeah. Both sides, too - and the loud ones
Hips? You didn’t think it was possible, but Solomon will look you in the eye and hit one side of his hip, the movement a prelude to an instant CRACK which rings out oh-so-gloriously from the other end
Ribs? You realized you could crack them once and never stopped - you’re actually the one to teach Solomon how to do this
Neck? Always the finisher. So loud, and so satisfying
Neither the House of Lamentation nor Purgatory Hall ever wants to have the two of you over at the same time, because the residents know that you and Solomon will have these competitions. And they absolutely hate it.
So what do you do?
Go to the library and disturb the demons there, of course
It actually becomes a pretty sick form of payback to all the annoying demons that look down on the two of you for being humans, because they always cringe so hard when you guys do this
The two of you have deduced that the sound of knuckles cracking is the demon equivalent to the sound of nails on a chalkboard
And you fucking run wild with it
No one wants to piss either of you off, because you’ll both glare at the demon in question and proceed to crack every body part known to mankind (like seriously - it’s reached the point where you guys can crack your TOES, and if that isn’t absolutely amazing, then you don’t know what is)
It actually highkey annoys the demons in your classes, because you guys always crack everything right before an exam and while it helps you focus better, it effectively ruins their concentration
Ofc you guys don’t really care so they can suck it
But uh
Okay so the demons at RAD may or may not get fed up of you both one day and petition for Diavolo to instate a “No cracking body parts” rule in school
So yeah your primary source of entertainment sort of disappears after that point
But no worries, you and Solomon head to the downtown shopping districts instead and become the BEST hagglers in town
“Hey, can we get these shirts on a discount? Huh? You don’t do discounts? 
*Aggressively cracks everything until the demon just wants them out of the store*
“How about now BICH?”
You’re actually not the one to introduce Simeon to the idea of humans being able to crack their body parts at will
No, it’s Solomon who steals that pleasure from you
But will Simeon ever let the sorcerer know just how much it unnerves him? Absolutely not. So what does our beloved angel do?
Why, there’s only one option
Come running straight to you.
Man is disturbed. Honestly, disturbed is phrasing it lightly. If he were in his angel form, you’d be able to see how his feathers ruffle and flutter at the very thought of that sound
Needless to say, he hates it
(You 100% consider cracking your knuckles in front of him, just to tease him, but you decide against it)
See, Simeon is an angel. And that means 99% of the time, he’s surrounded by other holy spirits, all of which have bodies molded to perfection that simply cannot crack the way yours can. Whereas demons are forced into human interaction a little more (oft when they're summoned), Simeon really isn’t used your fragility, no matter how much he tries to remind himself of it
So yeah
He hates it
On the other hand - man loves how flexible humans are
The first time you flop down onto your bed, assuming a position that would be impossible for any demon or angel to take but is deemed “comfortable” by you, Simeon is enraptured
It’s not sexual, he just thinks it’s really amazing that you have so much control over your body when he can hardly do a standing glute stretch without breaking a limb
It’s almost funny, his fixation
Actually no - it’s not almost funny. It is wholly and completely hilarious, and you will not stop leading him further down this rabbit hole
When you send this man picture of an contortionist, he’s utterly mesmerized
Show him human ballet, and he will not stop watching it
So yeah
He appreciates parts of the human body, hates others - but as long as you never crack your muscles in front of him, he’s down
Also - after you’ve thoroughly interested him in the art of being a human, he may just write about it in his next book. If you read the next set of chronicles detailed by Christopher Peugeot, you already know who the “feisty but good-hearted human who can bend themselves into a pretzel” is based on
(Bonus: Do a body roll in front of him and he might faint - man knew the human body could but like that? You might just have corrupted an angel)
Boi loves it
He cheers you on like a champ, laughing merrily as you crack your knuckles into oblivion, scaring away the other residents in Purgatory Hall
And no matter how many times Simeon warns him not to urge you on (”The human already has no sense of self-preservation, and you don’t need to help that along,” he said), Luke can’t help but watch with excited eyes as you show him how different the human body is
He’s almost like Levi with his ardent admiration, and he honestly finds nothing disturbing about the sound of you cracking knuckles
Just finds it cool
It actually serves as a catalyst for his relationship with Solomon, because Luke will 100% go up to him and ask him whether he can crack his body like you, and obviously, the man will laugh and prove that centuries of knowledge have made him better than the average human - even in this area
But yeah
You can really see his inner child come out
(Though don’t say that last part out loud - he’ll ignore you for three days in an attempt to be “mature” before you convince him to accept your apology)
But really - he may be the only person who can not only tolerate the quirks of your body, but openly endorses all of them
On the downside, though, he’ll also try to crack his knuckles...which won’t bode too well, given that his body was built to perfection by God
Boi almost rips his finger off
Simeon proceeds to instate a no-cracking-knuckles rule within Purgatory Hall to discourage any further attempts from Luke
But you know what he didn’t ban?
It doesn’t matter if you can or you can’t do them - Luke will happen to see a video of a human doing one (ahem, Solomon showed him it in an attempt to stir up trouble), and now he’s begging you to do the same thing in real life
Which doesn’t work out too well, given that backflips are hard
And you may not be successful 100% of the time
And obviously, Simeon eventually finds out that the two of you have moved onto a new fixation, and so he instate the no-backflips-in-Purgatory-Hall rule
But you know what he didn’t ban? 
And so it continues on and on, indefinitely because the only way to cease your and Luke’s shenanigans would be to ban humans in Purgatory Hall, and Solomon is thankfully preventing him from doing that
Hates it, hates it, hates it
More than any of the brothers, more than any of the angels - this man loathes every oddity of the human body that makes it different from a demon’s
But not for the reasons you’d expect
See, it’s not the sound that bothers Barbatos
No, he’s heard the screams of the damned before. You cracking a few measly knuckles hardly makes him flinch as he pours your tea
But what Barbatos does hate is the fact that he doesn’t know what it means
Every single time you crack a knuckle in his presence, it doesn’t matter if the prince himself is speaking, because Barbatos’s eyes will fly straight to you
And yes - you guessed it:
Barbatos can’t tell the difference between the sound of you cracking your knuckles and the sound of you breaking a bone.
And for that reason, he hates it
It’s hardly his fault - he doesn’t even know if there is a difference between the two sounds. But this butler has no faith in you and no faith in humanity as a whole, so every time you crack your knuckles, it sends a rush of worry straight to his stomach, and the demon has to watch you for a solid ten seconds to make sure that you haven’t actually hurt yourself
Poor man
He’s the kind of guy to take everything in stride, so he'll probably never tell you how much he hates it when you crack your knuckles (and honestly, what would he say? “Hi, can you please stop cracking your knuckles because I care about you and it makes me concerned for your health???” No, that’s not going to work. And he doesn't know what will work, so he suffers in silence)
Seeing you stretch is even worse
It can be a casual stretch, simply pulling your arms above your head just slightly beyond what would be physically possible for a normal demon, but it sends a chill to Barbatos’s heart, and he’s worried all over again
See, when you crack your knuckles, at least it’s over. But when you stretch? Sometimes you hold your position for a minute, if not more - and Barbatos simply can’t turn away because he’s terrified that he will, and you’ll somehow hurt yourself
So yeah
No rest for this butler, not as long as you’re going around with that weak body of yours and are cracking and stretching your way into oblivion
On the bright side, it means that he’s almost always watching over you when you visit, an added layer of protection 
The only difference is that while the others are focused on protecting you from other demons, Barbatos is preoccupied with making sure you don’t hurt yourself
Timing is everything
And indeed, you just happen to be in the midst of cracking your knuckles and neck the moment you’re transported to the Devildom, every single one of the most powerful demons in the land staring at you in horror as your body pops some more
"Oh no,” Diavolo whispers, frowning as he looks at Barbatos. “We got a defective human :(”
Nevermind the insult you feel at his words (who does this strange, unfairly-attractive redhead think he is, calling you “defective???” He might be correct in his judgement, but he had no right to voice his thoughts!), you are shook
Definitely not the best first impression for either of you to make
Of course, Lucifer is quick to pick things up with his explanation of what this place is and who he is, and the whole situation is mostly forgotten as you come to realize that you’re standing in front of a literal prince
But the past has a way of resurfacing
And obviously, several months later, you crack your knuckles once more in the presence of the demon lord
The immediate wince on his face is more than enough for you to read his mind
“You’re thinking I’m defective again, aren’t you?”
Poor bby
He’s honestly such a brilliant ruler, but when it comes to maneuvering the minds of humans, it’s just not his strong suit
Anyway, the two of you have a long talk (aka you rant and Diavolo listens) where you explain to him that cracking knuckles is a normal phenomenon, and that - look, you can even crack other parts of your body
And the prince is fascinated
He knew humans were built differently than demons, but he’d simply assumed that your body was just as perfect as his, and that yours could simply handle less extreme conditions
Clearly, though, that wasn’t the case
Man decides that, as the ruler of hell and the man spearheading efforts to unite the three realms, it is his moral obligation to learn about the other ways humans differ from demons
And so the shenanigans begin
It’s honestly time-consuming, but Lucifer doesn’t mind because if you’re with Diavolo, you’re out of trouble, and Barbatos doesn’t mind because if Diavolo’s with you, then he’s out of trouble
All in all, it becomes the prelude to a LOT of time spent together, and a LOT of differences between demons and humans come to light. 
Aka various iterations of “What do you mean, humans can’t bite through steel?”
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creepling · 3 years
pineapple express (irl!quackity x gn!reader)
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request: just a quick side note - love your writing! if you’re comfortable with it and it doesn’t cross any boundaries could you do a getting high with quackity for a gn! reader? tyty. (anon)
a/n: I DO NOT SUPPORT THE USE OF DRUGS OK. i just thought this was a very fun ask. do not take drugs underage and if you do take drugs, please do so responsibly. don’t end up being a f*ck-up like me lmao. also i’m sorry this is so short, i have been so busy with uni work and i am doing this while i have a night off. hopefully sometime after 4th may i will be writing for frequently.
pairing: irl!quackity x gn!reader (platonic)
summary: the reader has been having a stressful week and alex has the perfect remedy to make them loosen up. and of course, how could the reader deny spending time with their smoking buddy? (inspired by this hilarious clip of paul rudd and jason segel high during an interview.)
tw: use of drugs (cannabis), intoxication, cursing. 
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Thank God, it was finally the weekend. I finished all my duties for Friday and I could finally anticipate personal time to myself. I expected to just drive home and become vegitated from exhaustion and stress up until the next week, until I received a text.
Alex: I got some stuff today, smoke buddy. Wanna come over and hang out?
A smile immediately came to my face. I texted back in approvement and prepered myself for arrival; quickly heading back home to change into fresh clothes and fix myself up. I brought my rolling kit in case Alex was on short supply and made my way to my best friend’s house.
“Hola Amigo!” Alex swung the door open the minute I rang the doorbell; his voice exaggerated and welcoming. I engulfed him in my usual hug as my way of entering his apartment. Routinely, I dropped my backpack into the living room and idly chucked my jacket over the couch. I could already inspect the event that was coming; Alex had a ton of shit. Normally Alex counted on me to roll the perfect joint, but when I became too high to do so, he always had emergency cone joints and even a fuck-off bong for special occasions.
“So are we cranking up the hot water and smoking in the bathroom or in here?” I asked for reasurrence, gesturing around the living room.
“Nah, it’s just me and you today. Even the neighbours are out of town.” Alex said, taking a B-turn to his usual spot of the couch. “Have you rolled anything yet?”
“Sorry, didn’t have time. Pretty hectic day.” I apologised, sinking next to him on the couch and running a hand stressfully through my hair. “I’ll quickly do one now. Want your own?”
“Hey, don’t worry about it. You’re a busy-bee.” Alex said understandingly. “Oh and- Yes please.”
I soon got to work, taking my papers and grinder out of my pocket. Alex insisted in dealing with the grinder, putting the buds into the container and got to twisting. At this point, we were a couple of stoners. We never expected to be smoking buddies until I realised that out of all my mutual friends, Alex was the only person that had the same tolerance as me. I could never vibe with anxious high people, since they made me anxious myself. I had fun when I smoked; I giggled profusely and the most aburd theories would pour out of my mouth. Sure, I also got the munchies, but not as bad as Alex. One time Alex ate six packets of hot-flaming cheetos to the point his mouth was on fire. He was so high and flustered from the spice he throught he was breathing out fire. However, that experience does not beat the time I thought his cat was floating in mid air. In conclusion, me and Alex had the funniest experiences when under the influence.
After a few intricate minutes of rolling, I succeedingly rolled two joints. Alex liked his thick at the beginning but thin at the end, and I preferred a medium gurth all throughout. Alex admired my creation, muttering a ‘wow’ and praised my efforts, then took a lighter out of his pocket.
We said our cheers and began to blaze up. Leaning my head back on the couch, I stared at the ceiling as I took slow draws, engulfing the smoke deep into my lungs before deeply exhaling. Alex at this point began to play a playlist (that we specifically created for being stoned) and took his first inhale. He always coughed at the first inhale before slowly easing into his usual rhythm. When my joint was halfway, I began to feel my body outlining with a buzzing sensation. My teeth felt isolated from my gums and the ends of my limbs felt invisible. Our combined exhaled smoke began to intermingle, everytime I took a breath it entered back into my lungs. The sound of Alex’s chuckles flowed into my fuzzy ears and as if almost contagious, I became to chuckle as well.
“That’s some strong stuff.” I commented, my eyes beaming at the ceiling before my eyelids began to grow heavy. Alex hummed in agreement, taking the last straw of his joint before smothering the brown-stained tip into his ashtray. The ashtray was one of those clay creations that had the eyes and mouth on them. I gave him it as a gift for his birthday. 
An hour went by and at this point, Alex and I powered through another joint. We mobilised ourselves onto the floor as we lay on large pillows and blankets; a nook that Alex made up before my arrival. We laughed at the most mundane shit and lay on our backs, our heads closely together as we stared at the ceiling.
“Have you ever had a best friend?” Alex asked in a stoned haze.
“I mean . . . you’re kinda my best friend.” I admitted, a sentence that would probably not leave my mouth if I was sober due to hesitation.
“Really? That is so sweet.” Alex said, his tone of voice so idle it was borderline adorable.
“Am I your best friend?” I asked, my eyes glancing over to him anticipating a response.
“You know this, (Y/N). I have had the same best friend since I was twelve years old . . . and he is imaginary.”
“Oh my fucking God . . . Not Pablo.” I cringed, squeezing my bloodshot eyes closed. The amount of times Alex has talked about his childhood imaginary friend while high is annoyingly been multiple times. At this point, I don’t know if he was joking or being serious. Or just completely and utterly stoned.
“He’s fucking amazing, (Y/N)! I’m not fucking kidding!” Alex exclaimed, looking at me in shock but also trying to hold back a laugh.
“Oh yeah sorry . . . I didn’t mean to offend Pablo.” I said sarcastically, “Pablo who visits you in your dreams!” 
Alex howled at my words and laughed from his chest, clenching his ribs from the pain. A laugh also escaped my throat harshly and I coughed from the suddenness, slamming my hand into a pillow as I was paralyzed from the hilariousity.
“Oh my God . . . I’m literally sweating” Alex mustered out in between wheezes. He was bent double on the floor, still clenching at his ribs. The sight of him made me chuckle even when my laughter became to calm down.
“Then take off your hat, silly!” I said, noticing the beams of sweat that formed on his temple. 
“You jerk! I can’t take off my hat.” Alex exclaimed, his fingers clenching onto the hem of his beanie as if he thought I was going to yank it off him. “It’s a mental compulsion!”
“A mental compulsion?” I emphasised in confusion, his random reasoning retracting me back into a fit of laughter. “Why’s that? Will Pablo come and kill us all if you take it off? Is that why you have been wearing one for all these years?”
Alex at this point laughed so hard at my joke, I was convinced he stopped breathing. When his body allowed him to exhale, he let out the loudest cackle I have ever heard come out his mouth. It even beats the ones he makes on streams. His sudden burst of laughter made we want to make him laugh even more.
“Don’t take off the magic hat, Alex! Otherwise Pablo will come visit you!” I mocked a spooky voice as I sat up from the floor and began to tickle Alex into submission. Alex squirmed, his red eyes now pouring with positive tears. His belly laughs continued as I physically taunted him in a joking manner.
“I’m sorry Pablo, I’m sorry! Please don’t hurt me!” Alex jokingly pleaded, his voice becoming so high-pitched that his vocal chords let out a squeak. I flopped back onto the pillows in laughter as we were squirming like idiots for several minutes. Once our jester behaviour came to a close, our laughters died out and we lay exhausted on the floor. The music from the speakers now dominated the sound in the room. Alex breathed heavily next to me trying to catch his breath. It was moments like this were I felt the least anxious, were I could just let go and not worry about the world. It felt absolutely bliss. 
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TAGLIST ! / @momo-has-a-gun @diggorysmalfoy @quack42069 @obsidiyan​ (join my taglist!) 
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papa-rhys · 3 years
Why do you hate the twins? Like a genuine question not trying to start anything
Same reason as most other people really lol
They’re cringe af, poorly written, and they’re NEVER once funny despite that clearly being the intention. Listening to them is physically uncomfortable for everyone because, like, they’re really just not funny. At all. Most of their “jokes” don’t even make sense (reminds me of that awful low-effort meme humour where it’s not even a joke, it’s literally just weird loud af noises played over a saturated screen or some shit) and it makes for a very awkward experience every single time. I get that they’re supposed to be cringe to some degree because they’re streamers and it’s supposed to be a social commentary on the modern streaming culture or whatever, but I’m pretty sure most of it is really because of the writing. It kinda feels like the writers were trying to replicate Handsome Jack’s blasé attitude (because Jack pulls in players and players mean more money and since they can’t bring actual Jack back too many times then they’ll have to make someone that’s like him) but it flopped because, well, they’re not Jack. And they couldn’t have ever been Jack. They weren’t written by Burch, they weren’t played by Clarke, and those really are the only two people who could have executed a villain like that. So instead of capturing that enigmatic, stylish tone that Jack gave off, it’s just falls flat. It’s the main reason most players hate on bl3; because the twins are genuinely unbearable. And not in a “oh wow I really hate the villains I can’t wait to take them down because they’re such bad guys” way, but in a “holy shit why would you write this, this is garbage” way. And I’m sure the writers did their best and it’s not to say they’re bad at their job. By all means, they have a job at a major game dev so they’re evidently up to scratch with what they do. Everyone has an off day, even when they’re really good at what they’re doing. This instance probably just reflects that - it’s a mishap, it’s a wobble. And I guess following a villain like Jack doesn’t help either, because you can’t really compare much to a character who has been routinely hailed as one of gaming’s best and most memorable villains. But the attempts at “humour” and the horrible insufferable attitude the twins have would still be terrible without that factor, so yeah. Either way, the game is best played on mute whenever the twins are on screen lmao, it’ll save a lot of uncomfortable cringe sensations in the spinal area. In short, the game as a whole is pretty much on par with the pre-sequel for how much the player base hates it, and 90% of that is due to the twins and the terrible Curse of Cringe that they brought with them (the other 10% being due to bugs in the first months of release, but that’s not on my list of things to care about lol).
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ringomom · 6 years
I’ve never done this before holy shit anyway here’s??? Reiji and Tokiya being depression friends who love each other very much. Reingo.
Think of it as uh, extended headcanon rambling,,, iim not a fiction writer lmao
Tokiya kind of hates to see Reiji and Ringo interacting. It’s just… too much at once, like staring into two suns at the same time. Like two cars about to collide but they’re going to somehow keep colliding infinitely until reality unspools and it turns into a sort of Dali-esque nightmare.
A little dramatic maybe.
“Oh Rei-chan!!~” echoes down the hall.
Tokiya shifts his back to press hard against his headboard. As if moving physically away from the sound will get it to stop.
Actually, maybe it’s more like seeing your parents kissing when you were a kid. Intrusively intimate. Tokiya is embarrassed by the thought, comparing the couple to parental figures… But he shoves that to the back of his mind to unpack at a later date because despite the warning signs of Reiji’s distant screams he’s still surprised when his senior blasts through the door with all the grace of a duck landing.
Reiji looks ragged, and he’s panting as he shoves the door closed and leans against it.
“You know you can’t hide in here.” Tokiya says from between the covers of the book he’s reading, not bothering to spare him a second glance.
“Tokkiiiiiiii” Reiji whines, slinking towards him “You’re so mean. You’re really gonna turn your old man out like this?” Dragging his feet along the carpet in a way that makes Tokiya cringe, Reiji sloppily drops to his knees at the foot of the bed, and fixes the younger with his best, most annoying pout.
Tokiya’s still reeling about ‘your old man’. Really where is this coming from.
“You’re not-“ Tokiya pauses despite himself. “Get up you look ridiculous.”
Before he can open his mouth again to protest, he’s thrown off balance by a shift in the mattress, barely having the chance to steady himself. His book thunks as it hits the floor. He glares at the boy now laying on his belly at the end of the bed. He’s trying to look angry but Reiji chooses that moment to pinch one of his toes through his sock, and makes a little “beep” sound and Tokiya can’t help the warm chuckle low in his throat.
For a moment they stay like that, Reiji humming some tune as he absently fiddles with Tokiya’s toes. Tokiya studies him, he’s still a little flushed from his dramatic entrance, his hair not quite the perfect picture it usually is. Reiji’s quiet, relatively, which is weird in itself though not unheard of. It’s not like he can be at 100% all the time and they lived together long enough. Tokiya makes a point of watching out for quiet moods, it’s something he recognises in himself, the cold distant feeling of cutting yourself off. They’ve all had bad days, sad days. Even human sunshine Otoya has his moments. Reiji has a lot of them.
Looking at Reiji’s distant expression as he sings to himself, makes Tokiya wonder if he doesn’t seek him out on purpose. They’ve spent hours like this before, in intimate silence, neither having the energy to explain themselves, but the company being enough.
Tokiya hums, they’re similar in some ways.
“What did you do?” Tokiya asks softly, gently moving to sit cross-legged.
Reiji puts on looking hurt. “Why do you assume I did something huh? Tokki, you’re mean.”
A classic Reiji deflection.
“Because you’re hiding. Sit up.”
“Why tokki? So you can gaze into my eyes easier?” Reiji taunts but he lazily does as he’s told.
Tokiya rolls his eyes. “Right, so I can see your bullshit better.” He takes the soft punch the other lands on his arm.
A soft sigh passes Reiji’s lips as he refuses to meet Tokiya’s eyes. He raises his hands in defeat, his head still hung low. “Alright, alright. It’s nothing. He just?…” 
Reiji makes a loud frustrated noise and flops back on the bed, kicking his legs out, passing either side of Tokiya’s head. Had he been that few inches taller his reckless kicking would have put another hole in their wall but Tokiya manages to rise above the dig. “Ringo’s perfect. He’s perfect in every way, confident, smart, kind. Baroque beautiful. Everything. And I’m…”
Reiji gestures vaguely at his whole body.
“Ah, you told Tsukimiya he’s too good for you and now he’s angry.” Tokiya summarises. Maybe they’re similar in more ways than he cares to admit. Though he’s oddly touched that his senior would come to him with his insecurity, it’s not like Tokiya’s any better with this.
“I-“ Reiji struggles with his thoughts silently for a moment and Tokiya’s fingers dance their way up Reiji’s calf, lazily drawing circles against his knee. Reiji sighs; “Yeah.”
“Hm.” Tokiya hums. “It’s not fair of you.”
Reiji goes almost completely still. “I know”
“No- Reiji look at me.” His back hits the headboard again, like he can move physically away from his own stupid, stupid words hanging in the air, knives waiting to fall.
Reiji doesn’t move.
Huffing a little, Tokiya reaches forward and pulls his senior up into a sitting position. Hands clap Reiji’s cheeks and the slight impact forces him to look at Tokiya in shock. Tokiya doesn’t let go.
“Reiji, you don’t get to decide how Tsukimiya feels. He loves you. That’s not up to you, no matter how foolish you think it is. You don’t get to choose. Understand?” He can hear how serious he sounds and maybe that’s not how he should be talking about ~feelings~ but he IS serious. He gets that Reiji is self-conscious, but. Reiji is amazing in his own right.
The smile that’s creeps on to Reiji’s face is enough to make anyone fall in love with him. It’s a rare one. Genuine. Unfiltered through personas or self-loathing. Tokiya really loves Reiji.
A jolt runs through Tokiya’s spine and his hands slap to his sides when he hears a faint sob outside the door. Quickly pushing Reiji off the bed with an undignified squawk, he’s pressing hard against the headboard now.
Reiji, to his credit, doesn’t react at all poorly to being practically launched across the room. He simply props his chin up on the bed and chuckles.
“Shut up Kotobuki.”
Reiji grins his goofy horrible grin at him. “Come in Ringo.” He hollers past Tokiya’s legs. He really is perceptive.
Ringo flies into the room the way only Ringo can, like he’s the fawning protagonist of some shojo manga, Tokiya feels like he can see rose petals whenever he looks at Ringo. Right now he even has those big fat tears gathering in his eyes.
Before Tokiya can think otherwise the question is slipping out of his mouth, “how long were you out there?”
Ringo’s tears seem to dry up immediately, still he dabs at them with a lacy handkerchief. “Well it was hard to focus after you said I was more handsome than any painting in the world, and twice as brilliant…”
Reiji remarks that he doesn’t remember saying that but Ringo continues.
“But the main thing is that you two are so damn cute!!!” He smiles warmly. “And Reiji don’t think you’re off the hook, I want a 1,000 word essay on how wonderful you are on my desk tomorrow morning, young man.”
Reiji beams. “Yes sir.” He salutes.
Yeah, the two of them are entirely too much for Tokiya.
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urdearestmom · 6 years
Airport Ballrooms | A Delayed Flight
so I don’t think I ever posted this there, and it reminded me that I need to post the rest of the chapters of LSS. but for those of you who haven’t come here from my ao3, here’s a little something I wrote back in January.
Summary: What happens when you hear a piano at 3 am?
ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/13332432
She hears it before she sees anything. Right as she exits the washroom, a song’s beginning is heard from a piano. As it proceeds, she finds that it’s vaguely familiar.
Coming into the open area where she’s been sitting and trying to nap for the past three hours, she sees that the formerly vacant piano is now occupied by a man whose fingers are gliding across the keys, his dark hair slipping over his brow. He looks like he might be about her age, although she’s not sure.
He’s very concentrated on his playing, so he doesn’t notice when she stands off to his left, watching. He ends the piece softly and when he looks up, he sees her and jumps, putting a hand to his chest.
“Jesus Christ! …almost gave me a heart attack there,” he laughs.
She smiles. “Sorry. That was really nice,” she says, gesturing to the keys. “What was it?”
He shrugs. “Just some good old Chopin.”
She nods. “Sounds familiar.”
“Did you recognize it?” He asks. “It’s one of his most famous pieces.”
“Yeah, kinda sounded like a lullaby or something.” She scrunches her nose. “Never mind.”
He hums. “No, I get what you mean, it has that quality to it,” he says, getting up and pushing the bench in. “What’s your name?”
For some reason, it’s at that moment that she notices he has freckles, although not many. “Jane Hopper, but I go by El. I like your freckles,” she unashamedly comments, then cringes. Fuck.
They start moving toward the seats where she left her luggage, and she sees that there are a few more bags nearby that must be his.
“Really?” He answers. “I used to have a lot more when I was younger, it’s kind of a side effect of aging that you lose freckles.”
“They’re cute.” She looks at her feet. Again? Seriously?
“Alright,” he chuckles. “If you say so, El.”
It’s then she remembers she hasn’t asked his name.
“Michael Wheeler, but no one except my parents call me Michael. Mike’s easier,” he says, tilting his head. “Were you on that flight to Indianapolis? I think it’s the only one that got delayed this late.”
She sits back where she’s been this entire time, and he sits next to her. They’ve just met, but it’s nice not to have to sit in an empty airport terminal at three in the morning by herself, chasing sleep she knows she’s not going to find. “Yeah, I’m going home. I was in Vegas at a speech pathology conference."
Mike grins. “Vegas, huh? What’s it like, hit up any casinos?”
El lays her head back. “I was there for work, so no. I guess I could have, some of my coworkers did, but casinos aren’t really my scene. Too loud,” she responds. “My friend Dustin definitely did, he’s still there,” she adds with a smile.
“He sounds like fun.”
“Definitely is, though sometimes he can be a bit of a handful,” she laughs. “How about you? Going home too?”
Mike nods. “Yup. I was in LA visiting my cousin, but also working. I’m a piano teacher,” he says, wiggling his fingers. “And there’s been a new initiative here in the States, to get some sort of standardized way of teaching, like the Royal Conservatory in Canada. So there’s been collaboration happening, stuff might be in the works.”
She turns to look at him, taking in the excited way he says this. “You seem really happy about that,” she remarks.
He nods again excitedly, his mop of hair flopping over his eyes. “Absolutely! It would make things easier if every teacher across the country had a certain level of things to teach students. Be easier for students too, especially if they ever have to switch teachers.” Suddenly he blows air upwards. “I need to cut this shit,” Mike says, gesturing to the dark locks surrounding his face.
El contemplates him for a second, taking in how he looks. “Nah, it looks good with your face.” GOD, EL! Stop being so forward, you just met him! “I think so, at least, if my opinion counts for anything,” she says, suddenly shy.
It’s weird, she thinks, that she just met this guy less than ten minutes ago and they’re already talking so easily.
He smiles. “It does,” he says, taking out his phone. He shows her what’s clearly a selfie, but it looks like there’s two of him. “That’s my cousin.” Mike points at the one who’s wearing a Guns N’ Roses shirt. “And this is me.” He’s wearing a simple striped t-shirt.
She looks more closely at the picture, trying to find some difference between them. “You guys look like twins!” She exclaims.
“We could be, if he wasn’t five years younger. We get that a lot though,” he answers. “I think you’re going to agree with me on this.” He continues. “He says he’s more attractive, but I say we look the same and therefore have the same appeal. What do you think? As an outside party.”
El looks at it again, and finds that she disagrees with Mike. “I think you’re cuter. Something about you,” she replies.
She looks up to find that a lovely pink blush is spreading across his cheeks. “Something I said?” She winks. Oh my god you fucking idiot. She suddenly feels crushed by the weight of her mortification.
He makes a strangled noise, and the hour and her tired brain must be getting to her, because somehow she finds it the funniest sound she’s ever heard. It’s also a little comforting that he doesn’t seem completely put off.
“Damn, that was smooth!” He says, starting to laugh too. “I gotta tell him you said that.”
“Isn’t he sleeping by now?”
He shakes his head. “No, he says sleep is for the weak. And it’s only two in Cali, and it’s the weekend.”
She reads over his shoulder as he types.
Cute girl said I’m cuter than you LOL
Suck on THAT tozier
“You think I’m cute?”
Mike blushes again. “Yeah, pretty. Really pretty,” he says softly. He gets a text almost instantly.
I dont believe u wheelie
U probably paid her or smth
Also, suck on what ;)
Actually nvm thats incest its just my reflex response
Mike looks at her. “Is it okay if we make a video and send it to him so he believes me?”
She shrugs. “We’ve still got at least four hours to kill, so why not?”
He pulls up the camera and starts recording. “Fine, you don’t believe me, here she is herself,” he says, turning the camera on her.
She waves awkwardly. “Hey… um, what’s his name?” Cringe.
“Hey, Richie, just a little video to say that in my opinion your cousin’s cuter than you. And no, he didn’t pay me to say that,” she states, glancing off camera with a small smile.
Mike turns the camera back to him. “There you go, asshole. Video proof.”
He sends it, and they wait a minute in anticipatory silence before Mike’s phone vibrates with another text.
Lmao that doesnt convince me
She is cute tho ill give u that
Mike heaves an over-exaggerated sigh, shaking his head. You’re a dick, he types, go to sleep I’ll text when I get home.
Mike stares at his phone for a second before turning it off. “If I keep talking to him then he’ll never actually go to sleep.”
El smiles at him. “He seems like a fun person.”
“Oh, he’s an absolute dick. But I love him,” Mike says, shaking his head again. “We weren’t really close as kids but then he moved nearby and we talked more, except then I went to college. He’s closer with my little sister.”
She nods. “Do you have any siblings?” He asks.
“Nope. Just me and my dad.”
“That’s nice. Sometimes I wish there had been less people in my house, would’ve meant less embarrassment in certain situations,” he says. “I have two sisters, one older, one younger.”
“I wish I’d had a sister growing up, would’ve made things easier sometimes,” she answers. “Can you even imagine how awkward my dad was the first time I got my period?”
He doesn’t say anything for a second, and she thinks maybe she shouldn’t have said that. OH MY FUCK.
“Sorry, that was awkward,” she laughs. WHAT THE EVERLOVING FUCK.
“No, it’s fine, just unexpected is all,” he says. “I mean, we’ve only known each other for like fifteen minutes.”
They look at each other, the same thought going through their minds. “This is weird,” they say together, and then they start giggling.
“I just-” He takes a breath. “Do you feel like you know me from somewhere? Because I feel like I know you but I don’t think I’ve ever met you before.”
It’s what she’s been thinking. She feels a sort of familiarity with him, something she’s never felt so quickly with anyone else. It’s like she’s known him for a long time, or maybe in another life or universe.
She grins. “Isn’t there a multiverse theory?”
After spending an hour discussing parallel universes and the physics involved in understanding any of it (which they both have enough of a basic grasp on because of watching too much History Channel), Mike is sitting at the piano again, El having asked him to play something else. She doesn’t recognize the beginning, but as it progresses she realizes she does know it. It gets her moving, and she doesn’t really know what she’s doing, but she’s circling the piano and the man playing it in a way that somehow fits with the music. She even sings along with the main melody and the trills.
She feels like he’s transforming the place into a gigantic ballroom with his music, and she’s the princess dancing with her prince (except there’s no prince to dance with, because he’s too busy making the music). It’s a stupid thing to think, but she never had dolls or was allowed to watch princess movies or read fairytales when she was a kid, and she feels like she missed out. Hopper let her watch movies and read, but it wasn’t the same as a teen as it would’ve been as a kid. And maybe it’s just a dumb fantasy, a creation of her mind because she’s tired and suddenly thinking about her horrifying childhood, but she thinks the imaginary ballroom that only has her and Mike in it is a wonderful place to be.
He ends the piece with a theatrical flourish, throwing his hands up off the keys as soon as the last notes are played. “How was that? You were dancing!”
A laugh escapes her lips as she claps. “It was amazing! I knew that one, it’s from the Nutcracker, right?”
Mike nods vigorously. “Gotta love me some Tchaikovsky.”
“Is that why it’s so dancey? Because it’s for a ballet?” She asks, curious.
“No, it’s because it’s a waltz,” he answers, stretching his arms up above his head. His sweater rides up to reveal a sliver of pale skin, and she finds herself staring without being able to tear her eyes away. “Waltzes are inherently dancey, I think. At least that’s what I always tell my students who play them, it helps them really hear the tempo and accents if they try to see the dancers.”
She averts her gaze, and he’s still talking. “You know, ‘cause waltzes have the accent on count one, so it goes one-two-three, and sometimes when you’re caught up in playing you forget about it so it’s good to try and envision the dancing. The music was written for dancing after all,” he finishes. “El? Sorry, was I rambling, because I have a tendency to-”
“No,” she breathes. “You’re just really attractive. The piano suits you.” She almost face palms. WHY am I like this????
That shuts him up, a redness spreading across his face once again (but this time along with a wide grin). He might just combust if he looks at her, so he looks at his hands instead.
“Sorry,” she says, worried she’s crossed a line she wasn’t supposed to yet.
Mike’s head whips up. “Sorry? What are you sorry for?”
“I’m too forward. It almost always ruins things with guys.” She deflates almost imperceptibly, and she wonders if he noticed.
Apparently he did, because El feels herself pulled into a sideways hug, tugged down to sit on the bench next to him. “Hey,” he says softly. “You’re just saying what you think is true, which is a great quality to have. You saved me from my own rambling, so thanks.” He gives her a squeeze and adds, “It hasn’t ruined things with me.”
Suddenly the air is charged and she thinks that if they weren’t in an airport she might have kissed him then. Sadly, they are in an airport. Instead, she requests that he play something more contemporary than Chopin or Tchaikovsky, and he starts up with a rendition of Halo by Beyoncé.
They spend another hour around the piano, him playing more and she observing. El thinks he plays with a lot of grace, his fingers moving deftly across the keys almost as though he’s stroking the instrument. He looks like he belongs in front of a piano, making beautiful music for all the world to hear. In this case the world is a strange woman in an airport at the asscrack of dawn.
It’s five in the morning when the pair crashes back onto the seats next to their bags, and they lean their heads on each other and fall asleep. However, it seems things are only in increments of one hour on this night, because it’s six when El awakes with a start, knocking Mike’s head off of hers.
“Attention passengers: flight 337 to Indianapolis International is now scheduled for take-off at eight thirty. Boarding will begin at gate twenty-three one hour in advance.”
“Hey,” she says, seeing Mike next to her looking disoriented. “Flight’s at eight thirty but we gotta be there at seven thirty, do you wanna get some breakfast?”
Looking around, she sees that the open area that was so empty during the night now has other people milling through it, and it shatters the warm space she’d felt she and Mike were in. It’s time to go back to the real world, away from the fantasies of ballrooms and princes and dancing. The magic of the night has been erased by the movement of the morning and she hopes what she thinks she felt between them hasn’t been erased too.
He yawns. “I’ll take that as a yes,” she says, getting up to stretch and grabbing her bags.
They walk around the slowly filling terminal, looking for a place to eat, and light upon a cute coffee place in the food court. They order and eat in silence, avoiding looking at each other, until he speaks.
“Does last night… feel like it was a dream, to you?” Mike asks.
I thought that was just me. She takes a sip of her black coffee. “It kind of does, yeah. This entire encounter has been weird.”
He looks down at his croissant, crinkling his nose, then peeks back at her through his lashes. “I’m sorry.”
“Nothing to be sorry for.”
He says nothing else, and neither does she, so they head off to gate twenty three, and she thinks something’s wrong because he wasn’t this quiet or awkward last night. The tension is palpable, but she’s never been very good at social interactions and she doesn’t know what to say. He probably realized how dumb I am. She thinks she may have come across as very brazen (which she is, but she hates it for how it ruins everything all the time). Mike hadn’t seemed bothered by her earlier, and she had hoped that something good might have come out of their chance meeting.
It seems it was not to be, however, because the only thing he does as they board the plane is wave and give a little half smile when he finds his seat. El sighs and settles in for the hour and a half flight. She’s decided she’s going to try to catch up on the sleep she missed instead of sitting in abject misery, and it works because she’s blinking confusedly when a flight attendant wakes her to say that they will be landing in approximately forty minutes.
She’s excited to be back home, to work, her patients, her dad and Max. But she’s also the teeniest bit sad because she wants to explore that special connection she feels with Mike, to see what it means and what it’s about and she believes she’s ruined her chances (okay, so maybe she’s more than a teeny bit sad). She’s convinced herself that nothing was ever going to happen, she had imagined the unexplainable thing she felt between them.
She makes it through baggage claim and isn’t sent to customs, so El’s on her way out of the terminal to catch a taxi because both Max and Hopper are working today when something does happen. Out of the corner of her eye, she sees a person running out of the passenger exit, and she thinks that they must have seen a loved one they missed.
That is, until she hears the shout. “El!”
It’s Mike of course, and he comes to a skidding halt in front of her, breathless. “I just- ran- all the way here- because- I’m a dumbass-”
“Whoa, hey, breathe,” she says, “I don’t need you dying on me in the middle of the airport.”
He nods and waits until his breathing levels out before straightening up. “I wanted to apologize for being so stupid and awkward this morning, I don’t know what got into me.” He swallows before looking at her directly. “I really want to see you again, so… do you wanna go out sometime?”
WHAT! She doesn’t respond for a few moments, shocked. But then she grins and says, “Are you asking me on a date?”
He sucks in a breath, about to shake his head, she can tell, but then he stops. “You know what, fuck it. Yes, I am.”
“Well, I’d certainly like that.”
El leaves the airport with Mike’s number in her phone, and she’s only been in the taxi for a few minutes when it pings with a text.
Can you do tonight at 7?
He’s eager, and she likes that she’s not the only one. It assures her she’s not being some creepy, obsessive, stalker.
Someone’s eager lol
But yes
I was supposed to go to a “friend’s” party tonight but I never actually said yes and I really don’t want to haha
Kinda cheesy but I was thinking a roller rink if you want to go
There’s one near my place and it has an arcade too!!
Growing up in the 90s, El remembers being fond of arcades. She and Max used to hang out in them all the time. Another thing in common!
Aaaaaa the arcade I miss those
Sounds good, pick me up or meet you there?
I can pick you up lol I don’t mind
She sends him her address, and he sends back a GIF of a penguin dancing.
See you later :D
(part 2)
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blood-gremlin · 7 years
musical theatre asks
1. Favorite musical(s): rent
2. Least favorite musical(s): fucking cats
3. Favorite score(s): rent, les mis and sweeney todd.
4. Favorite composer(s): jonathan larson (duh)
5. Favorite actor(s): i feel like i /have/ to put ben platt here. i’m such a basic bitch. 
6. Favorite actress(es): renée elise goldsberry
7. Favorite musical fandom: i don’t really participate in musicals fandoms so idk... i had a peek in the les mis one, it was pretty nice.
8. Favorite overture: shit. um. i really like the sweeney todd overture, it’s so spooky. but i also love the aladdin one. 
9. Favorite character from any show: uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhh.........elphaba
10. Least favorite character from any show: judge turpin
11. Favorite scene: oh damn. i love the blue wind part in deaf west’s spring awakening. tbh that production is amazing. and the ending omg. i also love the ending of cabaret. i know it’s pretty much always different but it’s always fucking powerful. i love endings.
12. Favorite musical number: i mean defying gravity is a showstopper. friend like me also. 
13. A show you regret not seeing: great comet man. i have a b*tleg but y’know...
14. A showtune you’ve been obsessed with lately: dust and ashes from great comet, dead girl walking from heathers and for forever from dear evan hansen. 
15. A showtune that describes your love life: uh. 
16. A musical you believe is overrated: newsies lol
17. A musical you believe doesn’t get enough love: the hunchback of notre dame. it should have been on broadway.
18. A musical turned movie you liked: les mis is good but i would change some actors lol
19. A musical turned movie you wanted to destroy: nothing comes to my mind.
20. A movie turned musical that you loved: hairspray!!! and sweeney todd are the best i think. oh and chicago (which is better than the original show oops)
21. A movie turned musical that made you cringe: it doesn’t make me cringe, but rent wasn’t that great.
22. A movie, if any, you would like to see turned into a musical: i’ve benn waiting for 5+ years for that freaking wicked movie.
23. A flop you love: i don’t know any flops woops.
24. A flop you disliked: see answer to question 23.
25. A regional production you saw that you enjoyed: just for laugh’s production of hairspray was great!!!
26. A regional production you saw that was less than stellar: hi i live in québec, canada and sometimes we make original musicals and i saw don juan and it was kinda underwhelming? the songs were....quétaines.
27. A show/actor you believe was robbed of a certain Tony (even if the show/person that won deserved it): GREAT COMET. 
28. 3 dream roles of yours: a more realistic one: tracy turnblad. ones that would never happen even if i could sing: hedwig and frank n furter.
29. 3 shows you’d love to be in: i was in a production of rent so i won’t say that one. i would love to be in a production of les mis, phantom and grease. 
30. The first show you saw: hi i live in québec, canada where i rarely get to see musicals because nyc is kinda out of reach most of my days. in 2011 i went to nyc and saw rent and it was amazing and i cried a lot.
31. The first show that made you become interested (or obsessed…) with theatre: rent 
32. A role you’d like to see your favorite actor play: i want ben platt to play mark cohen. i WILL pay money to make that happen. 
33. A production you’d like to return to Broadway: GREAT COMET SO I CAN GO TO NYC AND SEE IT. ALSO DEAF WEST’S SPRING AWAKENING.
34. A song you’d love to hear sung by your favorite actor: out there. pls ben.
35. An actor/actress you have never seen on stage (dead or alive) that you’ve been DYING to see: i don’t want to say ben platt but yeah. oh and i wanna see ramin karimloo?? and renée duh. 
36. If you could cast any show you wanted, what show would it be and who would be your leads?: can we do rent with ben for mark and renée again as mimi pls. i know she’s a little too old but i DONT CARE. 
37. Put your iPod on shuffle, post the first showtune that comes up: the word of your body - spring awakening
38. A character from any show you’d say you are most like (whether it be for personality or physical appearance): tracy turnblad lmao my sistah
39. If you could have dinner with any 3 Broadway people (composer, actor, director, etc.), living or dead, you wanted who would you pick?: jonathan larson, barbra streisand (just because....who would not want to have dinner with her) and alex boniello cause he seems fun to hang out with.
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